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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 108 KB, 1056x1200, E2Cm0e9VEAIThmk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4506547 No.4506547 [Reply] [Original]

Dragon questing cat thread

Previous: >>4221713

>> No.4506665

Of this stream? This final fight is pretty up there. Okayu having to exit a dungeon because her raft was stuck, asking where aamon went right before he showed up, randomly choking on spit, getting excited over her new uberspells, and getting all horse dialogue instead of party are all up there though.

>> No.4506802

Such a cute Okayu fanart!

>> No.4506864
File: 217 KB, 2000x2000, 1622325596695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4506908 >>4737238


>> No.4506908
File: 126 KB, 1000x920, 1598793967254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4507765
File: 2.59 MB, 1884x2704, 83089828_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why even live if you can't hug Okayu

>> No.4507775
Quoted by: >>4508744

Anon who asked for the covers last thread. Does it have to be mp3 or will you take the .webm

>> No.4507795


>> No.4507806

Cat too strong!

>> No.4508744

Anyway here's the zip. I didn't want to reencode lossy into lossy and every phone can play .ogg nowadays anyway.

>> No.4508769

Forgot my link

>> No.4509313
Quoted by: >>4509360 >>4530406

I'm not the one who asked for covers, but still, nice job anon, thanks.

How'd you get these anyways? Ripped them from youtube videos I suppose?

>> No.4509360

Not the anon that ripped them, but I have some myself that I just split the audio from with MKVToolNix. Obviously you can get the video with YoutubeDL, DL websites, or OBS capture.

>> No.4512596
File: 201 KB, 680x673, Okayu Based Department.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4513476

I wonder why Okayu's songs aren't on Spotify like some other Holos

>> No.4513476

mogu mogu yummy is

>> No.4513785


I had to see it, now you do too.

>> No.4513962
File: 137 KB, 561x720, 1614921756737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4514035
File: 59 KB, 682x611, 1620371103631.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4514697

I truly hate this.

>> No.4520475
Quoted by: >>4520547

how emotional does chapter 6 get?
will we see okayu get the feels again?

>> No.4520547

Pretty sure Psaro and Rose get revived. Okayu really wanted to talk to him more, so I'm sure she'll be happy. Don't know if it'll get her too emotional, but we'll see.

>> No.4521933
Quoted by: >>4523295

I want to marry Nekomata Okayu so fucking bad. I want to wake up every morning looking at her lovely face. I want to hug her, kiss her, and tell her I love her every single day before I leave for work. I want to come home to her loving arms. I want to cook delicious meals for her and eat while we play games together. I want to support her in her streaming career and her idol career while she entertains the world. I want her beautiful eyes to be the last thing I see every night before I fall asleep with a soft "I love you."

>> No.4523295
File: 865 KB, 3000x2405, 88314697_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry, I'm already set up to be Okayu and Korone's concubine.

>> No.4526281
Quoted by: >>4527018

how do i import this into audacity.

>> No.4526598

mp3 where/how

>> No.4527018
Quoted by: >>4529373

If dragging the files into the main window doesn't work, do this:

>> No.4529373

thanks, i thought audacity was just being a kusogaki

>> No.4530019
File: 360 KB, 1080x1920, E279sCkWYAA_0Y9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4530212 >>4532427

beach mode catto

>> No.4530212

tits too small

>> No.4530406
Quoted by: >>4532427 >>4538946

youtube-dl lets you choose which streams to download and -f 251 is always the highest quality opus audio in a webm container so I just took that and put it in an ogg container instead.
Seems like the anon still wanted mp3 though so either he's using one of those ancient stick mp3 players or an actual cd player.

>> No.4532427

i mean i wanted a dl in mp3 too but that’s just cause mp3 is still the most convenient audio format

bikini okayu is yes

>> No.4533102
File: 9 KB, 194x259, images (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4533210 >>4544368

plz provide me with some more Okayu belly

>> No.4533210
File: 1.62 MB, 1770x1253, 0356bf0b262a901b8733f25202b6671b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4533318
Quoted by: >>4533773


seems like okayu just woke up after sleeping all day

>> No.4533773

must’ve fallen asleep in that comfy massage chair

>> No.4534531
Quoted by: >>4538136

do you think Okayu has been sad lately about Korone going to the doctor so much but isnt showing it?

>> No.4535076
Quoted by: >>4535339

Okayu's gonna try twitcasting at midnight!

>> No.4535339

from her futon! i expect lots of comfy cat

>> No.4538136
Quoted by: >>4548285

hard to say if she doesn’t show it. but korone said she’s home safely now so hopefully she’s fine and okayu’s worries are alleviated.

>> No.4538946
Quoted by: >>4539115

arigathanks anon! i'm the one who asked for the youtube rips. much appreciated. now i just have to figure out how to to deal with these file types in order to get what i asked for originally kek.

normally i would ask for a lossless format like flac, wav, or aif, preferably wav, but because the music was to be ripped from youtube that would've been unnecessary. youtube audio quality is notoriously shit, even lower than 192kbps mp3, so it's silly to ask for lossless audio rip of youtube music. mp3 makes the most sense for this situation. plus i was kind of trying to make a little something for the thread but the limitations of my computer software made that impossible so i thought i'd ask you guys for help.

>> No.4539115

and i want to add that you shouldn't worry too much about further compression when converting downloaded youtube audio to mp3. modern mp3 encoding doesn't introduce more audio artifacts or make the audio quality any worse when converting youtube audio to something like a 256mp3 track. my preferred method actually is downloading the whole video in maximum quality then extracting the audio from that video file, but that's probably more out of habit and paranoia than anything.

>> No.4539614
Quoted by: >>4539786


We've started.

>> No.4539786

holy fuck man. her voice. never gets old.

>> No.4539791

Okayu, you said you were sleeping properly just a bit ago though...

>> No.4541150

blessed amused catto screams

>> No.4541198


>> No.4541208

God was so cute. Nyasuko!

>> No.4541224

Oh my god, she's just too cute.

>> No.4541256

>The part where she got mad at the onigiryaa for making her laugh to much and buried her face


>> No.4541411

We're going to get tea!

>> No.4541415
Quoted by: >>4541487

Okayu is so torturously cute that i'm starting to get mad.

>> No.4541436

Sitting on the sofa with Okayu!

>> No.4541469

>english translation in chat: "it's like i'm living with you."


>> No.4541487
Quoted by: >>4542390

Truly this life is unfair

>> No.4541580

>okayu's cute sighs of relaxation
i can't take this

>> No.4541860


>> No.4541946
Quoted by: >>4561254

imagine going to karaoke with okayu

>> No.4542159
Quoted by: >>4561254

Imagine having unprotected sexual intercourse with Ogayu

>> No.4542246

And there she goes...
Man, I didn't realize how dangerous that twitcast stuff could be. I hope we get more of those as little bonus streams from here on.

>> No.4542273

>She's gone
I'm destroyed now. Back to imagining I go.

>> No.4542378

I saved the audio just in case, but it looks like she had the option enabled to archive the stream. I hope we get more of these in the future.

>> No.4542390

it really fucking isn't.

>> No.4542614
Quoted by: >>4542737

That was honestly more powerful than most ASMR streams, and I really love those things too.

>> No.4542737

I think it's one of the first times we've really heard her when she's not in "time to entertain people" mode, you know? It's a different feeling than even a zatsudan usually is.

>> No.4543378
File: 142 KB, 307x270, 1612040804518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4543499 >>4543816

Hello anons, do any of you saved the full stream? I know she archived the stream, but you know, just in case. Also I don't know how to dl twitcast archive without going through those m3u hassle.

>> No.4543499
Quoted by: >>4543584

I have the audio. Just recorded it while she was live. Need to trim it, but I'll have it if it ever disappears suddenly. You won't be able to see Okayu being buried in tea stamps though.

>> No.4543584
Quoted by: >>4543632

That's fine anon I just want to save all the holo's twitcast. Why do trim it though?

>> No.4543632
Quoted by: >>4544037

I just forgot to end the recording for a second and have a bunch of dead air. It's a quick edit. I'll post it up later if you want it.

>> No.4543816
Quoted by: >>4544037

I went throught the hassle of doing the m3u8 session, and am currently downloading, throw me a good server to upload and I'll put it there

>> No.4544037
Quoted by: >>4544332

Catbox maybe
Oh did you record it manually? Thanks in advance anon

>> No.4544312

>3D collabs suddenly sprouting up

The lockdown didn't get extended? Can Okayu open the inn back up?

>> No.4544332
Quoted by: >>4544843

isnt catbox filesize limit 1gb?

>> No.4544368
File: 777 KB, 2480x3508, 1618311803909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4544843
Quoted by: >>4545126

what's the filesize?

>> No.4545126
File: 228 KB, 955x1500, 1618564329796.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4545419

Thought it'd exceed a GB, turns out it only amounts to a quarter of that
Currently uploading to litter rather than regular catbox since it keeps giving bad gateway

>> No.4545419
File: 279 KB, 1410x2000, 1600072695182.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here it is

>> No.4545758
File: 217 KB, 1091x1966, 1614750099281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4546063

Thanks anon

>> No.4548285
Quoted by: >>4554537

I can reencode it into mp3 later if you still need it but by the time I get to my pc you could probably already figure out how to download and use ffmpeg
Just do
>ffmpeg -i [input filename] -c:a libmp3lame -b:a 128K [outputfilename].mp3

>> No.4550409
Quoted by: >>4550427

I know it's greedy to ask, but pastebin-anon will you do a summary of the twicast as well?

>> No.4550427
Quoted by: >>4550842

I have the notes down for it. I'll make a second pass through in a bit and make sure it's accurate.

>> No.4550842

Fantastic, お疲れ anon

>> No.4554526
File: 266 KB, 1200x1700, E2-KG-PVcAMNNxc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unnecessary reminder to love this cat.

>> No.4554537
Quoted by: >>4564909

Okayu songs mp3s here

>> No.4554612
File: 2.96 MB, 1920x1080, Laughter[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fzhz3os.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4557001
File: 366 KB, 466x560, E2-eU8KVoAIEnsF.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu Twitcast 1/3

>First time
Okayu's never done Twitcasting before. She thought it's be nice to have a lazy chat with everybody, but the screen's way busier than she thought it would be! There's Rilakuma, Sumikko Gurashi, and Sushi everywhere. She was nervous since she couldn't see the comments on her phone at first, but they all started flowing in the second she hit start. Will it be archived? She's not sure how this works, so maybe? It archives on default? Then it seems like it'll probably be archived(it was).

>So much sleep
Listen, everybody, Okayu passed out right after yesterday's DQ stream. She didn't do any levelling, she didn't even read Kamuy(which had a new chapter despite chat telling her otherwise). She thought she'd get up around noon, but she woke up at 8PM! Thinking back about it though, she was actually very sleep-deprived during yesterday's stream, even with the nap she took before it. The boss fights of the stream ended up being so fun that she totally forgot about her need for sleep. She really owes it to all the tea she drank for carrying her through that stream. Anyways, she got up and panicked when she realized she didn't have anything ready, and talked to management about what she needed to do to make a twitcast profile.

What are these for? Extending the stream? Well she's sorry if it ends at 30 minutes.

>In bed
Okayu hasn't mentioned it yet, but she's lying down in bed right now. Is she covered? Well her waist/back is, but her hands and legs aren't. It's really hot lately, but Okayu feels bad if she sleeps with her AC on the whole time, so she makes sure to set it for an hour. She's really tired still, maybe from all the sleeping? She really wants to go and level in DQ though, so she'll make sure to do it after the stream. She should be ready for chapter 6 by tomorrow. She also made sure to read Kamuy after eating and bathing earlier.

>Different voice
She sounds different? Maybe because of she's using her iPhone mic? Or maybe because she's laying down? It feels like you're chatting with her on the phone? Moshi moshi! How have you been lately? She's doing fine herself. Let's play some games together soon. It's like being childhood friends. What's she been up to? Well, she just beat Dragon Quest 4 on stream a little bit ago. Stream? Uh, no... She just beat it regularly. She's worried that she'd just immediately bring up her streaming. She wouldn't be able to keep that secret from a childhood friend.

>Onigiryaa childhood friends
It'd be great if they were all old friends. She feels like they'd listen to all of her stories. It's too bad it couldn't be like that. Okayu does have a childhood friend that listens to all her talking still, and it'd be nice to have the onigiryaa for that too. How do we become childhood friends? That's too late at this point since we're not children. *Chat makes baby noises* It's impossible even if you try that, but she's still happy for the sentiment. They can still be other things, maybe there's things they can be specifically because they're not childhood friends. Like what? Uh... *Chat suggests slaves* Well, they can be friends at least. Or maybe they're like an employee at a cafe she frequents; enjoying each other's presence because they're strangers. That's too distant? Close is better, huh? You all sure are greedy.

>> No.4557052

>Coffee grinding
You want to see Okayu grind coffee beans? She's never done that. She's not crazy about the flavor, but she really loves the smell. She thinks it would smell real nice if she did that, and wants to try sometime.

>"I'm a mysophobe, but I want to eat some onigiri made by Okayu's own hands."
Are you sure about that? This seems like a situation where you'd say that at first, but then it would eventually outweigh your love for her and go "Actually, I think I'm good." You'd end up hurting her. Luckily it seems like there'd immediately be another onigiryaa at the window offering to take it. She really likes weird/suspicious onigiryaa. It makes her laugh whenever she sees them portrayed like that in fanart; of course she loves them being bullied too. The onigiryaa are cute after all, just onigiri with little bodies.

>Rolled egg
Okayu made some tamagoyaki earlier when she was hungry; she really loves it. She'd always get so excited when her baa-chan would put it in her lunch back in elementary school. She remembers having the feeling of wanting to make somebody else happy by doing the same for them one day. Of course, she'd probably put about 2 in their lunch, and eat the rest herself. Sweet? No, Okayu makes it savory style, probably because that's how Baa-chan makes them

>You guys are the best
Okayu doesn't think she'll ever find anybody as nice as you guys. Making time each day to watch her, making sure she's doing okay, posting nice things and saying they love her. You really can't be beat.

Okayu's real comfy laying down like this; she's worried she might fall asleep again. The stream managed to get extended? That's great. But seriously, laying down like this is great. Her futon feels so good. Getting fired up in front of her computer is good too, but this has its own benefits.

She really will go and level up in DQ after this. Will she stream it? No, she'd prefer to take it easy. She'll probably drink some tea, listen to Kamaitachi(comedian), and space out while she does it.

>Buried in tea!
Okayu's amazed at all the tea stamps that keep falling down on the screen. Do those cost money? Please don't force yourself to do that! Oh, is it free? She laughs and yells about how most of her face is getting buried under the tea(It would only look like this on mobile). After about a minute she sounds angry, saying she's tired of laughing, and complains while muffling her voice with her futon or pillow.

>Snippet of the tea burial

Temari shows up and Okayu calls her over. Nyasuko, you probably don't realize, but Mama's streaming right now, even if she looks like this. Don't touch the screen! Nyassu hasn't shown up in streams in a while, but she's as happy as she's ever been. She's just well-behaved now that she's an adult. Okayu informs us that Nyassu is now rolling around next to her. Even if she's an adult, she still likes to be spoiled. She's probably a little weirded out to see Okayu talking so much in bed too. Again, don't touch the screen! The onigiryaa don't realize it, but since Okayu and Nyassu are on either side of the phone, they're trapped between them right now! A cat in either hand.

>> No.4557082


>A trip for tea
Okayu says she wants to go off and get some tea before realizing how convenient it is that she can take the phone with her; Nyasuko follows along. Okayu gets some tea and sits on her sofa. She laughs when chat talks about how they get a real sense of life from the trip. Of course Okayu's alive! She kind of feels the same way when she has to hunt for Temari each morning. It gives her a real sense of Temari truly being a living being. There's even days where she can't find her and wonders where she's hiding. Usually she's just on Okayu's gaming chair though. Okayu says it's a bit cold in this room because she has the AC on for Nyassu, and heads back to the bedroom.

>Dozing off phone call?
Okayu doesn't even know how she'd fall asleep while talking on the phone. Conversations always get real exciting and fun when she talks to other holos, so she never feels like sleeping. There's people out there who tend to be more reserved when talking, but Okayu and the others always end up yelling. A sleepover call is more about calling someone to help you sleep rather than talking with them? Well that would never work with Okayu then. She'd never stop talking to you about things. Wouldn't it be lonely to have somebody fall asleep while you were talking to them? It might be fine with 3 or 4 people though. You don't want to make her feel lonely? Don't sleep then.

>Sleep conditions
Despite appearances, Okayu is very particular about her conditions for sleeping. She needs to turn off all the lights, lay down, and put on something to listen to. She wishes she could be one of those people who can just fall asleep instantly anywhere. She's a rather light sleeper. She's amazed at one fan who says they fell asleep at karaoke.

Okayu really wants to go out and sing karaoke again. A lot of places are still closed, but she'd like to go as soon as they open. She sings a bit of Mogu Mogu YUMMY! when a fan says they want to go sing it. Utawaku streams make her want to go out for karaoke too, especially for songs she doesn't have available to sing during those streams.

>Karaoke preferences.
She doesn't have any must-sing songs when she goes to karaoke. She just sings a lot of anime, vocaloid, and songs from her favorite artists. She doesn't have a song to check what shape her voice is in because she doesn't know anything about that kind of stuff. She just sings what she feels like singing. Does she do score karaoke? No, it makes the time between songs longer, and she's there to sing. Does she bring throat candy? No, she doesn't even use the drink bar there very often. For some reason, her throat doesn't get too scratchy for karaoke. How long does she go for? Maybe about 7 hours? 4 or 5 when she goes by herself, but if it's with someone like Kayoizuma-chan, she'll go for 7. Her throat doesn't really hurt the next day' she doesn't scream that much.

>Ways to go 7 hours solo
Building a plastic model? That could be fun, taking breaks in-between to make something. It'd be rough taking it home if you didn't finish it in time. Losing parts would be bad too. Drawing art would be fun too. You could honestly do anything you want, just using the room as a free space. Could you even practice an instrument?

It's been an hour already? No way! Time passed so fast. Well, it makes her feel a bit lonely, but she'll end the stream here. She has grinding to do after all. There's a proper Dragon Quest stream on Youtube tomorrow, so she'll see everybody there. Thanks for coming by. It was very fun and lively with all those stamps. 'Till the next time!


>> No.4558015

Thanks, as always.
I really can't believe how cute she was today. Can't stand this cat, sometimes...

>> No.4559214
Quoted by: >>4559436


Looks like Okayu managed to grind enough.

>> No.4559436
Quoted by: >>4559473

That's a damn nice thumbnail.

>> No.4559473
File: 677 KB, 2401x1440, E23sh5CVkAE1vlO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really is. I hope she gets more in this style.

>> No.4559895
File: 580 KB, 1000x1300, E272TSZVUAkq-JN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you

>> No.4560978
File: 659 KB, 4093x2894, 1603315978246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized I'm dum, this one should stay up for three days since regular catbox limits at 200mb

>> No.4561254

imagine not needing to imagine these things.

>> No.4564833
Quoted by: >>4565253

Okayu just put up a cute new wallpaper for members on her community page. Had a weird time accessing it in-browser, but my phone did it just fine.

>> No.4564909

thanks anon. downloaded

>> No.4565253
File: 82 KB, 919x631, bg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've seen this guy's work before. This is a lot better than her usual ones.

>> No.4565408
Quoted by: >>4565455

anons pls.. my membah ran out..

>> No.4565455
File: 67 KB, 768x1024, E23570eUUAQgi81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sorry too.

>> No.4566533
Quoted by: >>4566647 >>4566852

thanks again based anon

>takes her phone with her to get tea then sits on the sofa
that part was comfy as hell.

>> No.4566647
Quoted by: >>4566950

Imagine sitting on the sofa with Okayu, her head resting on your shoulder while she talks about Dragon Quest

>> No.4566852
Quoted by: >>4566889 >>4566937

do you think she’d take her phone with her to the bathroom when she needs to go pee during the stream? haha i’m just kidding haha

>> No.4566889
Quoted by: >>4566937

haha to be clear i was just being ironic haha i definitely dont want to hear Okayu pee haha

>> No.4566937

Do you think she has a powerful stream?

>> No.4566950

i want to take a nap with my head resting in her lap while she games or on her belly while she talks about stuff

>> No.4566951
File: 378 KB, 1414x2048, 1612309549981.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks again. You the best!

>> No.4570307
Quoted by: >>4570469

I'm honestly ready for DQ to end. I absolutely love the playthrough, but I've been worried about how single-minded Okayu's been lately with it. At least when it ends I might be able to tell whether it's been because of the game or not.

>> No.4570469
Quoted by: >>4570955 >>4571093

my rrat is that she was playing it so much lately for korone’s viewing pleasure because korone was in the hospital and likes to watch okayu play Dragon Quest

>> No.4570955
Quoted by: >>4571767

That is very ogey rrat and I believe it.

>> No.4571093
Quoted by: >>4571767

That'd be nice. Would also explain why she didn't try going too late with the streams. Still, I'm also worried about her being so sleep-deprived that she slept for 16 hours straight, especially after telling us that she was making sure to sleep plenty. I wonder what's going on with work.

>> No.4571767

it's not unlikely because Korone really does love to watch Okayu's streams and a year ago she even changed the time of her own stream just so she could watch Okayu play Dragon Quest III live after

>> No.4575731

Okayu-P (Pineapple)

>> No.4578779
File: 3.49 MB, 1582x2142, 90304945_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4579872

anyone got a list of all the foods Okayu said she likes?

>> No.4580544

Damn, she really got them all to 50. Also, we've started.

>> No.4585101

Time to revive Rose!

>> No.4588273

She did it!

>> No.4589193

That was an incredibly cute nya rendition of the DQ theme. Also the reverb in the hot air balloon scene was comedy gold.

>> No.4589342


>> No.4589586

Come to think of it, would youtube-kun allow bikini streams as members-only content? Or does the algorithm not care?

>> No.4590180
Quoted by: >>4590209

Amaneko cover incoming?

>> No.4590209

Sounds like it. Unless it's something even crazier.

>> No.4590537


>> No.4590913

>Okayu says her ring finger is still free

Don't give me hope...

>> No.4591236
Quoted by: >>4599256

I already struggle enough with my emotions towards her. Why does she have to enable it like this..

>> No.4591288
Quoted by: >>4592285

But I thought she was gonna put Korone's ring on it

>> No.4592285
File: 1.22 MB, 1991x2712, okakoro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows Korone watches her streams. Okayu was obviously aiming that suggestion at her.

>> No.4593633
File: 200 KB, 290x476, Screenshot (6).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu smells like melon!!

>> No.4595154

Also Earl Grey.

>> No.4599256

Is it just me or does she do more GFE pandering these last 2-3 months?

>> No.4599314
Quoted by: >>4622445

I swear the smile on that 3D model looks so bad.

>> No.4600429

It's you.

>> No.4601193

I guess I don't care anymore

>> No.4603590

Her gf hasn't been available for too long so Okayu is becoming unfaithful.

>> No.4606949

i wouldnt say Okayu is pandering to GFE. being affectionate is how she really is. she’s just a very nice and sweet girl. she’s not acting or doing it for GFE or thotty reasons.

and with the recent “my ring finger is still free” thing, that is missing some context. dont assume she said it because she was offering herself to her viewers in a GFE kind of way. It could’ve been from some conversation about rings, or she was just teasing her viewers because she likes to tease people.

>> No.4607605
File: 104 KB, 1200x1200, E3B9v5sUcAUBhn8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4609648 >>4624169

Okayu DQ IV stuff

Okayu has everybody in the party up to the level 50 range. It took her about 4-5 hours of grinding, but hopefully she's strong enough for the post-game content. She has a sad story as well. She thought she'd go and win 10k tokens in the casino so she could buy a Meteorite Bracer, but apparently she was too tired, and forgot to save her game before shutting it off. When she started her file back up today, there was no bracer to be found. It's possible that she dreamed it up, but she seems to remember some of the monsters from the casino pretty well. She wanted to go and show everybody how strong she was by getting the bracer, but since she lost it due to sleepiness, it feels more like she showed everybody how weak she is.

Has Okayu seen the character portraits from the DS version? No, but she imagines what they look like anyway. She thinks Cristo probably looks somewhere between Trunks and Goku, Alena probably resembles Chi-Chi, and Mara probably looks like Bulma. You know, Toriyama faces. Borya? She doesn't quite feel like he's Master Roshi; maybe more like the Crane Hermit, or Dr Gero.

>Goodbye, Dragon Quest IV(thanks to the anon who clipped this)

>Post-JRPG depression
Okayu always feels a sense of loneliness after a long series concludes, and she's already starting to miss DQ 4. How long had she been playing this game, a little over a month? About 40 hours of stream time, not including a couple of off-stream grinding sessions. She really had a great time with it. Okayu really loves this game and its characters; possibly as much as she loves DQ 6.

>Member's wallpaper
Okayu forgot to talk about it on stream until just now, but there's a special membership wallpaper available for download. She knows a lot of people feel down during the rainy seasons, so she wanted to do something for them and had a really nice wallpaper made. Even if she can't directly support you, she can still try and make you feel like she's there with you. Everybody seems real happy with it, so she might try and make one next month too; Summer is really hot after all. One with her in a swimsuit? She doesn't have one, sadly, but some of her senpai do. Please just imagine her in a swimsuit; it's okay even if a bit embarrassing. Her belly's always out, but having her breasts or butt out would probably be a bit much for her.

Vinnegar. She really likes vinnegar, and sour foods in general. Drink up!

Okayu's always a little flustered when people confidently choose her(usually just when flirting). She may not look it, but she's the kind to overthink almost everything, so she often takes a while to make decisions. So she's always impressed with people who can make such quick, but confident, decisions. It also really makes her happy how much people call her cute. Though she's not giving those words back. Even if you try to change your mind later, she won't let you.

>Amaneko surprise
Okayu gets a LINE from Kanatan while she's talking. You know, in just a bit here, they might be surprising everybody with a little something. She thinks it'll make everyone real happy, but what could it be?

>June bride
Oh, her? Well, her ring finger is still open, you know?

>More twitcasts
She might do them very rarely. She really didn't want to fall asleep her first time ever doing one, so she managed to stay awake. Though, if she did those frequently, she would definitely start falling asleep mid-stream. She'll do another a long while from now.

>Subaru's thumbnail
Once again, Okayu finds herself creating a thumbnail for Subaru. Okayu and Subaru were chatting casually, when Subaru told her that she was working on her thumbnail for today, and had no idea what to do. Okayu set to let her look at it, and ended up making it for her. Subaru was very grateful, and credited her as Okayu-P; Okayu has decided the P stands for pineapple.

Okayu's not sure what to stream tomorrow. She thought that chapter 6 was going to take 2 streams, but managed to pull it off in one. She'll think about it more when she wakes up, but she's tired now.

Okayu's almost weirded out by how sleepy she's been lately. She just wants to sleep forever, and needs to set an alarm or it ends up happening. Is it the atmospheric pressure? She doesn't really know too much about that, so she's not sure.


>> No.4609575

おはよ( ᴗ ̫ ᴗ )よ( ᴗ ̫ ᴗ )よ


>> No.4609648

>She knows a lot of people feel down during the rainy seasons, so she wanted to do something for them and had a really nice wallpaper made. Even if she can't directly support you, she can still try and make you feel like she's there with you.
Things like this always hit me pretty well. I wanna thank this cat.

>> No.4611498
Quoted by: >>4612804

Okayu having fun in Shuba's chat.

>> No.4612804
Quoted by: >>4613087

i missed it. what did she say?

>> No.4613087

Mostly teasing, possibly asking her to make her thumbnail in the future. She was there for a while.

>> No.4618745
File: 130 KB, 806x1031, E3Crk7iUcAUygkX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4619587 >>4622118

>> No.4619587

i prefer her bangs not being straight like they are normally

>> No.4620603
Quoted by: >>4622262


Cat singing tonight.

>> No.4621976
File: 239 KB, 2048x1004, E3GSmSvVoAEgjS4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was a fun ride.

>> No.4622118

She looks like cat gura older sister.

>> No.4622262

i'm gonna coom

>> No.4622445
File: 848 KB, 1007x639, sadsd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish Okayu used her psycho face more

>> No.4622730

i wish she used her 3D thing more. it's cute seeing her head move around more realistically in real time.

>> No.4624169
File: 1.13 MB, 854x480, sweetsing[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8zewko.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks onigiryaa!

>> No.4624337
File: 2.33 MB, 1917x1071, 1622883600254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4624443 >>4635179

Tomorrow or the day after

>> No.4624443

>tongue out

>> No.4626147

>Okayu tweeting about Korosan's return

Cute stuff. Time for singing.

>> No.4626320

No supacha reading today. Okayu wants to catch Korosan's return. She'll read them next time. She also said she picked some songs to get her pumped.

>> No.4626702
File: 315 KB, 1500x1061, 1615491283229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4626793
Quoted by: >>4626829

wish she didn't sing songs like this one in her fake cute voice, even if it "fits" for cute songs like Sweets Parade. her real voice, although deeper, is still super cute and works for all sorts of songs including cutesy ones

>> No.4626829
Quoted by: >>4626898

Okayu likes singing like this. She always delivers for covers so I don't really feel like it's an issue. Let her have fun.

>> No.4626861

did she just say "kuso kawaii?"

>> No.4626898
Quoted by: >>4626916

her real voice is better, and okayu is better overall when she is being authentic than when she is not being authentic.

>> No.4626916
Quoted by: >>4626940

Okayu is best when she is having fun, and she doesn't have fun when people tell her to do what she doesn't want, usually people like you.

>> No.4626940

i'm not telling okayu anything? what are you talking about? this is a 4chan thread about okayu i am saying these things in. this is not okayu's comment section or her personal inbox.

>> No.4627423

>Korone just said Okayu wrote her three times asking if she's okay

>> No.4627438

Okayu being embarrassed on Korone's stream right now!

>> No.4627457

Okakoro tee tee...

>> No.4630539


>> No.4632488

>Okakoro being cute and sweet again
How long until schizos say they broke up again?

>> No.4635179
File: 1.73 MB, 1000x1374, okakana_homura[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F37odhf.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't wait for more from these two.

>> No.4640954
File: 707 KB, 724x789, 1614812618161.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4649112

Okayu sure seemed happy to have her dogwife back.

>> No.4643634
Quoted by: >>4647278


Okayu and Chilla's has started to feel like home to me. Never thought I'd see the day.

>> No.4647278
Quoted by: >>4649479

>putting the frame up at 5AM

Wonder if she was catching up with Korosan.

>> No.4649112
Quoted by: >>4651287

Okayu was probably more worried than she lets on. Korone said she asked her about her health a bunch of times when she took off and found it really sweet of her.

>> No.4649479

Of course she was.

>> No.4651287

I guess she feels she doesn't need to bother the onigiriya with her worry, especially when many of them are already worried about korosan.

>> No.4653394
File: 593 KB, 2619x3833, E3KDvMAVkAAB6Hh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4657395
File: 714 KB, 640x2034, 1622918383587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4658327 >>4658360

Are the Onigirya the strongest fanbase?

>> No.4658327
Quoted by: >>4658360

>Top translated holo: The one who speaks english

>> No.4658360
Quoted by: >>4659211

I wonder what it would be like if the statistic was about post-video comments. Okayu gets a shit ton of those, though I'm sure other holos do too.

Rearranging broken words still counts as translating, I guess.

>> No.4659211
Quoted by: >>4659421

If I do chat it's either in emotes or in broken/simple jp out of respect. I would think quite a few are of the same mindset as me, so it's hard to tell how accurate it is at predicting english viewers.

>> No.4659421
File: 1014 KB, 1000x1536, 1618941319029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure if this is true for all, but lot of people said they started to watch Okayu to learn conversational nip. Maybe EOP onigirya feel compelled to comment in nip characters more often than in other holos chat.

>> No.4665672
File: 1.36 MB, 1280x720, Massage[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fi720x8.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4667337

>> No.4667337

if you wont post the source then i will https://twitter.com/MMD_rider/status/1401358182455201793

>> No.4670038


Cat wants to candy some fruit.

>> No.4671780
Quoted by: >>4675186

will the game ogayu plays tonight be one that scares her or will she remain cool?

>> No.4675186
Quoted by: >>4681149

If it's anything like friend's playthrough it'll bug out so she has to restart every two minutes

>> No.4681149

Hope it doesn't bug. She's actually playing this late at night, so there's a chance it scares her.

>> No.4681568
File: 586 KB, 2398x4096, E3MNHAyVIAMrJgQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4681864 >>4682674

We've started.

>> No.4681864

quality fucking okayu art.

>> No.4682217
Quoted by: >>4682303

okayu’s wife is playing the same game. was this planned?

>> No.4682303

Doubt it. They're just both fans of Chilla's weird ass horror games. They're pretty much the only meme games that they play on the curve.

>> No.4682674

how disappointing that we aren’t getting a view of her armpits

>> No.4682796

Damn. Being a night deliveryman fucking sucks.

>> No.4682880

Bugfest commence

>> No.4683083
Quoted by: >>4683401

“Open close! No!” *runs away*

cute rare okayu english

>> No.4683401

i wasnt expecting english text to randomly appear in this extremely japanese game

>> No.4683894


>> No.4683994

how did friend fix it again? do you need to make some specific choices?

>> No.4684273

Okayu: 2nd Loop is much more aggressive with these people.

>> No.4685425
Quoted by: >>4685713

Further this time!

>> No.4685713

She still winced even though she knew it was coming

>> No.4685774
Quoted by: >>4685971

The fuck's with ending 2?

>> No.4685971

You could ask that of the whole game, mailboy comes in, waddles around a bit and gets stabbed, and that's the story
Then landlord waltzes around in the middle of the night because ???? and gets bonked in the head by a fridge wielding man
And that's the story

>> No.4688092

New action-ish game tomorrow. Also she might have two days off this week. The 8th, and maybe the 11th.

>> No.4691141

That was a good stream. Look forward to whatever she plays today.

>> No.4691169
Quoted by: >>4691857

Isn't the new cover going up today?

>> No.4691857

It didn't go up yesterday, so today should be the day. I'm excited.

>> No.4692081
File: 217 KB, 1024x1024, E3N1a03VkAQJIYd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4695746
Quoted by: >>4695809

Rockman 3 today!

>> No.4695809

I'm so excited; 3's a blast. I really hope she tries some of the other series too though.

>> No.4700478
File: 764 KB, 2500x3950, __nekomata_okayu_hololive_drawn_by_deaver__b52648b4b1d8f230a9e3ce3b5105aaaf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4700526
File: 194 KB, 1397x2048, E2R9QKIVgAM5oRp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu Night Delivery 1/2

Okayu just woke up recently, and it's late at night, so her mentality's all over the place. Normally she plays these horror games earlier in the day to avoid getting scared, but she feels like she might be better at handling them by now. She's already feeling a little scared by the title though.

>The scream

Okayu wants to give herself a reward after the stream, maybe some kind of treat. Out of all the times she's pushed herself to do something she didn't want to this year, this game is already in her top 5. She shouldn't 'cause she'll get fat? That's fine. She's fine with getting fat for today! She's scared! Besides, all her screaming is probably burning calories.

Okayu and Subaru were talking the other day, and Okayu started talking about how she's been watching her DQ 8 playthrough and how funny it was. Subaru started complimenting her back though, saying that Okayu's streams were "Beautiful". Okayu was taken aback, even the onigiryaa don't call them beautiful. Subaru couldn't fully describe it, something about her voice and her streaming style were just so pretty. Okayu was a little embarrassed. She highly recommends watching Subaru's DQ 8 streams while you're doing work around the house.

A refrigerator! After this game, she thinks she might be a little scared of things like this. But her refrigerator isn't white like the one in game, so she thinks she'll be fine. Maybe she'll just put this white one in the onigiryaa's cell though. Just what could be inside? She looks forward to you opening it.

>Plans for the next few days
Okayu's got a new game she's starting tomorrow. It's more of an action game, but she doesn't know if it'll become a series or not; it won't take as long as Donkey Kong Country. She's really excited to play it, and to make the thumbnail(It's Rockman 3). Also, she might have to take two days off this week. She'll need to take the 8th off for work, but, looking at her calendar, the 11th also looks really busy, so she'll have to feel that one out when she gets to it.

>Is it really a day off if you're working?
That's true, but stream days feel like breaks to Okayu because she has a lot of fun doing them. So it's more like the 8th and 11th are her actually work days this week. She'd stream every day, but her back starts to hurt a little bit when she does too many days in a row. Today was really scary though, so maybe not quite as fun.

Okayu was happy to see Korosan sing it in the frame right after her own. She had just been thinking that she wanted to hear her sing it too. She thought the part where she had to stop the song to change the lyrics was really funny; that's happened to her too. She really loves that song.

>Inu x Boku SS
Okayu's mentioned how as a middle school cat she had a Madoka folder/binder due to her obsession with pink-haired twintail girls. Well, she's pretty sure there was a time in school where she had a Karuta folder as well. She really loved her, that pink-haired, twin-tailed, kuudere. Hanazawa's voice was so wonderfully cute and cool too.

>Umamusume stream
Okayu said she wanted to stream it when Seiun Sky came out, but she's been thinking of doing a stream soon anyway. She's a little embarrassed that people might see how much she's been playing, despite it being her first stream though. She usually runs through her stamina every day. Maybe she'll take it slower for the stream then, and actually read the story as she plays. She then talks a lot about how she feels likes she's hitting a wall with her girls, support cards, reliance on Tazuna, etc.

>> No.4700568

Seeing people who unexpectedly got into Okayu more than they were expecting gives her such a strange feeling. Maybe like suddenly getting confessed to be a coworker out of nowhere? Not quite? It's hard to explain. Is it because she's worried about living up to their expectations of her? No, Okayu stopped worrying about that after she became an adult. She's had a lot of failures, and done things differently than some people surely may have hoped for her, but she doesn't let that bother her. People can expect what they want of her, and if it lines up with what she wants to do too, then she's more than happy to do so, but she's also not going to worry about betraying those expectations. Everybody wants something different after all. Maybe this is why she looks up to people who can continue answering others' expectations; because they do something she can't. This feels like a clip that could get taken out of context though, and people will start thinking she's the kind of person to betray others, and not want to be friends with her. Please don't do that.

A lot of people reaching their six month membership badge around this time. They must have joined from the DK streams. She really had a lot of fun then. She loved 64, and now the Country series as well. The thumbnails from then certainly were something else. She's really excited to play an action game again tomorrow.

>OkaPeko 3D
Okayu and Pekora wanted to wait for a good game in that genre to come out, but there really haven't been that many. Okayu had pretty much forgotten about it by now, but they might still do it if they find something good. Okayu's never played a VR game before, and she's pretty sure it would terrify her even more.

>Candied Fruit
Okayu tweeted about wanting to make candied fruit earlier, and she followed through with it. It's chilling in the fridge right now, and should be ready to eat tomorrow. She was feeling kind of frustrated since it seems like there won't be any festivals to buy it at this year, so she made some herself. She'll tweet a picture if it doesn't look awful. Tweet it anyway? That'd be too embarrassing.

>Calf cramp
A superchat says the elevator part scared them so much that they got a calf cramp. Okayu says she's never heard of a calf cramp from fear before, but feels that calf cramps are the most painful kind of cramps in her opinion. Chat says groin cramps are the most painful. Okayu didn't even know your groing could cramp. What leads to that? Could you fix it by stretching? That's kind of scary. She wouldn't know because she's not a man? No, she feels that girls could probably pull their groin too. Chat says it's less likely because girls have softer hip joints, but Okayu says her body is fairly hard/stiff too. Still, for the moment at least, Okayu still thinks calf cramps are the most painful.

>"It took me 30 tries just to pull your acryllic stand. I hate you, Okayu."
Why?! Well then she hates you too! Oh? "But, that prank-loving, cat-like, mischievous part of you is cute too. I really love you after all." Eh? Well then she loves you too. Thanks for trying so hard. 30 tries is an awful lot.

>> No.4700658
Quoted by: >>4700882 >>4717757

Oops, clicked post too fast.


Looks like I hit the size limit for free users on the previous bin, so I'll be posting this one until smart filter gets worked up over something. Just ask if you need to see the first part for any reason.

>> No.4700882
File: 847 KB, 1090x737, 90347458_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thank you, MVP!

>> No.4701110
File: 165 KB, 1000x1000, 209.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4701382

Hello onigiryaa, I just want to let you know that I really appreciate Okayu even though I don't get to watch her that often because of when she streams. She has great taste in games and a comfy voice to listen to. I hope her and my oshi Roboco can collab again soon.

>> No.4701382

Thanks Robosa anon. I'm glad Roboco is doing well with her cool new outfit. I'd like another collab too. They seemed to get along real well back when Okayu played Apex more. I was hoping they'd bond over Prince of Tennis more. There's always a chance in the future though.

>> No.4705795

Was the lockdown extended again in Tokyo? I thought they'd be able to do offcollabs again but it seems to be not the case.

>> No.4710901
File: 207 KB, 1200x1500, 19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4712122

tfw no Okayu wife

>> No.4714574
File: 152 KB, 2048x1128, E3Pvyn9VkAE67GT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4715520 >>4735375



>> No.4715093
Quoted by: >>4715520 >>4725889



>> No.4715520

looks so good! pineapple, grape, and strawberry. she ate pineapple in her endurance off collab with korosan too.

emergency medical helicopter has been summoned to airlift okayu to the nearest advanced intensive care hospital immediately

>> No.4717757
File: 3.50 MB, 2894x4093, 1621734361822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4723709
Quoted by: >>4735709

How long do you think it'll take her to beat the game? I say 4 hours.

>> No.4725889
Quoted by: >>4726042

Ah, she probably touched the caramel. Hot sugar is dangerous.

>> No.4726042
Quoted by: >>4728291

>Ywn suck caramel off your cat wife's fingers

>> No.4728291

Molten sugar is not like honey. It sticks to skin, solidifies quickly and is over 100 degrees when it comes out of the pan.

>> No.4731621

>OkaPeko 3D

been a while since they had a collab, huh? I hope they do a 3D collab one of these days. how was the subject of a 3D okapeko collab brought up anyhow?

>> No.4733587

kantach.. where is the cover song...

>> No.4734749

We've begun!

>> No.4735375
Quoted by: >>4736340

Is that honey covering the fruits?

>> No.4735709

Okayu's calling me out specifically.

>> No.4736340

It's just a sugar glaze

>> No.4737172

i love her cute noises and her singing along to the game bgm this stream

>> No.4737184

Okayu's starting to pick up speed.

>> No.4737238 [DELETED] 

Fitting cuz she's chunky irl

>> No.4737302

Down to 3 already. Cat moves so fast.

>> No.4737884
Quoted by: >>4738014

Okayu's in great form today. Playing well and being very cute.

>> No.4738014
Quoted by: >>4738081

I'm almost disappointed with how good she's getting. I was hoping for a longer stream. Wily's castle is no pushover though.

>> No.4738081

The game is so bloated with content that I'm sure it'll be fine

>> No.4738714
Quoted by: >>4738760 >>4739564

fuuuuuck man i love this cat. just listen to her man. listen to her, would you?

>> No.4738760
File: 463 KB, 2048x2048, E3ScsbMVgAkRYdV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's all I've been doing these past 2 hours. That and looking at all the art Ariga's been pumping out.

>> No.4738898

her singing along with the game music is fucking precious every time. she's really into the game too. very good stream she's putting on today.

>> No.4739564

isn't she just the best thing ever

>> No.4741211

Okayu considering EXE or X makes me very happy.

>> No.4743451

It's time!

>> No.4743874

Sasuga Okayu. My prediction wasn't that off in the end.

>> No.4744105
Quoted by: >>4744154

Did she get spammed? I don't see anything in the chat.

>> No.4744154

For just a second there. Not anything new. I've seen it quite a few times on her channel over the past couple months.

>> No.4744797
Quoted by: >>4744840 >>4745755

Another Okayu solo cover coming up this month!

>> No.4744840

We live in a wonderful age.

>> No.4745725

>Okayu does her covers with her home mic
What? Her voice sounds way different in the covers.

>> No.4745755
File: 233 KB, 388x388, 1600587779915.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4746937

Praise the cat
She doesnt let it show, but she's quite the diligent and hard working chuuba

>> No.4745828
Quoted by: >>4746134

Okayu's putting up the candied fruit eating ASMR vid right now.

>> No.4746134
Quoted by: >>4746164

It's very cute and a nice way to cap off such a pleasant morning.

>> No.4746164


I'm one of those people who detests the sound of eating, but this is oddly pleasant.

>> No.4746719
File: 654 KB, 2048x2048, E3TF0kTUUAEn5aY.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4746846 >>4754514

I fucking love this cat, guys. I always enjoy every stream, but this was a real 10/10 amongst 10/10s. Sad she'll probably be too busy to stream today, but she even gave us a bonus video to tide us over.

>> No.4746846

She's really the best. I still just can't stand how amazing she is.

>> No.4746937

Okayu always works real hard in the shadows, and I really love that about her. She could stand to be a little less humble at times, honestly. Despite being Gamers, and doing mainly long retro streams, she also has far more covers released than most holos, and all of them are great too. Don't even know why she bothers pretending to be lazy.

>> No.4747032

I love Okayu

>> No.4747970


>> No.4748386
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x720, 1623088303306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4754514

Look how happy she is.

>> No.4752490
File: 204 KB, 1331x2048, E3NTqTiUUAMhHT7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4752841
Quoted by: >>4752882

Is this a self-imposed challenge, or does she not know about charged shots?

>> No.4752882
Quoted by: >>4753068

Charge shots aren't until 4, anon...

>> No.4753068
Quoted by: >>4753120

I could've sworn they've been in since 2, but I guess I was just thinking about Atomic Fire.

>> No.4753120

Yeah, 3's big feature is sliding, 4's is the charge buster.

>> No.4754514
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Her being happy has made me so happy.

>> No.4757525
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Okayu Megaman 3 1/3

>Megaman 3
Okayu thinks having the game a bit louder is the way to go; it's her favorite soundtrack in the series. Is this an endurance? Yes it is, but she might quit if she goes all the way to morning. She's beaten all the classic Rockman games except 1, but she hasn't played them in so long that she's forgotten just about everything, so she's not sure exactly how long it'll take her to beat it. She has to stop and listen to the opening BGM, talking about how it fires her up.

Okayu's overall favorite master is Crashman, but Snakeman is her favorite in this game. She points out during the fight how cute it is that he puts his legs together when he jumps. You don't get it? Everybody, please put your legs together, forming a point. Are you doing it? Look, isn't that cute?

>Humming along
Okayu's always had a habit of singing along to game BGMs, and it's even worse with how much she loves them in this game. She's really sorry to those who want to hear the actual music, but her mouth most likely won't be able to stop. It's likely that the feelings of those who want to hear the music, and Okayu's desire to sing to her heart's content will clash. This will lead to Okayu winning out in the end. Shortly later, chat asks Okayu to shut up a bit, and she responds by getting louder. She dies almost immediately after that, and laughs at how it's her punishment for being a bully.

>The karmic moment

>And one more for the road

>Otome game
Isn't Rockman kind of like that? There's all these cool, handsome guys, and you have to go see them. She said something like that to Subaru when she was playing 2 and got a "What the hell are you talking about?" back. Maybe she couldn't get her to understand, but surely a person who does will come along some day.

>Other Megaman series
Okayu's never played X, but it's real popular so she always thought it looked interesting. She's only played a bit of Battle Network, but she actually really wants to play it. The main reason is that Bass is in the game. Even though she really likes Bass, she's never played a game that he's in. She started liking him because there was something she saw where he was voiced by Hiyama Nobuyuki. She thinks his color scheme is cool, and heard that the BN version of him is really cool, as opposed to the hot-headed original version. She's worried that she'd get too obsessed with him if she encountered him right now though, in fact she's confident that she would. Kamuy is still her current obsession, so she might give Bass a look after that calms down.

Okayu isn't going to be home till late because of work tomorrow, so it'll probably be a day off for her, but she'll stream on Wednesday. What will she stream? She's not sure yet. She just wrapped up DQ4, so she wants to start a new series, but isn't quite sure on what it will be yet.

>Candy ASMR
Okayu tried some of the candied fruit she made the other day; it was super tasty. More than that, it made a satisfying noise when she ate it. It gave her the idea to record a little member's ASMR video of it to upload later. She wants to upload it later so that way the onigiryaa aren't lonely on her day off, and ends up uploading it at the very end of the stream.

Okayu burnt her fingers while making the candy; it hurt pretty bad. There's still a lot she doesn't know about cooking, but it's fun to learn these things one at a time. Subaru said the candy looked delicious, so Okayu wants to make some for her next time. She succeeded the first time, and feels like it's all good once you can do it once. Subaru seems like the kind to like sugary candy.

Snakeman is designated No. 22, just like Okayu's birthday! This must be fate!

>> No.4757580


>Ariga's Okayu fanart
What, Ariga drew fanart of Okayu for the stream?! Okayu gets real excited and goes to check. He did! Here's one, two, three, four, five?! He drew five pictures throughout the playthrough? Is that really even okay? Okayu's very happy, and wants to talk while she puts them up on the screen. He also draws one more that she puts up at the end. She read Megamix over and over as a kid, so she's overjoyed. She's also amazed at how cute it is; she's so used to how cool he tends to draw everything.

Okayu feels that she actually cleared the game a little faster than she expected. It must be thanks to all those E-Tanks that she stockpiled. She was chugging them the entire time; her belly is full of energy now. This felt almost like a first playthrough for her, even though she'd technically beat it a long time ago. To experience it all again, talk about her love for the Megaman series with everybody, and even get fanart from Ariga, she's so glad she joined hololive. She'd like to play more classic Megaman sometime in the future, she bought the collection after all.

Spam starts flooding chat while Okayu's showcasing the art, but she says the usual management for her chat is probably asleep at this hour and to just ignore it. By the time she gets to superchat reading though, chat is near impossible to read. She doesn't think she can manage it all by herself, but she does know how to turn on member's only chat(or at least, she hopes she does). She apologizes and puts a message about it on the screen. It's too bad, if it was just a little bit of spam, she was just planning to read around it, but there was hardly anytime in-between. It was happening to several others today too? That does seem like a problem.

Okayu bragged about her candy to Korosan over Discord as well. Korosan's reply was something like "Candy! Amazing! Looks delicious! Really pretty too! Big thumbs-up!" It really felt like something a mother would do. Korosan really does feel like a mother to Okayu at times.

Did Okayu eat the candy all by herself? She did! It was kind of lonely. She really wanted to make some to share with all her friends, but she still can't meet with them yet, so she just made candy for herself. It's not just her though, everybody watching her is probably in a similar situation themselves. They share this loneliness together. It can be a hard part of living alone though. She really wants to go out to karaoke.

Okayu went for a longer stream so that way people could have some extra to watch on her day off, but she's pretty sure there are people who are still up just because they want to watch her live. Please don't push yourselves. Appointments will have her coming home very late tomorrow, and she might stream if she actually feels up to it, but it's pretty unlikely, so she's just calling it a break for now to avoid getting people's hopes up. Friday will probably be the same too. She wants to release the ASMR video too, but wonders when will be good; she has to head out right after she wakes up.

Okayu's cover with Kanatan should release some time this week, but Okayu has another surprise too. She has another solo cover that should be coming out in the second half of the month, so look forward to it. She didn't feel like she released enough songs last year, and wants to change that this time around.

>> No.4757636


>Working to give back
She feels she's better grasped the routine of getting songs made now too. She knows how to request services like illustrations, and how to guide them to be how she wants them to be. She was originally real bad at requesting things of others, only being good at completing things herself. She doesn't have that anymore now, and realizes that there are time and skill limitations to what somebody can make by themselves. If she wants to make her fans happy, asking those who are right for the job is far and away the better way to do it. That's what she wants to use the superchats she's gotten from everybody for; the shape she wants to return their kindness in. Where she used to worry about the proper costs, being rude, and if something would go over well, she's gotten good with powering through those concerns. This is how she wants to give back. This is why, even though she hates trying hard, she can give her best anyway; it's something she herself really wants to do. Doing this for her, and everybody else's sake, that's the type of adult she thinks she wants to become. And of course, she thinks she won't push herself at a pace where it becomes too hard for herself either, so don't worry.

>Her aspirations
Okayu mentioned earlier that she doesn't like to try and live by people's expectations and appraisals of her, because she knows that she'll end up disappointing them in some manner. However, she also wants to become someone who will make you able to think how happy you are that you liked her and became a fan. Of course there will be times where she might still let you down, but she wants to be someone you can puff your chest up with pride and declare how much you like her. This is getting embarrassing and sappy, but they are her real feelings. Please watch over her, she wants to keep doing fun things from here on.

That clip of Okayu from yesterday's stream sure is popular, huh? It's because she screamed so loud, isn't it? She's not sure if she's ever screamed like that before. Can she do it again? Impossible; she was terrified then. She was able to watch the scene again on her phone because the screen was smaller, but seeing it on her large monitor, right when she thought the game was bugged, that terrified her.

>Cute screams this stream
She's not so sure about that. She's pretty sure they were mostly gruesome and ugly death knells this time around.

>"First-time viewer. I'm not subbed to you, and I don't follow you on Twitter, but please do your best."
Go and do it right now! Do it! Thank you for writing this all on a superchat. Now, go do it! That guy must really like her. You wouldn't superchat and write something like that unless you did.

>What we do
Goods are different than covers, in that there's usually a lot of people that help them with the process, and that goes for certain songs too. The usual songs they put out though, the arrangements are usually all done by the girls themselves. Okayu was really bad at this when she started; she'd never requested an illustrator or a mixer before. Mane-chan helped Okayu a lot with this learning process. Mogu Mogu Yummy! is probably the only song Okayu recorded at a studio too, the rest being done at home.

>"I usually watch your streams with my mother, but she was too scared to watch yesterday's stream. However, when I told her that you screamed in it, she told me to please let her hear your screams, and had me show her the archives."
That's really cute of your mom. It actually makes her real happy that you watch her together. Actually, doesn't your mom kind of sound like a villain? "Please allow me to hear Okayu's screams." Sounds like something a last boss would say, or maybe a witch.

Yesterday was a fridge, and here's what's inside of it: Candied fruit! She needs to remember to upload the video. Actually, she'll just do it now. She feels like It's way quicker to do this now than it used to be.


>> No.4757805
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Based as usual. Today was so much fun.

>> No.4762296
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>> No.4764703
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>2 years
>zero scandals
how does she do it bros?

>> No.4765027

Honesty to both her fans and herself.

>> No.4767541
Quoted by: >>4774454

she went to fucking jail bro, what are you talking about?

>> No.4768976


In case she wasn't clear enough before, break today! And by that, I mean she's too busy with work to stream today.

>> No.4769754
File: 275 KB, 471x540, 1601597275477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No drama. No meme. Okayu streams are for comfy only.

>> No.4771642
Quoted by: >>4772077

I'm glad she takes the regular breaks. It feels like so many other holos are running themselves ragged by not taking time to work on their personal life some.

>> No.4771711

Why is she screaming?!

>> No.4772077
Quoted by: >>4774541

Agreed. Although it sounds likes these breaks are actually because she's so busy with work that she won't have time to stream. But yeah, she could always force herself to stream when she gets home, but she doesn't want to put herself through that. Her speech about what she wants to do for people while also being true to herself was actually really deep. I'm so proud to have met this cat.

>> No.4774454
Quoted by: >>4774568

when will she be released?

>> No.4774541

okayu's a great model for a bunch of things, including self-care

>> No.4774568
Quoted by: >>4775940

Okayu was never technically released. The onigiryaa are all in the cell in her stead, probably forever.

>> No.4775940

maybe she’s waiting for us to help her break out of prison. and aki rose is in jail with us too

>> No.4776448
Quoted by: >>4776956

I will always wonder what on earth this work so many of them are busy with all the time actually is exactly

>> No.4776956

Other's have said it's usually just meetings after meetings. For what though? Who knows?

>> No.4780417
Quoted by: >>4782723

Am I reading this right that Okayu pays out of pocket for her covers? But the ad revenue and superchats that she gets from them would still get split with Cover and Youtube?

>> No.4782723
Quoted by: >>4782804

i've heard some other holo members say that they do have to pay for their own songs themselves, and i think this goes for both covers and originals. stuff like someone to mix their vocals and another person to make the video, depending on the complexity it could be from some simple editing to whole original animations. and with original songs they gotta commission a songwriter. senchou said she paid out of pocket for those original animated shorts on her channel, and kanata said she was going to commission a song for 4th gen.

>> No.4782804
Quoted by: >>4783042

But with originals they at least get the song sales too ontop of it. Cover songs only get them ad revenue and superchats and thosr are split. I wonder how the split is for the spotify or music download sites.

>> No.4783042
Quoted by: >>4783169

i'm curious to know how the money is split between all parties too. and for things like when mogumogu got on karaoke machines, does okayu get anything money out of that or did she pay for that herself?

>> No.4783169
Quoted by: >>4786565

I think in that case it would be Cover doing the promotion deals or they have a blanket contract with all their songs. As a private party she'd have a hard time getting these contacts. But I hope Cover doesn't get the sole rights to the songs if they funded it themselves, that'd be really dumb on their part.

>> No.4786565

>But I hope Cover doesn't get the sole rights to the songs if they funded it themselves, that'd be really dumb on their part.
They probably get a better cut compared to the songs Cover funds, but I doubt they have any rights other than the bare minimum required by law (assuming there's such a thing in Japan.)

>> No.4787291

Korone's reaction to Okayu's candied fruit is precious.

>two okayu covers this month
what a blessed cat

>Okayu mentioned earlier that she doesn't like to try and live by people's expectations and appraisals of her, because she knows that she'll end up disappointing them in some manner. However, she also wants to become someone who will make you able to think how happy you are that you liked her and became a fan. Of course there will be times where she might still let you down, but she wants to be someone you can puff your chest up with pride and declare how much you like her. This is getting embarrassing and sappy, but they are her real feelings. Please watch over her, she wants to keep doing fun things from here on.
okayu.... you're not making it any easier to cope with my fiery desire to marry you...

overall that was such a fun stream to watch. her enthusiasm was very high and she was using her casual normal voice. it was so fun to hear her frequently humming along to the game's BGM.
Thank you so much translator-san! i don't always reply to these but i read them every time, and it brings much happiness to read what okayu says in her streams.

>> No.4790913

lol @ those short clips. that first one especially is so her

>> No.4796102
Quoted by: >>4796213

Ogayu is in Koone's chat

>> No.4796213

Cat's up too late. Wonder if she just got back, or is making today's thumbnail.

>> No.4798218
File: 595 KB, 1100x829, __inugami_korone_and_nekomata_okayu_hololive_drawn_by_abara_heiki__061490be1c1fe8722e0577bc18a3e3ed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4798329 >>4802839

Korone just said that Okayu is very kind to her and just told her earlier that seeing Korone streaming happily makes her very happy too and when Korone shares her worries she cries together with her. So if any Onigiriya are in chat they don't need to worry about Okayu because Okakoro support each other.

>> No.4798329

Okayu talked about that exact thing in her utawaku before Korone came back too, but it's always nice to hear from both parties.

>> No.4802441
Quoted by: >>4802839

I love it when Korone just leaks all the embarrassingly girly things Okayu does even when she says she isn't supposed to reveal that. Okayu is so cute.

>> No.4802839

korone isn’t not supposed to reveal that. It’s just okayu’s personal desire that she wants people to think she’s cool and mysterious, but korone enjoys talking about the side of okayu that okayu doesn’t like to show.

>onigiriya don’t need to worry about Okayu
i worry about my wife regardless

>> No.4807025

Love cat simple as

>> No.4808581


She could only resist for so long. I hope she has fun anyway.

>> No.4808866

I had a feeling that's what it would be today. She's probably still thinking of what to do for her next full series.

>> No.4808900

i eagerly anticipate cute cat excitement when she plays it. something about this game really makes girls show their simp otaku side

>> No.4809263

No one can resist the horse pussy

>> No.4809393
Quoted by: >>4809589

why did she resist playing it on stream all this time again?

>> No.4809589

I think it started as general embarrassment from being new, and then it jumped over to embarrassment from having played too much. Also she originally wanted to wait till the Seiun Sky gacha to stream, but who knows when that's happening.

>> No.4815071
Quoted by: >>4816212

I'm bumping to try to keep the thread open during these new hard times.

I'm really hurting after this recent announcement, and Coco wasn't even in my top 5 holos. I don't know if I can bare how crushed I'm going to feel if/when Okayu decides to leave.

>> No.4816212

Yeah. It's a real shame. You never actually think of this kind of shit happening. I hope Coco's not feeling too awful.

>> No.4817166


>Seiun Sky just announced for the next day

What the fuck, Cygames?

>> No.4817486
Quoted by: >>4819467 >>4824328

Id rather okayu gone suddenly and mysteriously or just stop posting without an explanation than leave. Quick, painless, and at least we know she was with us until she couldnt be anymore.

>> No.4818914
Quoted by: >>4819650

We're past bump limit so I'm gonna this opportune time to say that Okayu is the first idol and first streamer I have enjoyed and fallen for. I would be beyond devastated to hear her graduate.

>> No.4819467

If someone as kind and thoughtful as Okayu did that, I'd worry to death thinking she got hit by a car or something.

>> No.4819650

I just want them all to be happy man

>> No.4820496
Quoted by: >>4822400



>> No.4822400


>> No.4824057

I love Okayu!!

>> No.4824328

I just hope she leaves a trail before the inevitable happens.
