>> | No.45384917 File: 83 KB, 421x614, 268A8C88-130C-46A2-9D86-A0D06AB71007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>45384392 What made DeS good was the level design, and uniqueness between the archstones. What made DaS good was the exploration, interconnectivity and item placement relative to lore. BB and DaS3 still carry the tradition but are more focused on level design and bosses. Elden Ring has some good bosses but they aren’t as good as DaS3 and BB’s, but has more elements of DeS’, DaS’, and DaS2’s exploration elements and item placement. The lore is amazing if you engage with it, but completely optional which is what makes the games great: you aren’t forced to engage with various aspects of you don’t want to, but you can and it makes for a greater whole experience.