Feeling Blue Edition>What is /lig/?/lig/ is a thread for viewers to find, share, and discuss indie vtubers who have on average 500 viewers or more.>Why /lig/?Large indie vtubers have more net fans, but they are outnumbered by 2views by the thousands. This is a thread for the VIP, regardless of what language they stream on.>Can I shill my 499view oshi here?Considering averages fluctuate widely, all the way down to 100 is reasonable. The minimal requirement however is being Twitch partner or the YouTube equivalent in numbers.Numbers for 3/7:1: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (3,245)2: https://twitch.tv/Rainhoe (2,555)3: https://twitch.tv/BuffPup (2,460)4: https://twitch.tv/onigirien (2,178)5: https://twitch.tv/Trickywi (1,923)6: https://twitch.tv/OkCode (1,629)7: https://twitch.tv/SquChan (1,515)8: https://twitch.tv/fallenshadow (1,444)9: https://twitch.tv/DyaRikku (1,222) *Virtual Tie9: https://twitch.tv/girl_dm_ (1,217) *Virtual TieNon-English:1: https://twitch.tv/jingburger (7,344) *Korean2: https://twitch.tv/gosegugosegu (5,805) *Korean3: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (2,871) *Chinese>Wait isn't that one a corpo?For historical reasons, small companies are fine temporarily as long as they have one talent at 500-ish.>Twitch Clips Guidehttps://pastelink.net/34vd5>VOD Archival Guidehttps://pastebin.com/1i8hF902>Koikatsu cards (SEEEEEEEEEX)https://mega.nz/folder/JYtkXJwL#07gAQCQqI_9FsmX9oQJKSA>Tiermakerhttps://tiermaker.com/create/-lig--unofficial-version-551-maker-maker-embed-tier-list--15161259>/lig/ Chuuba Birthday Calendar (WIP)https://www.canva.com/design/DAE-XgWodVg/ofLz4QC1yPPQ4T6TTAE0fw/edit?utm_content=DAE-XgWodVg>Upcoming Birthdays:March 13th - AmaLeeMarch 31st - NinaApril 2nd - Honey Goblin>Official /lig/ booruhttps://booru.plus/+largeindiesglobal>Ducks(embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) https://www.twitch.tv/dashducks (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed) (embed)Other useful threads:>>>/vt//wvt/>>>/vt//asp/>>>/vt//corpo/>>>/vt//indie/>>>/vt//vsj+/>>>/vt//voms/>>>/vt//vrt/Previous Thread >>44640314
dirt woman
liggers is something wrong with me?
>>44647849was nice to me
>https://twitter.com/LeaflitVT/status/1633663910157996032>That artI'm taking this as direct approval to fap about the slime oyakodon
i put on a clauvio vod and suddenly everything is ok
Beating my meat to Meat's meat
>>44647863That depends entirely on if you are a viewer or a chuuba
>>44647904so true sleepyhead
i am no longer feeling nisei alow violense todey
she did the mating dance
>>44647849I love her!
womp womp
>>44647937oh god i'm gonna guhh
touching my willy to the silly
>>44647866What did she do?
So am I a whore?
>>/vt/thread/S44640314#p44644216I have some bad news for you, me, literally me, the pet schizo, has more connections in LIG than vshojo, I don't have time to sit in every thread making meme posts and clearly I disappear for days at a time to do other shit, choosing vsj to shitpost in is funniest to me because my friends from vsj are insane schizos like me who shitposts there and I find it hilarious, whenever the jannie isn't being a seething NOFUNALLOWED FOR U SPECIFICALLY CUS IM A TURBO STALKER EX-GLOWIE RETARD NAMED MAKOTO, then it's literally nothing but fun!
>>44647937>Makes this pose>Plays "BAYO SEXOOOOO" on the brb
>>44647863Yes, you never stream, Haruka.
>>44647978>Effortlessly getting that lowHaha she really is silly alright
>>44648070If nothing else, this /mig/ger has a very high quality model.
>>44648023>pet schizo is heregod help us
We always judge how pure the girls are now it's time to be judgedhttp://ricepuritytest.com/
>>44648070overwhelming need to lick sternum
>>44647989Made me have a lot of twitter notifications
>>44648161I literally know 100x more LIG's than I know vsj members, anon. 99% of your vtubers had birth in a place I helped seed and get popular.
>>44648161i think this is my fault for joking that he and the other guy should kill each other in the last thread, im genuinely sorry for what ive done to this thread
jets' small yet perky jets...
I love these chuubas and I realized today that they're a perfect dating sim cast
>>44647932Be nise anon is no longer niseIt is over
>>44648197Already did >>44647933
>>44648228you reap what you sow /vrg/ jannie dick sucking nigger, I'm going to follow (YOU) to every thread you inhabit, the same way you stalked me, you fucked up retard, and guess what? All My /lig/ friends will be against you, now, too! You underestimated me... jannie retard!
>>44648053she is extremely impressive.>>4464819725 like i said last thread, but since it was about to die anyway i'll repeat it again. like the guy after me i am on the older side too.
>>44648238>perky happy-go-lucky cheerleader>cute but depressive crazy girl (I can fix her!)>cute wholesome Christian>happy and enthusiastic girl with a broken past (I can fix her)>yandere loli that you think is insane but turns out to be an eldritch slime monster (horror route) (you can't fix her)>cute idol with self esteem issues that tries her best but is broken deep down (I can fix her)You're fucking right, I want to play every route.
>>4464819771t. 30 yo
>>44647863Nah, we're perfect
>>44648302how easy it would be to get close to her heart with so little in the way!
>>44648070Anon please I need to sleep, you can't just post something like that
>>44647937>>44647978She must have been practicing ever since she got rejectedhttps://streamable.com/bl3x5z
>>44648391is she a vampire or something?
>>44648302Jesus Christ
>>44648197Anon this test is pointless unless you're a college freshman and even then it's dated. 32
>>44648014that or a drug addict
>>4464819730, Meat is my oshi
>>44648351Come to think of it I'm kind of surprised there hasn't been an official chuuba dating game. Put a few GFE voice lines in there and people would eat it up
>>4464835597 30 years old
>>44648302She's built like Reviewbrah
>>44648197sex with your oshi
>>44648573we should make a /lig/ one. leave our grape or geega because they'll be absolute cunts about it being "creepy"
>>44648521jesus christ coqui
>>44648593How about some drugs?
>>44648593Go vandalize a trash can and urinate a bus stop right now
>>44648573>>44648647Didn't a chuuba get a short VN made for them as a birthday gift or was that a non-ligger?
>>44648715>urinate a bus stop right nowI don't know anon, that sounds like it would sting a little
>only 30 IPsSchizos kill the /wvt/ backdesk Schizos kill /wvt/ properSchizos kill /lig/
>>44648671>>44648715no thanks
>>44648647Would be neat. Teaching feeling but for broken internet girls
I love my wife! I want to make her smile!
>>44648647I'd would put sex scenes in it so maybe it's for the best it doesn't exist
>>44648776Marimari underscore en got a joke one
>>44648780schizos are very powerful
So it looks like Mel only played Portal 2 with Filian for 30 minutes.
>>44648776Rosemi had a vn
>>44648775Looks like those squats have been paying off
>>44648780a schizo could be in this very thread right now. he could be ANY ONE OF US
https://www.twitch.tv/meat/clip/BoxySteamyKoupreyStoneLightning-NvzZ9s_w3CXNApYmthinking about this clip
>>44648803fluffy tail with pretty bow > pantsu
>>44648792same bro
>>44648780All me and my smart fridges
>>44648503This is all from having one boyfriend and one police raid on my house I didn't do anything wrong, they literally had the wrong house
>>44648799This anon gets the sex scene build and the chuubas aren't allowed to see it
>>44648775shes so good. why is this always the type i fall for.
>>44648780>>44648811It's been like a week things will calm down soon. By Saturday Saruei will far with the mic on or Filian will do a backflip, slip and break her neck so we'll move on to the next topic. /lig/ always sorts itself out
>>44648803I shouldn't have but I ended up smacking.
>>44648817In her defence she did stream for something like 13 hours. Hopefully they'll pick it up again soon, those two work together really well
>>44648907>boyfriendpost boyhole
>>44648882fucking kek, she kinda sounded like Rick Sanchez there
>>44648882God I love that silly lady
mint is obese, and therefore, ugly.
>>44648916meat please. you might fix my penis at this rate.
>>44648919i hope so. all of those things would be hilarious
>>44648937We've all had our moments of weakness anon
>>44648916I believe the single digit score
>>44648907You still with that boyfriend?
who the fuck cares your incel horoscope shit shut up you blogging faggots
I like how Meat pronounces Japanese names in the most burger way possible
>>44649060I must remain pure for my oshi
>>44648780it's 1am
>>44648998real and factual
>>44649089queen of the dirt
>>44649098sad. she wont do the same for you
>>44649105dirt snake
>>44649105My oshi...
>>44649105glunk my beloved
>>44649203this goes hard
>>44649105Love my nigga Gluck
>>44649200Then you are the purest anon in this thread
>>44647937...clip? pls?
>>44648803She stepped on me until I came while we were both drunk as a fuck onceShe committed the sin of not adding me for after-steppies cuddles, I am still seething to this day.
>>44649202I still don't know, is/was this a real video?
>dancing for men on women's dayI love her
I have shot so much seed to grimmi and meat today
>>44649059>You still with that boyfriend?
>>44649202slut_dm_ my beloved
>>44649360>Dancing to citypopO-Oh no
>>44649360I love silly VR dancing so much
>>44649416>>44649360>Stay with MeatShe's too good for us bros.
>>44648197Decided to do a test, and as long as you don't have sex while in a relationship you'll score an 87.
>>44649393batsard cat truly sums us up as a thread.
>>44649355Think about it for more than 2 seconds
>>44649200Good for u, hope you have many happy years ahead.Love, Xoxoxo<3
>>44649156I'm working up the nerve to ask her out
>>44649499I believe in you anon. Unless your oshi is my oshi in which case she's taken (by me)
>>44649489are you implying it couldn't be? because that'd be dumb, it's clearly youtube, I've seen worse thumbnails
>>44649398I'm sure you'll find someone someday.
>>44649533I want to have sex with her
Rekson did the same thing to me, but at least he added me on main down the line! I have been meaning to hit him up or something but I am socially stunted and would rathe click a public world I see has no friends in it than try to talk to a friend, terminally retarded social skills
>>44649060I'm a Leo, and today I have a potent energy for resolving longstanding issues. A well of deep power is waiting to be tapped but I must be wary of splitting my focus to too many projects.
good morning I love my oshi!
>>44649499DO. NOT. WAIT.
>>44649605Go to bed, Filian.
Meats delicious sweaty armpits are reserved for me.
>>44649605I have seen this post before>>44649615anny the fart doko
>>44649541It's an edit, I know because I was the one who posted the original screenshot
>Reading the quote retweets under Shondo's motivational tweethttps://twitter.com/fallenshadow_YT/status/1633675693534871558
>>44649625good morning saffaposter, you're just in time to dance
>>44649631Give me your approach
>>4464819793, how's that?
>>44649499Do it now. I will take her if you won't.
>>44649671Are you me?
>>44649653shhhhh no drama, only dance.
Meat is the cutest
Is there any English speaking chuuba on bilibili?
>>44649751so true oomfie
>>44649633Nah this was right before those 2 were getting closer or whatever, I kinda cucked myself by talking R up to pick up F lmao I thought they'd be better together than me or either of them xD
>>44648771Not shocking at all, Nemu doesn't drink, she doesn't smoke, and she tries not to commit crimes, I would be unworthy of I didn't also live to the same standard.
thanks for dancing bros :)
>>44649105I want to use it as an onahole
>>44649653all these kids about to take a vacation off bird app
I really need to go to bed but it's been nice enjoying the Meat stream with you all. Goodnight lads, keep it comfy
>>44649810She does have a lot of submissive sex, though.
>>44649775>oomfie This triggers my PTSD.
>>44649773i'm FULLY goslinged
>>44649828probably time for me as well, been staying up a bit late for these Meat streams latelynight nincada, night lig
>>44648652Her score low 60s iirc
>>44649812anytime ligga>>44649828goodnight ligga
>>44649862that's cute anon but it's best you move on because she's mine
stupid sexy Furbmeat...
>>44649705if you masturbate a lot and have done so with other people in the room then maybe
>>44649760The closest I've ever seen is a civil war confederate soldier babiniku who covers American folk songs. Doesn't speak English though
>>44648652lol i get it
>>44649478>>44648916>>44648775i have a feeling Meat will be able to hold her own against Oli's twerks. I bet they're going to be drunk and go ass to ass on their trip.
>>44649980VR Oli couldn't come soon enough
>>44649965okay nevermind you are not me
>>44649653I regret that she's just gonna see this and not the soon to be 2k QRTs on the clip some fag posted of her
Someone post another grimmi audio I want to jerk off
>>44649888i made a watchman lora if you want itit's trained on NAI. only trained on 20 pics off google images but it worksespecially nice at 80% weight (<lora:doc-000002:0.8>)https://gofile.io/d/Q8UxGm
my lig friends who are BIG BIG or have friends who are BIG BIG, once i find out, i end up actively avoiding so they dont see me as some weirdo trying to farm clout, should i get over this behavoir? where do i start? im just chilling bros
>>44649968Ah ok. Thanks
>>44650106so you just stop talking to your friends? fucked up oomfie.
>>44650074oh and the trigger word's "docmanhattan"
>>44650106Quickly, use your GPU to make AI generated images of Bat being out of character https://files.catbox.moe/n4khzv.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/khiodx.pnghttps://files.catbox.moe/aama9e.pngPick a favorite
>>44650002She feels sick when using VR and constantly bumps into stuff. Not sure if she has tried taking meds.
>>44649908I wanna have vrchat erp with them i would unmute and moan too and I rarely do thatim horny fuck fuck fuck im horny fuck fuck fuck im horny fuck fuck fuck im horny fuck fuck fuck sjfsklfeaswkfkwffgfe>>44650197thanks im not horny anymore whew what the fuck is this pregnant shit
>>44650233i've got her meds right here *grabs cock*
>>44650181when you put it that way i guess i should work on itmaybe im unaware of how they see me and due to my micro-niche celeb status, im actually known by practically every tuber chuuba and streamer for arbitary retard reasons, maybe they are also afraid to initiate cus im big in their eyes? i used to be better at initiating socials but it went downhill a few times so now i avoid it. like wh-what if they like like me? what if they don't actually like me?????
Good night saru! Hope you had a good day. I'm going to try and make up for yesterday and get a lot of work done today, I'll tell you when you wake up if I managed it. Sleep well!
>>44650197Have you tried ear fucking yet
>>44649908saru has bratty body language
>>44648228I hope you are happy you fucking retard, this is your fault
>Average of 60>Median of 67>Maximum of 97>Minimum of 22
>>44650285No is there a LoRa for it?
>>44650181What's an oomfie?
>>44650318you *pleading face*
>>44650233I remember Coqui was telling her about the ginger pills for nausea, but ultimately its something most people have to deal with at first and eventually can handle
>>44650274you're not jean grey so stop trying to read their minds, just interact with people if you want.
>>44650307>average of 60Bravo Vince
>Yeah at least I don't have a kitchen in my bathroom like some... chefs
>>44650318zoomer for friend, oomfie.
caught between tricky thighs, yuzu in space, and callie wandering the guest house in re7
>>44650327anon i have actual esp and it gets overwhelming sometimes, but im at the point where i dont even think to for example join a friends+, i feel like something bad will happen and im afraid
Any liggers with "toothbrush" videos I need to bust
guys im gonna be real, rekson carries filian and is the only reason shes still relevant, he spurs her to be more creative and is himself the spirit of the stream>>44650379What did you mean by this
>>44650356Oh u
>>44650370if something bad happens you will have to deal with it, simple as that.
That security committee thing earlier today was fuckin scary. Right from the get-go China was very explicitly named and for the next 3 hours it was the absolute top subject of each and every speaker. There was no hesitation to explicitly mention outright warfare with China, something that has not really been okay to say outright at all up until now. Some of the congresspeople 'grilling' the security experts were sounding even more aggressive and belligerent in their words than the fucking CIA itself.But what scared me the most was the persistent reference to 'american citizens' having to learn to 'make sacrifices for and come to accept the realities of what is necessary right now to protect national security ' (im paraphrasing but it was quite similar). Thats an EXTREMELY fucked up thing to say and the implications seem somewhat unprecedented in the modern day for western countries to make. We are walking off a dark cliff here and i have no fucking idea whats coming next.
>>44650356Did she ever explain her reasoning behind the bathroom kitchen? I’m almost tempted to try it myself just to see if she’s onto something
>>44650435wrong tab
>>44650356/unity/ sisters... it's over..
>>44650438I think if I had a huge house I could understand maybe a coffee maker/machine in the bathroom but thats where I draw the line
>my salami lig
>>44650522Bathroom air would ruin coffee by humidity, absolutely bad idea.
>>44650537it ain't gon fit
>>44650570I mean I put like a cup of milk and a tablespoon of sugar in my coffee, it wouldn't matter
>>44650522I'd take a toaster in there haha
>>44650435Don't worry, I have very powerful ESP abilities acknowledged by the CI fucking A itself, and 5 eyes as a whole, I will literally threaten the entire fucking world with pain and suffering beyond imagination if they try ww3 so don't be afraid, just get ready to be a "terrorist" if the government goes awhale, remember the USA's consitution, the declaration of independence, and never lose sight of what makes you an american patriot. one who fought off a corrupt regime and birthed a free world.I have built 10 liquid flouride cooled thorium powered "reactors", I can legally own them for they are all backpack sized tech of my own creation, fusion tech, no license is needed for fusion tech small reactors, only for big fusions and all fissions. this loophole exists because im not supposed to be able to make these as small as i have, but i am literally an autistic savant in mathematics and it wasnt that hard to refine what exists already. i have multiple methods of execution including subdermal implants where if i take it and spit it out after biting it, it will no longer detect living me and set off the reactor i have placed them at 10 integral spots worldwide to cripple the evil powers that be i they ever step out of line, i have multiple other unmentioned fails safes in place where if my life is even threatened it is in the governments best interest to proect me from said threat otherwise risk an end worse than ww3, the only way to stop a fucking world war is to guarantee 100% an end result worse than the war would cause if it starts
>>44650611Carry on I guess but in that case I'd just use instant coffee.
Callie sounds like budget Selen
>>44649641anny is currently seething over the ukraine war so hard she's reading russian propaganda in her own YT comments and getting mad
>>44650691Seek jesus
mint's real voice is really fucking hot
>>44650672What the fuck anon
I'd like to carry her
>>44648197>>44650716even after embelishing the truth a bit, i only got 83.i feel like watching anyone with confirmed scores lower than mine would probably be a negative influence on my life.
>>44650963guess what man, your grandparents have lower scores than you too
I like tricky
>>44650691I've done rotations at psych facilities when I was in school and this poster is exactly like the kind of people you'd find in there.
>>44651019and they are dead. thank god.
>>44651019Filthy degenerates
>>44650897I had a very active high school life. However I think that the list is very dated/doesn't really work for people outside of the US.
>>44650074how do i use this?
>>44651034I believe you
>>44651055It's meant for burger freshmen
>>44651019My grandpa has to live with the horrors of hearing the screams of drunk sailors who wandered off the designated path dying in a minefield in Vietnam.
yuzu is sex incarnate
>>44651058for automatic1111 webUI, put it in your lora models folder (stable-diffusion-webui > model > Lora) and then put <lora:doc-000002:0.8> in the positive prompts list, and "docmanhattan" as the trigger word eg. "docmanhattan glaring disapprovingly at a shank of meat"if you don't have automatic1111 set up, refer to the /g/ stable diffusion thread and check their setup guides. you can find the novelAI model in there too>>>/g/91978072
>>44651034He’s a well known schizo in various boards, some anon dared saying his name and he showed up to do his schtick
callie has been riding on this stereotypical hillbilly accent for the past few hours for lack of anything interesting to say
>>44648023>not virtual youtubershttps://youtu.be/LmiZhv4Uk-ofuck u jannie nigger holy shit im so sick of u leave us the fuck alone u do it for freehttps://youtu.be/LmiZhv4Uk-o>>44651034There's a reason that poster isn't in a psych facility, and the ones you saw are. A legitimate ESPer is an actual threat. A true master of ESP is an ascended buddhavista to help this world achieve golden age
>>44651189>it's real>every single retard post pet schizo has mad now has genuine probably legitimacyWhat the fuck?
>>44651163I hope that anon gets anal cancer, there was no reason to bring that shit here
>>44651189Listen if you are gonna schizo post here at least toss in clips to shylily or someone on topic. I left /vsj/ to get away from the rodent and friends.
>>44651329Vshojo is basically lig with extra steps.
So what's going on in Tricky's stream? Is she being a good whore?
>>44651574yea, lots of thigh
>>44651611Great thighs. Too bad she can't pull this stunt https://youtu.be/lUCGQmPbJ8E
>>44651749Any chuuba that pulls this sex move would get an instant one week vacation. Fuck you, Daddy Bezos.
>callie's heart rate skyrockets when a black man is on the screen?????
>>44651690one can only dream
>>44651796we call that being based around here
>>44651796you see anon, she feels unsafe
where tob
>>44651850I ran a skunk over on my way home from work. it mightve been her
Coqmeat incoming
>>44651796she follows the words of an older eldritch creature
>>44651189>Anon gets deleted for not being vtuber related, jannie assumes hes a lying schizo>Anon posts proof he is not lying, proving relations to /lig/ and /vsj+/>jannie>STILL>rage deletesYou do it for fucking free
>>44651850she is still trying to look up the name of that anime. it'll be a few weeks
>>44651850SlepingHas to get up early tomorrow
>>44651885god I wanna see meat dominate coqui with a fat futa cock so bad
>>44651918this but me instead of coqui
>>44651905>random screenshot>prooflel
>>44651918this but me instead of meat
>>44652009Ignore the schizo
>>44652009unlike the schizo and the shadow people they see in the corner of their vision, ignore them
God I really want to cum inside Shyrei (Squchan)
Huh, just realized that Tricky's RTX model has blonde-ish hair. No wonder she has the blonde toggle. She should stay blonde. It's sexier.
i want to cum on tricky's thighs
>>44652183i want to leave a puddle of cum between her thighs
>>44652183I want a thigh job from tricky but at the last second i go in the pussy and cum
>>44652096It's bottle blonde She has dark natural hair
>>44652224That's evil. You can't just plunge in without warning. You'll probably get like 3 good pumps in before busting and that's not even nearly enough.
>>44652258I know. She should stay like that. The look is clearly superior.
Tricky's egyptian menhera pussy...Imagine the grippy....
Thinking about Grape and her zoomer pussy
Ive been watching anon's exgirlfriend that he doesnt watch, shes pretty good to fall asleep to but why do so many of them use heart monitors for games where theyre sitting
Thinking about filian and the tackle hugs I would get when coming back home after working all-day
>>44652357don't call peepeehead that
>>44652357she doesn't have one anymore she had it surgically closed to prevent surprise pregnancies
>>44652224this but instead of a thighjob its me humping her thighs and instead of going in the pussy last second i fail and cum too early on her pubic hair
>>44652394forgot pic
>>44652394Usually it's for horror games because chat likes seeing how high their heartrate goes when they get scaredI just like it because sometimes they go take a piss and forget to turn it off
>>44652432add some futa ntr and sph afterwards and you got yourself a solid storyline there
>>44652431just means i get to ravage her mouth pussy
>>44652009>screenshot of literal proof of friendship>randomkick rocks, jannie, proof never should have to be shown in the first place, you are not the decider of who is and isnt relevant to the topic, the topic decides this
>>44652496something something numi was a futa the whole time and and has fucked all the whore clan with her girldick but has never had penis penetrate so shes still a virgintricky shoves me off her and fucks numi as they berate me and my sexual incompetence something like that?
>>44652664give one more of them a dick
>>44652702well technically speaking yuzu is another with a dick, does that count or do you want another whore clan to have a dick if so who
how long as coqui been on meat's stream?
>hickory dickory dock>some chick was sucking my cock>the clock struck 2>I dumped my good>and dropped that bitch off at the next block
>>44652035>>44652061>jannie abuse>then this schizophenic gibberishthe janitor is a fucking schizo
>>44652832about a minute
>>44652423hi rekson
>>44652890hey filian, miss you
>>44652857okay schizo
Numbers for 3/8:1: https://twitch.tv/vedal987 (7,114)2: https://twitch.tv/Shylily (4,615)3: https://twitch.tv/filian (3,614)4: https://twitch.tv/snuffy (2,698)5: https://twitch.tv/onigirien (2,120)6: https://twitch.tv/chibidoki (1,843)7: https://twitch.tv/baoo (1,683)8: https://twitch.tv/Rainhoe (1,585)9: https://twitch.tv/JuniperActias (1,445)10: https://twitch.tv/OkCode (1,401)Non-English:1: https://twitch.tv/viichan6 (7,028) *Korean2: https://twitch.tv/cotton__123 (5,726) *Korean3: https://twitch.tv/KSPKSP (2,725) *ChineseNotes:>Geega missed the top 10 by 23 CCV with an average of 1,378>Vedal dev stream buff (???), also apparently Snuffy raided at one point but StreamsCharts didn't record the event and I don't think it ended up impacting the average that much
>>44652529dont forget butthole pussy
>>44652857>>44652973Deleting a post doesn't stop this from being realim a /lig/ myself btw you cuck jannie, you do it for free you control freak loser
>>44653058oh liggerman you are so lol
>>44652394>>44652461What's her channel name? I have her channel bookmarked but forget her name.
>>44653058I don't get it
>>44653168ligma balls lmao
>>44653169Thanks bro. I needed someone to fall asleep to.
>>44653210is it cause she is so boring?
>>44653257god i'm in love with her (meat)
>>44653016I think it was more of a "streaming at non-shit hours" buff
I went to sleep hoping to wake up to a Filian vod but its goneWhat happened?
>>44653265she's pretty relaxed like limes you don't need to worry about loud yelling much but yeah she's a little boring
>>44653344she masturbated on stream
>>44653344she called bao a cunt after reenacting the senz incident in detail
>>44653344well the bao side of the collab is still up
>>44653344she came really fucking hard after ramming her pussy with a dinosaur toy, you should've seen it the spasms were insane
>>44653358i see thats not too bad I guess. I wasnt trying to be rude I just dont know anything about her
>>44653296Also a "telling the fucking audience what's the plan for the future without having to go through discord logs buff" Exciting stuff for gymbags soon, voice upgrades, among us, vedal going full time , model debut
>>44653344did a backflip and landed on her neck
callie is putting me to sleep. i wish that dumb bitch tobs would stream
>>44653344There was copyrighted music, Filian said Twitch will auto unpublish VODs if that's the case. She said she was gonna put it back up.
what should I jerk off to bros
>>44653458also her refusal to do the bare minimum in combat by blocking attacks is artificially prolonging the game
>>44653479It's already back up
>Coqui and Meat going to a VRchat world for hand holdingAdorable
I fucking love twintails
>>44653509She's such a hard worker.
>>44653507who are you
>mako posting voice training progress clips on twitteryou fuckers bullied her into this... thank you the ara ara made me hard
>>44653484Squ's ass
>>44653514Twintails is the absolute best. They're cute and sexy at the same time.
>>44653533all vtubers should be bullied into improving
>>44653549I can probably do it to the version with a cock if I put some effort into it
>>44653513god i wish i was coqui right now
>>44653526She won't be going to sleep for like another hour so it makes sense
>>44653567pregnant women are so sexy
>>44653580>anons call mako's voice bad>she starts taking lessons and practicing>https://voca.ro/1oFfT2527nvMSo bullying does seem to work sometimes
nice bird
>>44653705always has always will
>>44653705mad that
meat is shooting children
Late night Toalux stream
I Love Filian. This is my Eighty second ever attempt at making OC of her. Started learning to draw exactly 7 months ago, been a great journey so far. Hope my works bring a smile to people from time to time, thanks for all the feedback anons.If you never made OC of your Oshi, just try, it's very rewarding. I hope to one day be able to produce OC as Based as Filian.
Has Filian mentioned Layna at all lately? I fear she forgot about her...
>>44653984she called her recently on stream to cheer up sick layna.
>>44651843Unsafe, or horny?Based, or blacked?We may never know.
>>44648197i hate this meme so much, fuck off goddamn surveyposting normalfaggot
>>44654021You mean that time she made a bit about blocking her on twitter if she doesn't call her or was there something more recent ?
>>44653769>Coqui in the backgroundkek
>>44652930are you guys mono or is it okay if we masturbate together uhh asking for a friend
Filian is going to get railed in Austin
>>44653984Filian going to Austin in a few weeks. OTK sisters!!
>>44654104>>44654206Stop whining you little bitch
>>44654206can we send cockui and roastmeat posts to /soc/ too?
Filian's irl stream on an Austin stream is inevitable
filian is doom streaming about VTubing limiting her and wants to go IRL - again
so sick of the fucking rice meme
callie is burning out
>>44654305Yes we saw your last two posts bitch
>>44654206>>44654305>>44654104>Complaining about posts that stopped over 3 hours agoMan this is a special kind of autism
>>44654389gonna cry about it?
>>44654400No not really, I'm just going to call you a retard autist and go to bed. Have a good night everyone!
>>44654104>>44654206>>44654305>>44654400same niggerfaggot
>>44654323instantly got complacent upon getting partner
>>44654430uhmm sweaty thats a no no word
>>44654430Not hard to figure out
this level of bait biting says a lot about the kind of tourist who posts rice purity test
filian is numberfagging hard tonight. Geez, girl needs to do some sponsor streams.
what is this retard spending her money on if $13k a month is only paying the rent and taxes, she's out of touch with reality already
>>44654542she doesn't live in a shit hole unlike anon
>>44654542She said she makes enough, not that she makes enough to cover expenses,clean your ears
>>44654542I'm worried, too, anon. A lot of streamers for some reason act this way. I'm tempted to ask what her rent is currently sitting at, emergency fund, and monthly expenditure.
>>44654542>$13k a month is only paying the rent and taxesSo she lived in California
>>44654542She said she can cover them, not that it only covers them.
Filian sounds even sadder than feemsh right now :(
>>44654693that's every alt stream
>>44654265Does Fillian have any love for vtubing or is she just doing it because she's a failed IRL streamer?
>>44654693Streamer brainrot is real. They're never satisfied.Also, filian is very competitive and it's getting the best of her.
>>44654715She never planned on becoming a VTuber or a streamer. She just fell into it.
How long does it take for a vod to show up in Past Broadcasts on Twitch?
newfaggotry afoot
>>44654786yea these purity score tourists need to go back
>>44654715She doesn't want to show her face but at the same time she feels trapped by being vtuber only. It's a medium that helps her be anonymoose but at the same time limits her content. She said if she could she would never do IRL stuff
glasses meat is dangerous
>>44654809Meat is shaking her sausage on stream.
page 10 btw bakers please
>>44654869I'll get it
filian is obsessed with irl...as a vtuber...
>>44654886her dreams are too great for the limitations of a vtuber
>>44654886she is chasing the dragon. the high she gets when doing something and people like it is hard to replicate. she thinks that doing IRL will give her more of that.
>Filian wants to wrestle in a pool filled with peanut butter.
>mizkif pool wrestling is ideal contentshe really is trying to pander to 12 year olds
>>44654968Literally lick the peanut butter off her tummy
>>44654968>Layna has entered the chat
Filian wrestling Layna in a peanubutter filled kiddie pool
>>44654968I am sold on her IRL streams now, especially if she tangles with a big titted girl in that polo.
>>44654993Layna would destroy her no doubt
>>44654975she wants to have fun m8. and she's early to mid 20s
>>44654323I don't think i have seen her take a day off from streaming for a few weeks now, but I hope she does. Too much is a good way to get true burn out.
>>44654886>>44654967>>44654952Well remember being a vtuber wasn't her original plan, she was just someone who fucked around in VR and stumbled ass first into the Vtuber community. Publicly she's been open to it but it sounds like she's a little antsy because she might feel pigeon holed
>>44654952nothing's stopping her from fleshing. giri and kson already fleshtube and they're fine
she wants to mud wrestle Layna. Please make this happen.
I'm not a smacker but if Filian mud wrestles Layna then I'm not responsible for what happens next.
Filian is that guy yelling "Hold me back" when nobody is holding them back.
Filians content is YLYL, dating shows, eye tracker chalanges, and jumping in VR. It's not like she's a la creatividad who's rubbing against the limits of what vtubing can do
>>44655126watch the stream dumb nigger
>>44655011hi callie
>>44655185Why would I watch her watching an Otk stream
>>44655257stop talking when you don't know her plans dumbfuck.