Youtube: VODs: English -Myth- Gawr Gura 1/7 Complete Figure(Pre-order) Gura 4 Million Subscribers Celebration Thread: >>44187063
All me
>>OPThat shrimp between her legs? That was me.
I love my wife so much!!
me attacking her cunny
Gura cute Gura cute!
me and my clones gangbanging gura
all me dogpiling her
Shork died...
Gura covered in ebi's. That's how it should be.
Cirno's Perfect Math coming up
>>44210412Nah, it's just happening in the VR space. They just shoot 3d objects at her through the program.
>giant mass of shirmps crowding herthis was scripted
man those shrimps were getting everywhere
I forgive the guy who came up with the math segment now
>>44210729>>44210734>>44210742>>44210744FUCK I MISSED IT I WAS TABBED OUT
That shrimp? Me.
She really wasted 10 minuted of her once in a lifetime 3D debut with bad math and no live action section showing off the actual 3D model? I have no idea why she thought this was a good idea
My oshi is dumb! DUMB!
She never got the equation...
Fauna no!
she did a senzawa bit and the thread died at that exact moment so none of the posts reacted to it
that nigger Kanauru has had his paws all over this
>can't even fill out an hour
merch time
>>44210770me on the right.
>mushroom adWait that was from animal crossing right?
Sex with a fembud.
That's it?THATS IT?!
Gura is real a bimbo...
>>OPunironically the worst 3d ever
>>44210984Yes, when she was remodeling her home with the gnomes
Ebis gangbanging her to correct her math skills and discipline herTHOUSANDS OF EBIS CUMMING ALL OVER THE BRATTY SHARK CUNNY
Attacked by a giga-shrimp!
That is me BTW.
That's me
It's me!!
her little shrieks omfg
Yeah! Me!
Place your bets, foks: Whose in the shrimp suit
yeah, me about to rape the audience
>>44211282YEAH ME
Oh good lord the art that's gonna be generated from swol ebi...
>>44211079sure catalognigger
shill time
I guess I'd use that
I don't know if anyone capped it when I said it but >3 songs, new merch, and no schedule
>>44211282um me
>>44211289fatto catto
I miss Gura
Neat, now all 3 female chumbuds can buy some merch
>>44211282Yeah that was me.
Other than the math bit dragging on WAY too long, this was very kino
Gura doing the random keks she always loved doing, even back in her PL, and I'm glad seeing her do all these random shit again
>Ends with getting chased by a big muscly shrimp-manWHY IS SHE ALWAYS LIKE THIS
All I can say is that I fucking love her more than anything
10/10. Didn’t even need an hour. This is why she is better.
We won.
that was underwhelming aside from the songs
>Viewers like youDoes that mean kanauru
Need me a hamburger
>>44211387>schedulehow retarded are you?
I enjoyed every single bit aside from none of it being live, kinda weird tbdesu
God that was so gooooood!
You're not REALLY gonna buy a purse to support your wife, right?I am
>>44211450there's 4 of them. Rindo, Fauna, Okayu, Kikeghost.
She already had Gura set a purse aside for her
Yagoo mocaped the correction shrimp at the end!
I may be a man but I will use that Gura bag with pride.To be unashamed in using such an item in public is a true showing of your masculinity.
>>44211493honestly, I still laughed every time she got hit in the head by me
>>44211088>>44211091>>44211106>>44211121>>44211144>>44211153>>44211165>>44211166>>44211175>>44211180>>44211202>>44211207>>44211229>>44211234>>44211238>>44211246>>44211274>>44211304>>44211322All me.
SharkNatureOwlTakoThe rest of myth just don't even care.
Gotta say...I love the shark but compared to Ina and Kiara's 3D showcase this was pretty bad.She's really done isn't she
That math thing was waaaaay too long. She could have done 2 more songs. ALL THIS IS WHY SHE COULDNT STREAM? REALLY? LOL
Most kino showcase so far tbdesu. Felt like one of the JP programs
>>44211601Imagine not being a fembudfaggot
It feels like she was out of creative juices. 3 skits that dragged on for too long and a fuckton of clips animated by kanauru.When does all the Kino Gura is prepping and recording for finally show up, man?
>>44211601No, sorry gura
>>44211601You bet I am!
>>44211601There's too much merch in a short amount of time for me...
So what are these 'membership wallpapers' I've heard of and have they leaked?
>>44211282'Twas I. That was the results of my push-ups. I dragged Gura back to my cave.
>>44211601Im gonna buy one and keep it in the packaging So I can give it to me and Gura's daughter one day
did anyone get a screenshot of the shrimp right in her cunny?
Kino as fuck
Holy crap that was fun holy shit I love her. And the giga shrimp? Me.
>>44211612Don't forget Yuko
>>44211493Agreed. I can't imagine how much time it took to do that many skits.
math shrimps scary
>>44211601Yeah, I'm going to buy two. One for me and one for the tulpa of Gura that I have created in my mind.
We've got the Gura bag. Show ended shorter than the others by about 4 minutes to get to 1 hour. I really enjoyed the show. The only thing I might've missed was having a special guest do the singing portion in a collab.
Chumchad status?
Thoughts on the live? I loved it.
So uh, anyone know why most of her stream was already pre-rendered instead of live? Supposed to be a 3D showcase yet was barely on the screen for most of the stream.
>>44210517Have fun never going to the moon, faggot. I'll stay smug till I die
Holy shit, this woke up some memories from early 2000
S-shut up that's a male purse
Pretty bad and not worth the lack of streams whatsoever.
>>44211440It's okay Anon, you can wear the handbag like a good little faggot you are
>>44211748She's EN, she'll always be second chair, even as #1.
math part was boring and should have been 5 minutes maxvery entertaining otherwise
gura making it easier for the "sex with fembuds" guy to find them
We lost streams for that?
Sorry I crashed the stream there at the end, I just couldn't hold myself back any moreAfter I'm done with Gura I'm gonna have a go at Marine too
>>44211582Health hort. Even if she's having a good day today, no problems, no anxiety, 110% ready to kill, she wouldn't know that in advance and wouldn't risk it. Anyone who isn't retarded knew this would be prerecorded and the angry denials was Oozora Police all over again, it's fine.
Not gonna lie that was fuckin wild, even tho I can only watch it like 12 secs every minute. Will fully watch it later at home
>>44211806this is 1000 IQ playYou aren't a real chumbud if you don't save this for your daughter
>>44211713will probably never happen but would be gigabased
Management did Gura dirty again fuck them. 3D could've been way better than what i just watched.
There's me right up her cunt.
Where was the live singing Gura? This sucked for the most part. No wonder she wasn't excited about it. So this is the reason we got hardly any streams? A fucking purse? LOL
>>44211601I only buy stuff i will actually use so no.
>>44211878probably so she could do more ambitious stuff than the other girls did
>>44211987Fuck man she's so erotic...
>>44211875shooting thick ropes of goom for my daughterwife
>>44211868sex T-T
>>44211869I want hambagah
>>44211854She did all that before though. This 3D felt pure Gura-ness.
>>44211282>>44211289It was Ame
How many of you homos are gonna buy that purse?
>>44211869I like it. The math quiz segment felt dragged out though
>>44211869I thought it was funny. I admire her commitment to the quiz bit, but it went on too long. I think she should have done an extra song or two. Still my favorite of the 3Ds
>>44211742>t. predator femcel
>/hlg/ liked the 3d stream more than /hlgg/ and /ggg/ what went wrong?
>>44211601Gonna buy it then borrow (steal) one of the baristas from my local coffee shop and let (make) her use it.
>>44211826Ooooooooh, kikeghost, now I get it
I've been away for a few weeks, did something happen to the gawrchive?
Me btw
>>44211748Kanauru fans got a better show than Gura fans. This was a disaster.
I loved it, but we lost so many streams and got so much absence for this? I really fucking hope we get more streams now
>>44211868I NEED to manhandle her tiny body oh my god
The math section dragged on for too long in my opinion, but over all it was an amazing showcase. I had lots of fun.
I kind of wish she sung more. The math one was okay.
Glorious, very reminiscent of the old school Holo 3Ds. I fucking kneel Gura.
>>44211713Literally all of them (and IRyS and kiara) are the only ENs still worth it
Lots of very fun segments and holy shit she was mega bratty and cunny. So many moments I can't even name them all of her being a total samegaki and teasing us.At least she got corrected and disciplined by an ebi gangbang at the end
>>44212161Me between her legs.
>>44211601Aside from figures, and acrylics, I only buy stuff I can use so, nah. It's gonna be a pass for me. I don't use purses.
>>44212133it was shit aside from the actual live guests and songs
>>44211875We just can't stop winning bros
>>44212028Weren't you complaining at every other 3D girl showcase regardless.
>>44211869I loved most of it but both the quiz part and the math part were dragged out for too long.
>>44211601Slightly upset it's not the purse from her Catshark outfit but I'll still use it.
>>44212133Because it was mostly in Japanese.
>>44212133sure tourist, sure
>>44211878What better to showcase all the fun things you can do with 3D than a huge variety of wacky skits?I want to rewatch it already but I need sleep
>>44212133We loved it. Disregard shitters.
do you see what I see
>>44211987>>44212023She needed a lot of correction after that bad math.
Are people really calling this kino? If she had replaced the math portion with more songs or an actual live chat interaction section properly showing off the 3D model sure but that math section really sucked.
>>44212133theres more antis on /vt/ nowadays so it makes sense
>>44211895Believe what you want. I genuinely think Ina and Kiara put on better shows. Not what I expected from Gura, especially after her lackluster content schedule lately. I was expecting an absolute banger of a show with possibly a new song.
i loved it, but it wasn't worth the time she spent away imo
>cumbud literally a rapebeastEXPLAIN YOURSELF
>>44212133I liked it but anon come on. You can tell most of those shitposters are here to just shit on the thread.
>>44212158It seems like the anon that made that dropped Gura.
where is the album
>>44211875We won so hard
Me right there
>>44212133Who cares, only my opinion matters because I'm Gura's husband, and I loved it.
>>44212152i merely jest though, i quite respect the RM. Good girl. Not gura obviously, but I wish her nothing but the best. Just hope they don't molet her with their egg shaped jewish penises.
>>44211440this anon is not man enough to wear a handbag
>>44212119Think i might buy it for my sister
shork was cutet.ourist
>>44212133that was a JP 3D showcasealso /ggg/ loved it, outsider tourist monkies are not /ggg/
The math segment could have been shortened a bit, but 10/10 nonetheless.
so she spent 3 months in japan to do maths? was it worth it?
>>44212356i think you had a jew doctor cut your penis inside out and pretend it's a pussy
>>44212028you are really bad at this
>>44211869My only complaint is that I wished it ended with more singing, no wonder she said "you guys already saw my 3D before" she wanted this to not be the usual 3D live
>>44212299No I wasn't. I only care about Gura
I thought it was entertaining. I never would have thought she'd do the Joshiraku ED song
segment with peko & marine was really goodsinging/dancing was really goodmath quiz dragged on too longi wish there were more guests, especially with the songs. where was the rest of myth?
i hope she streams again soon
>>44212023TuT her sweet little cunny!!!!!!!!!
>>44212228me in her cunny btw
>>44211869Meh. Math portion was waaaay too long + she could've sing more songs. The rest was okay-ish, but I wasn't feeling it.
>>44212498>criticism but 10/10 anywayhuh?
I actually teared up from laughing too much. I think it's great
>>44212133Because shitposters moved here from hlg
me on the right
>>44212286yes, yes you can go back to the catalog now
>>44212377Is there an equivalent archive yet, or do I just need to make sure I'm downloading everything myself?
Time to go to bed and sleep soundly. Thank you based shark for the fun showcase. Can't wait to talk to you about it.
>>44212610was worth it for >>44212615
>>44212503What a strange fantasy
how the fuck is she so good at comedy bits like that like what the fuck that was the best showcase in hololive
>>44212553>where was the rest of myth?rrat: Gura recorded this when only she and Ina were in Japan.
i'm so proud of her.
>>44212273So erotic! T u T
Is dino gura a vtuber household name now?
>>44211868holy shit one of us got to literally fuck her cunny TuT
>>44212610I, personally, climbed into Gura's cunny. That alone is what saved it from dropping to a 9
Math is hard and stupid fuck you
>>44212341Exactly. It was okay up until then even if it was all prerecorded but the math thing killed it. Waaaaaay too long. And a fucking purse? Why did she think that was a good idea. I wanted some live fucking singing. I'm actually mad that all of this was the reason we barley got any streams. Her 3D concert back in September was better and she did that from home
>>44212118It wouldn't have felt dragged if Gura answered correctly, ya know...
I loved her singing the Joshiraku ED. I wonder if she knows about this remix.
really liked her songs
>>44211601im going to buy it for my body pillow
>>44212699i mean if you criticize something it can no longer be 10/10. I would give it a 10/10 because I have no criticisms of it, it was literally perfect.
>>44211869>One good song>No songs with others>Dragged out skitsKanauru ads were nice at least
>>44212338Kill yourself faggot, go shill your whore elsewhere.
I hope we get some Four of a Kind art
>>44211601I'm not a purse guy. Perhaps I'll buy the figure instead.
>>44212936i love my didney princess
Vgh, she's so smug. I can't believe that cost cover 1,000,000 yen and 3 months. What a wild show.
3D Gura looks amazing congratulations chumbies
>>44212762>>44212644All me.
>>44212680>Is there an equivalent archive yetNot yet. There is an archive of the archive. The magnet links still work, but new stuff just gets posted in these threads. We don't have anyone yet who makes torrents, so it's only mega links and similar sites.
>>44212757I believe it. The only showcase where the rest of myth didn't show up.Probably only the dancing was recorded recently
>>44212133I liked it. It wasn't the BEST 3d showcase in the world or anything, but it was cute. I don't see why people feel so strongly to talk shit about it lol.
>>44212854your opinion is insignificant
>>44212869she's such a fucking weeb. it's funny. God imagine knowing a girl like that irl... what a treasure.
>>44211868that seems like a genuine reaction of trying to cover herself upi wonder what the recording session was like?
Let me guess, we'll get a tweet from kanauru where he says>Yeah Gura just told me to animate random moments from her clips, it was all up to me to make the choice, hope you guys liked it
>>44211601the purse is a gift to the fembeds, to encourage females
>>44212854Yea pretty much how I feel about it. The songs she did do were good but a lot of this felt phoned in with all the Kanauru 3D and only pekomarine as guests.
>>44212338Nah I'm good. I'm going to enjoy some coffee and play the new Hero's Hour dlc while basking in the afterglow.
>>44211601If it's $20 or less I'll probably buy one just to have it, but not sure I can justify it if it's more than that.
>>44212133because /hlg/ actually watches streams and know the basic formula used in most 3D showcases is tired as fuck at this point. they can appreciate when a holo actually demonstrates creative control; notice most criticisms of the 3D showcase you're seeing now are essentially "it wasn't similar enough to the others"
were those transition skits new? they were really good
>>44212854I'm pissed that this is what we went months without streams for. Sure some of her absence was genuinely health related but a good chunk of it had to be this.
>>44212835based calculators are a thing for this reasonand digital clocks are best clocks hands clocks bad
>>4421291610/10 doesn't mean perfect because then 10/10s wouldn't exist
I'm gonna have to rewatch that a few times to catch everything I think. The whole thing was so good
>>44212615So this is canon now.
>>44212835It's okay Gura, I still love you.
>>44213064Yeah, that's what made it so hot. They way she moved her legs, my lord.
and now we wait for the catalogniggers to leave
>>44213065Actually yeah, he already did tweet something out. Check Twitter.
>>44213122$28$22 shippingI just made that up but it's true
>>44213065The only good bits were the Kanauru animations.
>>44212338>overlapping GuraShe should kill herself on stream
>>44212835maybe for a childuoh!
>>44213065>>44213218>>44213252trying way too hard
>>44202667called it 40 minutes before anyone else noticed
>>44211601Imagine not buying it for use as a toiletries case while detaching the strap for some other purpose.
no way that purse is less than $50
>>44213214god i wish that were me
>>44212936This is what she meant in that tweet...
It was actually better than I expected, I loved all the little skits and actually laughed a bit. And Gooba was as cute as always.It also always brings a smile to my face when I see her playing with her senpais, I'm proud of my daughterwife!
>>44213223Wouldn't be buying it on it's own (Still need the Valentine's Merch, Daki, and probably stuff that will release for Fes) so I'm not worried about the shipping part.
>>44212161I regret to inform you, but that is me.
>>44213214That's my little gremlin.
>That's it?>THAT's the 3D Showcase?!>THAT WAS JUST A BUNCH OF CHEAP SKITS!Legit kidding, chumbos, I laughed 'til my lungs hurt tonight. Your oshi has a way with dumb humor. Have a good one.
Erm, gonna be real with you guys, love shark, but I'm not going to buy a purse that I'm never going to use. The Ina and Kiara ones are practical and anyone use them, but the purse? Eh...
>>44213008Dang, it was nice to have the gawrchive to fall back on if I was a week or two behind. Thanks for the info.
I'm going to rewatch it and goom as many time as I can.
alright here comes the post-stream tranny discord meltdown goodbye fags i wub guwa
I couldn't stop smiling. She was so cute today
>>44213416>It was actually better than I expectedWow you have some low standards.
>everyone already memory holed the room touryeah the segments with only gura except for the singing part were meh
This was honestly one of the most varied and fun 3Dshowcases in hololive
>>44213043oh nywo chumbie is so angwy
>>44213281just like nacho did for holofes
>>44213348> detaching the strap for some other purpose.I suppose I could wrap it around the base of my cock and pull from both ends
So what was the shit with Aqua then
isn't our wife so cute and funny?
>>44213137Its not even the absence for being sick. This is what she did while in Japan and could barely stream. That's what pissed me off. Ina, Kiara and Mori had live fucking singing and all Gura's shit was pre-recorded. Even the thing with Ina Marine and Pekora
>>44213516na you just have shit tastego back already
Isn't the whole point of a 3D debut to show off the 3D model? Is there any other 3D that didn't have a section taking posing requests or displaying the model?
>>44212338Sorry bud, the new Red Vox album is premiering rn
>>44213539was way better then the usual format at least, glad she went with her own ideas
>>44213526I liked the room tour. I'm also one of those with the opinion that the math segment dragged on too long, thought the camera work at the end was top tier.
>>44213526Oh yeah, that happened did didn't it.
>>44213561Nacho is cute
>>44213526>memory holed the room tour wouldn't be the first time
>>44213336He actually did tweet something like that. I'm kinda sick of seeing his stuff in everything.
my wife is so funny
i am johnathan shrimps from /jjj/ thread and as true longtime fan of gawar gora i can saying this 3D Live was terrible bad and travesty to veechuubing
>>44213539How can you say that when we didn't even get Mori asking Gura to do a fortnite dance or something
>>44213655Yeah, I did find that kind of strange.
>>44213655>showing off a model that everyone already knows inside and out for over a year now
I loved it. People complain about the math bit going on for too long, but that's the whole point, it's a goddamn shitpost for fuck's sake
We got more live Gura in the other 3D showcases and chumbies are actually happy with this?Cucked or delusional?
>>44213526The room tour was fucking amazing. She showed me where she keeps her panties.
Who's that lucky shrimp?
Gura and the chumbies happy and enjoying themselves?? I won't stand for this!!!
>Faggots coming in here to seethe>No one cares>Go to catalog to seetheClassic retards, my wife is too powerful.
>>44213526That was my favorite part though
>>44213867ALL ME
>>44213526Kys the math quiz was the best part after the singing
>>44213740>transitionsOH NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOanyway....
>>44213867That's me
>>44213867doumo shrimp desu
>>44213655Gura even told us that we have seen her in 3D before and she didn't seem excited. She knew it was going to be shit
>>44212133I loved it tho?
>>44213784Well she did say it wasn't a 3d debut or anything, it was just a silly 3d segment with some guests.
kanauru's rendering setup is immediately noticeable. the lighting is completely different
>>44213740Visitor here but I'm sick of it, too, if only because he slaps that same oversaturated shitty lighting on everything.
>>44213448It's the good ol' 2000 when internet was wild west and TV wasn't woke af
>>44213713Agreed on all counts. If she had just cut the math one short and put something else is in there it would have been perfect. Oh well, it was still fun.
>>44213448She's genuinely hilarious, with a great sense of humor
>massive autistic meme show intersperced with beautiful singing, exactly how she would've wanted to do it>schizos already melting down>falseflag spam This seems to be happening more and more of late...She cannot, and will not, be stopped.
>>44213137Stop being retarded, most of her work at the studio went into other stuff like upcoming holofes and other 3D bits, lives, recordings and shill stuff. This is only part of it.
>>44213867>>44213917>>44213918>>44213932>>44213933>>44213936>>44213950me and my army of clones
Hold on, she didn't she tweet or talk about using her trident? Weird that we didn't see any of that in the showcase.
>>44213807It was boring and way too long. She could have sang and 1 or 2 prerecorded songs in that time
>>44213740>>44213935>he was in charge of the best partsFucking based. Just give Kanauru free reign to make everything.
>>44213935yeah her transition into sitting on my face
>>44213448It was so good I don't even mind that I'm pretty sure no parts were live. If being prerecorded means she got to have this level of creative freedom and she enjoyed herself then im all for it.
>>44213935Anon these transitions were a healthy chunk of the stream. Obviously i don't expect Gura to hand animate the fucking things but if she didn't even pick them or contribute new voice lines to them..
I quit my job today because I couldn't get Holofes weekend off
>>44214075just wait it out they will be get bored eventually and will be gone in 1 hour tops
>>44214090I'll believe it when I see it.
How were people surprised to see four Guras?We've know there are MANY Guras of many different types for some time.
>>44214059It wasn't bad, it just could have been so much better. She's in Japan and only had pekomarine and a bunch of skits. Where's the new song? Where's the other members? It was underwhelming, but not actually *bad*
>>44213867Holy shit he is literally going in
>>44214146So you get retarded shit like the MV he did? Or hidden niji references? Fuck off. He is overstaying his welcome.
>>44214248you opinion does not matter to me
>>44214126Did you even watch it?
>>44213214still feel like sexualizing this obvious literal child?
>>44214290You're so mad that he was the best part of this stream.
>>44214302Yet you replied. I'm right btw. No reason to even be in Japan for this show
>>44214220those are devil guras though, they're completely different from regular Guras. Until now I don't believe we've seen 4 regular Guras in the same space at once, only cat Guras.
...aren't they all prerecorded?
>>44213807I belly laughed at the math part, but I'm a mathematician by trade.
>>44213813I'm a day 1 member but am really disappointed with this. You get people here who have to say they enjoy everything Gura does or they think they are betraying her or something, it's weird. The September concert was 10x better than this
>>44214346Yes, even more now.
>>44214304I did, I just completely forgot about that part. It started at 4am for me and I'm tired.
>>44214354sure son, sure
>>44214187Based, fuck jobs that don't respect vacation requests.
>>44214364No, so far Gura's has been the only one prerecorded
1st Gura my wife2nd Gura my concubine3rd Gura personal onahole4rd Gura my love
>>44214248You know she was in Japan for mainly Holofes, right? She's on both shows.
You know it's newfags doing this shit because they don't remember this used to be the kind of shit that would occur in 3D debuts. Fuck me the JP segment was better than I expected, kept it simple so everyone could participate without being confused, showed off the model in an original way (though we've already seen it so not too much focus needed there honestly) and it was Hololive focused which is always a plus for me.>>44214379same desu though I'm an engineer rather than a mathematician
>>44214421>The September concert was 10x better than this100%. This show was ok at best. this
>>44214421>>44214504>comparing a concert to a showcaseactualyl retarded lol
>>44214428Chumbie, go to bed
>>44214248I just wish she had done 1 more song even if it wasn't an original, but outside of that I liked it
kids are just like that, they ramble around and play with toys and do inane shit, can't stop moving
How to seegs 4 Guras at once?
>>44214090The work is always going to the next project. It's been a year.I wish, I really fucking wish, I wasn't 1:1 saying what anti niggers have been saying for a year now but surely the good stuff she's recording will manifest eventually, right?The stuff she's excited for? Where is it? The songs that come out she memory holes, the 3ds she undersells. Are you fucking telling me it will be her 2 song at Holofes?
>>44214502Nipple too small.
>>44214543You say that but Kiara had a concert level show for her showcase.
>Gura acted like a brat that needs to be corrected all night>Gura showed her feet>Gura made takamori and iname kiss >Gura showed you her panty drawer>Gura said "I will be naked now">Gura shook her butt at you multiple times>Gura gave you a panty upskirt and got gangbanged by enraged ebis
>>44213895I'm a day 1 member and pissed off that this is why she could barely stream. It was really underwhelming. She couldn't even do live singing like the other girls. Why did she puss out?
That math segment was the worst, ruined the whole thing
>>44213740I'm sick of most of his stuff, but it was fine this time. A little cluttered sometimes, but it was supposed to be, it fit the gimmick. He had cover tardwrangling him so he didn't turn it into outright visual diarrhea like he usually does.
Yo that one shrimp that just WENT FOR IT during the shrimp pile.
>>44214502NiceTail doko?
Speaking of the 3d streams, one last to go, with the leader of Myth:
>>44214636It was incredible. All the skits were amazing too.
>>44214458All of the others had prerecorded parts, none of them have been 100% live
>>44214090You dumb fuck. She's done all that shit from home before and could still stream. Plus we've heard that excuse in the past and it's always "she took all that time off to record that?"
>>44214647Sure you are, dude.
>take a peek at global\>sisters are melting down over the streamJesas, what the fuck is wrong with them?
>>44214631why are you in this thread? back to the catalog, chickennigger
>>44214543Except she didn't actually showcase anything, it wasn't any different than a variety section of a typical hololive main channel video or a long HoloGra
>>44214636God I love her
>>44214651>I'm sick of most of his stuff, but it was fine this time.I agree, I didn't mind it that much this time, but I hate how you can always immediately tell that he was the one who made it.
>>44214679Gura already took all of Kanauru's time. There's no way it will be as good as Gura's.
>>44214631If that was concert level then she was trounced by Mori with Boogie Voxx.
>>44214743no u
>>44214762Ina's was 100% live I believe, I wasn't really counting the transitions as being prerecorded because that part is obvious
>>44214597To quote Marine, "Tentacle".
>>44214636The prophesied cumbud victory is at hand...
>>44214636>Gura said "I will be naked now"wasn't nakedwhy does she always lie to us
>>44214828>you can only like one girlI shit on your inferior way of enjoying streamers
Oh yeah, I'm assuming you already know this, unless you were super high on copium, but it was all pre-recorded:
>>44213740>>44214651Is Kanauru actually a girl or a guy? His avatar looks female.
>>44214631Kiara wanted a concert, Gura probably wanted something different. They’re not all going to be the same
>>44214805i thought we were the ones melting downwhat happened there?
>>44214830>showcasing something everyone already knows inside and out for over a year nowno, what gura did with this showcase was the right call and it was far better then just posing and walking around
Imagine how good the Joshiraku bit would have been if she could have used all her outfits
I'm happy and Gura did a good job. Now I can relax after the anticipation.
>>44214597you don't seeg them they seg you while 3 hold you down
>>44214934Bald guy. I believe there are some videos of him dancing on his twitter.
>>44214921So there are no 4 Guras? Weird.
>>44214636It was the best! But those ebis were all me.
>>44214985yes there is im married to all of them
>>44214921I'm pretty sure the room part was live, given the audio difference
>>44214934Kanauru is a dude. He has some old videos of him dancing in an arcade.
>>44214543I was expecting some live singing at least. Not everything being prerecorded. We have seen prerecorded Gura for 2 fucking years.
>>44214934He's a dude, he even showed his body dancing on his old videos
>>44214919ive tolerated you because your oshi and my oshi get along very well but if you're gonna be a nigger after events like this im gonna have to ask you to leave, kfp
>>44214952This, having it being a rewatchable thing instead of livestream was a good choice
so this is why gura didn't consider the showcase a big deal>>44215012no it wasn't. this was recorded 2 weeks ago when gura and ina met marine from their stories
Nice Kanauru showcase.Can't wait for Gura's next time.
>>44214679not watching your whore, go back to your thread.
>>44214178Nigga it's literally less than 5 min total
>>44214952You can't seriously think seeing her walking around moving and gesturing during a posing section would be worse than sitting in a chair answering math questions?
>>44214981>>44215038Thanks. His Twitter profile pic got me a little confused.
her dream came true buds
>>44214921why bad time slot for prerecorded?
>>44215093yes, yes the catalog is the other way
>>44214944Nonstop shitting on Gura, of course. Like, visceral hatred.
Myth doesn't have a leader, but it does have a poster child
>>44215093ESL retard
>>44215119Forgive him, he got adhd
>>44215129I was laughing for the entire math segment.
>>44214762Ina's was all live, even the singing. She talked about it. Gura couldn't even sing live lol
>>44215054The only one I've ever donated to was Gura, so take that as you'd like
>>44214952>>44215070fuck off im not an adhd zoomer who wants kanaru clip spam
So that was a Kanauru Showcase?
>>44215092The room part anon. Read.
>>44215129if sitting in a chair answering math questions was the only thing, yesbut it wasn'tyou dumbfuck
>>44214944seems like a raid. it will probably get better in a few hours when the discordsisters get bored
>>44215129She did that as well. The whole posing thing with Peko and Marine was all about that. Did you even watch the stream?
That was a whole heck of fun. Goddamn.
>>44210943what bit? I guess I missed it.
>no bloopGet fucked bloopfags, we HATE bloop here
>>44215210You are, look>>44215184
>>44215038Holy shit, the dude actually has some sick moves.So that's how he records some of the dance segments.
>>44215093Keep coping like you always do.
>>44215129Watch the first segment, retard she's literally posing with Pekora and Marine
so le kanauru is their angle? makes it even easier to spot them
>>44215314Honestly should've abused bloop instead of smol gura, she didn't deserver it.
>>44214798I am faggot. You don't have to like everything about something or someone to like them.
The stream in general felt rushed and messy, it had potential but was executed pretty poorlyThe first skit was boring, she barely did anything and was carried by Ina, not really something to start the stream withThe room tour was there, it happenedfirst song was great, I loved it, second was meh and third was a total messI hate to admit that the Kanauru shit was the best part of the streamThe math quiz was pointless, it didn't even need to be 3D, dragged for too long and wasn't fun at allThe shrimo chase was funThe merch shilling at the end felt tactless and distasteful4/10 overall
>>44212375what's this gif from
>>44215415Nah, she was saying fuck you to Waffle for creating those shit 3d models
i liked when gura beat the fuck out of that whore smol gura
What if you see a girl with that Gura purse, what do?
>>44215415Retard, Gura WANTS to be abused.
>>44215469nobody asked
I saw dino 10/10
>>44215443Sure, bud.
>>44215469Be less obvious, shitposter chama
>Gura says Poseidon kicked her to the land>in this showcase, she says Neptune told her never to touch a charging trident?????Which one is it Gura? Greek or Roman?
>>44213575Maybe you could go ahead and wrap it all around your pp like a little fabric cuck cage.
>>44215528>sharts in your general direction
>>44215393>>44215292Are you really comparing a group quiz show with wide camera shots to the way all the other 3D debuts had close ups showing off the poses?>>44215283>>44215186I enjoyed it for the first couple minutes but it ran too long which is weird since Gura is usually really good at knowing when a joke is getting stale
>>44215586Poseidon is her estranged biological fatherNeptune is her adoptive dad
>>44215586same deity, different name
>>44215654This stream will keep on giving...
>>44215586Neptune and Poseidon are the same thing>Neptune (Latin: Neptūnus [nɛpˈtuːnʊs]) is the Roman god of freshwater and the sea[3] in Roman religion. He is the counterpart of the Greek god Poseidon.Didn't you ever take a mythology class in school?
>>44215586>Which one is it Gura? Greek or Roman?I told you she'd come around.
>missed it live because of workI'm about to go postal bros. How was it?
>>44215497Counter-side>>44215586Wait, they are different person?
>>44215654My oshi has noodle legs.
>>44212615BELLY BUTTON
>I spent ungodly amounts of time on this sofa right here could you believe that I bet you could
>>44215764It was great. She was extremely cute and funny.
>>44215764It was meh
>>44215469I liked the other 2 songs more than the first one. But yeah it did feel rushed, she couldn't even fill 1 hour and math segment was far to fucking long. Overall 5/10 for me. Her September concert was a 9/10
>>44215764Like pre 9/11 tv
>>44215764you can tell from all the shitposting that it was great
>>44215764Not as much singing as I hoped, otherwise it was kino. Gura showed off her comedy chops
damn it feels good sharing her sense of comedy and tastes, i had a retarded smile on my face for the entire stream and enjoyed every single bit. i love gura
>>44215709I think you need to take your meds, anon. You're trying too hard and moving your goalposts way too much.
>>44215764Cute AND Funny!
>>44215764was cuteit had a lot of gura's personalitythe ones saying otherwise haven't watched the other showcases
>>44215764Lots of erotic Gura moments. T u T
>>44215709It was never a joke retard. Do you really think she fakes it?
>>44215764prerecorded, but very entertaining.
>>44215764It was about 80% shitpost, but in a good way
>>44215764I wouldn't watch again which usually means it wasn't worth watching idk man everyone's different
>>44215764It was kind of just there
>>44215764Mixed. The songs were good and the room tour was good but everything else felt low effort desu
>>44215764It was Robot chicken but hololive
>>44215654Why is she like this?
>>44215764It was very varied and fun. It is actually up there as one of the most entertaining 3D showcases in hololive
>>44215764The math segment goes on way too long and everything is prerecorded. Even the thing with Ina, Marine and Pekora
>>44215764She was very VERY cute nphd0and somewhat ero!
>>44215528smol gura ryona
>>44215764Funny as hell.
I think you some guys are kind of ignoring the fact that Gura isn't really a show-woman. You want a bombastic 3d show, with prepared segments, constant back to back interaction between the hosts? You got Pekora or Marine. Gura did super well for this showcase, and the segments she came up with were fun. Including the Kanauru ones. If you're going to complain that it wasn't the best 3d showcase of any vtuber, yeah sure whatever. But the chumbuds enjoyed it, the crowd enjoyed it, and the hosts enjoyed it. And quite frankly, that's all that really matters.
I love her
Come on, Cover intern, let me buy the Gura purse already
A fucking purse, lol. Why did she think that was a good idea?
time that the thread dies so catalogniggers go shoo shoo
>>44215764I chummed all over her.
God, seeing her move around in 3d makes me uoh so hard...
I WILL wear it as a fanny pack if I have to
>>44214364>>44214458If it was all pre-recorded, then the reason is because she's still recovering from her treatment for syncope. She was barely given the okay by her doctor to travel to Japan.Imagine how horrible it would have been if she had fainted during her 3D live. They probably didn't want to take any chances of that happening.
>>44216110>>44216111the duality of man
>>44216096do not put so much effort into trying to reason with antis and shitters
>>44216024Posting cunny because T u T
>>44216096>You want a bombastic 3d showYeah mostly because she refused to stream with the excuse of preparing for this and the fes.
>>44216111She wants you to buy the Daki instead, really make me wonder why she didn't wait to announce the Daki on this stream
>>44216110>>44216111IT'S NOT A PURSE
You know, YT always eats my comments if I type something but it won't shadowban me if I post memberstamps. Those show up. Lol
>>44215879Perhaps I am merely upset it didn't live up to my expectations and am mildly aggrieved at the loss of sleep I sacrificed to watch live. She did say to tamper expectations so it's on me for hoping for something more than what we got
Shitposters fear the happy chumbud.
>>44216246Anon, at that size it is a purse. Just accept it.
>>44216202It wouldn't be the first time a vtuber fainted live on stream. (She's narcoleptic)
>>44216202nah, the reason is her crippling stage frighti was worried the whole time that this will be a mess because she can not handle the pressure and will fuck it up i am glad it was prerecorded
>>44216271nigger is this your first 3d showcase / debut? this was pretty much par for the course. the only thing i would've wanted extra was a jp for her to sing with
i like gura but this wasn't iti liked her birthday live/april fools/big brain quiz better
>>44216300Sucks for them. I was happy before Gura and am only happier because of her.
I'm disappointed so much too theres not a single shirako reference
>>44216271Anon, go the fuck to sleep already.
>>44216225oh its you againyou can still kys
You'd think falseflagging tourists would at least TRY to come across as actual chumbies.
>>44215764Last segment went on a little long but everything else was great, I’m really proud of her
>>44216393Nah, I watched several of the JP members and thought all of the HoloX ones were much better done than any in Myth including Gura
>>44216352what's wrong with a purse huh? we've got all of these fags running around sucking each other off and I can't even wear a "purse" (shoulder bag). I'm going to wear my shoulder bag with pride (not that kind of pride)
am i the only one that caught the honest-to-god Bohemian Grove reference? is my shark really this based?
>>44216470She was covered in shrimp shirako instead
>>44216271>She did say to tamper expectationsShe didn't. Stop making shit up
So was there any shark bra that I missed?
At first I was kinda sad that it was all pre-recorded but then I got over it pretty fast. I was enjoying it up until the math segment because it went on for way too long and gura pretending to be stupid always felt cringe to me. Then I see the merch is a purse and she couldn't even fill 1 hour. Then I got pissed that this is why couldn't stream for us when Ina and Kiara did their shit live and could stream. I'll get over it in a couple days but just disappointed right now
>>44216368Jesus Christ.
>>44216542I never said there was anything wrong with it being a purse, just that it is one.
>>44216570not a fan of being called out, huh?
>>44216542Only a true man can wear a purse with pride.A less masculine man will be seen as gay if he should wear one, but a MAN wearing a purse? No less manly than if he didn't.It's all about being confident in your manliness!
>>44216597No, only got belly button this time,
>>44216470>>44216586Kill yourself faggot.
>>44216432the others are debatable but>big brain betterfucking really?
>>44216633If you want to show the thread you're insane, not my place to stop you. GWS
>>44216623>pretending to be stupidyou had me up until thisgo back
i WILL be the last chumbie
>>44216631I'm not being defensive YOU'RE BEING DEFENSIVE!
>>44215764Pretty great. I'd say an 8.5/10. The math section dragged on a bit towards the end and she could have squeezed in another song with the runtime only being 57 mins but she was very bratty and cunny and mesugaki and I want to goom on her
Why couldn't Gura do her showcase live?
>>44216623Gura being shit at math isn't a bit, it's just true, even if she hams it up.
>>44216623>Then I got pissed that this is why couldn't stream for usYou don't know that.
>>44216623nobody asked
>>44211869It was very Gura. I had fun.
>>44216246Its a fucking purse that only women or fags wear.
>>44216757It takes a lot of concentration and energy to split one Gurashark into four Gurasharks.If she did it live, it's possible the four of them would collapse and the show would be ruined.
>>44216676This Chumbie gets it. You just need to OWN that shit when you wear it.
>>44210943was it her or was it kanauru? Because if it was the latter, then that might be not so great.
>>44216368Aw man I freaking love streaming are famous last words regardless
Why the heck did she private the Valentines day video?
>>44216246Look at the size of that thing. It's literally a purse lol. My sister has a bigger purse than the one shown. trying desperately to cover up but no matter how she moves it exposes something else tut
>>44216723You actually believe she doesn't know 9×9 or 8+6 or 17×2+3 Plz tell me you aren't that gullible
>>44216757Busy having sex with Aqua
>>44216368Gura has the same sickness
Gura's 3D LIve is still going and has reached 1.6m even after over 5 months. It's still got legs. Will probably hit 2m this year. And this is with just half the content she wanted to do for it. Imagine a concert with no comprises and all her choice selection of songs and collabs.
>>44216202Is either that or she tried to do something different since her first live was all just singing
>>44216782I don't need people to ask. You replied so thank you
did you guys catch that cheeky chu she gave the ebi in the math section?
>>44216977You underestimate how bad some people are at math.
>>44216973The amount of uphoodie sharkservice we got out of this surprised me, I thought cover wouldn't allow us any fun. Glad to be proven wrong.
>>44216977trying too hard
>>44217105Yeah I was the one she kissed.
>>44217105Yeah, that was me.
honestly the worst part for me was the hamburger song. it was too long and I would have had more fun if it was half as long and they spent that time on more kanauru animations
>>44216623didn't read, I smiled all stream therefore it was great
>>44216781Yes I do fucking know. The other 3 girls had to do shit live which takes way more prep and they streamed a lot more than Gura. She just hates streaming and her fans
uuuh i'm still waiting for the naked segmentwhy is the stream still offline?
Gura only got 57 minutes because Kiara went over the time limit
>>44216977Please tell me that you're SEA
You all signed your waivers, right?You wouldn't miss the chance to get to live the rest of your life in Gura's shrimp tank, right?
I have to admit something to you guys. Unfortunately, there was an incident where yes, I did get a little too excited, and yes, I did break into Cover’s 3D studio and aggressively chase Gawr Gura and her guests before cornering them which resulted in the police having to be called and certain footage needing to be edited out of the 3D showcase. I can assure you I have been reflecting on my actions, thank you for your understanding.
>>44211869The best parts are the ADHD skits and the uoh. Math part is terrifyingly and pointlessly drawn out. Singing is gaslightingly average.Guests? Oh wow let's just put the 2 most popular JP girls on.
>>44217369I wrote this btw
>>44217128They still made her wear spats. If she had her way she'd have Miku panties or be nopan.
>>44217214oh its you againyou can still kys
Tourist finally gone to catalog
>>44217385so close to seeing her tiny little itty bitty booblets...
>>44217269Nope. Burger, day 1 member. But Gura acting like she doesn't know 9×9 or basic elementary math is not funny. I bet it she had a gun to her head she could do it first try
>>44217308this might be the most erotic pose she's ever done
>>44216946current rrats:harry potter talkno permissions to paywall that gamedoesn't want the gifted members that the 3D brought to watch it
>>44217214>I'm totally a chumbud please believe me
>>44217220Just a little longer...
>>44217425It's fine, spats are hot.
>>44217381>gaslightingly averagewhere you you retards come up with this shit?
>>44217445what fucking thread are you looking at mate?
Why is she so bad with song selections for 3D lives?
>>44217484>doesn't want the gifted members that the 3D brought to watch itBased
>>44217427And you can continue to be a yesman and believe the lies
>>44217484Oh yeah that's probably it. It was a game I thought it was a OBS thing
I still can't believe she picked Ai Like HamburgerThey really need an Idolm@ster-style Hololive game, or at least a Gura cameo in Im@s
>>44217517Not to mention the math section terrified him
>>44217571and you can continue to be an obsessed uberschizo psychopath
>>44217517Because when you hear the mediocre singing you almost forget this girl could actually sing.
>>44217491I am. You don't need to like everything about someone or something to be a fan. 100% worship is just creepy
>>44216676Why not just get a backpack then. It's just better.
>>44217571cry more
>>44217557Songs are great you just have a shit tastes
>>44216973Reminds me of that one VR stream where she wasn't aware of the camera angle.
>>44217623you are gaslightingly obvious with your shitposting
>>44217484Anyone have an archive of it then? I know people archive the karaokes but does anyone keep an archive of normal VODS
>>44217557Joshiraku ED and Hamburger were kino.
>>44217500excellent taste
>>44216946shes gonna redo it properly
>>44217557holy shit taste
>>44217749Doing God's work anon
>>44217381>>44217623meds can't save you
>>44217714Check pre-stream thread
>>44217557>badjoshrock alone was a great pick, fuck off
>>44217704If you are find with that kind of singing more power to you. I will go back to my playlist of actual songs she sang.
>>44216676I already have a shoulder bag I carry all my stuff in, I don't a need a smaller purse.
Good night chumbuds! Don't bite baits too much.>>44217714Yeah, someone posted it. Just check the archive. I believe it was a gofile link.
>>44217913learn English
Away with ye!Kimagure Mercy was a good pick and I don't give a fuck about what anybody else thinks. Joshiraku ED though was also really fun, especially with the 4 Guras.
I'm going to buy the purse and give it to a random middle school girl
>>44217913>threadshitter is ESLevery single fucking time lol
>>44215764Last segment dragged a bit, but otherwise really good.
>>44217655Post membership.
>>44218051So much copium.
>>44218028Based actual creep.
>>44218038Me in pic
>>44218028This but to my one of my student
only a chad would wear a man purse with guys are a bunch of pussies if you don't buy it because>"it looks too gurly"men also think pink is a girly color and some men wear it like it's nothing.
>>44217655>100% worship is just creepy>>>/out/