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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 541 KB, 641x866, 23DA32BA-10E6-4B03-A606-DEF49BD66515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4381064 No.4381064 [Reply] [Original]

Sorry in advance if this is the wrong board for this shit, I haven't touched this website in years and I'm surprised enough that "4channel" is now a thing, but let me just jump into it.
Long story short after breaking up with my girlfriend and losing my job I moved back in with my mother and younger brother.
The last time I saw my brother in real life, 3 years ago, he was this happy 13 year old kid with good grades and a girlfriend. He liked anime but whatever so did I at his age.
However now that I see him at 16 it's like he's a different person. My mother is like this helicopter parent and doesn't see anything wrong with him staying inside all day what with Covid on the loose however I see it differently.
First of all his room is trashed, and absolutely littered with posters of this vtuber, Gawr Gura (I had to google how to spell her name after he told me).
It'd be one thing if they were normal posters, but a lot of them are blatantly sexual (the picture I uploaded is basically how some of them look) and you can tell he hasn't had a girl in his room in a very long time because if she saw all of this loli shit you'd know she'd be creeped out. Again mom sees no problem with this says I liked the same Japanese anime stuff at his age.
Secondly I think he's using this girl as a substitute girlfriend. When I jokingly asked him when the last time he had a girl in his room was he just said something along the lines of "dude have you seen western women these days? fuck that shit" so clearly he has no interest in actual girls his age anymore.
Thirdly I worry that he's spending WAY too much money on this girl. I mentioned the posters but that's not all. His laptop that he uses to watch this girl is riddled with stickers of her that say shit like "shrimp" or just pictures of her blushing or making other faces. Clearly he's obsessed so I ask him what the appeal of this girl is and he says "cute things are cute" well yeah no shit. I obviously wasn't satisfied with that as an answer so I ask again and he jokes again saying "I'll send her a super chat asking her to explain it to you". First I ask WTF is a super chat, he explains it, I ask if he's been sending money to this girl and he just laughs refusing to answer. I know he's just a teenager but I don't want him to get sucked into bad spending habits like this.
Another thing I worry about is that he's skipping school to watch this girl. I don't have any hard proof of this but one day I peeked in his room when our mom said he was doing online school and lo and behold he's watching Gawr Gura. I don't know if he just had her in another tab or what but considering how he used to be so focused on school this seems like a change for the worse to me. Also this might just be a Covid thing but he's gained weight and the only time I see him go out is to run to the store. I don't know if he has any real life friends at all now or if they're all just online vtuber buddies of his (he mentioned being in a discord for them once).
Should I confront my mother about this or should I step in as his brother myself? Do I even need to or is this just how teenagers are these days? Any and all advice is appreciated.

>> No.4381084


>> No.4381122
Quoted by: >>4381250 >>4390408

hahaha did not read thats a nice cunny though

>> No.4381125
Quoted by: >>4381250

You had me until the sexual posters
Cool story, mark.

>> No.4381179
Quoted by: >>4381250

kys me

>> No.4381195
File: 537 KB, 4096x2413, 1622314691196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't doxxed me likes this bro!

>> No.4381200


>> No.4381220
Quoted by: >>4381250

Post the full pic or fuck off.

>> No.4381240
Quoted by: >>4381303 >>4381500

Tell him that Gura is really a western woman in her 20s, problem solved.

>> No.4381250
Quoted by: >>4381392 >>4381497

Guys come on I'm being serious.
I just googled "Gawr Gura poster" to illustrate my point sorry.

>> No.4381264

Kinda fake but still ogey.

>> No.4381303
File: 314 KB, 1280x720, 1622167042802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4426617


>> No.4381384

Nice troll. Try harder. Or don't because we don't want trolls anyway.

>> No.4381392
Quoted by: >>4381505

Tell me the issue with the posters, i dont see what's wrong with them being sexual. Also I don't think the issue with with vtubers or weebshit, its with personal responsibility. You can like this type of stuff and not live in a shitty room and waste money.

>> No.4381398
Quoted by: >>4394907

20 words or less nigger, 20 or less

>> No.4381422

stop selfposting your fetish

>> No.4381434
Quoted by: >>4386335 >>4390193

you should be the girlfriend you want your brother to have, bonus points if you dress up like shark

>> No.4381465
File: 18 KB, 200x200, 1622083409493.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4381576 >>4390348


>> No.4381492
Quoted by: >>4381512

If I could spend another thousand years doing nothing but eating takeaway food, drinking soda and watching VTubers I would do it.

>> No.4381497

Talk to him about it, ask what he feels. Say you're a bit worried, but let him talk, try to have a real conversation and try to understand his view too, only then might you be able to form a good mutual understanding where he might start understanding some of your views as well. It's gonna be a slow process and he needs all the support he can get.

>> No.4381500

>western woman in her 20s

>> No.4381502
File: 611 KB, 1449x1206, 1622071983149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based! cunny!

>> No.4381505
Quoted by: >>4381602

>Tell me the issue with the posters, i dont see what's wrong with them being sexual
I guess it's just weird that he sees no problem putting his sexual attraction for this vtuber on display. I worry that it will weird out any real life friends he has if he actually has any. I guess you're right about the personal responsibility bit mostly my worry is that he has no self control.

>> No.4381512


>> No.4381527

old zoomer here. the divide between boys and girls this generation is really big. Girls get all the validation they need online and boys get "love" from anime and shit like that. I would reccomend just taking him outside just you and him, take him fishing or something and talk to him. Don't force a conversation obviously and don't pry either just try to milk out a conversation about this situation. Good luck.

>> No.4381536

sry didn't read completely but you should definitely consult a psychiatrist. How can you intervene between pure love? Fix your brain.

>> No.4381561

>dude have you seen western women these days? fuck that shit
Your brother is lost forever due to browsing twitter and Discord too much, you won't have him back, there's a chance he's browsing this board and surely fap every day to Gawr Gura. It's therapy or suicide for when she graduates.

>> No.4381576

Go back

>> No.4381602
Quoted by: >>4408976

If they cant handle a poster then that's their issue. Your brother need to clean his room, lift the heaviest thing he can multiple times a day and learn fiscal responsibility

>> No.4381655
File: 375 KB, 576x576, 1621881189320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4401306 >>4410645

>he thinks he can convince his brother to stop watching gura
Tell me how too

>> No.4381669
File: 435 KB, 431x471, 1620417542947.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4381709 >>4414274


This story is fake as fuck but if it was real, I'd tell
that you're obviously just being a nosy busybody to compensate for the fact that you lost your gf and job and had to move back in with your family. Now you feel like a freeloader so you feel the best way to deal with that is try to become another parent for your little brother. The only actual potential problem is if he's spending your mom's money on superchats, so make sure that's not happening

tl;dr stop being that weird onii-chan

>> No.4381689

>"dude have you seen western women these days? fuck that shit
You're on the wrong board, by the way. Everyone here is mentally ill. Try asking here >>>/qa/catalog

>> No.4381709

t. coping little brother

>> No.4381859

Lol just let him whack it to his waifu in peace who gives a fuck

>> No.4381865

Teach him the way of brotherly love, then you & your brother can watch cunny shark together

>> No.4381944
File: 208 KB, 792x410, tldr_lets_gosoundhttps3A2F2Ffiles.catbox.moe2Ffr5c5c.ogg_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4381949

>The posters
If he keeps it in private nothing wrong with that, it’s like a porn stash
>Interaction with girls
Some boys just aren’t interested in dating, although the “western women” thingy is kinda weird
>Obsession with the Vtuber
I’ll put it simple, he has a waifu; the difference would be that Vtubers are actual people behind an avatar that mostly play a character but otherwise they are streamers with an anime face. He’s invested in the character
Okay, this may be an actual concern. Making a comparison again, this is like buying Fortnite bucks, so be careful he’s not spending too much
>Other points
I would say he’s a japanese otaku

To resume, if he is merely into Vtubers and he wants to be open about it, let him be, fuck other people opinions. But, if this comes at the costs of other aspects of his life and idolizes Gura, then you should talk about it

>> No.4381989


>> No.4381999

Fake, but on the off-case chance it's not, step in immediately. If you don't, he's going to end up like one of us, shitposting his days away until his inevitable death with no real accomplishments throughout his life.

>> No.4382005

Have sex with your brother while he watched cunny tubers. It's the only way.

>> No.4382077
Quoted by: >>4399618

Is this, as the kids call it, "the average Chumbud"?

>> No.4382121

>What the appeal of this girl is?
>"Cute things are cute"
It's even funnier in-depth, because some autistic near schizo audiophile anon actually made a VERY DEEP analysis of Gura's voice all the way up to the composition of her soundwaves and other more complicated stuff and he discovered that, from all the other Hololive VTubers and several others, Gura is the only one with a voice which (for probably genetical reasons) generates some of the frequencies made by infants/babies and kids to perfection naturally, which triggers the "protect" and "pay attention" instinct humans have encrypted on their behavioral responses (DNA stuff) to raise kids and protect the young, thus not only is she a cute VTuber with amazing singing skills but her actual voice makes people turn around and watch or follow her closely for prolonged periods of time and feel the need to associate with her BECAUSE OF EVOLUTIVE REASONS, Gura is the closest you can get to a RL Siren which is even funnier when you remember her character gimmick, a humanoid with shark traits who therefore, is associated with the sea and lore-wise, lived underwater.
>MFW "Chumbuds being hypnotized by Gura's voice" was not a meme now that I think of it.

>> No.4382136
File: 716 KB, 900x517, 36234DF2-2C71-4123-A212-C67170851D18.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could convince him better by understanding why he likes it. If you understand the appeal you should be able to empathize better and help him manage his hobby better.

So you should watch Gawr Gura too. Or watch a better vtuber like Takanashi Kiara! Pic related.

>> No.4382182
Quoted by: >>4432500

My reasoning for watching Gura is, that she is cute, and I just really want to fuck someone who look and acts mentally like an 8 year old. But isn't.

>> No.4382210
Quoted by: >>4382448 >>4385011

No shot. fucking based. Is there a link or screencap?

>> No.4382244

Is he sexually attractive or at least average? If so, he *is* ruining his life and you should step in. Otherwise, just be honest with him: he needs to cope somehow, but simping for vtubers is too addictive. I recommend dating sims, since he seems to be into 2D.

>> No.4382448

No, if I remember correctly, the analysis was posted via images and the regular 4Chan reply/post feature, can't remember the post number either.

>> No.4382709

>dude have you seen western women these days? fuck that shit

>> No.4383028
Quoted by: >>4384117

The only way forward is for you to become a vtuber that your brother is sexually attracted to, then you can give him back his superchat money he simps to you as an allowance.

>> No.4383106

Tell him that she will
disappear from this world soon and that you're better off spending time with a western woman

>> No.4383235
Quoted by: >>4383354

>People are actually replying to this bait

>> No.4383240

Light his room on fire, that will get his attention.

>> No.4383259

Step in and buy him a cunny dakimakura of her

>> No.4383277

Tell him he has shit taste and give him a lewd poster of the real best EN girl, Ninomae Ina'nis.

>> No.4383306

A true cunniseur

>> No.4383348

This explains so fucking much.

>> No.4383354

At least its somewhat funny bait and not one of the numberfag or /u/schizo threads

>> No.4383923
File: 1.22 MB, 850x1204, Nene knows your personal information.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4384051

>go to the archive
>find shark doxx
>Jesus that's way more than I have saved
>now younger brother is now out of the illusion or doubles down in it

>> No.4383926

Involve your brother in your own social circle, because he has none. This will require activities that are appealing enough to compete for his attention until he develops some social connection outside the home. Vtubers are dangerous for a developing mind, you get all the chemical reward of friendship with none of the emotional risk. Good luck.

>> No.4383988

Tell me where he got that wallscroll, I want one.

>> No.4384051

The latter is inevitable, knowing about elf-chan just makes it better.

>> No.4384109

tell him gura is cringe

>> No.4384117

>Becoming your brother's waifu to save him from vtubers
Surely there is a doujin with this plot already

>> No.4384935
Quoted by: >>4426425

take him to a prostitute

once a virgin has tasted sex, his body can't go back to just his hand, and he won't be satisfied with vtubers anymore

>> No.4385011
Quoted by: >>4385325 >>4425165

An anon posted this yesterday in another thread. Can't say I'm satisfied with the science behind it, but it does provide a convenient explanation on why Gura has become this popular this quick.

>> No.4385036
File: 96 KB, 640x700, illness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You might as well be on a board of crack addicts asking how to help your brother quit cocaine.

>> No.4385215
Quoted by: >>4413378 >>4425306

>Gura is the only one with a voice which (for probably genetical reasons) generates some of the frequencies made by infants/babies and kids to perfection naturally, which triggers the "protect" and "pay attention" instinct humans have encrypted on their behavioral responses (DNA stuff) to raise kids and protect the young

Then why do I want to smush her smug little body down with my morbidly-obese mass and mating press my tadpoles into her sharktank until she's full of little pups?

>> No.4385286

He's in his xxxDarkSephiroth phase, you'll both laugh about it in 10 years

>> No.4385325

>Hypnotizing harmonics
>Perfect Tempo
>Amazing voice
>Incredible singing skills
>High emotional intelligence
Siren Shark...

>> No.4385338
File: 41 KB, 508x539, (you).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

7/10, you've earned it at least

>> No.4385510
Quoted by: >>4385646

Is the average vtuber fan mentally disabled?(Asperger's, autism, etc), or kids? I've seen so many fucking weird pictures. And in the room review, there was one room I'd classify as a functional adult. The rest were shitty rooms that looked like they were either kids, or lived in the slums.

>> No.4385646

Nah, that's your average 21st century young adult room.

>> No.4385923

Sounds based. Can't wait to shitpost with him in 2 years.

>> No.4386335


>> No.4386396

Post room pics

>> No.4386432


>> No.4386554

You are a faggot and your brother is based

>> No.4386875
File: 52 KB, 487x630, images - 2021-02-27T012353.573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry in advance if this is the wrong board for this shit, I haven't touched this website in years and I'm surprised enough that "4channel" is now a thing, but let me just jump into it.
Long story short after breaking up with my girlfriend and losing my job I moved back in with my mother and younger brother.
The last time I saw my brother in real life, 3 years ago, he was this happy 13 year old kid with good grades and a girlfriend. He liked anime but whatever so did I at his age.
However now that I see him at 16 it's like he's a different person. My mother is like this helicopter parent and doesn't see anything wrong with him staying inside all day what with Covid on the loose however I see it differently.
First of all his room is trashed, and absolutely littered with posters of this vtuber, Gawr Gura (I had to google how to spell her name after he told me).
It'd be one thing if they were normal posters, but a lot of them are blatantly sexual (the picture I uploaded is basically how some of them look) and you can tell he hasn't had a girl in his room in a very long time because if she saw all of this loli shit you'd know she'd be creeped out. Again mom sees no problem with this says I liked the same Japanese anime stuff at his age.
Secondly I think he's using this girl as a substitute girlfriend. When I jokingly asked him when the last time he had a girl in his room was he just said something along the lines of "dude have you seen western women these days? fuck that shit" so clearly he has no interest in actual girls his age anymore.
Thirdly I worry that he's spending WAY too much money on this girl. I mentioned the posters but that's not all. His laptop that he uses to watch this girl is riddled with stickers of her that say shit like "shrimp" or just pictures of her blushing or making other faces. Clearly he's obsessed so I ask him what the appeal of this girl is and he says "cute things are cute" well yeah no shit. I obviously wasn't satisfied with that as an answer so I ask again and he jokes again saying "I'll send her a super chat asking her to explain it to you". First I ask WTF is a super chat, he explains it, I ask if he's been sending money to this girl and he just laughs refusing to answer. I know he's just a teenager but I don't want him to get sucked into bad spending habits like this.
Another thing I worry about is that he's skipping school to watch this girl. I don't have any hard proof of this but one day I peeked in his room when our mom said he was doing online school and lo and behold he's watching Gawr Gura. I don't know if he just had her in another tab or what but considering how he used to be so focused on school this seems like a change for the worse to me. Also this might just be a Covid thing but he's gained weight and the only time I see him go out is to run to the store. I don't know if he has any real life friends at all now or if they're all just online vtuber buddies of his (he mentioned being in a discord for them once).
Should I confront my mother about this or should I step in as his brother myself? Do I even need to or is this just how teenagers are these days? Any and all advice is appreciated.

>> No.4386888
Quoted by: >>4387335

This a copypasta?

>> No.4386983
File: 182 KB, 416x362, 1618492341895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4410737

>you can tell he hasn't had a girl in his room in a very long time because if she saw all of this loli shit you'd know she'd be creeped out
the main problem here is with girls and western civilization in general being creeped out by cute and funny posters

> "dude have you seen western women these days? fuck that shit"

>> No.4387335

It is now.

>> No.4387579

The main problem is that your brother would most likely not want to be helped, which is the first and largest hurdle. If you want to spare yourself the frustration, you could simply leave him be and watch him slowly fall apart as a young adult. But of course thats not what you want. Unfortunately, he's 16 and is at one the most stubborn parts of teen years, and will be reluctant to change. Especially with his "Western women are trash" mentality (While mostly true, if you know which red flags to identify, you can easily avoid all the bad western women).
I am honestly not sure what advice I can give. Like the other anon said, you can invite him out to go do cool things, and hope he's receptive.
Or the other anon who suggested dropping all the doxx on him and hope he becomes disgusted by it (like a fair amount of western women, gura had shown several signs of having an eating disorder, and also lives like a complete fucking slob).
Hearing about his overly simplistic responses to your questions reminds me of my own younger brother who is not capable of talking to me without reciting memes or sarcastically avoiding my question, despite my attempts of giving advice or just trying to ask him to pass the salt at dinner. I've given up on him and decided that not everyone can become successful in life and simply focus on myself.
OP, i hope you yourself do not fall in this vtuber shit. Dont end up like some of the guys (me) here. Good Luck

>> No.4387711
File: 3.24 MB, 2621x3024, 1620166507455.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Woman are just picky bitches. If you're not rich or extra fit (actually you need to be both) they'll ignore you. It's so easy for them now, five minutes on an app and you're dropped. Even fat ugly girls can change boyfriend once a month if they want to.
So I understand your brother for not being interested by women.
But holy shit threaten him with something scary enough to make him clean his room and stop being a fat shit.
Being fakely happy about being fat is a woman thing, I hate it.

>> No.4388973
Quoted by: >>4390109

Your brother sounds cool

>> No.4390109

This, OP is a faggot

>> No.4390193


Second. You can save him anon be the change you want to see

>> No.4390289
Quoted by: >>4414486

OP you should try adopting stoicism

>> No.4390316


>> No.4390348

Okey rat!

>> No.4390408
File: 33 KB, 680x763, 7BF5CCEF-5BC2-4B93-8DC0-3FB4BAEB1F85.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hahaha did not read thats a nice cunny though

>> No.4390869
File: 70 KB, 483x600, 1562241688570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4409101

Just in case this is a serious post, here is a serious answer. Unironically, introduce him to lifting. He is 16, it's literally the best age to start, and everyone who does it correctly ends up loving it. It will also help dilute the onions inside your brother. It might not get him completely unhooked from vtubers, but it will give him a new outlet and maybe even a new, actually healthy obsession. Trust me, nobody ever regretted being jacked in high school.

>> No.4391168

Laugh at him and call him out for having shit casual taste and that only NPCs like gura.
It won't make him stop but you can 100% he'll defend her and it'll be funny

>> No.4391325

Dude, relax. He's young and will grow out of it.

>> No.4392341

>my autistic younger brother is addicted to stuff that appeals to weebs.
Is this really such an uncommon occurrence?

>> No.4393843

Here are some point I will point out why this seem fake, gay, or you really is a cuck.
>Break up with girlfriend, Intead of sharing the same feeling as your little brother who also broke up, you urge him to find another girlfriend?
Why don't you find one first? Fake or cuck.
>Quit school to watch Gura.
Where are you from? Because I don't remember Gura stream anytime near the work/school time in America/Western. Any school still open at those time sound like those shady grooming children nest.
>Noone bitching about Western women watch Gura let alone simp for her.
This make me think OP is a Western feminist that read some SJW article about Vtuber fake this thread.
OP's story is fake and gay but in case it was real, holy shit you are a massive cuck. You simp for a 3dpd and she dumped you the moment you lost your job. And instead of being a role model for your little brother, improve yourself to become a Chad, you decided to cope with losing your 3dpd by project it on your brother who also broke up with his 3dpd, told him to find another 3dpd in your stead. That is a coward move. You are heart broken, but your simp for 3dpd are too strong you want to turn your brother into a Guinea pig before finding another 3dpd for your own.
Your brother may have some problem but (you) have it biggest. Seriously, improve yourself, stop giving shit about girls, find a job, rent a small room, stop bitching about your parents' money giving to your brother like a kid.

>> No.4394546
File: 1.06 MB, 1203x1701, 1621785153549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry in advance if this is the wrong board for this shit, I haven't touched this website in years and I'm surprised enough that "4channel" is now a thing, but let me just jump into it.
Long story short after breaking up with my girlfriend and losing my job I moved back in with my mother and younger brother.
The last time I saw my brother in real life, 3 years ago, he was this happy 13 year old kid with good grades and a girlfriend. He liked anime but whatever so did I at his age.
However now that I see him at 16 it's like he's a different person. My mother is like this helicopter parent and doesn't see anything wrong with him staying inside all day what with Covid on the loose however I see it differently.
First of all his room is trashed, and absolutely littered with posters of this vtuber, Gawr Gura (I had to google how to spell her name after he told me).
It'd be one thing if they were normal posters, but a lot of them are blatantly sexual (the picture I uploaded is basically how some of them look) and you can tell he hasn't had a girl in his room in a very long time because if she saw all of this loli shit you'd know she'd be creeped out. Again mom sees no problem with this says I liked the same Japanese anime stuff at his age.
Secondly I think he's using this girl as a substitute girlfriend. When I jokingly asked him when the last time he had a girl in his room was he just said something along the lines of "dude have you seen western women these days? fuck that shit" so clearly he has no interest in actual girls his age anymore.
Thirdly I worry that he's spending WAY too much money on this girl. I mentioned the posters but that's not all. His laptop that he uses to watch this girl is riddled with stickers of her that say shit like "shrimp" or just pictures of her blushing or making other faces. Clearly he's obsessed so I ask him what the appeal of this girl is and he says "cute things are cute" well yeah no shit. I obviously wasn't satisfied with that as an answer so I ask again and he jokes again saying "I'll send her a super chat asking her to explain it to you". First I ask WTF is a super chat, he explains it, I ask if he's been sending money to this girl and he just laughs refusing to answer. I know he's just a teenager but I don't want him to get sucked into bad spending habits like this.
Another thing I worry about is that he's skipping school to watch this girl. I don't have any hard proof of this but one day I peeked in his room when our mom said he was doing online school and lo and behold he's watching Gawr Gura. I don't know if he just had her in another tab or what but considering how he used to be so focused on school this seems like a change for the worse to me. Also this might just be a Covid thing but he's gained weight and the only time I see him go out is to run to the store. I don't know if he has any real life friends at all now or if they're all just online vtuber buddies of his (he mentioned being in a discord for them once).
Should I confront my mother about this or should I step in as his brother myself? Do I even need to or is this just how teenagers are these days? Any and all advice is appreciated
This just reads like a copypasta and I'm taking it.

>> No.4394780

school is a waste of time and anything that gets people away from it and to stop focusing on it can only be a positive

>> No.4394806
File: 1.62 MB, 898x1662, 1620456490297.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4416322

Uohhhhhhhhh! !! !! Child erotic !!!!!! Child's belly and chest !!!!!! Erotic ... ToT ToT ToT

>> No.4394907

>Assuming they can count

>> No.4394936

Tell him he'll never be Japanese.

>> No.4397595
Quoted by: >>4398657

Tell him that Gura is indeed a western woman and he should watch better vtubers such as Pekora.

>> No.4398657


>> No.4399618

Chumbuds are actually underaged

>> No.4399747

become your onii-chans waifu to save him from the abyss

>> No.4400065

It's Kiara's fault.

>> No.4400561
Quoted by: >>4400696

>Another thing I worry about is that he's skipping school to watch this girl. I don't have any hard proof of this but one day I peeked in his room when our mom said he was doing online school and lo and behold he's watching Gawr Gura.
Nice bait there because on average giving benefit of the doubt and assuming you’re even PST Gura will usually stream at around 5-6 pm much later than any school in America would ever be running unless online schools changed that.

>> No.4400696

Could be he was just watching clips or VODs, not like OP would know the difference

>> No.4401168
Quoted by: >>4416340

Have you asked about his girlfriend? They probably broke up, he found vtubers and got emotionally attached, best thing you can do is VERY slowly make him do other things, if he realizes what you are trying to do he will see you as something negative to his life, try to get him to go outside with you, just a walk don’t even touch the topic, get him out more, look at her schedule on Twitter so it doesn’t interfere with him watching at first, go to the park or beach or just to eat dessert or a normal dinner, make him slowly enjoy the time with you and the time outside more than watching the streams, and over a long time he will stop worrying about getting in time for her streams. This is the nice way of doing it, slowly but surely he will go back to healthy behavior. As for friends and school you’ll have to talk to him about that only once he starts caring less about her

>> No.4401272

>"dude have you seen western women these days? fuck that shit"
holy fucking based

>> No.4401306

I stoped after being in this situation after feeling the void of her ASMR made me feel after

>> No.4402187


>> No.4402359
File: 129 KB, 474x1328, 1616313158412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "dude have you seen western women these days? fuck that shit"

>> No.4407061

>Gawr Gura
why don't you try watching her? she has a great sense of humor and a charming personality. her voice is very pleasing to listen to and her streams are very enjoyable.

>> No.4407790

>"dude have you seen western women these days? fuck that shit"
Hello, Based department?
But in all seriousness op let him enjoy himself he's not hurting anyone and he's still underage.

>> No.4408787
Quoted by: >>4417408 >>4423202

Look at the rhombic slope of her forehead. Look at the small cranial capacity compared to her brutish face. Gura is a thug bred for violent conflict. She’s an aggressive ape. She is not particularly intelligent, nor is she capable of complex abstract thought. She has but one power: ruthless aggression, tempered into "competitiveness" by contemporary law and social customs. We see this moronic brute rise up to the top of Vtubing only through her thoughtless, instinctive hind brain actions. She has no introspection and has nothing to contribute; she only wants to win. She cares about nothing but subscriptions and superchats. Everything she does is fake: every opinion, every cackle, and every crocodile tear. Gura hates her audience, hates you, and even hates life itself. If you came across her in the Paleolithic forests, she would kill you just to watch you die. She is a loathsome creature who senses that her kind is not long for this world of Vtubing. She is the last of a dying breed of beast. Her kind will be gone soon. For now, merely look, listen, and wait. Observe the thrashing. Observe the hypocrisy of a slow-moving mind attempting to exploit ever changing cultural memes and trends. She will box herself in. She will find himself cornered by her poorly chosen social moves. Then, she will lash out. Cancelled by her own idiocy. Cancelled by her inferior genetics. Cancelled by time itself. The primordial simian. The genetic dead end eaten by her own ego. Eaten by her desire to exploit simps. Gone forever. Purged from the collective consciousness. Leaving behind nothing but a digital artifact, already forgotten.

>> No.4408976


>> No.4409101
Quoted by: >>4420227

Lifting is great but it'll make him more likely to die choking on ladyboy dick than get a decent gf

>> No.4410645

Watch better vtuebrs. I used to watch alot of gura but her content is cute but empty.

>> No.4410737

Baste dad

>> No.4410868

sounds based to me as long hes not dumping 1000 dollars on some youtuber

>> No.4411528
File: 17 KB, 174x218, 1622162546994.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dude have you seen western women these days? fuck that shit

>> No.4412536

I believe this

>> No.4412581 [DELETED] 
File: 160 KB, 1200x1200, 1616799395702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry in advance if this is the wrong board for this shit, I haven't touched this website in years and I'm surprised enough that "4channel" is now a thing, but let me just jump into it.
>Long story short after breaking up with my girlfriend and losing my job I moved back in with my mother and younger brother.
>The last time I saw my brother in real life, 3 years ago, he was this happy 13 year old kid with good grades and a girlfriend. He liked anime but whatever so did I at his age.
>However now that I see him at 16 it's like he's a different person. My mother is like this helicopter parent and doesn't see anything wrong with him staying inside all day what with Covid on the loose however I see it differently.
>First of all his room is trashed, and absolutely littered with posters of this vtuber, Gawr Gura (I had to google how to spell her name after he told me).
>It'd be one thing if they were normal posters, but a lot of them are blatantly sexual (the picture I uploaded is basically how some of them look) and you can tell he hasn't had a girl in his room in a very long time because if she saw all of this loli shit you'd know she'd be creeped out. Again mom sees no problem with this says I liked the same Japanese anime stuff at his age.
>Secondly I think he's using this girl as a substitute girlfriend. When I jokingly asked him when the last time he had a girl in his room was he just said something along the lines of "dude have you seen western women these days? fuck that shit" so clearly he has no interest in actual girls his age anymore.
>Thirdly I worry that he's spending WAY too much money on this girl. I mentioned the posters but that's not all. His laptop that he uses to watch this girl is riddled with stickers of her that say shit like "shrimp" or just pictures of her blushing or making other faces. Clearly he's obsessed so I ask him what the appeal of this girl is and he says "cute things are cute" well yeah no shit. I obviously wasn't satisfied with that as an answer so I ask again and he jokes again saying "I'll send her a super chat asking her to explain it to you". First I ask WTF is a super chat, he explains it, I ask if he's been sending money to this girl and he just laughs refusing to answer. I know he's just a teenager but I don't want him to get sucked into bad spending habits like this.
>Another thing I worry about is that he's skipping school to watch this girl. I don't have any hard proof of this but one day I peeked in his room when our mom said he was doing online school and lo and behold he's watching Gawr Gura. I don't know if he just had her in another tab or what but considering how he used to be so focused on school this seems like a change for the worse to me. Also this might just be a Covid thing but he's gained weight and the only time I see him go out is to run to the store. I don't know if he has any real life friends at all now or if they're all just online vtuber buddies of his (he mentioned being in a discord for them once).
>Should I confront my mother about this or should I step in as his brother myself? Do I even need to or is this just how teenagers are these days? Any and all advice is appreciated.

>> No.4413378

Because you're a pedophile, anon.

>> No.4413547

Post images of the other posters and his laptop, at least some evidence. Then real talk might begin.

>> No.4414134

is this another repurposed bronypasta?

>> No.4414274
Quoted by: >>4414396 >>4425124

it's like some of you guys don't know any japanese beyond the most regurgitated trite shit like "kawaii" and "senpai."

>> No.4414396 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4415138 >>4415398

>it's like some of you guys don't know any japanese
Anon, I...

>> No.4414486
Quoted by: >>4415414

I fucking swear stoicismfags are the most annoying fuckers, cant go 10 minutes replying without mentioning this retarded ideology, that doesn't even work.
Stoicism is literally covering your ears and sticking your head in a hole when you have a problem, literally the most retarded ideology in existence

>> No.4414765

this is just an allegory of everyone in this thread

>> No.4415138

>Anon, I...

>> No.4415384

Let your bro be based anon, he's right, real women are obviously inferior.
But fuck him if he's using his mom's money, you gotta earn your weeb shit.

>> No.4415398

>Anime website
>Doesn't watch anime

>> No.4415414

No way, back when I was 15 or something I looked into Stoicism and thought that shit was cool. This was 10 years ago. Was I really ahead of the trend?

>> No.4416311

What's the original of this pasta?

>> No.4416322


>> No.4416340


>> No.4417408


>> No.4418084
Quoted by: >>4419655

What would it feel like to fuck a girl like that?

>> No.4419655
Quoted by: >>4420210


>> No.4419984

tell me it is a rrat

>> No.4420210
Quoted by: >>4420283


>> No.4420227
Quoted by: >>4424539

At least he'll have lived. And looked aesthetic.

>> No.4420244

tell him "you can do whatever you want if you earn enough money, now read your book until you can work like me"

>> No.4420283 [DELETED] 

Because I said so.

>> No.4420811

give him money to fuck a real girl when he's 18 yrs old

>> No.4421207
File: 3.62 MB, 1000x1000, 1621051084711.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would definitely make sure he is taking care of himself, going to school, and making sound monetary choices.
>have you seen western women
He is probably referring to roasties, obese women, and catfishers. Who wouldn't chose the fantasy route? Just make sure he is doing OK mentally and not letting his vtuber fawning run his life and he'll be fine. Don't force anything, let him be what he's into, just "carefully" mention your concerns and why you're worried, talk with him about it, learn his side to everything.

>> No.4421547
File: 188 KB, 304x430, 3a53d68345b56241a875595b21ec2a59-removebg-preview-1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sorry in advance if this is the wrong board for this shit, I haven't touched this website in years and I'm surprised enough that "4channel" is now a thing, but let me just jump into it.
Long story short after breaking up with my girlfriend and losing my job I moved back in with my mother and younger brother.
The last time I saw my brother in real life, 3 years ago, he was this happy 13 year old kid with good grades and a girlfriend. He liked anime but whatever so did I at his age.
However now that I see him at 16 it's like he's a different person. My mother is like this helicopter parent and doesn't see anything wrong with him staying inside all day what with Covid on the loose however I see it differently.
First of all his room is trashed, and absolutely littered with posters of this vtuber, Gawr Gura (I had to google how to spell her name after he told me).
It'd be one thing if they were normal posters, but a lot of them are blatantly sexual (the picture I uploaded is basically how some of them look) and you can tell he hasn't had a girl in his room in a very long time because if she saw all of this loli shit you'd know she'd be creeped out. Again mom sees no problem with this says I liked the same Japanese anime stuff at his age.
Secondly I think he's using this girl as a substitute girlfriend. When I jokingly asked him when the last time he had a girl in his room was he just said something along the lines of "dude have you seen western women these days? fuck that shit" so clearly he has no interest in actual girls his age anymore.
Thirdly I worry that he's spending WAY too much money on this girl. I mentioned the posters but that's not all. His laptop that he uses to watch this girl is riddled with stickers of her that say shit like "shrimp" or just pictures of her blushing or making other faces. Clearly he's obsessed so I ask him what the appeal of this girl is and he says "cute things are cute" well yeah no shit. I obviously wasn't satisfied with that as an answer so I ask again and he jokes again saying "I'll send her a super chat asking her to explain it to you". First I ask WTF is a super chat, he explains it, I ask if he's been sending money to this girl and he just laughs refusing to answer. I know he's just a teenager but I don't want him to get sucked into bad spending habits like this.
Another thing I worry about is that he's skipping school to watch this girl. I don't have any hard proof of this but one day I peeked in his room when our mom said he was doing online school and lo and behold he's watching Gawr Gura. I don't know if he just had her in another tab or what but considering how he used to be so focused on school this seems like a change for the worse to me. Also this might just be a Covid thing but he's gained weight and the only time I see him go out is to run to the store. I don't know if he has any real life friends at all now or if they're all just online vtuber buddies of his (he mentioned being in a discord for them once).
Should I confront my mother about this or should I step in as his brother myself? Do I even need to or is this just how teenagers are these days? Any and all advice is appreciated.

>> No.4423202
File: 73 KB, 901x832, 1604373399012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No monstrous Neanderthal shark loliBBA to dominate me
Well fuck you anon, now I'm just disappointed.

>> No.4424539
File: 91 KB, 500x288, zyzzabo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss that dork, fuk this gay earth

>> No.4425124

not everybody cares to learn the language

>> No.4425165

I looked up that thread but it doesn't contain the images, I would love to see the actual investigation made by the audiophile schizo

>> No.4425244

So that explains why Brittany venti went on a "Pedo Crusade" after she debuted huh...

>> No.4425306

>Anon discovers he's a pedophile

>> No.4425356

I'm afraid it's too late. Your brother can't be saved. It's better to put him down.

>> No.4426425

I beg to differ.

>> No.4426608

Nice blogpost faggot

>> No.4426617


>> No.4429508

Your brother sounds based.

>> No.4430162

based cunnyseur

>> No.4432500

