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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers


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>> No.13503275 [DELETED]  [View]
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>>outside of this site nijifan never really opens saying holo vtuber sucks, unless it's on discord I guess
>blatant lies, can't take nijifaggots seriously when you say stuff like this

>> No.4694674 [DELETED]  [View]
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>>cuckbeats were the /qa/ faggots shitting up every thread and anti'ing every other holo all along
>How the fuck didn't I realize this earlier.

>> No.4412581 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Sorry in advance if this is the wrong board for this shit, I haven't touched this website in years and I'm surprised enough that "4channel" is now a thing, but let me just jump into it.
>Long story short after breaking up with my girlfriend and losing my job I moved back in with my mother and younger brother.
>The last time I saw my brother in real life, 3 years ago, he was this happy 13 year old kid with good grades and a girlfriend. He liked anime but whatever so did I at his age.
>However now that I see him at 16 it's like he's a different person. My mother is like this helicopter parent and doesn't see anything wrong with him staying inside all day what with Covid on the loose however I see it differently.
>First of all his room is trashed, and absolutely littered with posters of this vtuber, Gawr Gura (I had to google how to spell her name after he told me).
>It'd be one thing if they were normal posters, but a lot of them are blatantly sexual (the picture I uploaded is basically how some of them look) and you can tell he hasn't had a girl in his room in a very long time because if she saw all of this loli shit you'd know she'd be creeped out. Again mom sees no problem with this says I liked the same Japanese anime stuff at his age.
>Secondly I think he's using this girl as a substitute girlfriend. When I jokingly asked him when the last time he had a girl in his room was he just said something along the lines of "dude have you seen western women these days? fuck that shit" so clearly he has no interest in actual girls his age anymore.
>Thirdly I worry that he's spending WAY too much money on this girl. I mentioned the posters but that's not all. His laptop that he uses to watch this girl is riddled with stickers of her that say shit like "shrimp" or just pictures of her blushing or making other faces. Clearly he's obsessed so I ask him what the appeal of this girl is and he says "cute things are cute" well yeah no shit. I obviously wasn't satisfied with that as an answer so I ask again and he jokes again saying "I'll send her a super chat asking her to explain it to you". First I ask WTF is a super chat, he explains it, I ask if he's been sending money to this girl and he just laughs refusing to answer. I know he's just a teenager but I don't want him to get sucked into bad spending habits like this.
>Another thing I worry about is that he's skipping school to watch this girl. I don't have any hard proof of this but one day I peeked in his room when our mom said he was doing online school and lo and behold he's watching Gawr Gura. I don't know if he just had her in another tab or what but considering how he used to be so focused on school this seems like a change for the worse to me. Also this might just be a Covid thing but he's gained weight and the only time I see him go out is to run to the store. I don't know if he has any real life friends at all now or if they're all just online vtuber buddies of his (he mentioned being in a discord for them once).
>Should I confront my mother about this or should I step in as his brother myself? Do I even need to or is this just how teenagers are these days? Any and all advice is appreciated.

>> No.4145629 [DELETED]  [View]
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>So you're a newfag, got it. Towa had a lot of yabs before that, and one of them was being accused of teaming in APEX. Besides the lying, people thought she was cheating and then the discord shit happened and antis went wild with narratives.

>> No.4048428 [DELETED]  [View]
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>There's are no mental gymnastics. My point has been consistent throughout. You're just letting your hate over Nyanners cloud your perception of my argument. You're actually obsessed over the idea of "btfoing nyanners" that you can't see my point. The fact that your image talks about how Nyanners is only doing it "ironically" when I've already addressed this argument in >>4027985 # and >>4041807 # proves that you never bothered reading it in the first place. I never referred to myself as intelligent or above anyone here. If anything, the only retorts I've gotten to my argument is "ur dum im smart".

>> No.3604926 [View]
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>>turning 35p and Nakiri-gumi against each other
>Did you not see Miko's return stream? Aside from the Homos Ayame and her fans have been the main enemy of 35p everywhere. A simple message could have prevented this but she wouldn't take the cock out of her mouth for 10 seconds to do it.

>> No.3570525 [DELETED]  [View]
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>>>Kiara lives in Japan for years
>>>is more fluent speaking in Japanese than in German
>Kiara is literally a high-school dropout (quit after year ten, then moved to Japan at age sixteen to become an idol. Her parents were apparently fine with this) who learned Japanese in Austria by streaming on Niconico as a fourteen-year old jailbait and manually translating the viewer's chat.
>Which resulted in her using futaba colloquialisms when trying to become an idol. Kinda like a Jap trying to learn English by reading 4chan.
>The only Japanese she ever learned in Japan was actually polite Japanese.
>I wish we had a video of her idol auditions, though. The equivalent of 4chan trying to become a popstar, except entirely unaware they're 4chan and thinking they're speaking completely normal Japanese.
>tl;dr: As impressive as Kiara's weeb feats are, I'm not convinced that trying to emulate Kiara is something people should do.

>> No.2836962 [DELETED]  [View]
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>Sometimes I like to post in Ollie and Kiara threads about made-up vtubers just to see how many of those made-up personalities end up in half-baked anti rrats.

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