Nijisanji EN Male General, formerly /luxnoc/This is a thread for the discussion of Nijisanji EN's male vtubers from Luxiem, Noctyx, ILUNA, and XSOLEIL!Luxiem: (graduated)ILUNA: Archive: Archive Guide: watchalong site:watch.ninisani.moeGuide to finding fanart on Lofter: Teamup: to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.Fujo, yume, pregposting, and hornyposting is encouraged.Previous thread: >>42627426
This is the anchor post for fics. Please reply here for archival purposes. Links to greentexts and old posts from /nijien/ are okay too.For organization purposes, please feel free to suggest tags for the work you are linking (ie female POV, fluff, noncon, pregnancy, etc)If you will be using a rentry link, please use> of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.Thank you!
wuca love, if hes happy then im happy
I love/miss my fatherbrotherhusband!!!! Stream soon onegai I am slowly losing touch with reality
>>42677586sexcat TToTT
harry potter autism hoursIke - RavenclawVox - GryffindorShu - RavenclawMysta - HufflepuffLuca - HufflepuffFuuchan - Ravenclaw (Legatus - Slytherin)Uki - SlytherinSonny - GryffindorAlban - SlytherinYugo - HufflepuffDoppio - HufflepuffVer - Ravenclaw? Hex - HufflepuffKyo - GryffindorRen - GryffindorAster - Hufflepuff?
i havent watched a vox stream live in so long...milord please just go back to the previous timeslot i beg of you >Five thousand kindred sitting in front of a screen>Vox's stream is on"aaaaAAAAAaaaaa DaaaDDDYYYYYY UWWWWOOOO!" "DADDY UR SO SEXY" "I love you milord!">"Alright, that'd be all from me today, I love you all kindred, here's a big kissy, MWEH.">All of kindred start spamming supas and making out violently with the screen"BYEEEE DADDY!" "小盒我爱你!" "TSKR MILORD" "I love you Vox!">Stream ends>One by one, the smiling kindred each blink slowly>Their eyes all widen as they begin to search around the room, confused>Already the tears have begun"D-daddy? Where are you? Daddy!?" "Vox你在哪儿!?" "H-Help! Milord disappeared! waa!">Panic sets in, the kindred begin to aimlessly search for Vox>The search ends almost as soon as it began, with the kindred succumbing to despair"NO! NOOOOOOOOOO! UUUUUUUUUUUU!!!" "WHERE'S DADDY!?" "I- I- I MISS MILORD!">After a long bout of uncontrollable sobbing, the kindred become manic in their desperation>Some begin running around the room in circles, others begin pounding the wall with their gnarled fists, deepthroating their Vox Akuma acrylic stands, or masturbating furiously to his ASMR VODs."HE HATES US! HE HATES US AND HE'S NEVER COMING BACK!" "WHY MILORD!? I PROMISE I'LL BE A GOOD KINDRED! PLEASE! WHYYYY!?" "DADDYYYYY UUUUUUUUUUUU!!!">The hysteria lasts as long as the kindred still have energy in their shriveled bodies>Once that energy is exhausted, the kindred yet again collapse into despair"aaaaaaaaaaa啊啊啊啊啊啊" "ddd ddadddyyy" "...uuuuUUUUUuuuuuuuuUUUUUUUUUUuuuuuuuuuu...">This period of catatonia can last for days on end, but usually triggers after a few mere minutes.>Hours later, the monitor reactivates>Vox's Runescape BGM starts playing as his next stream begins>The familiar sight and sounds of their daddy rouses the kindred from their torpor"ooo..." "hmm?" "mmm...">Vox appears onscreen"Hello kindred." *farts* "I've missed you.">The kindred, suddenly reinvigorated, quickly spring to their feet"MILORD!" "DADDY'S BACK!" "HE LOVES US!">Scrambling up to the monitor, the kindred take their seats and Hitachi wands and settle in for the stream>And the cycle continues.
>>42678237I agree with most of it but>ike - ravenclaw>alban - slytherin>yugo - hufflepuffhow?
>>42678237i know luca took the test and got gryffindor but he'll always be a hufflepuff in my eyes
>>42678326sorry kindred, your demon needs to take his morning meds
>>42678511Ike as ravenclaw because smart and bluealban as slytherin because ambition, cleverness (thief)yugo was hard, I put hufflepuff because loyal and hardworking and blah blah blah, but I guess he could work as gryffindor too
>>42678549I agree with him in gryffindor. He's stupid and sheltered but his general way of living life is more in line with gryffindor to me.
mori calliope has called black people dirty niggers on stream how many times now? Why hasnt the twitter community witch hunted her?
News:Luxiem Anniversary Merch in Animate locations Feb 10: UFO Catcher Plushies: Iluna x Ensky Hbby Merch: status: 2 weeksMerch on sale:TCB Luxiem Artbook: Nendo Preorders (Jan 5-Feb 15): Manekineko Collab (Until Feb 26): Iluna 6 months Valentines BOB(boys on break):Ike (until feb 16)Luca (Until feb 15)Uki (Feb 8-15)FulgurAlban (1 week)Shu (?) i love my little brother! stream tomorrow maybe!
LOVE my hardworking cute whore little brother alban !had a long day volunteering and i come home to alban saying he might stream soon TOT im so happy....i missed him...
Sorry to drag this to another thread but would this be cute with short hair and would it be cuter with high waist jeans or a long skirt?
>>42679990I don’t know, man
>>42679990short hair would be cute, i think a long skirt would look better but jeans also work,
psyborg sketch
>>42680083Something like this?
>>42680241yes, that would work perfectly
Hex deleted his tweets for Zaion because he was getting hate in the quotes. Is it the same for Pio and Ver?
>>42680289Thank you anon
>>42680468no problem, good luck!
>>42680363doppio's is still up but his tweet is vague anyways
>>42680363Nah staff probably told him to delete it because of the emoji
>>42680728yeah using her oshi sign was way more on the nose than the others
I apologize for doing this yume art while he's unwell. I just really miss him.
>>42681514dont apologize, its super cute
>>42678326I feel ya!
>>42681514I miss him too... Seeing this right after waking up is both a blessing and a curse, I will now cry. It's really cute...
gay crossdressing petplay with vox akuma (public park bathroom)
>>42681514TToTT cuteeee...I've been busy with work but I miss him too...
Scary movies and drunk chatting with demon!
I need someone else to bleed .Suggestions ?
Demon live
Cute german demon
Awwww demon
>>42681514cute! don’t worry anon, i have a feeling he’s currently having fun and getting a lot better
love members zatsudan so much
Demon being so cute, I love him
I am going to fuck my demon husband so bad
>>42685771he seems to be touching grass, with how he's been way less online and tweeted from phone. hope he's doing better! i (sigh occasionally i get some sense of uneasiness maybe because of what happened last dec...but i truly hope for the best!)
Scared demon so cute, I wanna cuddle and hug under a blanket
Awww demon
If demon supposed to be scary and dangerous why he so cute all the time
Demon stop making those noises I’m getting really high cute aggression
Fat cat
>>42687793How we present ourselves and the monsters within differs person to person. Vox is a voice demon first and foremost, he charms you in like a Siren. Only then will the true terror begin as the fart reverbs get louder
>>42678511ike is a snake
>>42688979I'm going to wrap my arms around his cute waist from behind and squish his chubby little tummy and no matter how much he wriggles and whines that it's embarrassing I won't stop!
was vox just as scared watching skinamarink like when he was watching martyrs?
Hex please fix your noise gate... I can hear your family eating in the background
>>42690925I think he intentionally has his high-pass set up that way to provide more bass and texture to his already deep voice. Of course it's retarded to do so, but here we are
>>42690990yeah, but eq isn't noise gate...
>>42690590Hug that fat cat and never let him go!
aw I thought milord was singing the parody one
>>42690768he even said he would rather watch martyrs
>>42692662the moment I watched that movie I knew milord HAD to watch it too
ah so it's kyo and ren going to the nijiexpo thing. someone please call him a wigger if you go
How’s demon’s chatting stream?
>>42693183he just said he wants to jerk off
>>42678326I was wondering why it feels like I haven't been able to watch him much lately and just remembered that this is why.....
>>42693210So a good one, looking forward to the vod after work
>>42693183very comfy
dios mio milord is dead
>i want a snackyou just had pizza you fat fuck
Mysta is whoring himself out on the streets holy cow
Mysta is homeless......
milord considering actually making an onlyfans if he could and doing actual drama cds on it if he did along with commissioning raunchy art for it.....
>>42692662Oh shit. That scary huh. Now I kinda wanna member out of curiosity
my wide........doko..........
MILORD'S PENIS SIZE.............
>8 tattoos
god I wish my oshi would talk about his cock and cum
Holy sexo I hope his new outfit looks something like this
>>42696009I love a jacket with armpit access
>>42695878i believe this slut has a womb tattoo AND a tramp stamp
uwwwooo milord talking about accidentally giving himself a facial
>>42695568 How long? I need something to fantasize about while I’m out doing work until I can get home and watch for myself…
>>42696009feet..tummy....armpits....holy SEX !
>>42696099He has that tacky "property of ___" as a tramp stamp
>>42696225he said 8 inches
>>42696009Alban's outfit showing skin fits him so well..slutty cat ToT
>>42696009I don't know why I've just noticed this but almost everyone draws the boys with no armpit hair, does anyone here even like armpit hair?
>>42696327whose property is he
>>42695954same but my oshi's dick is too small he'd be so embarrassed
>>42696691only baras look good with any body hair...but I feel like wife would look good with a happy trail and some armpit hair
>>42696691I adore armpit hair and all I want is art of the boys sniffing each others pits but armpit hair looks out of place without hair in other places like forearms, leg, chest, happy trail... and the lads are quite twinkish. Fulgur fits the idea of a guy with body hair but his machine nature makes it hard to envision. Shu has muscles but he's Japanese. Ren is an alien, even though I like the idea of him with a happy trail because of his back hair... Next possible one is Luca but... I don't know... I'm autistic...
>>42696691I love love love armpit hair. Armpit hair, thick pubes, and a happy trail are all my absolute favorites— chest hair and arm hair doesn’t do anything for me.
>>42695878Wait did he really say this? I just woke up so i missed half of the stream
>>42696859>>42697040>>42697057Does anyone have fanart with body hair? I feel like I've never seen any before.
>>42696805I will worship Alban’s cute, tiny dick. Even better if he cries from overwhelm and humiliation during it but also begs me not to stop what I’m doing.
im not a body hair person because i just wanna latch my mouth onto them and suck suck suck!!! but i dont wanna get hair in my teeth
>>42697334You’re weak. Just pull that floss out of your teeth and get back in there like the rest of us
>>42696747Xsoliel because he's a communal whore>>42697150He did, I tuned in right as he started counting his tattoos.
>>42697334But the smell is so nice... the appeal of sucking smooth pits is appealing though... licking and sucking Shu's pristine armpits... and he halfheartedly begs you to stop because he's laughing too much and getting hard
Hes getting Sentimental cute bby
>>42696403Nta but i’m also at work and this will definitely get me through the rest of my shift. IMAGINE
>>42697291Only ones with a bit of hair because, like that other anon said, people always draw the boys completely bare… I just want a Vox with bushy armpits, is that too much to ask?
i have an 8 inch dildo...time to have fun with it later
>>42697418He really…I missed the entire fucking stream…
Vox just sold a ton of 8 inch dildos and he didn’t even need to be sponsored
Hex…dont go
I just got here
>>42697653If Ricky allows it Vox should totally accept a sex toy sponsorship, it'll sell like crazy.
sex with wife
>>42697311That's so him! I will be always grateful to alban for showing me how good femdom is TToTT
sonny sucking alban's shota cat penis
>>42696691In the case of what you replied to, it wouldn't make sense on Alban since asides from his height he looks 12 years old. Fuuchan, Luca, Vox, Doppio and Hex I can see with it easily, maybe Mysta and Ren.
>>42698065mysta definitely has a happy trail
>>42698044La creatura
>>42698065I still don't really see any art of those guys with body hair though, seems like everyone draws the anime boys completely hairless.
>>42698521That's because anime boy art in general doesn't have body hair, just how society is. Unfortunately. I love body hair but am not too big of a fan of muscles
>>42698044Long cat
>>42698652That must be a struggle because only baras seem to get body hair.
>>42698521Out of all of them I think I've only seen Vox and Luca drawn with anything other than a hint of pube. But those arts must be rare as fuck because trying to find any right now I'm coming up dry. If I recall right, Luca's said before that he doesn't grow much body hair so it's amusing that he's one of the ones that suits it most even if it's still only 0.1% of art. I don't mind it on the right guy at all but I'm not really into chest/back/leg hair. Pubes, happytrail and pits are erotic.
>>42698065>DoppioNot anymore, after liking the smooth balls he might get addicted and take everything off.
>>42696691I have for better or worse realized that if drawn right I enjoy hairy pits (and pits in general) on 2d boys more than I'd thought
>>42699544Imagine straddling him and shaving him until he's so smooth you could play curling on his stomach.
>>42698065>Alban since asides from his height he looks 12 years oldhe will never be a shota
>>42699544god, can't believe i forgot about this doppio lore
>>42698065luca is not an option ever since he's admitted he doesnt have any hair there or his chest, mysta does say he does so fanartists can go wild with that.
>>42699913Alban is a shota that got put on the taffy-pulling machine as punishment for stealing, this real height would be 150cm is that tragedy hadn't happened. I encourage the rape of him as punishment for his misdeeds but this was too much. Poor tiny boy that he was will never be that height again.
my wife................uh...n..m...........
>>42703081Sorry too busy thinking about my husband’s monster dong
>>42703536wife's soft warm tummy...
panicking over milord's huge 8 inches and how the hell you're going to fit more than a third inside you...milord cooing at you to take his 8 inches...praising you for taking the tip, but he chuckles saying he's nowhere near enough inside of you..embracing the pleasure that spreads throughout your body when he's fully inside you and you feel like you'll burst...
>>42699544I need to gargle on his smooth nodes
Vod time
>>42704064super hot
>>42704064I want to be fuuchan so bad
>>42704064wife needs a yandere so bad he wrote sexcat into one.... is noctyx going to take turns torturing him in his fanfic
sex with piochan
>>42704062No wonder he likes seeing tummy bulge it means that someone fits him
I want to sit on lucas lap and play with his hands and have him get mad at me everytime I press on his sensitive fingertips
>>42698521Fuuchan gets some scruffy art now and then, bless him.
>>42707371bara art of himself is 100% his fap material
piochan about to save us from dead hours
>>42704062Him inviting you to straddle his hips and ride him for your first time with him so you can better control the depth, speed, and intensity. It stands imposingly huge between your thighs as you shift and get yourself adjusted— he thinks it’s cute how you assure him “you’re putting it in now— for real this time” over and over and over because he knows you’re not doing it so much to warn him, you’re doing it to psyche yourself up and prepare yourself for what you know will be an intrusive, overwhelming stretch. When you ask him “is it in?” when you’ve only got the tip inside you, it takes every inch of his willpower to not shove you down onto the rest of it so you can really feel it inside of you. ONLINE SUCKSSSSSS, how does it still not have stadium. Piochan is playing Pokemon Snap instead!
>>42706125This schizo fuck triggers my ''so cute I want to just squeeze and beat it into submission'' instinct.
piochan's interested in playing new pokemon snap as well. my oshi
>>42709954I still can't believe his nails are naturally black. what the fuck man
>>42710326Maybe he's planning to incorporate that into his lore somehow? Bet he got inspired by Kuroshitsuji or something. Could be cool if he turns out to be part reaper or demon of some sort.
>>42698044Someone needs to turn this gif into Alban
piochan is so silly
>>42710326His nails are naturally black because he's dead and there's no blood flow.
I love Alban son much hope things get better soon..
god a whole week without the boys really is suffering
Is Kyo a dumbfuck…
>>42715871don't bring main thread shit into here
>>42715871Yes, but it's a medical issue he has disclosed before.
>>427158696 more days
>>42715934Its a about a nenmen tho
>>42716186>6 whole daysit's over
i-is shu okay
>>42716321im starting to believe theyre back in japan again
>>42716371sorry he passed out after our 8 hour long sex night
>>42715871I don't watch him anymore but based
>>42716687Kyo based for siding with the mob or ? Go back to twitter
>>42715871Oh no… anyways
Everyone here is are twitter fags.l.i thought you guys were better
hide posts faggot
>>42716495anon.........I don't think so....I think they just decided to take this week off anyways because why not
>>42716965The double i is fucking hilarious>I-I THOUGHT YOU GUYS WERE BETTER!!!
why is this dude being all petty here kek
i love you piochan for playing the most nostalgic games and going on about all the secrets you remember from them. i didn't think i would love you more and im happy you raided your own waiting room kek
Sonny’s phimosis cock…
>>42717092please let me schizo, ike's tweet about walking and luca's tweets being sneaky "heh" and shu tweeting from mobile are driving me insane.
it's raining so I made a nice cup of mate tea while thinking about my wife (who I miss very much)
Dad is streaming in English again in 2 hours
>>42717246they're in japan for the gay park orgy
>>42716965We are all from twitter. Fuck Zaion
>>42717197in my mouth
>>42717687Already in mine, sorry
We sould talk about the important things, like which boys can fit in picrel and which would get destroyed
>>42717791which boys can fit in the darkness?
>>42717591Dont group me with you faggot
>>42717845Vox's 8 inch shlong
>>42717846yeah this anon came from livejournal
>>42717791Fit in his asshole?? His cock or their bodies????? Are they getting unbirthed?
>>42717897i still dont believe him so this is not a discussion for me
An 8 inch….please dont make me laugh
>>42717897Oh… well every guy is running a train on his hole
>>42718002on a 178cm japanese body no less
>>42718002He didn't say inches, for all we know it's 8 cm, after all they use metric
>>42718353milord's micro dick..
>>42718075He's tight virgin hole is not going to last 10+ rounds he needs to train with his brother first.
>>42718449That's why he panicked when they said 8, he thought people knew he has an 8 cm dicklett.
>>42718600it's not about the size, it's about how you use it that matters r-right
>>42718676Whatever you say Vox
it was better left unsaid, now i have to hear about either his micropenis or 8 inch long anaconda until he graduates
With you guys constantly bringing twitterfaggotry into this thread and siding with a woke mob destined to ruin someone’s career for harmless jokes, I see exactly why this place is turning into a shithole. Even the cock and ball torture people are better than you faggots.
board has been really weird this week
>>42718892learn to hide posts next time
>>42718676Shut the fuck up Alban
>>42718835you would've heard about it regardless let's be honest
>>42718835I feel like we were gonna find out eventually, it's up to you whether you think he's lying or not
>>42718835He has a cute little peepee and it's perfectly fine!
unarchived membership stream were vox fucks a onahole next to the mic cums and ends stream and pretends it never happened
>>42719439he can claim he's doing one of these but no one will know for sure
>>42719439I'm honestly surprised Vox hasn't fulfilled the prophecy, you'd think we would catch him by now
>>42719507how often do you listen to these that you had a link ready
>>42719439If it's too short I'll make fun of him for being a minute man but also if it's too long I'll still make fun of him for being nervous.
>>42719606KEK i searched onahole asmr because i knew it had to exist out there. i haven't listened to it in years but i was pretty into this guy who used his fingers on tenga, he had nice hands. i think his channel's gone though
>>42719886one day a male vtuber whose niche is onahole asmr
I miss cutest fox detective
>>42720120i tried looking for any reuploads and found this instead, how has it survived 8 months... vox asmr handcam stream where he fingerfucks a realistic pussy when
>>42719507those things look really fuckable
gato gordo y largo del sexo please come back
>>427188358 inch is big but it's not abnormally big tho...
>>42701508Has anyone ever done a redline of his body shape
>>42721427Anon, the average male penis when erect is like 5 and a half inches. It's vastly above average. Porn however has corrupted so many men and women that they expect everyone to be rocking pipe bombs for cocks
>>42720427ive never wanted a stream more even if he lies about it, im not even a kindred
aster live
>>42722400i cannot believe this is my second aster stream in as many days
>>42721427anon, it's huge. it would be uncomfortable
>>42722400i'm not that desesperate thanks
>>427188358 inch is bullshit. Also he left out the most important thing: Girth.
>>42722603I love how main was like "We should just watch him sometime" and here we are. Dead hours and drama unites in unlikely places
>>42722711I wonder if he meant 8 inches hard, or 8 inches soft. If hard, that's a little more understandable. And if he meant soft, I'd hate to know how big it gets when actually hard.
>>42722711would be funny if it was 8 cm diameter and he's thinner than me
aster just said the thing
>>42721885>>42722638You guys really think so? I always had in mind that 17-20cm were big but that's it... just big. Nothing WOW. Above 20cm tho, it's porn or hentai stuff.
>>42722899are you a virgin maybe
>>42722899Bruh, even 15 cm is big that's half a fucking ruler 17-20 cm is looney tunes dick, I ain't touching that shit.
>>42723000I only did blowjobs before...
>>42722787main congregated around his stream because of a fucking bait post, started watching him ironically, and then his slow chat and gifted memberships wore them down... it's one of those lame "i'm going to fake date this person i hate, i'm definitely not gonna fall in love for real" plots.
>>42723095i guess i can see how it doesnt seem that big compared to it going inside you but the average size is still huge even without thinking about girth
Aster's jump king stream is a deconstructionist masterpiece, the hours just melted away when I watched it
>>42723102Anon x Aster, they're living out a fanfiction trope...
>>42723102but I'm actually enjoying watching aster...
>>42723202you need to be put down. i'm sorry anon
>>42723102I can’t believe I made Aster gain viewers
>>42723164Anon, you kinda made me afraid now KEK but yeah, I think it doesn't really compare to it inside you
>>42723095>>42723164If it's a gay male anon, I can also see why size wouldn't seem impressive. Some gay dudes have more meat than some people have for limbs. If you are a fem anon... Your poor cervix would not appreciate large sizes I promise you.
>>42723202that's the part where you fall in love despite swearing to yourself you wouldn't. who's grooming who now?
>>42723341you're fine as long as youre stretched properly before, its always going to hurt a little but its nothing horribly painful when done right.
>>42723387Even an asshole has it's limits, a rectum is between 6-8inches any more than that your in colon town.
>>42723580Oh for sure, but sizequeens aplenty in the LGBT space.
>>42723387imagining my oshi hitting my cervix is just for fun, id rather never go through that again
>>42723387as much as like that shit in fiction it doesn't translate to real life. on some days a 5-incher can hit your cervix.... it instantly ruins all the build-up. sometimes i wish i had a dick, masturbation would be so much simpler
god i'm so bored, I didn't realize wife made my days so much better uuuuuuuuu
>>42723634I've seen a lot of gaping assholes, I know people like them ginormous.
>>42723704Hentai has got men believing that women likes to get rammed in the cervix and that thet can shoot cum straight into the uterus like some kind of reverse bladder.
why are you like this aster
anal sex with shu (while he's angry)
Aster moaning
i miss luca, this break is taking forever to go by. it's only been 2 days
maybe it's just because i'm in a pretty bad place right now, but wow, i can't stop replaying and being emotional over deja vu
aster in a micro bikini
How do we break it to milord that his dick is inconvenient... bless his heart but man sex with him would be an ordeal every goddamn time. There is no quick, easy penetration with that thing. Blowjobs would be challenging, too... repetitive motion injury from giving milord a handjob. Finding toys that accommodate his size would be just a massive pain in the ass too. People think bigger is better, but let me tell you, a big dick ain't all it's cracked up to be.Would be great to edge him though.
>>42727516I hope tomorrow is a kinder day for you, anon.
it would be funny if one nenmen arcadian and a containment breaker kicked off aster turning his career around
>>42728035one anon got me to watch uki more, its going to happen
>>42727816holy sexoooo
>>42728317he is starved for positive affirmation. you could easily train him into a praise kink
>>42727857You fool, that's why he has a room full of kindreds ready to give him multi hand handjobs and all sorts of holes to try to fit into. Don't tell me you didn't get invited to the pleasure room!
dad live
>>42729045I have the feeling this one will get privated...
i love you dad
If Shu isn't back next week I will commit unspeakable crimes
its been so long since i watched a kyo stream
I miss my cute seiso boyfriend
>>42717418He's basically on topic anyway. I appreciate him doing a stream for us, I've been studying JP so this is a lot of fun!! Prof love!
I can't stop watching that guy's anahole asmr videos it even made me find a cute boy masturbating
>>42729234Retard Anon likes on his rm account don't mean he's going to start shit talking zaion as kyo
>>42732065You what?
>>42732065I know, I'm sorry I was just anxious lmao
>>42731814i'm sorry anon, your recommendations are going to be fucked
Can someone normal do a rundown of what everyone is vagueposting about? I gave a look at the catalog but it's the typical clusterfuck and I don't know who's speculating and who's discussing actual events. Please have some porn for the trouble.
>>42733451Kyo had bottom surgery anon…
>>42733451check main bro
>>42733451go to main and ctrl + f his name now no more spoonfeeding
>>42733451kyo has ligma
>>42733626He's going to become a cunt boy TOT
>>42733945wasn't it hava?
>>42734241Just like your mom
>>42734286my mom is a cunt boy...?
>>42734286mother's cunt...
>>42734286go back
so many people have finally seen the light... my star
Albanyan might stream tomorrow... please.
I kinda miss snakeanon
>>42736793me too...
>>42736793i was literally thinking about his fuchan eggnog vocaroo right as i opened this thread
>>42736964what the fuck happened to my screenshot...
>>42736793i'm sure he's still in main, the split has gotten weirdly hostile lately. i was expecting ninianon to be told to fuck off yesterday
>>42737120I'm not new...I'm just retarded
>>42737124he was by one anon but hes sharing movies
>>42737124who the fuck would say that to ninianonbut i really do feel like these threads have increased in hostility these past few weeks...we have had like ongoing yabs this whole month lately so not only theres tourists but also we're already tensed up
>>'re so cute when you're stupid
>>42736793i dont, he still lurks here and keep it that way. i dont need to know when hes here with his hissing every post
>>42737221cute dummy sheep
>>42737285I think him, that one dragoon and ninianon are ok because they follow the rules.....
>>42737336There's a dragoon? Wtf are they doing here?
>>42737336i liked his vocaroos and his little greetings and his wrestling autism and the surveyposting he'd's his fault ren went so far in wrestlesanji but im sure he made the one renvader very happy
>>42737336thats cool. still dont care for him and hes the one who let himself get bullied out in the first place.
>>42737450he was here trying to get a birthday gift for his sister because she's a yaminion, nothing wrong with that
>>42737223what newfag doesn't recognize ninianon>>42737243the same retards who told snakeanon to fuck off. sure hate thread celebrities or whatever but he kept on topic and didn't shit on any of the boys.
>>42737455i'm still mad about that ren. god damn he was too op and fucked piochan up....
>>42737549snakeanon didnt like luca
>>42737247>>42737299I can't beat the retarded allegations now, can't I...maybe eating mintchoc did melt my brain
>>42737247 >>42737299 I can't beat the retarded allegations now, can't I...maybe eating mintchoc did melt my brain
>>42737630but he didn't shit on him did he
>>42737630he didnt but he never shat on him
>>42737630I think the person who shared the wrestlers they made /here/ and said they didn't understand why people liked him was another anon. And even if he doesn't, people are allowed to have preferences.
>>42737650come here mintfag i'll feed you some delicious choco ice cream instead
>>42737508Awww that's sweet of him, what did he settle on in the end?
>>42737630 I think the person who shared the wrestlers they made /here/ and said they didn't understand why people liked him was another anon. And even if he doesn't, people are allowed to have preferences.
>>42737724pretty sure those two are the same people, you're allowed but he was poking at it when lucubs were already on edge about luca being gone which set off others telling him to fuck off.
>>42737759I think he said he was going to learn how to sew to make pape outfits for her?
>>42737724 pretty sure those two are the same people, you're allowed but he was poking at it when lucubs were already on edge about luca being gone which set off others telling him to fuck off.
>>42737630and i have a few boys i don't like either, as many anons here surely do as well, it's not a crime. we have 16 of them now, it's bound to happen.
keep copying you fuck
>>42737909keep copying you fuck
>>42737751I don't hate chocolate icecream, it's nice it's just not my favourite.
>>42737977underage twitfag
>>42737977 underage twitfag
>>42736793Snakeanon I miss you, you keep discussions on-topic and you don't shit up the thread. I unironically don't care about your intentions because you're cool and nice.
so the spam retard hates snakeanon hmmmmmmmmmm
>>42737977 underage fagtwit
i still think this luxiem 1yr vid is so cute
>>42738195oh i never watched this one
snakeanon don't come back, i dont want to hear you cry about failing auditions again
>>42738101Brisket snakeanon isn't Sonny, you have to let it go but truthfully, I also miss snakeanon
>>42738195time to rewatch it, its pretty cute and well-made
>>42738255EL GATO
>>42737814>he was going to learn how to sew to make pape outfits for herWhere can I get a little brother like this? My little brother tries to trick me into deez nuts jokes every single time we talk to each other.
wife uploaded the lo-fi version of his orisong to membership and i didn't know...
snakeanon poll because im curious
>>42738361is your brother luca?
>>42738378how it's been 2 fucking days
>>42738443no notifs and i always forget to check the membership tab... an anon complaining about that in main reminded me to check
>>42738562I got notifs tho....
>>42738418Well, he is a super zoomer who has an active irl life, extroverted, and is super "mean". I think he likes jalepeno kettle chips more than cheddar pringles though
>>42738638my notifs for wife have always been fucked, essentially useless, and he's the only one i have them on for
Rate Each Ren Expression
>>42738791can't believe luca's older brother is in this thread with us
>>42678639DJ doesn't fit any of them that well because there isn't a "talented fuck up who tries their best" house
>>42737243at the end of the day, you got to remember that /vt/ is really /holo/ and any yab going on for niji is free food for them. take breaks from this board, anons, it's a hellscape and i'm saying that as someone who spends extensive time in goddamn /vp/.
what a nice start of 2023 right fellas can't wait for next month......
>>42738982I loooove shit posts
can't wait for the art this will generate
>>427389822023 and my oshi has barely streamed these past 2 months, im going to kms
at least we have noctyx one year anni this month
>>42739155tsun tsun
>>42738957nobody really fits into any house because Rowling is bad at world building and the houses basically boils down to Brave(Main character), Smart , Evil(racist) and Yellow.
>>42739512Maybe it's a yuguy
>>42739222I don't care if they don't do anything big I just want them together
I got gifted Pio memba. Does he use it?
>>42739226Got this as well, but the only thing here that matches me is that i hold grudges and I'm an introverted attention seeker
>>42739631live asmr drama cd reading this saturday. will be totally speaker friendly
Day over thank god
>>42739512>>42739548one of these is half right
>>42739625noctyx 12 hour plate up stream coming soon
mama mia holy moly
>>42739812you ever think about those fingers inside of you
>>42739812>no nippleswhere do I get my milk now.....
>>42739861All the time yes, I dream of him fingerrailing me from behind while his other hand forces his fingers into my health
>>42739808>plate upAIEEEEE
>>42739808that would be really fun to watch
i like how main is a dumpster fire but we're all here gently horny and missing the boys on break. peace and quiet is nice.
>>42739942My bad, here
yaminions, shu has a honkai sponsored stream
>>42740001Don't jinx it
piokuma thoughts
>>42739989plate up is fun...
>>42740111piokuma balls
*cums on his face *
>>42739861Yes, and I bet they're hard, cold, and dexterous
>>42740045i don't care about gacha but i'll watch for shubert...
>>42740202whenever i read the hanzi i chuckle
>>42740246i think its a collab with jp senpais so thats something, i dont know when his exact stream is but i saw him in the promo video feesh tweeted
>>42740254do you mind translating, anon? i'm curious and useless at other languages.
>>42740254红包拿来 he's a whore for money
>>42740329"Hand over the red envelopes"It's the second line of a very common rhyme said in Chinese New Years
>>42740338i love it lmao
>>42740303wonder which boy will stream star rail when it comes out
>>42740541>>42740469thanks anons!
who copied snakeanon poll to main?
>>42740545the same ones that play genshin now
>>42740631its a turn based rpg though, i can imagine that would turn off some people
>>42740622we're always being watched, you take a guess
>>42740693i thought star rail had the same open world attack that genshin has?
>>42740802i thought so too but thinking about it it wouldnt make sense to make a whole new game of the same genre if theyre already profitting from genshin
>>42740622There's some retard that's been copying a bunch of random posts from here and spamming them over there for the last couple days