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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 948 KB, 1100x1556, 1619669241606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4181719 No.4181719 [Reply] [Original]


>Who is Bea?

>Next stream:



>> No.4181767
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>> No.4182131
File: 6 KB, 534x248, 1621798050318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4182163
File: 20 KB, 618x123, 1621954997884.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweaty beatani in the summer months...

>> No.4182164

Bea will never love you. Much like real girls, she is vain, ugly, and will only settle for a chad who doesnt share her interests.

>> No.4182222

You will never give her a tongue bath on a hot day. Why even live?

>> No.4182227

That's okay, I'm in it for the antics

>> No.4182245

Bea and Mea collab when?

>> No.4182255

i couldn't wait for the new thread either...

>> No.4182283

Maybe, but I'd still like to try

>> No.4182312

I already don't share her interests aside from vtubing and imageboards, that seems doable.

>> No.4182343

stincky bea.
chihiro is better.

>> No.4182382

disregarding one's personal hygiene is a sign that one is struggling with their mental health... bea...

>> No.4182477
Quoted by: >>4182528

she was totally baiting us to make a thread right

>> No.4182528

Maybe, but she knows how to make her own threads

>> No.4182576

too embarrassed to comment this on twitter so i'll do it here bea:

>> No.4182580

she probably wanted to bait a thread with the i want to stream now tweet

>> No.4182589
File: 169 KB, 331x346, 1621865477776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4182618

>use an alternate account she doesn't follow
>feel at ease interacting with her tweets
I should have done this earlier. It's stressful when someone follows you back.

>> No.4182618
Quoted by: >>4182684 >>4182801

are you afraid your tweets are going to turn her off and she's going to unfollow you? what the hell are you commenting?

>> No.4182662 [SPOILER] 
File: 250 KB, 795x650, 1621964118497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

giving Beatani a creampie

>> No.4182684

he's probably just a shy dad that isn't used to getting actual interaction from others (nevermind his oshi) and usually just uses twitter as a way to scream into the void
n-not that I'd know what that's like

>> No.4182692
File: 182 KB, 1069x1590, Screenshot_20210525_193546_org.mozilla.firefox~01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never be Hanabi

>> No.4182748

Good for him

>> No.4182764

i'm still waiting for her to schedule the drawing game membership only stream so i can oil balon already

>> No.4182784
File: 297 KB, 394x425, 1621726687695.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not scared of Bea, right anon?

>> No.4182799

I am.

>> No.4182801
Quoted by: >>4182935 >>4183012

Yes. I'm afraid of becoming cringe on my main account. This is the end of our discussion.

>> No.4182807

I'm only scared of seeing my own pathetic quality.

>> No.4182832

imagine the smell

>> No.4182837

No, I want to get to know her even more

>> No.4182852
File: 88 KB, 833x925, 1526069919115.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4182880 >>4183120

I already know where she lives, so if she tries to threaten me, I'll just come on over and rape her
I've done it before and I'll fucking do it again

>> No.4182880
Quoted by: >>4183087

what the fuck

>> No.4182895
File: 150 KB, 600x1018, A0A9F00B-C06C-4226-B7D1-996E866F7E12.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4182915

beatani is kind of like an online rental girlfriend it's pretty based

>> No.4182935
Quoted by: >>4182985

You cowardness and fear of loosing a follow already makes you kinda cringe anon.

>> No.4182985

Beachama please go to sleep so we can have our secret meeting here.

>> No.4183012

what if she's waiting for you to tweet at her...

>> No.4183023
Quoted by: >>4183038 >>4183066

>Working hard on a drawing for these few past days
>It's finally time to color it
>It looks like absolute shit
I'm going to kill myself

>> No.4183038

post it. I can give some advice

>> No.4183066

post it. I can make fun of you.

>> No.4183075
File: 293 KB, 397x415, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4183137 >>4184049

>> No.4183087
File: 730 KB, 732x536, Screenshot 2021-05-24 114733 (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4183214

you heard me

>> No.4183120

Ok Bea

>> No.4183126
File: 132 KB, 327x400, w0wuTzA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Early thread

>> No.4183137


>> No.4183189
Quoted by: >>4185328

Thinking about Bea taking a bath after a very hot day makes me very horny

>> No.4183214
File: 250 KB, 1440x699, Screenshot_20210525-135709_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4183255

So why do you all think she deflected to the "I can't see faces" remarks when asked how she would react if an ikemen told her she was cute?

>> No.4183290
Quoted by: >>4183353

I can't believe this silly bear made me buy a tablet. I can't even draw!

>> No.4183330

I can't believe this girl made me feel love. I won't even see her!

>> No.4183353

The bear would call you a foolish dad, but if you have money to burn it's not a bad investment

>> No.4183400

>bought a cheap drawing tablet a while ago
>Barely use it because I can't get used to not looking at what I draw

>> No.4183403
Quoted by: >>4184230

She's a professional. She may be a real life rental girlfriend or hostess--this is my new rrat

>> No.4183406
File: 22 KB, 236x224, 1620918911465.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4183656

>> No.4183656
File: 469 KB, 1031x1114, E42D94EB-952E-40A2-B59F-A4FB12A368C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wanted to make one with black borders like a classic meme

>> No.4183706
Quoted by: >>4183819

I'm having so much fun drawing that I have to literally stop myself from tweeting things daily because I don't want to seem like an attention whore
I still can't draw for shit

>> No.4183748 [DELETED] 
File: 83 KB, 849x201, F90BA8F0-B780-4303-B14D-2C0A405BC098.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4184298

when did this happen?
from this thread

>> No.4183769

Bea is lucky to have such a creative fanbase. Keep up the good work guys.

>> No.4183819

You know damn well she loves all the funny art she gets. You should tweet your drawings. If it's too shitty just don't tag it.

>> No.4183851


so whats /yah/s concensus on the casual suicide wishes from yesterday.

>> No.4183868

one of us

>> No.4183871

it's jork...

>> No.4183901

How many JOPs fans does she has?

>> No.4183913

One of us.
Probably wouldn't look too good for her if she never had the idea for streaming though...

>> No.4183915

bea clearly struggles with her mental health and while we may not be able to help her directly, let's hope that our time spent together helps her heal until she can be in a good place

>> No.4183920

drunk existensial crisis japanese girl in lockdown.

>> No.4183926
Quoted by: >>4183985


>> No.4183927

They all died during the slay the spire massacre. JOI fans on the other hand...

>> No.4183951
Quoted by: >>4183980 >>4183985

nuuta chad, only one i know

>> No.4183978

All women do. They dont want to be called shallow. Even the ugliest girl wont take anything less than 4 points above her.

>> No.4183980

It's her boyfriend

>> No.4183985
Quoted by: >>4184013

Nuuta isn't JOP, he's ESL.

>> No.4183995

Drunk thoughts

>> No.4184011

I dont know why I hate you all dads

>> No.4184013
Quoted by: >>4184053

Oh right. so zero then.

>> No.4184027

go to sleep bea

>> No.4184049
File: 628 KB, 3000x4000, E0K0wX1XoAQvtpa.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4184053

It will happen eventually, her content is strange enough to attract some curious JOPs.
The strong will survive the purges.

>> No.4184072

Isolation, alcohol and melancholy are a great mix if you want to have bad thoughts.

>> No.4184088

you will accept the swimming pool of Dad Juice. Only matter of time.

>> No.4184148

it’s ok i hate you too

>> No.4184186
Quoted by: >>4184293 >>4195924

All my entertainment is free. I will never superchat. I won't ever get any membership. I will pirate any and every premium content. I am free and even Beatani won't get me to spend money.

>> No.4184230

i believe

>> No.4184282

There's a thin/fine line between hate and love. When one cannot probably convey they're love it becomes hate (sometimes..). Same with people that are angry all the time. Those people are actually sad but don't know how to deal with it.

>> No.4184284

I mean isn't it obvious. She was only freaked out being called cute by her otaku "friends". If any ikemen chads were to call her cute, she would be gushing.

>> No.4184293
File: 218 KB, 1560x1560, 1620923178146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are not immune to beatani.

>> No.4184298


>> No.4184317
Quoted by: >>4184361

>Bea isn't streaming today
>She comes on and off twitter several times
Ahh, she misses us.

>> No.4184334

Typical "jokes" to make by people who spend a lot of time alone
Usually done by people think about it but will never actually go trough the effort and steps and just enjoy the idea

>> No.4184361

It's her manager

>> No.4184454

>be Chihiro
>live the same life as Beatani
>probably even worse because she's Beatani older sister
>probably got her mother smarts instead of her father ADHD like Beatani
>trap her sister in the internet so she won't kill herself
>gets ridiculed for saving your only sister
Being Chihiro is suffering...

>> No.4184489

It's ok Chihiro I love you!

>> No.4184532

Chihiro is ChiHERO

>> No.4184606

>I have good memories of my childhood... I remember when my father took me to the racing tracks
That's unexpected, did he like watching motorsports or something?
>He liked to gamble at horses

>> No.4184616
Quoted by: >>4184708

we dont deserve chihiro

>> No.4184668
File: 195 KB, 371x539, 1621870209313.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4184674

Despite how much it seemed like Beatani's family struggled, she grew up to be a strong woman, all while maintaining her virginity apparently too

>> No.4184708
Quoted by: >>4184844

thats why we got the reject...bea

>> No.4184716
File: 155 KB, 1024x1009, image0-22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4184958 >>4185432

I thought, for a second, that beatani's dad was a based /o/ dad, but I was wrong.

>> No.4184844

does that make chihiro liquid bea

>> No.4184847
File: 382 KB, 2048x1801, 1621461923984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4184885

Here's a photo of my two beautiful daughters. The one on the left is called Bea-chan, and the one on the right makes me call her Chihiro-sama.

>> No.4184885
Quoted by: >>4185078

How much for the one on the right?

>> No.4184904
File: 158 KB, 414x528, b91oKPj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Working on a special drawing for the karaoke
>I now realize that I'm trying to bite off more than I can chew

>> No.4184958
Quoted by: >>4185263

Filthy nerd dads who aren't even oil baron enough to own a train.

>> No.4185078
Quoted by: >>4185157

Don't reply to me ever again. Delete your post and kill yourself.

>> No.4185153

I want to fuck Bea, but I want to FUCK Chihiro, do you know what I mean?

>> No.4185157
File: 2.24 MB, 300x300, 1621827084545.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bea Bea?

>> No.4185241
Quoted by: >>4186062

almost broke my 16 days streak...

>> No.4185263
File: 142 KB, 1180x663, indian train.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4185544

trains are for the poors and the undocumented

>> No.4185280

Bea's 5 favorite fans, in order:
Hanabi chama
N. Yukari
Remote kids
Andrew Ryan
French groomer, or the other dude with a Z in his name
The rest of us will have to settle for scraps.

>> No.4185283

>*cracks open a cold one*
>*glu glu*

>> No.4185310

i'm aiming to shoot for number one from my position

>> No.4185328

Thinking about Bea NOT taking a bath after a very hot day makes me very horny

>> No.4185330

nutari the boyfriend
raziel the husband

>> No.4185378

Someone should've told me that replying to all her tweets was a way to clim the ladder

>> No.4185389
File: 389 KB, 549x651, bea_techtips.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4185501

Seriously people, chill out with the namefagging.

>> No.4185432
File: 22 KB, 652x471, 1464272300834.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

next time

>> No.4185440

draw her
reply to her twitter
become family

>> No.4185458

You forgot emote kid.

>> No.4185501

Jealous gosling dads just can't take it

>> No.4185518 [SPOILER] 
File: 7 KB, 86x354, 1621971050206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4185548

>> No.4185519
File: 222 KB, 373x403, 1619660720324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine her frustration when she realises this thread was made during her sleep.

>> No.4185544
Quoted by: >>4185633

remote kid is in this picture

>> No.4185548 [SPOILER] 
File: 8 KB, 534x248, 1621971142134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4185562 >>4185586


>> No.4185562
Quoted by: >>4185586

>Brown eyes
Bea can fuck off, her eyes should be red

>> No.4185586

this one is super cute

brown is canon unworthy dad

>> No.4185604
Quoted by: >>4185733 >>4185815

I'm honestly not jealous of namefags. Having to constantly compete for Beatani's attention seems tiring and degrading.

>> No.4185629
File: 991 KB, 448x486, meds away.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4185633
File: 1.70 MB, 1180x663, remote kid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4185653
File: 998 KB, 500x276, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fduqdev.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4185715
File: 147 KB, 1264x711, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know what I want to do with this

>> No.4185733

I just comment when I feel like it and I don't give a damn if I will get her attention.

>> No.4185752

Are there dads who engage in chat and Twitter and get no feedback from the bear? I just chat about the stream and she reads my comments a lot.

t. not even in bea's top 5 favorite fans

>> No.4185775
Quoted by: >>4185899

She reads my comments a lot on stream but completely ignores me on twitter. Not sure what is up with that.

>> No.4185795

Wouldn't work for me since I'm muted. I keep cheating on her nonstop.

>> No.4185813
File: 197 KB, 1163x2048, IMG_20210521_115620.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When is the dating & grooming arc ending?
Okay, it doesn't have to end, but it'd be nice to see her play a challenging game again that requires all her attention, and makes her happy when she clears it. Again, she should play whatever she wants, but it's fine to imagine what kind of games we'd like her to play every once in a while.
Touhou was fun, although in higher difficulties the dynamic for learning the game is different and more time-consuming. I'm completely fine with her trying other shmups like Crimzon Clover or other gimicky games.
>Implying we watch Beatani for the gameplay

>> No.4185815

What a chad.

>> No.4185818
Quoted by: >>4186502 >>4193623

Andrew I feel like you mentioned it once, but I really don't understand why you don't want to member up. I've wanted to ask for a while. I just want you to be able to enjoy the membership content with us

>> No.4185829

I never engage on twitter. Just being on that site can bring out the worst in me.

>> No.4185843

she loves all of Dads a stupid, unhealthy amount. please undastan showing it is too scary and awkward

>> No.4185855

She sometimes retweets my memes.

>> No.4185867

Don't feed the rrats too much, but I thought this banter was pretty funny. Don't you want to get Bea drunk, punch her in the stomach and drink her ringo?

>> No.4185877

She read my comments and answered me on twitter a few times but I have never cared much about that.
Purposefully trying to get her attention would be too cringe for me to bear.

>> No.4185899

She'll read a few of my comments, mostly just to tell me I'm foolish or out of my mind.

>> No.4185901

Not really, you have to be decently funny or have some quirk, else you're just the annoying reply guy and she probably muted you.

>> No.4185919

She likes everyone.

>> No.4185940
Quoted by: >>4186014

I just enjoy in silence, anyway she will never know me.

>> No.4185965


>> No.4185975

たしcunny is pretty fucking based.

>> No.4185999

Oh I like that conversation. たしcunny made me laugh

>> No.4186000

i post under different names on youtube and twitter, both of which she responds to often
i wonder if she is able to connect the two somehow...probably not

>> No.4186005
File: 151 KB, 420x388, QDSCmqB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Actually getting jealous of other dads
I'm glad she is sleeping

>> No.4186014
Quoted by: >>4186151

Don't you want a spit on the Excel spreadsheet? She will murder suicide us all upon graduation, and we will spend eternity together. This is the true Gosling apotheosis.

>> No.4186062
Quoted by: >>4186113 >>4186124

Good job. But whatever you do, do not think about sweaty, drunk, tuckered out Beatani laying in her bed, lightly snoozing with a little smile on her face. Don't think about the bit of drool sliding down her cheek as she sleeps, or every tasty inch of her slender form being on display for you to take in. And best not imagine you're laying next to her, listening to her soft breaths, watching her defenseless body go up... and down... and up... and down... over and over, with nothing in the world between you two except your own morals. And do not think about betraying the trust she has in you.

>> No.4186072

i had a dream that a vtuber i followed was graduating i don't know who i was but i hope it wasn't bea

>> No.4186075
File: 2 KB, 125x122, 1600785767132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>give bea harapan for punishment

>> No.4186093
Quoted by: >>4186141 >>4193753

This sentence tripped me up, can anyone tell me why it's spelled "本読んでたら" instead of "本を読んだら"?

>> No.4186113
Quoted by: >>4187424

i'm not one to go for drunk girls...but i would not be able to stop myself
is drunk sex looked down upon in japan as much as it is in the west?

>> No.4186124
Quoted by: >>4186207

I will never see this...

>> No.4186141

japanese basically drop whatever the fuck they want until the sentence becomes "i read book" and that is perfectly normal casual japanese

>> No.4186142

It'll end after the 10th date graduation stream

>> No.4186146
Quoted by: >>4186222 >>4186262

>viewer tierlist
That's the first step that leads to this https://tiermaker.com/create/the-great-viewer-tier-list-786719

>> No.4186151
Quoted by: >>4186175

maybe i am in the excel sheet and my name appears in the breakfast contest list,.

>> No.4186159
Quoted by: >>4186485 >>4186541

shes bad at games, she mainly stream just to chat with people. so i dont think she ever will focus on finishing a game

>> No.4186175

The fire rises brother

>> No.4186207

it's okay i'll try to experience it for the two of us brother

>> No.4186222
Quoted by: >>4186935

Whose's viewers are those?

>> No.4186262
Quoted by: >>4186422

I'm in the S tier
So are the rest of you based dads. DAD LOVE!

>> No.4186313
File: 836 KB, 609x1207, 1620681245110.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4186346 >>4186419

The mugs, break them.

>> No.4186346
File: 24 KB, 360x450, 500full-igor-bogdanoff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He broke them? Make more.

>> No.4186419
File: 433 KB, 660x493, 1620915553533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think not.

>> No.4186422
Quoted by: >>4186484

I feel like I'm a solid D-tier. I never interact anywhere and all I'm good for is hornyposting.

>> No.4186450

I thought she said that she didn't know how to flirt, kek.

>> No.4186473
File: 8 KB, 534x248, rollercoaster coupon uncensored.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4186860

Someone was asking for a rollercoaster coupon in a previous thread.

>> No.4186485
Quoted by: >>4186541

I hope she sticks with isaac long enough to at least beat mom

>> No.4186484
File: 21 KB, 534x248, 1621790144496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do what your best at dad.

>> No.4186486
File: 48 KB, 355x460, 1621886009460.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does she hate her dads so much, bros?

>> No.4186502

Only 2 possibilities, either by some principle of not wanting to give a single cent to Google, or to stand out, as some kind of shtick

>> No.4186506
Quoted by: >>4186746

Here's the rrat: Chihiro is actually her long lost brother. You know Teddy, her old boyfriend with the blue ribbon? He found out they were actually siblings. He was so upset he transitioned and goes by Chihiro now. Chihiro locked Chisato away for her treachery.

>> No.4186541

>ADHD bear that gets filtered by enemies after the 2nd floor/lvl.
She's ngmi

>> No.4186572
Quoted by: >>4186624

I take it all as projection, really and sarcasm.

>> No.4186624


>> No.4186698

she feel worthless depending on filthy otaku to support her needs

>> No.4186746

i need stronger rrat

>> No.4186751

Read a few of these threads. She's stuck with us dirty otakus until she can grow her audience. There will come a time when we are cast aside and forgotten. Sure, she will acknowledge our role if pressed on it, in the same way a child born of a rape might begrudgingly admit that their existence is predicated by their father's crime.
Or, maybe she doesn't hate us and just finds us hopelessly cringe. Choose the way to see things that makes you happy.

>> No.4186860
File: 283 KB, 405x437, 1621730330367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different dad, but thanks, goes right into my Bea folder.

>> No.4186890

comparing bea as rape child doesnt seem to fit. she did came to us after all
though i do agree she will abandon us when she get big

>> No.4186895

>There will come a time when we are cast aside and forgotten
That will be a good time. No decent streamer should be associated with this place.

>> No.4186910
Quoted by: >>4186970 >>4186975

very dramatic, don't you think?

>> No.4186933
Quoted by: >>4187061

The only other types of people that would actually accept her crazy shit after everything we've seen and heard are fucking furries. Maybe this is why she wants to be more like a normie beside the whole mom/bf thing. Unless that's all just a joke for content.

>> No.4186935


>> No.4186954

>There will come a time when we are cast aside and forgotten
I don't want to be forgotten bros...

>> No.4186967
File: 1.96 MB, 720x1280, 1618963210450.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ogey

>> No.4186970

Overly so. He's just doomposting.

>> No.4186975

Yes, that's what these threads are for. Overly dramatic schizo doomposting.

>> No.4186994
File: 112 KB, 680x601, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4187047 >>4187068

>> No.4187022

>there are underage dads in this thread right now

>> No.4187030
File: 107 KB, 292x227, 1621875999743.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4187036
File: 26 KB, 400x400, 1617044112628.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4187044

That would mean they have nearly half my age, scary

>> No.4187047
Quoted by: >>4187084

She will though...

>> No.4187049

sacrifice them to the bear so she stays with us

>> No.4187061
Quoted by: >>4187135

She kept it mostly, well sort of normie for the early days, and only started to deviate after seeing the crazy shit being posted here. I wonder if part of why she doesn't want to collab is her lack of confidence in hiding her power level?

>> No.4187068

Already made peace with this inevitable fate. I think.

>> No.4187080
File: 244 KB, 638x625, gromming.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Underage dads and moms around you say?

>> No.4187084

Good. Don't you want her to be successful?

>> No.4187091
Quoted by: >>4187111 >>4187133


>> No.4187099
File: 403 KB, 600x383, 1621714159700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We also have furries too.

>> No.4187111

Send your dick pic to her DM then

>> No.4187121

Don't post /wvt/ shit in /yah/ fag. Pretty please.

>> No.4187130
File: 153 KB, 800x450, 079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss carol

>> No.4187133

Do your larping as an ojisan reps!
worked for me

>> No.4187135

She was talking about fucking a character in slay the spire (Japanese stream) long before she found/came here.

>> No.4187142

the digits know

>> No.4187150

I can't believe I share this thread with this trash

>> No.4187156


>> No.4187161

Get this fucker out of here.

>> No.4187166
File: 161 KB, 640x1436, E2PTUbCUUAAKLNn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sooner or later...

>> No.4187175
Quoted by: >>4187219 >>4187229

new rrat just dropped
bea is nuuta but it’s her male alt to assimilate
is there a one free rrat coupon?

>> No.4187194
Quoted by: >>4187216

Me too anon.

>> No.4187214
Quoted by: >>4187314

that’s the goal , right...?

>> No.4187216

Go to /trash/ where you belong /wvt/rannies

>> No.4187218
File: 1.05 MB, 330x340, BREAK.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, think what could happen! The consequences! Those trips though.... I can only imagine...

>> No.4187219

Bea is Nuuta and she will gradually use both accounts to flirt and then start dating not only to cope but also to bully dads

>> No.4187229
File: 31 KB, 596x298, 1600965140654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4187268
Quoted by: >>4187296

W-why is her torso so long?

>> No.4187296

idol centipede vtuber

>> No.4187314

bea streams as a hobby/for fun without much ambition to "make it big" iirc
that being said, do you think she'd go full time if given the chance?

>> No.4187404

Yes. She likes streaming, at least for now and seems to hate her job.

>> No.4187420

I would hope so. I bet streaming beats the shit out of whatever job she has right now both in terms of money and how much she enjoys it.

>> No.4187424
Quoted by: >>4187513 >>4187831

No, most casual sexual encounters in Japan (also Korea) involve getting wasted at a bar or bar hopping then heading to the hotel.

>> No.4187432
File: 330 KB, 1024x893, XPHill_Stabbing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4187500 >>4187551

I hope Beatani remembers us when se finally reaches her goal of meeting Hiromoot.

>> No.4187455

she has better means to go corpo than anyone before her.Her antics might be.self deterrent or filter from that possibility though.She has lots of potential for growth and understands how to cultivate a fanbase.Fundamentals for any streamer.

>> No.4187500

if anything we need this to happen in none way or another.
I want bea to be vts main success story, and not just being know for rrats on rampage.

>> No.4187513

Beatani will be spotted going into a hotel bar near comiket with several dozen shimakaze-kuns.

>> No.4187551
Quoted by: >>4187611

>Beatani kills the man behind the anonymous forums that made her what she is
A man killed by the monster he's created. Very based.

>> No.4187611
Quoted by: >>4187747

>Beatani frees us from this purgatory.

>> No.4187737
File: 616 KB, 1280x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried "pencil" today, pretty comfy, maybe I will stick with it
Posting my failures to keep improving

>> No.4187747
Quoted by: >>4187786

If the goal gets reached... does that mean we'll have to move on?

>> No.4187786

Do you think she'll stop there?

>> No.4187810

Is this a cult? Either way I subscribed

>> No.4187831

thanks for the info

>> No.4187838
Quoted by: >>4187998

You're pregnant now.

>> No.4187839
Quoted by: >>4187916 >>4188114

she is a complete menhera. She want to humiliate us, make us jealous, offend and berate us to see that we are angry or sad because she feeds on negative emotions as a toxic person.
And she is doing it, but we are taking it as a meme. It infuriates her so love is changing into hate.
It took cumulative point until now and she RIGHT NOW is taking SMALL YELLOW JAPANESE DICKS to cheat dads and take steam off her. She will do it for whole week on alcoholic trance and you can't do anything about it

>> No.4187891
Quoted by: >>4187998

Yes, remember that in the end we will all drink the koolaid.

>> No.4187916


>> No.4187923


>> No.4187977

>Next up , onw the biggest Vtubers right noq, with 3.5 millon subs, Beatami-San!
>Crowd cheers
>Betani how are you today?
>Im great, thank you, thank you.
>Crowd cheers again
>Haha, thank you so much for all your support
>Now Beatani, the people wanna know, and i know this may be a controversial question. But when you started out your fans were from the infamous site 4chan, No?
>Hahaha, no no. That is often wrongly said, i posted there once or twice when i was starting out, i posted in many places but no i never had a 4chan fanbase, that place is very toxic, very ugly i would never want them as my fanbase, haha. But no at no point was 4chan or the weirdos from /vt/ part of my fanbase, haha.

>> No.4187991


>> No.4187998

Well, I guess there's no escaping now.

>> No.4188040
File: 66 KB, 364x390, 1618941107546~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4188046


>> No.4188077

>3.5 millon subs
Based successful bear

>> No.4188091
File: 53 KB, 521x530, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, I can tweet to her about drinking her piss and licking her pussy in public on twitter, without being called out by other dads or blocked by her? Why did I hold back until then...

>> No.4188111
File: 114 KB, 489x497, 9h24WVh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dad... look at her... she has grown so much... I'm so proud of her...

>> No.4188114

its cute she getting fucked while thinking about us

>> No.4188119

there will be a wavywebsurf video on beatani in 3 or 4 years if beatani succeeds mmw

>> No.4188131
File: 198 KB, 376x376, 1621839885785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know it will happen later sometime in the future, but still...

>> No.4188140
File: 30 KB, 594x146, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anybody have a history of moderating subreddits or using reddit? I don't really know what I'm doing and need help moderating /r/KumagaiChisato

>> No.4188168

We will be the fastest thread in the site if this happens

>> No.4188175
Quoted by: >>4188358

Only Nuuta can. You do it and it's a self destruct tweet.

>> No.4188208
Quoted by: >>4188358

it’s ironic satirization of the horny here which is also wrapped in multiple layers of irony, please understand

>> No.4188293

use them only to find free Overlords pdf and memes, but never moderating any sub

>> No.4188308
Quoted by: >>4188862

What's there to moderate? It's empty.

>> No.4188325
File: 16 KB, 584x394, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4189222

Other than suggesting this pattern for the braid, it's actually bretty gud.

>> No.4188358

does this mean he is also here?

>> No.4188360

only if you're one of the special dads

>> No.4188567
File: 75 KB, 304x354, SmokingKuma.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4188653

It's cute

>> No.4188788
File: 22 KB, 251x231, 1621312901126.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im currently a bit busy with collage thesis and finding work, don't have much time to draw meme and shitpost like before. I hope 3-4 months from now after I graduate, Bea and Dads are still around...

>> No.4188812

This right here would make me the most hardcore anti to ever exist.

>> No.4188858
Quoted by: >>4189117 >>4189138

Unban me and then maybe.

>> No.4188862
File: 12 KB, 556x180, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I know that post was actually just a honeypot to try and have redditors reveal themselves so I could ban and publicly shame them, but nobody fell for it.
Right now the ban list is a little empty

>> No.4188869


>> No.4188988
File: 113 KB, 525x512, 1600937390350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Beatani to play the first Klonoa game on stream!

>> No.4189046
Quoted by: >>4189493 >>4194726

I'm sorry to you dads for shitting up your holy place, but are we operating on any layers of irony? I hope only a little.

>> No.4189050


>> No.4189070
Quoted by: >>4189156 >>4189232

How do her armpits smell like?

>> No.4189117


>> No.4189119

You should try it and see how it goes. It looks like Beatani started it though. Nuuta just rolled with it like a boss.

>> No.4189122
File: 230 KB, 527x971, 1537559597009.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking people on 4chan if they know how to use reddit

>> No.4189138


>> No.4189156

Lemon and honey.

>> No.4189194

I'm just a fan like any other...

>> No.4189222
File: 412 KB, 941x1280, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna be useful, thank you, dadchama

>> No.4189220
Quoted by: >>4189489

I told you I would make her the next Nyanners

>> No.4189223

I hope you find a job, the job market is extremely saturated.

>> No.4189232
File: 14 KB, 400x400, 1621855393037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

currently like my dick

>> No.4189489

>Ever getting on a talkshow
You wish

>> No.4189492

rest assured, she will be here for at least a year

>> No.4189493
Quoted by: >>4194726

Yes and no. Some anons are shitposting, some might be serious, but it's all a nest of rrats.

>> No.4189679


>> No.4189793
File: 35 KB, 289x335, Discount botan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4189954

I'm not the only one that is printing the replies I get from her on twitter, right?

>> No.4190243

I'm tattooing them on my body. I look like a cross between a yakuza and a serial rapist.

>> No.4190250
File: 79 KB, 287x280, pinbea.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4190284
File: 87 KB, 500x750, 1618827511277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4190366
Quoted by: >>4190436

beachan's bruised blue and purple tummy... black eye erotic...

>> No.4190436
File: 115 KB, 381x394, why.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now, this I can get behind.

>> No.4190617


>> No.4190773


>> No.4190803

She forgot to prepare the bath again...

>> No.4191013
Quoted by: >>4191655

full time? yeah probably. corpo? I doubt it. She's expressed a very strong DIY attitude in the past and that kinda thing gets squashed hard when you aren't an indie. Nevermind the corporate atmosphere in general making it harder to b urself.
Like, imagine she was in hololive right now. How do you think that stream about her getting off to beating the shit out of Pichu would have gone down both with her higher-ups and a fanbase that sees you less like a fellow shitposter that happens to be a cute anime girl and more like an actual idol?

>> No.4191056

Another sandbag vtuber for the collection. Bea-san collab with Natsume Minori.

>> No.4191243

i love when my menhera online rental vtuber gf tries to make me jealous...so cute

>> No.4191340

I want Bea to go UUUUOOOOHHHH when I send her a dick pic where it's painted like pichu

>> No.4191616

I didn't print anything out, but I do have one particular conversation I had with her saved on my computer

>> No.4191655

Maybe Hiromoot could start his own vtuber company and Beatani can be part of it.

>> No.4191910
File: 141 KB, 366x372, 1619550176837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4192536


>> No.4191918

i need more....

>> No.4192019

Honestly, I want to hug Beatani.

>> No.4192187

I don't even want that much, I just want to make her happy.

>> No.4192220

I want to abuse her and then hug her.

>> No.4192411

I want her to abuse me and then hug me.

>> No.4192446
File: 21 KB, 300x300, 1377779155117.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

earthquake stopped me from starting to lewd the bear

>> No.4192518

I want to go on a rollercoaster with her...

>> No.4192536


>> No.4192614
Quoted by: >>4192717 >>4192784

A big complaint I have is that the subreddit does not link to her channel. You should put all her links into the subreddit description, the thing that currently says:
>A subreddit to discuss cute and funny bear Kumagai Chisato!

>> No.4192717
File: 17 KB, 381x202, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4193036

I did that today, thanks for the feedback though

>> No.4192729
Quoted by: >>4192883

How do I stop loving Beatani help me help me help me help me

>> No.4192784
Quoted by: >>4193036 >>4193218

bad idea

>> No.4192883
Quoted by: >>4193158

You drown the pain with hornyposting and Chihiroposting

>> No.4192922
Quoted by: >>4193287 >>4193463

guys can you stop talking about my girlfriend in weird ways

>> No.4192973 [SPOILER] 
File: 110 KB, 467x929, 1621979076534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't open this

>> No.4193036
Quoted by: >>4193487

It still doesn't show on the side bar of old.reddit.com. Maybe there is another place you have to edit it?

>> No.4193158
File: 97 KB, 302x467, F62F9ECD-893C-4426-B8F9-826D61B787FF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4193218
Quoted by: >>4194164

Who care, if somehow some guy find her channel trough this, either he's one of the few who will like it and integrate, or he won't and then w/e.
We're far far past the point of any risk of some other community "overtaking" anything.

>> No.4193287


>> No.4193463
Quoted by: >>4193617 >>4195558

I tell my brother I want to fuck his wife, you can't stop me from saying sexual things to your imaginary girlfriend

>> No.4193487

I think it just takes a bit to register for old reddit

>> No.4193617

wat is wrong with you

>> No.4193623

I mentioned it before but I really hate jewgle. I'll probably buy family tier in ARS if it actually works because 50 cents is maybe ok

>> No.4193753

The other Anon didn't explain it very well. You have probably seen the い in ている being dropped before. It's the same exact thing going on here.
読んでいる -> 読んでる
読んでいたら -> 読んでたら

>> No.4194054
Quoted by: >>4194118

She has a very erotic aura for a virgin.

>> No.4194118

That's just you being a coomer

>> No.4194164
Quoted by: >>4194356

literally only confirmed dads lurk the subreddit

>> No.4194320


>> No.4194356

Then I'm not sure how it's a bad idea either

>> No.4194392

It should HELP you in lewding the bear as you GRAB YOUR COCK as the earthquake is happening so mother nature helps you nut.what an amateur.Its the only way to show superiority to bea and mother nature.

>> No.4194638
File: 99 KB, 589x594, earthquake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4194726

the beauty is you dont know shitpost from reality, its a perfect blend.

>> No.4194730 [SPOILER] 
File: 713 KB, 1280x720, 1621980295411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4195016 >>4195757

>she's shilling herself on r/virtualyoutubers?
>deploy the propaganda

>> No.4194755
File: 117 KB, 768x1024, IMG_20210521_083614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would balon in ARS to not support Google's business practices (namely, courting with the left for corporate success). I believe Argentinians see it as a dick move to use their currency, however.
I would flat out unmember since she seems to be roughly on the good side of the algo for now, but it'd be awkward trying to explain the situation to her.

>> No.4194940
File: 27 KB, 358x292, Phoneposter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wouldn't post there because it's way too obvious who I am.

>> No.4195016
Quoted by: >>4195885

its to harvest jealousy from anons so she can get off to your frustration , what a foolish bear.

>> No.4195036

Anyone have a online archive with all her art and fanart?

>> No.4195059

>I believe Argentinians see it as a dick move
Yes, but you do you.

>> No.4195143

yeah this is a good idea.I might nuke my account at any time.

>> No.4195173
Quoted by: >>4195624

I've never liked the ARS thing since it feels like a shitty way to almost get member's only content for free
honestly I'd probably just drop the membership entirely and go back to donating through streamlabs but I genuinely value those occasional members only posts enough to spend $25 a month on them
I hope she understands that I can't really afford to do both at the same time (outside of special occasions like sub milestones/birthdays etc.) though

>> No.4195420
Quoted by: >>4203177

Spoiler tagged politics are still politics you nigger. If anyone in a first world country balons in ARS, I'll just hope that you're sending the difference to her paypal. It's not like I'll ever know anyway.

>> No.4195558

unironically take your meds

>> No.4195624

pretty sure I know exactly who you are, and there is no reason to feel badly about donating when you can't afford it. Beatani appreciates you just as much as me.

>> No.4195719 [SPOILER] 
File: 66 KB, 161x237, 1621981024468.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chihiro is next.

>> No.4195728
Quoted by: >>4195803

I have a good chunk of them. I've considered making a booru and tagging them all.

>> No.4195757
File: 85 KB, 366x459, pekiora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You underestimate the unalterable positivism of Reddit, they would probably say things like
>She's not afraid to speak her mind, that's nice!
>Reddit kinda sucks sometimes not gonna lie, she's not wrong
>Nice reverse psychology!

>> No.4195803
Quoted by: >>4196149

A booru? Are you sure? You can make a Mega folder.

>> No.4195885

And on that day when I have beaten all the other dads and won breeding rights with Beatani it will be glorious. I will be male pregnant and give birth to /yah/'s granddaughter after 30 months. Of course Bea will be a deadbeat dad (daughter), but that is ogey.

>> No.4195924


>> No.4195943

i NEED this

>> No.4196064

The wiki gallery.

>> No.4196135

I want to sniff her bearemones.

>> No.4196148
Quoted by: >>4196439

Bea might wake up soon. DO not post nice things about her.

>> No.4196149
Quoted by: >>4196693

I'm more interested in being able to search for images by tags.

>> No.4196263

i want to kiss beatani...

>> No.4196321

I want to embrace Beatani...

>> No.4196414
Quoted by: >>4196507

I want to date Beatani...

>> No.4196439

Beatani is pretty fucking cool in my book. My favorite vtuber hands down. If everyone else graduated I would be just fine.

>> No.4196483
Quoted by: >>4196664

I want to be abused by Beatani.

>> No.4196498


>> No.4196507
Quoted by: >>4196597 >>4196765

9 more dates, fellow dad
then she'll finally reject us

>> No.4196587

I want to make Beatani laugh when she's feeling down.

>> No.4196597
Quoted by: >>4196660

8, did you already forget about the horse track?

>> No.4196660
Quoted by: >>4197503

Does that really count as a date?

>> No.4196664

This is the only way

>> No.4196684
File: 70 KB, 816x1024, 20210526_012853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4196693
Quoted by: >>4197212

Consider the following

I wanted to host booru on hill, but there is some questionable content going in the /yah/, access to will be restricted in my country meaning I wont be able to watch it.

I can only grab and store them somewhere, maybe mega folder isnt a bad idea.

>> No.4196765
File: 260 KB, 770x558, 1391223540442.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god I'm so happy!!

>> No.4197212
Quoted by: >>4197501

Yeah, I'm not entirely sure about the hosting situation either since I don't feel like associating my current domains / ips with R18/R18G/loli art. Maybe I'll get another IP and use some free domain service which gives me a subdomain.

>> No.4197501

I thought of doing a sadpanda trick, make a page that gives you cookie,setup booru's nginx to block access without that cookie and be happy cookie doesnt have to be unique for everyone

>> No.4197503

She giggled and said it counted during the stream.

>> No.4197734

"ASMR Ear Licking JP" is now recommended on my home page. I only watch Beatani so I know it's because of one of you.

>> No.4197896

>I only watch Beatani

>> No.4197945
Quoted by: >>4198043 >>4198502

This thread will get archived before she gets a chance to read it, so I can post about how much I love Beatani without worrying that she'll find out.

>> No.4197976
File: 42 KB, 577x658, pihit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4198110

I'm working on something and it's the most fun I have had in a long long while.

>> No.4197995
Quoted by: >>4198081 >>4198427

So, do you prefer canna or macoto, dad?

>> No.4198043

i love chihiro

>> No.4198081
Quoted by: >>4198233

Are those words supposed to mean something to me?

>> No.4198110
Quoted by: >>4198440


>> No.4198212

That's me. Sorry bout that.

>> No.4198233

They are asmr youtubers that have been mentioned on stream/Twitter by fellow dads. I don't watch them, though I think many others here probably do.

>> No.4198427

Canan* sorry I just noticed. The typo might make a difference if searching.

>> No.4198440

...deserves nothing but pain

>> No.4198496

rika > canan and macoto

>> No.4198502
Quoted by: >>4198619

I love her, but I don't think we're a good fit romantically. I'm dreading the day when I have to friendzone her.

>> No.4198545

Pichu the electric rrat

>> No.4198619

just put her on read like a real chad

>> No.4198996
Quoted by: >>4199267


>> No.4199048

my baby is awake

>> No.4199267


>> No.4199514

I'm taking a river bath right now too and I wonder if Beatan would join me and then cum on my tummy.

>> No.4199580

Honestly I really like you as the king of greys. I respect that.

>> No.4199633
Quoted by: >>4199920 >>4199949

Imagine waking up and the scent of your unwashed manko urging you to take a bath as quickly as possible. Of course you tweet it first to give your fans some jerk off material. Then you sit in the bath catching up on the thread your insane dads wrote while absentmindedly rubbing your cunny. You are slightly aroused by all the hornyposting, ridiculous as it is.

>> No.4199817

>delimbing her in rimworld, putting her in a prison indefinately and using the rimjobworld mod to impregnate her over and over and getting a hoard of small beatanis

>> No.4199920
Quoted by: >>4200280

the thought of her bush drives me crazy

>> No.4199949

i want to fuck beatani

>> No.4199971

ok I remembered it correctly. Even so I hope people don't do it to get around supporting her, the ARS trick does work and I hope you join us. You have supported her as long as any of us here. The membership streams were fun, and she does occasionally use the diary posts as well. It's kino.

>> No.4200280

Me too, I want to pet it.

>> No.4200419
Quoted by: >>4200470


>> No.4200470
Quoted by: >>4200529

Not yet anon, not yet...

>> No.4200529

Y, yes...

>> No.4200829

It smells like rotten fish. You damn virgins!

>> No.4200881
Quoted by: >>4201031


>> No.4200913
File: 179 KB, 534x678, iopkjopkp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4200979

you never realize how fucking hard it is to draw a powerpuff girl until you do it yourself, or maybe that's just me

>> No.4200945
Quoted by: >>4201287

Bukkake karaoke! Bea singing into dads' dicks like a microphone! These microphones have a lot of feedback!

>> No.4200971
Quoted by: >>4201339

Yeah, Dads are experienced in this. Have to figure Dads are attracted to people like themselves.....

>> No.4200979

lol actually cute and funny. I hope you share this.

>> No.4200986
Quoted by: >>4201348

Bea wouldn’t mind if I wasn’t a virgin right...? or does she want to groom a virgin with no experience...

>> No.4201031

I want to sample Bea's wakamezake!

>> No.4201141

Mmmmm surströmming flavored cunny, my favorite!

>> No.4201287
File: 821 KB, 1280x960, karaoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does love SubaHibi. Reenacting her favorite scenes with dads!

>> No.4201339
Quoted by: >>4202114

Smelly dudes can smell like a dirty locker room to skunks (Musky). But a dirty woman? All I have ever smelled is rotten fish to things that are indescribable.

>> No.4201348

Only if you're a cute girl

>> No.4201435 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4201608

VShoujo collab incoming?

>> No.4201491

It feels so weird staying up to 4 am when she is not even streaming

>> No.4201498

I wish I never met Beatani!

>> No.4201608


>> No.4201611

What is the purpose of making a hornypost? Does it make you feel better in any way? I don't really understand.

>> No.4201739

It's called sexual frustration

>> No.4201849

I like to imagine the person reading it cringing.

>> No.4201873

I’m 16 days into NoReps give me a break

>> No.4201998

It's fun

>> No.4202114
Quoted by: >>4202396 >>4202630

Dads are groomers, Dads want find and groom things like themselves, Dads find homeless girls in street....UOOOOOOOOHHHHHH smelly cunny AHHHHH dirty wet and stinky. Just thinKING ABOUT BEATANIS UNWASHED BODY MAKES ME WANT TO BURY HER IN MY CUM AHHHHHHHHHH UUUUOOOOHHH

>> No.4202252


>> No.4202318 [SPOILER] 
File: 220 KB, 716x729, 1621986146616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4202322
Quoted by: >>4202825 >>4203177

Did Bea ever finish the picnic drawing? Also, I hope she takes us on an amusement park date next. It would probably be way too much trouble for her to wear the contest winning outfit but I can dream.

>> No.4202396

All joking aside, I don't want to hear we are grooming anyone anymore when this board is literally grooming a high schooler to be their perfect waifu, even designing her cunny outfit to suit their tastes. Plus, I have never seen a vtuber smackdown groomers the way Bea does, she is absolutely brutal about it.

>> No.4202481
Quoted by: >>4202639 >>4202785

its eu waking times, it will be over soon

>> No.4202488

The thought of Beatani smiling at me makes me want to impregnate my mattress UUUUOOOOOOH! After that I'm going to cum in every single solitary one of my socks while doing my RFA reps!

>> No.4202544 [DELETED] 
File: 175 KB, 326x282, 1619271943977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. dad that works at YouTube here
Just for your information four girls from holoEN watched Beatani at some point and 2 of them are regulars
I'm going to be fired anyway so I can give you some rrats from console

>> No.4202589

I recently started reading about that too, very disturbing but I expect nothing else from this sea of degenerates.

>> No.4202603

dads are groomers, own it

>> No.4202615
Quoted by: >>4202684

Why not just say who then?

>> No.4202630


>> No.4202637

>Shit rabbit poster
Your rrats have no weight.

>> No.4202639

it's 01:47 in eu right now, it's not prime time at all. These are burger hours.

>> No.4202655

Let me guess, everyone but Ina and the regulars are Gura and Amelia

>> No.4202673
Quoted by: >>4202739

typical youtube employees don't have access to that data

>> No.4202676


>> No.4202684 [DELETED] 

Gura and Ame are regulars, Calli and Kiara watched her until Too Fast RPG

>> No.4202701

rrats are sexy, we are here to listen.

>> No.4202739 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>4202805 >>4202810

I'm AI specialist. I can get whatever I want

>> No.4202763

>Calli and Kiara
Doesn't surprise me those two would get filtered hard really.

>> No.4202776
Quoted by: >>4202999

Who? I need to groom and coom.

>> No.4202785

How can one be so off about timezones

>> No.4202805
File: 1.19 MB, 1280x720, 1424098954668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it

>> No.4202810

No "AI specialists" have access to that data.

>> No.4202812

Gura AWAY, unless she is shitposting with us. Ame is fine.

>> No.4202825

Not yet. I hope she hasn't completely abandoned drawing streams. They were super comfy.

>> No.4202833
Quoted by: >>4202892

Do you think they feel like birds in a gilded cage when they watch Beatani's streams?

>> No.4202892

I'm sure they would love to call people autistic retard coomers.

>> No.4202999

Nothing interesting. It's not even a real japanese person, it's just a larp everyone has fallen for. Probably not even a school girl by her use of old memes.

>> No.4203000

Knew it

>> No.4203042
Quoted by: >>4203102

Just think, there's a decent chance Beatani is singing in the bathtub right now. What is she singing?

>> No.4203102
Quoted by: >>4203131

Russian dad birthday song

>> No.4203131

That would be kino

>> No.4203177
File: 282 KB, 700x933, Inubashiri-Momiji-touhou-27985526-700-933.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Near-end of thread clarification: I wasn't taking any political stance, but wanted to show A*****-san that someone sympathizes with him to a certain degree. I certainly don't want to bring that topic up too much -- it has already happened before in /yah/, but otherwise we've made a good job of avoiding it so far.
No, but I hope she finishes or at least calls the current version "done." I unironically want to put it up somewhere. Not on my fridge though, I'm thinking of putting it on the lid of my piano.

>> No.4203213

I hope she sings natsu matsuri for the karaoke stream

>> No.4203239

Sonic 30th Anniversary in a couple days, think of all the new Tails fanart

>> No.4203259
Quoted by: >>4203481

Bea please finish your pic nic drawing

>> No.4203423
Quoted by: >>4203638

Hey Bea, check this. https://twitter.com/3yo4yo5yo/status/1397219131838111748?s=20

>> No.4203481

ADHD bear please understand

>> No.4203515
Quoted by: >>4203556 >>4203627

I want to draw Beatani.

>> No.4203556
Quoted by: >>4203583

so why aren't you?

>> No.4203576
Quoted by: >>4203646

That egg is FUCKING RAW!

>> No.4203583
Quoted by: >>4203659

I don't know what to draw of her.

>> No.4203607
File: 422 KB, 2048x1536, IMG_20210526_020645.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4203627

What's stopping you?

>> No.4203638

Too human for her still.

>> No.4203646
Quoted by: >>4203729 >>4203776

Japanese eggs can be eaten raw

>> No.4203659

maybe draw her baking a pie. I tried doing it like five times before I gave up because I couldn't get it to look nice

>> No.4203719

Beatani doxxing herself with an egg, kek

>> No.4203729
File: 51 KB, 710x746, 1619489858043.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4203776

But should they

>> No.4203772
Quoted by: >>4203828

Her chandelier has 6 bulbs. The game is afoot!

>> No.4203776

Nice over head light, Beatani.

>> No.4203792
Quoted by: >>4203856

Do you really think that a girl who looks for the reflections on every picture Dads send, would show herself in a reflection

>> No.4203800
File: 79 KB, 800x600, cummingtonite.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4203942

If beatani was a mineral, which mineral would she be? I think she would fit as cummingtonite. It's a complex mineral made from very complex processes that are not really understood by anyone. It is also very rare to even find a mineral like this. As a form of asbestos it will also severely hurt your health if you get too close and attached to it. Also it is called cummingtonite which fits because she will make me cum tonite.

>> No.4203828
Quoted by: >>4203874

Wait a second that isn't a chandelier...thats a ufo! The greys...

>> No.4203856
Quoted by: >>4203888

Yes, she sends me nudes in the mirror every morning. I told her that her hair looked a bit dirty, thus the bath.

>> No.4203866

Wait a second, zoom in closer
Enhance more, bump up the pixels
That's fucking rice

>> No.4203874

AR, no!

>> No.4203888
Quoted by: >>4204085

Nooooooooooooo I thought I was special... so you get them too?

>> No.4203927
File: 119 KB, 667x683, 1621987655744.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4203942
Quoted by: >>4204165

>It actually exists
Holy Kek. Who named this fucking shit.

>> No.4203960
Quoted by: >>4204420

Dads win today

>> No.4204053
File: 27 KB, 150x124, bubble2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4204085

We've been had it seems.

>> No.4204116
Quoted by: >>4204192 >>4204425

Bea is a spooky ghost baby, rrats?

>> No.4204165

>Cummington, MA
kek I didn't even know this town existed, not that western mass actually exists in the first place

>> No.4204188
File: 734 KB, 1350x1177, jpeg artifacts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4204192

Since she's trapped on the internet, there's probably some trickery at play

>> No.4204324

Dunking on EOPs?

>> No.4204326
Quoted by: >>4204398 >>4204532

All I can see is that she have black hair and is kinda fatty in japanese standard

>> No.4204369
Quoted by: >>4204430

Do your reps, newfag.

>> No.4204398

>kinda fatty
Are you kidding? Have you seen how slim her hands are?

>> No.4204404

If I came in this food when she wasn't looking, could she tell? Maybe tuck it under some lettuce?

>> No.4204411

She's not

>> No.4204420

What are you fools talk....Oh...now I see it. Meh.

>> No.4204425

People stopped going out to haunted places because of the pandemic, so ghosts had to start getting creative.

>> No.4204430

I did not interpret it in that way. I think she is just talking about herself.
I think he is referring to the reply to the tweet.

>> No.4204438
File: 227 KB, 454x332, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4204450
Quoted by: >>4204592

I'm an EOP but going off rikaichamp it seems like google translate's just being retarded and translating "suppress" (or hold back or something like that) as "kill"

>> No.4204483
Quoted by: >>4204574


>> No.4204487

Triforcing using reflections, nice.

>> No.4204532
File: 124 KB, 785x547, non-info.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got that information from this shit? You can't see shit. It's not even recognizable as a person, it may be some piece of shit on the wall

>> No.4204539

Bea might be a lot of things, but she doesn't seem to hate gaijin or EOPs at all. She encourages people to learn Japanese if they are interested and is a fan of western culture in general. I think this is most apparent in how she is so open and honest about herself to her viewers when every other JP vtuber puts on a front of some sort.

>> No.4204541
Quoted by: >>4204597

That was a hand stuntman.

>> No.4204559

Wasn't that chihiro?

>> No.4204574

Rogue planet Beatan flying too close to the sun!

>> No.4204592
Quoted by: >>4204726

When I see 殺す it usually means "to kill."

>> No.4204597

Chihiro has the ladylike hands, Chisato's are big and strong to choke and mating press Risuna-chan.

>> No.4204615
File: 715 KB, 1350x1177, IMG_20210526_023417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be fat and have slim hands

>> No.4204623

Kinda cute

>> No.4204649

Fucking hell dads. I hope she does not get creeped out by this.

>> No.4204657

Nice rrat. It's too low quality to make that shit out.

>> No.4204662

Thread is almost gone thankfully.

>> No.4204668


>> No.4204672
Quoted by: >>4204714

the fat arc has finally started.

>> No.4204678

She creeped us all out about 2 streams ago, where were you?

>> No.4204682

She's laughing her ass off

>> No.4204694

No worries, she's a bear on XP hill now, she will post lots more photos. Ok probably not anymore. This autism is quite spectacular.

>> No.4204699

where you not there where she tried to doxx the Indian dad?

>> No.4204712
Quoted by: >>4204760 >>4204765

She's probably ワロタing right now about her masterfully placed full-sized Chihiro cutout to make the photo more exciting for the schizos

>> No.4204714
Quoted by: >>4204896

0 kg bear, fight me.

>> No.4204726
Quoted by: >>4204791 >>4204821

well like I said, I'm EOP. But that doesn't really make sense in the context of everything else while "suppress" more or less does.

I guess it could be an indirect way to berate her fans again but she isn't the kind to do that indirectly

>> No.4204749


>> No.4204760

It better not be, if I find out I've been shooting rope to Chihiro this whole time I will go apeshit.

>> No.4204765

>about her masterfully placed full-sized Chihiro cutout to make the photo more exciting for the schizos

>> No.4204773
Quoted by: >>4204844 >>4204849

>phone taking photo
No, look at the rest of the photo, she did not use flash from the phone camera when making this photo. Look at the egg for instance, it is clear that the lightning in this photo is from a lamp on the ceiling. You are all freaking out about just some weird reflection of something else in the room... probably...

>> No.4204791
Quoted by: >>4204931

I still don't get what is even saying there though.

>> No.4204821
Quoted by: >>4204888

She says shit in Japanese under her breath about us all the time on the streams. I am picking up some Japanese just trying to understand it. Obsession has its upsides.

>> No.4204836

Kek, beatang is not fat. I can recognize fat people without a problem, she is not one

>> No.4204844
Quoted by: >>4204863

It's her boyfriend

>> No.4204849

No, this is not bright enough to be lamp. That must be reflection from silver metallic iphone

>> No.4204863
File: 197 KB, 434x404, 1620290318629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4204873
Quoted by: >>4204941

Have you not seen the state of /yah/ over the past month? It's all coomers now

>> No.4204888

She should click her tongue more when she says it.

>> No.4204896

all night long.

>> No.4204924

This is why she only posts food pics for balons

>> No.4204931
Quoted by: >>4204984

Machine translation is accurate for the tweet.

>> No.4204941
Quoted by: >>4205042 >>4205106

I miss the gosling fuckers. Coomers are annoying and ruin thread quality. Just look at threads in /vg/. They're the most uninteresting ritual posters to date.

>> No.4204984
Quoted by: >>4205120 >>4205140

No I mean why can she only say kill? What does that even mean?

>> No.4205003
Quoted by: >>4205113

I will love beatani if she is fat, i will love beatani if she is fit. I will even love beatani if she is litterly a man. My daughter is the character Kumagai Chisato. What the irl person behind the character is like does not matter to me.

>> No.4205042

Horny posting stopped being funny a long time ago. It's just spam by now.

>> No.4205055


>> No.4205094
File: 102 KB, 594x530, 213163853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4205124

I like to do my art reps thanks to Bea!

>> No.4205106

Ah well. I started to get less emotionally invested in Bea once this starting rolling in, though I still watch her and everything.
I think it's partially a feedback loop. Coomposting enables Bea to tweet/talk about degen shit, which enables the coomers even more. We're gonna reach a coom singularity if this keeps up.

>> No.4205113
Quoted by: >>4205147

Even if she's 155 meters wide?

>> No.4205120

Probably talking back to her coworkers and bosses under her breath

>> No.4205124

Looking good

>> No.4205140
Quoted by: >>4205197


>> No.4205147
File: 62 KB, 1200x675, ag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's even better

>> No.4205158
File: 334 KB, 850x889, sample_4005ab7f02c98e651736702c4dd582119180897c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>4205205

Now imagine if you took the effort these baka spent in overanalyzing a handful of pixels, and used it to actively maintain the wiki instead...

>> No.4205197

oh god, oh fuck. She is here right now and she probably saw those posts about analyzing that bubble. Beatani not all of us are creeps, only some.

>> No.4205205
Quoted by: >>4205251 >>4205372

I agree, should at least have some more detailed info on her musical tastes. I think wiki dad might be very overwhelmed right now and doesn't know what is safe to even add at this point.

>> No.4205251


>> No.4205319
Quoted by: >>4205358

Good bye dads, the thread is nearly dad

>> No.4205339

wait for me beatani-chan!!!

>> No.4205349
File: 25 KB, 256x312, 1619562079525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4205355


>> No.4205358

dead*... fuck

>> No.4205359

Please make an epic last post.

>> No.4205372
File: 111 KB, 500x500, large.Cir_Sux.jpg.ab481b017062b8af5829ef980480e0dc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's because it doesn't make sense for me to keep doing it alone. Maybe I sound a little bit too frustrated here, but I swear that if I could combine the efforts of everybody pointing out missing information, that energy could be converted into actual contributions about the aforementioned missing information instead.
Let that sink in while /yah/ rests.
