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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41083251 No.41083251 [Reply] [Original]

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!

Change the Vote Edition

Previous thread: >>41007906

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:

- Survive
- Fish
- Be nice

>Note that the map is set in stone.
>Casual Stories or Greentexts of your general in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Ignore any trolls, falseflaggers or dramafags. Report, hide and move on.
>Try to keep hornyposting, socposting and funposting to the absolute minimum until we hit the bump limit.
>Please think twice before posting if you're intoxicated or feeling moody.


Ocean Currents:
Weather Systems:
Climate Analysis:
Tectonic Plates and their Movements:
Geologic Provinces:




>> No.41083338
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Please mark and tag the section you want the relevant content to be archived. Unmarked posts will not be archived.
Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day after the thread has been archived. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
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Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.
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Anchor post for events in the /vtwbg/ canon timeline.
Reply to this post or commentate directly in the sheet suggestions for events to add to the timeline.

>> No.41083397


>> No.41083414
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Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

Vote will end on 16-1-2023 11PM GMT
>Vote Results
https://rentry.org/m7rhg (most recent)
Aggregated Past Vote Results:
>Vote post archive

>> No.41083497
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>> No.41083624
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Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

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Last thread's new lore/discussion you might have missed:


Reply to this post to be included in the next thread's lore catchup

>> No.41083757
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Vote for how Nijimale is to be handled going forward:

1. 2434 takes all the land, but any NijiJP split is entitled to all of Nijimales in the future.

2. The space of nijimales will become freed up

3. /2434/ takes no more than 1/5th of nijimales, to represent the posters that moved to the main thread. The rest is to be labeled unclaimed territory and provinced accordingly for any future niji splits to claim.

>> No.41083908
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>> No.41084402
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/nasa/ vote, https://rentry.org/NorthernMossback


>> No.41084686

Option 4. Would rather treat the threads as one in the same in world while respecting their differences in the lore regionally. Unify the Empire but keep the tradition and heritage!

>> No.41085017

And furthermore, I think this is the best option lore wise considering the thread often goes inactive, thus by doing this, we respect my thread. Let new EN splits go into neutral if need be, and respect the effort put into our lore

>> No.41085333
Quoted by: >>41086431

I agree, but I mean... The rep should still be a writer for the thread, right? You wouldn't really have a random stranger cast the vote, that seems a bit weird kek. But yes, from an organizational POV, the rep is just for voting, and the writer is just for writing, and the mediator is just for mediating. It's just that you can be in multiple categories at once.

>> No.41086431
Quoted by: >>41087339

No thats exactly what i don't want anymore, votes beign tied to nations is what i feel is creating a big issue. people feel that others falseflag or bring in people to become voters to establish "voting blocks" and this leads to new anons cosntantly being on the judgestand to see if they are or not.

a mediator should be the one person that is the most qualified to judge lore for a thread. second tier writers should be people that can write more indepth lore for a thread even if maybe they are not more than a semi regular of a thread and writer itself should jsut people that write soemthing for a thread ona more surface level because they also jsut knnow as much about a thread.

peopel eligible to vote should not be jsut because of nation. why would OG be more qualified to vote than warsuner? why should lunaito not be allowed to vote jsut because he is no mediator for a nationn and only second tier writer for a handful of threads.

even just the idea before of voting groups per region i think would be better, even if it creates issues itself, and have some more "freeform" writer decide on what they consider their main region and be a permanent member of that voting group. that way we wouldn't encourage falseflagging as much because you are jsut oen person discussing among others for a mutual vote liek how nationw ith several writers already do and it also reduces the worry of some that friendns will jsut vote for the benefit of friends when those friends are already close to each other and would then cast one vote together

>> No.41087339

I don't believe threads that are currently inactive need to be changed to reflect that with any particular hurry. A thread that pops up every month, but has a purpose and a fanbase is a valid thread in my book.
https://rentry.org/morig-vote-ballots (peep the edit date)
Also, to make my stance clear, a thread that is truly dead and inactive should see its territories relinquished to the province system. This doesn't mean the land is empty or that all of its population vanished or migrated, or that its government disappeared. It simply represents the thread losing some arbitrary measure of centralization, leaving an opening for an ulterior nation to write how they ended up ruling this territory. In this case, if it was indeed not an active thread anymore, the /nijimale/ nation could be left as-is in universe until such time that a new nation selects provinces from this territory.
Hmm, I mean I get where you come from with all that, but the issue is that this is an anonymous project. Who do voters vote "as" if they do not represent a nation? Can anyone who grabs a tripcode be a voter? Tying it to threads at least limits the total number of voters to the number nations that are active.
If we use the region thing, isn't that the same as basing it on threads, but with slightly larger (and probably less representative) groups of people?

>> No.41089116

i guess each region would need to decide on one person ultiamtely that presents the vote but with this i feel every writer that is from the region or considers their mainstay in that region should have a part of the discussion fo what that region should vote, these discussions should be public in this thread so people can confirm from outside that its not mispresenting the consens of region or leaving someone out

>> No.41089470
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>> No.41090181
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>fandead companies in nasfaqg
Yes? Do elaborate.
And yeah, I think there would have been a league of companies and sub-states that declared themselves as accepting fandead refugees. You can probably assume a good 30% of the sub-states being friendly and enthusiastic to help, 30% being open and accepting, 20% not caring much other than how this whole thing would affect trade, 15% being apprehensive or slightly hostile, and 5% being strongly against fandead migration and possibly hostile to them. The Republic Proper government would probably be sympathetic and accepting, but wouldn't go out of their way to do much of anything about it. They prefer to keep to themselves.

As for how the wealth of the nation is interested, the largest megacorp in the nation that controls a ~20% of the entire economy of the nation is strongly pro-fandead due to one of the 11 corporations that make up the conglomerate being a fandead led one.

As for the fandeads/ruminanites in nasfaqg, i think them forming their own neighbourhoods within already established cities would work well (Like "Chinatowns" or "Little Italys" but instead, its Fandead/Ruminanites). This way the unique culture of the refugee-fandeads could be explored in an interesting way. Also it would mesh well with your idea about the modern ruminanites being generally hostile towards most holo nations; In nasfaqg, which is majorly holo focused but also a generally peaceful place, they would not be openly hostile toward the worshippers of other deities, but they would still prefer to live in neighbourhoods where Ruminanites / Orthodox fandead are the majority, and thus also get do be the dominant ones politically, culturally and economically.

>>41060788 said things pretty well. I havent yet done the ethnic and religious breakdown of the nasfaqg population but I think the fandead are a notable minority (1% to 3%, so by 1100 roughly 1 to 3 million in total). While they may not be many compared to the sheer weight of the entire nation's population, they are culturally fairly significant.
I think I'd like to get a significant amount of the refugees. Taking into account that there were some before the graduation in the nation already, and that they have had ~200 years to breed at an unknown rate, I dont know what would be a reasonable amount.

As for any modern day ruminanite missionaries, I think they would find these little rushiatowns rather welcoming, although if there are any orthodox fandead (as in, "only rushia") then I fear there could be some disagreements.

As for ulterior motives, if you want them, I do think that the loose league of companies would like to negotiate something along the lines of >>41048189 for themselves too (on a meta level, for the thread as a whole, because I have yet to actually come up with a suitable number of corporations), although they may be less interested in gold in the now and more interested in the long term security of trade networks.
There is also the fact that a ton of refugees would mean a lot of people looking for work, and a lot of people looking for work means lowe- more affordable wages.

I read it, it sounds very reasonable.

>> No.41091467
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The interactive map has been updated to reflect the new vote. As a reminder, the names of each nation were added recently, so let me know if yours is listed incorrectly or if there are any other discrepancies that need fixing.

>> No.41095361
Quoted by: >>41119472

I'll also choose abstain following the deadbeat rationale
>I don't believe threads that are currently inactive need to be changed to reflect that with any particular hurry. A thread that pops up every month, but has a purpose and a fanbase is a valid thread in my book.
Though I already know this is a mock vote and its results are more of a kind of test ride than anything, I think it'd be fine to allow /nijimales/ and /2324/ to deal with their thread's in the way that they see fit, if that means an option like 1, 2, or 3 than that's fine but I don't really have much right to say where it should go since I'm not knowledgeable on the threads and don't write for any of them.

>> No.41098795


>> No.41099466

Pisscord fags hiding the result because its not favorable to them. They are having an in vote now for divegrass. Pathetic.

>> No.41099600

The results are visible to all, no hiding.

>> No.41101573
Quoted by: >>41111959

to clarify, the issue is that the vote clearly got tampered with and we are atm collecting samples to compare and see jsut how much it differs from the results that are public to see to anyone.

if anyone wants to help, send a DM on cord towards atlasanon since that right now is the only way to really count verified votes for the poll for comparision, sorry for the inconvienence.

going forward we probably will have to change our voting approach as much as we wanted to uphold anonymity for these votes.

>> No.41103200

If it were me, Ive already voiced my concerns regarding the rep system: >>/vt/thread/S37477343#p37577700
A bloc of like-minded affiliations will overpower threads with only 1 writer. Say nasfaqg wants to add a charter colony next to nijijp. The whole niji sphere (Pomu, Rose, Nijimale, 2434) can overwhelm that vote. In this scenario the niji sphere should be consolidated as 1 collective vote. an average opinion. the rep system is for representing opinions so if everyone in a single sphere share a single opinion, that counts as 1 vote

>> No.41104476
Quoted by: >>41104894

How do we determine the boundaries of the spheres? If it's based on the opinions, wouldn't there simply be one vote for Yay and one vote for Nay for binary choices?

>> No.41104894
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>How do we determine the boundaries of the spheres?
Up to the writers that make up the thread if they wish. generally I just want a solution so that writers that just want to be left alone not get their opinions overwhelmed by a likeminded majority for the sake of convenience. the rep system has become a numbers game, not a weight factor of opinion

>> No.41106979


>> No.41107067
Quoted by: >>41112522

I can see where the idea comes from, but I feel like in practice, threads would request to be alone in their sphere to maximize the power of their vote. If it's left up to the individual threads, there is no incentive to be in a "sphere" with other threads. It just dilutes the thread's vote.
Did you see the voting reform proposal? Do you think that could and/or help address those issues? https://rentry.org/voting-reform
Also because missed the trip, hello founder!

>> No.41110062


>> No.41111959
Quoted by: >>41112254

Newsuner, are you there bro? We are going to work on magic with OG who apparently did his reps on chuubanite. (you mainly, i'll get his ass in gear though.)
what method do you think we will do? I didn't even know that the strawpolls could be manipulated?

>> No.41112254
Quoted by: >>41112360

It turns out that the straw poll only limits you to one vote per ip, so pretty easy to circumvent honestly. We might have to switch to something like >jewgle for divegrass voting from now on unless anyone can offer up any better alternatives?

>> No.41112360
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Quoted by: >>41112614

We use the same voting system as normal thread votes. You can only vote if you posted lore before.

>> No.41112522

Speaking on spheres, i am of the firm opinion that local reps can decide borders between themselves, so long as it isnt a clearly bs thing like /who/-/uuu/. For example, it is not the business of anyone outside Indeia (sans 2434 in this particular instance because of lore) what the border changes over a lore war is. I think it is better to have trust in the regional authorities to handle their own affairs with grace. I would also consider for placement similar ideas be had where the word of regional reps would be taken more seriously in discussions that those outside of it since they might have plans, like Warkop did, that all of them agreed on yet there was friction over the land for Warkop from those who were outside the region for various reasons. By showing good faith to regional reps, we reduce “us vs. them”isms since regional reps tend to work closely with their neighbors and outside forces telling them no unless it is objectively bad (as the aforementioned who-uuu situation that always is brought up in discussing land changes.) because that can lead to mistrust…

>> No.41112614

Rep voting might be a wise choice but I also think we should have it open to all writers and even those who are just lurkers in some way. While writers would be easy to verify, the lurkers are harder and they are part of this thread.

>> No.41112808
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Hey man, that wasn't BS. I had to reject their offer of complete annexation in favor of just taking land since I didn't want to annex them.
I still need to bring up the idea with the newer /uuu/ reps anyways, I do want that coast.

>> No.41113629

I mean, there is nothing wrong with asking newer reps for less land that what you guys basically did kek.

>> No.41114902

Just place this under climate and weather, and why not change it to Climate Weather and Geology? It's far from complete but I would rather it be in the archive since what I have now works fine.

>> No.41116065
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For once, based.

>> No.41118279
Quoted by: >>41121646


>> No.41119472
Quoted by: >>41120949

I will consider this as 1. because its that at its core

Alright just to not drag this out we will handle this as second round with nobabstains because otherwise this takes forever.

Since some details about this have changed too i would like to consider this mock vote as "nijimales is considered dead, how to proceed" because it seems with new info that a real discussion would be on something else entirely

>> No.41120949
Quoted by: >>41123668

Remind me, what's the point of this vote again?

>> No.41121616

uooohh Founder-kun's shota ass ToT

>> No.41121646
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Because people either keep forgetting the actual context or weren't actually here when that happened. The real problem was not that /who/ couldn't receive land from /uuu/ but that the sapling who proposed that (and the thread as a whole) wasn't really interested in the thread at that time. So it was considered unfair and there were even accusations of samefagging.

Also rep what would you describe Wendigos as? More monsters or animals? Right now I'm thinking it as a species that has some kind of sexual dimorphism. Which the actual wendigo is either a dominant male/female. Wargs are both the prey and target of Kleptoparasitism from dominant Wendigos. (Since afaik actual commensalism/mutalism doesn't really work like that.) Maybe they are sort of like T-rexs hypothesized in recent studies too, that the juveniles are very different from the adults, and that it takes a long while for them to grow from juveniles to adults. Which makes them more vulnerable and explains their rarity. But if you are thinking more monster like then I'm just gonna throw most of that out and magic that stuff.

>> No.41122813
Quoted by: >>41141731

You can have both magic and nuanced zoology! Maybethe wendigos start out as an animal as you describe, but if they taste a human/wendigo animal with /who/ chuubanite it begins a mutation that turns them into monsters that seek out graveyards specifically, for example.
(Basing this on watchalongs of that one QTE game about wendigos where the curse was caused by cannibalism).
Just an idea.

>> No.41123212
Quoted by: >>41123665

So... You're saying that local reps should decide for themselves but that the greater group should act as a check and balance for unfair situations?

>> No.41123665

Yeah basically

>> No.41123668

The point was that with the current vote system actual votes that are not a clear consens like new nations being placed is flawed. If this vote ends with the place being forced to free up it will not be something the affected parties will be fine with at all while if it gets merged completly the other site will cry foul vecause some just voted for their friends benefit or with falseflag reps

>> No.41125522
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Quoted by: >>41127270

>other site will cry foul vecause some just voted for their friends benefit or with falseflag reps
This seems like a really biased look on things, so I'll ask this, as the only vote so far that would fall under this category. What when that doesn't happen and I accept the fact that the majority feels different than me on the matter and that that is okay? You know, like an adult. What then?

>> No.41126882
Quoted by: >>41127070

Anon I'm genuinely having trouble understanding what your saying here. Is this a schizo post or just esl?

>> No.41127070

Just ESL, I think. It's not schizo, just poorly phrased.

>> No.41127270

Alright then we ask people about it

Alice and emma would you feel well or very accepting about a vote where nijimales simply gets freed up or at least mostly, i will extent this to anyone that wants to give their opinion for this outcome

And the other way around i ask 3beat and clocks if they really feel that a vote that lets nijimales merge with 2434 would be something you are happy with and feel was made with an objective lense, i will also extend this towards anyone that wants to chime in on this outcome

>> No.41127305
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Coming soon... Heishin War...

>> No.41127334

>feel well or very accepting about a vote where nijimales simply gets freed up or at least mostly, i will extent this to anyone that wants to give their opinion for this outcome
Is there any reason why this wouldn't be the natural outcome? I assumed they're neighbors on tha map, are they not?

>> No.41127409
File: 55 KB, 419x600, cutelize!2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No real desire to discuss this right now when the thread is up: >>41090658

>> No.41127465
Quoted by: >>41127664

Who even mentioned the whole thing about nijimales going away if its still up? Was it just a thread consesus there?

>> No.41127532
File: 859 KB, 1360x1080, 1650578416349.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41127664

Just call me some variation of deadbeat in the thread, retro.
I think this would set a bad precedent. I believe there are ways to address their lore-related concerns and protect the work they put into their nations without formally merging the two nations on the map. I haven't been convinced otherwise.
And it seems like the point is moot >>41127409

>> No.41127566
File: 92 KB, 600x600, cuteyorumi!2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41127711

But to answer the question, No. It is lazy lore writing that doesn't reflect the realities of the board. It effectively gives our hard work the middle finger, as we worked really hard on our lore document and have plans for the future, and furthermore, the idea for any other option is totally based on meta and precedents, not the objective reality of what happens.

>> No.41127664

Its back up now after it came to light tjat comfy was a baker for it and if he and the other baker don't bake it can have lobg breaks

Before that the situation was that its gone and was dead for 4 months already and why it became a topic.

This situation right now is just a theoretical anymore that just shows why a real issue with the current vote system is really gonna hurt the project

I called you that in thread for months, NOW its an issue?

>> No.41127680

By no means would I want any land given up, because I think it is extremely lazy, disrespectful to the work myself, alice and others put into it, and furthermore just addresses the concerns of those who think that land should be freed up when half the 2/3 of the bloody world is open game. I would be willing to accomadate another nijijp thread, but not by any means a NijiEN thread, or any other. It's disrespectful to the history of the nation we have created to presume otherwise in my opinion. This is going to come off strong because I am the rep for Nijimales and I love the thread, and Nijisanji JP. If you think that bias is clouding my judgement, so be it but I won't yield an inch.

>> No.41127707

It's not a big deal, it's just a slight preference lol. I think I mentioned this before, but maybe that wasn't you.

>> No.41127711

Grow up, spoiled brats. Tell that to all the other nations that were provinced, and how meat is treated. Fucking bitches.

>> No.41127760
Quoted by: >>41127810

What work? What have you even done? It was all Alice and not you.

>> No.41127763
Quoted by: >>41128162

>baker issues
>fucking baker issues
You're joking right? Is it really that hard for people to just follow a format?
Anyways, it might have been better to use a different theoretical that would have a more universal call to attention that more people would have a strong opinion on.

>> No.41127810
File: 327 KB, 1280x1901, cutelize27!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would rather not answer this, but I am not going to allow you to give me credit for all the work she did on the lore doc, which was most of it.

>> No.41127906

I'm pretty sure that was me when I said I considered all deadbeats to be the same person and made no attempt to distinguish between them

>> No.41128162

No that wasn't me, but also you dodged the second part of how you feel in regards to when the merge goes through
The thing is that this did almost became a real thing

>> No.41128204

How is clear glass production in /who/? I was thinking about putting bread behind glass shelves. I'm not expecting big sheets of glass. Something like a grid wooden frame with windows.

>> No.41128242

You know that Emma herself baked?

>> No.41128263

>No that wasn't me, but also you dodged the second part of how you feel in regards to when the merge goes through
If it goes, it goes. My part was just voting and expressing my opinion, and possibly bringing up this precedent if dead threads start to be gobbled up by neighbours later on.

>> No.41128359

Truthfully, this thread takes precedence over logic too much when it comes to lore decisions, and this is further proof of it.

>> No.41128569

Speaking of dead threads, why should meat belong on the map? Isn't there sort of a double standard you guys are holding here about this? You certainly had no problem telling nijimales rep that their lore doesn't matter and that they should be provinced, so let's province meat. It isn't coming back no matter how much meme magic you desire. They are a landless thread now.

>> No.41128616
Quoted by: >>41128721

Meat is totally different and it would be a bad precedent to ever province them considering they are still trying to have a thread.

>> No.41128682

Meat is an integral part of this thread, so there really isn't a double standard when they keep trying to have a thread.

>> No.41128706
Quoted by: >>41128970

would you feel like current vote system really is worth it if a merge would be voted?

>> No.41128721

I don't even think the issue is more than just provincing meat, I think the issue is that provinces are also horrendously flawed in some very obvious ways.

>> No.41128749

Regardless, what gives them the right to be on the map? Nostalgia?

>> No.41128752

Meant to say I think the issue is more than provincing meat

>> No.41128907
Quoted by: >>41128986

kek shut the fuck up about meat you fucking whore.

>> No.41128970
Quoted by: >>41129674

The issues with the vote system is why the reform proposal exists, but I'm not sure what you're asking.

>> No.41128974
Quoted by: >>41129028

Does anyone have that soundpost of pekora saying "shut up bitch"
You should put that pic of luna pointing at the neon sign over it.

>> No.41128986

It's funny to see them sperg out about this, they wanted to merge so badly and got rebuffed so hard alice cried fucking kek.

>> No.41129028

Would be good whenever alice or emma are bitching like usual or being as unreasonable as they were just above. Really they are probably starting this shit about meat.

>> No.41129145
File: 345 KB, 1500x2100, FDHDSHUaIAAeA-G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41129674


>> No.41129454

I mean sure but it'd be funny also

>> No.41129501

What a lovely thread.

>> No.41129674

Ehh honestly, this is less about you or the lolis but more to highlight to those that think the current vote system is fine becausr it worked out so far, that once the issue will come, this gonna hurt the thread a lot
You do realize i'm here right?

>> No.41130574

You best be leaving my loli wife alice alone now! ToT You all need correction more than her! ToT ToT ToT

>> No.41131171

Do elaborate on this.

>> No.41131527

Nta, but Some provinces have more value than other. Look at Rumina, they are easily more rich than Luna and other oldfag nations. Geological studies need to take place before placement for balance.

>> No.41131615


>> No.41131729

That was not where I was going AT ALL but go on I suppose?
There's a lot wrong but I can't buff it out right now due to time constraints, I can say that the province proposal didn't take into account situations like /meat/, I'll need to look over it in its entirety but it is cobbled together like a hot log of shit and the idea of nations with active writers but inactive threads was not something that Mountain or Csanalite had in mind when putting it together.

>> No.41131787

You can always move, anon.

>> No.41131815

>the idea of nations with active writers but inactive threads was not something that Mountain or Csanalite had in mind when putting it together.
I'll cover my own ass and add, not something that I think they had in mind. Can't check right now if graduations or janny thread death was mentioned.

>> No.41131848

I have a problem with the borders on them not being able to be redrawn. North indeia is a good example of this as they literally did not include the giant sea in the middle of it so one province there is really misleading

>> No.41131968

I agree this is a major problem. Need to do a geological and climate value chart. Rumina should only got 2 kek

>> No.41132057
Quoted by: >>41132157

Lets not have our climate anons do that much work. You can but come on. It took Z all day to finish rumina.

>> No.41132157

It shouldnt be that hard, besides, thats their job around here right? Climeat, nasfaqronie, and Z; get to work kek

>> No.41132347

Are there any shipautists that can tell me about what people used in order to deal with artic weather back in the day? Did they just pray or did they have specific things on their ship?

>> No.41132474

Blain broken?

>> No.41132591
File: 26 KB, 320x180, mqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41132718

You could probably look up Russian navy ships before the Soviet Union.

>> No.41133082
Quoted by: >>41134319

Look up hms endurance. You arent going to have fun in the arctic at all.

>> No.41133169

Since when is this a game?

>> No.41133937

The fundamental idea of an ice breaker is that you want a touch sloped hull that can handle striking chunks of ice, and can climb up onto ice to break it under the weight of the ship instead of just hitting it and stopping. This can be done with wooden hulls as well as metal hulls, but your ice breaking capability is extremely limited without some kind of fossil fuel engine.
Besides that, deicing is a big job, and you don't want to let the ice freeze around your ship, or you're fucked.

>> No.41134075

It ain’t happening.

>> No.41134128

What ain't?

>> No.41134185
Quoted by: >>41134326

Chuubanite is a thing.

>> No.41134319

Is that the one about the absolute CHAD of a captain that got stranded in the artic and rescued all of his men?
Sure thing bud

>> No.41134326

Chuubanite doesnt give you the ability to magically survive the horror of the arctic sea.

>> No.41134390


>> No.41134426

Yeah it will. Moriji will conquer the poles by 1150.

>> No.41134477
Quoted by: >>41134544

Unironically, yes it does.

>> No.41134544

Please tell me how a magic rock prevents you from being crushed by ice, not starving or succumbing to the elements, or getting ice bound for 3 years.

>> No.41134590

Chuubanite hull, heating and a lot of food anon.

>> No.41134608
File: 111 KB, 768x1024, grab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've still been thinking about it, I was leaning on it being a life form that requires constant sustenance, so that themes of greed are better represented.
As of now the current idea I've got is that they're mutated animals that get a humanoid shape. Or maybe they're a rare kind of animal that preys on the wargs, I'm still not sure. I've also thought about linking them to the /uuu/ druids, where sometimes their compost process goes awry and a wendigo appears.

>> No.41134621
Quoted by: >>41134743

>tell me how the magic rock saves you
>with magic
>wait no not like that

>> No.41134715

Hello hooman. Thoughts on >>41128204 ?

>> No.41134724
File: 1.83 MB, 4096x2304, sputnik6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it should be serviceable, if it is just sheets of glass I don't see how that couldn't be produced.

>> No.41134743

Well you could try to explain that but it seems like none of you actually have studied arctic and antarctic exploration to actually understand the difficulties of it. But who am i kidding? No one gives a shit about sailing anyways, let alone arctic exploration.

>> No.41134787
Quoted by: >>41135158

Yeah sorry, was still reading the thread

>> No.41134817

Chuubanite hull

>> No.41134870
Quoted by: >>41134975

Will be crushed by ice. Its not a miracle device.

>> No.41134897
Quoted by: >>41134981

? >>41133937 I care about it, why the salt? Wanna talk anon? What's your favorite sleigh dog breed?

>> No.41134948
File: 195 KB, 850x1224, 1658696174032659.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41135028

And how exactly would a chuubanite hull help?

Alright, update on the admiral Jovial side character, if you'll mention him in anything. He's one of the meatbros characters it seems, not ronie's, but he used him in a story as well.
>In the story I used him for, he's a great melee fighter, bad shot, brave and open-minded. Was a captain under Timesworth and got promoted to Admiral on his recommendation. Respects Timesworth for leading battles himself, and learned to do the same
Is what he told me. My own personal opinion is that he would help the survivors get their bearings in the Republic and give them some financial aid at the start and when he would see they are gonna be ok, depart back to Infinitum. Tho you three can spin this however you want.

>> No.41134975
Quoted by: >>41135022

A strong one

>> No.41134981

Its more annoyance at how chuubanite is seen as this miracle device, but whatever. Siberian Husky.

>> No.41135022
Quoted by: >>41135099

Pack Ice doesnt care kek. Will crush anything.

>> No.41135028

So a fun old man, alright.

>> No.41135099
Quoted by: >>41135181

If it was impossible to cross the artic then we wouldn't be looking at pyramids there.
Give me a hint.

>> No.41135158
Quoted by: >>41135357

Well, I'm also thinking of cost. Plus the windows of displays being wooden framed would match the asthetics of the bakery. Though it depends on how the wood would match the red brick asthetics. A lighter colored wood like oak and birch could work. I'll have to draw what I'm thinking of eventually.

>> No.41135181
Quoted by: >>41135391

Hint: You need 150 more years of experience and technological improvements.

>> No.41135215

A very traditional choice, but you can't go wrong with huskies. I'm more a Malamute kinda guy, closer to my roots.
Anyway, while they were most definitely not a good time, there was some arctic exploration happening in the tech equivalent of our time period. It wasn't easy, very often successful, or pleasant, but it did happen.

>> No.41135357

Do draw it, would probably help you out a lot in deciding how everything looks

>> No.41135391

They said that about alot of stuff and the Hyperborians proved em wrong.
The chuubanite hull can lift the ship upward and help push the icepacks below to be crushed under the ships weight. Just like the Hyperborians did.

>> No.41135509

Chuubanite lifting the ship upward would be the exact opposite of what you want if you want to crush ice under it's weight

>> No.41135630
Quoted by: >>41135750

What about what this guy said >>41133937 he sounds like he knows his stuff and he says breaking ice is all about climbing up and putting down.

>> No.41135750

The question really is how would the chuubanite be helping with lifting the ship.

>> No.41136120

Exertion of force, it's a basic property of chuubanite. You might need to carefully rig your pulling spots so they don't tear your ship apart and the cost of magic quanta could make the ships extremely limited but you could do it.

>> No.41136388

And what when it inevitably runs out from moving a multiple ton ship up constantly?

>> No.41136629
Quoted by: >>41171145

Pray for some more MQ and good luck, the Hyperborians never said it was easy. You could have some resupply stations on nearby islands set up or have some ritual rites to conduct if you wanna be extra careful.

>> No.41137232
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>> No.41137410
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>> No.41137584
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>> No.41137684

How those chuubanite reps going, OG?

>> No.41137687
File: 141 KB, 563x788, cavalryiseverything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41137891
File: 473 KB, 1280x895, derfflinger is everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My ship wife is everything

>> No.41137926

I had a bit typed up on my phone but then it got soft-banned by captcha. So I have a few questions for /who/. What are common building materials you use?

>> No.41137970
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>> No.41138071

On the modern era that's probably steel, wood, and concrete.
Stones and older materials (like wood) are still in use, since it'd be kind of unreasonable to do that in the current tech level

>> No.41138268
File: 1.27 MB, 5000x3000, divegrass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

After taking a look at the results of the polls from last night, it seems that someone had tampered with the votes. After careful consideration, we have decided that a revote is the best way to handle the situation. Because of this we will be revoting using Google Forms as a more secure platform. The poll will run for 5 days and can be found here.
Unfortunately, this means you will have to sign in to a google account in order to vote from now on. There is also a verification question at the end to ensure that the only people voting in this poll are those who frequent the general.
From what we can tell, it seems like only the main roster poll was affected, so the /risu/ poll will stand as-is. This means that Harem Protagonist /risu/ will be the new /risu/ player for vtl4!
It's sad that it had to come to this, but hopefully we can avoid this sort of mishap in the future.

>> No.41138362
File: 106 KB, 590x590, jpy8hl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zǎoshang hǎo zhōngguó xiànzài wǒ yǒu BING CHILLING wǒ hěn xǐhuān BING CHILLING dànshì sùdù yǔ jīqíng 9 bǐ BING CHILLING sùdù yǔ jīqíng sùdù yǔ jīqíng 9 wǒ zuì xǐhuān suǒyǐ…xiànzài shì yīnyuè shíjiān zhǔnbèi yī, èr, sān liǎng gè lǐbài yǐhòu sùdù yǔ jīqíng 9 ×3 bùyào wàngjì bùyào cu òguò jìdé qù diànyǐngyuàn kàn sùdù yǔ jīqíng 9 yīn wéi fēicháng hǎo diànyǐng dòngzuò fēicháng hǎo chàbùduō yīyàng BING CHILLING zàijiàn

You sanalites think you have a chance against us? You haven't a chance in hell of ever beating the taste of BING CHILLING. We will BURY you. BING CHILLING

>> No.41138537
File: 1.49 MB, 1248x2010, 1660829379069021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some choco tits for you, moonafic. Now go play with the other kids out on the swings.

>> No.41138668

Okay so for the materials of the bakery I was thinking of having a wall of brick ovens made from heat resistant red brick, which is also what the chimney will be made from. The rest of the building can be made from either stone brick or wattle and daub. Probably stone brick as the walls won't catch on fire and they'll be warmed by the bakery's ovens throughout the rest of the building. For countertops I was thinking of either quartz or ceramic countertops as those materials won't hold moisture from dough. Alternatively we can use polished wood countertops but use ceramic plates and bowls for kneading and mixing. The cooling racks for bread have to be brass or steel. I want to avoid brick countertops because grout's not good with moisture. The shelves in the storefront are there to display bread and goods for sale. For the wooden frames I was thinking about sealing them with bee's wax so the bread's steam won't damage them from the inside.

>> No.41138994
Quoted by: >>41140173

btw is this the rentry you archives actually meant to be factual lore or is this just meant more as a joke post?

>> No.41139271

Whelp. I guess I can't answer the verification question. Looks like I'm not voting even if I could.

>> No.41139341

Just say you're breaddog and we'll let it slide... How kek...

>> No.41139442
Quoted by: >>41139511

Looks like you gotta do your reps then, friend.

>> No.41139511

Whoops. >>41139442

>> No.41139697
File: 31 KB, 288x455, 1631189727275.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I'm not findin the answer to that either, out of principle.

>> No.41140173

It is lore as far as I know. Its based of Kobo saying it.

>> No.41140379
Quoted by: >>41140546

How? It's actually a free question...Hell, just ask Hoomans if you really don't know it.

>> No.41140480
Quoted by: >>41142508


>> No.41140546
File: 225 KB, 1536x2048, eeeeeh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...I don't know the answer. I don't even remember where Ailivia is supposed to be.

>> No.41141198

Question changed. Do your reps if you're not sure or just answer to the best of your ability. Revealing the answer only opens the floodgates for tourists.

>> No.41141731
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There have been a lot of talks about chuubanite mutations in the past but drastic morphological mutations are also very rare creatures like brahmins from Fallout would die before existing infancy. If anything a hypothetical mutation probably is the thing that makes wendigos more aggressive or territorial, what makes the myth of it rather than the mythical creature itself.

Unlike the thread I think /uuu/ has made some edits and jokes regarding Fauna as a wendigo before. Depending on how rare sightings were historically might also make sense that its original range is in the /uuu/ Forest and it only extended out relatively recently, probably due to human activity. Fully grown adult individuals probably require a lot of energy so they would have to be on the move constantly and search for carcasses so I think that works.

For neighbors, Hoshiyomia probably has some good quality glass for their nobility. And if it's just for a display I don't think it needs to be super clear, just enough to see the product should be fine. And uh I'm not feeling reading a whole bunch on glass production rn.

Aside from that bricks should be very common.

Stone buildings are still being built well into the 19th century, even now you see plenty of new buildings using stones like granite. Shale is still used as roofing or decorative flooring in outdoor areas. It should also depend on architectural trends in the country and region. I'm not that well-read on architectural history but I think most of /who/'s buildings should be between Baroque and early art deco. The country's pretty secular but religious influence should still be deep in culture and ideology. Overall practicality and cost should be main driving force behind architectural design in the Republic but some aesthetic choices should also influence how designs are approached.

Ideally you would want its bottom to be rounded, so when it gets stranded between ice it doesn't get crushed but gets lifted up. But like >>41133937 said you wound want actual, independent propulsion if it's an ice breaker you are building. I also doubt that wooden icebreakers really have the mass to break ice. Even if they have some ice breaking capability, and not just ice protection, rather than literally sailing through them polar ships most likely would avoid large ice chunks and areas that are almost completely frozen over. It's not like you have GPS and satellite communication in universe, so if you get stranded there's a real chance you will run out of food and die before summer comes.
Also note that for the franklin expeditions

>> No.41141832
Quoted by: >>41171145

Ailivia is the ocean between Indie continent and Holo, iirc. Idk when people started calling the continent itself Ailivia though.
Also the answer's the language family hooman language is supposedly in

>> No.41142018
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Also forgot to mention that I think at this point steel wasn't used en mass. Cast iron was much cheaper and easier to produce in Europe and thus they were used more commonly than steel. It was not until the invention of Bessmer process that steel-framed buildings really took off.

>> No.41142217
File: 135 KB, 850x1008, 1620796930935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let Rumina boast of her gay gilded waters,
Her vines and her bowers and her soft sunny skies,
Her sons drinking love from the eyes of her daughters,
Where freedom expires amid softness and sighs.

PPT's blue mountains wild where hoary cliffs are piled,
Towering in grandeur are dearer tae me,
Land of the misty cloud land of the tempest loud,
Land of the brave and proud land of the free

Hard living countries are fun, more people should join in the hardship. Hard times create hard men.

>> No.41142311
File: 418 KB, 1536x2048, 1651318698976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41143296


>> No.41142423
File: 96 KB, 700x550, 1654786793453.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really need a coffee. Didn't even finish the last sentence.

Also note that for the franklin expedition, the Navy only modified the two bomb ketches Erebus and Terror for the expeditions and never purpose-built any hulls dedicated to icebreaking. They were selected for their reinforced hulls and rounded bottoms, built as bomb ketches that have to endure the massive force of shipboard mortars. Availability of hulls, experience and who's funding them would influence what kind of ship you ended up with too.

But that's really the extent of my knowledge for icebreakers and polar expeditions. Anything after that point ehh idk.

>> No.41142508

proper name for it is literally in the archive, btw

>> No.41142535
Quoted by: >>41143098

How much ice breaking would the ice breaker need to do? I assume that if its built like the koch, it wont necessarily need to use chuubanite to break ice when the ice is too frequent or thick for the boat to push itself out of the water with.

>> No.41142565
Quoted by: >>41143296

You should visit Hagu, i hear they are very welcoming of hard men.

>> No.41142691
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Quoted by: >>41143098

>And uh I'm not feeling reading a whole bunch on glass production rn.
Yeah I opened that wikipedia page and then closed it immediatly.
I do know that mass steel usage would be pretty hard to do as it is now, so bricks would probably be the most common thing I guess. Steel constructions would probably be limited to the capital and important buildings around the country.
Relating Wendigos to /uuu/ seems funny enough to me. Current concept will be this: Saplings try to compost a member of the community. process goes wrong, wendigo is produced and wrecks things in its path as it feeds and grows. To the druids it could also be related to us as a corrupting influence, maybe the composting process can be interrupted by the presence of lead or whatever. Still brainstorming.

>> No.41142938
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Quoted by: >>41143296


>> No.41143098
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Quoted by: >>41143390

Kochs aren't icebreakers per se. Since they aren't designed for sailing literally into ice for scientific expeditions or tourism. Modern icebreakers might have some elements that originated or was inspired by it and other ships like it but they are meant to be either carried or dragged out of ice if they got stuck. You would probbaly want to sail in seas that only have small floating ice but not literally between large ice chunks in a narrow strait. Sound like suicide to me. It should also really depend on why you are building it. Is it for commerce or science, military? Since for the first reason there's literally no reason for one to try to break through ice-heavy waters due to both risk and cost. Better to use tried and tested ice-free routes.

If magic's involved in the process somewhat then it probably happened deeper in the forest.

>> No.41143296
File: 168 KB, 850x1280, 1651892200155.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Right? The north is beautiful in it's own right. It has it's own strengths.
I think our thread has good relation with hag and loli. Marine's thread isn't still around is it? They'd have been a good in-between with the hags.

>> No.41143390

Science and Maybe Military but primarily bragging rights of being able to explore the artic and stake claim, even if that claim is only the arbitrary non enforced type of claim.
So koch's would be generally icey but not literal ice sheets and ice breakers would be for getting to ice floes and plates that prevent us from getting to hyperborea

>> No.41143485

I already raised this point months ago but other than the deadbeat I don't think anyone concurred or even replied to the post.
Though we can always just deal with things on a case by case basis. No need to literally apply a numerical value to EVERY province. Some threads might want itself to be fairly big for their lore.

>> No.41143806
Quoted by: >>41145376

If we don't have glass for shelves then that's fine. We'll just have to have a strongarm to catch breadrunners.

Cast iron baking sheets should be fine so long as they're lined with parchment paper. Though we can bake most loaves on a rack. Irons and tins would be used to bake cakes and pastries.

>> No.41144411

PPTanon has it right, dire straits and bitter lands make for a strong national people.

>> No.41144589
File: 1.13 MB, 1751x1419, 1651139591466.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41145406

Nice rhymes, heimin. I would tend to agree with its moral, easy living makes for brittle bones.
Say, I had an idea I would need your help with. Do you think it would be plausible for a Heimin to find himself conducting research outside of /ppt/? I've been wanting to have a Heimin character in one of my writings since you posted that intro doc.
If that sounds okay, I'd just like a proper Heimin name for the character from you.
The intro document does mention surface area and land productivity should be taken into account, but I guess it's hidden in an addendum.

>> No.41144669
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I wonder if mine counts as dire

>> No.41144761
File: 192 KB, 2048x1321, 1653409754734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41145115

I think they're pretty dire, but it's what makes the sauna so comfy. Worth.

>> No.41145115
File: 82 KB, 614x342, 1650038775764.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Having things be dire would fit the monhun needs too

>> No.41145245

You're snowy, you count I think. Maybe not artic dire, but dire nonetheless.

>> No.41145344
Quoted by: >>41145785

Just need to write a business plan now. I'm a bit rusty with that. First we'll start with just the bakery since its pretty much done. Need to account all of the materials and labor it costs to build the building, ovens, storefront, and tools.

So I need to ask Hoomans where can I supply ingredients to bake the bread? I'm aiming for a bakery in a trade city for the most amount of return. Plus there's less xenophobes in trade cities as every foreigner is a potential customer. If Hoomans have a better idea for a location of a bakery that has less land cost then feel free to suggest it.

>> No.41145376
Quoted by: >>41145790

Glass production should be VERY widespread especially in more urban areas. No reason why they would not have access to glass.

>> No.41145406
File: 240 KB, 1218x2048, 1652251429548.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Fremen were my inspiration.
The rhymes are just a Scotland the Brave shitpost lol.
It's easily plausible, please feel free, the academy is an open institution. The main area of study is medicine, theology and (chuubanite)radiology.
As for names, I'm trying to think about funny names she had for pokemon and stuff... but it doesn't really work for people. You could call him/her Dr.Upao or since the culture is based off an amalgamation of Hebrews, Baltics, Norwegians and Russians you could name it anything in that realm and add a cute -taso on the end to make it unique.

>> No.41145785
Quoted by: >>41146242

port city, capital, maybe the border with /rrat/.
You'll get access to wheat and potato, so you can reuse some of the ideas from the previous attempt at establishing that bakery.

>> No.41145790

We'll start with no glass shelves at first. Then when we start making a profit we'll invest in glass shelves. We'll need it when we become popular. For now we'll be fine.

>> No.41146242
Quoted by: >>41146603

So port and capital are no brainers as ideal businesses with drawbacks of city living. I'm curious about the border to /rrat/. Perhaps the lack of competition and high demand could secure us a higher profit as we won't have to compete with other bakeries. At the same time I have to ask how xenophobic Hoomans would be to Sanalites in the region. At the same time Sanalites got banned from /rrat/. So it might not be a good location after all.

>> No.41146603
Quoted by: >>41146947

>Sanalites got banned from /rrat/
I do NOT remember that happening
Most hoomans would have only heard stories about the Sanallites in maybe some newspapers, there's no real reason for mass xenophobia to affect you guys too much anyways, as both from a sister nation and from apparent closeness in culture.

>> No.41146667
File: 42 KB, 1387x791, 1664057259230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dune inspo, unfathomably based. That's also why I have a giant ecosystem-establishing slithering creature in my lore.
Dr. Upao, that sounds great, thank you! She'll be a field researcher with degrees in theology and chuubanitics (focus on radiology), to study religious and magically radiant artefacts from a /jp/ era ruin in the high arctic, which is why I thought of /ppt/.
Oh, sorry if that was mentioned somewhere, but do Heimin have some kind of distinguishing visual feature? White-blue hair? Shuriken-shaped halos floating over their heads? Smaller in stature than average?

>> No.41146947

It was a joke about Cunt.

>> No.41146997

kek, that got an audible chuckle out of me.

>> No.41147283

Oh, right.
I did forget to mention, access to wheat would be a lot more limited on the border with /rrat/, you'd be limited to potatoes there.

>> No.41147335
File: 268 KB, 831x466, 1647379759270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41149557

>Shuriken-shaped halos floating over their heads
NTA but that sounds interesting

>> No.41147432
File: 277 KB, 900x720, 1662867348788530.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanata has never given heimin a form... so we're left to the imagination. I didn't really have specifics in mind, but the white-blue hair is a good idea. I'd go with that, and I'll bring it into the lore.

>> No.41147622
Quoted by: >>41147988

What about other grains? I suppose Sanalites can still have some cold resistant space wheat left over. But we'd have to open up a farming contract.

>> No.41147914

Bread Man has bants, subtle bants but bants nonetheless

>> No.41147988
File: 160 KB, 1392x1376, tour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Barley does grow in cold places. I'll be honest, I'm not remembering much on the grains we have right now, I think we have Rye too. Getting a contract for the cold resistant space wheat would be an instant boom to your funding and would probably give you all the money you'd need for any building.

>> No.41148003
Quoted by: >>41149557

I think the ancient artifact radiation, the arctic can be really cool. Does anyone have any esoteric schizo lore about antartica to draw from?

>> No.41148564
Quoted by: >>41151627

Spring wheat should still be able to grow in that region. The problem is probably soil. Though rye and buckwheat flour should be common.

>> No.41149519
File: 523 KB, 731x694, heimin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but there is such a beautiful rendition of heimins already

>> No.41149557
File: 5 KB, 182x240, 1644544881096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41149861

Nice! That'll work nicely. Thanks for the help.
Could make for a nice fashion accessory, have it suspended by a thin rod or something... Maybe just for the clergy.
If anyone has something spicy, that would be welcome! Atm I'm drawing from the most schizo posts I can find in the Kantai Collection general, as that's what I'll be drawing from for the artefact.

>> No.41149861
File: 51 KB, 185x192, 1660944310819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41151301

>have it suspended by a thin rod or something

>> No.41151301
File: 11 KB, 188x268, images (23).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ppt are all just haibane
Comfy . . .

>> No.41151627

Sounds like a fertilizer problem. Maybe with some research we can domesticate a hybrid of space wheat and native rye that can survive in the soil. But that'll take a few years of research and cross-pollination to pull off.

How's the trade routes to more fertile wheat fields? We can learn to bake local rye but our bread and butter is still wheat bread. If we have barley then beer would be an excellent export from the region.

>> No.41153057
Quoted by: >>41154422

Hey. Fuck off!

>> No.41154210

Hoomen dont trade

>> No.41154422
File: 1.45 MB, 400x400, aaakiiiiwwaaaaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41158002

Hey Founder!

>> No.41154769
Quoted by: >>41156782

There's some important lakes and rivers in the east, so maybe those could help the soil in its duties. Trade routes to the west should exist, and they should be well mantained.
Back in the day I did have that beer trade with the /rrat/ monks would be a more common thing, so maybe that was the incentive to bring forth barley to the east in some past.

>> No.41156782

If we got some good trade routes to farmland then it should be fine. Barley is just as good as wheat for bread. As for growing space wheat they're pretty hardy on climate. The main thing to watch out for is mold and disease. We'll start with a test crop to see how the seeds fare in the east lakeland climate.

>> No.41158002
Quoted by: >>41163897

How ya doin? same for pg, you feelin better?

>> No.41160385
Quoted by: >>41160437

Everytime I see Akira I never want to hurt her. Instead I want to hug her.

>> No.41160437

You know, these days I think even /meat/heads feel like that... Akira love.

>> No.41163897
Quoted by: >>41164654

idk, but i feel like i should stay somewhat silent for a while. are we planning to have another thread, and if so, how long do you think we can keep it up?

>> No.41164654
Quoted by: >>41165261

I will try to make one.
Look for Nito

>> No.41165261

post it in the off site thread.

>> No.41167613


>> No.41169102
Quoted by: >>41169131


>> No.41169131
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Quoted by: >>41169312


>> No.41169312

i will cum on these butts

>> No.41170189
File: 88 KB, 1200x891, ah fuck 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If i could earn a living doing climate and ocean currents maps and talking about rockautism all day I would but too bad i need to spend a considerable part of my daily life on all these other kind of useless things that hopefully one day keep my rent paid.
Rumina is fine as long as the ruminarep doesn't also want to claim to be a major industrial producer.

>> No.41171113
File: 192 KB, 503x503, 1645572544029.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41171145

Baker's these days...
Oi Archive anon, where'd my zomrade proposal go? If you wanna throw it away than put it in non canon or somethin

>> No.41171145
File: 786 KB, 147x170, CuteLittleShake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chuubanite is supposed to be relatively rare and expensive, like silver or gold, not something you can just make a ship with. I think in general people assume the stuff is way too common.
It can easily help with heat if sewn into clothing or made into heating plates, but the other two are more difficult.
Chuubanite as a material is not any stronger than usual materials, and it is most likely about as heavy as any material with a similar hardness and toughness. You way as well use iron or steel plating on a ship and achieve similar results cheaper.
It would be far better to construct some sort of an ice-breaking or ice-melting device or glyph at the bow of the ship, rather than try to lift the whole boat.
A series of glyphs around the ship that could, when activated, generate a breaking force or a lot of heat to free the ship from ice temporarily could be helpful, but I do not see a ship having an affordable constant protection from ice using chuubanite. At best, you get 1-3 shots of this trump card per expedition, unless you haul with you a few tons of the stuff.
Prayer and rituals arent generally fast enough to let you resupply the amount of MQ you need for this sort of thing. Youd freeze to death before you would have a chance to free your ship.

Ailivia is the Holocontinent, Ailivian Ocean is named after the holocontinent.
It stems from the early discussion of continent names.
>Dune inspiration.
I caught onto that. Very based. I've used some for nasfaqg as well, we have our own idea/prophecy of the "Kwisatz Haderach", a merchant with the perfect flow who will one day buy the world. Or something like that, the idea hasnt really cooked much, but its a canon idea since it came from the mediator directly.
Agriculture is doable even in tundra climate, its more a question of biome really. Potatoes, turnips, carrots, cabbage, kale, and cauliflower all grow nicely at least in iceland, which is tundra.
You'll get lower yields but its still doable.
Repost it, maybe they lost it or something.

>> No.41171420

Remind me what this space wheat is again? You ain't talking about starwheat, right?

>> No.41171462
File: 242 KB, 362x426, snuffkin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're the finn right? Do tell me on potato farming in Suomi, the northern climate of /who/ corresponds nicely with that of the country.

>> No.41171860

Can't sleep.


>> No.41172170
File: 604 KB, 576x800, 1673951065932474.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It would be far better to construct some sort of an ice-breaking or ice-melting device or glyph at the bow of the ship, rather than try to lift the whole boat.
That was the initial thought, Clock. Problem is, I'm fairly certain the amount of heat needed to melt through those ice sheets in such a cold environment would drain the chuubanite faster than utilizing ice breaking methods would, also that's what chuubanite hull means, the hull is being tilted upwards to allow ice to flow into it underneath, then lowering down to climb the ice, it's not doing a hover on the ship if that was what you thought. If you utilized the shape of a hull that was made to naturally traverse artic environments and hazardous ice structures and mixed chuubanite lifting with the benefits of the ship's construction, there's a likely chance that you'd be able to get through a fair bit of ice without needing to use your lift, only actually needing to use it when it became clear that the pack ice was too thick or tall in height for the ship to be able to squeeze out of. If you're conservative and make sure you only use your chuubanite when you need to, you could very well be able to make it back without running out entirely in an area where the curved hull of a boat like the Koch would need to utilize the lift.
Clock I don't look at something after it's done, I barely know what to search in the archives to look it up

>> No.41172627

Also I haven't forgotten about this.
The province proposal will need a bit more time, most likely posted next thread. Alot of problems with the provinces are derived from problems with the rep system as it was used however it also has its own problems that I've very vocally pointed out before.
I'll go into detail later but I'll need to tackle it differently than the rep system as none of the problems about the provinces are as bad as they were with the rep system, instead I think a giant issue with the province system is that its unfinished and incomplete to the point of feeling rushed and aimed to achieve its stated goal without properly considering if the way it was going about it was the right way to do so, or even if there was a way to do so without taking a carving knife to old lore.

>> No.41172842
Quoted by: >>41173579

Alternatively have the expedition be something that's less ceremonious. /luna/'s supposed to be an artic country after all. No need for ice breakers or anything. Just ships adapted to traveling in seas with ice.

>> No.41172979

Its probably too early in the day to ask this. Can Hoomans make wire grills? I'm looking at some brick oven builds and I found a nice multiple shelf one. But the guy welded and soldered a lot of the metal parts. Especially the door hinges. I think the bakery will have both industrial design ovens and classic brick ovens.

>> No.41173404
File: 244 KB, 500x487, google.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41189795

>Can Hoomans make wire grills?
Sure, why not, i don't actually know the industrial pre-requesits for it, but even if it can't be done on a factory, more specialized iron workers should be able to provide it

>> No.41173412

So what is this space wheat? Was it mentioned in lore before?

>> No.41173472

NTA but from what I remember it was wheat but with GMOs for growth in space, or something like that.

>> No.41173579
File: 718 KB, 3384x2798, 1651244459679.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Re-Archiving. And also I want someone to clarify some stuff about general and land relation since I've been hearing some odd stuff like "If a nation aint on the map it don't exist" since I'm pretty sure the cannon for the province proposal will probably also put a hole through these /meat/ timeloops if I'm on the right line of thought.
I feel like this proposal is a good description of zomrades in regards to Ollie and the fanbase and I've gotten responses that agree, I mostly don't give a crap who writes what so all of the discourse on who should write for what has been an annoyance at most since it really doesn't matter as long as stuff gets written and that stuff achieves the goal of representation, I honestly think it's good enough to be a basis for canon as to what zomrades are so if anyone has any objection's related to the actual content of the lore, I'd be more keen to hear that than objections to the writing of it at all. Especially when schizos have subtly shifted their points of agitation from, "not writing lore" to "not finishing lore" which I can point to the Brapgul and Foreignaitos as things that I mentioned previously that did get finished, generally I wouldn't mention it but there's some hub ub about the /hlgg/ war ideas that I was excited about.
Many of which frame it as if it would be a good thing for me to barrel into a conflict like that instead of taking the time to figure out the factors that lead to it occurring in a way that isn't infantilizing the politics of war or the factors that cause it as well as writing /hlgg/'s military power and abilities and history in a way that's fair to it. Honestly I see that it might be more likely that /hlgg/ has plans to invade one of its neighboring EN states for more land and that /luna/ only makes a move either in conjunction or as a result of hostilities breaking some treatise or trade of some kind. Either way, I'm a glutton for argumentation and like to do so often times for the thrill of it so anyone with any conceivable gripe can do so at the cost of potential san loss.
Yea, assumedly we have those and also some small trade vessels. Root Beer Fleet comes next.

>> No.41173673
Quoted by: >>41189795

And that's why I'm asking if it's an actual lore entry or just something that he thought up but never put down, like a lot of stuff.

>> No.41174788
File: 347 KB, 779x537, you must eat all the potatoes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats a vague question, difficult to determine what exactly you are looking for so ill just give you a shotgun answer and hope its helpful.
By far the largest produced crop is barley, followed by oats, potato, wheat, and sugar beet in that order. Hemp, rapeseed, carrots, cucumber, rye, and tomato are also grown in significant amounts. The spice caraway also grows quite well, as we produce about 28% of the global supply.
I know a person who grows wine grapes, but I don't know the exact details of how plausible this would be in vitubia, and to be honest the grapes weren't that good, but that might just be that particular person's crop being shit that year, idk.
Majority of agricultural production lies between the 60th and 65th parallels.
Subarctic agriculture has a few advantages over subtropical and tropical agriculture. Like the fact that in the summer you get absurdly long daylight hours, meaning that plants get a lot of sunlight, even if that sunlight is less intense than near the equator. I don't know if the added hours make up for the more diluted sunlight intensity, and I don't want to calculate it right now.
Please don't neglect the berry and mushroom production potential of northern /who/! There are a bunch of very nice and interesting berries you could have growing in economically significant numbers in the wild!

Potato specifically is usually planted in May, when the soil temperature reaches around 8 degrees celsius. Some cultivars, the "Early-potatoes" (varhaisperunat, I don't know if there is an English term for them) may be planted earlier, in April or even March if the weather allows for it.These cultivars are ones with relatively low ATU requirements for growth and maturity. The early-potatoes are harvested my the end of May or mid-June. Normal potatoes are harvested late September or early October. I suppose technically, if the winter is mild, you can get two potato harvests this way, although the early-potatoes are usually quite small, and are sold as new potatoes. Incredibly tasty, so you can ask higher prices for them.
Potatoes meant for over-winter storage have the stems of their plants cut off a few weeks before they are harvested, as this helps make their skin thicker and thus helps with how long they last. Ideal potato storage temperature is about 4-5 degrees C. Higher than this and your potatoes may begin to sprout, lower than this and the starch in your potatoes begins to break down into sugars.

Depending on how deep you want to go into this, this wiki page lists the potato cultivars grown here in alphabetical order https://fi.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luettelo_Suomen_perunalajikkeista
>Keys to reading
Cultivar, Type, Harvest time/"Earliness", Breeder, Crossbred cultivars.
Cant believe the English wiki doesn't have potato cultivars listed by the type. Barbarians all of them.
"kiinteämaltoinen" = Low Starch, keeps their shape well when boiled. Can be cut into neat cubes that keep their shapes even after boiling, good for salads and stuff.
"jauhoinen kiinteämaltoinen" = Starch levels something in-between "kiinteämaltoinen" and "yleisperuna".
"yleisperunat" = Common potatoes. They are about average, the jack of all trades of potatoes. Can be used for nearly anything I suppose.
"jauhoiset yleisperunat" = Starch levels something in-between "yleisperuna" and "jauhoinen". Good for frying.
"jauhoinen" = High levels of starch. Become very soft when cooked, making them good for mashed potatoes and baked potatoes.
"tärkkelysperuna" = High levels of starch. Used mostly for food and chemical industrial purposes.
Basically, how fast the plant grows. The difference between a the higher earliness ones and the lower earliness ones is about 4 to 6 weeks, or about 1 to 1.5 months.
Descriptor meaning "early"
"varhaisperuna". Harvest in May and June.
"kesäperuna". Summer potatoes. Harvest in June and July.
"syysperuna". Autumn potatoes. Harvest in July and August, I presume. Couldn't actually find anything that told me.
"talviperuna". Winter potatoes. Harvest in September and October, I presume. Couldn't actually find anything that told me.These are the potatoes you'd store to last you over the winter.
>keskiaikainen, myöhäinen
"Middle-time", "late". I suppose these mean the equivalent of "syysperuna" and "talviperuna" respectively.

Hope this is at least somewhat helpful.

>> No.41174854
Quoted by: >>41176015

>>41174788 (me)
Cant believe I forgot to mention the other advantage of subarctic climate agriculture, that is the soil freezing helping with the management of plant disease, parasites, and pests.

>> No.41175749
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>> No.41175783
File: 428 KB, 528x518, 1673188638992907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if I do?? mwahahahah

>> No.41175914
File: 107 KB, 467x464, 1662548776655757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41176124


>> No.41175990
Quoted by: >>41176011

Nigger, While I agree with all that you said, dont falseflag as me.
Bing Chilling > Spaceniggercream.

>> No.41176011
File: 63 KB, 257x238, 1668419893838749.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41176059

Gotcha bitch.

>> No.41176015
File: 139 KB, 1053x991, greenwich11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see, the mushroom market must be insane. I'll have to read this up again when I'm more capable of thought, for now I've saved it. Berries sounds about right.
Potatoes would grow vert well I'm seeing, but there's the possibility of local spices and other root vegetables, I guessed barley right, I've not mentioned oats and sugar beet but I do recall those being written about on our agriculture by the other hooman. The posibility of growing spice caraway interests me a lot.
Having different words, or modifiers in our conlang for types of potatoes would also make sense considering their importance in our culture I realize now.
Alright, thanks.

>> No.41176039
File: 44 KB, 228x120, Intense.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41176124

Really, nothing is stopping you from doing so, but I would just personally find that approach to be boring and disappointing.

>> No.41176050
File: 3.16 MB, 2400x3000, 1671059339137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41176474

A lot of factors go into growing grapes especially for wine so who knows. But I do intend to write something on berries in the Republic, might even specbio some of them. Had an idea about a plant that produces both berries and leaves that have contains caffeine, which hunters usually would tear a couple off and chew during outings.
I bought some cloudberry jam from the local IKEA and they are quite nice.

Though I don't think we are going to get into potato cultivars, aside from maybe one or two unique local ones.

>> No.41176059
File: 29 KB, 512x512, 1668602515690054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41176217

You fucking mong, ah well at least its you.

>> No.41176124
Quoted by: >>41176217

Eh?? It would be BORING to be good at everything anyways, so of course not!! Writing about a perfect nation is really boring imo and i like having challenges in place as it makes it more interesting!!

>> No.41176171
Quoted by: >>41177310

Yeah caraway works out since I imagined the Republican cuisine's flavor profile being sort of warm and sweet. And it goes pretty well with sweet stuff, especially berries.

>> No.41176217
File: 263 KB, 1554x2480, 1662561773786604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41176483

Well you should have expected it. It's the best way of promotion.
Pretty based, ngl.

>> No.41176328
File: 62 KB, 512x512, 1671645722632873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do need advice from the Money crew (nasfaq) on how to set up a company page and shit if they didn't mind for Bing Chilling.

>> No.41176462
Quoted by: >>41177310

HEY!!! Would this make sense for my nation of anya petora global or do you have any suggestions on food other than feesh(we like feesh)???? Thank you mr money!!!

Also Risuner, why have you ghosted me!!! Very rude!!! Alice??? Have you got ideas??? I totally forgot what we were doing but you said you would think of ideas for something that i dont even know what it is anymore!!!

>> No.41176474
File: 437 KB, 2247x1399, berries.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If we do have wine, it doesn't necessarily have to be good, more mediterranean crops can be grown in the greenhouses from richer landowners in the west I guess. Maybe it's like a status symbol. There just wouldn't be mass plantations where aristocrats make bank. I do have ideas on that going down in Hoshiyomia, where the aristocratic nature of their government would have led to higher amounts of cash crops, that, however, does not fall to me.

>> No.41176483
File: 794 KB, 2470x4096, 1665007433541250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41176579

Didn't you say you had some issue with the zomrades I envisioned a thread or so ago, I remember it coming up but I'm not sure if it was just their existing or the way it was written.

>> No.41176579
File: 109 KB, 467x464, 1669037960620886.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41177675

I don't remember having an issue with it as much as I was confused about it all. I think it was the way It was written overall and the context to me not making sense since they are threadless. I would like to see it again because they have their place in my ID Empire plans...

>> No.41176599
File: 3.93 MB, 2894x4093, 1648455649716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41176715

Well we literally have a big Cfc zone in the West. So we should still be able to produce decent quality wine. And in general wine from the Med's got a pretty bad rep. Though that I think has a lot to do with just how well regarded French wines are, aside from the actual quality of the grapes and brewing method.

>> No.41176715
File: 1.05 MB, 1000x1500, bald.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah I forgot northern France was Oceanic. So we'd have no issues with wine

>> No.41176805
File: 132 KB, 900x651, 1671595066186850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also for money crew, should my trade go through a trade company like 2434 does or how do I represent how good we are at trade since we are a trading merchantile empire. I should probably start asking for trade rights and docking rights for our ships in other places...

>> No.41176956
Quoted by: >>41177068

A mercantile nation would ideally have their own trading companies yes. Your trading companies then could make deals with the other companies from foreign nations to distribute products on their lands if you can't do it on your own.
However, ice cream can't really be transported like that, you know, because it melts.

>> No.41177068
File: 391 KB, 764x541, 1671963868200688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41177208

It's true, unless we use refrigeration, or better yet, just produce locally right?

>> No.41177208

local production of ice cream would depend a lot on the place you establish it, but yeah, that's an option.

>> No.41177310
Quoted by: >>41177388

Other spices that Finland grows in notable amounts (enough to be nearly self sufficient in them) are Parsley, and Dill. Thyme to a lesser extent.
We probably have some ice-cream production domestically as well, but competition is welcome to spice up the scene.
And advice depends on what exactly you are trying to set up, to what extent, and where. A company that operates in nasfaqg but is headquartered elsewhere, or a company that operates in nasfaqg and is headquatered in nasfaqg?
Go read some of the company rentries in the archives for ideas.
You'd probably have a number of independent traders and some trade companies. You can represent "trade deals" on a metal level too, agreeing that "There is a significant amount of trade from many independent merchant with nation X".
Anya-petra is colder than /who/ but to some extent I think it would make sense. I'd need to check which i dont have time for now. Potatoes and barley I think grow. Grass and hay that can be used to feed cattle and sheep also grows.
You can always make wine from berries other than wine grapes as well. Blackcurrant, Whitecurrant, Cloudberry,, Strawberry, Raspberry, Bilberry/European Blueberry, and Gooseberry all make for some amazing wines (often far better than grapes if you ask me), and all can be grown in Dfc climates, and grow in the wild as well.

>> No.41177385
File: 1000 KB, 600x417, kronii dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41189475


>> No.41177388
Quoted by: >>41189475

Thanks Mr. Money!!! <3 Would you be willing to do a climate report for me??? and give finnish terms that fit???

>> No.41177409


>> No.41177675

>I think it was the way It was written overall and the context to me not making sense since they are threadless.
I had a feeling it was the latter since it seems as though there's been some misinformation about threads, generals, and how they fit into lore. Cultures without lore have an entire category in the archives and have been around since it was made, I'm curious as to where the idea of threadless=non existant started but I'm pretty sure it was with the provinces.
Anyways I'm open ears for anything that seems off since they can fit well into the idea of the ID empire.

>> No.41177916

I meant cultures without land

>> No.41178217
File: 148 KB, 512x512, 1668528599460980.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks Cannyman, I will try my best to think of it. I remember Meppa having a plan already so I will get into with him about this and we can sort of get this done together.I think it is somewhat good to think of ideas for cultures without land, so long as we don't presume things that would come from the land associated with them personally.

>> No.41178611

in case anyone forgot. /meat/ has a dedicated emporium-forward island. in fact some powers dont even know the island of Namakubi is ours. if you guys want to do some proxies and offshore trading on third party grounds we'll allow it there.

>> No.41180713


>> No.41181940
File: 326 KB, 838x837, vtwbg 1 yearpng.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early happy 1 year, world building bros!
A gift from /ybc/

>> No.41182037


>> No.41182574
File: 609 KB, 5000x2500, 1642784119316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If Heimin is still around, here is a map of the North Pole that shows the land in the North of your country.

>> No.41183154
Quoted by: >>41184669

Any ideas for a cool name for that Arctic landmass?

>> No.41184669


>> No.41185971

I like it, on-theme, and kinda foreboding.

>> No.41186813 [DELETED] 
File: 167 KB, 1087x1754, 1607523523189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cool
Is that an island above the candy kingdom or a blotch that got stretched?
Is that island full of schizo?
Is there any lore on the "schizo" in the first place? Sorry if there is but I couldn't find any. I was wondering if they were supernatural or had the ability to cross the frozen ice like zombies. Or had to be more thoughtful or seabound in their movements. Or everything at once.

>> No.41186867
File: 167 KB, 1087x1754, 1607523523189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's cool
Is that an island above the candy kingdom or a blotch that got stretched?
Is that landmass at the north pole full of schizo?
Is there any lore on the "schizo" in the first place? Sorry if there is but I couldn't find any. I was wondering if they were supernatural or had the ability to cross the frozen ice like zombies. Or had to be more thoughtful or seabound in their movements. Or everything at once.

>> No.41187242
File: 263 KB, 1250x2048, 1671445998609.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All the islands in this are actually there. Well, not sure about the strip that is all the way at the pole, this one looks a bit weird kek. Also yeah, I think that landmass would probably be the realm of the schizos. Probably where the jannies drop most of them, far from civilization.
Ah, and we do have some schizo lore. This rentry lays out some things regarding biology: https://rentry.org/5cz4q
They are quite supernatural, compensating a lack of societal organization by being magically empowered. The Arctic schizos are probably able to sustain themselves from magical energy and the limited resources of the wastes.
The schizos also run the gamut between being mindless violent beasts, like the /rose/ Babirusa, or organized military organizations that use technology, like the /inf/ Ourobros. So, basically everything at once depending on what you want.

>> No.41187484
File: 264 KB, 900x900, NoHornyHeadEmpty.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss haganon...janny hate!

>> No.41189475
File: 162 KB, 500x500, krohug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41190675

Unironically a pretty cool name. Could be an endonym by the Schizo population.
You are right, its the other anon talking about lift that made me confused as to why they would want that.
Also, if you can generate lift you can also push the boat down so weight shouldnt be an issue.
If I get a good enough heightmap and you tell me if you have preferences for situations where there could be a tossup between two climates, yeah, I can.
Also, Trolls exist there, and Schizos utilize them sometimes. At least the Ourobros do.

>> No.41189710

Damn, looks snazzy. Thanks, anon!

>> No.41189795
Quoted by: >>41191274

Starwheat is an unofficial branding. Its just wheat /nasa/ grew via starship greenhouses. Technically all of /nasa/'s crops are GMO because we cross pollinate crops artificially for genetic diversity to minimize bad genetic mutations. /nasa/'s wheat can survive colder than normal wheat because deep space is cold and heat consumes power. The problem with starwheat is like natural wheat we need good soil. So it could be a few years curating soil before we can grow wheat.

I think you can make grills by cementing thin steel bars in between bricks when biilding the oven. The door doesn't have to be air-tight. And the fire can be lit underneath without a tray. Sanalites will figure out how to make an oven thermometer.

>> No.41190675
File: 231 KB, 1024x768, FM2Qb9DagAAn-HM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Also, if you can generate lift you can also push the boat down so weight shouldnt be an issue.
I'm not sure I'm understanding you here Clock, why would I want to generate a push down when gravity does that?

>> No.41190732
Quoted by: >>41192003

NTA, but more downward force might let you break thicker ice. Though you'd need a stronger hull accordingly.

>> No.41190883
Quoted by: >>41192003

More force means you can break thicker ice
just reinforce your hull a bit for that though.

>> No.41191274
File: 1.51 MB, 2000x1298, 1656678323809.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41192156

No it very much isn't, that's why I asked.

Also, the ideal temp for wheat germination is 20-25°C, which just so happens to be what we would be warming up the station to for us anyway, so that point is sadly moot. I also would not want any gmos getting spread before we know their exact properties. You yourself should know why they are controversial. That's why I asked for a rentry on it. If you're gonna be using foreign ingredients from the home system, you're gonna explain their properties, and it'll be something in your field that can ease you back into writing.

>> No.41192003
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Quoted by: >>41192707

I could break thicker ice but I'd also be draining more MQ because of the additional weight and possibly due to switching between two different effects. I think that would be used for a different model in deeper territory where it's guaranteed to be needed but I'm still not sure if I can't just get the same result by reinforcing the hull to be heavier and sturdier for more smash power.
Deadbeat, is there a timeline for the current artic expedition so that a generic timeline can be set up for the DEEP ARTIC expedition into Yabathoth to come?

>> No.41192156
Quoted by: >>41192942

Starwheat stays in /nasa/ then. We'll just have to pull wheat from the menu until we get a local supply.

>> No.41192707
File: 526 KB, 4096x3427, 1648898993028.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The LAB was established in 1125 VTE, and began operations right away. Construction of most critical buildings was done in 1128 VTE, and the initial plan (picrel) was completed in 1131 VTE, though additional construction never stopped. By 1150 VTE, LAB expeditions have touched points of interest throughout the polar circle, though it remains mostly unexplored, due to the immense surface area. The LAB would conduct multiple expeditions in parallel, almost solely in summer, at least for higher Yabathoth exploration.
Also, looks like I forgot to archive this.
Archive picrel under the Luna Arctic Base Establishment Expedition (/morig/, Candy Kingdom) section, with name "LAB Layout Schematic", please and thank you.

>> No.41192942
File: 100 KB, 850x1314, __tsukumo_sana_yatagarasu_and_sanallite_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_advarcher__sample-8cc2e678e867fc5d44eb1423ccd3c8a9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As long as it is used as is described in that rentry, I fully support it being brought from Lamington. Funeral rites are an important piece of our culture afterall. And getting local suppliers I feel would be the first step anyway, before we even open the doors, right?

>> No.41193126

When will they reach the pole?

>> No.41193177

1280 VTE

>> No.41193276

Why? It seems like they will get it by 1160.

>> No.41193336
Quoted by: >>41193379

Because magical rocks and dreams don't break the physics and realities of the arctic to the point where someone can reasonably get there within this age of technology when it took the British Empire 100 years with all of the money in the world to get it.

>> No.41193379
Quoted by: >>41193445

Why do you hate Chuunbanite? Call it by its name anon.

>> No.41193445

I don't hate Chuubanite, I hate that it is seen as the greatest resource known to this world that can magically make anything possible when it is clear that is not the case. It's insulting to those who put work into it to equate it to the magical do all resource it gets treated as sometimes.

>> No.41193489
File: 418 KB, 839x753, 1639477714267.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41194838

Hmmm, nanohodo.
Would the development of ice breakers precede these events or could it be mixed in? I followed the artic entries but there are some things like the first step onto the true artic continent and the hard trek forward into mystical ancient deadlands that I think I want to see and possibly explore.
If the offer for artic exploration stands than I believe I should like to try writing a collaborative act should you have the interest still. Artic Kronie explorer man can come too, but we should probably figure out why the guy's around and if he interacts with any nearby cultures on the way, also when he actually shows up during the process.

>> No.41193610
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>> No.41193681
Quoted by: >>41193812

Anon saw the term "low fantasy" and decided to ignore that first part.

>> No.41193812
Quoted by: >>41193866

Anon just don't want to have fun and allow use to get to the north pole.

>> No.41193866
Quoted by: >>41193917

Did you not see the post where anon gave a concrete date when they are getting there?

>> No.41193917

I am the one who said 1160 anon. Not the asshole who thinks of 1280

>> No.41193991
Quoted by: >>41194042

And I agree that 1160 is unrealistic.

>> No.41194042
Quoted by: >>41194265

What's the current time in universe walnuts?

>> No.41194265
Quoted by: >>41194385

6:28pm on the 14th of May, why do you ask?

>> No.41194385
Quoted by: >>41194478

I have an appointment with your mother and I don't want to be late

>> No.41194478
Quoted by: >>41194643

Oh do send my regards will you? Tell her not to forget about that dentist appointment she has tommorow, that abscess has been getting pretty bad...

>> No.41194643
Quoted by: >>41194805

No the appointment is today and I am the dentist

>> No.41194756
Quoted by: >>41194838

I am here once again too beg for a Real dates to VTE dates conversion method

>> No.41194805

Oh good, she'll be in your care then. Hopefully you're not a quack, her teeth have been getting worse lately, she doesn't need a botched job.

>> No.41194838
File: 2.94 MB, 2480x4245, 1660101899944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The pole might have been reached prior to 1120 VTE by native people using dog sleds and such, it's pretty plausible. The people of shishilamy might have done it, for example.
Ice breakers are basically congruent to decently advanced ironclads starting to happen, so they're probably just a decade or two off. The first step on the arctic continent, maybe the southernmost part in the sea /luna/ has access to would have happened prior to the establishment of LAB, again by natives from the northern holocontinent, it's only around the 75th parallel. But the LAB itself could make this step pretty soon I think, might be one of the first really serious ventures.
Just a note, the Arctic Kronie explorer man's adventure unfolds in the 1150s, so a few decades in the future.
Use the quick calculation cell on the timeline sheet in the anchor. You'll need to copy the sheet.

>> No.41195351
Quoted by: >>41195431

>75th parallel
What does this mean?

>> No.41195431

75 degrees N of latitude.

>> No.41195680
Quoted by: >>41195839

Did this happen irl?

>> No.41195839
File: 427 KB, 1588x2048, 1646779125735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41196299

Plausibly. It's been demonstrated to have been doable with equipment for the period, and natives have been there for thousands of years. Could see Inuits tracking a bear up there, or just exploring for the hell of it. Oral tradition means there would be no records of something like that though.

>> No.41196235
File: 95 KB, 432x432, 1657585602130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried baking

>> No.41196299
File: 3.65 MB, 2000x1632, 1607804000000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The people of shishilamy might have done it, for example.
Honestly that's pretty much a confirm now that I think about it...
Well we could probably still play it off as the first ROYAL exploration, the Candy Kingdom would eat it up and it'd be a triumph for followers of Pink Womanism everywhere. We also could develop non chuubanite "not really ice breakers but better than absolutely not ice breaker" russian ships that we can use to make trade with ppt easier, set up a few trade posts off, possibly using the Festival Luna island as a trade harbor. I assume those would be much quicker to make compared to them.
Oi don't give this schmuck noise! He's ignoring the fact that I literally grow snickers bars from the ground and that in addition to magic rocks, we have giant tech monstrosities sitting around in the artic too.
