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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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41115945 No.41115945 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>41116011

Previous: >>41111132

>> No.41115971
File: 1.46 MB, 2680x3496, 1040928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.41115973
File: 145 KB, 1280x720, gura merch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Speaking of clips, and speaking of Gura, I can only wonder what could have been if Gura had ever took a swing at these EASILY tee'd up interaction moments
>Subaru Accidentally Revealed Okayu's Secret Collection of Gura Merch
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AOkmczSR9OU [Embed]

I know Gura talked about it, but ALWAYS on members streams.
Failing to develop the relationship between the branches is one of the reasons HoloEN ended up in their current "isolated" state.
There is no reason being nine would be a reason for their current state, they have thirty five potential collab partners across the pond, not to mention the nine ID (many of which already speak english).

HoloEN is in serious need of a "PekoMoona" moment, and I genuinely thought that Rust impromptu collabs between Gura and the rest of the JP girls would be it

>> No.41116010
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my cute wife

>> No.41116011
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Recent clip numbers

>> No.41116045
Quoted by: >>41116148

Watching these endurance stream only make me chuckle because Pekora is bad at every kind of game EXCEPT when the game is revolves around minmaxing stats (aka RPG)
That time she literally strategically farming GBF guild war lol

>> No.41116052
File: 259 KB, 850x1202, 08279b538840509de39d10cbd43f593a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41116086

>60,445: Pekora (Hololive)
>59,439: Korone (Hololive)
>36,465: Sukoya (Nijisanji)
>35,326: Toya (Nijisanji)
>28,179: Ui (Indie)
>27,135: Subaru (Hololive)
>22,545: Kuzuha (Nijisanji)
>21,886: Koyori (Hololive)
>21,084: Kanata (Hololive)
>20,469: Mio (Hololive)
>20,445: Nose (VSPO)
>18,784: Ririmu (Nijisanji)
>17,668: Salome (Nijisanji)
>17,043: Nene (Hololive)
>16,866: Koyori (Hololive)
>16,834: Fuwa (Nijisanji)
>14,898: AZKi (Hololive)
>14,878: Chloe (Hololive)
>14,869: Watame (Hololive)
>14,094: Met (774 inc)
>14,041: Ange (Nijisanji)
>13,597: Hinano (VSPO)
>12,837: Noel (Hololive)
>12,804: Sasaki (Nijisanji)
>12,652: Hayato (Nijisanji)
>12,486: Hoshikawa (Nijisanji)
>12,083: Ryushen (Nijisanji)
>11,917: Met (774 inc)
>11,619: Furen (Nijisanji)
>10,093: Nose (VSPO)

>> No.41116080
Quoted by: >>41116111

2 years ago I thought holos and stars collabing wasn't a big deal and I don't care. I laughed at the people so against it. Then I got deeper in the fandom and now I want it to never happened since homo beggers are so fucking annoying. I don't want them to get anything. Not a crumb. Nothing. Also numbers are low, even for a monday.

>> No.41116081

>Peko 38k
I really don't see Miko beating this. I'm betting my balls on Peko 6th gold

>> No.41116085
Quoted by: >>41116507

>Fire Emblem, Yakuza, Tales
Time for Kiara to drag that median back down!

>> No.41116086
File: 1.55 MB, 2228x1616, cd1c758def2b88c6eeba9b0a4479740c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41116782

1) Hololive (Hololive) - 142,855 - Human Rabbitality Project
2) Pekora (Hololive) - 178,006 - Pokemon Metronome tournament
3) Towa (Hololive) - 101,269 - 3rd anniversary 3D live
4) Pekora (Hololive) - 139,262 - Gamers x Sankisei collab
5) Watame (Hololive) - 39,137 - Bakatare Circus ludo
6) Nerumero (Indie) - 39,961 - Genshin update mirror stream
7) Towa (Hololive) - 112,852 - Holo New Year MK Cup 2023
8) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 122,719 - Niji Mahjong Cup 2023
9) Pekora (Hololive) - 55,370 - GeoGuessr
10) Subaru (Hololive) - 54,841 - TsuneMOS Tycoon
11) Pekora (Hololive) - 43,113 - Birthday countdown
12) Pekora (Hololive) - 142,282 - 3D birthday live
13) Pekora (Hololive) - 33,367 - Minecraft RTA
14) Pekora (Hololive) - 78,227* - Holomen gift opening
15) Pekora (Hololive) - 60,445 - Pekkorone Ao Oni

13x: Hololive
1x: Indie, Nijisanji

8x: Pekora
2x: Towa
1x: Hololive, Nerumero, Nijisanji, Subaru, Watame

>> No.41116105

HoloEN has just consistently failed to understand one of the strengths of Hololive. They didn't watch early JP collabs or any of the group kino in Minecraft or ARK. RUST was the closest they got and it was just a lot of off-stream bullshit.

>> No.41116106

>German people are kind hearted
Stop with the delusion. You Krauts are known as unfunny retards, especially your women and recently also as a completely brain dead retards.

>> No.41116111
Quoted by: >>41116261

At least it’s not sub 30k

>> No.41116113

Kiara. Imagine if kiara have gura model she will easily be on pekora level.

>> No.41116114
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Quoted by: >>41116156

>> No.41116141
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>> No.41116142
Quoted by: >>41117706

I would believe it if part of the reason Cover didn't feel like they needed to rush out EN3 was because they expected the EN and ID branches to collab more like how ID leaned quite a bit on JP collabs back when they were just 3 people.

>> No.41116146

She was doing it, what with having Okayu in her 3D and all. Might be hopeful on my part but her interactions with Suisei could also be a bridge.
Thing is, Gura will almost never collab with JPs because of her poor Japanese, so the best we can hope for is music and lives. If she could do that regularly you'll have your EN-JP big-hitter link.

>> No.41116147

>The comment section

Homo collab beggars paradise. Fuck that piece of shit yura.

>> No.41116148
Quoted by: >>41116192

Her problem is she gets too happy and overconfident when she does well which causes her to fuck up. Same when she tells herself to calm down, she fucks up then too.
It's not bad for sufferkino tho.

>> No.41116156

What a waste

>> No.41116157
Quoted by: >>41116356

>barely 4k waiting room
Yeah I don't know why 35piss were hyping that up. Far from being the first time too.

>> No.41116166
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>> No.41116168

No chance, HoloEN is a complete autistfest that can't even speak a lick of Japanese.

>> No.41116192
Quoted by: >>41116247

Nah I just want to point out how she is suspiciously good at games that require numberfagging, which shouldn’t come as a surprise to anyone

>> No.41116198

>Gura will almost never collab with JPs because of her poor Japanese
Shoulda learned during that time she decided to not stream lmao.

>> No.41116205
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>> No.41116207
Quoted by: >>41116361

>HoloEN is a complete autistfest that can't even speak a lick of Japanese.
Kiara and Bae exist.

>> No.41116247
File: 1.53 MB, 1920x1080, 984b238c5002cf63d9952d66831d2433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

list of the dead/dying indies/small corpos

>Castella Inomori https://twitter.com/CastellaInomori
>Melonbread https://twitter.com/melonbread_69
>Raina Chiwawa https://twitter.com/RaniaChiwawa
>Selkie https://twitter.com/SelkieVT
>Virion Kisei https://twitter.com/virionkisei
>Sellena https://twitter.com/anelles_
>MoonJelly https://twitter.com/moonjelly0
>Suika Emi https://twitter.com/suikaemi
>Usami https://twitter.com/usami_vt
>RoaFen https://twitter.com/FenThePixie
>TsukimiLune https://twitter.com/TsukimiLune
>Etherna Celine https://twitter.com/ethernaceline
>Etherna Helen https://twitter.com/EthernaHelen
>Makoto & Akira Misaki https://twitter.com/ggnlive_withyou
>Orla Gan Ceann https://twitter.com/orlaganceann

places to end up for these streamers include
>HoloEN3 which has been running 'open auds' all year so far
>Tsunderia auditions entered "second stage" on Aug 27th low likelihood for some of these girls now

>> No.41116248
Quoted by: >>41116308

Which nigger popularize the Arknight aesthetic in character design? I want to strangle him

>> No.41116261

If Mori won the gold imagine. That would be the lowest non-CCVID gold in forever. The lowest I can remember is Haruka's 3d debut at 24k.

>> No.41116282

The thing is, audience ALREADY had PekoMoona, and continues to have PekoMoona delivered to this day (Remember the New Year medley?)
So why do you think they want PekoMoona, but worst?

>> No.41116292
File: 418 KB, 2554x3674, 572815a14fb89db47f0d9f08ab85dda0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


9,798: IRyS (Hololive)
8,927: Selen (Nijisanji)
6,906: Kiara (Hololive)
6,837: Gavis (Hololive)
6,829: Baelz (Hololive)
6,794: Hakka (Hololive)
6,178: Ike (Nijisanji)

1. Amelia (Hololive) - 19,255 (New Years Countdown and Karaoke)
2. Vox (Nijisanji) - 15,692 (Clubhouse Games w/Mysta)
3. Mumei (Hololive) - 14,736 (Tasting Fruits w/Fauna)
4. Ike (Nijisanji) - 7,576 (Kuukiyomi 3)
5. Mysta (Nijisanji) - 12,036 (Return stream)
6. Vox (Nijisanji) - 13,946 (Collab w/Petra, Enna, Reimu, Sonny, Scarle, Doppio, Kotoka, and Ver)
7. Amelia (Hololive) - 24,748 (Mini Live and Birthday Zatsu)
8. Flayon (Hololive) - 30,354 (Vtuber Debut)
9. Ina (Hololive) - 35,609 (Return Stream)
10. Pomu (Nijisanji) - 21,699 (w/Reimu, Vox, Ren, Scarle, Sonny, Uki, Aia, Kyo, Fungus, Zaion, Ike, Doppio, and Enna)
11. Alban (Nijisanji) - 10,434 (Heave Ho w/Fungus, Uki, and Sonny)
12. Ina (Hololive) - 14,195 (Drawing)
13. Mysta (Nijisanji) - 14,877 (Luxiem Off-collab)
14. Elira (Nijisanji) - 56,103 (3D Debut)
15. IRyS (Hololive) - 9,798 (GeoGuesser)

Hololive - 7
Nijisanji - 8
Others - 0

2x: Vox, Amelia, Ina, Mysta
1x: Mumei, Ike, Flayon, Pomu, Alban, Elira, IRyS

>POINTS PER STREAMER (gold = 5pts, silver = 3pts, bronze = 1pt)
18x: Vox
16p: IRyS
14x: Ina
11x: Mysta
10x: Amelia
9x: Fauna
8x: Ike
7x: Mumei
5x: Flayon, Pomu, Alban, Elira
4p: Kiara
3x: Baelz, Sonny, Hakka, Kronii, Selen
1x: Meloco, Shinri, Gavis

>> No.41116308
File: 625 KB, 565x850, fbk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41116579


>> No.41116315

>That would be the lowest non-CCVID gold in forever
Pekora's death forest exists, retard.

>> No.41116325

You mean NA is isolated. Mori had Suisei shilling her as her most listened to musician on TV, Kiara has HoloTalk and is literally sleeping at JPs houses, Bae is pretty regularly collabing with JP mems.

>> No.41116338
File: 874 KB, 873x1764, 8f3cad2a0befefec0af4e74b9dfbc3f0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Final 100k+ stream for 2022 tally
1. Hololive – 35 (26)
1. Nijisanji - 34 (14)
Results: Hololive

Monthly Summary
>January: Holo (1 - 0)
>February: Tie (1 - 1)
>March: Holo (4 - 0)
>April: Holo (2 - 0)
>May: Niji (2 - 4)
>June: Holo (6 - 4)
>July: Niji (2 - 5)
>August: Niji (3 - 10)
>September: Holo (1 - 0)
>October: Niji (1 - 3)
>November: Holo (7 - 1)
>December: Niji (5 – 6)

>> No.41116343
Quoted by: >>41116365

>Homocollab gold
Homo will not get near gold. I am waiting for Kuzuha CR cup practice stream to show these shitter how real men get hold

>> No.41116356
Quoted by: >>41116408

Might still get a funnel from Pekora herself is she happen to end earlier than Migo. Then again it will be pretty late by that point so most of them will probably just go to bed.

>> No.41116361

Hence the autism part.

>> No.41116365

Did they get it on Tempus 1 debut?

>> No.41116367
File: 2.18 MB, 1920x1080, 1673793339766678.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41116446

Miko started! get in here 35P!

>> No.41116382
File: 1.06 MB, 870x1824, 83206bf08f0a930e9891d06a272e2d68.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hololive EN 11 members
>Jan: 3,626,369 (585.5hrs, 215 streams)
>Feb: 3,021,167 (439.3hrs, 146 streams, 6,878 avg)
>Mar: 4,907,065 (615.4hrs, 180 streams, 7,974 avg)
>Apr: 3,886,364 (529.2hrs, 177 streams, 7,344 avg)
>May: 3,386,966 (464.8hrs, 158 streams, 7,288 avg)
>Jun: 3,293,675
>Jul: 4,066,096
>Aug: 3,930,035 (526.1hrs, 165 streams, 7,471 avg)
>Sep: 3,340,198 (491.3hrs, 157 streams, 6,798 avg)
>Oct: 3,446,635 (507hrs, 159 streams, 6,798 avg)
>Nov: 2,728,747 (478.1hrs, 132 streams, 5,707 avg)
>Dec: 2,318,190 (375.4hrs, 121 streams, 6,175 avg)

>total: 41,951,507

Nijisanji EN 32 members
>Jan: 3,174,294 (1,438.6hrs, 396 streams)
>Feb: 3,972,676 (1264.1hrs, 336 streams , 3,143 avg)
>Mar: 6,283,717 (1892.4hrs, 514 streams, 3,320 avg)
>Apr: 6,449,716 (1,983.9hrs, 503 streams, 3,251 avg)
>May: 5,661,308 (1,461.6hrs, 423 streams, 3,873 avg)
>Jun: 5,873,002
>Jul: 6,285,678
>Aug: 7,022,216 (1,935.1hrs, 585 streams, 3,629 avg)
>Sep: 5,285,293 (1,995.7hrs, 554 streams, 2,648 avg)
>Oct: 4,916,112 (2,106.3hrs, 519 streams, 2,334 avg)
>Nov: 3,695,275 (1,555.6hrs, 455 streams, 2,375 avg)
>Dec: 5,900,283 (2,141.2hrs, 633 streams, 2,756 avg)

>total: 64,519,570

>> No.41116407

The over/under that any one of these will beat any holo in CCV average in February is 1.5

Would you take the over or the under?

The over/under that these will be 3 views is 3.5

Would you take the over or the under?

>> No.41116408
Quoted by: >>41116470

She set a 3 hour limit, it will go till midnight

>> No.41116415
Quoted by: >>41116536

magni got bronze which was the only holostar medal win ever

>> No.41116427


>> No.41116428
File: 3.91 MB, 2688x1750, 58dfe01ddb7901e8cc44580b148129df.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

* FINAL 24HRS VOD TALLY FOR 01/14/2023 *
(View growth after 1 hour at end of each line)
>525,982 Elira Pendora (ANYCOLOR) (4425.7%)
>513,387 Usada Pekora (COVER) (124.2%)
>365,096 Inugami Korone (COVER) (33.5%)
>304,912 Houshou Marine (COVER) (316.9%)
>262,338 Kuzuha (ANYCOLOR) (75.5%)
>213,796 Hololive VTuber Group (COVER) (60.7%)
>202,279 IRyS (COVER) (455.0%)
>191,591 Oozora Subaru (COVER) (70.9%)
>186,349 Nekota Tsuna (Brave Group) (37.9%)
>186,176 Yashiro Kizuku (ANYCOLOR) (123.3%)
>185,428 Shibuya HAL (Neo-Porte) (38.0%)
>179,790 Fuwa Minato (ANYCOLOR) (69.9%)
>172,690 Hakui Koyori (COVER) (72.8%)
>170,659 Sakura Miko (COVER) (93.0%)
>170,262 Shirogane Noel (COVER) (26.6%)
>167,162 Shirogane Noel (COVER) (90.5%)
>166,136 Elu the Elf (ANYCOLOR) (63.3%)

>> No.41116446

Right no hate but have fun 35P. It’s her 2nd stream after a while

>> No.41116463

miko doko

>> No.41116470
Quoted by: >>41116517

No, her challenge is to end the game within 3 hours. She did the same thing in 2021 and spent three more hours than what was written in the timer to finish the game.

>> No.41116476

I don't understand

>> No.41116478

Are we counting ID for Holos? One of them will probably beat Iofi.

>> No.41116500

Anon, Moona was even fucking worse

>> No.41116507

When did she stop? 90% of Kiara's content is debuff, at least Sana had the decency to not stream/graduate and that made councils stats look way better

>> No.41116514

Moona's Japanese is shitty and that didn't stop PekoMoona.

>> No.41116517

If she's near the end at 3 hours and still hasn't finished I can see her carrying on until clear just to see what time she could get.

>> No.41116536

... Including StarJP?

>> No.41116540
Quoted by: >>41116600

They bond over Minecraft chat

>> No.41116568


>> No.41116572
File: 1.34 MB, 2894x4093, 568240i.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Current Waiting List for nijisanji after lazulight confirmed 3d debut

2/16/20 - Shellin Burgundy*
3/7/20 - Amemori Sayo* (12/10/21)
4/1/20 - Kuroi Shiba
4/12/20 - Hayama Marin*
6/23/20 - Hana Macchia* (10/24/22, 12/16/22)
2/10/21 - Seto Miyako
5/1/21 - Gilzaren III*
6/5/21 - Asahina Akane*
6/24/21 - Azuchi Momo
7/24/21 - Lauren Iroas
7/28/21 - Petra Gurin
8/5/21 - Asuka Hina
8/6/21 - Selen Tatsuki
8/30/21 - Rosemi Lovelock
11/14/21 - Nina Kosaka
12/9/21 - Millie Parfait
12/30/21 - Vox Akuma
12/31/21 - Mysta Rias
1/1/22 - Enna Alouette
1/8/22 - Shu Yamino
1/8/22 - Ike Eveland
1/9/22 - Luca Kaneshiro
1/9/22 - Reimu Endou
1/21/22 - Siska Leontyne
3/5/22 - Alban Knox
3/10/22 - Sonny Brisko
3/11/22 - Harusaki Air
3/12/22 - Uki Violeta
3/12/22 - Taka Radjiman
3/21/22 - Mika Melatika
3/21/22 - Fulgur Ovid
4/12/22 - Ponto Nei
5/10/22 - Umise Yotsuha
5/24/22 - Hyakumantenbara Salome
6/7/22 - Yang Nari
6/27/22 - Min Suha
7/18/22 - Watanari Hibari
7/18/22 - Shikinagi Akira
7/20/22 - Seraph Dazzlegarden
7/23/22 - Amagase Muyu
7/24/22 - Scarle Yonaguni
7/24/22 - Ren Zotto
7/24/22 - Aster Arcadia
7/25/22 - Maria Marionette
7/25/22 - Kyo Kaneko
7/25/22 - Aia Amare
7/27/22 - Seffyna
8/13/22 - Fura Kanato
8/27/22 - ZEA Cornelia
10/17/22 - Bonnivier Pranaja
12/11/22 - Hex Haywire
12/15/22 - Meloco Kyoran
12/16/22 - Ver Vermillion
12/25/22 - Doppio Dropscythe
12/27/22 - Zaion Lanza
12/30/22 - Kotoka Torahime

* refers to members who already have 3D but still didnt have a 3D debut

>> No.41116574

Magni got bronze.
Tempiss 1 on day 2 even almost miss top 10.
It was during Koshien/HoloRust time, so lots of big streams back then.

>> No.41116579

Oh no she's cute

>> No.41116594


>> No.41116596

Yes but she was cute and dorky during it, that's the crucial part. The EN girls simply don't have charisma for that.

>> No.41116600

They bonded because Moona is the only one who can pretty much perfectly decipher Pekolish.

>> No.41116601

Anyone want to check THAT stats for Pekora this month?

>> No.41116615

kiara need her idol outfit, those dance skill will make her incline

>> No.41116614

She did play GTA5 for a bit. Looking back pre offcollab it looks like mainly Pokémon with a couple handcam/Minecraft/AoE2.

>> No.41116631
Quoted by: >>41116686

I refuse to believe she's not choking on purpose. That move with the bug was plain retarded. She knows she won't lose many viewers no matter what she does so she's just playing badly so has to spend more time with us on stream. I will not take my meds.

>> No.41116636
Quoted by: >>41116685

pekora tempus collab would be so kino

>> No.41116638

Tempus VG vs new nijiJP girls, who would win?

>> No.41116641

But Moona is interested in interacting with JP and EN whereas most of EN just want to hang out with their EN friends or stream solo. Even Kiara and Bae, the 2 most extroverted EN are only interested in single standalone collabs and not actually interested in creating an arc.

Maybe Mumei and Towa could take part in a FPS tournament together ?

>> No.41116642
Quoted by: >>41116826

And I was talking about Gura. Not knowing Japanese isn't a full hindrance for everyone, but for her it is.

>> No.41116643

They have problems to even get into tally anon.

>> No.41116679
Quoted by: >>41116694

It won't stop her streams from filtering people.

>> No.41116685

Baiting time already? At least wait until 11 PM.

>> No.41116686

After seeing her just let that bug destroy her armor I'm inclined to agree

>> No.41116694
Quoted by: >>41116714

That was a sarcastic joke anon.

>> No.41116697

Remember when Mumei tried to do that schoolgirl rivalry with Haachama?

>> No.41116708

She'll get the new one, like every girl. I wonder if the old one will be used by JP now and then.

>> No.41116714

Can never be sure.

>> No.41116776
Quoted by: >>41116878

Oh christ, is this the storylines shit again?

>> No.41116781

IIIIIIIIII nnnnnneeeeedddddd more of this!!

>> No.41116782

year of the rabbit sugoi....

>> No.41116783
Quoted by: >>41116827

>logs in minecraft when peko streams the game
you know she was leeching

>> No.41116808
Quoted by: >>41116888

Haachama recently did a new report card. The college girl war is still on.

>> No.41116823

Why wont pekora take the gold armor?

>> No.41116826

The problem with Gura is her meme speak tgat doesn't translate well in general. Remember the Shion collab? Yeah.

>> No.41116827
Quoted by: >>41116917

35piss deflection post.

>> No.41116838
File: 348 KB, 1331x544, top5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorry encucks the podium is for grownup branches

>> No.41116839

It fizzled because both were obviously too busy.
Haachama took a few swipes at Mumei but, yeah, the level of commitment to make this type of things work is out of reach for college girls

>> No.41116844

last thread i learned that /#/ not only sucks at math and numbers but also can't read

>> No.41116867


>> No.41116873

This google map game is buff even shitter like flare will get on the tally today

>> No.41116877

Well 10h and only one of nijijp girls broke 20k. Not only that but rest didn't even broke 15k. Roco really seems to be the only one people care about
I don't think it was that GRIM for tempiss 2.

>> No.41116878

It’s not “storylines”, you fucking retard, it’s complaining about lack of collab partners and leaving fourty four of them (35 JP + 9 ID) barely touched

>> No.41116888

Mumei quit college... (for a year?)
I guess technically Haachama can make fun of Moom for being a temporary drop out for now

>> No.41116895

All these Geoguesser streams and they still can't find Gura. Gura doko

>> No.41116898

35sisters... we got too cocky

>> No.41116902


>> No.41116911

Wut? New debuts on the JP side?

>> No.41116914

I hope she gets to collab with Nene some day

>> No.41116917

hello mikoschizo

>> No.41116919
Quoted by: >>41117056

seems like it was better than tempus 2 at 10 hours

>> No.41116922
Quoted by: >>41116963

Nah not quit, just delaying
I’m pretty sure you can delay your course in college no?

>> No.41116924
Quoted by: >>41117090

For a semester Anon. Mainly due to health issues because she has insomnia and sleep 3 hours per night.

>> No.41116932
Quoted by: >>41117090

Mumei is out for a semester to fix her health issues, also means she has no problems going to Japan for showcase.

>> No.41116948

t. doesn't even go to college

>> No.41116963

I delayed finishing grad school for 4 years. I think 5 years is the longest they'll hold onto your credits in burgerstan.

>> No.41116976

>still on world 1-1

>> No.41116987

>suddenly no one talking about miko gold

>> No.41116989
Quoted by: >>41117042

FBK really did underperform considering the several posts already taking her gold for granted.

>> No.41116992

It is. I think it works best in one on one collabs where one of them roast the other's geography knowledge (or lack thereof), but unfortunately there haven't been that many GeoGuessr collabs so far.

>> No.41117014

beggars are evaluating their strategies now that collab was kicked out of the podium

>> No.41117024

all these girls suck a retro games its unbelievable

>> No.41117025

>die at w1-1
there's no way Miko going to clear this in 12 hours

>> No.41117030

Miko is really terrible at this, not sure if that's a buff or debuff

>> No.41117036
Quoted by: >>41117074

35P are watching stream right now instead of drama posting unlike numbersagi

>> No.41117042
Quoted by: >>41117078

No she didn't. You're just witnessing the power of Polka.

>> No.41117044

Miko will catch the funnels

>> No.41117048
Quoted by: >>41117136

Miko's collab usually does bad number unless it's miComet.

>> No.41117056

Maybe, but that's just 1 of 7 girls and she's much above rest in subs.

>> No.41117068

I still find it amazing how only Kiara understood why minecraft was important and noone bothered telling rest of EN

>> No.41117074


>> No.41117077
Quoted by: >>41117144

behold, the true rust champion

>> No.41117078

Why are gen 5 so unpopular?

>> No.41117090

This is what cover does to their chuubas. An actual black company. Next you know mumei will be suicidal soon.

>> No.41117105
Quoted by: >>41117355

Was okayu asmr this good before?

>> No.41117109
File: 135 KB, 332x286, 1663391169804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Twappi...what went wrong?

>> No.41117136
Quoted by: >>41117199

well for one its not a collab race. the dude who posted the tweet is either a retard or a shitposter
worse yet all the people replying to him either didn't check it or did and are just as much of retards/shitposters as he was
like >>41117048
who still thinks its a collab

>> No.41117142

Pizza bro…

>> No.41117144

What kind of autism is this? Does anyone else still play it?

>> No.41117168

male collabs but homobeggars will just blame "apex spam"

>> No.41117169

>mumei will be suicidal soon.
always was

>> No.41117172


>> No.41117177

Luna does, and she pushed her average some good 2k up with it

>> No.41117181

Well if you want another pekomoon, rust or ark is definitely not the game, it's fucking pvp games where you kill each others and ruin relationship

>> No.41117185

>Kanata Bronze in the podium now
I started to develop feeling for Kanata since her anniversary live. Feeling for numbers of course.

>> No.41117199

after checking again i would like to correct myself. the original poster didn't mention it being a collab at all so its the rest of the retards who for some reason thought it was and ran with it

>> No.41117204
Quoted by: >>41117225

>Opened both peko miko streams
>Saw how shit they are at games
>Closed the tabs to watch ghaph instead.

>> No.41117217

Idk, if Pekora finishes early Miko has this one imo

>> No.41117218
Quoted by: >>41117272

You've tried this for days now, and no one will believe your bait. How about you watch the stream instead. She's had insomnia since she was nine.

>> No.41117223

Miko and pekora about to kiss

>> No.41117225

Pekora improved significantly compared to her September 2021 run.

>> No.41117231

Rust killed GurAme

>> No.41117233

not really, hololive rust server still up just for her

>> No.41117246
File: 29 KB, 500x500, 16643580853389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41117295

Peak Amesame teetee was in Rust

>> No.41117251

Anya became one with the JP gang by boarding the “gambling club”.
Koyori got one of her biggest breaks by tagging along with Pekora, culminating in one of the most cinematic moments of that season
>the accidental “betrayal”
It’s possible

>> No.41117253
File: 49 KB, 536x550, 1605437750043885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41117335

Why are you brown?

>> No.41117269

Pizza numero uno

>> No.41117272

Insomnia is no biggie. It's obviously cover putting too much pressure and psychologically abusing her ruining her mental state.

>> No.41117295
Quoted by: >>41117315

It was really good when Ame was genuinely annoyed at Gura during Rust.

>> No.41117298

I'm suprised, no doxx from nijicucks today

>> No.41117311

Not only are you dumb, but illiterate too.
Apparently Cover abused her a decode before they were founded, according to you.

>> No.41117315
Quoted by: >>41118121

I like the part when ame told her to fuck off

>> No.41117324
Quoted by: >>41117396

They weren't even remotely in the running today. They have literally nothing. It's tomorrow with the Luxiem off collab that may be an issue. That or the meidos actually range banned the faggots

>> No.41117335

brown is the new white. white people nowadays kneeled to black people and their rule.

>> No.41117344

It'd be too obvious they're the beggars if they do that.

>> No.41117355

Maybe, i can't remember
It seems that Gura may be listening too

>> No.41117358

Apparently an ISP from flipland got range banned yesterday for posting CP.
I am not sure if it is true though ?

>> No.41117372
File: 341 KB, 1823x2381, 2636b666d2c4ded8dbbbd2c06df781d7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41117391

Ange 11k get!
>it's a Z
Shame. Maybe later.

>> No.41117378

probably got rangebanned after he keep posting cp

>> No.41117391
Quoted by: >>41117767


>> No.41117396

>nijimeidos range banning one of their own
nice fanfic anon

>> No.41117407

It was a flipsagi that got caught falseflagging as nijinigger by posting CP

>> No.41117414

not the entire flip, some flipkek still able to post here. probably some area in manilla

>> No.41117440


>> No.41117444

why are nousagi looking for cp?

>> No.41117445
File: 755 KB, 900x1276, flareass1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41117543

>flare 10k
tally anon BTFO yet again!

>> No.41117468
Quoted by: >>41117565

Kill yourself 35tard.

>> No.41117474

Miko 30k

>> No.41117488
File: 726 KB, 3085x5042, 2bfd88187dcb0070a6db8a16e12be612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okayu ASMR 10k too.

>> No.41117499
File: 219 KB, 1135x1258, 1609266069610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello again numberfaggots.
>Another holoJP gold
I came here just to laugh at Nijiniggers and ENsharts.
See you guys when holoJP gets another gold, which is probably gonna be tomorrow, again.

>> No.41117501

Then why are they not as popular as pekomoon?

>> No.41117510

The race is still on, wonder what is the decisive factor

>> No.41117514


>> No.41117539
Quoted by: >>41117578

When is King playing with that apex dude?

>> No.41117543

kys elfaggot

>> No.41117545

If Pekora doesn't end her stream before 1:00am, she wins.

>> No.41117553
Quoted by: >>41117592

Jesus Pekora's god awful skill at this game are leading to a non stop viewer bleeding and those viewers are migrating over to Miko's stream

>> No.41117555

Kek Pekora took Mio advice of being passive too seriously. She could have passed the 2 big dude easily if she attack more aggressively

>> No.41117557


>> No.41117565
Quoted by: >>41117603

Check the archive, dumb rabbito

>> No.41117578

CR-cup. Should make him competitive again for some days at least.

>> No.41117592

Is Miko doing any better or she is also hardstucking?

>> No.41117603

I'm indeed checking the archives and your whore hasn't reached 100k on her last 3d stream. Mind explaining this pathetic performance?

>> No.41117617

Pekomiko kiss

>> No.41117623
File: 274 KB, 775x593, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good number as usual

>> No.41117630

she's trash and is now savescumming

>> No.41117636

Miko is playing mario with ease.

>> No.41117642

Miko 32k
Peko 31k
We could've been spared from Yet Another Peko Lewds had their slots be reversed.

>> No.41117655

Migo is sort of plateauing and I don't know if she'll be able to catch any significant funnel later on considering the hour.

>> No.41117663

>le 100k
Stop living in the past

>> No.41117669
File: 123 KB, 1009x237, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nutsagi status?

>> No.41117682
File: 100 KB, 794x623, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41117687

Towa on the tally with the most guerilla apex ever lol

>> No.41117702

Once the hour changes Miko will recline.
It's actually over, Pekogold once again.

>> No.41117706

But they do collab a lot, you can't make a larger holo EN collab this days without inviting some IDs it happened multiple times.

>> No.41117711

Pekora is so bad at Makaimura that it's hurting my head a bit

>> No.41117715

Looks like mikogold today.

>> No.41117744

Enjoying sufferkino

>> No.41117751

Towa 10k Get
Out of 15 HoloJP streams today, only 3 are sub 10k.

>> No.41117754

Seems like Brave Group has decided to sell Aogiri High School, kinda weird considering they were just blowing up thanks to shorts and just recently shorts monetization has finally rolled out

>> No.41117762
File: 117 KB, 1000x1000, FbextvcagAIebDJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop falseflagging flipsagi

>> No.41117763

Watching their oshi not pathetically cheating at a retro game.

>> No.41117767
File: 1.53 MB, 2477x4071, 7763879ad56114b2e1cf4683d6ee6ed3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>whore, bi, tomboy
God, that sounds hot.

10k climbed normally now.

>> No.41117775

Good garbage top 2 you have there, holobronies.

>> No.41117786
Quoted by: >>41117810

>considering they were just blowing up thanks to shorts and just recently shorts monetization has finally rolled out
What did you expect? For them, it's the best time to sell since anyone buying will expect good profits based on what you said.

>> No.41117789
File: 2.40 MB, 1399x3895, 1673790148702964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No such thing.
It's called hololive.

>> No.41117802

Shaving my beard

>> No.41117807

It's a crime that Gura is missing out on all this holo off-collabs she better be really fucking sick.

>> No.41117810

brave group isn't sony retard

>> No.41117835
Quoted by: >>41117874

>Pekora and miko secrets

They sucked at video games but those cute voice are buff af.

>> No.41117857

Yeah, sick of this shit

>> No.41117860

Damn Pekora keep panicking, imagine losing such a big headstart to Miko cause you are bad at games

>> No.41117867
File: 2.04 MB, 1920x1080, Chloe money.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Brave Group sells their biggest cash cow
At least on the surface, with how huge their SC earnings among other things were.

>> No.41117874

>pekora cute voice

>> No.41117887
File: 129 KB, 973x227, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can she make it?

>> No.41117886

>Lui, Roboco, Mel, Matsuri starting at 23JST
Make that 7 out of 18 lmao

>> No.41117891

Am retard. But I guess they want to avoid anything school-like blowing up and reminding everyone that they killed Gamebu, and now it was a good time.

>> No.41117893
Quoted by: >>41117929

She have a timer that's why she's rushing

>> No.41117897

but they are the company who were the cause of the biggest yab in vtubing, so yeah.

>> No.41117900
File: 1.06 MB, 1152x768, Gura fire 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41117901

Sidebranch isn't hololive

>> No.41117907

Probably, Pekora's sucking so hard at this game that she'll just bleed viewers

>> No.41117909

If Pekora ends 100%. If she doesn't, it's going to be an uphill battle

>> No.41117920

Yea i have switch to miko because of how bad peko is. Miko is shit too but at least she is progressing.

>> No.41117929

The cloud is giving her a rather hard time

>> No.41117948

Do you trust Slipkochi?

>> No.41117972
Quoted by: >>41118106

>at least she is progressing.

>> No.41117985

I mean Pekora is literally losing her viewer to Miko, ironically the fact Pekora start first is backfiring

>> No.41117999

Tower... 10k.

>> No.41118008

Tbdesu GnG is a much harder game, it's to be expected.

>> No.41118011

I trust Pekora to suck so hard at videogames that viewers will just go to Miko's stream naturally

>> No.41118024


Just now, Ayame has reached 1 million views on her latest orisong.

Please please please shower her with your praises

>> No.41118033

im going to kill you if you keep repeating this fucking bullshit about koyori and pekora because not only it didn't do shit numberswise, that's not even what fucking happened, her numbers didn't improve at all after rust

>> No.41118038
Quoted by: >>41118128

>because of her poor Japanese
didn't stop Moona

>> No.41118039
Quoted by: >>41118070

She knows how to easily sweep those clouds now.

>> No.41118042

>Bought VSPO
>Looks like they will expand
>Sell Aogiri after that
I don't understand this move

>> No.41118070

But now she panic at the chokepoint of the bats and goblin face lol

>> No.41118077
Quoted by: >>41118124

Miko is equally as shit as Pekora
both streams are painful to watch

>> No.41118082

>getting anything other than silver
She's behind 5k right before the turn of the hour. I'm gonna call it for Pekora today.
I hope you niggers like AI lewds since there's really nothing else that hasn't been posted

>> No.41118087
File: 279 KB, 1200x815, njproject.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41118089
Quoted by: >>41118125

Nah, pekora can cost mario 1 very easy

Did miko ever played G&G?

>> No.41118101

Sorry I only support hard workers and it's not like you watch my oshi.

>> No.41118106
Quoted by: >>41118151

What does Pekora have to do with this?

>> No.41118121

I liked it when Ame called Gura a fucking bitch and told her to go away and she left with a soft "...okay".

>> No.41118123

Actually it was pretty smart of Miko to place herself after Pekora with this stream. She is in perfect position to steal Peko's viewers

>> No.41118124
Quoted by: >>41118201

How can you not see they're baiting?

>> No.41118125


>> No.41118128


>> No.41118140
File: 55 KB, 303x680, Ishikari Akari.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, red is there again.
>top comment
>I want you to do your best until you become Aogiri High School Aogiri University Aogiri Limited Liability Company Aogiri Nursery School.

>> No.41118151

Miko's using limited save states for her Mario run.

>> No.41118156

They are both terrible at games, who do I watch...

>> No.41118160
File: 217 KB, 1150x890, pekomiko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41118162
Quoted by: >>41118195

Is Gura really dying or is this one of her political maneuver?

>> No.41118171


>> No.41118175

Pekora have 1 hour left, the more she rush the more she fucked up
It's over

>> No.41118188

Ojou is amazing!

>> No.41118195


>> No.41118197
File: 136 KB, 1020x221, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They're both losing steam because they suck.

>> No.41118199

Now i want to watch a game of pekomiko chess

>> No.41118201 [DELETED] 

Pekora may be, she already clear that shit multiple times, so she's just farming viewtime again
Miko just fucking sucks at games in general

>> No.41118203

Neither. Just shitpost here.

>> No.41118212
File: 332 KB, 397x410, pekoglass.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, and cheers fellow JPchad

>> No.41118213

Another holoJP medal sweep

>> No.41118215
Quoted by: >>41118250

>What kind of autism is this? Does anyone else still play it?
Just her and Kanata, I think. They transformed it into a comfy game.

>> No.41118216

Sora elite 4

>> No.41118218


>> No.41118227
Quoted by: >>41118270

Kek Pekora is unironically cannot read enemies pattern. I can easily predict how they will move after seeing it the 3rd time

>> No.41118250

They basically treat it as alternative minecraft/ark lmao.

>> No.41118267

Miko gold status?

>> No.41118270

She's rushing too much.

>> No.41118281
Quoted by: >>41118325


>> No.41118295

What's up with hololive having two 30k streamers at the same time? This is nuts.

>> No.41118304

You missed the triple 60k overlap Purgatory

>> No.41118309

Yeah, it's usually better

>> No.41118325

Could be a huge buff for her, but it's for tomorrow anon...

>> No.41118331
Quoted by: >>41118427

Moona's indo orisong at 1M

>> No.41118332
Quoted by: >>41118459

I kind of want to see Pekora tackling Luna Night with the time stop gimmick
Shit is fun, she is going to love it

>> No.41118339
File: 50 KB, 934x468, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, it's pretty slow today.

>> No.41118367

Y-yeah, well Nijisanji can have thirty 2k streamers streaming at the same time!

>> No.41118368

Well, this is actually a normal day in Hololive. PekoMiko doing their things to 30k viewers each

>> No.41118374

game choice matter

>> No.41118378

Pekora wouldn't have won if unicorns suported male collabs.

>> No.41118387

Whoever wins gold tonight, it is a loss for the 60k viewers who have to endure their streams.

>> No.41118389

Even chinman and king overlapped with each other can't pulled this kind of shit.

>> No.41118392

Side branches could never.

>> No.41118409
File: 53 KB, 552x527, 1671151725747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So what happened to Salome's sub growth?
It's really hard to believe that someone who managed to break all records for 1M and 1.5M subs will probably fail to reach 2M this year

>> No.41118427
File: 1.66 MB, 2627x1903, Slowchama.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41118429

When was the last time holoEN got 30k solo non-event stream...

>> No.41118459

Talking about time stop, isn't there a platformer that you can never die and can rewind time until you passed a level? It was a really old platformer but it was really kino when I first saw it.

>> No.41118469

If you account for the special cull that only affects HoloEN Gura averages that much.

>> No.41118492
Quoted by: >>41118553

Katana Zero? Kino OSTs, the plot is not that bad either.

>> No.41118496

bots fund got reverted into the next project

>> No.41118513

She peaked and her novelty wore off.

>> No.41118514
File: 15 KB, 235x208, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41118650

Some Gura karaoke but she's failing to reach that mark with that now too.

>> No.41118523

Bae's playing Pokemon at 10 AM for exactly two hours. Things have been revealed at 12 PM before, so do you think she's gonna announce her outfit tomorrow?

>> No.41118526
Quoted by: >>41118704

Same story with chammers and Watson. They reclined.
All three wouldn't have 2m anywhere near this year. IRyS won't even have 1M until 2024

>> No.41118529

Lol. lmao
I think a Gura Karaoke from October

>> No.41118539
Quoted by: >>41118612

Do you remember the theme?

>> No.41118549

Gura is 40k if you account for the cull, falseflagging nijinigger

>> No.41118551

The box gets bigger buddy. Subaru, suisei and akutan still sub 20k+. Only marine in that 30k+ alongside miko and peko.

>> No.41118553

A quick search showed that it was named Braid. Good story. It is more of a puzzle game than normal platformer.

>> No.41118566
Quoted by: >>41118628

Or she has somewhere to be

>> No.41118570
Quoted by: >>41118758

she will announce mumei outfit

>> No.41118583
Quoted by: >>41118633

Not that amazing when you account for Salome averaging 100k+ for a while.

>> No.41118591

Dude, she was botted hard, a good 30k bots to get her frontpage and picked by algo.
Salome got a very small core base.

>> No.41118612

It is called Braid.

>> No.41118626
File: 129 KB, 740x256, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41118628

More likely, but less fun.

>> No.41118633
Quoted by: >>41118687

20k core audience and the rest being full of """tourists"""".

>> No.41118650

Maybe she is taking a break because she knew that artificial scarcity of her streams cannot sustain her 10k floor anymore.

>> No.41118654
Quoted by: >>41118737

I stubbed my toes, it fucking hurt

>> No.41118673

Seeing the gap between first army and the rest during that day was pretty funny.

>> No.41118685
Quoted by: >>41118760

pekora and miko are xqc level?

>> No.41118687
Quoted by: >>41118705

20k is still huge. Salome makes any numbers Pekora or Miko shit out look tame. We know the potential of vtubers, no hjololiver has even scratched it.

>> No.41118692

It was a true testament of what First Army are really capable of and why we called them that

>> No.41118705

The potential of vtubers can indeed be limitless with an IPO on your ass after all.

>> No.41118704

Ame reclined as she suistain on gimmick/meme/3d/gura and ran out of ideas.
Chammers just did so much stupid shit.

>> No.41118711

Anontachi, do you enjoy the current migo pego streams or their elden ring streams more?

>> No.41118725

>Nijinigger still trying to scare anyone with Salome

>> No.41118726

>buff content
>buff content
>ultra buff content (came in third)

>> No.41118737

Take some bandage

>> No.41118744

The current ones, because Elden Ring is the same core content (them failing at a video game and getting mad) but takes 50x longer

>> No.41118755

Jesus Fucker! I slept and woke up and your still here posting thats same Shit!

How much do they fucking pay you?

>> No.41118758

It would be dumb as fuck lol

>> No.41118760

Without Twitch's magic numbers and Youtube's cull? I do wonder.

>> No.41118761

I prefer this instead.

>> No.41118768

Your point being? That they can attract a lot of people with their buff content even with overlap? Yeah

>> No.41118769

I'm old fuck, streams that go for more than 2 hours are starting to become too hard for me to watch...

>> No.41118780
File: 2.33 MB, 1512x2028, 13986f64e95c16369292da1cfe901ae64df9985974b76482aec63d2dbbc70f1d (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pekoden Ring was kino.

>> No.41118786

Lol, the niji chink new year goods didn't sold out instantly. But it's more a quality problem with sisters boycotting poor quality goods in their groups.

>> No.41118791
Quoted by: >>41118972

did they even finish elden ring

>> No.41118805
File: 100 KB, 1280x720, Pekora ER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember comparing Pekora playthrough to this. Actually isn't too far from the truth, she spam flying sword

>> No.41118824

Seething ENcuck. Your whores will never reach the heights of hololive's first army.

>> No.41118832
Quoted by: >>41118952

what kind of poor quality goods?

>> No.41118839
Quoted by: >>41119002


>> No.41118846
File: 586 KB, 1400x1980, pekoranni.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never ever.

>> No.41118849
File: 483 KB, 1669x825, 20k plus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>JPs with five(!) 20k+ streams plus the EN mixer one.
I'm starting to think the "horse race" is getting a little too one sided.

>> No.41118910
Quoted by: >>41118953

It's no fun when Hololive gets serious

>> No.41118911
File: 770 KB, 1256x1256, 1664820375017644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41118921

It's a shame she did not finish it. I hope that won't hold her back from playing other Soulsborne like she did with Sekiro since ER is probably too long to start again from scratch.

>> No.41118916

NijiJP and HoloJP don't really compete. The latter is just on another level. Only the two dying ENshart branches do.

>> No.41118921

I want to watch her battle against lady Maria...

>> No.41118922

Pekora is gonna have like 150 Golds this year

>> No.41118925

They will normalize male collabs.

>> No.41118935
Quoted by: >>41119021

Only for EN. Hololive will not be affected.

>> No.41118943
Quoted by: >>41119007

A steady 30k for both. Why people love collab numbers so much? Look at this shit.

>> No.41118952

Sisters complaining the illustrations used are pretty bad like they had to photoshop it to look better kek.

>> No.41118953
File: 694 KB, 900x1080, 1659800359722639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EN isn't Hololive.

>> No.41118957

Luxiem is gonna gold tomorrow

>> No.41118969

It's been that way for nearly two years now, anon. It's just that Nijisanji sometimes pull huge events.

>> No.41118971

I'm no seeing it. The only ones doing it are the usual suspects (the ones from today's collab), with the notable exception of Bae which surprisingly distanced herself entirely from the new branch

>> No.41118972

Iirc peko beat godfrey before her hiatus but didn’t touch it afterwards, so no.

>> No.41119002


>> No.41119007

It's funny only 1k jumped between pekora and miko

>> No.41119021

it'll start with suisei and roberu. other girls already start to acknowledge holostars as part of holopro

>> No.41119030

Source on the merch not selling out?

>> No.41119052

Just shows how starved HoloEN is for EN3 and new interactions.

>> No.41119056
File: 1.29 MB, 1400x1980, pekothewitch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41119841

They probably don't even have elden ring permission anymore. Nobody is going to bother asking for it for a single streamer, even for Pekora.

>> No.41119057
Quoted by: >>41119116

Retarded EN newfag.

>> No.41119065

>Bae which surprisingly distanced herself entirely from the new branch
Collab ban isn't over, she'll collab with them as soon as it's up.

>> No.41119066
Quoted by: >>41119116

>xhe doesn't know

>> No.41119069

Well that's one way to make horse race more equal.
By destroying Holos numbers.

>> No.41119081

>implying Roberu has time for Holo wenches

>> No.41119095

Rrat only seems to care about StarsJP. Wouldn't be surprised if she's annoyed that the EN homos basically ignore the JP ones.

>> No.41119109
Quoted by: >>41119375

No, I mean even with the OG Tempus. Didn't she have more collabs with Roberu than with Tempus now?

>> No.41119116

is this cope? just wait and seethe I guess

>> No.41119128
Quoted by: >>41119215

EN newcuck? EN newcuck.

>> No.41119166

I'll probably die while waiting.

>> No.41119168
Quoted by: >>41119215

You have to be literally so new you haven't watched any streams from more than 2 weeks ago

>> No.41119182
File: 146 KB, 1541x1105, Pekomoonsex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's impossible to replicate them

>> No.41119215
Quoted by: >>41119395

pftt, I'm gonna laugh at your face

>> No.41119222
File: 2.77 MB, 1280x720, pessi pessi pesssi[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fklj5o9.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey there!
Divegrass anon here, sorry that I was away doing real life stuff on Friendlies

If you want the new and improved /#/ team to play in /vt/ League 4, give this a (you) as Proof of Interest!

>> No.41119243


>> No.41119249
Quoted by: >>41119285

Ina's come back stream a week ago

>> No.41119255


>> No.41119262
File: 58 KB, 990x1280, 1658612917801070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ENsharts, out!

>> No.41119272
File: 355 KB, 1096x1148, _20230116_213903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shitters of HoloJP

>> No.41119285
Quoted by: >>41119570


>> No.41119300

holo reject, literally graduate all of them

>> No.41119303

Hopefully Sana is gone

>> No.41119345

and none of them got gold

>> No.41119350


>> No.41119375

She only does collabs like that when she thinks it'll make for good, unique content (The boomer vs zoomer thing she did once and refused to do a sequel to, for example). She'd no doubt join a big group Collab if she was invited and actually had time for it though

>> No.41119395
Quoted by: >>41119487

Anon, people are making fun of you for being new because FBK has been doing collabs with homos for longer than EN has existed and is in a unit with Oga

>> No.41119405
File: 205 KB, 592x994, 20230116_154314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.41119415

Peaceful night. I guess it is because sister got what they wanted - the destruction of hololive and its fanbase. Global capitulated to the homobeggars during the collab this morning. There is nothing left for us to defend anymore.

>> No.41119431
File: 303 KB, 340x453, 1616390413008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41119439

I do, actually.

>> No.41119441
Quoted by: >>41119503

Other than Lui, who reclined due to calling Hololive fans of ATM, aren't the other 4 male collabers?

>> No.41119444

99% sure pekora has this but can't call it until miko ends or 1am passes

>> No.41119445
File: 241 KB, 591x733, 20230116_154414.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41119456
File: 7 KB, 191x264, 1656356380800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41119461

no way

>> No.41119478

Matsuri raped bae, ame and kiara........

>> No.41119487
Quoted by: >>41119567

I'm talking about suisei future collab tho, she hasn't interact with holostars in 2021 because of rushia cucking her fans. she promised to collab with holostars this year

>> No.41119502
Quoted by: >>41119696

Hard to imagine that after a year, Koyori becomes the only HoloX that matters. All of them seemed like giants that can replace sankisei during the first month of debut.

>> No.41119503
Quoted by: >>41119599

Weren't those Lui's numbers even before the ATM shit?

>> No.41119509


>> No.41119515
File: 245 KB, 359x412, 1658789863893537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We don't care about EN here.

>> No.41119526

Depending on who collabing with them, Towa has been collabing with male streamers and she is getting number from fps crowd outside Hololive. Meanwhile Homo only leeching from their female counterpart and split up the fanbase. HoloEN audience is such a mess nowadays thanks to retard management pushing male chuubas.

>> No.41119529
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x926, 1667298630770.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In English

>> No.41119534

I've kind of adapted /vrt/ as my team but I guess it wouldn't hurt to have a backup team to cheer for and listening to The Count after a goal is always kino.

>> No.41119547

So those 22k viewers are evenly distributed between Mori, Kronii, Magni, and spearchucker, right?
Each of them has 5.5k floor now.

>> No.41119567

She had Astel and Izuru as backing vocalists for her anniversary live and then sang a song with them on the NYE stream

>> No.41119570
Quoted by: >>41119662

It was just a zatsu stream anon. It wasn't any kind of "event".

>> No.41119597

Will Koyori beat Kaela in hous streamed at this rate?

>> No.41119598

Posts HoloX. lol

>> No.41119599

Yeah, lui was always a shitter

>> No.41119605
Quoted by: >>41119679

holobrony adjective numbers are dropping
at this rate unhinged will be the only adjective still in use by the end of the year

>> No.41119609


>> No.41119610

Why is shion such a lazy little slut?

>> No.41119615
File: 121 KB, 856x1200, FHqYfALagAMdcER.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my cute wife

>> No.41119616

And you're going to reply to every post that mentions EN, just to prove how much you don't care about them.

>> No.41119623
Quoted by: >>41119991

That would be their floor if they were playing a fun interactive game, yes. Wouldn't be their floor for a superchat reading stream or playing a debuff game though.

>> No.41119633
Quoted by: >>41119738

>Ouro Kronii
>avg ccv 5,301
Quick! More homo collabs to save her numbers!

>> No.41119648

That's exactly how the Peanut Botter and Vox got fucked. If you bot a stream once, you can never let the numbers fall again to not be outted with the bot usage, that's what triggered the Vox mental illness btw.
Good luck carrying that burden, Kronii. The /#/ will end up eating you alive.

>> No.41119649
Quoted by: >>41119689

Propably since Kaela has been actually sleeping lately.

>> No.41119655

Probably alot of tourists interested in seeing the next clippable vesperonii moment happen live like the therapy collab generated a few of

>> No.41119662

It was her return stream anon, the same as any birthday/anniversary zatsu.

>> No.41119679

>only one brony instance in the thread
not like this, raidbros

>> No.41119683

6k from Kronii 5k from Mori 4k from Vesper 3k from Magni 4k tourists

>> No.41119689


>> No.41119693

nope, she was actually beating her for a bit but she slowed the fuck down and kaela is already way over her
also this week is really fucking weak for her as well and she's cutting streams short because she keeps going menhera

>> No.41119696
File: 1.97 MB, 320x280, 1645626054506.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will be Gotalu.

>> No.41119707

Erofi lmao ༼;´༎ຶ۝༎ຶ༽

>> No.41119713
Quoted by: >>41119744

Why is every reply taking this post seriously?

>> No.41119718


>> No.41119738

goodbye fans, hello tourists

>> No.41119740

Imagine being a shiontomo

>> No.41119744

Why aren't you?

>> No.41119750

Laugh all you want, but did you notice that there's not a single holo that's 3view in their averages?

>> No.41119754
File: 29 KB, 480x319, clown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41119787

Peko gold again

>> No.41119782

Can't wait for the cringekino bantz

>> No.41119787

I have prepared a grudgepost for the 35piss from last thread. It's never good to be so obnoxious like this.

>> No.41119796

Wish i could watch

>> No.41119799
File: 8 KB, 194x259, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41119849


>> No.41119804

Iofi is hololive's worst hire

>> No.41119820

We should stop calling HoloEN "Holo"EN and just call them LiveEN.

>> No.41119829

ok like seriously how do these arcs even start? GEoguesser i've seen people play it like 5 years ago. Did they do an update or something? Its just so god damn random. What's next? Neopets arc?

>> No.41119841

They don't have blanket perms anymore but they do accept it by individual request.

>> No.41119846

She couldn't be worse than Sana or Chris even if she tried.

>> No.41119847
File: 108 KB, 596x625, 1651242635149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41119849
Quoted by: >>41119876

She only wanted to remove the homo collaborators from the podium

>> No.41119852

>not live
It would be even worse.

>> No.41119855

Her senin productif streams are good, I prefer that to Ina's drawing streams.

>> No.41119861

They recently got perms, everyone jumping on the new perms, that's litteraly it

>> No.41119866
File: 3.23 MB, 640x480, 1673826746881505.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Streams 4 times
>Just 13.5h
>Takes 1st place for HoloEN in hours watched

>> No.41119876

Elite move.

>> No.41119891
File: 351 KB, 1920x1080, 1673878692637510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koyori is something else huh?

>> No.41119893

Ame played it.

>> No.41119895

Permissions was the dumbest shit to ever happen to Hololive. Nijisanji can use all copyrighted works since China owns all copyrighted works in the world but Hololive can't because of Japan's dumbass laws.

>> No.41119903

>ok like seriously how do these arcs even start?
Pekora decided to play it and it got numbers.

>> No.41119918

Just call them "Cover's English group of vtubers"
Giving them even a crumb of Hololive's good name is a distasteful. I wish Cover would sell EN sharts into slavery.

>> No.41119926
Quoted by: >>41120063

She recruited Pochi so no.

>> No.41119932

Everything that holo/Pekora touches becomes a new arc

>> No.41119939
File: 312 KB, 1080x1693, IMG_20230116_225601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>close to 14M views on twitter post
>1.9m views on video
But only sub 50k ccv and sub 2k ccv for talents after 2 weeks...

>> No.41119945

The ultimate GFE. She is always there for us.

>> No.41119952

Koyori is extremely talented at sucking the fecal matter out of the the 1st Armys assuoles. Her tongue is basically molded to the shape of Pekora's anus.

>> No.41119964

>kanata the only yonkisei not in the top 10

>> No.41119968

the fucking state of EN

>> No.41119970
Quoted by: >>41120052

>taking a break
Koyori is no longer GFE. She hates us.

>> No.41119972
File: 636 KB, 1000x764, うそぺこじゃん!?Bum Bum cha stuck in a wall.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bum bum cha's blessing.

>> No.41119981

IRyS would kick her ass with a better model.

>> No.41119986
File: 3 KB, 178x70, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41120137

holo trending a bit because matuli boosted this shindanmaker and getting people to post their results

>> No.41119991

>numbers showed up because they were playing a fun interactive game, yes.
>a fun interactive game
>a fucking Monopoly collab
I hope you're enjoying whatever you're smoking.

>> No.41120003

I don't think ronaldo get this much likes

>> No.41120005

If one person gets numbers everyone will start playing it

>> No.41120006


>> No.41120012

Judging by the thread, someone actually got rangebanned yesterday

>> No.41120018

She cries all the way to the bank.

>> No.41120020

Can she be any more perfect?

>> No.41120025

What's with jews and their tendency to engage in coprophagy and similar scatological forms of humor and insults?

>> No.41120027
Quoted by: >>41120066

IRyS is my oshi but I found myself watching Koyo and Nene more often and washing the ENshart from my skin

>> No.41120038

>HoloEN combined schedule
>NijiEN combined schedule
I really feel bad for EN watchers. At least nijiniggers always have their fix of streams.

>> No.41120044
Quoted by: >>41120113

Did something happen yesterday?

>> No.41120050
Quoted by: >>41120231

Do holos actually care about numbers? It really doesn't feel like it

>> No.41120052

why the fuck are you posting her schedule here, half of the people here are already on the verge of hating her because of people like you aggrandizing her
learn kanji

>> No.41120053

God i wish it was me.

>> No.41120059

Seems same schizo shit to me?

>> No.41120061

Its fun to watch people get fucked by a bad roll and going bankrupt to their friend laughing to the bank. Good reaction bait which is what viewership wants

>> No.41120063
Quoted by: >>41120133

The fact that her best achievement is having a connection with an artist that is more popular than herself is kind of pathetic

>> No.41120066
Quoted by: >>41120278

What's with the change of heart?

>> No.41120077
File: 3.11 MB, 1920x1080, 1649650339342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the hell is this shitty schedule? Double streams in 1 day? Only 1 offline day? Where are the "working" days? Touch some grass pink dog

>> No.41120081

>2k ccv for talents after 2 weeks
You're awfully generous.

>> No.41120087

>Kaela that high
>Marine and Suisei that low
Hours watched is a meme that represents nothing

>> No.41120095

holy shit dude you've been posting this garbage for 3 fucking days because someone didn't like you, legitimate mental illness

>> No.41120110

Hopefully there's another FART collab soon. Most entertaining group in HoloEN by far.

>> No.41120113

Dox and cheese pizza

>> No.41120114
File: 205 KB, 1280x720, oga bae.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You were looking for Bae?

>> No.41120115
Quoted by: >>41121522

She working 3 times a week, that nice of her.

>> No.41120119
Quoted by: >>41120769

Also only one of them broke 15k subs so far.

>> No.41120118

She's good at drawing, you should stop hating

>> No.41120133

Connections are everything. Especially in entertaining business.

>> No.41120137


>> No.41120166
Quoted by: >>41120452

Anon, Monopoly is a fuck ton of banter. Kill yourself for being so fucking retarded. The numbers would have been half what they were if they played something fucking boring like Pico Park, Terraria, Human Fall Flat, Raft, etc. UNO and Monopoly are the best collabs when it comes to banter/interactions between the talents.

>> No.41120171

JP stars != EN homos

>> No.41120170

That just proves my point further. She's having more collabs with StarsJP than with StarsEN

>> No.41120176
File: 135 KB, 757x1000, 1672880993473808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To Kronii, her fans are a nuisance and she only entertain them because she has a mortgage to pay.

>> No.41120221
File: 321 KB, 539x907, 1653854880820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think ronaldo get this much likes
>it's true
Fucking kek

>> No.41120231

more numbers > more fans > more money > more projects

>> No.41120257

What a snoozefest

>> No.41120275
Quoted by: >>41120333

Ask your lazy asses to stream more then.

>> No.41120278

Lack of streams

>> No.41120311

wtf, did they seriously using bots?

>> No.41120327


>> No.41120329
Quoted by: >>41121852

Look at the comment numbers, truly botsanji

>> No.41120333

Reach and mindshare are worth more streaming to the same 5k~ fags for 15 hours a day.

>> No.41120340

Peko-chan did it!

>> No.41120354

Pekora actually did it. With less than 10 minutes left on the timer too. Reminds me of the Sans endurance.

>> No.41120364
Quoted by: >>41120422

Pekora finished, Migo is going to the moon!

>> No.41120377
Quoted by: >>41120466

Does she have any other jobs outside Hololive? I feel like she's just a part-timer. Remind me back in old days when HoloJP didn't have enough people so there were several days without streams.

>> No.41120385

RIP THE 6-peat

>> No.41120386

Nijisanji is more famous than football!

>> No.41120397

Why is Achan there? Is she like a chaperone?

>> No.41120422

LOL no. Us Chadsagis are going to sleep.

>> No.41120438

Do we finally get a hint on shitstorm about EN management change from Axel memgen?

>> No.41120445

>towa luna anniv 3d buff
>towa marika tourney buff
kanatan not invited :(
>watame luna stream hour buff

>> No.41120447

For some reason Bae + Eugene is an established collab pair now

>> No.41120451

Pekora is scary

>> No.41120452
Quoted by: >>41120582

It's fucking Monopoly. At least Mario Party is a decent game to watch.

>> No.41120464

should have named her 2mil if they wanted to reach it quickly
once people realized there is no grand reveal at 1mil despite her having it in her name the hype died

>> No.41120466
Quoted by: >>41120516

Voice acting supposedly though considering that her favorite voice actor told her she sucks that is just a dead end.

>> No.41120469

It's because it has so many fucking retweets

>> No.41120497

Collab for peko tomorrow but no stream on her channel! New gold contender!

>> No.41120499

Nobody else mentioned anything or seemed to be in a bad mood so it's probably specific to him
I buy the rrat that he personally got handcams banned by being such a fucking moron that 75% of his VODs had to be deleted

>> No.41120510

>Wasting time, effort and money on this
Whoever is making decisions at Cover needs to be graduated

>> No.41120514
Quoted by: >>41120629

Why do some people call it a mengen but others call it menshi

>> No.41120516

>her favorite voice actor told her she sucks
Wait what?

>> No.41120546

Same pattern as the peanut botter stream annoucement tweet. 100% bots.

>> No.41120572

It's an older story she told. Someone she looked up to essentially told her not to quit her day job so she persisted in trying to be a voice actress out of pure spite

>> No.41120582
Quoted by: >>41120708

Nintendofag. please understand that you are the minority when it comes to gamers. No, Mario Party is fucking awful to watch.

>> No.41120592
Quoted by: >>41120831

Mark Hamill did voice acting ratings and basically said she was mediocre.

>> No.41120595

how is it compared to kpop stuff?

>> No.41120602

IIRC it wasn't her favorite VA but someone she really looked up to telling her she was trash at VA

>> No.41120608
File: 23 KB, 224x320, ChadPeko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Leisurely breaks the record of the most golds gained in a row
>Can totally continue it yet chooses to put a stop to her own achievement.

>> No.41120611

Older kronii story from her first few months when she reeled in all the goslings telling sob stories of her past. She mentioned VA shit and how a VA she looked up to basically told her she didnt have what it took

>> No.41120629

menshi? i only ever see mengen since it comes from member gentei

>> No.41120635

I thought Pekora and Miko has more fanbase overlap

>> No.41120663

I'm actually fucking baffled at this, Bae's only on stream off collab with a holomem has been the group one with Mumei/Fauna/Lui/Subaru right? What the hell?

>> No.41120664
File: 662 KB, 3212x1033, vspo minecraft.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is where VSPO succeeded and Neo Porte, 774 Inc. and other minor contenders (like NijiEN as well) failed
>they succeeded at building an "internal box" disconnected from the overall vtuber scene

They, right now, are holding 23k between five of their girls on a Minecraft collab. That's an EXCELLENT number specially for a branch and company that specialized on FPS.
I say they have potential to challenge Nijisanji on the "cute girls" market with that strat.
HoloEN and NIjiEN shouldn't feel threatened tho, because they're in a completely different market without any overlap with those.

>> No.41120665

not anymore

>> No.41120681

Can we stop talking about Tempis and speculation shit?

>> No.41120690

They haven't had any significant overlap in a very long time now.

>> No.41120697

bots don't overlap newfriend

>> No.41120699
Quoted by: >>41120798

Please bring back MC to the holometa

>> No.41120702

Ema my beloved

>> No.41120705


>> No.41120708

>you are the minority when it comes to gamers
>numbers says otherwise
Even in normie Twitch collabs Mario Party is a popular pick, fucking newfag.

>> No.41120710

They were right she is trash and she's too arrogant to use her Holo connections.

>> No.41120729

Speculation is our bread and butter

>> No.41120742
Quoted by: >>41120776

4man Collab tomorrow for Pekora.

>> No.41120745

Pekora has a big collab tomorrow, no POV on her channel it seems

>> No.41120769

Roco's was one of the most popular VTAs and 3 of them are new so most people don't know what to expect.

>> No.41120776

collabing with 4 men?!

>> No.41120784
Quoted by: >>41121251

>too arrogant to use her Holo connections
I remember that shit, like fucking why? None of her senpais are to prideful to use their hololive clout to get successful, but of course she probably doesn't even know that.

>> No.41120796

FART should play Uno, Mario Kart, or Mafia next

>> No.41120798

Right now JP is doing fine away from MC and for a good reason too: the audience got a little tired of it and EN and ID (other than Fauna and Kaela) didn't really pull their weight to make it work back on summer.

Unless a five girls new gen REALLY REALLY put some time in it
>like Myth did in 2020
or a new server is made from scratch (like Moona alluded some months ago) Minecraft is down and will stay down and RUST has a bigger chance to come back than MC

>> No.41120800
Quoted by: >>41120826

>10k+ gone within minutes
What happened?

>> No.41120815

She's so talentless she can't even secure jobs with her Holo clout.

>> No.41120817

All me

>> No.41120826

Part-C happened. Watch the stream.

>> No.41120831
Quoted by: >>41120852

He isn't wrong though, Kronii has voice but her acting skills are literally non-existent. Wait, the Mark himself? I call bullshit.

>> No.41120836
Quoted by: >>41120998

>no POV on her channel it seems
Guessing UNO then, hosted by Roboco

>> No.41120839

Her voice is so monotone that I don't blame whoever said that.

>> No.41120852
Quoted by: >>41120900

Gotcha to reply :^)

>> No.41120858

What made Nose the standout Buispo? My gut reaction is to say that it's her association with Towa, but it can't be that simple.

>> No.41120862

Oh? She kissed more than only Bae? Anyone got it on the lips, or was it the cheeks for all of them?

>> No.41120869

Collabing with Dhar Mann

>> No.41120900
Quoted by: >>41120945

In an ideal world this shit would be perma ban.

>> No.41120901

>going for the cheek

>> No.41120919

everybody has one

>> No.41120927

Matsuri only deep kisses other Holos.

>> No.41120945
Quoted by: >>41120965

I think it technically is, we aren't allowed to use emojis

>> No.41120957

This isn't even the actual "Hours watched" metric. This is at best an estimation of that and is definitely inaccurate judging by its simple formula.

>> No.41120963

oh come the fuck on lol, there's no way you can't tell me all these buff streams were an intentional record break attempt and now she's done it she can relax

>> No.41120965

April Fool 2022 was fun...

>> No.41120972

>using a 3080 to play Minecraft

>> No.41120975

>Anyone got it on the lips
I hope not, EN girls have been sick enough.

>> No.41120998

>hosted by Roboco
No gold then. We will eat like Queens, fellow nijisisters.

>> No.41121005
Quoted by: >>41121091

i always have to wonder if the people that ask about either
- the drop from the waiting room right after the stream starts
- viewership drops at slot changes
- or the drop after the main part of the stream is over
are actually new or just baiting
makes me think we should have a FAQ or something

>> No.41121008

Botan and Koyori both have a Collab stream at 22, the time Pekora told us. Maybe PEBOT+Koyori?

>> No.41121017

Thats laplus
Iofi isnt an anti

>> No.41121030

Makaimura and MC were pretty standard streams no? They're endurance streams but that's not really huge buff material

>> No.41121036
Quoted by: >>41121223

Nah, the majority of her streaming with Towa was when Towa was a nobody. It's mostly her associations with chronoir and the general fps scene.

>> No.41121051

Deadass I don't even remember any April fools besides the Creme one and the /spa/ one

>> No.41121055

I hope hololive won't renew her contract and same goes with mori after her song deal is over.

>> No.41121056
Quoted by: >>41122485

Why can't Shion be like this?

>> No.41121073

Holojp x starsjp collab tmr

>> No.41121078
File: 6 KB, 241x156, peko v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pessi approves

>> No.41121088

I want them to bring back that kino but for a whole week instead, with a limit of 5 emotes instead of 3...

>> No.41121092

nah, Towa is doing outside work tomorrow (probably working on the sololive) then is having a late night apex session, probably with her cr cup team.

>> No.41121091

let /#/ be as exclusive as it is now, needing a bit amount of time to learn the intricacies. we're already as insufferable as it is.

>> No.41121095

It's easier to bot on twitter. Especially when you have nijiniggers in the company.

>> No.41121104

I don't watch her personally but she is dedicated and works hard.

>> No.41121110

Good, I'd rather she collab with the JP sharts than tempoop anyday

>> No.41121111
File: 690 KB, 1009x560, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope they at least told her privately that they'd bot her to look good for investors.

>> No.41121115

And I hope you kill yourself

>> No.41121119

Bae got one on the cheek, Matsuri is only forward towards holos she actually knows well

>> No.41121140


>> No.41121146


>> No.41121161


>> No.41121194
Quoted by: >>41121214

What is the crazy rabbit planning on Minecraft already?

>> No.41121214

Who cares? It's 8AM in America now it's American hours talk about American Holos.

>> No.41121222

I was looking at the VERSEn twitter and noticed that the vsingers were featured in the Animage magazine. I don't know if anyone still reads that shit in 2023 but it got me wondering if VERSEn is making gains in some obscure corner of Japan and we just never hear about it.

>> No.41121223

like this anon said.
lot of connection in the streamer neighbour plus daruma and kuzuha fans like her.

>> No.41121226
Quoted by: >>41121271

i think koyori's collab is either with kanata and noel, not really sure

>> No.41121239

>American holos

>> No.41121251

she's in Mori's circle, whose members want all the fame but as their RM instead of using their "Holo Character" which they feel isn't really "them" or "theirs".
Explains a lot about their behavior towards fans tbqh.

>> No.41121253
Quoted by: >>41121612

Touch some grass, this isn't even a buff stream.

>> No.41121257
Quoted by: >>41121305

Why is she like this

>> No.41121260

Anon, only Kurosanji terminates people over poor performance.

>> No.41121271

>>41121226 (me)
btw the noel one is a bath collab

>> No.41121273


>> No.41121280

Gawr Goombus, the protagonist of Hololive.

>> No.41121290

>talk about holos who need a fucking cripple tally to be relevant
No thanks.

>> No.41121292

ENfags is the biggest demographic on this site so discussions will spontaneously moving to EN branches. Well at least this place still talking and watching JPs so I can talk about them like Pekora is into RTA these days....Well then よーしRTAの時間や....

>> No.41121305

is that one also stolen

>> No.41121308

Still surprised Mori and IRyS have never done a song together. They even have Chadcast and hang out outside of Holo so it's not like they aren't friends.

>> No.41121344
File: 3.92 MB, 800x362, ぺこつり.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao, yeah Pekora you won't reach that amount unless you tryhars for hundreds of hours.

>> No.41121353

She french kissed their cunts

>> No.41121392

Kira Killer YT ver. 6M / Spotify ver. 6.07M
Slower than Marine Box in terms of total views/streams, but the Spotify ver. has the higher daily streams at the same period.

>> No.41121430
File: 697 KB, 576x621, 1633536552875.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41121452

She's /here/, she did it for us /#/bros.

>> No.41121452

Nah shes on 5ch

>> No.41121457

Cover is pushing to get the homos integrated as much as possible using her as a bridge.

>> No.41121466

pekora is reading this thread RIGHT NOW

>> No.41121472
Quoted by: >>41121630

Botan won't have a POV either, whatever it is.

>> No.41121504

Hopefuly not

>> No.41121522

I meant, to be fair, most of the white collars in developed world only work officially 5 days a week, too, and possibly soon to be 4 days depends on where you live.

>> No.41121528
File: 229 KB, 537x550, lilniggaogey.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HI PEKO-CHAN, I love you Peko-chan!

>> No.41121544
Quoted by: >>41121648

I hope Elon changes the url thing from twitter, tired of these nijiniggers changing the username to holo names.

>> No.41121545
File: 187 KB, 1496x1080, Pekor gunning herself.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no, please Pekora not that overhyped game... I know you hate it...

>> No.41121554

Sakura Miko, the most racist woman in America.

>> No.41121610


>> No.41121612
Quoted by: >>41121639

All Holos and some nijis need to have their stream time and content approved by her directly. She controls who gets the gold.

>> No.41121613

dead prostitute

>> No.41121630

UNO with Roboco

>> No.41121637

Who? Doesn't ring a bell

>> No.41121639

give the pekogoblin some gold

>> No.41121648

>Implying a single person is still employed at Twitter who knows how to change anything

>> No.41121690

Is the swimsuit design contest looking good?

>> No.41121693

Think of the most numbers stream you can think of. 4 talents max. Any company. Nothing related to graduation.

>> No.41121695

>Can we stop talking about Tempis and speculation shit?
Personally, I hold off shitting on Tempus until EN hours.

>> No.41121749

No fleshies?

>> No.41121762

Kuzuha singing King on a island playing an Apex tourney with tv and music celebrities.

>> No.41121768

Pekora Aqua Miko Marine

>> No.41121770

pekomiko with yagoo

>> No.41121773
Quoted by: >>41122088

PekoMiko talking about what happened between them at length. Easy 100k+ maybe even more

>> No.41121793

Peko Korone Miko Suisei hosting on Pekora's channel, 24 hours stream judging swimsuit designs, closing with themselves posing with the winning entries, couple with Jello fights, butt sumo and "truth or dare"

>> No.41121802

pekora for holo numbers
rushia and kaguya luna for return stream and drama exposé buff
kuzuha for niji numbers and male collab drama buff
all 4 together, playing shin chan

>> No.41121806
Quoted by: >>41122002

PekoMiko vs Chinman and Kuzukek
Any activity as long as it's 3D

>> No.41121809

>so it's not like they aren't friends
Dyrb eet

>> No.41121823

MichaelCat, Rushia, Nazuna and Yagoo offcolab

>> No.41121852

kek nijisanji is too fucking shameless

>> No.41121853

Pekora, Miko, Suisei, Marine.

>> No.41121860

Pekora offcollab with her husband Jun

>> No.41121880

Pekora offcollab with her lover Kosaka

>> No.41121888

Aloe, Coco, Rushia, Sio.

>> No.41121900

pekoschizos in shambles

>> No.41121961

Pekora offcollab with me her husband (not Jun)

>> No.41121974

Should peko graduate at the top of the world before she inevitably reclines?

>> No.41122002

Yeah a company crossover 3D variety challenge show is the most numbers thing I can think of.

>> No.41122026

AkuPeko sex on stream

>> No.41122038

If I'm not mistaken, she said she prefers to slowly fade into obscurity.

>> No.41122052

35p have gone pretty quiet

>> No.41122058

She said she'll slowly reduce streams and disappear into the background before quietly graduating when she finally decides to retire

>> No.41122068

gura, gawr, bigfish and moldgura all together in one stream

>> No.41122073
Quoted by: >>41122122

I just saw Reddit delete the post about Vesper and Kronii (with 6k+ upvotes). What happened?

>> No.41122080

1) Hololive (Hololive) - 142,855 - Human Rabbitality Project
2) Miko (Hololive) - 96,125 - 3D Outfit Reveal
3) Towa (Hololive) - 101,269 - 3rd anniversary 3D live
4) Luna (Hololive) - 55,268 - 3rd anniversary 3D live
5) Watame (Hololive) - 39,137 - Bakatare Circus ludo
6) Nerumero (Indie) - 39,961 - Genshin update mirror stream
7) Towa (Hololive) - 112,852 - Holo New Year MK Cup 2023
8) Nijisanji (Nijisanji) - 122,719 - Niji Mahjong Cup 2023
9) Ina (Hololive) - 35,527 - Comeback stream
10) Subaru (Hololive) - 54,841 - TsuneMOS Tycoon
11) Tohya (Nijisanji) - 35,703 - Tetris Effect
12) Miko (Hololive) - 41,652 - Soul Caliber 6
13) Miko (Hololive) - 32,532 - GeoGuessr
14) Elira (Nijisanji) - 55,825 - 3D debut
15) Korone (Hoilolive) - 59,044 - Ao Oni race
16) Miko (Hololive) - 33,896 - Super Mario Bros. endurance

12x: Hololive
3x: Nijisanji
1x: Indie

4x: Miko
2x: Towa
1x: Hololive, Nerumero, Nijisanji, Subaru, Watame, Tohya, Ina, Elira, Korone

Hololive is dangerously close to clinching the month and it is barely over 2 weeks into the month.

>> No.41122088

People love drama, so something like >>41121773 is a good contender.

>> No.41122122

Why are you asking here? Do you think their leddit mod reads /#/

>> No.41122143

>specially for a branch and company that specialized on FPS
VSPO stopped being FPS company long time ago, more like female gayman company with occasional FPS tourney,

>> No.41122154
Quoted by: >>41122175

>Human Rabbitality Project
It's the Human Mikotality Project bro

>> No.41122175

That wasn't a Miko stream, it was a hololive stream.

>> No.41122185
File: 29 KB, 128x128, justdoit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41122201
File: 619 KB, 1178x1066, 1665781948702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how is it compared to kpop stuff?
Presented without comment

>> No.41122202
File: 412 KB, 887x713, 5d0ed250b8fe199ef7963a6fa692437b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41122211
Quoted by: >>41122284

So pekora break record of most golds in a row?

>> No.41122215
File: 182 KB, 1160x1299, 1673705772944251.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41122224
File: 377 KB, 989x284, 1643637236935.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41122239


>> No.41122245
Quoted by: >>41122302

So I guess that's a new streak record? That magic Mio rock is feeding her well.

>> No.41122268
Quoted by: >>41122471

bots, simple as

>> No.41122282

VTA is bigger than BTS

>> No.41122284

Yes that's why schizos are having a meltdown

>> No.41122302

It's been with her for almost 7 months...

>> No.41122309
File: 222 KB, 960x540, ayame 1m 35 days.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>41122403

>Ayame bagging another 1M in 35 days

>> No.41122323

PekoMikoSuisei talking about what really happened behind the scene.

>> No.41122327

But it was magically sealed.

>> No.41122343

I hope these girls have tempered expectations and don't think they will be 5views.

>> No.41122352
File: 542 KB, 617x411, 1610453830946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I ALWAYS doubt, but I also ALWAYS kneel when she inevitably wins

>> No.41122386

a full Peko team?

>> No.41122396

It only got activated once she opened it. Yesterday clutch on the Pekorone number race was no coincidence.

>> No.41122401
Quoted by: >>41122436


>> No.41122403
File: 796 KB, 1355x726, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame got quite a track record when it comes to music. Wonder when she will release a new cover.

>> No.41122415
Quoted by: >>41122471

Unironically bots.

>> No.41122436
File: 81 KB, 680x778, came in a dream.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41122445


>> No.41122448

Just don't question Niji numbers anon.

>> No.41122463
File: 1.24 MB, 1977x1125, 1673004910433389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because IRyS is lazy and very passive unless confronted

>> No.41122471
Quoted by: >>41122602

there's no bots, it's because twitter keeps pushing nijisanji even into your food

>> No.41122482

She's been on a roll since she returned from her month break around that time though

>> No.41122484

You only need one
Pekora spend an hour shit talking Holostar

>> No.41122485

wait until she become a hag

>> No.41122489

>"yeah, let's collab more"
>no delivery

>> No.41122490
File: 1.53 MB, 960x960, I kneel.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41122499

Is this the slipkochi tally?

>> No.41122508

bots, what else?

>> No.41122509
Quoted by: >>41122574

so how do they get 14M views from those 1M followers anyways?

>> No.41122532

IRyS is unironically the laziest sack of shit when it comes to collabs. Even Gura fucking invited mpeople when she was around, IRyS fucking refuses to. It's been like 4+ months of her saying she wants to invite Fauna to an RE5/6 collab and literally nothing has come of it while every other collab she's invited to is not spearheaded by her

>> No.41122536
File: 15 KB, 300x233, 1641253386343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41122539
File: 58 KB, 610x610, fbk copium.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41122560

They are literally not even fucking pretending that these numbers are legit. What is even the point of fudging twitter numbers like this?

>> No.41122565

Pekora probably trust Mio more than her doctor.

>> No.41122574
File: 209 KB, 590x577, 1671380254051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are literally bigger than the biggest boyband in the world

>> No.41122576
File: 3.65 MB, 1200x1200, 1672509538935509.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.41122577

to get it to trending

>> No.41122586


Bts tweet for references, similar views but bts has almost 1M likes kek

>> No.41122588

No, it was made after Elira didn't win gold for her 3d.

>> No.41122593

It was literally this stream which started her incline, her rivalry with kuzuha. https://streamable.com/4bzbpw

>> No.41122602

I never, ever get any nijisanji related tweets. All I get is the NFL and hololive.
