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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 744 KB, 2894x4093, FlwisP1agAEzrUD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
40396225 No.40396225 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>40396456

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:


https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt)
https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)




https://twitter.com/yugo_asuma (Graduated)



Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

To watch streams at the same time:
Open devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.
localStorage.setItem('rulePauseOther', 0);
You only need to do this once, or until your browser data is cleared.

NijiEN song playlist:
To loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.

Nijisanji chat log:

Aggie archive:

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Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>40386525

>> No.40396254
File: 454 KB, 2048x1365, FljTmbIWIAA_FaI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ike love!

>> No.40396253
File: 225 KB, 1616x2048, 1673023003856.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sonny LOVE

>> No.40396270


>> No.40396275
File: 847 KB, 563x680, Enna AFK[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fs81eaq.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40396276
Quoted by: >>40396331

Enna is the definition of proudly ignorant

>> No.40396285

It seems like it fluctuates wildly for him. Libido here one day and gone the next. Which is normal for a guy in his 20s despite his worries, I'd imagine. I guess I'll try and do the same despite his NSFW tag being a fucking wasteland at the moment.

>> No.40396292
File: 831 KB, 2480x3508, FlcZh0AaEAAU4Pm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.40396293

Ending the thread with some femboy dick. Based based based

>> No.40396294
File: 604 KB, 1447x2047, 54CD2484-8CF7-4B06-84AE-B8222BDC533F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

luca love!

>> No.40396304
File: 234 KB, 1280x1022, 1651802410838.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love sonny lots

>> No.40396312
File: 1.96 MB, 1101x845, 1673023062213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cocksleeve material

>> No.40396322
File: 588 KB, 1940x2473, 1653116067834.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40396324
File: 2.76 MB, 296x296, 12345677544565.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny onii-chan Love!
Vox Love!

>> No.40396331
File: 39 KB, 128x128, Enna Derpface[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fd89for.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40396335

I want to say what a chad but this is probably staged

>> No.40396339
File: 282 KB, 620x620, 1673023058300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40396432

"Is that a boy I smell?"

>> No.40396371
Quoted by: >>40396397

Sweden is dumb

>> No.40396397

Sweden is VIKING!

>> No.40396399
File: 340 KB, 1130x1774, 800439BB-06A6-4447-B830-9BA01AE5B32D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca love!

>> No.40396418
File: 13 KB, 83x76, 164545452229997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40396416

Vox called you all dumb whores and now he made fun of Indian accents

>> No.40396419
Quoted by: >>40396539

Imagine Pomu getting jealous of the power of Kotoka's stench so she starts farting on stream more frequently.

>> No.40396431


>> No.40396432
File: 161 KB, 941x1286, Enna BOY SMELL[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fws34md.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40396449
File: 33 KB, 454x463, 1641988788613.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40396498

sonny sleeps. gn /nijiEN/

>> No.40396456

>https://twitter.com/NinaKosaka (waste of space)

>> No.40396462

guide site not covering a game anymore ≠ game dying? im as tired of sponsored streams for that kusoge as anyone else but it seems to be doing okay

>> No.40396463
Quoted by: >>40396593

What the fuck is wrong with comfydants

>> No.40396469

Her new short hair is perfect. Her new outfit with her original hair looks goofy.

>> No.40396473

He did a good Indian accent meme and encouraged me to get a college education so I wouldn't just be a whore...

>> No.40396495

you fucking heretic

>> No.40396496
File: 48 KB, 600x594, 1669044001287393.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40397007

gn sonny and /nijien/

>> No.40396498
File: 251 KB, 600x600, 158449C7-D4DC-4B51-A8B0-1FD0AB6BCFAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night!

>> No.40396505

she looks like a dyke with short hair

>> No.40396525
File: 223 KB, 1668x1741, 1649381778632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40396526

Oh no no no pajeets on youtube is going to cull him hard now

>> No.40396533

Just remembered Mysta's stream tomorrow is a fucking Genshin sponsorship on B2, man at least his stream yesterday was good because this week has been fucking weak so far
I remember him saying there might be something cool the day after though so there's that at least

>> No.40396538

Doesn't he have a cocksleeve of his own?

>> No.40396539

Impossible, she already mentioned showering on stream once before. She's too clean.

>> No.40396585
Quoted by: >>40396689

I'm sure Fuuchan saw this and is happy.

>> No.40396593


>> No.40396599

Enna is shaking her ass ToT
Aloupeeps check the mengen cam ToT

>> No.40396607

>sposored by genshin
Isn't that a big deal?

>> No.40396646

it is. this was delayed for 4 months

>> No.40396672

Yeah it's been in the making for months, apparently there were some complications holding it back

>> No.40396687
File: 258 KB, 1100x1400, 1665280930882.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40396742

Sex with Mari!

>> No.40396689

the puppets aren't that expensive (when compared to the fucking shipping), makes me wish i got one for safekeeping and one for use

>> No.40396693
File: 1.28 MB, 1200x1541, Devotion_2018_07-02-18_001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw NijiEN will never play this or Detention because it's Taiwanese
I want to see girls cry

>> No.40396697

Wtf is that noise you’re making Enna

>> No.40396729
File: 43 KB, 460x530, 1673023508757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40397541

Imagine Enna using this voice instead of the usual crackhead voice she uses

>> No.40396742
File: 413 KB, 726x833, 1656001331585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40396752
File: 1.54 MB, 2234x3444, IMG_20221230_142207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says detention
>posts devotion
WHICH ONE IS IT ANON i really liked detention

>> No.40396757

I thank god for not making me a Mystake

>> No.40396779
Quoted by: >>40396810

what did ike just talk about..

>> No.40396791
Quoted by: >>40396870

Literacy reps Mya anon

>> No.40396794
Quoted by: >>40396870

>this (Devotion) or Detention

>> No.40396795

At least he'll be happy, he's wanted this forever.

Genshin fanbase can all kick rocks though, I hate those motherfuckers.

>> No.40396803
File: 285 KB, 498x498, 1657821200014.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40396810
Quoted by: >>40396876

Mistakes he makes in Japanese. Chat told him it's okay because he's cute.

>> No.40396861
Quoted by: >>40397015

>do we really need to be briefed on this again

>> No.40396870

oh....... please pardon me i am still sick

>> No.40396876

oh thanks i should really do my reps

>> No.40396975
Quoted by: >>40396998

>because it's Taiwanese
isn't it because they made a direct jab at china in devotion. i don't remember anything egregious in detention

>> No.40396977
Quoted by: >>40397060

Enna is 100% into raceplay

>> No.40396985

>enter Vox's stream
>he's talking about underboobs
>keep stream open

>> No.40396998

yeah devotion had bunch of winnie the pooh jokes iirc

>> No.40397007

>tweet about karaoke practice earlier was from android
Was he at a karaoke booth

>> No.40397015
Quoted by: >>40397204

did the other Persona games do this shit as much as P5?

>> No.40397018
File: 1.34 MB, 874x1095, 1654996739819.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40397019


>> No.40397025
Quoted by: >>40397846

Sonny can't have shit in this company

>> No.40397032
Quoted by: >>40397059

Is Ike okay?

>> No.40397055

Madison has been okay so far desu. Hopefully it stays that way.

>> No.40397056

enna did a kyo-like spiel just now

>> No.40397059

No, no he is not

>> No.40397060
File: 514 KB, 901x676, 1673024025036.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40397067

This game is scary

>> No.40397070

Aiku… he hasn’t malded that hard in a long time

>> No.40397088


>> No.40397095

fucking idiot kek

>> No.40397105

And this is why you save often. Dumbass Ike.

>> No.40397109

>3 hours
Jesus christ Ike

>> No.40397171

who the fuck does save often during a jrpg

>> No.40397198

Not Ike, apparently.

>> No.40397204


>> No.40397225

fuck meant to say doesnt

>> No.40397229

>winnie the pooh jokes
they died on the hill of a meme that would become outdated in a matter of weeks...

>> No.40397244
Quoted by: >>40397841

>less than 300 people in Pomu's waiting room
Good, she's probably still not 100% and probably doesn't want to deal with idiots in chat, should be a comfy stream

>> No.40397255

I do. I need to see every possible choice and every nook and cranny of the map and what if the game lock me into the plot because I walked too close to something? Reload. I wasn't done fucking around yet.

>> No.40397267
Quoted by: >>40397413

My pp hard

>> No.40397282
Quoted by: >>40397433

Someone that never formed habits after playing 80s/early 90s RPGs.
Or someone that wildly overestimated how easy MegaTen games are, even Purse Owner.

>> No.40397291

Enna's braps in my nose and mouth

>> No.40397306

Ah... Sorry

>> No.40397378

Just realized Enna is now the third most subbed NijiEN female

>> No.40397413


>> No.40397433

At least P5 let's you save mid dungeon instead of having to restart the whole fucking day, i would be saving that shit every time i pass next to a saving room

>> No.40397447
Quoted by: >>40397535

>split path
>take left side
>leads into a boss fight and half and hour of cutscenes
>dungeon is non returnable
>you will never know what was on the other path

>> No.40397473

Kyo fucked everyone on maro submission streams they have to go through management now

>> No.40397493

Dumb wigger doesn't filter through the maros.

>> No.40397505
File: 130 KB, 233x344, 1660179846505230.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just found out Enna is black

>> No.40397509

Fucking retard. Even Scarle never fucked up enough to read maros from literal children.

>> No.40397525

how dumb you gotta be to read the shit he did anyways

>> No.40397535

I will never end up in this position again, I will see every possible side thing BEFORE the plot, it WILL take me 500 hours to beat a 20 hour game

>> No.40397541
File: 197 KB, 304x325, Enna cute1[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fd89for.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her cute nasally voice.

>> No.40397552

>asian asian asian asian asian asian asian asian asian asian asian asian

>> No.40397561

>Literal brain damaged wigger can't read through his submissions so staff has to do it for everyone
I fucking hate him

>> No.40397589
File: 317 KB, 1080x1920, horrors.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40397603

Enna gets racist when she is scared. Nice

>> No.40397609

he is so fucking stupid to read shit from kids

>> No.40397610

I'm surprised they even allowed them back. I thought they stopped bothering with them because people sent garbage.

>> No.40397612

If i send him a dick pic for a food review stream do you think he'll show it?

>> No.40397616

good, submissions are stupid easy content they need to be more creative

>> No.40397622

She's racist when she's not scared too.

>> No.40397630

Why did the wigger actually have to end up being what people were worried about predebut?

>> No.40397636

>vox and shoto having collab next week
*big sigh*

>> No.40397637
File: 79 KB, 800x800, 462306-detention-nintendo-switch-front-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40397700

It was one texture that they claimed was placeholder and then removed

>> No.40397645

I wanna see eweeeeewa

>> No.40397658

Is she ever not racist?

>> No.40397666

>next up is a shrimp tail from anon, it's just that huh just a shrimp tail?
>wait that's your D ayoooo ayo AYOOOOOOOOOOO DAS CRAZY BRUH

>> No.40397675
Quoted by: >>40397765

What did he do again?

>> No.40397676

I still can’t believe how many fucked up submissions there were, I wonder what his manager was thinking as they watched it

>> No.40397689

vox really is stupid

>> No.40397700

Didnt yugo play the prequel to this, detention? Or am I dreaming that up..

>> No.40397712

Will Ike ever play Sonic Frontiers again?

>> No.40397718
Quoted by: >>40397767


>> No.40397720

pomu gaming..

>> No.40397729


>> No.40397735

where did you hear that?

>> No.40397765
Quoted by: >>40397957

He was reading sexual confessions on his maros and a lot of them were written by kids

>> No.40397767

birthday niggers get the rope

>> No.40397780

>"He wasn't lying about being brain damaged, i'll tell you that"

>> No.40397784

He probably put far too much faith in his talent being smart enough to filter them pre-stream. That or he thought
>Yep, I'm being fired for this.

>> No.40397796

Birthday nigger get a HAPPY BIRTDAY!

>> No.40397815
Quoted by: >>40397864

even if they're dead they might have a brother who can beg in their stead

>> No.40397841

eurofriends please support pomu while the burgers work

>> No.40397845

Why is he like this

>> No.40397846


>> No.40397864


>> No.40397879
Quoted by: >>40397962

This is how fucking retarded you are Kyo, never read sexually explicit material from CHILDREN.

>> No.40397909

imagine her when she gets raped by a gang of niggers

>> No.40397923

Send him the classic Rei pic.

>> No.40397957

How do they even know it’s from kids?

>> No.40397962

I also think it's stupid they'd even send stuff like that in the first place. Sending some random streamer your weird sexual activites when you're still a minor, what could go wrong? They don't have any shame or forethought.

>> No.40397990
Quoted by: >>40398066

Ike is almost unbearably gay

>> No.40397991

It's charmingly honest and refreshing.

>> No.40397999
File: 354 KB, 457x457, 1673025134416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40398053

Enna ain't a racist, she's just a proud Christian nationalist like Nicholas Fuentes.

>> No.40398000

They’d say shit like “I’m only 14 but ___”

>> No.40398026
Quoted by: >>40398096

Ugh i hate this timeslot so much. It's so dead here

>> No.40398034
File: 847 KB, 1945x2048, 1568539859770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stream C△NDY

>> No.40398032

a true chinese

>> No.40398043
File: 37 KB, 543x252, Flze_rQWQAAfkct.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40399456

Nice one anon

>> No.40398052

These bratty kids, sending some random streamer their weird sexual activities...

>> No.40398053
File: 105 KB, 206x206, Enna FUCKING BITCH DONT EVER SAY THAT AGAIN[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F96zbzn.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see you upside down satan, begone! And take your homo Nick Fuentes with you!

>> No.40398059

I don't even know what the goal or the mechanics of this puzzle, just enjoying the mandarin crumbs.

>> No.40398066

Jack Frost is probably low test anyways

>> No.40398070
Quoted by: >>40398592

chat always explodes with minors doxxing their own ages whenever a streamer brings up how their content is geared towards adults, their brains are literally underdeveloped. i remember when lying that you were 18 or laying low was the norm as a kid on the web

>> No.40398096
Quoted by: >>40398290

british idol corp chuuba is playing deus ex 2001

>> No.40398130
File: 350 KB, 356x533, 1655532847901.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fuck did you say about my boy, motherfucker?

>> No.40398151

go back Ike

>> No.40398174

The fucking comedic timing of the statue disappearing. Enna somehow has quite a bit of those coincidental timings in her playthrough of games.

>> No.40398180
File: 95 KB, 562x591, 000062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hee the fuck hoo motherfucker

>> No.40398188

man of sex

>> No.40398201
Quoted by: >>40398240

Real homies go for blackfrost

>> No.40398211
File: 13 KB, 124x124, zeon270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already downloaded season 2 for today's watchalong

>> No.40398240
Quoted by: >>40398301

Nah mate, Demonee-Ho's the real G. Black Frost is all talk.

>> No.40398255

Enna almost pissed herself....hot

>> No.40398260
File: 1.29 MB, 1218x1080, 000104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I almost pissed myself ngl

>> No.40398265
File: 1.35 MB, 800x1131, 1665759665037640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40398815

how can I marry Sonny

>> No.40398290

Anon...i'm talking about the thread. There's still some nijien streaming rn. But it's no fun to livepost with the thread being so dead

>> No.40398298

I feel the urge to ravage Ike’s asshole every time he says what the hecky

>> No.40398301
Quoted by: >>40398393

Man I miss the frosty’s little minigame… why did fatlus never expanded on that

>> No.40398305

oh. understandable

>> No.40398304

I want to lick Taka's feet

>> No.40398318

The context for the Enna blocking Kyo shit is that he showed her boy smell voice tweet to his viewers.

>> No.40398348

Even when there are less than 50 posts a minute this thread is still one of the fastest ones on the board. Just do the liveposting yourself, we're all watching streams anyways. That's why these are the only peaceful hours ITT.

>> No.40398351

But it was Mika saying it

>> No.40398352

Forced drama like frfr

>> No.40398354
Quoted by: >>40398991

what exactly do you want to read

>> No.40398387

both of them did it

>> No.40398393
Quoted by: >>40398432

Wait, which one? Synchronicity?

>> No.40398395

Pomu is Aia tier ccv now. This is what weird indie games do to your channel. Minecraft and Apex are king.

>> No.40398398

any streams people are excited for this weekend? I'm looking forward to vermintide part 2 myself

>> No.40398404
File: 68 KB, 1190x649, 1650041751358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The more relaxed and more on-topic the thread, the better. You dopamine-addicted zoomers need to get your ADHD medicated

>> No.40398430


>> No.40398432
Quoted by: >>40398626

Yea synchronicity. Kinda sad it ended there

>> No.40398435
Quoted by: >>40398611

I am interested in Pomu's sponsorship just to know wtf is she so excited about

>> No.40398452

They're kids, children are retarded enough to fully admit to their age and retardation.

>> No.40398454
Quoted by: >>40398629

Unironically this.
I hope she learns that she shouldn't play anything outside of the latest triple a game or Minecraft anymore.

>> No.40398469

Imagine Aia or Maria playing Signalis. We might actually hit double digits in this branch.

>> No.40398468

I wonder how much longer Ike will play. Seems like he’s nowhere near out of steam.

>> No.40398475
Quoted by: >>40398698


>> No.40398504
Quoted by: >>40398521

She’s doing better than rosemi’s play through right????

>> No.40398507

Vox normal triggers ASMR

>> No.40398514

Why does ike hate girls so much

>> No.40398521


>> No.40398548

girls hate their own it's innate

>> No.40398556
Quoted by: >>40398755

ike denying the cunny lover allegations, you're not slick my guy

>> No.40398563

They hurt him a lot.

>> No.40398570

I'd watch Pomu but I plan on playing the game myself

>> No.40398576

Everyone are popping up in Enna's stream after seeing her numbers

>> No.40398591

sex with mysta

>> No.40398592
Quoted by: >>40398768

Reminds me of all the times Vox told any minors that he had in chat to get the fuck out and they all just came out of the woodworks admitting their age and got banned. Kids are stupid like that, you tell anyone you don't want kids interacting with you and they'll tell you their age when no one asked. Dumb little gremlins.

>> No.40398611

I've been interested in this too, but I can't imagine it being anything other than gacha...

>> No.40398620


>> No.40398624

God, continuing this game was fucking stupid. There comes a point that goes past "This game isn't popular like minecraft" and into "People actively do not want to watch this game, even your base audience"

>> No.40398626

Ah yeah, they baited with the whole prologue thing. I don't play a lot of platformers, but I had a lot of fun with it. Honestly, I wish they'd do more for the SMT side of things but Persona's the moneymaker so I get it. Give more Jack Bros...

>> No.40398629

minecraft all day everyday until she graduates

>> No.40398631
Quoted by: >>40398677

Both streams I'm looking forward to are overlapping (Vermintide and Masaru's outfit)

>> No.40398639
File: 198 KB, 1050x520, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40398749

>zaion still is awake at 2am jst
it's over.

>> No.40398655

but doppio plays weird indies and still gets in the 4 dogots

>> No.40398677
Quoted by: >>40398750

>Masaru's outfit
Another one?!

>> No.40398687

I like how Enna just close her eyes lmao

>> No.40398697
File: 211 KB, 2048x1311, 1650483393988.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40398918

Milord's normal ASMR! I've been looking forward to it a lot since there's a huge lack of seiso male ASMRs out there. I still hope he does soft talking, whispering, and positive affirmations though.

>> No.40398698


>> No.40398716
Quoted by: >>40398901

Women like weird indie stuff like Gris and shit

>> No.40398717

Just let Pomu play something interesting, who gives a shit about bringing in another 1k 12 year olds to shit and piss in her chat.

>> No.40398745

I’m not watching because she’s sick and doesn’t even sound like she wants to stream, sorry pom

>> No.40398748
Quoted by: >>40398861

This maze part is triggering my PTSD where Enna got so fucking lost in that glass shard maze in Heavy Rain.

>> No.40398750

Yup another one

>> No.40398749
Quoted by: >>40398775

She sleeps around 10-11AM PST

>> No.40398755

he doesn't want to fuck them, he just wants to kill them since he hates kids

>> No.40398761
Quoted by: >>40398828

Enna is confused by the idea of wooden doors keeping gas inside a room

>> No.40398768

parents need to start teaching their kids stranger danger again, especially with shit like discord around. every time i click into a profile on twitter and see some kid's age plastered on it (occasionally next to a laundry list of their mental illnesses served on a platter) it makes me anxious

>> No.40398775
Quoted by: >>40399471

She used to sleep earlier... like, 7am...

>> No.40398778

>replying to numbernigger

>> No.40398793

Those indie games were either decently popular or aren't 3 part plot games that look like a psx game with the darkness setting pumped way up

>> No.40398801
Quoted by: >>40399017

Signalis isn't even interesting. Kentucky Route Zero is more interesting than that and I hate KRZ

>> No.40398815
File: 238 KB, 1238x1080, 1673026591686.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40398895

Sonny and I are already married

>> No.40398828

Enna no, that's how you get cancelled

>> No.40398844
Quoted by: >>40399017

as a pomie

how the fuck is this interesting

>> No.40398861

Was it worse than that collab she did with Mika, Mysta and Shu where they were all stuck for a literal hour and a half at the end?

>> No.40398871
Quoted by: >>40399017

As some anon mentioned, that's less than her core fanbase. Less people want to watch her playing this game than singing 20 happy birthdays in a row during supacha readings. What's the point of streaming something if only the most loyal people watch the stream because they feel like they are obliged to do it? It's supposed to be entertainment.

>> No.40398874

I'm saving my stream watching time for the Lazulight collab...

>> No.40398882

Cute cute cute

>> No.40398886
File: 390 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Luminous Witches - 01 (1080p) [FC0211C8].mkv_snapshot_16.54.805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Amazing Grace

Based chink bird!

>> No.40398895

Play the game, Pomu.

>> No.40398897

When can I be Morgana so Ike nuzzles me like that...

>> No.40398901

Yeah me, Gris is great

>> No.40398918
Quoted by: >>40399104

>there's a huge lack of seiso male ASMRs out there
I'm assuming you mean vtubers specifically since there's so many choices if it's just fleshtuber

>> No.40398977

Pomies once again proving they only watch Pomu for the games she plays and not her as a person

>> No.40398991
Quoted by: >>40399049

Posts anon posts. I don't want to be the only one posting

>> No.40399007

I didn't watch that collab but she got lost for like 45 minutes inside the maze.

>> No.40399010

The worst part is Pomu ain't finishing this tonight before the collab. She has like 4 more hours which is 6-7 in Pomu time

>> No.40399013

She's a streamer, not my girlfriend

>> No.40399017
Quoted by: >>40399107

It's cool if you don't like it, not everything is interesting to everyone. Sometimes things are slow.
It's also 3-6 hours earlier than her normal stream time. And not every single stream needs to be for every single viewer. They're variety streamers, that's how it works.

>> No.40399049

people are posting things related to streams. You just don't want to engage. instead of complaining, make your own post and see if anyone else is willing to discuss

>> No.40399103

i watch for both. watched every signalis stream and watching now too btw.

>> No.40399104
File: 171 KB, 1024x1237, Fi-p0TlVEAAhlYb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah vtubers and anime character roleplay I guess. I just see lewd ones all the time and I don't want to be horny all the time. I want to be pampered and told that I'm good and everything will be all right.

>> No.40399108
Quoted by: >>40399145

When will Doppio apologize for being Brazilian?

>> No.40399107
Quoted by: >>40399282

That would be great but it kills Pomu's desire to try new things in the future. She refused Grim Fandango because it might take 2 streams. She refuses to play VNs now because of the shitty VR blunder. These games and low viewership have lasting effects on Pomu's little nut brain.

>> No.40399129
File: 179 KB, 363x297, 000116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40399214

Is she close to beating the game?

>> No.40399137
Quoted by: >>40399202

Is Pomu getting a different ending than rosemi’s?

>> No.40399141
File: 229 KB, 768x432, 1673027090661.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40399144

If I wanted to watch her as a person I would listen to a zatsu/minecraft

>> No.40399145

When Pomu comes to Brazil

>> No.40399154

What do you expect from a majority male audience?

>> No.40399181
File: 1.39 MB, 1003x1417, 1635966969771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40399182

Showing my age with this reference but Mysta really reminds me of Akira Kogami at times

>> No.40399185


>> No.40399202

Nah, she played like shit so she'll get the best ending

>> No.40399214

Googling shows it takes around 6 hours to complete this game and other livers playthroughs are like 4-6 hours long so no.

>> No.40399218
Quoted by: >>40399238

>anon complains about slow thread
>thread goes to shit

>> No.40399221
Quoted by: >>40399247


>> No.40399226

Pomu isn't streaming at her typical time. It's her once a week Euro pity stream. Everyone else has to wage slave during NA times right now.

>> No.40399231

I miss millie...

>> No.40399238

Happens every single time

>> No.40399247
Quoted by: >>40399288

Name one thing Iluna did right

>> No.40399275
Quoted by: >>40399390

you know this is practically the only general where activity DECREASES when the vtubers are streaming and it's seen as "normal and healthy"

>> No.40399282
Quoted by: >>40399416

Sure buddy, glad you've got a direct line into Pomu's brain. Good to know I'm talking to a schizo and not a person that matters. Go back to # and jerk yourself off there.

>> No.40399288
Quoted by: >>40399546

They gave us doll cunny

>> No.40399349
Quoted by: >>40399389

I was wondering, why does Vox start having a Cockney accent when he's angry?

>> No.40399372
Quoted by: >>40399427

Maros are anonymous.

>> No.40399389


>> No.40399390

To be fair, liveposting just brings negativity towards your oshi
Everytime a member gets popular /here/, you know that they'll be the target for the next few weeks, and it doesn't matter if you ignore the shitposters, 'cause those retards reply to themselves and will ruin the thread anyway

>> No.40399392
Quoted by: >>40399426

>Uhhh sweety don't be parasocial

>> No.40399416

That's her own words that came out of her mouth threadwatcher.

>> No.40399426
Quoted by: >>40399717

If you aren't already parasocial you're too much of a normalfag to be posting ITT

>> No.40399427

IIRC they can get your information if you break the rules

>> No.40399431
File: 17 KB, 376x212, 1673027529638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're not shitposting are you anon?

>> No.40399456

Akurei is thriving

>> No.40399471
Quoted by: >>40399507

Jst zaion incoming

>> No.40399472

Ike already forgot the jump king horror meme

>> No.40399473

Enna is not erect.

>> No.40399486

barely not much of a difference between 900 and 1000

>> No.40399507

I don't she'll change her timeslot
she stream at this time since her PL (for the few streams I watched)

>> No.40399520

Slammed my snake-like tongue directly into Enna's anus just to watch her jump and yelp.

>> No.40399522

Do you prefer when streamers have big reactions to horror games or just no-sell everything? I'm watching Pio's burger vod and it's really funny how he just fucking ignores all the hallucinations, ditto with mortuary assistant.

>> No.40399540

Every post on this site is full of "negativity" why are you even here
I'm saying this as a dragoon
Being scared that your oshi is gonna be a target for the mean scary shitposts to the point that you're afraid of talking about him is weak shit

>> No.40399546
Quoted by: >>40399706

The only good things about Maria are her model and being completely inoffensive. She would be shat on worse than Petra for being a boring waste of the slot if she debuted before Luxiem. Goes to show how bad Iluna is if that's the best they can give.

>> No.40399558

>everyone picking up persona only to have to drop it 80% through

>> No.40399569

I like both, both have their place. Just depends on what I'm feeling the appetite for on the day.

>> No.40399570

He's used to them

>> No.40399577

Fatlus autism

>> No.40399578

hiding posts and filters are your best friend

>> No.40399581

Metal gear mention

>> No.40399585


>> No.40399603

why would anyone stay here if they can't handle negativity about their oshi

>> No.40399610

I hate faked reactions

>> No.40399614
File: 407 KB, 2048x2014, B4DC39D0-9B79-481B-B876-1EB2CAE2652D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good night anons!

>> No.40399624

Viewers are retards and continually pressure streamers to play these games. Personally I'd never pick a game in which I'd have to cut significant portions out.

>> No.40399629

It's not as bad as Elira's Xenoblade streams.

>> No.40399657
Quoted by: >>40400132

>quilldren getting married again

>> No.40399675
File: 67 KB, 1500x1210, 08E8B47A-DEC4-4568-AA05-1FDB52DF71EC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40399758


>> No.40399680

>everyone playing 5
Do they not have perms for Golden? Surely not all of them have played it before.

>> No.40399683

Not sure about everyone else other than it just being a new thing there's permissions for but in Ike's case he just really really loves the game

>> No.40399686

Doppio Dropscythe has eaten a rat.

>> No.40399706

Her covers? A female option for Aus/Sea/Jp?

>> No.40399717

But if you show any type of parasocialness you get called a unicorn schizo.

>> No.40399729
File: 46 KB, 498x388, tiredpomu8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40399734
Quoted by: >>40399786

Did anyone upload the Vox bilibili stream? I missed it...

>> No.40399736

Stop replying to shitposting niggers

>> No.40399758
File: 87 KB, 1173x1305, 8D8EF2AA-476A-460D-8D6B-8004314E4DE6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40399764
Quoted by: >>40399829

They'll just get the vanilla ending.

>> No.40399769
Quoted by: >>40399806

gn Lucub!

>> No.40399786

It'll show up on b2 sometime late today or tomorrow on his channel

>> No.40399800

Mahjong tournament, vermintide, hopefully some Doppio ark, Sonny karaoke

>> No.40399806
File: 160 KB, 1406x1220, 6A12320C-264C-4A14-B1C0-E3F68601EEB6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40399807
File: 329 KB, 565x466, 000205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40399829
Quoted by: >>40399855

New ending is fanfic tier so it's kinda ok

>> No.40399843

I'm watching Pomu but this game is really boring, like hotel izanami/madison tier. At least is better than genshin.

>> No.40399846

Why are people making a fuss about Pomu's numbers? She has 1k viewers. That is still better than Reimu/Aia/Aster's usual numbers

>> No.40399851

Ike just hit 7 hours

>> No.40399855

Sumi is such a wasted character.

>> No.40399864

>cuck your viewers and be an all around cunt: 5k viewers
>Be hard working, loyal and actually entertaining: 1k viewers
Life actually just isn't fair

>> No.40399870

I wish Enna's breasts were slightly bigger. Just large enough that I could sorta grab a handful, but no more than a handful. Barely a handful. Now that sounds nice. Like, a single serving size of breast.

>> No.40399890
File: 598 KB, 507x710, 000264.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it is a handful.

>> No.40399901

I wish everyone in nijien have huge cow tits

>> No.40399907
File: 1.50 MB, 498x281, Enna Eyebrow Flex.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40399949


>> No.40399916
Quoted by: >>40399967

1k is bad number anon, 6k and 10k is good number

>> No.40399915
Quoted by: >>40399962

are you one of those freaks who will turn around and justify Reimu/Aia/Aster's numbers by comparing them to 1view indies on twitch?

>> No.40399925

holofags and luxnoc whores will take any opportunity to shit on pomu/selen.

>> No.40399929

Sisters love their own i.e. Enna

>> No.40399934

Her boobs are actually huge in her new outfit.

>> No.40399949

I wish I knew which stream this gif came from.

>> No.40399951
Quoted by: >>40399980

It's just shitposters. They were complaining on Wednesday that Pomu only plays buff games, and now they're complaining that Pomu is playing a debuff game.

>> No.40399958
Quoted by: >>40399983

Mysta playing Genshin with Mika, jerking off, napping, uploading a reaction video to his channel, running a marathon and investing all of his money into a pajeet cryptocurrency scam instead of streaming for longer than 20 minutes today

>> No.40399962

They should get rid of Reimu and Aster. Aia can stay if she keeps on baiting SCs

>> No.40399967
Quoted by: >>40400019

10k is only decent 20k is good

>> No.40399976

nobody is making a fuss, its just usual baiting and people biting

>> No.40399979
File: 966 KB, 839x1061, 1653815707056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The shitposting is so predictable

>> No.40399980

They would also get mad if she dropped the game

>> No.40399982

>Her covers?
Do people listen to those if she isn't already their oshi? Maria is somewhat competent but it's not like she is a good singer you would put on a playlist.
She is hard working but it's one of those cases where working hard doesn't make up for the lack of talent.
>A female option for Aus/Sea/Jp?
Not really her own virtue and increasingly irrelevant with all the new girls streaming in Japanese time or late night PST.

>> No.40399983

Regal behavior

>> No.40399992
File: 465 KB, 3509x1915, zeon284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40400383

Zaion's Gundam 00 S2 watchalong!

>> No.40400019


>> No.40400028
File: 642 KB, 1022x731, tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same posts, same images, same replies

>> No.40400036

Unironically this. When Petra was playing Minecraft a day or so ago, shitposters were going off about Pomu joining the MC server and trying to give Petra a player head that she wanted, but where totally silent when Uki joined and talked about "deez nuts in your mouth".

>> No.40400064

And you just know that the latter is partially due to the former. How many fans just said "fuck it" and dropped the entire branch because of the nth controversy the Luxiem scrotes got themselves into?

>> No.40400065

It's kind of neat how you can make a daily schedule of which baits are being used at which times of the day

>> No.40400086

no one cares about uki

>> No.40400104

Enna is trying so hard to get through this maze but failing so badly lmao.

>> No.40400111

Shitposters have schedules that they need to submit every sunday night too.

>> No.40400119

>they were all stuck for a literal hour and a half at the end
That was so painful... and the item they needed was at a part they didn't even explore yet...

>> No.40400125
Quoted by: >>40400596

Maria has more views on her songs than Reimu. Reimu must be supremely untalented if she's getting beaten by a somewhat competent singer like Maria.

>> No.40400131

We should make a schizo teamup schedule

>> No.40400132
Quoted by: >>40400229

He gets so happy... maybe I should be more serious with my dates

>> No.40400145
Quoted by: >>40400236

>muh HOLOFAGS are shitting on Pomu and Selen


>> No.40400161

you are oshi didn’t get numbar i am very real dragoon ccv

>> No.40400171

How do I rape correct Zaion into dropping Genshin?

>> No.40400179

The luxnoc audience fucking loves Selen though?

>> No.40400191
File: 135 KB, 823x754, BE599CF3-82F8-46F1-9B2E-342CBAF5B9A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40400272

>> No.40400193

But Pomu and Selen are so fun! I get not being into a liver's content, but hating them is just kind of silly.

>> No.40400200
Quoted by: >>40400250

She would rather graduate and die than ever give it up

>> No.40400201

I have Uki blocked on every platform and avoid him like the plague, when you genuinely dislike someone why waste time talking about them?

>> No.40400207

Never, ever, ever, ever ,ever recommend Enna The Witness.

>> No.40400206

No they don't, they only like her spending her money to make stuff for Luxiem (Lofi, Animation, etc)

>> No.40400218
File: 226 KB, 585x564, tiredpomu9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40400314

>Thread hates Pomu for streaming video games
>Thread hates Pomu for not streaming video games
it's all so tiresome...

>> No.40400220
Quoted by: >>40400250

Unfortunately you just need to accept your fate as the male Mystakes of this general

>> No.40400229
Quoted by: >>40400249

You can lie and imagine it's you getting married to him. What he doesn't know won't hurt him.

>> No.40400233
Quoted by: >>40400250

she will reverserape correct you until you will like genshin

>> No.40400236
Quoted by: >>40400456

which is why they shit on them because they are such tribalfags that they are mad they cant watch them because they dont work for the blue dorito company

>> No.40400238

If Pomu only plays something bad for numbers once every 6 months I wish it was some boomer kino rather than this indie garbage...
Hope you enjoy MC and collabs for the next month because her little menhera numberfag mind will break after this stream

>> No.40400248

Her first voice tweet is about gacha anon, just give it up

>> No.40400249
Quoted by: >>40400289

I'm a lesbian

>> No.40400250
Quoted by: >>40400358


>> No.40400251

I have big hands so that's a no go for me.

>> No.40400263
Quoted by: >>40400365

>Thread hates Pomu
>Thread loves Pomu
Why are anons so tsun?

>> No.40400268
Quoted by: >>40400398

she lost it

>> No.40400272


>> No.40400283

uki joined to play minecraft, pomu joined to attention whore on petra's stream like she did to kotoka's the day before as well, its really not that hard to understand

>> No.40400284

I want her to do whatever makes you seethe

>> No.40400289
Quoted by: >>40400495

Oh wow. Same. I guess I forgot where I am.

>> No.40400296

this game is 100% kino and a love letter to classic silent hill and resident evil, you're just a faggot /v/ermin that doesn't actually play games.

>> No.40400307
File: 154 KB, 237x249, zeon23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40400462

I actually enjoy Zaion's genshin streams

>> No.40400309
File: 69 KB, 978x315, image_2023-01-06_131435318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah those Holofans, they really hate Pomu and are out to get her.

>> No.40400314

>Care about sub 90ips thread opinion
retarded nigger

>> No.40400325

I swear this chinese woman doesn't have object permance.

>> No.40400329
Quoted by: >>40400520

Hey guy7us! Which JP did Meloco collab with>?

>> No.40400347

Nope. Petra said she wanted a player head of herself, so Pomu joined for 5 minutes to say hi and try generating the player head for her, then she left. Meanwhile, Uki joined and constantly typed in chat about stuff not related to Minecraft, like deez nutz jokes.

>> No.40400355
Quoted by: >>40400638

Pomu's worse streams will forever be that one 3D VN shit she played. This isn't even in the same ballpark of awful as that was.

>> No.40400358

That sound gay

>> No.40400365
Quoted by: >>40400458

Recognizable and ingrained enough in general culture of the board for non-fans to readily shitpost about. Ditto with Selen and to a lesser extent Rosemi and Finana.

>> No.40400377

I don't understand this cutscene but the music is nice

>> No.40400384
File: 294 KB, 1080x1350, Meloco Kotoka aburi_rare.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need paizuri.

>> No.40400383

Time to drop it again when Nena dies.

>> No.40400390
Quoted by: >>40400475

Has Pomu hinted if there’s a big announcement after the collab later? I just woke up

>> No.40400398

To this day I still don't understand what do genshin fangirls see in Alhaitham. Kaveh is literally right there, a blonde himbo and you want the scribe twink.

>> No.40400410


>> No.40400428

Uki joined to play Minecraft but ended up derailing Petra's stream.

>> No.40400455
File: 102 KB, 1071x247, 1672982560673847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40400456

They really don't, nearly everything I've seen from them about the crossover collabs were positive, and a good chunk would rather have them collab with Niji girls than more Tempus

>> No.40400458

The only people who shitpost about Rosemi are schizo Rosebuds who didn't get their postcard or whatever signed and maybe like the 2 fans from her old company who are still mad.

>> No.40400462

I honestly don't know what she will do with her game after she reaches the current story, I hope she doesn't force stream the game when there is no content in it

>> No.40400475


>> No.40400479

They want them to fuck, nonny

>> No.40400481

they're both boring motherfuckers but genshin fans have shit taste, in other news water is wet

>> No.40400493


>> No.40400495

There's been a lot of new horny quilldren lately, it's ok kek. Are you the thread making one or the russian one? or maybe there are the same person, i could never figure it out

>> No.40400497

pomudachis deserve to be raped

>> No.40400509
Quoted by: >>40400557

It used to be a lot worse and then it kind of just stopped. Maybe it just relies too much on a lot of background knowledge to persist.

>> No.40400515

just get like 6 of these AI and debut them noor

>> No.40400513

Literally everyone would rather see them collab with Niji girls than Tempus. Unless it was like...Finana. Even then it would be a tossup.

>> No.40400519

they would rather the girls not stream than collab with tempus, which is what they're getting

>> No.40400521
File: 713 KB, 683x714, 1645285355350.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40400705

People really love fake endings and they're always kinda stupid

>> No.40400520


>> No.40400535
File: 242 KB, 1721x1223, FlwA_1HaAAI8VvL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40400557
Quoted by: >>40400632

Pretty sure all that Rosemi catalog posting was literally one guy. Maybe he got over it or just fucked off forever.

>> No.40400559

Same person, yeah.

>> No.40400577
File: 147 KB, 1170x1170, AFE8A3F6-1A48-4191-B488-CCC25C1DF8C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd ask why Quilldren are all lesbians but Ike is too feminine for me to be attracted to so I don't NOT get it.

>> No.40400580
Quoted by: >>40400675

AIs are the biggest numberfags because they're made of it. Don't believe her lies.

>> No.40400583
File: 266 KB, 1719x1190, FlwA_1NakAAFtUl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40400586

>the enna cuckposter was a pomudachi all along
checks out

>> No.40400597

>the other one
There are at least 3 lesbian quilldren /here/

>> No.40400596

Well, if you want to #.
Maria had a huge initial boost when Luxiem sisters cared about her due to the timeslot and her being Chinese. Her debut cover is at 1.3M which no Reimu song will ever hit. But sisters have since stopped caring and Maria's original song isn't at 200k after a month and will probably never hit 300k at the current rate while all Reimu covers hit 300k eventually. This is just genuinely sad. It's an okay oiriginal song with feelings put into it but it will never be as popular as a half-assed cover a more popular liver can put out. All because she is boring as fuck. Only really good singers like Enna get to get views on their music without also being entertaining in this business (not that Enna isn't entertaining).

>> No.40400598

I accidentally fell asleep and woke back up and Ike is still streaming. I must have missed so many cute moments, how do I evolve past the need for sleep.

>> No.40400614

you get it :)

>> No.40400617

most of her schizos are her old rosebuds turning on her

>> No.40400628
Quoted by: >>40400798

>Ike is too feminine for me to be attracted to
>posts mysta

>> No.40400632
Quoted by: >>40400666

Shitposters tend to hone in on people who are already getting shitposted which is why Pomu and Selen get it so much so it's just kinda interesting how it died out

>> No.40400637
File: 83 KB, 333x330, LottaBaitToday.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40400970

>> No.40400634

Zaimons don't check the community posts she's gachibaiting again...

>> No.40400635

>so I don't NOT get it.
Just say that you get it, fucking cunt.

>> No.40400638

Nah, genshin was still worse, tokyo chronos was second

>> No.40400646

>posts Mysta
Of course you get it

>> No.40400659

Don't reply to the holofag shitposter. They can't stop thinking about males.

>> No.40400657
Quoted by: >>40400759

Holo Tempus 2 apparently has a Mexican dude in it. Maybe he'll even like Apex. Is this Reimu's chance?

>> No.40400662

>says this shit
>posts Mysta
the fucking irony

>> No.40400666

pomu and selen won them over thats how

>> No.40400670
File: 318 KB, 1356x1708, FleYwqHaAAAE-G3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zaion doko...

>> No.40400675
Quoted by: >>40400736

your made of numbers too bro

>> No.40400682
Quoted by: >>40401236

why mysta is uploading those reaction videos? is it requirement to have a sponcership?

>> No.40400705

Mgs2 was fun

>> No.40400708

I WILL become Futaba Sakura.

>> No.40400710
File: 314 KB, 1370x1507, 1651899595623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posted in the wrong thread
Pomu is being extra communist today

>> No.40400715

wait I'm retarded and misread

>> No.40400728
File: 178 KB, 1000x1334, FgFmboNVsAAF4B4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Somehow, I don't know how, but it makes sense.

>> No.40400735

I forgot Pomu even streamed Genshin but I'm kind of excluding sponsored stuff, as that typically tends to be crap. Pomu has 5-6 really boring sponsored streams that I've kind of blocked from my memory, most of them crappy Chinese card, mobile, or gacha games.

>> No.40400736
Quoted by: >>40400768

I am not my post. what you see is a result of an input output process by a human sitting in front of his computer 24/7

>> No.40400738


>> No.40400750

The irony of posting a mysta pic

>> No.40400759
Quoted by: >>40400812

He talks like a chicano

>> No.40400768

humans are made of numbers too retard
or are you gonna tell me the trillions of cells that make you up, aren't countable.

>> No.40400770
File: 280 KB, 398x259, 1622860642078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40400862

genshin got us this tho

>> No.40400798

Mysta's got the mind of a teenage boy and girl in one. There's a man in there. When I watch Ike he comes across as a dainty princess to me. A dainty princess who likes eroge, but you know.

>> No.40400809

They're both twinks

>> No.40400810
Quoted by: >>40400857

what's with the genshin hate, I thought this was the chink-friendly company? If you guys don't like genshin then who the FUCK keeps asking for these streams???

>> No.40400812
Quoted by: >>40400939

What is that? Fake Mexican like Scarle?

>> No.40400834

Good job moving the goalposts. Maria still has more views on her songs than Reimu.
And to clarify, I'm not the initial anon you were replying to but you were the first one who brought up
>Do people listen to those >>40399982
And yes they do. More people have listened to her songs than to Reimu's songs. So what does that say about talent or hard work?

>> No.40400838

aria of the soul is so fucking good, never gets old

>> No.40400854

I just saw that video with the dragoon commemorating new years watching selen

>> No.40400857

This is the contrarian general on the contrarian board. Most people still like Genshin, unfortunately.

>> No.40400862
Quoted by: >>40400958

Yeah, in the first stream which was the only one that was good of the 4 streams she did. It was obvious she disliked the game since the second stream

>> No.40400866
File: 3.43 MB, 261x261, 1644965290654.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could pamper Pomu. She sounds so tired lately.

>> No.40400864
Quoted by: >>40400896

He's just Swedish pretty sure they're all like that.

>> No.40400874

XSoleil seem fine and all but they definitely feel more like they're trying to make money above everything else, moreso than the previous waves

>> No.40400880

4 day, stay strong anon

>> No.40400896

Not really.

>> No.40400901

On my bed

>> No.40400908

Honestly everyone seems really tired lately. I think management sent them to Japan for 3 weeks and didn't tell them
>Btw when you come back you'll have a shit ton more paperwork to fill out!
everyone in lazulight is talking about being exhausted

>> No.40400911

That how the real world work

>> No.40400913
Quoted by: >>40401031

How would you pamper her?

>> No.40400916

Only good post ITT

>> No.40400920
Quoted by: >>40400979

What are you supposed to commemorate new year's with?

>> No.40400932
Quoted by: >>40401076

Ike is a dainty princess but also an autistic metalhead coomer who does parkour and karate malds over games and shit. The embodiment of gap moe.

>> No.40400939

Yes, that type usually lives in america since Kids or were born there but pretend they know everything about mexico

>> No.40400948

It’s a mix of she doesn’t have a big fanbase, the song is just ok, and she’s just an average singer in the branch which lead to poor numbers on her original song. Feesh’s Tsunami is pretty good which is why it has millions of views despite her popularity being in the shitter nowadays

>> No.40400958

Didn't she say her manager basically coerced her into playing genshin? Feel like all of Lazusydia got pushed into playing certain titles at debut. Selen also complained about this. I don't think they do it anymore since there's like 50 people and no one gives a fuck but they seemed to really micromanage the flagship waves.

>> No.40400960

What's sadder is that he was unknowingly recorded then posted on tiktok

>> No.40400970

You remove the "today"...

>> No.40400974

Currently drinking Ike’s piss straight from the source

>> No.40400976

I wish some of the livers in previous waves thought about the money more. Maybe then they would consider doing things the audience wants instead of retarded shit.

>> No.40400979

Maybe with the people that were recording him

>> No.40400982

I love ike so much

>> No.40400996

he's just like me though... just like /us/... I'm happy for him

>> No.40401015
Quoted by: >>40401046

If that were the case then Nijisanji would be a unicorn company

>> No.40401024

Finana's song is genuinely impressive since it was legitimately popular rather than just being kpop viewfarmed like Luxiem shit is.

>> No.40401031
File: 247 KB, 357x388, 1657010539041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40401094

Make some comfort food, clean her room, iron some clothes for her. Everything that could make her life a bit easier.

>> No.40401046

Holy shit, if only.

>> No.40401052
Quoted by: >>40401396

Aria of the soul and all of its remixes are good

>> No.40401058

It's a good song produced by a well-known producer, not to mention LazuLight + the first NijiEN original other than debut songs

>> No.40401061

numbers don't matter, you're not a manager. just enjoy the content. everything else is irrelevant

>> No.40401064

After the popularity of Luxiem, most people who’s going to join are just people looking to cash in on Nijisanji

>> No.40401073
Quoted by: >>40401219

>but luxiem sisters
Funny you say that when Reimu is one of the members who leeched luxiem's popularity the most.

>> No.40401076

>who does parkour and karate
Used to.

>> No.40401081

Yes, the first waves had the pressure to get numbers, so staff recommended popular games. Pomu told us one time their manager really wanted them to play roblox but everyone said no kek. It wasnt totally bad though, Pomu really likes minecraft thanks to that. I think is fine if they end liking the game

>> No.40401082

1951 bros......

>> No.40401094

Simple is nice. You’d be a good husband, pomie

>> No.40401100

At least Pomu got some donations out of it then told people her card wasnt working after the fact lmao

>> No.40401109

I like when my oshi gets big numbers because that means she's better than other anons' oshis

>> No.40401112

how am I supposed to know if it's acceptable to enjoy things if I don't have the approval of the masses to enable me?

>> No.40401180

Tsunami is actually good. That's what more of the livers should concentrate on. JP song covers can only generate so much interest. An EN original song that's catchy rather than slow paced (looking at you Enna) is what people want.

>> No.40401185
Quoted by: >>40401218

New Mysta sex

>> No.40401189
File: 158 KB, 2048x2048, 1643220515015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Ike

>> No.40401192
Quoted by: >>40401229

Isn't that just Hex?

>> No.40401193

I spent New Years with Millie

>> No.40401203

Shame the livers don't have the same mentality

>> No.40401218

I swear to god his R18 tag has more art of him as a fucking woman than a man at this point.

>> No.40401219
Quoted by: >>40401294

Finana is more popular than Maria and yeah, when Fish does release a song it's usually a well produced catchy song that fits her voice, not another random cover to fill the monthly quota. Another case for working smarter rather than harder.

Reimu tried to leech and failed. Maria was just naturally popular with them but sisters won't watch a female chuuba for long.

>> No.40401221
Quoted by: >>40401273

>don't worry about your job or income bro, just have fun

>> No.40401229

Zaion was parasocial on her second stream

>> No.40401236

He likes reacting to things. Unironically he would do that kind of content all the time if he was allowed to.

>> No.40401240
Quoted by: >>40401254

That's a long bathroom break...

>> No.40401239
Quoted by: >>40401479

>a-are you expressing the slightest bit of discontentment over the liver's stream choices??? AAAAAAAIEEEEEEEE PARASOCIAL FUCK they're not your girlfriend! You don't get to control what they can and cannot stream! You HAVE to accept what they offer and consoom, or GTFO!

>> No.40401253

So? It's still Mysta. You like him for his personality and not his gender, right?

>> No.40401254
Quoted by: >>40401326

It's been like 6 minutes...

>> No.40401271

It's part of their job to care about numbers. Why else would you go corpo, having to deal with copyright and permissions bullshit?

>> No.40401273

Enjoy your Genshin/MC/Phasmo streams bro

>> No.40401277
File: 36 KB, 374x360, Millie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When I watch Ike he comes

>> No.40401290

No, I like him because I imagine him as my virtual anime boyfriend.

>> No.40401294

>and failed
You're either a newfag or didn't watch Reimu when she started her numbers were really bad like her collab with Hayun had 62 people watching

>> No.40401296

I don't like Mysta but if people kept making male Pomu fanart it would get annoying after a while. Not into that shit. It's funny a few times as a gimmick.

>> No.40401326
Quoted by: >>40401361

you were counting, i should up my game..

>> No.40401335

Management is there to help grow their channels. The livers can always decline the content, which they did.

>> No.40401361
Quoted by: >>40401398

It has now been 9 minutes, I think he tripped and died or something

>> No.40401364

That's not about money she just likes to have a chat to talk to

>> No.40401369
File: 102 KB, 1261x570, 1665554635993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40401381
Quoted by: >>40401461

i don't like any genderbend but ppl tend to like female genderbend than male's one? so that's why mysta's genderbend fanarts are keep coming out.

>> No.40401396

i love blues in the velvet room the most but yeah all of them are banger

>> No.40401398
Quoted by: >>40401420

Probably getting food, or staring into the wall and didn't notice the time passing

>> No.40401399

Enna's blindness in games can be so damn painful and funny at the same time.

>> No.40401401

Funny, I don't like when genderbent art of my oshi gets spammed in the tags and I get called a schizo for it. Why is it hard for people to acknowledge that some of us just like one gender?

>> No.40401404
Quoted by: >>40401448

"I love you guys you're all so smart I'm not cute you're cute"

>> No.40401420
Quoted by: >>40401453

Right on the money

>> No.40401427

I thought as much, he did wanted to get one earlier.

>> No.40401444

Reimu was the whipping boy until Aia came around.

>> No.40401448

That's not parasocial
THIS is parasocial

>> No.40401451

The amount of gachi pandering is palpable

>> No.40401453

I know him, I love him, we were made for each other

>> No.40401457
File: 43 KB, 306x370, 1662293315330.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40401483

If your oshi could play any game in the world, what would you want it to be?

>> No.40401461

It's because there's a lot of closeted homosexual males in the anime/vtuber fandom. That's why traps, futas, "femboys", shotas, genderswaps ect are so popular. Anything to pretend they aren't actually attracted to a man.

>> No.40401465

Getting reminded the same positive affirmations gets old when you watch her 5th stream.

>> No.40401479

It's one thing to be discontent with their choices and expressing it in channels they can actually see (yt chat, twitter). If they still refuse to change, then that's on you for sticking around.

>> No.40401482
Quoted by: >>40401531

Is this a bad thing?

>> No.40401483


>> No.40401485
File: 320 KB, 1440x1002, Screenshot_2023-01-06-13-41-56-27_0b2fce7a16bf2b728d6ffa28c8d60efb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate the average vtuber fan so much I wish only pain on them

>> No.40401490

I'm not really a nubmerfag so I don't know her median or funny anecdotes but she had 600-900 viewers every time I've seen her streams ever since the debut.

>> No.40401491
Quoted by: >>40401590

I don’t watch Reimu but I don’t believe she ever had a stream that had 60 fucking viewers

>> No.40401505
File: 38 KB, 405x405, 1671117450414232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40401729

why is xsoleil suddenly bad for bringing in money? isn't that a good thing? if they failed in getting any paypigs they'll get hated for being failures, but if they pander to fans and bring in the cash they're considered as insincere...?

>> No.40401510
Quoted by: >>40401591

Minecraft >>>>>>> ark

>> No.40401511

>a lot of closeted homosexual brostakes

sounds very interesting

>> No.40401531

Yes because it SCREAMS fake. It's impossible to have built a relationship in just one non-debut stream.

>> No.40401532

They're making porn FOR Mysta, not about him.

>> No.40401535

He keeps making polls with an option that will be a clear winner, Pio why

>> No.40401538

That explains why tempiss's art tags are plagued with genderbend art. Mostly male fanbase so they want to look at their bros as girls so they don't feel gay watching male vtubers.

>> No.40401546

Derpio watchers aren't exactly "average vtuber fans". He's pretty fucking niche.

>> No.40401547

Damn that's brutal, I hope he still plays Shadows Over Loathing for a Doppio After Dark stream one day

>> No.40401551


>> No.40401554
File: 78 KB, 843x634, ITGOESITGOESITGOESITGOESYUH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40401643


>> No.40401558

that's not average vtubers fans that's just viewers in general, any streamer from any community could put that poll and MC would win 100% of the time

>> No.40401565

never got to watch doppio outside of debut, but i would wanted to see him play shadows over loathing... damn

>> No.40401590

Presumably it was a single POV on that other person's channel. So no, she didn't really have 60 viewers.

>> No.40401591

Minecraft stream will be two hours exactly of aimless wandering around. Choo-Choo Charles is a kusoge a dozen people have played. SoL is a game that actually fits his niche and hasn't been done and I'm mad at him for continuously leaving it to polls.

>> No.40401599

Heh if she can become my oshi after 2-3 streams I don't think that's impossible. You underestimate how much she likes having a chat that reacts to what she says or does

>> No.40401601

nice projection

>> No.40401600

fuck man I shouldn't have dabbled into doxxfaggotry, I don't care about anything anymore.

zaimons hold me, im ngmi I cant stop associating the model to an irl face I fucking hate it

>> No.40401606


>> No.40401608
Quoted by: >>40401626

>Create a fanbade of normalfags and women
>Only want to watch MC and Genshin
You reap what you ske

>> No.40401617
Quoted by: >>40402002

So, when will it be considered not fake?

>> No.40401626
Quoted by: >>40401714


>> No.40401631

I hate twitter polls because like half the people who vote on those weren't even going to show up to watch the stream anyways and don't even watch the VOD

>> No.40401636

kill. your. self. now.

>> No.40401643

i love that sonny made this into an actual emote now

>> No.40401654

You'll get over it, but you should still kill yourself

>> No.40401659

Gacha addict wife.....

>> No.40401663

you should kys now

>> No.40401688

Drop dead

>> No.40401689
File: 968 KB, 3116x1574, 1673030873050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40401714

I like minecraft! But I hate creative...

>> No.40401729

Anon want nijisanjiEN LOVE streaming without thinking about money, pure livers like other companies

>> No.40401730

I'm pretty sure this is Ike's 2nd longest stream ever after his birthday stream

>> No.40401737

Everyone should be like fuuchan who got mindbroken into being our wife

>> No.40401735

Zaimons keep getting worse and worse as the weeks go by kek

>> No.40401750
Quoted by: >>40401790

Wtf that was lowkey kinda cute Enna...

>> No.40401769
Quoted by: >>40401820

desu you get over it, Some jackass here once posted a Doxx pic of one my oshi. After a few streams my brain stopped associating it and went back to normal.

....but kys

>> No.40401784
Quoted by: >>40402016

Ike has 2 vtuber tit mousepads

>> No.40401790
File: 114 KB, 800x800, FlH5K87acAAL4X6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lowkey? Not even close.

>> No.40401808


>> No.40401820

wtf, why did it auto correct to "Desu"?

>> No.40401825

Zaimons are like Pomies that turned into Rosebuds that turned into Aloupeeps that are now with Zaion

>> No.40401828
File: 117 KB, 320x320, 1645394446437.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love it, i've been using it constantly in chat kek

>> No.40401835

She's so sweet, I missed reading her community posts. I wonder if she would do members-only diaries or not.

>> No.40401840
Quoted by: >>40401936

baka desu senpai

>> No.40401844
Quoted by: >>40401924

Pomu’s gonna get the Promise ending no? I wonder if she’ll like it

>> No.40401861 [SPOILER] 
File: 592 KB, 2800x3500, 1650352477427.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40401962

Sorry anon, we forgot this is not a nijisanji thread, eh heh!

>> No.40401864

anon... lmao...

>> No.40401863
File: 52 KB, 828x273, C9B5A6AC-F176-45A1-BB5C-B713DB0AD68B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40402309

>> No.40401867
Quoted by: >>40401976


It's like an Enna post but somehow even less funny

>> No.40401866
Quoted by: >>40401958

This might be the cringiest thing any NijiEN liver has ever tweeted

>> No.40401869
Quoted by: >>40401950


>> No.40401878


>> No.40401881
File: 918 KB, 1280x529, zeon220.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40401894

newfag anon...

>> No.40401915

>is your BGM single?
>no, it's stereo
Swedish funnyman at it again

>> No.40401916
Quoted by: >>40402103

i still cant get over the fact we have anons itt that used 4chan for less than a year

>> No.40401924

She better like it, it doesn't get better than that unless you wanna do the secret ending

>> No.40401925

Why kotocuck like this.....

>> No.40401931

I hope Zaion doesn't like minecraft

>> No.40401936

Go back to drinking your onions milk!

>> No.40401950

onions sauce is my favorite

>> No.40401958
File: 22 KB, 534x193, 1671469056192958.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40402082

nothing can beat this tweet. nothing

>> No.40401959

Tiny Ike in jail ToT

>> No.40401962


>> No.40401976

didn't he steal this post from that merryweather kid

hex really does just steal most of his tweets huh

>> No.40401995
Quoted by: >>40402054

Zaion mommy where's my milk? Gimme milk!!

>> No.40402002

Treating viewers as just viewers and build up the relationship over time, not try to act like there is a built-up relationship in just 1 stream.

>> No.40402014
Quoted by: >>40402151

Go back

>> No.40402016

now i am curious which chuubas he got them of, that bastard

>> No.40402028

I mean his whole gimmick is stolen so I don't see why his tweets would be any different

>> No.40402054

She has nowhere to store it, sorry shota kun

>> No.40402055
Quoted by: >>40402122


>> No.40402058

Man my sense of humor went down...I actually found this pretty funny.

>> No.40402072
Quoted by: >>40402307

It's okay I laughed too... regretfully...

>> No.40402082

Is this real?

>> No.40402100
Quoted by: >>40402142

so did all aloucucks moved on to post zaimon now? seems like its the same faggots, even do the same filename shit

>> No.40402103
Quoted by: >>40402165

....You thought this site never gets anybody new?
that would be a bad business model lol

>> No.40402109

of course.

>> No.40402113
Quoted by: >>40402155

It's going to happen eventually, might as well skip the awkward parts

>> No.40402115

I'm gonna audition for NijiEN even though I have fuck all experience. If I do manage to get in, I'll remember you guys (but I won't pander to you).

>> No.40402119

Yeah, did you miss the whole drama?

>> No.40402121
File: 79 KB, 320x320, ZwSwY73cBdKS_9EP-OK84Ac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40402336

I love the new emotes that sonny commissioned, it really feels like he put a lot of efforts and personnalities into it. I can totally imagine sonny sketching some ideas on how he wants the emotes to look like and the artist translating it to their style for a better rendering.

>> No.40402122


>> No.40402129
Quoted by: >>40402204

Then, Will you shit up about this after the next few months have passed?

>> No.40402137

>(but I won't pander to you).
Good. /here/tubers are cancer.

>> No.40402142
Quoted by: >>40402236

Nice try nigger, we love Zaion and the Zaimons here

>> No.40402150
File: 460 KB, 2033x1531, FlFNk7xagAEjtwq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So freaking cute, I love them

>> No.40402151

The fact that you're saying this to what seems like an innocuous post, implies that you know where he came from and thus are also from there. Kill yourself.

>> No.40402155
Quoted by: >>40402377

That's not how relationships work, but hey, this is 4chan, I shouldn't have expected so much

>> No.40402156

Minors self doxxing themselves with their twitter links, please go back.

>> No.40402157
Quoted by: >>40402271

It's not like you will leave this place or anything

>> No.40402158

Hex… It’s not even a day old…

>> No.40402165

4chan doesn't make money in general, hence why it was pawned off to a tax evader

>> No.40402172

She said she doesn't but we'll see once she's on the server

>> No.40402173


>> No.40402199

Word filters that have been in place to get rid of Twitter speak well before 2016 elections, famalam. What are they? For you to discover.

>> No.40402205
Quoted by: >>40402381

At least i dont drag drama from there to /here/ dumbass faggot

>> No.40402204
Quoted by: >>40402278

No, because what's done is done, can't undo the fakeness.

>> No.40402214

I've seen people saying that Twitter links can dox you now, but how does that work exactly?

>> No.40402216

I know this is bait and I'm retarded for replying, but I want to put this argument here in case some retarded anon is getting his mind clouded by schizos
Most of NijiEN livers were streamers before joining niji, so they could be parasocial towards their audience even before their debuts. Zaion's PL was tsun tsun with her chat, Zaion herself ddin't changed much.

>> No.40402219


>> No.40402222

Ill accept you if you post distorted images of your model on twitter

>> No.40402225
Quoted by: >>40402299

its doxxsisters, they got a hateboner for hex

>> No.40402232
File: 187 KB, 2048x2048, FlHt-ksXgAAls8r.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Izuru is the shortest
And it's adorable, the oldest being tiny is the best

>> No.40402236

t.former aloucuck

>> No.40402243

where tf did you come from

>> No.40402246

imagining him taking the time to send himself these messages and edit the image for a lame joke is pretty funny. pathetic man

>> No.40402251

>15º fahrenheit
>not that bad

>> No.40402273

Minecraft might give her one of her best numbers in a while, she’s going to “like” it

>> No.40402271
Quoted by: >>40402334

I don't want to leave, but if I do get in I will have to. My mental just couldn't take egosa.

>> No.40402277

I wont tell you. Keep doxxing yourself and slit your wrist

>> No.40402278

So you're just a shitposter, okay then, here's my last (you)

>> No.40402292
File: 66 KB, 927x695, Slay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40402299

You know this why doxxbro?

>> No.40402303
Quoted by: >>40402381

you just gotta be on twitter to see nijien reply to that vtubers tweets not like it's some hidden account

>> No.40402307

Well are you Filipino..?

>> No.40402309

>Small chuubas
>Getting into Nijisanji

>> No.40402321

Only doxxes you to twitter interns to stalk you

>> No.40402334

Nah, you will 100% check, it's natural. The only solution would be to ban the website from your devices

>> No.40402336
File: 96 KB, 320x320, 1673031674998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they make me happy inside this one is so cute

>> No.40402346
File: 128 KB, 640x480, FBF2B1C4-EA25-45C6-B2EE-4F3A9DB1A402.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40402399

Damn pomudachi look like this?

>> No.40402350

I've always removed the numbers after ? anyway just for autism reasons. Nice try, though.

>> No.40402354

Jesus christ, that really is cringe. Even more cringe than the concept.

>> No.40402377
Quoted by: >>40402473

Nobody's in a relationship with a streamer

>> No.40402380

fuck off bitch

>> No.40402381

Stop responding to twitter bullshit and bringing it here

>> No.40402384
Quoted by: >>40402448

Youre really fucking dumb huh

>> No.40402398
Quoted by: >>40402477

Did Pomu beat this in one go?

>> No.40402399

Looks like a healthy harvest of Pomudachi.

>> No.40402406
Quoted by: >>40402448


>> No.40402448

I suppose I phrased that poorly.
This is how links used to look, correct? Or am I misremembering?

>> No.40402454

Page 10 confession: just applied bros, hope I get at least 1 view this time!

>> No.40402469

This why brainless retards like you should stay away from this site

>> No.40402473

all of the livers are in a relationship or have been at some point while streaming in NijiEN, except for Shu

>> No.40402477
Quoted by: >>40402581

Madison? Everyone did it in one stream except Ike and Enna I think.

>> No.40402483
File: 93 KB, 320x320, ZwSwY87LBdKS_9EP-OK84Ac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they really do. I want to use them everyone and make it my new way of expressing myself

>> No.40402505

You are completely right. Throwing out all that "oh i missed u guys like ttly" stuff immediately after debut is just obviously fake pandering. If you have been streaming for months and then take a break and say that at least its plausible you and your audience have spent a significant amount of time together. But day one acting like that just makes your intentions obvious.

>> No.40402508
Quoted by: >>40402534

tallsisters we lost...

>> No.40402533

That text is attacking Pomu...

>> No.40402534

ToT he looks like a kid
Don't remind me

>> No.40402544

someone should get hex to rant about onions so we can confirm he's flip. Onions are hella expensive here he's bound to have an opinion on it.

>> No.40402561
Quoted by: >>40402651

Just keep applying, eventually they will run out of people to hire and your number will come.

>> No.40402562
Quoted by: >>40402605

I need to make myself shorter so Ike can rest his head on me and throw me (preferably onto his bed)

>> No.40402581
Quoted by: >>40402787

Vox didn't either but he hated the game lol

>> No.40402590

>Goes back into kayfable immediately
lol. lmao.

>> No.40402595

Send him a supa about it. He’s the least earner in Xosoleil

>> No.40402598
File: 92 KB, 320x320, 1666015443784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i like blankets

>> No.40402605

You're not anorexic enough to be throwable? ngmi

>> No.40402607
Quoted by: >>40402630

You're reading too much into it. It's normal for a new liver to want to interact with her chat like that

>> No.40402625

This Pomu stream is so boring it feels almost like I'm watching Aia.

>> No.40402630
Quoted by: >>40402700

It's not normal at all. Nobody else has been like that from day 1.

>> No.40402640
File: 129 KB, 898x1270, 908437B0-4886-4556-AA80-05B0F802CFC4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good luck anon. I’m not cut out for being a corpo chuuba but I wish everyone who applied the best

>> No.40402651

unironically thats what im hoping for lmao

>> No.40402667

Why are they expensive? Can't onions basically grow anywhere?

>> No.40402668

have you seen all the people already writing "I miss you xy streamer!" after justending the stream?
do not search for logic when there is not

>> No.40402673
File: 233 KB, 488x472, 1643570038310.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40402718

me on the left (invisible)

>> No.40402682

I think if Twitter links were actually doxxable to the extent of fearmongering over it there'd be way more Twitter sisters being named and shamed ITT

>> No.40402700

i think every lolisex member was like that from day 1 besides doppio

>> No.40402711
File: 67 KB, 615x615, 1672565651738136.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread stinks

>> No.40402712

Ike please think before you speak, some of the things you say unintentionally...

>> No.40402718

my sides

>> No.40402720
File: 1.76 MB, 1384x800, 1656794972421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu is so cute when she thinking. You can visible see it on her model...

>> No.40402721

Onions are expensive? I eat takeaway every day so I wouldn't know

>> No.40402739

I also looked it up back at debut just to confirm her hag status. I won't say anything else though, and I also made sure to hang myself from a noose afterwards (my spirit is typing this). You should do the same!

>> No.40402748
Quoted by: >>40402922

They're trying really hard to force parasocial relationships and you can tell. It's different from any other wave.

>> No.40402759
File: 1.68 MB, 1402x1096, 000055.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna is done playing and doing her usual zatsu now, Gonna play some games in the meantime.

>> No.40402761

And that's why people are seeing them as fake

>> No.40402780

is it not normal to be able to hold your breath for a minute?

>> No.40402787

Lmao I skimmed through his playthrough and he took just as long as Enna to reach the part after the coloured maze. Truly Milost.

>> No.40402788
Quoted by: >>40402907

aloupeeps are fucking cucks

>> No.40402813
File: 416 KB, 627x610, zeon111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40402850

Just the usual 1~11am jst
It'll probably get worse later
And tomorrow even worse 'cause it's Saturday

>> No.40402850
File: 138 KB, 266x250, 1672897715781837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40402853

Of boysmell?

>> No.40402880
File: 139 KB, 1242x1377, 1670746603894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

8 hours of Ike today. I'm happy. I love him.

>> No.40402893

Ike raided pomu

>> No.40402895

This is based kek, I want to do that to him

>> No.40402899
Quoted by: >>40402936

i was told there were no men left in these threads

>> No.40402905

sniff sniff

>> No.40402907
Quoted by: >>40402952

Yeah, can confirm, I'm sodomizing someone right now after rawing his wife in front of his eyes.

>> No.40402922
File: 1.39 MB, 2039x2894, Flnplg4aEAAV9mn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40403059

i hope they keep doing it i love it

>> No.40402925
Quoted by: >>40402939

The fuck is Quilldren? Is that Ike fans?

>> No.40402936
Quoted by: >>40403235

hi beuatiful lady plese show bobs

>> No.40402939

all me

>> No.40402952

if you're a fan of her at this point, you're fucking stupid. You're a dumbfuck

>> No.40402956

Eight hours of Ike... He was so affectionate and cute today... I love him. I love him very much.

>> No.40402967

Ntr is popular hentai genre, pls understand

>> No.40402971
File: 412 KB, 1748x2048, FdQr6SzaEAMUZok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40402995

8 hours with him today, almost the entire day... Blessed day. This was such a comfortable stream, he seemed in a pleasant mood all the way through, makes me really happy. And he's almost done with Madarame, making swift progress.
Rest well, after today you need it to hopefully not regret this and maybe even do more streams like this...? Have a good rest. I am not looking forward to tomorrow, but as long as you have fun with it. I love you so much and unfortunately even after so many hours, already miss you, why can you never have enough of good things, the greed...

>> No.40402995
Quoted by: >>40403029

Has he played danganronpa before? Might be alright if he hasn't

>> No.40403003

Meloco actually auditioned for Nijisanji since the very start and applied to EN since JP doesn't take normal applications anymore

>> No.40403012
File: 77 KB, 666x666, 1672426416997390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40403475

I see YOU playing genshin

>> No.40403013
File: 103 KB, 616x768, 6E43CF37-7674-48EA-9DC8-FE112872AE6E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40403043

This is whats stopping me from doing my vtuber arc

>> No.40403029
Quoted by: >>40403093

He hasn't. It's not going to be alright for me because I saw dr1 like a 100 times and it's painful to look back...

>> No.40403042

>since JP doesn't take normal applications anymore
makes sense they have the academy now

>> No.40403043
Quoted by: >>40403088

My sister made one herself using some program.

>> No.40403049
Quoted by: >>40403264

Nobody cares. She still cheated her way in Nijisanji, taking the easy route

>> No.40403051
Quoted by: >>40403100

I think Kotoka did the same thing a few times. It's like they all have a checklist

>> No.40403058
File: 236 KB, 1920x1080, 234227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No thoughts just ike and my love for him. Good night!

>> No.40403059
Quoted by: >>40403408

I find it off putting. It's not that I am against parasocial relationships at all. But trying too hard to force it like that breaks the suspension of disbelief and sours the whole thing because its too obvious its just an act and something they are saying because they know you want to hear it.

>> No.40403080

holy shit shut the fuck up already

>> No.40403088
Quoted by: >>40403132

I dont know how to draw.

>> No.40403093
Quoted by: >>40403143

The first trial is painful to go through every time I watch it. The voice acting will probably be fun at least.

>> No.40403100

She did in her debut 2.5 stream she was talking about how she wanted to do another stream because she missed chat so much and talking about how she feels comfortable with chat and trusts them and shit like that. It's so stupid.

>> No.40403132
Quoted by: >>40403182

Some programs come with a free one you can mess with, you could try that.

>> No.40403133
File: 642 KB, 1700x2000, 1651376185922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40403196

I love Rosemi with all of my heart!

>> No.40403135
File: 77 KB, 300x275, zeon180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40403141
Quoted by: >>40403171

Is it fun to try and have the same conversation every single day for weeks on end

>> No.40403143

I really hope he picks jp seiyuus again, that will lessen the pain so much. And I miss Ogata.

>> No.40403152

oh fuck enna alouette is streaming, the girl who literally cucks her fans and constantly shits on her own fanbase. People watch because they're fucking stupid

>> No.40403158
Quoted by: >>40403242

no wonder xsoleil's so great, they're not retards who fear the parasocial boogeyman

>> No.40403171

This is the first time I have talked about this since right after they debuted and I didn't even start it.

>> No.40403175

you did this same fucking topic already
shut the fuck up

>> No.40403182

Ill see about that. I want to try out for niji but i have nothing to show fourth social media wise other then my skills.

>> No.40403183

how do you write this and not die on the inside

>> No.40403189

no amount of shilling will make me watch hex

>> No.40403196
File: 327 KB, 1683x2042, IMG_20221127_082940.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40403253

vermintide today!!!! again!!!

>> No.40403199

Ennal sex

>> No.40403201

Your oshi HATES (You). She only got in for Luxiemchads thundercocks.

>> No.40403223

Shitposting in here won't change the fact that you have no streams and that you're getting new homos instead of girls.

>> No.40403235

sorry i don't look good in short hair.. enna's one in her new outfit is cute

>> No.40403236
File: 236 KB, 447x468, 1656779436492.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i-is that a bad thing? i showered and used versace eros

>> No.40403237

I feel like half the posts in this thread are being made by bots

>> No.40403242
Quoted by: >>40403372

The problem isn't that they are doing parasocial the problem is that they are doing it wrong.

>> No.40403253
File: 169 KB, 600x600, 1651533720472.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40403339

it's in a few hours but I just finished touching grass... I might have to be a sad vodwatcher... liveposting is much more fun...

>> No.40403260

Yeah all of Xsoleil does this and in a really similar way (I don't hate them want to preface), unless they all agreed to do it, I feel it's probably something management encouraged them to do.
I get it, easiest way to keep viewers. It is what it is.

>> No.40403263

Just clicked on Ars' stream and it turns out that you can ride on the shoulders of tamed gorillas in Ark? Bros, don't let Vox find out about this.

>> No.40403264
File: 142 KB, 284x304, 1671980630525314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how did she cheated when shes chosen without any pl connections like shu or uki? it says more to how theres no better candidates than meloco to be honest kek

>> No.40403282
File: 301 KB, 1560x1208, Flz_BU9aUAEkqvs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yukata vs kimono chart for Ike

>> No.40403315
Quoted by: >>40403560

what should she have had said then? that she is still new and wants to get the hang of this new streaming activity?
even in small indie corpos, or small indie streamers, they would say they love chat, if not being straight up tsun about it
liking chat = viewers come back - absolute logic

>> No.40403318
Quoted by: >>40403379

Can't we move to a board that has actual moderation?

>> No.40403339
File: 293 KB, 1536x2048, IMG_20221220_104521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>40403382

i will watch a bit since im in hospital doing absolutely nothing else... rosemi is funnt with fuuchan

>> No.40403372

Now that retarded way to get angry

>> No.40403379

every board hates vtubers
post a vtuber react image and someone will post a dox of their face and no one will care
even trash hates us

>> No.40403382
Quoted by: >>40403515

and mysta! british boys are funny together (is fulgur scottish i forgot)

>> No.40403388
Quoted by: >>40403452

Meloco is great, your endless seething about Luca wont change that.

>> No.40403408

i get it, i rolled my eyes too when they were saying it after only being debuted for 2 minutes but doesn't stop me from watching/liking them cause it's such a small part of their stream compared to them entertaining me

>> No.40403410
File: 57 KB, 620x625, ImLosingItRnBestie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.40403421
File: 193 KB, 1254x1279, 1673006202055475.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Petora.

>> No.40403444

Melo speaks Japanese, so management communication is guaranteed, she lives in Japan, even better, easy nijiJP points, plus, she is able to communicate in English very well too, better than almost everyone in nijiJP
royal flush if I may say

>> No.40403452
Quoted by: >>40403497

holy reading comprehension. are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.40403475
File: 386 KB, 666x666, selensmugfrown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im busy playing Celeste tho

>> No.40403482

>elira stream
>it's a collab
i just want comfy weewa but I guess it's fine...

>> No.40403497

he was seething hard about Luca, pls andastand

>> No.40403502

Its the 3D announcement.

>> No.40403515

yeah i think hes scottish!!!

>> No.40403519

isn't this gonna be their 3D announcement stream?

>> No.40403522
Quoted by: >>40403566

ᵇᵃnᵃnᵃ ᵇʳᵉᵃᵈ

>> No.40403524

its Lazukino tho

>> No.40403540
File: 140 KB, 666x666, 1673033379041.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.40403543

poor dragoon...

>> No.40403546
Quoted by: >>40403588

Main branch is only limted to Japan residents so why should they be able to try out for En. It’s literally a easy access in niji. And of course niji would pick her because westerners have yellow fever

>> No.40403560

Something thats actually natural to say to someone that you have just met? Like you had fun streamign before so wanted to do more so you can get to know them more and spend more time with them or something like that. It seems so incongruous to completely skip that stage and act like you have been streaming to that audience for months already and formed a relationship with them.

>> No.40403566

Anon lowkey got traumatized from yesterday's collab

>> No.40403568

Elira doesn't care about her fanbase

>> No.40403577

Having fun?

>> No.40403588

But she IS a japan resident?

>> No.40403591
File: 613 KB, 767x628, 384901257441.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lazulight is always kino tho

>> No.40403595

Do the retards complaining about them being parasocial too fast not realize some of them literally have past lives? Pretty sure a big part of Zaion's audience watched her as an indie, and she already knows that they know who she was. She already had gachikois before joining.
