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39752216 No.39752216 [Reply] [Original]

>watch holo collab that isnt Gura, Mumei and Fauna and/or jp
>its pure akwardness/hate

You can say a lot of things about other corpos (like Niji, prism, vshojo&co), but I have never seen this much of a dislike in collabs.

Why are they like this?

>> No.39752456 [DELETED] 

Fuck off teafag.
Your oshi has no clique because nobody wants her in it

>> No.39752596

when they are new you'll get a lot of collabs, but those were never the main content

>> No.39752621

They were at each other's throats after that summer off-collab, to the point Sana had to contrive ways to get the to stream together in Minecraft because Sana was Mumei's offscreen tardwrangler.

>> No.39752711

minecraft is so boring as a solo game that you'll see them doing collabs only to get motivated

>> No.39752772
Quoted by: >>39754909

SNOT collabs are just Council having fun and bantering with one another, with Gura in the background being quiet and awkward.

>> No.39752791

post examples or GTFO

>> No.39752797
Quoted by: >>39753139

not sure if schizo or not

>> No.39752905

t. newfag

>> No.39752953
Quoted by: >>39753139

NIgga what?

>> No.39753139

It's called watching streams. If you watched streams and had half a brain to accept these whores don't get along 100% of the time you'd notice tension. But whatever, it's all made up in my head. An ASMR prostitute and an acerbic autistic bitch are perfect human beings that never get mad at each other ever, believe that.

>> No.39753386

I dont watch streams with mumei because I hate her voice

>> No.39753423

they can get mad, but you are over exaggerating things. If women do really get mad they wouldn't even talk to each other, and you would not see that "tension"
But whatever, keep writing those fanfictions

>> No.39754909

Fauna, Mumei and Gura are basically Chris, Zach and Tomar

>> No.39756183

>Hey Corey! Mumei here...

>> No.39756371

nta; but in this specific case they are required to occasionally talk to each other by the company.

>> No.39756540

The awkwardness has been obvious since day 1. I remember the goalposts being moved every few months with people saying "they're getting used to each other, the synergy will happen anyway now." Compare the chemistry between members of gen 3 and compare it to council or myth, it's literal night and day.

>> No.39756622

>*points at bald man with beard*
>Look Fauna, it's you

>> No.39756635
Quoted by: >>39756957

Council has better chemistry with each other than Gen 3 does, what the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.39756726

Stop using fanbases as substitutes for Holos and watch streams.

>> No.39756863
Quoted by: >>39758937

this is straight up an oneyplays bit

>> No.39756907


>> No.39756957

t. EOP

>> No.39757082

Myth has even less synergy and Gura hates them.

>> No.39758293
Quoted by: >>39758771


>> No.39758771

That was pretty bitchy. What the fuck

>> No.39758838

Gura/Fauna/Mumei collabs are the worst, just 3 highschool brained bitches trying desperately to relate to each other through memes and irony

>> No.39758937

started funny and somehow green bitch managed to make it annoying in under 3minutes

>> No.39759177

you just described why they're so great

>> No.39759209


>> No.39759376


>> No.39759492

Anon you just got btfo a few hours ago
You can't be this desperate for more asshort.

>> No.39760911 [DELETED] 
File: 469 KB, 628x349, kira.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss KIRA

>> No.39761083
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Quoted by: >>39761329


>> No.39761302

Nice try, but I absolutely do not believe you actually watch streams.

>> No.39761326

>he’s never seen women hate-interact with eachother in big boy real job before
Oh boy you are in for a funny surprise

>> No.39761329


>> No.39761392
Quoted by: >>39761519

God I fucking hate women. Why did God make me straight?

>> No.39761396
Quoted by: >>39761919

There is nothing interesting about JK’s outside of duping them into becoming your cocksleeve.

>> No.39761519

So that you can make them birth you sons.

>> No.39761919

if I wanted to watch someone interesting I wouldn't be watching women

>> No.39762343

>purposely watching uninteresting shit
That explains your shit taste and schizophrenia

>> No.39762849

More like a (You) problem Op, not everyone is like you that thinks everything is cringe outside of those chuubas.

>> No.39766361

SNOT bros keep winning

>> No.39768160
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the copium is too strong.
Chadcast already had over 10 eps of series while Snotkid crawling for the crumbs of their talks.

>> No.39769056


>> No.39770578


>> No.39771656

ITT: KFPseethe
