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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.38391542

Is that real jej
Is he really telling people to only send him money in a currency if they are from a specified country?

>> No.38391597

Does he expect people to actually follow these rules?

>> No.38391635
File: 24 KB, 477x297, 1653998519172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38391655
File: 230 KB, 2897x4879, sc cost.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at this chart and it'll make sense.

>> No.38391742

We argentines do no watch sissies like vox.

>> No.38391748
Quoted by: >>38391872

Just put a "che boludo messi es el mejor del mundo papaaaaaa" and you're from Argentina

>> No.38391752

the actual rules are irrelevant
he just needs a reason to ban people

>> No.38391754
Quoted by: >>38391806

>1000 argie pesos
>12 dollars
lol, lmao and jajajaja

>> No.38391758
File: 160 KB, 480x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost as Poor as Argentina
>have to pay the 2nd most for a red supa
Just fucking end me.

>> No.38391783

So how's he gonna know if a superchat in ARS isn't actually from argentina?

>> No.38391800

Donkey Kong Kountry bros...

>> No.38391806
File: 31 KB, 689x323, 1649063021510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a bit outdated

>> No.38391854

Someone with a chinese name

>> No.38391872
Quoted by: >>38400912

Kek en español

>> No.38391884
File: 118 KB, 827x827, 1628630967715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>almost as Poor as Argentina
nigger are you for real? we get paid in monopoly money, you can't be """almost""" as poor as us

>> No.38391937

SEANIG OP.... you almost doxx yourself

>> No.38391953
Quoted by: >>38392030

first worldler, please understand. Every little rude thing is literally 1984 too

>> No.38392022

Please send vox an ARS akasupa and make a stink on twitter when he bans you

>> No.38392021

>limiting emotes
What a fucking retard, devaluating the value of his own memberships.

>> No.38392030

at least he's not a nord, mfs live in literally the best place in the world and are always bitching

>> No.38392075
Quoted by: >>38392404

what if there is a new fan that didn't knew of this and suddenly got ban for doing this exact thing

>> No.38392101

What's up with all the Vox twatter threads recently?

>> No.38392132
File: 28 KB, 494x353, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38409856

Okay, we're way better than you, but we're both at the bottom of the barrel

>> No.38392164

switch to turkish lira

>> No.38392207

and that's without the almost 100% extra tax bullshit

>> No.38392231
Quoted by: >>38392323

How is he planning to enforce this?

>> No.38392249

why is he such a fag

>> No.38392260

That's what happens if live is too good and parents don't hit their children

>> No.38392323

He will break down and cry as soon as he sees an emote in chat.

>> No.38392395

If your name is in chinese you probably aren't from argentina

>> No.38392404
Quoted by: >>38394131

oh no, how will he survive without the cheapass ARSfaggots

>> No.38392433
Quoted by: >>38392507

he keeps fucking breaking down on twitter, that's why

>> No.38392503

>ARS supas should only be sent by those from Argentina
And how are you going to figure that out? Fucking dipshit.

>> No.38392507

>Literal who does something ie, nothing
>Vox breaks down and throws a temper tantrum on twitter
You love to see it!

>> No.38392549
File: 132 KB, 1434x550, 1647235380742.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.38392645
File: 25 KB, 720x405, E6FPBnCWYAMt-51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a classic

>> No.38392651


>> No.38392704
File: 34 KB, 88x96, 1666023334191212.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ars

>> No.38392730

>I have the literal most expensive red supa in the entire world
For fucks sake

>> No.38392747
Quoted by: >>38394167

>crying about ARS when you make that much money already
How can someone be that unlikable?

>> No.38392775

Switching to BRL for milord, he better be grateful

>> No.38392813
Quoted by: >>38392918

It's probably like 5 bucks for an akasupa by now.

>> No.38392831
File: 1.46 MB, 1143x1500, 1668796332487044.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wanna switch places? you'll get to send very cheap akas

>> No.38392912
File: 2.88 MB, 1920x5220, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that for Argentina citizens there's a 75% tax on every single peso spent on any foreign currency expense. So when you see a AR$100 supa, the argie behind it had to pay an additional $75 to a corrupt government that isn't happy enough to scam the IMF, they also scam their population with one of the most intense tax programs in the world.

>> No.38392918

it is >>38391806

>> No.38393013

>minimum wage after taxes is barely 4 akasupa
we're truly 3rd world Polandbros

>> No.38393101

You don't have the faintest idea of how bad it is in Argentina right now, and how much worse it will get.

>> No.38393166
Quoted by: >>38393405

>Has crazy high taxes
>Still a fourth world leftist shithole

>> No.38393221

Shut up and look at Messi beating the mighty Australia.

>> No.38393225

Also I don't know which ARS to USD conversion value they used for this. There's like 500 of them and only the literal mafia running the country has legal access to the most convenient one.

>> No.38393285

Fedt wicked mand

>> No.38393300

You guys deserve it for not being up in arms to overthrow the government
Imagine still thinking democracy is a good political system

>> No.38393370

So, when does Argentina collapse like Venezuela or Zimbabwe?

>> No.38393405

Rich countries didn't become rich by getting high taxes, they got high taxes after getting rich.

>> No.38393464

It's happening in real time

>> No.38393658
Quoted by: >>38393856

My oshi is argentinian and for her to get 100$ after all the cuts and shitty exchange rate we have to donate her 1000$

>> No.38393673

Probably within a few years. If the niggers in power ever get voted out, you'll see a 1:1 retread of venezuela.

>> No.38393817

>1,000 Argentine Peso equals 5.91 United States Dollar
How old is this shitty $12 chart?

>> No.38393855

Stupid first worlders don't know what living in an actual bad country is, they are all a bunch of spoiled fucks without any contact with reality. Ffs sake the amount of people who says that Canada is a shithole, motherfucker you don't know shit about living in an actual shithole you entitled cunt.

>> No.38393856

If she's a 2view I hope you've been doing your grooming reps anon. Might get a real chance of saving your oshi.

>> No.38393880

>just overthrow the government, amigo, it's easy!
I see you, glowie.

>> No.38393923
Quoted by: >>38394143

But it is easy, just stop being a little shit

>> No.38393924
File: 847 KB, 3000x4000, FjF33LCWYAIqbxb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that your country was richer than the USA but pissed it away since you larped italians a bit too close to the sun

>> No.38393926

It's an year-ish, maybe closer to two. Argentina's inflation literally makes every price double by the end of the year.

>> No.38393935

just call it pink...

>> No.38393966

but it's not pink?

>> No.38393970

It was made by a seething Kindred so of course they use the female words for colours

>> No.38393986

Eastern Europe is not first world lol just because it's not as hysterically bad (sorry ARSbros) doesn't mean living there is great, EE is much closer to third world than first world

>> No.38393999

What a greedy faggot kek

>> No.38394007

he needs to implement English only on his fking chinese chat box

>> No.38394039

Don't you have to set your location to Argentina for youtube to charge you in ARS anyway?

>> No.38394077

My nigga, it's pretty obvious. None of (you) trolls using ars are slick enough thinking you're getting away with it. Same with trying to use indo currency.

>> No.38394129

and its gotten like 5 times worse since then

>> No.38394131
Quoted by: >>38395185

>implying ARSChads watch this cocksucking faggot
Most ARS SC you see in Niji and Holo are from cheapass Amerimutts

>> No.38394135

Poland Strong

>> No.38394143
Quoted by: >>38394347

Half of the country wants to keep living the way they are because the current goverment pays them more than a neurosurgeon to scratch their balls doing nothing besides attending protests against people the current goverment doesnt like.
You go arms up against them and you have to deal with 20 million negros who dont want to give up their gibs for an actual life

>> No.38394167

It's called not being a cheapsake just to get a different supachat. If you can't afford the red, than don't pay for it.

>> No.38394220

december 2020, so 2 years ago

>> No.38394268

>ars only if argie
good luck enforcing that one maricajas

>> No.38394347

How does this work exactly?

>> No.38394463

it doesn't

>> No.38394489
Quoted by: >>38394735

damn he really took it personal

>> No.38394546

where is the blue one

>> No.38394628

1 third of the country is government employees, the other third are gib beggers dependent from the government, and the last third pays for all.

>> No.38394680

I don't send superchats but I'm not switching off ars and giving youtube more money

>> No.38394735

It's because someone brought it up to him and felt it was a shitty thing to do.

>> No.38394750
Quoted by: >>38394880

if it's so bad why aren't you emigrating like venecos? come over to chile bros I want me a white (brown) argie gf

>> No.38394752
File: 167 KB, 320x374, ARS ALMAL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vox : ARS
Ars Almal: "Did someone call my name?"

>> No.38394812

go back to wherever you came from

>> No.38394816
Quoted by: >>38395095

Then stop crying since you are doing absolutely nothing to fix your country

>> No.38394880

They're all over Bolivia already, I thought it was the same in Chile.

>> No.38394908
File: 397 KB, 729x706, 1643702080096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>almost as Poor as Argentina
no chyba jednak nie

>> No.38395059
Quoted by: >>38395226

Is the south of Argentina at least ok?

>> No.38395095
File: 858 KB, 1280x720, 1665315240894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38396237

This harder than sounds looks like

Basically the Chinese and the Russians try really really hard to keep these people in power and if the US does nothing, which is more common than you want to think, there is no way for the locals to counter balance their power no matter how badly they fuck over.

There is also the problem that most of the oppositions are fags and don't want to risk their lives in a conflict they might lose so they keep pushing for "peaceful solutions" & "dialog". Also there is the fact that there is heavy gun control precisely so the population can't ever fight back without external aid.

Sometimes you are not the protagonist of the world and have to realize you are just a pawn in a global war you have no chance of winning. The only answer is to flee.

>> No.38395165

>Pomudachis are Poles
Now everything makes fucking sense.

>> No.38395178

Why don't you Argies move to Spain or Italy?

>> No.38395185
Quoted by: >>38400705

>cheapass Amerimutts
It's been shown that Europoors are the stingiest SCers. SEA and East Asia give mostly in proportion to their income/currency's value.

>> No.38395226

Fake mapuches roam there

>> No.38395227

if i want to give my money to a chinese man i go to a supermarket

not to a faggot

>> No.38395240

Immigration laws plus low job prospects
A lot of people are fleeing anyway

>> No.38395251

I bet they stole her nipples

>> No.38395253

Why Argentina money? I don't get it

>> No.38395270

people that can, go to Europe. Most people can't.

>> No.38395285

He's taking money from the Chinese. Xi would seethe if he wasn't so small time as to be beneath his notice.

>> No.38395336

yeah bro because it's super easy to immigrate into europe

>> No.38395365

It's practically Zimbabwe dollars at this point. You can make $5USD into ARS and it is an akasupa.

>> No.38395386

kek what a jew. no emote spam/talk about the stream instead of some other gay shit is already a thing every other good streamer does. He's deluding himself into thinking his chat will follow his rules.

>> No.38395403
File: 896 KB, 960x594, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38395522

Just sneak on one of those boats, Argbro. They won't be able to tell you apart from the other refugees.

>> No.38395406

I actually don't know what's like to migrate

>> No.38395410

So time to move to Brazil?

>> No.38395425

He could just be happy that he's getting any money at all.
You know, the same way you'd be grateful for even a 5 dollar superchat?
But I guess all the money from chinese femcels got to his retarded head

>> No.38395428

About 100% annual inflation rate

>> No.38395464
Quoted by: >>38395770

If kindred are as toxic as kpop fans (because they're women) they'll enforce it on each other because their master said so.

>> No.38395486
File: 41 KB, 683x237, 1669800765682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh boy here we go

>> No.38395522

>Aloupeps reunion

>> No.38395563

It's not because of that, it's because one ARS aka (5usd) give you the same amount of attention as one USD aka.
It's unfair for the other fans if you're abusing that not being an argie.

>> No.38395604
Quoted by: >>38395855

>pay less to get more
>wtf why is he banning that
You're not an argie. Stay mad you can't afford your beloveds attention and get a job.

>> No.38395702

I'm so damn glad holo get away from these chinks. dealing with SEA already enough, tw dollar still better than those poor chinks sister with ars

>> No.38395770
Quoted by: >>38395835

What're they gonna do, send even more death threats?

>> No.38395791

He's become a lolcow.

>> No.38395823
File: 41 KB, 400x400, 1652743081660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember to thank Coco every day for pulling cover out of the shithole known as China

>> No.38395835

You underestimate how terrifying social ostracization is for women.

>> No.38395855

No one is forcing him to give red supers more attention than others, that's once again on him being a greedy faggot

>> No.38395862
Quoted by: >>38395930

I'm not fond of his type of content, but I must say (3) is based. Fuck ARSfags. Could've just ignored it instead of posting it in public, though.

>> No.38395930

Someone's mad that I can spend 4 bucks and keep my message up the same amount as his half a paycheck.

>> No.38395931

Explain pls

>> No.38396011
Quoted by: >>38396248

>i-it's coommans fault for reading red supas more!
>nobody else does this! it's his greed!
I'm actually shocked you're this retarded. Here's some advice; claim it's a language barrier and you legitimately don't understand my posts. I don't even think calling me one of his orbiters would save you here bud.

>> No.38396053

I would genuinely be surprised if he did have 1 single viewer from argentina

>> No.38396105

>2 makes sense
>3 makes sense
>Send 4 glowsticks during karaoke stream and you're now breaking a rule.


>> No.38396155

He is such a piece of shit. He should be lucky desperate women are donating money. He just want more for his buffet trips.

>> No.38396182

>emote spam
I'm sure that'd be an exception to the rule, like with most people's karaoke streams.

>> No.38396187
File: 120 KB, 1280x284, 1658599417741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's mostly because his chat looks like this even when he's playing a game because his fanbase is full of thirsty fujochinks who can't understand a word that comes out of his mouth

>> No.38396226

Good morning

>> No.38396237
Quoted by: >>38396265

>The only answer is to flee.
So cowards

>> No.38396248

ogey Vox

>> No.38396265
Quoted by: >>38396314

well you can also die pointlessly fighting against armed guards with stones, many did

>> No.38396272
File: 37 KB, 332x365, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.38396289
Quoted by: >>38396330

>nobody did more than 3 emotes
>taken from (presumably) his blowjob asmr video so it is on topic
Doesn't look like rule breaking to me.

>> No.38396314
Quoted by: >>38396480

No revolution would've succeeded if everyone thought like you

>> No.38396330

Of course. What Vox means he wants his chat to look more like this, instead of emoji spam.

>> No.38396480
File: 112 KB, 594x685, 1657173411619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fought, it was pointless. I got shot at. People I knew where arrested and tortured. The CIA is extremely incompetent, etc
There were maybe what? 30 armed uprisings?
There was even a bay of cochinos style invasion before covid. They all failed because you cant win against two superpowers with no backup.
1/10 I wouldn't do it again

>> No.38396653

You know it's actually a real pity that this thread became the ARSbros bitch about how shit argentina is because there's a whole bunch of voxshit I want to dump but doing so now would feel like I'm intruding

>> No.38396685

Make a new thread.

>> No.38396739

lleva calamelo?

>> No.38396752

you can post it in the other thread >>38368396

>> No.38396756
Quoted by: >>38397059

It's ok Vox will have another menhera attack tomorrow , this is literally the third one this week
Not even kidding

>> No.38396795
Quoted by: >>38396953

>The CIA is extremely incompetent
I think they just don't give a shit.
Anyway, aren't things calming down there?

>> No.38396953

Arguably. The Chinese were kind of sick of how we never paid their money back so they took over the economy. They lifted most of the economic restrictions the government imposed on the population allowing for sort of an economic recovery.
Most of the food we important now has Chinese characters.
The problem is that you never know when they will go full retard again and try to murder us all with another famine because lul communism

>> No.38396972

Coco H. Christ our lord and savior in the vt community.

>> No.38397031
Quoted by: >>38397743

Hold on. Wasn't suppose to be USA trying to take over Venezuela because oil? I heard of Maduro being about to start doing deals with USA again.

>> No.38397034
Quoted by: >>38397743

So they did listen to the Chinese envoys after all

>> No.38397059

Since its Monday that's pretty impressive, what were the other 2?

>> No.38397097
Quoted by: >>38397743

>There was even a bay of cochinos style invasion before covid.
When the fuck did that happen?

>> No.38397168
File: 341 KB, 717x580, 1661856785130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38409506

him melting down over getting called chubby because he posted a picture of his waist on twitter

>> No.38397177

the only thing that is better than democracy is an absolute monarch led by self learning benevolent all-knowing neural network and we re not ready for it.

>> No.38397217
File: 191 KB, 1106x1148, 1650373814277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38398449

and him having a panic attack because of low numbers

>> No.38397743
File: 36 KB, 814x476, 1639392246036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38398066

Venezuela is no longer producing oil since the commies ruined that too. The oil is also particularly shitty unlike the Arabian one which HQ. The whole oil thing was always a meme to masquerade the fact people were rising against the goverment that would eventually starve them to death.


They have no choice.

>> No.38397833
Quoted by: >>38400877

Why are so many VTubers mentally I'll?

>> No.38398066
Quoted by: >>38407721

>be handed control of oil that could still provide some profit
>fuck it up somehow
Do commies really?
But on other hand maybe they were plants.

>> No.38398091
File: 3.36 MB, 2048x2048, file (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38413008

glad my oshi is only menhera privately, within the safety of her own home

>> No.38398369

TY based Coco

>> No.38398418

He's right though. Faggots who use ARS should kill themselves

>> No.38398449

Damn, it's crazy that all his bots got kicked offline like that, the NijiZ phenomenon is truly compelling

>> No.38398456

Eat shit you fat whore. Bullying you out of hololive for free was the biggest gift from China to hololive

>> No.38398563

>first world

>> No.38398612

I did
*unzips cock*

>> No.38398708

found the chink

>> No.38399467

Is Ars good place to live if you got decent money? Like with vietnam, indo, etc

>> No.38399546

Socialist countries do their best to take all your money away, it's especially bad in SA countries if you don't know the right people.

>> No.38399668

yeah, just stay in Buenos Aires and never go beyond there.

>> No.38400056

>duplicate file

>> No.38400559

Hey, that's just part of the human condition. We always seek for something better. If you became a millionaire tomorrow, you'd still be bitching about things in like 5 years. The natural state of human consciousness is being unhappy about the state of things. It's how we improve. (Albeit slowly.)

>> No.38400705

That's right. Europeans don't have a tipping culture. I'll pay for a membership, but paying a hundred euros for a message to appear on-screen? That's crazy.

>> No.38400823
Quoted by: >>38408854

Someone post the screencap of the legit ARS lunaito ranting this matter

>> No.38400828
Quoted by: >>38407906

It's crazy no matter where you are from. You can get so much more for 100$ than a 'thank you!'. It is so stupid. Membership makes sense IF they actually make content for it. SC are for suckers.

>> No.38400857
Quoted by: >>38400992


>> No.38400877

You have to be to roleplay an anime person.
And you have to be twice as menhera to entertain the idea and support by viewing and donating. Thus, schizo fans

>> No.38400912


>> No.38400992

No such thing

>> No.38401111

Messi is finished.

>> No.38401364
Quoted by: >>38401505

Argentina's economy is proof that capitalism just doesn't work.

>> No.38401505

Neoliberalism* aka globalism

>> No.38401892

i wonder why someone from argentine will donate to vox, he is british you know, yes his behavior is very close to a latin american but he is still from the uk.

>> No.38402153

>limited to 3 emotes
Vox beefing with WatchmenWakeUp for this clearly he is a demonic Santa (Satan) worshipper

>> No.38402225
File: 39 KB, 539x360, money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>NOOOO don't exploit the loophole and spend less money when sending SC!
>Give me money, money me, money now, me a money needing a lot now!
I'm willing to bet the numberfag got worried that he'd loose his spot on the # list

>> No.38402280

he WILL turn into a 2view
what a loser

>> No.38402353

why the fuck my country is poor as shit and has one of most expensive akas what the fuck

>> No.38402441
Quoted by: >>38402601

wtf? muricans can send scs for less money than me?
never call me a europoor again you 3rd world suckers

>> No.38402601

That's an old picture, it's now $105 and at one point it was less than $100

>> No.38402600

If you are an Argentinian Polish-descendant, are you extra poor?

>> No.38402616
Quoted by: >>38402662

so Kiara, who is one of the highest superchatted holo, might be #1 EN when it comes to money earned in the end, consigering most her scs are send in €

>> No.38402662
Quoted by: >>38402693

Are you retarded?

>> No.38402677

It’s because people send ARS in order to troll with red superchats without paying any money. That said, a smart vtuber just deals with it, Vox is just menhera as fuck.

>> No.38402693
Quoted by: >>38402820

are you?

>> No.38402820

She lives in europe, taxes take away most of her money.

>> No.38402856


>> No.38402924

Anon, burgerlanders use pre-tax income for these measurements. We tell people our salaries without accounting for income taxes and shit first. And for rankings like these, it’s better to not include taxes anyway since the thing being measured is how popular the vtuber is rather than how much she’s earning.

>> No.38403331
Quoted by: >>38407906

This explains why that faggot wildestduck sends so many blue ARS SCs per stream and I have to listen to Pomu repeat his name name like 1800 times in any given SC reading

>> No.38403625

you gave me a giggle mate.

>> No.38404359

He has to be able to buy his Burberry shit after all

>> No.38405282

That's sad.

>> No.38406478

This is sad.

>> No.38406609
Quoted by: >>38407414

>He's afraid of emotes
>He doesn't want red superchats
>Offends an entire country
It's another Vox meltdown. He needs to be suspended so that he can focus on his mental health.

>> No.38407414
Quoted by: >>38408209

He doesn't want a chat full of spam and he doesn't want 5$ "akasupas", no shit.
Look, I don't like him either, but these are all reasonable things to ask for.

>> No.38407721

>Do commies really?
Yes, commies really fuck it up when they actually try to do this in their communist structure unlike say, Vietnam who went full on capitalist in industry but with a commie veneer.

>> No.38407797

Akasupa is either for oil princes or obsessed paypigs with cash to blow on their oshi. A typical working stiff millennial shouldn't ever be donoing more than like $20. Beyond that, you're probably a gachikoi that's out of control.

>> No.38407906
Quoted by: >>38408192

Sometimes I SC $5 to a chuuba that I'm liking but probably won't ever watch regularly.
I'd send Pomu a maro about that bullshit.

>> No.38408015

I would think Vox would enjoy getting paid in arse.

>> No.38408188

Yeah. I do not recommend the most populated areas of Buenos Aires though, unless you're paranoid and are ready to run for your life every time you open the front door. Cordoba, Salta and generally speaking the Patagonia are decent places to live in, depending on what you want.

>> No.38408192

Pomu closed her marshmallows ages ago because Holofaggots would send her death threats

>> No.38408209
Quoted by: >>38409043

>he doesn't want 5$ "akasupas
What about not giving extra attention to akasupas? Sounds like an easy problem to fix.

>> No.38408328

If messi dies, will the entire argentine shave head in mourning?

>> No.38408691

From what I can tell, these numbers seem to be from almost two years ago. ARS has been continually dropping (kek) but not that fast.
FTR, current quotes for an aka:
ARS $5.91
BRL $18.94
RUB $31.96
UGX $26.89
INR $24.42
PEN $26.08
UYU $38.26
BYN $39.61
CZK $43.14
ZAR $40.03
MXN $50.67
RSD $44.71
PHP $44.62
TWD $49.09
COP $41.61
HNL $60.60
BAM $54.03
BGN $53.72
HKD $64.35
CLP $55.80
HUF $50.71
NZD $63.14
PYG $69.52
NIO $68.67
AUD $66.94
BOB $72.43
SGD $73.69
CAD $73.54
HRK $69.44
CRC $83.00
DOP $91.41
GTQ $89.16
KRW $76.59
JPY $73.11
MKD $85.69
NOK $100.44
CHF $106.02
ISK $105.66
SEK $96.04
EUR $104.86
RON $106.65
GBP $121.86
PLN $111.31
DKK $141.02

>> No.38408720

ARS posters are the worst kind of fans (excluding actual argentines). Attention whores who don't care to actually support their oshis.

>> No.38408774

i love her giggles but i hate her ARK arc

>> No.38408854

You missed it: >>38392549

>> No.38408964
Quoted by: >>38429632

so buying danish krones and then send aka supas on max amount would be the ultime move

>> No.38409043
Quoted by: >>38409246

then there's no point in sending akasupas

>> No.38409246

Basically, but it's much healthier for you channel and community when it's people donating who want to support you instead of people who are craving for attention.

>> No.38409472

No, they are mostly Brazilian and Mexican. This was proven a long time ago in /NijiEN/.

>> No.38409506


if you know his groomer history you know that shit is REALLY gonna hit hard for him
he relies entirely on his voice to get him laid and it's a damn good thing he happens to have that voice because his looks are a yikes. Not gonna lure those questionably aged fangirls in with a gut.

>> No.38409856

>World gdp per capita for 2021 was $12,263
Just for perspective.

>> No.38409867
Quoted by: >>38410207

Chinas ojos de culo y la concha de su hermana, go and donate with your shitass pandemic money you crazy ass bitches

>> No.38410207

Sir this isn't a taco bell

>> No.38413008

No need to thank me. I dick her down really good and put her behavior in check.

>> No.38413512
Quoted by: >>38416027

>get paid in Ars
>Go to Us
>Convert the money
Am I the only person on the planet who uses their brain?

>> No.38416027

>implying theres a single soul outside of Argentina who is willing to buy ARS

>> No.38416588

I thought this was going to be Vox collabing with Ars, I am relieved.

>> No.38416861

People have been spamming emotes even before kizuna ai, especially on karaoke stream. Who the fuck is this faggot trying to change the culture?

>> No.38418487
Quoted by: >>38422320

wtf is wrong with women? not even chumbabs act like this

>> No.38422320

Women don't get slapped for being horny in public the same way men do, because a horny woman is a slut whereas a horny man is a threat, so they have less inhibitions about acting like complete animals in chat
Also Zhangs

>> No.38422824 [DELETED] 


>> No.38424520
Quoted by: >>38434038

>ARS below BRL
M-messibros can we even win against the dutch and Brazil

>> No.38426409

>JPY fell almost 30%
I guess that's why EN stopped pandering to Japanese viewers

>> No.38429632

Yes. 500 DKKs(dicks) for your oshi.

>> No.38434038


>> No.38434465
File: 179 KB, 1017x955, 1667149035984433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>38437346

How does membership work? He said about supas but nothing about membership if he even has one
Do they get a percentage or a fixed amount for each member or something like that?
Basic membership for most channels is like 30-60 ARS. Even I living in this shithole can afford that no problem

>> No.38434805

The fact these may be children due to not being able to buy a Vox membership is terrifying.

>> No.38434952

Sigh, time to move on to the Brazilian shitcoin then

>> No.38436867
File: 132 KB, 1080x816, YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ARS akas got updated a while ago to min 26usd and max 22500ars=130usd, still bad but not that bad.

>> No.38437346

They pretty much work the same as superchats, just without the messages

>> No.38437597
File: 1.68 MB, 807x544, 1653749134357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also >Vox

>> No.38438877
Quoted by: >>38440528

don't really watch vox or any males outside of collabs, does he only read akas?

i send supas to scarle sometimes because she reads nearly all of them instantly, even like $2 ones. enna and aia tend to read even low amount ones soon after getting them as well

>> No.38440528

He favors them, and seldom reads the rest

>> No.38440659


If he really wants to complain about it, complain to YouTube that allows it, not the fan base. People are beating the system and he's getting pennies on the dollar compared to a US donor.

He doesn't really think that people are suddenly going to send him $100 instead of $6 just for a red super right?

>> No.38440935

A Red Superchat costs $100 US or you can just send a $1000 Argentine Peso Superchat which is the equivalent of $5.91 US dollars.

In other words, you can send almost 17 red superchats, which ALWAYS get the most attention, for the price of one usually all by just switching currencies to one of the least valuable currencies in the world.

>> No.38441016
Quoted by: >>38445115


This. They all pay more attention to red supers than any of the other ones, so getting mad at people for finding a loophole through their BS SC favoritism is targeting the wrong people. If streamers want to direct their anger towards someone, direct it to YouTube for making that system like it is.

>> No.38441455

The real benefit of NordVPN!

>> No.38441461

based ARS luknight

>> No.38441635

Maybe stop electing socialists? I'll never understand South America, they've been fucked so hard by socialist policies that most of their countries are trainwrecks but they just keep voting for it over and over

>> No.38445115
Quoted by: >>38447130

Didn't youtube try and ban people from using proxies to pretend they're from Argentina?

>> No.38447130

If youtube actually cared they would've just removed ARS from the list of superchattable currencies
Seriously ars is worth so little right now I would literally save money if I wiped my ass with ARS instead of toilet paper every morning
