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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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3812642 No.3812642 [Reply] [Original]


Thread for the discussion of NASFAQ, a financial market simulator based on trading of coins that represent the members of hololive.

This is a fake stock market game meant for fun, not a real crypto.

Research 1: https://schedule.hololive.tv
Research 2: https://holo.poi.cat

Previous thread: >>3769771



>> No.3812738
File: 1.43 MB, 970x546, 1618329250955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look OP we shilled the update, please never bring this to r*ddit or other cesspools of fucking idiots

>> No.3812883
File: 365 KB, 512x512, give me your wallet[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1irdl5.ogg].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3812972
File: 2.62 MB, 393x393, Jrycg4Z - Imgur.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3813035

you fucking mad lad, you actually did it

>> No.3813035
File: 73 KB, 553x493, 1617882847746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you don't see the faggot Mikoposter around, consider me banned for a while

>> No.3813042
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Quoted by: >>3813807

based OP

>> No.3813807
File: 153 KB, 249x259, 1618668121134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3814135

>2,1k Tenshi
bring me back to simpler times

>> No.3814113
File: 66 KB, 628x548, 1619727804789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3814151


>> No.3814135
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It was a good time.

>> No.3814151
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Quoted by: >>3814204


>> No.3814204
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>> No.3814256 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.3814309
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>> No.3814347
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>> No.3814466
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Quoted by: >>3814889 >>3814914

ADD NIJIEN so I can buy up Pomu's oshiboard

>> No.3814831
File: 314 KB, 770x1088, from1st_kv_sp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3814889
Quoted by: >>3816114

If ANY Nijis get added I want Lulu and Chiima.
Maybe Ange.

>> No.3814914
Quoted by: >>3816114

No. We don't need more shit coins

>> No.3816114
Quoted by: >>3816639 >>3817213

Why not? Those who just wants to win can always just pump Gura anyways

>> No.3816639
Quoted by: >>3817285 >>3840305

Not like new coins is a bad thing on it's own, but the game really needs to tackle more important issues like batshit insane inflation before adding even more coins to broken economy

>> No.3817213

First of all
>nasfaq is a financial market simulator based on the performance of the virtual Youtubers under the Hololive idol agency.
Secondly, they will be shit coins nobody cares about and they will just make the rich richer.

>> No.3817285
File: 3.69 MB, 240x224, 1620322974471.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

strap in for divvies induced hyper inflation 2: electric boogaloo THIS WEEKEND!

the worst thing is that the top 20 will not want it fixed because they (rightfully) built up their money adhering to all the rules of the market, the only "change" I can see happening is honk introducing a new currency into the market which removes some zeroes once in a while.

How many weeks until we're Zimbabwe-Levels?

>> No.3817713
Quoted by: >>3817848

I give it 3 weeks before anyone from top 10 can sole handedly crash the game economy any moment if he pleases so.
yeah and new accounts will get around 200k too

>> No.3817848

What would you guys think of a store where you can cash in your liquid for cosmetic oshi badges that give you a fraction of the oshi divvy
Recent accounts won't even be able to keep up at this rate.

>> No.3818020
File: 53 KB, 750x746, IMG-20190809-WA0025.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cutting down divvies will shaft the new players and do nothing to the top players, which may be healthier for the game but will kill the playerbase that isn't already established.
>Introducing new coins will just stall inflation for maybe half a week because even poorfags are sitting on enough liquid to pump a new penny stock to match current low-end stocks.
>Money sinks that are introduced to cut down on inflation will have to be genuinely valuable, but at this point most of the viable money sinks are either Winmore or dumb cosmetic shit that would be a trap for lower-end players.
Honestly at this point the main thing that will salvage the game while retaining the playerbase isn't a new coin or a wallet reset, but crashing the market deep into the red, deep enough that people can't just pump it back up in a few cycles, but not so deep that it's impossible for the game to be recovered. We need a regular Bloody Week, basically. Adjustment is meant to offset a stock going much higher than the channel's performance would indicate, but in my opinion the downward adjustment isn't harsh enough. If you pump Kanata +$1500 in a day but she has low views and no real sub growth, you should eat shit on that investment. Gura should still reasonably be one of the better performers, but it shouldn't be reasonably possible for her to spike over $2000 upward while she doesn't even stream for most of a week. Channel performance needs to be more impactful on the price of the coin.
Also, make Dividends based on Superchats. If that means divvies have to adjust less often (since it takes longer to get Superchat numbers, if I recall), then so be it.

>> No.3818333
Quoted by: >>3818748 >>3818788

Honestly, core problem is that money comes from nothing, a lot of money. Divvies will always mean that rich get richer, poor poorer and inflation inflates

>> No.3818748
Quoted by: >>3818805 >>3819412

Divvies only account for inflation when that inflation is left unchecked. Right now we have the observation that coins can go to the fucking moon from nothing (Nenechi) and never going down again because the downwards adjustments are seemingly not in relation to any ABSOLUTE value determined by the channel statistics, but rather something RELATIVE like weekly performance trying to balance it out - now failing because it'll go down the same $600 for a week which is basically a second coming for daytraders as the market adapts to the new price, gabs some coins and waits for the next upwards adjustment.

I wholeheartedly agree with
>If you pump Kanata +$1500 in a day but she has low views and no real sub growth, you should eat shit on that investment.
and that just doesn't happen anymore. It would make sense to have something like a coin base value (let's for simplicity's sake say 1/1000th of the subcount, so $2,600 for Gura and ~$960 for Ina) from which you then take off or add a certain amount each adjustment comparative to performance. So the coins will actually be ~$3000 and ~$1050 adding in daily viewers, you can now buy or sell these. Adjustments should go up or down to the new projected value in both cases, having abnormally high views or not streaming at all, of course keeping the other supersekrit factors like subticks or whatever into account.
Basically, as you said,
>Channel performance needs to be more impactful on the price of the coin.

The only way for a coin to moon ~100% like Gura would be for it to gain +100% subs with an equal amount of views. For Gura that should also mean +$3000 because that number is much more people.

Player trades in turn should not have resting effects on coins at all. Or if they SHOULD have them, why does a coin with abyssmal trading volumes like Kanatan stay up?

Tying the price down like this would take LOTS of money out of the system on it's own, because the only way to daytrade would be betting on the right horse instead of betting on ANY horse and just waiting for the rest of the fucking market to inflate to the desired price. There is NO reason Mikochi should be at $3300 right now when she was $2,200 two weeks before and had average days throughout since then.

>> No.3818788
Quoted by: >>3819412

Yeah but you can't reasonably cut divvies because they're the only way you can get money in the early game and a valuable source of buffer against getting screwed on investments that go sour. Problem is that investments never go sour. You can just buy whatever suits your fancy. Even if you make a completely retarded decision and take a hit, you can just hold out and wait for retards with liquid to pump your bad decision into a good one.
For example, look at Mio. Yesterday I invested in her because I made the judgement call that her TWEWY stream would bring in more viewers than it did, bought in fairly early, but she adjusted down hard. As soon as she did, a boatload of people looking for something to spend their liquid on invested and pumped her back up, and within an hour of adjustment I went from being FINANCIALLY RUINED NOO back to breaking even. That should not be possible. I shouldn't be able to just hold for an hour and completely delete any of my bad decisions. Cuts should be deeper and punishments for bad calls should be steeper.

>> No.3818805
Quoted by: >>3818948

I think the quickest way to implement this is going away from coins going sideways if overvalued. That's just asking for desaster, we'll have nothing go down anymore because it all will reach that critical point in a day's length because people just have the money.

>> No.3818910
Quoted by: >>3819061 >>3819078

The only winner of your case is someone in top 10 who liquified their assets before the crash happen and he will get rich even more by the new standard, that's the best scenario for Mogu if he decide to ever play again.

>> No.3818948
Quoted by: >>3819078 >>3819107

I kinda like this idea but it would have to be done so carefully. if a coin gets pumped 20% because of a big stream then crashes all you've done is ruined adjustments again. Eg. AZKi and Suisei both got pumped so hard yesterday they both went sideways. You can, for the most part, know if that's going to be the case in advance and just sell at the day high in the evening but it's not as fun as BIG GREEN NUMBER. Watching the ticker update and get a +90% like Nene or Risu did is glorious.

>> No.3819061

That's why my second suggestion was to just have downward adjustments be harsher. If the game is supposed to encourage you to know what's going on with channels and make investment decisions based on that knowledge, you should actually need to know channels well to make good investments. Right now, I don't have to know SHIT about what's going on. If I keep NASFAQ open in a window and just check prices of stock I'm interested in, I'll come out ahead eventually. Any bad decision I make is instantly fixed by the amount of people that see red number and buy because there's so much liquid around but nothing to invest in.

>> No.3819078
File: 245 KB, 571x781, 2021-01-31_13h34_51.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3819118 >>3819598

deciding on how to do this is one of the reasons I think the DEVs won't because this is one of the things you'll have to fuck someone over for.
If you cut divvies down you fuck the poor, if you tax the rich huge market forces will say fuck you and not play anymore, it's basically why you can't just take money off the rich and give it to the poor because the rich will just leave, cutting away highly productive members of society.

Starting fresh by announcing harsher market conditions, depending on how long beforehand, will actually be the fairest of them all. The play is to sell fucking everything (which would take Mogu 520 cy--- err, cooldowns which is still 86 hours of straight up selling) so rescue your money and be there for the big red, then take care to not over-invest because if you do you get fucked the first adjustment.

Knowing honk the better approach would be to just silently implement this shit and enjoy the red wojak shitfest of a thread we would have, can't deny I would also find it fucking hilarious.

sure it's glorious but if they were in for +140% and get inflated to +150%, that's your thing to guess. If they just sideline once they're over the x% they were destined to, we can just blindly throw money at any overperforming stream forever and never lose (except the dudes selling late).

>> No.3819098
File: 1.17 MB, 168x192, 1593272881804.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which time for the adjustment?

>> No.3819107
Quoted by: >>3819169

Most chuubas stream on fairly consistent schedules, only breaking away from those schedules for special events or breaks, so perhaps instead of comparing today's views to yesterday's, it compares to that day in the previous week? So if Ame streams her regular game on Tuesday, but the next Tuesday she streams more, or has a special reveal that gives a lot of views, she goes up, but if she takes a break the Tuesday after, it crashes.

>> No.3819113

Fuck a rrat generator, I want to be able to pay 100k to bog a coin or makes the sell button not work for 10 minutes.

>> No.3819118
File: 98 KB, 2400x1350, 1607939454743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we can just blindly throw money at any overperforming stream forever and never lose (except the dudes selling late).

actually, let me rephrase that, right now we can just throw money at ANY coin and wait until people get desperate to click the green button SOMEwhere.

>> No.3819148
File: 94 KB, 201x332, 1620666702001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This but unironically.

>> No.3819169

That's already sort of how it works, if you notice an adjustment that doesn't entirely make sense to you 99% of the time it's a really good (or bad) day has just been pushed out of the weekly average.

>> No.3819372
File: 268 KB, 443x501, 1610373837466.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It HAS to be a collaborated effort by the playerbase do actually do anything, and opportunities should be either completely random OR tied to daily performance.
Let me draw up a simplified idea:

Let's say you get 6 rrats a day, 3 for the top performers and 3 for the bottom coins or lazy streamers who did nothing and weren't traded at all. We'd have to curate some funny text for all of those like

- Gura contracted lung cancer from smoking, no more singing streams for cumbuds! (tanks the coin)


- Ayame was seen sucking dick for LoL advice (tanks the coin)


- Word in the mall is that Coco saved Kanatan from eating grass (moons the coin)

- Scientists found out in a study that Mio's giggle in fact DOES cure AIDS and Ebola (moons the coin)

You can then either "buy into" these rrats or "ogey" them away, in this particular case lets say this happens:
- Chumbuds violently "ogey" their coin so nothing happens to the value
- Ningensamatachis try to "ogey" but whoreposters buy in like lunatics, overpowering them. Turns out Ayame fucks for LoL training and her stock tank a -25% next adjustment regardless of where they were supposed to go.
- Tatsunokos are more invested posting their 17th edition of a PANIK meme on r*ddit and the rrat get's ogey'd hard so nothing happens.
- Miosha has no antis, so Miofa buy 2 tickets into the rrat, mooning her value some 4 additional percent the following adjustment

r8, h8, masturb8

>> No.3819412
Quoted by: >>3819594

>Divvies only account for inflation when that inflation is left unchecked
There's litterally exponentially growing by each week influx of money to the game. No one will care about any bullshit you do to fixate coin prices if they can just buy any coin 24/7 by cd and don't give a damn.
>they're the only way you can get money in the early game
and you think it's working? You'll get MUCH more early on by adjustment trading than you could by divvies, they will only come in handy when you have more liquid than you could use by one adjustment, not before. And you remember that we talking about exponential growth? That means that someone like yfp not will just make more money than anyone from outside of top 10, but the difference in the money they receive will also grow every week. Basically, this results in yfp alone having "98%" of the game budget unless he decides to just quit one day.
I swear, if this game turns me into a commie, i'll hire bitcoin assassin for honk

>> No.3819459
File: 189 KB, 399x372, 1607350522199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the dumbest fucking thing I've read all day, where do I sign up?

>> No.3819589

I want to be able to pay 100k to get my oshi coin from dead accounts

>> No.3819594
File: 717 KB, 1198x674, 1615860932682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> A japanese Idol card game on a basket weaving indonesian bulletin board website turned me into a communst.

>> No.3819598
Quoted by: >>3819620 >>3820347

Didn't Mogu has over than 1.5 million unused budget?

>> No.3819620
Quoted by: >>3819654


>> No.3819654

Sorry for my Hopefully I keep improving.

>> No.3819678
File: 128 KB, 581x443, UtAXSFK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3819755
Quoted by: >>3820034

I am willing to pay the poor 100k if they give me all my oshi and promise never to buy her again

>> No.3819772
Quoted by: >>3820455

I don't really care about inflation. I just want to sell or buy 500 coins at once and see the thread devolve into madness.

>> No.3819782
File: 396 KB, 480x401, 1618012057089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can now pay the price of a coin to delete it from someone elses wallet.

>> No.3820034
Quoted by: >>3820110

I would pay a premium to buy coins from other users just so I can increase my market share of my oshi

>> No.3820110
Quoted by: >>3820408

Wait, are you literally trying to play a >fake stock market game
without inter-user exchange?
Are you retarded?
t. never been into these threads before

>> No.3820145
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>> No.3820179
Quoted by: >>3820287

Imagine the salt if you could buy the ability to be on multiple oshiboards, would be a good money sink too.
Stocks only go up.

>> No.3820287
Quoted by: >>3820391 >>3820623

Imagine if to be on oshiboard at all you would needed to actually spend money and not just hold them

>> No.3820347
Quoted by: >>3821327 >>3828488

last report from him was 750k. Also consider he'd have to invest that shit if he wants to be inflation-proof, ironically.

>> No.3820391

That would probably be the best way to implement a dividend tax, it sounds a bit gay though.

>> No.3820408
File: 766 KB, 800x900, 1620561251865.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3820664

>are you seriously watching a VTuber who only feels like a girlfriend?
>are you retarded?

you take what you get or you get nothing, the DEVs do it for free and they didn't get around to it yet pls andastan

>> No.3820455
File: 336 KB, 450x444, 1619889231103.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>500 coins at once
>even with fucking Iofi that's $700k
>with Luna it's over $1M
>next week double that price
>fucking everyone does it as well

>> No.3820534

First generation is a good investment.

>> No.3820591
Quoted by: >>3820681

yfp or tft should just buy 2000 iofi, it would be funny

>> No.3820623

Oshicoining is already a debuff, we don't need another one

>> No.3820664
File: 173 KB, 1080x1077, 5f23c8d1c7f6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a VTuber who only feels like a girlfriend?
The thing is, a stock market without real exchange is like watching AO and calling "her" your "girlfriend"
I don't think doing it for free should be anyone's excuse but in any case, I do wish you "success" in your "investments"

>> No.3820681

This would literally take them 2 weeks.

>> No.3820782
Quoted by: >>3821059

>stock market without real exchange
yes it's a game, it doesn't make any sense
>doing it for free
yes, it's called "playing", people do it for "fun"

>> No.3821058

Holy shit this sound so fucking funny I hope it gets added

>> No.3821059
Quoted by: >>3821363 >>3821852

You got pretty defensive and against just some outsider trying to understand what kinda dogshit goes inside to make the thread shine so brightly from outside. Why so insecure?

>> No.3821137

The exact stupid thing that would make the game great. Only problem is that it would scare off people from outside /vt/ at best or severely break containment at worst.

>> No.3821327
Quoted by: >>3822534 >>3828488

You can check his wallet, yeah you were right it's around 750k.

>> No.3821363

>some outsider
Hey I guess the OP is working!

>> No.3821852

your meds anon

>> No.3822459
File: 230 KB, 439x306, 1615095293184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could like, I dunno, outlandish proposal and nobody ever said shit like this but, uuh... make a better platform then? Integrate all the shit you miss here, then call us. Trust the thread to "rate" your model of economy.

>> No.3822469
Quoted by: >>3823328

It's a free money skinner box, you can influence prices for others by buying/selling but at the end of the day the game is full of literal free money.
If there was no broker that creates stocks out of thin air how would you allocate new shares of stocks? The framework to trade between players also doesn't even exist yet, first the dev team has to implement buy/sell orders before they can even realistically consider player to player sales (but what would be the point? Why would you undercut the market or buy a stock at above market value?)
There's maybe a possibility of transitioning to a more closed ecosystem with less reliance on the broker and more player-to-player trades, but the playerbase still needs more time to mature before that can happen imo.

>> No.3822534

I trust the dude to not lie, he's a bro and said it himself like 2 threads ago? Maybe even last thread.

>> No.3822968 [DELETED] 

It's been one hour and I still don't get the analogy. What the fuck does that even mean?

>> No.3823265

It's a game made by a couple of retards on a mongolian basket weaving forum based on a meme that originated there. It's not intended to be some kind of crypto or actual stock market simulator. Why should it operate like actual investments?

>> No.3823328
File: 124 KB, 1000x1000, EuWIZq8VIAI5uwL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3823448

There's more parts to this game than one thinks, but solid groundwork is important.
The system we have right now lays out a functioning market economy simulator which is quite performant given the circumstances, and around one and a half months of data to analyze will also help in understanding the player.

If you want to remove the broker, there would have to be some entity giving out the coins. Let's call them HoloCorps for now, also we'd have to reset for this.
If it were real Corporations, they would be valued at a certain price point determined by the algorithm. An IPO would follow, let's say IPOs are half a day for each HoloCorp, they set a certain coin goal and take buy offers for that coin goal, for instance RoboCorp wants to give out 200 shares. A price would be determined by the algorithm taking the last month's performance (basically re-use the current algo with another average for this), if all coins sell out perfectly you would receive x coin for that price. If less coin sell out RoboCorp would stll be offering stocks for that fixed price until they're out, otherwise there's buy orders for that price left hanging.

Now let's say RoboCorp has a good day in streaming. It will raise the price point and put out some buy offers on its own to buy back the stock, raising the price in the process.
Reversely, when a bad day hits, RoboCorp would sell additional shares, further lowering the value of ALL shares.
Why is that? Because a share price is usually Evaluation of the company / number of shares.
Usually it's (((rating agencies))) throwing dice who decides the first value, we can just use the algo we already have for it.

Player-to-player would be anonymous as a main mode, you put out a sell order, a volume and a price and wait. If a buy order matches that price or goes higher, you get to sell - if we want to keep it simple, for the average of both prices. Vice versa for buying orders, if a seller comes in selling matched or lower, you buy. Then you have people lining up their orders from buying for insanely low to selling for insanely high, those will stand for a while until the price corrects up or down.

From that framework fucking everything is possible. Tons of tweaking when Corps will act and how could be made, etc.

>> No.3823448
File: 176 KB, 1121x1080, 1617034676671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep in mind such a system would require MUCH more research, prediction, and fucking keyboard presses to properly work, so people who like the current "click green receive holocoin" approach might be burned away.

>> No.3823506
Quoted by: >>3824279

I thought people hate rng? some suggestions here are literally devs manipulating the market. the coco incident made players mass quit due to higher transaction fees which is the dev solution for the inflation and you guys want a 2.0? go for cosmetics devs, no one wants to get bogged for no reason

>> No.3824279

well right now the player collective is stronger than the "RNG" market forces so it's even lower than RNG, it's a dice which just rolls TRUE on every side, or "UP" rather.

>> No.3825018
File: 3 KB, 1839x28, 1602966067077.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>250 MB of RAM
are you fucking kidding me this is worse than youtube

>> No.3825044

You've got tons of data loaded into the page all at once, what did you expect?

>> No.3825500

Gotta invest into Apple early.

>> No.3826188
File: 41 KB, 799x418, ZvhQm6m.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3826266

Explain why you don't have at least 10 more.

>> No.3826266
Quoted by: >>3826495


>> No.3826495
File: 5 KB, 603x97, 7re4NqX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing shit about these gains

>> No.3827938
File: 329 KB, 515x668, 1620127841275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do NOT buy Towa

>> No.3828488
File: 83 KB, 300x337, 1611722758403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3843316

796079.18 is precisely what I have currently
just considering biting the bullet on okayu
it's hard for me since my average on okayu is over 1k lower than the current price

>> No.3828567
Quoted by: >>3828637 >>3844809

Much like Diablo 2 ladder and seasons, perhaps have each 'season' be a race to X amount of money or end at a certain date. Let there be winners and losers instead of an infinite game.
I can think of a ton of benefits to such a system, what do the active players think though?

>> No.3828637

I think it would be interesting but you would lose all the oshicoiners that play the game

>> No.3828701
File: 390 KB, 632x573, 1621166126616.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do coin values not crater anymore? Is everything getting purposefully inflated? Is this even a good economic simulator?

>> No.3828835

you're implying that they did in the first place

>> No.3828896
Quoted by: >>3828981

The dividend payout is large enough that people feel comfortable not selling at all, as their investment will eventually pay a good percentage of itself back within a week and also inflate like the other coins.

>> No.3828981
Quoted by: >>3829043 >>3829074

How pissed would people be if they just cut down dividends now that the market works for adjustments? Honestly I wouldn't mind a lower dividend, it would make dividend plays less smart and encourage more trading and selling.

>> No.3829043
Quoted by: >>3829106 >>3829419

The people buying like 6 Gura an hour would definitely conduct a hunger strike or something

>> No.3829074
Quoted by: >>3829106 >>3829112

People (especially the poor/new) would riot over it since you're basically gimping them of ever getting anywhere if you changed it without resetting it.

>> No.3829106
Quoted by: >>3829342 >>3843523

>Soulless play gets punished
Good. Apart from actual chumbuds fuck them.
But you can still daytrade/adjustment trade no? If you're good enough at it/actually fucking watch streams you'd be able to earn a decent amount. That's how it worked in the beginning.

>> No.3829112

I just started and think the dividends are absurd

>> No.3829342
Quoted by: >>3829407

Yea but in the beginning (right after the reset before the queue was hidden) most of the money was just made by pumping and dumping the same couple coins. After the queue was hidden most of the money was made by just buying the obvious adjustments which was relatively risk free because the volatility was relatively low and you wouldn't lose any money. You could probably get away with 8+ coins on the good adjustments. It was relatively risk free to make money in the early days. After the Coco update most of your money is made on dividends only. You can make some money off big events/daily trading but none of that compares with dividends.

>> No.3829359
Quoted by: >>3829407 >>3829485

how is this game still alive?

>> No.3829407
Quoted by: >>3829601 >>3829735

How do you propose to solve the problem then? I feel like dividends are too powerful right now and they're inflating the market to hell.
Devs actually care apparently and are delivering updates and also numbers going up stimulates the brain.

>> No.3829419
File: 64 KB, 227x222, 1621214244223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The people buying like 6 Gura an hour would definitely conduct a hunger strike or something
are you saying that this is a bad thing?

>> No.3829485
File: 322 KB, 800x800, 1618202716541.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The devs unfucked a lot of the bad decisions from the last econ update while also adding a bunch of QoL and new features

>> No.3829504
Quoted by: >>3843707

I think the problem with divies are less than it being money printer but more on that you just have to buy gura to win. If viable divie plays is possible then its a good system. Oshicoiner will be happy because there will come a time that divie will favor them, daytraders will be happy cuz efficient, new players will be happy because cheaper coin can be a divie play

>> No.3829601
Quoted by: >>3829650 >>3843558

I don't have a solution myself but there are some obvious no-gos to solving the inflation problem. There was a solution posted on the floor that someone brought up in here. After dividends the new coin of the price would be price before divs - div payout = new price of coin. There are some problems with this solution though. Only the good div coins would be bought post divs because they drop the most due to them being the best div coins. And also once there are enough coins in circulation the price of the coin might just continue to deflate because there just isn't a way to raise the coin price fast enough but that's a problem that can be fixed by adjusting the volatility formula.

>> No.3829650

>Dividends function as withdrawals
So how does this make coins worth buying for divies then? It literally is just like withdrawing the cash from the coins, but only a fraction of it.

>> No.3829735
Quoted by: >>3843640

Adding money sinks imo. Cosmetics/collectibles. Make a pit that you can throw you money. Changing how trading and dividends works is a no go for me because this is the foundation of the game, fucking with it too much will get us nowhere

>> No.3829887

It think this system would reward people who find and buy the more undervalued coins and punish those who buy overvalued coins. It would turn it into more of a speculation on the next weeks performance though

>> No.3829900
Quoted by: >>3829939

Bruh I wanted to make an account but I can't answer the "towa..." question

>> No.3829939
Quoted by: >>3830011


>> No.3829948
File: 9 KB, 107x47, heh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3844456

>> No.3830011

thanks, I feel like a tourist

>> No.3830043
File: 55 KB, 398x460, 1603088275722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3830074 >>3830134

Hi everyone - small update added today. You can now sort the compact market rows by clicking the column headers, and there is now a Recent History tab on the activity page which shows the past 15 minute block's transactions. Should make recent trends easier to spot as well as loading faster in general.

>> No.3830071
File: 230 KB, 488x491, 1599279809418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3830074


>> No.3830128
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>> No.3830134

Thanks honk and friends. Pumping out these updates for the poor

>> No.3830224
Quoted by: >>3830303

So now that trades are instant, isn't this game gonna just turn back into the old pump & dump schemes?

>from someone who hasn't played the game since the third week this game released

>> No.3830303

The new economy system makes it so that for people to earn in a pump and dump, somebody else has to lose money.

>> No.3831026
Quoted by: >>3845691

Nothing craters because everybody is running around with more liquid than they know what to do with but enough brains to not buy just anything. We either need a large population of exploitable moron investors, deeper cuts on adjustments, or some form of massive money sink. Or all 3.

>> No.3831395
Quoted by: >>3831786

What is this retarded capatcha for registering

>> No.3831786
Quoted by: >>3832013

Archive reps. Now.

>> No.3831790
File: 553 KB, 1208x715, 1590976107769.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3831922


>> No.3831922
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>> No.3832013
File: 13 KB, 313x388, 1616447857571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't wanna. I just wanna participate in this fun shitposting but if I gotta fucking go through the archive for something simple then no thanks

>> No.3832095

The answer for abayo is chocoball. As for towa i already forgot

>> No.3832136
File: 653 KB, 2480x3508, 1601686962913.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

abayo - chocoball
towa - twap...

>> No.3832177
Quoted by: >>3832257

>Doesn't even know "Abayo, _____"
how new

>> No.3832257
Quoted by: >>3832309 >>3844525

If its actually chocoball then that is actually retarded

>> No.3832309
File: 1.13 MB, 1280x720, 1590895062708.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3832470

Bro, you like react ? Isn't it great? Don't forgot to give you thanks to FB!

>> No.3832596
File: 263 KB, 1920x1080, Ayame the giggler.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh boy, this div cycle is going to be great when people learn that gura isn't going to make them win.

>> No.3832716
File: 41 KB, 624x356, Screenshot 2021-05-17 205609.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3832834

She's at 34.8% efficiency right now, and her dividend is likely to go up since she literally didn't stream for over half of last week.
She may not be an instant-win, but a new player with 2 Guras instantly gets 3k injected straight into their veins, which will get them NOTHING becuase everything is going to be $2k minimum outside of the IDs by the end of the week.

>> No.3832750

It looks like she might actually stream this week so maybe the drop wont be that bad

>> No.3832833
Quoted by: >>3832991

Does it really matter? You can just hold gura forever and she'll continue to rise.

>> No.3832834
File: 669 KB, 833x1000, Artia DO YU RELE BELEEV THAT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3832922

You do understand that she will be going down, right? The great boggoning will be occurring

>> No.3832922

I don't habeeb it.

>> No.3832991
Quoted by: >>3833304

The week Gura got 28% on divs she was at 5300 at that point. She was at 5700 a week later. Compare that to Ayame who got 37.5% and went from 1900 to 2300 and Rushia who got 35% and went from 2500 to 3100 in the same span of time.

>> No.3833062

Hoping for reds today, got too much liquid

>> No.3833304
Quoted by: >>3833748

Yeah but I can liquidate 2 Gura RIGHT NOW for 13k on demand, which will buy me 2-4 of literally any other stock I want. And while I wait for that chance, every moron with liquid is spending it to pump Gura. Come Friday, even if her divvies are shit, she'll probably be 7.5k or higher and I can liquidate at a $2800+ profit each, then buy back in when people sell after dividends.

Gura is an excellent case of why we need deeper dives on adjustments and more even-handed metrics for Dividends.

>> No.3833748

You're missing my point. My point was that if you sold Gura on the week that she was going to return 28% only and bought better coins you would have had more money and if you saw that Gura was going to be good for divvies the next week and rebought you would have had more Gura rather than just holding the whole week

>> No.3839806
File: 423 KB, 497x616, 1597997412802.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3840143

dev here, we are nerfing dividends... maybe...

>> No.3840143
Quoted by: >>3840249

Just buff downturns so that people feel compelled to spend on all the shit that goes deep into the red. That'll burn through the excess of liquid and eventually the economy will recover on its own.

>> No.3840249
Quoted by: >>3840458 >>3841505

>People able to get more coins for their money and more divvies due to more coins
Are you sure this will fix the economy?

>> No.3840305


>> No.3840458

It coins went down harder people would have less money as shit wouldn't inflate as hard. It would actually make the already slow progress much slower.

>> No.3840504
Quoted by: >>3840893

are adjustment still at 1 AM EST?

>> No.3840893

For now yeah but they're looking to move it towards a better time for everyone

>> No.3841505
Quoted by: >>3841571 >>3842416

Right now the gameplay loop is:
>Buy stuff when it dips at adjustment because there is literally no other time of day that anything dips low enough to matter.
>If you have a strong position in a coin and notice it getting pumped throughout the day for no reason, sell a couple to capitalize.
>Wait until adjustment, where you sell everything that went up and buy everything that went down.
>Use divvies to just pump whatever you want, or save it for a Red Day.
This creates a situation where, because bubbles don't pop drastically, any dip will instantly be closed up in a couple of cycles after adjustment, completely invalidating the adjustment in the first place. And then people go back to having a bunch of liquid because there's nothing to spend it on.

If you increase the amount things adjust down, people will still try to pump all of their liquid into buying low-cost stocks, but they'll also have more stocks to spend that liquid on. At first it'll seem like nothing's changed, but eventually the magic will run out.

>> No.3841571

If you're only buying when there are dips then you're not making much money

>> No.3841779
Quoted by: >>3841919

I feel like it'd be better if adjustments were broken up into micro adjustments over the day instead of one big adjustment at a set time. If you're only play time isn't anywhere near adjustment, you're fucked. This way you could watch the graphs and predict trends

>> No.3841919
Quoted by: >>3843744

Devs already addressed that idea, the problem with multi adjustment is data. Youtube api is fuuuuuucked.

>> No.3842263
Quoted by: >>3842623

Mori about to fucking tank probably really hard

>> No.3842268

we can write it in PHP and have anons crash the servers by autistically F5ing every fucking second to be real-time.

>> No.3842416
Quoted by: >>3843959

>Wait until adjustment, where you sell everything that went up and buy everything that went down.
I don't think its even worth risking selling because inflation is pretty much universal and you might be buying coins at a higher price than what you sold them for.

>> No.3842623
Quoted by: >>3842648 >>3842697

She had a 10k, 20k, 15k, 19k, stream peaks all before this adjustment

>> No.3842648
Quoted by: >>3842964

Holo poi has her as 0 views today

>> No.3842697

Yes, buy more friend

>> No.3842964

This might be a good test to see what will happen to a buffed downtrend

>> No.3843316
File: 17 KB, 696x105, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3843523
File: 328 KB, 752x927, 2021-03-25_13h34_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's always about striking a balance between holding and daytrading, not everyone CAN spend all day looking at charts.
The ones who do, surely, should be rewarded by going upwards. But there has to be a strategy for (you) looking at this once a day as well, which would be dividends and long plays.

I for instance do it kinda mixed because I can do it while I work, I am decidedly lazy on research which is why I am tumbling down the leaderboard but I am in fact planning a longer hold-play which is easy to spot.
Would still try to play regardless of approach because I have fun playing economy simulators, but not everyone is like that I guess.

>> No.3843558

that would in fact just accelerate inflation because now the good divvies coin is also cheaper and divvies are paid out in liquid. The playerbase would just moon it again right away by buying more Gura.

>> No.3843640
Quoted by: >>3844326

Tell me a good price point for these and I'll predict your position on the leaderboard.

1M - Lambo club, so only 0.1% of the playerbase actually use it
100k - maybe the top 50 will be comfortable buying it.
10k - now everyone will have it and top 10 will just stack their profile with every single one of the options and go on like usual, temporary solution.

>> No.3843707
File: 230 KB, 1920x1080, 【アニメ】トラブルだらけ! - 00_00_03.367n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the only oshicoiners happy with this are those with 25%+ streamers, frankly. Ask Indogs or Uimama-fans how they like the play, or poor Nenechad.
Newer players who maybe didn't do their thread reps yet will most likely just see Gura and think "big number good"

>> No.3843744
Quoted by: >>3844117

Oh I meant more like it still only polls once at adjustment time but then that amount is adjusted over time, like 0.1% of the adjustment every minute or whatever. So instead of an instant spike it'll climb or drop through the day. Computationally, shouldn't it be the same as someone buying or selling a coin?

>> No.3843849

you are a genius anon

>> No.3843959

if you realize that, you just hold those to next week, get some divvies in the process and sell for $600 more.

>> No.3844117
File: 123 KB, 913x1315, 1610972349617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That idea has been talked about, the balancing about it is scuffed. If the networth is dipping by a certain amount even every old cycle, in the case of Gura it would just be sinking forever because people would pump it harder than it can fall. If it falls too fast, nobody will make plays until the very slow adjustment is over, then go into it like starved fucking hyenas with some people jumping the gun but their coin will still be pumped back to the moon.

It just wouldn't solve the problem at hand, in fact it would make it worse because now not only do people have to stay playing at time X (adjustment initiation), now nobody knows how long it'll take as well.
Unfair as the instant adjustment mechanic seems, it appears to be the best we have. Even if we spread out adjustments to 4-6 a day, they'd all go in the same direction and people could make even better plays accordingly just looking at the graph and figuring out when exactly those adjustments are.

>> No.3844125
File: 100 KB, 213x215, oogey.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

471 gura was bought today. Assuming the average between the lowest and higher that's about $2860,307.64 that has been moved just today. This has been happening on an almost daily basis. Are we absolutely positive someone isn't bot making new accounts to buy gura? There is about 1500 accounts as well. It honestly doesn't feel like it adds up for the active playerbase considering other things are being moved at the same time and other shit isn't going down throughout the week.

>> No.3844133
Quoted by: >>3844189

It seems pretty clear to me that new players are the cause of constant inflation. The only thing I can think of is to introduce a weekly fee so that poor performers will not always be able to count on dividends making them more money. But I doubt that idea will go over well.

>> No.3844189
Quoted by: >>3844280 >>3844325

>make account at bad time
>immediately lose $5000 for nothing
>freak out and close "this shitty rng bullshit"

If you tie it to coin values just like new player money you'll run into the issue of forcing new players to play better than average while being completely new to the meta.

>> No.3844231
Quoted by: >>3844271

limiting stocks
then once the limit is reached make oshiboard people actual holding companies that you have to buy from through the broker
this is probably a bad idea? maybe?
only limits can fix inflation desu

>> No.3844271
File: 173 KB, 900x1654, 1619524129726.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're closing in on last cooldown before adjustment, get your coffee ready Yurobros, ganbare Burgerbros and Latinobros.

It would be at least interesting to see how long there's buyable Gura left at all, some people will sell for stupid prices.

>> No.3844280

That's a good point. I just can't think of anything else that will help.

>> No.3844326
Quoted by: >>3844486

All of them works. Collectibles for the poor and the rich. 1m items will be limited, 5 or 10 or something max.100k and 10k items can be bought repeatedly, people can brag about having a 1000 pcs 10k item of a certain chuuba.

>> No.3844325
Quoted by: >>3844486 >>3844609

What if a purchasing fee was attached each time a player bought a stock? It would create more risk and help reduce inflation. Maybe to help new players you can give them more starting cash?

>> No.3844360
Quoted by: >>3844530 >>3844573

anyone wanna write the official nasfaq lore where it's actually an underground human trafficking cartel

>> No.3844386
File: 328 KB, 535x494, CalvageMounet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3844489 >>3844530


>> No.3844456

How to win at life and at the game 101

>> No.3844467
File: 23 KB, 347x431, 1589995044633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3844486
File: 17 KB, 600x600, gura.e3127962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not hating the approach and people would certainly go for it, but I can hear tryhards going "well I could just invest all this money in coins and be on my merry way".

You could however make those purchases cost x-coin instead of just cash now that I think about it. The cunny connoisseur badge pictured here for let's say 2% of the amount directors hold would remove quite some $GURA out of the system, while at the same time be much cheaper for weaker coins.

>> No.3844489

Almond Almond.

>> No.3844525

how new

>> No.3844530

these two posts compliment each other way too well.

>> No.3844570

>they still think Gura will ever be bad

>> No.3844573
Quoted by: >>3844608

I suck at writing but i can imagine that these "coins" are codenames for certain nationalities. What is a "gura" then?

>> No.3844608

white south african

>> No.3844609
File: 115 KB, 256x256, 1606956890081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

forgot to reply to you

MORE cash?
Also flat trading fees would fuck over new people anyways, while relative ones to your networth either make no difference at all or will tilt bigger players hard.

>> No.3844640
Quoted by: >>3844690

ok mori is fucking zero views. Lets see what happens now

>> No.3844648
Quoted by: >>3844710

This could actually be genius, like implementing a pretend news that side scrolls on the top of the page.

>> No.3844690

ffs, not again, why is youtube like this.
a bunch of the indos have negative views according to nasfaq, but not holopoi.

>> No.3844696
Quoted by: >>3844739

Where have I heard this before... It almost sounds like a rrat news generator... Nah, that's nonsense.

>> No.3844710

Let's make a post about it on the Floor after adjustments then, seems like people like it. We'll have to gather ideas though, if I learned one thing it's you never leave creative writing to a dev team.

>> No.3844714

almost missed it

>> No.3844739

has anybody ever fleshed out the Idea? most people expect it to be just a ticker with some useless text.

>> No.3844741


>> No.3844746

red day let's goooooo

>> No.3844775
File: 45 KB, 615x291, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3844886 >>3844915


>> No.3844809

It should run adjacent/alongside the actual server. It might cause even more server stress though

>> No.3844812

Konrushi Nanodesu

>> No.3844851

And just like that everything is back to normal.

>> No.3844866
File: 6 KB, 146x61, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sick plays, now back to buying or what.

>> No.3844879
Quoted by: >>3844898 >>3844922

Not even 10% with 0 views. Knew that zhonk are deadbraps.

>> No.3844886

It's official. Gura is immune to getting cut.
She can only go down if people sell.

>> No.3844889
File: 3.49 MB, 1451x2048, kjJWEcK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3844949

Why yes, I did just drop 50k instantly because my wife was working not streaming.

>> No.3844898

This game needs more aggressive drops

>> No.3844899
Quoted by: >>3844927


>> No.3844915

Market pretty much synced with the calligula collab.

>> No.3844922

t-the 10k sub tick

>> No.3844927
Quoted by: >>3844958

How about sexually?

>> No.3844949

Suisei more like Suisexy.

>> No.3844955
File: 2 KB, 153x40, 2021.05.17_22.10.34.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

post losses

>> No.3844958


>> No.3844961
File: 78 KB, 1252x843, 1b81373d96de68ada32e5e977e728c3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Anya going down by 11$

>> No.3844965
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>> No.3844990
File: 7 KB, 200x45, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3845178


>> No.3844996

Just believe in the shark guys. Our net worths won't tank if you guys don't sell the 3000 coins in circulation.

>> No.3845000
Quoted by: >>3845031 >>3845178

I bought a catto just for you, that number will be green in no time!

>> No.3845003

I'm down 10k and even that is quickly disappearing as I make up ground.

>> No.3845005
File: 3 KB, 274x78, ss (2021-05-18 at 03.13.05).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3845031
File: 15 KB, 338x331, 1619658588604.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the best thing is how slow it rises thanks to our lord and saviour, I'll be buying some more.

>> No.3845058
File: 1 KB, 136x41, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm financially ruined

>> No.3845097
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>> No.3845104
File: 26 KB, 584x221, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a thing of beauty how this works out

>> No.3845114
Quoted by: >>3845128 >>3845179

I may have overcommitted to dividend coins too early. I'm completely out of liquid and shitcoins to sell.

>> No.3845128
Quoted by: >>3845170

That is how you play the game now...

>> No.3845138
Quoted by: >>3845172


>> No.3845170
File: 7 KB, 360x94, sMZa7Ec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kinda miss day trading but it just isn't worth it at this point.

>> No.3845172
File: 6 KB, 130x68, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


whoever bought in yesterday saw it flatline and panic-sells. Chads just hold their octo ina.

>> No.3845178
File: 447 KB, 2048x1394, 1615396996238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3845214

actually I'd prefer if the price stay lower for now, but thank you for the thought. feel free to buy as much as you want though

>> No.3845179

same, I have 1k liquid and only 3 azki to sell

>> No.3845214
File: 45 KB, 900x506, E0OVAgEUUAMo0ru.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3845408

road to 1k? Good look, 520 was solid ground work to give you more than enough time to buy more every dip.

>> No.3845242
File: 3 KB, 158x39, ee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't even play

>> No.3845244
File: 2 KB, 139x50, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it only keeps going down

>> No.3845260
File: 2 KB, 207x47, what losses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what losses?

>> No.3845267
File: 3.14 MB, 1240x1754, gjk0rez56kz61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>saw one of the devs talking about this in /biz/
>decided to sign up and get curbed by questions
>pass the filter with some easy searches
This thing you're running here is pretty impressive and I hope the devs add more fun features so everyone can really feel the AAAs and OOOs of regular investing.
Would be fun to see option trading be available for this just to encourage more dynamic losses and gains.
Then again, I don't know shit, I do my lazy investing via how many clips I see of a particular vtuber in recommendations.

>> No.3845305

Option/shorting is the next feature they are working on.

>> No.3845355
File: 402 KB, 522x522, 1619021397556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

see you every morning at 1:05 EST, shit's addictive

>> No.3845398
File: 490 KB, 446x415, 1617775855066.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3845473

Excuse me I have an announcement to make.



>> No.3845408
File: 644 KB, 769x601, 1618634183993.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3845547

yeah, I estimate I could reach it within the next 2 weeks actually, the only problem is I would make okayun's price beyond unreasonable if I were to do so.
I can currently buy ~200

>> No.3845417


>> No.3845426
Quoted by: >>3845765

Clips don't really mean much, better DD is just checking their channel (or Holo stats) to see raw view counts which is the majority of movement. Clips aren't bad, but they could be from days old videos that are hardly relevant to current prices so they're only really decent to guess which dividend plays will be good (which you can just extrapolate from Weekly Views for the most part)
Subs are also an important metric you can grab from stats sites.

>> No.3845434
File: 371 KB, 476x567, 1615864511034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you guys even investing in anymore?
I'm sitting on 132k liquid and I just keep pumping gura every adjustment for the lolz

>> No.3845447
Quoted by: >>3845765

hello /biz/friend, don't t sell early because of sad experiences with crypto

>> No.3845452
Quoted by: >>3845497

So you're part of the reason why Gura just never dips huh...

>> No.3845473
File: 41 KB, 611x468, boomer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3845501 >>3845618

I can't buy more Flare at 2600 that is too overvalued!

>> No.3845497
File: 125 KB, 266x211, 1615676699924.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I might be....

>> No.3845501
File: 259 KB, 850x1365, 5534f3e5c3b5ae5b25b59c992981c952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OshiCoin. I literally don't look at the market until Saturday when I buy all Oshicoin.


>> No.3845504


>> No.3845512

That's not even 20 Gura, you gotta spend that yo

>> No.3845529

There are some undervalued coins on the market if you can't pump Gura all the time.

>> No.3845531
File: 611 KB, 757x665, 1602688118877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In addition to people quitting because of shitty adjustment performance, have the threads been slow lately because there hasn't really been any big events (like the outfits last week etc) do you think?

>> No.3845547
File: 243 KB, 417x455, 1613049781034.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a market event people will have to deal with, also since shit's inflating wildly anyways people will not think much of the price whatsoever, the only peculiar thing about the coin will be how slow it rises, teaching people about the value of coin volume in the process. I say that's a net benefit to the market.

I bought in, make it happen

>> No.3845577

Can you add mean purchase price hover to the "You own X shares" on the market page too?

>> No.3845581

Lack of big events has slowed the thread down a bit
A series of 3D streams and the entirety of outfit had everyone here speculating prices

>> No.3845582

Personally I haven't done anything too big these past days to talk about in the thread other than buy for dividends. Choco went sideways, Ina went sideways etc.

>> No.3845618
File: 335 KB, 800x800, 1597205506682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you get used to it.

>> No.3845619

ENEN is turning me into a schizo

>> No.3845647

Howling, screaming, banging on the bars of my cage.

>> No.3845653
File: 352 KB, 1692x2000, 1616009056047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3845780

hate to pat myself on the back but this one has been faster than yesterday's at least. We'll keep putting the updates in the OPs whenever something new comes up I'd say.

>> No.3845670
Quoted by: >>3845728 >>3845758


>> No.3845691

maybe investing liquid on minigame clicker companies like Usada Pekora construction would be a great idea though that would be more work to develop

>> No.3845728
File: 540 KB, 2260x3622, E1lT_mjVUAEZbrW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3845865 >>3846009

is she a good investment right now?
We all know once she comes back, now that her average views should've gone down a bit, she should adjust to the fucking moon for a whole week.

>> No.3845758
Quoted by: >>3845784

Ah yeah, Marine hasn't streamed in a while huh?

>> No.3845765
File: 134 KB, 241x385, 1614989977223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3846052

Ah yeah true I could do better DD or I could just go all in one vtuber and see how that goes for me. I'm going all in Korone but who knows if that's a good coin months later.
Nah I don't touch crypto at all until it's better regulated and goes into the bear market. I trade and invest stocks and it's been going well. Might be hitting more than seven figures soon depending if factors work out well.
This is a fun side thing that's a paper account. Glad I keep remembering it to tab in.
>all in $KORONE
Let's see if that goes well

>> No.3845780
Quoted by: >>3845817

if you're the anon who made the last OP then I need to commend you on that, made me lol

>> No.3845784

then again, how high until she just flatlines?

>> No.3845817
File: 378 KB, 800x800, 1600713123110.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

other people had the Idea, I just had the spare time.

>> No.3845819
Quoted by: >>3846100

Community investments would be better, a 10m building that everyone can chip in, can give buffs upon completion like +10% networth or something. Can be destroyed or repaired.

>> No.3845844
File: 30 KB, 793x334, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3845863


>> No.3845863
File: 23 KB, 226x309, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3845923

the anons right of the spiky thing

>> No.3845865
Quoted by: >>3845922

It's a good opportunity to determine if her dividends have something like a "base" value given her specific vod traffic. When Coco streamed regularly, I remember her dividend was like 942? or 902. When she didn't stream at all her dividend was 731.68(this week).

>> No.3845869
Quoted by: >>3846100

Yeah, HQs, construction companies and real estate

>> No.3845902

>buy Okayu
>it goes up $5
Let's fucking GO

>> No.3845922
File: 409 KB, 2894x4093, E1l5q1XVgAACwTr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Senchou went down a whopping $100 in divvies, still staying at 1k+ without streaming much. She does pull in mad views whenever she streams, one of the top performers in hololive really. I'd imagine there's quite a lot of ichimi doing their archive reps right now

>> No.3845923
Quoted by: >>3845978

I'm tempted to sell to prevent any more losses

>> No.3845925

weekly lottery tickets
gambling on how many views a particular stream/holo is gonna get

>> No.3845954
Quoted by: >>3845978

>I can't go all-in on NijiEN penny stocks

shit gaem

>> No.3845978
Quoted by: >>3846040

appears to be a smart move, right?
Think again.

are you here daily now? Welcome. You can sit next to the MOBILE SITE WHEN ritualposter.

>> No.3846009

Maririn is a good invesment. Divs are good, price are stable and the moment she streams, she will moon for sure.

>> No.3846017

Should I oshicoin Ayame or Shion?

>> No.3846040


>> No.3846052
Quoted by: >>3846338

Korone is a pretty solid investment. There are probably more optimal plays but you could do far worse.
That said if you're a new player your total net worth is probably pretty low and you should be focusing on day trading and making profit buying/selling every day. If I make 10k in a day from plays that's barely anything to me but for you that could easily be 10-20% of your net worth.
The main thing is that it takes very little time to check numbers each day and decide which plays are good, so it's more or less worth doing if you're going to be awake for adjustments. If you want to take the really lazy/risk free approach you buy literally any coin that goes down, wait for it to go back to where it was and then sell it for a quick $100-300 profit. It's not much but it's basically risk free.

>> No.3846058

Hag or brat? Idk

>> No.3846064
Quoted by: >>3846092 >>3846114

ayame is easier but you'll never beat ceo of sex

>> No.3846091

Ina has cyclical price patterns throughout the week because her streaming so late doesn't get counted for adjustments. You can sell now if you need the liquid now, but if you don't need the liquid now, there is no reason to do so, as she is going to adjust up in the next couple days.

>> No.3846092

What? CEO of Sex is only at rank 44 on the leaderboard it's reasonably easy to beat him.

>> No.3846100

Devchama here, I had a similar idea but I don't know exactly what people would like. Now I don't want these to really be an alternative way of making tons of money, they're supposed to control inflation, not contribute to it, but I wanted to know what kind of ideas you guys had. So far I've come up with an entirely player driven market for shares of the company, perhaps with some kind of a minigame related to them involving managing the company and making decisions (which will basically then RNG on some probabilities or something IDK) or on the other side of the market, selling a limited quantity of products manufactured by these companies every month that people get to bid for. Keep in mind anything complex will take time to implement and will most likely require a lot of patience from you guys as we work out the kinks and balancing issues with them.

>> No.3846106

I meant on the oshiboard, he owns like 200 ayame coins

>> No.3846108
File: 209 KB, 1623x1080, 1609168904947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tako going down and staying down
it's dangerous to underestimate these people.

>> No.3846114

Depends on Ayame's dividends this week I'd say, right now she's the better play for the price point.
desu there are very few oshiboards that a new player can realistically top. Ayame's actually only a 11 coin buy-in to get on the board and 14 coins puts you solidly in "2nd" place.
Shion on the other hand is 24 coins to even get on the board.

>> No.3846122
File: 56 KB, 903x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3846140
Quoted by: >>3846190

every dividend payout he logs in and buys more

>> No.3846177

make us actual companies and have cartels in-game

>> No.3846190
Quoted by: >>3846253

He and Underworld Trading are like No. 1 and 2 in terms of placement/time investment ratio

>> No.3846231

For me it can be just a colective clicker like >>3845691 said where you can only spend money and never win anything other than masturbation rights

>> No.3846244

I like the bidding because this will filter the poor. Fuck the poor

>> No.3846253

Underworld needs to come back and buy more Mori, he's been gone fucking forever and at this rate Final Yabai might catch up and overtake him on shares.

>> No.3846338
File: 1.11 MB, 1614x1621, 1613876587242.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3846474

I'm split on Korone. Went in heavy yesterday expecting her collab to do well, she sidelined at 3,8k and I have no fucking Idea why. There's only 200 less Korocoin than there is Okayucoin in the market right now. Something something weekly averages is probably the solution because she took some days off, can't tell you if she's about to moon though. Her value might be tied down or something.

>> No.3846426

Any thoughts on the other pitches ITT? For reference:
>rrat generator where people can buy the option to "ogey" or beleeb, removing fluid from the pool while providing a fun minigame and incentive for oshicoiners to keep up and not just "log in for divvies, invest in oshi, log out for a week".
>Deeper cuts for downward adjustments to punish poor decision making and force more people to blow more liquid long term to pump a stock.
>Readjusting dividends to be based on Superchat data, evening the playing field a bit for coins in the middle while readjusting Divvie play priorities away from being sub-based (which will basically always favor a very small portion of chuubas)

Other dumb ideas that I've had:
>Stock freezouts for when too much of a stock moves too quickly, like how it works IRL.
>Soft capping coin quantities to only moving X per day/week, meaning that if Gura is bought by 100 units in a day, you have to wait for somebody to sell before you can buy again.

>> No.3846451
Quoted by: >>3846710

the 25% networth thing can be liken as a cosmetic shit only, fake networth buff that makes number go high without affecting the actual economy, added that thing on my suggestion due to the reason that if you are going to invest a shit ton of money then the investors better get something at least

>> No.3846474
Quoted by: >>3846535

No daily sub tick and a relatively mediocre view count (yesterday counted as 297k, today was 367k.) If you're playing a long hold though day-to-day movement barely matters aside from the occasional sell high buy low to accumulate more but I don't sell my oshi anymore even if she has a good day.

>> No.3846535

guess we can expect her to sink for a while until new divvies moon her over 4k, I'll just hodl for now then.

>> No.3846564

>>Soft capping coin quantities to only moving X per day/week, meaning that if Gura is bought by 100 units in a day, you have to wait for somebody to sell before you can buy again.
I love it, I can use my excessive wealth to lock the poor out of the optimal plays.

>> No.3846641

All of these.

>> No.3846681

>>Readjusting dividends to be based on Superchat data, evening the playing field a bit for coins in the middle while readjusting Divvie play priorities away from being sub-based (which will basically always favor a very small portion of chuubas)
Poor HoloID

>> No.3846710
Quoted by: >>3846981 >>3847464

We've been discussing them throughout the day, there's been talks about reducing the absolute sub dependency of dividends to make them fluctuate more heavily depending on that week's performance as well as deeper cuts downwards. These should both create more market movement and also reduce the inflation rates as optimal dividend plays will have a higher autism requirement. The rrat generator I'm hesitant about personally because 1. I don't want Cover Corp coming after our asses because we were spouting narratives about their talents and 2. It goes counter to the point of the game, which is pushing you towards looking more into the Holos, not making up shit or breaking containment. Stock freezeouts are on the table but they haven't been discussed in depth. I've thought about soft capping coins as well but it's difficult because I don't want to make it impossible for people to buy coins and there's no incentive for someone to sell as prices wouldn't move upwards with nobody buying. Making it move would require more extensive algorithms.
That's a good suggestion, a cosmetic net worth increase which doesn't actually give you any more cash to play with. I'll write that down.

>> No.3846981
Quoted by: >>3847464

While I personally love the rrat generator, I do agree that it could be more trouble than it's worth, especially if you guys want the game to have a playerbase beyond /vt/. Breaking containment is a big no-no.
The major boon and bane of soft-capping coins that I ran up against is that it forces Oshicoiners to invest diversely, especially if their oshi is a fairly popular coin (either due to being for CASUALS or because they're a good coin to invest in monetarily). On one hand, this gets oshicoiners actually out into the wild, but on the other hand, oshicoiners are a big part of the game that's difficult to justify disenfranchising.
Stock freezeouts won't really work in the current system unless you set the threshold really low, in which case stocks like Gura will basically always be frozen within minutes of thawing.

I do think that "un-solving" dividends and providing a somewhat more volatile downward spike would both be big steps in the right direction for the long-term health of the game, so those should probably be prioritized. Right now, the game feels a bit stagnant because all anything can reasonably do is go up.

>> No.3846982
Quoted by: >>3847293 >>3847394

>cosmetic net worth
Might be decently implemented as NFTs: Artwork you can buy and use as your profile pic in the place of the generic oshimarks. Costs substantial amounts of money (anywhere from 50k to 1 million with the cheap ones being basically unlimited but generic and the high end being one-of-a-kind) but instead of simply making you permanently poor it has a solid value and can be sold (either back onto the market or privately between users)
The value of it goes up and down with the value of the stock and every week at dividend payout it gains a big lump sum value increase equal to if you had held that much in the stock in dividends. Basically it keeps your net worth the same as if you had held the same value of stock, with the trade off that it's not liquid money like dividends and you have to sell your fancy profile pic to actually free up the money.

>> No.3847185
File: 324 KB, 960x960, 1620794513355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3847199

>Mel went up $23
>Flare went up $4
>Kiara went down 16 cents

>> No.3847199

>buying Kiara
You did this to yourself.

>> No.3847262
File: 6 KB, 749x51, Ojnd5tX.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3847294 >>3847494

>Every share of Kanata bought increase her price by $15

If 10 of us here spent the next hour buying Kanata we could pump her past 5k

>> No.3847293

>Artwork you can buy and use as your profile pic
might be DMCAble unless you guys wanted to incorporate art made in the /vt/ drawfag thread

>> No.3847294
Quoted by: >>3847318 >>3847494

That will go down as more Kanata exists. By the time you hit 5k that will be much smaller.

>> No.3847318

Even at $10 it would be a fairly easy pump

>> No.3847391
File: 262 KB, 1920x1080, 【アニメ】トラブルだらけ! - 00_00_10.732n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3847461

So, did you sell?

>> No.3847394

That just seems like a fancy way of buying bulk stock.

>> No.3847461
Quoted by: >>3847512

No, I bought more

>> No.3847464
Quoted by: >>3847533 >>3847535

who would want a playerbase beyond /vt/, all you get is autists like the dude in the HolofightZ comments DEMANDING people stop calling Ayame a whore in fucking 4 paragraphs.

also cover can eat shit as long as it's contained on 4chan, they don't read english anyways, especially if it has no permanent form. Before I see all the doxxfag blogs of the japs not disappear we're more than in the clear.

>> No.3847494
File: 362 KB, 463x596, 1620734297556.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people holding that bag will jump at you like vultures, I know I would.

>> No.3847512
File: 13 KB, 256x165, 1603051355807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

makes me wonder where the takoposters are to welcome you to the cult

>> No.3847533
Quoted by: >>3847671

Devchama here, target audience will always be you retards on this Phoenician sculpting forum but I’d rather avoid people breaking containment that hard. Also, while yes, we’d likely be in the clear from Cover, we also don’t want to risk the project all sinking because of a takedown notice over that.

>> No.3847535

>all you get is autists like the dude in the HolofightZ comments DEMANDING people stop calling Ayame a whore in fucking 4 paragraphs.
Situations like this are exactly why you shouldn't break containment. HolofightZ isn't contained anymore and the fanbase needs to accept that, for better or worse.

>> No.3847671
File: 7 KB, 548x54, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3847723 >>3847801

the site itself right now does no harm, the fucking Watamelon threads are in more danger because one of the retards made a twitter and posted architect-watamelon under her art tag. If anything, cover would come here and demand the CEO of hatespeech on 4chan, Hiroshimoot would point to the /b/ banner and call it a day most likely.

>> No.3847711
File: 6 KB, 755x54, 8Dn1ZPC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't miss out guys

>> No.3847723
Quoted by: >>3847839

>Hiroshimoot would point to the /b/ banner and call it a day most likely.
It's not moot, bro. He'll give out the IPs of all the posters they specify and possible help moderate shit to a degree that they request.

>> No.3847801
Quoted by: >>3847839

She retweeted Watamelon's Adventure too, but smol ame seems to be fine so fingers crossed.

>> No.3847839
Quoted by: >>3847881 >>3847892

as long as none of the rrats contain direct calls to outright fucking KILL a holo or stalk her all of this should be freedom of speech under US law though, right? Didn't hear of any raids on some silly forum for "slander" yet.

the game is fine to show to her, that's encouraging content. Showing her as a fat slob with two Watamelons as tits is... questionable at best.
Smol Ame made it official, Walfie made content so good they ate it up, no fault in that.

Let's be real, nobody in cover corp would be able to solve the entry questions.

>> No.3847879
File: 1.08 MB, 826x843, 1614742839280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3847945 >>3847994

Why the fuck have so many of you cunts decided to invest in my shitcoin oshi since last div cycle? Stop buying her and go buy more gura or mori instead. You guys are going to put her at nene levels soon for no reason other than pumping her.

>> No.3847881

With how much this thread spoonfeeds it’d surprise me if anyone short of someone in a vegetative state were incapable of answering the filter questions.

>> No.3847892
Quoted by: >>3847934

Just so we are clear, nipmoot doesn't care about this shithole nor does he care about freedom of speech. If someone approaches him with legal threats or requests for ips/post removal he'll comply. Chances are he sells off 4chan data as well like he did with 2ch or whichever one he owned.

>> No.3847934
File: 407 KB, 346x605, 1621018866647.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3847958

so if he complies, that post in particular would be removed. No influence on NASFAQ. maybe even stricter jannies turning this into another holo hugbox. While we might as well abandon the board at that point, I don't see how it would affect the game. Then again I am no lawyer and not even a burger. I am aware hiroshima nagasaki is shady as shit and his latest tweets are weird as fuck.

>> No.3847945

Same but with Reine

>> No.3847958
Quoted by: >>3848000

Oh, I was never talking about the game. I was merely stating against the notion hiro will just ignore cover if they made requests.

>> No.3847994
Quoted by: >>3848022

Membership announcement and upcoming collab probably gave her a boost.

>> No.3848000
Quoted by: >>3848621

Seeing his fucking collection of motivational bullshit books he wrote and the ones about WORK MORALE of all things on amazon made me more aware how much of a fucking scam he is holy shit.

>> No.3848022
File: 496 KB, 483x483, 1619899577289.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3848035 >>3848547

My oshi isn't dagger.

>> No.3848035
Quoted by: >>3848061

Oh, thought you were talking about pic related. My bad.

>> No.3848061
File: 2.07 MB, 480x270, PuiPuiPolka[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F0dxhlq.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3848547

Tell us who it is and we'll dump her for you

>> No.3848609
File: 14 KB, 714x111, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3848621

Yeah, hiro is a real piece of shit
Too bad someone more competent didn't buy this site

>> No.3848880
File: 216 KB, 840x840, 1585351367421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3848949 >>3848997

342 replies in, time to make a new OP

WHO IS IT? First reply wins as always.

>> No.3848949
Quoted by: >>3849204 >>3849220

Make it Kanata we're sending her to the moon

>> No.3848997
Quoted by: >>3849204


>> No.3849204
File: 772 KB, 1056x854, senchou_nasfaqg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3849235

I did senchou as one of my first ones already so

Kantan it is.
Some spoonfeeding in the old thread to get the mooning going:
Kanatan will see if she can name every 47 prefectures by heart with 15 minutes prep time, if she pulls it of she's allowed to touch Noel's breasts (see twitter for discord proof), 6 or more mistakes will result in a punishment game. Stream starts in 90 minutes, 600 people waiting.

>> No.3849220
File: 30 KB, 358x229, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3849235

also I'm with you lol

>> No.3849235
Quoted by: >>3849269

There's also a chance were going to get a second stream later tonight. She was preparing something in minecraft earlier while Suisei was streaming it.

>> No.3849269
File: 731 KB, 714x900, E0oiL9DUUAAzelJ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn she's fucking on fire since her new outfit hit

>> No.3849534


>> No.3849621
Quoted by: >>3849646 >>3849678

>Soft capping coin quantities to only moving X per day/week, meaning that if Gura is bought by 100 units in a day, you have to wait for somebody to sell before you can buy again.
Can shares be related to subscribers? 1k subscribers = 1 share. So that means currently Gura would have 2680 max available shares. And ne shares get added weekly by how much subs they got.

>> No.3849646
Quoted by: >>3849780

The problem with that is you would have a ton of people just sitting on liquid and ready to snatch up a share anytime one is sold.

>> No.3849672

BTW if honk/ any devs are reading this thread the sort by weekly views function in the compact view doesn't work. Everything else does though

>> No.3849678
Quoted by: >>3849780

The absolute worst scenario would be people playing for the first time and being locked out of buying their oshi.

>> No.3849733
File: 909 KB, 2048x1770, ppt_to_the_moon_nasfaqg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3849751 >>3849753

New Thread:

Pic without the graph here

>> No.3849751
File: 421 KB, 2048x1770, 5539f9ca9d0de6ced412114c709ef773.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

source pic here

>> No.3849753
Quoted by: >>3849764

way too early faggot

>> No.3849764
File: 2 KB, 41x30, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3849788

number goes red, new thread
this one was made when the one before was at ~320.

>> No.3849780

Yea. It probably wouldn't work with the current economy where everyone is rich.

>> No.3849788
Quoted by: >>3849816

Why not just wait until it's on page 11?

>> No.3849816
File: 99 KB, 1024x1024, 1599820765521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't post "new thread" if I wait to long and I'm at work here, don't wanna miss it.

>> No.3851561


>> No.3851581

Why are there two of these threads?

>> No.3851732

I just made an account and I'm just going to click BUY on girls I like to watch!

>> No.3852157

