You Gosling, you lose. Post 'em.
>>OPBros... how do you cope with the fact you'll never meet her or a girl like her?
>>OPAme doesn't know I exist, LET'S GOOO
>>OP>post ame>instantly loseThat's kind of cheating, Anon.
>>3652110How do I cope with the fact that I already met a girl like her, but I fucked everything up?
I love OkaKoro
>>3652359No, Ina is cheating.
>>3652615The Ina crying one is definitely cheating. If someone posts that all the takos lose instantly.
"hi honey"
>>3652562I'm so sorry anon... what happened?
>>3652627Not an option for me desu
>>3652424This cutie...
surely I have a chancehahaha...haha....ha>ywn sit down on the sofa with Ame and giggle at TDKR with her
>>3652952>ywn come home from hard day at work and hear Mori saying thisWHY THE FUCK DID THIS SHITTY MEME GOT ME FEELING LIKE THIS
>>3653054She became a VTuber and doesn’t have time for him anymore.
>>3652359Its the baseline test for all goslings anon, standard procedure.
I hate gachikois so damn much. Get a GF you losers and enjoy tubers who don't do that shit like Miko or Okayu.
>>3653954>Miko or OkayuBoth of those have goslings as well
I want to come home everyday with a hot meal prepared nd blonde blue eyed Ame would look at me and says she loves me everyday.Tell me Ame, why are you so cute? Why must you exist to make us suffer?
>>3654044They don't bait gachikois nor do GFE.
>>3654091You're welcome.>those fucking soft breaths when brushing her hair
>>3653954>Get a GF you losers
>>3654117They totally do, it's just a little more subtle than the others.
>>3654117>They don't bait gachikois nor do GFE.All of them do, Anon. Some more than others. But don't be so niave.
>>3654117>Nekomata Okazu >Not baiting gachikoiYou have to be baiting
>>3655156Those baited are not gachikoi, just coomers
>>OPI've never understood this Gosling meme and I've never watched this movie. Is it basically "falling in love with a fake character but somehow getting cucked"?
>>3656155Watch the movie
Why doesn't Ryan Gosling tweet anymore
>>3656155Watch the movie with Amelia
>>3653683Oh I know this one, is Polka in picrel
A classic
>>3655156>blows kisses to chat>tells them it's okay to think of her as your girlfriend
>>3657072Fuck man...
>>3657072I swear, I never thought I would be this far gone for the bear. She awoke something inside me that day. I've been thinking about her alot now. I just want her to be happy dad.
>>3658229Gura cute!
>>3658203this only makes me Reynolds
>>3652110>AmegeddonPretty easily. Dime a dozen girl honestly. Can't even sing
>YGYL>all this HoloEN postingthis shit is easy mode, post better girls
br2049 is one of my favorite movies and i really hate that retards have appropriated it for their loser posting
>>3656155No anon, it's falling in love with a virtual character and then watching that character graduate because she was just a virtual character
>>3658589I wasn't there for that, and personally I don't care about the amegeddon, that's how much I love her
>>3658623Took long enough for one to finally say it, Mikoboat makes me gosling than all of this thread combined. Weaklings
>>3658728K becoming the icon of male loneliness and horniness isn't the worst legacy the movie could have. Besides, what else are people going to use? Feels guy is dead but unfortunately not buried.
Shion yo...
>>3656011where did my goalposts go?
>>3660007I don’t know who this is but I laughed so hard my voice cracked.
>>3658589What's the amegeddon
>>3658728How fucking new are You in liveGosling isnt the feels man just because Blade runner. It's his character in almost every movie he does
>>3652355I can't see shit or what the context is
>>3657072This.I can die in peace now.
The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long, and you have burned so very very brightly Ame...
>>3664369I've done... questionable things...
>>3665120Also extraordinary things. Revel in your time.
>>3658229I swear to god I can feel it on the ear
>>3665957my fucking ear feels wet now, thanks anon
>>OPI remember when you fags had a meltdown every other week.
>>3654117Miko has told a viewer to break up with his GF because all he needs is Miko.
>>3656725 I have another little Mio one.
>>3662183Ryan Gosling has been that longer than BR2049. Drive started it.'s out of control lately, I can't take it
>>3653531>ywn get to watch Ame explain the finer points of baneposting to her sisterwhy live>4:03:06>3:45:07
>>3666925good joke, everybody laugh
>>3652677Tako here, I agreePlease don't post her crying... the only wah's I wanna hear from her are happy ones!
>>3658229holy fuck, this just got a visceral reaction of happiness then sadness out of me
>>3652355wtf i need to go watched that stream kek
>>3656273This anon is Goslinging for the Gosling himself
>>3662231Idk why, but I can't gosling Mori... she feels like she tries too hard and overly fake
>>3673704Nah, she's just on the spectrumWhich makes it even cuter
>>3652355I need to know the stream anon
>>3673813Do you recommend any gosling-heavy stream of her? gosling every time.
>>3674103 classic, if you don't mind ASMR. She's clearly a beginner, but that makes it more endearing in my opinion.1:12:00
>>3674266Great choice, Nina is dangerous for my heart.
>>3666456k, lost
>>3674267Those soft breaths she makes when brushing her hair always gets me.
>>3658229Was this a members only stream?
>>3658203joke's on you I still clicked
>>3666328>>3666456This feels fake. I mean, it IS fake, but it also FEELS as such, which defeats the purpose.
>>3668716how does one gosling for chammers
Staring at okayu’s galaxy eyes makes me gosling about her and the universe
>>3676650how does one not?
>>3676650You have to let go of your grip on reality
>>3657072Imagine looking at that logging off screen for the last time.
>>3674267Thanks anon I'll make shre to watch it
>>3656522Me and Towa
>>3656155Nigger watch the fucking movie.
>>3656155He literally represents us
>>3666925Aqua has said that sort of thing too but no one accuses her of GFE.
>>3673985>>367309709/15/2020It was her first marshmallow stream I think
>>3687048>Vodka, popcorn, sandwiches, menhera energy.I wish I was a Japanese manlet.
>>3678061Was K sad that his Joi "died" or was he sad that he realized his Joi never loved him and was just a copy of every other Joi?
>>3653954>who don't do that shit like Miko or Okayu.>Okayunew?? weak bait?
>>3687823I don't doubt he knew she was just another copy, but it must be like your wife dying and then seeing someone who looks just like her, except she's not yours. She'll never be like your wife.Materially replaceable yet not emotionally.
This entire stream awoke something in me. My airhead did it motherfucker, I feel so stupidly proud for someone I don't even or ever know. mention: these live as they happened, truly something else. Unique memories that I'll carry with me when all this is over and hololive fades
>>3688279ENEN makes me broody instead of gosling, it's somehow worse. I just want a cute, retarded daughter. I cry myself to sleep while pretending my huge pillow I hug is Shishiro Botan
>>3652677this one?
>>3687652>ywn snuggle with Mori on couch while watching movies and eating sandwichesI am never gonna make it
>>3674759This is it. Of all the things in this thread, this screencap was what broke me.
(not for the faint of heart)
>>3691836Arg! You fuck!
>>3691836That’s fucking evil. The lack of Gura I’ve had to endure recently and now this obviously I’m going to lose to this.
>>OPSomeone made a clip of Ame's Gosling baked pie yet?
>>3653054I was a complete mess at that time. Basicaly there was no way she could look at me as a partner. Since them, I believe I have improved considerably, but what is done is done. She probally must have managed to find a guy way better than me anyway.
>>3689192Poor Ina :(But no, I meant the one where she cries(of happiness) about inspiring people to pick up drawing again. That one is 100% concentrated Gosling essence.
>>36918364chan really is evil, huh
>>3692389I can't even watch it without pausing it. This one really melts my cold and mangled heart.
just made this hours ago
>>3688528>DYRBI don't know chink. But I want to believe...
>>3656155The movie has a theme like I Robot or Detroit Become Human. Gosling's a non-human character who discovers love and struggles with it. I think people just use the "pain" screenshots because of the expression but I suppose nerds who thought they'd never find love but have now "found" it can relate.
>>3652110not with that attitude you wont
>>3692575source for this?
>>3693147>the first artmerynyaa>ame artnami_nyaa
>>3693247many thanks
>>3692389I can't handle it anymore bros.
<-- click to lose
>>3693765is there some easy way to get sound on these?
>>3693859Tampermonkey script
>>3656155It's about taking a man for all he has and then some.It's hell within hell for Gosling in that movie.
>>3691836Goddamnit I'm NGMI
>>3656155>I've never understood X and I've never seen X. Is it basically Y?Fucking imbecile
Can someone make a Gosling edit of Pikamee?
>>3698186you mean the joi scene, or pika as a gosling?
If one of these girls sing Just Like Heaven I'm going to lose it
>>3698186Just for you anon
>>3691836This broke me
>>3701534Same but with you're my sunshine.
>>3705656Beautiful song it will be melancholy to hear your oshii sing
>>3652355good times
>>3656155>this movieYou've not yet begun to understand
>>3692321I've been in that exact position too, friend. The pain becomes easier to live with.
>>3658147That lucky clover she found really worked both ways, huh?
>>3693765Does anyone have soundposts like these with Mori?
>>3689192This one hurts and not just because its too close home.
>>3692899>>3692899CheckedI know, I know, but I don't know what to desu. Also isn't that the entire point of goslinging?
>>3710162This hit like ton of bricks.
>>3708349I guess its time, the rope is calling me now.
>>3692321> She probally must have managed to find a guy way better than me anyway.Long ago I once fell for a girl, who was really interesting, confident, a bit older than me, and I was a mess and honestly I just sucked, wouldn't date myself either, but she was kind and patient with all my cringe behaviour, just kept that friend wall (it wasn't even the friend zone thing people always talk about, she didn't need anything from me and just minded her own business). As time passed we spoke less and less, and much later she told me that the guy she's now with sometimes beats her.The point is - don't assume things with such ease.
>>3708349Thanks, anon
>>OP>you gosling, you lose>not you goose, you loseCome on OP, you had one job.
Blade Runner 2049 is the most soulful movie of the 21st century so far
>>3715061>TFW the same thing happened to me
>entire thread is EN posting
This gif just does it for me man holy shit
>>3719783You will never be Japanese
>>3719783but anon, this is the EN board
The one that got away
>>3688279If I ever have a daughter, I want her to be as cute as Nene.
>>3667171>ywn fall asleep with mio while playing animal crossing together on the TV at 3am
>>3658229holy fuck okay that got me
>>3691836i'm going to fucking die
>>3691836I'm not even into Gura, why the fuck did this manage to hit me so hard?
>>3722585I dont even know this girl but fuck.... that singing.... the lyrics...... too fucking close to home....
>>3656155yes. everyone replying to you is coping