Does Ina ever sing?
Where were the trumpets?
>Kiara the failed idol who has an idol dream makes an idol songWhat did you guys expect from her? Fucking Death Metal or something?
>Kiara didn't invent her own writing system>Kiara didn't invent agriculture>Kiara didn't invent mathematics>Kiara didn't fill out the table of elements>Kiara didn't mine her own silicon for her PC>Kiara didn't assemble her own operating system>Kiara didn't pull the undersea fiber cables between continentsDid she even try?
Gura is too busy eating mcdonalds and staring at the mold on her wall to spend money on her own original song
Just because she's an "idol" doesn't mean the music has to be generic
Hey friend!
>Kiara explicitly asks for there to be trumpets>it's NOT skaKFPhaggots, explain this shit.
>>348359>Dokukinoko densetsu >not a Kurenai coverFor shame
>>348511that'd be kino
It sounds like a Christmas song
>>348508Yeah her karaokes are really fun actually. again
You love Ina!
will chumbuds ever stop bitching that their oshi hasn't asked for a song yet? let's wait and see (they won't)
Wait, maybe I'm retarded and I need my meds but:Wasn't Ame getting a song too?
Anyone else getting christmas-y vibes from it?
Why are chumbuds so standoffish here regarding an original song. Please raise the issue on a member stream or something.
This new song sounds the same
what makes short hair Gura so erotic?
>>348511>German Death Metalgod I wish
I love my Mori so fucking much and can't wait for Valentine's!
>>348511Rushia and Ollie death metal band when?
>>348435My oshi likes it, and I'm happy when she's happy.That's all that matters
>>348511I think she'd at least benefit from trying something out in English or German, where she is obviously more capable.
Cover gives Kiara two original songs, Mori like six original songs, but Gura, the objectively best singer in Hololive English, doesn't even get one. Really, think about it and tell me how it's fair.
>>348515>i will get my own song free
THOSE AREN'T EVEN LIVE TRUMPETS CHICKEN, YOUR PRODUCER JUST HIT A DIFFERENT BUTTON ON HIS KEYBOARD(if they're somehow live trumpets they're the worst mixed trumpets ever in a song)
Just do a song Shark pls....
You are not my friend
Before we timeloop again I'd like to remind you retards that Cover doesn't pay for the songs and the girls have to pay for them out of their own pockets.
Ahm spiggin it!
Kiara doing a low voice for an enka song. Am I on the right track?t. not producer-san
>>348534Now that you mention it, I can see it, yeah
>>348529Hey, (You) too!
>>348511If she did, I'd fucking lover her forever.
Wait so that was a cool announcement and all but.......What did making the chocolate early have to do with any of that?
ah the hinotori
>>348511I mean why not.
hehe yeb
Current thread status: 1st Trumpet.
>>348529You too!
>>348533She wants one, but there's no plans for it right now.
>>348514>Kiara didn't make her own compiler Do you even have to ask?
Why can't they get a fucking competent producer? First fucking off with their heads sounds like absolute dogshit because the mix is way out and now this.
Shit I just started to warm up to chicken and then this shit song drops...
>>348511Ina Mori Lincoln park style song when
>>348529You love Ina too!
People timelooping that Gura doesn't have an original song, but they forget that Kiara basically commissions the entire song. ThingsCoverShouldDo.txt, and Gura basically needs to get off her lazy butt as original songs aren't just going to pop out of no wheret.Teamate
>>348379C'mon anon, COVER should know better than anyone that experimenting can lead to huge success also>trumpets2huchamas...?
>>348511yes fuck idolshit
>>348533God I wish
Not feeling the preview but I'll wait to see what Mamaloni can cook up. Another case of waiting for the covers/karaoke instead.
>trumpetsKiara is an honorary 2hu
>Sora's VOD is privateThey aren't cutting out the part where she fell right??
How can Hololive even compete?
>>348547Gura hasn't fucking asked for a song. Kiara has explicitly mentioned how much she's pushed to get her songs made.
Wenn ist das Nunstück git und Slotermeyer? Ja! Beiherhund das Oder die Flipperwaldt gersput!
>>348565she's HERE
>>348539Short hair is good on everyone. For me it's bottom left.
Just got homeDidn't get to watch the Collab or Kiara yetAnything interesting happen? Did Kiara yab?
>>348511>>348379You're joking but unironically I think a cover of something like this would pull huge numbers, especially if its a debut song by one of the VSingers.
>>348511Still waiting for at least ONE Rammstein/Lindemann coverThey do more quiet songs too, it would honestly fit pretty well for Tenchou I believe
>>348511I wanted some fucking Jazz she put trumpets so I want trumpets
I'm honestly seething that Gura still has no song. Like ffs Enma, do your job and help Gura. She already expressed wanting to make one.
>>348547>"Cover gives..."Cover hasn't done shit. Kiara's done everything out of her own pocket.
Kiara reaaaally wants to show his dance. i suspect is pretty good
>>348547go post another annoying orange thread lmao
please subscribe to Flare't make her add a third column to the set list
Kiara I know you're here, tell your mixer to turn down the fucking compressor.
>>348511Baby metal cover then
>>348529How did you know? Did you find my Ina folder? Did you find my Ina-maid subfolder?
>>348560>valentine chocolate>for a valentine songuse your brain BIRD
>>348523Its reggae you uncultured hag
>>348508Ame's objectively better.
>>348554>SEAniggers>capable of reading
>>348545I second this.
>>348564based yeb poster
Guys why does Kiara have so much balls to get what she wants and not wait for Cover to Cover for her ass? She has forced her way into original songs a biweekly tv interview program with her senpais and collabs regularly with them. Why are the NA HoloEN lacking in ambition and motivation and not as proactive as chicken?
One cat. A big one.
>>348551why dont you tards SC her and ask her?
>>348547>cover gives
>>348511Look at fucking AZKi's catalog and count how many generic jpop idol songs she's sung. Idol music fucking sucks, it's generic as hell, and with this level of autotune, you could fucking replace Kiara with a vocaloid and no one would know.
>>348584Holy shit, magnet
>>348535good idea, they can just ask gura about it in a superchat andoh...
Calli isn't making the video. Mori is.
>>348547Cover hasn't given them shit though, if Gura wanted she could do the same.
>>348508check out her rendition of soul sister
>>348584Magnet is fucking INSANE. By this point she's been doing a 27 hour Getting Over It stream. I thought it was just supposed to be a "until I reach 100k" stream but she hasn't fucking stopped
>>348584Wait for Mori's Superchat reading stream.
Well? Do you think twintail maid outfit Kiara is cute?
>>348547Cover doesn't give anyone not named Sora shit
>>348584It's over.Magnet... I kneel.
>>348560Because it was merely a pretext to announce a valentines day song on valentines day.
>>348539She's erotic with literally every outfit and hairstyle I don't know how that's possible, even for an anime character.
Im glad someone in EN is putting out music, hopefully it'll push the other girls to as well
>>348589>DBS OP>not Dan DanFuutan...
Wait the girls have to commission their own art and musicians? it's not paid by the hololive company or whatever?
>>348511She likes that emo AMV type music so I expect an evanescence type song at some point
>>348603Fucking gogurt
>Kiara living the idol dreamThese songs will pay off when her 3D stream happens.
>>348515you go gooruh!
>>348610Fuck no. The only song Ame can sing and not butcher is 'Kiss Me'
>>348594Du hast would fit perfect
>>348598>Cover>doing somethinghow new?
>>348547>Cover gives
>asking for trumpetsshe should ask ZUN to compose something for her
>>348511youre not wrong, but you presented a compelling alternative
would ame even agree to, much less REQUEST, an original song?
Oh you got that right Kiara
>>348584Magnetchads.... I-I kneel...!
>>348508Yes. She's pretty good.
If I wanted an idol song with Japanese lyrics, why wouldn't I just listen to Aqua?
Give me your rrats on who made the video
>>348568I miss him.
They autotune the shit out of her voice cause she can't sing
i want to make a joke about how it's totally not calli but this girl that works on video edits for songs but rules stop me
>>348565What is Kiara's screenshot and Risu's? I don't remember these.
>>348547>Cover givesJACK SHIT
>>348584VOMSfriends run this board
>>348584Damn, I thought pikame was the best of the voms?
>>348620Mori is also working hard.
My chimkin tries so hard she will never be defeated
>>348574Gura probably wants to try writing the lyrics herself and can't think of anything so she curls into a ball and cries
A Katyusha?IN DECKUNG!
>>348379Fuck off idolfag
>>348617I'm not feeling so ogey after reading this. Can some post a rrat to distract me from this feeling? I don't want meds I just want rrats.
>>348643Yes, did you rike it?
>>348629is gura like this even on a membership stream?
>>348620Her time is limited thats why
>>348584Monoe fucking MADE IT, she deserves it.
>>348622>SC her
>>348547>CoverIf only. The only reason Kiara and Calli have put out so much music is because they either commission it or do it themselves.
>>348565Predictions on what the thread status Bloom will cause?
>>348674pikamee gaming
>>348584What did she do?
>>348610>this is what teamates ACTUALLY believe
>>348629>he doesn't know about the member's rate upNGMI
well i guess we didn't have to worry about that one, kfpanons
>>348547>Cover givesThey don't do shit, even if they should. Even the JP talents don't know what the fuck cover is doing with their SC cut.
>>348598Why are chumbuds incapable of not making everything about their oshi? You don't see takodachis bitching about this.
>Gura can’t even do SC readings and can’t retweet fan art consistently >people think she can do her own original song Ohnonono
>>348639This. Gura is insanely sexy in everything, it's mindblowing. She even makes other chuubas outfits look better on her than they do on their original owner.
>>348603i loved those frozen ones
>>348523Absolutely based, ska is utter shit garbage tier for dumb stoners
>>348113>>348393My schizo brain tells me that she's waiting for Ame to improve her singing skills which are improving pretty fast ngl so the first song will be a collab song.
>>348547>expect lazy ass Goorah actually doing work behind the scenesNgmi
>>348547kiara has said that she sets things up isn't cover who's deciding,gura legit hasn't asked or tried to get her own song
>>348662fuckin' glowniggers, man
>>348515Do you really think Gura isn't working on an original song? She's a perfectionist so she's probably being super picky trying to get it just right in addition to making sure her part singing is flawless.
Man... doesn't Flare's throat hurt from all that singing?
Chumbuds just aren't having a good day today are they?
>>348508Her karaokes are my favorite in EN.
>>348669Kiara posted a screencap of a meme on /hlgg/ and Risu straight up said hi to /vt/
>>348565amegeddon and kiara screenshot should be moved to 4th trumpet desu
>>348620Cover keeps cockblocking Mori from the collabs she wants (yes within hololive too)
>>348519Hello friend-chan!
>>348530>>348535Dunno, it's obvious that any holo who wants an original song needs to actually organize that shit themselves. Gura can't even handle her own sleep schedule. I honestly doubt this will ever happen, just like these "gura-illa" streams she hinted at this week or compilation clips she talked about. She has many good ideas, but maybe 5% of them ever reaches any level of completion.
Not gonna give the bird the numbers she'd suck off a wrestler in a back alley for. Is the song Hinotori tier generic idol shit?
>>348634Mori's turning SCs off for those streams from now on and talked about it in the Omori stream. She realized that leaving them on even for a little while just creates a lot more SCs that she has to get through when she already needs to get through so many.
>>348699Finished Getting Over It after playing 26-27 hours straight as part of her 100,000 subscriber endurance stream.
>>348584honestly Magnet deserves some love so I don't mind letting this pass even if it's offtopic
>>348641>Who the fuck is Calli?
>>348674Funfact: In Magnet's 27 hours of playing and her 17 different guests she had during this time, Pikamee was mentioned a total of zero (0) times.
>>348642which one, though? because Limit Breaker is better than Dandan.
>>348565>Off with their headsWas there anything regarding the name I missed, or just all the twitter fags freaking?
>Katyusha is a Spanish...¿Quien fue el subnormal que escribio eso?
>>348721I am living rent free in more people's heads than ever. Today is great.
>>348666Unironically the best post I've ever seen on /vt/. Maybe on /jp/ too.
>>348624dunno, the vocaloid would probably sound better
>>348584Holy shit magnetI wish she spoke Eigo
>>348653I'm not talking about Cover, I'm talking about Enma, she's been getting shit done lately by whoring her body
>katyusha in SpanishThat's a march song by the republican commie forces....
>>348584literal who.
>>348591Collab was very fun, they talked about dick sizes, resurrected an old meme and Gura made a pun in Japanese
>>348699Surpassed even Korone
In Kiara's defense it's not her fault the mix is dog shit
Watching Kiara be happy and joyous as her announcement is a new single coming from her. Congratulation Kiara!While Flare is less than 3k subs away from her 500k Sub Goal and is showing no signs of slowing down or losing energy, please subscribe to her as she blesses your ears with her amazing high octane karaoke! Go Flare Go!While Pekora continues to make wonderful buildings and contraptions while gleefully appreciating her work in Dragon Quest Builders 2.While Noel goes up against lava and learns that lava will always win the fight so now she must use her brain to not die to lava in the BotW DLC.While Aruran is searching every nook and cranny for secrets while surveying the lands in Nierr Automata.So friends, where we at?
>>348547"Gives"I'm not watching the current stream but Hinotori and all of Calli's songs have been made by them. Gura could commission one any time if she wanted it, shes got the cash. If you've got a problem take it up with her (but don't actually, she'll get one when she wants one)
>>348631fuck, I didn't wanna simp to her, but this broke me, god damn she is way too cute
>>348610>Ame's objectively betterthe absolute state of delusional teamates
Can this song go on Spotify cuz Kiara bankrolled it herself?
>>348719Do you really think she is?
>>348684here you go
>>348719I'm almost certain she isn't, yes. Feel free to grudge post this if I'm ever wrong though.
For all the people complaining about it sounding like some generic JP Idolfaggotry, I actually like it, and think it will be really fun to watch performed live onstage, or at least animated.
>>348693t. not a member
>>348675The secret is that they're all great, Pikamee just gets more exposure because she's EN. The VOMs Ludo game from their Clubhouse 51 collab is up there as the hardest I've ever laughed watching vtubers.
>>348726Only Coco
>>348620she and mori like to take the initiative, NA trio just doesn't have that much interest in releasing songs right now
>>348737The one she just sang.
>>348736oh right forgot, I was looking more for idol like music
>>348723Oh, that's it? Those weren't big deals, but okay. The image made it seem like bigger deals than that.
>>348624Yeah I know idolshit sucks but tell that to Kiara. As far as I know, she just wants to act out her idol aspiration
>>348508yep, but she hasn't in a bit
>>348750>Enma works for Cover
>>348719>She's a perfectionistIs this a shitpost?
>>348688No, she's way more talkative with members, and real chumbuds already know she's talked about this and strongly strongly hinted there's something coming but she can't say anymore about it yet. Everyone bitching she doesn't have a song yet in this thread is a falseflagging anti who doesn't watch her or a retarded newfag/poorfag whos opinion doesn't matter.
Is the output of originals that EN release noteworthy? I'm not sure if Azki or someone in JP is releasing a lot of originals.
>>348754go back
>>348530>Faggots still going with the "All Gura, Ame, and Ina have do is to ask for shit and they get it" narrativeWhen will this one die anyway?Yeah, it has nothing to do with the fact that Kiara and Calli live right next to Cover's headquarters.
>>348742Mi rey, están hablando de cachuchas, no katyusha
>>348410>>348224nobody in this fad is competent, please upload correctly
>>348523Ska is shit. People only like it to sound "cool"
>>348721>no Gura streamOf course it isn't a good day... Collab doesn't count, even if it was great, but I didn't get enough Gura
>>348766Saving this so that in 2 years I can grudge post you
>>348764i want a pet rat...
>>348599That's the sad thing. I mean, it's a pity that Nene isn't appearing at Bloom because she doesn't have a 3d model but at least her song does. Meanwhile, not one but two ENs will have released original songs right before Bloom and they won't be featured in any real way.
Wow it's almost like the 2 HoloENs based in Japan gets all the support they need while the HoloENs based in NA are left to fend for themselves.
>>348701It happens everytime
Kiara why the fuck are you doing a song with trumpets and not making it Ska?
>>348764I like this rrat
>>348721Nah today is great, i love those schizos seething over me kek
>>348758Prosit, Ayameposter.
>someone dropped a rrat in /hlg/ that Kiara is taking Pekora out for valentines day (the cocolate)>no one fact checked it and just startes shitflinging
>>348751Hemos pasado jajajajaja
>>348719I don't know. She doesn't fucking talk about it.
>>348660Why don't you? Go away
>>348578Holy based!
>>348511I was hoping for next song to be more melodic, sultry, calm you know. If I'm not mistaken, she was hinting at something in that direction. I'm sure bunch of people prefer this cutesy stuff, but it ain't for me personally. It all sounds the same to me, her overly cute/chicken voice doesn't help it either.
>>348733Money Mori hates having more money?
>>348704I see you've been doing your nitpicking reps
>>348723The screencap was from some tourist posting it on Reddit. That's not comparable to Risu's containment breech (unless you're from /hlg/)
>>348584Monoe is so fucking cool...
>>348633What in the fuck?
>>348787>strongly strongly hinted there's something coming but she can't say anymore about it yetJust like how she hinted at that 1 mil celebration that never happened.
>>348781She IS an idol
>>348713>so the first song will be a collab song.That would be nice, but I'm 99% certain both would do a solo for their first song.
>>348742O un gringo pendejo o un latino troll
>>348610She absolutely is nott. Teamate
>>348610I'm a teamate but no. Not even Ame believes this.
Twintail Kiara
>>348802Do retards really?
>>348723>on /hlgg/nigger it's a fucking redditor making a shit thread for some shitty meme and screencapping it before getting shoahed immediately
could she become mamamamaloni?
>>348757Yeah, Kiara's not the only Holo who has songs I dislike due to their sound mixing, Risu's Snow Halation cover has similarly shit mixing.
>>348757it kind of is because she specifically chose to go back to the same producer after hinotori
>>348529Me Too!
>>348508she's not the best singer in the company at all but i like her voice a lot and her performance of reason is one of my favorite performances of any holo
I want Amelia to sing anything by The Smiths with a fake British accent
>>348790Music production can all be done digitally, it quite literally has nothing to do with it
>>348664I'm not your Nadeshiko
>>348807>dance dance disco lucy
>>3487962 years is so much time...
>>348815I was about to say, she is really proving that the J in Jenma does not stand for Japanese.
>>348774This was genuinely one of the best games ever made and hardly anyone played it.I'm talking like top 5 games on planet earth
i love cunny
>>348547Cover only pays for the shit Azki and Sora do, every other girl has to pocket 50% of whatever they want to do.The same will happen with VSingers, they will pay them everything and Gura will still get nothing because she doesn't want to do anything.There's hope that the VSingers are located on USA and have some music production contacts that can help the other's to make the process easier
>Be chumbud>Everytime anything happens someone tries to make it involve Gura>Passively collect (you)s from people seething at my mere existence Feels good to be a Chumbud
>>348547Cover doesn't give a shit, what could happen is if Mori or Kiara helps Gura to record a cover or an original single
>>348680Why you got to make my oshi's wife cry?
>>348820That's something that the timing window came and went. No one cares anymore, she already did a 2mil celebration.Her first original song isn't some window that's going to expire.
>>348767>The ENs getting their 3DsYeah, get comfortable compañero, shit's not happening at least until the whole corona shit is over. Maybe by the end of this year or the start of 2022 we will get them announce their 3D models
>>348610There's nothing wrong with liking Ame's singing better but don't fool yourself like this
>>348777Yeah it made me think the screenshot was a bigger yab than I thought. I didn't think the screenshot was as bad as amegeddon that's for sure.
>>348786About audio and music stuff? Yes, she pretty clearly is.
>>348777>Those weren't big dealsAre you serious? That Kiara screenshot triggered such a huge amount of autism that it created this board.
>>348322I dont even need to watch that video to know why eating rare chicken is a bad idea. C.Jejuni is a naturally occuring pathogen that can be found in chicken meat that could cause food poisoning. Though rarely life threatening, it does upset your digestive system for a couple of days. Beef, meanwhile, rarely contains any bacterial pathogen that can cause illnesses. Yes they do contain E. coli but the more harmful ones are more prevalent in pork than in beef. Lactic acid bacteria in beef are also safe apart from two species that can cause food poisoning. The only thing you have to be worried about when it comes to meat are parasites
>>348809Of course she isn't talking about it! The first we hear about it is going to be an announcement like this one.
>>348763Gura is content to do the bare minimum so no.
>>348790All of callie's tracks are made by people she knew before joining hololive. Kiara commissions all her songs' productions. How does cover come into this again?
>Kiara didn't knowTakamori is fucking deader than ever
>>348790It's not a rrat if it's true newfagchama, but ogey.
>>348826Ska is the best even Ame knows
>>348836The closest you'll ever come to that is her singing mr brightside.
>>348790Turkey got an original song right from debut despite living countries away from Cover.
>>348704Nice favorite post you have there
>>348838Thats not how Cover works
>>348820kiara will collab with her roommate
>>348831That's fair, but I wouldn't expect a singer to know what a good mix sounds like given how many "music fans" can't even tell what a good mix is.
>>348849Where have all the chumchads gone...
Everyone shitting themselves over it not being a Gura song, meanwhile I'm sitting here thinking the mix is fucking horrible and that it's generally a bad song all together. I'm tired of her pidgeonholing herself into this "generic idol" shit just because she thinks idol songs have to sound a certain way (they don't, it's not the fucking early 2000's anymore). And it's not even generic idolshit, because generic idolshit would have calls. It's like lantis if lantis didn't want an audience in their concerts .
>>348842>>348815>the Jew and the Austrian get paired togetherLike pottery.
>>348777the kiara yab literally led /hlg/ to seethe so badly they permanently changed their title name and talked about it for weeks
>>348849You should post more, chumbuds feel so rare after the /vt/ move
>>348511>German band>big Tolkienheads like Kiarathe answer is simple, anonchamaBLIND FUCKING GUARDIAN
wait is easter really early this year?
>>348875Tell that to the turkey
>>348758Right here Ayamefriend!Rooting for Flare, I hope she makes it!
>>348796Kek. I'd say 2 months at max.
>Kiara REALLY likes the songAs long as she's happy, I guess it's okay...
>>348529Why, I do. How did you know?
>>348508Yes. She actually has a nice "character" singing voice, kinda like Pekora's
>>348790If this Narrative was true, we'd have a whole Album from Mori now, AO wouldn't even be bothered to make a track for Mori as well as Cover would beg both Mori and Kiara not to cover WWW and pick something better instead.
>>348721Tomorrow we get a variety stream and I'm pretty sure it's gonna be a long one since it starts from EU hours and no whoever fag said it's gonna last just 1 hour is wrong, so far she's done long streams this week, so I'm ogey.
>>348846Tell your parents.
>>348666based schizo
>>348881>>348888Much like my oshi I am very forgetful and forgot of my Chumbud oc folder
Lol, what a shit song. Laughing at KFP fags (Gura antis) right now.
>>348508once every 3000 years, I love her voice, she could be really good if she ever makes time for her singing reps
Please sub to flare
>Easter is death day huh that's backwards
>>348849based>>348881all of them devolved into oji-san
>playing the song againwell, at least she's happy
>brb, someone's knocking on the door
>>348740....did my son show up to support one of his wives....
>>348584VOMS > Nijiniggers
>>348511Why did it fail tho? I've seen she did videos and concerts and all.
>>348757Seems to be a theme. Off with their heads has fuck all dynamic range and suffers massively from it.
>>348880Look at those eyes. She just wants Pika to sit on her face while going Ine Ine
>>348885every time.
>>348911give me a reason to
>>348777They did completely alter the thread, but not necessarily in a negative, shattering way. But for a day after the Kiara screencap, the entire post cycle was taken up by her post and it's consequences (the kata thread mainly), and Risu's tweet hit the thread just as it was forming back to normalcy on the first night, and shattered at least a thread and a half, as well as permanently shifting the dynamic of Risuposting again.So it doesn't have to be a bad rrat; just a rrat that dominates the discussion beyond everything else.
>>348508yes, and she can also draw!
>>347027i knew i was going to find this very exact post here as soon as i saw this retweet.
>>348777>those weren't big dealsMaybe not here they weren't.
>>348903oh I would tell my dad, if I had one.
>listening to that shit 50 timesKiara has shit taste.
>>348911Already have, godspeed to her
>>348820Fucking kek. Seeing chumbuds get their hopes up for that celebration despite it being obvious that it would never happen was funny. Remember the triple 1 mil collab rrat?
>>348790>Yeah, it has nothing to do with the fact that Kiara and Calli live right next to Cover's headquarters.>Peacock get a song by living in ID
>>348651>>348700>>348761Unlike Ina who only tries to mimic the song she sings to a T, Ame at puts a part of her being into the song, making it feel more genuine and unique.Basically, Ame's singing has more SOUL compared to Ina's.
>>348785>implying Cover helps the staff
>something good happens to kiara>chumbuds immediately rush to victimize themselvesstill mad about the superchat comment huh
>>348903I love cunny too. KFP fag spotted.
>>348565I fear the day the 7th trumpet sounds. The board will be unusable for months or more
>>348937she likes well-done steaks what the fuck did you expect
>Easter is now Death Day since it's Mori's birthday>for 2021 Jesus slipped on a banana peel after coming out of the tomb and died again
>>348920unironically narratives
>>348909Come back when your shark loli gets a song.
>>348917>checked her channel>it's realWhat the fuck? What happened to Shion?Wasn't she online playing video games on Sora's steam friends list?
>>348656Marine could pull it off
>>348928She's a sexy brown elf with a great voice and taste in music
>>348807Is it still going on?
By the way flare's doing a singing endurance stream
>>348882Those are my same thoughts. Her mindset/taste is stuck in the early 2000s idol scene.
>>348917Ojisan isn't letting her out this time.
>>348928She smells bad.
i like seeing my chicken happy about releasing songs.
>>348881We're here just chilling king, don't worry. All the kids whining Gura doesn't have a song are falseflaggers.
>>348882Those are basically my feeling for this and Hinotori's announcement, as well.
>>348696Bloom shouldn't cause any rrats so long as it operates correctly. The real lookout will be to make sure we don't have a second Holofes aftermath at home in /vt/.
>>348944Sounds like a whole lotta cope.
>>348921AO probably rushed that shit because tour planning.
I'll be honest, even as a chickenfag I don't think Kiara's music is super great. I like it alright, but its not the kind of music I'd look for. That said I absolutely love how enthusiastic Tenchou is about her projects. Really infectious energy.
>>348871>>348943Turkey's song is by an Indo musician, for whatever that's worth
>>348891Reine payed for the entirety of ID Gen 2, don't use her as an example.
[Sad News] Flare has sung over 43 songs and still hasn't reached her goal
Metalheads are the Redditors of music
>>348790>I'm new and don't know what I'm talking about, but let me make this retarded post anyway
>>348958I don't give a fuck>>348965Okay I'm subbing
I don't like it. I don't like Hinotori either. Mostly it's because Kiara's singing part is just so flat and uninteresting and overproduced, it sounds like a vocaloid song or something. Kiara can actually sing well, you saw that in her unarchived karaokes, especially her last one. What she needs is a song that actually showcases her voice instead of something safe where she just sings backup vocals to a bunch of heavy instrumental accompaniment. I think she's just lacking confidence in her singing and unwilling to sing a song where her voice is actually the star of the show. That bothers me. Sorry Kiara, I still love you.
>>348882BASED.>the chords go DOWN in these measures and then UP in these measures
>>348938I'll be your dad
>>348871the sultan...
>>348903>he tells his parents his fetishesngmi
>>348937>Kiara has shit taste.we know that from her Karaoke streams where she has like 2 Hello Project songs every time
>>348953All while Mori laughed at him
>>348917>/hlgg/ enters defcon 6 when Ame takes two days off>Shion casually fucks off for an entire monthEN fans are pretty spoiled, huh?
>>348584>Pitting VOMS against hololivekys
>>348962has anyone ever failed a sub endurance stream?
>>348752She knows enough eigo to make it clear she doesn't know eigo.I love it.She sounds like Kermit the Frog.
>>348909even if gura gets a song, people will shit on it
>>348955Hell yeah, shark loli didnt deserve her 2m get graduated bitch or dead
>>348962I'm sorry, i only like DARK elves
>>348947>chumbuds immediately rush to victimize themselvesFucking chumbabies man, always the victims
>>348976So is it location or funds that're the deciding factor, pick one and only one
>>348790Kiara even has to commission someone to do the song logo, and you think there's a corporate bias?
>>348520Mamaloni... we don't deserve you...
>>348945They might pay for your therapy.>>348948I just hate pedos.
>>348917Shion come back...
>>348917>Wow, its just like the hentai!
>>348979whos your oshi and what music do you like
>>348790So I guess we're just going to pretend the ID's don't have covers/original songs?Also EN runs good voice recording mic setups and recorded singing more
>>348781I just accept that Kiara has shit taste in music based on how many fucking idol songs she sings during unarchived karaokes despite the fact she doesn't sound good doing them, but people have to realize that you don't have sing the most fucking generic, overproduced j-pop imaginable if you're an idol, especially an alt idol like the ones in Hololive. Kiara can actually sing decently when she's not using the debuff voice and given a good song to work with, but I don't expect her to every choose one for herself at this point.
>>348962I know and I'm already watching, but I'm tempted to close out because you keep shilling it instead of just talking about how good it is.
>>348990Risu is latinx?
>>348943Bitch has tons of connections, thanks to her Gen 2 even exist. Keep up with the doxes, bro
>>348729>She has many good ideas, but maybe 5% of them ever reaches any level of completion.I bet she's just a procrastinator or gets extremely anxious over everything, and that includes things she wants to try. Specially new things.>she's scared of talking to new people and collabing with them>of trying new things>of showing emotions or talking about herself, making her vulnerableShe's prisoner of her comfort zone. She can escape it tho, after all she decided to join Hololive. Probably out of desperation? In any case, she got accustomed to it and now she returned to her old habits.Really hope I'm mistaken because it's a terrible situation to be in.t. basically projected myself into her
>>348974Agreed, I like Kiara's western music taste but her idol music taste is god awful
>>348990when's the next stream?
>>348881I've branched out to only Chumchad posting to confirm the Catholicism of Hololive
>>348990you're supposed to speak indog, risu
>>348974Hinotori had a really good section at 0:18-0:23 and a really spanking good jazz remix.
>>348977Fine. I'll give her a sub
>>348547cover only gives them a platform, a brand 2d and 3D skins, EVERYTHING ELSE they have to get themselves, their songs are self produced.
>>348591collab was 40% kiara, 35% mori, 10% ina, 10% gura and 5% dead air
>>349000Azki ironically enough.
>>348938Oh my god I need to chum to cunny
>>349018CocoMidwest emo
>>348962Its impressive how many subs they get with these endurance streams, Flare went from 1K to 7K subs/day. Haachama might do one and get to 1 million before Ame that is not doing anything like that.
>>348944holy cope. Yea she has soul but she still sounds terrible
>>348921>>348973Isn't he still kinda new to track making?
>>348995Hello Project? More like Goodbye Project every time Kiara decides to sing it.
>>349000suisei did a few weeks back i think to hit 600kalso, checked
>>348947I’m so glad i rent free in KFP jannies
Kiara said hard twice in one sentence...
>>348974Yeah me too. Though Kinotori has grown on me after months of repetition.
I am solidified
>>348987Can I get a small loan, dad?
>>348997>Mori ruined Jesus' redebut
mmmm solidified
>>348843stuck on a shit portable? why else
Kiara I appreciate your enthusiasm, but this song is just plain generic and really meh.Still going to listen to it tho
>>349018Ina2000s hyphy
>>348843Amazing gameplay and OST at least
>>348994it could be worse...
>>348584Magnet is pretty cool in my eyes. No need to tribalfag here.I only dislike Nijifags
>>348990y pastillaste rojo
>>348996She spoils us so much and teamates don't deserve her.
Tenchou is making me solidified
>>349021I just want her to sing a fucking song in English
time for a yab
>>349040Ame Ame Ameeeee
>>349015>he doesn't like cunnyThe one who should tell something to his parents it's (You).
>>348917This is probably why Gura hasn't done the collab then
>>348788AZki puts out a lot out stuff but she's also the "exclusive music" holoSince ENs debuted she's put out an album and 6 singlesIn that same Mori's put out an EP and 2 singles , Kiara 2 singles ON TOP of also streaming regularly
>>348882My oshi loves old idol shit, pls undastand,
>>348917And Shion said, nothing, you idiots!shion's dead, she's locked in my basement (ha ha!)
Flare spammers, giving your oshi pity subs that equate to dead subs doesn't help her.
>>348947The rent free is real
>>348979I just need a Rushia metal song then you will never see me again
wtf jenmna
>>349049yes. I sincerely hope Mori goes for Little Planets for her next song.I'd love a pump-up Anime OP as her next song.
>>348944>puts a part of her being into the songWhat part? Where she doesn't actually sing and just recites the words and then intentionally sabotages the rest of the song halfway through when the littlest thing goes wrong?
>>349015I think the one who needs therapy is you.
>>348996yeah, though teamates are kind of a exception for going a little wild without some Ame streams. Other ENs can manage for a bit longer but they all go a bit nuts if it's more then 3-4 days.
>>348584I love Magnet. I wish she wasn't so nationalistic.
Did Kiara ever talked about the reason she wore gloves in the beginning of the stream? tee...
>>348790Cover doesn't do shit. Why are we timelooping on this shit again? Those two pay out of pocket (in Kiara's case) or make it themselves (in Mori's case). Cover only gets to benefit from their work without having to do shit.
Kiara is humiliating herself and making sexual comments in front of her manager...
Orange woman collab when. Why won't they let Coco collab with the ENs already?
>>349053 It's literally the worst part of her Karaoke streams
>>349065Mori ruined Western civilization!
>>348977I'm already subbed. What was the sub count when she began? I remember when Watame did the 700k subs stream she began with 8k to go and got there pretty soon.
>>348947I honestly can't wait until Gura graduates so we can finally get rid of chumfucks
jenma's not going to survive
>>349092sell me flare i might sub to her
Name something from the collab that nobody has mentioned since the collab ended.
>>348996She's gen 2. Has close to 2 years on Ame. Ame and all of EN must work hard they are the new generation that will lead Hololive.
>The only reason Kiara and Mori are getting songs and covers is because they're in Japan!>The only reason Reine is getting to do original songs and covers is because she has connections>The only reason Moona, Iofi and Risu started releasing covers more or less as soon as they debuted is because... uh... shit.Just accept that your line of reasoning makes zero sense already and stop doing mental gymnastics.
>>348584Today I will remind them
>>348978>tfw no takodachi gfIt's unfair bros...
>>348706>>348931Erotic child armpits
>>348947Rent free
>mentions putting on gloves>dick gets hardWhat have you fags done to me?
>>348533>Ame composes a song with Calli>Its a love song>Its soft and mellow with guitar and xylophone>Her singing is slow and controlled, every word is tailored and perfected by her many many recording sessions>She got it just right for us to make us fall in love with her even more>Screen slowly fades to black and you click to another video>Next night you decide to listen to it before you fall asleep>This time you let the video end properly, and you hear her faintly whisper "I love you.">You dream of you and her camping together, a fire crackling in front of you both as you sit on a log>She leans on your head, she has a ukulele in her hands as she begins playing it again>At the end she looks up to you and smiles, her blush covering her smoochable cheeks>"Thanks for taking me out to this trip Anon, I've never been so much more happier in my life than now.">She closes her eyes to give you a kiss on the cheek and rests on your shoulder>She leans to lay down on your lap>"Hey, whats this in your pocket?">Its not a lewd joke, shes serious about it, and you're worried>She reaches in without you responding and takes out a small black box>She drops it and clasps her mouth, blushing increases even more as she looks up at you>Shes stunned for those few moments before jabbing your arm>"HOLY SHIT YES!">She begins to tear up and cry, jumping into your arms cuddling with you>You both fall into the soft grass, the stars shining above you, but none in comparison than the light in Ame's eyes.>She leans in to kiss you properly on the lips>You close your eyes>When you open, you're in your bedroom again>You look around, realizing that it was all a dream>You look at your phone and see the end of the vid>Its the silhouette of her and someone else in front of a campfire
>>349095The world definetly needs more Gura butt, wish I wasn't a poorfag so I could comission some quality Gura butt.
>>349055ah fuck i didn't mean to waste trips on bad juju. i'll go sub just in case.
jenma let me hear your voice so i can climax..
>>349112>Imagine the seethe
>>349043>CocoCringe>Midwest emoBased
>>349061Sorry son, times are tough right now... I'm not sure I can manage that right now...
>>349125lethal league
>>348790dumb trinitynigger
>>349000Haachama tried to do a 950k endurance stream, tapped out because she was getting too tired, then fell asleep reading superchats:
>>348978Change the eyes to THE COLOR and it'll be perfect
>>349087>Mori's put out an EP and 2 singles , Kiara 2 singles ON TOP of also streaming regularlyGiven that Mori had the EP done before debut does that mean post debut Kiara and Mori have had the same musical output cause that doesn't feel right.
>>349026She's rratinx.
>>349112>Orange woman collab whenO'riends.....
>>348996>still thinking Defcons increase in intensity alongside higher numbersSeriously, why are so many people making these kinds of easy mistakes these days?
>>348977its only been 4 hours i'm sure she'll show off her endurance. how many subs did she start the stream off with? she only needs 2400 at this point now
>>349120nice falseflag faggot
>>349106How new?
Anyways, the homos are having an "announcement stream" for the future of Holostars in about 1hr30min if anyone is interested.
>>348974Based KFP understanding what really matters.
>>349015As I said, KFP (Gura anti) spotted. Are you gay?
>>349094Not gonna disagree with you there, those black metal Rushia remixes on YouTube are great
>>349015I didn't know someone could be triggered by a drawing.
>>348974Same. Problem is I listened to LL and IM@s songs years ago, so my expectations for her music is way too high.
>>349120Couldnt agree more
>>348947I love it. The seeth, the tears.
>>348882I just want a catchy song to listen over and over. Mori achieved that with Live Again, and other Holos did too (I think I was obsessed with Say Fanfare for an entire month when it came out).
>>348944Ame's Fly Me to the Moon could win a "Funniest Hololive clip" award from the first 2 seconds.
>>349128No, you don't understand, my cute shark cunnyfu could never just be lazy, that's not possible
I’m glad my hardworking oshi never gives up! Fuck off chumbuds, go ask Gura yourselves why she hasn’t made a song yet
>>348974She's into idol songs so that's the type of music you will get, fellow KFP.Her best song is hands down Finding You though, and that one's not idolish at all
lol found this on Flare's chat
>>349051So which of them is the strongest?
>>349106>for reasonsliterally what she said
>>348956Kek is sora's stream private because they are editing out how shion is ghosting her fanbase?
Damn, Kiara really had 6k people only waiting around for the announcment
>>349110So why are people asking for Gura to do it? She will not benefit from this at all, she is already the fastest growing Holo and her karaoke bring out huge crowds.
>>349135Don't tell me you weren't already a glovefag?Glove fetishes are natural. Who wouldn't want to cum in their idol's glove, only for them to wear it and let your love permeate their skin? Not to mention gloved handjobs.
>>349161>the future of HolostarsThis does not sound good
>>349036>>349026 Indonesia and Filipinas were always part of the Spanish Empire, do your history reps anons>>349032Next tuesday, I will personally humiliate Peko senpai and get her to do a naked dogeza live
>>349106to cover the horrific burns she has retard
>>348774>Transitions into part of the regular battle theme to symbolize how you're tearing God down from his throne and turning him into any other demonThe wait for SMTV only got worse once I learned the same guy is in charge of the soundtrack for it.
>>348790The absolute state of chumbuds.
>>348889>austrian band>big Tolkienheads like KiaraMOTHERFUCKING SUMMONING, BABY!
>>348542What a weird placement for her crown.
>>349041Actually would make sense since AZKi takes singing and setlists very seriously and might run out, but what milestone did she fail to hit? I more remember Watame failing a while ago.
>>349110If Cover didn't hire them they wouldn't even have this opportunity.
>>349159Cope chumbaby, nobody likes your kind
>>349159>>349175Wait really? This one is not one of yours?
>>349161>at 3 am>still want to know what happensIs it worth it?
These hard chocolate balls are too big for Kiara.
>>349102Teamates are spoiled as fuck. I've never seen any other fanbase go on about their oshi's streaming hours so much when they're mostly normal, for instance.
>>348944true art requires skill and soul. If you believe what you're saying then all modern art contemporary bullshit is acceptable
>>349015leave normalfag
>>349178>>349195And another one. Dangerously based.
>>348790Reine literally payed out pocket for both Gate open: Start! AND her King cover BEFORE she even debutedQuite literally only think stopping Gura, Ame and Ina is their own desire and ambition
>>349190>Risu as Maria ClaraDRAWFAGS, DO IT.
>>349120>KFP show their true colorsNot even trying to hide it anymore, uh?
>>348944This is complete bullshit, and I'm saying this as a fellow Teamate. Ame has potential for greatness, but she's very obviously never done any serious singing before this vtuber gig, and she's afraid to commit herself to it when she sings because she knows she's not great and has self-confidence issues. With practice and a vocal coach she could get much, much better, but we already know Cover doesn't do jack shit for the girls, and unfortunately, there's no way Ame's finding a qualified tutor on Craigslist or in another deserted parking lot, so we're basically shit out of luck.
>>349059Hinotori is definitely not that great but somehow I was brainwashed into liking it even though I stand by saying its not that good. What the fuck happened?
>>348978Do we have sisters now? Or are we turning tricks?
It's those hours. Prove you're not from the SEA region
>>349204I'm stealing your chicken pic but just know that your post was retarded.
0th gen unity
>>349204True, i hope their oshi die and finally we can free from chumfucks
>jp holos sings dozens of songs during karaoke>en holos sing 10 at maxwhy?
>>348974not the biggest fan of idol songs, but it's not an outright bad song and kiara is happy so i'm not complaining.will probably download it.
Guys, you don't understand, Kiara is only getting songs because she's in Japan.Please ignore the following, by the way:
>>349163>the guy posting with this filename is also the guy who posts cun cun, is always engaging with the pedoposter, and is also a tribalfagHMMMI FUCKING WONDER WHO COULD BE BEHIND THIS SERIES OF COINCIDENCES
>>349119She started at 493K, but only had picked up like 1k during the first hour and a half because it was overlapping with Coco and the EN collab. Since then she's picked up like 4k in 2 hours, which is about in line with Watame pulling 7k in 3.5.
>>349179don't bring those songs up please she's never gonna do that again
>>349161I am
>>349204Leave SEAnigger
>>349196Yeah, the artist never went back and fixed it.
>>349229I don't need to, you know me.
>all this falseflagging getting miserable amounts of (You)sI told you dumbshits to stick with the thing you had going for the last couple of threads
>>349201Kiara probably won't, but Calli could totally keep making music outside of Hololive. But she does unironically get a lot of exposure.
>>349207Buy the dip
>>349120this but unironically, fuck cumbuds
>>349221I need this ASAP
>>349225>With practice and a vocal coach she could get much, much betterThis is true for everyone, but Ame is so bad is it even worth the investment of time for her?
>>349161the thumbnail doesnt seem happy...
>>349151What a lofty goal. Pretty sure she knew she wouldn’t get it but she just wanted an excuse to do an endurance stream.
>>349199Her "singing until 300k" stream. It makes sense if she's like that though since she called the stream despite being like 2k subs away.
>>349207>that peak
>>349161it's gonna be fucking merch isnt it
>>348547>cover givesthe fuck, anon?they do nothing, thats why okayu has no songs even being the best singer of the world
>>349120Meidos shoot the falseflaggers onegai.
>>349243Cope chumfucks
>tfw your oshi will never make you chocolates The thoughts and feelings are enough.
>>349240A samefag?
>>349213it's mostly ironic, kind of like gosling posting. Mostly. Okay maybe half of them are schizos...
>>349161Please be something positive
>>349221>>349255But why?
>>348737>Limit Breaker is better than Dandan.objectively false
Kiara this looks worse than my 5 year old nephew's cooking
>>349055It was aiming for 650k within 4 hours.How long flare going for?
>>349220Ame just want to stream, Ina considers this as a hobby. No idea about Gura.
>>348827She sure turned that around quick.
>>349228>He missed it
>>349234>wishing for a chuuba to die, even as a jokewew
jenma gonna smoke an entire pack after this stream
>>348790The highest SC'd JPs also don't ask, but they're still showered in SCs anyway.Teamates and Chumbuds are simply comprised of more poorfags compared to most.
>>349222t. deadbeat
>>349201Honorary Jap slave mentality. Give your all for the business because without them you wouldn't have the opportunity to work for them.
>>349229i'm spic
>>349242I told her that was my favorite song of hers and she gave me a like
>>349254You wish you could fuck me faggot
Jesas, the drop in viewers once the announcement is made
>>348843It was that much better than IV?
>>348565Examples:>1st trumpetGura is pregnant, Mori doesn't care about hololive, and other insignificant timeloops.>2nd trumpetAlleged Ina collab ban (that was poor phrasing). Current Kiara SC remark rrats are around 2nd trumpet because while it is minimal, shitposting spanned multiple threads.>3rd trumpetMori TT, Charlie, Kiara's screenshot.>4th trumpetAmegeddon. Also the state of the thread every time a significant doxx is uncovered.>5th trumpetJ. Shit spread like wildfire to the nips.>6th trumpetAloe, Towa.>7th trumpetTaiwan, Holocaust. The former saw an entire branch nuked and multitudes of permissions revoked, the latter almost got multiple holos banned, had the company almost sued, and has left very little VODs for survivors.
>>349161Probably combination 3D announcement (they were promised 3D if they hit an undisclosed milestone and Roberu probably hit it with 100k) and HolostarsEN audition announcement.>>349258Clickbait.
>>349229Gracias a Dios
Well, tenchou, no one will get the idea you bought them pre-formed, at least...
Nabi-mama's voice is still just as cute as it was months ago
>>349229Can't be fucked, have a picture of my oshi instead.
if the girls have to commission everything for original songs, does Gura not having a song mean she's heeding Mio's advice to not make expensive purchases
Its alright fellow chumbuds, gura will get her own song eventually and it will make everyone kneel
>>349291sasuga cumbuds, always thinking about sex
>>349254Agreed, they whine about muh SCs, track people they don’t like and get mad when any other holo member gets a song when it’s just because Gura won’t make one
>>349152It doesn't because writing lyrics takes a long ass time. Not to mention MV, pre-mastering vocal edits, etc...Kiara sang one song, wrote the story for the other and sang that too. Mori did everything but the art + mixing & mastering.
>>349204I thank you for the picture of my oshi but please die.
>>349161it better not be a mass graduation, I've grown attached to some of these guys...
>>349269>gives a rock
>>349240It gets so tiresome.
>>349229Aguante Kiara loco, no me importa nada!
>>349207>almost 150 posts/minuteWhen was this? During the collab?
>>349161im not watching it, my mind always thinks its gonna be a graduation.
>>349215Idk about it being acceptable, but contemporary art still sells.
they gonna die on camera
>>349137>this post got ignoredJust shows the current state of threadDon't worry Goslingbro, I didn't read it
>>349306Yes. Aloe lives in my head rent free and every waking moment I think of having sex with every member of Hololive.
>>348974This, if she wasn't my oshi I would probably never listen to this type of music>>349179Her solo songs are not even idolish, the only ones that are like are the ones from, well, her idol times...
>>349236lack of practice. both in songs and their voices. JP treats their regular karaoke as casual fun, so less compelled to practice until a certain quality and they don't shy from repeated setlists.
>>349311You gotta beleeb
>>349018SoraDeath metal, post-punk, neofolk
>>349187Because a handful anons are retarded and cry over the fact they think Gura "deserves" an original song more than Kiara when the reason Kiara has two original songs is because she's not lazy and made it happen for herself
>>349278almost 5 hours
>>349261Are you ogey, anon? AZKi didn't do an endurance karaoke to try and hit 300k. She has done a bunch of karaokes recently, and the only one that was numberfagging was the 300k celebration.
>>349120t. Deadbeat
>>349229i'm not a gross mud-man.
>>348955Kiara is horrible. I'd rather Gura not have a song then put out some generic JPOP shit. Why are Gura antis all kfp? Oh, jealous of her sub count, they are numberfags like Kiara who looked up to the ultimate numberfag, Peko.
kiara moaning in delight at my girthy cock
>>349275Because it'd be cute
>>349293that's just literally every announcement in existence ever. people kinda just fuck off once they see/hear what it is
Does Gura retweet cunny art because she thinks the responses are funny?
>KFP actually wishing Gura's graduation nowWhy are they like this?And no, these aren't falseflaggers.
>>349229But anon, I am! Also, please subscribe to Risu she's really cool and HERE
Do you think this cute wallflower is improving or getting worse at group collabs? I remember she talked more in older EN collabs, but usually the stuff she said wasn't as interesting or funny.Also I hope she keeps doing more 1:1 collabs, the recent ones were pretty great.
Abayo chocoball...
>>349237Those are all Cover songs
>>349307Its so tiring, wish all chumfucks to neck themself off
>>349237You managed to forget the only original song out of the whole lot.
>its so crunchy!Its nuts with a hint of chocolate, of fucking course it is
>>349161I swear if it's graduation...
>>349304I know.>>349323B a s e d.
>>349282Oh I saw it im just wondering which way /hlg/ takos wanna take this.
>>349204please fuck off with your falseflagging
>>349321thanks a lot now i feel bad for him and have to go back and read his post
>>349347Okay, where's Gura's cover song?
>>349311Idk man... Roberu looks like he just finished nutting.
>>349295I just wanna post the 3rd trumpet version because I'm really hoping we never have to use it again.
>>349309so 2 songs for mori and 2 songs for kiara same output just different input
>>348977Can't the fucking Noel fags subscibe then?
>>349304and it will be shit on because it will not meet people's expectations
>>349112>>349143kiara hates coco because the yab wont let her play the famous chink games
>>349226Maybe... It actually is pretty good?
They looks like giant rabbit turds...
>>349321T-thanks for the (You)...
>>349334Based cst poster
>>349359Ask Gura why she doesn’t want to make one
>>349341>And no, these aren't falseflaggersSpoken like a true self-victimizing, falseflagging Chumbud.
>>349257If she ever wants to participate in Holofes than it would be a good idea.
>>349229I made this edit. Could a SEAnigger make this edit?
>>349161Come on Yagoo, you wouldn't axe the holobro's, would you? Also I just realized how long as fuck Astel's legs are
>>349341Why not? Chumfuck are the worst, wish their oshi graduate so they can fuck off
>>349335Literally rent free
>>349288Thank you, now I don't need to waste a img slot.
only ~2k more!LET'S GO FLARE
Dont go Nabi-mama, it was too short
>>349339Probably because she touches herself to it, and to the thought of tens of thousands of horny fans touching themselves to it.
>>349240What the fuck are you talking about? Lol.
How will she ever recover from this?
>>349350Reine going from "nationalistic indog" to "favorite ID" has been an interesting development in these threads
>>349339It has the cute hammerhead hat.
>>349236isn't karaoke like a regular recreational activity for the japanese? i can see the americans only doing it like once a year prior to hololive.
>>349379More. Please more. Your anger is what motivates me to keep going.
>>349341because cumbabies keep shitting up the thread victimizing themselves
>>349335She's going to commission Yunomi to make the song and you are going to like it.
>>349229I like idol anime where the characters' peace signs are reversed v-signs, because I know how much it makes some people in my country seethe, and it's funny to briefly ignore the cultural difference and think of them as insulting each other. Also, it's 6:40 AM.
>>349349>a samefag that has been trying to make people hate chumbudsWhyHe doesn't need to, everyone hates us anyway lol
>>349372>>349137have one on me matet. also didn't read it
>>348565>>349363I admire that you probably have made seven songs even though you might never get to use them. Impressive autism.
>>349128>The only reason Kiara and Mori are getting songs and covers is because they're in Japan!Say what nigger. It's cause they actively either commisioned or have connections and actively search for ways to make it happened. It has nothing to do with them being in japan or Cover helping their ass. They had to do everything themselves. The rest of the HoloEN girls could make it happen if they were more proactive or had more connections.
>>349320I wasn't aware the point of the discussion was financial viability
what's tenchou?
>>349161>>349189>Either holostars is ending or holostars EN is coming>Either it's all over or some fag from these threads is gonna get to live the dreamIt's all or nothing lads
>>349257She's not even that bad
>>349137>>349321I read it, but I didn't know what to say so I said nothing.>>349372Have another, then.
>>349397it took 1 week
>>349379You dont see all those hate post toward gura?
>>349229I actually have dental hygine standards
>>349375feels good being a CST niggers or dumb shit anywhere.just sit and relaaaaax
>>349248I remember you complaining about certain religions being more prominent in SEA countries a while back. I know you're a seanigger. You can't hide from me.
Oh right Kiara's got the ultimate sweet tooth
>>349229>phonepostingBut not a seanig at least
>>349345She absolutely is doing worse in group collabs. For whatever reason she just doesn't talk anymore. That said, all her 1:1 collabs have only gotten better.
>>349341well crafted free (you)s
>>349359Ask fuckin Gura. And while you're at it, ask the rest of EN why there's no Ochame cover.
>>349365Technically true. Just trying to explain why it doesn't feel right.
>>349407Only the 3 from the game, sorry anon.If anyone has suggestions for higher trumpets, feel free to suggest.
>>348846nice reddit file name :3c
>>349408Anonchama, your reading comprehension/sarcasm reps.
>>349399Yes, I already know Chumbuds like to make people angry and lower the quality of threads, please keep replying to me and prove it further.
>>349373Suffering with you friend.Was about to pass out, but Tenchous chocolate-eating moans just woke me back up.
>>349341We should've bullied the KFP out of the threads when we had the chance
No one did anything wrong.
>>349397The power of western money
>>349137I didn't read this
>>349365>2 songs>somehow forgot about Cursed Night >Cloudy sheep doesn't count>IF we're talking the whole year, Alkatraz was released on Mar 2020
>>349412>or holostars EN is comingWe'll hear from Cover on twitter first, they haven't even opened auditions.
>>349318>nene sneeze>ha-CHOO paTOOEYhow can one CEO be this cute
>>349397She never was nationalistic, it was just a clip taken out of conduct
>>349395she was pandering to SEAnigs
>>349401Nope, i literally hate them all
>>349229I like my steak medium rare
>>349229I can make a post without making any typos.
>>349229Aus, I'm as much of a shitposter as the seanigs but I have standards
>>348545Not kfp, but I like it more than hinotori so far.
>>349429Anon your battery.......
People forgetting Ina commissioned an instrumental version of a song she couldn't otherwise get.
>>349137alright i read it
>>349387so true
>>349382Why is he wearing Subaru's pants?
It was a nice day. Good night.
>>349295This seems accurate. 6 and 7 events will never not be talked about no matter how much time passes. All others will last for varying amounts of time
JWU, what is the big announcement?
>>349040Definitely more than 10% Ina, she was actually really good in this
>>349229I don't like pineapple on pizza, i hate salvini
>>349229People say this but i've yet to meet a single person in the UK who gives a fuck about that. I also havent left my house in a while, so that might hamper my ability to meet people who care.
>>349443Reine that's the wrong word
>>349204>>349234>one minute apartHHHHHHHHHHHMMMMMMMMMMMM
>>349161Wait? Is this related to the mario kart tournament? Or that meet and greet thing they did
>>349464Hinotori 2
>>349325She's got solo idolish songs, even in german. Hell her last song before hololive was very idolish.
What would Valentine's Day sex with Kiara be like?
>>349452>AusYou're the worst of them all
Post cunny, KFP fags are crying like little bitches about it.
>>349240>>349349Anon, he probably went with tribalistic shit with that last post, but I think he got very angry because you insulted cunny more than anything else
>Kiara>Peko>Flare>Noel>Mikochi 2hr>Suisei 3hr
>>349229I can't because I'm a true blue based auscunt.
>chum this KFP thatAre you guys ever bored of this loop?
>>349345She's improving. Here one on one collabs could use some work, but she's getting there. Group collabs, she's good.
>>349395It was basedI don't like eating raw meat... fucking americans
>>349161>なんでしょうね??people thinking this even has a chance to be a graduation needs to not only take their meds, but do their reps as well
>>349349>a samefag that has been trying to make people hate chumbudsWhat? Chumbuds are the second largest fanbase here next to teamates and most teamates will never hate chumbuds due to Gurame. Stop worrying over nothing.
>>349428Seventh trumpet doesn't need a song. The post won't get noticed anymore."The Binding of Isaac Soundtrack: Lament of the Angel" is probably a candidate for fourth or fifth trumpet.
Reminder that Gura has a ton of subscribers and a lot of antis, this means that they will shit up the threads. Chumbuds are always the ones who are being attacked, we never do anything wrong but you know how antis are.
>>349438this is about post debut content so no to your spoiler
>>349404>>349467im monky brain
>>349229Everyone replying to this shitty post is not better than a SEAnig
>>349471>You would not believe the dopamine rush your replies are giving meNo, I can easily believe it. I've seen many a Chumbud before live to spam threads before you.
>>349161>Shinove on vacation and doesn't know what it's about>Only Astel was told about what the video isI wonder what's management's thought process behind doing this
>>348996Did you already forget that nutsackis went insane when Pekora was gone for 3 days?
I wish I was the lucky girl to be handed chocolate from Kiara at Valentines day......
You guys know that not every Holo has to have an original or a cover song right?
>>349480We are?
>>349462*casts a spell to give r. ratman a fantastical dream*
>>349397I'm honestly glad I listened to the retards here when they hyped her up afterwards, she's really chill and has good English with a cute accent. Yes my favorite EN is Ina, how could you tell?
>>349477Really really loud.
>>349487It's like two dumb schizos and SEAniggers probably falseflagging each other and a couple newfags along for the ride
>>349488I think you got those mixed up, anon.
I just want another CalliGuraTori colalb desu...
>>349473Don't compare me to a fucking ESL you nigger
>>349495not even sadly if it was electroswing it would sound good
>>349395Even I can't defend my chikin wife from this...
>>349229At least I'm not a SEAnigger
Flare Snow Halation, cute
>>349519She loves (you)
>>349510pathetic cope
>>349510They don't know shit
>>348511National Socialist Industrial Goth Pop Metal actually
>>349485Everyone shut the fuck up and post pits
>>349496>we never do anything wrong holy cope
>>349487just SEAniggers replying to each others posts.very strange really.
>>349161 rrats>3D, those 3 dont have one yet >Rebranding, they drop "Holo Stars" for something like "Hololive:M", the purpose?>EN Homos, they are promoting them for the new EN Homo branchIt's can't be something bad, they are playing Mario Kart 2 hours after that
>>349410You mean, the word?
>>349516Based and truthpilled
>>349487this is how you know the transition to /vt/ is complete
>>349161It's either gonna be 3D or a nothingburger.
>>349520There only has been that Overcooked one?
>>349496>we never do anything wrongbased and true
>>349491definitely graduationsource: I know a guy
>>349413Your right, anon. She just needs to stick with songs within her vocal range, like "kiss me".
>>349532Comping with what?
Do you guys hold your poop for hours just so you don't miss the live reaction streams?
>no shrek watchalong next weekfuck
>>349478he's right though, have you ever heard noel? yet she sung in holofes, didn't she?
>kiara gets to have live video when cooking>ame and gura are banned by enma from showing videoWhy is Jenma so much more based than Enma?
>>349428This one for one of the higher levels maybe?
>>349482I don't insult cunnyposters, I respect them and their taste. But when one dude pushes one word, and is also more than likely samefagging to start up his own shitflinging timeloop, it wouldn't matter if I did or didn't.
>Mori ruins yet another collabthe narratives write themselves
give her the chocolate, Hisao^H^H^H^H^HKiara
I crave cun cun...
>>349496My favorite shitflinging posts are the ones where you blatantly call out what you're doing like this. People never learn even when you tell them.
>>349189>>349235>>349258>>349274>>349311>>349352>重大発表>発表Do your idol culture and kanji reps. Zero reason to worry.
>>349496>we never do wrongHoly shit the actual state of chumfucks
>>349501god i wish she would rap more, i really love listening to it
>>349397The sad thing is that that perpetuating that kind of image probably hurt her growth right at the start. Given that Ollie just hit 400k it's surprising that Reine's less that 300k despite all the english content she produces.
>>349544>It was Yagoo's dream all along
Shrek watchalong postponed to next week, makes sense given the stuff Mori mentioned
>>349480I got ya brother. KFP liked ragged out whores like Kiara.
>>349544Anon.....ame will go Fujo mode
>>349552Sure. Just keep spamming the thread with your fap material buddy. Keep proving me right.
>>349207I swear we could play chanposts like the stock market. Betting on dips/increases based on each boards drama
>>349395Holy autism...
>>349558>Jps can show 500 pictures of their cats>Ame can't show a picture of Bubba or Mikki
>>349345>I remember she talked more in older EN collabsShe usually had to take the lead more often, which would be why. Also, the nature some of the older fullcollabs were probably just more conducive to talking for her, but I'd have to go back and rewatch to really make sure and I don't really want to. I thought she did okay in this group collab, it's just that the other personalities have grown more dominant over the past few months (which isn't to say I'm blaming them like falseflaggers tried to earlier, it just makes her quiet disposition more noticeable).She's good at 1:1 because she's just an easy person to get along with though, even if it takes one or two tries to get warmed up to her partner like with Kiara and Mori.
did she realize people were going to make porn of her a shreck
>>349487I'm assuming jp /hlgg/ is finally dead since they are clearly here now
>>349433Oh this is nothing, I'm used to staying up until 4 for 10chou's streams.
>>349558Jenma is literally in the room with her ensuring there are no yabs for instance Kiara has to stand in one spot and never move from it so Manager has to hand her everything so she won't move
>>349229I was happy when my school closed on account of a bomb threat when a few years ago
>>349555I wanna kiss Mori...
>>349443'I'm mostly going to stream in Indonesian' and then forcing that in the Plasmaphobia collab were the kiss of Death for almost all off the hype of your debut, Riene. Make sure you tell your kouhai to not do that dumb shit if we get an ID3.
Ssshhh...Ayame, Tortilla, and Rushia are asleep...And hopefully I will be too within the next hour. Goodnight anons.
*Casts spell to make you cum and stain clothes, that is all.*
>>349539What's in the water over there that makes them like this?
>>349574Post more, pacify this thread
>>349229uhh i just ate some in n out
>>349489There's a difference between raw, and rare.Then again she obviously has the jaw strength for well done steaks considering how much she like to talk shit.
>>348511>What did you guys expect from her? Fucking Death Metal or something?yes
>>349491I don't think it will work or anything, but when someone's doing it, better to let people know so they can learn instead of feeding into the delusional SEAnig's roleplay. nose let's go
>>349591who the fuck is jewchou
>>349558Kiara convinced Jenma by bribing her with homemade chocolate and phoenix pussy
>>349565uff thx /jp/brostill i don't gonna learn moon runes
>>349558Jenna is chammers manager
image slot goes to extremely thick and fertile chicken
Flare is so close guys. So close. You better fucking subscribe if you haven't.
it's 8 in the morningplease stop already chicken
>>349478I agree she's the worst in EN mostly because she doubts herself too much and starts messing up, and she's definitely not a lost cause like Noel
>shamelessly rips off Asacoco>shamelessly rips off Haachama Cookingwhen will Kiara develop a sense of shame?
Have we seen Kiara’s hand/arms?
>>349577This is the self sustaining cycle that I need in my life
>>348511Jazz, enka, dubstep... enka dubstep jazz.
>>349317Either the collab or Nene's redesign
We should have bullied "We should have bullied them out of these threads when we had the chance." posters out of these threads when we had the chance.
>>349161>People thinking is something bad>When they are finally taking offIt's going ot be merch or 3D or a concert or an original song, relax guys.
>>349538>>349549>>349567I’m not wrong though, antis just blow everything out of proportion to shit on Gura
>pancakes>frying panfriend pancakes? is that a thing?
>>349611inb4 ruined
>>349273I'm beginning to worry teamates AREN'T being ironic anymore...
>>349620I want Shinove's massive dick rammed right up my asshole.
>>349137>a small black boxwhat was the box
>>349615Jenma only manages 3 people
>next time Kiara will get condoms for her gloves
>>349631That's so very very sad.
>>349617The things I'd do to this chicken
>>349229I can't because I am one :(
How often does Flare sing?
if Kiara wants views and subs why doesn't she send a rocket into spacethey get 500k+ viewers every time
>>349583what she did now?
>>349510It's just another angle to shit on EN with, especially when directed at Gura. I guarantee if/when Gura ever puts one out it will go from "why is she so lazy/why no cover for the singing shark" to "i thought she was the singer of EN? this sucks, what happened?"
>D-did Shrek get killed?
>>349479and I'm proud of it
>>349510The general is full of fucking newfags and unironic underage niggers
>>349496Dont worry chumbuds we understand. And we love you too. Chuuu ;*t.KFP
>>349605If ain't a 4x4 animal style. Then I will lynch you as a SEAnigger
>>349588I hope she likes A Hat in Time. It sucks that she lumped it in with alot of other games, makes me think she'll do 2 lvls and drop it.
Pizza Dad just got the Mackerel ending of Nier.
>>349606>Then again she obviously has the jaw strength for well done steaks considering how much she like to talk shit.>Kiara having better jaw strength than most of the anons hereThe testosterone reps...
>>349636What else would you coof pancakes in?
>>349636>pancakes>cooked in a pans-sugoi...
>Don't forget your chocolate manager san!Jenma HATES it
Would you rather be called a simp or a gachikoi?
>>349614>still i don't gonna learn moon runesyour english reps...
>>349120Do not falseflag with my Oshi please
>>349643what is this from
Cun Cun Cun
>>349643>padoru padoruenma cute
>>349510True but even Ina is planning one so I'm surprised Gura, known for her singing, hasn't said anything.
>>349633This but with 'We should have bullied "We should have bullied them out of these threads when we had the chance." postersout of these threads when we had the chance.' posters.
>reading SCBoy oh boy, i've missed fucking up my sleep schedule
>>349643I wish I had L*serbait's job>>349677holy newfag
>>349652Kek, exactly this. Every time. I honestly wonder if the antis are deluded enough to believe the things they say or if they seethe and type that shit through gritted teeth, knowing they're full of shit but unable to admit it.
>>349617I want to make her my wife!
>>349635>finally taking offDont delude yourself
>>349627when it doesn't work and she's forced to rip off Pekora. Oh wait.
Don't worry bros, I'm sure Gura will have an original song soon...
>>349662In and out is only in the us though?
>>349617God I want to fuck her so goddamn much
nice thread
>>349550I think softer songs work best for her
Why are people going after Gura for not releasing a song anyway? Why not go after Ina and Ame too?
>>3496532 weeks
what's this "sew perch at reeding" thing Kiara is talking about?
>>349514I would have suspected Mori instead of Ina since you like Reine more than Anya.
>>349677How new?
>Jenma knows where Kiara's gloves have beenI would be reluctant too.
>superchat reading
>>349694It's "a" for Aruran
why does gura always apologize for talking in the middle of the movie? nobody's complaining...
>>349345She's an awkward little shit, I love her. Even if she doesn't talk much, her moments are still funny / cute and of course her 1:1 collabs are good, so I hope she focus on getting even better at those because group collabs are not and will never be her forte.
>>349577Stay mad KFP
>>349673i simply dont talk to people that actually have simp in their vocabulary
>>349677Lurk more you fucking nigger i fucking hate you faggots posting useless questions that could've been answered if you would've just shut your damn whore mouth>duuhhh why supacha called?>gguuuuuhhh makes new thread early>uhhh why anti called?>durrrr who coco is?>uh uh sora who???>uhhhhhhh why permission?>what 5ch????>uhrrrrr where 5ch link?>post frogman and soijak>WHERE DOXX??????????>WHY HATE MY FAVORITE????>what kino means????>what reps means????>just woke up what happen????????>hurr when is stream?>duuuur what gosling means???>what naizuri?????????>what roommate means????>bluuuh what rule 1 2????????????>SIMP heh gotem>uhhh just anime girl???>durrrrrhhhh is my schizo narrative true??>jp/indie collab when???????????????>huh how play 2 streams???>asanagi who????>why thread deleted after 2000?>why live stream only?>what does membership give???>durr how youtube-dl work?????????????>im ray0 what do i akasupa???????>what freechat????>what oishi gachokoi??>what gremlin is???>just twitch????????>supacha stream zzzzz????>why all girls gay??????>what ogey means????>what rrat means????>uhhrrr why mikocchi boat????>durr what towa aloe do?????>nurrr where superchat/membership money go??>hurrrrrr gatekeep bad!FUCK YOU AND DIE IN A FIRE WITH YOU'RE FUCKING WHORE FAMILY NIGGER
>>349389she's gonna make it!
>>349681She said it'd be cool, that's about it.
>That set listAre...are you gonna be ogey Flare?
>>349680Dolphins are flying out of HER anus!! Oh my gawd, SHE's fucking dead, JR, she's fucking dead!
>>349710Nobody wants to hear Ame sing anymore than they have to.
>>349558>comparing a japanese manager to a burguer oneNot even in the same league, I fucking bet Enma is a PC snowflake.
>>349639I mean we're talking about the fanbase that doxxed itself in the first month to go on a date with Ame for her membership stream so some are without a doubt insane but it's pretty clear the gosling posting and OH GOD WHERE IS AME posting is mostly funposting.
>>349633This but also all usage of the word "uppity"
I fucking love this song holy shit I LOVE YOU FLARE
>>349673gachikoi, nothing about my oshi's pussy is mediocre
>>349710>throwing shit to the biggest target always hit
>>349653Go back to being an Valkyrie, Nerine.
>>349721Yes, I know very well Chumbuds are KFP antis. Feel free to keep proving that as well.
>>349642Me too!
>>349677kill yourself, not even kidding
Why is it only 12:52 bros?? It should be later than that, WHAT AM I GONNA HAVE TO WATCH??
>>349681>hasn't said anythingt. doesn't actually watch gura
Heart Challenger is boring but you better believe I'm gonna listen to it every day until it hits a million views
So do Chumbuds and KFP hate each other or what?
do (you) deserve love anon?
>>349687At least she reads SCs, bless her heart
>>349724Holy shit, it has been too long since this was posted
>>349678>that tummy>those hipsUOOH I will never not love this image T u T
Flare please stop...I cant hear Kiara...
>>349721Yeah, chumbuds are so fragile and shit up the threads all the time. Please stop posting cunny for me and my oshi to uoh over.t. totally not kfp
>>349582None off them takes their cat for walks in the park that could get them recognized like Ame does with Bubba.
>>349673Neither, probably gachikoi if only because that hasn't been driven into the ground, even if it apparently holds more negative connotations.
>>349710It only works with Gura because you have to pretend to be angry that Cover won't "give" a song to a better singer than Kiara.
>>349710Because Gura is the best singer in hololive, Ina is only okay and Ame is kind of bad.Although admittedly with a produced song in the right style you could even make Ina and Ame sound great (see Pop on Rocks) so they should all get one. But it's no surprise fans really really really really want a Gura original.
>>349643>Mori is managed my Holostars managerMori has a massive donger confirmedBASED
>All this shit bait in the thread getting (You)sSEAniggers seething at chuubas again. You're not falling for it are you anon?
>>349745Please watch Flare...
>>349652>Gura literally cures cancer>"Wow Gura just ruined the entire economy, all chemiotherapists are now without a job, retarded shark. why is she like this?"They'll keep coping forever. Her getting this popular is engraved in their brain.HoloEN Gen2 could come out and get someone much more popular than Gura who'll get to 450 million subs in one day and shit on her with every single number, and they'll still insult her and let her live rent free in their heads.Their last words will be "she didn't earn it... she didn't deserve it... *cough* *cough*"
>it's those hoursnothing to see hereevacuate thread
>posting bait>replying to bait>actually believing baitSEA was a mistake
>>349749Yes we wish to kill each other oshi
>>349721I'm not even mad.Thanks for the gura lewds chumbud.
>>3496874am here we fucking go!
>see a post>think of a reply to it>think of a reply to thathow can i be sure i'm not the only one posting
>>349345I think Ame is the sort of person who'd rather take a backseat during group conversations and chime in whenever she wants, and that's okay. I get that "being an entertainer is her job" and all that, but this is Hololive we're talking about -- an entertainment company that makes content for socially awkward weebs -- not television or something. My views on this might be skewed though, because Ame is my oshi and I personally think group collabs that are bigger than three people are overrated. 90% of the time it's just everyone talking over each other and that other 10% consists of awkward misunderstandings or dead air.I think she's fine in 1:1 collabs. It's obvious she's nervous sometimes but she still says funny/entertaining things and is very respectful of her senpais and kouhais.
>>349667>>349669My mistake, I was thinking the cast iron pans used for deep frying. I call the regular pans as skillets
>supreme numberfag of holoEN spawns fans that hate the hololive girl with the record-breaking numbersThat makes sense to me, but what's the deal with the Teamate Deadbeat war?
>>349673gachikoi. simp is twitch normalfag cancer and doesn't even make sense with vtubers because they are not real.
>>349750No, especially not ame's
Reminder that your oshi wouldn't want you shittalking her friends
>>349570Saying she wanted to mostly doing indo speaking streams killed her debut momentumOllie on the other hand was riding the english wave since debut
Gura is a genius. Even the Japanese agree in the comments.
>>349558Why could these dumb bitches just delay the stream so that when a yab happens they can cut the steam.
What did kiara say about the shrek watchalong. why is it not happening
How long until Gura moggs Kiara's new song during one of her karaokes?
i've been gone for a few hours, are people still pissy about that comment kiara made to gura?
>>349550If fucking Coco of all people can actually improve through her absolutely relentless approach to her karaokes, then Ame can as well.
>>349724Holy fucking BASED I was just wondering where this pasta was the other day.
Collab was great, I laughed the whole time! Too bad threads shit the bed with all the shitposting. Looking forward to tomorrow's variety stream from my oshi. Have a good night everybody!
>>349692>delude yourself>while showing the fucking numbersare you talking to your mirror or?
>>349749KFP are full of inferiority complex fags that need to attack others for the sake of their menhera bird
>>349785>Teamate DeadbeatGo back
>>349778all (You)
>>349794mori is busy next week so shrek is delayed
>>349750Ame I love you
>>348584I like Magnet's singing. I love that throaty scratchy voice she does.
>>349732Can't we agree her singing is cute, at least? should focus on cute songs.
>>348584 cute
>>349789why does this only ever seemingly apply when chumbuds get butthurt
>>349766Of course not, it's just fun to watch.
Shrek being canceled is feeding my rats about takamori
>>349778>looking at a stream>4chanx pops up 5 (You)s I got>confused>genuinely don't remember the post I made, click over to it>don't recognize the post even reading it even though it does look like something I'd write
>>349794Mori busy. Postponed by a week.
>>349677Fuck off
>>349754>>325694 Quite a long time.
>>349783Nothing really, you just haven't taken your meds.
>>349510I'm being for Coco official Part Rock Anthem cover for a year now...
>>349677if you dont even know who l*serbait is, you need to fuck off from the thread
Guys I am feeling a little sick. I spent so much time in /hlgg/ yet I feel like every week we have the same discussions here.
Flare is going to become meguka
>>349680>Haachama trades spots with Ina.>Ina gets to be Fubuki's genmate.Sounds like a win-win.
>>349801Bye chumbuds, i feel sorry for your oshi
>>349783>the Teamate Deadbeat war?The what?t.eamate
[Sad News] Watame has woken up
>>348609ska came before reggae
As a Chumbud these KFP shitting on Gura makes me unironically hate Kiara and KFP, ngl
>>349742KFP (gura anti, jealous of sub count) is mad, kek.
>>349794ya boy's too busy, getting delayed 'till next week
The threads tonight have been something else. Toss in some doxxposts and roommate discussion and it's like I'm really back on /jp/!
>>349830>implying I'd subscribe to a nigger
>>349796no one is mad about it.just the same falseflaggers, tourists and SEAnigs from before.they're trying to start a fight between KFP and chumbuds now.just wait till tomorrow and they'll be gone by then.
>>349750No...I gotta live with it.
>>349750no, but I appreciate the sentiment.
>>349814I don't even know what's going on, just looked at the thread and saw people being bitches. Some of the people being bitches are chumbuds and they should also stop
>>349817It's a storyline. All of it. I tell you.
>>349838How fucking new are you?
>>349161>Holostars announcing that they're finally going to be recognized as a part of Hololive, thereby killing all 35p in the process
>>349805the only people with "inferiority complexes" are you SEAnigs that LARP as Japanese everywhere you go
Meido woke up. Scram, you rrats. Next time spend your time catching up on archives instead of falseflagging tribalism.
I can't take it anymore! I NEED to marry this bird!
Kiara doing a superchat reading today is kind of in bad taste after the collab yab
>>349795get better bait nigger
>>349750ame and i dofalseflaggers and bait-takers do not
>>349796no, now it's a repeat of the hinotori falseflag
I love chumbuds and KFPt.Amelia
>>349838Back to discord
>>348909>>349341>>349622Just cataloging that these were all the same person and were deleted before the entire reply chains were purged with them.
>>349840>chumbud>numberfagI'm shocked.
>>349828We don't call it timeloops for nothin'
>>349750Why would she say something to me that I know isn't true. Is she trying to hurt me? Does she hate me?
>>349680>KIARA HAS A GUNAlready confirmed.>INA IS PREGNANTIna has never, and will never be touched by a man, no matter how much she longs for it.>BUBBA IS A RRATTrue.>JENMA IS Kiryu CocoRetarded, JEnMa is too skinny to be Coco.>MORI IS GOING TO GET A PET RABBIT, DO NOT TRUST IT, IT IS A RRAT SPY FROM PEKOLANDTrue.>HAACHAMA WILL WIN HER PLACE IN HOLOLIVEEN BY FIGHTING INA FOR HER SPOTPartially true, she will fight for the spot but she will lose.>GEN 2 ANNOUNCEMENT END OF THE MONTH, DEBUT MID MARCHPartially true, auditions opening at the end of the month.>VSINGER DEBUT END OF APRILTrue.>WATSON ONCE ATE A PINECONE AND SHAT IT OUT WHOLETrue.>INA IS TOO BORING TO MAKE SHITPOSTS ABOUTTrue, I still love her though.>ALL OF HOLOEN ARE FIGHTING TO COLLAB WITH COCO BUT Kiryu Coco SAID NO BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL FUCCBOISTrue, but only if Coco is actually Enma.>HOLOEN WANT TO COLLAB WITH THE HOLOSTARS BUT YAGOO SAID NO BECAUSE THEY'RE ALL HIS FUCCBOIS AND HE AIN'T SHARING WITH HOLOEN BITCHESTrue and Based.>GURA AND AME ARE PLANNING AN OFF COLLAB BUT IT'S TAKING THEM A WHILE TO ORGANISE BECAUSE GURA KEEPS PITCHING A COWBOY HOLIDAY AT A DUDE RANCH AND AME HATES THE SMELL OF HORSESPartially true. They are planning a ranch off-collab but Ame doesn't hate the smell of horses, she is used to living in places where it smells like shit.>Jenma is also Kiryu Coco's manager that's how she can handle kiaraTrue.>Jenma is a strong womanTrue.
>>349724>this was on the early jp /hlgg/
>>349807El Pablo Diablo, nigger.
>>349161graduation finally
holy shit this producer only knows how to make one kind of melody
>SEAnigs took Kiara's words as ammo to shit on Gura and viceversa>SEAnigs falseflagging as kfp shitting on chumbuds>SEAnigs falseflagging as chumbuds trying to victimize themselves and shitting on kfps>Some retards genuinely believe that they're not falseflagging, high probability that these are also SEAnigs falseflaggingIt's all so tiresome... and somewhat funny to think that they may even be fighting against each other if no one falls for their bait.
>>349859someone should definitely superchat her about it
Why do I love Gura?
>>349760Ina’s naizuri hole exposing her delicious perflat and ribs...
they are
>>349724What are some other pastas/ritual posts long forgotten?MORI SHIT AND FARTED etc. comes to mind.Where is the Ina unity poster?
>>349728Well, she shouldn't need a third line for the set at least, considering she's only got about another hourish to go, but it's going to be close if she can hit the goal or she'll end up calling it.
>>349838As a fellow chumbud (as proven by my choice of picture) I absolutely agree with you.
>>349748Have fun with that. I'll probably join in whenever she makes a song with a producer that can mix her voice decently.
>>349834Why is 3D sheep much cuter than 2D sheep?
>>349859>kiara can’t read SCs because chumbuds feelings are hurtWhat the fuck?
>>349841well someone tried to post the wrestling edit again during the collab but got banned in like 30 secs
>>349757KFP shit up the past 2 threads gura anti (jealous of sub count). Stay mad KFP
Uh why is there so much chumbud and KFP shitposting/falseflagging? Is this because of the full EN collab? I haven't had a chance to watch it yet.
>Ctrl+f deletedHoly fuck this is sad
for fuck sakescan i report an ad or something?
Go get vaccinated already.
>>349809>>349819>>349839>Is going to play video games all week>Still somehow busy
>>349750noI don't even love myself so how could I expect anyone else to love me
>Ctrl+F [Deleted]>40 resultsS-sugoi
>>349795to be fair it's really easy to mog an overproduced studio voice, fucking hinotori somehoe it's worst version is the original video...
>>349854That's pretty rad
>>349750No I don'tbut I still want her love
>>349898>not having ublock in the year 2021
>>349851Hololive could use more euromenheras
>>349838What's with the influx of newfags?
>>349838As a KFP jannies (trust me) i do make a shitflinging post to make you hate my oshi
>>349766At this point it's just false flaggers arguing with each other.
>>349662i ordered directly from the menu. secret menu is for tourists.
>>349898You don't use adblockers? What the fuck is wrong with you?
>>349879Im waiting on a meido to wake up and ban them, hopefully.
>>349869hate me, fucker, hate me
I barely woke up for Kiara's cooking thing, why are some mentioning some "comment" Kiara made in collab? What did she say?
>>349830I've tried listening to her with half a dozen different headphones and god knows how many EQ settings but somehow her voice always causes me pain
>>349895>Is this because of the full EN collabYes
>>349879SEAgroids letting Kiara live rent free in their heads as usual.
>>349838why yes fellow chumbud, we all hate kiara now
>>349703Bless Ina for giving us this idea
>>348909>>349341>>349379>>349383>>349399>>349432>>349434>>349481>>349484>>349622>>349660what did he mean by this
>>349902She sounds too tired not to be juggling other shit outside of streams. Was hoping the trip helped, but apparently not quite enough.
>>349893I mean, when she says that she has nightmares about that event when everyone knows about it, its gonna be posted and it was by almost everyone
>Holostars will personally announce that auditions for HolostarsEN will be open soonAnd I will apply. And when I do and inevitably make it in, I'm gonna probably keep a professional distance while offering common courtesy over social media or maybe even ignore your oshi! How does that make you FEEL, you fuckers? HAHAHAHA
>>349934Meidos deleted the entire chain. Only one of those were me.
>>349900Can they? I feel like hikkis who make all their money streaming from the comfort of their home aren't exactly high priority.
>>349902>game streams during weird hours>Shrek watchalong is 5 hours of movie>recording songs every day this week
I thought Calli had the best art in the collab. Her style is very appealing.
>>349894>chumbuds are SEAniggersUnsurprising given the high number of shitskin rock spiders.
>>349869>KFP calling someone else a numberfag>not denying being jealous of Gura's sub countKek. Telling someone they are jealous of sub counts is not numberfagging you fucking kfp tard. Lol
>>349925Its literally nothing. SEAniggers getting uppity.
>>349832She needs to learn to love herself. She should've said that she doesn't give a fuck about SC readings because they're for losers, and I swear to God I would have SC'd her for the first time even though I'm a greedy Jew
Which is your favorite HoloEN between Alison, Grace, Mari, Kyari, and Nina?
>>349817Mori is recording every day next week so she doesn't have time for a 6 hour off collab watching the 3 Shrek movies.
>>349941B-but I want (You) to collab with my oshi Anon! If I superchat you enough can you make it happen?
>>349954Okay, that's what I thought.
>>349868Also, of funny note, the retard is literally SIGN POSTING HIS LARP WITH HIS TALKING STYLE.The retard really likes to say>I hate KFP (Gura antis)like he needs to fucking double down every post on how you should REALLY BELIEVE HIM that his retarded, anti-Unity shit is real.God, it's like watching a child slam their head into a wall.
>>349851I just hope they didn't fight, they had a lot of chemistry at the beginning of the honeymoon
>>349934>not including my (You) bomb
When Gura releases her original song, it's going to be in what shitflingers refer to as her "debuff voice" and they are going to lose their shit over it.
>>348511nah, but some spergy german cybergoth sadlord EBM would fit her imo, like this
I'm starting to think the schizoid memes aren't memes. How the hell do you guys get into a hobby about watching cute girls and turn it into whatever the fuck you're doing right now. What the hell.
>ctrl+f Deleted>42Not bad I guess.
>>349915>Kiara goes back to Europe. Spends some time in Sweden somehow and meets SoapThe rrats.... They're turning me into something else!
>>349956why did we lose so many polka posters in the move?
>>349854based if trueWill they have to sing ochame kinou too?
>>349890Her 2d is off somehow that makes her seem low resolution, while you expect jank from the 3d
Hello chumbuds! I dislike your oshi. I think she smells of elderberries.
>>349966She's scared.
>>349901this edit specifically makes me coom instantly
>>349934all me
>>349952Wow yes, i tooo like to switch oshis when this thread is shit
>>349953>kek>lolI understand Chumbuds are all Redditors, but you could at least try to blend in a little more.
>>349941And when I get in I will personally grind my music reps back up and ask all my boys to be featured in my post punk bubble techno pop bluegrass album.
>>349941Anon....please don't get fucked by my son
>>349969I just hope it's English
>>349966New Mamaloni tweet, time to transl-wait.
>>349955>tfw now I actually believe Kiara was referring to her with that jokeWhat the fuuuckFucking hell the schizos are entering my mindnvm she should've ignored her or laugh, fullstop
>>349982I think your oshi is dumb and probably smells like a deep fryer
>>349973they were never memes, we've been the menhera from the very beginning
>>349973>Antis>SEAniggers>Unironic schizos>Discord fags trying to start shitIt’s unfortunate honestly
>>349838The funny thing is that even though most of the replies are treating this as a falseflag, anons seriously do get affected by the shitposting in these threads. I've seen countless anons let Mori rrats influence their perception of her.
>>349953Newfagchama, chumbuds are the root of numberfagging.
>>349952Wrong! Try again you dumb fuck. "Oh, anytime someone talks bad about my oshi they must be a seanigger." t.burgerTry again nigger
Rebel scum
>>349958>Alison>19yr old blonde with blue eyes, time powers and a rifle.easy choice.
>>349978We didn't. They're all still there whenever Polka is on and sometimes when she's not just like before. It's just they're all also primarily takos according to all the surveyposting and self-admittance so they tend to disappear whenever neither are on.
>>349812i think she does best with the ska songs she's listened to to death. i want her (hypothetical) original to have the same energy as her "would you be impressed" cover.
>>349969No it won't, she uses that voice when she's nervous because of singing live, it won't be in her recorded track lol.
>>349992no way unless she makes the lyrics herself which may actually be likely
>>349969No shit. People will shit on anything
>>349989Wow yeah, i too are a kfp/tenchou fans bruh
>>349966She's a schizo but at least she's a cute schizo
>>349990Can I get a death grips feature too?
>>349941Will you play Dwarf Fortress? Age of Empires? Some RTS?
>>349922Youtube bug discounting adblocked viewers.
>>349966the no one?
>>349969worse than that, it's most likely going to be overproduced idol shit, like kiara's songs, I unironically want covers rather than orignal songs because of that, covers have a chance of not sucking
>>349990Pregnant holos art streams lets goooooooooooooooooooo
>>349951(Single-handedly) gave 10m+ views to two songs with her design. Even without her musical skill she can excel tremendously at animating.
>>349982why are takocucks like this?
>>349963Can't this stupid dark elf hit her goal already so I can listen to that yandere mesugaki asmr someone mentioned a couple days ago?
>>349900They're like dead last on the list, old boomers get it first.
>>350017No, you'll get an interlude from Lightning Bolt and you'll like it.
>>350004>not choosing Grace a cool and awesome Gang leade who is willing to be the bait just for you to be safengmi
>>350001All chumbuds do is post cunny and say how much they love Gura or want her to be happy.If you think that early numberfagging was actually them you're delusional.Those guys probably all fucked off after Gura reached 1M and stopped watching her all together.
>>349869>>349953>>349989>>350001>>350014You're not fooling anybody SEAnigs, at least learn a little bit of acting
>>349973anime girls are serious fucking business okay?
>>349978They were all gushing over her earlier today with the Planet Coaster marathon
>>350002Why yes, I too am a burger when called out.
>>349966will she schlick to the gloves?
>>349925Someone sent ina a morse code superchat and kiara said to ina that she won't have to worry about it, since she doesn't really do SC readings.Gura somehow felt called out and said that she does small sc readings once in a while. kiara put the nail in the coffin with a "it's good that you felt called out"
>>349750I'll work on myself and be a better person that deserves love, but for now I don't think I deserve it
>>349900>implyingI'm an essential worker and I'm scheduled for may. Hikkineets like Gura/Ame are likely around July at the earliest.You guys really gotta realize covid is not going to be "over" any time soon.
>>349936>Was hoping the trip helpedNow Mori has spend all of this week rushing to record stuff instead of being able to spread it out over two weeks due to the trip.
>>349990I feel like they'd probably filter you out, Dammy
>>349868>Literally 1 guy roleplaying a shit-flinging argument to make fans of video game playing anime girls dislike each otherI'll never understand what motives these people
You fucks don't know the pain KFP employees have to go through having to do our song reps to get a song to 1 million views despite it being shitty idol music. And now in one week we have to do it all over again
>>350025I'm almost positive the reason it's taking Gura this long to get a song out is specifically because she doesn't want some hack to make something bad and generic like that and is being picky with finding a good producer. She's too much of an audiophile and perfectionist to settle for a mediocre first song.
I think Chumbuds and KFP should have sex with each other.
If gura was to release an original song right now, how long do you think it will take for it to reach one million views?
>>349900ah yes, wear the mask and vaccinate for a meme virus
>>349854None of the 35p replied to your bait anon, you're pretty bad at this
>>349941based. I would idolfag the fuck out of Tenchou.
>>349956I don't think I've ever listened to this in full until now. Polka's a natural.
>>349973>starting to thinkPretty sure this was obvious when hlgg spent an entire month bashing Mori over nothing.
>>350053Only if KFP are under 5 ft tall
>>350001HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA.Gura antis are the root of numberfags. Jealousy of her numbers is why they hate her. Chumbuds post cunny. Who starts the numberfagging? The Gura antis, meaning you!
What is the song flare is singing now?
>>350034Anon, he's a SEAnig, they're figthing against each other in that reply chain
>>350001>believing this
>>349982Wow! A KFP! It is with absolute certainty I accuse you of loving a numerically challenged tuber!. My oshi is not so numerically challenged! Are you seething yet?
>>349977>TakaNeridon't make a CRACK SHIP out of this, Kira.
>Your oshi>Which song should she release a cover of?
>>350053Ill dick down a chumbud anytime.
>>349994no she was not referring to gura, she was talking about that morse code superchat and told ina she doesn't have to read it
>>350065they're SEAniggers so that's a given
>>349318Nene is the new Korone
>>350053I dont have sex to the one who serve my dinner anon!
>>350050do your wah wah world reps
So why did Mori pretend to be a SEAnigger in the thread tonight and ruin the threads?
>>350048Unmedicated schizophrenia.
Will Noel be able to finish the BotW DLC before Flare gets 500k?
>>350047A storm drain won't protect you from a tsunami.
>>350025Original songs, especially non-collabs, that are done by the Holos don't tend to be overproduced idol shit. It's only when they're trying to get a bunch of the girls into a song for an event, like Blue Clapper that they go full retard with the autotune.
>>350055Three days.
Hey, guess what faggots?I like your oshi, I think they're really cute!
>>350033Make it like Blow to the Head and I am in. I will get rollins to play it live
>>350081In what way?
If you have nothing else to do right now you should go watch my oshi (male) assemble the ogey girl
>>348547>implying Cover does anything for their talentPretty sure Kiara's song's are self-funded. Gura is too Gura to go through the strokes of getting her own song released through Hololive, since talent has to do 98% of the legwork themselves.
>>349963I don't sub to nigger elves.
>>350037Vtuber drama is expotentially bigger than "anime girls" because there's people with actual personality behind the avatars. /vt/ is pretty much a bunch of old ladies gossiping about their favorite celebrities all day.
>>350073>Mori>Back-on - Wimp
>>350053Should Teamates and Deadbeats fuck too?
>>350073kiarabasically this
>>349936Our boy is addicted to overworking herself. The trip was a good stress reliever for her but she still has dozens of projects she's currently working on so she's going to be tired for a while.
>>350050Hinotori was ok and WWW was kinda catchy but this one...
>>350096Thanks bud, same to you!
>>349317Probably the orange mention in the collab. Thread spiked hard for that.
>>348565I feel like we're in a perpetual First Trumpet state.
>>350069>SEAnig>using material from SeptemberNah they can't remember that back in the past, they only use the freshiest shitposting material. that's why they save pictures/make collages, it helps them remember
>>350093For real? I was guessing 1 day at max.
Does this bitchy m faggot have any good songs or is this just more of Kiara's shit taste
>>350073GuraMarty Robbins - Ain’t i right
>>350050Have you done your wah wah world reps?
>>350073KiaraLos los los
>>350097Wee Ones Parade or bust
>>349978They're doing their sleep reps after fucking 10 hours of Polka's Circus (Zoo edition)
>>349956This version is way better than sora and the only reason this is true is because the original has some really gay whisper-like voice that sora tries to emulate. Whereas in this version Polka goes full psycopath with her laughs and belts out the song like a champion.
VIVA VIVA HAPPY CHU LU CHU CHU!Fuck I should start shilling Mel's cover of that song to help get it to 1 million
>>350042Eh, still seems like nothing.Every holo handles SCs in their own way, there's no right or wrong way to go about them. A bit weird thing to say, but it's nothing without schizos blowing it out of proportion. Gotta check the archive later.
>>349989Thanks for admitting I was right. Have you ever been to Reddit? It's a KFP Deadbeat boot licking forum. The moderator is even a Gura anti.
>>350051don't forget gooruh is also terrible at time management because of her adhd, most of her promises take months to realize
>>350120need this expeditiously, thinking about whether it'd be rude to ask her about it in a sc one of these days
GuraRainbow Connection
>>350113It'll get halfway there in the first day easy, then slow down a bit. Three days is the top though. Could be less. It kind of depends on the style of song, too. A slow sad song won't get replayed as much imo.
>>350112numberfagging is in their brains, they'll obviously use it as bait
hello newfags, this is the rumored SEAnigger hours. (You) can now experience this because the Indonesia rangeban expired. Engrave this experience deep into your heart because it will keep on happening until Kiara stops living rent free inside their heads
>>350073GuraSong of the Ancients or Senbonzakura
>>349804Not him, but gaining <15k subs in a month isn't taking off. They're definitely doing better and I'm happy for them, but compare that to Lo-fi who gained 40k subs. We wouldn't exactly say she's taking off would we? She got half the subs they got the whole month of January just this first week of February. Rather, Astel's numbers are absolutely awful when you consider how many hours a day he was streaming for the Apex tournament and how he did a 24 hour singing livestream.
>>349703Takodachi look like THIS?
...And as soon as the images are gone and you can't pretend to be a fan of a girl by posting with their picture, the SEAnigger fucks off in wait of the next batch of images.Truly a marvelous, but predictable, creature.
>>350070>anyone I don't like isn't a REAL chumbud/kfp/deadbeat/teamate/takoBigger fanbases have more faggots, if you seriously think gura fans weren't behind a substantial amount of shitposting about her early rapid incline I don't know what to say. You're wrong and even if they were "just shitposting" they caused a lot of shit because of it.
>>350073GuraFly Away from P&S
kek Kiara acknowledging Kira
>>350073AmeEl Cuarteto de Nos - Buen Dia Benito
>>350093her 2m karaoke reached 1 mill in a couple hours tho
>>350129>Have you ever been to RedditNo, but thanks for admitting you're a regular. Go back, Chumbaby.
>>350073KiaraFuck Optics
>>350055I'd say under 48 hours, but I don't know if she would beat Mori's newest song simply because while there is a lot of hype for her singing, people wouldn't be spreading it nearly as far as Mori's rap went with the controversy.
>>350073KoroneWhite girls fuck dogs - Rusy Cage
>kiara.pngChumfucks truly are the worst fanbase.
>SEAniggers replying to themselves pretending to be both KFP and Chumbudsbut why?i'm legit confused on why someone would do this.
>>350142>falseflag board>can't post falseflagS-sugoi
>>350131She should wait until the hype has faded to put out a song anyway. It's a free hype boost and she's wasting it if she does it too early.
>>350144I was there since debut. Most of the numberposting was the seething /hlg/ nousagi falseflagging.
>>350157How SEA?
>>350031Please link. Please. Please link this. I need to hear this so please. Please please please please please please please please please please
>>350103Doesn't Mori have the biggest female audience in holoEN?I could take the sex gacha with a deadbeat
How come I can't check the live stats for Kiara's vid on Poi Cat, it's not even there for some reason.
>>350121I respect you anon....
>>350138Based, newfags keep replying to them, I didn't even notice them until some retard pointed it out tho that was possibly a SEAnig
>>350157Why are kenzoku like this OH, SOUNDS LIKE TROUBLE IN PARADISE, GURAMEFAGS
>>350085>>350118It's at 1 million I've done my reps
>>350119Oh so that's the original. I only hear triangle's cover. This is fucking great, love the art.
>>350039Your call out is wrong. Can't refute what someone says? Call them a seanig. You got owned, next...
>>350156Mental illness, anon.
>>3500552 days? As long as she hyped it up it would crush a million easy. Just look at the 2m Celebration
>>350159This was painfully obvious when Coco's meme review got more viewers than her and suddenly all the numberfaggots turned against her
>>350073InaAnswers (End of an Era ver.)
>>350073gurasong of the ancients
>>349990idk sounds ok but zydeco trap is the future
>>349956>ctrl + f "tf77y6" in /vt/ archives>0 resultstf77y6
>>350165Thank you so do I.
So anyone has a list of the hololive girls who hasn’t have an original song yet?
>>350156Some people just like to see the thread burn
>>350168fuck off fandead falseflagger
>>350156>probably got tired from prodding both the teamates and deadbeats.Ina....Inaaaa
>>350171Be ready to be utterly sick of it in a few months then, since it's set to be the next KING.
>>350129>The moderator is even a Gura anti.Goddamn you're genuinely retarded. The worst thing is that I think you're a genuine chumbud.
>>350168Trying to do the devlish acts their oshi can't manage.
>>OPIs Mori on the bad ending of OMORI because she ignore the Kel knocking the door at the start of the game right?
Kiara you sound like a fucking vocaloid in your new song it's overproduced to hell that you sound like a robot
>>350156Literally schizophrenia. This is why the IDs hate pandering to their Indog fanbase because a lot of them are fucking delusional.
Teto is cuter than any vocaloid
>>350156I hope you realize why our culture revolves around schizophrenia being a bad thing, telling schizophrenics to take medicine to be better, and idolizing self-improvement reps.
>>35005512 hours, screencap this so that you can make fun of me in 2024
>>349018AmeIronic Incelpunk
>>350168t. onigirya
>Your oshi>Make up a title for your oshi's next original song.
>>350192Well shit.
>>350149Lol, you just got owned. Never been there but acting like you know what it is. KFP rekt, next...
>>350158well according to anti her hype is completely dead right now so why not realease it soon
>>350103teamates are too busy fucking each other to satisfy Ame's fujo fantasies
>>350207GuraRising Tide
>>350073AmeWeight of the World
JWU. How was the collab?
>>350207KiaraFuck the Japs
>>350209Go back.
>>349018>Kiara>cualquier cosa que no sea Cumbia o Regayton
Kiara your ESL is showing again.....
>>350149thanks for proofing it, its nice to have fellow KFP as gura hater
>>350207GuraChild Erotic
>>350196Nobody wants to hear her actual singing voice.
>>350207KiaraFick Ties
>>350207Not doing your job for free, Coverchama...
>>349190>Indonesia was always part of the Spanish Empireretard
I used to play games and do other stuff with my time.. Now I spend my entire weekend watching anime girl streamers and reading baits in this shitty thread..
>>350207MoriI say nigger in this one
>>350207>Kiara>"Room" Ft. Reine
>>350207>Mori>Rumblin' Roy and John from the underworld
>>350207GuraI want to Sleep
>>350207AquaBerry Haato
>>350215Pretty good honestly
>>350217The arc that would result in the release of such a song would be most interesting.
>>350207GuraDown below
>>350155This is true, chumfucks is the worst
>>350207Fuck off glowcover
>>350215Fun. The threads haven't recovered from it though unfortunately.
What are the actual chances that Gura will ever have an original song or official cover though, assuming Cover continues to not give a fuck?I mean, the only reason other Holos who don't also don't give a fuck about that type of shit like Pekora is because Cover forces them due to promotional bullshit. Considering that Cover continues to ignore her existence and she doesn't seem motivated, I say something like 15%.Same goes for their 3D, Calli will get her's but the others very unlikely will ever one.
So we all agree that every Hologirl is worth cumming inside of, right?
>>350232Why don't you just play games while listening to those anime girl streamers?
>>350215I'm sure you mean the Sora/Reine collab in which case it was great!
>>350207GuraBig blue beyond
>>349666did he save before getting it, satan?
>>350247What did /hlgg/ do this time?
>>350207KiaraGremlin Chicken: Chimkin
>>350232If you're not about to go to bed, do it NOW.Play dodonpachi saidaioujou or another new game you never tried.
>>350253Committing to having a family with them, more like.
>>350248>t. doesn't watch Gura streamsHer biggest dream is having an original song and performing live at holofes. It's happening. Just be patient. Quality > speed.
>>350261SEA realized that they could falseflag again.
>reminder that gura absolutely mogged kiara on hinotori
>>350257Other then the tiny did go good
>>350261Do your reps, we are shitting to gura and chumfucks now
>>350248Cover isnt responsible for organising that shit to begin with it's the talent themselves
>>350253All of them except Miko
>>350253All except the used goods.
>Marriage firstCatholic confirmed
God, I want to Nakadashi Kiara
>>350248>coverRETARDS HOLY FUCKGET THIS IN YOUR HEADCOVER DOESN'T DO SHIT FOR ANYONEKiara commissioned her OWN song BY herself, and so did Mori and everyone elseIf Gura wanted a song she would have made a song, which she hasn't.SHUT UP GODDAMN.
>Remember to never reply to bait
>>350261Kiara + 400 IPsYou can imagine.
>>350248>songmaaaaaaaaybe this year, if members actually pester her for one, producing a song means contacting people and gooruh is deadly afraid of that>coverthis one is more likely IMO
Has Kiara read the superchat about her calling Ina and Gura out?I should have send one as well to see her reaction.
>>349781you can still cook them in cast iron pans
>>350261Just typical seanigger shit starting tribalism shit out of nothing. They are still here too.
>>350207Ame FUCKING NORMALFAGS GET THE FUCK OUT MY BOARD GOD FUCKING DAMN would be a good song title for a punk song
>>350253Fuck off I'd only cum on Suisei's gloves and watch her wear it and maybe piss inside her ass.
>>350273reminder that Kiara would agree with that statement and thinks Gura is such a good singer she'd win the vsinger audition
>>350253Yes absolutely.
>>350207GuraBig Blue
>>350073Gura Komm Süsser Tod
God, I want to sexually harass Kiara
>I might have seen her final form, and let me tell you it was quite finalFucking Gigastacy
>>350261The usual overreacting and over analyzing by SEAnigger looking for an angle
>Yes I have seen CallI's final form, and let me tell you, it's quite finalABSOLUTE GIGASTACY
>>350282So none of them
>>350073InaThe real answer is Reason, but the interesting answer is Return to Oblivion.
>>350273Nigger I said get better bait. Don't post the same shit
>>350273kiara mogs kiara on hinotori, seriously fuck that overproduced voice, ruined an actually pretty good song
>>350269>It's happeningDYRB
>>350261Ignore archive reps this time and enjoy the collab, anon. It's not worth your time to look at what /hlgg/ did during it.
>>350261Just SEAniggers falseflagging again, look at >>350275 for example
>>350193T-chan admitted to not even bothering to translate Gura's 1 million announcement because he didn't feel like it. They allowed multiple threads for all other Holo milestones, regulate Gura to 1 thread and delete any multiples. Wait for FBK and Korone to hit 1 mil and lump Gura in with them, immediately give Mori her own and its translated. Owned, next..
>>350275>weSEAnigchama you're just punching yourself in the face
>>350073AmeNoel's King
>>350297I kind of hate that I want to try pissing inside of Suisei's ass at least once now because of that fucking cometfag
>>350293she has 10k worth in superchats to read
>>350317Yes. I'm right about everything eventually.
>>350261Orange woman continues to be bad
What girls sexuality are confirmed so far?We know Kiara is a bottom yurifag and Amelia is a switch for men
>>350308Yes, my used goods
>>350144See anon you make a good point but no one is ever going to believe you. I've seen this discussion several times before. Apparently all Gura numberfags were just nousagi falseflaggers or hlg falseflaggers. Thread culture was pretty garbage in the beginning of hlgg. "Unity" wasn't a thing and it was typical to bash the weakest links at the time. However for some magical reason all chumbuds, who were the biggest fanbase here in the beginning, were immune to this and didn't participate in any of the shitposting. Right...
>>350031she explicitly stated that she has 0% dark elf blood
>>350314it's not bait it's the truth see >>350298
Can I have some (you)s too?
>>350261Scizo's trying to force drama. It was good collab. Amelia was quieter than usual, but that is more her introverted nature showing in big collabs.
>>350218KFP owned. Next
>>350315Basically this.
I don't know if I want to see Kiara's or Mori's bare tits more.
>>350318The threads were fine, unity flooded out the SEAniggers, it's after the stream where it got shitty. People doing sleep reps and all
>>350347Go back.
>>350343Here is, Post (we) its easier
>>350349Stop being gay
>>350232Same but with anime. I'm doing it better now tho, only came here when my oshi is streaming and then fuck off when she finish.
>>350324>Noel's King is so far ahead of the curve that it constitutes a new, original songS-sugoi
>>350253I'm not sure I'd want to be responsible for continuing Aqua's blooodline.
>>350288>>350276>COVER DOESN'T DO SHIT FOR ANYONEBitch several Holos like Pekora have mentioned that Cover forced them and paid for them to take singing and dancing lessons to promote curry and other shitShut the fuck up if you don't know
>>350321If you wanna argue about reddit, feel free to go there and not come back thanks!
>>350321>Owned, next..I don't fucking get it, the rest of the post was the truth too.
>>350338>"Unity" wasn't a thing and it was typical to bash the weakest links at the time.Unity was a thing within the first week and it was chumchad posters who spearheaded the movement first.
>>350338It's not a very good point if you can't even convince the people who would be victimized if it was true, is it?
>>350341Why are you responding to yourself?
Flare is only 1k aways from her goal.
>>350343Just say "latinx" in the next thread
>Kiara giving long-winded lore of why an actual named rrat in her walls has a fictional mobster cousin that sends SCs.Shit be wild.
>>350235>spoilerKEK. Very sneaky.
>>350365That was a sponsorship retard
>>350365>to promote curry>shillingkek
I haven't visited these threads much lately, but it's kinda sad to see that we're already back to how things were back in /jp/At least doxxposting is dead, so it's still sorta an improvement.
>>350349Coming out of the closet I see.
who's casper?
>>350365maybe for events and collabs and shit maybe yeah,but for their own songs and music, it's all up to the talents to do shit.
>>350354You got owned by a Reddit fag. KFP really are retarded.
>>350336Ina is very traditional straight, but would like to play a Dom
>>350321Just go back to R*ddit already. Nobody cares about your petty gripes with it's moderation.
>>350382Kiara does the most with her lore out of all the EN
>>350248You are crazy if you think calli is getting her 3d while the other don’t. You want gura to make her own original song? Easy, encourage Kiara or ame to push for to make one. Kiara did push gura into celebrating her 2 millions milestone right? She might be able to do the same for the song.
Can someone explain the psychology of SEAniggers? What's their motivation? Why do they feel the need to start drama about vtubers when they don't even seem to be fans?
>>350365So get HoloEN to promote some shark fin soup? I like it
>>350386It's never going to change until mods rangeban SEA.
>>350389Sora says hi
>>350347>>350354>>350218>>350209You still gonna keep fighting agianst yourselves SEAnigs?
>Kiara friendzoning you because of the rest of everyoneWhy
>Your oshi>Do you think she's inside the spectrum?
>>350359She made that song her own. Now every time I hear "right side," I think "that's not how the song goes. It's supposed to be 'Righto saido.'"
>>350358I need to work on that. This thread is abysmal during dead hours, no point in staying here. I do it mostly because of FOMO.
>>350394Yes, I can tell you're very proud of being a Redditor. Go back and prove it.
>A nigger in this thread is currently using Reddit
>>350367If you wanna deflect after getting proven wrong then go back.
>>350406sora is literally the face of hololive, she's an exception.cover sucks her dick to get her to sing.
>>350386If it makes you feel better, it's doing better in every other way. It's just that SEAniggers are alive in their timezone again.
>>350401Have you seen what they look like? They're TURBO incels. Fat brownskin low IQ manlets. They have nothing better to do.
>>350401Can someone explain this anons need to turn the thread into SEAnig discussion general?
>>350386Yeah, the past few days it seems some key bans ran out and now the usual falseflaggers have figured out how to avoid bans.
>sametori german lesson could be fun
>>350395Ina is an actual pedophile
>>350409MoriMoriYes, I answered the question
>>350409GuraAbsolutelyI love you gura
>>350418What would you expect from a SEAnigger?
>>350418>A nigger>onemmmm....
>>350409KiaraOf course. She's my cute little autistic chikin wife.
Suisei's anus!
>>350400>Kiara for sure will try to take creditFuck her, I rather not have a song at all
>>350367>>350396>You're not allowed to prove me wrong or simply state the truthsorry didn't know, I'll slap that anon for (You).Also>let's not talk about reddit on a thread that watches fucking reddit meme reviews>let's not talk about other platforms while we happily share Twitters or 5ch postsThis is the Hololive community we're talking about and it's right to know that reddit is dogshit and makes favoritisms as usual.Also you can't simply use the "not talk about reddit" because you've been proven wrong, faggots.
>>350207KiaraBurning Steel
Gura and Kiara are both wonderful
>>350396Another KFP fag owned. Next