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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 216 KB, 448x448, 1593407951357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3332794 No.3332794 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>3332845

>> No.3332825
File: 193 KB, 684x477, rage quit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do teamates get mad at people interpreting Ame as a raging gremlin when this happens literally all the time

>> No.3332827
File: 40 KB, 576x576, 1617338245840.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335580

Sad Gura

>> No.3332835


>> No.3332845
Quoted by: >>3332853

Why are deadbets like this?

>> No.3332849

ame was not cute as usual today

>> No.3332853

t. deadbeat

>> No.3332866
File: 104 KB, 1000x1000, 1596301136971.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina!

>> No.3332896

She's back, and she's playing it normally, guess she didn't even notice it

>> No.3332917

she returns

>> No.3333329


>> No.3335376

I can't fucking wait for Gura's new outfit tomorrow, holy shit.
The hype is permeable

>> No.3335450
File: 184 KB, 1448x2048, 1620126815638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335467 >>3335641

Mori kept up to the wee morning hours, then I tried waking up for Ina but fell back asleep after 20 minutes, then I had to go work because I work nights. How blessed were the streams today?

>> No.3335467

Ina's was adorable. Kiara had a good stream too. Ame ragequit.

>> No.3335483
File: 98 KB, 654x1024, E0riquFUYAA83gF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335520 [DELETED] 
File: 244 KB, 1181x260, cuckoldsimulator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who will be the first Holo to play /ourgame/?

>> No.3335570
File: 189 KB, 1383x1902, Gura [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fk7gt95.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335623

First attempt at soundpost.
Gura loves you.

>> No.3335575
File: 53 KB, 780x520, BD87BC14-732E-4E90-AB60-171553686BA9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The meds just wore off bros, the things I’ve seen...

>> No.3335577 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.32 MB, 1366x768, 1620278777611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3335578
Quoted by: >>3335619

Everybody is just waking up

>> No.3335580

le sadsame

>> No.3335582 [SPOILER] 
File: 599 KB, 774x758, 1620278797436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335698

>> No.3335583

So is Ame going to do another stream today or is this all we get?

>> No.3335585
File: 2.99 MB, 2560x1440, asdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3335592
File: 954 KB, 1000x1200, Ezqgl5KVEAEtYS-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will Gura's outfit reveal have fun gimmicks?
Will Ame's outfit reveal have fun gimmicks?

>> No.3335593
File: 843 KB, 971x764, tanto cuore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335748

your move, anon

>> No.3335594

Last thread was cool. Tonight you guys are alright

>> No.3335596


>> No.3335605
File: 194 KB, 680x440, 1619574442138.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335606
File: 517 KB, 786x837, mhnfjgcfhgfvh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335646 >>3335929


>> No.3335607
File: 74 KB, 516x574, 1598595773474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335629 >>3335686

Thinking about Ina's cute forehead

>> No.3335608
File: 12 KB, 248x224, nachosad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337034

Please like it

>> No.3335612
Quoted by: >>3335624

Today? It's like 11 PM for her. It's over.

>> No.3335615
Quoted by: >>3335635

Isn't it because it reminds them of all the clipniggers that label her as such so now normalfags all see her as le toxic gamer?

>> No.3335617
File: 739 KB, 801x744, kiara.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your oshi is suddenly appear in front of you... in real life!

what do?

>> No.3335618
File: 49 KB, 1078x274, 1619623002896.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3335619
File: 300 KB, 413x432, 1620250981589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is ina so popular?

>> No.3335622
File: 547 KB, 850x1200, treerrat1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335645 >>3335684

Risu Nier finale in 3 hours, just D and E to go

>> No.3335621

No. I don't believe so anyway since during the MC stream she went "you're preparing things???" to Ina when she spoke about the upcoming reveal.
Yes. Ame's a prop user AND helped Kiara and Ina with their streams.

>> No.3335623
Quoted by: >>3335716

And I love her

>> No.3335624
Quoted by: >>3335695

But she said she just woke up.

>> No.3335626
File: 174 KB, 592x854, TICK TOCK NINOMAE INASHART.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3335629
File: 627 KB, 683x683, ina.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335631
Quoted by: >>3335677

It's that time of night again.

Once again, I miss Ame.

>> No.3335635
Quoted by: >>3336979

Yes, people take stuff that's a little bit funny and then run it into the fucking ground so it's not the slightest bit funny anymore.

>> No.3335636

feed lollipop

>> No.3335638
File: 645 KB, 800x578, 1620273557917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335651 >>3335707

Teamates get mad if you just interpreting Ame as
a raging gremlin because she bounces back into the sweetest girl all the time.

>> No.3335641

Kiara's Yakuza was kino and Ina's reveal was cutekino. Ame...

>> No.3335644
File: 629 KB, 2746x2814, E0raWnOX0AYTmrF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If these Pokemon Snap streams are part of a sponsored promotional push, why aren't they being marked as such

>> No.3335645
Quoted by: >>3335660

Fuck I linked the wrong video

>> No.3335646
File: 62 KB, 398x453, 1620277447012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need artist source for this one

>> No.3335651
File: 1.10 MB, 640x480, Love you Watton[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fgp8mol.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335774


>> No.3335653

hololive? more like holoNOTlive

>> No.3335654
File: 11 KB, 582x207, 1589808305894.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335659

>Varo, toi jätkä on Blade Runner. Vittu se on vaarallinen, mennään!

>> No.3335660
Quoted by: >>3335687

So this is going to be a 30 minute stream?

>> No.3335661

I call her a raging gremlin plenty.
>literally all the time
That's why they get mad.

>> No.3335662


>> No.3335663

She's good at drawing.

>> No.3335668

Ame, Ame, Ameeeee....

>> No.3335670
Quoted by: >>3335829

i ask the same to myself, they are giving me some hope that they are getting the perms for some pokemon games...

>> No.3335672

you're going to take your hour-long salt stream and member's only sweet post and like it

>> No.3335676

Stable Attracting Customers God Painter Octopus Destination is right up there with Anger Amputation for great Google translations.

>> No.3335677
File: 227 KB, 1725x975, ExuhtHGUUAoGTQl.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you love Ame so much, why don't you marry her?

>> No.3335682

Ame-Quite possibly, or else she'll be too intimidated by the size of her audience and the tradition of Hololive outfit reveals and do it as completely by-the-book as possible.

>> No.3335683
File: 887 KB, 960x945, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335733 >>3335759

Will Gura's outfit have cat ears?
Will Ame's outfit have dog ears?

>> No.3335684
Quoted by: >>3335737

I love this Risu picture so much

>> No.3335686
Quoted by: >>3335712

there's plenty to think about there

>> No.3335687

I haven't played Nier Automata so I'm as blind as Risu is here but yeah that's my understanding of what remains in the game.
Regardless we'll get to hear her sing Weight of the World at least once, maybe twice so it's going to be kino for sure

>> No.3335689

I would if I could.

>> No.3335693
Quoted by: >>3335713

Radiates femininity and has the mannerisms of a small animal. Also is a massive dork even compared to the sea of severe otaku inside Hololive.

>> No.3335694

>No one is live
So GW just ended or something?
Where's the EOP pandering stream?

>> No.3335695

She just woke up after three hours of nap.

>> No.3335698 [SPOILER] 
File: 636 KB, 774x760, 1620279136323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forbidden knowledge..

>> No.3335701
File: 1.53 MB, 498x331, 1616644582502.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335728

because she is already married to me

>> No.3335702
File: 175 KB, 1107x2048, E0HAXW8VoAcWzbw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335740

We've known about Mori Alter thanks to /morig/, but what about Ame Alter?

>> No.3335704
File: 932 KB, 3213x3500, 1619291324612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can only dream of being so lucky.

>> No.3335706

Chill, low energy, decent vidya taste and great artist.

>> No.3335707
Quoted by: >>3335818

Nonsense the only thing that delicious cake could have been made was with hatred and rage.

>> No.3335708

Hand her a bowl of eggs

>> No.3335712
File: 678 KB, 647x738, 1604622023418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's great isn't it

>> No.3335713

Ina is the mori of EN

>> No.3335716

all Beatles karaoke stream when

>> No.3335718

Mating press

>> No.3335719
Quoted by: >>3335744

It's more of a "we finally got permissions for something new" thing.

>> No.3335720

she is very cute with a kind and relaxing voice and personality, and she knows enough japanese for the JPs to communicate with her easily enough

>> No.3335723
File: 527 KB, 1200x1798, oruka [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Ftf77y6.webm].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't get it. I upgraded to T3, when's Polka gonna show up and

>> No.3335722
File: 162 KB, 1782x1962, 1602292832329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because it's impossible to hate someone as sweet as her.

>> No.3335725

still better than the official covers

>> No.3335726
File: 1.28 MB, 550x550, She Will Be Loved[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Flkx7ds.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss Ame already...

>> No.3335727

gura has sunglasses

>> No.3335728
File: 495 KB, 1152x2048, Ey-0zMvUUAEvMMG.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335757

I don't remember making this post. I am Hollywood Actor and Canadian Ryan Gosling.

>> No.3335732
File: 272 KB, 640x550, ENMA Goslings.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335750 >>3335789

since we get the infor that jenma is actually the manager of Gura and Ame there are no ENMA posters, there are not even Jenma posters

>> No.3335733
File: 79 KB, 576x576, 1596927063721.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most likely.
Absolutely not.
Don't get your hopes up any more than that.

>> No.3335736


>> No.3335737
File: 299 KB, 1405x2048, treerrat13.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me too man, there's just something about it that I can't put into words

>> No.3335740

Just browse alterame on twitter

>> No.3335741
File: 32 KB, 128x128, Olliekek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is Ollie really dead? I miss her shitpost on twitter.

>> No.3335743
File: 136 KB, 1076x1520, Screenshot_2020-09-30-19-18-19-69.jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335744

>This stream is part of the project on Nico Nico Live Broadcast, conducted by Dwango Inc.

>> No.3335746

Japanese girls have a natural predilection towards tentacles.

>> No.3335747

give her a hug and an anger management self help book

>> No.3335748
File: 1.12 MB, 971x764, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335815

I heard somebody ordered a package. It's bombs!

>> No.3335751
File: 2.45 MB, 852x480, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F5fhnnt.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fat cat i guess

>> No.3335750

There's still that one ENMa poster who was ecstatic about learning his Oshi was innocent.

>> No.3335754
File: 22 KB, 466x320, tokusentai3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just 2 more left

>> No.3335757

stop falseflagging as me anon, i am the real hollywood actor and canadian Ryan Gosling

>> No.3335758

Mating press.

>> No.3335759

Gura-It's Doritos glued to her head
Ame-Yes but they'll be cropped pitbull ears.

>> No.3335762


>> No.3335763

this arc of haachama is really boring

>> No.3335767
File: 523 KB, 2048x1944, 7302C41D-1F9B-4C23-9FB1-B7C837E0509A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336919

Kneel, then play APEX.

>> No.3335769
File: 466 KB, 818x817, 1620277195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335793 >>3335825

I fucking love Ina so much that nothing does anything to me.
I can't cum to anything else but Ina
Every time I think about dragging my hard dick on her forehead and playing bell plate with her face
I cum buckets in seconds

>> No.3335770


>> No.3335771

>Krafts Family Tree

>> No.3335772


>> No.3335773
File: 170 KB, 615x644, 1616644829869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335787

She said we need to hold hands first & that is basically impossible. Trust me, I tried.

>> No.3335774
File: 709 KB, 669x669, GOOR [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fs0nm4b.mp3].png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335775


>> No.3335778

she's been dead since debut, that's kind of her whole character

>> No.3335779


>> No.3335780
Quoted by: >>3335800 >>3336090

I will remind you Gura is the protagonist of holo live EN

>> No.3335781

Anon...Ollie was always dead.

>> No.3335783
File: 11 KB, 230x134, 1611604414287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's already dead though

>> No.3335784

Very based anon. Please make sure it is put in a very visible place when you finish.

>> No.3335785
File: 299 KB, 1440x1672, Screenshot_20210506_133603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Angel is a cunny lover.

>> No.3335787
File: 178 KB, 1141x699, 1603755802421.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pff. I've already held her finger.
It's only a matter of time.

>> No.3335789
Quoted by: >>3335808

I didn't even notice but yeah Manager posting is pretty much fucking dead, isn't it? I guess Jenma is just not as popular as Enma.

>> No.3335791
File: 304 KB, 776x1025, 1608260565946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very based

>> No.3335792
File: 390 KB, 3227x1000, 1620251706797.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last chance to predict the numbers.

>> No.3335793
File: 195 KB, 474x515, 1620164931275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and same except for my chikin and instead of her forehead it's her fat tits

>> No.3335800
File: 446 KB, 4096x2304, E0qV53PXIAAm3sd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Center billing
It checks out

>> No.3335801
File: 654 KB, 956x622, 1605361799996.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335802
File: 255 KB, 2000x1350, 1619214510815.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Polka oruka?

>> No.3335803
File: 344 KB, 1748x2327, 1610412972079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335804
Quoted by: >>3335827 >>3335931

Gura: 170k
Ame: 95k
Screenshot this.

>> No.3335807 [SPOILER] 
File: 580 KB, 774x1520, 1620279491899.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3335808
Quoted by: >>3335857

probably because there hasnt been any relevant mention to the managers for a while

>> No.3335813 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.60 MB, 3280x3280, 1620279510737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336048

You're so fast!

>> No.3335815
File: 1.10 MB, 971x764, zooka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335927

Watch this!

>> No.3335816
File: 43 KB, 1113x563, dante-00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

combo her

>> No.3335817

200k for Gura, betting all of my shark coin on it

>> No.3335818

You do need a lot of rages if you manually whipped the cream with your hand.

>> No.3335819
File: 377 KB, 711x462, Heartaches[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdpnb6p.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a good rest teamates

>> No.3335821
File: 1.55 MB, 1000x1000, 1615427313459.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335823
Quoted by: >>3335931


>> No.3335824

>Gura in the ginyu pose so cunny will be on full display

>> No.3335825

Xylophone posting is evolving...

>> No.3335827

Don't wanna.

>> No.3335829

Even if they did have full perms I doubt they'd play much besides the most recently released games.
Like, there will 100% be streams for the DP remakes and Legends, but I doubt you'll see any Mystery Dungeon, Coliseum, or the other spinoffs.

>> No.3335832
Quoted by: >>3335900

shut the fuck up with your numberfagging, how many threads will you retards continue with that shit until a schizo appears?

>> No.3335834

125k Gura
80k Ame

>> No.3335836 [DELETED] 
File: 236 KB, 1157x233, cuckoldsimulator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335881

Who will be the first Holo to play /ourgame/?

>> No.3335839
Quoted by: >>3335878 >>3337097

Gura 90k
Ame 1M

>> No.3335842
Quoted by: >>3335849

ENMA > Jenma > J-chad

>> No.3335843

1 (me)
2 (me and my smart fridge)

>> No.3335845

He will never stop

>> No.3335846

This guy put out like six drawings of Ina since the stream. Bless him since I love his artstyle

>> No.3335847
File: 50 KB, 300x300, C96F44BC-4EB5-4794-8610-08592C043260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo where did you all go? You all disappeared for a while there! And wait what I’m out of meds? My oshi stealing my meds again isn’t it

>> No.3335848

I'd be too nervous so I'd just act like she's a stranger.

>> No.3335849


>> No.3335850

Gura 90-120k
Ame 60-90k

>> No.3335853

Polka is the most unfuckable holo honestly

>> No.3335854

110k and 85k.

>> No.3335856


>> No.3335857

This thread used to blame management for the dumbest shit, and they could still post about the lack of Coco collabs.

>> No.3335860


>> No.3335863
File: 182 KB, 1512x1750, 1615989000746.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Ina too!

>> No.3335864

Why is Ame such a mess and why I love her so much?

>> No.3335868
File: 135 KB, 247x329, 1620251826184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335890

Ive had this image stuck in my head during my whole work shift, i cant get it out i cant get it out

>> No.3335869

Tell her to stop playing Apex

>> No.3335870
File: 382 KB, 1366x768, 1620261949076.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335885 >>3335891

*clap clap*

>> No.3335872
File: 1.33 MB, 2508x1981, imadayo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335873
Quoted by: >>3335931

Gura 140k
Ame 95k

>> No.3335874
File: 55 KB, 870x489, 1618704749666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335909 >>3336284

If you wanted clussypics you could have just asked

>> No.3335876

I suddenly disappear, leaving only a hat on the ground where I stood.

>> No.3335878
File: 46 KB, 572x499, 1614835714013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>all these people who think Gura can't beat mori's 135


>> No.3335877
Quoted by: >>3336284 >>3338457

weird way of saying matuli

>> No.3335880

Whisper in her ear asking if if she's ticklish

>> No.3335881 [DELETED] 


>> No.3335882
Quoted by: >>3336105

How the fuck did Kiara lose to fucking Towa?

>> No.3335884

Gura, probably no.
Ame's scheduled stream thanks Nacho and reNPC in it for a background and props so I assume she's taking us on another date.

>> No.3335885
Quoted by: >>3335898 >>3335958

Should I watch this fucking show

>> No.3335887

Would Luna beat Towa if she went this week at the same time?

>> No.3335891
File: 1.07 MB, 1280x720, 1610247594390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335890

It's been a blessed day.

>> No.3335892
File: 579 KB, 1182x2000, POLKA STRONG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335937 >>3336284

most fuckable*

>> No.3335893
File: 117 KB, 586x402, 1612158698572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No race car driver Holo

>> No.3335896

Just because she won't doesn't mean she can't anon.
Ame absolutely will, anyway.

>> No.3335898

do it, it is pretty short with like 8 episodes only

>> No.3335900
File: 2 KB, 434x298, 1614816176233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335912

I unironically love numberfagging, and so do most people here.

>> No.3335903
File: 287 KB, 1365x2048, 1620192676725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335905
File: 609 KB, 3840x2160, 1617168677858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336284

Cosmic Polka is not mad, just disappointed in your shit opinion.

>> No.3335906
Quoted by: >>3335980

Which holo costume reveal stream had the most viewers of all time?

>> No.3335908
File: 497 KB, 688x389, aqwefd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldfags where are you? When did Duck fart on stream?

>> No.3335909

Polka barely registers as a clown in my mind

>> No.3335910

Mating press into impregnation

>> No.3335911
File: 133 KB, 288x284, 1616976683679.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love this guy's art

>> No.3335912
Quoted by: >>3336032

>so do most people here.
Speak for yourself, faggot.

>> No.3335914
Quoted by: >>3335923

המספרים, מייסון, מה הם אומרים?

>> No.3335922

Stop giving this psychopath attention.
He's one fucking Ina yab from stabbing someone in real life.

>> No.3335923


>> No.3335924
Quoted by: >>3336284

That's Luna. That baby voice...nope.

>> No.3335925
File: 417 KB, 563x821, 1620261111355.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335970

Not that we doubt her, It's the fact that her schedule is in an EN-heavy timeslot with not much JP's tuning in. Though I'd be glad if I was proven otherwise.

I'm a deadbeat btw. I'm cheering for both of them to surpass expectations, so That's just us putting a bar for her to surpass.

>> No.3335927
File: 487 KB, 971x764, 1620279515756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336099

Guess what fucker, i got two hotels now, so you're fucked if you roll anything less than a seven.

>> No.3335928
File: 543 KB, 744x900, 1618172605119.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is a good conversationalist, witty and flirty even in Japanese
>is relaxing and sweet
>is a turboweeb
>frequently draws beautiful art for Hololive members while gushing about how much she loves them all
>is so goddamn flat, I mean, just look at her
What's not to like?

>> No.3335929
Quoted by: >>3335957

is the aggie from here or from discord?

>> No.3335932
Quoted by: >>3336284

Watch yourself

>duplicate file

>> No.3335931
Quoted by: >>3335977 >>3336199

>Gura will get more viewers than Ame

>> No.3335933
Quoted by: >>3335954 >>3336084

pitch a collab idea for this trio

>> No.3335934
Quoted by: >>3335963

The reason why I don't think Gura will pass her is because she won't milk the reveal as much as the others.

>> No.3335935
Quoted by: >>3335948


>> No.3335937
Quoted by: >>3335961

>most fuckable*
Not lamy and botan. You're weird.

>> No.3335944
File: 834 KB, 1607x1080, E0rl5PUXIAIMCiN.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3335948
Quoted by: >>3335975

ignore him, he might be one of those who tried to cancel him with having a file in google docs with "proof" alongside mmloni

>> No.3335952
File: 251 KB, 1280x1791, runnybunnycunny5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335994

Is anybody streaming right now?

>> No.3335953

W-What? What makes you say that, anon?

>> No.3335954

/vt/ meme review

>> No.3335956
Quoted by: >>3336284

That would be Lofi. Her design is so unerotic, it's like trying to get off to a cardboard box or a plain white wall.

>> No.3335957
Quoted by: >>3336078

Are you gonna cry if I tell you it's from discord?

>> No.3335958

Read worm instead

>> No.3335961
Quoted by: >>3335995

The lion is so erotic I can barely take it

>> No.3335962
File: 323 KB, 1554x1856, 1605952147446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335982 >>3336037

>Ame won't shill her costume stream at all
>golden week is over, NA timezone
>gets viewership as low as Kiara
>/hlgg/ enters a new shitpost cold war for at least a week

>> No.3335963
Quoted by: >>3336134

They're required to go for 30 minutes before the actual reveal, that alone does it for her.

>> No.3335968
File: 266 KB, 996x2048, rfyhj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you miss her yet?

>> No.3335970

Gura has more EN viewers than Mori has EN + JP viewers combined

>> No.3335974
Quoted by: >>3336550

Anon he's just an artist. He even stopped using Lovecraft stories as references recently to do a bunch of love-focused stuff and regular art.

>> No.3335975

Ah, gotcha.

>> No.3335976
File: 27 KB, 322x322, 1607608853942.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3335991


>> No.3335977
Quoted by: >>3336009

What kind of shitpost is this? Gura has double her subs.

>> No.3335980
Quoted by: >>3335989

Marine I think.

>> No.3335981

Is he worse than the Iname schizos? Nevermind, I forgot who he was. He is an Iname schizo

>> No.3335982

This picture always reminds me of Skull Face

>> No.3335986

Befriend her to one day finger her on stream

>> No.3335987
Quoted by: >>3336806

I really hope she is finding proper support and making the most of her break.

>> No.3335989

i think it was noel's tho

>> No.3335990


>> No.3335991

Me too, man. Me too.

>> No.3335994
File: 13 KB, 1012x668, 1618452345784.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go back

>> No.3335995 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>3336017

Anon, she's old, saggy, wrinkly, fat but not in the plump way.

>> No.3335996
File: 1.49 MB, 2406x4096, E0rPLV9VoAEPzDP.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I present to you: Mori's cleavage

>> No.3336001


>> No.3336003

I honestly forgot about her...

>> No.3336005
File: 81 KB, 1000x1000, 1612748963747.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jesus christ

>> No.3336007
File: 86 KB, 235x168, 35b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336190

Live now


>> No.3336008
File: 48 KB, 735x627, EpK_UO2U8AI6tJ-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336029 >>3336035

Have I been banned? I have to post on my phone because I can't do the captchas on desktop anymore, they just don't show up at all.

>> No.3336010
File: 64 KB, 628x454, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3336009

Subs aren't the only factor at play here. Ame will 100% surpass Mori's concurrent viewers. Gura won't even come close to Mori, let alone Ame.

>> No.3336011
File: 212 KB, 463x453, 1580867538112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bubba got some sweet legs

>> No.3336012
File: 68 KB, 578x348, Ollie[sound=https%3A%2F%2Fa.pomf.cat%2Fpimdde.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a little bit, i miss the rratless yabs that merely got chuckles from here.

>> No.3336016

No Bubba, no...

>> No.3336017
File: 1.98 MB, 1472x1408, hag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3336023

I can't stand to listen to her for more than a few minutes and she literally ruined the EN server by building that bridge.
But she seems very sweet and I am praying for her and that she is able to get the proper help she needs.

>> No.3336026
Quoted by: >>3336043

Nice falseflag.

>> No.3336027

Seems silly to go down that road. She IS a raging gremlin. Still like her too.

>> No.3336028
File: 593 KB, 1189x694, 1620280214374.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why does almost every Vtuber do ASMR? It's not like it's the usual streamer content like games or chatting. Where did that correlation come from? Is there a story behind it? I'm really curious.

>> No.3336029

get 4chanx and enable force noscript captcha

>> No.3336031
File: 273 KB, 2000x1010, EqgyAIwUYAA_FWI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336054

That could be a factor, but honestly, I'd want her to get 200K so that the dogfuckers get BTFO'd.

Gura and Mori are EN's dynamic duo, and no falseflagging numberfag is going to stop me from supporting both of them rascals.

>> No.3336032
Quoted by: >>3336390

He's not wrong, for as much as people claim to hate numberfagging /hlgg/ has collectively almost never been able to shut the fuck up about numbers when given the opportunity

>> No.3336035

Clear your cache

>> No.3336037
File: 752 KB, 540x865, 182A0A52-A3EC-4FB3-8542-670637AE02ED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a lust for a rrat, WHOOO

>> No.3336038
Quoted by: >>3336061 >>3336151

Because vtubers are more classy versions of whores, anon.

>> No.3336039

It's kind of a shame we don't get to watch her spergout about the EN costumes...

>> No.3336040

I’ll have what this anon is smoking

>> No.3336043
Quoted by: >>3336117

I'm not trying to falseflag, though. I'm not a teamate, I'm just giving my honest prediction.

>> No.3336044

I hope she shows this one on stream

>> No.3336046

She's a yab sponge
The board is orange again since she's gone

>> No.3336047


>> No.3336048

Very cute anon

>> No.3336049
Quoted by: >>3336151

There was a demand, simple as that.

>> No.3336051

What's with the sudden resurgance of hope for Gura's outfit reveal getting big numbers? A day ago it was the opposite.
Not that I'm against it, Gura is my favorite EN, but... can't help but expect the worst from you all sometimes.

>> No.3336053
Quoted by: >>3336075

Shut the fuck up about numbers for once

>> No.3336054

I thought it was Miko the one with the record

>> No.3336057
File: 230 KB, 338x401, 1620252016342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All the bad outfits like Ayame and Mori got absurd viewers
>All the god-tier outfits like Towa and Kiara got low viewership

>> No.3336058

I love the tiny Holos used in anything

>> No.3336059

Game you wish holo wouldn't play.
Katawa shoujo.

>> No.3336060
File: 1.50 MB, 1347x754, 1620191900788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336116

Remember to take a moment and appreciate the good things in life.

>> No.3336061
Quoted by: >>3336151

this >>3336038
Also only a few of them can actually do it, like Noel. It's just easy clicks.

>> No.3336064

People that aren't normal viewers will watch reveal streams. I don't ever watch Towa, Watame, or Ayame but I watched their outfit streams. Mori's numbers got pumped up by a whole lot of JP viewers that aren't normally in her streams. The question is how many Holo EN/JP viewers are hanging around at 8 EST/9 AM JST? I think it will easily be able to pass Mori but I can also see the argument for it not being able to get quite that high.

>> No.3336069

Nice try, KFP.

>> No.3336070

There is a shitposter trying to start shit for some reason

>> No.3336071
Quoted by: >>3336151

ASMR is easy to do. It's just like algebra though: You need to learn HOW to do it because it isn't an intuitive thing you can just immediately begin.
Reminder: Anya is getting an ASMR mic. She confirmed this today BUT will only do ASMR for members.

>> No.3336075
File: 298 KB, 486x514, 1620175691620.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Absolutely not. I will post about numbers forever and let me promise you, I am always here.

>> No.3336077

because numberfags cant resist their urge of numberfagging and making their predictions like they're betting their winning horse but for numbers this time

>> No.3336078
Quoted by: >>3336145 >>3336773

what? why would I cry?
I will just shit on the takos here for not doing their art reps

>> No.3336080

Nope. It's been nice and quiet without her.

>> No.3336083
Quoted by: >>3336139

A week ago I was praying any of the girls would reach 60k. Then Mori happened. And Kiara happened. And Ina happened. All of them got big numbers, it's impossible for Gura not to get big numbers.

>> No.3336084
Quoted by: >>3336110

Among Us.

>> No.3336088
File: 200 KB, 1400x1000, E0R2dhIWEAAQD98.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336109

>> No.3336090

Nah thats mori, gura is that op side character that sealed his power like a faggot

>> No.3336093
Quoted by: >>3336136 >>3336258

Why would you expect her not to get big numbers? What is the logic here?
Mori 135K almost seemed like an accident, no one was expecting that, but Gura getting those are totally believable.
So what reason would anyone have to think she won't get near that let alone surpass it?

>> No.3336094

That explains why only good things are happening lately

>> No.3336096
File: 1012 KB, 2894x4093, 1620109229876.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bad outfit
You are an idiot

>> No.3336099
File: 1.22 MB, 971x764, avalon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336215

You might have won the round, but I'm actually the Assassin. I'm going to guess you're Merlin, and if I'm correct, your entire pitiful team will lose!

>> No.3336100
File: 591 KB, 748x902, anyame.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336333

Hey reinefriends can you recommend me a pair of budget friendly (but not that budget friendly) planar magnetics?

>> No.3336102

Nene... Nene please wake up and say nice words to your cute Octo-wife. Everyone else has said nice things...

>> No.3336105
File: 371 KB, 797x306, 1594470787876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>at a meaningless, buggy, meme metric

>> No.3336107
Quoted by: >>3336151

Pretty easy content
Most of them aren't "real" asmr

>> No.3336108
File: 42 KB, 327x147, rrat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will steal one of Kiara's guns

>> No.3336109
File: 82 KB, 640x856, e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wholesome reine poster

>> No.3336110
File: 26 KB, 408x408, 1612425965291.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People still play that game?

>> No.3336112

WTF are you doing here? You have an outfit reveal tomorrow

>> No.3336113
File: 54 KB, 1000x1000, 1620256828610.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

HEY FAGGOT I love you guys and I love this thread but fuck you because yes

>> No.3336116

Yeah, like big numbers

>> No.3336117
File: 72 KB, 755x786, 1615254195696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336166

Shut the fuck up and watch this.
Cute, right? Quantify it, give me a number, and then predict the numerical cuteness during the outfit reveal relative to that.

>> No.3336120
File: 83 KB, 256x234, Boomer Polka.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As with all things Poka, it's RNG anon. You need to do your ritual reps.

>> No.3336121
Quoted by: >>3336169


>> No.3336123

May sorrow and misery follow all your waking moments, numberfags

>> No.3336124

Awful bait.

>> No.3336126
File: 1022 KB, 906x1400, 1618604261213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336236 >>3336349

Let's take a look at Ame's schedule.
This girl put 2 Mario sunshine, the game that stresses her the most, back to back, into her reveal stream, into a public karaoke. She's not the brightest, is she?
But she's so, so cute.

>> No.3336130
Quoted by: >>3336169

It's called viewer retention sweaty look it up

>> No.3336131
File: 161 KB, 413x382, 1609507683557.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336211

What are you going to do with it you filthy rrat

>> No.3336133
File: 127 KB, 640x374, 0C75822F-8940-4C2B-8BAC-A38F535431A0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dear numberfags, here’s a 50,000 people stadium. That’s a lot of people.

>> No.3336134

Has anyone ever just done the reveal in the first ten minutes?

>> No.3336136
Quoted by: >>3336191 >>3336194

because she's streaming at a time that most holo audiences aren't active at.

Also, the suggestion that Mori's is an accident is hilarious because there are overlapping Streams with her; as well as she was revealed in the same day as watame.

>> No.3336139
Quoted by: >>3336192

Before Ina's reveal, Golden Week buff and JP primetime was all the talk, and that Gura and Ame wouldn't reach those heights because Golden Week would be over by then, plus Gura's stream being at 9am JST.

>> No.3336140
Quoted by: >>3336254

morning lads(GMT +3), just woke up semi-forcefully from a 6 hour sleep, did i miss anything in the last couple of threads since ina's stream? i see >we're in the middle of dead hours

>> No.3336142

I've seen more

>> No.3336144

Ina reveal it too fast

>> No.3336145

idk, some anons are really sensitive whenever they hear that something good happened to people who don't exclusively use 4chan like they're married to it.

>> No.3336149
File: 881 KB, 297x277, 1615528676591.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ayame: 5/10
Watame: 7/10
Mori: 7/10
Towa: 9/10
Kiara: 9/10
Kanata: 8/10
Ina: 8/10 was going to do 6/10 but the 4head saved it

I dunno, I normally don't consider my tastes to be picky but I don't feel like there was a true 10/10 outfit yet. Maybe Gura/Ame will be a shocker.

>> No.3336151

But who was the first one to do an ASMR stream? Who started the trend? Who made it popular and a staple of Vtuber culture?

>> No.3336150

yes, my oshi is very popular

>> No.3336153

Gura won't surpass my bank account. Cope

>> No.3336154
File: 21 KB, 874x239, 1620272613319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336206

I wish for ame to stop being so hard on herself & I earnestly hope that she just has fun with karaoke on friday.

>> No.3336155
File: 82 KB, 1024x576, 237F6F0D-0C37-4B22-B24B-F700D08931E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I beat you to it

>> No.3336156
File: 945 KB, 600x480, 1596561820185.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336183 >>3336287


>> No.3336158
Quoted by: >>3336209

>Who made it popular
scientists and then youtubers

>> No.3336159

Yeah I liked having another English speaking streamer in the Hololive rotation, even if I find Apex to be extremely boring.

>> No.3336161

all me

>> No.3336163
Quoted by: >>3336284

>Found the homostars anon.

>> No.3336166

but 500 of that is Mario's shoes.

>> No.3336168
File: 168 KB, 960x640, 003541dc513a4216632fec1cce8acd55.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All me btw

>> No.3336169

Shit's bugged, it's time to accept it.

>> No.3336171
Quoted by: >>3336209

Dude, asmr shit has been around for years.

>> No.3336175
Quoted by: >>3336179 >>3336612

what was the wordcloud for Ina outfit threads?

>> No.3336176
File: 243 KB, 397x410, 3617279502026.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336204 >>3336246

I love it, I honestly scan the threads looking for these posts, EN fans last light of hope, the desperation is delicious. going to be so juicy when people spam Gura's "total viewers" as well

>> No.3336178
File: 4 KB, 295x111, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

walfie is too powerful
first he created the walfas and now the Walfie Ame (smol ame)

>> No.3336179


>> No.3336180
File: 82 KB, 300x374, hl2zombie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today, I will remind them

>> No.3336182
File: 201 KB, 850x1204, 1604616579523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336255

Is it possible to fall out of love with this girl?

>> No.3336183
File: 86 KB, 367x340, 1608759033325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude I fucking love numbers

>> No.3336185
File: 864 KB, 2732x4096, Friend.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi friends!

>> No.3336186
File: 1.57 MB, 900x1200, savetweetvid_E0RIICtVIAEHKEe.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oru YOO!

>> No.3336188
Quoted by: >>3336252

Not sure if you're trying to bait or you're just unable to understand numbers.

>> No.3336189

So? Ina has about the same amount of EN viewers Mori does and she got almost 50k less viewers in her reveal than Mori. It's more about the timeslot, not how many viewers they usually get. Gura will probably still surpass Mori, but it will by a much narrower margin than you think.

>> No.3336190
File: 588 KB, 724x1023, EzcSUpxVgAof_LR.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Migo armpit:

>> No.3336191
Quoted by: >>3336412

Overlapping steamsndont mean shit, people open multiple streams, especially for something as important as an outfit reveal.

>> No.3336192
Quoted by: >>3336233 >>3336238

>all the talk
There was talk sure but nowhere near the general take that most people had prior to Mori and especially Kiara's reveal.

>> No.3336194
Quoted by: >>3336239

Gura's timeslot is better than Kiara, Ina, and Ame's though? The argument against her was that Golden Week will be over by then and so potentially stopping alot of JoPs from tunning in.

>> No.3336196

The power of soul

>> No.3336195


>> No.3336199

At least try to make your falseflag not retarded.

>> No.3336200
File: 3.25 MB, 1500x2000, __usada_pekora_hololive_drawn_by_magowasabi__0f0f239a498ba2afd4d5d4b3692f635a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336212 >>3336308

No membership streams going on either to anyone's knowledge?

>> No.3336204

130k btw

>> No.3336206

I just hope she won't pull a post-allergy karaoke and just have fun singing songs

>> No.3336209
Quoted by: >>3336280 >>3336286

I am talking about Vtubers specifically. Not about ASMR as a phenomenon.

>> No.3336210

Kiara anti's have gone too far...

>> No.3336211
File: 17 KB, 324x144, colorrat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336227 >>3336288

Sell it back to her

>> No.3336212

I think these are dead hours for everyone sadly

>> No.3336215
File: 1.31 MB, 971x764, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You fool, I was playing as Embers of Muaat all along, and I'm launching the first of my War Suns to take over Mecatol Rex.
Be warned.

>> No.3336217

When's a holo with a costume that's just pink and black checkers coming out?

>> No.3336218
File: 41 KB, 611x468, F75EA523-DF17-4D4F-8DD9-E8306FF6EDC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336248 >>3336263

>Hey Anon, if you can drink 5 of these in a row, I’ll hook you up with your oshi!

>> No.3336220

Tiger drop

>> No.3336224

so you're saying that 4 football stadiums worth of people watched a faggot play some blocky-block game??

>> No.3336225

Predicting chumbud copeposts:
>youtube bug
>the time slot is bad
>who cares about numbers anyway

>> No.3336227
File: 422 KB, 993x350, 1619999953480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3336229
File: 1.07 MB, 1920x1080, 1600671983853.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not even the homos are streaming
Time for reps!

>> No.3336230

I have no evidence to this claim but I blame walfas for Gatchaverse. I still love walfas but the two are inseparable in my mind.

>> No.3336231

>First to get 1M
>Only one at 2M
>Only one that will get to 3M
>Not reaching 200k
This is a weird kind of cope, I don't know if it is deabeats being insecure or simply fags worried the hobby is not niche anymore

>> No.3336233

Bro I thought my chikin was going to cap out at 45k. 70k is way above what I thought. People shitting on her, sure, but I'm happy with her viewership.

>> No.3336235
Quoted by: >>3336340

I feel like it's because the people who like ASMR are also the most likely to superchat. A lot of them do members-only ASMR too so it forces people to also buy membership. it's like..why is there so much furry or inflation, or diaper, or foot fetish art out there? Those fetishes aren't that common in the general population but the people who like them really like them, so they're willing to pay a lot for commissions of that stuff.

>> No.3336236
File: 161 KB, 406x430, 1594446724627.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336264 >>3336314

On the contrary, it was very deliberate.
Mario Sunshine is strictly business. So she dresses for the part (sort of -- no professional coat, but that's fine, that shit's ugly anyway, still have the shirt and tie).
Now, an anime watchalong with her little fishies? Going outdoors to take pictures of cute little Pokemon? A chill Sunday zatsudan? That's for after work. Hence why they go after the outfit reveal.
She could've just skipped Sunshine this week though, but I get it.

>> No.3336239
File: 2.04 MB, 2355x3948, 1619865147011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's good. Not really invested in seeing Gura fail, I'm actually invested in the opposite.

No hard feelings, chumbuds.

>> No.3336238
Quoted by: >>3336323

It totally was after Mori's reveal. Lots of anon saying it was all because of the JoPs.

>> No.3336240

Ignore her because it would be rude to say anything

>> No.3336242
File: 389 KB, 548x538, 1605489295796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336277 >>3336375

Eh, just like KFP then

>> No.3336243

Ask her if she wants to scissor

>> No.3336246

Nutsackichama Pekkers already got BTFO by the Nigger of Nippon didn't you see?

>> No.3336248

I won't take anything form someone that likes DMC2

>> No.3336252

Anon, they aren't just "numbers". They're the number of people who are watching the stream live.
What I'm telling you is that several hundred thousand will be watching Ame's reveal while Gura's viewer count will be similar to Ina's.
That places Ame above Gura.
I know that Ame isn't typically as popular and she isn't even close to my oshi. She's my 4th favorite as far as EN goes. But during this particular stream, there will be an assload of people watching her.

>> No.3336254
Quoted by: >>3336315

>Ame ragequit Sunshine
>Ina still has a sexy forehead
Nothing really notable in these threads

>> No.3336255

Ask Gooruh

>> No.3336256
File: 780 KB, 727x722, 1620251035633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336448

>people being bored in dead hours

This got official subs. Enjoy.

>> No.3336257
File: 228 KB, 553x458, F5308C79-461E-43C5-9302-00E8FF33C6BC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drip or not drip

>> No.3336258
Quoted by: >>3336329

>Anything good happens for Kiara, Ina, Ame or Gura it's a result of their hard work and they deserve it
>Anything good happens for Mori it's some sort of accident, she didn't deserve it

>> No.3336260
Quoted by: >>3336435 >>3336516

since people love numbers, check out what some of the numbers looked like back in the early days https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8SM89oi7cCI

>> No.3336263

Is it really hard or something? On high school I took 2 like it was nothing

>> No.3336264
File: 388 KB, 1464x2048, 1599852819446.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336294 >>3336351

Fuck you the coat is great
Didn't read the rest

>> No.3336265
File: 319 KB, 314x314, 1608634511402.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This amount of delusion never ceases to make me chuckle.

>> No.3336269

That's a whole waterfall

>> No.3336271
Quoted by: >>3336318

or hear me out, numberfags just talking bullshit perhaps? it's always the numberfags that falseflag as other fanbases, remember that they falseflagged as nousagis in the past to shit on gura and now they sure as hell are doing it as deadbeats to do it again

>> No.3336273
Quoted by: >>3336340

Mel was a straight up ASMR streamer and she's part of Gen 1 Hololive so it's been around at least that long. No idea if Kazuna Ai and her wave of copycats ever did ASMR back in that era or not.

>> No.3336274
Quoted by: >>3336355

Exactly. The second Mori hit 70k it was a guarantee we'd be seeing some serious shit this week. Then she went on to hit 135k.

>> No.3336275
Quoted by: >>3336303

Again I say it's the latter. Most deadbeats don't mind Gura. She's the holo with the best chemistry with Mori because of their shared brainwaves.

>> No.3336276

All true when Gura breaks 200k
>must be bugged to get 200k
>bad for any one else on YT who happens to be live

>> No.3336277

You still seething?

>> No.3336280

Ero VAs that transitioned into vtubing, you can trace them back to dlsite. There is a reason why the oldest members specialize in that.

>> No.3336281
Quoted by: >>3336352

It lacks Mahjong

>> No.3336282
File: 633 KB, 1500x1500, __amane_kanata_hololive_drawn_by_sasakura_momiji__5b66f0511c6ef2b0080fc820c2245b96.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How come no one talked about Kanata's outfit?

>> No.3336284
File: 448 KB, 527x465, WITCH DOCTOR ELIXIR.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336324


>> No.3336286
Quoted by: >>3336340

It being a popular thing already along with something that can be done over audio (not visual) means its popularity was more or less assured among vtubers too. I'm sure someone could find who did the first Hologirl ASMR stream, probably Mel, but there's tons of unarchived ASMR stuff out there that it'd be hard to make a sure confirmation.

>> No.3336285

Is infiltrator anon around?

>> No.3336287
File: 2.51 MB, 460x337, 1617169257282.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3336288

Absolute madman

>> No.3336293
File: 706 KB, 850x1063, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3336294
File: 108 KB, 210x300, 1598961439278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336351

Don't reply to him he's a bitch

>> No.3336301
Quoted by: >>3336342

in an attempt to sway the discussion from NUMBERS, has there been any development regarding choco's dating life? since i'd assume that the 3 cases, the gas money guy, the pachinko dude, and the one oogling her tits, are relatively old cases

>> No.3336303

>Most deadbeats don't mind Gura
I'd go as far as to say that Gura is the second favourite EN of most Deadbeats, at least here.

>> No.3336307

What's the goalpost for Chumbuds to be coping? Is it anything under 150k?

>> No.3336306


>> No.3336308

There are never any members streams at this time except for maybe some test streams that happen when an EN gets new internet
So yeah it's universal dead hours.
Best bet is to either find something else to do in the meantime or if you really really want that chuuba fix watch a non-holo who's streaming rn or watch VODs

>> No.3336309
File: 155 KB, 512x512, 1620173622173.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There are people in this thread who don't think Gura will reach 350k
Why do you love being wrong?

>> No.3336314
File: 2.28 MB, 404x347, 1603162642879.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ame will use her new outfit for members watchalong and supasunday

>> No.3336315

understandable, thanks

>> No.3336316
File: 715 KB, 1920x815, Polka.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]





>> No.3336318
Quoted by: >>3336371 >>3336476

>remember that they falseflagged as nousagis
haha... yeah... falseflagged... no nousagi could be that much of a pathetic, bitter schizo...

>> No.3336317
Quoted by: >>3336422

I think Gura or Mori should play Baba is You
Yes I realize what would happen

>> No.3336322
File: 18 KB, 360x248, E0rANRcVcAc1erD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is my everything

>> No.3336323

desu I think they just got in your head anon

>> No.3336325
File: 915 KB, 1334x750, F1FEABD5-981F-401A-91EB-3126A0FBADC0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3336324

I only gave you (You) to appease the Watamage coven for the last two outfit reveals
Also all me

>> No.3336329

>Insecure deabeat
I know you are proud your oshi got so many viewers but you are literally retarded if you honestly think Gura won't get more.

>> No.3336333

I can't make any recommendations myself; been using a Sennheiser pair for years that still hasn't died on me

>> No.3336334
Quoted by: >>3336366

is kinda of a coin toss who is the second favorite EN of deadbeats, because they like ame a lot too, specially with the influence she had on their oshi and how both inspire each other

>> No.3336336

Holo EN has been getting pretty crappy liveviews recently, with streams with 10-11k viewers being considered good. Bug, decline, however you rationalize it, it's been the norm for a few months now. That lowered everyone's expectations. Mori getting 135k was a surprise but you could write it off as a JP viewer buff. Kiara getting on the upper end of her predictions and Ina surpassing what most people thought has raised the expectations for Gura and somewhat for Ame as well.

>> No.3336340

It does answer my questions, thanks, anon.

>> No.3336341
Quoted by: >>3336377

all i want for Gura's new outfit is for keffiy or rariemon to rig it. other riggers can fuck off

>> No.3336342
Quoted by: >>3336387 >>3336567

She told those stories back in July of last year, and even back then they sounded like stories from years ago. It's weird how all anyone talks about from that stream are Choco's stories, when Oga's and Shien's are way weirder/funnier. Like how his actual menhera (now ex) GF tried to strangle Oga in his sleep.

>> No.3336345

Those shoes look kind of sus

>> No.3336348
File: 160 KB, 750x1576, 1620139768718.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336361

How is she so perfect?

>> No.3336349
Quoted by: >>3336381

I would prefer ame dropped sunshine if she doesn't like streaming it, and just do minecraft or something tomorrow.

>> No.3336350
File: 327 KB, 1557x1921, 1607118392904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's me except Guras my oshi and Mori's my second fav. Love how Mori has improved over the months.

>> No.3336351
File: 141 KB, 290x307, 1600438257644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336381 >>3336418

I'm sorry it's a very nice coat actually, especially when the hat is off :^)

>> No.3336352

and Chess

>> No.3336353
File: 13 KB, 662x94, 5387457347534.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336378 >>3336406

ill laugh if it ends up lower than her debut stream.

>> No.3336355
Quoted by: >>3336430 >>3336595

I do have a feeling that Gura will pass Mori but the weird one is Ame. I honestly thing she won't pass Ina.

>> No.3336356
File: 969 KB, 2986x3084, Ey8ZSS0XAAABcDd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336475


>> No.3336361
Quoted by: >>3336379 >>3336394

>Womb tattoo on her thigh
what did she mean by this

>> No.3336362

For me my second favorite is Gura or Ina.

>> No.3336364
File: 1.19 MB, 1920x1080, cunnyina2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3336366
Quoted by: >>3336459

Good point. I'm the anon you're responding to and I'm a Deadbeat with Ame as my second, I'm just making an observation based on what I see Deadbeats here and in the split when I can be bothered to look post.

>> No.3336367 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.91 MB, 1500x1500, 1620281238697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336423

>> No.3336372

Sorry for prolonging the numbers talk, I just can't help but think the sudden surge of people being optimistic about Gura's numbers tomorrow are just fanning the flames in case she doesn't get those sweet sweet big numbers.

>> No.3336371

ok you got me there, there were genuine nousagi schizos but the most of them were falseflaggers because they immediatly stopped after pekora got shit numbers

>> No.3336374
File: 219 KB, 591x735, 1591520551491.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336420

>Gura get low view
>Gura get high view

>> No.3336375

Nigger I didn't think my chikin would hit over 50k.

>> No.3336376

Meds, ASAP

>> No.3336377

Hope your desires include a big forehead

>> No.3336378

Gonna be higher than that 100%

>> No.3336379

Its fucking hot, thats all there is to it.

>> No.3336381

Same desu. But I doubt she will.
Coat, no hat is absolutely her best variation of the original design.

>> No.3336385
File: 3.22 MB, 1922x1080, Hololive.full.3072499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that falseflagger immediately trying to make a mess of both Deadbeats and Chumbuds.


>> No.3336387
Quoted by: >>3336416

i saw that one being discussed some time ago here in the same context. so basically choco hasnt dated/shared details on dating since last july and this place has been repeating her stories essentially like old rrats?

>> No.3336390

This, I remember I popped in here like 1 or 2 days ago where it was unironically just a whole 1400 posts of rapid numberfagging. I've never never seen a thread so 'flat', at some point I think I felt like Matsuri did when she wanted to stab a man who had a good life and watch him die, except I wanted to interrupt the numbers by any means necessary just to give them an ounce less space. Awful, awful stuff. I spent the next thread hornyposting about Pekoras twitter activity and it barely helped assuage my then casual disregard for the lives of the numberfagging posters.

>> No.3336393

it's illegal to use the adult models?

>> No.3336394

Rurudo is based and loves tattoos and piercings.

>> No.3336395
File: 379 KB, 1486x2048, E0oWFtjVkAAMgHb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336421

cute FubuFlare art!

>> No.3336399

i'd cop

>> No.3336403
Quoted by: >>3336461

I will kill that twitter whore for the pacifier shit

>> No.3336406

God damn it's absurd just how crazy fast Hololive keeps growing. At this rate they're going to all become A-list celebs.

>> No.3336409


>> No.3336412

overlapping streams are just impromptu watchalongs for reveals

>> No.3336416
Quoted by: >>3336453

I mean, I don't think anyone really ever repeats them in a malicious way like when people spread rrats, they're just funny stories about autistic Japanese men and Choco's terrible luck with them. But you're right in that she hasn't discussed her dating life since then, at least not so far as I know.

>> No.3336418
File: 391 KB, 467x480, 1592492633283.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she looks pretty good like that

>> No.3336419

The chikin is my 2nd but 3rd is Gura.

>> No.3336420

this but unironically

>> No.3336421
Quoted by: >>3338304

Finally some fucking Narga armor

>> No.3336422

Makes me think they should do a punishment game where they are forced to play a game if they lose like Jump King or Getting over it for Ame, A horror game for Kiara, Zachtronics games for Mori, Mahjong for Gura and EDF for Ina

>> No.3336423
File: 2.42 MB, 1280x720, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F8tl5uh.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3336424
File: 81 KB, 300x215, PPT [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhzaybp.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336705

Because it happened between 4-7 AM in the states. That said, I like her outfit and her hair options in particular are super cute.

>> No.3336427

Kanata is long-haired Gura now and it's pretty cute.

>> No.3336429

The shoes of a SPY

>> No.3336430
Quoted by: >>3337330 >>3337357

Here's the real question, does Ame really deserve to pass Ina at this point?

>> No.3336433

It's Ina then Ame but Gura's good too

>> No.3336435

Jesas it's easy to forget just how huge Gura's sub count is, feels like just yesterday everyone was losing their shit over passing FBK

>> No.3336437

Is the ina drawing a reference I'm too brainlet to understand?

>> No.3336445
File: 454 KB, 1853x1774, 1617548103181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336482 >>3336487

>deadbeat vs chumbud war ITT
Caligula love...

>> No.3336447
File: 3.90 MB, 1360x1920, 1620281530370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336701

He doesn't know...

>> No.3336448

Will this get an updated version? Or will they do something similar with a different song with current members?


>> No.3336453

got it, thanks. i didnt mean it in a malicious way, but in the sense that people simply repeat them over and over again since they have no new info. sadly i dont really watch her due to her apex spam and me being illiterate in nihongo despite being madly in love with her, or at least her voice and persona

>> No.3336454

nah just some random art

>> No.3336455


>> No.3336456


>> No.3336457
Quoted by: >>3336549

If you genuinely believe this, can you at least give a reason?

>> No.3336459
Quoted by: >>3336491

im the deadbeat you are responding and my reasoning of why is that is because gura mentioned mori more frequently in the last weeks compared to ame and that's when the genuine calligula posters come out but then you see how when ame mentions mori, the rainforest posters come out ASAP

>> No.3336461


>> No.3336468
File: 430 KB, 1500x2251, 1619183367525.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.3336475

Ideal background

>> No.3336476
File: 1.42 MB, 615x1073, runnybunnycunny37.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336499 >>3336824

Unironically numberfagging is the most boring shit I can ever imagine doing, it's never even crossed my mind to shitpost about it because I wouldn't even know what numbers would get under people's skin because I have such a shit sense for what numbers people care about and why. I genuinely don't understand how people have ever given a shit and it drives me up a wall. People in these threads probably care more about numbers than the holos, their managers, and the head honchos at Cover combined, and I just wish I knew what and how their brain ticks to make them draw any stimulus from numbers.

>> No.3336478

Some schizo dark elf in oblivion drew it

>> No.3336479

Because she's not playing Undertale

>> No.3336481
File: 846 KB, 852x599, Fukkireta.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336529

>every member of EN practiced it
>Even Ame who ultra struggles with JP songs
>nothing happens


>> No.3336482

chumbuds and deadbeats are still allies, dont let tribalistic falseflagging numberfags fool you

>> No.3336483

I'm a chumbud and I sincerely don't believe that Gura will get more viewers than Mori did. The situation is nothing like it was in the first months anymore.
And I don't give a fuck either. I know Gura would be just as happy with 50k as with 150k

>> No.3336484
File: 2.23 MB, 2855x3840, 1603003929904.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336505 >>3336546

Me too

>> No.3336486

That's from Skyrim, someone from fighter's guild paints this picture.

>> No.3336487

is there even one? Numberfags are just stirring pots.
If anything, Deadbeats are just being overprotective bros because they're worried for Gura's schedule.

[] >We want all the best for Shark too.

>> No.3336490
Quoted by: >>3336506

>Anon, they aren't just "numbers". They're the number of people who are watching the stream live.

>> No.3336491

I tend to celebrate every pairing when they have cute moments so I wonder how good of a gauge that really is.

>> No.3336495
Quoted by: >>3336575

I'm still convinced an EN version is in the pipeline.

>> No.3336498

>Coco not allowed to sing

>> No.3336499

Ever heard of the Dragon Ball powerlevels community, it's literally the same thing.

>> No.3336500
Quoted by: >>3336520 >>3336531

so how was mori's shadowverse stream? did she play vs actual players or did she spam games vs the AI?

>> No.3336501

>they aren't just "numbers".
>They're the number
I can't anymore

>> No.3336505

God look at how weak her legs are I could spread them with one hand

>> No.3336506
File: 124 KB, 235x292, that's what numbers means.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336573

Whoops, meant to attach this.>>3336490

>> No.3336509
File: 1.32 MB, 971x764, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337646

An admirable attempt, but I see right through you

>> No.3336510

I hope SethTheProgrammer dies by Irony.

>> No.3336511
Quoted by: >>3336679

If you guys haven't checked it out already, listen to this latest installment of Hololive's guest stint hosting some Japanese radio show. A different pair of girls do two weekly shows a piece and they just switched over to Noel and Flare (the show is from earlier in April but it has just been uploaded).

The half hour show is completely subtitled so it's a rare chance to see a full conversational style stream between JPs with full translation, and since it's a radio show with breaks for music (the music isn't included) they're both really on their game and being much cuter than usual today!


>> No.3336516

>nutsaki in the comments

>> No.3336515
Quoted by: >>3336540

hello? jigsaw?

>> No.3336519
Quoted by: >>3336703

....I'm a the only one having a hard time differentiating the voices from one another? Like half of them sound the same

>> No.3336520
File: 140 KB, 254x265, 1618292994112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336541 >>3336634

>people complained to mori she fucked up the Kiara collab
>Mori took this as "you must now play shadowverse weekly"


>> No.3336522

She's the only one I missed watching live and also her outside isn't a whole lot different than her old one.

>> No.3336524
Quoted by: >>3336577 >>3336583

Ina'nis is cute.

>> No.3336526


>> No.3336529

>Fubuki, Coco, Korone, and Haachama were either not even told about this or just briefly unable, but apparently it all had to be recorded in a single day

>> No.3336530
Quoted by: >>3336552 >>3336569

Won’t say the n word: Ina, Kiara
Says nigga: Mori, Gura
Says nigger: Ame

Is this accurate?

>> No.3336531
Quoted by: >>3336571 >>3336596

A deadbeat gave her a win. Though she's getting Combos. Her defense is still busted, though.

>> No.3336533
Quoted by: >>3336597

>during this particular stream, there will be an assload of people watching her.
>*no reason given*
Are you trying to larp as a time traveler or something

>> No.3336535
File: 2.04 MB, 1280x1024, 1620057958131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Mori!

>> No.3336537

I wonder if after the outfit reveal we'll see more Mamaloni art of the other EN girls.

>> No.3336539
File: 615 KB, 520x500, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3336540
Quoted by: >>3336616

Do you want to play a little game or something?

>> No.3336541

Too much stupid bitch juice

>> No.3336542
File: 420 KB, 500x927, 1605912876759.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3336546
Quoted by: >>3336568

I love how unique Ina and Kiara did their outfits.
The skit with Kiara going shopping and using the curtains was genius and so her while Ina created a new backdrop and the closed eyes/peeking eye graphic.

They put alot of energy into their reveals and love em for it

>> No.3336547

True for me at least, her streams recently have been practically tailor made to be the shit i love watching, so it raises my impression of her by a lot. Probably due to do with the fact that her recent game choices have been mogging most of Hololive, and I'm an unapologetic Capcom shill.

>> No.3336550
Quoted by: >>3336593

Wait was he actually referencing Lovecraft stories? I couldn't tell.

>> No.3336549
Quoted by: >>3336772 >>3336808

There are a lot of reasons, but a primary one is that Gura doesn't want too many people watching her streams and that those energies will keep most people away indirectly.
Ame isn't exactly fond of numbers either, but it won't matter because it will be eclipsed by the combination of it being on the weekend, being the last outfit reveal of the week, and being a legendary stream if what I think will happen happens.

>> No.3336551
File: 648 KB, 2481x3508, 74791334-720B-4996-A068-A979BE85549A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If any of you know the guy who's running that "/vt/ takes" account on Twitter, can you tell him to kill himself for me? I just saw one of my posts on there and I was forced to see exactly what kind of deplorables agree with my posts on this platform.

>> No.3336552

>Won’t say the n word:
If you have anyone listed here then it's wrong.

>> No.3336555
File: 2.94 MB, 1613x2287, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336743 >>3336920

>all this amateur numberfagging
I will raise you this:
>gura will open with 40k during the first few minutes
>after the initial introductions sh will start to sing
>views spikes to 120k before the 30 minute mark
>show a few fanart guesses drop 5k
>actual reveal 157k peak before slowly falling to a stable 70k until the end of the stream.
screencap that shit and shut the fuck until then.

>> No.3336557
File: 22 KB, 420x252, lebanon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, what the fuck went wrong

>> No.3336558

seethe retard.

>> No.3336559
Quoted by: >>3336944

reminder that Ina admitted she's not human
said on the stream that if she drew AO-chan humanity wouldn't be able to process it, she would be able to draw and see it of course

>> No.3336563

Oh so it was moved here

>> No.3336564
Quoted by: >>3336692

I haven't, actually. I honestly don't know of anything I'm interested in where I give a shit about metrics except maybe occasionally being interesting in record sales of a hobbyist thing, at a passing glance. But it's never in competition to anything when I read it, and I don't revel in the fact that it's "bigger than x" when I see it, I don't even care by how much it got bigger usually, I just like "bigger" because it means more people are interested in and support my hobby. And I certainly wouldn't be calculating integrals of google analytics charts over them.

>> No.3336567

It's almost like no one watches Holostars or something.

not that people watch Choco either...

>> No.3336568

I'm nervous over Gura's as a result but I think after the MC stream she began working on something. Best result would be her doing it like Mori.

>> No.3336569

but Kiara already said nigger live once

>> No.3336570


>> No.3336571
Quoted by: >>3336624

i have no idea what that means, i was in these threads yesterday during the stream and fucking downloaded the game but i had no intention of watching her stream. i followed an anon's suggestion and started playing dragoncraft, though i'm only doing the story missions right now. is that deck/playstyle considered actual meta or was he simply fucking with me?

>> No.3336572
Quoted by: >>3336614

Gura durante la semana dorada con la franja horaria perfecta
Gura durante el horario estelar de NA después de la semana dorada

Who would win?

>> No.3336573

You made it sound like I'm not grasping some abstract mathematics concept or something. We're just counting people.

>> No.3336575

I’ve been expecting them to release it at every EN collab since Christmas. Maybe they finally will on Saturday.

>> No.3336577

This is factual.

>> No.3336579
File: 142 KB, 288x288, 1620281884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336587

Some other anon also posted this earlier but Polka's Loser Girl cover is very good, please listen to it. https://youtu.be/NdHPnTd2Jd8

>> No.3336580

Holy fucking shit I want to french kiss her armpits

>> No.3336583

this is true

>> No.3336584
File: 742 KB, 1141x498, kingVSpeasant.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where will you and your oshi be sleeping tonight?

>> No.3336585

She was the first holo to graduate mid costume upgrade...

>> No.3336587

I think I prefer this, but that cover is good too.

>> No.3336588
Quoted by: >>3336626

2 hours until dead hours end... Risu please deliver us

>> No.3336591

dilate tranny

>> No.3336593

Referencing, not deriving. But yeah most of the iname art people try to shit on here is made by people who do that since Ina's character is actually one of the most hyped designs around, mainly due to the popularity of Lovecraft and Call of Cthulhu in Japan.

>> No.3336595

I think you're underestimating how much difference that extra hour will make for US viewers. There's a chance she ends up below Ina but I think it's not crazy to think she could go over 90k.

>> No.3336596
Quoted by: >>3336654

There's no defense in Shadowverse unless you play Haven. Control [non-Haven]craft is a meme in Rotation.

>> No.3336597

It's just an educated guess. But I've never been wrong before.

>> No.3336601

Shouldn't have shouted nigger at the top of her lungs just because she couldn't clear that level.

>> No.3336602

your changing from waiting to watching reps...

>> No.3336604
File: 311 KB, 1671x4093, E0ruGMCVgAMBtpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3336605


If you need something to watch, this guy has been translating the entirety of Subaru's (now privated/deleted) Detroit playthrough in 20+ minute parts, and just released the 20th part.

>> No.3336612

Wah I think.

>> No.3336613

I want Polka to tell me about her Beef PC.

>> No.3336614
File: 174 KB, 296x317, unknown.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that Son Gura is beautiful

>> No.3336616


>> No.3336621

This guy just draws pure SEX

>> No.3336623
File: 240 KB, 1079x1615, E0rw_vnVkAIaGPh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336635 >>3336880


>> No.3336624
Quoted by: >>3336662

Mori picked Runecraft so she struggles hard because most Runecraft have a Spell stack mechanic, which means that spells or follower effects are amplied based on number of spells cast below it.

Her Bloodcraft play is better, simply because she isn't waiting for the Big cards to show up.

That's the general problem. She's waiting for her "BEST" card to appear instead of playing her best play in the situation.

>> No.3336626
Quoted by: >>3336685


>> No.3336632
Quoted by: >>3336677 >>3336921


>> No.3336631
File: 18 KB, 800x600, 1611562981607.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3336633

its fun and easy to do

for most streams they have to be "on" and try to be entertaining by being cute and making jokes.

asmr is just whispering and reading

>> No.3336634
Quoted by: >>3336658

God, please don't have her treat Shadowverse with the "I'll stream this, so i get less people watching, so less pressure" mindset that Anya probably has.

>> No.3336635


>> No.3336638

Don't let it get to you Kiara got a good outfit and lots of views.

>> No.3336645
File: 92 KB, 967x1384, whore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3336646
File: 1.43 MB, 1200x734, 1599377236830.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want to go to /hlg/, but it feels like /hlgg/ talks about JPs less and less.

Heck, we even lost that guy who translated all of Polka's members antics.

>> No.3336649
Quoted by: >>3336664 >>3336678


>> No.3336652
File: 777 KB, 1193x1080, 2hs3rpc4qgn51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336666

#glAMErous? More like #gLAMErous

>> No.3336653

Get naked

>> No.3336654

Havencraft is a meme and should be outlawed.

>> No.3336655

It's good, and while I like Ina's new outfit, I think something like this is better, though a step below Kiara's.

>> No.3336658

at the very best she will get hooked at the same levels as skyrim, like 3 or 4 more streams of shadowverse to then being silently dropped

>> No.3336662
Quoted by: >>3336695

while i do appreciate the explanation about mori's decks, you didnt answer my question regarding dragoncraft. is it actually worth playing or should i switch to bloodcraft and learn it in order to be as frustrated as the anons here during her next stream?

>> No.3336664


>> No.3336666

Shut the fuck up, Shio- wait

>> No.3336667

God thats hot

>> No.3336670

You can't expect people who don't understand Japanese to talk about Japanese vtubers anon

>> No.3336675
File: 39 KB, 720x720, 1605517391260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Check it out

>> No.3336676

Was asleep but I liked it.

>> No.3336677


>> No.3336678


>> No.3336679

A-chan appearance halfway through!

>> No.3336680
File: 35 KB, 480x600, 1619774498955.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336748

I love Ina too!

>> No.3336681

oh, right, that's something i used to think about too.

>> No.3336685

Oh right I forgot about that, thank god there's something to fill the time until treerrat gets emotional and sings

>> No.3336686

Anything along these lines is basically the feeling I hope her outfit will capture

>> No.3336690

Doing VOD reps, Ina is truly a christmas miracle

>> No.3336692

All you need to know is that some people just really like big numbers, whether its for validation or for bragging.

>> No.3336695
Quoted by: >>3336740

Haven't played Dragoncraft yet, Sorry. Just started SV when Mori played it.

I'm just familiar with the playstyles because I played MtG for a short time back in College.

>> No.3336697
File: 445 KB, 463x720, 1620241774232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336826

>> No.3336700

Ina is awake
Will she post her schedule?

>> No.3336701

Gen 5 has two hive minds, a god forming the universe's largest harem and a lion with a gun and I wouldn't have it any other way.

>> No.3336703

yes, it's because of the dreadful production that hololive music receives. every voice is homogenized into an ugly, unnatural, unmusical squeaking sound like it was someone's undergraduate voice synthesis project. there are no signs this will ever change.

>> No.3336704
Quoted by: >>3336738

I wasn't aware that was a thing and I'm now seething that it is

>> No.3336705 [SPOILER] 
File: 13 KB, 500x500, 1620282411537.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kills the PPT.

>> No.3336706
Quoted by: >>3337018

For what it's worth, 70k is way above what I was expecting for Twappi too. I hate that Kiara anti schizos are using her for numberfagging.

>> No.3336707
Quoted by: >>3336724

Any anons make it to Ina's desktop background?
Apparently she made link below her background.

>> No.3336708
Quoted by: >>3336735 >>3336755

The only reason I love Gura is because she plays DMC for the story.
Who the fuck takes that shit seriously? The characters are good but it's the side dish, the main plate is the gameplay.
That dork would die if left alone in the real world and must be protected.

>> No.3336711
File: 1.74 MB, 811x1133, 2FB40660-5D41-47A6-9CF8-4C0BFF6215ED.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Arigato peko!

>> No.3336720

This is true. Gura has always been my second favorite.
I love all the girls but my ranking would be Mori>Gura>Ame>Kiara>Ina

>> No.3336723
File: 89 KB, 273x265, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fwg84gl.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Ina's new outfit, possibly because the oc is gold right now. Hopefully Ina can put her own input into the next outfit for some fun accessories/hairstyles.

>> No.3336724

I did. Ina's very sweet. I really want to make some takoyaki with her.

>> No.3336726

That's her PMMM witch design

>> No.3336727
Quoted by: >>3336750

why two bags?

>> No.3336728
File: 1000 KB, 1280x720, 1612657162697.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3336729

nigger i'm gonna fucking start putting NIGGER in every post and learn how to use a picture editing software so i can put a HITLER NIGGER watermark on every pic i post

>> No.3336730
File: 68 KB, 534x534, IMG_2528.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dead hours...so how is everyone doing

>> No.3336733

No! It's actually pretty nice without her.

>> No.3336734
File: 299 KB, 1156x1540, E0rvhPoVEAEMwt2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336759 >>3336794

>All my favorite artists also love Ina
How does she attract them?

>> No.3336735
Quoted by: >>3336756 >>3336769

Someone really has to convince Mori to play it. I know that Hating on Charlie is a meme, but I can't forgive him for missing the point on DMC.

>> No.3336738

I wish containment breaching niggers who think they're cool for using 4chan weren't a thing. I really don't need to see every retarded /pol/tard who agrees with a post I made.

>> No.3336740

ah, understandable. same for me regarding SV though my only card game background had been yugioh duel links i couple of years back

>> No.3336743
Quoted by: >>3336842

>after the initial introductions she will start to sing
is she gonna sing though?

>> No.3336746

nihongo dekinai

>> No.3336748

I wonder what it would be like if they added a character like this to a future Gen. Like a kind of lovable fuckup tryhard who's kind of the George Costanza of the group. Would they wilt on their own without the group dynamic? Is there a JP that fills this role that I'm missing?

>> No.3336750
File: 870 KB, 764x1417, fd4[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3336751
File: 390 KB, 700x800, 1609461896612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337044

I am somehow destroying people on apex with Valk and Bocek

>> No.3336752

>Most people can't speak Japanese here
I mean what's to talk about when we can't understand 90% of what they're saying/doing?

>> No.3336753
File: 68 KB, 699x698, dcnur816kdx61 (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336780 >>3336793

>> No.3336754
File: 278 KB, 790x720, STICKEMLICKEMDICKEM.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3336755
Quoted by: >>3336834

Fuck you DMC's story is unironically pretty enjoyable, for the most part. Also Gura does appreciate and like the gameplay too despite being bad at it.

>> No.3336756
File: 1.04 MB, 1920x1007, mori vergil1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336801

I need her to play it, I desperately want to see her reaction to Vergil among other things

>> No.3336759

they love kuroboshi

>> No.3336761
Quoted by: >>3336827

Sounds like it's time to niggermark posts themselves now too. Is there a reportable post on their account so far?

>> No.3336762

It's pretty easy to figure out if you ask me.
>There were a lot of ASMR youtubers and nnd users running around with static anime avatars with original designs before the vtuber trend hatched.
>When vtubers started exploding, it made sense for some of them to become vtubers.
>Already having sizeable followings, they had considerable visibility among small to medium sized indies.
>Monkey see, monkey do. Non asmr vtubers started doing more and more ASMR and ASMR vtubers started playing more games, etc.
It's as much because they looked to what others where doing for content as because they shared a fanbase who requested this content from them.

>> No.3336768

Ame vod reps. Today's sunshine one is only 78 minutes long so obviously everything will go well for her.

>> No.3336769
Quoted by: >>3336802

wait, is he that big of a faggot that he couldnt recommend or convince mori to play it?

>> No.3336771

Will Ame’s outfit have glasses? They’d really suit her.

>> No.3336772
Quoted by: >>3336895

So mostly wishful thinking. Good luck tomorrow then.

>> No.3336773
Quoted by: >>3336809

The aggies here constantly contain lewd images and Tako on Ika violence. I understand her for not using our pics

>> No.3336780
Quoted by: >>3336796

why does she have THOSE dad glasses

>> No.3336784

trying to comprehend how SV works after mori's stream while listening to astel's apex waiting for him to sing

>> No.3336786

Hololive? more like Holodead

>> No.3336791
File: 58 KB, 350x405, 1603670026662.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nobody is live

>> No.3336793
Quoted by: >>3336821

She looks like a fucking grade schooler

>> No.3336794

Artists already loved Ina because Ina was famous. Now Ina is doubly-famous.

>> No.3336796

makes it easier for her to tell Dad jokes.

>> No.3336801
Quoted by: >>3336822

didnt she said that DMC would come after cleaning her backlog right? so assuming she doesnt pick up another kusoge and highlight the word KUSOGE in this so dont shitpost about this, she only haves hollow knight and DOOM on stand by right? spell bubble cant count because you could argue that music permissions fucked with her

>> No.3336802
Quoted by: >>3336849

He didn't get what DMC was all about. I've played every game except for Donte and It's a shame that Mori isn't playing it.

>> No.3336805

oh hey he included me in the screenshot!

>> No.3336806

Me too. I unironically miss the zombie.

>> No.3336807

thots on Ina's bag color?

>> No.3336809

>Tako on Ika violence
reminds me of the troopa race war

>> No.3336808
Quoted by: >>3336895

> those energies will keep most people away indirectly

>> No.3336810
File: 743 KB, 900x1350, 1620251663865.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold this catto.

>> No.3336816
Quoted by: >>3336855

Angry Ame makes me so horny I had to fap 2 times back to back after the stream.
Hopefully she'll have a more enjoyable time tomorrow though since the hard stage is done.

>> No.3336819

Doing art reps and listening to Holo music

>> No.3336820
File: 32 KB, 540x547, toddnomercy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3336821

And that's a good thing.

>> No.3336822
Quoted by: >>3336843

not him but almost every phrase in your post deserves a

>> No.3336823

I like it when my oshi shoves her tongue up through my ear canal and fucks my brain until I cum. What's so difficult to understand about that?

>> No.3336824
Quoted by: >>3337288

People do this with all kinds of sports. They follow politics without actually caring about the politicians or policies, just who can win what demographic in what district. They follow sports without caring which teams wins or loses, only player stats. Only caring about the ratings of tv shows, box offices of movies ect, char positions of music. It's everywhere.

>> No.3336826

Reminder that the average wolf has 4 to 6 babies at once.

>> No.3336825

>Australian girls make do

>> No.3336827

These posts should be reportable. If any of you value your privacy, take a stand against this account.

>> No.3336830
File: 782 KB, 843x476, asdasda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine no!

>> No.3336832
Quoted by: >>3336864

>EOP thread can't speak Japanese
Wait for Vsingers and/or Gen2 then you'll have no choice but to either become an ENchad or move back to /hlg/ to discuss your JP oshi. Unfortunate, but that's the way it be.

>> No.3336834
Quoted by: >>3336852 >>3336883

Come one nigger, we know the story is turn up to eleven to justify the cool weapons and moves. The story is nice because the characters are likeable but we have to agree in of itself is nothing to write home about.

But the first two streams she was amazed with the bullshit through at her, having fun. But then the reveal of Vergil being Nero's father was what hook her, starting asking question and woke up enough interest to see the rest of the series.

She is a dork, a unique breed of dork.

>> No.3336839

Too simple.

>> No.3336840
File: 64 KB, 482x482, 3156.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337137

I know just enough japanese to get by with understanding the gist of whats happening in jp streams but that's about it. I think that's most other anons jp level aswell

>> No.3336842

You know gura, she is probably rattling her brains to come up with things to talk about before the actual reveal, what would be easiest way for her to kill some time and calm her nerves? just sing that would give her a few angles to start the conversation.

>> No.3336843
Quoted by: >>3337004

anon, in that post im essentially asking if she only haves hollow knight and DOOM on her backlog

>> No.3336847

Todd-sama double exp on nuclear winter onegai I want to actually get the hellfire armour and play the actual game

>> No.3336849

Is Mori so easily influenced by that dude she'd never touch the series? She did tune in to Gura's DMC5 streams in the first place..

>> No.3336850

Be thankful Ame stills plays your shit Todd

>> No.3336852

If DMC didn't have the story it would 100% be forgettable.

>> No.3336855
Quoted by: >>3336905

Still several hard shines left. The entirety of Sirena Beach is a pain in the ass. But at least chat can tell her what to do, if she wants them to.

>> No.3336856
File: 135 KB, 243x266, 1620110497569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All these JP talents commenting about Ina
>Literally NONE of them will acknowledge Amelia's dog ass
KEK. Her reveal is going to be a treat. Lowest view count and least amount of JP senpai interaction.

>> No.3336860
Quoted by: >>3336873

from what i can tell you could try and report him for promoting violent ideas/sexual harassment or something similar

>> No.3336864
Quoted by: >>3336934

>you'll have to move from one EOP thread that can't speak Japanese to this other EOP thread that can't speak Japanese.

>> No.3336868
Quoted by: >>3336886 >>3336936

Oh, and report any "offensive" tweets by this retard too, he's a specific containment breacher

>> No.3336871
Quoted by: >>3336933 >>3336956

We're getting her slow realization that it's actually cool.

I'm also very sure that if not for Square Enix Permissions, she would be playing KH2 or Saga Frontier right now.

>> No.3336872
Quoted by: >>3336899 >>3337674


>> No.3336873

time to do just that

>> No.3336875

thanks for reminding me to replay Fallout New Vegas, Todd!

>> No.3336877

That reminds me I haven’t bought the latest Skyrim port yet. I’m gonna do a “_ only” playthrough and it’s gonna be cool. Thanks Todd.

>> No.3336878
Quoted by: >>3336973

I found the screenscap of the tranny bugs cosplaying as holos from back on /jp/. Surely that's reportable for having "tranny" in the caps right?

>> No.3336881
Quoted by: >>3337011

I would expect Mel and RBC to say something at least

>> No.3336880
Quoted by: >>3337469 >>3337493

What is this?

>> No.3336883
Quoted by: >>3336923

If Gura had played at least 3 and 4 before, she'd have probably liked it even more.

>> No.3336884
File: 145 KB, 293x324, sleepinrobo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is my oshi. I love her and she is super cute but she is a robaka for oversleeping and missing her stream start time. But I still want to give her head pats.

>> No.3336886

heeeyyyy how come all these accounts have followers i know??

>> No.3336887

iirc she said that she wouldnt touch DMC in a while and would first have to clean her backlog, even with his worst take of DMC5 he said that he still liked it and it was a good game, so by that logic mori would like it too

>> No.3336888


>> No.3336890
File: 1.73 MB, 1366x768, изображение.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3336895

>wishful thinking
I'm fairly indifferent to viewer numbers, as long as the holo herself is happy with them.
It would be nice to see Ame break 500k like I expect her to, though, even if she isn't my oshi.
When you don't want to be in the spotlight, it changes how you behave in some ways. And people have a way of subconsciously picking up on that and leaving you alone.

>> No.3336898

she looks like the kind of girl who's friend bought her a buttplug and she never took it out of the package.

>> No.3336899

I love that this has become the retard siren.

>> No.3336901
File: 1.72 MB, 1140x754, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never realized the same artist that drew THE EN idol outfit fanart back in November also drew this and many other similar pictures

>> No.3336902
File: 100 KB, 247x329, 1620252048338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336972

>Playing video games

>> No.3336904

Todd use your massive influence to get Ame and Coco to do a Fallout 76 collab and watch the money roll in and the commies seethe.

>> No.3336905
Quoted by: >>3336930

Sirena Beach mostly sucks when you don't know what to do, and Pianta Village just kinda sucks in general. Last chunk of Sunshine's pretty tedious even by its own standards.

>> No.3336907

dont be angry at her, she deserves the rest. i also want to give her headpats as well as a good love,
support, and care
if you know what i mean :}

>> No.3336917

Something about Roboco makes me want to bully her.

>> No.3336918

Modding Skyrim to play another run right now, just for you todd

>> No.3336919

Why is Roboco so godamn sexy

>> No.3336920

I've never seen a drop in a reveal stream until the actual reveal.

>> No.3336921


>> No.3336923

If she played 4 first Nero would have suffered the same as Vergil

>> No.3336927

If she gets dog ears unironically Korone would say something

>> No.3336928
Quoted by: >>3336984

I think i remember hearing Mori talking about wanting to play it, but she always uses excuses like "muh permissions," and "Gura's already streaming it." She MIGHT play it, but it would take a while, especially if Gura plays more than just DMC3 or if another EN picks it up.

>> No.3336929

I think people are overblowing it. She's definitely influenced by his positive opinions (see: It Takes Two), but if she wasn't interested at all in DMC because of him she wouldn't have watched Gura play it a bunch, say it looked really cool and put it on her game backlog.

>> No.3336930
Quoted by: >>3336976 >>3337030

Is she going to do 3D World?

>4player Collab sans Kiara, because Kiara sucks at platformers

>> No.3336933

I want someone to play KH2 so fucking bad, If you vibe even a little with that game's bullshit, it's so easy to get invested.

Fuck Disney

>> No.3336934

Their thread culture forbids them from talking about EN, that leaves them with nothing but JP to talk about. It's not a matter of "they can actually speak JP", it's desperation for discussion.

>> No.3336936
Quoted by: >>3337524

this man as well

>> No.3336944

Because she's been touched by the ancient ones. She's an otherwise normal human though.

>> No.3336950

I'm tier 40 in the scoreboard Todd I pay for fallout first I just got off of 76 what more do you want from me I can barely speak or type anymore I played so much

>> No.3336956

Forgot to mention, Isn't Korone playing the Saga Frontier games?

>> No.3336960
File: 65 KB, 539x539, IMG_2694.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336975 >>3336989


>> No.3336970
Quoted by: >>3337059

>/vt/ takes is a takofag

>> No.3336972

What does it matter, you're never going to do your reps anyways, just keep procrastinating.

>> No.3336973
Quoted by: >>3336998

Link that here so I can report it too

>> No.3336975
File: 555 KB, 1280x720, 17079970-19A4-4688-B4CC-34D9EB661310.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3336986

So does Aki!

>> No.3336976
Quoted by: >>3337002 >>3337030

They all kinda suck bro, sans Mori to an extent.
Anyway 3D World's been brought up to her but not the fact that it's multiplayer..I think. I'll type it into chat next time she ponders future games.

>> No.3336979
Quoted by: >>3337150

well, if ame had any other funny bits, i'm sure clippers would clip those instead...

>> No.3336984
Quoted by: >>3337015 >>3337025

Honestly I doubt any other EN would pick it up. Maybe Ina? And I feel that's a big maybe.

>> No.3336985


>> No.3336986
File: 1.33 MB, 990x1490, 1595462683107.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is happening in this image?

>> No.3336988
File: 458 KB, 519x814, 1619498388436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337023 >>3337219


>> No.3336989
File: 592 KB, 154x337, 1619948573016.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't contain my love for Roboco!

>> No.3336991

Are teamates ok if Ame's outfit is 100% cute and 0% lewd like Ina's? Because unless she can remove the jacket, I think its gonna be that way instead of Kiara's sex outfit.

>> No.3336993

>Mamaloni drawing Kiara with a gun on the same day that Yuna tweets UNITY
They are LITERALLY here.

>> No.3336994

>Mori unironically singing some Jesse Mcartney Songs because of a KH2 Stream.

>> No.3336998

https://twitter.com/vt_takes/status/1389498008711180290?s=20 I don't know if the moguyacht is a reportable screencap but that's on his page too

>> No.3336999
File: 307 KB, 705x744, bad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm still mad about that fucking faggot superchat, what was that faggot thinking?

>> No.3337002

the only thing i hate about 3D world's multiplayer is the lack of fifth player option, i know that it is autistic but come the fuck on, why introducing rosalina as a playable character if you arent going to make the game playable for 5 people in Co-Op

>> No.3337004

cuphead, skyrim, papers please, you could say getting over it unless i'm misremembering and she actually finished the game RUMAO, yakuza like a dragon though i dont know how interested she is in completing it, mad rat dead(?). that's all the games i can see that she hasnt finished on her channel, so excluding anything she's said she wants to play. any other anons can fill in that space if they remember what games she's talked about

>> No.3337005
Quoted by: >>3337156

Be the change you wanna see. I watch plenty of JPs.

>> No.3337007
Quoted by: >>3337070

>Some fag could upload my post to twitter

>> No.3337011 [DELETED] 
File: 42 KB, 478x557, eb5add641376ecf9628cd89f199a1380.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337122

>The most worthless and boring JPs support the most worthless and Boring EN.
If all three of them graduated, literally nothing would change. It would be even better because we would have more kino like the Uno collab. It's funny that Amelia is so fucking desperate for collabs that she does it with those two.
50k view outfit reveal is going to be so God damn funny and I can't wait to see all the tea cucks cry about it and try to rationalize while throwing money at a literal whore. Send her ass back to twitch where she can face cam stream with her tits out. Twitch whores literally have no place in Hololive.

>> No.3337015
Quoted by: >>3337025

Ina would be the kind to pick it up but since Gura is playing none will for whatever autistic reason they have to not play the same game as the others.

Which might make her pick up Bayo

>> No.3337016
Quoted by: >>3337026

What superchat

>> No.3337017
Quoted by: >>3337070

Reporting that faggot containment breaking twitter account and then some halo, so I'm doing pretty okay. How are you?

>> No.3337018

I thought the difference between Watame and Towa would be bigger. I guess I just perceive Watame as being more popular than she is? I didn't think Kanata would top her either.

>> No.3337020
Quoted by: >>3337026

Which one? The dloow one telling her to stream less?

>> No.3337023


>> No.3337025

i dont watch ame. how likely is it for her to pick DMC up after gura?

>> No.3337026
File: 310 KB, 1267x116, file (20).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3337030

Have ya'll played 3D world co-op? I might be exceptionally bad, but it's hard enough with 2 first-time players dragging each other

>> No.3337031

Shut up korone I will shove my dick down your throat

>> No.3337034

Why is Nacho sad!?!? What happened!?!?

>> No.3337035

I keep looking for new mods to play and writing them down just so I can figure out what to do. I'll play soon, Todd.

>> No.3337036
File: 16 KB, 592x202, firefox_TtqJBXU63h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3337037

That's clearly rape. I've reported it to Cover. Expect Aki to graduate soon. Sorry Aki

>> No.3337041

W-What did you censor

>> No.3337042
File: 135 KB, 1000x979, F2FC845B-32E1-49E8-9E45-DAEDDA44A6F1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337062 >>3337063

Don’t worry about it.

>> No.3337044
Quoted by: >>3337119

Teach me your secrets, I keep whiffing bow shots at mid-long range
Or are you just going rambo hipfiring the bow at close range

>> No.3337052

3 girls are trying to figure out how to be anywhere as successful as any girl (-Choco) from gen2 onward

>> No.3337054

Is it a good thing that I don't know what that word is?

>> No.3337056


>> No.3337059
Quoted by: >>3337139

Seems like he is just grabbing post from the Ina outfit reveal.

>> No.3337060
File: 1.19 MB, 2048x1920, 1619076640443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337067

Can't wait for Gura to blow out the deadbraps and stretch their anuses a mile wide so they can scamper back home to /morig/. Delusional cucks think they can beat Gura.

>> No.3337062

god i wish i was either roboco or aki in that case
preferably both

>> No.3337063
File: 334 KB, 357x657, 1500232832377.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aki's incredible, isn't she?

>> No.3337064

A guy's name

>> No.3337065


>> No.3337067

t. KFP.

>> No.3337070

What the hell is this?
What did I miss today???

>> No.3337069

Proper noun

>> No.3337081

DMC doesn't really seem like her kind of game to be honest, but then again I could've said the same about Gura... Though Gura, at least in my opinion, seems more open minded than Ame.

>> No.3337082

An idiot breaking containment

>> No.3337084
Quoted by: >>3337809

It was some twisted kind of blackmail to make her stream more, guess he’s behind on rent for the month or something

>> No.3337087

I'm literally playing Vanilla Oblivion right now.

>> No.3337091

And of course this fucker is a clipper, fucking faggot

>> No.3337092

Avid attention whore that I unfortunately recognize who's apparently a containment breaker

>> No.3337095

I doubt Ame picks up DMC. If she did, I doubt she would enjoy it.

>> No.3337097

>Gura has twice Mori's subs and twice her average video views (even though Mori's views are highly inflated from repeated plays of her songs)
>people think she'll get less viewers on her outfit reveal
It's a fucking easy 250k for the shark and I will literally akasupa Mori if I'm wrong.

>> No.3337100
File: 133 KB, 316x242, rareopenmouthya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337143

do i stay up to watch arcaea or do i go to bed and catch FNF when i awaken

>> No.3337101

bethesda games are soulless

>> No.3337104

I'm saving this

>> No.3337105

Report this account

>> No.3337107
Quoted by: >>3337163

idk, she's been playing mostly old nintendo games and FPS, so it's hard to really say. A better question is what DOES she want to play, since games like MH are off the table.

>> No.3337110

Ina hitting 90k despite all fear and worry and expectation that she will job to Kiara.
All bets are off now.
Plus Gura's time slot is 2 hours later than Ina and Kiara's, making it more acceptable for JP and SEA.

>> No.3337115
Quoted by: >>3337145

Ame will get at least 500k and none of this will matter.

>> No.3337116

No you won't

>> No.3337119
File: 156 KB, 868x1200, 1614113028005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337222

The projectile is so fast it's nearly hitscan at midrange, unironically click on heads, and long range shots are easier than the longbow with x3

>> No.3337122

Based based based based.
People are too chicken shit to reply.

>> No.3337123
Quoted by: >>3337154 >>3337349

most of JP will be at work, it's at 9 am

>> No.3337126

What is the website that will show you a user's youtube chat history? I am blanking on good search terms in the archives.

>> No.3337128

I really cannot understand what goes through the mind of the average containment breacher. Do they really think they're cool for using 4chan? Do they want everyone to know that they called some literal who a nigger with a reaction image of an anime girl? This website is fun because it's contained and anonymous. When you know exactly what kinds of people are reading your posts it's ruined.

>> No.3337130

>has at least one image of a post calling mori's new outfit a roommate outfit
I hate this nigger so god damn much. This can only go poorly

>> No.3337137

>know just enough japanese
>understanding the gist
>I think that's most other anons jp level aswell
You are as innocently optimistic as the holo you posted

>> No.3337139


>> No.3337140
File: 28 KB, 589x303, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3337142
Quoted by: >>3337161 >>3337177

If Gura gets 200K I'll kneel. I don't think it's impossible with her sub count.

>> No.3337143
File: 12 KB, 194x194, 1613884795289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337173


>> No.3337145

Amelia will get 50k viewers. No one gives a shit about her.

>> No.3337146
Quoted by: >>3337174

Is it bad to temper expectations? I can honestly say I'm a deadbeat who also supports Gura, but giving yourselves a big number to expect isn't a good practice.

I'd be happy for Gura to get 500K even, so why go to all of this pressure?

>> No.3337149

what's numberfag's homeboard?

>> No.3337150

they do (mostly lewd jokes or things like the LA Noire yabs, and then some other stuff that doesn't get views)

>> No.3337152

people here talk about JPs, just not as much as /hlg/ for obvious reasons. I'd also like to see more though, so stay and talk to us about your oshi

>> No.3337153
Quoted by: >>3337227

I can sort of understand the people prediction that Gura's views might be close to/below Mori's, I don't agree with it at all but there's some sort of logic. I don't understand how anyone could've thought that Ina would get less views than Kiara, like what the fuck?

>> No.3337154
Quoted by: >>3337169

Anon, it's a known fact that Jp watch streams on trains and at work.
That's how we got all the morning streams from Lamy and Mio recently

>> No.3337156
File: 105 KB, 850x484, runnybunnycunny28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, you're right


>> No.3337161

200k is on the low end for her. Average she should get 260k. If she gets higher than average she can break 300k.

>> No.3337163
Quoted by: >>3337220

Nier, Doom, GTA, RDR2, Paper Mario off the top of my head. Ame is constantly talking about games she wants to play. So many I can’t remember them all. I love that about her. The only problem is she takes months to beat games because she only plays them for 2 hours a session.

>> No.3337165
Quoted by: >>3337192 >>3337603

I will not masturbate to pekora

>> No.3337166
Quoted by: >>3337199

Yeah but golden week will be over by then, though at the same time I feel people underestimate the amount of JPs that could just tune in, even while at work.

>> No.3337168

Yes. I am like 99% sure she'll be able to remove the jacket though.

>> No.3337169

Golden week...

>> No.3337173
File: 39 KB, 130x125, HYPERANYA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3337174

>I'd be happy for Gura to get 500K even, so why go to all of this pressure?
Oh don't be a dramatic fag, anon. Everyone is just excited for the biggest EN stream of this week.

>> No.3337176
Quoted by: >>3337189 >>3337242

>A week of celebration for your oshi to get new outfits
>Instead everyone just focused on the numbers and don't even care about how their oshi looks
Why are >you like this?

>> No.3337177
File: 379 KB, 727x1000, 1607506304068.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hell if she manages 150k I'll kneel, I think some people are really overselling an outfit reveal

>> No.3337181
Quoted by: >>3337232

Wow it's not even good posts. Kill yourself

>> No.3337182
Quoted by: >>3337208

It's not even about Gura. It's about their retarded Theory that Reveal streams SHOULD get 10% of their fanbases as live viewers to be successes.

>> No.3337185

We need more people like you around so that there can be more discussion about the JP holos, you know?

>> No.3337187

go back dogfucker

>> No.3337189


>> No.3337191

>My oshi attracts more normalfags than your oshi
>numbers numbers numbers numbers
Why do you guys care this much?

>> No.3337192
File: 108 KB, 848x1199, 3E058E52-B7F5-4FEC-899A-3990C5EEE54B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it.

>> No.3337199
Quoted by: >>3337231

Golden week has been over though. I would also imagine NA would be more likely to watch while at work because I think JP work culture is typically more strict.

>> No.3337200
Quoted by: >>3337258 >>3337275

People are overestimating both Gura's audience and outfit reveals. 3D's are much bigger events than outfit reveals, and have never reached 200k. For Gura to get 200k on an outfit reveal is just impossible.

>> No.3337202
File: 93 KB, 645x749, 1620080391123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch Smile & Go!!

>> No.3337203

2 out of 3 highest viewer streams are outfit reveals

>> No.3337208
File: 895 KB, 3227x1000, 1612671907700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, if you consider these numbers, that theory does pan out so far
Kiara aside, kek

>> No.3337209
File: 1.10 MB, 1491x1066, 1603508873083.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am

>> No.3337211
Quoted by: >>3337276

Ame had the least lewd outfit currently and still manages to be the most lewded holoEN percentage wise so.
Why even worry?
Kiara's normal design is sexed up as hell yet manages to get the least lewds.

>> No.3337216
Quoted by: >>3337235 >>3337247

ina's time is the best time for JP, SEA, AUS, EU tho. Its the timeslot for asacoco and that stream always get 15k-25k views.

>> No.3337217

I fucking love this woman.

>> No.3337218

>Gura's reveal is at 2am

I mean, couldn't she have chosen a timeslot that at least SOMEWHAT makes it bearable for a global audience to join?

>> No.3337219

probably the weakest bait I see reposted with such frequency. you're just embarrassing yourself

>> No.3337220

>because she only plays them for 2 hours a session.
It has more to do with spreading them thin. Galaxy was beaten in 1 month with 8 streams (though she'd hit 3 hours more often with it). Sunshine has been streamed 6 times for almost twice as long.

>> No.3337221

No, my penis needs a break

>> No.3337222
Quoted by: >>3337272

Should I bother with horizontal-leading or just play it like the Sentinel and click on people

>> No.3337227

I think some people were worried Ina would just show the outright right away and not make a production of it, which would have put her below Kiara.

>> No.3337231
Quoted by: >>3337269 >>3337348

I don't know when Golden Week ended to be honest, did it end before or after Ina's outfit reveal.

>> No.3337232

t. one of those faggots

>> No.3337235
Quoted by: >>3337349

>ina's time is the best time for JP, SEA, AUS, EU tho.
Farmeranon, it was 6AM for JP, and 4AM for SEA.

>> No.3337234

would you rather have new EN holos debut over 24 hours or 5 days?

>> No.3337236

>everyone else's outfit reveals are at least 8% of their sub count if not quite a bit higher
>but this one extremely popular girl will probably only get 5%

>> No.3337238
Quoted by: >>3337585

I haven't coomed in 8+ months and your rabbit will not be the one to break me

>> No.3337242
Quoted by: >>3337271

Latinx and SEAniggers like dragonball.
Dragonball is full of powerlevel shit and numberfuckery

>> No.3337243

Mio please nurse me

>> No.3337247
File: 12 KB, 442x101, 63894687347896387946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

for example, a 6 am Japan time event would get you this much views

>> No.3337251

she wanted to avoid having Red Dead spoilers in chat

>> No.3337252

will be at 3 am for me, I've fucked up my sleep schedule this week just so I could catch both the JPs and ENs

>> No.3337254

I feel like her big woman obsession has gotten worse since J-chad came onto the scene.

>> No.3337257
File: 1.34 MB, 1234x1234, nabiphone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3337258
Quoted by: >>3337377

>3D's are much bigger events than outfit reveals, and have never reached 200k.
No one who did a 3D debut had 2.6 million fucking subscribers you brainlet

>> No.3337263


>> No.3337264
Quoted by: >>3337345

Why does this Trashris guy ring a bell again?

>> No.3337266

Yes. She's just a meme for 3/4 of her subs

>> No.3337267
Quoted by: >>3337281

Was Kiara's 8%?

>> No.3337265

Pack up the rrats, dead hours are over

>> No.3337269
Quoted by: >>3337412 >>3337599

Golden Week ended on Wednesday, so just before Ina's outfit reveal

>> No.3337271


>> No.3337272

No lead just click

>> No.3337275

It's unlikely but not impossible. If she hits trending tens of thousands of random people could flood in temporarily (would probably also trigger a shadowban).

>> No.3337276
Quoted by: >>3337309

>Ame had the least lewd outfit currently

Gura's is less lewd. Ame at least has stockings.

>> No.3337277
File: 236 KB, 810x834, 1611927218407.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't make it. Hopefully Ina posts her schedule 15 minutes after I go to sleep.
Looking forward to tomorrow chumbuds.

>> No.3337278
File: 1.67 MB, 4537x5668, num.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlgg/, I want your best number crunchers doing analysis on this.

>> No.3337281

More like 41% hahahaha funny number

>> No.3337285


>> No.3337287

Ame’s jacket on her regular outfit is removable. Surely it will be on her new one as well.

>> No.3337288
Quoted by: >>3337682

And it's awful everywhere.
I literally majored in math for a while before shifting my degree to comp sci and am one of the few people I know who enjoys sitting down to crunch numbers and fiddle with data sets
I still can't handle this shit. At least when I do it, I do it for the appreciation of the patterns and the neat little coincidences and that moment of "getting it" when something finally clicks on an intuitive level
These numberfags are more soulless than math itself. They use it for the most ridiculous shit, often for no reason. They just feel the feeling of "tribe" and start a creative writing prompt debate where as long as you connect two numbers with a string of words that are vaguely related to one another and the topic at hand you continue the never ending loop.

>> No.3337289
File: 880 KB, 1054x660, 1617928968598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337298

Look man, all I'm saying is if you're seriously expecting Gura to get 200k viewers you're just setting yourself up for disappointment

>> No.3337294
File: 2.05 MB, 358x200, 1618617052002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't stop listening to this. Why is Rushia so powerful?


>> No.3337299

She is never taking her meds ever again

>> No.3337298
Quoted by: >>3337314

No I'm expecting quite a bit more than that actually

>> No.3337303

that's some https://www.thisman.org/ shit

>> No.3337309
Quoted by: >>3337344

Bare legs are lewder than stockings.

>> No.3337312
File: 137 KB, 650x366, d30268-408-400712-0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337323

Fatcat and Korone merch for a Claw mechine.

>> No.3337314
Quoted by: >>3337346

Oh so you're just delusional

>> No.3337316
File: 322 KB, 613x434, missingspacesuit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337354 >>3337397

I was watching the vod for gura's recent minecraft and reading the archives, how did no one notice at the time that Ame's launch failed because no one gave her any armor?

They literally put her in the launcher naked and then vaporized her with TNT, there was no chance she was going to do anything but instantly die.

>> No.3337317

Yeah... KFP hahaha...

>> No.3337319

Can confirm, those are numbers.

>> No.3337320

>that tako viewer retention

>> No.3337322
Quoted by: >>3337427

EU are the least important audience, the one that can be sacrificed most easily.

>> No.3337323

The GurAme of JP...

>> No.3337324
File: 87 KB, 955x760, E0o-gNnUcAYgRJS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337361


>> No.3337325
File: 369 KB, 1280x1811, 1619528577922.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337343

I know that feeling well, mamaloni....

>> No.3337330
File: 114 KB, 266x244, 1620165287525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not? This outfit reveals started from Ame & will be ended with Ame, she's the most enthusiastic about it & she promotes them the best, ALL OF THEM, even as a talking still image.
I really think she deserves the best for this event, no matter how slim that chance is.

>> No.3337333
File: 32 KB, 720x533, 1613103026084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337360 >>3337411

So it turns out deadbeats were the biggest numberfags after all. The only fanbase delusional enough to think their oshi can beat Gura in numbers.

>> No.3337342
File: 286 KB, 1026x1404, 1601170430422.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337476

I'm so fucking sick of numberfags. Look at this thread, it just fucking sucks. Who fucking cares this much about something that doesn't even matter?

>> No.3337343
Quoted by: >>3337351


>> No.3337344

Not if they aren't shapely.

>> No.3337347
Quoted by: >>3337368 >>3337371

[Turkey News Update] There are currently 13 melons on Reine's stream!

>> No.3337345

Frequent commenter on Ame's streams probably

>> No.3337346
Quoted by: >>3337380

No I am just capable of doing very simple 5th grade level math based on the abundance of data points we have from the other outfit reveals already

>> No.3337348
Quoted by: >>3337382

Hey, my bad Anon, I though Golden Week ended on Sunday (and that the reveals were done after GW ended)

>> No.3337349

7 am Australia, prime time EU, 4 am sea ehh some people are already awake at that time.

>> No.3337351

This is not what I posted...

>> No.3337354

They knew but they just wanted to kill her.

>> No.3337357

How do you even define that?
And also literally who cares.

>> No.3337359
Quoted by: >>3337373 >>3337650

If you think about it the human body is a lot of numbers you have millions of braincells millions of blood cells and so on think about it next time you tune into a Kiara stream

>> No.3337361


>> No.3337360

In the one in a million chance that Mori somehow does get bigger numbers than Gura, it won't be only the deadbeats shitting the threads up

>> No.3337364
Quoted by: >>3337385 >>3337387

Guras subs are massively inflated. I expect her VOD to be huge because a lot will eventually get around to watching it but I really do not think 200k will be able to attend live.

>> No.3337368

counting hers?

>> No.3337371

This is true!

>> No.3337373
Quoted by: >>3337391

i have more blood cells than you

>> No.3337376

Took some scrolling, but I found one of my own posts. Huh.

>> No.3337377
Quoted by: >>3337406

Subscriber counts don't correlate with live viewers as much as you'd think. Gura's live viewers are pretty comparable with the JP Holos who have less subscribers, and generally the average percentage of subscribers who watch streams live is lower with bigger audiences.

>> No.3337380

Your faith in numbers will fail you

>> No.3337382

No problem, though apparently it did end before Ina's reveal so at least her's had no Golden Week buff.

>> No.3337383
Quoted by: >>3337403

We can all agree Gura will have insanely high viewership, but we can also all agree that Amelia will have insanely low viewership. There's literally no way, zero, squat, way that Amelia beats Kiara. Right? We're all in agreement?

>> No.3337385
Quoted by: >>3337401 >>3337478

>Guras subs are massively inflated
She has a far higher proportion of live viewers to subs than Mori does, so if hers are massively inflated Moris are even moreso, and yet she pulled right around the realm of 10% of subs as views on her outfit stream. If Gura even matches that percentage she'll get over 250k.

>> No.3337386

>Indog flag

>> No.3337387

Anon, gura's live viewership blows Mori's out of the water so even if you want to use that retarded angle it makes 0 sense.

>> No.3337388

Reine is opening her youtube silver button on stream

>> No.3337389

I'm up at 3am to watch a normal Reine stream and I have work at 9am.

>> No.3337391

Nuh-uh I'm taller than the average Indonesian and more muscular than an anorexic

>> No.3337392
Quoted by: >>3337483 >>3337556

Huh, only Ina didn't experience a super sharp drop in viewers after revealing her outfit. Pretty good

>> No.3337395

Shut the hell up about numbers for god sake

>> No.3337397
Quoted by: >>3337491

I still don't understand why the contraption was so deadly in the first place. I fired up minecraft today and built pretty much the exact same thing and it could launch me without killing me in normal mode, and without even without any armor in easy mode. And that was on java edition and I believe on the same patch as well.
it was literally a 3 by 3 square, 2 blocks deep. bottom layer filled with water and with a slab over the middle block of water. I just don't understand why theirs where so deadly except for when the water froze. Black magicks or something.

>> No.3337398
File: 116 KB, 785x665, 32678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine is cute I should watch her more often

>> No.3337400
File: 439 KB, 380x645, reinehat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Package opening ASMR

>> No.3337401
Quoted by: >>3337421 >>3337436

I like how it again devolves to some sort of
"Mori doesn't deserve X" post.

>> No.3337402


>> No.3337403

t. Teamate that wants (You)s and grudgeposts

>> No.3337406

Big events like outfit reveals and 3D debuts throw those issues out the window.

>> No.3337409

I'm hungry as fuck, should i eat at 3:am

>> No.3337410

Goddamn they're both so cute

>> No.3337411

whoa, big surprise, it was a teamate shitposting

>> No.3337412

Okay, if Ina did that well without Golden Week, then I can see why the sudden increase in optimism, even if I do think some are being too optmisitic.

>> No.3337413

Cute amanekanatach

>> No.3337414

I guess we know what Ina's drawing tomorrow.

>> No.3337415

Now this is a good guess

>> No.3337416

it is literally impossible for the thread to stop talking about them now, it is pretty sad to be honest because before the costume reveal of Ina the threads were filled with UNITY now is a lot of numberfagging

>> No.3337417
File: 671 KB, 827x489, mad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

five three six thruple seben nyne ählström

>> No.3337418

It's fun, anon.
Nobody is attacking anybody or any Holo.

>> No.3337421
Quoted by: >>3337449

Literally nothing about that post was any sort of attack on Mori herself, it was an analysis of numbers, you fucking idiot. I love Mori. The point was that the logic fails.

>> No.3337425

Why not?

>> No.3337426

EN has more viewers that watch everyone, because there's only 5 of them. JP is more fragmented so a lot of people will only watch for the reveal moment then fuck off afterwards. Mori got that effect too from streaming in JP time.

>> No.3337427

Don't think starting 2-3 hours earlier would've been a daunting task and it would've added the audience of a whole continent. I know she never really catered to EU times, which is fine, but for a big event like this it would've been nice to try to include everyone.

>> No.3337430

anon, this is the same logic behind funposting and you know how that shit always ends

>> No.3337431

Go for it

>> No.3337432
Quoted by: >>3337465

Almost like takos are cancerous little faggots

>> No.3337434

those 2 are not mutually exclusive, anon

>> No.3337436

No it's literally looking at the numbers objectively.

>> No.3337439
Quoted by: >>3337473

Ame seems like she's doing something elaborate for her reveal, i wouldn't be surprised if she hit 120k.

>> No.3337441

>it's going to be heavenly

>> No.3337444

Stable attracting customers God painter Octopus destination..

>> No.3337445
Quoted by: >>3337482

I have never gotten more tired of a word than "chill" when it's used by some sanctimonious, self-righteous faggot on this board. Every time I've seen it in the past month, it's the same pattern of shitpost -> people tell them to shut the fuck up -> "chill bro...". Are you the same person every time?

>> No.3337448

KFP, it's not funny anymore. Stop talking about numbers.

>> No.3337449

There is one deadbeat who gets pretty sensible with Mori, thinking she is the face of western Hololive even when she is the silver medal.

>> No.3337450

The girl with the highest subs in hololive by a factor of nearly double the second place contender is about to get her first new outfit debut stream and you think numberfags can help themselves?

>> No.3337453
Quoted by: >>3337489

>Nobody is attacking anybody or any Holo.
Are we looking at the same thread?

>> No.3337457
Quoted by: >>3337466 >>3337477

Every fanbase numberfags in one way or another.

>> No.3337463

not if you're trying to lose weight or have trouble with acid reflux

>> No.3337464
Quoted by: >>3337471


>> No.3337465
Quoted by: >>3337481 >>3337512

Can't pretend the takos are at fault anymore when they're not even around this time.

>> No.3337466

True, it's just shitposters now though

>> No.3337468
Quoted by: >>3337495

when will yagoo hire international assassins to take care of doxxers and clipniggers that get too full of themselves?

>> No.3337469

Bouquet album nightcore version

>> No.3337470
Quoted by: >>3337492

>Ina's stable viewer retention rate meme somehow still applies to her outfit reveal streams too.
Sasuguh priestess

>> No.3337471

you dropped these

>> No.3337473
Quoted by: >>3337678

Its a background and some props. Ina had an animated background.
I believe Ame will get ckose to 100K or maybe a tiny bit more but that's it.

>> No.3337476
File: 792 KB, 800x564, a2d5ffb2799cb27bfc1f3a67bffd8e10b3c55682.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was always going to be this way anon. Even from the beginning when the absolutely improbable happened and the EN branch sped past the most well regarded JP holos in terms of subs and views back in September. We were ecstatic then, but such numberfaggotry is always a double edged sword.

>> No.3337477
Quoted by: >>3337513

It's just a few faggots that go around talking about numbers left and right because they need to latch onto the success of others since they have nothing going on in their lives themselves.

>> No.3337478
Quoted by: >>3337516

Mori got a lot of JPs that aren't actually subbed to her watching by streaming in JP primetime. Gura will get some JPs but not nearly as many.

>> No.3337479

Nah, they're clearly attacking Ame.

>> No.3337480
Quoted by: >>3337536

>KFP, it's not funny anymore. Stop living rent free in my head.

>> No.3337482

You need to take some meds, bro

>> No.3337483
Quoted by: >>3337532

I mean, neither did Kiara in comparison to the others.

>> No.3337481
Quoted by: >>3337502

Do you actually believe that?

>> No.3337488

I know it's a donation reading stream, but why aren't more people watching Reine? Her voice is pure sex. She could talk about boring stat stuff and I'd still tune in to hear her voice.

>> No.3337489
Quoted by: >>3337503

>Anon it's simple logic, she has double the fans. If she reaches x% then she already got more views
>So you say she didn't deserve the views?
This thread right now

>> No.3337491

I've never played minecraft, but I would guess the first few were because the fence instead of the slab provides less protection against the TNT. The rest we can chalk up to incompetence or ice.

>> No.3337492

I mean her stream was really short

>> No.3337493

looks like they're putting the lofi/chill remixes on other platforms

>> No.3337495

Not soon enough.
dloow, whatopia, blueawoo, rizulix are all fucking horrible leeches.

>> No.3337499
Quoted by: >>3337547

You say that, I expect tomorrow to be grudge posting central, which will open the way to shitposters especially if Gura "underperforms".

>> No.3337497

Fuck KH. Aren't you too old to be playing haha rrat clown shoes games?

>> No.3337500
Quoted by: >>3337530

She sounds fat

>> No.3337501

Because they'd rather argue about numbers

>> No.3337502
Quoted by: >>3337531

Of course. I even bothered to check the claims made against them today and shockingly, it was all made up. Nothing but more people trying to stir shit.

>> No.3337503
Quoted by: >>3337519

I'm watching bollywood movies

>> No.3337506

She sings like meet middle aged aunt.

>> No.3337507

Sorry bud, now that takos aren't handwringing over the very unlikely scenario she didn't beat Kiara by a lot they're back to the usual programming.

>> No.3337509
Quoted by: >>3337563

Why are the timings on the different graphs so fucked up? Especially Ina's seems grossly misrepresented because it stretches what only looks like a small peak value the others have over the full scale. Make them all 1 hour long to get a adequate representation.

>> No.3337511
Quoted by: >>3338028

Despite what some anons here will claim, most of us are not that hungry for content.
I bet many of them—like me±—also have long EN backlogs to get through

>> No.3337510
Quoted by: >>3337537

The ID tag filters everyone even though she speaks more English than some EN members

>> No.3337512


>> No.3337513
File: 680 KB, 1200x809, 1617432654053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no problem with being proud of your oshi for having high numbers. But it becomes a problem when you do it to the detriment of the other girls. Don't be ashamed of numbers, just don't be an ass about it.

>> No.3337516

Even if that's the case, it means I'm wrong about the 250k, and Gura will more realistically get "only" 200k.

>> No.3337517

Goorah Numbas Poll


>> No.3337519
Quoted by: >>3337545

are they dancing right now?

>> No.3337520

Well Mori does like that series so it would probably be her who plays it.

>> No.3337523
File: 96 KB, 527x455, 1609524973429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337535

America's asleep

>> No.3337524
Quoted by: >>3337567 >>3337666

Don't forget there's a legit nigger farming /vt/ shit for clout. He's the Mori BLACKED poster as well.

>> No.3337529
File: 446 KB, 2953x2953, 1618839717061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I wrong? It's crazy to me that people think Mori will have bigger numbers than Gura. I think they're shit posting.

>> No.3337531
Quoted by: >>3337554

Wow amazing, I like how you can tell what any poster is on an ANONYMOUS board.

>> No.3337530
Quoted by: >>3337582

You sound gay

>> No.3337532

I guess her numerous accessories and MV helped retain quite a bit of viewers

>> No.3337533

Reine play guitar?

>> No.3337534
File: 831 KB, 1886x4096, 1614995353887.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3337535

I'm awake but I'm watching tv. Might watch Reine later but I thought it was just an SC reading.

>> No.3337536

Funny how most numberfagging has started when Ina's outfit reveal surpasses Kiara.

In an attempt to make themselves feel better by ruining the thread's mood. KFP pushes a falseflag operation by Numberfagging Gura and Ame's reveal and trying to tear up whatever peace was achieved because of the Minecraft Collab.

>KFP's are to be executed for Treason and Conflict of Interest against UNITY.

>> No.3337537

Reine deserves to be EN2

>> No.3337539

It's late.
Her usual brunch streams which got 1-1.5k viewers usually started 3 hours earlier than now.

>> No.3337542

Reine does a sexy UHM just opening a box

>> No.3337545
Quoted by: >>3337564

no but there actually aren't many musical bits in this one

>> No.3337546

>There's no problem with being proud of your oshi for having high numbers.
no it's bad, it just makes the normalfag infiltration and terraforming of once niche hobbies faster

>> No.3337547
Quoted by: >>3337584 >>3337605

I sincerely believe that, if Gura can see her live viewers number while streaming, she will be able to deliver a better stream if she "underperforms" viewership-wise. I'm pretty fucking sure a lot of chumbuds would agree with me so get ready for 99% of the bait-takers tomorrow to be false-flaggers if that's how the shitposting turns out.

>> No.3337548

Honestly if people shilled their streams more I'd watch IDs during dead hours but I rarely see them posted or brought up

>> No.3337549

>Pokemon snap

>> No.3337552
Quoted by: >>3337574 >>3337627

The moment Ina pissed Kiara we immediately got 25-35 posts with the same shit "kfpkeks how are you coping?" "Kiara got fucked kek". People always use numbers for tribalism.

>> No.3337553

That's a pretty lousy take considering the shitflinging that it ALWAYS brings on, regardless of the topic.

>> No.3337555
Quoted by: >>3337589

I love how Ina says her name
with that low tone and slow delivery
I n a

>> No.3337554
Quoted by: >>3337580

How are you so certain they're takos if you can't tell?

>> No.3337556

She ended the stream and 1 hour flat, so not much time for the average to deviate too far from the peak.

>> No.3337558

Deadbeats thinking Mori is bigger than gura is the actual shitposting though

>> No.3337561

Reine would do great ASMR without GFE and that's a feat

>> No.3337562
File: 58 KB, 259x259, 1612732927748.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r u sure aboutthat

>> No.3337563
Quoted by: >>3337631

Because Ina hates you, she made a much shorter stream than everyone else.

>> No.3337564

now that's a weird one

>> No.3337566
Quoted by: >>3337606

Reine bubble wrap popping ASMR.

>> No.3337567


>> No.3337573
Quoted by: >>3337588

Is he wrong? Deadbeats haven't shut the fuck up about numbers since

>> No.3337574

>Ina pissed on Kiara

>> No.3337576
Quoted by: >>3337692

nigger, takos are trinityniggers of course they're numberfagging hard for trinity. but no, it's your favourite kfp boogeyman.

>> No.3337577

>he fell by the numberfags falseflagging

>> No.3337578
Quoted by: >>3337590

It's literally the ID tag debuff. Just like many people here only watch Vtubers because they have the name Hololive associated with them, people would watch Reine if she had the EN tag attached to her, but alas she does not.

>> No.3337580
Quoted by: >>3337651

I'm not saying any one survivors post is made by a tako. I'm saying it's fucking dumb to think that no tako is posting in this thread right now.

>> No.3337582

You can't hear me, that's your own voice reading my post.
YOU sound gay

>> No.3337584
Quoted by: >>3337624

Except no one is saying that. Quite the contrary, though.

. >We're all just telling chumbuds to not give numbers because of >>3337547

Tempering expectations is better than pumping yourself up for something even your own fanbase isn't sure about.

>> No.3337585
File: 2.86 MB, 562x720, 42321-15125(25)-File#45h6hH.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337643 >>3337726

Of course not, I know I couldn't break somebody with strong will. Out of curiosity, how would you feel the file below would work on a man of lesser will?

>> No.3337587
File: 577 KB, 588x874, 1606577321533.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337614 >>3337623

Reminder that Sora is a bad bitch

>> No.3337588


Really makes you think.

>> No.3337589

I really like the way she kept saying "no" in Automata credits shmup

>> No.3337590

I think more EN/ID collabs will help, especially now that it seems the minecraft server is getting a fresh arc

>> No.3337592


>> No.3337594

She's cool in collabs but she hasn't convinced me to the point where I'd put watching her above doing other things like nihongo reps or catching up on vods.

>> No.3337596
File: 398 KB, 1451x2048, E0rr_KUVkAEF3WZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3337598

Reines entire chat is speaking english, and i havent heard her speak a single indonesian sentence, are all indos just lurkers with big wallets or what

>> No.3337599
Quoted by: >>3337728

How is that a week when it ends on Wednesday.

>> No.3337600
Quoted by: >>3337608 >>3337611

>no one in Hololive is live
>none of the other vtubers I follow are live
what the fuck

>> No.3337601

You guys are so busy shitposting about numbers, I'm mostly just worried about the new outfit doing my oshi justice ;_;

>> No.3337603
File: 683 KB, 809x1200, 89511200_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337633 >>3337841

Masturbate to Pekora

>> No.3337606
Quoted by: >>3337664

>silly ASMR streams
Hey, that's the squirrel's niche!

>> No.3337605
Quoted by: >>3337641

If Gura was smart she wouldn't look at the counter or the chat. It's like looking down when you're walking on a narrow ledge.

>> No.3337607
Quoted by: >>3337696

Damn, JP viewers are harsh. But they're all retarded, no one stays for the obvious accessories showcase

>> No.3337608
File: 21 KB, 225x233, PUNCH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3337610

>Big wallets
Not even that

>> No.3337611
File: 337 KB, 428x430, 1607262162566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337637 >>3337655


>> No.3337614

And also a sexy oneechan!

>> No.3337618

Not everyone is out to get you anon. It's a coincidence.

>> No.3337620

Half the Indos speak English and are fine with it

>> No.3337621

Risu, Reine and Anya are shilled here every time they stream tho.

>> No.3337622

ID gets shilled alot her, especially around these hours, some very aggresively too. It took me a bit to check out Reine because of the anon who'd shit on the ENs to hype her up.

>> No.3337623
File: 869 KB, 1020x741, 1618146224262.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337653 >>3337703

Don't fuck with Sora

>> No.3337624

If chumbuds are going to watch they're going to watch. Jesus Christ the post you linked is such an obvious concerntroll.

>> No.3337625

it's going to be fine, she's going to have a blast with the stream and so will her fans

>> No.3337627

Those are just people that hate Kiara in general. They were using Towa too when Kiara ended without passing her. They're not actual fans of those streamers.

>> No.3337628

I have complete and total faith in nachomama. There's no way she would have drawn something that would even make it possible for that dumb rigger to turn Gura oppai like he did to Anya.

>> No.3337629

Gura's going to get stuck with the gacha outfit isn't she?

>> No.3337631

Hey it doesn't make a difference to me cause I dozed off 5 seconds after her full reveal.

>> No.3337632
File: 981 KB, 3100x3100, 1590839540760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Put your schizophrenia to good use and start writing some fan fiction, you are already making kfp look like some sort of super villain playing 4d chess, next you are gonna tell me they were the ones behind the coof to kick start Kiara vtubing career.

>> No.3337633
Quoted by: >>3337721

post more erotic stuff and i might consider it. spamming the same 10 pictures of her in these threads have essentially killed my drive for her

>> No.3337634

she's holding their families hostage and forces them to do their EN reps

>> No.3337637

She is Indonesian tho

>> No.3337639
File: 145 KB, 933x600, 1618473717435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deadbeats can't think because they're brainless numbskulls

>> No.3337641

I think Gura is smarter than most people think but you're asking for a whole fucking lot there, buddy.

>> No.3337640

A decent number of Reine viewers are indos who speak English, they only speak indo when she does. The rest are EOPs.

>> No.3337643
Quoted by: >>3337684

Oh fuck why did that make me hard

>> No.3337646
File: 1.02 MB, 971x764, 1620281699319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337710


>> No.3337647

The design will be fine anon.
The rigging though....

>> No.3337649
File: 97 KB, 750x958, E0eB-A7VEAoP_g5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337680

Have faith little chumbud, The theme has them all showing a bit of their own personalities. I'm very sure Nacho-mama can capture those.

>> No.3337650

Actually I think about numbers more when I'm here, because it's all anybody fucking talks about

>> No.3337651
Quoted by: >>3337676

If you don't even know what is being talked about you shouldn't respond anon. Or at least specify what you're trying to respond to.

>> No.3337652
File: 674 KB, 690x876, 1613654806714.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337668 >>3337691

>there is now more Mori/Watame fanart than Mori/Ina and Mori/Ame fanart thanks to the new outfits
Ina... Ame...

>> No.3337653

In one sense of that phrase, I would never

In the other sense, I would gladly get my dick cut off for the chance

>> No.3337655
Quoted by: >>3337701 >>3337746

>donation reading
Man, I can't believe there's nobody live right now.
that's crazy

>> No.3337656
File: 52 KB, 1080x314, Djjv75677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337754

Yeah it makes you think that your such a massive faggot that multiple people have to explain why you are the way you are.

>> No.3337659
File: 45 KB, 165x133, 1618365104117.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337683

reading all these numberfag posts it's like watching the monkeys at the zoo throwing shit at each other, it's quite amusing

>> No.3337662
Quoted by: >>3337719

It's raining here wtf

>> No.3337664
Quoted by: >>3337679

Risu should do a nut cracking ASMR stream.

>> No.3337663

All my fears were allayed the moment Gura said it was going to be fluffy

>> No.3337666

Jesus Christ

>> No.3337668
File: 30 KB, 128x128, 1613379052078.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i can already saw that watamori /u/schizo when i noticed that

>> No.3337670
File: 375 KB, 680x383, 1619842392566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why none of you make OC?

>> No.3337671
File: 865 KB, 1440x1018, Screenshot_20210506-002019.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3337672
File: 1.50 MB, 1614x1770, 1598185180206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reine succumbing to fan death live on stream! Hold your breath Reine!

>> No.3337673
File: 1.14 MB, 1000x1000, NO_BANGS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337811 >>3337840

I wasn't here last night. How was Ina's new outfit received?

>> No.3337674
File: 14 KB, 285x285, what's this.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get enough of this. It's so fucking funny to me for some reason.

>> No.3337676

Anon, the original post o was responding too said that are no takos posting right now. You can't be this retarded.

>> No.3337678
File: 19 KB, 593x720, 20210409_035544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ame can do a lot with just a background and some props, anon

>> No.3337679
File: 69 KB, 656x670, TheNutbuster [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F2rqfze.mp3].jpg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3337680
Quoted by: >>3337709 >>3338402


>> No.3337682
Quoted by: >>3337761

numberfags are insecure about their hobbies. they need the validation of metrics to convince themselves that they're having fun. every numberfag on this board is an ironic weeb that doesn't know how to enjoy anything for what it is, and in this case, its cute anime girls doing cute things, not large numbers. if you're a numberfag reading this, you honestly need to take some time to reflect on whether or not you actually enjoy vtubers.

>> No.3337683

I'm usually able to mentally filter all the numberfagging out of the thread, but there's literally nothing else going on in this thread so there are no good posts to look at

>> No.3337684
File: 2.85 MB, 1301x1901, 89091070_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're going to masturbate to Pekora and then watch her stream later and masturbate again.

>> No.3337687

I made several soundposts fuck you

>> No.3337690

I made 1 OC today, 1 yesterday and I'm working on one for the future. Fuck you

>> No.3337691
File: 2.07 MB, 2000x2000, E0jQXPBVcAI6ufO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well maybe their colour schemes shouldn't go so well together

>> No.3337692
Quoted by: >>3337775

>kfp boogeyman
This but unironically

>> No.3337694
File: 508 KB, 559x476, 1616791205373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337787

>drank too much
>woke up vomiting
>"lookit this spongey cake i baked" still made me smile and get out of bed
she's really powerful

>> No.3337695
Quoted by: >>3337869 >>3337895

Reminder that him along with dloow are doxfags

>> No.3337696

They did the same with Noel's outfit, and Marine's to a lesser extent. As soon as they see the full design they fucking leave.

>> No.3337701

Reine's donation streams aren't that bad, they're like Kiara-lite if you enjoy that time of thing, wish a dash of Mori sound autism (tambourine so not as offensive as wind instruments).

>> No.3337702
Quoted by: >>3337720 >>3337779

Tell me why japanese flu seems so serious when anywhere else it's literally just a fucking flu?

>> No.3337703

I WILL watch your streams, Sora. Put the weapon away.

>> No.3337704
File: 831 KB, 1029x789, 1618113178884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking leech clipniggers!

>> No.3337705
File: 90 KB, 1005x929, 1620008428371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3337707
File: 691 KB, 621x733, Big smug fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do tho

>> No.3337708
File: 346 KB, 1000x773, 1590002349062.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337718

Mousedraws kills my hands. I'm still saving up for a tablet.

>> No.3337709

I wonder if they just couldn't rig it in time or something. Maybe we'll get it in the future.

>> No.3337710
File: 1.02 MB, 971x764, bullseye.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337733


>> No.3337711

for the same reasons chumbuds get mad at people for boiling gura down to "lol dum shork" for being unironically bad at math. it honestly just makes her cuter.

>> No.3337712
File: 375 KB, 828x802, Sign of a Necromancer [sound=https%3A%2F%2Fa.pomf.cat%2Frlfpue.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3337718

I-Is that a threat?

>> No.3337719
Quoted by: >>3337732

You live in Jakarta?

>> No.3337720

Their immune systems might just not be as adapted to cope with it. Some viruses are more effective against certain ethnicities.

>> No.3337721 [SPOILER] 
File: 251 KB, 850x1202, 1620286090224.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337739

Here you go it's still sfw please meidos

>> No.3337722
File: 129 KB, 1439x554, Screenshot_20210506-042732_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's already anticipating she'll be late? Love this detective.

>> No.3337726
Quoted by: >>3337860

It's quite powerful, and the cute laughs in it really make it. With the panting I figured it was from a ringfit stream, but then the mario music started... what was she doing that got her that worked up?

>> No.3337727

Holy fuck take your meds.

>> No.3337728
File: 82 KB, 1375x371, GW.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3337730

Fuck you, bud. I've been making OCs like crazy for two weeks.

>> No.3337732


>> No.3337733
File: 57 KB, 496x516, 1599615473874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Twilight Imperium
Fucking based, my dude.

>> No.3337734

I made a bunch of stuff today, I simply ran out of ideas and forcing myself to make something never ends well

>> No.3337739

you convinced me, i'll look for some good shit on gelbooru after reine'sstream

>> No.3337742
File: 45 KB, 680x680, 1608845942361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was an hour late to work today because I wanted to watch all of Ina's costume reveal

>> No.3337745
File: 1.40 MB, 1362x765, 1514998254687.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder before all image slots are taken

>> No.3337746
File: 27 KB, 442x403, haato wild.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337767

That's exactly how I feel sometimes. I think the girls can be really entertaining sometimes, but dude I am not tuning into a fucking superchat/donation reading. You can fucking miss me with that.

>> No.3337750

i make soundposts sometimes
i'm not good at drawing or editing or anything creative

>> No.3337754
Quoted by: >>3337777

I don't know why people post these screenshots. They don't mean anything. Just say you're not samefagging without the image and save yourself the 10 seconds it takes to make and upload it.

>> No.3337758

I can't do much beyond putting Watame face on watermelons

>> No.3337759

You literally posted my OC, minus the chair, that was added later.

>> No.3337761
Quoted by: >>3337798 >>3338124

Even in days of yore when I was a teen shit instead of mid 20s shit and engaged in pointless tribalfaggotry, I never talked about fucking numbers. It was always quality of the content that I baited with.
It's why I understand the whole "But x shouldn't play y, and z plays n too!" discussion even though it feels a little like /v/ sometimes and makes me think that those arguments kinda miss the point of Hololive. But I 'get' them. I get comparing content. Are we so far down the post-modernism rabbit hole that we have stopped being capable of trying to contrast content quality at all?

>> No.3337767
Quoted by: >>3337794 >>3338255

I really enjoy them when they're mostly zatsudans, I just hate when it becomes
>NAME thankyou
>NAME thankyou
>NAME thankyou

>> No.3337769

When has any discussion about numbers not ended with some shitflinging at some Holo?

>> No.3337774
File: 2.17 MB, 4096x2648, 1612890461555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337802

Can we just lorepost and be comfy?

>> No.3337775

KFP is a mythical creature used by parents to scare kids into good behaviour?

>> No.3337777

They think nobody else in the world but them has or knows about 4chan X.

>> No.3337779
Quoted by: >>3337799 >>3337812

Japanese take minor illnesses overly serious. They were wearing masks in public long before Covid was a thing and seem to go to the hospital for stuff people in other countries would each just ignore or take OTC medicine for. In Marine's case, her temperature is borderline worrying, so it's not just a meme flu.

>> No.3337780
File: 423 KB, 709x846, 1619962191029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

comfy evening

>> No.3337781

I'm unoriginal

>> No.3337786
File: 250 KB, 1410x2000, 1614729771632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3337845 >>3338008

I want to fuck Mio.

>> No.3337785

That's a strange way to come out of the closet Anon.

>> No.3337787
Quoted by: >>3337826

I’m surprised it came out looking so good considering she screwed up the cheesecakes. I’m proud of her. Wish I could eat some.

>> No.3337793
Quoted by: >>3337833 >>3338470

I went through that containment breaker account someone linked and holy kek

>> No.3337794

Why the fuck is she speedrunning them? I wanted to flex my bahasa indonesia reps.

>> No.3337798
Quoted by: >>3337988

People are too afraid to have their own subjective taste invalidated because they have so little faith in it.
You can see that the biggest numberfaggers are the first ones most likely to jump ship because they hold no real love in the first place.

>> No.3337799
Quoted by: >>3337818

I thought they wore those masks mainly because they wanted to protect their identity.

>> No.3337802
Quoted by: >>3337817 >>3337823

What is Atlantis' tax policy?

>> No.3337809

Would be a shame if he ever got copyright striked by an impersonator and sent his information over as part of the resolution process.

>> No.3337810

I had a dream when I was napping that I was a delivery driver for instacart and Ayamefriend ordered like 2 dozen sodas and a box of grocery store sushi. When I brought the food to her apartment she opened the door wearing boxers and a really oversized tank top. She had a smile a bit like ayame and had tiny horn like growths on her forehead but she was sickly skinny and completely covered in freckles. After I delivered her food we sat down inside and she chugged a six pack of sodas in 20 minutes and slapped her belly and we started to make out. Under her boxers there was black string panties and her ass was completely flat, I don't think I had a sense of smell in this dream but it probably wouldn't have been good. We just lay on the ground groping eachother for what felt like an hour and I woke up.

>> No.3337811

It was well-liked, though all anons agreed the lack of sandals made the outfit go from 10/10 to 9/10

>> No.3337812
Quoted by: >>3337866

She's getting better at least. I can't get what is so bad about it tho, never had temperature in my life

>> No.3337813

Matsuri’s flavorful piss

>> No.3337816

I hate clipniggers but I hate especially hate clickbait clipniggers and r*ddit.

>> No.3337817

Everyone pays the rent for the cute shark loli warlord princess to live in their heads

>> No.3337818

That's why streamers and entertainment personalities doing interviews wear masks, normal people wear them because it's considered rude to be out in public while sick without a mask. Also supposedly women wear them when they don't want to put on makeup.

>> No.3337819
Quoted by: >>3337859

I miss Ollie. Hope she's doing alright

>> No.3337823

90 percent of chumbuds' wages go to Gura and Gura alone.

>> No.3337825


>> No.3337826
Quoted by: >>3337854

I hope she has more to show off tomorrow. Not sure if that was the only thing and she simply decided to share it earlier.

>> No.3337832
Quoted by: >>3337861

I love working at KFP! One of the best perks of working there is the mandatory breeding sessions with Tenchou. I get called into her office. She's standing there, face flushed. She faces away from me to pull her hotpants and underwear down, revealing the hole where the sperm belongs. Tenchou tells me we're going to do the mating press. She pulls me down to the floor with her. It's clear she wants it hard and fast.

I proceed to stick it in and start pounding away at her. Her pussy is on a mythic level. It is beyond mortal comprehension. I want it to last countless deaths and rebirths, but I remember I have to keep that supply chain going. I unleash all my feelings and semen inside her. Luckily, Tenchou is a benevolent being and takes the time to enjoy the afterglow with me. With my respective company asset still inside hers, we kiss and cuddle. I love working at KFP!

>> No.3337833

don't give them attention, they thrive on trying to start shit with random people and getting reactions out of them

>> No.3337836
Quoted by: >>3337877 >>3337904

What if all numberfagging was just considered trolling?

>> No.3337840

Loved. Biggest issue I personally have is only her tentacles being untouched

>> No.3337841

Just a sight of erotic armpits is enough for my dick to get HARD and COOM all over it!

>> No.3337845

Mio is lovely but I know I'm not good enough for her.

>> No.3337846

I don't play gacha and yet somehow I assumed GW on recent streams of some holos is guild wars

>> No.3337848
Quoted by: >>3337856 >>3337867

Numberfagging? Why does it matter, non of you exist

>> No.3337851
Quoted by: >>3337868

>Your Oshi
>Your favorite vsauce videos

>> No.3337854

She said she was going to show off her quiche.

>> No.3337856
Quoted by: >>3337876


>> No.3337857


There, I made OC.

>> No.3337858

fucking shadowverse, how the fuck am i supposed to make a deck that doesnt suck dick without pouring as much money as mori did(was provided with by the devs)?

>> No.3337859

I miss her and her energy as well.

>> No.3337860
Quoted by: >>3338023 >>3338090

It was ringfit, and she was moving around, it's all it took. She was actually a bit hornier at the end of that stream by the one, it's taht stream that she had her "nousagi lovey dovey time" clip, so who knows how much of that was just excercise.
Out of curiosity, mind reviewing this one as well, stoic one?

>> No.3337861


>> No.3337865

>how the fuck am i supposed to make a deck that doesnt suck dick without pouring as much money as mori did
Welcome to the world of collectible card games.

>> No.3337866
Quoted by: >>3337898


Think of it like your computer, if you felt the side and it was super hot that means something is going wrong in the internals. When your body gets hot it means your immune system is expending a lot of energy to do something, which means there's a lot of foreign microbes in your body that it has to fight. If your temperature keeps going up it means your body is not winning.

>> No.3337867

the only thing i can truly prove is that i'm real to myself.
and that you're a big stinky faggot

>> No.3337868
Quoted by: >>3337968

Running out of subject huh

>> No.3337869
Quoted by: >>3337895

add Sashimi to that list

>> No.3337874
Quoted by: >>3337883

save up vials.

>> No.3337875
Quoted by: >>3337883

You don't

>> No.3337876

oh no, my eyes

>> No.3337877

someday the meidos will see the truth

>> No.3337883
Quoted by: >>3337928

who is right?

>> No.3337886


>> No.3337888

Fuck you, I've made like four Ina edits, and i'm tired.

>> No.3337889


>> No.3337890

Because it’s one youtube and you don’t need to know my name

>> No.3337892

When are we going to get a horse Holo or possibly even a unicorn girl one?

>> No.3337895

dloow <- clipping leech and doxfag that rattles the windows
rizulix <- clipping leech and doxfag

dloow deserves something worse than the regular doxfag.

What did sashimi do?

>> No.3337898

Sounds scary, being tired while overheating knowing you are fucked

>> No.3337903


>> No.3337904

I've been wanting this since the /jp/ days

>> No.3337906

>unicorn girl one?

>> No.3337909

>unicorn girl one?
no chance of that ever again probably

>> No.3337915

When Holostars ES debut

>> No.3337918

damn kinda sucks knowing that there are tons of faggots out here reposting >our fun for retarded likes and upboats in other stupid platforms.

>> No.3337921

Hold up Rizulix is a doxxfag? I do my best to avoid dox videos but I did know some of the doxxers

>> No.3337923

>no gills
Anonymous is a hack!

>> No.3337926

Civia... Tia... I miss you...

>> No.3337927
Quoted by: >>3337971

Gura is forever cursed to outshine everyone else just by being naturally cute, when she just wants to have a comfy time without gunning for the #1 spot.
And this is exactly what's going to happen with the outfit reveal.

>> No.3337928
Quoted by: >>3337965

Both. You save up vials, something you can only do by either rerolling your account, reducing everything but one craft's cards into vials, and playing one deck for several months as you build up the resources to build a new deck by the time the new expansion is out. Or, you're smart and just don't fucking play at all.

>> No.3337941
Quoted by: >>3338012

genuinely, how new? literally been going on for well over a decade.

>> No.3337948

>wah wah wah wah

>> No.3337953

you google some stupidly budget and unga bunga deck, you use that deck to farm beginner ranks, VS ai matches (the ones with achievements tied to them) and then you either slowly build up towards one deck or you git gud and become a master at Take Two and farm that shit

>> No.3337957
Quoted by: >>3337964


>> No.3337960
Quoted by: >>3337972

Do story mode. All of it.
From that experience, pick one or two classes you want to play.
Get a free temporary deck.
Get all the easy free packs and use the gold from story mode to buy more packs from the last 3 expansions.
Liquidate all cards except the classes you want to play.
Look up the tournament decks, and copy/paste it with your newly created vials.

>> No.3337964


>> No.3337965
Quoted by: >>3338012

>Or, you're smart and just don't fucking play at all
based, might stop if mori unironically plays this shit game for more than 2 hours next stream

>> No.3337966

I bet you don't know the OC is stolen from time to time too

>> No.3337968

>Your oshi
>Are we running out of subject?

>> No.3337971
Quoted by: >>3338012

Damn it’s almost like things on the internet are shared and it has always been like it. Nothing that can be done
And does it matter?

>> No.3337972
Quoted by: >>3338073

yeah, i'm gonna try this and see how it goes
>shadowverse tournaments

>> No.3337977

You fool you didn't Niggermark it, this is going right to my Twitter account!

>> No.3337979
Quoted by: >>3338001 >>3338002

as far as i know, there was a screenshot of him commenting on a clip of blueawoo in which it included gura dox

>> No.3337984
Quoted by: >>3338012

welcome to the internet, this shit has been going on before 4chan was even a thing, and it's never going to stop

>> No.3337987

>Your Oshi
>favorite Mobile Suit

>> No.3337988
Quoted by: >>3338054 >>3338190

I blame the modern awareness of subjectivity. An awareness of reality does not mean submission to it. People think that tastes existing means all tastes must exist in some bizarre atomized inverted nirvana where every point of view must be respected, accepted, and not contested, and of course leave all contests of subjective ideas to the objective "force" they can project with whatever NUMBERS are relevant.
Post-modernism made us develop a zeitgeist of Might Makes Right, without any Right, and it's the worst fucking thing in the world. Why can't people assert their tastes, at least it's insightful and gets the noggin joggin as you attempt to parse out the emotional context of an argument and try to analyze it from their headspace. It can give some great insights on perspectives and patterns between things you might've not noticed before. All numbers do are make more numbers. I guess discussing opinions does the same in that it just makes more opinions. But at least opinions have SOUL.

>> No.3337989
File: 127 KB, 812x610, One small step for tako, one giant leap for HoloEN[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5c9rvd.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>3338020

>> No.3337991

anyone gonna finish that image slot

>> No.3337996

Not him, but doxxfag usually means they either share the info themselves or just browse it. dloow was found out when he commented on a HER clip video, i'm assuming the other guy did something similar or got found on a doxcord or something

>> No.3338000

>Reine is doing her flip reps again

>> No.3338001
Quoted by: >>3338015

Define Gura doxx, because if it’s just (the other name) it’s not as bad as actually showing the person especially considering how big the first thing was

>> No.3338002

As far as I know he's clean, except his comments are shit. Clipfags and doxfags have giant overlaps.

Eh, that music video was in bad taste but I wouldn't call it doxfagging. It just dilutes the term.

>> No.3338003


>> No.3338008

Loving cuddles, kisses and sex with Mio...

>> No.3338012


>genuinely, how new? literally been going on for well over a decade.
I already know that faggot, what I'm worried about is how faggots post shit from our thread I don't care about the other shit from this board and directly using the official hololive hashtags to shill their shitty gimmick accounts. it just sucks whenever you see that kind of faggotry from time to time even if you've seen that shit happen so many fucking times

>> No.3338015
Quoted by: >>3338036

Dox is only one X

>> No.3338018

>Ina Ina
>Ina Ina Ina

>> No.3338020


>> No.3338023

Not that anon, but that pekora asmr is just so fucking sex for no good reason. I've heard there was another recording of asmr she did in the voicepack this came in, but it was kinda scuffed and I've never seen it shared. Anyone have it, or know of any other asmr content she's done?

>> No.3338028
Quoted by: >>3338082

I actually find it incredibly difficult to watch archives, but that's because I'm not exactly in it for the content, or at least I guess not in the way since I guess anything can be defined as content with a broad enough definition for it. The stuff I crave is all live and if it's not live I get extremely sad watching it, especially if the stream was a while ago.

>> No.3338030
Quoted by: >>3338059 >>3338277

What did dloow clip to be considered a doxxfag?

>> No.3338032

why did you quote my shadowverse reply?

>> No.3338033

nu gundam wa date janai

>> No.3338036

I am illiterrat

>> No.3338044
Quoted by: >>3338108

Gimmick accounts always get too big headed and it's only a matter of time before he steals something from here that reaches a holo and actually does damage.

>> No.3338053

who does nabi love more

>> No.3338054
Quoted by: >>3338275

I agree with a lot of this post but blaming post-modernism is dumb

>> No.3338058
Quoted by: >>3338095


>> No.3338059
Quoted by: >>3338170

1. commented on a preHER video
2. literally SC'd chumjoker shit to Gura as revenge for taking Tuesday off.

>> No.3338062

Doubt they reuse unicorn anytime soon after Civia (Chinese Holo that got canned). Horse would be like Uma Musume, so it's possible. Maybe in gen 6, I doubt one of the ENs would go for a horse theme.

>> No.3338063

not (You)

>> No.3338073
Quoted by: >>3338102

Go for it, I had a lot of fun creating and tuning my own deck for havencraft. The low ranks in ladder are quite forgiving and I'm surprised at my winrate despite how garbage my original deck was in hindsight.
But yes, at higher levels the game becomes very luck based with little counterplay, and at lower levels you might get pissed at people throwing out legendary after legendary that you can't quite afford yet.
But it's definitely not a pay-to-win game, especially after the first month of playing.

>> No.3338078

>your oshi
>your favourite rrat

>> No.3338079
Quoted by: >>3338095

Ame of course. Collab with Ame soon

>> No.3338082

See that's weird to me. I don't talk in chat which would be the only benefit of watching live. If I'm going through the archive, I can fast forward and pause to my hearts content

>> No.3338084


>> No.3338089


>> No.3338090

That one's good too, but the panting one does get me a little bit more. I don't usually feel too much sexual feelings from ASMR, mostly maybe ticklish giddy feelings but I have been avoiding the more sensual stuff

>> No.3338094

I love Kanatan

>> No.3338095
Quoted by: >>3338128 >>3338158

they cant even communicate..

>> No.3338096
Quoted by: >>3338146


>> No.3338099


>> No.3338098

Probably herself? The others are customers

>> No.3338100

V2 assault buster, The O, Qubeley, Zeta.

>> No.3338102

i just started playing vs people, normal matches are pissing me off because they're using that holy woman deck with a bunch of "in x turns summon x" while healing by destroying my cards with spells

>> No.3338104

>viedo gaems
>Yagoo’s nephew is viedo gaems

>> No.3338106

Do you? Because if you fucking knew that, then the idea that one of the most popular threads on a fucking apex culture generation site would be being used by grifters to farm content would be so fucking obvious that it doesn't warrant posting about.

>> No.3338108

Gimmick accounts always end in one of three ways:
>they maintain the gimmick and don't break for anything
>they go inactive and everyone forgets they exist
>they start using it to push political garbage now that they have huge follower counts

>> No.3338111
Quoted by: >>3338123

the streamer formerly known as artia
Farmer gura

>> No.3338113

of course it sucks, but there's nothing that can be done about it beyond reporting them if you catch them doing stuff that can actually cause harm to a talent. The threads will never stop producing content, because making stuff and arguing about pointless shit is fun, it's a shame that people take advantage of others for their own personal gain.

>> No.3338114

>The dead ones. I hate "rrats"

>> No.3338115


>> No.3338119

Gura loves me!

>> No.3338120

Doing things hard
By the way why does Sora works so well with chuuni poses?

>> No.3338123
Quoted by: >>3338195 >>3338210

Is farmer Gura still a rrat if she basically told us she lived on a farm?

>> No.3338124

You don't need to consume the content or even mildly reflect on it to numberfag. It's the lowest of the low in terms of effort, even a dumb monkey can do it.

>> No.3338129
Quoted by: >>3338168

this one is pretty spooky https://files.catbox.moe/zjuq8p.jpg

>> No.3338128
Quoted by: >>3338149

>did not watch streams.

>> No.3338131


>> No.3338140
Quoted by: >>3338186 >>3338212

>Your oshi
>Game you want her to play with viewers/members

>> No.3338146

>1 of the gurame lesbian trio posts art
>scroll down to see the other 2 freaking out
every time
cute art

>> No.3338147

Big Zam
I've barely watched any Gundam

>> No.3338149
Quoted by: >>3338159 >>3338187

was there a stream where ame revealed she's fluent in japanese?

>> No.3338156

I love Halo, I wish my oshi could play it

>> No.3338158

she's not japanese though so she can easily learn good english

>> No.3338159

i think he is refering to nabi having some basic knowledge in english

>> No.3338165


>> No.3338168

I guess I'm not sleeping tonight.

>> No.3338170

Oh shit that's really bad... why is he so well-liked?
>literally SC'd chumjoker shit to Gura as revenge for taking Tuesday off.
For real? Was this during the minecraft stream? I already disliked the guy but this is infuriating.

>> No.3338176

Oh no..

>> No.3338186


>> No.3338187

>he's not in the right timeline

>> No.3338188


>> No.3338190

>every point of view must be respected, accepted
This is (generally) true though.
>not contested
I agree with you here, contesting tastes give birth to a discussion.
The best discussions happen between people that respectfully disagree with each other.

>> No.3338192

whats with japs not doing their eigo reps? literally in any other country everyone knows at least some basic english

>> No.3338195

None of the stuff she's ever said made it sound like she touched anything but rural gardening, really. Actual farms are a whole other thing and it's really doubtful at this point that Gura would've grown up on one.

>> No.3338197

Oh yes

>> No.3338200

>>宝鐘マリンP @ホロライブ3期生 Retweeted
Thank you, Marine.

>> No.3338205

Wanna know something scary? /hlgg/ has better morals than the rest of the viewers of Hololive who actively support roommate posting and references.

>> No.3338207

Yeah Dloow is the worst of the worst, pure scum

>> No.3338208

So this will be the stream that destroys EN...

>> No.3338210

True, although I doubt she does any farm-related activities these days. The best narratives are the ones that end up being confirmed. Gurame is the next narrative that will be verified as truth

>> No.3338212

Horror CYOA, she can ask chats about the route.

>> No.3338213

somehow they picked the worst possible method for teaching eigo and are too stubborn to change it

>> No.3338215

pls remember to tweet out your outfit reveal on Friday Amechama

>> No.3338223


>> No.3338238

>Oh shit that's really bad... why is he so well-liked?
/hlgg/ is the minority, most people support and enjoy viewing roommate shit an associating it with vtuber

>> No.3338240

Eigo hard, all words spaced so no easy read

>> No.3338241

This timeline is pretty fucked. I blame the insects

>> No.3338245
Quoted by: >>3338270 >>3338343

One thing I really love about Ame is how quickly she can recover from a sour mood.
The Minecraft collab is a good example of it.

>> No.3338248
Quoted by: >>3338338 >>3338392

NePoRaBo Famimart collab!

>> No.3338249
Quoted by: >>3338274

i really hope none of the other anons' oshis decide to pick up shadowverse. deadbeats are the only onewho should suffer this cancer (and to an extent KFP)

>> No.3338251

They can't even read their own language

>> No.3338252
Quoted by: >>3338360 >>3338396

Normalfags (and Reddit) unironically believe there should be no separation between VTuber and roommate whatsoever and that the only thing differentiating Hololive from the average Twitch camwhore is literally the avatar. Thoughts like kayfabe, character work, and taking time out of your day to just relax and be someone that isn't completely and absolutely "you" are incomprehensible to them.

>> No.3338254
Quoted by: >>3338264

Fuck octane players.
There is never a good octance player.

>> No.3338255

1.25 or 1.5 are my magic numbers.
It work, it get the job done.
Most of the time VOD Kiara SC.

>> No.3338260

Yeah, it's ridiculous how popular "muh secret knowledge" is with them.

>> No.3338264

this but wraith players

>> No.3338270
Quoted by: >>3338284

>The Minecraft collab
which one

>> No.3338274

Don't worry, they will play Hearthstone instead.

>> No.3338275
Quoted by: >>3338393

Warning, mucho texto

But it's literally the fault of those same ideas that stem from post-modernism. This idea that we must be aware of the reality of ideas has merged with cancel culture and its predecessors to form a subconscious fear in the everyman that to attempt to bring about his opinion in another is Bad with a capital B.
Every argument can be shut down with "Just let people do what they want, asshole!" even if you were more than reasonable simply to shoot an argument they losing to death. Oftentimes they will ride on the coattails of local consensus because if they do that and manage to phrase an accusation in just the right way, they can go from getting their logical foundations for their opinions ripped to shreds to sitting back throwing insults as an angry mob begins to ad-hoc devour their opponent through sheer numbers with twitter tier bantz that try to "style" on a person by making sassy quips to surface level strawmen. The vast majority of them will use the word "gross" or some word that serves a very similar purpose.

>> No.3338277

See >>3327674

>> No.3338278
Quoted by: >>3338313

Most of the time people learn a second language to gain access to something they can't have in their native language. For example, a lot of ESLs start learning English to understand TV entertainment. Japan is really self sufficient entertainment wise and in general so they don't really much reason to learn eigo. Especially when the process of learning English is a total slog and incredibly archaic in Japan.

>> No.3338279

My brain has now changed chimeco to takochimeco.

>> No.3338284

The one with zoombie & moon-bi.

>> No.3338285

I've gone out of my way to ignore as much doxx shit as possible, so the fact the big clipper who fancies himself a big figure in the community is doing this shit is enraging.

>> No.3338293
Quoted by: >>3338300 >>3338307

One of the Jap artists I follow on Twitter just found out about Calli...
Hopefully he'll draw some decent fanart for my boy.
Shadowverse arc is just a phase, please undastando.

>> No.3338294

Honestly deserves more views. It's a great video and I'm sure anyone baited into clicking it enjoys it.

>> No.3338297

>Your oshi
>Do you play any gacha? If so, wich one(s)?

>> No.3338300
Quoted by: >>3338319


>> No.3338304
Quoted by: >>3338347

Anything but fucking kirin.

>> No.3338307
Quoted by: >>3338314 >>3338316

I can't wait for this fucking tournament to be over so she can move on.

>> No.3338309

it's probably because the sense of anonymity is heavily valued here

>> No.3338313
Quoted by: >>3338414

Isn’t it mostly British curricula too? Imagine trying to learn a language but end up getting taught the most low class dialect.

>> No.3338314

Looks like we're getting probably a month of this...

>> No.3338315
Quoted by: >>3338330 >>3338424

Yes, for real >>3337026
The censored word is the name of someone on her non-Holo steam friend list.
He retracted the SC after sending it and I hope Gura didn't finish reading it before it went poof.
It's one thing having doxfags, it's another having them banging on the windows.

>> No.3338316

a tournament implies that people besides mori and kiara will play...let's hope it's someone from outside of hololive

>> No.3338318

Japanese teachers do a bad job of teaching it and most Japanese people just don’t have a desire to or feel like they need to learn it.

>> No.3338319
Quoted by: >>3338327


>> No.3338320
Quoted by: >>3338328

No, gacha + vtubers is a dangerous combination. When I found my oshi I stopped with gacha and I support her instead

>> No.3338327

thank you very much

>> No.3338328

Wise honestly

>> No.3338331
Quoted by: >>3338344 >>3338345

I have just awakened!
>Ame Sunshine vod is only 90 minutes
I guess she beat the game early like with Galaxyso it was a short stream huh. I wonder what she'll replace it with today.

>> No.3338330
Quoted by: >>3338349 >>3338350

It was deleted.

>> No.3338334
Quoted by: >>3338355

Imagine not being in love with Reine LMAO

>> No.3338336

I loved Kiara's new outfit when I saw the reveal, but I find myself loving it even more as I watch it in action.

>> No.3338339
Quoted by: >>3338368 >>3338372

Yes, it was during the minecraft stream. The best stream in ages and he pulled that stunt right in the middle of it. Then tweeted about what a great stream it was afterward.

>> No.3338338


>> No.3338343
Quoted by: >>3338472

>how quickly she can recover from a sour mood.
eh, she has also a fair amount of instances where she tried to run away / run away from them. e.g today, post-allergy karaoke, another karaoke, dream assignment, and probably many more that I memoryholed. That disappoints me a little bit whenever she does that.

>> No.3338344


>> No.3338345

>I guess she beat the game early like with Galaxyso it was a short stream huh.

>> No.3338347

I didn't realize until just now that Rise was missing Kirin.
Thank fuck.

>> No.3338349
Quoted by: >>3338369

There's a phone screenshot on the retraction

>> No.3338350
Quoted by: >>3338385

I hope it was a mod and not her. Also I hope that faggot is banned and Gura copyright strikes his channel.

>> No.3338351

Arknights and Priconne.
Im gonna play horses too when they come out in english.

>> No.3338355

My heart belongs to the treerrat

>> No.3338357

'ate seaniggers
'ate doxfags
'ate zhangs
love me priestess and love all me holoEN girls

>> No.3338360
Quoted by: >>3338396

I dont like the hololive subreddit but those guys at least do have the decency to not endorse the doxx shit. Though I guess being the official subreddit helps.

>> No.3338363

Arknights, Azur Lane, Pricunny. Taking a break from Granblue after g**ld w*rs

>> No.3338364
Quoted by: >>3338383 >>3338664

>Nene still hasn't said or retweeted or liked anything about Ina
They had a falling out..

>> No.3338368

He sent another passive aggressive SC, too. This faggot was either off his meds, drunk, or on his period.

>> No.3338369
Quoted by: >>3338450 >>3338489

Ah, that honestly makes it worse because the motherfucker unsheathed his knife and pointed it at Gura but then decided to sheathe it again.
What will he do the next time he feels Gura has wronged him?

>> No.3338370

FGO, Blue Archive and Honkai Impact

>> No.3338372
Quoted by: >>3338413

What concerns me a little is that I genuinely can't tell if something like that was done out of any kind of malice or just a complete and utter lack of self-awareness.

>> No.3338375

I still log into FGO and IM@S Cinderella Girls Starlight Stage every day, but I don’t really play them anymore. Just can’t get myself to completely drop them after over 5 years of playing.

>> No.3338378

skullgirls mobile

>> No.3338383

It's ok, Ina has half the ID branch lusting after her

>> No.3338385

what you need to do is report him to cover so that they become more aware of it and how he's not going to stop unless they take action
i've already done it with mentions to low effort clickbait and how he's involved in the doxx/stalker side of the fanbase

>> No.3338386

Dragalia Lost and Genshin Impact

>> No.3338390

mori though i regret my life choices
arknights up until recently, got tired of it after 6 months. if you consider shadowverse gacha then i'm trying it out, though i'll likely drop it soon

>> No.3338392

>tfw no sex while eating famichiki
why live?

>> No.3338393

I think post-modernism is a spook, in the sense that faith in objectivity and human capacity to access it had been dwindling well before the advent of post-modernism as a movement. Maybe you'd say I'm being pedantic, but those ideas have deeper roots than the mid 20th century. I'm also skeptical of the idea that the average man needs to concern himself with cancel culture when material security is a much more pressing and salient concern for the average person. Of course some people will argue in the way you're describing, but I don't think it's the fault of post-modernism or anything. I think that style of argumentation you're referring to and rejection of logic in favor of presentation style or agreeableness of ideas has been around much longer than any sort of manufactured culture war

>> No.3338394

Uma Musume, Blue Archive, Tokyo 7th Sisters

>> No.3338396

Yeah, dox spam happens on chans and private discord servers. There's an overlap of users but dox shit is not tolerated at all on reddit or official fan discords.

>> No.3338400

FGO and Girls Frontline, mostly for the story, don't really play them outside of story events and story chapters

>> No.3338402

She'll do it eventually. Knowing Mori, she likes to save the good shit so she can save it for a special occasion.

>> No.3338406

what do i dooooooo

>> No.3338407

Turn A

>> No.3338408

Recently dropped Langrisser. I fucking done with gacha.

>> No.3338410
Quoted by: >>3338420

Used to play Girls Frontline for 2 years, stopped recently. :3

>> No.3338412

Honkai Impact. I'm glad ditch FGO 2 years ago. Tiresome bad luck shit SSR.

>> No.3338413

Most of the people who are utterly obsessed with their oshi tend to be autistic NEETs that haven't interacted with another human being face-to-face in ages.

>> No.3338414

I don't know the specifics but I'm pretty sure you're right about the dialect the Japs do learn being low class. They honestly don't sound anything like other ESLs. I think it has a lot to do with them learning from outdated English and their textbooks are updated by people who learned English through their outdated material/methods.

>> No.3338415

Gura 150k
Ame 100k

Also so far I'd rate the outfits like this
This ranges from amazing 9.5/10 to 6/10 (a bit boring and uninspired)

>> No.3338417

my tummy hurts

>> No.3338420
Quoted by: >>3338433


>> No.3338424

What the fuck, how fucking petty do you have to be to do that shit? You're already making fucking money from stealing her content, what the fuck else do you want?

>> No.3338427

I've done quite a few things that get lost to time.

>> No.3338428

Anon... you are going to die...

>> No.3338431

Blue Archive

>> No.3338433

I have Reine to remind me to hydrate now.

>> No.3338436

Gura 200k, Ame 105k

>> No.3338439
Quoted by: >>3338458

Anon is fucking pregnant

>> No.3338438

Used to play Love Live SIF

>> No.3338441

You okay goorah?

>> No.3338443
Quoted by: >>3338458

congrats you're pregnant

>> No.3338445

go to bed Ame, you've got shit to do tomorrow

>> No.3338448

Idolm@ster CGSS and Genshin impact

>> No.3338449

My tummy hurts too...

>> No.3338450

Do we know anything about him other than him being a leaf? These fuckers always fold when the same shit starts happening to them.

>> No.3338455

>Genshin Impact occasionally but not in months

>> No.3338454

Take a shit. Or throw up.

>> No.3338456

Started with Kantai, then GFL, currently Arknights
I've dropped both of the first two, though

>> No.3338457

That's a very gay take

>> No.3338458
Quoted by: >>3338502

i'm sorry anons, it was me who impregnated anon... i didn't want you to have to find out like this... truly gomennasorry broskis

>> No.3338460

Discord was a mistake

>> No.3338463

I like Reine

>> No.3338464

I wish this dude drew Ame.


>> No.3338470

That's cringe alright. And not the good kind.

>> No.3338472

I was talking about her mood, anon, not her being competent. It swings quickly & sometimes it takes just one song on bubbabot to cheer her up.

>> No.3338475

Used to play LLSIF(AS) and Genshin. Quit about 2 weeks ago

>> No.3338478

Project Sekai, Priconne, and Uma Musume

>> No.3338479

Genshin Impact

>> No.3338481
Quoted by: >>3338505 >>3338507

Are there official fan discords? I remember Towa having some sort of discord event some time ago but I don't know of others.

>> No.3338484
Quoted by: >>3338535 >>3338647

why do people talk about Ame getting sub-100k when Ina basically proven the NA/european viewership can still boost you up to the 90s zone?

>> No.3338485

yo, what’s viedo gaems’ next drop

>> No.3338486
Quoted by: >>3338506

>What did sashimi do?
clickbait clips
stealing fanarts for thumbnail
doxfaggatory at the level of blueawoo

>> No.3338488
Quoted by: >>3338554

>1hr sunshine vod
must've been a short run

>> No.3338489

>that honestly makes it worse
not to defend this faggot personally personally but that's mental tricks. there's nothing bad about realizing your mistake or banter going too far and retracting it. he didn't send a message to apologize but it's probably because he's a greedy faggot not wanting to waste money on apology and he convinced himself she didn't read it. or maybe he's an absolute psychopath and calculated the time that gura takes to read supas and retracted it only after that to make sure gura read it but viewers would think that he regrets it and that's all just a big brain PR.

>> No.3338492

I looked up vtuber reddit and apparently the rule list on the side says you can post any roommate shit if it's spoiler tagged

>> No.3338496
Quoted by: >>3338591

last night there was an anon saying that people saw nothing wrong with the super chat in one of gura's discords

>> No.3338498

Played Love Live SIF for a long time but never put in money

>> No.3338499

>your oshi
>what sport did you play growing up?

>> No.3338501
Quoted by: >>3338517

fgo,mahjongsoul (is it gacha if i never rolled?)

>> No.3338502

You whore

>> No.3338505

No, just unofficial ones AFAIK

>> No.3338506

>at the level of blueawoo
I knew about the clickbait shit and the stealing artwork but I hadn't seen any doxx stuff. Guess it helps I don't actually watch any of his shit so

>> No.3338507

"Official" just means the biggest fan discords that you'll find when you google "hololive discords" afaik.

>> No.3338514
Quoted by: >>3338586

He sent another SC after that which was also garbage but at least not garbage in that way.

>> No.3338516

Football, Rugby, Cricket.

>> No.3338517

Why would you do that?

>> No.3338520

The vtuber reddit is pretty different from the Hololive reddit.

>> No.3338521
Quoted by: >>3338562

football until I broke my arm

>> No.3338522

>Please do not talk about the entertainer behind the avatar during their streams or on their platforms. We are there to support the VTubers and enjoy what they have to offer; not to meddle in their personal lives.

>> No.3338525

>Soccer, but I'm learning hockey now

>> No.3338529

Rugby, then Cricket, then Soccer.
Fuck team sports, racquet sports are where it's at.

>> No.3338530
Quoted by: >>3338586 >>3338610

given his past actions its safe to assume malice and he did send another superchat after it saying how she should stream less

>> No.3338531


>> No.3338535
Quoted by: >>3338561

Not to mention Gura will shill her stream, its gonna be in the weekend and 1 hour later than Ina's. I can see 100K easily. She gets almost 15K viewers on fucking minecraft.

>> No.3338536

It's like when takos get mad that all people talk about are Ina's cock rating streams and they never give watching her sunday doodle streams a chance.

>> No.3338538


>> No.3338539


>> No.3338540

I was a football/soccer goalkeeper, best of my class.

>> No.3338543
Quoted by: >>3338580

Towa monhun, viewer participation it seems. ~8 minutes
Kanata RE7. ~37minutes

>> No.3338548

Four to two and a half years ago, yeah.
I played Kanpani Girls, Millenium War Aigis, Dragon War Providence, Flower Knight Girl, and Princess Connect! Re:Dive.
A fair amount of those were on Nutaku so, when they shut down, then onto DMM instead.

>> No.3338549

Volleyball and football

>> No.3338553

Hell yeah

>> No.3338554

She rage quit

>> No.3338555

I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that outside of the literally mentally ill shitposters, this place is MORE decent compared to some of the fucks on discord/straight superchatting

>> No.3338556

>Predator watchalong
Nice, it's been a while

>> No.3338557
Quoted by: >>3338581

soccer and systema

>> No.3338559

Fuck YES

>> No.3338561

there's also the fact that she's the last one which is almost as much of a hype boost as going first
I can see her numbers being pretty similar to Mori at the end of all of it

>> No.3338562
Quoted by: >>3338602

What the fuck are you me? Assuming you're talking about American football, of course.

>> No.3338564

>Predator watchalong
Sick, I'm excited for that

>> No.3338565
Quoted by: >>3338586 >>3338587

he's on the spectrum i'm pretty sure

when ame called him out, he did exactly as you'd expect an autist would do

>> No.3338567


>> No.3338568
Quoted by: >>3338590

Risu Nier finale in 8 minutes bros get in here

>> No.3338569
Quoted by: >>3338590 >>3338638

5 minutes

>> No.3338570

I'll be back.
Wait, wrong movie.

>> No.3338571

They allow disclosure of previous vtuber identifies of a chuuba but not anything personal.
>Use the Meta flair; mark all text bodies containing meta-information with spoilers. "Meta" is defined as any VTuber information related to their alternate (e.g. different channel) or previous (e.g. past reincarnation) identities.
There's really not much to talk about with this limitation other than "X was Y?"

>> No.3338574

>Football, until I discovered video games

>> No.3338578

>normalfags are retarded
really shouldn't surprise you

>> No.3338580


>> No.3338581
Quoted by: >>3338687

We have a spetsnaz in the thread!

>> No.3338585


>> No.3338584
Quoted by: >>3338604

I miss when Ame watched good things, now it's only anime

>> No.3338586

ok, yeah, you're right. he probably thought it's too far and even normalfags would know that he's a faggot, so he didn't regret the sentiment and just rephrased it in a more subtle way.

>> No.3338587

Ame called him out?

>> No.3338590
Quoted by: >>3338618

>8 minutes
>5 minutes
W-What is happening?

>> No.3338592


>> No.3338591

I'm giving them the benefit of the doubt that they're just clueless. It's not something people would know unless they're HERE or doxfags.

>> No.3338595
Quoted by: >>3338642

It's natural that the group that, on average, is a lot more invested in the hobby understands said hobby a lot better.

>> No.3338599
Quoted by: >>3338615

>lollos XD Hello Reine, I was wondering if you would do a duolingo stream learning Spanish so as Anya did? are you interested in that language or perhaps not so much? because i would love to hear you speak It
Why are spics like this

>> No.3338602

Nah I live in Europe

>> No.3338604

Clue next week I think?

>> No.3338610

Ohh that explains why I was confused at the outrage, that's the superchat of his I saw and completely missed the first one.

>> No.3338612
Quoted by: >>3338632

Hockey, but not the type you're thinking of

>> No.3338615

Lack of attention

>> No.3338618
Quoted by: >>3338650

I didn't do my sleep reps, woke up at 630 AM just to watch Risu stream Nier then she blueballed me for like 15 hours ending the stream after C now it's 130 AM

>> No.3338620


>> No.3338627
Quoted by: >>3338655

According to Reine they already migrated the Realms to an actual server

>> No.3338632
Quoted by: >>3338680

Field hockey?

>> No.3338633

Baseball and soccer. I quit as soon as my dad let me.

>> No.3338638
Quoted by: >>3338660

I thought Risu doesn't want us watching cause we will spoil things?

>> No.3338642

As >>3338595 says, most people here are VERY dedicated to learning and maintaining the ethics and etiquette for dealing with vtubers and how they're different from other streamers, and so have an understanding of certain things you just don't do. With casual fans they often pay little attention to those sorts of things, and learns doxx and other shit from friends or other casual fans, and ends up spreading it not being aware of how embarassing and annoying they come across. The real issue is not the schizos from here who have no real influence, but the schizos who are popular with casual fans.

>> No.3338643
Quoted by: >>3338657

Blame that on /jp/ for hard-drilling it into our heads when EN debuted.

>> No.3338646

God I love the dorky giant hat of my Priestess!

>> No.3338647

there's an unironic mentally ill numberfag tako.he is obsessed with comparing ame and ina's numbers and always gloats when ina has higher numbers than ame when they collab. you can see him in /wahg/ sometimes.

>> No.3338648

>Reine dreamt about Ina

>> No.3338650
Quoted by: >>3338690

Stay strong, Risuner.

>> No.3338653

Most shitposts don't jump through mental hoops to justify why they are the way that they are, it just boils down to them deriving entertainment by acting that way. Normalfags will give you ten thousand excuses why it's totally reasonable to dig through someone's past history and plaster their real-life information everywhere, including shoving it in everyone's faces when they didn't ask.

>> No.3338655


>> No.3338657

God bless them

>> No.3338658

A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.

>> No.3338660

She's finished C and just has D and E to go, it's not too much of a concern now

>> No.3338662

>3 earlyfag threads already

>> No.3338663

I don't understand how anyone thinks he "thought better"

His second message is pure passive aggressive bitch mode. He is mocking her. Obviously he doesn't want her to stream LESS when he just sperged out about how terrible she is for not streaming.

>> No.3338664

nene is on taotao planet

>> No.3338676

really the watchalong is the highlight for most people? I'm not even renewing the membership until there's non-watchalong member stream since she can go pretty long without one

>> No.3338680

Not that one either kek

>> No.3338684


>> No.3338685


>> No.3338687

i didn't actually served only took lessons, it was a sport oriented circle led by a chechnya vet

>> No.3338688

I love Towa!

>> No.3338690

My pain is over now, she's finally finishing it
