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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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32595491 No.32595491 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>32555370

What if your general was not just a general but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!

Let's take a little break Edition

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:

- Continent Names
- Chuubanite doc
- No timeloops

>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts and Flags of your general in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Try to keep hornyposting, socposting and funposting to the absolute minimum until we hit the bump limit.
>Please refrain from posting if you are intoxicated.
>Ignore any trolls or falseflaggers. Report, hide and move on.
>Do not press anons on their identity if you are not willing to give yours back.
>Don't be a dick to other writers. If an argument does not directly concern you, stay in your lane and worldbuild.


Ocean Currents:
Weather Systems:
Climate Analysis:
Tectonic Plates and their Movements:
Geologic Provinces:



>> No.32595599
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.
- - -
>Notice: Watch out for the word "land *f“ where * is o.

>> No.32595709
File: 2.21 MB, 480x480, 1661903207344242.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Vote Results
https://rentry.org/or3ub (most recent)
>Vote post archive

>> No.32595772
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Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

Also be sure to anchor your ideas for continent and ocean names here so we can discuss them.
- - -
For the voting results of our /vtl/ team: >>30042825 ; >>30323043 ; >>31255836
Team Caretaker Trip Code: !p84LALNCrk
- - -
Tourist's Guide of Vitubia:
If you wish to contribute to this, please submit a short text that introduces your nation by replying to this post.

>> No.32595892
File: 129 KB, 850x601, __tsukumo_sana_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_vyragami__sample-2bf2dcdfca98469588c1f8e31778e404.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for the Chuubanite concept.

PLEASE KEEP ALL CONCEPTS ON THE CONCEPTS OF CHUUBANITE TO THIS CONCEPT CHAIN. Anons who do not wish to see chuubanite concepts should hide this concept.

Current Concept: https://rentry.org/chuubanite (CIP)

Official Chuubanite Concept Video: https://youtu.be/V83JR2IoI8k [Open] (embed)

>> No.32596284
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>> No.32596905

another K.A.G. story in the making, Felipe de la Maza and the Legend of Shangri-La
archive senpai, put this under /2434/, /yeah/ and /ahoy/.

>> No.32597241

Tomorrow I'll be unavailable until late aftermoon. I'll see what I can get done today.

As for a general world-building food topic how are your wet condiments like catsup, mustard, mayonnaise, tartar sauce, sour cream, and other sauces?

>> No.32597260
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Quoted by: >>32597643

lolisama... THIS IS GREAT! I can't believe you actually included my silly tavern into your story. I kneel.... This is actually shocking, I thought you were going to be gone for a while.

>> No.32597457
Quoted by: >>32597643

Not too fond of the reallife names for all the places all the time but besides that it sounds like a nice start and the making of a fun adventure.

>> No.32597529
File: 155 KB, 1115x675, 2043A90C-A2C6-4EBB-B7C8-541074103DFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it might be too hot/moist for me to grow tomatoes or mustard seed during the summers, though it could be feasible in the dry winters. Mayonnaise is easy; just eggs and some kind of oil and vinegar right? I have almonds and avocado so I could make oil from either.

>> No.32597572
File: 357 KB, 1695x2048, tabascomei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32598255

Fermented vinegary hot sauce, garlic emulsified sauce, berry jam and sour cream are probably the most popular condiments in the Owl Republic

>> No.32597643
Quoted by: >>32597754

I'll think of a better name later. I just chose one of the top of my head.
Thanks Mr. Z. If you want, you can help me with the name now.

>> No.32597754

i'll see what I can do!!

>> No.32597785

>>32597529 (me)
Breastmilk cheese, yogurt, and sour cream? Breastmilk cheese, yogurt, and sour cream.

>> No.32598005
Quoted by: >>32598221

Hey I just want to say I appreciate you guys. Seriously. I’ve been kind of going through a rough patch, but getting to write with you all and joke and laugh has been such a nice feeling. Truth be told, I almost had forgotten what it was like. Even when I first started out, those who were around were more than happy to welcome me and offer me assistance with anything I needed. As more and more people came in over the months, my enthusiasm for this project only grew larger. It’s been fantastic working with others and seeing what we can all make. Even the schizos or whatever are included in this. Despite being what they are, even they play a part in sometimes making things comedic and helping us grow closer. Old reps and new reps, each of you are wonderful in my book. I’m very grateful for those that I’m close to. For the ones I’m not close to, I hope to be soon and I am grateful for you too. Thank you all sincerely. Well, back to work for me.

>> No.32598130
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>> No.32598176

You can probably grow it in a Cwa climate but I don't know how much have selective breeding affected tomatoes' ability to be grown in wetter environments.

>> No.32598221
File: 89 KB, 1110x910, EA7C7935-14BD-4394-B336-CD7975B31EE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute, sweet anon… I appreciate you too no matter who you are and I’m glad this can be a fun place for you. I always enjoy this place and I’m happy to know you guys.

>> No.32598236
Quoted by: >>32598381

Moriji is big on fish sauce!

>> No.32598255
Quoted by: >>32598639

Mustard don't like summertime. It prefers cooler spring and fall. The frost makes the leaves taste sweeter I hear. As for tomatoes it depends on how well you can irrigate them or if you have a good rain season like Greece or Rome.
Oh my. I wonder if there's research done on that yet.

Hot sauce is always a good time. I learned to like Lousianna hot sauce in tuna and egg salad sandwiches. And Tabasco sauce is surprisingly good on burgers. If you have peanut butter and sliced bread then I have a use for berry jam. Otherwise berry jam is great for pastry fillings and dry bread with butter.

>> No.32598291
Quoted by: >>32598434

Alright Lolisama,
>El Blanco
That's the two name i think off...

>> No.32598337
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>> No.32598381

Condiments. Does /risu/ have them?

Would you also have wasabi and s0i sauce?

>> No.32598434


>> No.32598491

sorry archivesenpai, but I had to change the name of this...

>> No.32598559
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Their wild form can grown in anything from tropical rainforest to hot desert, so I won't worry too much about the humidity.

>> No.32598591
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Quoted by: >>32598675

>Fountain o' Uuooh
did you think I would miss this one. I AM HAPPY TO HELP!!!! I love you and most anons here love you too, despite what 3 asses say!

>> No.32598616

nuts. i could specify but nuts are used for a lot

>> No.32598639

Yeah, my worry was the heat/humidity. I read that tomatoes grow best between 65-85F and I would consistently be pushing the latter part of that scale during the summers. Of course with any crop sans the ones who thrive in flooded fields, like rice, you have to worry about them getting funky from too much water. The dry, cool winters should be nice for both tomatoes and mustard as long as you hit them early before it gets *too* cold. Like a moderate early-mid November.

>> No.32598675
File: 1.04 MB, 220x220, noraneko.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love you so much, you and ppsenpai can make me feel better immediately!!!!! Mr. Z is AMAZING!!!! Z LOVE!

>> No.32598729

great. the pp harem faggotry is in full swing again

>> No.32598739
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Quoted by: >>32598896

Hmm, yeah there would be, though it's negibean sauce instead. Couldn't have our sushi without the wasabi. Maybe I could rename it to deathroot, get another Elden Ring reference in.

>> No.32598740
File: 390 KB, 2048x2048, 1660820367423118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love you too lolisama, you're energy makes me feel better too!!! I am always happy to help you, not that i would only help you, but you appreciate it so much it makes me feel good!

>> No.32598770


>> No.32598826
File: 278 KB, 900x720, cryingmya!2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32598965

awwww mr. Z is too sweet! Anyways, I will be back another time and place i guess before my experience falls of the cliff in short time....

>> No.32598860
Quoted by: >>32598884

which anon is running the archives again?

>> No.32598884
Quoted by: >>32598928


>> No.32598896
Quoted by: >>32598983

>wasabi kills your sense of smell
>calls it deathroot

>> No.32598922
Quoted by: >>32599092

>puts all of that effort into a story
>2 responses
Just goes to show you that this
> I love you and most anons here love you too, despite what 3 asses say!
is wrong.

>> No.32598928

And which rep are you?

>> No.32598962
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Oh shit. Pregnancy cravings. Gotta find a way to get my hands on weird stuff whenever the pregnant cultists inevitably start craving the most random combinations of food ever like marshmallow and pickle sandwiches.

>> No.32598965
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good decision, it's starting already so I will be doing other things!

>> No.32598983

Oh that works nicely... It's canon now.

>> No.32598989
Quoted by: >>32599065

OGclimate anon aka Nasfaqqronie

I think

>> No.32599014
Quoted by: >>32599195

>Handsome Jack
Hold on...

>> No.32599023

It doesn't matter, he does his job well and we're thankful for it. Archiveanon Love.

>> No.32599046

Glad that all it takes is two antiposts for us to get rid of them. Feels good today, now let's actually world build while they cry.

>> No.32599065
Quoted by: >>32599291

Wait youre the archiver too??!

>> No.32599092


>> No.32599195

Don't think that was a reference, actually.

>> No.32599262

Reminder to all that schizos are very similar to 40k orks. The more fighting we do the more of them will be attracted. Funny enough the orks find the tau to be very boring to fight due to their constant running away. and fighting indirectly. The report and hide function are our guided missiles. Let the missiles fly you beautiful fuckers.

Ok am i needed for anything beside condiments? Tomorrow and the day after are my days off so ill be doing shit a lot on those days.

>> No.32599273
File: 30 KB, 400x400, petora44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I KNEEL!!!! you are amazing alicesama!!!!come back soon!!!!

>> No.32599291

No I run my own archive. But I think the main google doc is created and maintained by Nasfaqqronie, who's also been here since February.

>> No.32599292

I try my best to be impartial when it comes to archiving so it shouldn't matter. Tell me if you find any issues with the archiving process though!

>> No.32599332
Quoted by: >>32600122

You could read the knew tale alice wrote. It's good.

>> No.32599415

makes sense why panon generation flees like they do when we stand up to them.

>> No.32599416

I wish we have an Oxyotl/Kaldor Draigo who hunts schizos

>> No.32599479

I miss /nasa/ and Sana...

>> No.32600122

Good opening. Ill keep my eyes out for the next parts

>> No.32600148

All of the are gone but the big one. Retro, mep, alice, emma, z, organic, all gone. Panon is the last one left. Lets drive him out boys, for Sana,Cunt and Megas !

>> No.32600254
Quoted by: >>32600485

Alice is damn good at these adventure comedies, honestly.

>> No.32600480

Holy larp, batman!

>> No.32600485

Kek, you think these blantant plagiarism good? Melisende is good, this sucks. Feels like a poor adaptation of treasure island.

>> No.32600549
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Quoted by: >>32600716

No more drama. Post sex.

>> No.32600613
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Quoted by: >>32600716

>> No.32600716

Stop you horny retards

>> No.32600779
File: 226 KB, 2048x1446, DB7EBE9A-16DC-48A8-985D-A916EA7BC19C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32600989


>> No.32600860
Quoted by: >>32600972

Sexy Rosebud! Fuck me!

>> No.32600972
Quoted by: >>32601104

what're you gonna do when he says okay

>> No.32600989
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>> No.32601059
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We're able to create a nice cream made from coconut milk and breadfruit starch, this cream can generally be used in a variety of foods such as a creamy noodle broth or a nice /ag/ styled milkshake. It serves especially well enough as a whipped cream. Pineapple sauce too serves well, especially when added onto pancakes as a light jam hitting just the right consistency.
In terms of sauces for more meaty meals, the basedbean oils mixed with pineapple and sprinkled with curry leaves creates a nice charming sauce that has enough spice to liven up the meal but not enough to overwhelm the other flavors. Most architect's have their own specific recipes for creating these different condiments which are passed down from generation to generation, guarded with the utmost diligence.

>> No.32601104

Hook up

>> No.32601232
File: 172 KB, 560x700, Campfire-Fry-Sauce-Feature.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No sex, just sauce.

>> No.32602275

This thread is a bunch of 6th graders. Fucking hell, do you even worldbuild? All of these tripfags and avatarfags do absolutely nothing. When was the last time v7rep, 2434rep, risurep, LazuLightrep and nasarep posted lore? Seems like ages. Shameful.

>> No.32602521

What are you guys working on? My nijimap 2.0 is… ded. So havent done much upon realizing this…

>> No.32602628
Quoted by: >>32602787

Talking about ahoy and v7 overlap with Mrs Z.

>> No.32602697
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Quoted by: >>32602787

I’d like to write something from the Holy Kingdom clergy’s perspective on the cult to explore the dynamic in more depth.

>> No.32602787
Quoted by: >>32602920

Nice! That has to be a great dynamic
Always a fan of different perspectives. Thats something i loved with aeg. Keep it up!

>> No.32602920

Your perspective isnt need.

>> No.32603109
File: 384 KB, 1168x2048, 3ED36292-CE81-48C2-BDB4-5B35D4F47024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fun stuff, I like what you did with the dialogue from different characters, especially Handsome Jack. Excited to see more.
Working on /rose/‘s civilization. I’m definitely overdoing it, but it’s whatever.

>> No.32603229
Quoted by: >>32603486

>overdoing it
I think we both have this problem unironcially.

>> No.32603486
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Quoted by: >>32603739

It is what it is, unfortunately. It may take me months to come out with anything, but I take solace in the fact that people enjoy my work I think. My condolences for your map by the way, I wish you luck in fixing the issue.

>> No.32603739

It takes as long as it needs, thats my motto at least. As for the map. Gotta start over.

>> No.32604327
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Quoted by: >>32609393

Excellent! That was an awesome fight, I like all the chuubanite fuckery that priestess pulled off, it's very inspiring. Great bits of prose. The new stuff was in Day 10, right? Was there other new tidbits? A changelog to know where to look might be handy for this entry kek.
Does that have to do with those circles of hell? I'm interested in where that goes.

>> No.32605477

Alice. You are a wonderful writer. I love how you are taking what z wrote and added more depth the the location. That is great macro world building honestly. Its interesting to see the KAG used this way and I love the concept of these adventurers joining this company to achieve their goals. I wonder if Tachibana Go inspired more adventures from people like these me…

>> No.32605637
Quoted by: >>32608227

Think the KAG will end up as part of the divegrass time next year as Indiana Jones. Very original to this thread to have adventurers looking for legendary locations, unless I am missing something.

>> No.32605825

Didnt realize you were making another adventure comedy, honestly, i love these stories so much. I cannot wait to how this progresses. Is the KAG an adventurers guild?

>> No.32605832
File: 2.53 MB, 480x270, 1662091828017921.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32606121

Hi everyone!!!!! Are we slaying today??????? How are you all doing???

>> No.32606009
Quoted by: >>32606217

Guys… its not Melisende or the Sojouring. Its ok, but I think you are hyping it far to much for what is a basic find the treasure story. No offense, but it really isnt that original or unique. Takeus came before this so dont label her a revolutionary or anything. I know it just started but lets not make this out to be something more than it is. I doubt we will even have fun action scenes, chuubanite shit, or anything super cool. Relax is all I say.

>> No.32606094
File: 61 KB, 208x246, 1658685212588316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32606134

I think my brain has turned into pudding nora

>> No.32606121

Alice started a fun story again, >>32598491
Check it out. Looks like she is writing gold again

>> No.32606134
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>> No.32606217
Quoted by: >>32606342

I just do not understand why you feel the need to say this when it just started and its already fun man. I would feel embarrassed if i wrote either of those two to find out someone was just using it to shit on someone elses work. Can we not be excited?

>> No.32606307

/2343/ is still Japanese islands or do they have more territory now. I was liking the idea of researching Japanese food. I'm interested in trying out taro now.

>> No.32606333

Hitting a writers block today....hopefully by tomorrow its gone. Good thing I have to work anyway since I always think of ideas while working for some reason.

>> No.32606342
Quoted by: >>32606505

I am not trying to shit on her. I just dont think it deserves such praise when we have seen this song and dance so many times. What is special about it? I just want the best stories to be recognized as such so we do not forget them so shiny new thing isnt our obsession.

>> No.32606376
Quoted by: >>32607242

Woah... Nasarep, where does tapioca grow? I want Moriji to invent bubble tea now.

>> No.32606395
Quoted by: >>32607242

Why dont you just do Nijimales and 2434 at the same time?

>> No.32606505

No one is putting those stories down nor forgetting them, bro. This just comes off as “I dont like it so you shouldnt either.” Honestly.

>> No.32606726

Maybe I am overprotective of them, but there is a good reason. Ive seen this happen all of the time. Risu-Rose, Sweet nut, meatsuner, Melisende etc. They dont seem to get the respect they deserve. Everyone is wants to praise Nagao, Tachibana Go, and Pomerlane but not these wonderful stories that I just happen to like more. Its simple, please do not overhype new things this much and remember past greatness

>> No.32606787
Quoted by: >>32607053

Anon, at this point I just assume any negative comments towards Alice are made in bad faith, even if they have a point. Just ignore it, I'm sick of the thread being filled with people talking about people. And if the people being overly praiseful annoys you as well (it kinda annoys me too) just ignore that too. Stop engaging with stuff you don't like, and post lore, niggers.

>> No.32607053

I would appreciate if my lore was talked about more than me. This isnt a competition…

>> No.32607242
Quoted by: >>32607295

I don't know yet. You can also look up food yourself if you want to figure out which crop grows where.

I guess I could if Alice wants me to. I don't know if she's upset at me or not. Still have to finish Lazulight crops.

>> No.32607295

Why on earth would I be upset at you or anyone?

>> No.32607575
Quoted by: >>32607787

Since rosebro was really the only anon named during that whole sperg out last thread, nobodies really sure who was supposed to be spec bio bros since multiple people in the thread were engaged in the convo.

>> No.32607787
Quoted by: >>32608601

First, do not call what I said a sperg out. Second, i named 3beat and apologized to them all.

>> No.32607850
File: 96 KB, 262x360, Doomeronii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant we just worldbuild and write cool stories without all the mind-killing drama
Im honestly considering taking another break, its not really worth it to read the thread nowadays

>> No.32607878

But most importantly, end this. I am not worth discussion. Talk about my lore, or someone elses. I am not on the menu.

>> No.32608065
File: 2.02 MB, 576x1066, 1641512893789.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Howdy, long ago I promised to write a bit about the government and I've decided to stop being lazy and write it, so here.


I typically ask for advice and concern from two nasfags, but this time I didn't so, comments, concerns, questions, please leave them in response would be appreciated and I'll update it to reflect any changes/concerns.
Also a webm because an individual asked for them.

>> No.32608227

adventurers are kinda a staple in this world
like this piece by /meat/bro

>> No.32608348

There's a cool update in the Takeus story if youre insterested

>> No.32608457

There is ahoy lore and alice startedca story there. Takeus update.

>> No.32608471
File: 358 KB, 1700x2400, 1660800530074173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ikr dude, it just makes me wanna stop backreading...

Oh I'll have to take a look at that during my break, wanna see how you incorporated the hive mind into it
Into the collection it goes! Keep Em coming :D

I'll give your story a read as well, Alice. Wouldn't want our favorite French loli feeling ignored kek
You feeling better btw?

>> No.32608587
Quoted by: >>32608965

Yes… z and ppsenpai cheered me up and tenma is too.

>> No.32608601

Calm down, its happened to half the reps in the thread already and we're still running smooth. Nothings so serious that we can't just joke about it. Anyways that's good to know since it was something bothering me, don't see any reason to prod it any further.
Now what did the kenzoku write?

>> No.32608824
File: 2.93 MB, 960x1234, 1659194191306.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me know what you think when you get the chance, just mention Towa by name and I'll show up with due time if you ever need me to address your thoughts. It's fairly basic things I think, and I think the tiny details can be worked in with time.

>> No.32608965
Quoted by: >>32609049

Based. Her karaoke is soul right now

>> No.32609049

it is!!!! But lets world build, glad i found a small corpo chuuba

>> No.32609393

wait if our lore meme magic into reality, what will this translate into irl?
Misaki's roommate beating up Kronii unicorns?

>> No.32609669
Quoted by: >>32609892

>Many rules and guidelines have been made over the centuries to ensure the safety of the population and not be subject to any issues.
Does that mean that the hivemind stored the laws made for the Kenzoku throughout the centuries and gives them a passive idea of what is and isn't legal?
Also, is there a range for the hivemind's influence or is it always active in the same capacity no matter what?

>> No.32609892
File: 2.90 MB, 960x1280, 1652595060350.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For the first question, yes. As the hivemind is an ever present "entity", rules and guidelines can essentially be stored as a passive knowledge amongst the population.
For the second, read the last paragraph of https://rentry.org/bub4n and I think that should answer the question. Simply, it fades with distance from others and the homeland.

>> No.32610024
Quoted by: >>32610113

Well if you're not upset at me then I'm relieved. I'll still be here if you want help with crops.

>> No.32610113

Go ahead, look in our lore!!!!

>> No.32610340

Magical Homesickness.
I Like It.

>> No.32610427
Quoted by: >>32610659

Wait I didn't realize it until now but Kenzoku and Saplings are pretty similar aren't they?

>> No.32610488
File: 461 KB, 1413x2000, 294D717B-FB49-403C-A54E-F18AF33113CF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just got my sisters into virtual livers.

>> No.32610563

One sister…

>> No.32610659

Are you talking lore wise or in general?

>> No.32611094
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1635756801695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32611468

Awesome, this is really creative, it's cool to see worldbuilding make something like direct democracy possible on a national scale. It's also neat how the kenzokus are part of a hivemind, but still retain some individuality in their decision making, I guess if they were truly one mind, there wouldn't be a point to elections. Good stuff. I'm interested in learning more about that Tower.

>> No.32611468
File: 2.74 MB, 960x1220, 1660691133447.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32612212

Thanks, I maintained some semblance of individuality when designing the hivemind to let there be more nuance as otherwise, there's just basically "one thing" with a bunch of drones following it, which is very boring to talk/write about.
I'll get to the Tower with time, I'm holding off as going into the depths of architectural design to maintain such a building in this era will be hard, but I know what it is/what it does already.

>> No.32611595
Quoted by: >>32612212

So tapioca comes from cassava plants via tubers. Also cassava can have high concentrations of cyanide if prepared incorrectly. Its a drought tolerant plant. They're also weak to insect infestations and viruses. Still its harvested in South America, Africa, and Thailand. Subtropics seems to be the ideal climate though modern cassava can thrive in hotter and colder climates.

>> No.32611709
File: 1.31 MB, 1200x1697, thonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32613571

My feedback on Towa lore
>twa, tao, twep
hehe. Nice thread meme implementation!
ALSO you could use fey lore in this! according to myth fey names are cursed and you should only use disposable nicknames. the constant name change could be that. using the same name twice is taboo and cursed
>there is a tower that is constantly under construction
Yall building a space elevator?
>kenzokus would go into phases
hmmm. It looks like regular human infrastructure would not fit these guys. their roads, building layouts, food production, zonings would be very flexible and planned ahead to accomodate changes between individual mode and hive mode
question: why would you guys have schism off the main Holo pantheon?
is it because the culture and hivemind is incompatible with normal Holo doctrine?
>praises and worships friends of Towa
unity! so youre very tolerant and acceptable of the other holos
>Twap controls the hivemind and determine foreign politics
>Twap knowledge is dissipated across the hivemind
Neat shit!
another question: what happens to retired Twaps?
>direct democracy
>lack of government entity
>twap as mediator
Uhhh... sounds more like an ochlocracy. mob rule with a mediator
>centralization and decentralization factions
Im thinking that the former would choose to have their on Twaps on regional levels

those are my thoughts so far. feel free to correct me! (≧▽≦)

>> No.32612025

one more question! and it's a bit morbid.
is it possible to assign kenzokus into offices kilometers apart between distances to make a knockoff communication line?

>> No.32612212
File: 264 KB, 1000x1778, 1643530036568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As always, I kneel, conlang anon. Kofin made me kek, Sintu is gonna come in handy often, and the new particles seem very useful. What exactly is the usage of Ditanem? Is it like "What are you doing?" "I'm just walking ditanem!"?
Also, what exactly is declaration of intent for the Savus particle?
Ah, I know exactly what the tower will be for... They'll be able to see pregnant Towa on the towah all the way from /meat/.
Oh, nice, that means we could feasibly have them. Project Bubble Tea is on. Thanks nasarep.

>> No.32612282
Quoted by: >>32612682

Holy shit the
the Kenzoku phone line writing down and transmitting your smut letter!

>> No.32612352
Quoted by: >>32612682

That's kinda similar to a semaphore line, except a bit more efficient. Interesting idea.

>> No.32612565
Quoted by: >>32612709

Its nice to have actual worldbuilders here. Maybe i will stay if this happens more

>> No.32612682
File: 61 KB, 486x682, 463b297a5e882e263515a1a5f5ee7cd0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenzokus finding a job other than pic related

>> No.32612709

*kisses you on the lips*

>> No.32612919

>be Kenzoku messenger boy living in another country
>got a letter to transmit
>it's confidential espionage/war plans
>tfw your boss havent paid you for overtime for the last 4 months
>tfw you got swindled out of a raise
>tfw no messenger union
>you and the boys intentionally sabotage and muddle the message with each station
>watch as the country gets invaded next week

>> No.32612960
File: 77 KB, 1280x720, 1662241902764824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32616048

Is anyone knowledgeable about zoroastrianism here??? I have a few questions about it so I can shape a bit the religion stuff!!!!

>> No.32613166
Quoted by: >>32613383

how do you eat virtual liver?

>> No.32613383

Can't go wrong with fried with lots of onions, make sure not to overcook it.

>> No.32613571
File: 2.29 MB, 1280x720, 1654379145312.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've considered something similar, but realistically, people only vary between 5 commonly used ones from my time on /vt/ so I don't really want to do that. The writing I did there was more for fun.
Theoretically, end goal, but no, it's just a really tall building with a purpose of being a place of worship primarily.
Yes, I will write more about this in the future, don't want to lock myself down with things I say here now.
It's not really schism, but it's not as well connected as the others. Towa's always been one to deal with outsiders and the thread has long praised/worshiped those outside the Holosphere in the first place. The one who is probably most responsible for where Towa is now, isn't even a hololive member.
Part of the Ritual that I mean to write, but essentially. They vanish into components that made them.
You can think of that way, sure.
There can not/should not be multiple Twaps at the same time except for the main ruling one. Local levels don't have a Twap to intervene.
Theoretically, yes. But it should be noted that the connection is largely sustained by Towanite radiation from the land so relocating that outwards will need a supply for anything long term as the strength and power will fade otherwise.
>Pregnant Towa
That meme, doesn't even exist in the thread and is kinda despised by Kenzoku. I didn't even realize that thought could arise in someone's head of it being that meme.

>> No.32613709
Quoted by: >>32613722


>> No.32613722


>> No.32613850
File: 191 KB, 730x547, C26D5351-DE81-47A7-952E-3F668F0160E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32614253 [SPOILER] 
File: 60 KB, 828x796, 5666CCF7-B84E-40DD-BE44-462A59420118.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32614462
File: 1.57 MB, 352x640, tower[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fp4nkp9.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32614503

The year is 17XX in Vitubia
Construction of the TOWER is complete
The Twap looks up and admires his people's efforts over the course of generations.
It's time for the final touch.

>> No.32614503
File: 149 KB, 1233x900, 1649480845132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32614756


>> No.32614640


>> No.32614756

you know youve made it when they meme your lore

>> No.32614817
File: 394 KB, 6912x3328, map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright. I finished it. Here's the finalized prototype of the province map. Any criticisms may be flung at it. Note that this is not the final final product, this is just a working model that can be used so people know roughly what its going to look like when finished.

Here's the Catbox for the paint.net file if you need it.

>> No.32614909
Quoted by: >>32615059

Its black and clear.

>> No.32614938

wait just clocked that I didn't draw Niji borders. You can ignore that. I'm super tired now, but I'll draw them in tomorrow and post that version.

>> No.32614998
File: 344 KB, 2048x2027, 1656413227422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32615118

Good job mountain, you deserve some choco tits for that

>> No.32615059
Quoted by: >>32615125

correct. Its drawn over the 3.0 map, which doesn't have a colored or height map version yet. If you like I could manually bucket everything Green although I'm not sure what that would change. If you want a very blurry low quality version of the height map then you can download the Paint.net file.

>> No.32615118
File: 38 KB, 623x612, oinga boinga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32615125
Quoted by: >>32615286

Im joking

>> No.32615286
File: 76 KB, 480x480, Kiara UUU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah shucks sorry man. tired and irritable, purease andastand

>> No.32615344
Quoted by: >>32615590

in moriji, when you say "i'm just walking!" you can just say "i walk", maybe with an annoyed tone. if you want to be a real ass, you can throw in "ditanem" because using it with the past tense verb what you are essentially saying is "i walked, and i will do it again!"
so yeah by itself this is a pretty shitty particle so i grouped it in with "just" and "only" because it pretty much means the same thing in terms of adding emphasis in a sort of dramatic way (because i don't want to add stress accent).
savus is used at the end of a sentence similar to desu except only in the case you say you are going to do something, i call it perfect reflexive future tense, whether or not this is actually a correct term i don't really know, i also don't really care, i'm going to go take a nap

>> No.32615421
File: 297 KB, 585x880, 1637278720588.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32615906

Looks great mountain, nice work!

>> No.32615590
File: 316 KB, 600x500, 1658800283090.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>savus is Moriji desu (for going to do something)
That's you needed to say, my nigga. This will definitely get some use. Enjoy your nap, anon.

>> No.32615906
File: 680 KB, 1500x1750, My Pov btw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks. the T&A images make it worth the effort.

Anyway, we've actually got something to vote on now. I'll go over the map tomorrow, draw in the Niji borders, and fine comb through to see if any of the borders look off and then upload that to be voted on.

>> No.32616048
File: 3.26 MB, 1123x1525, 1658289659653538.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32616213

Aight, I don't think I have much to say here that Ri2ner hasn't already mentioned, but still; I really like it, it's a very unique setting that we haven't seen anywhere else, looking forward to what you do with it in the future!

Fun intro, I like Jack especially. Can't wait to see where you take this, o great lolisama!

It's a bit weird for the resident religion autists to be saying this...

>> No.32616213

panon is actual a religion autist, thats why he is coming here because panon isnt online.

>> No.32617665
File: 94 KB, 1096x1052, WAWA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so, anything interesting happen while I was doing the map?

>> No.32617743
File: 42 KB, 720x720, 1654619605048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah, Towapal!
It is good to see you again nora. I'm not sure exactly if Watamtes and the Watame Terrorist/Pirates count but we might have a full gen 4 set! Also, I was wondering if there might be any special units that might come about from combining lunaito forces and kenzoku forces.

>> No.32617853
Quoted by: >>32618243

We got alice to leave for good.

>> No.32617911
Quoted by: >>32618243

Watamelon is a Watamate according to him. He just chose it because of the memes.

>> No.32618243

Actually? But I liked Alice...

based. A wise decision brozzer, mashallah. If you ever need advice on Muslim theology I grew up in a majority Arab neighbor hood, so I know more about the Koran than any none Muslim should.

>> No.32618334

She is a bitch who ran Retro out. Deserved it for trying to do it to Rosebud.

>> No.32618416
Quoted by: >>32618562

The guy you replied to is an ant. Alice is still around. She's just having a hard time with personal stuff.

>> No.32618562
File: 24 KB, 310x380, cockatrice.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32618732

>rrats with writing this boring
>in the world building general
its dissapointing.

Anyway, I hope Alice is alright. I'll miss our banter.

>> No.32618732
File: 53 KB, 900x490, 424A75A8-5633-4757-AF80-FA94BBDDA40E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The rumors of my demise were greatly exaggerated. If you only knew I wrote a kino start to a story… But i have to return some tapes

>> No.32618778
Quoted by: >>32618911

I kneel...be sure to include lots of flowery prose for me. I'd be happy to ghost write some of it if you want

>> No.32618877

The current wave of schizos completely killed the horny. The last bump limit went without a single horny post, can you imagine...?

>> No.32618911
File: 53 KB, 500x500, 0C5BEF49-778C-400D-870D-E6B133E23AD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32620369

>Go read it. I’ll be waiting.

>> No.32618935
File: 271 KB, 714x948, A4DD1A3C-4B45-4AC4-8909-E2B6905C49CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32620079

Hey, in my defense last bump limit happened while I was asleep; I’m EST. If I were there…

>> No.32619134

So the schizos actually did something right?
The hornyposting is as bad as the dramaposting. Always makes this place so fucking hard to approach or engage with without it being awkward as hell.

>> No.32619148

Meatbros, how are you not into fucking Lia, someone who pretty much is an actual meat chuuba.

>> No.32619304

She is not obsure enough even though she called peeling someone apart like stringed cheese hot right now.

>> No.32619317

>The hornyposting is as bad as the dramaposting.

>> No.32619463

I am sorry, i would rather see horny posts over 50 samefags shitting on panon or alice constantly.

>> No.32619565
Quoted by: >>32619691

She isnt there type, she is the one dealing the punishment.

>> No.32619691
File: 110 KB, 792x792, 21CB3131-C1DA-4066-906A-4FE8D25DE711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32619967

I dont shill usually, but I thought to myself watching her stream “Why arent meatheads into her?” She says shit like that a lot kek

>> No.32619818
File: 452 KB, 1447x2047, 1656671439188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The hornyposting is as bad as the dramaposting
This is untrue, at least in comparison as to how it used to be nanora. OGsuner and the lot have come a long way from derailing the thread to near unusability.
Alice, I've got to ask. Have you ever read American Pyscho, nanora? You should really give it a read, its amazing.

>> No.32619967
Quoted by: >>32623106

I did before the movie.
Meatbros ded…

>> No.32620079 [SPOILER] 
File: 171 KB, 933x1160, FBAFF17B-A648-477E-813D-81F656C79F31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Benefits of also being EST: never miss Kindred horny time. East coast is the superior coast.

>> No.32620141
Quoted by: >>32620489

who is the lot, Rosebud and him?

>> No.32620216

Fuck yeah ESTchads! The East coast is surely a lot nicer than the middle-of-nowhere Midwest.

>> No.32620297 [SPOILER] 
File: 478 KB, 578x720, 1655668204199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32620489

Can confirm, EST is the knowing anon's timezone.

>> No.32620313

pp harem versus rosebud harem, who wins?

>> No.32620346

I'll read /2434/ and nijimale lore in a bit. I'm broiling after Labor Day burgers. They're just ordinary cheeseburgers though.

>> No.32620369

I shall personally make sure this thread starts horny posting after bump limit. I can't stand for such chastity.

Good so far, but I can't really judge much since we aren't given much other than the general establishing of what the plots going to be.

No flower prose...I cry...

>> No.32620489
File: 835 KB, 1441x1125, 6578B35C-EA85-4355-8FFC-6FEE62C043FC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32620578

As far as I can recall I have never disrupted a thread by being horny. Yes I have been horny and interacted with others, but never to the point of being a detriment. If others think otherwise, then perhaps I may be wrong.
Absolutely. Really, east coast is just the time zone to be. I mean for goodness sake, we have the ball drop! No one else has it good like we do.
Now that’s a good man. I’d discuss lore with him.

>> No.32620578

Yeah you totally have never erping with Ogsuner.

>> No.32620708
File: 85 KB, 800x600, B595B6EB-7CA4-451A-943D-D55EBCAF3809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32621622

You think a bunch of conquistador and pirates would have prose?

>> No.32620725
File: 1.53 MB, 1860x2631, 78F5EF98-92A5-4839-96E1-1ABD258ED920.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32620857

I didn’t claim that I have never been sexual with OGsuner. Again, I only stated I have never done it to the point of ruining or distracting the thread.

>> No.32620781
Quoted by: >>32623106

Is this English?

>> No.32620857

The logical conclusion is that if he was erping a lot, it was likely with you, thus you played some roll in ruining a thread,

>> No.32620945
File: 64 KB, 182x171, EBBA25F0-8F8E-438C-8C7B-739FB7BB3D54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think your frontal lobe might have some developmental issues there, bud.

>> No.32620946
File: 125 KB, 900x598, 1637803938835.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32621622

I tend to have maybe one high flower prose-level sentence out of ten or twenty, much more than that and the thesaurus and list of figures of speech need to come out, it's tough...

>> No.32621008

Think you got an ego problem, bud.

>> No.32621023

eigo jouzu

>> No.32621031

Classic case of “Eigo muzukashii”

>> No.32621136
File: 55 KB, 511x483, A1A2A25E-E420-4CC9-AFF4-44B61FD8155E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32621300

Not sure what you all mean by flower prose, but I quite enjoy spicing up my lexicon by intermingling some more unique phrases from time to time. I have a personal policy that I will refrain from using the same sesquipedalian words in the same paragraph.

>> No.32621238
File: 239 KB, 1170x1740, 3D769D03-C7B0-4F9F-B8CE-7B1DADCADA20.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32621300
File: 45 KB, 480x480, 1657293174018.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32621573

sasquatchpedaling what now?

>> No.32621403

its alice!

>> No.32621573
File: 599 KB, 1300x1440, 43C14115-23F8-4A3A-86EE-127A2F7312AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32621753

Sesquipedalian is a word that describes something as a very long word.

>> No.32621622
File: 196 KB, 2848x2306, Hotline Vienna (sir this is a KFP).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes. yes they would. A character being of a less educated background is not an excuse for them to have boring descriptions, you just have to be a bit more limited with the vocabulary.

For example:
"Cannon ball hit em' right in 'is stomach. Didn't stop either. Flew right out the other side with and brought all 'is giblets with it. Decorated the damn wall behind 'im like a southside fishery."

Aye keep trying man! you'll get there! A good practice is to imagine (if you were making a movie) what you would cut away to represent the thing you're describing if you were told that you had to censor it for whatever odd reason.

>> No.32621630

What the fuck didst thee just fucking sayeth about me, thee dram wench? i'll has't thee knoweth i graduat'd top of mine own class in the navy seals, and i've been involv'd in num'rous secret raids on al-quaeda, and i has't ov'r 300 confirm'd kills. I am did train in g'rilla warfare and i'm the top snip'r in the entire us cap-a-pe f'rces. Thou art nothing to me but just anoth'r targeteth. I shall wipeth thee the alas out with precision the likes of which hast nev'r been seen bef're on this earth, marketh mine own fucking w'rds. Thee bethink thee can receiveth hence with declaring yond the horror to me ov'r the int'rnet? bethink again, alas'r. As we speaketh i am contacting mine own secret netw'rk of spies across the usa and thy ip is being trac'd even but now so thee bett'r prepareth f'r the st'rm, maggot. The st'rm yond wipes out the pathetic dram thing thee calleth thy life. Thou art fucking dead, peat. I can beest anywh're, anytime, and i can killeth thee in ov'r seven hundr'd ways, and yond's just with mine own bareth hands. Not only am i extensively did train in unarm'd combat, but i has't access to the entire arsenal of the unit'd states marine c'rps and i shall useth t to its full extent to wipeth thy mis'rable rampallian off the visage of the continent, thee dram the horror. If 't be true only thee couldst has't known what unholy retribution thy dram "clev'r" comment wast about to bringeth down upon thee, haply thee wouldst has't did hold thy fucking tongue. But thee couldn't, thee didn't, and anon thou art paying the price, thee goddamn clotpole. I shall the horror fury all ov'r thee and thee shall drowneth in t. Thou art fucking dead, kiddo

>> No.32621753
File: 19 KB, 711x298, 1647194076418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32623752

Fun fact, the etymology of the word sesquipedalian leads to a description of my penis.
Huh, what an interesting trick, I'll try to put it into action. Thanks!

>> No.32621895
File: 186 KB, 628x960, 4C12BE4B-BF4E-4C31-B687-F73985EB2A94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32623752

fie! cometh h're and englut mine own coxcomb thee distemperate daw

>> No.32622084
Quoted by: >>32622130

The best way to master control over language is to invent words via newspeak.

>> No.32622130
Quoted by: >>32622268

Woah... Conlanganon is the real god of prose...

>> No.32622268

Thee bethink yond inventing a language is cunning? well bendeth me ov'r and calleth me sally! f'r i doth not believeth such tush tush!

>> No.32622529
File: 136 KB, 850x1202, sample_6cce5d9007e5afe2fbbcb47ea500f5ea.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hear me out!!!
What if Drakenland has a mineral that can behave like an opioid when it's under some specific conditions??? And then call it Selenium????

>> No.32622713
Quoted by: >>32624644

Thee has't hath lost thy mind dragoon

>> No.32623106
File: 58 KB, 1080x1080, 1654385326561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm nearing the end of my first read of it, I think I'm gonna reread it afterwards. I think my favorite scene was when he became delirious after eating something bad and ran around yelling advertisements at people, before screaming at a jewish restraunt for a cheeseburger because he didn't know what kosher meant so he ends up ordering a kosher burger with cheese, nanora
Have we just been getting raided by a bunch of seaniggers, nora?

>> No.32623112
Quoted by: >>32624644

Interesting.what would the condition be though?

>> No.32623189
Quoted by: >>32623306

Definitely. We usually never go past 30 ips. Last thread ended on 51.

>> No.32623242

The sea peoples striketh us again

>> No.32623306
Quoted by: >>32623388

Reminder that the takeaway from last thread was actually Alice bad kek. Seaniggers, i swear.

>> No.32623388
File: 220 KB, 850x1151, EF9F2CFC-23AD-4AF6-A36B-B4DB0399E438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a bad girl soo…

>> No.32623414
File: 255 KB, 2048x1152, 1662452953480190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/meat/ gets a big tittied wide hipped shortstack
How in the fuck does a /umami/ chuuba actually exist now?

>> No.32623447

Why would you make me look at this

>> No.32623494

Wait those front and side views don't match. Who the fuck drew this?

>> No.32623519
File: 86 KB, 293x247, 1642918613955.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There are ways to draw an anime face from the side, this ain't it.

>> No.32623568

Don't look at the hands on the side view...

>> No.32623581
File: 3.08 MB, 1553x1013, 1641387864952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32623752


>> No.32623592

>/meat/heads make a /umami/ thread
>then a /umami chuuba comes into being

>> No.32623637


>> No.32623752
File: 26 KB, 800x884, Live wawa reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think a Coxcomb is what you think it is Alice

Give it a go and let me know how it turns out! Hope to see more writing soon


>> No.32623819
File: 37 KB, 335x268, 1656885870671.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not sure if architecture can fix that face but I can try

>> No.32623898

Not even the good lord himself could fix that mug

>> No.32623899

Boseman please...you're our last hope...

>> No.32623902
File: 3.55 MB, 2894x4093, 1661975088858416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if instead of a mineral it was either wood or sap of a certain tree/plant that could be used as incense?
Could give it deep purple leaves and give it symbolism in religion or something.

>> No.32623960
File: 33 KB, 246x308, 1661757909030175.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I shall pray for your success. You will need all the divine help you can get.

>> No.32623978
Quoted by: >>32624158

Yeah, its a fool or a dandy.

>> No.32624040
Quoted by: >>32624162

I already got that covered, with my forest fairy oshi and actual lore called PPenergy and Pomu leaf.

>> No.32624158

Ok then, why are you telling me to consume your dandy?

>> No.32624162
File: 1.18 MB, 3071x2480, 1661829374357202.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32624265

No reason Dragoon can't have its own. And if he let's me make it, I'll make sure that it's opioid effect is stronger than yours kek

>> No.32624199
File: 170 KB, 640x640, DC2DA3C0-41A4-4969-89F8-B6829581DE5D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32624265

Listening to my favourite austrian with my sister.

>> No.32624265

Except I do understand how this shit works, so your plan wont work kek. >>32624199
Incredibly based

>> No.32624277
File: 2 KB, 120x125, 1655442498878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros, something odd's going on, nanora. For some reason my jewtube account's thumbnail is now a stretched out picture of pomu's eyes, but I dont think I've ever downloaded a single picture of pomu...

>> No.32624330
File: 430 KB, 1600x1200, 1658114368742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've got a chapter of something all finished up actually, just waiting on some editing... Should post it later tonight or tomorrow. I'll give the tip a try in the next one, I think it'll come in handy.

>> No.32624482
Quoted by: >>32624569

What plan? This is just spec bio, mate.

>> No.32624569
Quoted by: >>32624854

You aint out spec bioing me on drugs. Kek.,i am joking

>> No.32624644
File: 243 KB, 800x1071, 1662125510021274.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going shopping with some of my friends again tomorrow!!!! And I'm a bit tired right now!!!!

I have no idea!!!! I'm not good at geology!!!!! Rocks are a bit boring!!!!

Maybe something like that could work!!!! Actually anything purple works!!!!

Do you like it Panon???!!

>> No.32624692
Quoted by: >>32625150

What if it was harvested from the dragons? Maybe it can be extracted, distilled, or fermented from their venom or something.
Minerals don't tend to have complex organic-chemical compounds similar to opioids in them, since geological timescales usually result in those compounds degrading into simpler products. Unless you made this raw selenium some kind of chuubanite, which lasts a long time when buried in mineral veins.

>> No.32624711
File: 210 KB, 500x500, 1639915678463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should probably do more reps in my spec biology but I spent a whole day looking into conifer trees’ branch strength and can’t find any hard data or ways to make them sturdier. Can I just say it’s magic instead?

>> No.32624721
Quoted by: >>32625150

Up to you mate. Its fine by me honestly.

>> No.32624790
Quoted by: >>32625212

Yes. Do not overthink.

>> No.32624854
File: 729 KB, 721x900, 1661979573188198.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coming from a guy that believes Artillery > parasitic infections kek you couldn't spec bio to save your life

I'm at work rn, so can't do any real thinking, imma have a rentry for you by noon. Just tell me one thing: tree, bush or flower?

>> No.32624957
File: 911 KB, 900x900, 1657704807680.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32625212

You want the Palkyries to climb the trees, and the issue is that conifer branches are not strong enough to support their weight? Instead of changing the trees, why not change the Palkyrie's approach? I've climbed up pine trees before, the technique is different, but you can still climb them, you just need to stick close to the trunk. And I'm a fair bit heavier than most Palkyries, I reckon.

>> No.32625057
File: 234 KB, 736x1058, FF63F4ED-8631-4C97-B04D-E490781B3AE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>coming from the guy
Ill stop you there because artillery is everything but the pen is greater. I can literally type “The varus had no effect.” and instantly your superweapon is useless.
>But artillery can-
Yes, but when was the last time you wrote an actual war story? Checkmate. :)

>> No.32625073
File: 2.79 MB, 836x850, 1633239162891.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32625855

Sorry for late response, as for special units, the best part about the kenzoku military would be the existence of highly coordinated and fairly well-trained troops, especially in smaller groups. I'm not sure on the specifics of the Lunaito military capabilities, but if there's something that comes to mind on how to use these talents, I'd love to hear it.

>> No.32625129
File: 467 KB, 1200x1200, F1E925F3-0FF3-4A8D-BDCC-F84EC556151C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32625150
File: 83 KB, 680x680, Fb_w8aUaQAA9q0p.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32625378

That's a good suggestion!!!! But that would mean writing about dragons which, although I like them!!!!! I don't have any idea on how to write spec biology!!!


Sure thing!!!!! Have fun at work!!!
>Just tell me one thing: tree, bush or flower?
Maybe flowers!!!!!

>> No.32625212
File: 198 KB, 500x500, 1638795000806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32625766

Nice! I kinda wanna see what rosebro’s coming up with their spec biology to see if I can have something similar to /vnug/. The climate seems similar enough and I think some kind of migration events during colder periods of the world should allow the two taiga to connect. I still need to figure out if /vnug/ having stronger wildlife’s due to magic or something else tho

I hoped for Palkyries and marsupial lions to be able to do that on a regular basis (although I’m not as firm on the latter since they’re much heavier)
Part of the reasons I’m looking for numbers is to see if the issue’s in hard math or something else but I couldn’t find anything. Good to hear that it’s still possible tho! Thanks for the first-hand account

>> No.32625231

holy shit… i kneel.

>> No.32625378
File: 133 KB, 270x270, 1661749011726205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alright flowers it is. Unless you like the dragon idea more, but idk about that, aren't dragons sacred in /haha/? Harvesting them for a drug seems kinda...
I do work more with animal spec bio though, so either way I could cook up something.

>> No.32625477
File: 272 KB, 1200x1200, 366A3411-9284-4FAA-B223-B04049D4091C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32625576

I must kneel, this is fucking based. Talk is cheap, lore is everything.

>> No.32625766
File: 1.33 MB, 1300x863, 1641546556460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32625997

I think that should be fine, especially the lions! The lions have claws, so they can grab onto the trunk directly, they don't even need branches, see this cool vid:
As for the Palkyries, it's all in the technique. The thing to keep in mind when climbing a tree is that when you put weight on a branch, the stress on the branch depends on how far from the trunk you grab it. If you grab it 40 centimeters away from the trunk, there is twice as much stress being put on the branch's base than if you grab it 20 centimeters away.
What that means is that if you grab the branch right where it is connected to the tree, even if it's a pretty thin branch (1-2 inches) it can still be a pretty solid handhold. Like in pic related. If you grab the branch there, you can probably put your whole weight on it. But also you'd be putting a lot of your weight on the trunk by holding it between your thighs while you climb.
TL;DR, imo climbing conifers is a go.

>> No.32625855
File: 175 KB, 1500x1346, 1649729892392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32626440

No prob, nora. Lunaitos are trained for general weapon use and squad formation in order to better cover each other in battle, they're also trained in castle siege and defense tactics so Kenzoku+Lunaito special forces could be used in a special squad with a +200 coordination bonus for missions that require teams that are small enough to move fast and coordinated enough to hit hard enough to make up for their size.

>> No.32625962

Tsk Cunt, there is nothing more sacred that getting absolutely blasted on drugs. I can help if we do either of those, if we do the dragons I'll pull out Rosebud's old drawing...

>> No.32625964
File: 271 KB, 1242x1575, 922E7D96-19C0-4692-990C-0CCBACBCEDF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panon, wouldnt these small units tactics easily beat line of battle? Explain why these tactics stuck around when the small unit tactics seem more useful

>> No.32625997
Quoted by: >>32626231

Interesting information! I’ll see if I can include details like this in my lore/writing! I think Palkyries having a strong tail will help a lot in that regard. Thanks for the info! I guess it just ousted me as never having climbed any trees, although at the same time it sounds like another reason why Palkyries are keen on pole dancing given the technique might translate between the two skills

>> No.32626231
File: 2.13 MB, 1038x1500, 1661649316851.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32626524

I find first-hand account information helps breathe a bit more immersion in my writing, glad I could help, even if in a small way. Also, there is definitely a lot of overlap in the use of inner thigh muscles in tree climbing vs pole dancing, it's a similar load.

>> No.32626389
Quoted by: >>32626472

Well, i will pose this question. If that method was clearly better, why did it not come into fashion. Simple, it certainly wasnt better until repeating rifles came in. Because the truth is that a small unit is an idea target for cavalry on an open field and that the line infantry already has their own form of this working for them. Skirmishers. The whole purpose of line of battle is that it is a solid mass of firepower and pointy sticks. Unless you are fighting in the woods, that is ideal. Even in rough terrain, the line of battle used in columns of attack is more effective than squad tactics. If squad tactics were so obvious, why were we still using line of battle in the ACW? Was it stupidity? No, it was the superior way of combat until repeaters for most infantry. Now, the ACW is showing how long in the tooth it is but we are in the 18th century.
TL;DR, cavalry beats small units. Small units are already used by most armies anyways like chasseurs

>> No.32626440
File: 2.38 MB, 960x540, 1653628943890.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32627164

Sounds about in line in what I was thinking, Kenzoku talents militarily are strongly dependent on coordination, so small teams that work fast and coordinate well would probably the best course of action for such a thing.

>> No.32626472

Why were repeaters such a game changer?

>> No.32626524 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.62 MB, 1377x2000, 1654029672102.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suppose this is one of the drawbacks of not liking to touch grass. Then again chat reflects the streamer so it’s fitting for me
I knew something can justify my preference

>> No.32626792
Quoted by: >>32627065

For an organized army you need them to stay together in order to keep unit cohesion. Don't want anyone to charge prematurely or get routed by the first sign of enenmy because they thought they are left alone without help. There's also the political aspect of it. People that fight in smaller units against big armies are often united by circumstances to beat out the bigger, invading army. Invasions need an immense amount of resources and manpower that needs both coercion and possible reward to keep the individual soldier fighting. Not everyone is there by choice. You can feed and supply a small group of horse riders easily by foraging but for a big unit of thousands of people it's a lot more complicated. And often you do need that many manpower to hold your objective. Hundreds of smaller units that are spread over a wide geographic area is also harder to control and communicate than a handful of big mobile armies. There are of course the issue of tradition as well, armies are supposed to be big, and a show of your state/polities' power.

>> No.32626858

Simple. More firepower in a rapid form. The Battle of Koniggratz might be the prime example of this. The Austrians not only got out manveured for that battle but the Dreyse could fire I think 6 to 13rounds a minute compared to the 3 that the Austrian rifle could. And you could lay down while loading it(!). Thats a big problem for any breechloader and is a reason for line tactics.

>> No.32627065

Disagree about the motivation factor. One of the greatest factors in favor of line of battle is being united and having someone next to you. In reality for this period, unless you have rough terrain like mountains and forests like Spain, that big mobile army will always win.

>> No.32627164
File: 2.91 MB, 920x758, 1654830860891.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32627968

I could imagine their symbol being something like a forked spike on a crescent moon.
Do you have any ideas for the name of this special unit? Something kinda catchy to call them?
Also, tenshi and watamte! If you're still here do you have any ideas for a mixed gen special squad unit with the lunaitos nanora?

>> No.32627175
Quoted by: >>32627266

I need to clarify something. Bigger doesnt mean better either. I am merely talking about this concept of guerilla bands effectively. That just wouldnt work well because, well the factors i mentioned above and your capital was just taken without much of a fight more than likely if you adopt this strategem. I

>> No.32627266

Why cannot some one else have an opinion? I think he is right?

>> No.32627332
Quoted by: >>32627513

Any recommendations for battles where a line of battle-oriented army had to fight in rough terrain against a guerilla-oriented enemy?

>> No.32627513
Quoted by: >>32627763

Peninsula war, but the truth is, guerillas were one part of the allied victory. The only one that comes to mind is the First Anglo Afghan War (Its Afghanistan, graveyard of empires) i would recommend both.

>> No.32627669

Massed fire is needed for smooth bore small arms because its only accurate within the 100 meter range. Some early firearms are even more inaccurate than that. Although a big mass of infantry is easy to hit, to break a motivated enemy you need the violence and shock of a volley. With metallic cartridges, it also makes the projectile more accurate and percise as the casing acts as a seal of the gas that propels the projectile with of course the proliferation of rifling. Other than the capability of repeating small arms the background of its development is also important for the rise of small unit tactics. The Napoleonic Wars showed the effectiveness of smaller units. Smaller units are also less vulnerable against artillery, and with metallic cartridge firing rifles artillery had to become indirect firing because they are countered by small units with accurate and long range guns.

>> No.32627763
Quoted by: >>32627831

I'll both of those out, thanks anon!

>> No.32627831

Peninsula war will be your best bet. Plenty of source material from both sides.

>> No.32627968
File: 2.91 MB, 1130x1078, 1639987429367.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32628624

That symbol works, yeah. Towa's a bit of a snack eater herself so it makes sense.
The name I came up with was "Impixies" to call them, figured to make it to be a mash-up of two small creatures that fit the both of us and what the force would do.

>> No.32628624
File: 488 KB, 1078x923, 1658160661788323.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like it! smol together, quick and better!

>> No.32629201
File: 90 KB, 366x400, risumentlegen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32629297


>> No.32629301
File: 15 KB, 547x318, flnfo0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32629456
File: 111 KB, 727x1024, 2967E0A6-5CEE-4461-96C9-5C4646483A50.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck me.

>> No.32629486
File: 1.45 MB, 400x400, aaakiiiiwwaaaaa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which vtuber is Lia?
Yeah we tend to lurk JP tweeter and Youtube to find weird indies. When chuubas like Pippa or Lumi say they're into ryona or Gura saying how much she wants to eat people we just go 'kay cool' and went back to squeeing over a png 2view.
Also, morning!

>> No.32629514


>> No.32629661
Quoted by: >>32629802

Yeah, Lia is different though, she definitely is actually into the shit and talks all the time about tearing someones guts out or other fucked up shit. She is also mentally ill. Good morning

>> No.32629802
Quoted by: >>32629863

unironically, meat should latch onto her because it would get them out of the doghouse i think.

>> No.32629863

Yeah if the chuuba is into /meat/ stuff then they could probably get away with making threads around her that are BASICALLY just meat. Just tag a "Lia is into this" at the end of every post.

>> No.32630011

That’s my plan for them, actually. Lia probably isnt their taste. She is crazy as hell and a zoomer but she does talk about meat shit a lot. Maybe they will like her idk.

>> No.32630093

Lia is a fucking insane zoomer but thats why I love her. Pure chaos and stupidity kino.,

>> No.32630121
Quoted by: >>32630254

Streams in the past month:
Ryona, Siscons, and Cats?!
Huh, you know there might be something to this plan...
MEnhera Ashelia vTuber General?

>> No.32630175
Quoted by: >>32632671

Oh, i love her too. I just totally understand why someone would be like “Yeah, no thanks.” I would recommend they show some tact with pcg with this, if nothing more so this doesnt turn into a shitstorm.

>> No.32630254

Run it by pcg, but Lia fans likely wouldnt care.

>> No.32630466
File: 31 KB, 440x697, images - 2022-09-05T183149.121.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32631570

They are sacred!!!! They're more of a legend for the people in Drakenland!!! Emberians might have some closer contact with them tho!!! But that's a bit too complicated I would say!!!!

>> No.32630527
File: 11 KB, 195x258, D8BDD54C-B806-4C23-96BD-E1CBB7C203F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>PPsama helping the cabal out
My rrats were true! The cabal and generation work together. Explains why the thread foundered when the cabal was banned

>> No.32630648
Quoted by: >>32630763

Tempting but we've been hunted by rabid dogs lately. They can see any attempt at doing stealth threads.

>> No.32630763

Lay low and wait for the others to come back. Then strike. (With perms from Lia fans, who will likely join you.)

>> No.32630803
File: 167 KB, 640x904, 1648155224205.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32630911

Don't listen to the pp generation propaganda! It was a seanigger shitposting strike force employed by the meidos that has caused both the attack on /vtwbg/ and /meat/! Wake up to the truth people!

>> No.32630825

Its not secret i get along with them quite well kek. Most of us do aside from the antimeatschizo.

>> No.32630875
Quoted by: >>32631492

Bears are sacred among the Ainu and Finns but that doesn't stop them from sacrificing them, so I'm sure some drug harvesting is fine.

>> No.32630911
Quoted by: >>32631111

Wouldnt that not be against their propaganda considering pp and alice hate meidos themselves. Like pp got a 3 day vacation for posting a volcano

>> No.32631009

But if there's one thing I'm dissapointed in /meat/'s potential is that nobody used it as a nexus to dump /meat/ moments of other vtubers.
Mumei talking about cannibalism, Irys being Irys, Nina's longpork discussion.
In an ideal /meat/ anons would scour for these and congregate them all in one place. We're also a fetish thread after all.
Sadly it seems that there's like 5 /meat/ posters nowadays. Some of us even have to double time waking up in the middle of the night making sure we weren't banned or reach page 10. More of a personal blog when 70% of the posts were just me and Paragraphs.

>> No.32631031
File: 111 KB, 786x1072, ExxmhRLVoAQ0cAH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, I know I promised I'd make this thread horny post bump limit but I'm way too tired to do anything, so I'm going to bed.

Just imagine I said something really really lewd about being a cute, girly, twink or whatever

>> No.32631111
File: 666 KB, 472x360, 1653583525416.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32631205

wait...perhaps consider the pp generation propaganda!

>> No.32631147
Quoted by: >>32631284

Problem is that you focused on JP 2views honestly.

>> No.32631205

As the Kommissar-General of the Generation, it is in our interest to maintain the rule of two with the cabal. Death to schizos!

>> No.32631255

Sleepy sex?

>> No.32631284
File: 384 KB, 1280x800, FQOsY7UVgAYj__D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32631375

Kindly direct me towards corpo chuubas who make a living on ryona ASMRs and guro media.
I can wait.

>> No.32631371
Quoted by: >>32631433

Nowadays I barely watch anything from the big two. I don't really hold any malice or anything towards them or the fans, though.

>> No.32631375
Quoted by: >>32631616

Ringo can make the same argument. What happened to them anyways? Did they just blend back in?

>> No.32631433

Cant blame you, i just end up watch nijijp or phase right now.

>> No.32631492
File: 92 KB, 675x900, Fb-jET9acAACdYF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32631675

I would say it's more comprable to Hinduist views on cattle!!!! Especially the aghnya, or dairy cattle!!
Also, much similar to Hinduism, killing a dragon is the same as killing or hurting Selen, since they're a direct representative of her!!! Like the Brahmin!!!!

>> No.32631570
File: 118 KB, 850x1234, __tsukumo_sana_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_handot_d_yot__sample-332d225b9148f8f52334bf55c96a0406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea I figured, gonna go with flowers then.
Also, it's bump limit sooo...
Hugging you tight and giving you gentle kisses every day until you are nothing but a blushing mess and can't even function correctly. Now that would be a life~

>> No.32631616
File: 1.61 MB, 648x1080, d154c8cdf6dff1fc9410ef522f7a810a15800267.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32631734

I've been considering an architecture erotica/romance story though I've no clue where to set it yet. I'm tempted to just go the rosebud route and throw Kindred a bone or two.
Ringo is managing in /d/, to my knowledge they haven't made any big attempts to come back. Also, does anyone know if /bant/ got smacked by meidos or did it just die a natural death? It always amused me that the thread was still allowed despite just being another version of /horni/ and some of the same content getting posted.

>> No.32631656
Quoted by: >>32631967

Someone else pls bake. Karaoke's on

>> No.32631675

I don't know much about Hinduism but that sounds about right. Good work there!

>> No.32631734
File: 80 KB, 300x300, 1B776E35-BBE5-4EEC-B0F1-2C89291A3AEB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>and throw Kindred a bone or two
Hell yeah! I’d take any kind of offering!

>> No.32631887
File: 484 KB, 3840x2140, 1647279043599.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah. tomorrow will be when i do some good shit

>> No.32631967

Has been a while since I last bake but I can do it

>> No.32632671
Quoted by: >>32632863

Talked with PG about this. He brought up a point. There's a difference between a chuuba straight up being edgy, and the jarring professionalism of /meat/ chuubas talking about cutting people up like a morning talk show host.

>> No.32632863

Yeah I guess it's another reason I'm not into any of the /meat/ chuubas. I'm not put off by /meat/ but I just don't really get it as a fetish or a serious interest.

>> No.32633731

New bread: >>32633527

>> No.32635086

Forgot to ask Alice which doc to look at for farming regions. I think the economy doc is it.

>> No.32636060
Quoted by: >>32636499

Where's all the damn horny?

>> No.32636202
File: 744 KB, 3230x3635, 0F77C14E-F0D3-4FF9-9C6E-098F45497EFB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32636499
File: 36 KB, 671x800, 1647983148309.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can have some CoCoochie, as a treat.

>> No.32637074
Quoted by: >>32637322

Not even triplets? Pathetic...

>> No.32637243
File: 130 KB, 1508x849, D8241EC2-80AB-443F-98C1-452CA42C5ACD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32637322

Now that is the ideal.

>> No.32637322
File: 57 KB, 493x467, F60B461F-1B0F-4D95-8D27-40645319C235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32637548


Love you <3

>> No.32637548
File: 601 KB, 1075x1500, 788260D3-34B3-4E53-A85D-28CBCC196544.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love you too, dearest Kindred.
