this one
Ayame and Lui on a planeKISSING
This one
Watame is cute!
Meimei a cute!
Nice poal
I can feel it in my bones.
My wife and I are headed to the store, you guys want anything?
She's going to visit Kronii and you can't do anything about it.
TakaMori love!
>>32523488Get me some energy drinks so I don't fall asleep during class.
>>32523467This is true!
>>32523482you should get that looked at
Lapchan my daughter
>>32523465And talented?
>>32523465>a shy dork full of snot and flum*
>>32523488smuggle some gum for me
Gura cute! Mori cute!Gura cool! Mori cool!Gura sexy! Mori sexy!
>>32523504cringe is a pretty cute stream to watch if you don't want to be angry at things.
>>32523535amecintosh my beloved
I don't want to go full Gosling for her but those giggles...THOSE DAMN GIGGLESMY FUCKING HEARTAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHH
>>32523464I like this idea
>>32523535You get used to it dangerously quick
>glow gura post>about 9/11>thread killedaieeeeeeeee, wtf stop watching this place glowieee
>>32523508I can eagerly anticipate the art of them getting spa treatments while topless.
>No EN3 this week or nextNo EN3 shitposting now that we know its going to be out for at least two more weeks
>>32523573Imagine how heavy her breasts are
Sinking to the bottom of the ocean with Lamy!
>>32523532A singing, drawing, cooking, heart-catching genius!
>>32523557kys deadcuck
>>32523536Go to the doctor Meimei.
>>32523643kys tranny
>>32523630I still don't know what she wants with all the hearts, but she can have mine any time!
>>32523558True, they are giggling and touching balls (mine)
>>32523605announcement will be on the 7th, debuts will be between the 18th and 24th..
>watame watched creepy nuts sing daten on the first take>i watched creepy nuts sing daten on the first takeWE ARE If she sings it on WNF I will cum.
>>32523643>deadbeats get bullied by KFPchads>have to run to their merch and cry lmao
Why does Ayame call her Lui-chan sometimes and Lui-san other times?
>>32523643the absolute state of seethebeats
Today I will post Mori thighs
>>32523555I'm not ashamed of whom I like.
>>32523525Ame making music for lo-fi autist
>>32523689every time you post this it becomes less likely
>>32523689Why do you keep posting this as if EN doesn’t debut all on one day anyway?
>>32523643Now post the broken EP disc
>>32523689>more then a week between announcement and debutare you retarded
Wah wah'ing with Watame!
>>32523643post pits and tits
>>32523738as expected of a cuck
>>32523689anon be a be more realistic if you are going to rrat out like that
>>32523465And naughty...
>>32523643That's pretty crinch
wawa with- OH GOD
>>32523774that tako looks weird
Je suis amoureux d'un hibou et je veux rester avec elle pour le reste de ma vie....
>>32523774WAH WAH
>>32523689lol if you think they'd announce any fucking thing on the Anniversary of Sora.
Since Ayame is streaming again (for however long) will Kiara finally manage to nab her for HoloTalk?
>>32523848yeah, our marriage
>>32523595Takamori never got any why would Deathclock?
That Sukonbu... he's literally me.
>>32523802Oh wow, what a naughty color.
>>32523573She is more gachikoi friendly than most EN
It's crazy how Ayame always sounds super cute whether she is happy or frustrated.Hell of a thing.
uoooooooo Gamble Rumble
Gusto kong makipagtalik kay Mumei
THEY MADE ITi like ayame enthusiasm
>>32523862>Ayame >Doing Holotalk
>>32523891shut up, nijinigBotan once berated her fans on-stream for being mad that she did an FPS collab with male streamers.
>>32523780This link got me to tune in while I wait for work to do thingsI never catch WNF due to timezones and EOP...
>>32523594Are you telling me glowies are chumbuds?
Ayame and Lui are dying.
Lui proves again how good she is with children. Now if only she would solve that case of the super gay.
>>32523862People said the same thing the last time and then she was gone for 2+ months again
I always forget how good Ayame is at making her collab partner giggle and laugh. Everyone seems to have the time of their life playing games with her and she plays off them very well. God I wish she'd stream and collab more, she's so good at what she does.
>>32523960A shame she said she swore off relationships due to being betrayed earlier in her life...she'll never have kids of her own...
>>32523982I don't like the way it's looking at me
Ayame looks like she’s having fun!
>>32523595Nice that Mori gets to go to a spa and doesn't have to worry about covering anything up
This stream full of laugh and giggle, fucking kawayo
>>32523862Ayame doesn't even know who the fuck is Kiara
>>32523970Yeah, there's a reason she's still so popular despite not streaming much.
>>32523482go back to predicting when mima will return grandpa
>>32523525>says she was right for calling gura a bitch>sings ride on timeame is strange
Ayame really loves her mother figures huh
>>32524030If Ayame knows who Mori, Gura and Sana is then she definitely knows who Kiara is.
so, Kiwawa is hanging out with Mamatori at the moment?
>>32523862Has anyone really felt the need for Holotalk anymore? Didn’t Eikawa kind of replace it?
>>32523961To be fair, 2 months ago Kiara already said Holotalk was on break, so it wasn't happening then anyway.
i posta da mori
>>32524077Collabs don't get translated
>>32524000She seems ok with playing with woman at least, but I think she wants a kid.
>>32524090This nigga really think Mori and Gura are equal to Kiara, she knew Sana because she graduated
>>32524064Ame just knows it was justified in the moment. She doesn't hold grudges.
>>32524109Isn't Eikawa dead?
>>32524021The benfits of not going with a prude like Kiara
God, I love Polka.
>>32524064>>says she was right for calling gura a bitchWhen did she say this?
>>32523970Newfags don't understand that prior to this, she already did over 2 years of aboslutely solid streams and contents.Imagine if Ame just... stops streaming now. That's about the closest comparison we can get here.
>>32524000>relationshipsweaty mating press one night stand sex is all she needs to have a child, no relationship needed
>>32524149>she knew Sana because she graduatedSana didn't graduate in October.
>>32524064It's just a game and they were both being brats.
>>32523594Can i get the archive please
>>32524154No? Mori still has like four more ENs to do
>>32524064>>32524168Only sweaty try-hard gamers like yoou would get mad IRL over being killed in PvP
>>32524064Calling her bitch in game and in her context, outside of it she said that she would never call her that
>>32524109>Talk show meant to put a spotlight on a holo and let the EOP audience know them better>Mori teaching JP ebin eigo while another EN is off to the side being cutetotally the same
>>32524109Eikawa is pretty shit
>>32524221Kind of pointless now Rust and the JP studygroup exists tbqh.
>>32524109Eikawa is 66 minutes of Mori putting on a retard voice for girls who will never collab again
>>32524239>>32524254Based threadreaders.
>>32524221Ah, so its dead. Thanks for the confirmation.
>>32524230I'm not mad. I only want to know when Ame talked about Gura.
>>32523935Hope you wasn't the homobeggar that got btfo'd in /inf/ thread.First, Botan has never collabed with Homostar.That person sending that SC was not her fan and Botan killed that faggot to protect the reputation of her fans.She understand what her fans want and never did collab like that again.
These girls aren't very smart.
>>32524279>deadbeat cope
>dogs stream ends because the game is bugged as fuckSASUGA
>>32524274Learn to read then fuck off, newfag.
>>32524230Ame isn’t a tryhard. She streamed for 16 hours, so she was tired. Get over it.
>>32524331Please, that was from last year faggot.
>i'm pretty good at driving
>>32524303>>32524332Thanks Teamates
>>32524120WEEEEEEEENY!>>32524183That one was so fun. Kiara dressed as Mori is a good look.
IRyS in Watame's chat.
>>32524324that's the appeal
>>32524303>stream titled supaSUNDAE>gura talked about something coming soon that many people will dislike/make fun of and others will be happy about it>ame mentioned a ''mystery'' collabGURAME MCDONALDS SPONSORSHIP ON THURSDAY
>>32524322>intwhy the fuck would I go there?and what part of>male streamersdid you not get?Fuck off already. Gachikoi is fine. Pathetic unicorns like you should die. You're literally ruining Hololive.
>>32524303Sounds like they haven't talked since. RIP Amesame.
>>32524366>Kiara dressed as Mori is a good really is
Which holo has the best anus in terms of tightness and lubrication?
>>32524401God I hate homobaggers and then people who watch homos hate homobeggers. At least we both agree on this.
Mumei and towa will replace both Holotalk and Eikawa
>>32524233I dunno she spent a while justifying it to just be like “lol I wouldn’t do it now of course but I was still right”
>>32524347why do you think i said you should learn to read first?learn to read.
>>32523802Reminder that Moom only wears a tshirt at home, nopan
>Go check out this Goonect game on Steam>This item is currently unavailable in your regionT-thanks, Bamco...
EN3 will debut this month. I can feel it in my bones.
>>32524456>Amesamekys tourist
>>32524456Gura sounded really sad after Ame told her to go away.Ame really hurt her feelings!
>>32524347Anon you do know Ayame's been a part of Hololvie for 4 years right...?
>>32524473>Oh man it's fine to not do your job if you did it ok for 2 years!"What a fucking joke you are.
>>32524339Holy fucking hellIT'S NOT A BIG DEALNOT TO GURANOT TO AMEJust fucking stop. you're either baiting or unwittingly feeding the shiposters.
>>32524388Ame never talks about collabs because Haachama burned her so hard last year that she won't mention them until like the day of
>>32523689Only the ones that have a weak oshi fear EN3
>>32524109Eikaiwa is kind of useless imo. She used to teach actual useful terms, but that was during the actual gfe streams, and it wasn’t as funny, and we can’t have either of that. Now it’s just her saying dumb slang nobody uses, with “fo sho” being the only term to actually carry on. Even Ollie tried to teach more useful english terms to pizza dad even if one of them was “sussy baka”
>>32524523I hate Reine so muchI'm gonna become a Reine anti and then you'll
>trying to jump over the wall with a giant target painted on itI love how dumb Holo girls are. It's so cute.
airisu has been acknowledged
>>32524523But i already JOINDA, what else do you want?
>>32524504>Mumei desperately racing to toss on a bra and underwear when her Uber Eats driver arrives early
>>32524543the day of what? anon?? please answer
>>32524311No, it’s two for Tea Time, four for Eikawa
>>32524504I'm imagining alright.
>>32524480That you think>people who hate unicorns = homobeggersis a whole other thing that I don't want to get into.Do you even know what any of those terms mean?also, /MANS/ are faster than us when those homos stream. They don't need to beg for anything here. The beggers here are all shitposters like you
>>32524563But it’s not about teaching useful terms, it’s about EN and JP bouncing off each other, sort of like meme review.
>>32524598tea time is definitely dead and shes never inviting two of them to eikawa
How are homobaggers even a thing when the homostars tell people they don't like it when people do that and the people who watch them really just want the guys to interact and have fun?
>>32524401go back >>32513001
>>32524480he's been larping as a normalfag tourist since the chrony thing dont engage please
This reminds me of PHOGS!
>>32524636There it is. The fucking spoiler to prove they just came here to shitpost and beg for collabs.
>>32524667To own the bad bad unicorns like the epic redditor they are.
Shut the fuck up.
>>32524667The homobeggars in these threads have always been, and will always be mostly falseflaggers trying to rile people up for easy (you)s
I can't stop thinking about dating Mumei. Please help.
>hey guys... you know sc is money, right?colone...
At some point in my life i started hating ussewa
What's it called to have the same exact conversations for hours a day everyday?
>>32524401Why are you so triggered by Botan being called gachikois friendly in the first place? Actually go watch streams and you'll understand.Somehow you obsess with one incident so long ago and twisted the fact you're in the wrong here.Botan hasn't collabed with Star. Has done that one tournament. She called out a greyfag trying to stir shit and hasn't done male collab like that since then.
>>32524746Based and Marcelpilled
>>32524746She's my cute owl gf.
>>32524590Do it again.
>>32524746Think about the gallons of cum marcel has put in her. Hope it helps!
Kronii is getting closer to graduating
>>32524768mental illness
I wanna feel Lui's anus clench around my dick as she plays this game.
>>32524809is that supposed to be Ryan Gosling's arm and hand
>>32524456You say that as if it is normal for Gura to talk to someone who isn't in the SNOT discord channel
thinkin about that EN3
I've seen this exact same shitposts two months ago, why are you still using them?
I really want to hear watame's addiction cover
>>32524862>he thinks snot is still a thing
>>32524861That's just my hand.
>>32524737the homobeggars are unfortunately the majority now, if you call them out for for being collab beggars, you get branded as a unicorn and your (very correct opinion) is discarded.
>>32524667They don't actually care about Holostar
Reminder Lui sucked on Lamys nipples
Those are some sexy boots...
>>32524862Honestly Ame is just really bad with checking in with people and staying informed.
>>32524898Just 24 hours or so until you can!
at least kronii have mori as her mental supportpoor girl
>>32524667Western audience are know for their virtue signaling and getting offended for others behalf
>>32524877I’m thinking about Marine’s cute asshole.
>>32524865Yeah it's not very long until November finally arrives
Watame should say welcome to member sheet instead
Today's streaming is over...
>>32524862You're proving his point. Gurame is dead
>>32524347Yes are right anon, ayame just got her debut last year. what a retard
>>32524966Reine's sweaty royal pits
>>32524943Not trying to be mean to Mori, but isn't her go to for mental support drinking?
>>32524598Who are the other two for Eikawa other than Ame and Kiara?
>>32524980You should run a sheet of paper along your jap's eye.
>>32524862it is yeah
>>32524919I mean who hasn't?
>>32523802>>32523536>>32523802AND GAYMEN
>>32524865EN3 will be 5 NijiEN wannabes who are only in it for the money and constantly collab with the homos because they hate "idol culture"
What does ussewa mean?
>>32525031I mean it's the first time someone did it on stream.
>>32524781>one tournamenttwo, but the shitposters don't even know it
>>32524865Thinking about that Loli, mesugaki, dark skin, pig tails, randoseru, alarm buzzer EN3 member
>>OPis Ayame graduating?
>>32525040I love my wife so much
>>32525065FUCKING DIE
>>32525002Despite the memes, no. It's channeling whatever into her music and for a bit she was going to spas. Her doing that again will be good.
Go Watame!
>>32524991I was implying it was dead for a while, not due to the Rust incident
>>32525004she only revealed Kronii, apparently some ENs never responded to the initial eikaiwa scheduling
>>32525067>five morisutterly, utterly grim
Rare Ayame using her other emotions.
>>32525065Shut the fuck up.
>>32523509do you have a crossboarding screencap with this image?
>>32524746Same, I love her so much...
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>32524900Didn't Mumei say SNOTcast was coming soon?
>>32525004the main problem with Eikaiwa is the JPs, she apparently ran out of people she can get to respond and schedule an appearance, but she did consider repeat appearances with different groups
>>32524303Waiting for gura's take on this one. Getting called fuck you without context hurts man. Its not like Gura would know that she had those problems and she keeps justifying it.>gura wouldnt care, its just a videogameTrue, but this is the girl who cried in her airport seat after being yelled at by some rando on something she knew wasnt her fault. And here she knew she did something wrong, getting told fucking bitch, go away for real by a friend. That thought would have ate her from the inside up until they talked. I do hope they talked.
>>32524768Aren’t rust and overwatch FPS games?
Those things are not yukimin... or are they?
>>32525182alice is so cute bros
Koro don't go...
>>32525180She just said Kronii ordered assets for a SNOTcast and that she might commission backgrounds for it.
That KFP actually believed HoloTalk succeeded in bringing more EOP attentions to HoloJP talents is a fucking cope.It already failed when Kiara was too lazy to do Eng subtitles.Now that they have Mori and iRyS and Bae, HoloJP already forgot that Kiara can speak Japanese.Just let it die already.
>>32525217They are.We will become one
>>32525177cute and funny
Lamy HATES white yukimin
I can't believe WNF is over already... I'm going to miss Watame these next 2 days...
>>32524155>justified in the momentIt wasn't, Ame was still in the wrong here, she's just too immature to do a simple apology.>>32524201>"Being a brat" Stop trying to downplay Ames behavior. Even "brats" are expected to apologize after lashing out like that.>>32524339>"Bad behavior is okay if someone's tired"No it isn't >>32524456>Sounds like they haven't talked since. RIP Amesame.But Teamates said Ame was totally going to apologize to Gura in private!>>32524233Pretty much this >>32524489Ame says "she totally wouldn't do it now" but that "she was still justified".Ames just being a snake here.
>>32525203Gura will not address that. Best way to avoid further drama
>>32525182These are your EN3 designs. Say something nice about them.
>>32525243HoloJP literally make fun of IRyS's JSL anon
>3Dお披露目スパチャ読み#3>Orca still doing SC readings from her 3D streamwhat the fuck
>Jumping right from a super adorable and cute AyaLui collab stream into a comfy and sweet Chloe Supachat Reading.Today is a GOOD day.
>>32525177erotic knees
>>32525243since when holoJPs care about Bae and IRyS?
New Moomingers
Lamy is going to love this last part.
>>32525243lmao Deadbeat trying to slip in Mori, absurd.
>>32525270Sounds like you're a little bitch too
>>32525291>people make fun of irys' english>people make fun of irys' japaneseSHE IS?
>>32525180Hot take: SNOT was never that great otr that interesting and really was just Fauna egging the others on
Today i learned that the japanese have some text to speech bot for gookmoot
>>32525243HoloJP care more about Anya then they do about all the girls you listed there, unironically
How the fuck does Botan know this number game, I don't fucking understand
>>32525311Since when has anyone?
>Main been forbidden from posting porn of her anymore by hololive management>lingerie stream and tweet been removed>No more Insects & Ecchi StuffThat mean Haachama is 100% leaving Hololive because the voices said so!
>>32525126>apparently some ENs never responded to the initial eikaiwa schedulingI’ll bet Kiara is definitely one of them. She talks a lot about not getting invited to stuff but the truth is probably that she turn down a lot of shit because she likes playing the martyr more.
Watame is going to sing TondeK! Hololive Summer! solo.
>>32525270Gura willingly instigated conflict when she killed Ame. Calling her out for it is justified.
>>32525389Curse you deadbeat! God dammit I hate deadbeats!
>>32525286OG Illya best Illya
>>32525349not very bright
>>32525002No.But even though she has refuted that dumb rrat multiple times,you threaderaders just kept ignoring her,and then months later repeated it as fact like you just did.You're no better than these clip-watching fucks
>>32525410Based Kiara avoiding dogshit Mori streams
>>32524932>Honestly Ame is just really bad with checking in with people and staying informed.You remember when Teamates used to say that Ame was such a "caring person" that she would always make sure to check on other people... Yeah, it looks like that was a load of bs.
Reminder: Under 110 pounds but healthy for her height.
>>32524932This may be a thing but I personally have only seen one on stream instance of Ame not checking in on what another member is going through, when you think she would
>>32525435Well OG Illya is just a 27 year old crazy woman in the body of a child.
>>32525410can you blame someone for avoiding a fucking MORI collab?
Is Botan the only Holo who was able to figure out this shitty minigame?
What EN members have mentioned playing Rust this season?
Which was the song Irys usually sings? Touch?
>>32525486The prettiest!
>>32525243but is Mori and iRyS and Bae gonna ask HoloJP talents their panties color thought? if not then SHUT THE FUCK UP we still need Holotalk
>>32525410honestly that would be pretty based of Kiara
>>32525414You don't know how jokes work, huh?
>>32525410>some ENs never responded to the initial eikaiwa schedulingKnowing how Mori likes to play fast and loose with the truth I'm willing to bet she just didn't ask them
>>32525492NTA, but yes. That's my favorite one.
>>32525002Her go to metal support is writing 6 songs about how she definitly doesn't care about haters. I bet my left testicle that she will write another one this year
Why do deadbeats try to pretend Mori doesn't drink all of the time? I'm having a laugh at it though.
Holy shit it's Marine's orisong!
>>32525424Gura didn’t call Ame a fucking bitch the stream before when Ame killed her at her house. Ame didn’t think about where Gura would respawn either, despite using that as a reason that it was justified yesterday
>>32525352You can tell this is a KFP coping because his oshi doesn’t have a clique
>>32525410wtf I like Kiara now?
>>32525503Mumei, IRyS, Bae
>>32525523I legit don't see the joke there.
>>32525344Kiara already failed as the EN-JP facilitator, anon.She's happy with her small group of JP friends (Watame, Nene, etc) and no longer cares about the mission statement of HoloTalk.Just give it up.
>>32525492What I said, the best Illya
>>32525570What's the matter chumbie, afraid of a 5 letter word?
I do not understand this 'The One Piece is real.' meme.
>>32525596Gura's done more to be the bridge between EN and JP in a month than Mori has in her entire career lemao.
>>32525435Well I agree, Kuro is sexier then both.
>>32525596who the fuck cares, it's still great content
>>32525631You should improve yourself
>>32525503Kiara, ame, irys,
>>32525352Tbf, it is probably the best combination of ENs that have great chemistry with each other AND can draw in viewers.
>>32525591And I think explaining jokes to dumb fucks is dumb.So you go ahead and keep on hating iRyS for no reason. There are loads of Councilschizos who will keep you company.
>>32525570Ame knew Gura has a sleeping bag in her house.
>>32525638It's funny because it transitions into whitebeard with a giant cock with Kanye playingDon't use your brain for it
>>32525293I think so, too. So you better stay for some tea and biscuits.
Ichi, ni, san, shi, go, roku, nana
Some of these Yukimin look a little.... mutant...
>>32525620I know bro. I'm fucking pumped. That album sample got me real excited.
>>32525410Has Mori every directly invited people on ANY of her event/variety collabs?
>>32525678I don't hate iRyS . I thought you were talking about Pekora making fun of iRyS. Are you ok anon?
>>32525700I love the 9am mooms.
>>32525596>hired because she was a fluent Japanese speaking ex-idol living in Japan who could regularly collab with JP>No longer living in Japan>doesn't consider herself a full idol right now>doesn't collab with JPs more frequently than Holos who speak next to no JapaneseAt least she's still fluent...
I wish more bosses in BotW were like this one
>CTRL-F "lil nigga">0/0LIL NIGGA LOVE
>>32525561I shouldn't have said anything.
>>32525661And I argue that it's not. HoloTalk only feeds the clip-watching cesspool.
>>32525707Drawing cock on anything for shit and giggles is literally primordial humor. It was funny and it will ALWAYS be funny
>>32525526Almost all of Mori's collabs are open invite.She probably just pinged everyone on discord and left it at that.
Lamy will /become/ very soon if you want to see it
I-is Choco's stream supposed to be public?
>>32525729probably Sana for the last eikaiwa
>>32525779If IRyS is having to correct your Jap, you're not fluent
>>32525473I was shocked that Ame waited until the next group collab to ask Kiara what happened with her kitchen fire, I thought she would be the first one ontop of that.But Ametori is already solidified for what Ame has done so it's fine
>>32525793You seethe about weird stuff anon. You need to calm down. Ever thought about watching kamen rider?
>>32525543watch streams
>>32525793>And I argue that it's not.that's because you are huge faggot
>>32525596>>32525793 Really mad Holotalk is coming back aren't you?
>>32525837Males? Fuck that, watch Precure.
We always blame management for considering EN a sidebranch and constantly neglecting it, but recently I'm wondering if the culprits behind this shit aren't some JP talents.Like look at IRyS, she lives in Japan and knows both english and nip yet she barely collabs with JPs despite being 50 of them. Pekora even mocked her during the Rust stream.
>>32525811your boy's not that good at organizing events
>>32525840Mori still drinks a lot. Just learn to accept Mori for who she is Deadbeat
>>32525644It's not a competition.My point is not that Mori or Gura or whoever has done a better job.It's that Kiara has stopped doing it entirely.
>>32525828>If IRyS is having to correct your JapAnon....
Anyone who tries to trash another girl with a baseless comparison to another, drag others down with attacks, or makes a generalization about a fanbase, is a lame-ass.
>>32525779>hired because she was a fluent Japanese speaking wannabe vocalist chuuba living in Japan who could regularly collab with JP>basically never leaves her house >no one wants to listen to her singing>doesn't collab with JPs more frequently than Holos who speak next to to no JapaneseA-at least she's still in Japan...
>>32525793Also known as the English audience. People like me who spend time /here/ and watch 4-6 hours of streams on a work day and twice that on the weekend are a rounding error.
>>32525837I thought the first episode of Geats was pretty cool
biggg face
>>32525861>He doesn't know about Girl Gun Lady
i love pekora bros
Ame is an unapologetic bitch, Gura is a fucking crybaby doormat. We know, its been days, move on and watch streams for fucks sake!Heres a picture of pekora's monke, hows that for a new topic?
>>32525867She drinks, she's not an alcoholic
>>32525849proof next trhread?It's ded. Kiara already exhausted the list of Holos who would say yes to her.
>>32525825Yes, only the archive will be members only.That's usually how her ASMR streams are.
>>32525840She literaly got drunk last stream
This place is gonna make me snap one day
>>32525863Pekora hates the EN for Gura over taking her and has never forgave them. Half of the reason they get treated like a side branch is because of her. This is 100% the truth.
>>32525867I agree on the frequency, but I disagree on the amount
>>32525863Everyone already knows Irys is a shy mess that doesn't ask for collabs. "Vsinger" still hasn't even had a song collab over a year in. Which is crazy when you compared it to Azki, Sora, Suisei.
>>32525918pekora's older brother killed it because pekora was a bitch that one time to him
>>32525921>She drinks, she's not an alcoholicSounds like something an alcoholic or someone in the relationship with an alcoholic would say. I would know!>>32525936frequency, is way more important then amount.
>>32525884Which just means that there are still loads of room to grow.People watchiing long Twitch streams is not unusual.God help us if Sora has been a doomer like you back then
Attention. Lamy is at the good part of Inside. You can watch it now.
>>32525927I can't wait for how will you cope in the coming weeks
Lamy is at THAT part
Kaela reclining
>>32525881IRyS is a cute dummy who should just be allowed to be a normal Hololive member. The Vsinger label is a curse.
>>32525927Try typing without tears in your eyes next time you esl faggot
>>32525863Honestly, how much of the EN audience wants to watch a Collab they don't understand. Unless its a Lui/Subaru/Haachama situation, its going to be a JOP collab, and maybe you can do that once or twice a month but beyond that I find it hard to believe the audience would be okay.
>>32525863IRyS would rather pitybait and complain while doing absolutely fuck all to improve her situation. Martyr mentality. Look at her standing around doing fuck all about her passport while bitching about not being able to travel.
>>32525990I agree on that as well
Which Holos will be playing Splatoon 3 on release day?
>open chocos stream>she is talking about how she can't do the sensitive things on youtube anymoreI WANT OKAYU SEX ASMRFUCKING YOUTUBE STOP KILLING NICE THNGS >>32525961I miss little things
>>32525867Define "a lot". She used to do it more, but cut back when she started practicing for the concert and when she wanted to improve her figure a bit. Yesterday, in her own words, was the first time in months she drank a substantial amount and actually felt drunk.
>>32525990You know a drink or two is not that big of a deal, right?Especially when it's cocktail and hal fof the fun is the process?You're underage as fuck, and it shows, anon.No different than being into tea or coffee.
>>32525977> still hasn't even had a song collab over a year in. You're broadly correct, but there is the second Alternative song.
>>32526044this but Kiara
Uhhhh Yukimin is this Lamy?!
Yukimin and lamy have become one. All hail lamymin
>>32525985Rabbit will pay
Any amount of alcohol is too much when you're from some shariah shithole.
>>32526099We have /become no no no no
>>32526099It is us
Kiara has been improving so much with all her new content and changes that I'm surprised the egg hasn't had a brain aneurism by now
>>32526140big if true
>>32526073>Drinking every day is fine man trust me>You are just underageJesus fucking Christ are you serious?
>>32526168looks good
>>32526140Matuli....HAH GET FUCKED IYGER
Lamy is enjoying being a flesh monster a little too much...
>>32526099Reminds me of that time I played Marunomi.
>>32525867>>32525990>>32525543>>32526186>I'm not drinking [as much] alcohol>Only on special nights>I haven't drank on stream for a while
>>32525834When have the girls mentioned Ame checking up on them that isn't tech related anyway? I only recall Kiara and Haachama saying that but it feels like because of that, everyone has a perception Ame is some saint behind the scenes checking up on everyone.
>>32526140Matsuri said lanterns who don't get her are cheaters
Based Botan getting addicted to Blockchain, one of my favorite arcade minigame in this game.
>>32526073>You know a pill or two is not that big of a deal, right?>Especially when it's Percocet and hal fof the fun is the process?>You're underage as fuck, and it shows, anon.>No different than being into tea or coffee.This is how schizo you sound anon.
>>32526068Mori had gotten a lot better, but people are really actually in denial if they don't think has a problem with drinking. The fact it takes the amount she needs to get her drunk really shows how much she drinks.
>kill meeeeeeeKEK
>>32526168looks nice and tasty desu
Botan really likes that minigame, she's been on it for a while now
Lamy just killed my boss!
>>32526073>This whole postEmbarrassing, get some help if you actually think like this. Like go to an AA meeting or something.
>>32526168I’d crush that
>>32526140I guess he's gonna watch night fever then whether he likes it or not
oh nice big brain games part 2 on saturday
>>32526345saturday was 2 days ago
>>32526257>>32526186Why are you acting like drinking alcohol is the same as taking cocaine?You fags don't drink a glass or two of wine when going to restaurants or something?
>>32526345who asked
I still think giving link a motorcyucle was kinda dumb
Wow, this song is really good.
>>32526257Didn't know you could make opioids at home, and most people can't even get tipsy on two drinks.
>>32526354nta but I never go outside
>>32526345I wonder if Moona and the mystery 2nd person will be there? Will Kronii be there? Will Ame join?
>>32526246Ollie talked about it as well
>>32526345i asked
Lamy no longer sees herself as human
>>32526140I forgot this guy even existed
Even as a flesh blob.Lamy......
>>32526373We were teased with a UFO and then his divine beast can't even shoot lasers like the others. What a rip-off
>>32526405But she's an elf
>these 3 retards posting on cooldown arguing with each other
I want to hit on Watame at the beach.
>>32526260I wouldn't say she was ever in a dangerous territory (because she knows very well what that looks like). But it was a good choice to cut back when her priority was improving her physique. I don't see anything to deny. Or any reason why it's used as an attack or criticism against her specifically, and no one else. YOURSELF?
>>32526429Actually she's more human than elf1/4 elf1/2 human
risu looks weird
>>32526449i dont understand what the point of this entire campaign is
>>32526027Co we should just fire Kiara and slot IRyS into Myth. IRyS already does most of what Kiara can better.
>>32526304you... really think a glass of picrel every night or two is a cause for concern?Really?You fags Mormon or something?
>>32526354You're right, its not the same as cocaine. Where you are wrong though is that I don't need go to the restaurant everyday to drink 1 or two glasses of wine a day because reasons.
>>32526487it kinda looks like she's wearing a sweater
>>32526354I drink dude. You sound like a god damn alcoholic though.
>>32526478An ounce of that tainted knife ear blood nullifies your right to call yourself a human
>>32526400Bae too during her cats suffering arc.In short, Ame will only give you attention if you are miserable.
Watame imitating Sora's 'Let's make this the best summer ever!' was very cute.
>>32526376I'm glad you like it! I was going to post about it but I figured there are too many streams right now. Everyone should listen to it though!
>>32526478what's the last quarter
>>32526508Why the fuck would you drink every night?
this bot seems to love blondes, I'm seeing an absolute shitload of Aki, Ame and Watame, but I didn't see a single Ina after scrolling for the last 10 minutes
>>32526361I did
>>32526436Same, but I'd spill my spaghetti everywhere
>>32526437you know why
>>32526478What? When did she become a quarter elf?
>>32526540this artist has a very cute style
lamy isn't rping as some wrathful flesh homunculus btw. she's completely dropped kayfabe and this is just what she's like IRL
>>32526268I don't fucking understand and I'm not Japanese, how the fuck did she get it, not even Reine get it either, plus she's A FUCKING WOMAN, AND I'M A MAN. I'M RETARDED.
>Deadbeats are alcoholic in denialI guess that was to be expected
>>32526384It's easier to get opioid pain killers than making alcohol, at least in the US.
>>32526587Gamer sense
>>32526503No one wants that JP reject in her gen anon, she got knocked back from Myth for a reason.
>>32526581He's draws nice tummies.
>>32526508Mori isn't drinking a finger of Scotch a night.
Lamy is melting down...
Ame's next game
>>32526616>JP rejectKiara got into Myth though
>>32526548I honestly thought it was a cover song that just happened to suit her really well because of how good it was. This is definitely on my list of top Holosongs now.
Did Ame say when she was going to do more of her 90s tier list streams?
>>32526554"Yuki-ona"Snow Woman, a Japanese monster that takes the form of a young woman who lives in snowy climates and lures young men to her hotel to stay warm for the night and then murders them by freezing them to death with their own cold.Lamy's magically attuned elf blood enhanced that ice spiritual power into proper ice magic, but her human half prevents her from being a true monster
>>32526538Wait what did Bae say Ame did? All I recall was that her cat's name had a similar pronunciation as Ame
Would you?
I want to ride the banana boat with Watame and help her cover herself after her bikini comes off after falling into the water.
>>32526663>Ame>Our Friend>Anyawhat do you call this sub unit?
>>32526246It's not about "checking up on everyone" all the time. She's way too autistic for that. Just happens that she's really helpful if anyone needs sething she can provide.
>>32526538Well in this instance it seems like Ame doesn't care about how Gura feels seeing how she didn't bother to check up on her.
>>32526610That's just plain wrong leave any juice out in the counter for a few week and you got alcohol.
>>32525863>>32525933Rrat: Pekora specifically only dislike the kouhais who have no more room to grow, she dropped Sana, Baelz and Kiara because they have hit a deadend while being very nice to Koyori and Gura because they are doing their reps
>>32526608>drinking a little but of wine everyday = alcoholicyou don't really interact with people who drink alcohol and it really showsa little bit if wine isn't enough to get anyone drunk, it's the same a drinking soda or any other drink
>>32526667Bro she's like a little sister to me I can't
Lamy you fat fuck
guys, uhI think they legit forgot to add Ina to the retweet botI've been scrolling for like 15 minutes, seen every member of EN, ID and most of Tempus, a shitload of different JPs but not a single Ina (or Sana/Coco/Rushia/Aloe, but those are obvious)
>>32526715It's a game. She'll be fine.
>>32526710 artist named it Hololive Victoria
Lamy no!
>>32526723The fact your getting so mad about being called out for drinking everyday is very telling.
>>32526753Everyone wants Ina, so they made her the hardest to get
>>32526726She's into that
Sheep-leaks !!
>>32526723putting sugar water into your system is abominable you fat alco.
My wawa (we're going to have babies)
>>32526574Yes, because antis don't give a shit about consistency and they don't care about Hololive.
Does Sora have her driver's license?
>>32526723Anon they are baitingIf you are European you know how fucking much Germans,Italians,Spaniards,etc. drink every day and no one would call them alcoholic.
>>32526722Bae’s been inclining and Sana is gone. The only one who’s reclined is Kiara.
>>32526722Nigga Pekora went out of her way to interact with Bae and Sans in Minecraft.
Every time lamy says "kill me" i get a little bit harder
>>32526832And Mori, who is now a Kiara-tier streamer.
Kaela is more autistic than usual today. Not that I mind.
>>32526811Based and japsalarymanpilled
>>32526851And then she dropped them, and we all know how they are doing these day
>>32526832>>32526862THEY ARE
massive lack of towa in this thread please consider posting towa
>>32526722Pekora likes people who can banter with her, she's a bully and likes people who can bully her back
STOP SAYING CUNNY, CHOCO i just masturbated
>>32526753ok, I just seen fucking Rio which completed to Uproar set and Iofi which completed the IDstill no fucking Ina
>>32526715Gura has SNOT & JP now. She is not miserable enough to trigger Ame's heroic sense.Maybe Kronii, but it seems Mori will take care of her.
Even as a flesh monstrosity Lamy is still cute
this was pretty good
Will Watame read SCs for 6 hours now?
>>32526862Nah, Mori's numbers are fucky. Look at her Va11 hall-a vod views vs ccv. Kiara had more ccv than Mori but has half the vod views.
>>32526851SANS?SANS UNDERTALE??????
>>32526758It's about Ames behavior, not the game. And Ame doesn't care enough about Guras feelings to check on her afterwards.
>>32526811you mean eggs.
>>32526860Yes. Now she's done with FF9 Watame is going to 100% Nier Automata.
>>32526808This bot is in desperate need of self improvement
>>32526939They're not actually. I know you've been fishing for that from a /#/sperg for the last couple of days but they're in line with what you'd expect from her CCV. And the example you're citing has her stream being twice as long as Kiara's.
>>32526949Gura deserved it.
>>32526722Koyori is a nip she doesn't count.>Kiara>not doing her repsShe went through insane lenghts to produce her Bday concert and still speaks nihongo better than Gura, plus she's the EN with the highest streaming hours.Bae also does a fuckton of dancing and singing reps. Pekora just considers EN and ID side branches and was probably seething hard when Gura surpassed her a couple years ago. Now she loves to have her at her fingertip.
>>32526753>>32526905is there some basis for how it rolls for you?
Lamy i still love you even if you're a 800kg monster now
>>32526938She's going to bed early tonight since she's meeting with Irys tommorow.
>>32526939>Streamed a little less than twice as long as KiaraMakes sense to me. Go back to /#/
Lapsama my friend
>>32526939that stream was half as long, bizarre comparison.
I'm happy for the catI would be posting lewdkayus now but I'm busyGanbare oniggeryaas
>>32526949You do realize you're basing this off a random assumption by an anonymous poster, right? We don't actually know if she checked up on her or not.
>>32526722As far as Gura is concerned, until Pekora invites her or she accepts Gura's invitation I would wait on calling her very nice to Gura. Don't forget Pekora didn't bother to invite her to the war despite all the interactions, that was Suisei.>>32526851And they disappointed her by not following up with her plans.
>>32526999>Not being into giantess
>>32526715Why on earth do you think Gura needs to be checked up on?Nothing Ame said even implied that she hasn't talked with Gura.
>>32527038All good, brother.
Watame is celebrating 9/11?
>>32527073I'm a deadbeat
Where is Mumei?
Damn onigiryas, THIS is your oshi?
I miss my sub-110 pound half pint big sister...
The noises Lamy is making is slightly concerning to me
>>32526918After completely disregarding Gura like that, Ame has no claim to any "heroic sense". Ames just a bad person.>>32526984Nice job conceding on what Ame did and doubling down on it.
>>32527046Using the Rust stream is kind of unfair since it's clear Pekora wanted to go alone since the beginning and don't plan to form a team
>>32527073Ah the deadbeat classic, replying with cope when you have no other argument.
>>32527073Not exactly.
>>32527073I am KFP and I made all those posts
>>32526997>>32526784there's no Ina under the entire hashtagif you look with the japanese name of any other Holo you get all of their responsesthey fucking forgot Ina, there's no way she didn't roll once for over 50k tweets
>sorted ou her passport>talked about how to eat in japan>doing JP reps>picked up "konnichiwatson" again>practicing JP songsYeah, it's happening
>>32527100Not magic enough
>>32525990>I would know!Are you alcoholic as well? My man.
>>32527175Ina Ina Ina...
>>32527117No, Ame hates evil people too & as she said, Gura shot her when they are trying to take pictures & the raid was over.She deserves no compassion.
First time I check Choco's ASMR and she's pretty good. Got them tingles right up. I rhought she's do cringe coomer rp.
>>32527188>Release the Mark II Variant of the Monkeypox
>>32527104Zeta weighs 85 lbs
Lamy is falling apart...
>>32527073Am I not allowed to be a fan of both Mori and Kiara?
>>32527060According to chumbuds, Gura has a heart of glass and needs to be attended to at all times.The people who don't outwardly worship Gura actually hates her and is jealous of her success.
gimme your best HAGS
>>32527217Monkeypox only spreads through gays so the girls would be fine.
>>32527217Shush, you.
>>32527175this might be officially the biggest>Ina Ina Inaaaa...moment in history
>>32527202Nope, but every single person in my family is besides my mom and this counts uncles and such.
>>32527039>>32527060Ame pretty much admitted that she didn't check on Gura since then in her "deserved it" spiel.
Alright, I'm gonna go watch the "sexy battle" video.If I die of cringe and/or cumming to death, I'm leaving all of my possessions to Towa
>>32525927She hasn't done 4th gen and it's basically impossible that Watame would say no.
>>32527188Isn't the passport to go see Kiara in Europe?
>>32527223>I could carry 3 small Holos on my backAAAA
>>32526538She's the therapist of EN, when someone is feeling down she always appear or the girls go to her. But will them be there when Ame is feeling down??
Surely there must be a brain somewhere in that flesh lump
>>32527175Ina Ina Inaaa....
>>32527175That's what she gets for not releasing the loli Ame pic, that bitch.
>>32527281Proof next thread?
>>32527223yeah but she's an indo, she's probably 140cm
>>32527297Passports are not restricted to one country
>>32527284It's neither, it's mildly amusing. Mori and Lui are cute
Lamy baka
>>32527117I don't know anon, all the girls say Ame is an angel, they don't say the same about Gura, if anyone is a "bad person" between the two, it's definitly Gura
>>32527312What is that logo near Bae and Fauna??
>>32527341I M A G I N E
>>32527353I thought that was the whole point of a passport.
>>32527299No, and we'll call Ame the heartless one when she doesn't answer to their calls because she is also down.
what the fuck is happening in Inside, jesas christ
>>32527394Probably Altare from Tempus
>>32527394To their lower left? Thats homos isn't it.
>>32527394Trident for Gura
>>32527205>>32527241Nice to see Teamates doubling down on Ame being a terrible person instead of just simply admitting what Ame did was wrong.
>>32527281How did any of what Ame said implied that she didn't talk to Gura after?
>>32527175it's true for all writingsthey simply did not include her, lol
>>32527276>but every single person in my family isSame.
It's over....
>>32527443the pleasure of cumming
>>32527394>>32527450they put all the homos next to myth as you would expect
>>32527175kek, Coco actually gets a hit from one cheeky dudeIna has less presence in this event than a graduate
Lamy has completed a good game
>>32527485So what did we learn, yukimin?
>>32527457Ame is a better person than Gura anyway
>bask in the sun as a lump of flesh>You win!SH-SHE DID IT!?
>>32527445>>32527450Really? Huh. My bet was IRyS because of the diamond shapes.
>Luna is playing ValheimValheim arc when?
First 3D MV surprised cat with how many people are on the credits page. Wait, why is there a hair and makeup credit?
>>32527458I made it up
>>32527304Like this
>>32526753I feel retarded how do you get it to work? I want to see who I'm compatible with
>>32527458Her attitude?
Lady’s outside… she did it…
>>32527518If I become one with Lamy then I go to heaven.
>>32527457Why did Gura need to shoot Ame during peace time when Ame has no weapons present?
>>32527575>he doesn't know
>>32527297It's for Kiara and Japan trip (whenever that happens).Kiara STILL doesn't have her motion suit yet so there was never any point in Ame going to Kiara's house since the original goal was to set up her 3D studio.
>>32527560it seems to be paused atm, supposedly due to volume of replies but I think they might've realized the fuckup
>>32527513>emiliaAlso why isn't Anya a dagger and why is Zeta a map?
>>32527513Wait, why is LaPlus a UFO?
>outside>go inside>to get outside???
>>32527518I like Lamy as a cute quarter elf instead of a mound of flesh
>>32527513It's organized by branch retard
>>32527513>ID and EN are literally buffer zone for JP girlsYou just know it
>>32527516the last tatsunoko...I kneel...
>>32527457But Ame did nothing wrong. She called Gura a bitch when she was being a bitch. Part of Gura's schtick is being a shitty brat, and not everyone should be forced to put up with Gura's bullshit. Why can't chumbuds accept this?
I think it is a good thing that we alcoholics have representation among holos and I hope Mori will never stop drinking.
>>32527518I'm not a yukimin but I learned to fear the lamy
>>32527539Well IRyS isn't blue and her diamond is already above Bae.
>>32525270>>32525570>>32525670just stop being a bitch anon
>>32527604its a purple heart and a ufo
▶ Character・Ninomae Ina'nis ▶ Costume ・Small micro bikini ( color is not specified) ・Gloves・Ponytail hairstyle・Accessory design is up to you ▶ Situation Ina-chan is a hikikomori , so I want to go to the beach with her, but in the end, we ended up going on a date at home. Ina-chan is shown wearing her tiny micro bikini , sitting in a round plastic pool in her backyard , eating a popsicle .is. A rubber duck floats in the pool . The facial expression is a little embarrassing , and the composition is so that you can see the soles of your feet.
>>32527605it’s art, you wouldn’t get it
>>32527642Lamy is a thing
>>32527513Sana removed just in time.
>>32527652Yeah, you're right. But I would have not guessed that feminine looking tiara looking design belonged to a guy...
>>32527518Become one with Lamy, get inside her
>Sexually assaulted by a coworker>Physically damaged in an arm wrestling match >Friend who she vouched for to join left after less than a year>Turned into fapbait >Now entirely forgotten in the company celebrationBeing Ina is suffering
So the flesh monster makes it outside and then it just sits there? Kind of anticlimatic, at least swim off in the distance or scatter your flesh babies in the wind or something
>>32527642Lamy can probably outdrink Mori
>>32527513They're between council and ID3 you retard. Learn to fucking see.
>>32527685Gone for 2 days...
>>32527721I wish they would do a collab together
>>32527562>>32527281I don't know man, that's pretty weak schizophrenia.Ame saying Gura deserved it is EXACTLY why it's clear they talked about it. You can clearly see the convo they had where Gura was calling Ame a spaz and Ame was waterboarding Gura with her excuses. Pretty much exactly like it happened during the Amongus game where Gura was angry at Ame for not trusting her.
>>32527583Gura thought she was Mori which is why she checked her body and said “you don’t have anything!”
>>32527513>next to mythYou mean council??????????????
Shishiron just sucked my soul from my body, later virgins.
>>32527746Premiere will begin shortly, cue fucking huge bgm VERY LOUD AS ALWAYS
>>32527733i meant to write myth and council but i dont feel like remaking the post
>>32527721Lamy drinks two beers (one in each hand) just because she's thirsty.
>>32527104>>32527223>>32527341God I just want to break these women in half
>>32527594Ame was going to give Kiara a suit when she visited. she got Kiara's sweat and smell all to herself in the end anyway so it worked out
>>32526726Imagine her cute squeals
>>32527513>ID and EN blocking the homos off from the JP branchKek, they truly are the side branches.
>>32527721Pretty sure Lamy drink a lot more then Mori does honestly. She doesn't really hide it at all when she's been drinking.
>Lamy switching to her room
>>32527513ILOVE EMI
>>32527763If they have talked about it she'd know Gura was hunting for Mori, not her.
Watame is stalking us Watamates. I feel loved.
>>32527789Irys' place hopefully.
what the fuck, real people?
me on the laptop
farewell lamy!
>>32527751I will warn you, drinking collabs most times end in Lamy kissing a girl.
Uh bros.... Okayu looks like that?
wtf Okayu, I'm tripping
>>32527513bets on which marks will be removed by this time next year?
>>32527858theyre going on a trip somewhere
Oh I like the little metal touch there.
>>32527869moris into that now its cool
>>32527721This seemed like the easiest off collab idea but it still hasn't happened. For some reason Mori never got close to anyone in gen 5 despite being so close in debut.
Am I the only one that watches hololive without audio?
>>32527763Also Kiara was there losing her shit again.>>32527822Ame obviously doesn't believe that excuse, silly.
oh yeah
>fat cat is realHOLY SHIT
>>32526495Literally free advertising what’s so hard to understand?
>>32527513>next to mythRetard
Okayu you can scream louder come on
>>32527902Kronii, hopefully Gura and Mori too but probably not
>>32527930Why would you do that?
Ame'd have thousands of excuses for herself but not for one misunderstanding by the other. Why?
>>32527513>Homos put in a quarantine zone next to ID and EN
Sasuga Okayu. Should have had her do that scream more than once though.
>>32527869that's fine with mePink and blue always go well together
>>32527312why is anya some sort of maple leaf?
>>32527919Lamy used tongue on Matsuri and with Lui she had her play with her nipples. Might be too much for old Mori.
>>32527923Mori was asked to do a drinking collab with Lamy, but she talked herself out of it in her own head, since this was back when Mori did push for jp collabs at all.
>>32527372>Points out how Ame disregards Gura>"But she helped other people!">>32527525>Still doubling downGood job Teamate. What's a toxic person without their enablers?
>>32527976I used to watch without video too, it's an upgrade.
>>32527902towa, to become my wife.
Man, Okayu is putting so much effort into her sololive, I hope it's a huge success
>>32527946So she didn't trust Gura and didn't bother to check Gura's VOD to verify it. Got it. That's all I need to know about Ame now
>>32527903My house.
>>32527946So… you’re saying they talked about it but that Ame still thinks Gura was a bitch and now a liar?
>>32527858I can't wait for Watame to hammer IRyS.
>>32527457no really how are you such a fucking bitch?>>32527766her name was on the screen anon
>>32528014Needed more screams/10
>>32528006Anya is canadian now as well as japanese
>>32527175Sometimes the jokes write themselves.
>>32528014>>32528034I liked it a lot but it was a bit too short, should have been twice as long imo.
WOULD YOU RATHER:>Have a one night stand with your oshi, but if you impregnate her you get 100 million USD(no tax cut) and her hand in marriage.OR>Get shot in both kneecaps, your cock and balls, stomach and spine by an AK-47 while getting raped in the ass, then while you are still alive, get your head put under a hydraulistic press and get your skull crusher.CHOOSE WISELY!
>I'm gonna fuck youWhat did Mori mean by this?
>>32528014>>32528034OKAYU/OKAYUI WANT MORE OKAYU
>>32528015>but she talked herself out of it in her own headGod damn it Mori, you are your worst enemy
>>32528051Anon... Gura is illiterate
>>32527513When was the last time Haachama actually had her official oshimark on her Twitter? I think swapping over to the burning heart is kino
>>32528070i would rather you never make another post on this website for the rest of your life
>>32527175surely if I keep rolling...
>>32528015*did not
>>32528015I slightly remember her talking about this but I can't remember what stream it was
>>32528034>>32528014Coolest wifecat. I want to hear that scream more.
>>32528070kill yourself
Hm, 5th Anniversary of Hololive, you say?Hmmm, new tourism guidelines from this month, you say?>Starting September 7, foreign tourists from most nations can enter Japan on package tour that does not have to include guides. That means you can explore entirely freely on your own if you wish.
>>32528034>>32528014It was pretty good/10
>>32528070The second one
>>32527235Only I’m allowed to be one sorry.
>>32528017She is toxic toward her chat too. You'd know what kind of fanbase that's left now
>>32528017You have nothing to disprove my points, keep seething
>>32528127>does not have to include guidescan I still opt in for my japanese ojisan bro?
Has some weird angles
>>32528137All that caffeine was just too much for her smol body...
>>32528096Had it been with her current mentality she would have probably done it, but this was late 2020/early 21 Mori.
>>32528137fauna is easily addicted due to her size
>>32528051Yes because Gura always catches everything on screen at all times and that’s why she’s an amazing gamer. It also explains why she would be surprised a naked Ame has nothing as opposed to Mori who she knew had her stuff
Idiot clip watcher here. Is Haachama really gonna clean up her act? I couldn't tell if she was kidding or not, but I think it would actually be good for her.
>>32528127>entirely freely>still have set itineraries and check-insHmm...
I love Ame!
>>32528127take off that hopium
>MAN DISHumm catkeks explain?
>>32528051And Teamates can't see the mic icon only lit up when Ame was already dyingSo what? People are blind
>>32527175Kek. I remember Kiara subtly shitting on AX for getting Ina’s q&a hashtag wrong the first time they did a panel during it. Another classic Ina x3 moment.
>>32528040>watching gura
>>32528137>>32528169Where did this meme come from?
>>32528040>>32528047Yes. Then they had sex.
>>32528165Full of reaction image potential, also butt shots.
>>32527766anon right after that she said she thought ame could drive there. she knew what she was doing
>>32528165FLUFFY FATTO CATTO BALLSOkayu us moaning while explaining the passion she puts in this song
>>32527902Bae, duh
>>32528127What's the point? They can make their own 3D live from million miles away now
>>32528070this is like a post from facebook in 2009
>>32527787She was only gonna do that if she had a replacement for it.
Bros why are there real people in my vtuber music
>>32528185Haachama often says things she doesn't really mean, but her ero content wasn't that successful compared to her creepy pasta schizo arc.
>>32528221Main Dish, anon.I'm the main dish btw
Why do people keep saying Fauna is small now?
>>32527250the girls are all lesbian
>>32528016I always knew Takos were a little weird
>>32528233kys teamate
>>32528294she said yesterday she was too small to give blood
Why is this chumbie still seething about this? Seems really sad
>>32528127>However, almost as soon as this new policy was announced, the Tourism Agency of Japan muddied the waters by publishing an infographic indicating that for a package tour to qualify, all hotels and roundtrip airfare would have to be booked by the travel company selling the tour.At least finish reading the article, dumbass. Or at least read literally ONE (1) more paragraph. They'd be on a leash the entire time.They're probably practicing for 4thFes, because like the article states, there is a high possibility that Japan caves and opens up for free travel in the winter, if not by the beginning of next year.
>>32528266Uh huh, Go ask Ame if she prefers to do it on her own instead of letting the studio staffs do the shit and then she can learn from the pros over there.
I think lily hooper should dilate
>>32528294She outed herself as being an absolute womanlet by medical definition
>>32528280Okayu is breaking the boundaries. She's coming for you in the 3D world.
>>32528294She shrunk in the wash.
>>32528237>MemeGo watch the beginning and end of her hitman stream
Okayu's going to have to do that scream live on her sololive.
>>32528319>>32528354vegetarian is a mistake
Okayu is the best musician of Hololive.Numbers are lies.
>>32527946>>32528047>Amogus managed to ruing friendship that was never there to begin withAmazing.
>>32528237Which one? She discussed that she was feeling tired and had a headache during her last Hitman stream, and wondered alllowed if it was because of caffeine withdrawal from the matcha lattes she's been drinking.At the beginning of the same hitman stream she mentioned she couldn't donate blood because she didn't weigh enough, but she said that she was actually a healthy BMI for her size, meaning that she's quite short in addition to being skinny. The Red Cross says anyone under 110 lbs can't donate blood, so she's likely under that weight unless she's wrong that her BMI isn't healthy.
>>32528377She's been working on that death scream for a while, now that I think about it.
>>32528294>>32528354she might as well becoming an anemic person since seeds prevent you from absorbing nutrients
>Hololive English>No one will be live for at least another 6 hours[Insert EN3 will fix this cope here]
>>32528334Anon, read my post again. I did say >can enter Japan on package tourYes you have to book hotels via an agency.But also yes, you can go anywhere you want, which was the sticky point before. How can they go to Cover's studio if they stuck with a packaged tour?That's what "Unguided package tours" mean. You go in, you check in, then you're free to fuck off.
>>32528070fuck, I can't choose
How cute was Ayame today?
>>32528294She’s an anorexic looking vegan she looks like depressed celine dion
>>32528319>>32528342now her medium to large astroturfing has been hit with a dose of reality.
>>32528414Why would a woman lie about her weight though?
>>32528434they haven't let alice stream ever since she went off on naoko
>>32523465and cool...
>>32528452Cuter than usual!
>>32527600nvm, it's still going, some replies as fresh as 8s ago
>>32528461get angrier?
>>32528466It'd be pretty weird for her to bring up the topic herself if she was just gonna need to lie her way out of it.
grr grr tummy doko
>>32528461Mating Press
>>32528450>working on a tourist visa as a massively public figureawful idea by the way
Kronii’s on the verge of graduating and no one gives a shit
>>32528452extremelyit's that kind of Ayame stream which you can just leave playing in the BG and it would still be worth it.
>>32528414Well that would mean she is like 4'9 or 4'10/ What a god damn womanlet.
>>32528461Become rage incarnate
>>32528354>fauna is tinier than baehalf of council is midgets
>>32528521Then how is NijiEN going to be in Japan then?
>>32528429Whichever lucky bastard ends up marrying her needs to feed her more meat. My god
Did I miss a Watame x IRyS arc? I haven't seen these two together outside of like 2 group collabs
I can't believe Sora is just now finding the Hylian Shield
>>32528461Average khorne enjoyer
>>32528548>everyone loves Kronii because she's the only one that can reach high shelves
>>32528518Albums out anon! You can hear a short teaser of it here:
>>32528561its useless if she is still eating seeds
>>32528526I do. I can't wait until she graduates to become my wife.
I was going to mention earlier but I forgotSora has her game in the foreground again..
>>32528554Apparently Cover is just incompetent or they don't really care, I don't know.
>>32528623I didn't even notice until you said that
>>32528461If you are angry and don't know why, the world in general must be responsible for it and therefor should be corrected.
>>32528560It's almost like you should not judge 2 Holos' relationship based SOLELY on their on-stream interactions.Crazy, huh?
>>32528526She just needs to stop acting like a man and start pouring out her feelings to her friends more, she'll be fine
stream alice&u
>>32528605sowhere the fuck do I buy it?
>your oshi>did she buy A FUCKING MONKEY?
>>32528605holy fucking shit it slaps
>>32527721literally anyone can outdrink Mori
>>32528461If anger is not the solution then you're not angry enough
>>32528388Fauna grew up omnivore, and talks about how she's glad her grew up omnivore since it helped her grow up healthy.Not healthy enough to be big though I guess.
>>32528554Are they? Last I heard they were hiring studios to film their 3D thing.
>>32528100>>32528182she creeped up on her and weaited just for her name to appear my dude. she knew>>32528225?
I dropped Ame around the Improve yourself shit and havent been around since than. I found a 2view who reads my comments, plays vidya with me offstream and just overall happy for me to be there and watch her, anyone who consider to leave this fucking shithole, just do it. This thread is the reddit of /vt/. No wonder all the good posters left. Go find your 2view or 3viewand start grooming.
I wanna sink my teeth into Chloe's thighs.
>>32528429>seeds prevent you from absorbing nutrientsWhat the fuck am I reading?This is on the same level of bullshit as onions making testosterone and onions preventing it.
>>32528526>>32528619>>32528647>1 minute apartCool
>>32528646But they can actually meet irl. Unlike rest of EN
>>32527822But IRyS had sent a hit out for Ame
>>32528633>ApparentlyThat Rpr fellow that's obsessed with Towa went to Japan for a fucking video game tournament. Cover is just retarded.
>>32528673even the Japanese?seems unlikely
>your oshi>Tali or Liara? Other girls are irrelevant
>>32528667Fauna Bush babies aren't actually monkeys. They are taxonomically from the superfamily Lorisoidea, which means they aren't actually monkeys, but are primates more closely related to lemurs.
>>32528497Nao is a huge bitch that deserved it.
>>32528701Joseph, we know you've been grooming a 2view for a year now.
>>32528752KiaraFor me it's Tiara
>>32528696>"How do you know she knows?">"It's revealed in my dream"
>>32528713Riiiight, because doing collabs is the ONLY way they can talk to each other, right?
>>32528701>t. refused to improve himselfI'm glad Ame filtered creepy groomerfags from Hololive
>[EN] If anyone is interested in exr lxcking and a bit more exxhi voice tracks, please check out my 4th anniversary goods!>[EN] I asked my managers if I could do exr lxcking and they said no but I inserted my own script as well and it has some juicy sounds, so please check it out!Choco wants to go all out too, but can't because of Youtube...
>>32528752IRySTali of course
why did Fauna tell us that she is a tiny womanlet that could very easily be picked up and carried?
>>32528646Which is exactly why I'm asking because if they are going on some vacation then that's even more unexpected than the Maldives trip
>>32528728JPs can hold it in pretty well and already and had a lot of drinking streams/collabs. Mori only drinks to look cool. she's a poser
>>32528708It's realits called anti nutrientsthe seeds don't want to be eaten so they do it as an auto defense I'm very mad for being fooled by the s o i industrypeople will use the same argument they used to defend cigars on you now that you know itfuck gluten fuck milkfuck seedsfuck sugar
>>32528701Dont forget to thank Ame for it. You improved on yourself :v
>>32528716So IRyS ruined Gurame? AmeRyS BROS????? It’s getting serious!
>>32528824oh hey its this guy again
>>32528720The Japanese government is run by kenzoku
>>32528793oh yeah I guess she did all that just because right? see also >>32528247
>>32528805How the hell did Luna and Okayu get away with ear licking in their members only then?
>>32528827>seeds don't want to be eatenbruhlmao
>>32528728You know that a bunch of HloJPs doing weekly drinking streams right? Even more regularly than Mori.Ad don't forget about La-fucking-my
>>32528860Makes sense. Being as beautiful and womanly as Towa would be illegal in every other country.
>>32528687Her parents were vegan the whole time though, weren't they? She describes her non vegan days as her "rebellious phase".
>>32528828Becoming a groomer is the opposite of improvement
>>32528800Everyone improved himself leave Ame eventually.
>>32528827>Seeds don't want to be eaten???
>>32528560theyve had a handful of dinner dates / outings in the past and theyre going on a small work trip for something thats upcoming
>>32528526If she unironically graduates because she can’t collab with men, then i don’t know what to tell you. A fucking niji temporarily graduated because they lost nintendo perms, and that’s less stupid than the scenario you’re implying
>your oshi>What are you most insecure about?
>>32528827>its called anti nutrients>the seeds don't want to be eaten so they do it as an auto defenseis this big water anon?
>>32528896No, the family became vegan together.
>>32527312>>32527960>>32527513Nene's emblem looks like an ass
Why did Chloe never finish Portal 2?
>>32528526Is she going back to working the grill though?
>>32528710It's 40seconds between the second and third post, dumbass
>>32528904Improve your English
>>32528904Calm down, no need to rush. Try and write sensible English.
>>32528827does it also activates your almonds?
>>32528886>Even more regularly than Morithat doesn't mean much since she doesn't really do those kinds of streams anymore
>seed shills have literally taken over my threadwhat the fuck
>>32528945Yes? Do continue.
>>32528827If it's true onions milk help diet then?
>>32528877>>32528906plants don't to have their seeds eaten and digested so they do things to prevent it in long term some of them have protection and that's why you shit them whole sorry I'll never do my english reps
>>32528915MoriMy crippling social anxiety
>>32528710Don't put me with them, I was saying Kronii will be fine if she relied on her friends more
>>32528966seedchads run this thread
>>32528827Are you the guy who kept trying to convince people to drink turpentine during the rampant covid outbreaks and lockdowns last year?
>>32528701>>32528904Isn’t it a bit late in the day for this level of ESL?
>>32528981this also applies to cooked corn kernels. do they also have corn protection too?
>>32528526She really brought it on herself, I couldn't care less
>>32528965... which is exactly my point.Don't underestiamte their livers.
>>32528827hmm, I always want my seed to be eaten and people like you spreading anti seed lies makes this so much more difficult and tiresome.
>>32528827Are you retarded or something?Where did you read this shit? /pol/?What the fuck are anti-nutrients?What the fuck do you mean by "don't want to be eaten" dude, we have fucking refined 90% of the plants we eat to be edible. What the fuck kind of "seeds" are you refering to?
>>32527312>>32527960>>32527513>Mori in HoloX>Gura in Counciltracks?
>>32528901>Supporting small streamers is... LE BAD!>Throwing hundreds of dollars to a 1 million sub streamers who will never remember my name is... LE GOOD!You numb digger doesnt know whats a 2view grooming do you?
>>32528979no, they are a bunch of sugar, anti nutrients and also excess of hormones it will fuck your period cycle if female and your erection if male the sugar will make you liver store fat and stop workingthe anti nutrients will prevent your guts from absorbing nutrients
>>32528863It's funny to see teamates think Gura is some kind of mastermind but in fact she can only process 5 second of information that she manages to catch
>>32528981I'm not saying you should study English, I'm saying you should study biology.
>>32529028>livergo back
>>32529013its euroESL tier pls understand...t. euro
>>32529028>liversgo back
>half the thread talking about seeds and anti-nutrients>other half shitposting and biting baitnever change /hlgg/
>>32528981anon they want to be eaten but not digested. for that they would need more protection againt gastric acid, and not have something that will make them less desirable to be eaten
>>32528981No anon, not English. Biology. They'll have that in your language I hope
>>32529084Pekora bought a monkey and fed it anti-nutrients
>>32528957nooo!!! I WILL NEVER LEARN ENGLISH!!!!!! I HATE you!!!!
Kill yourself, you know who i am talking to
>>32529118So that's what killed li'l nigga
>>32529124yeah, me...wait
>>32529034>we have fucking refined 90% of the plants we eat to be ediblethere lies the lie>>32529066you should or you can take a shortcut and consult an Nutritionist that works in the sports area
Any numberchads here keeping track of the tally for the automated replies by the hololive twitter?
>>32528981>some of them have protection and that's why you shit them wholeChew your food you fucking ape
>>32528827>>Lectins in legumes (beans, peanuts, basedbeans), whole grains—can interfere with the absorption of calcium, iron, phosphorus, and zinc.Interesting
>>32529084Fauna was too small to give blood. Imagine trying a diet trying to be selfless and prevent suffering to then be denied the option to prevent human suffering because of said diet. Must have felt like shit
Last night I had a dream that an unknown Hololive staff told me that they got republic commando permissions, so look out for that sometime within a year, my prediction dreams usually happen some way or another
>>32529054>Giving money and time to a whore you will never fuck is le goodngmi
>>32529084I was talking about Okayu's new song, I really like it
>>32529124I will only die by koro-san's hands.
>>32528874I've recently listened to an Okayu members asmr stream, and Jesas christ I've been missing out
>>32529084your first eurohour thread newchama?
Gurame is so fucking dead now.They hate each other, their fans hate each other.How can they reconcile?
i can fix her
My Ina :)
I LOVE KRONII became Lamy...
>>32529221They'll reconcile easier than your divorced parents
>>32529221SameAmeTori reconciliation google calendar sex
>>32529221rimming me
ur a butt
>>32529054Nigger, you already admit to being a groomer. You are refusing to acknowledge and improve upon your own faults, and instead prey upon emotionally vulnerable girls, ie those weaker than yourself, for your own satisfaction. Again, opposite of improvement
Mumei is ok i guess
Alice my beloved
Melier butt
>>32529084I'm the only one who posted 4 times about it and (((they))) came here to shit the place up
>>32529221What about me, I'm a Shrimpvestigator.
gura is my wife
Death to kiara
>>32529221Like this(Gura's P.O.V)I just finished streaming And I guess it's time to get some good night rest. Suddenly doorbell rang, I don't know why would someone go here at this time. I opened the door and saw Amelia standing right on front of the door. "Yo Gura!" She said as she pat my head. "Seriously Amelia? At this time?" I said as I remove her hand from my hand. "Oh come on, I'm just gonna stay here for one night" she said as she laughs. I let her in. We played some games, it was just like an unexpected off collab. She took out some coffee and some snacks so we won't be sleepy while playing. But I really can't stay awake as I felt so sleepy. "Oi Ame let's stop for now, I'm getting sleepy" I said to her. "Sure, sit on my lap" she said while she's on my bed. I just followed her, I sat on her lap while facing her. She's just staring at me, smiling with a feel that she have some kind of bad intents. "Gura wanna do it?" She said as she continues to smile and look at my eyes. "Do what?!" I asked. "Do this" she said as she pushed me down, pinning me down on the bed. I tried to push her away but it was futile as we have a big gap when it comes on body size, she simply outstand when it comes on strength, also I'm sleepy. Since I'm only wearing a skirt she have easy access to my insides. I still tried move her away but I just can't. She removed my underwear, revealing my small hole to her. "Time to dig in" she said as she liccs her lips and closing her head's distance from my pussi. She started to licc it and played with my cl¡T. "Wait Ame this is too much, stop" I said as I try to get away from her. She didn't stop. The level of pleasure I'm feeling is unprecedented, she's just too good at this. I grabbed her head to make her tongue go deeper inside me, until I 0rgasmed. She moved her head away from my pussi, she started to get close on me. She kissed me, our tongue twisted as we kiss. She inserted her two fingers inside me. As she kiss and finger me, I groped her tits but it was so huge for my smol hands to handle, I still groped it anyways. Since she's also wearing a skirt I can also access her insides. I took off her underwear using my tail, inserting the tip of my tail inside her. As we both hit our g-spots, we both let out a muffled moan as we still kiss. She kept on stroking her fingers inside me and I also kept on stroking my tail Inside her. We break off the kiss to catch our breath. We both moaned erotically. There's no way I could really resist from this, I've slowly fell in pleasure, we did it for hours. Orgasming multiple times. It's just incredible. "Gura I think I'm gonna--" she said as we both let out our last orgasm. We lay down out if exhaustion but she still kept on kissing me until she just stopped. " I love you Amelia" I said as I blush and looking at her eyes. She pat my head and said.."And so I do, Gura" --Amelia
>>32529246this guy loves Kronii>>32529242This guy owns Ina>>32529270This guy called me a butt>>32529291This guy is married to Gura>>32529292This guy is a schizo
I'm gayfor Ame
>>32529250what the fuck
If this is the last post I get to marry Amelia Watson of Hololive English
>>32529054>Says this thread is the reddit of /vt/>Uses reddit spacing, types like a redditor, is also a groomer and ESLAnonchama...
I will mary Okayu
Melier chest
>>32529298Thanks for the feedback,LOL
>>32529321you will never marry ame
>>32529182Looks like she needs to eat more avocados and beans then
Kiara will die next year
If this isn't the last post I will marry Amelia Watson of Hololive English
>>32529292You know she's a phoenix right?
A fucking monkey
i love my oshi more than anything in this entire world
long ass pg 11
Mori is good
If I get no replies I get to marry Irys and Kiara and none of you can stop me
>>32529368Yeah, to me.
>>32528720Kiara has been talking about how some of her friends have been accepted into Japan to appear at cons like TGS and Comiket. I think she doesn’t want to say it but she’s probably thinking very loudly that Cover is either doing something wrong or just doesn’t care at all.It would probably be easier for her to enter Japan with her previous activities than with Cover, I don’t want to make assumptions but still, wtf
Melier nape
i will marry and have sex with nekomata okay
I hate all of you
I hate Mori
I love Fauna.
Typo early. I will MARRY Nekomata Okayu
I love IRyS!
one glass of freshly squeezed shark juice
I love my dorky Priestess!
Kiara will trip and fall into the sea and drown to dearh like a stupjd retard
>>32529400Not today satan
I love me Mori
>>32529354Since you're wearing a skirt I can access your insides
fuck hoomans
This is not the last post
towa love
>>32529400If nobody replies to MY post then I get to marry IRyS and you get Kiara
Fuck you guys man. KIARYS LOVE
Yeah, me. I'm Omega
I'm gonna ogey my last rrat at this rate
Reply with your oshi to claim her as your wife before the thread dies
gura is literally under my desk sucking my dick right now. I'm not kidding
>>32529436This but Mori
chiara rabu!
>>32529298Melier tongue in Gura mouth
So now what?
If I get no replies I get to marry (You)t. (You)r oshi
>>32529436>>32529368see >>32529380
If no one reply to me, Gurame won't reconcile.
>>32529491not my oshi but i claim mel
>>32529495proof next thread?
time to jack off while pretending I'm your oshi
Your oshi will collab with a man by year's end
Mahal ko si Kiara!
This page 11 is getting ridiculous at this point.
>>32529527I can't last that long, shes sucking me dry
I love Gura!
>>32529491Melier womb
>>32529491Aki>>32529528fuck off Prisuner
>>32529491Claiming Axel
If this isn't the last post than anon won't be a fag for a whole day
>page 12
>>32529537yeah, me
>>32529537Yeah, with me
>only 11 IPswho are you people
>>32528940With kronii’s skillset she’s not even fit for mcdonald’s so back to customer service for her