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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 170 KB, 1200x1157, 1642637246606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
32511117 No.32511117 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>32511187

▼Phase Connect Links
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▼Lia 鈴香 アシェリア (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/rinkouashelia
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/RinkouAshelia
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/asheliarinkou
▼Utatane Nasa 転寝 ナサ (JP)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/UtataneNasa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/UtataneNasa
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/utatanenasa
▼Hakushika Iori 白鹿 いおり (JP + EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/hakushikaiori
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/HakushikaIori
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/iorihakushika
▼Fujikura Uruka 藤倉 ウルカ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/fujikurauruka
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/FujikuraUruka
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/fujikurauruka
▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠 みちる (JP)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/shisuimichiru
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/ShisuiMichiru
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/michiru_shisui
▼Tenma Maemi 天満 マエミ (JP + EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tenmamaemi
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Tenmamaemi
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/tenma
Twitch Archives: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmSVAwFc5MJwQowsDvCTuw
▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン ピッパ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/pipkinpippa
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/PipkinPippa
Twitch: https://twitch.tv/pipkinpippa


▼Kaneko Lumi 金子瑠美 (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lumikaneko
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/KanekoLumi
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/kanekolumi
▼Amaris Yuri アマリス百合 (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmarisYuri
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/c/amarisyuri
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/yuri


▼Remilia Nephys レミリア・ネフィス (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Remilia_Nephys
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-hMwvRuMsQrfgu0DPKLV2A
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/remilia_nephys
▼ Airi Chisaka 千坂 アイリ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ChisakaAiri
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5qlAhrec6-0J-K3zmhNPPQ
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/chisakaairi
▼Shiina Amanogawa 天ノ川 しいな (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmanogawaShiina
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnJNNk45O1QYS2oMRYFKSyw
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amanogawashiina
▼ Rie Himemiya 姫宮りえ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/HimemiyaRie
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJ4O6PWA47f6XbCgrLQNqEQ
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/himemiyarie
▼Erina Makina エリナ・マキナ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ErinaMakina
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCupmjRr7kPgzXKh-cPxxGbg
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/erinamakina
▼Panko Komachi 小町ぱんこ (EN)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/komachipanko
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVo_KgPNsDKxHwzib7uarCw
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/komachipanko

▼Phase Friends
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Haruna Swift - https://twitter.com/HarunaSwift
KKCyber - https://twitter.com/kkcyberai

Previous thread >>32483354

>> No.32511187

nice tits.

>> No.32511205
File: 698 KB, 1734x1660, 1633107479475.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32511207
File: 246 KB, 469x347, Screen Shot 2022-09-03 at 11.58.36 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32511253


>> No.32511212
File: 536 KB, 886x886, 1661974986557619.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32511253
Quoted by: >>32511290


>> No.32511275

Hime, I'm begging you, please let me lick your royal, forever-18, nice smelling, sweaty Hime Pits. I will pay the Hime Tax and more

As read by Hime:

>> No.32511282
File: 1.98 MB, 1566x888, I Hear Them[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2ap4r2.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32512849

>> No.32511287

Phase connect wedgie getting reactions: go!

>> No.32511290
File: 844 KB, 655x554, Screen Shot 2022-09-03 at 2.46.08 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32511394


>> No.32511303
File: 2.08 MB, 498x280, 310F5BB2-9373-4295-A645-43B9608FD576.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32511347
Quoted by: >>32518108

has the Italian brat let slip any Italian on stream yet? or only her Spanish secondary

>> No.32511352
File: 1.88 MB, 784x638, pippaphilia[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fedqvij.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32511395
File: 245 KB, 643x324, Screen Shot 2022-09-04 at 11.59.40 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32511415


>> No.32511394
Quoted by: >>32511497

>tfw you will never rob a bank and commit crimes for Lia

>> No.32511415
File: 114 KB, 220x221, 3E2BDEDF-D43A-46BD-99D3-36600E866A37.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32511438
Quoted by: >>32511493

I enjoy replying to low effort baits

>> No.32511441

>>32511287 (me)
Pippa is a squealer and then a screamer

>> No.32511453
File: 1.69 MB, 340x191, 063F72C1-895E-4BD5-9864-84690B90C12E.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32511480

How does a fish even get that big and fat, Jesus Christ

>> No.32511493
File: 1.41 MB, 246x228, F975C800-B699-4B20-A0A8-E48C2F02CA6C.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32511497
File: 538 KB, 1863x1989, phaseliassn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32511543

Good news! Lia accepts spiritual dalliances in lieu of financial support. Don't ask how but she knows and it makes her grow stronger.

>> No.32511543


>> No.32511566
File: 809 KB, 3627x4096, 1662049747477.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All times EDT / UTC / JST

09:00 / 13:00 / 22:00 - Lumi endurance stream

14:00 / 18:00 / 03:00 - Panko GTA V

15:00 / 19:00 / 04:00 - Airi Katamari Damacy Reroll

22:00 / 02:00 / 11:00 - Airi AMV/MAD review

00:00 / 04:00 / 13:00 - Erina block game

>> No.32511592
Quoted by: >>32511613

Hime will enjoy it and give you one in return

>> No.32511598
File: 782 KB, 2894x4093, 1660600581030061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32511622


>> No.32511613

This is a reaction I would be okay with

>> No.32511622
File: 2.22 MB, 1264x888, wemi doesn't trust.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32511644

I would never

>> No.32511644

Why did she do it?

>> No.32511661

I like Lia and I’m tired of pretending the rest of you don’t.
Everyone will like Lia.
You will learn to like liking Lia.
Even if it kills you! :D

>> No.32511686
File: 79 KB, 768x1024, phasewemitrouble.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is in her nature.

>> No.32511763
Quoted by: >>32511857

wemi is nothing but a base cur

>> No.32511857

How would Wemi take it

>> No.32511994
File: 306 KB, 600x618, airi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32511995
Quoted by: >>32512716

more pcg member should do <1 hour streams every once in a while like hime
dense shitposting content like the frog asmr is so nice to watch even as a vod

>> No.32512056

Pupper the system thinks my post is spam

>> No.32512101

If you weren't there for the Twitter space where this prostitute bitch groomed Erina into doing slutty mouth noises and shapes I don't know why you're even bothering engaging with her sleepy time content. The entire point was being KEYED into the whorish way in which she conducted herself in private small circles.

>> No.32512146
Quoted by: >>32512279

She’s stupid anon, she can’t help it.
Leave my dog alone.

>> No.32512185


>> No.32512216
File: 93 KB, 800x450, 1656549873745.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32512252

Back to the gas station

>> No.32512279
File: 254 KB, 500x539, phaseweirdos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Korean dogs need to learn their place***
I already peeled you off my weekly liquor funds poojeetpu away!

>> No.32512328
File: 680 KB, 828x1103, 1632884051166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy FUCK is this place run by RETARDS. Is P|_|PPER too leddit? IS THAT THE CASE?!

>> No.32512383
File: 203 KB, 370x472, 1631772262395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32512599

Omg Lia my cumsock

>> No.32512613
File: 8 KB, 364x30, 2022-09-05_00-36-22-858.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32512716

Something about GFE.
>as a vod
Stream lagged so hard she had to quit early and do a space. This wasn't her choice, Susan and Aussie internet forced her to. You don't see all the live buffering in a vod.

>> No.32512729
File: 28 KB, 539x181, 1650266956319.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32512741

Lumi is gradually becoming Pippa.

>> No.32512741


>> No.32512773


>> No.32512849

Didnt know Panko was a schizo too.
Maybe her neighbors are imaginary then.

>> No.32512879

lumi the kinda bitch who giggles when she sees your dick regardless of its size
subscribe for more random phase connect facts

>> No.32512887
File: 261 KB, 1361x2048, phaseliaback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So you see, it's really, in a way, the same idea as the Hindu idea. When the Christian speaks of God giving the creature freedom of will, the Hindu says: no, God gets lost in that person and gives up power. And it's really the same thing. It's the idea that the all-powerful surrenders power. So that the more you give the power away, what you're really doing is you're “othering” yourself. Now, the more you “Lia” yourself by giving power away, the more of a “self” you are. Because “self” and “Lia” are reciprocal. So you find that people who, through a sādhanā (a yoga-discipline), have overcome their ego, have transcended the ego, are tremendously strong personalities. You would think, theoretically, they would all be non-entities and to lack entirely what psychologists call ego-strength. But actually, they're nothing of the kind. They are—every one of them—unique. They're all quite different from each other. And they are very, very (what I would call) strong characters. Because the more they have given it up, the more they get it.

>> No.32512966

shut up

>> No.32512970
Quoted by: >>32512993

I want to pinch Yuri.

>> No.32512993

I want to punch Yuri

>> No.32512997
File: 674 KB, 862x900, phaseliabullshit1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If the Fishman has to lie awake at nights thinking what every chuuba under his command is going to do, he can’t be the Fishman. He’s got to make an act of trust in all those subordinates to be responsible and carry on their things in just the same way as you make an act of trust to all your subordinate organs to carry on their functions without you having to tell them what to do. And this is the secret of what we will call organic power, as distinct from political power. Lao Tzu puts it in this way:

The great Tao flows everywhere,

Both to the left and to the right.

It loves and nourishes all things

But does not lord it over them.

And when merits are accomplished

It lays no claim to them.

The more, therefore, you relinquish power—trust others—the more powerful you become. But in such a way that, instead of having to lie awake nights controlling everything, you do it beautifully by trusting the job to everyone else, and they carry it on for you. So you can go to sleep at night and trust your chuubas to wake you up in the morning.

>> No.32513000
File: 253 KB, 556x540, Aqua Dick Smirk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just my type.

>> No.32513043
File: 1.21 MB, 1500x2100, phaselumi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32513051
File: 268 KB, 395x413, 1649470560596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Iori is the kind of girl who doesn't care how big or small you are, she's just happy to be intimate with you

>> No.32513089

I would give Remi a tongue bath from head to toe including her asshole and labia. I would also gladly eat her menstrual cakes. This is what true dedication looks like.

>> No.32513136

The rubes got worked

>> No.32513172
Quoted by: >>32513223

You. Yes.
The next stream is in 20 hours.
Catch up on a VOD & shill/summarize it.
Do OC.
Alternatively close the thread.

>> No.32513187
Quoted by: >>32513482

the way of Lia is clearly the future and i'm tired of pretending its not

>> No.32513223

Yes... Yes... Surely you will not miss anything important. Go and live your lives. There will not be any special announcements. Or any unarchived guerilla streams. There's nothing to miss. Especially don't be here two and a half hours from now...

>> No.32513353

No streams. Should we timeloop about the new Gen2 Jannies?

>> No.32513411 [SPOILER] 
File: 655 KB, 893x1189, 1649728233335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've finally tracked down Lumi.

>> No.32513482
File: 490 KB, 571x688, phaseliasmugbully.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The jannies are spam flagging my hand typed posts. Lia loves you Anon. She may not acknowledge it but I do on her behalf. We're all being saved.

>> No.32513571

I send Lia all my energies, I believe in her and can feel the salvation wash over me like an ocean wave. Lia Love is a real and powerful force

>> No.32513585

Shut up Pippa

>> No.32513610

Lia wants to see fetish art though…
Is she truly salvation, or just new management…?

>> No.32513686
File: 29 KB, 1280x720, 1641506696412.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you doing this

>> No.32513739

Why is Pippa doing a 6 am gorilla?

>> No.32513794

Confession: I am rather fond of the streamer known as Tenma Maemi.

>> No.32513892
File: 247 KB, 557x472, Needy cope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32513982

My copium supply just took a giant hit someone help

>> No.32513982

go listen to some avtubers or dlsite h voice works and come back when you're ready.

>> No.32514017

Pippa is on now btw. Figure it out yourself.

>> No.32514079
File: 19 KB, 425x493, 1655464654441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>age, gender, location
>when did you start watching vtubers?
>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
>favorite girl
>least favorite girl
>twitch or youtube?
>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
>what are you looking forward to most this week?
>coke or pepsi
>favorite tv show/anime
>favorite game(s) to watch?
>what is your dream job irl
>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
>you like coffee?

>> No.32514084
File: 366 KB, 436x491, Lia Leer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32514138

i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her i love her

>> No.32514096
File: 41 KB, 487x325, faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It takes a high IQ to get Lumi. Her brilliant humor and wit is not for everyone. It’s ok if you don’t have what it takes to watch her.

>> No.32514138
File: 505 KB, 1080x1350, smart_Lia(onionsketch).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32514237


>> No.32514202

I’d honestly rather shitpost.

>> No.32514215

Is she really?

>> No.32514237
File: 238 KB, 560x560, Lia Love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lia! I fucking love Lia! Everything about her, any attribute you can list about her! Lia is perfection, she's Lia and that means Lia! Lia Lia Lia! she's simply the greatest! watching Lia gives me purpose in life, my purpose in life is to watch Lia! everything i do i do for L I A

>> No.32514247
File: 37 KB, 480x320, faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He watches Lumi but posts on 4chan instead of reddit? He’s not a real fan. He probably can’t even understand her sense of humor.

>> No.32514264
File: 1.15 MB, 800x800, Lumi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Be honest anon, would you?

>> No.32514329

Lumi is my cute tryhard cousin. I'm not royalty or a degenerate so lusting after my cousin is a no-go.

>> No.32514375
File: 54 KB, 626x417, fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He posted the n-word on 4chan? That kind of ignorance has no place in Lumi’s community!

>> No.32514380

tf is this disgusting 3D bullshit on my board

>> No.32514418
File: 136 KB, 1600x1156, fag2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That kind of homophobia has no place here! We must get Lumi to denounce it!

>> No.32514455

>age, gender, location
27, male, northen europe
>when did you start watching vtubers?
Early Kizuna AI, when she started paying games
>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
Same reason you breathe Glowie
>favorite girl
Tenma, remi, Pippa, in that order
>least favorite girl
I dont actively watch the JP girls, but I dont dislike them
>twitch or youtube?
Prefer youtube
>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
>what are you looking forward to most this week?
My wifes comeback stream
>coke or pepsi
>favorite tv show/anime
Railgun, hellsing ultimate, black lagoon
>favorite game(s) to watch?
The game does not matter, only that the streamer is having a good time
>what is your dream job irl
I dont dream about worthless things like that, i make money and its not soul crushing, that is enough
>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
Gura and Pekora, that is all
>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
Wholesome love, gore and hypno
>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
>you like coffee?
Irish coffee? Yes.

>> No.32514463
File: 115 KB, 719x777, fediverse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats Pippa, you're now popular on the fediverse

>> No.32514488
File: 26 KB, 800x533, readyfordick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s almost time for Lumi’s stream! I love watching Lumi almost as much as I love taking dicks into my gaping mouth!

>> No.32514519
Quoted by: >>32514652

What's wrong with Shiina? Even management is telling her to drop the act and meemaw bullshit but she doubles down and comes up with the stories how she has always talked the way she does. Now she is grinding ER offstream because she got some backseaters. Why would she even juggle three Souls games at the same time?

>> No.32514652

Overachiever, infinite desire for approval, competitive as fuck, woman, drying womb.

>> No.32514730
File: 42 KB, 542x453, 1642574736921.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32514760

>age, gender, location
Fuck your market research, janny, you have no self-respect and you do it for free
>when did you start watching vtubers?
When Brittany Venti sent me to attack Gura and the lolicons but I soon realized I had been a pedophile the whole time
>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
Shitposter only
I feed on hate and anger
>favorite girl
>least favorite girl
>twitch or youtube?
Gas Susan and the deer transvestite both
>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
No, I only like 3d lolis
>what are you looking forward to most this week?
Making more anons bite at my bait
>coke or pepsi
Neither, I’m not a morbidly obese fat fuck
>favorite tv show/anime
Don’t watch anime
>favorite game(s) to watch?
Don’t play or watch games
>what is your dream job irl
The guy hired by the WTA who travels to all the tennis tournaments and provides sexual pleasure to the women’s professional tennis players to comfort them after they lose a tournament
>what other corpos do you watch?
Don’t watch streams
>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
molesting little girls, molesting teenage girls, rape in general
>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
They generate hate and strife which pleases me
>you like coffee?
Fuck you Fishman I won’t give you money

>> No.32514905
File: 631 KB, 4096x3182, phaseliasmile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

[Lia News] She is eating snacks!

>> No.32514904
File: 847 KB, 1275x828, bait[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F1ph054.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32514978

>> No.32514931

>age, gender, location
nice try fbi
>when did you start watching vtubers?
nice try fbi
>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
nice try fbi
nice try fbi
>favorite girl
nice try fbi
>least favorite girl
nice try fbi
>twitch or youtube?
nice try fbi
>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
nice try fbi
>what are you looking forward to most this week?
nice try fbi
>coke or pepsi
nice try fbi
>favorite tv show/anime
nice try fbi
>favorite game(s) to watch?
nice try fbi
>what is your dream job irl
nice try fbi
>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
nice try fbi
>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
nice try fbi
>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
nice try fbi
>you like coffee?
nice try fbi

>> No.32514978

Yuri's wisdom is unmatched

>> No.32515047
Quoted by: >>32515159

>>age, gender, location
>>when did you start watching vtubers?
Kizuna AI
>>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
I only streamwatch, clip post and ratepost.
To test my abilities.
>>favorite girl
>>least favorite girl
Nasa isn't around enough to have an opinion on so her.
>>twitch or youtube?
Equally cringe. YT is sligthly better because it has comments.
>>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
Towa and Gundou.
>>what are you looking forward to most this week?
Friday I'm getting a goat delivered to my doorstep. Saturday I will proceed to grill it and serve it to the neighborhood. I'm always happy when I cook for people.
>>coke or pepsi
>>favorite tv show/anime
White Collar/Ben-To
>>favorite game(s) to watch?
Idol Manager, Total War, X-Com, Tarkov, Touhou, GOI, Jump King (if Totsu).
>>what is your dream job irl
Forensic auditor.
Yes I'm autistic.
>>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
Little bit of Niji, little bit of Tsunderia, very little Holo.
>>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
Corset piercings, smoking, asphyxiation.
>>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
Any forced meme is cancer.
>>you like coffee?
Cold brew and nitro cold brew .

>> No.32515159
File: 106 KB, 1500x500, ami_banner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32515229


>> No.32515229

I have purely sexual feelings for Ami. I don't want to be her boyfriend/husband or w/e.
I just want to be the guy she calls up when she feels like she might need some dick and whenever either of us gets too affectionate we just laugh it off.

>> No.32515256
File: 167 KB, 320x426, phaselumisnotaprostitute.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32515405

To understand all is to forgive all.

>> No.32515365

>age, gender, location
>when did you start watching vtubers?
>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
fuck you
>favorite girl
>least favorite girl
hating chuubas is a waste of time and energy
>twitch or youtube?
youtube but twitch has better emotes
>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
>what are you looking forward to most this week?
not having to wageslave on monday
>coke or pepsi
>favorite tv show/anime
westworld s1 / sakamichi no apollon
>favorite game(s) to watch?
>what is your dream job irl
no job
>what other corpos do you watch?
just the big 2 and phase
>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
fuck you
>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
fuck you
>you like coffee?
I will never buy your coffee fishman

>> No.32515405

this has the same antitrust energy as that one karaoke clip
you should bottle it up and send it to lobbyists or other corpo critters for them to study

>> No.32515484

what exactly is the lumi anti's end goal?

>> No.32515529

Get her out of Phase and happy enough she stays out.
And it's not just "one" anti you schizo

>> No.32515595
Quoted by: >>32515686

>>age, gender, location
none of your business
>>when did you start watching vtubers?
2018, kizuna ai
>>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
why not
>>favorite girl
>>least favorite girl
>>twitch or youtube?
i used to prefer twitch but it became so faggy that i now prefer youtube
>>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
>>what are you looking forward to most this week?
>>coke or pepsi
>>favorite tv show/anime
>>favorite game(s) to watch?
anything that enables the streamer to chat like it's a zatsudan
>>what is your dream job irl
>>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
tsunderia (lisa and amiya)
>>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
tentacles, monster girls, rape (but not for real just fantasy)
>>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
i don't care
>>you like coffee?

>> No.32515631
File: 163 KB, 584x405, 1633330124210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32515938


>> No.32515661
File: 356 KB, 1211x1712, cfe7707cadf9fe36e1b3eeb288a958f7d3b2d0bed27914dada8a868b8e2c0b49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>age, gender, location
>when did you start watching vtubers?
Kaguya Luna, Eilene if she counts as one
>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
I watch Pippa and occasionally Lumi, Tenma, and Lia
niggers cock my anus
>favorite girl
pic related
>least favorite girl
Hard question. a tie between Nyanners, Futasomething Mana, Kronii, and Aia
>twitch or youtube?
youtube. Twitch is for drooling retards. Youtube's where all the cool people at
>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
what do you think?
>what are you looking forward to most this week?
more Pippa and Lisa
>coke or pepsi
soda is for faggots
>favorite tv show/anime
>favorite game(s) to watch?
>what is your dream job irl
anything at this point
>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
Mecha, Midriff, Bodysuit
>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
>you like coffee?

>> No.32515670

>age, gender, location
21/M/central europe
>when did you start watching vtubers?
I was aware of vtubers for a while, but started watching when I saw a clip of Fubuki singing penis penis (venus) so It was a long time ago
>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
All of the above
>favorite girl
Mumei and Pippa
>least favorite girl
None from Phase
>twitch or youtube?
>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
>what are you looking forward to most this week?
Im waiting for package with my glasses, I never had any before, I will have couple drinks with my old friends from school this weekend
>coke or pepsi
>favorite tv show/anime
4 Pancerni i Pies/ Fate Zero
>favorite game(s) to watch?
anything that streamer has fun playing
>what is your dream job irl
Kind of boring, but in my reach, Quality Controll Menager in Heavy Millitary Industry
>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
Mostly Holo and Kawaii
>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
Wholsome love, big breasts, stockings
>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
>you like coffee?
I drink it if I need to

>> No.32515673

She's a perfectionist. Her goal is to perfect the craft.

>> No.32515686
File: 210 KB, 1266x995, lisa_holding_ami_fuzzy_leg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32515707

Get her out of Phase and happy enough she stays out.
And it's not just "one" anti you schizo

>> No.32515720

>age, gender, location
39, F, nonayourbisnis
>when did you start watching vtubers?
>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
>favorite girl
>least favorite girl
>twitch or youtube?
who gives a damn
>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
>what are you looking forward to most this week?
>coke or pepsi
soda is cringe
>favorite tv show/anime
charmed & bubblegum crisis
>favorite game(s) to watch?
just be fun please
>what is your dream job irl
circus artist
>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
watch everyone
>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
vomit ryona bloodplay
>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
who cares
>you like coffee?

>> No.32515844

Your post glitched out bud

>> No.32515868

Get her out of Phase and happy enough she stays out.
And it's not just "one" anti you schizo

>> No.32515896

Get her out of Phase and happy enough she stays out.
And it's not just "one" anti you schizo

>> No.32515900

Get her out of Phase and happy enough she stays out.
And it's not just "one" anti you schizo

>> No.32515924

Get her out of Phase and happy enough she stays out.
And it's not just "one" anti you schizo

>> No.32515931

He posted it twice as evidence that there is more than one of them. He is not very smart.

>> No.32515938



>> No.32515946

Get her out of Phase and happy enough she stays out.
And it's not just "one" anti you schizo

>> No.32515953


Get her out of Phase and happy enough she stays out.
And it's not just "one" anti you schizo

>> No.32515979
Quoted by: >>32516032

Get her out of Phase and happy enough she stays out.
And it's not just "one" anti you schizo

>> No.32516032

Get her out of Phase and happy enough she stays out.
And it's not just "one" anti you schizo

>> No.32516079
File: 6 KB, 364x295, 1653817783319.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.32516162
File: 3.55 MB, 600x292, phaseloomtrust.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32518384

Listening to Lumi's cover of Offspring's You're Gunna Go Far Kid...

>> No.32516179
File: 2.09 MB, 1410x959, unknown-116.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Improve yourself, NOW

>> No.32516425
File: 18 KB, 424x122, We.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember when you said I was schizo for hearing her say we well whos schizo now

>> No.32516458

She didn't say we during that stream. You are a schizo for hearing it.

>> No.32516475

Why even bother to censor it?

>> No.32516508

I called you a schizo for hearing "we" because she didn't say "we" and "we" didn't even make grammatical sense in that sentence.

>> No.32516529
File: 17 KB, 1175x530, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32516775
File: 539 KB, 1190x1170, wops.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

new IP her with an important message:
I like Lia. Only Lia!!!

>> No.32516930


Any rurudo fans here? She's so fucking cute bros.

>> No.32517046

Composter stream soon

>> No.32517166

She didn't say "we" you retarded schizo but come on retards think about how often she talks about going to random stores. You really think she ubers for 30$ to the Dollar Store to buy 5$ worth of random crap? You really think she gets a taxi to hang out alone at the local Walmart? Get real

>> No.32517347

common sense isn't a thing here bro

>> No.32517357
Quoted by: >>32520326

Plenty do and you know that's what she wants people to think. Everyone took the 4th of July story completely seriously. Again, she tries really hard to pretend she lives alone, probably so that everyone thinks she lives on a single income.

>> No.32517400

This shit gets posted like every week and its really fucking retarded if you think people actually care. People who don't believe it are never going to believe it and the people that don't care are never going to care. You aren't going to change anyone's mind or opinion on this stuff.

>> No.32517407

Kiwiniggers polluting the thread again, I see.

>> No.32517454

Kiwi is dead so they have to come here and say retarded shit everyone already knows about.

>> No.32517466

Almost like she's one herself.

>> No.32518108

not that i know of. which is a good thing, i hope she never will. she'd become SPOTTATISSIMA in nanoseconds

>> No.32518119

don't worry, 4chan is next to the chopping block

>> No.32518124

dats because you white, she craves bbc

>> No.32518367

>>age, gender, location
22M cumcity
>>when did you start watching vtubers?
Holoen debut
>>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
>>favorite girl
>>least favorite girl
>>twitch or youtube?
Preferred Youtube
>>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
>>what are you looking forward to most this week?
The off chance I don't wake up
>>coke or pepsi
>>favorite tv show/anime
>>favorite game(s) to watch?
Whatever the girl enjoys playing
>>what is your dream job irl
Working with computer stuff at a lower level
>>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
>>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
Rape, nakadashi
>>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
No, the kiwis are
>>you like coffee?
Yeah, not yours tho

>> No.32518384 [SPOILER] 
File: 78 KB, 1182x654, GoodMorning~.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32518607


What is that face trying to convey?

>> No.32518418
Quoted by: >>32519899

im scared of lumi's remodel because you just know her tits are gonna disappear

>> No.32518607

Why am I Asian?

>> No.32518639

>age, gender, location
19, M, currently on a trash heap people like to call a 'city'.
>when did you start watching vtubers?
Clipfag when Kizuna got big in the Western weebosphere, only really ever watched PC streams
>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
shitposter / threadwatcher mostly
I hope this entire website Heaven's Gates itself eventually
>favorite girl
>least favorite girl
>twitch or youtube?
>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
I really like that one artist who drew Rushia getting facefucked a lot, something about the crazy eyes.
>what are you looking forward to most this week?
Finally having time to train boxing again.
>coke or pepsi
Water, both suck ass.
>favorite tv show/anime
Gundam Seed and Elfenlied were my childhood.
>favorite game(s) to watch?
None, gaming is fucking cringe.
>what is your dream job irl
loan shark
>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
None, barely watch Phase as is.
>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
guro, asphyxiation, s / m switch
>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
This entire thread is the cancer killing this thread.
>you like coffee?

>> No.32518828
Quoted by: >>32518961

>>age, gender, location
20m USA
>>when did you start watching vtubers?
4th gen hololive debuts
>>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
all three
it's fun
>>favorite girl
>>least favorite girl
>>twitch or youtube?
>>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
>>what are you looking forward to most this week?
doing drugs
>>coke or pepsi
>>favorite tv show/anime
Legend of The Galactic Heroes
>>favorite game(s) to watch?
powerwash simulator
>>what is your dream job irl
neet but with disposable income
>>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
i watch a gura stream every once in awhile, other than that it's only Lia
>>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
pee, femboys, clothed sex
>>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
brap bros are pretty alright
>>you like coffee?

>> No.32518961
Quoted by: >>32519574

Dude, clothed sex is so good. I hae´te it when they wear something great in porn only to undress in the first 30 seconds of action. Even better if the bitch thinks she's hot shit and a pro stripper, only to then prove that she has never used her hips in any meaningful way ever in her entire life.

>> No.32519011

>age, gender, location
Almost wizard, dude, some shithole in South America
>when did you start watching vtubers?
With Kizuna Ai, stopped in 2019, came back with Holo Gen 4 debut
>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
my life in shambles
>favorite girl
>least favorite girl
>twitch or youtube?
>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
To roommates too.
>what are you looking forward to most this week?
Tenma's comeback stream, honorary mention to Airi's AMV stream
>coke or pepsi
>favorite tv show/anime
Aria or Spice and Wolf
>favorite game(s) to watch?
Metal Gear
>what is your dream job irl
I'd rather not have to do work at all
>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
Pomu, Selen and Sava
>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
Anal, /ss/, dog on girl action
>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
>you like coffee?

>> No.32519082
File: 107 KB, 1341x851, FUigzLpXoAAFqqU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cat sex

>> No.32519142

Airi's guerrilla vod doko

>> No.32519175

holy fucking cringe imagine actually answering this

>> No.32519270
Quoted by: >>32519802

which of the 0 phase connect streams that are live would you prefer to talk about

>> No.32519307

If only. Then I'd finally be free after all these years.

>> No.32519330
Quoted by: >>32519802

Yeah, imagine engaging in any kind of social discourse, shit's CRINGE AF, I'd rather stay zoomin' on TikTok and opioids while wallowing in self pity due to the current economy and housing crisis like a GIGA Chad.

>> No.32519331

Thank fuck we are on 4channel

>> No.32519348

survey poster you better be putting all these answers in a spreadsheet

>> No.32519411 [DELETED] 

>age, gender, location
32, male
>when did you start watching vtubers?
When Kizuna Ai first debutted
>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
I post in the thread when I watch streams
>favorite girl
pretty tied between Remi and Airi
>least favorite girl
>twitch or youtube?
Youtube because I can filter emote spammers
>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
Only to a couple Holos
>what are you looking forward to most this week?
Nothing really. More Souls streams I guess.
>coke or pepsi
>favorite tv show/anime
>favorite game(s) to watch?
Souls games, GTA, Mario Party
>what is your dream job irl
development of mature RPGs or VNs
>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
Mostly Hololive, sometimes Nijisanji, and a couple other girls in small corps
>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
lolis, motherly figure, traps
>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
I dont care
>you like coffee?
Love it

>> No.32519451

>age, gender, location
32, male
>when did you start watching vtubers?
When Kizuna Ai first debutted
>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
I post in the thread when I watch streams
>favorite girl
pretty tied between Remi and Airi
>least favorite girl
>twitch or youtube?
Youtube because I can filter emote spammers
>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
Only to a couple Holos
>what are you looking forward to most this week?
Nothing really. More Souls streams I guess.
>coke or pepsi
>favorite tv show/anime
>favorite game(s) to watch?
Souls games, GTA, Mario Party
>what is your dream job irl
development of mature RPGs or VNs
>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
Mostly Hololive, sometimes Nijisanji, and a couple other girls in small corps
>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
lolis, motherly figure, traps
>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
I dont care
>you like coffee?
Love it

>> No.32519547
Quoted by: >>32519582

>age, gender, location
28, male, South America
>when did you start watching vtubers?
Around 7 years ago, but regularly only 3 years ago or so, and now even more due to Phase Connect (Pippa, Lumi, Lia)
>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
All of the above.
Full experience
>favorite girl
>least favorite girl
Rie, although I find her more tolerable recently so who knows
>twitch or youtube?
Youtube, but also depends on the kind of stream.
>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
To a vtuber? Yes. To a vtuber I regularly watch or my oshi? No.
>what are you looking forward to most this week?
Working on a project, my birthday, more Pippa streams (specially the unlisted ones that I jope eventually end up archived anyways and also they should be announced in a way that I find out Pippa pls)
>coke or pepsi
Depends on the day. Pepsi is underrated imo.
>favorite tv show/anime
Arcane, Yofukashi no Uta, Azumanga Daioh, Lucky Star, anything vsauce or Sam Hyde
>favorite game(s) to watch?
Rarely watch for the gameplay, but I like whatever brings the best conversation, so anything that is interesting in itself and is paced such that can be commented upon or something lightweight enough to allow the streamer to multitask (or mentally alt tab fast enough) properly
>what is your dream job irl
Managing mature businesses while working on different side projects (from making creative games to vtubers to prepper shit)
>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
Tsunderia (Lisa), some Nijisanji and Holos to, but mostly clips now
>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
Size difference, instant loss 2koma, ahegao (bonus: humiliation)
>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
>you like coffee?
Sometimes, but I try not to overdo it

>> No.32519574

unfathomably true

>> No.32519582

Add femboy, futanari, loli and huge dick

>> No.32519802

What discourse? Everyone is just posting a wall of text and ignoring everyone else

Surely there must be a middle ground between talking about live streams and turning into /soc/ or the farms.

>> No.32519810
File: 375 KB, 220x166, caption.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32519889

>age, gender, location
25 male 'murica
>when did you start watching vtubers?
>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
All 3
It's fun
>favorite girl
Tie between Pippa and Lumi
>least favorite girl
Nasa (not because I hate her I just don't know anything about her)
>twitch or youtube?
No platform loyalty
>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
Of course
>what are you looking forward to most this week?
Yubicraft kino
>coke or pepsi
Dr. Pepper
>favorite tv show/anime
The famous sad robot show
>favorite game(s) to watch?
Anything multiplayer is usually peak content
>what is your dream job irl
That dude in Wyoming that gets paid to snipe geese off the airport runway with a rifle.
>what other corpos do you watch (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
I used to be a holophile but the sterile nature of idol tubers has left me unfulfilled
>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
ryona, yuri, rape(consensual)
>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
I am indifferent towards the brapbros
>you like coffee?
I will not buy the coffee, fish.

>> No.32519889
Quoted by: >>32519914

This isn't Twitter, just say rape

>> No.32519899
Quoted by: >>32519974

She said her tits will be bigger

>> No.32519914

You don't get it.

>> No.32519974
Quoted by: >>32519996

Fucking bitch she should have made them smaller

>> No.32519996
File: 229 KB, 461x426, 1661444452757480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't like them?

>> No.32520062

Sleep tight, pupper.

>> No.32520165

pippa can finally make me cum with her feet live on stream

>> No.32520176

>>age, gender, location
27, Male, Burgerland
>>when did you start watching vtubers?
>>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
mostly first 2 on occasion shitpost
anime women are cute and funny
>>favorite girl
in phase? Pippa
>>least favorite girl
in phase? basically all of gen2 except panko
>>twitch or youtube?
>>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
>>what are you looking forward to most this week?
I plan to finish some fan art and will be happy i finally did something good/creative again
>>coke or pepsi
coke if im in the south, pepsi if im stuck in yankee land (the water changes its flavor alot)
>>favorite tv show/anime
>>favorite game(s) to watch?
anything that leads to rage or interesting zatsu time
>>what is your dream job irl
>>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
only Ami form tsun, and Sara from Prism
>>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
Ryona, role reversal, cnc
>>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
they havent been nearly as bad for the past month or so, they also bring OC which is the life blood of any community
>>you like coffee?

>> No.32520222

>>what are you looking forward to most this week?
>Nothing really. More Souls streams I guess.
>>favorite game(s) to watch?
>Souls games, GTA, Mario Party
>>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
Tanko has 2 ER streams scheduled this week with GTA(same as last week), I don't know how you haven't found her already

>> No.32520254

dia de lumi in an hora

>> No.32520326

Those fools really believed that she went and celebrated the 4th with her family. They must be crazy, nobody does that. What's next a made up holiday like thanksgiving? Give me a break.
No excuse while I go back to combing over vods to hear things that were never said, since I'm the rational and smart person in here.

>> No.32520390

The longer I'm here the more I realize that most people here are either genuinely so autistic they cannot analyze anything from the frame of reference of a normal person and/or have no normal social experiences with which to compare them.

>> No.32520428
Quoted by: >>32520506

I'm genuinely shocked most of the people in this thread don't just post Pippa.

>> No.32520506
File: 302 KB, 387x427, 1649299650945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pippa is not as cute to post. people should post more Nasa.... maybe then she will stream

>> No.32520584
File: 452 KB, 270x360, Lui is based[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fj9uoo1.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>age, gender, location
30, Male, USA EST
>when did you start watching vtubers?
Start of the year.
>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
The first two.
Some of the personalities are top tier and the girls models themselves are cute.
>favorite girl
pic related
>least favorite girl
>twitch or youtube?
>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
You're on /vt/. We all fucking have.
>what are you looking forward to most this week?
I don't have any plans.
>coke or pepsi
Cherry versions of either.
>favorite tv show/anime
>favorite game(s) to watch?
Henry Stickmin
>what is your dream job irl
>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
I watch individuals and do not care about their corpo association. So basically all of them.
>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
Rape, Monster, Humiliation. None of which I'd inflict on my oshi.
>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
We're already dead.
>you like coffee?
Depends on how it's mixed. I'm picky.

>> No.32520762

He unironically sounds like a schizo. He comes up with a retarded conspiracy instead of focusing on more obvious shit like "Who took care of her rabbits while she was gone?"

>> No.32520801

What the fuck is wrong with you retards
Why is anyone actually filling that shit out
Fuck off

>> No.32520853

I started watching Shiina's Witcher streams and it's bad, does it get better later?
She keeps talking about random shit during every cutscene, replays dialogue options because lack of attention and then has no idea what's going on and what she is supposed to do.

>> No.32520864
File: 26 KB, 114x238, 1662342350544041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32520868

Why not?

>> No.32520895

The CIA already has all of my data, anon. Giving them a little more won't hurt at this point.

>> No.32520966

we are bored and it is the most interesting thing to talk about at the moment.

>> No.32521029

>>age, gender, location
23, m, usa
>>when did you start watching vtubers?
last year
>>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
all me
i do it for the love of the game + get bored at work
>>favorite girl
>>least favorite girl
>>twitch or youtube?
>>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
couldn't be me
>>what are you looking forward to most this week?
dont know yet
>>coke or pepsi
vanilla coke
>>favorite tv show/anime
>>favorite game(s) to watch?
i dont care
>>what is your dream job irl
slum lord
>>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
lisa from tsun
>>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
hand holding
>>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
they are fine and are the least of /pcg/'s problems
>>you like coffee?

>> No.32521040

Sex with Pippa.

>> No.32521082


>> No.32521086

Genuine question: how can anyone trust anything the pink rabbit says after the whole "I'm unironically a virgin despite being in a long term relationship" fiasco? Like seriously, she's the only truly untrustworthy girl in PC.

>> No.32521136
File: 3.72 MB, 1058x1383, spinny squib.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32521145

Chodes are a thing. Clearly it's just short enough that it can't breach her hymen.

>> No.32521152

By not being interested in a sexual relationship with someone living thousands of kilometres away.

>> No.32521192
File: 10 KB, 118x200, 1660949427443572.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32521245

Enough of the other stuff she's said has been kinda proven maybe true to sort of let me give her the benefit of the doubt I guess.

>> No.32521277
Quoted by: >>32522260

I need more squibs!

>> No.32521345

Sleep tight, pupper.

>> No.32521396
File: 96 KB, 651x918, Happiness - Copy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32521709

I can believe that she does, in some way, genuinely care about her audience, and that we make her happy. That's enough for me.

>> No.32521419

>>age, gender, location
Old enough to know you're a faggot
>>when did you start watching vtubers?
This year when someone posted Pippa in /4ccg/
>>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
Why not
>>favorite girl
>>least favorite girl
This question encourages anti'ing
>>twitch or youtube?
>>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
>>what are you looking forward to most this week?
>>coke or pepsi
>>favorite tv show/anime
Don't really watch TV
>>favorite game(s) to watch?
Lia Zatsu's
>>what is your dream job irl
Chemical Engineer
>>what other corpos do you watch? (Prism/Kawaii/Tsunderia)
>>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
>>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
Not even Top 25 thread cancer in /pcg/
>>you like coffee?

>> No.32521610
Quoted by: >>32521821

I trust Lumi.

>> No.32521678

I'm watching Pippa's Postal 2 playthrough (what a tongue twister). Why does every video after the first have borderline nonexistent game audio?

>> No.32521709

>I can believe that she does, in some way, genuinely care about her audience
This is the one thing I can't wrap my head around. To me it's blatantly obvious that she's a grifter playing her audience and the fact that so many people fall for her act is baffling.

Let me ask you a question: do you truly believe her when she pulls the "I'm sad" card despite having a successful career, is financially stable, has lots of social interaction not only with her coworkers/ friends not just online but also irl?

>> No.32521776

Henry you just got unbanned don't blow it already.

>> No.32521821

I am ambivalent to the yellow woman.

>> No.32521854
Quoted by: >>32521905

Does anyone have that clip where Pippa screams "AHHHHH PINK WOMAN!!!" really loud and peaks the mic? I want to put it in a video. Thanks.

>> No.32521905
Quoted by: >>32521968


>> No.32521913

Do you even watch her?

>> No.32521943

Pippa love!

>> No.32521968

Thank you.

>> No.32522144
File: 182 KB, 566x363, 1656452657252.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32522155

panko status?

>> No.32522191
File: 178 KB, 512x512, 1662072074882527.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32522249

Da loom is libe

>> No.32522249
Quoted by: >>32522367

What's she gonna play?

>> No.32522251
File: 228 KB, 800x800, Pippa plush hug.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We fall for it because she puts in effort when she doesn't need to. Just look at yesterday on twitter.
She doesn't need to give a shit about chat interaction with her old guard now that a thousand newfags have shown up in the last month.
She doesn't need to care about locking the greys out of her content now that she has 1,000 paying members.
She didn't need to dedicate a song to the <10% of her audience that uses the badong site.
She doesn't need to worry about not missing every single $1 supa that comes her way.
She doesn't need to read off 300 names at the end of every stream and feel guilty when she doesn't.
She didn't need to embarrass herself by crying during her anniversary stream while telling us that she's grateful for us.

She loves us. And as much as I wish I didn't I love her too.

>> No.32522260
File: 235 KB, 1087x723, cursed trolly squib .gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32522428


>> No.32522326

Deflowering maidens!

>> No.32522329

Sounds to me like you're too busy with finding some gotcha moment that proves you right to observe reality accurately.

>> No.32522358
Quoted by: >>32522432

kiwiniggers don't like anonymity please understand

>> No.32522367

Good question

>> No.32522368

proud of her
thank you anon!

>> No.32522415

No amount of coping will bring back your dead rrat.

>> No.32522423

Yuri run

>> No.32522428

The only truly correct solution to the trolley problem.

>> No.32522432

You assume we all were truthful in our replies, Anon.

>> No.32522448
Quoted by: >>32522593

Pippa does not portray herself as always being sad and lacking fulfillment. She experiences it in bouts and has a seemingly nearly equal amount of times when she's voicing her appreciation for how things are looking up. As to relationships with other streamers, her stream with Koa revealed that she has a certain amount of distrust for other vtubers because of the possibility that the purpose of the collabing and networking is ultimately just to use each others' audiences. That obviously hasn't totally stopped her from making those kinds of efforts, but I think she had a deep concern that things would come out that would ruin her and, without getting into the contents, now that a lot of her dirty laundry has been aired and she has weathered it, she has lost a major source of anxiety.

As it remains, her problem is mostly that she has a lack of self-confidence in real life and continues to have low self-esteem, which are problems that are not fixed by having friends. Are others obviously worse off than her? Certainly. But that does not invalidate how she feels in her particular circumstance. I see no reason to distrust her on that point.

>> No.32522502

Count the number of people with much more money and much more social interaction that ended up killing themselves pretty early in their life. How far do you get before you realize you're retarded?

>> No.32522593

>dirty laundry
I'm a tourist. If it isn't too much trouble and you're not afraid of stirring shit up again, can you please inform my uneducated ass? I'd appreciate it.

>> No.32522623


>> No.32522639
Quoted by: >>32522904

Not going on vacation for a tourist.

>> No.32522688
Quoted by: >>32523030

Just kill yourself, anon.

>> No.32522745
File: 1.65 MB, 948x1291, froge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Trust Lumi.

>> No.32522875

the mold keeps anyone from physically coming in contact with her

>> No.32522904

Roommate stuff?

>> No.32522953

>watching Panko ASMR stream
Wow, that was a lot of words I didnt expect to hear her say.

>> No.32522987
Quoted by: >>32523030

>Asking to be spoonfed drama shit while also being too stupid to just find it himself
Unironically fucking kill yourself.

>> No.32523030

You're being very mean to me and it's hurting my feelings.

>> No.32523059
File: 707 KB, 2000x1971, guilty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32523163


>> No.32523074
File: 114 KB, 600x456, 1646352335655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32523163

Do you think Pippa is lost cause enough that she's adopted her avatar hairstyle in real life, dumb fucking braids and all?

>> No.32523219

>panko liked this
holy fucking kek
does she do this on purpose?

>> No.32523274
File: 192 KB, 357x347, 1661198375903203.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She knows exactly what she's doing.

>> No.32523276

lol imagine getting triggered by people replying to a survey post.

>> No.32523291
File: 2.58 MB, 1068x1674, panko....png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32523321

I like to imagine Panko is 30 years old.

>> No.32523327

Pippa is the most genuine streamer I have witnessed so far.

>> No.32523366

ok she knows nvm

>> No.32523405
Quoted by: >>32523481

what about yuri?

>> No.32523481
Quoted by: >>32523514

Still too tsundere. Ask again later.

>> No.32523513

I love and trust Lumi. I would have sex with her.

>> No.32523514

she doesn't seem tsun at all recently

>> No.32523611

It's hard to fake the amount of autism she displayed about stupid fucking plushies.
She really has it against Build-a-Bear for some reason when they look just fine.

>> No.32523684
Quoted by: >>32524619

Lumi news: She claimed that she's a hag.

>> No.32523707
Quoted by: >>32523727

>when they look just fine
FIFA 2023 also looks just fine to you, doesn't it you fucking philistine?

>> No.32523727
Quoted by: >>32523783

it's not even out yet anon

>> No.32523730
Quoted by: >>32523763

Wait what's wrong with lining up toy cars? Ever heard of a fucking STREET?

>> No.32523750
File: 690 KB, 2660x3675, 1660277982095832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32523777

People are just objects.

>> No.32523761

I was masturbating to Shiina and it occured to me how disgusting I was being. Here I am 27 and jerking off to a woman who is acting very nice online, who trys her best to work hard, and would not appreciate the way I am behaving.

So I grabbed my cock again but this time I stuck my pinkie out like a gentlemen.

>> No.32523763
File: 69 KB, 600x394, hat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>32524055

You dropped your hat, bro.

>> No.32523777

she is just like me fr fr

>> No.32523776
File: 33 KB, 128x128, bonk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everything that was good seems better in your memories of the past. They definitely have lowered their quality, but not as much as she complain.

>> No.32523783
File: 296 KB, 526x455, stare of rage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32523814
Quoted by: >>32523950

How do you manage to fap to someone who calls herself meemaw?

>> No.32523831
File: 416 KB, 1200x1200, SUSLING.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shiina is acting very nice? Where?

>> No.32523832

but it is the last fully licensed one
maybe they will actually put in the effort this time to promote their new series

>> No.32523849
File: 50 KB, 326x413, SNAAAAAAAAAAAAKEEEEEEEEEEE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't you see the snake, anon? THE SNAKE?!?!

>> No.32523869

I dont know how anyone can believe a single word she says. Its easy to tell how much of a liar someone is from the way they speak.

>> No.32523871
Quoted by: >>32523893

I hope we'll rested. Probably looking forward to making her setlist

>> No.32523886

>oh no, they are losing a single worthless name
Good job, headline reader. You're wrong like always.

>> No.32523888

Caught the PES shill.

>> No.32523893

i am also looking forward to that
thank you anon!

>> No.32523896

Just like they did with the Star Wars license? The E in EA has never stood for effort.

>> No.32523906

PES has been shit too.

>> No.32523943

I don't actually care about sports vidya I'm just using vidya autism as a comparison to Pippa's plushie autism.

>> No.32523949

The biggest antis are the fans who were scorned. Pippa had an immense love for Build-a-Bear and all their brand-building cult-like rituals, but has witnessed their products get ruined with low-quality guaranteed sales licensed crap.

>> No.32523950

I listen in on her voice and I begin to picture an Asian woman 25-35 who works very hard, a tired face, excellent skin, and good hair. The kind of girl who was a huge social autist in her youth but learned to become normal before the internet made it socially acceptable to be a disgusting sperg in public.

Then I imagine curling my arm around her stomache and kissing on her neck while she is trying to draw in my lap. Slowly running my free hand from her tits down into crotch and pulling her pants off and sliding my cock.
Kissing her and whispering how much i love her.

Then I soak my shower in cum while flexing so hard my shoulders and back make cracking sounds

>> No.32524055
File: 26 KB, 683x212, 23572376837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks bro.

>> No.32524070

>benching Elden Ring
Very disappointed with how big of a bitch Shiina is being. I dont know if it was that one viewer who made her triggered, or the fact she kept losing to Margit, but either way she is just reacting like a child. Thought she was mature about stuff and now she does that.

>> No.32524157
File: 42 KB, 1294x696, 784378547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please be patient, she's thingken.

>> No.32524227

it's kinda scary how similar lumi is to me...

>> No.32524262
Quoted by: >>32524329

Why the fuck does Lumi keep shilling coffee like every single stream?

>> No.32524323

>thread goes to shit
>Lumi is streaming or about to
Every time

>> No.32524329

since she is literally me
i would say this is to drive up the sales for pc coffee

>> No.32524365
File: 17 KB, 70x103, 142389751234.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.32524378
Quoted by: >>32524470

What games is Lumi playing today?

>> No.32524397

>Lumi is streaming or about to
great fucking indicator you have there
only applies to 99% of the week

>> No.32524470

Responding to maros any% speedrun

>> No.32524535
File: 496 KB, 600x461, 1636707998316.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pippa rm discussion for the last 4 hours

>> No.32524547
File: 799 KB, 842x842, 1662360961107457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>improve yourself

>> No.32524601


>> No.32524619

Hot, that means she's racing to have a child with me

>> No.32524633

Lumi anon what do i improve
impart upon me your upper class wisdom!

>> No.32524646
Quoted by: >>32524702

God, I want a cutthroat bitch like Lumi to whip my life into shape.

>> No.32524689
Quoted by: >>32524751

Lumi got 762 maros...

>> No.32524702

Part of me wishes I had joined the marines so I could of been improved because when I try to do it myself I make so little progress it feels like im not competant enough to do it right.

>> No.32524715
Quoted by: >>32524778

I cant believe I am gonna say this but I just realized I missed Lumi.
Dont even follow her, she is not one of my favorites, but just now I realized her streams are comfy and her choice of games is extremely refreshing.

>> No.32524741

Lumi confirmed small with a base metabolic rate of 1,300kcal per day.

>> No.32524751

all me

>> No.32524778
Quoted by: >>32524904

Good that she's taking another break until the 20th eh?

>> No.32524790

>my dad and my brother are not big, though
>my brother is a grower

>> No.32524829

>ywn be Lumi's shota little brother

>> No.32524831
Quoted by: >>32525385

She referred to having a couple previous accounts in the MLP stream. The kiwis, taking it at face value despite knowing that she's a kiwi and a simp for Jim since early GG, constructed a whole dossier on some woman who once had the same kind of accounts, is only linked to Pippa by her talking about those accounts, and is actually no less than 3 seperate individuals amalgamated into one because no one bothered to straighten out ambiguity from fact before they stopped caring entirely.

>> No.32524853
File: 559 KB, 801x801, Mousou Panko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't want perfect

>> No.32524887
Quoted by: >>32524944

Lumi news: Lumi is a shotacon and a siscon

>> No.32524904

Wait really? I thought she just came back from vacation.

>> No.32524937
File: 1.64 MB, 1014x1554, 782357834796.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Lumi sees that her brother is fit
>Recoils in disgust.
Bros... There's hope.

>> No.32524944


>> No.32524948

how is panko not your kamioshi

>> No.32524970

>brother is 10 years younger
>and he is a body builder
Holy fuck, how old is Lumi?! Is she actually 30

>> No.32524971
Quoted by: >>32525014


>> No.32524987

>chat thinks teenage years are peak fitness
I thought Lumi's chat was into fitness, what the fuck?

>> No.32525006

I will rape each and everyone of the new jannies for Gen 2. They need behavioral correction, most of them talk too much in chat. I'll start with that 0view "professional" janny Miphi. My cock rape will set them in place. His bussy will be seeping with my cum after I am done. His pathetic little cock will shoot out a tiny load of defeat after he takes my white cock in his most likely asian bussy. The jannies are my conquest, I have no love for any of them unlike my icon. I will destroy all of their anuses in the name of /pcg/ whether you want me to or not. Xalamon will still and always be my rapepig cum toy boy slut. He will be the clean up boy forced to clean my cock and the janny bussy after every rape I commit.

>> No.32525013
Quoted by: >>32525659

She just started postgrad so probably mid twenties.

>> No.32525014

good to have her as our maiden
thank you anon!

>> No.32525060

No, Lumi. Manwhores with clear attachment issues isn't a good thing.

>> No.32525087

>chat cope saying low partners is better in men

>> No.32525132

Thank god my parents popped out me an my sibling within 2 years. I don't think I could ever handle the fucking nightmare freudian complex that having a 10 year gap between siblings would create.

>> No.32525133
Quoted by: >>32525299

Lumi's getting gaslit by her retarded chat

>> No.32525140
Quoted by: >>32525223

I played football in high school. Benching 135 is pathetic.

>> No.32525141

>age, gender, location
35 man france
>when did you start watching vtubers?
>streamwatcher, threadwatcher, or shitposter?
I like cute anime grills
>favorite girl
Probably Michiru at this point
>least favorite girl
>twitch or youtube?
>have you fapped to a vtuber before?
Yes, Kizuna Ai
>what are you looking forward to most this week?
>coke or pepsi
>favorite tv show/anime
no idea, list too long
>favorite game(s) to watch?
None. Things like dark souls, god hand. Things that makes girls cry in pain.
>what is your dream job irl
making gaems
>what other corpos do you watch?
>list any three of your favorite kinks/fetishes
legs & tights, can't think of a third so I'll go with rape.
>are brapposters really the cancer killing /pcg/?
>you like coffee?

>> No.32525170

Anyone else starting up a separate business or side hustle so they can donate more to their oshi?

>> No.32525174

>Lumi's doing her masters
>Lumi bro is 10 years younger
>Lumi bro just started getting big
>Lumi bro is younger than 21
Lumi bro is probably like 15-17?

>> No.32525223

>I played football in high school. Benching 135 is pathetic.
It depends if he is like a skeleton 90lb kid or someone who is doing MEME bodybuilder splits its alright. But within the 6months to a year he should be doing 315, but she mentioned he isnt bulking at all so im guessing he is going pretty boy route vs an athlete.

>> No.32525227
Quoted by: >>32525272

Anon male puberty starts at 10-13

>> No.32525272

How many 10-13 year olds do you see at the gym, fatso?

>> No.32525299

I get that we need to get the last two generations to recover and shit but this is like women trying to normalize obesity.

>> No.32525357

>his school didn't have a gym
Stay small, lanklet

>> No.32525371

I can't tell if Lumi is GFE or not

>> No.32525385

Why even bother? The tranny farms are gone, no point in ever talking about that shit again.

>> No.32525403

>How many 10-13 year olds do you see at the gym, fatso?
Not him but kids show up to my gym after their football practice because they want to get better and the football coach can't live at work.
They mostly just do chinups, curls, and browse their phone though.

>> No.32525421

It's the more realistic GFE of all.

>> No.32525462
Quoted by: >>32525688

>I can't tell if Lumi is GFE or not
Honestly most vtubers kind of border on that part of a relationship where you sit down on the couch and your girlfriend spits out a torrent of shit you dont care about but are sort of listening to.

>> No.32525499

If you can't tell, the answer is not. The straight male brain is inclined to err towards interpreting things in a GFE direction when the intent isn't there.

>> No.32525541
Quoted by: >>32525759

Lumi news: Lumi hates the Holy Roman Empire.
Trust levels at maximum.

>> No.32525611

Soulsfags and their consequences.

>> No.32525643
Quoted by: >>32525731

I mean typically you want to find a partner who hasn’t fucked 20 people so yeah

>> No.32525658
Quoted by: >>32525859

I can get why people would be dumb enough to think that with some agility/endurance sports, but strength sports are so clearly dominated by older guys. Yet most people I see still seem to think 20 is like peak strength or something somehow.

>> No.32525659

I dont know how a 15yo kid can be a body builder but okay.
For me it has to be at least on his 20s.

>> No.32525688
Quoted by: >>32525992

It's like a simulation of having a girlfriend, and for some virgin losers like me this is the closest interaction we've ever had with a woman
Honestly depressing

>> No.32525699

More than you’d think

>> No.32525712

She explicitly said he wasn't a body builder he was just muscular.

>> No.32525723

Didn't she say that he was kind of a beanpole but he had started putting on muscle recently? That's me when I was 15-16 at least.

>> No.32525731
Quoted by: >>32525798

Women don't care as much if you've fucked a bunch of women. You should avoid getting into a lot of relationships though as that means you're fucking wasting your time, money and sanity.

>> No.32525752

>15yo kid can be a body builder
She specifically he's not bulking, just exercising..

>> No.32525759
Quoted by: >>32525802

i hate this fucking HRE slander
yes it was holy the emperor was ruling by divine right
yes it was roman as it was the only true successor to the western empire
yes it was an empire as it consisted of several nations

>> No.32525798

And yet I have no desire to have sex with a woman I’m not going to marry, for pragmatic and religious reasons. Amen, may my generation find God.

>> No.32525802

tell me more
please save me from the lumiposts

>> No.32525850

Sakana exposed for being a leech that doesn't do anything BLACK COMPANY

>> No.32525859
Quoted by: >>32526083

I feel like its cope for people being lazy. Long distance running is only really popular in certain areas and its kind of rich kids going to those meets. But strength training you can do anywhere and even Africans living in the literal tribal areas have figured out how to do bodybuilding in there late 40s with concrete and heavy scrap metal

>> No.32525976
Quoted by: >>32526179


>> No.32525992

I think its fine because compared to /r9k/ anons you guys on /vt/ are much more sane even your schizos are calmer. Don't put to much pressure on yourself about virginity or beat yourself up just kind of work on your anxiety and overtime you will learn that social pain is good in a it makes you grow way but that takes alot of time to get there. Im still a fuck up and I have had relationships and i can tell you the distance between us is just pain tolerance.

>> No.32526083
Quoted by: >>32526134

>I feel like its cope for people being lazy
Maybe for some. But I myself was guilty of this for a bit in my late teens, I was thinking dumb shit like "oh no I'm approaching/wasting my peak years" and I was physically fit and playing sports at the time. Then I actually thought about it and realized that 30 year old guys who were putting less effort into their fitness than I was were typically far stronger than me.

I'm nowhere near as physically active as I was in my late teens and I would be able to beat the absolute shit out of my late teen version of myself.

>> No.32526134

HA we are exactly the same anon, i used to work myself in the ground and would just get some injuries and beat myself to shit for being weak. Then I got depressed and lazy with my workouts and my strength started taking leaps.

>> No.32526142

Lumi had a habit of snowballing.

>> No.32526171

>lumi swapping cum with another girl by kissing
nice havent heard of anyone snowballing since 2000s

>> No.32526179
Quoted by: >>32526466

He clearly hasn't had enough underachieving sadgirls working for him, but the vtuber market is on the verge of flooding, so he's setting his sites on maintaining a harem of female baristas.

>> No.32526232

I need fanart.

>> No.32526266
Quoted by: >>32526497

I think Margit really mind broke her, chat was telling her to try summons but she just kept getting passive agressive. She said that she would farm more off stream but, imo, being overleved its no different from using summons

>> No.32526285

>Sakana is a father
Good to know. Less chance of him fucking one of the girls.
Not impossible tho.

>> No.32526305

Better for a successful relationship at least.

>> No.32526313

Please buy Mr. Sakana's coffee.

>> No.32526378

If anything it's more chance. If he was just a thirsty virgin redditor, he'd probably never get laid.

>> No.32526442

Holy shit that’s really hot wtf

>> No.32526456

Stop being a weirdo.

>> No.32526457

ok lumi can still cry
she is not like me fr fr after all...

>> No.32526466

>show up to the phase connect coffee shop
>Lia is throwing up from an anxiety attack
>uruka is having an anxiety attack
>pippa is quiet
>Iori gives me my coffee while shaking violently, she falls over and a torrent of business cards for her various mmorpg guilds fall out of her pockets around her
>Yuri is having an anxiety attack
>nasa and michiru are drinking coffee and just speak japanese when anyone asks them to help
>Shiina and Airi are doing all the work and look dead on their feet
>Remi has destroyed all the equipment
>Panko has a fake italian moustache on and is serving coffee and twirling the moustache every time she puts down a cup
>Erina is providing the milk

>> No.32526471

Seems like degenerates have slightly altered the definition since then.

>> No.32526490

So she doesnt even watch porn. I am more confused about her design then.
Her redesign better have a nun costume.

>> No.32526497
Quoted by: >>32526573

I dunno, id need to see his sadpanda fovorites before writing him out

>> No.32526539

she reads hentai instead
corruption is among her favorite tags

>> No.32526542


>> No.32526558
File: 357 KB, 2024x2454, Michelangelo_Caravaggio_065.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She doesn't watch porn because she can only get off to herself.

>> No.32526573

Fuck meant to reply>>32526285

>> No.32526605

please give me the address

>> No.32526657

Sounds legit. I need to go there now.

>> No.32526716
Quoted by: >>32526944

How long does a lumi endurance stream go? She's gone 8-9ish hours before I know but those weren't really labeled endurance streams. They were casual long streams.

>> No.32526818

>39, F
Hag LOVE, if true

>> No.32526892
Quoted by: >>32527124

Lumi, stop giving details about your life that can lead to getting doxxed...

>> No.32526944

Yesterday she said the stream would be 12 hours long.

>> No.32527031
Quoted by: >>32527335

GFE means "I feel entitled to flood the internet with paranoia and despair about this streamer".
It has nothing to do with the content.
Just how hard it makes your mental illness act up and how much you feel like making other people suffer for it.

>> No.32527116

>she falls over and a torrent of business cards for her various mmorpg guilds fall out of her pockets around her
I never even watched Iori but that shit made me laugh.

>> No.32527124

keep giving details, I will find her and pinch her boney ass

>> No.32527133

>favorite tv show charmed
It's true.

>> No.32527141

Women read their porn or use their imaginations. This isn't even remotely news.

>> No.32527197
Quoted by: >>32527294

>Sakana told them to be less yabai
Why is the CEO trying to make less money

>> No.32527196

>40yo hag gumi

>> No.32527278
Quoted by: >>32527581

new thread

>> No.32527294

That's old news. Do you only watch Lumi?

>> No.32527335
Quoted by: >>32527549

The definition "pretends to be your girlfriend and go on virtual dates with you" still exists

>> No.32527549

Which in turn is defined by the aforementioned.
There is no and will never be any conceivable situation where /vt/ will use "GFE" as anything other than a gun to other poster's temples.

>> No.32527581
Quoted by: >>32527610


>> No.32527610

based retard

>> No.32527728
Quoted by: >>32528037

>Pippa is quiet
Anon, that’s a warning sign

>> No.32527864

does erina have a steamed milk function?

>> No.32528037
File: 695 KB, 1025x1000, Smug pokekid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's just shy because Sakana didn't let her put her fursuit on.

>> No.32528130
Quoted by: >>32528297

Breaking: Lumi graduating in 20 years.

>> No.32528297

Yeah, to be my housewife

>> No.32528866

>Lumi donates her hair
