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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31820658 No.31820658 [Reply] [Original]

What is /asp/?

A thread for aspiring vtubers! Whether your goal is to make the journey as an independent streamer or to gain experience and build a portfolio for agency auditions. Let's help each other grow and make it. Indies are welcome to selfpost, but shill responsibly. Share your knowledge, insights, feedback, discuss what has worked and what hasn't worked for you. And always remember to do your research before posting personally identifying information. That includes both in this thread and in your audition applications to agencies.

>Do I need a fully rigged model to be a vtuber?
Nope! You can get started as a simple .png character!

>I want to learn how to rig Live2D models, where do I go?
Brian Tsui (of Iron Vertex), Kira Omori and the official Live2D YouTube channels have many tutorials available.

>Where can I find artists/riggers?
vtuber.gg, ArtStation, DeviantArt, Twitter, Reddit, Skeb.jp, etc.

>I just want to get started, can I buy pre-made models?
Yes! Live2D models can be purchased off nizima.com (Live2D's official marketplace) or booth.pm (general Japanese indie artist website). Be sure to check compatibility with your facial tracking software!

>Where can I learn how to digital market myself?

>Where can I find some good games to stream?

>Twitch or YouTube?
The general rule of thumb is Twitch if your content is primarily based on livestreaming and YouTube if your content is primarily pre-recorded and edited.

>Do you think there's an audience for X, Y, Z content?
First, ask yourself if you would watch a streamer of your skill and experience. Second, do a check on social media and look to see if other streamers are already creating similar content. Don't limit yourself to vtubers, include traditional real life streamers to scope out a potential audience.

Pastebin Guides and Resources:

General: https://pastebin.com/AJLkFrGK
OpSec Guide: https://pastebin.com/uALiNZCV
Twitter Networking: https://controlc.com/9eba2fbc
"avoid doing this shit": https://pastebin.com/vbp6qEdt
Social media branding: https://pastebin.com/jVERSLqG
Take with a grain of salt Parasocial Guide: https://pastebin.com/zmpCResg
Hololive Auditions have opened up to males

PRISM Project Auditions are open!

AkioAir auditions are opening very soon!

Stay grounded, stay hopeful

Previous Thread: >>31726776

>> No.31820740
Quoted by: >>31822906

First for sex with Kaiser!

>> No.31820793

Second for loneliness menhera!

>> No.31820900
Quoted by: >>31821361

Anyone here ever single handedly make a cover?

>> No.31820961

Fourth for stealing Alto's first kiss!

>> No.31820981

any guide about mic filters in OBS?

>> No.31821003

Sixth for hags!

>> No.31821064
Quoted by: >>31821968

do you like "mate"?

>> No.31821074
File: 575 KB, 944x751, Sume cat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31821279

8th. Not actually for anything

>> No.31821279


>> No.31821361
Quoted by: >>31821789

i've done short covers on my own but i usually get a mixer for full ones

>> No.31821789

I was pondering the idea of making a Mafia cover or a King x Envy Baby cover once I finally do a debut stream and wanted to see what the logistics are of doing it all myself.

>> No.31821968
Quoted by: >>31822107

Please don't, i want it to be special
I don't drink mate, so i wouldn't give mate flavored kisses, if that's the angle you were asking that question to that anon from

>> No.31822060

>>Did you buy more cigarettes? You better not have.
>Sadly yes
I'm not gonna mince words with you. You're a fucking moron for buying more, maybe even stupider than I thought you were for picking up a random pack of cigarettes off the ground and smoking them. You fucking idiot. You probably don't have a job and you picked up smoking. That shit costs money AND is bad for your health. You better quit asap. If the /asp/ies have told you they're okay to indulge in, I'm extremely disappointed in them.
Where are your fucking parents, dude?

>> No.31822107
File: 30 KB, 1024x576, 55f015dc8716de5cd8568e9ec585b324fdd350a6_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Please don't, i want it to be special
Unless you're living in a fairytale world that shit is not gonna be special.

>> No.31822310

Iirc everyone told him not to do it. Alto I know you're super young so developing a nicotine addiction this fucking young will literally ruin your life. If you want to experience something go for a hike or some shit, there is much more to life than stupid indulgences like smoking I promise you

>> No.31822470

Not sure how to reply to a message from the prev. thread(if its even possible), but yeah i nuked the vod as the stream was a disaster and everything broke. I will try again after i sleep.

>> No.31822722
Quoted by: >>31824140

You all need to confront him together and beg him not to continue smoking. I told him directly not to buy them >>/vt/thread/S30860414#p30889834 and he completely ignored what I had to say.
He doesn't even know me, but I'm still fucking pissed off that he didn't take my advice. You guys are his friends and you need to get through to him how goddamn irresponsible, filthy and unhealthy smoking is.

>> No.31822906
Quoted by: >>31823059

anon, you must be 6 inch to ride.

Kinda wrong, my first kiss was pretty magical. I made a trade with my first gf, touching her chest for a kiss on our second meetup. I ended up liking the kiss a lot more and it apparently was enough for her to fall for me.

>> No.31823042

The only way for Alto to get any attention is to be a moron and it breeds an unhealthy cycle where he does retarded things to get the attention he needs.

>> No.31823059

Mine was so bad I just erased it from my memories. I'd rather stay kissless than let that first one haunt me. Same with sex

>> No.31823505
Quoted by: >>31823563

What's your gender?

>> No.31823549

I kinda despise the /asp/ies for fostering this sort of dynamic with him.

>> No.31823563
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Quoted by: >>31824629


>> No.31823614

I feel your pain anon, I had a first time with something that destroyed a lot of hopes and dreams for my future too. Logically the first time don't affect the subsequent times if you don't let it, but that's easier said than done. With intimacy it takes the right person and that can be harder to find than some might think.

But while we we're on the topic of kissing: there's NOTHING worse than kissing a smoker so if anyone here needs an incentive to not do it, there you go. You could be the boy / girl of my hypothetical dreams, if you smoke I'll kick you out.

>> No.31823644

>/asp/ - What's your gender?

>> No.31823875 [DELETED] 
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Quoted by: >>31824121


>> No.31824121

I genuinely don't understand how someone could get that fat

>> No.31824140

I don't have a comeback, it was extremely dumb on my end. As >>31822310 said, pretty much everyone told me to not do it. They spend most of the day working, part of me wants to confess as they've been comprehensive of my other fuckups before, but i'm too much of a pussy
Maybe special wasn't the right word, but i'd like it to be with a girlfriend or at the very least a close friend
Part of what i enjoy about it is that it forces me to go outside, maybe i'll keep going to the same spot but stop smoking
Sorry i broke my promise anon, if it makes you feel any better, i'm giving the rest of the pack to a friend on monday
I swear i don't do it on purpose, i don't want to be known for that

>> No.31824629

I asked him to see if my stereotype was right. It wasn't.

>> No.31824894

>i'm giving the rest of the pack to a friend on monday
Throw them in the trash, dude. You're giving them to someone who will let you bum them back off of him. Good friends don't enable each other. You need to tell him he should quit too.
I really don't think you understand just how bad for you these things are. You are actively hurting yourself with each one that you smoke, and you would be actively hurting your friend if you gave him any as well.
Don't be stupid. Throw them away and never buy them again. Never accept them from people that offer them to you. It's a slippery slope. If you convince yourself that the occasional cigarette is okay, you'll find yourself making more and more bad decisions with regards to your health and your future. I'm not exaggerating at all.
Don't make me feel like I'm wasting my time on you with this advice. I wish someone older than me would have given it to me this straight when I was your age. Get rid of them entirely and never smoke them again.

>> No.31825083
Quoted by: >>31825184

Just smoke them. Smoke as much as you want, drink as much as you want, and die. If you really cared about yourself this wouldn't even be something that's happening.

>> No.31825184

I'm so fucking mad at this kid.

>> No.31825327

To add onto it, I know you’re money conscious because you live in a shitty country. Do not even think about saving them or giving them away because “at least they’re being used by someone.” No. Stop it. Throw them out. The lesson should have been learned before you bought them. Smoking the money away is simply pushing the knife deeper into someone’s lungs, to add physical injury to the financial dumbassery.

>> No.31825425

It's all attention seeking behavior, don't give him the attention. We've been through this with the drinking once before, spare yourself the time and emotional investment. He'll do what he wants and I'm sure once the self sabotaging behaviors don't get him pity points from anons, he'll knock it off. Or he won't, doesn't matter what happens to some random guy in LatAm anyway.

>> No.31825614

Listen to this anon, Alto. They're hurting anyone who smokes them. Throw them in the garbage.
I hope to god that you aren't someone he actually knows because you are a humongous piece of shit if so. He's made several stupid mistakes in a row but you are making it worse for him by posting shit like this. You miserable, narrow-minded asshole.

>> No.31826034

I guess this is what i needed to hear, i'm gonna throw them in the trash, thanks

>> No.31826357

mine was!

>> No.31826365
Quoted by: >>31826665

It definitely is attention seeking though.
I don’t think you understand, this is literally the same person who slurs his written text as if it was spoken for attention. Don’t trust someone willing to put it on so hard like that.

>> No.31826372
Quoted by: >>31826517

Masturbate on them, cover them with cum so you don't change your mind and dig them out of your trash can

>> No.31826517

I was planning on going to the dumpster and throwing them there directly, i don't think i'd be desperate enough to get in and fish them up

>> No.31826634
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>> No.31826665

Spare me the apology and just do the right thing. If this other person calling you an attention seeker is someone you can recognize, I implore you to vet the friendships that you've made through this website more heavily. People like that anon are happy to have company at the bottom of the barrel whether they realize it or not. Just like crabs in a bucket, some might say.
I do understand, stupid. This kid clearly doesn't have very many positive role models and you are someone older than him who abdicated your responsibility to be one for him entirely. You're stupid, insensitive and a loser, and you clearly get off on this kid making an ass of himself to some extent. You are a bad person.

>> No.31827242
File: 790 KB, 3072x4096, 1654563105211.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So yeah, I'm streaming to the void, without advertising my streams anywhere or networking of any kind.
I think I genuinely don't care about numbers or making it, so I'm not sure what I'm aspiring to.
At least I get to talk while playing video games.

>> No.31827286

Dog's reincarnation is doing the same thing it doesn't matter. If you enjoy just streaming then go for it, but if you want numbers then you're being retarded.

>> No.31827291
Quoted by: >>31827691

It’s irresponsible to encourage him to destroy himself by giving him what he really wants from this behaviour, the attention. Nobody slurrs written word the same as they would slurr speech, the former that he did. Open your eyes.

Morally and ethically it isn’t my responsibility to care for someone who won’t take care of them self, not to mention as far as shitholes go he’s one in a million, but if he was my friend and I cared about him, I wouldn’t give him attention for his destructive behaviour. You cut alcoholics off at the tap idiot.

>> No.31827372

I'll watch you if you post your channel

>> No.31827691

You are in denial. You know that you're a bad influence. You don't give a fuck about this kid and never did.

>> No.31827708
Quoted by: >>31827918

how to make the voice of self-loathing go away

>> No.31827918
Quoted by: >>31829365

Are you disappointed in yourself for things that are within your power to change? If so, get to work on changing those things. If you hate yourself for things that you can not control, the best advice I can give you is to just internalize that some things are outside of your control and do your best to not concern yourself with them.
Argue with the voices long enough and you will win. You want to win the argument or you wouldn't have asked this question. Maybe go outside more often, too.

>> No.31828861

How do I get numbers as a male?

>> No.31829081

sloppy brojob asmr

>> No.31829365

thank you anon that helped, I do want to win.... I think I'm going to finally sign up for singing lessons so I can improve the one thing I have a little confidence in.
(and maybe therapy)

>> No.31829975

The /asp/ matriarch!

>> No.31830227

singing lessons are really nice
even if you have a foundation in singing, having someone give you guidance goes a long way
hope they go well for you anon!

>> No.31830666

You're welcome; I'm happy I could help.
Another thing I would advise is that upon reflecting on your ability to change your circumstances, take a moment to feel grateful for your ability to do so. If you take the time to be grateful for your will and ability to change, you'll start to value your own time even more and hopefully make fewer mistakes. It's an excellent sign that you are still able to recognize one of your strengths despite what the voices might say to you. There is still plenty of hope for you yet.
Therapy might not be a bad idea. Just make sure that if you go that you're not paying the therapist lip-service and refusing to do the "homework;" I did that when I first went to therapy. I never went back and had to learn these coping mechanisms on my own. I probably would have realized the things I know now much sooner if I hadn't squandered the help available to me in the past.

>> No.31830864

Suck Jignx's dick.

>> No.31830880

Take the babi pill

>> No.31831113

the vtubers that only get posted once or few times are the best

>> No.31831175
Quoted by: >>31831288

how about never at all

>> No.31831245


>> No.31831282
File: 366 KB, 507x660, ryt smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31841123

Thanks anon.

>> No.31831288

yes but its difficult to find the good ones between all the trannies. cute singing chuubas are rare

>> No.31831463
Quoted by: >>31831511

crab mentality

>> No.31831511

I'm going to stuff you in a locker inside of another, bigger locker. Concentric lockers. There's also a toilet in the smaller locker that I'm going to use to give you a swirly

>> No.31831656
File: 2.87 MB, 1920x1080, 1637370767635.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's with the 3D models popping out lately? Is 3D making a comeback?

>> No.31831709

i will never know if filters also work on quote notifications

>> No.31831762
Quoted by: >>31831807

idk are dancing streams still popular? I feel like you could only watch a 3d model dance for so long

>> No.31831807
File: 800 KB, 720x740, 1658594805066.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have good mocap I guess

>> No.31831944
File: 47 KB, 188x179, smugico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Short ARMA3 star wars stream

Overlays are heavily WIP, feedback of any kind is appreciated :D

>> No.31831993

easier to set up hand tracking vs. live2d
motion is a lot harder to fully track beyond facial expressions which can make it feel limited when you want to do more than just play games or chat

>> No.31832070

Alright, i will, thanks anon

>> No.31832338

>minmaxing all of your skillpoints into the parasocial build

I swear this woman is going to end up kidnapped and raped to death or something.

>> No.31832449
File: 463 KB, 686x716, FbMw4URXkAEgb9S.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its fun!

>> No.31832660
Quoted by: >>31835219

3D models are popping out lately? What do you mean?
It's not the usual "corpos have 3D models so I should get one too" syndrome?

>> No.31832783

Ice cream!

>> No.31832839
Quoted by: >>31835219

I wonder if it is just because rigging/drawing a live2d model is just so expensive these days. There are probably a lot more people out there with the skills to make a really nice 3d model than there are people that can draw and rig a live 2d one which makes 3d models more attractive.

>> No.31833210

no shot this is allowed on twitch

>> No.31833323

We need more vtubers on adult cam sites anyway. A new meta.

>> No.31833403
File: 3 KB, 146x164, 1641300067731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31833506

the absolute state of /asp/

>> No.31833429

I love hiding behind my vtuber model. How does anyone have the courage to use a webcam and stream

>> No.31833459

You think there is a market for a babi in ultra lude model streaming h games on adult websites? Which site would I use, if hypothetically I were thinking of doing this.

>> No.31833506
Quoted by: >>31833562

I’ve never used filters before. What set yours off?

>> No.31833534

more people could do melody type streams

>> No.31833547


>> No.31833562
Quoted by: >>31833657

i have only one filter and its the obnoxious tripfag spammer that has been shitting up these threads a while

>> No.31833657

BB is not obnoxious you shut your mouth

>> No.31833784

theres an anime section for chaturbate, i thinkg

>> No.31833842
Quoted by: >>31833896

he is. not a vtuber but still trying to make the thread be about himself

>> No.31833896
Quoted by: >>31835219

BB is the best viewer you could ask for, the thread needs more of those

>> No.31834771
Quoted by: >>31888545

Bros, I got 4 minutes watched on my audition? Is that a good thing?

>> No.31835130

>away from asp for a month or two
>did tons of speaking reps
>now my speaking tone sounds more grating and annoying than ever

>> No.31835219

Put some clothes on, young lady.

There are 3 from here and Nina is what I meant by "popping out lately". I'm sure there's more to follow.

That's what I've been saying. Let's just hope people going for 3D instead would ease up the demand and price for Live2D.

It's okay, I am self-aware. No need to come to my defense. It's appreciated but unnecessary.

>> No.31835348

just be yourself

>> No.31835693

Any of you fucks got in Kawaii gen 3? They're debuting right now

>> No.31835750


>> No.31836550

>two 1440p monitors
>scaling to 1080p looks like dogshit with ghosting so streaming Switch becomes an issue


>> No.31836704

Did this lol. Unless your voice is so pozzed you cant understand it you should just talk like you would to any other person

>> No.31837113
Quoted by: >>31837311

Fingers crossed for Xia

>> No.31837311
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>> No.31838978

Like Knight Chase

>> No.31839305

There should be a /asp/ that streams... That sounds like a good niche...

>> No.31839565


if you are still asp mean not gonna make it for reason

>> No.31839575

I've only been streaming like 1-2 times a week, but I'll probably start trying to be more consistent and put out a stream schedule.

>> No.31839842


>> No.31840517

Ive streamed 62 hours in the last 30 days. Thats kind of the most I can do with a full time job and the disappointingly common internet problems.

>> No.31840884

Having a lot of 2D planes in 3D space is not new technology or very advanced. It's old and outdated technology from when graphics cards didn't exist yet. Eventually all of the models will be 3D and people will just develop rendering programs that make them look more like 2D anime.

>> No.31841017
Quoted by: >>31844463

Don't worry he's only a vtweeter.

>> No.31841090
File: 71 KB, 1192x670, sadpeko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rewatching my streams and editing my audition makes me realize I talk very nervously and very little. I feel like even if I did get hired by a corpo, I'd fumble my words often or be way to silent. I guess I need to work harder on my speaking reps.

>> No.31841123


>> No.31842098
File: 160 KB, 646x1000, concept4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31863168


doing concept design for a model upgrade

>> No.31842453

Sometimes I feel like the only difference between me having 100 followers and 0 followers is that a few people I know will stop by and say hi.

>> No.31842843
Quoted by: >>31843137

Yes, and the difference between 1000 and 100 followers is more people come to say hi. What's your point?

>> No.31843137
Quoted by: >>31843271

Nobody watches me then, nobody watches me now.

>> No.31843271

Can't relate honestly.

>> No.31843357

/asp/ie rape

>> No.31843473

i don't even stream but get follows

>> No.31844463

Vtweeting works though, u farm brainless coomers (or other people from your niche) on twitter and bring them to your twitch

>> No.31845031
Quoted by: >>31850168

so if I think ive said something that can get me beaned on twitch could I just delete the vod?

And if someone reported me theres no way fat twitch mods are actually gonna watch the report right

>> No.31847957

Come on arsepees

>> No.31849584
Quoted by: >>31849897

If I doxx myself would you watch?

>> No.31849897
Quoted by: >>31851243


>> No.31849997
Quoted by: >>31854041

Would it be fucked up to dm graduated vtubers and offer to buy their model? Is there any market for used vtuber models? I feel like there should be right?

>> No.31850168

Yes and no.

>> No.31851243

Okay I’ll just do it at the end after everybody’s left.

>> No.31854041

It's been done before, but many feel that the model is an extension of themselves to some degree so they're reluctant to sell it. Same reason why corpos don't reuse models.

>> No.31858160
Quoted by: >>31858306


>> No.31858306
Quoted by: >>31859186

I'll bump behind you and paint your insides with my love juice if you say that again.

>> No.31859186

bump :p

>> No.31859301

Notice how everyone ignores Maple posting when Gura fag isn't awake? Gee I wonder why, almost like I was right about all the sex posters being the same person or something...
>Maple bros not like this!
Knight Chase is winning baby!

>> No.31859430
Quoted by: >>31859646

Down with Knight Chase! He will never be a real vtuber!

>> No.31859646
Quoted by: >>31859719

I strongly disagree! Knight Chase is a hard-working and dedicated vtuber who deserves all the success he's gotten. He has a great personality and is always entertaining to watch. I think he has what it takes to be a successful vtuber.
I think Knight Chase is a great vtuber! He's funny and entertaining, and I think he has a lot of potential. I don't think he's perfect, but I think he's doing a great job and I'm enjoying watching him.

>> No.31859719
Quoted by: >>31860109

There are several reasons why Knight Chase is considered a failure as a VTuber. First and foremost, he was never very popular to begin with, and his channel never really took off. Secondly, his content was often cringey, awkward, and uncomfortable to watch. Finally, he was constantly getting into arguments and drama with other VTubers, which only made him more unpopular.

>> No.31860109
Quoted by: >>31860316

Dude are you retarded?
>past tense
If you say so dude, but he's actually not done for and he's fine.
Knight Chase may not be the most popular VTuber around, but that doesn't mean he's a failure. He's been able to grow a small but dedicated fanbase in only a month, and his content is entertaining and cute, even if he has his cringey moments at time. He stays out of public drama, name me something he's done wrong that you know about, you can't or are too cowardly to. He's also always seemed to be consistent in his sincere desire to improve his streaming over time, and to stick the the most important rule: Stream.
At the end of the day, Knight Chase may not be the biggest VTuber, yet but he is far from a failure and he's well on his way.

>> No.31860301

maple sex is over
knight chase sex is over
azu sex is over

its time for a new sex

>> No.31860316

There are several reasons why Knight Chase will not make it as a VTuber. The first reason is that his channel lacks originality and his content is not engaging. Secondly, his voice is not particularly pleasant to listen to and he has difficulty staying in character. Lastly, his overall performance is not particularly impressive and he lacks the charisma necessary to be a successful VTuber.

>> No.31860373
Quoted by: >>31860527

Kaiser sex!

>> No.31860423
Quoted by: >>31860527

Y-Yuki sex?

>> No.31860527

you cant force sex. it has to come naturally.

>> No.31860547
Quoted by: >>31860770

Says you

>> No.31860770

says I. Do you know how to sex
shut up anti sex

>> No.31860812
Quoted by: >>31860880

Sex 4

>> No.31860880

thats alittle young for me

>> No.31860906

Not if Knight Chase bends me over and forcibly impregnates my womb.

>> No.31860933
Quoted by: >>31861085

Forced sex with babis!

>> No.31861085
Quoted by: >>31861136

Am I forcing the babi or is he forcing me?

>> No.31861136

That's up to you!

>> No.31862497

Which aspies look like they have a decent shot at partner? It seems like you're all just an ngmi circlejerk right now

>> No.31862639

Such a low bar to be an aspiration for anyone.

>> No.31862702

Considering you're all 10 views at most partner is pretty ambitious

>> No.31862755

Would you rather listen to someone who made you feel totally calm or someone who made you feel really excited?

>> No.31862877
Quoted by: >>31864029

Hes is the only one I can think of although she needs to get away from ngmi crab circlejerk like all the /asp/ that made it.

>> No.31862996
Quoted by: >>31863127

You have your priorities wrong if you believe that. Then again the focus on numbers and approval from platforms is the root of the neurosis that keeps content creators faceless and interchangeable. In turn that neurosis is at the root of why many don't get beyond 10 views. Everyone is already watching you but they're watching the you with more viewers, a more active chat and better resources.

>> No.31863030

miru probably could speedrun it if she committed to ASMR but she also wants to stream jrpgs and honestly good on her for sticking to her guns with that

>> No.31863127
Quoted by: >>31863428

That was a lot of useless word salad. How about instead of waxing poetic about how muh numbers bad you actually give feasible advice

>> No.31863168
Quoted by: >>31863331

Boy I sure am glad you posted this here and not in /wvt/

>> No.31863331

why is dat

>> No.31863428

If you wanted to aspire for severe mediocrity you could have tried to get a job managing a fast food restaurant or as a senior customer service rep. It would pay better too.

>> No.31863435

Dog if he actually streamed. I'm not sure why he doesn't when he's slated for made-it-land.

>> No.31863827

Knight Chase obviously. Knight Chase is just constantly growing.

>> No.31864029

Reject partner and become successful instead.

>> No.31864397

I like 2 stream and I'm pretty gud at it

>> No.31865264
File: 769 KB, 1061x1200, 1631795910205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31865512

More Azu sex for me then

>> No.31865614

How important are connections to people who want to become vtubers? Is it as simple as "Asmongold likes you." and your viewership grows 10x overnight?

>> No.31867884

Hello aspies, aspiring Vtuber here, new to the area.

I've yet to debut, but I was wondering if you have any tips or feedbacks on a few things.

I am a contrarian/divisive type personality at times and I enjoy deep-diving into controversial topics and participating in emotionally charged topics. But I am a bit all over the place so I don't think I can market myself to one type of group, because eventually I will express an opinion that said group will vehemently hate. Example; I despise fanservice aspects in anime, but I like sibling incest, and I enjoy discussing these topics from several points of views.

I also don't like to lie, I'll lie by omission if I have to, but I don't want to sit there and be forced to spout shit I don't believe in. I also don't wanna be milquetoast and be uninteresting, but I can't appeal to a single group of people.

With these conditions in mind, what do you guys recommend as the least problematic approach I should take?

>> No.31868011
Quoted by: >>31868670

Day job

>> No.31868267

Isn't it kind of messed up to post pictures of your victims in the thread to gloat over schizoing them out of the /asp/ circle?

>> No.31868623


>> No.31868670
Quoted by: >>31869140

I do have that at least....

>> No.31868692

id be ok with like 20ccv really.

>> No.31869078

...you mean FTM right?

>> No.31869140
Quoted by: >>31894116

That’s good. To give you a serious answer, you sound like you’re overthinking the wrong things. Just focus on trying to be entertaining and what your strengths would be as an entertainer instead of constructing imaginary scenarios in your head where you have to walk on eggshells around the audience you don’t have yet. Just b urself, but also be honest with urself as to whether or not urself is vtuber material.

>> No.31869255


>> No.31871128
File: 840 KB, 1280x720, COH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Company of Heroes 2 Guerilla

>> No.31871168

im woried about aux

>> No.31871191 [DELETED] 

Has something happened to him?

>> No.31871524

Sex with the Genome...

>> No.31871602
Quoted by: >>31894116

You could say the dumbest shit or the hottest takes as long as you can establish yourself first. Viewers would know where it's coming from if they're more familiar with you. I try to be as neutral as possible while giving my own thoughts on a subject even if it's something extreme

>> No.31872914

Hypocrite vtuber hot takes?!
you’ll fit right in!

>> No.31874329

Be honest. Why don't you dudes like Knight Chase? Is it because I won't ERP with you while pretending to be Knight Chase?
You guys are pathetic. Hope you enjoy Maple.

>> No.31874486
Quoted by: >>31875896

Nobody here has anything against knight chase, just the posters here are obnoxious. If i was him I'd probably be annoyed at what people are saying. I'm not even sure if he checks this thread a lot.

>> No.31875460

Alright, reveal yourself so that I can tenderly rape you.

>> No.31875896

Knight Chase has never read /asp/ even ONCE.

>> No.31875938
Quoted by: >>31877069

Who's Knight Chase? You overestimate how much aspies care about other aspies

>> No.31876587

babi tierlist?
asp tierlist?
why is there no specific asp tierlist

>> No.31876712

the last time someone made a tierlist they got shit on by everyone. the last time i did that one on stream everyone shit on me. people here clearly have ptsd from lists

>> No.31876730

There's too many people that pop up and barely do something and if they do do a lot they should be wvt anyway

>> No.31877069

Knight Chase is the guy who does slutty off stream VR chat dancing lol

>> No.31877135
Quoted by: >>31877284

>list ptsd
Rent free!! Whelp, I'm going down to the convenience store.

>> No.31877150
File: 856 KB, 1061x1200, 1646093972306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31880016


>> No.31877284

Get me some ice cream, I want to watch chubaas

>> No.31878111

>on stream
retarded newfag flaunting ignorance when will you learn
Tierlists were always meant for thread shitposting not streaming and containment breaking for attention because you don’t get viewers
I don’t know why the urge to add to the main list when an only asp tierlist would’ve probably served better anyways

>> No.31878194

why do people take some stupid list that some individual made so seriously? its just a way for bored nerds to spend time

>> No.31878276
Quoted by: >>31879162

It wouldn't because it encourages people to stay in asp instead of moving to wvt or anywhere else

>> No.31878289
Quoted by: >>31879384

>I don’t know why the urge to add to the main list when an only asp tierlist would’ve probably served better anyways
that requires taking extra time to add images of a bunch of 2views, some of whom don’t even have a proper model screenshot or reference sheet to crop.
You think streamers actually WANT to put in a little bit of effort outside of making sure they don’t say “tranny” on stream?

>> No.31878345
Quoted by: >>31879279

I don't understand why people are so upset about it. It's actually kinda funny. In the 8 hours the stream was up nobody here apparently had the balls to just click on the stream and tell me I'm a retarded faggot, so i just had a fun stream interacting with chuubas and looking at their channels while people seethe in the threads for no reason.

>> No.31879162
Quoted by: >>31879692

Adding yourself or your group into a tierlist isn’t a move into integrating it just makes you look new, ignorant, and makes people not like your bunch because it looks forced and artificial instead of slowly being integrated and recognized after you get your shit together and start shilling your stuff

>> No.31879279
Quoted by: >>31880239

It’s not a balls thing.
why would anyone give you the metrics you seek at all or the attention?You aren’t worthy of that attention on a stream and live nonetheless.It’s built on principle of not containment breaking,not on misguided “courage”.

>> No.31879384

The extra time was used to add them to a main list, why not just make a list of your own and update from there?

>> No.31879692
Quoted by: >>31880267

Yes exactly, and an aspie tier list would encourage people to stay here and crab.

>> No.31880016

Hold my frilly lolita dress, because that's a girl. Just because it calls itself a boy doesn't make it so. Babis are no more girls than he is boy.

>> No.31880096
File: 844 KB, 1280x720, stellaris_thumbnail_10.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

playing stellaris with eraxs

>> No.31880188

Miyu, Lala, Miru

>> No.31880239
Quoted by: >>31880488

I never said anything about courage, the reason why i did it was to talk to chuubas, learn about the community and have fun. Aside from the fact that it was my best performing stream by a mile, some people apparently even liked the criticism i gave them however shallow it might have been. You are right i'm not worthy of any attention that's why I've always been a 2view and always will be. I'm a newfag that doesn't understand containment breaking, but whatever it is you are trying to desperately contain here i'm not seeing it.

>> No.31880267

They’ll just use only the aspies and crab using the one where they got added in I don’t see the point

>> No.31880488
Quoted by: >>31881026

admitting wrong isn’t absolving at all
People will always be intrigued about whoever is talking about them regardless of how good the feedback was and will always show gratitude,especially if the rest of em are also newfags who don’t understand containment breaking.
And saying it’s your best performing is like doubling down on the move and you know your being an attentionwhore containment breaker especially since it was done twice.Ofcourse your beta orbiting tourists will applaud your move as they also are new,it’s not a justification at all.

>> No.31881026
Quoted by: >>31881705

You are right I'm sorry, I have only done it once and I'll never do it again. I thought streaming was about being an attentionwhore, but I guess i was wrong. Thanks for the heads up.

>> No.31881296
File: 34 KB, 566x638, 1585591422862.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is the one /asp/ie that definitely should have a second outfit and what is it?

>> No.31881705

You are supposed to grab viewers attention not other chuubas.Don’t fall into the attentionwhore trap of easy viewers where you can’t get viewers so you have to colab to get the colab partners viewers to boost your stats as a pathetic excuse to get your numbers up, or whatever the fuck that was

>> No.31882044
Quoted by: >>31882480

he mind-controls you by putting the visor on you and makes you do incredibly degenerate requests.

>> No.31882480


>> No.31885252

because /asp/ies would always end up going to /wvt/ and still do for the most part
it would just be redundant

>> No.31885731

i can make one for you later

>> No.31888545

Even clicking on your audition at all is pretty good

>> No.31888640
Quoted by: >>31889091

aka which /asp/ie has the worst outfit and should just get a replacement

>> No.31889091
Quoted by: >>31890124


>> No.31890124
Quoted by: >>31891120

i don't even think he needs a new design/outfit as much as he just needs new art; i think judoka bunny is a cute concept

>> No.31890985
File: 337 KB, 594x571, 1659975379454937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't sex post about anyone else and don't like Knight Chase but boy would I like to put a leash on Maple and use that as leverage to pull his head back into me while I hold his body roughly and fuck his ass raw.

>> No.31891120
Quoted by: >>31891194

He's a moth, retard

>> No.31891194

oh man its literally in his name and i forgot i don't know why i thought he was a bunny, pls forgiv

>> No.31891329

rev sex

>> No.31891429
Quoted by: >>31891923

Literally lust after any of the males that never/only posted once or twice.

>> No.31891923
Quoted by: >>31892165

But that's boring. Half of the fun of maple sex posting was that he'd respond to it!

>> No.31892165

Sexpost about Alto, he's such an attention whore he'll probably respond

>> No.31894044
File: 136 KB, 463x453, 1649945813759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31895673

>niji website says auditions end tomorrow at 9pm pt
>app itself says today at 9pm pt

>> No.31894116

Overthinking is definitely a problem I have. I think I have some genuinely fresh approaches to personalities though, so we will see how it goes.

Thanks for the feedback as well!

>> No.31895086

Dog bussy...

>> No.31895305

Something on par with but different from the sexsuit

>> No.31895332
Quoted by: >>31901650

I'll sexpest alto when he stops with the attention seeking smoking and drinking

>> No.31895642

Smoking and drinking is unironically cool you strait edges pussies

>> No.31895673

They put up auditions again?? When??

>> No.31895734

Oh no no no

>> No.31895763
Quoted by: >>31904015

a couple weeks ago. i just found out a few days ago, but didnt have time to work on anything until today

>> No.31898540

Raping Aux! Mating press with Aux!

>> No.31898765

No! Aux is for hugs!!!

>> No.31898845

Aux is pretty cute. I can get down with this statement

>> No.31899449 [SPOILER] 
File: 192 KB, 884x570, crdy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Babi sex

>> No.31899568

Cordy love!

>> No.31900058

Cordy lust! She is a sexy Scottish lass!

>> No.31900455

thats babi forma de tranny to you kind sir

>> No.31900818

my bad

>> No.31900833

The pipeline claims another

>> No.31901156
Quoted by: >>31902022

>haha im just using a female model because it's hot and I like looking at hot girls
>yea im transitioning

It just keeps happening

>> No.31901210
Quoted by: >>31902304

Juniper and a babi are doing a zatsu


>> No.31901416

When was it said Cordy was trans? Last time I asked he was a boy.

>> No.31901650
Quoted by: >>31902092

I hate how you're probably right, i don't think i'm sexpostable tho
I already dumped the cigarettes, and i haven't gotten drunk in a while
They're not anon, even before doing them i knew it was wrong

>> No.31901904
File: 178 KB, 350x260, Sin2 título.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Playing Star Fox Adventures

>> No.31902022

being trans sounds fucking exhausting

>> No.31902092
File: 226 KB, 220x167, jack-off-jerk-off.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're not anon, even before doing them i knew it was wrong

>> No.31902188
Quoted by: >>31902317

they are cool but smoking is just not worth it at all. it's a filthy habit and someone close to me got cancer from smoking

>> No.31902304

Abby is a great host for this kind of thing.

>> No.31902317
Quoted by: >>31903727

I can agree with this

>> No.31903639

TL;DR I need some crit for my content. I do art streams and gaming vids on two different channels. How do I gain more notoriety?

Here's my most recent content:
LOLCOWLAPALOOZA: https://youtu.be/qDehisaDDhM

GENIMP 3.0 LET'S PLAY: https://youtu.be/aicgWYtyOEY

>> No.31903727

Yeah. I was the one who went on at length to tell the mahjong cowboy to throw them in the trash and I loved smoking. I still get cravings whenever I smell them when I'm out and about

>> No.31904015

>male character
Oh okay phew, I am safe.

>> No.31904152
Quoted by: >>31904436

1. Why are you on youtube streaming, nobody watches vtubers there without some sort of discovery
2. Why do you have three channels dedicated to different content? nobody does that
3. Why is your design so schizophrenic

>> No.31904436

1) Well Twitch sucks. Maybe I should start streaming there.
2) I want my content to be separated into different channels, call it perfectionism, organization or maybe I'm just an aspie.
3) My design is pretty unique.

>> No.31904564

Twitch really isn't bad at all. Sure there are some insufferable streamers and users over there, but the same could be said for any website.

>> No.31904762

>Well Twitch sucks.
how does twitch suck? are you so full of yourself that you think your first twitch stream will get you 300 viewers spamming emotes and saying pogchamp constantly?

>> No.31905175
Quoted by: >>31905271

No dude, I'm just stating the obvious that any small streamer can be banned for even breathing on Twitch.

>> No.31905271

>any small streamer can be banned for even breathing on Twitch.
despite this just under 100,000 streamers go live every day on twitch without issue

>> No.31905324

I stream on Twitch due to the reality of the situation but I pray every day that YouTube becomes more popular. Twitch's UI sucks donkey balls and as a viewer I prefer YouTube so much.

>> No.31905351

>Twitch's UI sucks donkey balls
what specifically about the ui sucks?

>> No.31905455
Quoted by: >>31905591

the amount of separated dashboards for everything. here's one for your stream info, here's one for your viewer rewards, here's one for your statistics- oh, and you have to click through 2-3 separate menus to get to any of these in the first place. They could definitely stand to make things more elegant.

while we're at it, twitch culture is ass. everytime I see "gigachad" or "pog" in my chat I am fixing to strangle somebody. if there were a good alternative I would use it

>> No.31905458

Youtube is dogshit for both the viewer and streamer, what the fuck are you smoking?
The moderation tools are also even more retarded they might as well not exist.

>> No.31905474
Quoted by: >>31905591

I can't objectively say but it seems clunky, the and the VOD situation is basically non-existent.

>> No.31905532
Quoted by: >>31914402

Youtube sucks for viewers wtf

>> No.31905555
Quoted by: >>31905729

What do you need so many moderation tools for? I love how on YouTube the streamers are right there with everything else I watch.

>> No.31905591

>the amount of separated dashboards for everything. here's one for your stream info, here's one for your viewer rewards, here's one for your statistics-
youtube doesn't have any of these so you can just not use them at all and pretend like you're on youtube.
>and the VOD situation is basically non-existent.
no one watches VODs. people like you who do are so insignificant in the grand scheme of things you're just rounding errors.

>> No.31905638
Quoted by: >>31905770

>no one watches VODs
this is just incorrect. I have viewers asking me where VODs are all the time because they like to catch up on streams they've missed

>> No.31905666
Quoted by: >>31905770

Keep making shit up

>> No.31905729
Quoted by: >>31905780

Simple, it lets me kill horrible users lightning fast, modify thing on the fly (chat settings, sub settings, stream title/tags), share ban evaders between channels, add custom word filters and fucking more.

>> No.31905770

>have viewers asking me where VODs are all the time because they like to catch up on streams they've missed
twitch saves your vods for 2 weeks anything after that is
>so insignificant in the grand scheme of things you're just rounding errors.

link your numbers /asp/ie

>> No.31905780
Quoted by: >>31905933

You must have a shitty chat

>> No.31905933
Quoted by: >>31906026

I moderate for someone big, youtube mod tool make me wanna commit suicide, thankfully they moved entirely to twitch.

>> No.31906026
Quoted by: >>31906093

Actual janny beta gross lol

>> No.31906093

It makes sense now

>> No.31906292

Well /vt/ you inspired me to finally try out Twitch. Thank you, ty, you indelible autists.

>> No.31906393

i will say that for the most part people don't watch vods but having your own archive is nice if you want to check back on things you did long ago
i don't know how many chuubas keep an active archive but kongou does on twitch and does have some vods that have been rewatched a fair number of times
the other day i also noticed in my youtube analytics that someone went through one of my game playthrough vods and that was pretty nice for something that doesn't take a lot to upkeep

>> No.31906598

I save almost all my streams as full highlights so people can watch the vods on my twitch. personally i only watch vods of other streamers on twitch, i rarely watch anything chuuba related on youtube. i have a youtube for vods too but frankly it's pretty dead.

>> No.31906704
Quoted by: >>31907149

Linking your twitch and youtube is free and it allows you to export vods in 3 clicks, there isn't really an excuse to not upload vods to youtube for archival

>> No.31907149

well making playlists adjusting video data and description, making thumbnails etc. it's not much but yeah. I like to curate youtube and only put vods on there that i think are worth it, the entire library is on twitch

>> No.31908431
Quoted by: >>31908632

im ftm, didnt you see the screenshots from when i was in the discord?

>> No.31908632
Quoted by: >>31908909

Real? I wanted to ask to be respectful but wasn't sure if that'd be weird with all the rrats.

>> No.31908847

This is one of the worst vtuber videos I've ever seen.
The intro is absolutely psychotic, like mental institution level of cringey and weird.
The vtuber model is atrocious, and the voice is annoying and sounds like someone using a voice changer of sorts, maybe its the crappy mic quality. Not to mention the antisemitism jokes.. which I still dont understand why retards still try to appeal to /here/ trying to be a content creator.
Anyways, not good.

>> No.31908879
Quoted by: >>31909327

Final day to submit for Niji boys, anons

>> No.31908909
Quoted by: >>31909996

rrats? literally who??? just dm me lmao. it shouldnt matter though if you're not interacting with me out of character. my character is a girl and will remain such forever unless its for porn reasons where i feel like seeing chicks with dicks or something

>> No.31909008

>commission a reactive png
>finish moving into my new place
>internet is shit so I can't stream until my apartment maintenance staff decide to fix the ethernet ports
kill me

>> No.31909058

Go back to troonfarms retard. Tourists OUT.

>> No.31909327
Quoted by: >>31910472

i'm ngmi and don't deserve success or to be happy

>> No.31909526

I was wondering, is it common practice to have your own voice playing back in your ears? I watched one VTuber who mentioned she was trying to get used to doing that but I wasn't sure if she was a special case or if that's what everyone should be doing.

>> No.31909631

This makes sense for singers/singing streams

>> No.31909828

I do it but I’m not a VTuber. It was mostly because I wanted to understand and guide my voice a little better over time, it probably helps with hearing recordings of yourself feel natural quicker as well and could be an important part in self taught singing.
I’m used to it to the point that I can pretty easily talk through any delayed playback, which is what usually mindscrews people. Hit the mic test button in Discord and try to say a few full sentences with that over IP delay and you’ll probably not be able to do it.

So that’s really the only important thing to keep in mind when you do it, is that any abnormal delay will mess you up if you decide to do this. Generally monitoring your own audio should just naturally have a low delay, it’s not like it has to go over the internet first and that’s not counting direct monitor lines which are faster obviously.

>> No.31909951

Azu cuddling!
What does the bodysuit feel like?

>> No.31909996
Quoted by: >>31910290

>my character is a girl and will remain such forever
/asp/ doesn't understand that vtubers play a character because they just want to groom the person behind the stream.

>> No.31910290
Quoted by: >>31910389

If you think VTubers are normal characters you misunderstood what it is and if you treat your VTubing as playing a character (over a hybrid) then you’re supreme NGMI and probably failed English class or more likely you failed acting lessons.
People seem to think they’re slick enough for their inauthenticity to not be perceived but also smart enough to perceive inauthenticity in others most of the time.
You may not realise it but your lack of genuine truth and naked vulnerability is off putting on a conscious and subconscious level.

>> No.31910389
Quoted by: >>31912500

Your teacher will love this paragraph when you turn in your essay on Monday champ.

>> No.31910436

>the babi who hosted the minecraft server deleted his discord
so he was sodium nitrate anon all along...

>> No.31910472

what'd you put in your video, homie?

>> No.31910828

it's 100% Maple

>> No.31911270

aspies who play debuff games?

>> No.31911472
Quoted by: >>31911724

Goddamn... Kinda don't wanna hang out with babis anymore with the 41% chance looming around.

>> No.31911713

He just wanted to have some fun with everyone before offing himself... kind of cute.

>> No.31911724
Quoted by: >>31912004

That's why femboys are superior

>> No.31912004

Which /asp/ies are femboys?

>> No.31912500

Clio said should we give me an extra special, secret~ reward for being a good boy and getting an A+ in her class this time, so I have to try my best!

>> No.31912567

Knight Chase.

>> No.31912756

I tried to do that one stream and I felt like I was speaking super slow, I couldn't concentrate at all.

>> No.31912760

/asp/ kill count: 1

>> No.31912868
Quoted by: >>31913645


>> No.31913174

10 bucks says joesphine botched the suicide, sodium nitrate seems like a piss poor method

>> No.31913193
Quoted by: >>31913645

Maple is the premier Femboy /asp/ie

>> No.31913408

Easy come, easy go...

>> No.31913645
Quoted by: >>31913689

He's a femboy?

His avatar is based on female moth i heard so doesn't that make him a babi

>> No.31913681

>kongou does on twitch and does have some vods that have been rewatched a fair number of times
nta but these are all lecture videos that can apply at anytime. something a new chuuba can pull up and review time and time again. i think anon was talking about your regular gaming type streams. i wouldn't watch a chuuba play an old run of crusader kings that happened 3 months ago and no one remembers other than a funny out of context clip.

>> No.31913689

>His avatar is based on female moth i heard so doesn't that make him a babi
Yes. Maple troon. Knight Chase good.

>> No.31914402
File: 66 KB, 674x405, ehm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the fuck are you talking about youtube's UI is easy to digest (maybe because it's become the standard for video platforms)

i watched the first 10 minutes. audio issues happen to everybody so i can forgive that. just don't do it again, dummy.

your voice is incredibly monotone throughout, and when you laughed i took a double take because of how out of place it felt.
the fake ad break seems like a funny bit in concept, but if the joke involves you saying "rape" more than zero times, it's not a funny joke.
>"raid: SADOW legends"
>"link in the DESCRIPSON"
>"they result in gambling ADDICSONS"
are you incapable of saying the "sh" sound? do you need speech therapy? it's not cute is it?
please cut out all the dead air of you traveling from place to place. in an edited youtube video, there is literally no reason to keep it in.

i also don't like the model. it's grating to look at and your hands being on the opposite sides of the controller make it downright uncomfortable to watch. if i was more of a masochist and had more free time, i'd watch 10 more minutes, but this is already pretty bad. unique does not mean good. my model has the opposite problem as you, but i never claimed to not be a hypocrite in that regard

>click about section
>"allmylinks dot com"
>50+ links
holy shit anon i'm actually kind of impressed you managed to put all that. i don't like that you plugged your paypal in your video so many times though. if you want my wagie dollars, you gotta do things to earn it.

oh wait, there's picrel. does this mean we get to cyber with you? in that case disregard all the bad things i just said, lemme in. this is a joke. i really shouldn't have spent this much time writing this

>> No.31914503
File: 64 KB, 665x120, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31914676


>> No.31914542

you fell for the moonlightartist bait. don't reply to them. don't engage with them. they're legitimate schizos that puts trash to shame.

>> No.31914549
Quoted by: >>31916051

Arent you that chuuba that tried to shill themselves in wvt over a year ago but was so schizo and making so many edgy jokes that none of them wanted to be friends with you because they were scared of even being associated with you?

>> No.31914676

damn i spent all this time writing an in-depth review when i could be watching prim read TTRPG manuals. i hate it here.

>> No.31915378
File: 188 KB, 681x588, 1635605473176.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they're legitimate schizos that puts trash to shame.
I doubt it unless they are a kpop fan.

>> No.31916051
Quoted by: >>31916712

Why do all schizos look so eye-bleedingly awful?

>> No.31916220
File: 1.37 MB, 2360x1640, troops_sunflower_1_2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Today we are FINALLY finishing up Doom Eternal! It's been a long time coming, so let's RIP AND TEAR UNTIL IT IS DONE.

>> No.31916242
File: 794 KB, 1742x2104, 20220829_011811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.31916346


>> No.31916354

stream it

>> No.31916499

I think you should kill yourself. When the thread said it was probably you that made my morning.
Unironically livestream it so the kill can be confirmed like a round of search and destroy and I will genuinely be happier in my life.

>> No.31916575

very cool anon

>> No.31916712

Just call me Terry Davis, anon.

>> No.31916745

I think most people will be happy but I'm glad it's going to help you! I'm not streaming it but I'll post in the thread in about 8 hours if I end up doing it.

>> No.31917348
File: 330 KB, 546x635, 15225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31917470


>> No.31917470
Quoted by: >>31917582

The duality of /asp/

>> No.31917582

