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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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31820415 No.31820415 [Reply] [Original]

Previous: >>31785834

What if your general was not just a concept but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this general where the fanbases and generals of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!

Emergency Brosnan Edition

Interactive map:

Introductory document for new anons:

- Continent Names
- Chuubanite doc

>Note that the map isn't set in stone.
>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.
>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.
>Try to keep hornyposting, socposting and funposting to the absolute minimum until we hit the bump limit.
>Please refrain from posting if you are intoxicated.
>Ignore any trolls or falseflaggers. Report, hide and move on.


Ocean Currents:
Weather Systems:
Climate Analysis:
Tectonic Plates and their Movements
Geologic Provinces:



>> No.31820464
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Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day. You may also ask for your own archive posts to be updated or organized according to your standards.
If you will be using a rentry link, please use
instead of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.
Thank you!
Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP.

>> No.31820527
File: 130 KB, 782x943, 1647502410410.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.

>Vote Results
https://rentry.org/t7gqwu (most recent)
>Vote post archive

>> No.31820616
File: 2.93 MB, 960x960, 1660079244422121.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Feel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!

Also be sure to anchor your ideas for continent and ocean names here so we can discuss them.
For the voting results of our /vtl/ team: >>30042825 ; >>30323043 ; >>31255836
Submissions for your vocaroo in the WAR chant and billboards (must be 512x96 or 1024x196) are still ongoing
Team Caretaker Trip Code: !p84LALNCrk
Tourist's Guide of Vitubia:
If you wish to contribute to this, please submit a short text that introduces your nation by replying to this post.

>> No.31820792
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Anchor post for the architect concept.

PLEASE KEEP ALL CONCEPTS ON THE CONCEPTS OF ARCHITECTURE TO THIS CONCEPT CHAIN. Anons who do not wish to see architect concepts should hide this concept.

Current Concept: https://rentry.org/chuubanite (CIP)

Official Architect Concept Presentation: https://youtu.be/hlWvZdNsxj8

>> No.31820925
File: 20 KB, 300x300, 15251509-A41D-490B-837E-5B362FE5445E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31821237

Dragonsister: My basic principles behind how I interact with those who want to change things is to ask these two questions:
>Does the lore remain consistent at heart with my history of Ninisani?
>Do i trust you to do it?
Look, you can change the lore, borders, names, and everything around. All i care is that it doesnt ruin what i have set up on a fundemental level or interfere directly with my own plans with LazuLight. I trust dragoon because he gets what i am after, and the same is true for you. Someone who understands how to fit my pieces together is always welcome. I am easy to work with, honestly. I will give you a lot of freedom because i expect the same. If you understand my principles, the fanbase and the thread. You are free to do whatever. Its easy to prove yourself to me. I am only a control freak in terms of consistency and not having something that blantly contradicts my greater vision, which is rather wide. Just approach things with love.

Also my wife Layla is singing like an angel. https://youtu.be/i9iefgKPASw

>> No.31821237
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Quoted by: >>31821405

<3 thank you ppsenpai and brosan, who we know loves the figure of elira pendora. why you are considered a control freak pp?

>> No.31821405
Quoted by: >>31821681

I am rather firm with my course and do not allow deviations from it that i feel are missing the overall vision. Its mostly my own lore or when i give advice. I like to have a degree of control in ninisani overall. i will admit that much.

>> No.31821681

Oh i see! So you kind of like being the overseer in a way. It works really well imo!!! I will always listen to your opinions in yeah and especially in Lazulight. Everyone is super nice is nijien here, the only one i dont think i have talked to is rosesenpai… Is he distant to other nijireps? I am just curious as i border him, comfy who is super nice and rosemaiden who is also nice.

>> No.31821870
File: 119 KB, 233x295, 1661496719291018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm gonna make a big project into Emberian religions!!! I can't think properly but can someone check if my ESL hit me again???
>Seeing the hostile environment that both provided sustenance and threatened their livelihood, a very interesting religion emerged from the people. Trees, mountains, lakes and other elements of nature formed what is known as the "Eternal Snow", with each of them being a legacy from a different diety. For an example, Vattenkälla is the diety representing all the water that flows in Mount Ember.
>Being a folk religion of nature, it places a strong emphasis in the individual. However, a sharp increase in nationalist sentiment during the Unification War led to the creation of a system of Emberian evaluation, much similar to the Blessed and Cursed people in Selenium. Indeed, throughout generations, an exclusive perennialist school of thought named "Thousand Snowfalls Doctrine" emerged to unify and justify their spiritual, naturalist views.
>The coalescence of different faiths now revolves around the pursuit into the unity and self-cultivation of the individual to a greater otherworldly realm (*Andlig*). Some Emberians may attempt to become one with Heaven. (*Himmelriket*). Even with the fusion of different folk religions, Emberian scholars have divided the Snowfalls Doctrine into numerous Ethics, with each of them having other Constants that dictate humanist or supernatural ways of self-cultivation.

>> No.31821917
Quoted by: >>31822040

Yeah, i think me and comfy kind of fill that role together well. It works out well so i am fine with it. Regarding Rosebro, he sort of is kind of distant sometimes. Thats just his personality, he isnt like the rest of us in terms of being super friendly and outgoing unless he thinks what you are saying is interesting. But he is a good man, I respect him a lot personally. All i will say is things wont ever be as clear with him as they can be with me or comfy (when he is here) You will get along fine with him.

>> No.31822040
File: 141 KB, 1155x1155, 38A6DCC1-AEA1-4F76-B65E-9395585FB6B2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LOOKS good!!!! Great work brother!!!
Oh i know he is, he just hasnt talked to me and can feel distant sometimes thats all!!

>> No.31822104

Great work, proud of you. Good fundementals.

>> No.31822207
File: 835 KB, 1441x1125, 9F7E0D4A-05F3-4224-B77F-61FA16D9BBBA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am always here. Silent, but watching. But it is true, I hardly speak unless spoken to or referenced. It’s something I’ve been trying to fix about myself. It is a pleasure to meet you, I am referred to as Rosebro or Roseanon or occasionally Rosesenpai. My lore is admittedly a bit of a mess, I haven’t been able to write a majority of it down for some time and it puts a damper on my nation. However I am always more than happy to explain it if ever needed.

>> No.31822338
File: 242 KB, 1462x638, Holo continent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just finished the Holo Continent. About to start doing /Ahoy/ and Niji. If I got anything wrong namely drawing over currently repped threads let me know

>> No.31822341
Quoted by: >>31822572

Ty, ty!!! Nice to meet you i am dragonsister, and i am the yeah rep now!!!

>> No.31822419

Ummm, you just fucked mhm, and v7

>> No.31822503

Also this is an old map political map.

>> No.31822571
File: 175 KB, 1500x1346, 1649729892392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31822639

I wanna know, nanora.
I am motivated by competition to produce smut!

>> No.31822572
File: 465 KB, 1457x2048, 355AABC7-FBB1-450D-B3FD-92EC96F50013.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31822846

Fascinating to hear, always happy to have another rep added to our little roster. Although I’m a little confused, you are referred to as dragonsister whilst being the rep for /yeah/? I would have assumed you were a Lazulight or /NijiEN/ rep based on your name.

>> No.31822586
File: 185 KB, 586x367, where MHM V7 should be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31822703

Yeah I'm sorry but the map I'm using is out of date. this is what it looked like to me.

I'll set to work editing /V7/ and /Mhm/ in

>> No.31822639
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Quoted by: >>31823240

I cannot finish it until Tuesday at the earliest. I have been considering writing a little introductory piece, however.

>> No.31822654

alright. I've had enough of the map for this evening. I'll start modernizing the V3 map tomorrow when I'm less tired and annoyed.

>> No.31822703
Quoted by: >>31822849

Well, i dont think anyone on the nijilands is unrepped or unlored.

>> No.31822846
File: 88 KB, 680x680, Fa61IwGaIAAXRdo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31822925

You better be less distant!!!!!!!

>> No.31822849
Quoted by: >>31822942

I'll set to work then. This time I'll keep the up to date out of date map next to it in a window in case anythings out of date on the out of date up to date map

>> No.31822925
File: 71 KB, 512x663, 80DCC1A4-E65F-4356-A2A2-5A5E55D129B6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31823005

I am trying my best.

>> No.31822942

Its mostly my border reforms in nijisanji that and the aeg and pcg border i think.

>> No.31823005
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>> No.31823109
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Quoted by: >>31823210

You too!!!! Don't overwork yourself!!!!!

>> No.31823143
File: 87 KB, 500x500, 2DA9E937-EA13-4982-ACC2-16E7AB93CE29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31823512

Jokes on you I HATE your lore! It’s terrible! Awful! You should scrap your lore NOW! Your nation is worth NOTHING! I think it’s very nice in actuality, I apologize for not speaking on my thoughts much. Also hello. :)

>> No.31823210

HEY!!! You are one to talk!!!! I havent done anything but be pretty (not really) and get SET UP WITH A TIMELOOP BOMB by another newfriend.

>> No.31823240
File: 445 KB, 320x320, 1658928822415002.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That means I've got a head start! I do my best writing when sleep deprived and half sane nanora, my victory is inevitable!
ganbatte, rosebro. I'm actually banting, nanora

>> No.31823346

Thats right, fucking kek. You get handed these bombs and are the one to get blamed for powergaming.

>> No.31823364
File: 42 KB, 600x600, FbGj7R3aIAEUk9N.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31823450

Alice I have been doing nothing but sleep!!!! I haven't been doing anything!!!! Also Panon would say otherwise!!!!

>> No.31823402
File: 29 KB, 396x471, where MHM V7 should be.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sorted MHM and V7. now onto the Niji continent

>> No.31823428
File: 64 KB, 512x512, D90F5A81-9163-4DC8-9C64-0BED3F210392.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31823583

This damned shota brat, always mocking me!

>> No.31823450
Quoted by: >>31823594

What do you mean?!?!? I havent got out of bed but to use the toilet today!!! I feel asleep in a conversation earlier on here!!!

>> No.31823512

Your lore is SO BAD. You dont even have most of it written down!!!!! Pathetic..

>> No.31823583
Quoted by: >>31823928

personally alert me when you're both finished.
I'm really really looking forward to finding out what devilishly lewd stories you two come up with!
By the way, are these smutfics in setting? how is this going to work?

>> No.31823594
File: 75 KB, 439x264, 1661489871447358.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31823629

You win... Also get up to get your blood flowing and drink water!!!!!!!

>> No.31823629
Quoted by: >>31823821

I always drink a lot of water and tea. I am not leaving my comfy bed with my stuffed rabbit!!!!

>> No.31823821
Quoted by: >>31823883

If you don't follow Bateman's morning routine step by step I'll start a timeloop!!!!!

>> No.31823883
Quoted by: >>31824085

How can i not when i am her?

>> No.31823905
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Quoted by: >>31824819

You forgot rose sexpai

>> No.31823928
File: 1.00 MB, 2894x4093, 1659193065980579.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In my mind, they canonically happen if the nations involve give the ok but since they're just one off smut fictions they usually have no consequence, nanora.
First was about one of the few risuners to have completed a documented nut exchange with a sanalite.

>> No.31824085 [SPOILER] 
File: 28 KB, 462x664, 287711973481.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31825279


>> No.31824819
File: 313 KB, 1429x1980, 360392E4-4900-44DE-8181-961B73983A6C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex with Zeta.

>> No.31824972
Quoted by: >>31826277

It seems like most are ok with your involvement in aeg Alice. No timeloops caused on my time away.

>> No.31825176

I'm having a lot of trouble telling what your criteria here is honestly. It also might be helpful to just keep a list of which ones are being broken down vs kept intact for anons to easily doublecheck against. Also, yeah, this map is way out of date, it even has /who/'s annexation in place.
Beyond the ID3 stuff already mentioned, it looks like you kept /stars/ which I don't recall having any lore, /rumina/ and Hoshiyomia had their borders revoked when they've been written about, /luna/ seems to have been taken out as well, and I feel like ones such as /hlgg/ and matsuri have been referenced geographically even if they're unrepped. I'm not sure why some like sakuran and rrat were kept while some of the ones I mentioned were removed, so I'd like to hear how this is being decided overall.

>> No.31825279 [SPOILER] 
File: 113 KB, 1008x684, E7E18D9A-9E5A-4ED7-BC30-EE92546A23F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31825444
Quoted by: >>31825678

For the record, hoshiyomia has a stub. Idk otherwise.

>> No.31825678

Yeah, I'd just like some clarity overall on what counts. Doesn't a fair amount of /who/'s naval stuff rely on Hoshiyomia though? They have a rep who just hasn't been around in forever, but they've had an effect on the world. And if sakuran and Hoshiyomia are in, then does it really make sense for micomet to be anywhere else? How will cases like this be handled?

>> No.31825868

Me too. I question /who/ claiming help from a thread without much lore for assistance with their naval stuff but where is the standard here?

>> No.31825986
File: 273 KB, 1200x1200, sei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doesn't a fair amount of /who/'s naval stuff rely on Hoshiyomia though?
Correct, I had written most of that when they were still active

>> No.31825990

Also this, if /who/ mentioning Hoshiyomia matters, then what of Bakatare being mentioned by V7 and Watamelon?

>> No.31826042

Well this was back in the early days and they both had reps at the time, even if Hoshiyomia apparently didn't end up archiving much in the end. They traded land a couple times too.

>> No.31826157
Quoted by: >>31826323

Does Hoshiyomia have a rep btw?

>> No.31826201
File: 78 KB, 638x638, a0d640ab347aec855ba1e8a898621b7307107d65_hq (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.31826277

They are coming!!! Just you wait!!!

>> No.31826323
Quoted by: >>31826405

They were active at one point, but like sakuran the rep hasn't been around in months.

>> No.31826405

Is anyone allowed to take the mantle? A lot of anons are stepping up to become writers and reps and I wouldn't mind it myself for suityan. I've lurked for a long ass time.

>> No.31826510
Quoted by: >>31826605

Don't see why not, welcome aboard. If you have been around, you know what's going on.

>> No.31826577
Quoted by: >>31826676

>I've lurked for a long ass time.
Not long enough to know about the old rep apparently. But to be serious, I would say that it's probably fine so long as you keep the intentions of the old rep in mind. No reason to keep the country frozen forever because an anon got busy or lost interest. You also don't need to be the official rep to just write lore for the nation.

>> No.31826605

But their rep could come back like mountain did.

>> No.31826676

Well, based on what is written, obviously naval but I don't know much of the intentions of him unfortunately.

>> No.31826797
Quoted by: >>31827097

I think it would be nice to pool our knowledge for threads without lore to give them at least a smaller general identity. Ahoy is a good example of that since it should be interconnected in lots of different politics but isn't really mentioned because no rep.

>> No.31826809

I don't remember too much of it either unfortunately, but searching for Hoshiyomia in the archive would probably be a decent start.

>> No.31826843

>all these lurkers coming out of the bunkers
what happened?
How long have you been posting in the Suisei general?

>> No.31826938
Quoted by: >>31826980

I want a dragoon writer too!!!!

>> No.31826969
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, objection1!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>they guide themselves by looking at the stars, one of the few nations that do that
This is one of the oldest ways of knowing where to sail, this presumes the rest of the world are morons!!!! Also I OBJECT BASED ON IINCHOUS LORE!!!!!
Judge, this is evidence must be disregarded as tampered with!

>> No.31826980
Quoted by: >>31827065

but we do?

>> No.31827032

idk, since last year on and off.

>> No.31827065
Quoted by: >>31827144

Yes!!!! I've been really tired nowadays to write lore and I would love to also hear the opinions of a dragoon!!!!!!!

>> No.31827097
Quoted by: >>31827301

That's part of why I'm unsure about the province proposal. Even if some threads are unrepped, they still are given consideration when people worldbuild. I agree that it would be good to compile the general feel this thread has for various nations, even if the future rep ends up going in a different direction.

>> No.31827127
File: 107 KB, 760x393, Chichen cry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31827409

Yeah I get what you mean. I would rather go through every country in a case by case basis with two other people to help filter out bias so we can decide what should and shouldn't be kept. I mostly did this just as a demonstration that I can do it. I'll go on a more detailed comb through when I can find another two anons who are willing to set aside an afternoon to do it with me.

The ground rules I've set is :
>if it doesn't have more than a stub for its standalone, and is not currently repped, then it shouldn't be kept
>having another nation mention it or write lore about it shouldn't make its location concrete. It may help inform the placement of the rep when they eventually do arrive
>Lore written by another nation while the nation is without rep should be deemed "none-cannon" unless the actual rep decides to make it cannon. Writing lore for another nation that isn't currently repped should be heavily discouraged for the same reason why we give new reps a weeks breathing room.
>In the incredibly rare case we find with /who/ and /hoshiyomia/ (where a rep was present, however the rep only wrote a stub) the lore written should be considered dubious but cannon. The nation will be kept where it is unless a rep arrives and specifically request it be moved.

By the way sorry if I've been kind of unpleasant today, I've come down with something and have just been told that I have to hit the road again after spending the last 5 days hotel hopping for family and university related stuff. I don't actually hate you, I'm just a little irritable and tired at the moment.

>> No.31827130
File: 62 KB, 512x384, 34-PWanimation2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31827267

Mr. Edgeworth, can explain what these means for your case??!??!??

>> No.31827144

wait bird brain struck again!!!! I thought you were talking about something else!!!!!

>> No.31827215
File: 287 KB, 558x591, 1647046661237.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

or just go places and never get affected by anything EZ

>> No.31827267
File: 152 KB, 256x192, giphy.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31827337


>> No.31827301

I guess there wasn't really a rule against this in the first place, maybe I'll start writing something for the Matsurisu...

>> No.31827337
File: 127 KB, 256x192, R.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31827487


>> No.31827409

No worries, I haven't detected any animosity or anything. In the end, if you don't mind doing the work, then there's nothing wrong with "over-provincing" in any case. So long as the thread takes a look at everything on a case by case basis and the criteria is clear and agreed on before it all goes live.

>> No.31827487
File: 19 KB, 474x253, POINT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31827570


>> No.31827570
File: 24 KB, 474x266, hmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HMMMMMMMM it does seem like this goes against all logic, after all when I was a boy I walked home by the stars. I hearby declare this lore:


>> No.31827631

how did it take this thread long enough to find out how nonsensical some of the old lore is kek. I don't think the person who wrote for Hoshiyomia understood naval things at all kek.

>> No.31827704

I did read it, I just never felt like kicking the oldlore hornets nest.

>> No.31827791
Quoted by: >>31828001

Your "court case" doesn't change this. This is established lore, long established lore that we cannot get rid of for no reason. maybe we use chuubanite to guide our ships? Did that ever come under consideration.

>> No.31827900
File: 1.47 MB, 2151x3174, baby dislikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31828169

Don't worry about the old guys intent, he only wrote a stub.
I think its kind of retarded to expect a new rep to try and figure out the intent of the guy who wrote a stub 4 months ago before dipping.

Its extra work that could dissuade new people from joining, and it seems kind of backwards to put so much weight on the words of the guy who came first when all he did was write a stub: chances are the new rep is going to end up writing more lore than them, and might have more interesting and in depth ideas of their own.

If the new rep wants to respect the old reps ideas and use them as a jumping off point they can, I just think its kind of silly expect new reps to start catalogue diving to figure out what direction a stub writer planned on having the nation go in.

>> No.31828001
File: 1.59 MB, 498x373, OBJECTION2!.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OBJECTION! Things that are common sense like using the stars to navigate should be scrutinized regardless if i published it today or during the first worldbuilding thread. Chuubanite is the worst excuse you could use for things that are common amongst all nations in all times. Being old is not a virtue, look at Megas's Lore!!!!

>> No.31828057

No we always knew, its just important to see what the previous posters put down. Look at the nene lore scrap and its in no way compatible to Vitubia now. Keep it around because it was the first lore mention but know that it can't exist in the thread as it was.

>> No.31828136
File: 54 KB, 897x865, 1661561843024282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the new writer rep or whatever, Alice Wright proved her case to be true. Quite honestly, that stub has a lot of inconsistencies in it that make little sense.

>> No.31828169

So what you're saying is that if I write enough words about my vision for the country then it becomes canon over whatever came before? Nice. jk obv

>> No.31828201
Quoted by: >>31828279

>>31828136 (me)
Also, she is probably one of the funniest posters here. So you made me laugh thank you.

>> No.31828279
Quoted by: >>31828354

Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Do a NICE JOB on my favorite holo!!!!!!

>> No.31828354
Quoted by: >>31829179

I will, Suityan deserves it! Now, /who. Debrief me on our deals please.

>> No.31828408

why does everyone want to be alices friend in world?

>> No.31828471
File: 297 KB, 850x1202, sample_c73db9b594fc6cdc7fe39157aba38c11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wanna be friends with EVERYONE to exchange ALL the NUTS!

>> No.31828514

As far as I know its been only other nijis that had any strong political ties with alice and thats because of the obvious

>> No.31828548
Quoted by: >>31828650

Not true. She is one of my favorite personalities here, but I want to be a rival to her, because there can only be who rules the Heavenly Sea. panon said it perfectly, about being a enemy of someone.

>> No.31828592
File: 415 KB, 200x200, 1661038919358099.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He doesn't know!!

>> No.31828650
File: 357 KB, 850x926, cuterion!1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31828738

I accept your offer. I hate you!!! not really, but in universe you are a mortal enemy of me!!!!!!!! (Are you sure about diplomacy like this?????? I am fine with accepting this but please think it over.)

>> No.31828653
Quoted by: >>31828885

imo mikomet should be the alliane berween sakuran and suisei
not its own nation

>> No.31828738
File: 177 KB, 1295x1272, 1661601091885976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not making deals with anyone until I am established. I am just making it clear that our nations are long-time rivals. You like the moon, we like comets. We cannot like each other.

>> No.31828745
File: 74 KB, 500x500, My reaction.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31829079

Anyway, I think we should judge the legitimacy of lore by these rules in this order.

1. Is it good?
2. Is there a lot of it?
3. Is it self consistent?
4. Is it consistent with the setting?
5. Is it approved of by the current rep?
6. Is it inline with the vision of the old rep?

please scrutinize this and tell me if any of this seems dodgy, and why

Friendly + High Effort poster + Already friends with everyone else + Girl Buff

>> No.31828810

I'd scrap 6 but I agree with all the rest

>> No.31828832
File: 661 KB, 1280x1024, 1658688848591276.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because I am every poster in this thread, including (you)!!!!

>> No.31828885

The way this thread has been set up, if it's a general on /vt/ then it's a nation on Vitubia. We also have nations like /okfams/ already, which is pretty much the same boat.

>> No.31829079
Quoted by: >>31829483

The first two seem like a bad idea honestly. 1 is too subjective and 2 screws over certain types of writers arbitrarily.

>> No.31829179
File: 84 KB, 646x1024, sui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31829409

uh, sure.
Hoshiyomia is supposed to be the western ocean's dominant naval power.
Hoshiyomia's farming industry is not enough to cover it's own, so they buy food from us (cheaply).
Hoshiyomia and the Republic are full allies.
Hoshiyomia's navy and the Republican navy work together a lot.

Make sure to inform the suisei general you'll be writing for them

>> No.31829339

Basic concepts I have in my brain now, going to share before I write
>Major Naval power. I don't know how big is reasonable considering we have a ton of naval powers but I want to rival 2434. I think we respect them in our hatred. Not a real nasty rivalry, gentlemans.
>Comet related events like in EU4 unironically.
>I'm not following that bullshit about sextants and the stars. We are just expert navigators, how about that?
>Song and Dance matter a lot in our realm. As does a game with blocks
>I am not guaranteeing any old deals because I need to think of how my nation works. Sorry hoomen.
>Study of the stars, and astronomy is a big deal in our nation.
I'll get to particulars eventually. I informed my general so there is that.

>> No.31829394

You will fuck /who/ over if you chose to get rid of the lore and yourself too. They are your ally.

>> No.31829409

In that case it might be a good idea to move Hoshiyomia to where Sora is now, since then its climate would actually make it difficult to grow food, and I think the location's actually fairly good for a naval power too (the only issue being that it's also not good at growing trees).

>> No.31829483
Quoted by: >>31830185

Good point. I think throwing 1 and 2 out and changing it to simply "Did a lot of effort go into it?" since I feel like that's more fair, and I think effort is something people can spot and agree on relatively non subjectively. If that doesn't work though I can scrap that as well.

>> No.31829548
Quoted by: >>31829791

Look, I am sorry but that's not an issue for me right now. I cannot make a deal that I have no idea how it is going to right now. I also will say this much, don't pressure me into deals please. Thank you.
I like our spot. It is unique.

>> No.31829627
File: 1.96 MB, 4000x2900, moomknight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31830247

I mean, we can always rework it, I'd prefer not to, but it'd mostly be messing with the navy part and stuffs, I'll just wait for now
I'd like the coast and that island if they do move.

>> No.31829712

Don't axe the old lore mate, keep the deals. You'll just piss us off at you for being a cunt.

>> No.31829790
File: 71 KB, 302x361, pomuwillalwaysbejapanese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niggers, leave my man alone. We just had a conversation about this. Stop it, get some help.

>> No.31829791
Quoted by: >>31829849

It's a good spot, don't get me wrong. It's just also a spot where it should logically be pretty good at growing food.

>> No.31829849

Well, who knows what I will do. Maybe I want to keep the deals with who but just need to have my climate and geology done before I can agree. I like my island and I like my mountains.

>> No.31829904
Quoted by: >>31829957

Where does infinity fit into the Heavenly Sea now?

>> No.31829933
Quoted by: >>31829957

I think the old rep specifically requested that island be created for plans involving a lighthouse of alexandria type of deal, just so you know.

>> No.31829957

Ok i will give my only other opinion on other nations. Clocks can eat it. Our methods of telling time are better and thus we will not be friendly with them.
Sounds epic.

>> No.31829991
File: 32 KB, 128x128, 1645477032214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31830079

Right, just tell me what kind of climate you want

>> No.31829996
File: 118 KB, 1000x1000, thumbs_up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with that

>> No.31830018

Why are all the new reps so based? >Panon generation? More like Based Generation

>> No.31830079

I'm fine with what we have honestly, I don't want to cause you problems kek. It works just fine for me.

>> No.31830095
Quoted by: >>31830408

Uh sorry what exactly is this? Redrawing borders?

>> No.31830179
File: 22 KB, 474x441, elulove!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think anyone in the Heavenly Sea besides Risu likes the Clocks except maybe Retro kek. ANYWAYS COOL IDEA. EPIC SEA BATTLES WITH WHO AND HOSHIYOMIA IN THE PAST!!!!!

>> No.31830184
File: 820 KB, 1725x1373, enjoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also, most of our deals came from me wrestling away the peninsula and part of the coast away from Hoshiyomia, if you needed context for why our borders are like that

>> No.31830185

Something along those lines would be good, though it will always run the problem of being subjective to some degree. I think so long as people are willing to be reasonable about it and the decisions are made openly for others to discuss and overrule if necessary, then there shouldn't be too many problems.

>> No.31830247
Quoted by: >>31830527

Guess some things never change, huh?

>> No.31830312
Quoted by: >>31830527

Then you will support me in making my border with Sakuran look good then right? kek.

>> No.31830377

Please. That would be a lot of fun for me to look forward to.

>> No.31830408
Quoted by: >>31831022

There is a proposal being considered to remove repless/loreless nations from the map which would then be placed wherever the future rep wants when they come along. This would be in an effort to reduce conflicts like what happened with the bakatare/mhm/v7 borders.

>> No.31830475
File: 912 KB, 1000x1000, letsmakeadeal6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31830534

Man, I love this thread and my friends!!!!! >/aeg/rep, are you here? Let's discuss business. I see your nation is in dire straits to say the least. We can help you, but it will cost you.

>> No.31830527
File: 103 KB, 441x970, suimei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I'll do my best.
No comment.

>> No.31830534
Quoted by: >>31830664

Why yes I am, what did you have i mind. (Kino post btw)

>> No.31830664
File: 749 KB, 1188x816, letsmakeadeal12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31830749

>I will admit, I am insane, so I don't actually know what to do. All I know is that the CIO smells profit in your lands somehow and that's all that fucking matters to us! Those assholes in /pcg/? We will fund you to protect yourself against them and do those Lumians some sweet revenge. All we want is to rebuild your economy on our terms. Simple right? It's up to you how this looks, idc.

>> No.31830749
Quoted by: >>31830895

Sounds like a good deal to our tribalistic senses. We are both broke and hate lumi so much. Oh and can you take care of those nasty bastards in Pyon for us somehow? They keep raiding us?

>> No.31830895
File: 762 KB, 1181x835, letsmakeadeal13.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31830935

>We offer no promises we cannot keep. Just like reservations at the Dorseia. We will do our best to attempt to help you with this, umm, inconvenience.

>> No.31830935

Good, good. Thank you, Ms. Bateman.

>> No.31831022
File: 113 KB, 1024x1024, 1604236727996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah okay thanks
I only lurk around once a week and all my writing is still hibernating inside my head, however if you need a rep I would like to be the one for PPT. I made the stub and the flag.
And I would like to keep the old borders. In fact give us any wide swath of useless arctic territory you want.

My idea is to make the nation one of absolute focus on arctic survival. Outsiders settling in there to exploit the few minerals and an old imperial decree to militarize and protect the land, where the many unprepared first settlers perished and those who survived the trial by ice became hard and passionately religious.

>> No.31831024
File: 103 KB, 603x900, FbHVOsZUEAICTtP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31831191

Second part of the draft is done!!!!
Let me know, what you think!!! Or I'll die!!!!!!

>> No.31831191
Quoted by: >>31831848

Its good. Great work.
Welcome. A lot of people are joining so I am happy to welcome you as part of the >panon generation to my band.

>> No.31831242

Where is the vsj rep, i want to go to war against the colonizers!

>> No.31831375
File: 33 KB, 128x127, 1660709555992.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome to /vtwbg/, fellow white hair girl enjoyer!

>> No.31831741
File: 10 KB, 190x266, F8CE1A2F-760E-44AD-8014-6FF288C78644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uuuhggh i just fell asleep while typing out a response to dragooner and well… something else embarrassing happened while i was passed out….I am done for todya, good night sleep tight and dont let (((them))) bite

>> No.31831788

piss yourself?

>> No.31831813

you pissed yourself didn't you

>> No.31831830

she definitely pissed herself

>> No.31831848
File: 213 KB, 816x627, 1660919945844499.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome kanatanbro!!!! It's so great to see new writers joining!!!!!!


I won't question what happened but it's okay!!!!!!

>> No.31831997
Quoted by: >>31832104

well then welcome in new friend! I hope you enjoy your wide swathe of Arctic territory!

>> No.31832011

I kndw that would be response, no i got drool all over my face like a dog

>> No.31832104

and I look forward to seeing whatever interesting lore you write for your arctic survivalists. I personally think the poles are a criminally under used setting, so I'm happy to see some one make lore for the coldest parts of Vitubia.

If you need anything, or what to collaborate on anything, just ask.

>> No.31832121

welcome, hymen!

>> No.31832126

Thats incredibly cute. Go to bed now

>> No.31832142
File: 30 KB, 200x285, 1660669484001621.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31832759

The divegrass music links should be updated on the main page. It's making my autism flare up.

>> No.31832183

KAWAII ALICE CHAN. Get rest you bitch.

>> No.31832236
Quoted by: >>31832471

Alice needs headpats, cutest thing i have seen in a while. But here is a funny video relevant to punk history.

>> No.31832366

drool is just piss of the mouth

>> No.31832455

So you guys are like the vanguard against the schizo gay baby jail that is the north?

>> No.31832471

Fucking kek

>> No.31832759

Good point, I'll get on that when I finish and submit the music export.

>> No.31832777

Retro Reich has no relations to /inf/ at all

sorry for overreaction before btw, just woke up and reading it at first glance made me super shocked, i did not even thought about that it was in realtion to the deal, i just thought people thought i would for some reason be angry at alice doing stuff with /aeg/

the deal needs to be reworked anyway due to the changes to /2434/ and nijimales.

what i think however before you start incorporating /aeg/ deeply into your stuff with /pcg/ ect is that you should tell him about it more first and for example explain that in the future that company will be driven out of /pcg/ ect since if they also are active in /aeg/ this would kind of force them into a future conflict he does nto even know about yet it seems. it also goes a bit against what we jsut recently said about new nations should first establish themselves before they get interwoven into politic stuff ect, tho i see that he started that of his own.

also sorry panon, i just did not take it well yesterday that i thought i had to scrap my dreams for a cool navy with oldtimely ships and just had to go for the same kind of ships like everyone else and that just really demoraled me, i was not annoyed at you, just that my idea didn't seem to work if i go that way

>> No.31832978
Quoted by: >>31833166

But your idea can work. After all, who says “retro” means physically old. Imagine this. An Old ship design that using youy Chuubanite is just as effect as modern ships. An analogy to this is say you wanted to play age of empires but you have two options. One is an old scratched disc and the other is a rom. Thats what you can do. Feel me on that?dreams are alive

>> No.31833071
Quoted by: >>31833224

No i know about their plan. CIO is good for us because our thread is dying and falling apart at the seams. Thus the nation is too. We are already fighting phase on and off again so that’s nothing new. (Accurate to our thread.)

>> No.31833166
Quoted by: >>31833313

yeah i saw what you said after i left, been trying to say something for a while but i felt anxious about writing again and just could not find a good timing to write

i must admit i do not understand why rebuilding ships is such a big nono but building them new is different

>> No.31833224
Quoted by: >>31833482

but then why would you join into the CIO that is rebuilding /pcg/ to profit off of them?

>> No.31833313
Quoted by: >>31833431

Simple. It costs less to build new ships. I mean, you could if you wanted to do it that way but keeping old designs or retro designs would work better. Up to you

>> No.31833353
File: 97 KB, 760x908, mai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

was listening to my wife's asmr

>> No.31833431
Quoted by: >>31833557

well money is not of so much value for us at all, if anything shipwrights in our natiosn would rather have the extra challenge and work then make more profit. which does not mean they do not also build new ships, they would also of course want to improve their skills and use new techniques to improve upon old things.

>> No.31833482
Quoted by: >>31834140

Unlike phase, we cannot even properly defend ourselves from pyon or phase. Ideally, you wouldnt want this but the Empire is falling apart worse than phase could. Phase lost a war, but we lost far more with lumi and yuri. Our government cannot stop bandits hardly. Do you understand why I would invite the CIO? In a meta sense, this also gives the cio soft power that all of us thought was cool and made the phase deal make more sense because they are funding both sides to kill each other, just not destroy property. It prevents strong leadership from coming to phase.

>> No.31833535
File: 165 KB, 874x991, 1661624816432040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man, I've been trying to do what the eu4beat did with changing the traditions to chuubanite and that stuff but it just does not work besides the 7 ideas.
Also I wonder if I should just use Esperato versions of real life places instead of these silly "put a phrase in google translate then shorten it" names because they just don't sound good in my head

>> No.31833557
Quoted by: >>31834140

Then that is no issue, lets build your fleet tomorrow and it will work just as you want. Also, check Aeg to see why their rep is writing like that. It is a hellhole worse than nijien

>> No.31833811

If your nation cannot protect its own people, the CIO despite exploiting you is far better since they will actually protect you. Now, how the CIO will do is up to aeg.

>> No.31833868
File: 410 KB, 426x429, 1661119934631327.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute!!!!! Good night alice!!!!!!

I would totally make a hoi4 /vtwbg/ mod if I knew how to do it!!! Programming isn't my thing sadly!!!!

>> No.31833989
Quoted by: >>31834407

That was /meat/bro
Aka esoteric lore anon
Aka cartographer anon

>> No.31834140
Quoted by: >>31834369

i mean i won't stop you if that is what you want, it still seems a bit weird to me, there would be many other options to invite investers like /nasfaqg/.
also the kiki mentioning in your thread are mostly schizos and not actual champyons, so these would be schizo pirates. while he rarely comes in, you should have this checked with the /pyon/ rep beforehand if you actually want to make them champs.
but i will not stop you if you truly want to do it that way.

oh i know /aeg/ been there every now and then to see if chapipi plays soem retro games since she does on occasion play them and gets posten rarely in /vrt/

>> No.31834369
Quoted by: >>31834704

Kind of would ruin kino by inviting nasfaq. I know they are schizos, i like lumi and kiki. Its just the view of the thread.

>> No.31834407

How could one man have this much knowledge?

>> No.31834530

Him and Panon, our renaissance men.

>> No.31834699

The ryona side of vtubing is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural.

>> No.31834702

What does panon know in comparison? Thought he was just a mil autist

>> No.31834704

i don't want to dictate how people build their nation so you do what you think is best. was mostly interested in your own motivation behind it.

that said however i do kind of need to know how you plan to portray these "/pyon/" raiders because if you make them actual champs then that would change a lot for me

>> No.31834913

>speaks german and latin
>political ideologies
>transportation madman
>maps and geography
He is his own type of knowledge bank

>> No.31835027

Please do not exaggerate my abilities. I know a good bit about many things, that is true, but I am not a renaissance man because i cannot do math science or draw. Please, i am just an passionate autist nothing more.

>> No.31835028

You forgot the most important of all;
Has a harem

>> No.31835092
Quoted by: >>31835240

Its not the harem that makes the man but the man that makes the harem. I am sure meatbro has his own.

>> No.31835216
File: 106 KB, 1200x1200, A45F6B39-6E00-4BCA-AE2C-E6733209AD56.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31835427

I am somehow part of it too!!!

>> No.31835240

he's a robot. he said he rejects /soc/posting and wants to keep it professional

>> No.31835398
File: 2 KB, 124x117, 1657963840027s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31835512

Does /aeg/ like squirrels?

>> No.31835427

>now 4
What does this nigga have to win you all over?

>> No.31835512

Bro, we dont care about that. Read our lore. Shit sucks.

>> No.31835560
File: 171 KB, 933x1160, E5EFBAD0-4B47-4102-90EF-345240067F7B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31835797

I’ve got a /vtwbg/ harem too. Except they don’t know that they’re a part of it.

>> No.31835581
File: 139 KB, 512x512, 019BF379-B7ED-4F62-BDE5-368CE66063E0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31835996

Im shitposting but he is kinda cute.

>> No.31835797
Quoted by: >>31835906

Your imaginary friends?

>> No.31835857
File: 642 KB, 2270x4096, 1660796897652079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Panon can't stop winning!!!!

>> No.31835906
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 341F91A1-42AE-4600-9ED3-AABDAA93F286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I didn’t think anyone realized I was the puppeteer this whole time.

>> No.31835996
Quoted by: >>31838106

Alright, I know i am man of sex apparently but why? Kek

>> No.31836059
File: 183 KB, 675x900, FbK3jRGUYAMQYpw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31836281

Panon!!!! Can you translate what "In primis et ante omnia" means?? I think I know what it says but I can't explain it in english for some reason!!!!

>> No.31836281

First and above all else or First and foremost.

>> No.31836554
Quoted by: >>31836600

In other words, this mean there is nothing but this first. Nothing else can come before it.

>> No.31836597
File: 1.46 MB, 1920x1080, SOFT.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna go sleep
Be sure to keep the 'you know what' thread bumped! I dont wanna lose it again

>> No.31836600

Tyty!!!!!! Hmmmm I think I got it right!!!!

I thought of something like "inicialmente" or "en primer lugar"!!!!

>> No.31836945

Not quite, ante omnia makes it clear that it is above all or before anything else with emphasis on it.

>> No.31837302
File: 52 KB, 680x475, FbGZfRkUYAEVWEq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31837480

Okay!!!! But wouldn't "en primer lugar" or "primeramente" mean the same thing???? Or does it have it have an even higher emphasis???

>> No.31837331
Quoted by: >>31837813

In particular it is Omnia, that is the word of the utmost emphasis. As seen in use in such phrases as amor vincit omnia or Love conquers all; or Animus tamen omnia vincit (Courage conquers all things)

>> No.31837363
Quoted by: >>31837813


>> No.31837480

I dont speak spanish to give you clarification but Omnia generally means “All things”, “all (matters/efforts/etc.)”

>> No.31837815
Quoted by: >>31837996

thus the omnissiah is the all seeing one

>> No.31837813
File: 361 KB, 1036x1044, ArribaEspana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tyty for the help!!!! I don't think there's an english/spanish equivalent that could fit into the sentence the way I wanted!!! But ty!!

Don't slander my beautiful language or ill kill you

>> No.31837854
Quoted by: >>31838399

You may also recognize Omnia as a part of Omnipotent. That should give you even more clarity on it. “All powerful”

>> No.31837996

omnia in Christo

>> No.31838106

Look at you. Explaining latin like a chad to others. Idk, you just are cute bro.

>> No.31838313
Quoted by: >>31838632

Well, it is my belief that every western should be fluent in Latin, as it is the basis of much of our laws, sciences, histories, literature, etc. Beyond my own religious reasons, Latin is a crucial language.

>> No.31838399
File: 71 KB, 651x900, FbFjpPeVQAMRmwr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ohh I understand now!!!!

Physically unable to lose....

>> No.31838534
Quoted by: >>31838775

Yeah, i should have went to the root there but I felt like the other parts were worth understanding so you understand exactly what “Omnia” means.

>> No.31838632
Quoted by: >>31838775

This is it, why you are cute.
He has big PP energy like his oshi.

>> No.31838775
File: 129 KB, 370x320, 1661500660217808.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No its okay I understand!!!! You would make a great drinking partner tbdesu!!!!

Viewer reflects the oshi!!!

>> No.31838882

What alcohol do you prefer, i prefer either Wine or German Beer.

>> No.31838993
Quoted by: >>31839395

The biggest chad in the thread is 170cm. The theory about dudes that tall being the biggest chads is true.

>> No.31839065

This is me. I messed password up.

>> No.31839311
File: 30 KB, 452x678, images - 2022-08-27T221747.669.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31839655

I like wine and south american beer!!! Especially brahma!!! Have you ever drank it before??? When I'm feeling fancy I drink jack daniel's honey whiskey like picrel!!! It's one of my favorite alcoholic beverages!!!

>> No.31839395
File: 208 KB, 1164x1599, 1661517621844305.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31839788

Panon is 171cm kek!!! I'm 170cm!!!!!

>> No.31839578

silly Panon, german beer is not really alcohol, is is merely a nice and bitter beverage which goes well with meals

>> No.31839655

No, i dont get many opportunities to get those kind of beverages. My family are heavy drinkers (i can down 6 beers without being drunk) so I stay away from harder stuff sans Margaritas. I love my Hefe Weizen beer and all kinds of non trendy wine. Chocolate wine is a disgrace like well done steak is.

>> No.31839771
File: 382 KB, 477x461, curious.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31839966

but since you brought it up, i assume from your demeanor that you actually know a bit more o fit so i would be interested what kind of german beer is your favourite, just typical pils or something else like export or weißbier?

>> No.31839788

Well from 165 to 175 ideal male leader height.

>> No.31839848

ahh there is the answer i was looking for

>> No.31839905
Quoted by: >>31840048

Based!!! Have you drank Mioranza!????? It's literally the only brand of wine I buy from!!!

>> No.31839966

Hefeweizen. Weinhenstephan and Erdinger. Weinhenstephan has a lot of great ones aside from hefeweizen. Love the Oktoberfest brew they had.

>> No.31840048
Quoted by: >>31840218

I know i messed it up Weinhenstephan.

>> No.31840124

This is world building btw. At a pub with gents. Will include wheat beer in Pomerania

>> No.31840148
Quoted by: >>31840393

makes sense in a way. Weihenstephan and Erdinger are the two biggest when it comes to Weißbier so those probably are most common outside germany, and Oktoberfest probably makes Weißbier seem as the typical german beer outside of germany

>> No.31840218
File: 177 KB, 2000x1000, 1661496123025178.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31840515

Do you like it!!!??

>> No.31840393 [SPOILER] 
Quoted by: >>31841060

I never thought it. Had some dunkels and pills. Dunkels are good depending on the meal. I just like the taste of Weißbier better. Doppelbocks are good too. Never been to an oktoberfest btw.

>> No.31840515
Quoted by: >>31841890

Yeah its good.

>> No.31841060
Quoted by: >>31841678

ever had a Weißbier with bananajuice?

>> No.31841351

I tried Budweiser once. Literal piss water.

>> No.31841678

Nah, tell me.
Miller lite is the only american beer i can stand and its just for me and my dad to share a cold one since he hates strong beers.

>> No.31841806
Quoted by: >>31842007

Shame too because there were some good local brews that either sold out or died off where I live.

>> No.31841890

I know right!!! I love it so much!!!

I prefer heineken!!! Really good tbdesu!!!

>> No.31841898
Quoted by: >>31842007

mixing Weißbier with bananajuice is pretty common in germany and probably the most prefered biermix for it here so give it a try

>> No.31842007
Quoted by: >>31842245

Same. Damn ipa.
What about with citrus? I will try banana some time?

>> No.31842245
Quoted by: >>31842561

citrus is for pils, it is called Radler, you would not normally mix it with Weißbier

>> No.31842537

Speaking of alcohol and worldbuilding. What are famous brews in your nations? They can be wine, beer, spirits, among others.

>> No.31842561

Ah, Vitus has a citrus taste so i was wondering.

>> No.31842642

Weizen, dunkel, pils. German beers for a germanic nation.

>> No.31842696
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Would normally just post it here but fuck you spam filter.

>> No.31842809
File: 653 KB, 2455x1735, 1637359939606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Hoshiyomi, and a Heimin in the same day! Blessed!
Hoshiyomi, how do you guys feel about /morig/? Our fleets would probably come across each other often to the East of /ggg/. Deadbeats fucking love Suisei, so we would tend to be friendly, but I know many JP threads are less than welcoming to us kek, so we can play it however you want.
Heimin, welcome! Glad to have you aboard. /luna/ and /morig/ share a naval station in the arctic circle, it'll be nice to have more nations holding back the schizo hordes.
I see Memetic Psyop "Through Dick, Unity" to improve relations with KFP has been going swimmingly.

>> No.31842855

locally we produce Beer, korn and fruit liquors,
as for exports, the most beloved would probably be wine from /morig/

>> No.31842932

Ok so guys I want my next story to be something like this. It will not be a log. It will have multiple characters speaking and actions described instead of what I usually do which is just "they go to this place". I REALLY want to do this but have no idea HOW to do it. If I were to go and use some of the stories here as reference then which ones do you think would be good for that purpose?

>> No.31843435

Kino shit anon, it's nice to see Enoch able to keep his people somewhat under control.
I think that describes most narrative-focused stories here, anon. Melisende, Cultural Exchanges, nasfaqg's Sabatangan story and the Pomerlane Saga all fit the bill.

>> No.31843585
Quoted by: >>31843674

Meh, its as expected. I recommend trying to learn how to write different personalities.

>> No.31843674

Which is why I want to do something different like I said >>31842932
I want to branch out from writing about just different variations of squirrels.

>> No.31843734
File: 1.02 MB, 1000x1000, tsubomumei.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31843799


>> No.31843799

Anything that seems wrong or out of place? I hope the somewhat horny old gem seller wasn't too much for you hooman.

>> No.31844000

Yeah, i know. Thats why i am giving you my honest feedback when you have needed for a while but i never felt comfortable giving. Every story feels like the same risuner with slightly different personalities. Commodus is an example of a Risuner whose personality stands out more because he maintains his risuner identity but is also his own man. I suggest studying him for examples. Its not just about sightseeing cool shit and sex. There is so much more to a persona than those 3 things you focus on. Like Commodus doesnt come off as someone whose persona is those as a comparison. He likes them but its not who he is.

>> No.31844043
File: 106 KB, 600x600, 1654033733585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah, no comments on my part.

>> No.31844078
Quoted by: >>31844282

what type of story are you aiming for?

>> No.31844168

writing was never my thing desu Im re reading some of the suggestions people provided. I want this to be good.

>> No.31844201
Quoted by: >>31844502

>>31844000 (me)
Someone really should have told you this earlier instead of blind praise because the logs could have been much better. I went back and read the Rose stuff which I remembered as kino and was totally unimpressed and found it rather mediocre in retrospect. Idk what changed but i guess the same old song and dance got boring. No tense a lot of times either. Like the rose story had so much potential with the danger of it but it is just yep we got here kek

>> No.31844275

again, what is your aim? depending on what you aim for the stories you should read are different

>> No.31844282
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1646952779812s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its gonna be about a meeting between some high rank risuners and the discussion about the future of the country. Will also include a darker side that I think needs to exist

>> No.31844370
Quoted by: >>31845025

Tl;dr, work on your characters, plot tension and ideas. Nothing wrong with the concepts but their execution is kind of meh. You dont need to do stories either if you dont feel like you can

>> No.31844502

Yes, this one is the one that has that wasted potential tht you mentioned. Why no one bothered to help, idk. But the tales of the sea are fascinating.

>> No.31844609

Just tell us what happens, i will straight tell you if it is a good concept.

>> No.31844750

No one helped because no one thought to help. Thats part of the issue. We assume because someone doesnt ask that they dont need help.

>> No.31844790

When I wrote Enoch in my stories he wasn't just horni Risuner. He was a deep thinker trying to understand things in the complex spaceman world. Maybe I took too much liberties with him. You could look back at my old /nasa/-/risu/ stories I wrote.

Its also fine to write simple people. Two simple people can have different personalities. Just keep in mind what the character thinks and feels. What makes them happy, what makes them sad, etc.

>> No.31844882
Quoted by: >>31845074

You and Mepper gave us good Risuners because you took liberties.

>> No.31845025

I think this is a bit unfair. Risuner got feedback on many of his entries, he just has less writing experience than other anons, so his work is less technically polished, but despite that his contributions were genuinely really appreciated for helping connect up the world and form relations between the nations. Just telling someone "You characters are a bit flat." is useful, but it's not gonna instantly level up one's writing skills. That comes through a lot of practice and reading.
Also, I think Risuner can be the judge of whether his idea is a good concept, he's been at the source of a lot of good storylines in this thread...

>> No.31845074

Yeah and assholes told Mepper he couldnt write a character that way as if Risuners are a fucking horny hivemind. Disrespectful to OGsuner and Mepper honestly

>> No.31845137
File: 489 KB, 2048x2048, 1647394014200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I FUCKING LOVED ROSE SEXPAIS PART OF IT! I actually felt kinda shit seeing what I wrote compared to his masterpieces.
Its gonna be between a group of witches discussing future plans and a demonstration of gemstone powers. There may or may not be live testing on terrorist prisoners for the destructive and harmful effects
NO THATS WHAT I WANTED ENOCH TO BE! I specifically made his character like that. Again im just shit at displaying character traits.

>> No.31845375
Quoted by: >>31845603

look at the Commodus story to understand how different personalities and desire can still represent a Risuner that has the same desires as all Risuners while still having his own motivation.

look at: https://rentry.org/MeetingAtMiks
for seeing how people of various rank kind of meet up and try to reason with each other

and if you are willing then skim the pomerlane saga for the parts where the top branches react towards each other like pomerlane meeting with magnus or emylia for example

>> No.31845376

What i am offering is my opinion regarding lost potential with rose, in particular the sailing aspect. I am not being harsh with Ogsuner here, i am just disappointed because the kino of sailing in that area of the world gets lost and treated as nothing when it is our equivelent of Cape Good Hope. My criticism isnt directed at anyone but that I couldnt have been there to teach him about winds and the roaring 40s

>> No.31845540
Quoted by: >>31846285

This isnt unfair, i am offering genuine criticism not to discourage him but to help him. There are other factors yes, but my question is why no one ever brought to him valid helpful criticism at all? He is a reasonable man after all.

>> No.31845603

Well remember at the time rose sexpai was the only niji rep so we didnt have shit for lore. I will keep it in the original story but keep in mind what you said for future ones.
This is the one i was gonna look at next. Commodus is a very well written character. I need to remember that /risu/ is thought of as a nation when in reality its a massive network of tribes that trade with each other. Each tribe would have their own opinions.

>> No.31845704
Quoted by: >>31846147

OG, i want to know the exact details of it. What are their plans exactly? Etc. thats the meat and bones here for help.

>> No.31845822
Quoted by: >>31846533

I am. absurdly drunk. Love you guys!

>> No.31845829
Quoted by: >>31846036

Kek, i am shocked with the naval autists no one found it interesting about the massive waves and winds there to mention. Ahhh…. I wish i could have been there… shit is pure kino.

>> No.31846036

Ppsenpai cute again, i can see him talking to a little boy telling me about big waves and the dangerous of the sea animated.

>> No.31846147
Quoted by: >>31846382

Plans are they meet up (which is extremely rare for witches as they normally stick to their own communities)

Along with their guards they would speak about the future of /risu/ and how events has changed them. They would also pitch in one of each gemstone so that they would all be informed of the powers at their disposal and plan accordingly.

The prisoners of war would be set up on target boards and be live test subjects. Eventually they would just be executed after extreme torture. That is the basis of what I have right now.

>> No.31846191
Quoted by: >>31846231

Would you like me to write a very short non-canon /risu/ story? It'll just be for fun.

>> No.31846231

If you like sure go ahead.

>> No.31846232

also it is not wrong to have characters that are very similar in fashion, you can still have them be different in more subtle ways, even with the Onobots being very similar on a surface level i try to add in little personal flair to them that makes them different in small ways.

Ardy was a very curious and happy go lucky guy

Bolts was way more naive and oblivious to things going around

RR-1028 (from the meat story) was way more selfish and cared more about his own desire than the people around him

>> No.31846281

Hey. That sounds like me unironically. I would be the one doing this with a toy boat and everything. Making sounds and shit.

>> No.31846285

High latitude sailing is definitely kino, can't disagree with that.
>why no one ever brought to him valid helpful criticism

>> No.31846382
Quoted by: >>31846951

Any idea about the plans for foreign powers? Well, if you dont know, take you time desu. Rushing in never helps

>> No.31846533
File: 606 KB, 2048x1513, FaxbXEwakAAMelP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have no idea who is who anymore!! ;w;

>> No.31846922
File: 57 KB, 187x187, 1654683282074.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

welcome to my world all the time

>> No.31846948
Quoted by: >>31849499

All women are the same person: Alice.
This includes Female (males) like you

>> No.31846951
Quoted by: >>31847062

The whole idea of having different gemstine powers is finding new ways to both improve life at home and ways of defense from foreign slavers/terrorists. This is why i was REALLY hoping to do a sapling story since the idea of trees that attack people would be the ultimate defense system. Risuners always liked their foreign friends but they are aware of their own fragility so its kind of an unspoken goal to be able to defend themselves in case they get attacked both small and large scale.

>> No.31847062

Want my opinion. You should work on other risu itself for a while and take a break on your stories for now.

>> No.31847135
Quoted by: >>31847272

? Why? I think that story sounds cool, and Risuner sounds excited about it.

>> No.31847166
File: 333 KB, 357x535, 1661563153620704.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not comment from me except good work but "when I've been here before" should probably have a never in the middle.

>> No.31847199
File: 253 KB, 406x372, 28CB6138-F94B-4AC5-80EB-F3927D6A8577.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31849499

Drunk is me. Kindred!!!

>> No.31847272
Quoted by: >>31847399

Because he has admitted he needs to work on Risu. This is more about delaying it rather than saying “You story sucks”. Keeping it fresh will help hin prevent burn out. I know this from experience

>> No.31847373

Very based. But my personal fav is Paulaner and Benediktiner. Too bad I can't find any where I'm currently living...

>> No.31847399
Quoted by: >>31847807

This is working on Risu, this is fully focused on Risu, its internal politics and national security.

>> No.31847403

This is going to be my last story for a while actually. I still need to get the prompts done. The whole point of the story is to do 2 things.
1. List all the gemstone powers and show them in action
2. Give a clear intention of the risuners intentions and operations in the future.
After that I will be doing more stuff on reinforcing infrastructure. Thinking about asking Ri2ner about helping them with their work actually. I never forget my little Ri2ner

>> No.31847807

Ok. I wanted to make sure you werent going to get burnt out here. Honestly, just tell other reps what will happen when you come up with it.
Feel like you were missing that I am saying this from my own experience, so he doesnt get burnt out.

>> No.31847923
Quoted by: >>31848047

Boss, do you even have a proper understanding of our intentions yet? Can i know? t. Warsuner

>> No.31848047
Quoted by: >>31848166

Do you really need to know?

>> No.31848166
Quoted by: >>31848251

Yes, after all I write for Risu. What do you do? Are you the bitch who whined about how I ruined lore when OG and Mepper loved it? If so, kindly leave this conversation.

>> No.31848251
Quoted by: >>31848422

I am a Risuner so my opinion matters as much as yours does here. And yes, i did not like what you did to infinity fucker.

>> No.31848422
Quoted by: >>31848595

Hate to break it to you, but I dont give a shit if you are a risuner, a kobonigger or a chumbud. My lore is approved by boss so you can fuck off. I actually help him with Risu, what do you do besides drive good guys like Mepper from this thread by being a cocksucking fanboy?

>> No.31848446
Quoted by: >>31854058

here is a list of stuff that i wanted to include in a sidestory of Ardy and Neriah goign shopping to showcase stuff that you got from us.
dunno if you want to include this in some way in your story so i give you this just in case

>> No.31848595

Maybe if you faggots actually respected OGsuners words and didnt write your way forcing him to agree, i wouldnt be so opposed to you two. How do you think he feels when you write a good story just to fuck infinity over? He has to accept it because of the quality dumbass.

>> No.31848832
Quoted by: >>31848951

Ok nigger. Fuck off back to cocksucking a fanbase your not even part of. Idgaf about infinity, i care about Risu and Warkop. I like Mepper, he is a good guy. What are you? Write something nigger for Risu before you come in and bitch.

>> No.31848951

Maybe i will. I will fuck both of you over now for being such asses. Ill write about how Mauminy is hated in Risu for being a cunt and Commodus getting raped by Sandniggers to death.

>> No.31848957
File: 937 KB, 1222x2000, 1659661863600668.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not write a story then about some risuners that get along nicely with clocks?

if you feel so strongly about it then do something yourself isntead of just bitching

>> No.31849083

Instead of that, I think this approach would be a lot more productive >>31848957

>> No.31849108

Do it fucker, see what happens. Nice work proving you are a fucking dumbass tribalist. Now go back to your rathole. I am done with you.

>> No.31849237

Oh i will out of spite. Fuck him.

>> No.31849402
Quoted by: >>31849616

Man, why the fuck does this even matter so much. Ffs, its world building not tribalism.

>> No.31849499
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Go to sleep kindred!!!! Are you doing well!!!???

>> No.31849616

Because these faggots pressure OG into accepting their lore which undermines months of Kino. Reminds me of alice fucking with this too. That pissed me off then and still does. Fuck those who want to ruin inf risu kino. I will never let these fuckers get away with it when inf rep isnt here to object.

>> No.31849746
Quoted by: >>31849836

This is schizophrenia.

>> No.31849836

I dont care. I am not allowing this undermining and backstabbing to happen. Shit reminds me of cunt.

>> No.31849921
File: 111 KB, 367x293, 1660867834822767.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31850196

You motherfuckers really look for any reason to fight

>> No.31849996
Quoted by: >>31850242

We all know we need a risu timeloop a day guys.

>> No.31850005

You know anon, even if you had a point, getting all angry and shitting yourself while you say it just kind of makes people dismiss it instantly. Those may be valid concerns, but going about it in this childish manner will not result in anything useful happening. It would be a lot more productive if you presented your worries in an empathetic and reasonable way.

>> No.31850196
Quoted by: >>31850438

Nope. Just with him. I hate this faggot for his dumbass “muh infinity” bullshit he attacks Mepper with. I have wanted to lay into him for this

>> No.31850242
Quoted by: >>31850360

What about a /haha/ timeloop???? I haven't seen one yet!!!

>> No.31850360
Quoted by: >>31850692

What is there to timeloop over in Nijilands? Alices vassals and canal? Thats it really.

>> No.31850438
Quoted by: >>31850771

You do realize that you're both no better than kindergarten children fighting because little Timmy took your pencil right?

Also this

>> No.31850444
File: 160 KB, 319x364, 1649190175442.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he doesn't care, it is the same shitflinging schizo as always, this time he is a risuner, last time he was sakuran rep, dunno who else he supposedly been before.

i might have a hard time keeping anons apart but even i am starting to recognize his way of acting

>> No.31850692
File: 24 KB, 680x408, FbNVqdtUYAA6qgj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31851047

I'll make myself so powerful that I'll break /vtwbg/ entirely!!!!! You'll see!!!!!!!!

>> No.31850771
Quoted by: >>31851047

I dont care, i love my friend enough to lay into a schizo for his sake. Dont care how it comes off at this point.

>> No.31851047
File: 234 KB, 736x1058, DEAB8CE0-BA3B-43B0-B895-5D943C848937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31851605

No, thats my french wife, who magically has more power growing everyday. And also this.
Based, even if you shouldnt i respect the reason.

>> No.31851176

Anyways, was hoping i could lay into him after bump. Good night boss ans my friends.

>> No.31851605
File: 437 KB, 596x492, 1661529618729639.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31852023

I'm gonna do a St. Justinian one day and you won't be able to stop me until it's too late!!!!

>> No.31852023
Quoted by: >>31852694

Except I am St. Nikephoros Phokas, and Alicd is St. Olga of Kiev (not using the hohol way of spelling ever)

>> No.31852694
File: 123 KB, 404x356, 1661509297431334.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>31852821

B-based!!! I just want another dragoon writer....

>> No.31852821
Quoted by: >>31853169

you ever updated your thread about the stuff you wrote? it seemed there were more dragoons interested in the worldbuilding stuff so maybe that will motivate/interest another one to join in

>> No.31853169
Quoted by: >>31853713

Nope!!!! I didn't!!! But were there dragoons interested in worldbuilding????

>> No.31853296

Bread's baking

>> No.31853713
Quoted by: >>31854251

didn't you came with some other initially when you guys brought over your own lore that you then realized was in the wrong timeframe because you went for 1850? i seem to remember that there were like 3 back then but i thought only you stuck around

>> No.31853753
Quoted by: >>31853987

>goes to bed
>cant sleep
>checks the thread on phone
>fucking timeloops again
This is the...5th time I'm addressing this? Well actually it's not I am not doing this again. As for you WARsuner I have a very clear intention of risuner future. To make it very simple it's to stop all raiders/slavers from ever taking our citizens. We need to protect our people above all else. It's the entire reason we even bothered with foreign powers in the first place. We literally give a FUCKLOAD of wood to morig so they build boats which they can use to protect us.

>> No.31853987
Quoted by: >>31854142

you saw the rentry i linked you with the stuff you would have gotten from the retro reich?

>> No.31854058
Quoted by: >>31854142

THANK YOU this will be important for me. I'll read it tomorrow though. For tonight I sleep.

>> No.31854142

Kek. Ok goodnight everyone. If I missed anything just tell me tomorrow.

>> No.31854251
Quoted by: >>31854551

Oh I remember that!!! Yeah I helped making it!!!! But only I stuck around here I guess!!! But I just want a dragoon writer so we can discuss esoteric religions, politics and milautist stuff!!!!

>> No.31854551
File: 208 KB, 405x433, 1657933082623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well then if the next /haha/ thread is why not share what you have written and how /haha/ has evolved and just ask for some input of the others that helped create the initial stuff back then, if they liked coming up with stuff back then they might be interested now too when they see it take shape more. not every talk has to happen here. and best case one might even jump over in here to write with you together.

>> No.31855802

New Bread
