>> | No.31457466 File: 172 KB, 615x514, cripple gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] Good evening, my fellow numberfags! Divegrass anon here.
There's onlya week and some changebefor the /vt/ League starts! Here's the last update before the event.
>Roster -Over half the team has models ready to go, working on the final players. -After checking all the teams and thinking about it, I decided to remove INDOCHADS WE CANNOT STOP WINNING and Worried Mito. -IWCSW was a joke that 3 other teams had already, reduced to "wow id are inclining", so it elt kinda repetitive. Same for Worried Mito. -In their place, I added "Mindchair" and "ILEGAL FUNNELLING" as they are memes exclusive from /#/. Updated roster here!: >https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//numbers/
>Did you know you can help out too? For the latest updates from the league team and links to their wiki where you can learn modelling, tactics, commentary, etc. Please hop into the link below >https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vt/_League_3
>Creative suggestions! Got hyp? Got billboards? Give me your ideas and we can work it together
>What's hyp? An edited vid, usually around 2 mins that are played before the match or during halftime, what's in it should be up to (You) so be creative with it!
Here's some examples from last league >/hfz/ https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=iYrkq1CiEtk [Embed] [Embed] >/ybc/ https://streamable.com/n6ns8z >/wvt/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JiFaa4jm5zs [Embed] [Embed]
>What's a billboard? (You) can make an ad to rep /#/ and it's culture, or to make fun of other teams! Feel free to spray your creativity to an image of 512x96 resolution and I'll make sure you'll see it at vtl.
Take at look at this link for examples https://implyingrigged.info/wiki//vt/_League_Billboards
>Also if you got chants (short audio clips to be played midmatch), please (You) this post and I'll add them to our list!