Previous: >>31199089What if your concept was not just a thread but a nation, devoted to your oshi and their will? Enter this thread where the fanbases and concepts of /vt/ are reimagined as countries interacting with each other through means peaceful and militant alike!Super Max EditionInteractive map: document for new anons: GOALS:- Name Oceans and Seas, possibly make new names for continents- Maps!- NO TIMELOOPS- Chuubanite doc>Note that the map isn't set in stone.>Greentexts of your generals' lore in /vt/ land are much appreciated.>Flags made for the region your oshi rules over are also appreciated.>Try to keep hornyposting, socposting and funposting to the absolute minimum until we hit the bump limit.>Please refrain from posting if you are intoxicated.>Ignore any trolls or falseflaggers. Report, hide and move on.THREAD REP TRIPCODE: & TECTONICS POSTS (AIDS LORE/PLACEMENT):Ocean Currents: Systems: Analysis: Plates and their Movements Provinces: POSTS: ARCHIVE:
Anchor post for any story/map/lore. Please reply here for archival purposes. Anchored posts in the last thread will be archived within a day.If you will be using a rentry link, please use> of .co, as the latter is filtered as spam.Thank you!Please also report if there's outdated/missing lore in OP
Anchor post for issues to be voted on next time.>Next planned vote (to be started on Friday/Saturday): At Bottom of chain.>Vote Results (most recent)>Bylaws>Vote post archive
CURRENT PROMPTSFeel free to submit your own prompts to inspire others!>SpecialThe roster result for out /vtl/ team came out, see here: >>30042825Music for the medals are also decided: >>30323043Polls for the team anthem is currently ongoing: >>31155689 Submissions for your vocaroo in the WAR chant and billboards (must be 512x96 or 1024x196) are still ongoing.Team Caretaker Trip Code: !p84LALNCrkLast but not least, an anon stepped up and wanted to do a quick tourist's guide for the various nations of Vitubia! >>29911443If you are up for it please submit a short text that introduces your nation by replying to this post.More details in the rentry below.
>Anchor post for the chuubanite concept.PLEASE KEEP ALL CONCEPTS ON THE CONCEPTS OF CHUUBANITE TO THIS CONCEPT CHAIN. Anons who do not wish to see chuubanite concepts should hide this concept.Current Concept: (CIP)Official Chuubanite Concept Presentation:
>Anchor post for Ocean, Sea, and Continent naming discussion.Post your maps here so we can see them and talk about them!Also suggest names for them!
>>31222724For nasfaqg, its more a question of necessity I think. The nation has to be fed somehow, and it has a lot of mouths to feed. Any idea how much fish and what type would be found in the seas surrounding the nation? Or is this beyond the scope of your service?
>>312221856 - i don't even see a reason to vote since it is simply outdated at this point7.1Yes, there is enough lore that can be build without a known location and assumptions will jsu tlead to problems as already shown.7.2i maybe would add that if there are things related to some of these possible locations, like maybe a possible nation switch or a proposed border change, that the vote for the new nation will be postponed until those are dealt with as to prevent a vote for a new nation to be linked to a different vote at the same time.7.3it certainly is not the most secure thing either but it will prevent a lot of surface level attempts like new nations jumping out of nowhere to vote or someone trying to assume the persona of someone else whiel they are away8.i think 2 weeks are fine, its shorter than what some beleive, will mean at most they will miss 2 votes, if any at all sicne we do not vote always, and makes sure we see at least the desire of a person to stick around since if they dip after just 2 weeks then they should also not have a say in longlasting decisions made in a vote.unrelated to these, maybe there should also be a rule about people not able to switch their homethread while a vote is coming up or for a period of time in order to prevent the idea of someone switching quickly so they can vote as a different nation or try to mess with the canon fo someones story ect.while i doubt that the thread would just accept someone doing such a thing, having something tangible set up before such a situation even arises might not be the worse, this doe snot however has a high priority and can wait for a later vote i think.
Proposed votes for the 2022-08-20 /vtwbg/ vote (DO NOT REPLY YOUR VOTE TO THIS POST)>1. Where should /mans/ be placed? Choose your most preferred option from pic related.>2. Should the current bakatare territory have land removed to place /v7/ and /mhm/ as in pic related.>3. Should the current date be moved up to 1130?>4. Should nations be allowed to ask for islands in map 3.0. What justifications should there be for this?>5. Should Nasa be turned into a schizo wastelandUpdates to the Bylaws:>6. Annul Item 9, as the rushia wasteland has been decided to be the mikeneko/nazuna/rushia thread through vote.>7. Add the following item to the bylaws:>> New thread representatives for generals that do not have borders should wait until those borders are decided through an official vote before writing lore which assumes a specific set of borders.>>Upon a new thread joining the project, a vote to select the country's location should be held during the next voting session that is at least seven days from the date of beginning participation in the project.>>All reps must have a tripcode if they want to vote. They do not have to use it all of the time, but it is a must for voting.>8. Add the following item to the bylaws, applicable from its introduction onwards, but not retroactively.>>New thread representatives may vote in voting sessions once they have been participating in the project for two weeks or more. (One week or more is considered as well.)Ocean votes (Pic Related):>9. Do you approve "Ailivian Ocean" as the name of the ocean located East of GGG continent and west of Risu?>10. Do you approve of "Heavenly Ocean" as the name of the ocean located West of the Indie continent and East of Risu?>11. Do you approve of "Yamato Ocean" as the name of the ocean located near the North Pole?>12. Do you approve of "Maximus Ocean" as the name of the ocean located near the South Pole?>13. Do you approve”Kizuna Ocean '' as the name of the ocean located between Indiea and the Holo Continent.Please do reply with proposals for updates and improvement to the bylaws and the voting options.
ONLY SIX HOURS REMAINING FOR THE ANTHEM POLLS! have two polls for you guys to vote in here, one for our entrance anthem that plays at the start of the match and one for our victory anthem that plays after we win. Both polls use the same set of options, so keep that in mind and vote for the song you think best fits each circumstance.Links to the anthem candidates can be found here: Be sure to give them a listen before submitting your votes!We are still accepting suggestions for chants, billboards (512x96), and more, so don't be afraid to keep pitching ideas!
>>31223033>rule about people not able to switch their homethread while a vote is coming up or for a period of time in order to prevent the idea of someone switching quickly so they can vote as a different nation or try to mess with the canon fo someones story ect.Can you clarify? Has there been an instance of a rep doing such a thing?
>>31222482In the case that votes don't have to do with their thread, I don't think new reps should necessarily be allowed to vote after just 1 week even if they are solid contributors. This is because votes are pretty big deals and usually have an impact on the setting or meta as a whole. No matter how enthusiastic or into the project an anon is, it will still take them time to actually familiarize themselves with the project enough to make those kinds of decisions.
>>31223045>65 nasfaq dollars have been deposited into your account
>>31223143not directly no, it was some shitpost of cunt about him saying he would do such a thign for soem reason, which i forgot since it was just shitposting, that got the idea that this is theoreticaly possible into my head and havign a rule before we have case of it happening should be better than the other way around
>>31221988thanks for sharing your lore!
>>31223390I have always assumed once you declared for a thread, you are the rep until1. You quit or "lost signal"2. You are fired3. You decide to switch.For the later, there should be a rule regarding how long it takes for you to be able to vote for said thread if that is what the potential issue is.
>>31221988When you are doing layout for the city, im sure many would be willing to help if you ask.
>>31223539But still, for a rep to do such a thing indicates they probably shouldn't have the right to vote in the first place.
>>31223437Do check out our archive for all that has been written for /who/
>>31223539yeah that last one is what i mean.maybe if we see it as someone switchign their homethread as beign a new rep and have the rule 8 also apply to that then it does not evne need to be a rule of its own
>>31223013Your currents are cold. Which means lots of cold water fish like tuna, cod, sardines, and salmon. In the summer shelfish should be plentiful. Crabs, lobster, and prawns.
also i am going to post this one once more to get some more impressions from /meat/heads and if they are fine with the portrayal of them like this:
>>31223702oooh that sounds tasty.
>>31223749Fun story, finding a way for /meat/heads to cohabit openly with basically normal people is a nice challenge.
>>31223671I would like to hear others opinion but i am not sure this needs wrote down. This fear comes from cunt, someone we know should voted regardless
>>31223845Preventive measures are always more effective than reactive ones, and this thread has had a consistent problem with not writing things down. I'm in support of properly laying down rules instead of relying on anons obeying an unspoken gentleman's code.
>>31223845i doubt the thread will ever let cunt vote for anything regardless of thread he writes foras it is right now it is a technical loophole that threads with several writer could exploit by simply having members temporarily switch which thread they want to be counted as rep for
where is the new /meat/ thread?
>>31224183Anon, I...
>>31224085>>31224118So lets get it in writing, how long of a grace period is required?
>>31224220i think making it the same as the outcome for the one for new people should be fine
Back from IRL Mahjong showdown, time to catch up on the thread, seemed like a good one.>>31206007There are several Takos at the top, one serving as the face of Miyatsuko, so I'd say that there would definitely be Takodachi-ran /nasfaqg/ companies. >>31207053The deal with /nasfaqg/ is that a lot of posters use both /nasfaqg/ and some other thread, such as /hlgg/ or a split, which is usually reflected in the world as /nasfaqg/ being a nation of immigrants with double citizenships being quite common.>>31207457>free tradeWelcome to the f r e e t r a d e zone. /nasfaqg/ generally pushes for it diplomatically, so having it put in place works. There is a free trade/combined market agreement in place between several nations, the Ailivian Trade League, so you could also look into that.>>31209722I'd generally recommend going for level 5-6 when it comes to nation-based companies since level 7 is supposed to be reserved for special cases, and implies a company with economic resources as big as a regular nation - for example, if a company /runs/ a thread, then it'd have level 7, if it's just based off a thread, I'd recommend 5 or 6. That being said, I can imagine only three level 7 organizations within /nasfaqg/: Miyatsuko (the HQ of which is a Tako-led company, Her Priestess's Treasury, and which controls roughly ~25% of the entire market.), Cypher (aka. ThinkPad, longest-reigning #1 player in the game, dethroned by combined action of Miyatsuko), and maybe the Haaton-V (Five Haatons that dominated early game leaderboard, known for botting and bogging the servers with their pig code).>>31213199/nasfaqg/ profits and individual companies support different sides of the conflict, as usual. Every war is a proxy war if you believe hard enough!>>31214638There's a plenty of people who don't like Mori in /nasfaqg/, but the thread as a whole pretty adamantly defended itself against /vt/ drama leakage in every case (be it Mori, Rushia's graduation, etc.), plus people receive /nasfaqg/ Deadbeats /mostly/ positively. It's an extremely pro-unity thread, but in the truest sense. You don't have to like every streamer, but you generally respect other fans with different tastes than you.>>31214806I miss him... I can still sometimes hear his voice...>>31214835>Catalognaut privateers from the Serene RepublicWe neither confirm nor deny such accusation. I was wondering about the presence of catalognauts in /nasfaqg/, since it heavily relies on individuals and their ability. As such, a catalognaut would likely be able to make a fortune for themselves there, be it as a mercenary, expert, or a plutocrat themselves.>>31216628As >>31219171 has said, they are a valued part of the thread community and are considered to be chill and mellow, although they do have the reputation of being the ideal partners which gave rise to a long string of >tfw no tako gf posting.That being said... a lot of Takos were killed in the so-called Takowars, in which several people threw their entire net worth to buy as much $INANIS as possible. There were several events in the thread which were mostly attributed to them.>>31221934Aren't the Heartlands and the other non-tropical areas of the humid subtropical climate? Not rainforests, just something akin to Northern Italy/Southern US/Chinese mainland. To reply to >>31223013, that kind of climate can easily sustain massive amount of grain crops like wheat or maize.
>>31224530Can you word this for me, i am on my phone.
Finally the weekend...>>31219077Hi /meat/bro!!>>31219095That's good to hear!>>31219272Oh yes, I actually saw that post and I'm very interested. Looking into it more is on The List (tm)...
>>31224989New thread representatives or representatives that have decided to switch the thread they represent, may vote in voting sessions once they have been participating in the project for two weeks or more. (One week or more is considered as well.)
Alright, so about me writing /nasa/ exploding, y'all can go suck a dick, it's happening. It was one of the three proposed endings for it from the start, and I simply decided on it, as it is the easiest to write up. We go boom and that's it.
>>31225298Is Bread Dog going with this too?
>>31224701Tako here, in the spirit of my thread and how vt generally views deadbeats, i cannot join a trade league with them. Given that my nation will be dependent on trade and takos are big in nasfaq, i wonder what you would recommend as a wealth level considering what you said. >tfw no tako gfkek. More like tfw no swabian bf for me
>>31225298how about you actually write something about it for once instead of always throwing around stuff about how you want to end it?
>>31225383I'll cut him some slack and let one(1) bread dog survive the explosion so he can at least continue his weird ERP.
>>31225455A-are you a female girl?
>>31225498Just kill him, cunt,
>>31225455>no takos in the trade leagueMY DREAMS DASHED UPON ROCKS"why are Takodachi like this"
>>31225612We'll just have to make LOADSAMONEY without them...
>>31225540Yes. Why? >>31225612Blame mountain for wanting a rivalry with me. He isnt part but he is friends with Moriji
>>31225710>>31225676No... the combination Tako Bell KFP...
>>31224701btw how does /nasfaqg/ still feel about the potential idea of a shared island between the retro reich and /nasfaqg/ ?with the latest update there are 2 new ones that could be interesting for such an idea
>>31224701>Aren't the Heartlands and the other non-tropical areas of the humid subtropical climate?They are, I'm assuming he is talking about temperate rainforests, are a special type of biome which can occur in rainy subtropical areas. Think Ireland, Japan, New Zealand, Southeastern china (a bit),
>>31225770>not TriI was actually eyeing the one on the right as well. It looks to be nicely in the middle of both nations, but both are fine by me.
>>31225710That explains the schizo outburst. You are just a woman.>>31222795Under /nasa/ please and thank you.
Aside from brass, wtf do you even do with Zinc?
>>31224701Well I guess it depends on how warm or cold the current is. If the current is cooler then there's less water vapor in the air. Which means significantly less rainfall, but still a lot of rain. Maybe you have woods on the coast but it thins out more towards the mainland. Also woods grow closer to rivers and lakes. So you can have grassland fields betwern rivers and coasts. Grasslands would be more favorable for farming grains than woodlands because of the fertile soil not getting sucked up by trees. Still busy with chores. Sorry for late response.
>>31226188Rather be a woman that a faggot, who are even more mentally unstable.
>>31226188All Sanalites left in /nasa/ are dead. Though the current principal is Jonathan Mattock.
>>31225455Well, again, the "wealth level" pertains to a particular company, so you'd need to suggest what it is. The general rule of thumb is that for /nasfaqg/-based companies, other nations can make their own /nasfaqg/-based companies but they can only be of wealth levels 1-5, since levels 6-7 have to be associated with particular thread events (like Haaton-V) or players (i.e. Tako Instruments, a Takodachi [and an Ika]). Within your own country, you can make a company of any wealth level as long as it makes sense, i.e. a level 6 company would imply national monopoly on an entire industry (if you're German, think the Krupps for the German Empire), while a level 7 company would imply that your entire economy /is/ that company, or that it's a multinational conglomerate like the V.O.C.>>31225710This isn't a military alliance though, merely a no-tariff and anti-piracy agreement. I think that introducing tensions inside of the league would be quite interesting, since you'd have nations with competing interests.>>31225770I'd support it, if it's on the table. /nasfaqg/ should generally have trade and predominantly positive relations with all Holonations (since the NASFAQ stock exchange lists all Hololive members + some of their mamas + Holostars are slowly introduced), and during the very first placement we were going to be put right in the middle of the Holocontinent. Sadly, due to the early zoning discussions, Hololive and Nijisanji continents switched places, and we were placed on the outskirts of Hololive... so having a trading depot for increased accessibility and viability of Holonations trade would be perfect.Not sure about sharing the island with Retro Reich. I don't mean that in a hostile way, just that there isn't really a noticeable thread overlap I think, so I don't think it makes sense. However, if Retrobro has good ideas for stories/setting involving it, or thinks it'd be good for the Onobot investment arc, I'm also not against it although I'd probably ask /nasfaqg/ itself about it since we have multiple people who lurk this thread.>>31225819Oh, whoops. "[...]tropical rainforest" has brought on quite different associations in my mind. Yeah, this checks out with Climatebro's climate assessment.>>31226253Don't worry about responding late, I've just replied to the entire previous thread...Either way, deforestation to prepare land for farming and to acquire ship-building wood is also a possibility.
>>31226199Galvanizing Iron.
>>31226199Refrigeration / iceboxes>
>>31226526i have nothing directly planned since the idea was brought up just liek yesterday i think but it soudns interesting and could lead to itneresting things.lorewise it would make for a good angle for onobots investing into companiesand for stories there should be potential there too, i already had the idea fo an onobot that wanted to ivnest into companies and some lowly guys trying to trick and swindle him in mahjong and take his money only to be owned by the onobot due to his calculating mind being able to help him keep the upper hand. this would give a nice plae for the settingbut i am also not trying to force this in anyway, just wanted to know if you guys are still even interested at all.
>>31226526ohh and to add to it, for me this would be a angle of contact due to world lore and not thread connection.
>>31226526Trichama not everything has to be board relates, it would be kino and cute af to have a random small island shared by the merchants and the onobots.So my vote would be for "yes"
>>31225600*hits you with a brick*Done.
Last thread is a good example of why alice is a worthless member of this thread>purposely demeans a nation>anons defend the nation>i am just an esl woman!What does she actually do here, not even a schizo
>>31228812I was one of the anons opposing her and even I think you are a fag for bringing it up in a fresh thread
>>31228812I was also one of the anons opposing her and even I think you are a fag for bringing it up in a fresh thread
>>31228888Yet what does she even do? When was the last time she wrote lore
Do tell, what has alice ever done to warrant such schizos? Why is it that she gets this constantly but someone like Cunt doesnt. She aint perfect but she is one of the better anons here imo
>>31229092>>31229279Irrelevant posts, worldbuild please.
>>31229279She constantly erps, she ruins conversations, and contributes very little to the thread. I dont know when the last time she actually wrote something. Its been a month at least.,
Worldbuild, do not gossip about me or other anons.
>>31229279Cunt gets it recently too, but not nearly as much. Both primarily get targeted for what could appear to be off topic flirting. Everything else is just dressing, but the main goal is to annoy them and make them upset. Trolls will troll, unfortunately.Now, ahem.Let's worldbuild, friends? I's the weekend and I am too busy making an HFZ promo to write, haha... What are your current projects and how far along are you?
>>31229279She responded too much early on. Schizos thrive off attention. She stopped lately but other anons respond instead, so it just repeats forever.
>>31229419And cunt doesn't do that? Just admit you are scared of the little guy and bullying the small French ringo loli makes you feel big and powerful.
>>31229528Idk, i have lost motivation to write recently.
>>31229528As with last week I *want* to write about the Kronie delegate meeting the Deadbeat delegate, and them coming to an understanding (read: they take their reactions to each other the wrong way). I'm only got a very dusty graph that needs more work, so far. Other than that I want to write the Inquisition vs the Watamelons
>>31229637Nah, you just dont matter.
>>31229713Dear God, please stop I'm already dead as is!
I for one, love cunt
>>31229639Oof. That happened to me some time before you joined. I'm sorry to hear it! It's okay to take breaks and refresh the mind. A nice way to come up with new ideas is to research / come up with the history of your nation and chronicle that, like PP does. The inspiration to my story with the ironclad was a documentary about the USS Monitor, for example. Either way, I hope you get motivated soon!
>>31229813that's an innuendo
>>31229813I for one, want to smell Kiara's cunt.
>>31229813Flattered, but I'm already taken.
>>31229881That's my cum you're smelling btwt. Me
>>31229889Yet, just a bit ago you were offering blowies to kroniescurious
>>31229928This Kronie? All me.
>>31229842Well half of it for me is that the interactions here are just mentally draining. Not even antis, just normal anons who immediately assume the worst instead of asking for clarification.
>>31229995Starting out as a shitposter that only wanted to have fun with her nation came to bite you in the ass. That stigma will be with you as long as you are here I'm afraid, sis.
>>31229995Welcome to hell. I am patient zero of this. Indeed its been a week since I wrote anything of note aside from contributing to the voting process and trying to be useful
>>31229995I appear to do that sometimes, sorry. I don't assume the worst of you like I don't think you do bad things intentionally. But it happens, even from others to me. Especially in the zoning timeloops of old, and the tech timeloops. Some people are just paranoid about a nation's power, some are trolls. Either way I hope you feel better soon...
>>31229995Not to mention, you just wrote something yesterday. And it was good.
>>31230215>patient zero>implying this thread was sitting in a peace circle singing kumbaya before you came alongkronies and nasfags have been villains long before you joined the thread.
>>31230381its really weird we were considered villains since nasfaqg didnt do shit for the longest of time.Yet for some reason everyone was so paranoid of us, especially regarding canals and sea passages
>>31230195I still >>31230215That hit me a while ago.>>31230258Thanks. I think a better rule is to ask for clarification.>>31230290Youre right. Idk, sometimes i feel like because i focused on stories more than national lore means i am being lazy.
>>31230491perceived as jews = stigma, that's all there is to it
>>31230381Nah, never thought that, but i am patient zero for schizos..
>>31230538You are jews but idc about your canals and sea passages.
>>31230600no. the kronie rep had a schizo... who was also a kronie, making wild accusations of other threads and agitating all diplomatic relationships the kronie rep tried to make. he also got a /yeah/ schizo for some reason. then the miko rep and hoshiyomi rep had one dedicated schizo each, eventually they left
>>31230515well if stories don't count then i guess i am the most lazy person there is in herebut yeah early perception still carries a lot of that i assume tho i am not sure that alone is all of it, however i feel elaborating on that will open a can of hostility that i rather not because at least i think we are getting along right now and i rather keep it that way
>>31230750Well idk why i was told i brought all the schizos to this thread. That actually was making me feel bad when i see alice, og, mepper, organic, roseanon, sol, and others getting attacked. Shit man.
>>31230898Just say it and if anyone gets on you i will flame them. Would rather know honestly.
>>31230674Those among nashags who strive for profit and money alone without any soul are a minority, and a somewhat disliekd minority. Nasfaqg is not just about making money, although that is an important aspect of the thread.Many of the canal ideas were partially justified or motivated with the idea of avoiding the nasfaqg straits, which some anons feared would be tolled (even though we told everyone multiple times its free passage). Same with the north sea passage, which did get canonized in the map when we expanded the poles. Emphasis on "some anons" not everyone was like it. Honestly its been so long I dont remember the detals, but I do remember nasfaqg being brought up multiple times during those discussions, and really never in a positive light.
>>31230600Hell, Nasarep has you beat in that regard. Jannychama was here before you.
>>31230951to get to you and make you feel bad. it seems to be working. don't feel guilty, schizos have been here since day one
>>31231024well alright but i want to make clear beforehand that.1. i got no issue with you at all anymore, some of these things are regarding stuff of the past and soem is not even my personal feelings but some stuff that i think plays a part of it.i hope this will not open up some anger and worsen stuff between us, if you ever want to say stuff to me honestly i will regard it as the same.
Not to imply schizos do not exist, but just reminding that not everyone who disagrees or criticizes you is a schizo, and discarding arguments and criticism as schizo is really not a good thing to do, as it will not foster a healthy conversation.
>>31231253Go ahead, the past is the past. I have heard it all anyways so surprise me
>>31231317Never thought that. Indeed, i know my schizos well. I just dont appreciate the hostility i am given by some regulars but whatever, i know why i get it anyways and my hands arent clean.
Does /nasfaqg/ have any notable landmarks like hills, mountains, rivers, or swamps? I just finished making dinner. I'll go over the maps I downloaded real quick.
>>31231417Heartflow Coast is hilly area, and the elevation gets higher as you go closer to the /ahoy/ border. the hilliest areas marked on map. There are 3 considerably hilly areas on the main island, they are all marked on the map with hills. The archipelago has has only 2 of the volcanoes visible. the places where the rest of the volcanoes are are marked with hills near the center of the island. This was a purely aesthetic decision.Same with Lird's wallet island, it is also volcanic with the central area of volcanism marked with hills.Major rivers are noted on the map, but smaller rivers and streams and canals are not marked, but they do exist. Small ponds, springs, and lakes may exist here and there, but they are not that large, and are not marked on the map.There are swamps near Idelshire, and there may be swamps elsewhere, but i doubt they'd be large ones. I really appreciate your work. Thanks for it.
>>31231417>>31232185 (me)But besides the volcanic islands and the mountains on /ahoy/ side, nasfaqg ahs no mountains. Save for the few hilly areas its a really flat country.
Where my favorite Kiarass poster btw? Mountain where you at, I need some clarification from you.
>>31231326well alrightthe first thing and i think one of the biggest contributors is the fact that you and Panon are close together and work together ect. besides that maybe some people, tho i assume only schizos, are envious of that.but for the most part and the more important one. criticizing one of you will to 99% always lead to having to deal with the both of you, if anything is said against either, the other will always defend the other, no matter what. so if people want to speak up their mind with some genuine thigns they feel is bad then even before they have begun writing this already can be demoralising. it is also extremely taxing when you want to have an argument and have to basicly have 2 talks side by side. Add to that, that for the person, even if it is 2 people, it is most likely treated as one covnersation and even if the one is reasonable and trying to peacefully work out the things at hand, if the other starts gettign annoyed and starts to either troll, or try to simply cut off the conversation ect. this bad feeling is basicly then carried not just one person but the both of your case alice there is also that early on where you did a lot of trolling and shitposting ect that it could coem off as you not taking things serious at all, and to some having had someone come in and made, what felt like, a mockery of hard work some put into this just felt bad and unnecessary provocative.there is also the thing that it sometimes feels that if "oldfags" talk to you that their opinion does not matter to you at all, no matter how the past there have been many cases of people saying they have issues with stuff, for example when you wanted to merge /2434/ with the /mans/ thread and you seem to not care at all what other side.except for one person, which is even more salt in the wound, when Panon says something.Making an argument for something and then being treated as beign nasty, a schizo, an anti or getting trolled in return as some idiot and then Panon says soemthing along the sam elines but then you suddenly are sorry for it, understand and agree just really made it feel like you were anti "oldfaq" no matter what anyway.then there is also the fact that you were allowed a lot of things that other nations previously were not allowed, having a canal, other nations as vassalage ect. Add to it that Panon and you are probably seen as one entity and you can add selfmade borderchagnes to it ect. And yes the context for your cases and theirs is vastly different but for some it still can feel like "she got everything she wanted, we did not."the way you got new thigns very fast also made it feel like you are being greedy and can never have enough, like "she got a canal but now she does nothing with it, and now she got a vassal but does not write further with that anymore either" ect.some of these also felt a bit like it was less about having something itneresting to work with but rather to piss of people and see if you can get away with the next new thing and if not then backpedal until it is agreeable.Then there is also the thing were peopel feel you are not accoutnable for anything, if its too over the top then it was a shitpost, people are not happy with something you said? well you didn't mean it that way and why are peopel nto askign to clarify first? or well she is ESL cut her some slack. and it feels like instead of owning some mistakes that it rather gets deflected and isntead the person that criticized you is now the bad guy for not understanding what you TRULY meant. this immeaditly puts them into defensive because now they feel they need to defend themselves as to not be left as the badguy.i want to once again say that these are either things i felt in the past or thigns i feel that others think. i have no issues with you anymore and at least like to think i have come to understand you somewhat better, otherwise i would not have offered to write a story with you or asked Panon for help with my navy.
>>31233061Jesus, talk about a murder. You summed it up nicely though, doubt anyone can take this as a direct attack on her or anything.
>>31233061O o, do me next, I'm in the mood for some depression kek. Dead hours anyway it seems.
>>31233061Can i ask what i am supposed to do with canal and vassals? For the latter, i am letting them do what they want. I cannot remember the nijimales thing well, i do actually remember comfy senpai convincing me on that more than anyone. Umm i have never actually wanted to piss anyone off really, if i came off that way i am sorry. As for ppsenpai, he does defend me too much but i see him bat for others a lot too. No one should feel like a bad guy for criticizing me. But sometimes when things come up a certain way like “you always have an excuse” or “you are powerhungry” it feels like they can be worded better because rarely do i see good criticism given to anyone here by anyone. Comfysenpai is the best at doing this, i try to stay out of that. Thank you retrosenpai, i have said before I respect you and that your onobot tales inspire me.
>>31233061Last thread's debacle was a good example your later points.>ESL anons assume Alice is undermining Inf>probably double ESL misunderstanding>ESL anons step in to defend Inf>panon and mepper jump in to take Alice's side>everyone doubles down>panon labels one of the ESL anons a schizo and tells him to take into account that Alice is ESLNot mentioning this to restart the shitstorm, its just a good example of your points.
>>31233061>>31233368>>31233757After cunt, me solely because i need it. This is off topic but productive imo.,
>>31233820Did i actually say schizo? Fuck i need to shut up.
>>31233841You're a control freak and a narcissist that feels the need to cut into any conversation and make yourself the centre of attention no matter what.There, how's that?
>>31233936And you are a fucking cunt
>>31233936Just sounds like anti talking points desu.
>>31233979Awww, that's the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me, thank you anon!>>31233994But am I all that wrong though?
>>31233906Well not exactly, I paraphrased a bit. The exact comment was>The fact that you want to take the words of someone who is an ESL and turn into to your own schizophrenia is you trying to pick a fight. And one more thing, Who cares what she thinks when the only opinion that matters is OGsuner.People say regrettable things in the heat of a moment.
>>31234049>control freakTo a degree>narcissist I beg to differ, but i would rather here the actual case based on evidence and not hearsay>inject myself into everything Not true, indeed that is far from the truth. I mostly inject with stuff i am knowledgeable about and if i ever do, its from working customer service and having this inserted into me head to help people as much as i can>centre of attentionIn case you havent noticed, i hate being the center of attention and hate when this thread focuses on me rather than other more pressing matters. You can find me saying this 40 times.
Cunt's feeling extra spicy today.
>>31234279Yeah, i am nasty sometimes and i really shouldnt say shit like that honestly. I am sorry to the anon i said that to (i might schizophrenia more in the sense of narrative rather than saying you are actually insane)
>>31234361Just butt hurt that he got roasted by tako for being the unproductive coward he is.
>>31233757>>31233841while i don't mind being honest with people sicne i value honestly a lot and try to be upfront about stuff right then and there.having to bring up so much at once, lots of it being past stuff that i myself already moved past, doe snot mean that it also feels good, quite the opposite, i am somewhere between vomiting and a heartattack right now if i am beign hoenst with if you truly want that, then please at a different time
>>31234594Take care of yourself, i already know my issues.
>>31234411Dw about it, all water under the bridge. Admittedly it was my ESL brain showing up and seeing meaning where there probably was not any. Its good to have these sort of things resolved.
>>31234673No worries, would rather we butt heads and come to realize “shit we could have done that better” and apologize than seethe silently about it.
>>31223045Very SOVLFVL. But I'm not entirely sure about the part with the capital's development being pretty unplanned. Not sure which the exact history of both the government and the capital's establishment. But given enough time the government would probably have the capital be one of the most tightly regulated cities in terms of construction. So rather than turning into a mess of winding streets immediately outside the administration and academic districts, there would likely be a more gradual change from the center to the exterior. I personally thought of it as the streets closest to the important administrative centers and fortifications in cities usually have wide and long boulevards extending from them in order to have a clear line of fire towards anything coming for them, also allowing faster reclamation of city sectors, with just enough bends in the center to slow down the enemy and set up barricades. It's probably the same thing you are thinking though. And regarding the wall although I personally imagined the capital still have some but I guess the need for defensive walls is absolved by both the sheer size of /who/ and the circle of forts outside of the capital. Nice work though
>>31233936Panon is a control freak but fucking kek. Bro is very caring and helpful to others; one of the better anons in that regard. Bro will literally write for others and help them get themselves in a good position regardless of who they are. As for the latter, nah.
>>31234304>control freakThis we agree on, good>narcissistYou sometimes come off as putting extra emphasis on yourself over others. Look no further than the "patient zero" comment from this thread. Something which you did correct when others pointed out you weren't in fact one, it's just that it's a lot more pronounced now.>injecting yourselfWhen any problem arises with basically any niji writer, it's safe to say you will come running to their aid sooner or later. Have some more faith that they can resolve problems and arguments on their own. This is most apparent with Alice, like retro pointed out.>centre of attentionSee the point for narcissism
130 posts in and we're just writing walls of text on our namefags... Ya hate to see it.
>>31234928I am not saying he isn't, but just because he is helpful and nice doesn't mean he can't also have his bad moments. And those are what schizos will latch onto, so might as well have them pointed out to him so he can work on fixing them.
>>31235074new /meat/. come in before it's dead.
>>31235181these seem to be posts that are quite important for the long term health of the thread. Thus they are acceptable.
>>31234811Shows what I know of city planning.Hausmann renovations seems neat, putting that in would be cool. City districts and controlled sprawl will be there, then. Do you think the industrial zone should be past the river?
>>31235033>narcissist You fail to understand that I was indeed told on that, that I was the one to bring Schizos to the thread. That was not once, but multiple times. I dont know how a narcissist could actually try to work in the interests of others as much as i do. Indeed, i find it hard to believe that a narcissist would care more about the fact his own schizos attack others as being more painful than the attacks on him. Just doesnt hold up under scrutiny.Quite funny, i think this is a better description of you, considering you take pride in your own antics, the lack of reps you do, and the worthless attitude you bring to this thread>injecting yourselfMaybe this comes down to me wanting to be something for others that I never got, support. Hate me all you want for that, ill take the knocks for newfags and my fellow nijireps any day>center of attentionLook in the mirror. Everything has to be about you anymore so much that you feel the need to be secretive about your actual feelings when it comes to wah.
>>31235794And this isnt me being butthurt, i am giving you a counter critque because i feel those points are vaild for you.
>>31235873Nobody is being butthurt here mate, it's just a discussion. That being said, break over gotta work at least a bit today, so gimme a bit to respond, k?
What the fuck are you all doing
for those who think i cannot criticize ppsenpai1. You interject too much!!!! Honestly, you did not have to earlier. You dumb petrol on fires that i can put out myself if you dont run your damn mouth. I get you want to be there for others, but not like this dumbass!2. You have this aura of you cannot be wrong sometimes that you give off that is obnoxious, you have gotten better but you are wrong a lot..3. Sometimes, i just want hit you when you say dumbshit or word shit the wrong way and your have awful reading comprehension, worse than any esl here honestly4. Its hard to tell when you are joking, i hardly know half of the time if you are pissed or taking the piss.5. You want to help TOO MUCH. Work on your own stuff more. We dont need you all the time. I certainly dont though I appreciate it6. Rude as hell sometimes. You rub people the wrong way. You are lucky i have a good opinion of you otherwise i would be pissed at you a lot.
You all smell like stinky cheese. I win. Go to your rooms.
>>31236282Constructive criticism
>>31236533You’re next :)
>>31236627Cool, I like being criticized.
hmm I want attention too, but I don't want to be perceived as an attention whore. Please review me without me telling you too.
>>31235630While I persoanlly think the city would be a administrative and academic city first I can see it retaining quite a bit of essential industry and especially an decently sized arsenal or workshop in it. And because we are still in early 19th century in terms of tech the industrial district would most definitely go to near the river since most machines are run by water wheels. Though /who/ is also supposed to have expansion engines so more direct means of using steam rather than just using them to pump water is doable now. So some factories powered by steam would have poped up by now, and likely at a slightly faster rate than how it happened in the real world. But for the most part even with steam engines most factories would still be located near the river as more of them are being refitted for steam with some being built farther away from the river. But for how big the country is the development would probably be seen more in the East where the coal is mined for now. The capital might have some advanced public works like heating and gas lamps but the spread of industries would still be relatively limited, probably. I probably need to actually read a scholarly book rather than just relying on online sources... Same goes for the urban planning.
>>31236533Cheese? Can I make grilled cheese sandwiches?
>>312364301. Given i bat for you a lot, ill take your word and leave shit alone more. Means more coming from you honestly because it means i am awful with this.2. Yeah, i cannot disagree at all. I definately find myself dead set on something till i am proven wrong.3. Comfybro tells me this, yeah i can agree that i say stupid shit a lot and my reading reps are awful4. I dont know how to fix that but it is true5. Sigh, fuck man. Alright, ill stop it. Its part of my damn nature but ill stop it.6. You are too, but this is true. Given that I called an anon a schizo earlier for no reasonThanks
>>31236870Wooo, more reading... yay, let's keep picking away at it then
>>31236540Thread autism!!!!
>>31233757Alright Cunt, when it comes to you... i honestly have no strong opinion whatsoever about you myself, and i think that is also in part of why you barely get touched by schizos either. because most of us don't care about you as yourself at all anymore due to how you seem to treat all of us,sometimes it feels you treat absolutly nothing as serious and just fuck around regardless of how sicnere someone wants to be with you. people can want a serious talk with you only to be met with some offhandish comment.and for you that might not be an issue at all but the biggest issue i see is that this is often not just perceived as you but atm for example as /mans/ in total.back with nasa rep it was the same, when he was going bad most of what came from you was just "do i need to hit you with a brick?" or active encouragement of the bad thing.and now with vespiebro this is even worse. he is still relatively new and you are the oldfag of /mans/ and the fact that what you write as offhand remark will be perceived as the opinion of /mans/ and thus also for vespie just does not seem to matter at all. and worse is that you utter lack of wanting to take responsibility gets the most clear when shit hits the fan and you just "leave the project" or soemthing along the lines. you let nasa rep have to deal with the worse shit when it came to /nasa/, you dropped your story with me on a whim, you left vespie when thigns in regard to /mans/ were getting rough. even yesterday when the whole fiasco about the agreement with /wah/ happened, instead of saying what you think vespie wanted, you rather leaned in on the chance to play the "badass villain" and worsened the situation. in fact being seen as some cool villain and takign any chance at it seems more important to you than any form of friendship you have built with some people here, liek when you just could not stop pushing for the whole poisening /risu/ thing even after OG did not find it funny at all anymore, even tho to me you two seemed to mesh well before that.and even tho you seemed to have much love for /nasa/, whenever you get in a mood nowadays you just use it like some thing to blow off some steam "well then i will blow all of it and kill all sanalites no matter what, fuck you." not caring at all how this might make people feel that liked your stuff back then or how this might make nasa rep feel that you now kick and drag the thing you both worked on with passion in the least i honestly stopped interacting with you mostly simply because i just saw no point in it anymore because you also seemed to stop caring about any goodwill between us a logn time ago.
>>312367331. You are hard to work with. I never know how to approach you or how to work with your lore because i feel like i will mess things up.2. You really dont seem to care about anyone but oldfriends half of the time. You rarely interact with anyone but OGsuner a lot and arent supportive of anything we do. You, to me, want to be left in your own world. Even though i just told ppsenpai he needs to stop looking out and helping so much, you are the opposite. When was the last time you even gave feedback to nijireps????3. You are a bigger control freak than Pp and that is something. This relates to point one.4. I just dont feel like you are someone i go to when i want help on something. Hard to explain with you. 5. You never have all the shit we need to know wrote down, i have this problem too so I understand.
>>31237176I'm making some progress on the reading I was doing but then I tacked on 2 more because I got interested in a detailed account from a non-western perspective and a more comprehensive history of coal...
>>31221988Currently the main rentry doc isn't maintained by me, but someone from /who/. Would you want me to archive this part in a separate entry, or should I wait for the one maintaining the /who/ lore rentry to do it?
>>31237187Now now, this is probably one of the most healthy threads we've had in a while thanks to this. People are airing their grievances and people are opening up to listen to each other. Call me naive, but I'm hopeful that this should make things more stable in the future.
>>31237666Ah that would be me too. Was too focused on the cover release and forgot to do it adding it now
>>31237666I'm just letting my colleague do it for now, but I recommend you keep a copy of our archive just in case anything happens.
>>31237433>mansI have to agree, this has made me quite irritated with you as well cunt. When i saw how tako and vespie worked it out so easily today, it just blew my mind that you would rather play a villain than take her seriously. Like hell, man. We dont need drama here. And i feel like you want that all the time, like a w*man kek
>>31237187YOURE NEXT1. Idk, i dont hold strong opinions or critiques of many here aside from pp, rosesenpai, retrosenpai and cunt. You need to work with others more like me!!!!
where are the other /meat/heads?
>>31237669I think its good for some of us “high strung” menheras to do this every once and a while.
>>31238137Do me then…
>>31237467>1I completely understand that. I can see why I come off as hard to work with, I’d like to do my best to amend these opinions in the future when I have more spare time.>2I… Understand this as well. I do love my kouhais very much, but it is very true that I do not speak to them often. I want to give feedback and such, but I always seem to catch up too late to reasonably comment. This is something I take blame for. Although I will say on the point with the other old reps, they are also typically the only ones who will address me directly. OGsuner is of course the most recognizable in this manner, but there are also those like the Deadbeats who commune with me somewhat often. On the flip side of this, I don’t believe you’ve ever directly spoken to me about things excluding perhaps a handful of times like the spider island. Yet I acknowledge, however, that this is too partially my fault as I do not really promote conversation often.>3I really have nothing to say against this one. It’s just a true statement. I’m very obsessive about my work and although I can collaborate and build with others outside, I am incapable of doing so with others inside.>4I believe my response to the second point correlates here. I don’t come off as very chatty, I believe. I do feel as if the way I type could also be regarded as stiff. Yet the biggest offender I would say is the variety of my expertise. People have come to me for help with speculative biology and such, but I am not as much of an expert in matters that others are. Simply put, there are just better options than me to pick from.>5Truth be told I’ve felt extremely guilty recently for not having everything written down. I have, in the limited spare time I earn, been working on EVERYTHING that I have not written down. But it has been a painfully slow process and for that I do truly apologize. It may be an excuse, but it really does feel as if life tightens its grip on me whenever it feels I am having a bit too much spare time. I just wish I could push it all out already, I truly do.
>>31238627>I always seem to catch up too late to reasonably commentWe have anons who respond to entire threads the day after they happen. It's never too late to comment on what's essentially a forum where everyone comes from different timezones.
>>31238295Alright.1. I am not touching most of whats been said, but this needs to be said. Shitposting is an excuse for you to act like an dumbass sometimes. Like fuck, alice, and this is also on me, i have had to try to make sense of your dumbshit to either when you were just shitposting apparently. I also dont buy the national rp half the time with you.2. I feel like you want to be involved in a lot of projects in this thread at once and with all respect, you dont need to be in everything in at once3. I know this is true. You are not as ESL as you claim. Maybe on some things but you are very intelligent and I know you are more than capable of not using the esl excuse (i made this earlier kek).4. You are moody like me, and thats not good. You do things to antis out of spite and bite bait. You are getting better on this
>>31238788>>31238627Not anyone can be in this thread 24/7. I have the page on my phone. But I can't answer all the time. And many times I can't write in depth. I can respond with breaks between chores.
>>31239118>Not anyone can be in this thread 24/7>implyingI have a neuralink to /vtwbg/.
>>31238627Following up on 2, i have tried in the past but you really dont have much to say and it goes with all of the points. I dont know how to work with you… you are hard to approach and i feel like it would be hard to please you…>>31238869Damn.. the esl and national rp ones are very true and not many would know that you are right. All of them are right!! Ok, i get it.
meanwhile me>coombrainam i missing anything?Also because this is a WORLDBUILDING THREAD BTW just wanted to say that i spent a good few hours looking up facts about nuts and researching shit in general. music and naming rights are still a thing i will need. I FUCKING LOVE YOU ROSE SEXPAI PLEASE DOMINATE MY ASSHOLE IN MY DREAMS TONIGHT Nuts
>>31239252Do you actually want criticism of your behavior? Because I'm not any of those anons but you actually do have some really annoying posting habits tbdesu.
Beloved /meat/heads, would one of you know if there's an MMD/koikatsu model of Akira Mazono somewhere?
>>31239252You are hard to work with, stubborn, and a complete idiot half of the time. I feel i am pulling teeth with you half the time. One more thing of note, you once replied to yourself and disagreed with what you said.
>>31239214i honestly think you are vastly underestimating how many people never truly believed the ESL thing and that is exactly why when this is being used constantly to escape responsiblity for your posts is why people get mad way harder
>>31239422>One more thing of note, you once replied to yourself and disagreed with what you saidThat was based though.
>>31239252Well, if I'm to be completely honest, coombrain is a pretty good summary of what can be considered your flaws, although I guess nowadays the ERP arc has already passed. That said, it's hard to tell whether it's due to your coombrain or your stubbornness, but sometimes trying to get you to remember anything unrelated to sex can be a uniquely frustrating experience. I don't dislike you in spite of it, though, in case you're wondering.>>31239386Anything I can help you with?
>>31239214>not many would know that you are rightAnon. You running away by claiming ESL or woman-ness is one of the most common complaints about you.
>>31239422>>31239309im not even going to argue about these. I dont remember the last one alice said but im not gonna say your wrong kek. pic related
>>31238788>>31239118Fair points. I’ll take that into consideration.>>31239214Maybe my memory is just faulty, but I promise I’ll attempt to be more communicative in the future. Although I’m actually very easy to please, the simplest things excite me fairly often.>>31239252Love you too, OGsuner.
>>31239530No shit, its an easy out. I throw her and others that life line like i throw out my own retardation. I just accept most of us here have autism and awful typing/reading reps, me being one of the worst.
>>31239604are you /meat/bro?
>>31239768I'm not the one making the catalognaut lore or the HD map, if that's what you're asking.
>>31239252Right, OGsuner, capital lore just dropped. >>31221988 Some things are subject to change but hope you have enough to go from together with the other posts.
Well. This has been a very strange thread, but is probably among the most productive we've ever been. Hopefully the threads will have less avoidable timeloops going forward now that we've all sat down and talked to each other.
>>31239697and that is the problem, you throw it out constantly for others no matter of they actualyl feel about it. and worse is that because of that when there is some genuine misudnerstanding due to ESL then it has no meanign anymore because people are already pissed off enough about it being used as an excuse constantlyit is the same when you excuse stuff for me for beign german to the point that nwo the first anons go and be like "and don't make the excuse you are being german"
Yeah i know i use lifelines. Its not that i want to be excused but rather that i have no excuse and my instincts tell me to do that. I apologize… i dont have any mental illnesses but i guess i am weak willed or something…
>>31239844screenshotted and saved (a thing i should have statred doing a fucking long time ago. Thank you kind sir
>>31239831then which one are you?
>>31239956Yeah, i get it. I do not know why i do it. Its not like i dont want anyone to be responsible as much as i cut slack too much.
>>31240020He uses upper case letters, so not paragraphsanon, and I don't think that's Founder either, this must be the mysterious 5th /meat/head.
>>31240020I don't really give myself a name and I try to keep a low profile most of the time but I do some climate/biome-related stuff.
>>31239960nah i feel you on that one, thats absolutly Panons fault, once he tries to defend you with that shit it is hard to argue agaisnt it because you basicly jus tlsot your chance to talk things out normaly and instead would now make stuff harder on yourself, and you also would kind of shit on the person who tried to defend you jsut has annoyed me in the past myself and i jsut could not say anything for the sam ereason
>>31240138No… i use it myself too without him… does he help? Probably not, i know it comes from a good placr but i told him he needs to shut up!!!
>>31240098It's you being too overprotective of the anons who joined after you. I think comfyanon said as much to you before and you said you would work on it, but then you didn't really. Like he said then, your intentions are good but it just causes problems. It comes off as kind of condescending too when you act like your so-called kouhais can't stand up for themselves. While we're airing grievances, regarding cunt calling you a narcissist who wants everything to be about you, it does come off that way no matter how many times you claim you don't want things to be about yourself. The habit of inserting yourself into conversations is partially to blame but it's also because...well, you do make things about yourself a lot. I don't know if you remember but I'm the anon who brought up how your feedback "meme" never comes across as a joke. Sure it's obvious when you post the brief copypasta, but most of the time you use that "meme" you're just inserting yourself into a serious conversation to say that nobody ever gives you feedback. That doesn't come across as a joke, it comes across as you complaining that people aren't paying enough attention to you. Attempting to explain these things to you or offer criticism never works either, because you just claim that people are trying to anti you and ignore them.
>>31240132ok, well, hello. i suppose i was a bit confused when i didn't recognize your writing style. i wanted to ask a few questions to some of you guys in our main thread, but our main thread died, so a new one had to be made. >>31235270 if you don't like it you can make a better one.
>>31240098>>31240098yes because sicne you asked this earlier of mebesides the stuff already pointed out and soem of the stuff i said about alice already included you too.but you have an absolute lack of trust and faith in other people. even towards aliceand worse is that you don't seem to udnerstand just how much your desire to be involved in every talk or be seen as the "new group leader" is actually hurtful towards the perception of others.even half you reactions to this right now feel more like you are reacting to the amusing nonsense the children are speaking then that any of that is something you are takign to heart.
Shit i cause everyone too many problems, now I barely know what I actually do that is worthwhile. Fuck, I must make shit harder for everyone even with good intentions. Just like real life, well. I guess i will just not talk much. Doesnt seem like much good comes from me considering my notoriously bad reading and typing reps. What do i even do good?
>>31240534Yeah, i aint got anything to say. I am a fucking moron.>>31240689
>>31240742the fuck? you are pretty smart with military stuff and you have incredible writing speed. how many stories have you done now?
>>31240742well you did help stopping alice from doing some of her worst shit she came up with
>>31240742You are helpful, your expertise on military stuff is good to have around and you've pushed through some things the thread has procrastinated on for a long time like the ocean naming. Really most of your problems all come back to your tendency to insert yourself into conversations that don't actually involve you. If you focused more on offering your services when someone is asking for help specifically instead of feeling the need to comment on everything all the time, that would solve a lot of these issues.
>>31240607>i was a bit confused when i didn't recognize your writing styleThat might be for the best, but I digress.>new threadDon't mind me, I usually lurk there, although personally I don't expect any thread of ours to last long enough for discussions, so you might want to consider doing it on a friendlier board like /trash/, or just do it here if you want it to be done in a timely manner.
>>31240742>>31240916>>31240924>>31240945looks like everyone beat me to it. despite your shortcomings with schizos, you are charismatic and have many people here who would defend you happily.
I hit a block with /nasfaqg/ crops. I don't think its because I'm stumped with what crops go where. I had so many IRL interruptions today that I just need some time to myself today.
I aint being a menhera, i do know i do some good, but fuck. A lot of what i do is just flat out awful. Fuck me.
meanwhile the only thing i can do good is come up with "creative" ideas. I really dont like the idea of saying this since I dont like this thread turning into a discord chatroom but I just have to.
I would jump in but thats not productive!!! You know how i feel!!!
>>31241175Anon, focusing on the bad instead of the good is like the definition of being a menhera. I don't want to brush it off by saying you haven't done any bad because that would defeat the purpose of spending an entire thread on being honest with each other, but you also do a lot of good. You aren't a net negative even if you have caused some unnecessary drama now and then. What matters is that you're aware of it now and will try to be better in the future. You absolutely can change anons' perception of you, just look at how many people have come forward and admitted they used to hate paragraphsanon but now realize he's a good guy. Hell I'll throw my bit in too. I hated Alice when she first came here for many of the reasons retroanon said, but now I'm fine with her too. In her case I started warming up to her after the first huge /soc/posting meltdown, when she actually apologized for her behavior and took criticism to heart. It showed that even though she's not perfect she's doing her best, and that's what counts in the end.
>>31241175As per >>31241081, you're great for referencing real military skirmishes that can help shape our fictional history. It's very helpful when discussing or writing fights, like the climatebros are when discussing weather and vegetation.
>>31241248Eh, like >>31235518 said, while these conversations are technically off topic they're kind of necessary for the thread's long term health. If you have stuff you want to say you might as well do it now in this thread, instead of bottling it up until you explode and potentially derailing an actual worldbuilding thread in the future.
>>31241248Satay timeloop aside I can help figure out how some of your ideas work if you want. Like with the rattling wands. Though those wands have to be retconned to use activator substances instead of kinetic energy via rattling.
desu im still bummed out about the sapling thing ever since it happened and im debating on either just fucking writing the story the way i want to for fun and get bitched out because "mah thread culture" or just throw away something that has months of effort put into it. Is sapling rep even still here?
>>31241402While I appreciate what you are saying, Focusing on what is wrong with me in this situation is the right course of action because, shit, i didnt know i was that bad. Eh we will see about me. I am still the idiot with poor reading comprehension kek
>>31241175In short, I think the best thing we can ask for is for you to give people a chance to stand up for themselves. Sometimes, letting people talk with each other one on one is the best you can do. Sure, step in if you're 100% sure it's a dog pile to tell people to take a breath. But please, have some faith in us. I'd like to say most people here don't actually mean any ill.
>>31241514yeah as the one who originally used pic related and made it a meme i have no fucking idea how it would work i just think "hey this is cool lets fucking do it for the fun and lulz"
>>31241175FYI, i fully support you initiative to ask people to clarify things.
also since i need to head to bed sicne i got work tomorrow i just want to say thank you to you all for being so good sports about thiswhen i wrote the first thing towards alice i really meant it that i felt incredibly bad and was near vomitting from it. i also was super scared that i was about to lose a lot of goodwill i had built up with you people for this since being honest is not something people always want.i honestly wanted to quit this project several times in the past since i often feel inadequate or super insignificant and of no worth to the point i felt people always felt they rather not deal with me since even if i try to talk normal i seem to come of as aggressive. but i am glad i am sticking around.
>>31241643Fair. Ill do it.
>>31241684This resonates with me so bad, OG, you don't even know. Realism is hard for my cumsoaked brain
Just another word for panon, a ton of newfags have came and left great lore in part because they loved your work. You are a fantastic member of this project whose impact goes beyond the infuriating aspects of your personality that shows. Thank you for being here.
>>31242139Thanks, and i am appreciative of all of the support. I am my own worst critic at the end of the day, but those criticisms fall short of the real deal.
>>31241518It sucks that you're bummed about it, but I'm really not sure how to console you on this. To be honest it's obvious /uuu/ the thread had been developing a bad opinion of risuners for a long time now due to you harassing them in their own thread, even if the sapling representatives here seemed to like you. I lurk there sometimes and there were already posters who would tell the risuners who showed up from time to time to get out, and then before the dumb twitterdrama which doesn't matter anyways there was the instance where you accidentally leaked your trip. Even though it was a false flagger that time, the fact a sapling back traced the trip to vtwbg for the express purpose of telling you to stay out of /uuu/ from then on was already pretty telling of how much hatred for risuners had built up among some of the posters there. I don't think that's the level of hate you can ignore in-universe without raising some eyebrows. If you really wanted to be friends with saplings in universe, I think the best thing you can do is just shelve the story for now and wait a while to see if it all blows over. It can be hard for a thread to change their opinion of a fanbase once it's established though since most anons don't leave their splits, so /uuu/ posters will never really see positive examples of risuners.
>>31241886I mean, it's natural that not all of us have all the autism in the world (that would probably be quite detrimental, in fact), but you can always ask for feedback and suggestion on how to make it work here. I do think we shouldn't really take picrel of >>31241684 as anything more than a meme, since we have enough cans of worms around the magic system as is.
>>31242366Yeah, if anons want realism. I am your guy since I am rather single minded on it. It gets me in trouble.
>>31242366Yeah, people like PP and the various climate and geography analysts are very helpful in this regard. And Bread Dog is really helpful when it comes to agriculture.
>>31241518i honestly don't understand why you are so dumb about this, just write the story to the end hwo you want it. its super odl anyway and predetes this can write a new story regarding that incident afterwards.
>>31241886I'm just glad I helped figure out how Kronies reclaim their land by digging up the ash. Also I'm glad I found a few uses for volcanic ash for you.
Is it fair to say everyone who isn't being discussed forms the non-menhera corpus of the thread?
>>31242561>implying there are non-menhera in this thread
>>31242512>why you are so insistent about thisthat was honest to goodnes bad phrasing
>>31242561It just means you are unnoticable, otherwise we would pick you to death too.
>>31242561no but it is bad form to rip into someone who is not /here/ at the moment
>>31242439Well, as mentioned before, as much as you (and I, for that matter) value realism or at least plausibility, it's not necessarily the top priority for others, which is why I often go out of my way to stress that people are free to discard my suggestions if they're at odds with what they want for their stuff.
>>31242561These ones asked for it. That is rather medicated behavior..
>>31242558Yes! It's super helpful. I need more time to go over the possibilities you've pointed out, but even then it's super appreciated what you've come up with>>31242561I haven't been discussed here and I'm not non-menhera so, no
>>31240971sounds like a self-fulfilling prophesy. were you around before comma got twitter famous? we used to deal with the same thing without relying on being in /trash/ or /jp/, and we thrived despite it. the idea that our threads can't survive long enough for discussions, or that we need to go to friendlier boards to survive is not at all backed by our own history, because we lived well enough before. if it dies, just make another one. back when we talked about /vtwbg/ things over there we had plenty to talk about even during a dry spell.let's consider doing that again. and if not, then there are still plenty of things we could do as a thread, even if we didn't start doing more world building over there again. we have plenty of chuubas to watch, yet we aren't as vocal in the thread as we used to be. why? i hope getting sent to /trash/ didn't lead to us becoming more content. things have been slowing down ever since then, possibly since it has been easier for us to survive. if all you do is lurk, you aren't helping to alleviate the problems you mentioned, so maybe post a few more times every now and then if you want. it could help more than you might realize.
>>31242772Yeah, which is why I said only bring me on if you want to try to make more realistic. You dont have to listen to everything i say either for that matter. Its up to the writer how to incorporate advice (i am not as realistically minded as i say considering how i love to incorporate some mythology into stories sometimes)
Actually is there any problem with me other than the fact I'm never fucking around and I'm a chronic speedreader? I'm working on the latter, the former though... Anyway. I'd like to be more active and it's important to know how I can improve.
>>31242439I'm sorry to bring this up when you're already feeling down because it kind of makes me feel like I'm just throwing salt in the wound, but it has come up a lot in the past and is another one of those things where you tended to just ignore criticism on this front. You want realism *except* when it comes to chuubanite, at which point you ignore everything about the extremely complex system that many anons worked hard to develop. The way you always claim chuubanite makes no sense without even trying to understand it on top of ignoring any offers from other anons to help you understand it or work it into your lore while *also* telling new anons they can just ignore it because you don't understand it, so obviously it must be impossible to understand, is honestly one of the main reasons I lost respect for you. I have regained some of that respect now that you're actually examining your own actions, but tbdesu you go back on your word in that regard a lot too. You told comfy you'd work on several of your communication problems and then didn't. You told paragraphs you'd try to give chuubanite a fair shake and then didn't. You claim constantly that you know who is being an anti and who is trying to offer honest criticism, but then whenever criticism of you happens you just left the thread entirely. And so on.I'm not actually trying to kick you while you're down so I hope this doesn't come across as an anti post, but I guess what I'm trying to say is that I hope you will actually learn from this and be open to holding debates with people in the future without sperging out and leaving the conversation as soon as someone disagrees with you.>>31242561There's problematic behavior from anonymous posters too, it's just impossible to offer critique of that behavior since there's nobody to attach it to. It doesn't mean it isn't there, just that the anons perpetuating it can hide due to not being recognizable.
>>31241684For an unrelated project I made an interesting magic system for another world. Though that world is magitek fantasy.
>>31242312i told myself i would wait 2-3 weeks to do anything. There is nothing I want more than to tell saplings i didnt mean for the whole thing to go insane but I dont want to try it, they would probably just tell me to GTFO. Even though it seems to have died down already a bit. In universe risuners see the saplings as >the ultimate answer to all their raider problems>the ultimate magic users>A way for them to defend themselves without having to bend the knee to foreign powersLiterally everything they could have asked for. And the sapling rep was always cool and nice. In any case your right im just gonna wait and hope that like all things it just blows over. considering that a sapling posted in the risu thread and got BTFO i was thinking of doing a war arc against them but would much rather be cool with them. Anyway if the saplings dont go well I already have a plan to do a huge story with the other magical boys. And rose sexpai is fantastic to work with so either way is OK with me.
>>31242965Honestly, you jump to conclusions too fast on shit sometimes and get overethusiatic about somethings that end up going the wrong way. Alice does this too, the latter especially and i do the fomer. Also awful at diplomacy kek. I cannot give you a perfect breakdown.
>>31242965You're too cute Kronie, it's unbearable. Have you heard of cute aggression?Also, nice worldbuilding thread folks, feel free to air your grievances about me.
>>31243018I miss making ice cream sammies for saplings. I digress. I wonder if we're going to finish that encounter story. I guess we'll just have to wait for saplings to come back.
>>31242920Well, I've said my piece in that regard, you're free to disagree with it. Ultimately, if you want to discuss /vtwbg/ things in our threads, you're free to do so, and I'll pitch in if I happen to be around and is needed (and if I'm not around, you can always try to summon me here).>>31242954That's why I think there's a subtle but necessary difference between realism (adherence to real life) and plausibility (adherence to coherent internal logic established), especially in this world where supernatural forces and entities play a much more active role in the events of things.
>>31242965Maybe it's because of the chronic speedreader thing but a lot of the times you will jump into a debate and rehash points that had already been clarified before, or arguing against something with incomplete information, causing timeloops for nothing. I sympathize with the wagie life and the lack of time it leaves you with, but if you're going to jump into an ongoing debate, either ask for information before offering your opinion or do your reps properly.
>>31243152W-WE AREThank you, yeah I know I do the former a lot on account of speedreading. The latter, that's good to know... didn't realize this.>>31243265Didn't think my specific brand of autism could be called cute but thank you! (?) You, you're fine, and I wish I had the same mind for worldbuilding and tech speculation. ESPECIALLY the latter since Infinity is supposed to be advanced and all that jazz.
>>31237669I don't like to get involved much on these kinds of conversations so I thought that everyone was name-calling each other again!!! It's nice to see that they're talking about their problems!!!>>31238038I will!!!! Soon!!! Maybe!!!!
Ill try to finish up prompts tomorrow. night fuckers
>>31242999>chuubaniteMan, ill be real. I havent made the effort. Thats the truth (i dont remember promising paragraphsanon that i would learn it as much as i told him if they wanted someone to make it make sense to dummys like me, i was his guy. That never came about, so idk what happened). Ill just shut up about it honestly, i see why its a problem. I am not trying to poison the well as much as i *actually* havent done much work on my own shit for a good while in all honesty. Thats part of it. If i cannot bring myself to write my economics, then I cannot do chuubanite either. Thats the truth, It goes beyond Chuubanite and goes right to my own work and nation. This isnt an excuse either, i know what i did is wrong. I am just giving perspective that I am not very productive at all recently.
>>31243425For sure lol. Ever since I did that with Alice I did my best to just. Not get involved. And instead offer support, which requires less research lmao and is much nicer than dogpiling someone. Thanks anon!
>>31243607>That never came aboutWasn't that the point of the entire chuubanite rework? Did you ever actually try to read the new document? Of course now is not the time to give it a go since you're clearly not in the right mindset for any worldbuilding right now, but do give it a read when you're feeling more up to trying to understand chuubanite. The chuubanite anons all worked hard on it.
>>31243446>we areBoth people with awful reading reps that jump to conclusions or make false conclusions (Thank you ADD! Very Cool.) kek
Alright, another small break so I at least can type this out before you all turn in for the night. Retro, I'll give ya a full response when I get home, not enough time rn. And I also need to express, like many others have, just how wonderful and productive this thread has been. Hopefully this will help us all in the future.Now, as for the important part. Don't take this as me trying to find validation(mainly because I myself would answer no on it), trying to start fights or trying to be a victim or anything. I just want feedback because of all the stuff that has happened lately.>Is Cunt a worthy member of this thread, as it currently stands?Don't write paragraphs, do not try to validate your answers, I just want to know, yes or no?That's it, back to work for another hour. See ya cunts then!
>>31238038come to think of it you mentioned me in your list here but you actually did not tell me anything about the way you feel about me alice, please be just as honest with me
Good thread everyone, I shouldve hit the sack too a while ago. I've received a lot of kind words before but I'm also curious about any criticism people might have of me too. I think I have a good idea of them, but there could be something I'm blind to. Feel free to tell me and I'll check in tomorrow to read any
>>31243607comfyanon has been very busy for a while, but he hasn't added much to the rentry in quite a while. at least, i haven't noticed anything. it's definitely not done yet, but it's taking much more time than i was hoping for.
>>31243812I remember reading it but my liquid brain just lost it overnight. It was nice actually but I can barely remember it
>>31243446Feel free to bounce tech ideas off of me or quiz me for inspiration, I'm just as autistic about the tech of other countries, I just don't want to intrude on someone else's worldbuilding without being asked.
>>31243941Yeah, it's a shame that progress on that front has basically stagnated. Comfy's been gone so much lately I feel kind of bad about leaving it all to him too since he even asked for help on the Crystal Math section. Maybe I'll try to do a write up on that cylinder conversation you had with another anon to give to comfy when he next drops in.
>>31243986That's a mood kek. Well as long as you stop acting like chuubanite is total bullshit and encouraging anons to ignore it entirely, that's good enough for me.
>>31242439>>31244007NTA but is there a way to justify having something like picrel in /vnug/? I kind of like the idea and aesthetics of it, but I think it's more or less obsolete at the current tech level of this setting. I thought about saying that the need to fight monsters lead to /vnug/ soldiers using heavier guns out of habit, but I feel after a certain point recoil would be a bigger problem than the weight itself
>>312439111. You can be extremely easy to set off, this is coming from someone with a short fuse2. Trust issues. I think you see the worst in situations a lot of time in general and assume things under that perspective 3. Rude and asshole. Yes, you can absolutely be this. No its not your germanness. You are a grump old man a lot and it shows4. You dont ask for help enough!!! You are getting better though5. I feel like you are like ppsenpai. Both of you wear your own emotions a lot and its easy to see. When you are pissed in real life, u are here. Same thing with other emotions. High strung6. Tendency a lot of us have to take things the wrong way, such as me joking can be taken by you to think i am completely serious.7. You bite bait like a fish!!! Sometimes at least. 8. I think you will find you get ignored a lot because of your moody nature and your rudeness can show. It sometimes gets on my nerves like it does with pp but i am fine with both of you, the only reason i snap at you is because unlike him, you come at me from hostile angle. He is too gentle with me!!!
>>31244331that would be great, but the cylinder analogy has been updated a bit. see the conversation i archived in my rentry that was used before comfyanon's rentry replaced it in the chuubanite anchor. if you need any help 9or clarification, just ask.
>>31244698Bigger and heavier guns would have less felt recoil if assuming they use a similar amount of powder charge.
>>31244698don't feel afraid of something being obsolete, lunaitos are knights still fighting with sword and shieldyou don't need to be at the current tech level to be valid, if anything, doing something for the sake of being cool and to reflect yourself better is way more valid
>>31244698Matchlocks? Hmm, maybe if you based your tactics on Ga-Pa with pikes and swords it could work well. Main problem is the lack of a bayonet. Size of shot doesnt matter, it would just take longer to reload (look up ga-pa)
>>31244007Ooooh, thank you! I have a vision of Infinity's urban centers: smoky, cloying skies and the ever present, perfectly synchronized ticking of hundreds of clocks... but beyond that, I don't even know where to begin describing what we have beyond "pre-electricity industrial era, but we're obsessed with clocks". I don't know if you were there, but I once asked here some time ago if kronies could have chuuni-based latent abilities they can't actively utilize, but could passively emit, such that anything we *think* works, works because we think it does. Conversely, anything we don't think qoupd work, doesn't because we don't think it does. A rifle would've been a musket with clock gears jammed in the side. Basically, 40k Ork psykers. This was my lazy work around explaining tech, lmao.
>>31244985And for the record, pike and shot works just fine in KR. I doubt the other kingdoms are modern either kek
>>31244948Yes, but I feel the main point of using heavier guns would be to use heavier ammunition and more gunpowder charge for better damage output (for a lack of better words), which might lead to the aforementioned recoil issue (though I think the heavier weight could also help against it)>>31244985It's less matchlock but the archetypical streltsy aesthetics of using bardiche to hold a heavy gun for shooting
>>31243265You're too well adjusted, that's my complaint. You make the rest of us look bad.
>>31245237Two points>Ottomans used the Abus gun, which is pretty much what you are describing. It… wasnt that useful.>Streltsy would still be effective against anything you went against in KR, especially if you turned it into aggressive “fire your shot and engage in melee” combat.
>>31245237Depends on what kind of combat they are adapted to. How do these monsters behave? How tough are they? Bigger bore guns do exist for hunting big game or stopping them in their tracks but the tactics might be different than real life fauna. If your people's style of combat is defined by the threat posed by these monsters you don't have to follow how warfare evolved in the rest of the world since it's their primary concern.
>>31244985>>31245186Thanks for the recommendation for ga-pa tho!I suppose most enemies /vnug/ would face would be either other /kr/ states (especially in the past) and the local ecosystem. Maybe once I decide how to handle /vnug/'s raider/pirate tradition…>>31245560That's kind of my concern, since the drawback of lugging around a heavy gun is obvious enough even for me. Then again, the Ottomans never had to fight monsters, so I was thinking if that can help me justify it while making them at least reasonably effective against human enemies somehow>>31245626I haven't decided on it yet (I described them as monhun-like as original inspiration, but I probably should make up my own monsters when I actually write about them), and it's probably better if I design the monsters in a way to justify having guns heavy enough to need a axe as mountI remember reading something about punt guns that kind of fit the bill, but I think it's more a very heavy (and long) shotgun that's used to kill a bunch of birds with one shot, so that might not be as useful against single big monsters
>>312447661.the only time i really was set off was the te thing with /pcg/ otherwise i think i have been mostly chill but i think my tendency to come of as aggressive plays a lot in this2.that i fully can see, this is a lot of my personality where i rather plan around the worst case and be happy if it never comes to it3.i try not to be, but i will admit i am a grump old thsi one i find hard to judge, i have no qualms to ask for help if i feel i need it, i will admit however that i simply leave thigns i cannot due alone if i see it as not imminent.5.i do liek to be honest about my emotions about things than pretend i am fine with soemthing if i am not but i usually try not to carry RL in here.6.yeah i gotta work on that a lot7.fair enough8.i will admit that my moody nature has probably become a lot worse due to my health and i probably show it way too much, i do however feel that that if no one else with some reputation speaks up against some of the things you did in the past, even if i myself don't even feel too strongly about it myself, then you would have crossed the line a lot in the past, even more so since Panon excuses a lot for you. but since Panon wants to work on that i should do jsut as well.
>>31244698Ah anon, you make a great mistake. Bigger gun is never obsolete, as long as there is stronger armor to match it. Picrel is a handheld weapon gun would be more devastating against heavily armed opponents at the cost of range. I think it's a workable tradeoff. Those bullets would also be big enough to contain an explosive charge.Something else, about recoil. Something interesting about guns is that a longer barrel results in less recoil for an equal muzzle velocity, because the bullet has more distance over which it is accelerated. So when a gun's recoil starts to be an issue, the barrel can be lengthened. That's one factor why very high caliber and velocity sniper rifles need to be long.>>31245476Ah flattery, my actual weakness. I did try to start a timeloop the other time, but it didn't work.
Punt guns are only really used as a sort of emplacement gun on boats. If the monsters are monhun inspired you can have the people lure monsters to places with pre-built platforms where they set up punt guns and with other gunmen readying and stablising their guns on big axes under the platforms. When they all expanded their shots the gunmen below would approach the monster and deliver the killing blow. Something like this I guess?
>>31246654In that case, I think giving the monsters stronger carapace/other forms of natural armour (or just pure resilience) should help justify it! As for the recoil, do you think it's fair to say that the additional length also play a major role in the need for additional support? I feel that would also lead to the gun being too cumbersome outside fixed locations tho>>31246823oh no, not the MH Rise tower defence questsThat sounds reasonable! I think pre-built shooting platforms would be most commonly used in settlement defence (since it's hard to imagine building them during hunts in the wilderness… although I guess that also happens in MH from time to time). Would it be reasonable to say that /vnug/ settlement defence will also involve the approaching part to try killing the monsters before they escape (or manage to get into the settlements)?Although in either case, there are probably specialised hunters who tend to be more up close and personal either way, especially those who need to harvest medicines using bitterbugs
Wait. What ever happened to the vote that was supposed to start today?
>>31247534It starts in 10 minutes.
>>31247456>spoilerThat's actually my favorite game mode in MHR...And I mean people do prepare for dangerous hunts. Which also depends on the behavior of monsters and their use in /vnug/'s society. They might build traps and platforms to prepare because the monsters are both so valuable and dangerous. For the defense, I'm not sure. What kind of settlement do they live in anyways?
>>31247456By support, you mean resting it on the axe? Yes, guns can get long enough that you need to support it somehow. The common way to do that is to shoot them prone and install a bipod on the rifle, but the axe thing is original and works too. As long as you can transport both the gun and the support on your person, I wouldn't consider them "Fixed emplacements".
>>31246654Well it's a lot more complex than that but my brain isn't working well enough so as a general rule, yes. But I don't really see them being explosively charged. /vnug/ probably doesn't have the capability to make it. Neither do most other nations for that matter.
Word cloud for last thread.
>>31222845Votes for the 2022-08-20 /vtwbg/ vote.>1. Where should /mans/ be placed? Choose your most preferred option from pic related. Note /mans/ and /wah/ collaboratively support Option A.>2. Should the current bakatare territory have land removed to place /v7/ and /mhm/ as in pic related? Choose your most preferred option from pic related.>3. Should the current date be moved up to 1130? Y/N>4. Should nations be allowed to ask for islands in map 3.0? What justifications should there be for this?>5. Should Nasa be turned into a schizo wasteland? Y/NUpdates to the Bylaws:>6. Annul Item 9, as the rushia wasteland has been decided to be the mikeneko/nazuna/rushia thread through vote. Y/N>7. Add the following item to the bylaws:>>a. New thread representatives for generals that do not have borders should wait until those borders are decided through an official vote before writing lore which assumes a specific set of borders. Y/N>>b. Upon a new thread joining the project, a vote to select the country's location should be held during the next voting session that is at least seven days from the date of beginning participation in the project. Y/N>>c. All reps must have a tripcode if they want to vote. They do not have to use it all of the time, but it is a must for voting. Y/N>8. Add the following item to the bylaws, applicable from its introduction onwards, but not retroactively.>>New thread representatives may vote in voting sessions once they have been participating in the project for a period of time. Y/N>>If Yes, select one of the following options.>>a. Two weeks or more.>>b. One week or more.Ocean votes (Pic Related):>9. Do you approve "Ailivian Ocean" as the name of the ocean located East of GGG continent and west of Risu? Y/N>10. Do you approve of "Heavenly Ocean" as the name of the ocean located West of the Indie continent and East of Risu? Y/N>11. Do you approve of "Yamato Ocean" as the name of the ocean located near the North Pole? Y/N>12. Do you approve of "Maximus Ocean" as the name of the ocean located near the South Pole? Y/N>13. Do you approve”Kizuna Ocean '' as the name of the ocean located between Indiea and the Holo Continent. Y/NThread reps, reply to this post with your ballots.
>>31243923Hard to form criticism when you are a newfag and don't post a lot. If I had to say something though: keep cunt on a tighter leash. Or better yet, tell him he isn't needed as a writer for /mans/ so he can hopefully finally get the message and fuck off from the project. As someone who has seen the /nasa/ timeloops, trust me, you don't want anything to do with that guy. He will drive you to the edge and then push you off without a second thought.
>>31248970He nearly did last night with wah.
>>31247872>game modeI don't dislike it per se, although having to set up the defence in first person mode can be frustrating. I guess my issue with it is not the mode itself, but that it's a strange mode to emphasise when the core mechanics of the game is verticality. Maybe it would fit better if the fort isn't as flat and resembles the Narwa fight more, but that's a topic for elsewhereThe monsters will definitely be dangerous and valuable. (both due to bitterbug medicine and maybe unusually hardy body parts as material) My question on prebuilt platforms in hunts is more that you can't really build platforms close enough to monsters without them noticing you, although traps and ambushes could work if they figure out their routine pathsAs for defence and settlement, I imagine gun users playing a bigger role in that both because they're set in generally one place, and that they don't have to luxury of retreating when the monsters approach. I don't really know how /vnug/ rural settlements look yet, but I assume they'll at least have some kind of palisades and defence platforms because of how ferocious the wildlife is>>31248069Yes, me trying to mimick the streltsy aesthetics is the original reason for trying to justify big guns. (it actually kind of predates the monhun idea)My main concern's that the long and heavy gun would be too unwieldy to be carried around and make alerting the target much more likely
>>31248653I was just vulgarizing, the mechanics of expanding combustion gasses is a pretty complex topic. Explosive shells began being used in the 16th century. They would have been prohibitively expensive/ineffective if miniaturized to the size of a musketball, but the calibre shown in the pic I linked in >>31246654 is where it starts being more plausible.Also for /vnug/ anon, pic is another fun possibility for supporting large and long handheld firearms.
>>31249142Nearly isn't enough. The fucker won't get it unless someone clearly tells him. Hell, hopefully that will make him go menhera enough he fucks off for good. Ot better yet, neck himself.
>>31249189You also need to consider the fuze length and fragility of the projectile. Even if you are able to make a .65 diameter explosively charged ball if it shatters when it hits your target the point is kind of moot (heh) since there wouldn't be any explosion. I'm not the most familiar with gunpowder weaponry in the far east but I don't think the Chinese or others ever figured out firing explosive charges from a small arm, even if there are records of explosive shells being used as far back as the 14th century.
>>31249539(me)forgot to mention it but I guess chuubanite can change things. But for manufacturing difficulties and rules of physics, the shells would still be subjected to them.
>>31249539I agree with all this, those are very valid concerns, it might be a bit tricky. But within the realm of the plausible. They could even be an effective, if somewhat unreliable weapon, god knows there are plenty of those throughout history.
>>31249944What about launching them from slings and/or portable (relatively speaking) ballista? I think a few countries already use something similar
>>31249295Was more referring to him destroying mans lore
>>31250197You would still have to have the right fuze length and timing for it to explode on or at least near the monster. But I do think it's more doable than the other idea.
>>31250197Yes, that is perfectly doable too. The obvious drawback is that you don't get as much muzzle velocity. Trebuchets were used to launch explosives for example, which is basically a gigantic sling.
>>31250278And that's why the guy needs to get thrown out now, before he has a chance to ruin any more. He has been doing nothing but cause timeloops and /soc/post and shitpost for months now. Others calmed down a little with it, but he just keeps going, because all the other namefags just keep tolerating him for whatever reason. We need to get rid of the guy before he causes even more trouble for vespie.
Surprised no one criticized me in depth yet. Yes I have a hard time trying to figure out how things work step by step. And yes I do write too many details when I shouldn't. Yes I should stop trying to make friends because I suck at it. I should not help unless someone asks for it directly. And even then I should only help with what is requested and nothing more. I also should learn to say "no" to retarded ideas if they're not going to work. I don't want to fucking hear about I should let Sana and /nasa/ go because I have. I can still look at things in /nasa/'s perspective because I can. Fuck you all on that restriction. I encourage looking at the world from a dead nation's perspective. Not just /nasa/ but others as well.>inb4 you're degrading yourself for attention again.I know my flaws. But I still keep worldbuilding despite them. I was a fool thinking I had more time with /nasa/ to work things out. Now I know I can never rely on having time to work out things when writing.
>>31251338I'm never sure if those are nasarep's anti or him, because he really does put himself down a lot...Well, anyway, gambatte nasarep.
>>31251058Except several of the namefags did criticize him in this very thread. Who knows if he'll actually change his behavior in the long run, though. Every time he's said he would he tends to return to the status quo after a day or two.
Anon character development has to be one of the weirder side effects of this project.
>>31251567I'm still here worldbuilding because its fun and theraputic for my psyche. Even if I don't have a nation anymore. Which losing /nasa/ is not my fault. It was the decisions of all of the Sanalites to not turn /nasa/ into a zombie general. Just wished we had less schizos shitting up the place during /sana/'s graduation.I let Cunt write an ending and he got what he wanted. Now nobody can use the station. Still going to have Sanalite survivors because they already left /nasa/. Also Lunatios would have rescued as many Sanalites as they can. Destroying the evacuees would mean destroying Lunatios as well. And fuck that.I'm just as sick of bad guys winning in real life as I am in /nasa/.
>>31248816/morig/ Votes for the 2022-08-20 /vtwbg/ vote. be updated depending on discussion in /morig/.
>>31252150Is this the beginning of the chad nasarep arc? Exciting. Feel free to interact with /morig/ anon, I enjoy your presence here.
>>31248816Voting for /who/1. Option A2. abstain3. abstain4. abstain5. Yes6. Yes7.a. abstainb. abstainc. NO.8. abstain9. Yes10. Yes11. No12. No13. Yes
>>31253310I am just tired of living in a world where there are no good guys anymore. There's only bad guys and bad guys with resources. Sorry for the rant. I did grow up in a time where there are still good guys left. Even if it was the 90s when they died.
Okay, to preserve paragraphs' sanity, let's figure out the baker now and link the thread at the end.
I can do it. Watching the collab so might post it a bit early.
>>31250506I think that actually works for my design, since hunters are all about using individual skills and abilities to hunt down monsters and make full use of them, while the relatively more mundane soldiers tend to stick to something easier to use, namely firing at monsters until they die or leave>>31250598True, but since most damage of bombs are done by the explosion, velocity won't matter as long as the bombs explode at the right place, right?
How useful are clay pot bombs? Grenados were bombs made from pressurized gunpowder in clay shells.
>>31254243Depends, on unarmored targets you'd be correct. On armored targets, a lack of velocity results in a lack of penetration, and the amount of damage dealt by the explosion varies immensely depending on whether the projectile penetrated the armor or exploded on top of the armor. This type of concern would be relevant for things like tanks or ships-of-the-line of our period. The Paixhan gun, which is comparable to the most powerful naval guns in Vitubia as of 1120 VTE were so effective because their shells got lodged into the ships' hull before exploding. With lower velocity the shell would simply bounce off the target.But for your purpose it can go either way, you can just set the level of armor of the enemies depending on what you want to do.
Warm bread>>31255184>>31255184>>31255184
>>31252150>Destroying the evacuees would mean destroying Lunatios as well. And fuck that.Umm... Did you even read the last log? All of them are dead. Each and every single one. No survivors.
>>31256233Stop trolling nasarep, he's going through his chad arc.
>>31256560He can go through it with the one bread dog I left him.