>>OPwawa pits
>>OPmy wife
> 15:57:06 Takanashi Kiara Ch. hololive-ENi applied my JUST DO IT logic to nabi!
System is down so I can't even work to take my mind off of Fauna. I hate everything.
new thread new me
>>30887966What does that even mean?
>>30887960HOLY SEX
My wife
>>30887966that means they fucked right
The strongest JP. Get wrecked IRyS
>>30887984>System is down>The system is down
>>30887966they totally did it
>>30887984Can always kill yourself
>>30887998sex of course
>>30888009Yes, again evenThe gray haze comment was obvious allusion
Thanfully the chicken's stream is short.
>>30887998NO CONSENT
I miss Mumei...
Czechbros this polandshit is getting out of hand.
>>30887998she decided that age of consent is for pussies and tapped that
Friendly Reminder>2nd song and MV is fully done, just needs to be released>Dan Dan almost done, taking longer than expected, he's probably working on Myth/Council anniversary stuff>Super excited about a sponsorship stream coming up soon, she apologizes to other sponsors because they csnt compare to this one at all>Multiple collabs withTOWAthat are being planned forTowa'schannel>Wants to do a serious drawing stream soon, will do base lineart off-stream like InaAnd more! Mumei is working hard on and off stream!!
>>30887905I seriously doubt thats what did it dude
Opinions on this sheep?
>>30887966Please tell me she asked nabi out on a date
>>30888061You won't have to leave in fear of kfp for so long schizo. Aren't you a lucky duck
Matsuri is cute as a zombie too
>>30888061>kiara>short streams
>>30887998JUST DO THE NABI
>I used to rule the world>Seas would rise when I gave the word>Now in the morning I sleep alone>Sweep the streets I used to own
is it true that haachama is currently being raped while drunk at a bar alone?
>>30888071>towadear god why
>>30888063Jwu, quick rundown on what HoloID cup is? Are these 16 holos the only participants?
>>30888093Sorry, I wanted to watch it but then the training arc started and Kiara is doing member stuffs too...
>>30888123Are you calling your oshi a liar KFP? What a bitch.
>>OPI hope Kiara doesn't run out of money on yet another vacation. Cash seems kind of tight for her.
>>30888063Poland (forma el sudeste de Asia)
>>30888071Please learn how to use the spacebar ID
>>30888162Understandable, I'm overclocked on 3 other streams too
There's gonna be a war tonight Show your war face
>>30888071My daughter is great.
Gura cute
Better team
>>30888159Like sport fes but to celebrate ID national day.
>Cucks your oshi thriceNothing personal KFP
>>30888151You can't rape yourself
>>30888151if shes getting raped she ain't alone is she?
>KFP making a second later threadwhy are you guys like this mins early
What the fuck seanigs..
>>30887998Tasting Nabi-mama's holes...
>>30888237ehheheehe yeb
based unity sheep
Why does Korone like Yo-kai Watch so much?
No one told me Roboco was singing. You fucks
>>30888071Don't careStopped caring about her when she started to write a song for Kronii, I hope they are happy together, but I will not get cucked by a clock again
>>30888122Zombie Matsuri and Wat scissoring.Their pus-filled sacks of flesh oozing as they rub against each other.Zombie goo pouring out of them as the weak flesh tears.Incredible stench that makes even the strongest of people throw up immediately. A stench so wrong it makes the eyes sting.
>>30888253You are using it too.... and globaltards tongue my anus
>>30888215I feel like having Kobe Bryant's reanimated corpse gives team 2 an unfair advantage, somehow.
Hag + Zeta sounds are great (also a baby)
>starting early TWICEshould all of hololive move ot korea
I want to have sex with Towa
This was very fun but I have to go. Enjoy the sheep for me!Glad I got to hear her girly giggles before leaving
>>30888253They are >MEMEME shut like their oshi
>>30888283t. grey
>>30888253>non kiara holos>mattering
>>30888305Is she drunk?
I love this smol treerrat
These cute little messages Mumei sends whenever she isn't streaming are the cutest thing. Needy owl girl wants to make sure nobody wants to forget about her.
>>30888122What? When did this cover come out?
>>30888314wtf thats scary
>>30888215>KobeWhat kind of Indonesian witchcraft did these girls do to bring Kobe Bryant from beyond the grave?
>>30888305This fucking dork
>>30888306Tough shit KFP owns this general egg. We decide what the new thread is.
>airisu is too cutewatamates please fuck off
>>30888330Why are KFP so fucking despicable. You would think a fan base with an oshi as unpopular as her would support unity
[Watame news] Ogey
>>30888215I love Risu and Reine but this isn't even an competition
It's all smol...
Anyone keeping an eye on Deadbeats?
Is Flare trolling us?
Kiara muted...
Mumei is best birb.
I hope Deadbeats can convince Mori to do her fit reps!>She is slimming d..down you knowNo! The last time I saw dice almost mistaken her for female version of undertaker
Iofi is dead and Moona is celebrating
>>30888071>>Multiple collabs withTOWAthat are being planned forTowa'schannelThat isn't a good thing.
>>30888383is it KFPs fault the other girls are so bad?
>>30888296They tried to get Lebron for team 1, but they don't have WB perms
>>30888362He faked his death to become a vtuber
>>30888305I love this retard so fucking much. Ahhh so cute.
>>30888071My girlfriend is great
Kiara my sun!
>>30888395its a smol worldyou just live in it
UNHINGED ZATSU STREAM ABOUT HER SEX WITH NABI>>30888332Yes, on Nabi's smell and flesh
>>30888159Just a fun little festival to celebrate ID's independence day. Yeah only holos listed is participating
>>30888408Who else hits the gym bar Kronii?
Kiara is such a cunt, streaming over ID.
>>30888424>KFP can’t defend their oshi without insulting 5he other girls
>smol is the new bigI still have a chance...
>>30888424kiara is working overtime to improve EN but there is only so much one girl can do when everyone else is so lazy
Kiara isn't streaming?
>>30888332Drunk on Nabi's underaged pussy
>>30888449sunbro please don't die i gave the spider girl 20 manatees...
>>30888332high on sex with nabi
>>30888356I'm just now realizing it's based on a DECO song. It's just fanart though
>>>>alienware >>>>>out of memory
I want more Kiara Nabi collabs
Is she going to tell us the Ayamy raping her story now?
Watch Roboco
>making fun of Kronii while she isn't thereWhy is IRyS like this
I wish HoloJP would fuck around with fan models like this. It's too funny.
>>30888362Kobo Bryant
>>30888314holy FUCK that scared me
>>30888528with me in bed
>>30888533>bye bye archiveqrd?
>>30888345Every holo does that. Shut the fuck up. She isn't special. Stop fucking blowing every small insignificant shit she does as if she's the only one who does it when everyone does it.
Watame is not the best at Minecraft.
>>30888535No but you can FA FA Fack off
oh right, did she met Ayamy yet?
>>30888532Shouldn't've been such a funny guy then
my cool husband towasama...
>>30888472Kiara went to the gym TWICE so she probably looks like this
>>30888533A PNGTUBER
Kiara thinks sex with Nabi isn't worth talking about...
>>30888560Unarchive Karaoke
>>30888343What stream is that image from?
>>30888577god I hope so. that's a guaranteed sex
>>30888528>more Kiara Nabi collabsThere was a collab?
>>30888564She must be pretty special to make you sperg out this fucking hard over this.
>>30888566>actually watching a non-wawa streamthe fuck is wrong with you
Thank fucking God, Kiara isn’t going to be at Jackbox
aw thats a shame
>>30888533shut up and sing I don't know Japanese
>>30888492Kiara just streamsAme is out there experimenting and changing the vtuber world by herselfGura is working on multiple projects and fulfilling her idol dreamMori, the hardest worker of them all, has had a Sololive, and is the most popular musician on HololiveIna is working hard to provide all of her husband's (me) sexual needs
>>30888585That is a cool Towa. I feel like someone needs to edit a cigarette in her left hand though
>>30888535WAH WAH
>Kiara is not going to participate in the jackbox collab>Ame is not going to participate in the jackbox collabTHEY ARE
>>30888619what form of mental illness makes you do this shit every single day
>>30888610Area15 rn on Iofi's channel
>>30888071It always surprises me just how motivated Mumei is. I guess it's that she has experience from being a full time student, but she really does know how to manage her time well and grind out some hard work without sacrificing a bunch of streams.
>>30888564Jesus christ Tako I know you're hurt but I didn't know that being neglected has hit you this hard.
>>30888610from area15 that is going right now
>>30888646Ame is still not sure
>>30888617Yeah, it was great, I recommend the vod
Go Roboco!
>I can never join anything Gura does because she panders only to west coast Americans, what a bitchKIARA NO
>>30888660>>30888679fucking incredible, thank you
>>30888637>Gura is working on multiple projects and fulfilling her idol dreamShowing up in a skit during someone's live isn't "working hard"
Anya is nakey
>>30888655Why do people make Gura soundposts that aren't Gura speaking or singing or about Gura? It's annoying.
Phew, didn't need Kiara ruining another EN collab anyhow.
>>30888663Nabi speaking always makes me nervous. she's like a second away from screaming and raging at you at a drop of a hat
>>OP>>30887960>>30888010>>30888039>>30888123>>30888145>>30888150>>30888259>>30888273>>30888289>>30888312>>30888314>>30888365>>30888388>>30888700>members onlygo back >>30841449
>>30888652>>30888637I love how you eggs are already seething
myff collab (no delivery)
>calli suggesting myth collabis that meant to be Mythbreakers finale or something else?
That ID Minecraft stream right now is small version of Sport Tournament?
MYTH COLLAB SOONorganized by mori
>>30888643No, not really.
lowest quality image of my oshi
[Sad News] Team 2 is bullying team 1
IRyS roasting Anya being in her birthday suit
>>30888564Cute messages are cute when your oshi does them too, anon. I just think that Mumei has admitted she makes the Tweets because she doesn't want people to forget about her makes it especially adorable to me.
>>30888716I hope it's Jackbox.
>>30888533Last time I patronized a robot entertainer I ended up with a micro-usb plug 9 inches up my urethra
Can I get one ame spin?
Soon, lads. We're all going to make it.
>>30888722>gacha cover>singing in Shion's concert>Umisea 2>appearing on TV>Other projects
why is ollie not in VC
Miko clearly understands english and is pretending to be retarded.
kirby collab nicesana...
Hey, batteries.Why Roboco is using art instead of her model?
>>30888408Kill yourself nigger
>>30888735Yeah, it's annoying as fuck
>>30888743cope eggnotice how this is a late general and its STILL the main one? We own this board
Are you guys watching Ame's boyfriend? He's pretty good at zatsu'ing while playing roguelikes
>>30888736This but unironically
>>30888736She never ruins any EN collab though? Please provide examples of her "ruining" a collab.
>that rarely happensno...
>>30888722Why have you been working overtime to make grudgepost bait?
>>30888756Yep, to celebrate ID's independence day
>>30888739She's Korean so that is very likely an accurate perception
>>30888840Uno and you know it.
>I never get invited to collabs so the only way I can get collabs is when I do them myselfKiwawa...
>>30888795>>gacha coverEveryone does covers>>singing in Shion's concertNot confirmed>>Umisea 2Okay, that one is valid>>appearing on TVI doubt that is more than a minute>>Other projectsDon't know about that
>>30888646>Kiara not joining the jackbox collab>removed the HoloEN in her twitter name>not party of any cliques>has not finished Yakuza yetthe inside drama must be really bad within HoloEN huh?
Hoomans, your owlshi is asleep. You should be too
>>30888677She only needs to sacrifice her sleep schedule
>>30888566watame is simply containing her power
>>30888736>another thread with eggs having a meltdownyou cracked fags are hilarious
>Boo boo no one ever invite me to collabGet over yourself bitch, open invites are shit works now. Adapt or die.
>Kiara only gets to collab if she organizes itHonestly? The rest of the EN whores can go to hell, my oshi breaks her back trying to make this shitty branch worth a damn and she gets nothing in return
>>30888637Ina would collapse after one thrust
>>30888840Please provide examples where she didn't. The list will be much shorter.
>>30888840By being obnoxiously loud and talking over people.
Is Gura streaming today or do I have to watch tempus again?
>>30888875holy cope
my cute wife and our beautiful children
>>30888829You're a bit mixed up. Wrong Wah.
>>30888883fuck you
>>30888919rust soon
>>30888840It's a shitposter, anonchama, no need to reply to him.
When the hell did Kiara pick up this collab autism? It wasn't always like this
you're gonna get a cold from the sex with her....
>Kiara is again complaining about not being invited to thingsshe's overthinking this
>>30888897It's a fucking open invite you retard she could literally just ask to be there and the carpets of EN would just let her join.
>>30888873HAH, serves the bitch right
>>30888829Nobody is watching him. Ame destroyed his viewership
>>30888933source please
>>30888840That time she didn’t fuck Mori was the worst stream I ever watched.
>>30888873>what are open invite collabs
>watamates are slowly falling for Irys in chatno...
>>30888795>gacha coverno one cares about this>singing in Shion's concertonly 1-2 songs at best>Umisea 2proof?>appearing on TVonly an hour max>Other projectsRumao
>>30888919High probability of Rust.
Myth would be much improved if Kiara was fired and they shared IRyS with Council. That way you would have full branch collabs all the time.
>>30888756it's the practice stream of that. the competition is tomorrow
Korea status: pacified
>>30888949It’s because she got shit on because of the Uno collab
R r r r r r r r r r
I can't believe Kiara turned Seoul into a flaming inferno
Wonder who will do smoll models for those other ens+actual future waves, will they commission Sana?
>>30888993that doesn't change the fact that she doesn't get invited to normal collabs?
>>30888956Actually watch the stream retard, separate thing.
wtf who is this blue dude on kiara's stream
>>30888993What are collabs at 4 AM?
>literally complaining about not taking an open invite as people not inviting herDoes kiara seriously think people will feel pity for her because of this?
>>30888872shes the only reason anyone remembers it
Am I crazy or has Kiara done a lot of collabs? It doesn't feel like she doesn't get invited
>>30888994>collab with Mori>wasn't ruined by Moristop talking out of your ass
40 plus girls in Hololive and your the only person having this problem Kiara. Maybe you are the problem.
>>30888872>unoThat collab was cringekino>>30888907I asked first. Please provide the list.>>30888909Baseless shit>>30888942No, I'm waiting on proof. I want it.>>30888994Based
>>30889034Yeah, me.
Honestly, is anyone but KFP upset that Kiara can’t usually join collabs?
Risuners, fucking explain?!
>>30889029Wasn’t she literally in Mario Kart last week?
>>30888956Watch streams, you fucking mong. She's saying the rest of the goddamn sluts never invite her to anything, she has to organize everything
>>30888888based digits
>>30888897>The girl who lives in the inconvenient timezone needs to be the one to organise itThis is pretty reasonable desuIf Kiara were to move to Indonesia and marry Reine she'd have an easier time sorting out collabs
>both the ENs Separated>No EN POVHoly fucking SHIT THIS SUCKSSSSSSSS
>>30889011Unified even.
>No meet up with AyamyNow this sucks
>>30889040She's a streamer. There's nothing stopping her from inverting her sleep schedule, other than the Japanese-time meetings that annoy everybody.
Kiara once again seething she's never invited. There's a reason you're never invited fucking obnoxious cunt
>>30888872Baby Kiara still lives rent-free, RUMAO
Kiara should just take the fucking hint and graduate, honestly.
>>30889053it was an open collab she's just being an autistic euro again>>30889064considering the state of these threads and early posting no, whenever her fanbase gets involved the quality drops immensely.
>>30889076That was open invite
>>30888564>Tweeting>GuraAnon, your faggot social media site reps
>>30889073asian risu...
this anya irys watame is really blending wellwhat do you call this group
>>30889081Thank youThat's a lot of oil
>>30889095Watch streams.
>Panjat PenisIRyS...
>literally could just join rust in the time every significant JP streams rust to farm those collab interactions>Doesn't take itNo one to blame but yourself tenchou
>>30889112Yeah man, not waking up at 4AM is being autistic
>>30889058you may be onto something, maybe there is something about Kiara's usual times that's different from every other holo
Get rid of Kiara and EN would have perfect harmony.
>>30889076that was open invite
>>30888897Mori literally traveled halfway across the globe to off-collab with Kiara.
>>30889053Ina herself who almost never asks for collabs asks Kiara for them.
>>30889002oh nyo, someone has not been watching streams nor read threads. kys
>>30889042She never said that though. She's just lamenting her unfortunate timezone.
>>30889064I mean her voice still hurts and she has that habit of talking over everyone still so no. I am very happy when she isn't part of the collab
those better be some really nice boots
Watame is doing really well!
bros what does it mean if the girl hides her relationship status on facebook a few days after she met me?
>>30888564Takos have anger issues...
I love watching the eggs make retarded rrats from the bits of crumbs streamwatchers drop in these threads and samefag kek
Why don't people invite Kiara to collabs? Gura invites the SNOT girls all the time, Ame is also autistic but a lot of people from JP and ID also ask her for collabs
i really wish i could care for monhun
Why are chumNEETs awake? Its 8am isnt it there bedtime now?
>>30889112>shits up the thread>complains about thread qualityEvery day with you faggot
>>30889053>Am I crazy or has Kiara done a lot of collabs? It doesn't feel like she doesn't get invitedIt's an open fucking collab she's just being retarded again
>>30889121She sends cute member messages
>>30889170Anon, take a gander at the bot posts popping up. He doesn't really care about what was said.
>>30889205Nigga she just said why that's the case, pay attention
Please listen to My Song!
We're gonna need to make compromises so lets start watching males
>>30889064I feel she's pretty good at one on one collabs, but as soon as more people get involved it can get a bit annoying yes.
>>3088921430% of chumbus are from SEA. We literally have the statistics to back that up.
>>30889064Not really. IRyS is basically everything she is but charming and pleasant to listen too. As far as I’m concerned Myth and Council are four members sharing custody of Hope
>>30888071Don't forget her new meme video about the 110 countries
>>30889151You're right. I shouldn't expect Kiara to adjust her schedule like the other EN girls that'll stream with ID and JP at 3 or 4AM.
>>30889146rust is fuckin garbo
>The ID sports festival dont have ID1>who are off doing their own 3d stream in the middle of the tournament>No EN PoV despite them being invited>JPs have PoVs This is confusing as fuck
>>30889146>>30889186eggs are cracking hard
>>30889131The Kawaii Stacies
>>30889208>monhun arc again
>>30889214I'm an EUbud
>>30889184>falls down the obstacle right after you post this you jinxed her you fucking nigger
>>30889242>implying he's a memberanon it's a threadreading egg stop giving it attention
>only brought $500 initially>spends 350 of it on a raincoat
>>30889256Post them
>>30889285just say normal pedophile
Can you retarded KFP just recommend Kiara to play rust already jesus christ. It'll fulfill all the collab autism she has.
>>30889186She thinks you're creepy and doesn't want you to think she's available
>>30889278we talkin bout practice
>>30889262what was the 110th?
>>30889237Good, Zihark is lame
>>30888956We talking about Kiara right now. She has never been to a bunkeronii because Kronii haven't invited her directly. She's a vampire. Please understand.
>Gura spends 12 hours a day recording stuffs for almost two weeks>Gets called lazy just because she doesn't stream 3 hours a day
Haven't been able to watch streams for a while. What's with all the Rust streams? Are they playing it like some walking sim or are they actually playing the game and griefing each-other?
>>30889200It's beautiful isn't it? And then they go off of falseflaggers trying to exaggerate what was said.
>>30889252I know its a broken record but for me its just how she talks over everyone and goes on long tangents. I've actually gotten use to her squawking voice.
Why Kiara doesn't want to join Rust?All the rotten JP like Fubuki, Polka, Pekora, Anya, Miko, and Flare sometimes play it until 6AM JST
>Kiara actually begged for solo collab invites>She got none
>>30889277bro ? >>30889186
>>30889250funny fennec i love you so much
>>30889244already in playlist! its good
>50 Holos streaming>rather shitpost a fucking Kiara members streamNo wonder /hlgg/ is dying
>>30889323fuck off, rust sucks
Can you KFP keep Kiara away from Rust? I want this shit arc to end already.
Meimei a cute!
>>30889323No please she is my last bastion against the RUST menace
>>30889278right now is just the practice the event will start in 14 hours
>>30889278this is just practice dumbass
>>30889323>playing gamesso the stream hasn't started yet then
Are wa kakkoi?
>>30889256Most are from NA, second largest cumbud population are JOPs, SEA are way less than both.
>>30889273Well her loss
>>30889346She didn't
Kiaras a minority...
>This event will be the first time Watame and Ame will be seen together in one place
>>30889337Straight up attacks against each other in cold blood. It's great
>>30889323If its FPS she's gonna need someone to hold her hand like with Paladins. It's the only way she might enjoy it.
>>30889323i am not watching rust
>>30889323NO YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND SHE NEEDS TO BE INVITED being her friend must be torture considering all the mental handholding you need to do
>>30889278Anon your schedule reps...
>>30889336even JP seiyuu don't record as much as Gura, she's seriously on another level.
Oh jeez, Roboco trying an Odo song...
>>30889357And kissable!
Okay but when is Kiara finishing Yakuza?
>>30889112Stop excusing Kiara's bitchiness as being European
>>30889285 didn't know you had internet in your cell.
>>30889336>Gura spends 12 hours a day recording stuffs for almost two weeksDYRBI
>>30889278Because this is the practice stream? The fes is in 13~ hours from now.
>>30889368who is that? a new stinkslut?
wait so who won? or did it start
>>30889256That tends to happen when you're the most popular vtuber in the world, KFP can't relate
>>30889416next week no matter what
Lowekey confirming no EU coming if there is an EN3
>>30889357>a whore*
Kiara should just ditch the EN bitches and form a gang with EU indies
>>30889418She's menhera, they can't help it
>>30889237If it bothers her that much, she could play a strategy game that's actually good.
>>30889322If you want me to post cunny you can just say so
>>30889346mother fucker it's an OPEN COLLAB
>>30889444>this pic is actually true nowKek
>>30889425To be fair, she only claimed 12 hour recording for one day, no info on how much she was recirding on other days.
>Just assume Kiara is whining about people to play with despite never giving that whore money in my life>farm (You)sWorks every time, looks like I was right
>>3088942512 hours a month* sorrythats already half of her working hours taken up...
>>30889336Gura is shit at time management, no way she spent 12 hours a day.
What's with ID's obsession with durians
>>30889408She must be recording for an album, a b-side, being an anime seiyuu, being VA for a VN and vidyas and does commercials! SASUGA BUSY SHARK
Watame's eigo is berry, berry cute
>>30889323RUSTKEK BTFO
>>30889458Has Kiara collabed with a single indie other than Dokomi catboy? Literally ever? KFPKEKS DON'T LOOK
Holy shit full tempus collab on holotalk??
she fucking hates rustbased
>Rust is just minecraft but uglyBased tenchou
Tell me about the purple one. Why is she the way that she is?
>RustStop pushing this shit game eggs
when will hololi e get victoria 2 perms I would love to see someone like irys try to navigate through a game the devs don't even understand
>>30889511It's their national fruit.
>>30889457enough about your mother already
>>30889496I’m pretty sure being shit at time management actually makes her spending 12 hours more likely
>Everybody's playing a new game, having Kino interactions>Kiara doesn't partakeWhy is she like that? KFPs, you need to correct her.
The Ame can teach you wrong tenchou
An open collab is not an invitation, it just means "I wanna play with anyone" it's not the same as going "Oh Kiara I want to play with YOU!" if you accept an open collab you're essentially admitting you're replaceable
>>30889273>>30889277>>30889355>>30889358>>30889401>literally every EN fanbase whose oshi is in the Rust arc keeps talking about how Kino it is>KFP need to go "Ummmmmm nuh uh it SUCKS ummmmm because ummmm" just because their oshi is autistic about this shitY'all know she even said she might not like minecraft when she started right?
>It's just another shitty, dime a dozen, survival game>Only a retard would want to play itDamn kiara, I mean you're right, but still
[Sad News] Kiara will do a Rust stream, she will do it at EU evening too
>watame speaking englishI love her laugh
>>30888819From her cover with Aki
>still no pregnant holo
>>30889162Hate this stinky dyke!
The server is like an all out war
>>30889577FAT FUCK
I like how Kiara has forced herself into irrelevance entire through her own retardation. It’s heaven for eggchads like us.
Stupid chicken.. It's about interactions, not if the game is good or not.
She was barely going to give Ark a try and aesthetically Rust is just a downgrade from that
>>30889591Why do you think IRyS goes to the doctor every week?
>>30889511It's delicious
>>30889496nothing to manage when you have about 20 hours of freetime on a usual day
>>30889159I will be right in the end.
>Kiara complaining about not being invited>Rust is an open invite>she says how much she doesn't like Rustokay so she knows she could get a collab but just doesn't like Rust and so is complaining
>>30889381DYRBI>>30889545>>30889541I don't get it either, all of those games look like a Minecraft mod for ARMA.The one exception seems to be ARK which has dinosaurs/pet system
>>30889577Game is shit, retard
>Kiara joins the Minecraft arc>doesn't meet anyone>joins the MonHun arc>gets ghosted by Gura, and never plays after the first streamKiara was given a bad hand
>Kiara pushed for Takamori>IRyS came into the picture and hits it off with Mori way better>Takamori dies>Kiara fell for Watame after summer fes>Now Watame collabs with IRyS more and goes on irl dinner dates with her>Kiara wanted to fuck Bae and invited her to Austria to sleep in her bed>Bae marrys IRySSetting aside the AmeRyS shit back that's a crack ship meme, it really is a funny string of coincidences. IRyS pretty much only needs to somehow bond with Pekora and that's the complete set.
>Gura spends 20 hours a day recording for almost 2 years>Gets all projects cancelled a few hours before she announces them
More violence and killing in Minecraft than in Rust.
goomb haishin today?
Yeah thats smart, I doubt her laptop can be trusted with Minecraft
This is why Kiara isn’t in any clique or ship anymore.
>>30889580Those retards happen to be her co-workers and senpais. But fine, be that way and complain more about no collabs
>>30889437Woboco smells like a well oiled gun.
This Kiara stream is a perfect example as to why there is no Europe branch of Hololive. They are autistic and anti social as fuck
>>30889566Spending an hour recording, getting distracted for a few hours, spending another hour recording, getting distracted on repeat is not 12 hours of recording.
>>30889577Literally every single Kaela minecraft stream has the thread filled with a bunch of spam about how "kino" it is anon. Having watched a lot of rust and a lot of Kaela minecraft streams because of that shit I can safely say it's horseshit. They're dull as fuck for the most part.
>>30889591>he also missed moris abortion arc
>Kiara talking about how she got invited to ID tourney but decided against it>While I'm watching Watame hanging out with most of people participating in it right now, including IRyS, and all of them having great fun
>>30889357Cute and sexy.
>>30889578>An open collab is not an invitation, it just means "I wanna play with anyone" it's not the same as going "Oh Kiara I want to play with YOU!"That's true> if you accept an open collab you're essentially admitting you're replaceableThat's just you being retarded
>>30889573>Why is she like that?She's acutely aware of the fact that other people don't really want to be around her so she demands that they invite her first to prove her fears wrong
>>30889578Kiara, stop posting.
>>30889642Yeah and I suppose you like Fox kusoge and shitty JRPG #34525 huh.Why not ask her to play XB3 and tank her views even further
Risu no, this is on Youtube!
>>30889637Open invite isn't the issue keep up
>>30889649>IRyS pretty much only needs to somehow bond with Pekora and that's the complete set.It’s already happening in Rust kek
>>30889642"Those grapes were probably sour anyway."
>>30889649Gura's bonding with Pekora instead.
>>30889577>>literally every EN fanbase whose oshi is in the Rust arc keeps talking about how Kino it isDeadbeats honestly seem to be dreading Rust arc like no one else, even on the initial announcement their reaction was mostly of astonishment and it didn't really improve with all the "kino" streams since then
What the FUCK is happening over in Iofi's stream?!?!?!!
>>30889649And now you know why She hasn't gotten her outfit or 3D yet. Kiara owns Jenma.
Bonebros are the ______
>>30889725>Yeah and I suppose you like Fox kusoge and shitty JRPG #34525 huh.Yes.
>>30889709Hold up the current fucking collab going on she was invited to but said no AND THEN she complains she's not invited? KFP this is why so many people hate your oishi and she's in last place. She just likes to complain and make drama and excuses for herself
>>30889698there was no abortion, you may be confusing it with the breast reduction surgery arc
>>30889458Sorry, she mostly cares about EN holos, Myth specifically and thinks she has to offcollab with indies instead of just doing them online and it makes her paranoidI seriously don't understand her
>>30889725>immediately going after numbersYou retards can't help yourselves
>>30889591Gura…It’s been 2 years pregnant now
>>30889717HAYKO IS A WHORE
>>30889710>>/vt/?task=search2&search_filename=Moom%E2%80%99s%20moomers.pngwhy are you like this
Roboco is cuter than usual today
>>30889525>Kiara bottomingI refuse to accept
Kaela's killing her collabmates with no survivors
>>30889725>>30889737>I don't watch streams, I watch numbersThat's your curse, not that Anon's.
>>30889740>The fanbases who didn't watch the streams don't understand why the ones who do love itOf fucking course.
Rust is going to get boring in a week or two, you guys are overreacting
>>30889725XB3 would be kino
Why the fuck did Kaela go on a killing spree?
>Im gonna rob your house in RUSTJesas, Anya.
>>30889757the actual collab is tomorrow you complete threadreading retard. today is prep and practice
so, confirmed once again that the other ENs never invite Kiara directly to collabs. Fuck those whores lmao
>>30889757Retarded threadreader
>>30889578Does Kiara understand that almost none of these girls are very decisive? The only one might be Mori and she has her "I need to have an idea" autism.
Would you have bid for that autographed post-it if it was put in ebay and was not returned to the store
Polka cute!
im not sure how much of this is kayfabe
>>30889787Better version
>>30889757No one gives a fuck about what you think or your impotent whining anon. Just FYI.
>"no one will invite me for collabs guys...">"okay yeah I know Rust is an open invite but I don't like that one..."
Kaela wtf
I just became conscious again after embracing the void for 7 hours, what’s the story with Watame, IRyS, Kaela, and Anya? Was is only Watame streaming?
>>30889696Nigga you are watching streamers, go watch Youtube lets player if you want minimal downtime.
>>30889577Based! I always have this mindset. "Don't call it bad until you saw it or try it yourself."I will keep being neutral about Rust until Kiara play it
what is Kiara talking about I'm not a member
Some of you are alright.Don't go to the ID festival tomorrow
>>30889770>I seriously don't understand herAll her problems stem from a massive lack of self-esteem which make her an unlikable person which in turn reduces her self-esteem even more
>>30889649Pekora already likes IRyS.
>>30889764>breast reduction surgery>she is still talking about her massive boobasher tits got bigger due preg
>>30889809to test her abilities
>>30889773Yes, more people want to watch Rust aka Rust is kino.
>>30889757She said she was grateful for it threadreader, it would have been very irresponsible to accept the invitation without knowing how her streaming conditions would be in Korea.
Kaela flexing on everyone with her gear
its not the same bros...
>>30889797nigger if I had to pick rust or live a live I'm picking live a live every time
>>30889813Falseflagchama please make it less obvious.
>>30889863the hags are killing each other
So I guess I’m in the market for a new oshi. Who do you lads recommend?
Kiara is literally talking about a roommate video she's going to uploadThis girl doesn't give a darn, huh?
>>30889876Expecting people to give real responses.
Nice black box covering a fourth of the screen.
Botan talking about the eroge sing and why she picked it
Your posts would be better if they had cows attached to them, anon.
>>30889815>>30889810So is she going to tomorrow's collab she was invited to after complaining about not being invited? Cause if not she's a massive faggot for complaining
>>30889913I recommend a rope.
Kiara is having flashbacks to the bad days...
I feel for KFP, it ain't easy having such a baka for an oshi.
Kiara should try to stream mc on jp prime time
>>30889757That's not an actual collab, it's a group event, it's a lot different from a 1 on 1 collab
Kaela is the endboss
>>30889876Bitching about how no one like her like usual
Funny how not a single thing Kiara has said this stream about collabs are news what so ever, but eggs sure are cracking about it.
>>30889778Why aren’t you?
>>30889922lmao try and stop her bitch
>>30889458She did that eu twitter post then literally did nothing with it because I don't even remember why, autism I think?
>>30889778ever heard of ritual posters ?
Little does Kiara know, i'm paying her branchmates to ignore her so she grows more attached to KFP
>>30889979I dropped Mumei before debut tbqh
>>30889926But I'm deaf, how else will I know if a piston is moving.
KFP, tell your dumb oshi about digital board games that are actually good.ROOT is pretty fun (dunno about the digital version but reviews look good)I could name a bunch of other fun games as well. Like actually good games, I know you KFP
>Everyone trying to kill Kaela but she's too strong and everyone's getting killed insteadIs this what it's gonna be like when Botan plays RUST?
>>30889975being kfp must be suffering for how much overtime you guys need to do for her autism
Anyone else just bored of the rust arc? How could you not be when everyone and their mother is streaming it. Ark 2.0.
>>30889876she's finishing yakuza next week, no matter what
>>30889925I keep rewatching that performance. I love it.
>>30889960No one would play with her anyway
>>30889925She apparently haven't played the eroge before.
>>30889975Learn English!
Kaela is killing everyone
>>30889725Xenonlade would be kino tho especially if she plays 2 and sees gigachad rex confession scene
>>30889909Yeah, you definitely wouldn't want Mori to get into moments like getting murdered by bad trigger discipline and playing poker with her friends without knowing the rules right? Or meeting the JPs who rarely collab with EN anyway?
so what the fuck is going on in Watame's stream?
>it always ends in doxxThis is why even other antis make fun of you
>>30889931Yes, yes, continue threadreaderchama, make a fool of yourself further.
>>30889530Thank you
>>30889922I'm just silently waiting for the moment she will actually shill her RM channel. I firmly believe it will happen.
It's like a Juggernaut match
>>30889922The one she has to make sure she "monetizes" first because she spent so much money on it?
>>30889926poor watame she can't speak english
>>30889893[dadadas in silence]
Iofi is fucking dead
Yab.Kiara is going full political, is she allowed to do it? even if that's a members stream
>>30890036what a gangsta
luv ko'ones bgm
Why is IRyS able to collab so effortlessly while Kiara can't?
>>30890009Flat and petite women in cowkinis is some premium shit
>>30890000wanted to do an eurovision styled song contest but that turned out to be permissions nightmare
>>30890066that's the best part
>>30889913kysIRyS, she does everything Kiara does but better and is more social in general
I need Kaela to chase Gura down while telling her to finish Atlantis
>>30889961It's fine actually, she just said that she's aware that she has to set up collabs so that she can participate and has done so already for this week.
How can EN participate when they haven't built a portal?
>>30890050Kaela's giving them some help
>>30889876yakuza next week no matter what
Kiara's imaginary friend was Towa. They have a tulpa of each other.
>>30890081european autism
>>30890081IRyS isn't a cunt
>>30890048im pretty sure mori has more JP interactions then anyone except Kiara and even that may be dubious.
>>30889578A reason to join streams is a reason to join streams. No one gives a fuck about the specifics.
>>30889995I'm not going to, just find it interesting how she gets more bold with not trying to hide her roommate activities
>>30890069this stream is getting deleted for sure
>>30890095Not even that, she didn't even do first step for it outside of that tweet she did at random
>>30890017I remember that KFP already did that and Kiara looked at it. She probably just forgot
>>30890024Noel is playing for the first time and she's being very cute. Just wandered around for the first two hours and ran into Fubuki and Subaru.
>>30890104She's very bland and passive. No thanks.
>>30889646more like nobody wants to play with her because she's annoying
>>30889913You should go for Mori, she's like Kiara but if she were like Cali
>>30890112??? Come again lad?
Kaela you kusogaki
>>30889714I actually do the same thing, so I can appreciate that. What I don't respect is then complaining about it to everyone to make everyone hate you more.
>>30890116towatori is a forbidden crackship
>>30889876Me, her boyfriend
Kaela is a kusogaki?
>>30890081IRyS isn’t a selfish bitch.
Is Kiara ogey?
>>30890048Unironically yes, Mori has so much fun playing live a live and it makes me happy. I'm still not convinced she will even like Rust. Besides Mori does a decent ammount of collabs with JP on her own.
>>30890069jenma oks it
>>30890130And more would be bad?
>>30890110I think Gura will avoid Kaela now because of this...
Anya keeps getting deleted
>I will protect Watame-senpai>Kills her three timesWhat did Kaela mean by this?
>will pay the sun god>will not pay the Christian god
>>30890081Kiara has more collabs than irys though
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>30890089>omg she's just like me>wait... that's a little too close to home
Kaela just slices through them like butter...
>>30890194Protect her from the horrors of life.
>>30890147Go over to vshojo probably...
>>30890110I'm pretty sure Gura already blocked Kaela from the pressure
>>30890030jp summerfest is next month right?, i think there is a plenty time for collabs like usaken or maybe just helping the prep
>>30890081She's cool like that
>>30890147Holy shit watch streams.
ok it was a sun dance tourist thing, I was lost
>>30890175Rust isn't necessary for them.
>>30890172The thing is why the fuck does it have to be one or the other?
>>30889214Surprise, people all over the world love her.
>>30890196Correct yet Kiara is the one complaining about not getting invited to collabs
The eggs are coming to take me away,Haha, they´re coming to take me away,Ho ho, hee hee, ha ha,To the funny farmWhere life is beautiful all the timeAnd I´ll be happy to seeThose nice young menIn their clean white coatsAnd they´re coming to take me AWAY,HA HAAAA
>>30889876She recorded herself dancing naked in the streets in some type of weather manipulation ritual
the sun ritual permissions....
>>30890069This got nothing on her discussion of socioeconomics and that stream is still up
>>30890217Pretty sure it's the end of this month.
>She can't beat Kaela in Minecraft>So she'll go and attack her in Rust insteadWhy is Anya like this?
>>30890144I swear, if they make a Monopoly collab, I will hunt and burn each of you feathery fucks
>>30890195she already does that during tax season
>>30890195Christian god is not real.
>>30890234Based threadreader
>>30890202Board games are viewer poison.
Don't mind me, just grooming my new rrat.
>>30890215Think I'll try my luck with a decent holo, cheers though.
KIARA UPDATE:>vented about how bullshit timezones are and how it's so hard going solo to her genmates since no one gets any support>ayame said something to the effect of "that's why i don't bother with streaming lol" and said that ayame probably has the right idea>is extremely bothered by (the implication of investment Cover is putting into Rust) but literally nothing for EU vtubers or support for anyone else>Mori said it didn't bother her because it's nothing new>Is now sniffling, says there's "really nothing anyone can do">it's an "internal matter" and not about the algorithm or numbers>says she's just going to play Fall Guys with KFP to cheer herself up since she saw Mori doing it in a member's only stream and that it looks far more fun than playing with randos>wants to finish Yakuza next week no matter what
>>30890081She doesn't wait for a royal invitation
>>30890229Nigger it's a more casual setup than just doing a formal english teaching stream or concert appearance. At least learn that you can have different things.
What did Bae mean by this?
>>30890007You’re getting scammed
>>30890256she's a PAGAN?
>we could have had a comfy fat cat global general>instead we got a late thread KFP spam one
Kiara is an active shinto practitioner and prays to Amaterasu daily
>>30890234what not watching streams does to a nigga
>>30889381Was Watame not in last year's SportsFes?
>>30890081If you were a holo, who would you rather collab with: the charming hapa with the voice of an angel and the playfulness of a devil, or the menhera foreigner with the mind and voice of a chicken?
>>30890262Pick your battles.
>>30890305I trust in Mori to fuck it up again.
>>30890095Are we talking about the same thing? Was it really for that? That would've rocked
>>30889357and pretty...
well thats the end of the collab, pretty alright. towa still sucks at monhun. hope you all will enjoy your days and streams
>>30888849Hey what the fuck has Korone always had bigger tits than the fat cat??
>>30890230Because there's only so many hours in a day? And I wouldn't want to give up Va-11, drawing or JK for it either.
>>30890081IRyS has a beautiful voice and is a cute seiso calm girlKiara is a complaining squawking euro talking over everyone
>>30890323Ah, right.
>The thread whenever Rust interaction happens in EN>AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH KINOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO>The fanbases sitting on the side whose oshis aren't part of the Rust arc>Ummm Rust is shit acksually
>>30890327>IRyS is a menhera foreigner>Kiara is a menhera foreignerhuh
>>30890288>>wants to finish Yakuza next week no matter whatNever gets old
>>30890288yakuzabros... next week for sure...
>>30890334Reminder Fauna did the bitchiest fucking thing that you could ever do in this game
Why is the thread always so shit when irys is live? I thought searystocrats was a meme
>>30890048I'd take any organized collab over 4h of dull survival shit with a 10m highlight
>>30890155She's basically saying "I suspect you don't like me, so prove me wrong and invite me to collabs first" but the truth is they don't actually like her, her fears are trueBut instead of trying to become a better, more likable person herself, she continues to demand that other people lie to her to make her feel temporarily better about herself
>>30890288>said that ayame probably has the right ideaYikes, going full blackpill already. What the fuck is up with this bitch. She's doing things most people in Hololive will never do in their lives, she could just to do something else if she's going to hate her life either way.
>>30890288I refuse to believe that even Kiara is this dumb.
>>30890327I get Kiara is the first one, but who's supposed to be the second one? Are you talking about Mori?
>>30890287OH! fuck I forgot. Try Ollie
>>30890309you didn't post enough lewds last time okayu's link ends with "Dog"
Btw Kiara has the most sane take about EU holo's, quality should precede location. She she understands why there are not more EU holo's.
>>30890379It was always real
>>30890288Not Fall Guys again...
who's the cameraman?
>>30890048Considering it’s one guy constantly swinging between doomposting about MORI WHY AREN’T YOU PLAYING RUST YOU’RE GONNA BE LATE and SHE SHOULD CUT OFF HER HANDS INSTEAD OF PLAYING RUST I wouldn’t read too much into it
>Kiara is cryingReine now's your time to strikeBe the shoulder to cry on, so you can be a face to ride on later
ooooooh, it's that time of the month for Kiara isn't it?
>>30890150>>30890327>>30890362Imagine if Kiara was in the current minecraft stream. Her voice and laugh would be overpowering everything
>>30890356>wouldn't want to give up on Jump kingNigga really?
>>30890288All bullshit
>>30890251This is irony right? I cannot imagine someone doing this unironically
>>30890303correctional mating press requirement.
>>30890010>not even giving her a chance Your loss then. Try posting positively about your oshi instead. Better use of posts than letting the schizos run wild.
>>30890288Why are you leaking member content?
>Says she hates being a burden on people>is a burden on EN, Ame specifically WDSMT?
>>30890334It is my final warning>>30890376Not surprising, considering she's the gamer of EN
>we have threadreading touristniggers ITTof fucking course
>>30890341you've been trusting in it for months now
>>30890256I am the one who taught Kiara rain dancing and sunrise dancing
>>30890363She looks like blonde Chika
>>30889381>>30890363I don't want to be a crackshipper but I want them to say hi to each other, like with Subaru/Korone last year.
>>30890081>Effortlessly Huh? Like half her collabs are the same 2 people
>>30890288suiting up
>>30890432Want to kiss Polka
>>30890396Just wait for itbto get uncancelled.
Watame is laughing so hard
>>30890431This Towa looks odd.
>>30889740I've been looking forward to her finally getting into it so I can get my deathstar interactionsPlaying with Matsuri would also be very nice, and with Ame doubly soI've been loving the Rust arc, but I also loved the Ark streams
>>30890288Heh...fine...I'll get my suit on
See? Irl friends sucks, Holo friends rule.
>>30890364Watching Rust is mental illnessWatching clips of Rust of the "kino" moments is the only sensible way to ever watch Rust
Fuck I've missed the members stream. Stupid fucking brat streaming early!
Chubby Anya
>>30890439Mumei is the gamer of EN
is leaking member content the norm around here?
Is this holo related?
[Kiara News]She is crying again
>>30890424Yes, I watched her play that fucking game for hours and I'm invested in seeing her beat it. Also I find it's excellent bgm while I play a strategy game or something.
architects lost.....
>Kiara literally telling Nabi to sit on her lap>you can hear both of them gigglingWhat the fuck is going on?
>>30890405Jokes on her, the real reason is obvious and it's visible on Cover's app server region selection
>>30890334The shark road was hilariousYou could feel the tension every time someone was going to walk by
>>30890479Want kiss polka's asshole
I want more Vspacer art.
This bratty Anya...
>>30890194She gets better
What was that noise? Is Kiara really cleaning her guns while chatting on stream?
>>30890468That drink ? me.
>she's actually sniffling for fucks sake
>>30890518[Kiara News]She is laughing.
>>30890385Yeah, if I really think about it I probably was like that entire cycle when I was a teenager but by her age now, it was definitely something I'd moved past (the demanding other people accommodate me part). I guess she can get away with it because she hasn't hit the wall yet so people are still willing to lie to her from time to time.
>>30890481finally a good fucking post in this thread!
my pork belly btw
>>30890549Don't worry about it. Kiara is eating my big thick meat as we speak
>>30890352Korone's tits are pretty damn big, they're just usually hidden by her jacket.
>>30890514Who cares?
[Watame news]Watamelon
Fuck, I can't unsee it now...
>Kiara is actually menstruating on streamKiar...
>>30890334as much as people complaining about monopoly these were both pretty fun
>>30890288Ayame was a nice touch
>>30890570Kiara is bipolar
>>30890537Want to kiss Polka's exposed midriff
>>30890282i kinda got sad at work today since we found a box that a rat had made a nest in, except it got shipped to us earlier this week so we found two barely alive rat babies who died shortly after since they'd been separated from their mother for too longthis doesn't have anything to do with anything except it kinda bummed me out and i thought i'd feel better if i posted about it
I honestly believe her friends are going to set her up to get a boyfriend after she graduates so she doesn't have to rely on them constantly
>>30890385>>30890572This niggrr started samefagging with essays nobody will read kek
>>30890288the JP version still makes me laugh the most
>Kiara literally smelting down on streamdamn, her member's streams are always so juicy
What is Risu doing to my Alien Wife
>Kiara doesn't want to play RUSTPlease let her stay away from this game, I don't want her to disturb Kino Rust interaction
>>30890542The POL has been activated!!
>I hate being a burden on my friends >*forces Ame to build her a VR studio for her birthday live and gives both back in return*No wonder Ametori is dead
>>30890385She's done this for a while where she complains about not getting invited to collabs despite having a ton of them and open invite ones being there
>>30890514Yes. Some people even leak member posts of other fanbases just out of spite. Poals are especialy funny
>>30890607kiara's black tears...
Cunny I kneel
>>30890639yeah me
>>30890081honestly at this point I just find it funny how deep in denial KFP is about how the other girls don't like collabing with kiara
>>30890288How about Kiara reachs outside Hololive for a change?
>>30890341Any day now. Just like graduation
Did Kiara really say she didn't want to be a burden on Nabis body? What did she do to Nabi?
>trying to force "yabs">gay blog posting>cringe armchair psychoanalysis discordbros?
>>30890514I'm honestly more surprised that there aren't pirate streams
>>30889740The Rustschizo (singular) bitches and moans every time someone else schedules a Rust stream while simultaneously seething over the fact that Mori wants to play Rust. Don't put too much stock in it. For my part, I'm interested in the collab potential but I'm not clamoring for it or anything.
>>30889307Pretty good, I was too busy typing PEBOT in the thread when this happened.
>>30890639Kiara is going to be married within seconds of graduation to a Man who has emotional problems and beats her
uhh guys I think Watame is holding them hostage to not leave the stream not for another 4 hours...
>>30890643>Kiara literally smeltingBlacksmith Kiara...
Is anyone besides Sheep streaming in the ID MC server right now?
>>30890647Kiara's retarded antics would only elevate the kino and she isn't even my oshi.
>>30890623Want to kiss Polka's armpits
>>30890405What is she even asking for exactly, EN is not a region-based branch. EU is a bunch of languages in the same location and EN is a single language on every continent. She can't support both branches at the same time.
>>30890650It's funny how quickly Ametori died >>30890678I mean imagine if any of the other girls complained this much about their coworkers
>>30890639>her friends are going to set her up to get a boyfriendCan't Kiara do it alone?
>>30890376Not surprising, considering she's the bitch of EN
>>30890194big lemao
>>30890684Took her to a big Korean Palace and as she got heatstroke she doesn't want Nabi to get heatstroke or something
>>30890650Ame wanted it and sex is a good reward
>>30890288when the fuck is she going to finish Yakuza? it obviously aint gonna be next week
>IRyS talking about how delicious kinoko (dick) is on stream.What were you saying, pure idol fans?
>>30890639That boyfriend will be me btw
>>30890688it's all the eggs have left if he doesn't they'll immediately kill themeselves
>Kiara is squeebingThis is too far, I can't watch anymore
>>30890385You see, improving yourself is compromising and she had enough of that in her life
>>30890647Don’t worry she won’t play it. RustKINO is safe.
>>30889965>>30890039are hags the most powerful holos?
>>30890644giving her beer. god, I wish I was lofi
>>30889860GET SOME help
>>30890650>>30890719Ame offered
>Kiara literally making fun of threadreaders in real time
>>30890385>>30890572Honestly for me THIS was the moment I decided she was totally selfish. And of course KFPutos never talk about it.
>>30890511Only chuubas who have beaten Jump King or Elden Ring are gamers
man I'm glad I watch streams, otherwise I'd think something terrible is happening
>>30890738Anal wife
I don't know what's funnier. Kiara spiraling out of control mentally or KFP trying to act like they are better than everyone defending that mental case. Can't wait for Kiara's stream to be over so they can go back to shitting on Mori.
How many viewers does her member stream have KFP
>>30890760>improving yourself is compromisingno its not
>>30890514People are barely leaking anything, it's pretty much just threadreading dumbasses going schizo
>>30890791one, that's me.
>>30890702>kiara is kaela all alongI-I kneel
>>30890791Just me
>>30890791just me
>>30890808No, Kiara is Irys
>>30890789You absolutely stink of desperation mate
I want to feed these girls my mushroom.
>>30890639Yeah Mori
>smol chat>already missed 46 minutesGood thing it's Kiwawa else it'd be over already
>they want a mushroomYeah, mine.
Mori love
>>30890823>>30890825So we were being raided by the KFP Discord...
Wait what where's my promised SunMoon sex?You mfs told me we're winning
These girls suddenly got really horny.
>>30889573>>30889714>>30890155>>30890385look at this guy samefagging kek
>>30890740I'll never understand anons wanting to date someone unstable like Kiara
>anya kaela irys doing "mushroom" innuendos for 15mins now
>>30890791only Anya is watching it
Now IRyS and Anya made Kaela crave dick.
>>30890390>>30890391>>30890680Jannies please refer these anons for a ban for being threadreaders.
im gonna give Kaela my mushroom if you properly comprehend my sexual innuendo
>>30890789it mean it isn't very hard to be better then someone defending mori lets be real
this is pretty yabai, fans of IRyS, Anya, and Lui.
>>30890801Acknowledging that people that told you that you are in the wrong were in the right is unacceptable to her, she outright said so when talking about her voice seriously
>>30890879She's cute
>Got burned under the eyeballsFuck that hurts
Kaela demands mushrooms.
>Lui peddling shrooms to make doPoor hag...
>>30890481I don't even need to listen to this to stay in sync.
so who won?
>>30890879not being gay helpsor gay if you are a woman
>>30890684got too hot and turned a fan on while nabi was sleeping, she's lucky to be alive
>>30890880IDs more like Eyeing Ds
>>30890893This is pretty much all IRyS's fault at this point
>>30890791Just moi
>>30890879I don't understand why you have been avatarfagging with kronii recently
These "why doesn't Kiara join Rust" arguments does not make sense anyway. There literally wouldn't be any change from Minecraft because of timezones. She isn't worried about jp collabs, so that is irrelevant as well.
>>30890865It's a cult.
Reminder that the kiarys schizo still hadn't delivered the art he promised
>>30890734Yeah, mine.
>Irys and Kaela both want my mushroomthese little sluts
>>30890791Just me actually
>>30890791Enough people have tuned in or refreshed the page to increase the viewcount to this
>Kiara is pitybaiting with her members>Again
>>30890879I can fix her
Kiara wtf kind of question it this??
I'm pretty sure you could trick IRyS into having sex if you met her
>>30890949art about what
>>30890879>"Why haven't you invited me to go on a date recently? Don't I matter to you?">Baby we just went on a date... like 10 times this month. And I invited you to do something tomorrow but you said no.">"You don't understand I don't like that activity!">"Well then what do you want to do? Just say something.">"No, you got to invite me."I think I would blow my brains out
I want hot sweaty steamy paizuri with Choco-Sensei!
>>30890784Oh fuck, I totally memoryholed this.
>>30890879I can fix her, already there are improvements! Also she's cute and I want to spoil her
>>30890715Want to kiss Polka's feet
>>30890946wtf is this real
>>30890526Nabi giggles at pretty much everything. Including pain.
>>30890971Polka and Watame
>>30890949He's a straight busta
>>30890971Ame showed on watame mc and noel rust
>>30890886>Why yes? I threadread members content i WILL NEVER pay forCope retard, i will accept obvious bullshit as tuth because i have no way to proof missinformation
>>30890949Why should he? Kiara and IRyS aren’t friends, they collabed once to promote the convention and then went their separate ways.
>>30890971You. From your window.
>>30890971MY ALIEN WIFE AND MY TREERAT MISTRESS. and some lounge singer i guess.
>>30890879>he says while posting a pic of the most mentally unstable EN.
>>30890971Risu and co
>>30890964>>30890987You CAN'T fix women after the age of 16
>>30890971Watame (Anya)
>>30890948Anon, she has been LITERALY streaming at the same time as JP rust when she was playing fox kusoge. For that and the bag review she switched to 10pm JST which is literally JP primetime and quite a few JPs/IDs even play from midnight till morning their time. It's LITERALLY the perfect timeslot for her.
>>30890971Kiara, Kaela, Watame or a few other IDs
>>30890971Botan and Polka
>>30890967Like in those blackmail erodoujins where the rapist sets up the most paper thin premise? Yeah probably.
>>30890971Noel, she just met MioAlso watching KFP melting down.
>>30890948And they won't bring up how she tried to compromise leading something else "Raft" but the others didn't fall through
>>30890971Watame and Noel
>>30890962She has been zalking about food for 10 minutes threadreader
>>30890971i'm reading the LiveTL for the voices
that was me btw
>>30891026She's not mentally unstable, she's actually the sanest Korean woman
>>30891020Because you not only agreed to my fucking terms but admitted those terms were fulfilled you fucking rat bastard CUNT
>>30890977>>"Why haven't you invited me to go on a date recently? Don't I matter to you?">>Baby we just went on a date... like 10 times this month. And I invited you to do something tomorrow but you said no.">>"You don't understand I don't like that activity!">>"Well then what do you want to do? Just say something.">>"No, you got to invite me."That's literally heaven
KFP going full sourgrapes over rustI remember it happening with ASMR too
>>30890971for me is ko'ne
>>30891044Kiara doesn’t want JPs, she wants to leech form EN.
>>30891077That's Ina.
>>30891026>most mentally unstable EN.
Kiara is literally having sex with Nabi right now
>>30891077>She's not mentally unstable, she's actually the sanest Korean womanunironically true which is terrifying
>>30890879>GirlfriendKronners wakes up wrong one day>you're now stuck doing mental health emotional support for an entire month
>>30890998Want to kiss Polka's breasts
>>30891026Kronii is pretty stable, honestly. She's depressed, but she's been dealing with it for so long that she knows how to cope with it.
>>30891053>he's falling for the samefagsrumao
>>30890971I’m watching hlgg for the Kiara rrats
>>30890977Do you have any idea what I would give for this experience?
>>30890948>She isn't worried about jp collabsHonestly speaking I dislike that about it, she's laser focused on EN to stupid degree, she easily could do anything, from creating her own circle of friends from Euro indies(Fuck, she has like two dozen chuubas as members and artists) to just hanging out with ID or JP yet she does nothing by herself and focuses entirely on EN
>>30890786I thought we dropped this last thread. You seem really desperate to win this argument
>>30890949wheres my kiarys porn Kiaraschizo ?wheres my $200 mr nousagi ?wheres the spider eating video haaton?
>>30891085>I remember it happening with ASMRTell me more about your /hlgg/ fanfic?
>>30891085I still want my German ASMR! She promised! Rust I can give up on though.
>>30890892Do ponder for one second kfp... The entire point of this conversation was that Kiara doesn't get invited to Collab, correct? Well as you see Mori does get invited but Kiara doesn't. Quite spectacular if you ask me
>>30891044The post was about EN not JP anon
Irys with the awkward silence
>>30891053>KFPJust you eggboi
>>30891050It's British.
>>30890977And KFP are like those friends reinforcing her bad attitude.
>>30890971I'm just hallucinating and imagining Kiara's voice.She sounds cute and wants to go hiking.
>>30891107She seems to do way better lately
what do these dumbasses gain from trying to trick threadreaders?
>>30890886not even threadreaders if they fell for pasta that old
>>30891044What are you talking about anon, she doesn't care about meeting JP/ID holo's in rust. Comprehension reps.
Happy 2nd Anniversary
>>30889064I only care about Kiara
>>30889357And sexy~
>>30891129none of this is true btw
Isn’t Zeta’s schedule image a little yab this week? Does she want me to lust after her or not? I’m getting mixed messages from her.
>>30890977I don't think you understand. KFP is attracted to her mental disorder. They like the fact that she would be a bathshit insane needy girlfiend
nice she saw the video
All these threadreaders don't even know that Kiara literally said she would give Rust a shot...
>Kiara is a menhera>I am a menheraWE ARE..?!?!
>>30891160it's funny when it works
>>30891085Speaking of ASMR, bets on Kiara weaseling out of her Noel collab when she goes to Japan?
>>30891133What games has Mumei beaten? She didn’t even beat her memory fangame.
>>30890494>Playing with Matsuri would also be very niceI hope she teems up with ame and they get into a deeply personal fued with matsuri
>>30889531>Getting it over with on one stream and never collabing with HoloTempus againBased
>>30890977its like kiara is just constantly pmsing
>>30891185Yeah and?
>>30891129She has been getting closer to ID and spent her early career collabing with as much of JP as possible, not weird at all she wants to bond with her own branch
>>30890971ID1 reminiscing about the past
>>30890288Didn't she already finish Yakuza? Or did she start a new one?
>>30891204Retarded and don't know what menhera means
>>30891222none just like fauna
>>30891160>thread is talking about non-Kiara steams>low quality>thread is now talking about Kiara streams>high quality
>>30891160I gets more people to dislike Kiara.
Fauna plays with my heart all the time
>>30887998Correction, of course.
It's really quite amazing how heavily diluted the idea of a menhera has become here from all the worthless hyperbolic prose being shat out by khvs...
>>30891204going to die alone
>>30891040Has she had any luck with stats?
>>30891169hope she does a anniv like live again. her last bday live has kinda... okay...
>>30891082>>30891125>>30891155>>30891194stop being needy get some help
>>30891231Himebeat…You know they made up right?
>Korean gestapo managed to get redditor to return the stolen post-it
>gonna sell the post itKrFPchama...
Makes me think half the shit the KFPs posted itt is total bullshit to confuse threadreaders/non-members
>Threadreaders and tourists actually believing the old Kiara members copypastaGood laugh to start my day, thanks dummies!
>>30891260shut up roastie
>>30891240>She has been getting closer to IDOther way around if anything>and spent her early career collabing with as much of JP as possibleAnd then did fuckall with these connections
>>30891290About hololive? Yeah, she should.
>>30891129>she's laser focused on EN to stupid degreeIt's almost like she's part of the branch
>>30891244If she wanted a jp collab it would be organized. No fuzz.
>>30891253>high quality
KFP ruins yet another thread, big surprise.
>>30891244Kiara has been talking with JPs since debut. Why is it her fault that all of EN are shut in retards?
>>30891159Moving out seemed to do a lot for her, it's great to see things taking a positive turn.
>>30891243where do you niggas come from
Why is this trending right now? Is there an all-out war going on?
>>30891198You better not be messing with me, I would literally murder for a Takamori rust collab
Watame trying to speak English is so cute
>>30891082>>30891125It's a garbage experience because you can't meet their unreasonable expectations and end up feeling like you're doing something wrong. The reality of it is the other person is the fuck up, but in the moment you don't really consider that.
>>30891296Nope, She really will finish yakuza next week no matter what.
>>30891222I don't care, Mori and Mumei aren't my oshi's because of their gameplay
>>30891222To the moon
>>30891291holy shit is Korean reddit the fucking gestapo now?
>>30890879>>30890977Halfway through this conversation you just start fucking her. It's not hard idiots.
>>30891273DELETE THIS
>>30888071>Sharing what projects you are working onThat's not allowed!
>>30891129It's almost like she's EN or something
>>30891108Want to kiss Polka's neck and cuddle
Uhhhh kfp why is Kiara quoting Me in Kampf isn't that you know......
biggg face
>>30891310>Kiara doesn't care about HololiveIs that the funny meme you're gonna spam now retardchad?
>>30891326burger 2views are having meltdowns again pay no mind
>>30891253Fuck are you on this thread sucks. Eggs, eggs falseflagging as the cuntiest KFP possible, Towa.
>>30891160watching eggs squirm in pleasure eating up freshly made easily disproven rrats is fucking hilarious
>>30889064I only really watch Kiara and I find she acts differently in big group collabs (in a way that I don't like). I can't think of the last group collab I enjoyed with Kiara. Probably Gartic Phone because at least she had those drawing parts where she could "solo stream." In general I find myself disappointed when I see a collab-heavy schedule because I find myself wishing I'd just get more solo Kiara streams.
>>30891296They have been doing that since the first holotalk
>>30891244she has more JP collabs then anyone else and can just boot up Holotalk whenever she feels like it
Kiara talking about the post it thief, apparently the whole story he posted on korean reddit was fake and did it to save his own ass because he was originally going to sell it online
>>30891326This happens every week anon it's not really an event
>>30891198>walk around in empty server>hit a rock few times>be disgusted by ugly graphics>switch over to superchat reading after an hour>that would be 40 bucks plus taxWorth it!
>>30891320Fucking kek cracked egg
Pro gaming dagger! I can't wait for the cup
>>30891303Just think you should do something better with your life than make out like someone saying they're sad at some point means they're currently tying the noose. Comes off as pretty sheltered and sad.
>That dude who stole the post-it turned up deadWhat?
>>30891273Damn... the fuck happened to her?
>>30891185Yes that's the best part>>30891277No!
>>30891346I cried with Mumei in that game...
>>30891160Amusement when you reveal yourselves to be threadreading troons.
>>30891231They made up, you have to let go..
>switch over to noel>she's using a bgm I've heard in some EN's streamwho was it?
>>30891320Like clockwork. And you fucker wonder why I prefer /hlg/ or /HIRyS/
>>30891365Yes, play with the rest of Hololive.
>>30891374That's mental illness why join hololive if you're gonna be a solo streamer
>MYrS is gone>sadness arrivesWhat is this?
>>30891397she can show her KR trip food pictures while sitting around the Rust campfire, instant kino
>>30891334Yeah, I have absolutely no self esteem so I have to be on a constant treadmill of trying to please or I fall apart from insecurity
>>30889603>Eggchads>When you could not even take down a High school dropout, which you just admittedRUMAO more like eggvirgin
>>30891326Man, I remember when it's a chuuni named happening like this, it would be because Aqua was doing something fun and dumb in MC. Now it's just gay shit
>>30891335Just the thumbnail alone screams kino. ssg Polka
>>30891320C R A C K
>>30891268She's sometimes getting some good level ups and has a few overpowered characters, she seems to be doing good so far.She still had trouble early on with Ike barely getting any strength though...
>>30891326It's the ENtuber tag, and you're probably seeing that because twitter fucked with trends to show you shit they think you're interested in.
>the guy that stole the post it was crucified an bruned alive on the Seoul streets
>>30891138>confirmation you weren't here last yearwhen ASMR was ramping up with gura's and mori's and even ina trying it we got a while boatload of sourgrapes coming from KFP, kinda funny it's repeating again with rust
>Framed and put in an important fellow KFP. We're not a religious cult, are we?
>>30891439>/hlg/of fucking course kek
>>30891414She got more popular, her member streams used to get 400-500 viewersIt was more comfy...
>>30891330It genuinely is the best idea for both of them to get into the game, but neither of them will know about the other's intentions
Isn't just me that heard Kiara morse code "Ayame for first guest on Holotalk 2.0" right now?
>>30891439>/HIRyS/Okay you have to be joking now
>>30890946my god... she's free...
>>30891370Nice try egg but we own this thread. Seethe more and cope
>>30891015I unironically think revealing yourself to be a newfag should be a 3-day ban.
>>30891424L O N D O N
>>30891439>/HIRyS/No one prefers HIRYSNot even actual IRyStocrats
>>30891346Mumei relating to River for how socially awkward she was makes me want to protect her...
>>30891439Go back
Kiara is being extra cute today
>>30891439>hlg>fucking HIRyS
>>30891406didn't ask, whore
>>30891408Don't worry about it.
>>30891301there is nothing to laugh about, they are fucking mongoloids that actively kill the thread with how fucking brain damaged they are
>>30890971>this amount of (you)sHoly shit how to convert (you) to peso?And how much do i get, can I buy a car with this amount
>>30891483It’s infinitely better to post in when she and Kiara overlap
I hate Kiara T. Kfp
>>30891506>TodayShe was cute in the last Tunic stream. I think it's safe to say that Kiara's been on a cute high for days now
>>30891413Cute and comfy bloodshed
>>30891413I started watching after Miko ended but it was really cute. Watame kept laughing and got along with everyone very well.
>>30891322Yes it is
>>30891467that's just normal south korean stuff, they love their cults over there
>>30891354>>30891311Which is her own mental malfunction, nobody else in any branch feels so forced to be identified with their own branch. She's just upset that she's part of the legendary greatest generation of Holos and she's seen as the irrelevant weak link in it. Being one of the strongest Holos generally is not enough for her, she's competing with EN only.
>>30891439>going to the IRyS anti thread
who won ID Cup?
>>30891467Don't worry about it.
>>30891467Did you see the shrine the kfp waitress made?
>>30891439>prefer /hlg/ or /HiRyS/FUCKING LMAO, thanks for outing yourself retard
>>30891413I missed Minecraft VC chaos/10
>>30891370C R A C K
JWU have noel and flare had kissy sex in Rust yet?
>>308915201 (You) = 1 Argentinian peso
>>30891520>he thinks reddit points mattermaybe it'll get you a jeepney ride flip
It's funny that Kiara said she doesn't care about rust on a public stream a while ago but all the tourists just want to pretend to care to shit up the thread
towa will be learning more korean if youre interested koreanbros
>>30891567Bitch it hasn't even started yet
>>30891487Okay now i know you’re eggman falseflagging to be as obnoxious as possible. Last you for you get something good.
>>30891436This is like the most commonly used bgm in hololive, a ton of people have used it.I associate it most with the green one.
>>30891577No, please show me
>>30891555>She's just upset that she's part of the legendary greatest generation of Holos and she's seen as the irrelevant weak link in it.Well she’s right about that much at least
>>30891567Gura's team.
>>30889064I'm pretty good. I watch collabs even if Kiara was in it but her voice and personality just isn't for me. Her obsession with Ame in the MK collab was weird so when Ina left I left as well.
>>30891467At KFP we worship an idol.
>>30891599oh was this a prep day?
>>30891501it more than relating, she was self inserting...
>>30891567my white dick because they all crave it
>>30891520Zimbabwe dollars, maybe.
>>30891520>Buying a car>Not investingYou should try investing your (You)s in SSRB Industries, they've been producing and selling quite a lot of weapons to KFP lately...
>>30891334You don't get it, anon. It's right in that sweet spot between love and obsession/insanity. Where love is the strongest but not unconditional. You feel needed but also scared to lose everything
>>30891436I think I've heard that BGM in an early IRyS stream.
>>30891555There's clearly a reason for being the weakest link and she can cope about time zones all she wants but it ain't that
>>30891414>a guerilla, korean time members zatsudan only has $3500/mo of members watching.Oh nooo, poor kiara...
>>30891551>InaYeah that checks out
>>30891596Sure but she wasn’t whining about not being able to collab with anyone at the same time like an insecure child.
>>30891520You can't, but you can use your (you)'s to buy a 4chan shirt, you just need 500 (you)'s and then complete a survey
>>30891439>prefering Hololive anti thread and irys anti threadanon...
>>30891558I thought /HiRyS/ became the Mori anti thread, when did that change?
>Kiara is going to create more relics, coming soon to a place near you
>>30891591Flare gave Noel a big mace
What EN has the best general gaming streams?
>>30891408Natural selection.
>>30891567Iofi team after they blew off gura ass
>>30891664yeah that might be it
>thread yesterday during kiaras streamCompletely fine>thread overlapping with an irys streamComplete shitshowI will never understand how a sweet girl lile irys managed to attract the worst fans
>>30891467anon she's in korea. They once had a president controlled by some femcel cult controlled by rich hags.
>>30891669Ogey threadreader
>>30889064I'm KFP and I don't give a single flying fuck, that means more Kiara for me
>>30891636yeye, a training arc
>>30891677I want a Kiara Holy Weapon relic! could be a nice hat stand or something
>>30889064I will unironically only watch Kiara and Mori when they collab with each other
>>30891439>these replies>on a 2/10 baitlooks like burgers have finally woken up
>>30891555Tell me more about your delusions anon.
whats polka doing for her anniversary
>>30891467Pretty sure we are a financial cult.
>>30891666>What are ARS memberships?
>>30891674The one Mori anti must have died
They really should give the mamas free merch
Polka is doing another live. Hopefully it is at least as good as the last one.
>your oshi>wanna chip in to buy venezuela
Good morning to everyone except deadbeats and teamates!
>>30890364Who are you quoting
>>30891222Journey PasspartoutIron LungTo the MoonShe also beat Smol Ame in Holocure on her first try.
>>30890575Luna finished streaming but I hadn't talked in the thread at all. Normally early morning threads ar the worst
Flare is trying to fish her way out of poverty?
>>30891326that's just the "EN 2views are getting uppity" tag. I don't even think it means anything
>Kiara giving away Ame merchAmeTori bros it's over...
>>30889064I don't care about FOTM meme shit like rust that no one will be playing in a few weeksBut it's clear no one asks her for 1-on-1s because no one in EN will wake up before 6pmEST so that's sad yea
>>30891717like /biz/?
>>30889064she actually can easily join collabs, with the indonesian holomems who she also relates to more easily
>>30891682Anyone but fauna
>>30891689Reckon I bullied him a little hard yesterday for admitting he's afraid of KFP so he's overcompensating with this fucking weird long-form opinion posting shit he's doing.
what stream are people talking about anya having been in?
>>30891689You don’t get blame this on IRyS, chickenfucker
>>30891682fauna's not my oshi but I like to watch her game streams. IRyS is also pretty good
>>30891742WatameNot interested in buying a landfill
>>30891689Sweet girls attract bad boys...demons fall in love with angels...
>>30891682the one that plays eratohok
>>30891718Oh nyo only 200 dollars (at best) less
Flare and Foobs in the fishing hole
>>30891439>And you fucker wonder why I prefer /hlg/ or /HIRyS/You have actual schizophrenia?
>>30891742KiaraThe fuck would I do with a literal economic black hole?
>>30891682pretty easily towa
I think I'm going to drop Kiara for a while in near future, I feel that I may be mostly running on sunk cost fallacy when it comes to herAnyone has good point to stop watching her for a month or so? Maybe that upcoming con?
>>30891689You don't really believe he's an IRyStocrat do you?Yes, He's one person
>>30890944He has no womb.
>>30891777probably Rust
So why is Kiara the weakest link in EN, not even just myth council too. Shits weird
>>30891788This is a certified womanpost
>>30891788>demons fall in love with angels...Isn't that IRyS' backstory?
>>30891437>>30891280I don't want to let it go!
>>30891777idfest practice stream
>>30891696>>30891733>>30891757>>30891764>>30891799>>30891814Towa isn't EN
>>30891742Risubut why?
>>30890081Kiara's humor too often is at the expense of others, and coupled with her voice, tone, and laugh it can be unwelcoming. IRyS is provocative without being offensive, and her voice and laugh are much more pleasant to hear.
Inas crusty NEET panties
>>30889064Remember when >Everyone should care that Kiara can't join the Ark arc?Where's the Ark arc?
Fucking nice
>>30891501I can save her…
>>30891820Just do it now, like tearing off a bandaid.
>>30891731That's not healthy for you
>>30891773No wonder I can feel like he's on the verge of killing himself whenever he posts an armchair psychoanalysis essay of an anime streamer
kiara cute
>>30891636Yeah, with most of both teams presentShit was great, lots of English too
>>30891862>IRyS is provocativebaffling opinion
>>30891847Towa is universal. All answers lead to Towa
>>30891742MoriYes, because it means we can get N1rv-Ann-A faster
Fuck! Kiara don't go! All your recent streams have been cute but like 2 hours at most.
>>30891682Fauna or KIara
>>30891335>Sponsors (guests)>Cover Corp (Yagoo?)>Virtual maiden shrine (Miko)>Oozora Police (Subaru)>holoX (maybe one of them, maybe all of them?)>Candy Kingdom (Luna)>Kingdom of Unylia (Wamy)
>>30891697oh cool so i didnt miss much thanks
>>30891847How can 6 anons all be wrong?
>>30891871It was short lived like those babies their Dodo had. jesus that superchat...
>>30891598>twoer has more kr friends than jpstoah...
>>30891689Thread was fine during the AmeRyS kino so I blame the euros
nabi cute
I'm a kenzoku.
>>30891834Annoying crazy bitch with no standout skills
>>30891742Haachama Only if we can start invading other countries
That’s hot.
>>30891820Just go now and nothing of value will be lost
okay they definitely fucked
>Imagine thinking anyone would take Kiara bait seriously AFTER the dox has been posted.Kiara schizo is very smart.
>>30891936kill yourself
>>30891682Anyone but Mumei
>>30891894i'll probably check out watames vod
>>30891682Depends on the kind of games you likeShooters? AmeJrpgs? Mori or kiaraVN? reineRythm games? Gura the rare times she streams those kind of games
>>30891682Strangely Kiara because she gets invested. Although it's not really obvious. Mori also gets invested. Ina if she sticks with stuff also.
>>30891820>>30891879Good luck with the HRT!
>>30891671>4chan shirtEven if I can, I'm not gonna wear that until they accepted me as a jannyAnd yes im jokingly applied for that few weeks ago
>>30891922Let's goooooo....
>>30891925>fineHe was shitposting during that too.
>>30891868imagine the absolute landfill her office is going to be without mama'nis around to force her to clean it
>>30891936me too
>>30891682Depend on what game you like, but on average Gura and Fauna is pretty good,
>>30891911Best of all it is free.
>>30891834eurotrash and annoying egotist
>I don't want to gym because I'll turn into Arnold.>I don't do strength exercises because I want to tone, not build muscles.Do women have ANY clue?
>>30891973>KFP calling anyone else a trannyogey
>>30891905I like Kiara but her gaming streams are not particularly powerful content. theres a reason the SC reading is "when the real stream starts"
>>30891847uhh then why was she in those EN overwatch collabs??
>>30888071Isnt don don something japanese prostitutes say?
So why is Fauna the weakest link in EN, not even just myth council too. Shits weird
>>30891904Anon, yesterday we had 3 hours...
Can anyone summarize watame's stream? I don't speak Japan and all I caught was that there was some kind of mushroom joke and them explaining the event time at the end
I can't believe Nabi is such a bitch
>>30892018The benefit of Kiara's streams is she always gets smug and then instantly starts losing.
>>30891925No it wasn't.
>>30891784Irys relies on chat a bit too much for my taste
>>30892014AYY TONE
>>30892026It's not enough! Kiara's a light of interesting new stuff in an only RUST world these days
>>30892033summary dozo:
So why is Towa the weakest link in EN, not even just myth council too. Shits weird
>>30892023Nigger she’s a 9k ccv average Holo now.
>>30890971Law & Order SVU season 8
>>30891994I fear for her safety unironically
>>30891936Good for you!
That's right. That's right. always remember that everything they say is about sex. If a vtuber mentions her brother, it's a sex partner. If its a friend, it's a sex partner. If she seems happy, it means she had sex. If she is sad, she didnt have sex, but then she had double sex. If a vtuber is going to the toilet, shes actually going to have quick sex. If she went on a date with another vtuber, they actually went to have sex. If she fails on a puzzle in a game, its because she is having sex right now and is being distracted. Table smash? Not a fist but it's her hitting the table, because she's having sex. Did she oversleep a stream? Sex. She was having sex and couldnt stop. If she starts a guerilla stream it's because she's having sex right now, but wants to be risky with viewers. Whenever a vtuber takes a break, its not because shes tired. You know why she takes a break from streaming? To have SEX. Whenever a vtuber talks about her family, shes actually talking about her sex roleplay she had. The story of a journey with her mother or father? Sex roleplay. She actually had sex. Whenever she laughs, cries or sneezes, whenever she peko pekos or thanks someone during a collab, whenever she gets big numbers or is being bullied she's actually having SEX at that very moment. Not only that, but everything is actually a keyword for sex.>Thanks for the aka supa = thank you for the sex>Im tired this week = im tired from the sex, but ill have more sex>Im planning a collab = Im planning to have sex>Oh sorry, that was just my family in the background = oh im having SEX right now>Thank you for all the support everyone = thanks for all the sex im having right now.It all revolves around sex. All vtubers, every single one, have sex every day, every hour, every moment. Every single narrative, every single noise she lets out is because of sex. The sex she is having. All vtubers read these threads and theyre here right now. All while having sex. They keep having technical difficulties because they have so much sex, it fries electronics in their room. Theres so much sex happening in their room that the sex waves cause Youtube datacenter to malfunction. Every yab moment is because they cant stop having sex to think straight.
>>30889064ENs are incapable of being cosistent with group collabs so no she shouldn't waste her time But like >>30891759 says none of them wake up in time to even collab with her (ex: perfect time being the mario kart collab that she had to ASK them to wake up for) and even then no one asks for 1 on 1s ever. Hell I'd think Mumei would ask by now since she cancelled her offcollab near last minuteIt is what it is I gave up on EN unity unironically they barely make an effort
>>30892018Eh threadreader take, Kiara has had some funny as hell shit happen during her gaming streams before the sc portions. Which a lot of people unfortunately miss.
>>30891952I guess the play is still hoping to astroturf enough that lurkers will take it as a popular position or on the off chance some holo/chuuba is currently here and sees it. Going off what he's gone off on previously as his motivations. Truly the lazy rube goldberg of antis.
/ggg/ is literally full of the worst people on this board. Don't go there if you like Gura.
>>30892033Watame was talking about how she's now a serb because as you know God is a serb.
>>30891759Ina asked for that Animal Crossing and I think a couple other we were surprised about.
>>30892080>weakest linkrumao
So Nabi scored or nah? And you got proof for that? Im missing out a lot
That chibi ID stream was pretty fun, anyway what's going on in this thr-
>botan came up with poruka oruka
>>30892033They spoke plenty of English, anon.
>>30892110Nabi not scored yet
>>30892023But Fauna isn’t even the weakest link in council, that’d be Bae.
>>30891335Botan's live was already god tier but I wonder if Polka can top it. In fact all the ones this month have been good, I know Shion's might fail to live up to the others though, I can't see her putting that much effort into it.
>>30892088Man it's been a long time
>darude sandstormkiara...
>>30892023she's not. She's the greenest link
>>30890081But irys rarely collabs. Exceot for chadcastshe collabs with someone once and than never again. She hasn't even had a 1 on 1 collab with all of en yet
>your oshi>Oppai Anya or Flat Anya
>>30892033The whole stream was in English, Miko's was Japanese.
>darude sandstormKiara please...
>>30892033Irys literally translated everything in english you english-fourth-language anon
>>30892088vocaroo doko
>>30891879>>30891950k,swithing to Roboco's una->Privated alredyMaybe the VR ID is sti->FinishedFuck it, I'm starting after this stream is over
How the fuck has Kiara not listened to Darude Sandstorm it was like the biggest meme a few years ago
>darude sandstorm
>>30892145remember when she dropped out of her own collab and the conversation immediately picked up?
>>30892171WatameSex Anya
>>30892018But at the same time the fact that she isn't the most skilled makes seeing her kickass moments more impactful, and how horror games is extra entertaining because of how scared she gets
>>30892158she is STILL dodging Fauna and it's annoying
>>30892110yeah she scored
>>30892033Irys was talking to Anya about their love for penis(mine)
>>30892092no I see that, I agree she has good moments but I still wouldnt call it prime content.
>>30892155She was frozen in time for 10 years and is now discovering all the ancient memes. PolPol!
>>30892171AnyaFlat until death
>>30892110If Reine couldn't score Nabi has no chance
>>30891936Oh yeah? Prove it.
Congrats on teaching Kiara another ancient meme, KFP. Damn Daniel next, okay?
>>30892184a lot of people have no connection to memers and don't see whatever the popular memes are.
Kiara fell for Darude Sandstorm...
>>30891925No it fucking wasn't
>>30892216She can't keep getting away with it.
>>30890081IRyS knows how to roll with what's happening. Kiara, being European, can't read the room and her banter ends up like this.
grow up. improve yourself.
>Festival talking about Irys>Ame talking about Irys>Miko talking about Irys>Watame talking about Irys>Noel talking about Irys>Flare talking about Irysthe fuck happened. Irys is getting mentioned left and right today
>>30892184time capsule
>>30892184>there are people who know the song because of the meme and not the meme because of the songI'm pretty sure Kiara isn't that underage to have learned it from the meme
>>30891925Less bad, but no.
>>30892182Don't bother, we don't want you
>>30892171GuraPettan is most important
>>30892017Kfp literaly doxxed an egg that turned out to be a tranny that posted pics of himself in womans clothes you fucking newfag
>>30892110Yeah, Kiara showered with her waiting in hotel room and shit
>>30892184That was right during the time she was in idol isolation.
First DO IT, now Darude Sandstormwhat’s the next old meme Kiara’s gonna find?
>>30891820You forgot this:
>>30892110>hazy memories of that eveningshe did
Is Kiara streaming from an airplane?What is that noise in the background?
Which EN is the most Kiara-like with the collab autism drawbacks. I’ve been thinking about switching to IRyS or Fauna but I don’t want to get too invested right away.
>>30892268>being Europeanstop making this excuse
>>30892247>Damn Daniel (2016)>ancient
>>30891925It was fucking shit and only comicbro salvaged that garbage thread
doney with the funny
>>30892230>Polka meeting Idol Polka, a girl she never even imagined could exist for most of her lifeAAAA POLKA CUTE
>>30892273JP love IRySEven Pekora acknowledge her existence
>>30892249How do you do, fellow memers
>>30892299yeah that's me, sorry
>>30892269stop itget some help
>>308923072016 was 12 years ago
>>30892273everybody loves IRyS
>>30892247I wore some white shoes today and thought of Daniel
>>30892306>S-stop providing good reasons!Retard
>>30892294harlem shake
>>30891689>newfags forgetting is eurohours as usual and everything is still the same for the past two years
It was fun, 'gators. I still appreciate Ame and hope the best for her, don't get me wrong, but I don't think she can be my oshi anymore.
>>30892247I'll teach her demotivators next!
>>30892273That could have been Kiara…
>>30892307anon, 2016 was ten years ago...
>>30892342why :(
>>30892110She scored. Kiara said that everything after taking a shower was a haze and when kiara started streaming nabi was lying in her bed
>>30892294Milhouse is not a meme!
>>3089230730 years is a long time.
>>30892299Laptop, it's loud as shit obviously.
>>30892273Graduation and I say this as a proud IRyStocrat.
>I'm not addicted to streaminglmao
>>30892299That's just my smartfridge Gomen
>>30892273I'm scared... IRyS isn't leaving hololive is she?
>>30892362That's Fauna's job
>>30892268T. hreadreader
>>30892373that linear timeflow thing
>>30892273The whore of Hololive...
>>30892299either her laptop fan or she just didn't properly set up her audio because she can't hear herself
>>30892013>>30891942>>30891892>1 minute apartWhy samefag at the end of a thread? No one can even reply
cunnilingus with reine
I'm sick you retards fell for the Irys vs Kiara nigger's shitYou still owe comissioned art btw fag