>> | No.30826198 File: 69 KB, 1280x720, 1448840310518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google] >>30824721 I think the main problem is that there's nobody in the industry that is capable of writing a 100~150 episode anime with an overarching plot that also is willing to work on YGO of all things. ARC-V's biggest weakness was getting 50 extra episodes shoved in and having to stall the plot for a year, but still having to run that same ovearching plot. VRAINS' biggest weakness was that it resolved its core plot in like 40 episodes, then had no idea what to do with itself after that, but kept going for another 80 episodes. DM and GX were better at this, and both suffered from critical filler bloat, especially GX. ZeXal probably has the singular most cohesive ovearching plot of the franchise (other than DM), but it's fucking ZeXal and nobody wants to watch 80 episodes of shit to get to the good parts. >yugioh autist in holostars fucking when When Konami gives permissions for EN. I have no idea why it seems like Nijisanji are the only EN corpo to have Konami perms. HoloJP used to constantly reference YGO. Mel would use Passionate Duelist as a stream BGM. Haachama, Marine, and Aqua had Shadow Games where LP counters ran down and they became transparent as they were beaten. Shit was better before Holocaust.