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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30823135 No.30823135 [Reply] [Original]

Literally Me Edition

Last thread: >>30807873

>Magni / Altare / Noir / Syrios
Schedule: https://teamup.com/ksgohfodyecndykvxk

>Magni Dezmond
>MAGNATION / Magmates
Live: #MagginTime
Art: #MagniOpus
Memes: #Dezmemes
Clips: #DezClips

>Regis Altare
Live: #AlTogether
Art: #WorkofAlt
Memes: #LaughTare
Clips: #RegiTales

>Noir Vesper
Live: #VesperONLINE
Art: #VespART / #ScholArt
Memes: #Noirgrounds
Clips: #ClipNoir

>Axel Syrios
Live: #Whysosyrios
Art: #Artxel
Memes: #Axeldent
Fan thumbnails: #AxelThumbtails

>OP Template

>> No.30823157 [DELETED] 
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>> No.30823171
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>> No.30823197
File: 82 KB, 640x480, commandments.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.
>6. Did you see what /hlgg/ is saying?
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>7. The baiters are insulting your bros!
Thou shalt not waste time on their foul words.
>8. Hey I bring news from Hololive/Nijisanji!
Thine words do not belong in this temple.

>> No.30823199
File: 89 KB, 937x768, FF26A2E1-2267-4D79-A99C-528B9FC9C9E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30823486


>> No.30823220

I will miss the burning out meme

>> No.30823251
Quoted by: >>30823284

die /v/spies

>> No.30823260
File: 222 KB, 741x623, FaBTIwJagAAYl27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30823272

So no more time limit?
Are we finally gonna get 4+ hour Zomboid?
Does Mags have a signature game yet?

>> No.30823275

What did Altare do before Holostars? Just wanna know the type of content he did and nothing else, like should I be expecting a lot of utaite singing shit like Axel?

>> No.30823283
Quoted by: >>30823318

2 and a half hours. He's already ashes. Nothing left to burn.

>> No.30823284
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>> No.30823305
Quoted by: >>30823691


>> No.30823309
File: 222 KB, 357x472, 1660492456723402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm here to you remind you people of /MANS/!

This man will date you for a month if your dad makes awesome chili. Bear this knowledge as we go forward.


>> No.30823318

Demon Lords are immune to burning out

>> No.30823317

Dw, we'll have it back when LiveEN3 eventually happens

>> No.30823335
Quoted by: >>30823691

spore kek

>> No.30823358

OW I believe

>> No.30823380
Quoted by: >>30823458

Genshin Impact and just chatting.

>> No.30823386

Magni should just play through every sonic game. I specifically want to see him play sonic Heroes so he can explain why he likes that heap of trash

>> No.30823405

3 hour nowa zatsu onegai

>> No.30823407
Quoted by: >>30823705

do you think leader will play the cello for us at some point...?

>> No.30823424
Quoted by: >>30823463

He mentioned being scouted for Overwatch esports team.

>> No.30823442

Fuck he's still going. I dunno if I'll have a chance to catch up on the vod...

>> No.30823452

In the end I think the limit was a good idea, maybe lasted just a little longer than it needed to though. Not just for burnout/easing into things but definitely made keeping up with all 4 easier so they all had even exposure.

>> No.30823456

It’s not “a month” it’s a “month longer than needed to be”. Interpret how you will

>> No.30823458
Quoted by: >>30823552

>Genshin Impact
He thing he's escaped that content. That game is not doing so hot as a stream game now days.

>> No.30823463

nigga dodged a fucking nuke then.

>> No.30823464


>> No.30823483
Quoted by: >>30823649

I don't wanna be ascended bros I'm scared

>> No.30823486
File: 528 KB, 1396x2048, FaIdh9kUYAExvx5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30823898

demon lord a cute

>> No.30823506
File: 238 KB, 622x609, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that the ashes have settled.
Was the one-hour streams marathons a good idea?

>> No.30823509
Quoted by: >>30824458

Sonic EN permissions are shit to get, he could bypass it by going for the japanese ver but Maggie knows fuck all of japanese

>> No.30823532
File: 231 KB, 2560x1440, 759C01C3-F719-4D10-964A-461496E69C8B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30823552
Quoted by: >>30823855

>>30823458 (me)
I have no idea what I was typing at the start of this post. Must be having an aneurism.

>> No.30823560

Leech mentioned

>> No.30823568

My fingers are not enough, my wet pussy craves moreee, i need uncle nowa in meeeeeee

>> No.30823577

This is going to be a soundpost

>> No.30823579

>now that i see youre doing well maybe i can leech off of your success

LMFAOO shots fired

>> No.30823616

I want 1hr streams only, It works for me because I can jog/cycle using the vods.

>> No.30823636

Yes, it let us get a flavour for the Tempus boys without having to commit to any of them.

>> No.30823644
File: 199 KB, 515x438, 1659199789427232.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30823769

I didn't thought I'll hate the interactions so much why couldn't they go all GFE and ignore them.
How I'm gonna gatekeep if these whores are constantly introducing them to the unity fans

>> No.30823647

How can he be so based?

>> No.30823649
Quoted by: >>30823987

speaking of Ascension, do you think any of Tempus (or Cover for perms honestly) have the balls to play Kanye Quest for the secret cult recruitment path?

>> No.30823660

Yes nigga and it didn't even last a full month

>> No.30823677

I unironically think it helped keep the audience from burning out, and also spread the Tempus love because viewers weren't getting enough content from just their favs. I probably wouldn't have given Regis a chance if Vesper and Magni had started streaming for 4 hours a day.

>> No.30823682

Why is this a big deal?

>> No.30823689

two weeks would have been perfect, but it was unironically an amazing way to build a fanbase that loves all 4 boys

>> No.30823691
Quoted by: >>30823825

if he doesn't have one, he should take suggestions/polls. but it seems like he's not as gamey as we initially thought.

>> No.30823705

He mentioned it in his debut stream, so I'm sure it'll happen sooner or later.

>> No.30823712

I want to know what Altare's fetishes are

>> No.30823728


>> No.30823755
File: 319 KB, 2560x1440, B8C96E694164-A469-01D4-917F-3C10C957.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30823930


>> No.30823769

Nowa is great and all, but really wish they showed the others some love too. Axel and Regis especially

>> No.30823779

is it true arc-v is popular with fujos?
and gx, ive just met a lot of fujos who really like how hyper jaden is in the dub?

>> No.30823785
Quoted by: >>30825083

Altare is putting his foot down, NO COLLABS

>> No.30823789


>> No.30823796

he likes to choke women to the brink of death

>> No.30823802

>Rental Magni
What the fuck did he mean by this?

>> No.30823804

Mild ryona, psychological pressure, predator/prey dynamics in the bedroom. All of which go both ways depending on the mood.

>> No.30823805


>> No.30823807

>Addressing 1-on-1 collab begging

>> No.30823811


>> No.30823815

He quite literally hate beggars
Fucking based

>> No.30823817

>shitting on collab beggars
Could he be more based?

>> No.30823820


>> No.30823823
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>> No.30823825
Quoted by: >>30824193

Magni's type of content relays more on bouncing off from a topic and audience response. I want to see what will he do next after Spore.

>> No.30823826
Quoted by: >>30824023

wait so, im confused, are they streaming together or back to back?

>> No.30823831

collab beggars directly addressed

>> No.30823833

>kys beggars
Based leader

>> No.30823836

>begging for collabs
He's /here/

>> No.30823847
File: 290 KB, 785x959, FZ7wOBVUIAEOcjs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30823946

>Leader is not confident on 1v1 collabs

The man has spoken.

>> No.30823846

no begging is pretty based, fuck beggers

>> No.30823849


>> No.30823855
Quoted by: >>30824016

Aneurysmbro. I thought I understood that perfectly until you pointed it out.

>> No.30823866


>> No.30823879


>> No.30823895
File: 201 KB, 500x381, 1402945232590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30823985

nta but early Arc-V was literally an otome, as K-Money was trying to get the female audience into the anime.

>> No.30823898

If Tempus gets a new costume I want a demon form for Regis
I hope this comes true

>> No.30823900

There's definitely some merit to it, but I think they kept those restrictions a bit too long. Going forward I actually do hope for a mix of both 1 hour streams and longer ones rather than just one or the other.

>> No.30823902

Now tell the whores to do the same

>> No.30823915

>Rental Magni business
What did he mean by this…

>> No.30823922


>> No.30823924

Anti beggar Leader-sama, I kneel.

>> No.30823930

>Rental Magni
Axel's going to start up a Magni brothel...

>> No.30823946

he's a sociopath
the fact that he's /here/ means he knows what kinds of cans of worms he'll be opening if he did a one on one collab, it's definitely no a confidence issue, it's just a nice way to say it.

>> No.30823956


>> No.30823969

Axel pimping out Magni's bussy for coin...

>> No.30823981

Arc-V had a really promising start and then immediately fell off a cliff in the Synchro arc. It never recovered.

>> No.30823985

but really though i knew a fujo into jaden

>> No.30823987
Quoted by: >>30824104

Holy shit, I haven't heard of that game in a while.
I feel like Vesper or Altare would play it.

>> No.30823998

This blue nigga is so based

>> No.30824008
Quoted by: >>30824276

i really do get the vibe that he only truly likes the boys sometimes

>> No.30824016
Quoted by: >>30824371

That latter half was still what I intended. I think I was trying to say I'm glad he's free of his reliance on Genshin as a source of content.

>> No.30824023

back to back, 2 hours each. mag streams in about 5 hours, axel goes on 2 hours after that

>> No.30824024
File: 48 KB, 680x680, mag_chad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30828369

Now that the 1hr limit is gone Il probably focus on one or 2 of them probably Magni and Vesper
it will be too hard to watch all of them

>> No.30824025


>> No.30824035
File: 238 KB, 346x395, 1659493493218412.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I don't want to collab with people outside my guild but maybe one day I will, if it's a group game like Apex and they ask me first"
>shuts down collab beggars in chat instantly

Why is Leader so based

>> No.30824038

all the arcs were kind of shit, but I did enjoy every time the Yu-boys went berserk

>> No.30824037

I wish I could speak JP to enjoy the stars that are as godly at zatsu as Nowa, according to what i hear around here. Because Nowa's zatsus give me life.

>> No.30824043
File: 13 KB, 519x94, chrome_FkH732eNKs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30824060
Quoted by: >>30824093

>leader is a sociapath because he's /here/
naruhodo ne

>> No.30824078

>I won't collab with the girls unless they ask me first
>They won't collab with the boys unless they ask them first

At this point. No one will collab and this will be a stalemate until vtubing isn't popular.

>> No.30824087

>Prefers comfy over collab
>Wants to bond with the boys
>Stands up to chat

I had my doubts and I was a fool. Leader I kneel

>> No.30824086

Magni's live2D looks like a chinese character

>> No.30824093

I am a sociopath too, we are

>> No.30824104

Nowa’s probably heard of the /x/ shit involved with that game. Altare would probably lose his shit.

>> No.30824110

One doesn't become a leader for nothing

>> No.30824111
Quoted by: >>30824260

Ngl this is cringe but extremely based at the same time somehow

>> No.30824112

The one hour streams and the frequent chiming in during each other's streams have been great. It really made them feel like a tight knit group. Council felt like that at first, but I actually feel like Tempus will stay invested in each other.

>> No.30824113
File: 8 KB, 506x54, Screenshot 2022-08-14 at 23-47-40 【Cult of the Lamb】 join me and together we can rule the galaxy 【1】.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30824211

wow someone really did bring up the ame karaoke thing in chat. retard.

>> No.30824126
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>> No.30824130
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>> No.30824145

I mean this just means that if Mori asked him he would still say yes. So it's not that different from Vesper, because let's be real that 100% came from Mori and not him.

>> No.30824172
Quoted by: >>30824253

Altare just said "a cheeky sacrifice". Axel's lingo rubbing off on everyone, it seems.

>> No.30824193
Quoted by: >>30824234

>bouncing off from a topic and audience response
So buildy stuff? Like Sims, or Micra, or the many XXX Simulators? Maybe Rimworld if he can handle it/enjoys it?

>> No.30824195

Nah, Ollie will spam them with Apex requests.

>> No.30824205

I dont think anyone is able to enjoy arc-v

>> No.30824210
File: 212 KB, 480x480, 1642414566079.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the appeal? Why would you watch them over the girls?

>> No.30824211
Quoted by: >>30824270

Was that before or after his wrangling of chat?

>> No.30824212

She said as much IIRC, she said she noticed the ban was up and made a request

>> No.30824224

Shun blowing people the fuck out were my favorite parts of the series.

>> No.30824230

he shifted the responsibility to the other court basically

>> No.30824234

imagine magni streaming dorf fort lmao

>> No.30824238

The JP Stars have had that rule for a while now. They won't ask for Hololive collabs unless they ask.

>> No.30824241
File: 471 KB, 656x597, samefag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30824721

The first 50 episodes of Arc-V were really good setup for future arcs. The problem was that the payoff was fucking awful and didn't live up to the hype. There was also a bunch of shit going on in the background, a problem that would persist into VRAINS and get the show soft-cancelled for a bit.

>> No.30824253

To be far I think most of the boys won't ask for the girls for collabs.
The boys have their lingos influencing one another, it's cute. It really shows how much time they're spending with each other.

>> No.30824256

If she doesn’t reach out to Axel and Regis for collabs the week after this, I’ll feel she just wanted to capitalize on Magni/Nowa hype since they’re the popular ones

>> No.30824260
Quoted by: >>30824564

how is it cringe?

>> No.30824270

while he was tardwrangling

>> No.30824275

get thee hence

>> No.30824276

I think he doesnt like the EN girls desu

>> No.30824277

>not GFE
>knows their shit.

>> No.30824299

is bro
is entertaining

>> No.30824302

The vibe of hanging out with your bros. Haven't felt it since uni.

>> No.30824313 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>30824391

Actually /#/s calculated that a third of the CCV’s were actually the “Tempus Box” as Mori was not really hitting those numbers lately

>> No.30824323

>More tard wrangling
I love it, but won't constantly wrangling the tards be a significant negative regarding viewers in the long run? It's chats nature to be retarded afterall, most others simply ignore the dumb shit they do and let them have their fun to themselves
Genuinely dunno the impacts wrangling has but I feel like it usually chases the tards out rather than pacifies them ex. minecraft autists

>> No.30824329
File: 86 KB, 243x194, 1643542945192.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Isn't one of the a literal 30 yo virgin? You find that relatable?

>> No.30824332
File: 240 KB, 1066x677, bluewah_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There's no way he isn't a takodachi.

>> No.30824339
File: 193 KB, 742x931, stupid pose meme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

basically >>30824277
I never knew I needed brotubers in my life

>> No.30824338

cute boys doing cute things

>> No.30824345

So he won't collab even with the JPstars?

>> No.30824352

>decent to great at the games they play
>great bantz
>hates numberfag
>shat on reddit
>some of them are /here/, but doesn't let it dictate their content
What's not to like?

>> No.30824364
File: 51 KB, 622x830, 1652017631903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you don't?

>> No.30824368

To be fair, Axel is inexperienced as a streamer and would probably not be the best representative for Tempus, and Altare has said many times that he wants to focus on just collabing with Tempus, so the other two are actually better choices.

>> No.30824371

Agreed. A lot of people flocked to ToF anyway while leader's game choices have been pretty based.

>> No.30824391

Fuck ignore me I misread the post. I thought we were taking about the viewership not the collab beg.

>> No.30824397

>I will, if it's a group game like Apex and they ask me first
So he's collabing with Ame before the end of the month?

>> No.30824406

i don't think he cares if it scares away retarded chatters, genuinely

>> No.30824416
Quoted by: >>30824647

he said he'd play apex or valorant stacks, just not one on one collabs

>> No.30824431
Quoted by: >>30824546

>asking for a collab
maybe if someone like ollie invites them both.

>> No.30824450

I'm a girl.

>> No.30824458
Quoted by: >>30824856

Why can't Cover just run their EN branches under a different company based in US or Canada so they don't have to adhere to silly Japanese laws?

>> No.30824466

No. Ame has the same approach when it comes to collabs. She will never ask and wait to be asked.

>> No.30824470

Yes. They're also middle class salary men that did this vtubing as a hobby, I love these boys.

>> No.30824481


>> No.30824486

No chats / viewers tend to love that shit.
He himself is a fan of a 10k viewer guy on twitch that does that shit way more aggressively than what Altare would ever be allowed to do.

>> No.30824488

you need to do this at the start to groom your chat to being good
otherwise you get bait retards like almost all other streamers 24/7

>> No.30824495

When i post in this damn thread nobody ever replies to me, i hate you all

>> No.30824503


>> No.30824533
File: 111 KB, 1920x1080, 1638681363824.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30824600


>> No.30824546
Quoted by: >>30824668

Ame will ask Ollie to set up a collab with one the boys so that she can finally get closer to her endgame: a 1v1 collab with Shein

>> No.30824550
File: 1.02 MB, 384x480, 1655348294344.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30824562

>3 hour stream

>> No.30824564

>won’t name rabbit after Pekora
>won’t reach out to girls first
>immediately shutting down collab beggars
I feel like he’s being a little too uptight and strict about it, like none of it’s that big of a deal

>> No.30824578
File: 160 KB, 345x417, 1660403381854571.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Vespy

>> No.30824576
Quoted by: >>30824611

God, how many superchatters said something stupid this time?

>> No.30824585

But anon, we're all teenage girls here!

>> No.30824588
File: 407 KB, 1920x1077, begone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30824589

he hates the girls

>> No.30824594

His roommate did group collabs with girls so I’d not cross that out.

>> No.30824600
Quoted by: >>30824797


>> No.30824607
File: 28 KB, 632x474, Cereal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30824611

I think one of them asked him to be her boyfriend

>> No.30824610

here you go
just post bait, you'll always get a bite. see above

>> No.30824626

Nigga he's making sure he gets a good, non shitty, non retarded fanbase and is establishing rules and regulations NOW, when they're needed.

>> No.30824628

gtfo collab beggar no one cares about how you feel

>> No.30824638

it's so fucking refreshing to watch someone who won't put up with the bullshit of an audience throwing peanuts at them. no collab begging, no voice request begging, no being invasive and annoying, no giving him money to be in his game. behave or shut the fuck up. i love it.

>> No.30824646
File: 184 KB, 1125x1125, 1659370274511635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he honestly doesn't care. He seems confident enough that he won't lose fans just for doing so and believes in his fans to know that he has no ill intentions to be mean, and simply sets his boundaries right from the start.
He wants his streams to be a great experience too. Leaderkun is based.

>> No.30824647

Ah. I hope he gets comfortable enough to do one-on-one collabs in the future.

>> No.30824664

No such things as "girls" here, brother.

>> No.30824666

the fuck is this ₱

>> No.30824668

no way fag
*cartwheels away*

>> No.30824672
File: 430 KB, 1235x825, FaGje8XUIAAyh5T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30824693

I wish some of the girls were more harsh on their chat.

>> No.30824700
File: 265 KB, 603x467, Game Over.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss my bros.
I used to play card games with the bros every week, but COVID tore us apart, and all of us had to go headfirst into jobs to support our respective families and not go homeless. We still keep in touch and meet up every couple months, but I miss just being able to hang out on a whim.
Vesper reminds me of shooting the shit with my bros, even if just for a little bit.

>> No.30824705

flip monopoly money

>> No.30824707

What is a blade studying zatsudan

>> No.30824709

Thats a fucking cringe supa.

>> No.30824715

>boyfriend question
>gets rickrolled
alright leeda

>> No.30824721
Quoted by: >>30826198

>and get the show soft-cancelled for a bit.
I dont think we will ever get another master rule anime again unless its DM reboot nostalgia bait
also yugioh autist in holostars fucking when

>> No.30824724

there it isssssss. oh no

>> No.30824725

How about posting something worth replying to? The fact that people responded to this and not to anything else might be indicative of the quality you shit out.

>> No.30824740
File: 81 KB, 1000x325, MAGNATION.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30824745

It is a big deal because then it’s people trying to push their girls onto content instead of the boys being allowed to be able to make their own shit and have their own identity

>> No.30824746
File: 297 KB, 545x480, UUUUUUUUUU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30824748
Quoted by: >>30825267

If you don't discipline your chat hard at the outset you're gonna have a bad time. You need to set expectations early to ensure that the quality of your community stays high.

>> No.30824747

we talk about our virgin ways

>> No.30824752

I just opened his stream what the fuck is he doing he's so close to the screen

>> No.30824757

I bet he's doing this tard wrangling shit due to the Twitch / NL audience. If he was able / allowed to I bet he'd fucking audit stupid chatters and put them on the spot in front of all his viewers.

>> No.30824761

>won't name rabbit after pekora
so he doesn't do the same retarded OMG GUYS ITS LITERALLY HOLOLIVE shit as everyone else? even better

>> No.30824782
Quoted by: >>30824830


>> No.30824788

If you see that its $1 to ₱50

>> No.30824797
File: 198 KB, 720x569, hmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30824804
File: 392 KB, 541x566, 1658634935891543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncle Nowa my beloved

>> No.30824808

Take 20% of your income...
Regis really hates the corpo

>> No.30824811


>> No.30824813

Kek, basically this thread during dead hours

>> No.30824827

No, I want to peg Axel. There's a difference.

>> No.30824830
Quoted by: >>30824939

He's gay

>> No.30824832

I'm retarded

>> No.30824835
File: 265 KB, 496x470, 1645623001376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man that's disrespectful as fuck someone professes their love to you and you fucking rickroll them? What the fuck
If one of the girls did this she'd be fucking crucified

>> No.30824845
Quoted by: >>30824894

mall knife zatsudan featuring cheap piece of shit katanas from the internet.

>> No.30824856

They don't even have an office in USA anon, look what the girls had to do to make a 3D live.

>> No.30824872
Quoted by: >>30824926

Rickrolling a cringe BFE SuperChat

>> No.30824876

did he really? that fucking rules

>> No.30824885

he uses the zoom a lot for comedic effect

>> No.30824887

First Nowa and now Regis...how many times are these boys going to betray me...

>> No.30824890

Women love being treated like shit though

>> No.30824891

no BFE here, sorry

>> No.30824894
Quoted by: >>30824969

that sounds unironically fun

>> No.30824896
Quoted by: >>30825032

>Formalities aside, you know the rules and so do I
Anon, that supa was setting it up.

>> No.30824899

Yeah he's so based, right?

>> No.30824909
File: 166 KB, 496x508, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30824917
File: 173 KB, 1363x1313, FaGlCXHUcAAzGrx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would've murdered the supachatter if he humored it glad he rickrolled them

>> No.30824923
File: 217 KB, 2048x1770, FZduZLQaMAEPbFk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30825007


>> No.30824925

Anyone that confesses their love to him has to inherently be an M in the first place. They would love getting rickroll'd

>> No.30824926

Based, schizos who send uncomfortable supas deserve to get mocked publicly for it

>> No.30824928
File: 661 KB, 720x960, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit
Shrimp Fried Rice

>> No.30824933


In past life he used to do streams where he baited egirls to think he’s into them

>> No.30824936
File: 2.50 MB, 500x448, 1658720127271978.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually funny and quality streams

>> No.30824939

I wish

>> No.30824944

better to snuff a problem while its still in the cradle than to deal with it later

>> No.30824948

its just smart and also how you make a sizeable but loyal viewership
its either this or mass banning

>> No.30824947

get some help

>> No.30824952

Chatters like that shit, and it's only really an issue with the tardwrangling comes off as unruly, which is a word no one would ever apply to Altare's, because his are the absolute ideal desu. That and his tardwrangling is probably going to be successful in neutralizing bullshit, setting up boundaries is great. Also, because I've seen ones where there's been minimal tardwrangling and boy oh boy are those communities shit.

>> No.30824961

Wheres oil baroness

>> No.30824968


>> No.30824969

I said it as a joke but going through dumb bullshit knives and discussing how shitty they are would be pretty fun. Gimme that shark knife bro

>> No.30824971

or you know, they actually have more in common
though I can see her trying stuff with Axel later down, she seems to have a weak spot for ozzies

>> No.30824970

every time i see this image it's tied to some abhorrent post, are you doing it on purpose?

>> No.30824981


>> No.30824983

He and Astel have already OK'd playing Apex together

>> No.30824990
Quoted by: >>30825071

It's been getting kinda annoying, people can't see a Shark without spamming Gura in chat. It happened with Raft and Pummel Party

>> No.30824996

Memberships or GTFO

>> No.30825000
File: 135 KB, 1280x720, 1645647984722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because they're entertaining, funny, and great at bantering? Also have gotten so many fun game choices even though they just debut'd instead of just FOTM spam like Rust

>> No.30825004


>> No.30825007

I don't think that'd be a good idea but I at least want every boy to do another one. Magni and axel were done and i'd love to see more meme art with the upcoming axel and noir spores lol

>> No.30825008

>anime picture
>abhorrent post
Like clockwork

>> No.30825014
Quoted by: >>30825249

What the fuck? Based!

>> No.30825018
File: 257 KB, 736x734, Littlevespi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30825022

It's better for him to set his rules before collabs happens rather than after and ending up doing [SERIOUS TALK] streams where he'll cry about how he should have done it earlier so his fans don't send death threats to a co-worker

>> No.30825032

Oh shit it's true, it still sets and example tho.

>> No.30825039
File: 474 KB, 762x528, FZ7wkNUaUAEMPjh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30825272


>> No.30825051

>she just wanted to capitalize on Magni/Nowa hype
I don't like mori, but this doesn't makes a lot of sense
It's probably a management idea to expose the guys to moris already big fanbase and maybe even the JPs viewesince they seem to like her

>> No.30825052
File: 22 KB, 324x131, 1637044572526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30825057

Nowa stream is starting faggots get in the stream quick

>> No.30825061

are the boys the only ones that redirect? i didnt even know that youtube function existed

>> No.30825066

Sorry anon, but that doesn't fly in guild Tempus.

>> No.30825065

My point is that it’s not a big deal. Name the rabbit Pekora, have a laugh with your chat, and move on lol. Don’t be like
>Oh well, since I am not personally acquainted with that person, I don’t think it will be appropriate to name this rabbit after them

>> No.30825071
Quoted by: >>30825487

>see a sheep
>"it's watame!"
>see a man
>"it's towa!"
why is chat like this?

>> No.30825083

Any theories why? I doubt it's to pander to yumes/fujos, he clearly does not give two shits about being a crowd pleaser

>> No.30825086

these zatsus will only be an hour right
i hope they stay within the 1-2 hour range if theyre gonna be dailies

>> No.30825101


>> No.30825105
Quoted by: >>30825173

>a shrimp really did cook that fried rice
Was that what he was talking about?

>> No.30825120

jealous GF

>> No.30825123

he doesn't like anyone but tempus.

>> No.30825141

I love this retarded dog so much.

>> No.30825142
Quoted by: >>30825202

He's an introvert.

>> No.30825167


>> No.30825170

youll never master the blade at this rate
this stupid idiot makes me smile so much you have no idea

>> No.30825173

nah, I posted it after he mentioned it

>> No.30825185


>> No.30825191
Quoted by: >>30825312

He'd already said he wants to focus on internal collabs over external ones, this is really just reiterating his point. As for why, guess he has his reasons

>> No.30825195
File: 92 KB, 629x631, 1649988585729.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30825201

>she'd be fucking crucified
That's hot. I need me some crucified Anya. Now.

>> No.30825200
Quoted by: >>30825249

holy based

>> No.30825202

A True Introvert
Nah a Shy boy

>> No.30825204

it's annoying. especially tricky if he's going to murder some of his followers. like "oh no he's going to 'ascend' pekora" ya be etc better not do it at all

>> No.30825216
File: 214 KB, 1067x1200, FaBefxeagAAcljZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Axel, please stream more... I want more solo streams this week...

>> No.30825218

Maybe he doesn't want to be seen as a leech? Idk

>> No.30825219

He just loves his bros.

>> No.30825220

He finds it hard to make friends, so now that he has an actual friend circle, he wants to make sure there's no possible chance that they get fucked because of some stupid event. He WILL stream with the boys forever

>> No.30825232

This horndog..

>> No.30825235


>> No.30825240
Quoted by: >>30825318

Yall stupid like a shoe. Altare's behaviour has nothing to do with liking/disliking girls/collabs. He just wants to assert dominance over schizos in chat, and rip off the parasocials. If chat was spamming he to Not do a collab, he would be the first one to do mating press marathon to spite them.

>> No.30825244

What did he mean by this? Actually though, what was this in reference to

>> No.30825245
Quoted by: >>30826093

Nah nah no one can this be based, are you telling me someone in this day and age haye egirls so much that they did something like this? Why isnt this in any news, anon? People nowadays love women too much

>> No.30825249
File: 179 KB, 600x600, 1651185344698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abusing women is based
The absolute state of /mans/

>> No.30825267

Example: KFP.

>> No.30825265

Axel... stop, your body can't take it!

>> No.30825272
File: 452 KB, 748x640, 1650944535102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let us commence forth

>> No.30825284

He want to make Oboretai seethe and prove that the boys can be sucessful without riding the girls popularity

>> No.30825297

>he's tired
he's already burnt out

>> No.30825303

>being jebaited is abuse
Do women really?

>> No.30825306
File: 221 KB, 640x480, 1630556183253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30825417

Vesper's thumbnail

>> No.30825312

maybe he doesnt want a reverse manjisanji where holostars are just known for collabing with the girls and not their own stuff

>> No.30825318

Quick, everyone tell him to stay away from Kronii and Ina.

>> No.30825325
File: 532 KB, 1468x824, vesper tech tips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30825330


Axel's promoting clippers/animated shorts? Is this a first?

>> No.30825335

Gtfo twitter faggot.

>> No.30825336

Well, the name of the thread IS MANS and you see us wanting to abuse Magni on the daily

>> No.30825338


>> No.30825341

I think it's partly that he wants Tempus to become more established first, and partly that he's worried about how it'll come off. Altare seems to have a lot of experience with streaming, and he probably knows the mess he can expect if he starts saying he wants to collab with girls right away during his streams.

>> No.30825344

I think it's the video of a man riding a bike into a tunnel shouting WOOOOOOO SEGGGGGGGGS. But I'm not exactly sure

>> No.30825347

He sounds so sleepy TuT

>> No.30825351
File: 381 KB, 531x542, 1642926581049.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women want to be abused

>> No.30825353

Frisky Dingo

>> No.30825359
File: 1.07 MB, 4096x2896, 1659880520155591.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh god his sleepy voice.... Vesisters I'm ngmi...

>> No.30825365

Bro he legit wants to go full NL mode which means shitpost-y bro discussion, basically no female presence outside of his wife / daughter, and building his own audience of hyper loyal fans independently.

>> No.30825373

Pls be true
That's incredibly based

>> No.30825389
Quoted by: >>30825443

he has done it before, I think you can check his community post where he did a shoutout to a clipper

>> No.30825395
File: 866 KB, 3292x4096, teauncle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30825423


>> No.30825397
File: 198 KB, 2027x1453, 1660245291214894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abusing women is based
there's no group of people more deserving and wanting of abuse than women.

>> No.30825415

god Axel is just so bulliable
makes you want to just squish him in the palm of your hand, lmao

>> No.30825417

Ah that makes sense, thank you. Axel kusogaki

>> No.30825418

There is nothing gayer than wanting to join Holostars just to fuck your Hololove oshi instead of doing it to drink with your bros and mess around in 3D.

>> No.30825421
File: 195 KB, 850x1202, 9D9620F7-BCC4-4A91-A502-D76714C1C54A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I told you guys, but Yagoo forced my hand away from Tempus. Live with your decision and your so called “fan demand”.

>> No.30825420
Quoted by: >>30827906

v-vesper bulge...


>> No.30825422
File: 102 KB, 322x244, 1656461619012.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>abusing women is based
Damn right it is.

>> No.30825423
Quoted by: >>30825498

Who drew this?

>> No.30825439

He's going to have prematiral sex now... He can't wear white on his wedding now...

>> No.30825442

It's super annoying and i have huge respect for Regis for not even saying their name

>> No.30825443

I mean if another vtuber has done this before.

>> No.30825445
Quoted by: >>30825507

No Shit, I don't think it's even possible to post in this thread if you don't hate women

>> No.30825451
File: 494 KB, 640x640, THAT DAMN SMILE (2).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30825463

Sleepy Nowa...

>> No.30825464

Omega is cute and canonically is a girl

>> No.30825466
File: 455 KB, 2500x2900, 1660328442003576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sleepy nowa

>> No.30825481

Axel will become premarital sex...

>> No.30825487
File: 1.15 MB, 720x720, twyping.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

twp is a girl

>> No.30825493

Oh, he's talking about this one.
Axel probably shared it to the others.

>> No.30825498


>> No.30825499

This is how you get a good chat, anon. The few fleshtubers I watch do this shit all the time, and chat is great..

>> No.30825507
Quoted by: >>30825651

Even women want to be abused by Altare!

>> No.30825508

Let me have sex with you, Omega. I need my dick in your bussy

>> No.30825513

the animation in question

>> No.30825521
Quoted by: >>30825552

>See a cigarette

>> No.30825523
Quoted by: >>30825576

Holy shit, Vesper just mentioned this. What timing. Thanks anon for unintentionally providing context.

>> No.30825524

Vesper really has to be more careful with his words, this dingo just keeps repeating his jokes KEK

>> No.30825552


>> No.30825557

cute boy

>> No.30825572
File: 416 KB, 677x677, FZiPDpcUUAAswiE_cropped.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn wake up next to a sleepy Nowa Oji and embrace him in your arms, listening to him cutely murmuring in his sleep

>> No.30825576
File: 307 KB, 1690x2002, FaBCim9XoAEn10T.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30825577


>> No.30825581


>> No.30825603

please not 5e though, Nowa

>> No.30825614

it's over

>> No.30825630


>> No.30825629

I want leader to collab with Kobo just because I like the way she pronounces "Regis"

>> No.30825635
File: 348 KB, 1280x720, FaA7kIkaIAADm0t.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So, this is never going to happen?

>> No.30825639


>> No.30825642


>> No.30825643

You're exactly the kind of person he wants to filter, so feel free to drop his streams

>> No.30825649


>> No.30825651

i'm a woman and i want to be abused by altare!

>> No.30825653

No he already mentioned 5e before since its the easiest

>> No.30825656

Me being unhinged aside, part of what is annoying is the girls are clearly playing favorites with the two most popular members. It's not a coincidence they don't interact as much if any with Axel, the one with the least subs

>> No.30825659


>> No.30825662
File: 742 KB, 3018x2332, FaDMgfyaIAEcqMI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i yawned when he yawned
goddamn it why are yawns so contagious

>> No.30825665

I understand the concern but it's better to wrangle and lay down rules early before your live chat becomes impossible to control. That way your fanbase/chat polices itself and tourists will realize than they're the only retards in the live chat.

>> No.30825674

>have a laugh
you actually enjoy this shit?

>> No.30825678

DO Pathfinder instead

>> No.30825680
Quoted by: >>30826039

What did Kobo say about Regis?

>> No.30825681

he refreshed the thread and made his mind up while reading this post.

>> No.30825682


>> No.30825690

I like when people use Regis since all the boys just call him Altare.

>> No.30825693
Quoted by: >>30825828

No, that's a different thing, he was talking about meme review from twitter.

>> No.30825697

I am a man and I want to be abused by Altare!

>> No.30825706


>> No.30825715

>not jumping on World of Darkness because Mori can't finish her campaign

>> No.30825714
Quoted by: >>30825792

Fel free to explain how he can teach something slightly more complicated to Axel

>> No.30825718
Quoted by: >>30825775

>we found one boys.
Go back to witter, faggot.

>> No.30825722

whats the difference between 3.5, 4, and 5?

>> No.30825733
Quoted by: >>30825776

are the pathfinder games good?

>> No.30825741

Eh, i j*u and didn't see altares stream, people collab begging outside of stars/tempus for him?

>> No.30825743

>Vesper pays for TTRGPs
>Vesper paid for Dwarf Fortress
What else will this old fart pay for?

>> No.30825749

they get progressively worse and worse

>> No.30825751
File: 161 KB, 1365x2048, FaHjy6IXgAAHiiQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30825794

Sorry Axel.

>> No.30825765

I haven't learned anything about blades yet

>> No.30825774

>he paid for winrar

>> No.30825775
File: 240 KB, 1351x953, E03F3A7F-E447-43F2-9BD1-8708A5E7C622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been in the thread since the first one and you won't be the one kicking me out. sorry, little boy.

>> No.30825776

they have a very passionate audience of ex-dnd players

>> No.30825778
File: 1.22 MB, 2700x3400, 1660149215738752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30830040


>> No.30825779

>paid for winrar

>> No.30825780


>> No.30825782

5e is super popular, so it might attract an unrelated audience, which is always good.

>> No.30825784
Quoted by: >>30830892

WinRAR apperently

>> No.30825786

> 3.5
You better play Pathfinder 2e then.
> 4
> 5
Good for beginners, really easy, though gets a bit boring when you are a bit more advanced.

>> No.30825789


>> No.30825792

try not playing Dungeons and Dragons for starters, there are simple and fun systems that aren't d20.

That said, I acknowledge 5th is easy sell for groups.

>> No.30825791

>Actually paid for WinRAR

>> No.30825794
File: 42 KB, 851x832, FZ_5GfkXkAE9pce.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30825793

>actually donated to winrar

>> No.30825797

God I want them to go full tryhard autism mode in D&D battles. I know that is probably the most disliked aspect of D&D but fuck it, I want some number crunching and planning for hours.

>> No.30825799

>paid for winRar and donated to reaper
i love this ojisan

>> No.30825801
File: 184 KB, 1395x1671, FZ-Aq_OWQAcmlig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30825803

Donated to Reaper. FUCKING BASED.

>> No.30825805


>> No.30825809

>Paid for winrar
He's actually going to heaven

>> No.30825812

>my prediction that he paid for winrar was correct

>> No.30825817

Somebody paid for winrar...

>> No.30825818

>paid for winrar
i kneel

>> No.30825823

Based, I also bought WinRAR... And now also use 7zip.

>> No.30825826

>Actually bought a WinRAR license
Holy shit.

>> No.30825829

He's too good for this world

>> No.30825828

oh good.

>> No.30825835

3.5 is good, 4 is garbage and 5e is for babies

>> No.30825838

The guy who said Nowa paid for winrar is right...

>> No.30825841

oh god he actually did pay for it...

>> No.30825856

Isn't WinRAR free for personal use but you need to pay for commerical use?

>> No.30825859
Quoted by: >>30825883

>paid for winrar
>doesnt even use it

>> No.30825863


>> No.30825881
Quoted by: >>30825946

Anyone else crack winRAR just to get rid of the message?

>> No.30825883


>> No.30825886

>Doesnt use winrar
Why not? A better alternative?

>> No.30825899

Hi Nowa!

>> No.30825911

try 7zip

>> No.30825917
File: 16 KB, 344x131, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30825920

7-Zip is much better, and free (as in freedom, and as in beer)

>> No.30825923

7zip is better

>> No.30825927

7zip is superior

>> No.30825935
File: 925 KB, 640x640, 1638856170321.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paid for WinRAR
what a good man

>> No.30825936

good but you might as well try pathfinder instead
this is a computer game disguised as a ttrpg
baby's first ttrpg, simplistic, unbalanced and the dm will have to break their back trying to carry it

>> No.30825938
Quoted by: >>30826052


>> No.30825941

7zip, he just mentioned it.

>> No.30825942

did his child just walk in?!

>> No.30825946

I think it's just second nature for me to close the message.

>> No.30825955


>> No.30825956

I've been using 7Zip for so long I forgot what winrar looks like

>> No.30825957
File: 33 KB, 246x308, 1629815720306.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30826142

What year are you living in?

>> No.30825959

>Tails gets trolled

>> No.30825960

>tail gets trolled

>> No.30825962

>tails gets trolled

>> No.30825963

>tails gets trolled
jesus christ nowa

>> No.30825967
Quoted by: >>30826874

HK hates Mainland.

>> No.30825968

>Tails gets trolled

>> No.30825973

>tails gets trolled magni
isn't there one already

>> No.30825975

>tails get trolled

>> No.30825981
File: 215 KB, 610x562, 1660335048503260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paid for winrar

>> No.30825990


>> No.30825995


>> No.30825997

>tails gets trolled
my fucking knees
this man is simply too based

>> No.30825998

>tails go to the park

>> No.30826002
File: 104 KB, 806x814, FZDKDWUEAEPT1B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No one can resist this dumpster diving old man

>> No.30826007

He likes Tails Gets Trolled...

>> No.30826010
File: 272 KB, 500x499, tgt paper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


guys I need collab ideas

>> No.30826029
File: 14 KB, 269x253, 1491770103783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30826039

She said she'd kick his ass.

>> No.30826042

>sonc 3d blast

>> No.30826052


>> No.30826056
File: 139 KB, 532x510, FYfaoKjXgAEoFu_.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30826057


>> No.30826060

she cute

>> No.30826065

>fucking traumatized from sonic 3d blast
holy kek

>> No.30826068 [DELETED] 


>> No.30826080

Ah fuck it was the Axel one

>> No.30826082

Sonic 3d Blast was the last Sonic game I ever played. Always weird to hear people still bringing up Sonic in 2022.

>> No.30826081

who said what?

>> No.30826083

fucking lol

>> No.30826088

3D Blast was a fuckin weird mess but I enjoyed it anyways

>> No.30826093

One of the most popular Internet personalities right now is only known because he talks shit about women and treats them like trash

>> No.30826101


>> No.30826110
File: 10 KB, 284x177, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30826188

>> No.30826112
File: 2.58 MB, 2000x1310, 1658286813218016.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He played Sonic 3D Blast
That man went through Hell itself.

>> No.30826111


>> No.30826117
Quoted by: >>30826195

I cant relate to these retro games, I was a poor nigger as a kid

>> No.30826128

I played Sonic 3D blast on my uncle's computer and god it was an awful game but that was the only one he had that i could play

>> No.30826132
File: 47 KB, 841x1024, 80BFD225-12FE-4260-B16A-0F58CCA96406.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30826140

Someone suggest Sonic Mania to him, it's the best game that happened to sonic since SA1 (fuck you, SA2 sucks) and they def have permissions for it

>> No.30826142

The current year. I just thought that Winrar and 7zip is basically the same. And winrar just happens to have a more memorable name so I got that.

>> No.30826143

Altare apparently.

>> No.30826146

3D Blast on the Genesis had a dope soundtrack. Way better than the Saturn version.

>> No.30826152

Altare did but not to nobody in specific. I wasn't watching the gameplay was just listening but I think it he saw or found something relating to leeches

>> No.30826151
File: 414 KB, 677x718, 1659158675190936.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30826185

Sonic should've die along the dreamcast

>> No.30826158

never understood how to play sonic 3d blast so i kept replaying s3k instead

>> No.30826164

Spinball is harder than 3D Blast

>> No.30826178
File: 67 KB, 800x450, isekai-ojisan-uncle-grinning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30826207

>sega fan

>> No.30826185

you mean the genesis

>> No.30826188

>I'm so mad I'm gonna have sex with my gf, so I can get some chilli from her dad

>> No.30826195

I was playing emulated NES games in 2001, no excuse my man

>> No.30826198
File: 69 KB, 1280x720, 1448840310518.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the main problem is that there's nobody in the industry that is capable of writing a 100~150 episode anime with an overarching plot that also is willing to work on YGO of all things.
ARC-V's biggest weakness was getting 50 extra episodes shoved in and having to stall the plot for a year, but still having to run that same ovearching plot.
VRAINS' biggest weakness was that it resolved its core plot in like 40 episodes, then had no idea what to do with itself after that, but kept going for another 80 episodes.
DM and GX were better at this, and both suffered from critical filler bloat, especially GX. ZeXal probably has the singular most cohesive ovearching plot of the franchise (other than DM), but it's fucking ZeXal and nobody wants to watch 80 episodes of shit to get to the good parts.
>yugioh autist in holostars fucking when
When Konami gives permissions for EN. I have no idea why it seems like Nijisanji are the only EN corpo to have Konami perms. HoloJP used to constantly reference YGO. Mel would use Passionate Duelist as a stream BGM. Haachama, Marine, and Aqua had Shadow Games where LP counters ran down and they became transparent as they were beaten. Shit was better before Holocaust.

>> No.30826201

you guys are funny and chill

>> No.30826207


>> No.30826215


>> No.30826221

:) thanks anon

>> No.30826241

He's literally me
too smart for gambling

>> No.30826245

I will settle for MTG:A

>> No.30826247

>Hates gacha

>> No.30826249

she doesn't know...

>> No.30826252

based retard

>> No.30826253
Quoted by: >>30827479

>star wars based card game when he was a kid
>Based on the prequels

>> No.30826255
Quoted by: >>30826360

Right here, bro. I'm glad I waited on buying the gilded foils since they've dropped like 50% so far. Feels good.

>> No.30826257

thanks anon lets kiss

>> No.30826256

He hates Altare and Magni!

>> No.30826262

sounds like he's just playing it extremely safe and not wanting to give antis any ammunition for potential controversies

>> No.30826277
Quoted by: >>30826339

/mans/ is a place for bros

>> No.30826286

y-you too

>> No.30826293

Gacha and lootboxes should be outlawed and nothing brings me more joy than seeing gachashit games shutting down every year.

>> No.30826295

I blushed

>> No.30826296

Thanks, now let's fuck.

>> No.30826300


>> No.30826322
File: 392 KB, 536x554, 1632951512833.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30826331
Quoted by: >>30826645

the regulars in /MANS/ are consistently chill as fuck i'm surprised

>> No.30826335


>> No.30826337

you're breathless! :)

>> No.30826339

not anymore we have incels and harlots amongst our ranks

>> No.30826345

Rotating formats are cringe, but Kitchen Table Magic is cool so long as nobody tryhards.
Tryhards ruin every game, honestly. It's one thing to want to win, but fuck trying to make everyone else lose.

>> No.30826350

Fuck you.

>> No.30826360
Quoted by: >>30826438

>buying paper

>> No.30826374

No, I spent all my money on BLACKWINGS

>> No.30826378

i agree but some of those stupid fucks spending money on it deserve it for being stupid fucks

>> No.30826387

Of course black lotus is framed ahahahhaahhaha free mana for no reason kek

>> No.30826396
File: 63 KB, 583x79, 1651847602245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where are the EN girls I should be watching right now?

>> No.30826401

*kisses you*
fuck you

>> No.30826403

Take a seat and chill with us, bro'.

>> No.30826412

Big if true

>> No.30826415
File: 96 KB, 680x680, FaFKMgcX0AU0KL6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30827748

i want to mating press

>> No.30826419

Fuck me.

>> No.30826423

I'm not gay and I like girls

>> No.30826428

I swear every local game shop owner looks like that Nowa, mine did and he we're in England.

>> No.30826434
Quoted by: >>30826588

tits or gtfo

>> No.30826438

You're damn right I buy paper. Good shit.

>> No.30826440
File: 15 KB, 482x473, 20200613_135237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30826443


>> No.30826444
Quoted by: >>30826716

Hello Reine's right there what the fuck

>> No.30826459
File: 570 KB, 1440x1064, FaG8Q3GaAAAgFKn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more people are drawing magtare arts now good good...good...

>> No.30826462
Quoted by: >>30826486

Is that Suisei or Rio? I can never tell from arts like that

>> No.30826467

>crying like a little bitch

>> No.30826469

>my friend beat up some guy at the mini-golf course
>my friend shoplifted
>my friend cried like a little bitch
i'm starting to wonder...

>> No.30826473

Was Nowa hanging around the bad crowd?

>> No.30826476

Type II started in 95 but obviously no one playing kitchen table gave a shit about rotation

>> No.30826488


>> No.30826487

It gets annoying seeing your average gachafag shit on actual games because they don't have FOMO or endless playtime.

>> No.30826486


>> No.30826495 [DELETED] 

Vesper friend is a nigger

>> No.30826498

I kind of want to see Vesper getting his mind twisted by modern Yugioh. Don't think Cover's got the perms for Master Duel, though.

>> No.30826513
Quoted by: >>30826598

Is Nowa black?

>> No.30826517
File: 84 KB, 965x1428, 9DD8F9D9-7859-40E6-8532-75C77E47C6EE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30826600

i love this bully!

>> No.30826518
Quoted by: >>30826806

You could watch Rio, some schizos really like thinking he is a girl

>> No.30826523
File: 189 KB, 437x351, 1658110300474558.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if vesp was that friend?

>> No.30826527


>> No.30826533

He's talking about himself right?

>> No.30826537
File: 102 KB, 827x716, 1656877328906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30826543
Quoted by: >>30826802

>ZeXal probably has the singular most cohesive ovearching plot of the franchise (other than DM), but it's fucking ZeXal and nobody wants to watch 80 episodes of shit to get to the good parts.
even zexal had a last minute rewrite during the last arc
zexal 1 isnt as bad as some make it out to be either

>> No.30826545
File: 233 KB, 1280x1280, FZyuv-cXkAE9jnx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30826611

>> No.30826549

Unlike Vesper, who is a refined gentleman of african-american decent

>> No.30826550

sounds like he's hanging around trustfund babs

>> No.30826558

Since i don't live in indonesia and Reine can't just put me into prison i will say it.
She's boring.

>> No.30826563


>> No.30826566

>it's the same person

>> No.30826571

He's the same fag as the mini golf guy kek

>> No.30826573

Man, his friends get kicked out of the minigolf course, and then another gets banned from a comic shop?
Nowa doesn't keep good company, does he?

>> No.30826576
File: 2.87 MB, 600x432, reine-will-speak-indo-reaction[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdamynh.ogg][sound=https%3A%2F%2Fz.zz.fo%2FSSQGl.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30826582

Honestly nothing wrong with that. Boys will be boys. God knows I did worse when I was a kid

>> No.30826588

What is this, 2007?

>> No.30826587

If them all being the same friend is what you're getting at, then Vesper just confirmed it was.

>> No.30826596

hes a big guy...

>> No.30826598
File: 90 KB, 310x411, 1644231485668.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not saying he is, but...

>> No.30826600
File: 494 KB, 3000x2272, FaA_2jOUYAEyJzc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love leader bullying magni...

>> No.30826603

>Bane impressions
Was this part of his plan?

>> No.30826602


>> No.30826604
Quoted by: >>30826641

might be the same person

>> No.30826606


>> No.30826613

I have all three of those in my friend group

>> No.30826611
File: 190 KB, 1500x1496, 1658750398168930.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30826712

sale 50% + sale 50% = sale 100% = free stuff

>> No.30826621
Quoted by: >>30826786

I dislike most of the girls in this picture

>> No.30826629

he actually sounds like Neil deGrasse Tyson

>> No.30826640

that was a rollercoaster of impressions

>> No.30826642

It's the same guy

>> No.30826641

Apparently it was!

>> No.30826646
File: 2.89 MB, 640x361, Talonflame used Brave Bird.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30826645
Quoted by: >>30826743

This is what happens when the best side of /hlgg/ and /stars/ merge together, that you get this thread.

>> No.30826649


>> No.30826652

Looks pretty good desu...

>> No.30826654

He was about to say banepost

>> No.30826666


>> No.30826669

if I remove Axel's mask will he die?

>> No.30826672

Baneposting NEVER gets old.

>> No.30826677

poor axel

>> No.30826678

Sounded like he said in discord making out

>> No.30826682

They're just like us...

>> No.30826685

You're a big guy

>> No.30826686
Quoted by: >>30826763

> All of them baneposting

>> No.30826690
Quoted by: >>30826769

It's vesper himself just hiding himself as a "friend of mine"

>> No.30826692

>bane posting whenever axel wears the mask

>> No.30826694


>> No.30826695

>baneposting nonstop when axel wears the mask
kek based

>> No.30826700


>> No.30826704

>behind the scenes Baneposting

>> No.30826707

looks good

>> No.30826709


>> No.30826712


>> No.30826714
File: 2.24 MB, 640x640, giga_chad.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not gay and I hate girls

>> No.30826716

he asked for EN tho

>> No.30826719

>All of them baneposting
The perfect group of vtubers.

>> No.30826728
Quoted by: >>30826799

Am I having a stroke what the fuck am I watching what is happening holy shit

>> No.30826730
File: 11 KB, 213x202, 1644279365338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Realistically what are they odds they're actually here? I'm kinda starting to worry

>> No.30826732


>> No.30826736

So Noir is actually Noir which means he's black

>> No.30826738

Hey hey, vesties

>> No.30826740


>> No.30826741
File: 114 KB, 766x685, nigger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30826743

Doesn't stop people to horny posting during dead hours or whenever Magni screams.

>> No.30826746


>> No.30826747

Kek I hope Axel baneposts whenever he puts on the mask

>> No.30826758


>> No.30826760

have you tried hatefucking girls

>> No.30826761

vesper is literally here right now

>> No.30826763

god I love these dorks

>> No.30826764

he is just like me fr fr

>> No.30826766


>> No.30826769


>> No.30826781

god damn I love how Tempus turned out, even the ones I wasn't sure about have turned me around.

>> No.30826784
File: 491 KB, 460x345, NO.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zexal apologism
>vrains apologism

>> No.30826786

I can understand Aki but the rest are pretty good.

>> No.30826789

Based and same

>> No.30826793

I'm like 80% sure Altare is /here/
whether that's because he likes it here or he's just gathering feedback is up to debate

>> No.30826799


>> No.30826802

ZeXal 1 isn't as bad as people say, but it still has some really dumb shit I don't like. People say Tron was great, but I think he's a shitty Yami Marik ripoff that missed the point of what made Marik good. The rest of the Tron family was great and IV remains a favorite.
Some of the Numbers Collecting is pretty bad, though.

>> No.30826803

Axel is NOT DUMB

>> No.30826806

i'm actually one of those schizos

>> No.30826824

Nowa is /here/
Altare is /here/
Magni is /here/
Axel is /there/

>> No.30826826

I am gay and I hate girls

>> No.30826834

hongkong isn't chinkland anon

>> No.30826844

Nowa being an obvious old school /a/ and /jp/ poster is what makes him my favorite.

>> No.30826845
Quoted by: >>30826966

100% just like the rest of EN, ID and Polka

>> No.30826852


>> No.30826853

Of course he was a blue player. Based.

>> No.30826854

ask him if he played vanilla wow

>> No.30826857

>he played stasis

>> No.30826863

based blue asshole

>> No.30826870

/there/ where? He wouldnt even touch Reddit for memes

>> No.30826875

That's just the /stars/ side being horny, it's only natural.

>> No.30826874

>what are VPNs

>> No.30826876

>he's just gathering feedback
this wouldn't surprise me
based leader

>> No.30826886

>no fun allowed
this fucking guy

>> No.30826895

Why would axel be here? Also Magni seems to know this place but doesn't seem to visit it often

>> No.30826906

Noir had patrician taste in MTG decks

>> No.30826917
Quoted by: >>30826953


>> No.30826916

UNDERSTANDING was kino, but it doesn't excuse the earlier shit in ZeXal
VRAINS' issues were 100% production problems, which makes it difficult to judge the show on face value.

>> No.30826924
File: 56 KB, 680x646, 1645778354732.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucking love 5DS. I fucking hate synchro summoning.

>> No.30826931

vesper was probably a /b/tard back in the day but I don't get the impression he's around anymore

>> No.30826939

THEY ARE ALL /HERE/ in my heart

>> No.30826940
Quoted by: >>30826982


>> No.30826953

I beleeb

>> No.30826966
Quoted by: >>30827102


>> No.30826982
Quoted by: >>30827366

speaking of which, any screenshots from there? Since they like Nowa and I think their comments are hilarious

>> No.30826987 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.76 MB, 684x1000, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30827061


>> No.30826995
File: 1.53 MB, 832x468, 1438582120655(1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30827210

zexal was kino

>> No.30826999
File: 1.11 MB, 902x1130, 1659069493657410_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30827077

Axel would be the kind of poster to put his full name on the name field and question where he would put his password in

>> No.30827012
File: 56 KB, 419x610, FD7BE16C-BA4B-49CC-B9C2-AE0D2F5A8E46.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30827014

Urza's block was a hell of a time to be playing Magic
>Do the Wave deck

>> No.30827024

There was a time I posted something like "Altare is Tempus's biggest fan" and then minutes later he tweeted "I am PROUDLY tempus's biggest fan."
So he's here, or management is feeding them content from here.

>> No.30827031

>shit taste
Every fucking time

>> No.30827035
Quoted by: >>30827082

holy shit my knees

>> No.30827034
Quoted by: >>30827082

>never played warhammer
okay based.

I regret what I have. Fuck GW

>> No.30827045

Bro what if Axel is the resident Nowa-oji ah ah ah poster over /there/?

>> No.30827061
File: 446 KB, 543x569, 1660415026446000.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my 9 minute long combos

>> No.30827063
Quoted by: >>30827113


>> No.30827069
Quoted by: >>30827134

Only black people play Yugioh

>> No.30827073
Quoted by: >>30827096

Vesper is 40% likely to be on /tg/

>> No.30827072
Quoted by: >>30827199

synchro summoning is the last good extra deck mechanic because it actually requires a catalyst and doesn't just spawn from the ether. xyz was the beginning of the end because it became about making extra deck chase cards that could be in essentially every deck ever. (more cash for komoney)

>> No.30827077
Quoted by: >>30827182


>> No.30827082

The duality of /MANS/...
Redpill me on warhammer

>> No.30827094
Quoted by: >>30827140

Warhammer is gay now owned by SJWs fuck warhammer.

>> No.30827096
Quoted by: >>30827154

probably 0% these days

>> No.30827102 [SPOILER] 
File: 630 KB, 1448x2048, 1658720307693879.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know about the exclusive sex dungeon announcements

>> No.30827113
File: 339 KB, 716x586, 1641936242218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30827117

>When Konami gives permissions for EN. I have no idea why it seems like Nijisanji are the only EN corpo to have Konami perms.
I'd bet money that it's literally just as simple as that Someone at niji knows Someone at konami and got an in through that, and that they dont care to take any requests from the outside.

>> No.30827134

He said he did play yu gi oh, buu he sounded like he enjoyed MTG more than the other two.

>> No.30827138

fantasy is dead
40k is about to

>> No.30827140
Quoted by: >>30827237

What isn't these days? Degradation of a fanbase wasn't just a meme.

>> No.30827147
Quoted by: >>30827288

if nowa turns out to be black i will apologize to all the people who weren't being faggots when i called them a nigger

>> No.30827148

really cool setting that games workshop is trying their hardest to ruin in every way possible

>> No.30827150

Warhammer perm is probably hell to obtain, no?

>> No.30827154

Yeah... Them removing quests was the final nail in the coffin

>> No.30827159

>pre GOAT chad
He is crumbling to dust

>> No.30827182


>> No.30827194
File: 326 KB, 775x688, wtfffff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I make awesome chili and I'm a dad...shit.

>> No.30827199
Quoted by: >>30827327

xyz is better than synchro masturbation

>> No.30827209

>thread was just talking about yugioh before uncle nowa
>he starts talking about his jinzo deck
"i grew up poor"

>> No.30827210

The only good part of Zexal is Shark having a deck full of sharks.

>> No.30827216

> spoiler
Nothing left to redpill on desu. Too expensive, GW is stone-age company when it comes to distributing rules, most modern minis are shit except for a few. If you want to pay minis, find someone with a 3d printer, if you want to play the game, there is Malifaux, and it you like the lore, don't give a penny to GW

>> No.30827223
Quoted by: >>30827274

You spend hundreds of dollars on lead miniatures that you are supposed to paint to play but you never do it, so they stay in the drawers

>> No.30827226

>grew up poor
bros... he cant be...

>> No.30827237
Quoted by: >>30827491

The company based in california.

>> No.30827252

I wish Duel Masters were popular in the west, I liked it more than MTG

>> No.30827253

Probably. Do they still have a giant stick up their ass when it comes to fan animations and shit like that?

>> No.30827256

he was a fucking idort

>> No.30827257

how many cocks does omega have to suck to get those perms

>> No.30827262
File: 855 KB, 436x320, enlightenment.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nowa's deck was Summoned Skull & Pals Featuring Raigeki @ 3.
Jesus christ that's a fucking classic. Actually vintage meta deck.

>> No.30827265

burgerland doesn't have poor white people?

>> No.30827274

>lead miniatures
Uncle, go back to your stream

>> No.30827281

Unironically from the Streetz. None of that gay poser "golf club" shit

>> No.30827284

the most dignified and refined black man to ever be birthed, worthy of the title "my nigga"?

>> No.30827288
Quoted by: >>30827364

>bought winrar
>donated to reaper
He's white

>> No.30827287

he's asian

>> No.30827297
Quoted by: >>30827364

the man is probably eminem
>possibly lives in detroit

>> No.30827301
Quoted by: >>30827367

You would only need perms from the distributors, not GW itself I'd think, so wouldn't be that hard
Or just collab with Mandalore, he will be able to pull something out of his hat

>> No.30827303

Summoned Skull Beatdown was an actual meta strategy

>> No.30827304
Quoted by: >>30827771

Sell me your daughter

>> No.30827311

if you look over to burgerland, the majority is either super poor or poor

>> No.30827314

I wish I knew people who were into TCGs in school

>> No.30827316

if you are paying gw for minis in 2022 I feel bad for you

>> No.30827317
Quoted by: >>30827364

Mississippi has the largest white hobo per capita

>> No.30827320
File: 81 KB, 458x306, 1659231483260213.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30827771

hey pal, can I date your kid? I think we'd get along, haha...

>> No.30827321

>talks about card trading games
> warhammer

How the fuck do women find this entertaining?

>> No.30827323
Quoted by: >>30827817

thats what blacks want you to believe yeah

>> No.30827327

xyz had already irreparably shit the bed by the halfway mark of the zexal era and had already fully squandered any potential it had as a mechanic.

extra deck cards that strive to be usable by every deck ever without influencing deck construction in meaningful ways suck ass. it's why xyz suck and links are even worse, there's no cohesion left.

>> No.30827333
Quoted by: >>30827414

Warhammer and 40K have great videogames and it's all that matters to me

>> No.30827351
Quoted by: >>30827395

>I can understand Aki
kill yourself

>> No.30827353
Quoted by: >>30827462


>> No.30827354
Quoted by: >>30827364

More in the south, Florida and trailer park homes

>> No.30827367

*talking about vidya gaem only

>> No.30827364


>> No.30827366
File: 37 KB, 784x346, 1632272038365.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30827403

There's not much from them today, since they are currently busy discussing pekomiko politics

>> No.30827376


>> No.30827379
File: 60 KB, 258x196, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all my homies played the Zatch Bell TCG

>> No.30827381
Quoted by: >>30827461

guess I'm watching males again

>> No.30827395

Shes not everyone's cup of tea.
I like Aki

>> No.30827403

post the link to that thread

>> No.30827407

kind of mixed feelings on it, mostly hate towards Games Workshop who make Warhammer games.

Think of price gouging on mediocre quality models, they aren't bad (some exceptions) but they are always overpriced. The army lists have power creep out of the ass with the latest editions being so bad about it they have to errata them on fucking release these days. It's run by retards marketing on nostalgia and brand at this point.

>> No.30827410
File: 338 KB, 1200x1600, 1448659434798.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30827473

>Playing card games for content
>It's complicated
translation: "Ain't happenin', but I wish it could."

>> No.30827414

>40K have great videogames
space marine and dawn of war 1&2, thats literally it

>> No.30827421
Quoted by: >>30827521

>hating aki
this is the gayest post ITT and we're in fucking /mans/ filled with fujos

>> No.30827422

Holy based please be real

Yes Chad.jpg

>> No.30827423


>> No.30827436

I did not but I knew about this because cards came with one of the gamecube games

>> No.30827445

The traile for Rogue Trader looks promising

>> No.30827461

Rust is a great game to watch tho, if players have competitive spirit. I can't wait for boys to raid each other in a prolonged scenarios

>> No.30827462

Women in /mans/ claim they love Nowa,like how can women find this entertaining?

>> No.30827468
Quoted by: >>30827543

Did Vesper buy Winrar?? WTF

>> No.30827467

But Mechanicus was cool!

>> No.30827473
Quoted by: >>30827629

Since he seems to like MTG better, would /mans/ be ok with Vesper playing MTG Arena?

>> No.30827479
Quoted by: >>30827581

he's only 28

>> No.30827491

cringe elsewhere?

>> No.30827503
Quoted by: >>30827652

I can only beat the flagship on easy...

>> No.30827514

Mechanicus was good

>> No.30827513

If you have a good voice and are confident in yourself, you can talk about literally anything.

>> No.30827516
Quoted by: >>30827868

That's what's confusing me, anon. There are no women in /mans/...

>> No.30827521

Based Aki enjoyer. She’s just so lovely.

>> No.30827532

This was the game that convinced me that tabletop and card games hadn't been fully tapped, and that there was still designs that hadn't been explored.

>> No.30827543
File: 1.61 MB, 1824x2268, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30827616


>> No.30827570

My favorite ship is 6 HORAS

>> No.30827573
File: 358 KB, 600x606, Lanius_Cruiser_B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Favorite ship?

>> No.30827575

what the hell is going on in this stream

>> No.30827581
Quoted by: >>30827670

And Luna is 0

>> No.30827583
File: 1.16 MB, 1920x1080, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can understand Aki
Well fuck you too then.

>> No.30827589

warhammer mechanicus was fun too

>> No.30827598

they have a lot of video games but god damn most of them aren't good. I have nostalgia for Chaos Gate but it wasn't that good in retrospect.

>> No.30827603

Sorry oji, Carmen Sandiego x Inspector Gadget is the real OTP

>> No.30827616
File: 352 KB, 481x454, 1660343395326707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30827623


>> No.30827629
Quoted by: >>30828152

I just want chuubas that don't play the same 5 games everyone else is playing. If the chuuba is interesting, that's all that's needed, but I can't watch every chuuba, so I also want a unique game experience, or a very very hyper-specific list of games I want.

>> No.30827631
Quoted by: >>30827695

rust damn nercomunda hired gun

>> No.30827633

I fucking love Sonic 3D Blast

>> No.30827652

that's fine. you aren't going to win them all every time. if you really want to up your game though, consider deleting your save file and trying to unlock everything again on normal mode. it's a super good way to relearn the game and to learn the difficulty (as opposed to having every ship and just jumping around until you find the pre-unlocked ship with the easiest start for the difficulty)

>> No.30827669
File: 116 KB, 595x438, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Stealth Cruiser

>> No.30827670
File: 1.77 MB, 1447x1087, missionary[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fl1f4p5.webm].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30827682

Holy shit this is so sexy, both of them have overcoats.

>> No.30827683


>> No.30827695
Quoted by: >>30827782

hired gun felt like a discount doom 2016

>> No.30827696

Sonic Mania then just fucking stop.

>> No.30827701
Quoted by: >>30827726

I miss Blaze.

>> No.30827712


>> No.30827726
Quoted by: >>30827776

maybe someday they'll put blaze in a good sonic game

>> No.30827727
File: 1019 KB, 1024x576, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

play this

>> No.30827728
Quoted by: >>30828033

There are a lot
You just don't hear about it because they don't commit a fuck ton of crime and blame others like a certain 13%

>> No.30827739

Sonic Generations was good for both the classic and modern levels, only the final boss sucked.

>> No.30827748
Quoted by: >>30827848

You can't mating press a boy stupid. There's no womb.

>> No.30827760
Quoted by: >>30827976

>the horror

>> No.30827771

My son is a bit too young for you.

>> No.30827776
Quoted by: >>30827788

sonic rush wasnt that bad

>> No.30827782

like discount metro 2033 or even worse, but fun

>> No.30827783
File: 27 KB, 329x288, chrome_BaTIym20az.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I left for a few minutes dammit.

>> No.30827786

> Someone in chat recommending Sonic Free Riders
That would be a kek 3D stream actually

Patrician choice

>> No.30827788

it wasn't that good either

>> No.30827809

isn't that the same for the most modern sonic games though?

>> No.30827817

Yeah. Don't know how there's still people who think Vesper isn't whiter than copy paper. He's the kind of cracker "black twitter" likes to make fun of. Drinks milk without any intolerance, likes camping, likes bicycling, does shit like buys winrar... Too many traits collected into one man to reasonably think otherwise. Being able to eat hot sauce is the only thing keeps that side of the internet from clowning on him, not that it matters.

>> No.30827822
File: 18 KB, 294x116, 1652803709114.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30827871

This furry

>> No.30827823

lamo this guy

>> No.30827826


>> No.30827839
File: 1.57 MB, 1598x761, 1546212750515.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's wrong with '06, I liked it
Which one of you fucks was this

>> No.30827841

it's worse then that Nowa, it's not just a human, it's a child.

>> No.30827844
File: 15 KB, 294x121, chrome_MILjFSopuc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30827879

>> No.30827845

I remember there was a special OP build with Emerl

>> No.30827848

B-but that's magloli, anon, she has a womb....

>> No.30827850

Man, the Sonic franchise is fucking wild.

>> No.30827858


>> No.30827859


>> No.30827862
File: 183 KB, 480x270, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30827868

The women in /mans/ are just men without testicles and body hair and height and deep voices and have extremely small penises and have longer hair and higher estrogen levels.

>> No.30827871

how much you wanna bet dez was the one who created the hot girl heaven video

>> No.30827876


>> No.30827879

my fucking sides

>> No.30827883

It was the maglord himself kek

>> No.30827884

that was magni himself

>> No.30827893
Quoted by: >>30827945

Sonic looks like he fucks human women.

>> No.30827896

sonic was never good

>> No.30827900

> I'll give Mania a shot

>> No.30827906

This is the fanart we need.

>> No.30827909

what the fuck is there to make fun of about "drinking milk without any intolerance"?? anyone who can't drink milk is just a lesser human than someone who can.

>> No.30827936
Quoted by: >>30827978

You wouldn't download a console!

>> No.30827937
Quoted by: >>30827978

you wouldn't download a console

>> No.30827940

Fuck you faggots Ruined Hololive.

>> No.30827945
Quoted by: >>30828013

Haha, yeah, about that ...

>> No.30827949

bing bing wahoo

>> No.30827962

Someone should draw Sonic and Magni kissing...

>> No.30827968
Quoted by: >>30828022

>writing stuff down because he forgets it
I just forget shit because I don't like writing things down

>> No.30827969

sonic 2 and 3 on the genesis and adventure were great. thats speaking from nostalgia though. haven't even tried playing a sonic since whatever that werewolf/knight stuff was. didnt bother playing those

>> No.30827976

The options music in this game is so fucking Genesis. All that twang.

>> No.30827978

Download a console-mind...

>> No.30827983

Remember not to reply to shitty bait

>> No.30827982
Quoted by: >>30828216

>drinks milk without any intolerance
when the fuck have people clowned on someone for not being lactose intolerant

>> No.30827985

die mad about it

>> No.30827987

It would've been nice to have a Game Grumps-like playthrough, but Magni isn't the guy for it.

>> No.30827993

Smooth hide for the emulator

>> No.30827996

>burgerland doesn't have poor white people

They absolutely do, they just don't go out and murder/steal like some other demographics of poor people do which ruins a certain narrative the media likes to push, so nobody talks about it

The Appalachian area is the poorest area of the US and is overwhelmingly white

>> No.30828005


>> No.30828006

> PS5
DMC5SE onegai

>> No.30828007

>download a console
Nowa you can't do that

>> No.30828008

cool, he can play the one game the PS5 has.

>> No.30828009
File: 249 KB, 823x518, 1658363509303476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sonic games are boring as shit

>> No.30828013

W-what ..

>> No.30828016

Did you just ignore Planet Wisp?

>> No.30828018
Quoted by: >>30828122

And if so

>> No.30828022

I write things down then I forget to check what I've written, or misplace the notes

>> No.30828029


>> No.30828033
Quoted by: >>30828276

That's not true. They like to do heroin and meth and commit crimes. It's not just all Florida.
It's just that they do it in bumfuck nowhere and their victims are other poor white people so nobody cares.

>> No.30828041

>reacts strongly to 0 games

>> No.30828044
File: 19 KB, 473x473, 1617832787836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30828054


>> No.30828059
Quoted by: >>30828205

did that even escape /v/

>> No.30828060

>has 0 games
he remembers ps3 no games posting

>> No.30828066


>> No.30828072

It's not "making fun of", but lactose tolerance is a mutation that primarily developed in Europe aka white people.

>> No.30828078


>> No.30828077


>> No.30828082
File: 1.22 MB, 1557x875, tails.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Vesper read tails gets trolled
He has to be an old school goon. Also, he's literally me what the fucking shit.

>> No.30828086
Quoted by: >>30828182

some retards think drinking milk makes you a white supremist

>> No.30828085

the what? talladeganight? tallydeginaiht? thwhat???

>> No.30828088

Vesper the Sony perms...

>> No.30828089

>taldage nights PS3 meme
100% here

>> No.30828091

Mario, Master Chief, and Ricky Bobby

>> No.30828095
Quoted by: >>30828125

/v/ confirmed

>> No.30828099
Quoted by: >>30828157


>> No.30828112

Kestrel C, I like pew

>> No.30828120
File: 7 KB, 252x58, chrome_MHcmqlD7jK.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30828272

Is he going to

>> No.30828122

i'll fuck you for replying to bait

>> No.30828123

>do a 360 and walk away
okay he's definitely /here/

>> No.30828125


>> No.30828126

Total War Warhammer and a few other licensed video games are the good way to experience the setting. Games Workshop as a company is terminally braindead.

Based Malifaux enjoyer

>> No.30828129

one game

>> No.30828134

>all the normies in chat "correcting" the 360
Ah, summer...

>> No.30828131

He is definitely /here/

>> No.30828138

I hope they die.

>> No.30828142

will he tell the xbone story too

>> No.30828147
Quoted by: >>30828177

is he /here/?

>> No.30828152

I think a big part of why they all play the same 5 games is permissions.

>> No.30828156

vesper literally posts here
i fucking kneel

>> No.30828157
Quoted by: >>30828184

PS3 has
no gaems

>> No.30828160

Vesper is literally just some guy from here who made it

>> No.30828162

>turn 360 and walk away
but that's a full circle...

>> No.30828171

When you could vaguely consider /v/ good

>> No.30828174


>> No.30828177


>> No.30828183

Guys I'm joining EN stars gen 2. Please support me in the future!

>> No.30828182

Guess I'll look into that GOMAD diet.

>> No.30828180


>> No.30828185
File: 77 KB, 722x1102, 1655760060640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30828184


>> No.30828187

Flareon has no moevs was a good off shoot of the meme if im to be honest

>> No.30828188


>> No.30828196


>> No.30828202


>> No.30828204

the man was literally a /wvt/ poster before joining hololive, of course he's /here/

>> No.30828205

yes it did, people are on hopium here

>> No.30828214


>> No.30828215
Quoted by: >>30828293

He's an oldfag. Hopefully he got out before nu/vpol/

>> No.30828216
Quoted by: >>30828605

Insecure blacks among others on social media tried to push that as something to make fun of Whites for because it's almost only Whites who can tolerate it. It was like a shitty attempt to reverse uno card nonWhite food stereotypes.

>> No.30828224
File: 304 KB, 600x512, 1630065693143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a classic

>> No.30828226

No he wasn't.

>> No.30828230
File: 33 KB, 300x200, away.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30828234
File: 45 KB, 300x200, fd1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30828243

I ... I'm too new to get it ...

>> No.30828249
File: 116 KB, 1023x422, 1488557866899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

True classic

>> No.30828255

>i was just pretending to be retarded

>> No.30828256

I miss this era...

>> No.30828258


>> No.30828259

Riiiiiiiidge raceeeerr!!!

>> No.30828260

imagine not being michael jackson

>> No.30828262

lurk moar

>> No.30828261
File: 355 KB, 895x777, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30828266
File: 701 KB, 4096x4006, 1647652939677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no he's starting to pander to my millenial nostalgia...

>> No.30828268

Pirate Warhammer Total War, Dawn of War 1 and 2, and Space Marine and ignore everything else.

>> No.30828267


>> No.30828269


>> No.30828270


>> No.30828272

I forgot to finish my fucking sentence. I was going to say "was he going to reference Chad Warden".

>> No.30828274


>> No.30828276
Quoted by: >>30828406

I said a fuck ton of crime
The poorest whites still commit less crime than the wealthiest blacks

>> No.30828279


>> No.30828278


>> No.30828280
Quoted by: >>30828459

Holy fuck he's quoting memes I don't even know about.

>> No.30828281


>> No.30828291


>> No.30828293

This dude is so oldfag I'll bet he gave Lowtax ten bucks.

>> No.30828296

No he wasnt he posted on the virtualyoutuber subreddit sometimes

>> No.30828299


>> No.30828298


>> No.30828300

Die newfag

>> No.30828310

Be honest, how many of you have no idea what references Vesper keeps talking about?

>> No.30828327
Quoted by: >>30828391

The same thing that happened to Holostars Gen 1 is going to start happening to Tempus, the boys are going to need our support now more than ever. Shit's going to start getting nasty.

>> No.30828328

He's literally me

>> No.30828332


>> No.30828339


>> No.30828340

I know them but I'm not sure if that's a good thing

>> No.30828346

He totally knows about WT Snacks.

>> No.30828360

sadly I get them all

>> No.30828362

This is probably his most modern popculture reference/meme kek

>> No.30828367

Somebody PLEASE edit this into the 4 boys

>> No.30828368

Not all of us are new, unfortunately.

>> No.30828369

same, I'm an og maglord after all

>> No.30828371
File: 15 KB, 480x328, 41DBB42A-7B80-4987-9537-216E3DF91D49.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oldfag check

>> No.30828375

Catching all the references is half the fun of watching him.

>> No.30828377

I get it, and I feel pandered

>> No.30828380

i have no interest in talking down to people too young or out of the loop to know what's being talked about all the time. let them hear about the old days from their grampire.

>> No.30828382
Quoted by: >>30828810

Anon...lowtax is dead

>> No.30828385

I don't frequent /v/ that much but I can recognize what he's talking about

>> No.30828390

Seethe harder

>> No.30828388

It's always kind of cute when chat is able to wake Vesper up with topics that peak his interest.

>> No.30828391

What do you mean by this?

>> No.30828392

I'm feeling uncomfortable about knowing all the shit he talks about

>> No.30828399

I dunno, he seems old enough he might now have even had to pay the 10 bucks.

>> No.30828406

LMAO what a load of bullshit. Crime correlates to poverty far more than it does race. It's just that it correlates to race too. Anyway I won't comment on this topic any further this is getting way too far into /pol/ territory

>> No.30828407

These are pretty surface level so far.

>> No.30828412

I was following on PS3 has no games but got lost on talladega or whatever and now this ridge racer thing.

>> No.30828419

all me btw

>> No.30828421
Quoted by: >>30828487

what were they thinking...

>> No.30828433

God I'm so fucking old

>> No.30828439

>toss me the controller bro
>I can't, it keeps coming back

>> No.30828438

Fuck I missed this. I have a folder with a bunch of old ass /v/ comics and I missed grabbing this one.

>> No.30828446


>> No.30828457
Quoted by: >>30828494

>Dracula faggot starts walking towards blue faggot.
>Pulls out a shotgun, aims towards him
>Blue faggot: " what is this? such a phalic object you brought for us today" he says as he tuns around pulls back his pants and perk up his but
>Dracula faggot sticks the shotgun in the blue faggot's Ass.
>Blue faggot: "I'm cumming!"
>Dracula blasts his insides off.
>Kneels down and masturbates to the mess
>put the shotgun on his own head and fire it.

>> No.30828459
Quoted by: >>30828499

anon baby

>> No.30828462

>try to throw the controller
>it comes back and hits you

>> No.30828467

I-I can't be that old right???

>> No.30828468

I get most, but somethings fall through. I thought the movie was called Ricky Bobby.

>> No.30828469
Quoted by: >>30828715

Hearing Nowa talk about the PS3 and X360 and Halo made me remember how hard Microsoft dropped the ball with Xbox One.
Imagine that. They had the momentum and they somehow fucked it up.

>> No.30828472
Quoted by: >>30828509

i never actively visited 4chan until vt but i was well up to date with the lingo/memes anyway.

>> No.30828476

Now that there are no stream limits are there any channels that do good clips of the boys? I won't have time to keep up with all the streams so would be good to see the highlights of what I miss.

>> No.30828491

>Halo TV show
Say again?

>> No.30828487

By accounts it was one of the most comfortable controllers ever and they scrapped it because retard game journos were dunking on the design.

>> No.30828494


>> No.30828495

I have never liked the PS controls, they always felt so flimsy and small

>> No.30828496

Spore is a good streaming game so long as you stop at the tribal stage.

>> No.30828499
Quoted by: >>30828595

I got 10/10 on meme stream though I think I just never browsed /v/ because it's shit.

>> No.30828502
File: 233 KB, 300x300, magni_dezmond___holostarsen_tempus_by_shadowlifeman_dfa1r2h-300w.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30828503
File: 6 KB, 251x60, chrome_6QVSeVt0Iz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30828537

Spore TEMPUS arc on the verge of happening

>> No.30828509
File: 930 KB, 1140x1080, 1657882209561.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30828517
Quoted by: >>30828603

I knew all of them in advance. Ironically enough, the context he gives for the PS3 has no games meme is better than the Know Your Meme's.
I actually get most of them until he referred to no games by its cause.

>> No.30828521

it's dogshit forgetaboutit

>> No.30828529

I understand 98% of what he talks about at any moment, and I feel defeated knowing I would be a vesper clone if I made it to stars

>> No.30828536

you now remember cortana got cucked by master chief

>> No.30828537
Quoted by: >>30828610

Will suck, like everything they do

>> No.30828539

>shitting on the halo tv show

>> No.30828550


>> No.30828562

It was a fucking reworked mass effect tv show, like actual fucking plot points from mass effect that was probably from a failed pilot and they slapped a coat of halo on it
avoid at all fucking costs, fucking microsoft goddamn i'm so angry

>> No.30828566

Don't even think about it
Don't even mention it
It is nothing but pain

>> No.30828567

I believe that the ones who made it just bought the show that has been in dev hell for the last 10 years to do their own shit but try to leech from the halo fanbase

>> No.30828570

if you never downloaded a virus on napster then you might be a little lost

>> No.30828585
Quoted by: >>30828673

i normally get it but when he started talking about MTG i was completely lost

>> No.30828590
Quoted by: >>30828674

I am honestly surprised to see so little Holos play Spore. Before Tempus it was only Fauna that played it for her debut, it has so much potential.

>> No.30828595

it used to be fun in like 2011

>> No.30828600


>> No.30828603

Stop being a faggot, most of them are lies anyways

>> No.30828606

>i dont like leaving games unfinished

>> No.30828605

god I love milk

>> No.30828610
File: 299 KB, 462x453, Ogey216.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30828623

I don't think Nowa's even left finished the tutorial for West of Loathing, did he?

>> No.30828630
File: 163 KB, 613x376, 1658363700194570.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The girls will play all these games the boys are getting permissions for r-right?

>> No.30828659
Quoted by: >>30828796

He got to second town so I think so?

Pretty sure they have different sets of perms.

>> No.30828673

Just a pretentious retard

>> No.30828674
Quoted by: >>30828934

Is it worth watching? I never watched Fauna asides from clips but I do want to watch more Holo Spore.

>> No.30828686

do they get blanket perms (every vtuber under them) or specific perms

>> No.30828690
File: 10 KB, 321x77, chrome_JZrh8UqAoQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30828691

Game is about as long as Fallout 1, maybe even longer. It'll take a while.

>> No.30828698
File: 882 KB, 2048x1755, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30828714

>Play games
Women only pretend to like games to get male attention.

>> No.30828715
Quoted by: >>30829101

That's like every console company. Sony did it with the PS3 and Nintendo did it with the Wii U. They get too confident.

>> No.30828720
Quoted by: >>30828784

Some girls seem to like when men enthusiastically talk about their hobbies with friends, even if they don't care about said hobbies. it's gotten me in bed with zoomer women before

>> No.30828728

Haha no. You're going to get some FOM and a monetization stream.
Where's my AOE and Civ stream, Fauna?

>> No.30828738

cute leader...

>> No.30828748
File: 583 KB, 900x900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30828753
Quoted by: >>30828810

lowtax committed sudoku anon

>> No.30828755
Quoted by: >>30828794

literal psycho

>> No.30828762

Fauna will play Cult of the Lamb because NorthernLion played it. Cry bitch

>> No.30828769

thats a lie, i saw all those balding womxn start infiltrating gdq a few years ago. for some reason chat got banned from using some emotes then people kept donating for something called dial8. but the womxn handled it gracefully

>> No.30828776
File: 538 KB, 498x498, 1646368208741.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Started streaming 60 minutes ago
i think vesper-san needs to take a break

>> No.30828784

>it's gotten me in bed with zoomer women before
Ojisan here, how can I learn such a power? I could talk about gunpla and soap but I don't think that would moisten any orifices.

>> No.30828786

>Vesper liked playing shuffle comps in DD

>> No.30828790

I think they announced doing something so that they could get blanket permissions, but knowing cover they didn't do dogshit

>> No.30828792

>Women only pretend to like games to get male attention.
This happens too frequently. The games women enjoy are not the games men enjoy and vice versa. Most of the times they just play popular games because the audience wants that

>> No.30828794

Gay psycho with a buttplug in his ass

>> No.30828796

I literally dont believe that

>> No.30828803

>double point blank shot party

>> No.30828810

Dude fucking lost his marbles at the end

>> No.30828818

master cheeks

>> No.30828819

I can't wait for Nowa to make Red vs Blue references

>> No.30828822

Anon, the meme is dead already...

>> No.30828823

the halo TV show was shit but I watched it with my other halofag friends and it was fun to MST3K
wouldn't recommend it sober though

>> No.30828824
File: 180 KB, 1920x1080, 1660003761189453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30828838

What would Tempus be if they were shitposters on /vt/?

>> No.30828841

Nigger director didn't play the game OR at least read the books. Actual garbage.

>> No.30828844
File: 368 KB, 800x950, FZAlpmpacAA09-b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It depends on the publisher.
They got blanket permissions for Devolver, Ubisoft and EA games, but everything else is case by case and branch specific (EN/JP/ID).

>> No.30828847
Quoted by: >>30828875

man i need to try darkest dungeon again

>> No.30828851
Quoted by: >>30828975

red vs blue

>> No.30828872
File: 170 KB, 768x1024, FaEX121WAAMZN6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

already cosplays

>> No.30828875

don't its shit

>> No.30828881
Quoted by: >>30829072

team fortress?

>> No.30828882

What the actual fuck? No way. No literal fucking way it's only been 15 minutes i literally swear to god. I never did this meme i'm legit being serious.

>> No.30828884

He doesn't know anything about it, he's a highschool dropout.

>> No.30828885
Quoted by: >>30829041

isn't pink /here/ rabbit known to make anti threads about herself for shits and giggles

>> No.30828886

>Altare Highwayman
>Dez Plague Doctor
>Axel Bounty Hunter
>Nowa Vestal
How close did anons get

>> No.30828896
Quoted by: >>30828969

axel spams racial slurs

>> No.30828902

oh no she's hot

>> No.30828907

enjoy rust bro

>> No.30828910

I know them all...

>> No.30828914
File: 283 KB, 400x400, 1660486261481721.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30829164

I'll miss this bitch (male)

>> No.30828919

we had this talk about tempus darkest dungeon party here yesterday didnt we?

>> No.30828928

Capcom's blanket by now, right? They just have that dumb "don't show the ending" restriction in place.

>> No.30828930

that's way too feminine wtf

>> No.30828934

it was fun

>> No.30828936

why are her eyes so close to each other

>> No.30828958

Reminder that anons were having this same discussion some threads ago

>> No.30828959

he cute

>> No.30828965
File: 79 KB, 680x680, 1638604310505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30828969
Quoted by: >>30829017

I hope he gets sued, or raped by an aboriginal, again.

>> No.30828970

shit cosplayer

>> No.30828975

hey at least red vs blue was good before it became cucked

>> No.30828987

No endings, and you have to play in JP dub for most games. Also for some reason DMC5 permissions SPECIFICALLY are limited-time.

>> No.30828991

Omega's favourite son...

>> No.30829000

>chat, you ever wonder why we're here?

>> No.30829001

Why no HoMM stream?

>> No.30829002

My SA account is so old I've never paid for it. The only time I don't know what he's talking about is when he mentions modern anime he watches.

>> No.30829004

Plague Doctor

>> No.30829017
Quoted by: >>30829053

>raped by an aboriginal, again.

>> No.30829023

Yes, that's why I'm asking, I can't be bothered to dig it up from the archives

>> No.30829026

I'm about to make the ultimate shitpost in /hlgg/. Keep your eyes peeled for it in about 40 seconds

>> No.30829024
Quoted by: >>30829075

Remider that uncle Nowa just stretched

>> No.30829027

LMFAAAO underrated posts

>> No.30829028
Quoted by: >>30829106


>> No.30829032

Compensating for Magni's distant eyes

>> No.30829033

Altare and Dez are at 100% accuracy based on yesterday's discussions.

>> No.30829039

Why would anyone discuss this shitty group unironicaly?

>> No.30829042
Quoted by: >>30829103

Cosplayers can change where their eyes are?

>> No.30829041

I don't like her and I especially hate her faggot fans but I know for a fact dramaniggers have been posting made up shit about her in random threads so I literally ignore anything I see about her now.

>> No.30829047

>Also for some reason DMC5 permissions SPECIFICALLY are limited-time
Man, this is Konami shit all over again.

>> No.30829051

Time flies....

>> No.30829053
Quoted by: >>30829292

Don't reply

>> No.30829067

I believe the capcom jp dub shit is because of some VA union bullshit or something

>> No.30829069
Quoted by: >>30829136

What are you implying? That they read the threads? Because there's no way in hell that's true

>> No.30829070

The Baker that messes up
The Bait Poster
General regular
/vt/ Global mod

>> No.30829072

>team fortress
oh, oh no...

>> No.30829073
File: 6 KB, 365x45, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's always there for his bros..

>> No.30829075

Yeah, my asshole.

>> No.30829077
File: 1.67 MB, 848x1200, 1645106517954.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30829099

>My SA account is so old I've never paid for it
Fuck, you're old

>> No.30829100

i kneel/10

>> No.30829101

Nintendo and Sony eventually recovered though, and the whole 360 vs PS3 was closer to a tie than an Xbox win kind of thing.
For a lot of people the Xbox was a Halo machine. And when Microsoft handed over Halo to 343 they could never live up to the titanic expectations that Bungie set down even to this day. There was simply no point of buying an Xbox anymore when 343 kept fucking up Halo.

>> No.30829103

the good passionate ones can. unlike this pretender. disgusting 0/10 weak cosplayer

>> No.30829105
File: 208 KB, 545x480, 1659031473977063.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30829106


>> No.30829113


>> No.30829117

>/vt/ Global mod
no way... he's not that psycho right???

>> No.30829123

You are cute and funny. Are you groomable?

>> No.30829136

It's true. Axel is the poster who keeps fucking up the OPs when making a new thread

>> No.30829145


>> No.30829148
File: 160 KB, 1200x533, 20220813_191040.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30829309

>shitposting on cooldown getting drowned out by actual stream discussion
You love to fucking see it.

>> No.30829155
Quoted by: >>30829427

You mean these boys aint ever gonna stream DMC5? Dammit. Oh well, DMC3 is more kino anyways

>> No.30829156
File: 653 KB, 826x798, 1655039949595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no gaems/10

>> No.30829164

Omega looks so feminine in this edit

>> No.30829168

Anon? He stopped streaming like 2 minutes ago

>> No.30829179

Sleepy energy
I enjoy him so much

>> No.30829180
Quoted by: >>30829427

>DMC5 permissions SPECIFICALLY are limited-time.
are you fucking shitting me

>> No.30829181


>> No.30829182

Hes a retard, sucks, is gay, would be better off dead.

>> No.30829184

talladega nights/10

>> No.30829188

10 minute stream

>> No.30829196
Quoted by: >>30829262

>altare doesn't delete porn images immediately in global because he was too busy jacking off

>> No.30829201
File: 162 KB, 1080x1080, 1658843681831073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ah, right

>> No.30829203


>This might be our last Spore stream depending where we get to today!

>> No.30829213

vesper seems so cool, i'd love to get a pint with him
even if he is black

>> No.30829226

I hate you so much

>> No.30829230

It's because of VA Union shit, yeah. It's not directly Capcom's fault.

>> No.30829232

Stop projecting your disappointment in your oshi on the men, KFP

>> No.30829249


>> No.30829254

Did he get to Civ stage at least? You can dick around for a while in space.

>> No.30829262

>altare never deleted that one image of omega rape just for us

>> No.30829275


>> No.30829287

Baneposting Axel before we could/10

>> No.30829289

I doubt he can finish it in 2 hours but the game gets so boring later on that I doubt he would play it again

>> No.30829293
File: 184 KB, 588x640, 1659579068942923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vesper is /here/, even shat on reddit as part of the culture
Magni arguably has posted /here/ https://archive.alice.al/vt/thread/28902615/#q28930996
Not sure about the other two

>> No.30829292


>> No.30829305

I'm a superior male myself but I have to admit that we do the same fucking thing for female chubbas in every split or general

>> No.30829308

Yeah pretty much, as far as I know this is also why no one in HoloPro can play Resident Evil 4 and 5 now.

>> No.30829309

Man, you guys are so fast

>> No.30829310

*pats head*
It's okay anon. I saw all your posts. I appreciate the effort

>> No.30829311

TGT and rampant bane posting it's like he's literally me

>> No.30829312
Quoted by: >>30829396

Kind of cool to see a Tempus cosplay at what seems like a Medieval fair or something of the sort. I suppose that's fitting for a TTRPG inspired group, though we don't truly know many details about Elysium as a world.

>> No.30829320

Space stage is a game killer unless you are incredibly autistic and don't mind doing boring shit for hours.

>> No.30829335

I hate you and your Homosexual.

>> No.30829366

The one with bombardment

>> No.30829371
File: 66 KB, 750x600, 1272745653789.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been on 4chan from around 2007-2008 after I found a link to it on aerisdies.com. I get most of the memes and shit he is on about.

>> No.30829375
Quoted by: >>30829460

I love Nowa.

>> No.30829396

There's nothing cool about it, sucks so bad.

>> No.30829405

they should get like a
panflute style intro

>> No.30829427

Permissions for streaming is a relatively new thing, so publishers frequently have to ask the creative lead on the IP. For DMC, that would be Itsuno, who has been buried in Dragon's Dogma 2 for the past year and a half and probably hasn't had much time to concern himself with chuubas playing his games.
You can blame JP bureaucracy on this one.

>> No.30829443
Quoted by: >>30829587

I want a Book Club with Nowa stream...

>> No.30829444
Quoted by: >>30829539

Pretty sure there was a sequel post days later that restarted the game
>also fuck you

>> No.30829451 [DELETED] 

I found someone that will get into homoEN2!
Just imagine, a new obscure kusoge every other day! Short but reliable streams! Enough character that it bleeds over even when he's not talking!

>> No.30829460

He's useless, stop loving him, leave him to rot.

>> No.30829482

I think that's an ironic anti, no one can be THAT bad at it.

>> No.30829491
File: 590 KB, 800x960, 24863654_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30829520
Quoted by: >>30829735

Anon, I subscribed to him and all of his videos are non-commentary

>> No.30829521
Quoted by: >>30829735

how about this guy

>> No.30829527
Quoted by: >>30829735

The permissions...

>> No.30829534
Quoted by: >>30829735

Can't call them kusoge sir. Sana had that problem since it's disrespectful or some shit.

>> No.30829536

Why does japanese love bureaucracy so much when they fucking knowi t themselves it doesnt work?
They still fucking use fax machine over there

>> No.30829539
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>> No.30829545

thanks anon for informing me

>> No.30829557
Quoted by: >>30829794

Please stop talking about yourself in their person subhuman nigger faggot, just end it

>> No.30829567

minus some of the media specific memes I've caught almost all of it

>> No.30829587

He wouldn't know anything about it, give it up

>> No.30829612

>My SA account is so old I've never paid for it.
Wouldn't that make it predate 2006 or so?
Because I remember coming here in 2007 and people were making fun of the pay to play system they ha-- fuck I'm old too. If maybe not as much.

>> No.30829633
Quoted by: >>30829682

what the fuck is wrong with them

>> No.30829682

They're Japanese.

>> No.30829713
Quoted by: >>30829794


>> No.30829735

And yet he still manages to get humor across...
He has working email, he can handle the hard part fo it himself!
Good thing he calls them new and exciting games instead!
Dude gets painfully repetitive after fifth video

>> No.30829749
File: 152 KB, 754x900, C7DDADA0-07B4-4C95-9EB4-8A8C8BAC5490.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30829772
File: 850 KB, 2048x1755, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30829794
Quoted by: >>30829883

Can you stop acknowledging this schizo faggot?

>> No.30829800

>ABG in EN2
I can beleeb it but I find it hard to believe that he'd apply

>> No.30829806
Quoted by: >>30829974

That's not manlybadasshero

>> No.30829811

Aerisdies wow, literally the first time I've seen furry porn before was on that site,

>> No.30829850
File: 1000 KB, 2048x1755, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30829854

How long until next stream, should I try to catch some shut eye?

>> No.30829883
Quoted by: >>30829987

That's why I used the proper method, to deprive him of (you)s

>> No.30829888

I'm here

>> No.30829921
Quoted by: >>30830008

magni spore in 4 hours. axel right after magni i believe
best to get some shut eye now

>> No.30829923

around 4 hours

>> No.30829936
File: 3.63 MB, 2814x2271, 1629897776551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stay awake and betta yo sef

>> No.30829960

Play Call of Duty.

>> No.30829974

Thank god. That guy has fucking shit taste

>> No.30829987
File: 21 KB, 400x591, vestie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30830055

Don't give in to the negativity, that's not what uncle would have wanted

>> No.30829988
File: 193 KB, 1040x1676, FZ7U7bSX0AExuCP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope once the boys get costumes, Regis can get a demon version for the memes

>> No.30830008

Will be sooooo bad oh my god

>> No.30830017

Hypothetically speaking, what type of streamer would you guys think has a good shot of making it into EN Stars 2? Again, just all hypothetically speaking, of course...

>> No.30830025

Uncle sprawl trilogy reading ASMR

>> No.30830040


>> No.30830055
Quoted by: >>30830133

He would want a dick in his ass, yes.

>> No.30830058

get shut eye or catch up on any stream you've missed.
I really need to abandon the idea of catching every single stream now that the 1h limit is gone and Nowa is stream 4 times in one day wth

>> No.30830060

If I knew about them, they're not making it in, so uh...
I don't know

>> No.30830069
File: 3.76 MB, 1920x2003, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30830337



>> No.30830087

They're 100% getting a trap or decent shota in EN2. Those are popular tropes that nobody in ENsphere has tapped yet with actual talent

>> No.30830116
Quoted by: >>30830246

im very much looking forward to noir's ftl streams.
not sure how i feel about a spore arc though

>> No.30830121

I'll anti them even harder regardless.

>> No.30830133
Quoted by: >>30830174

I want sweaty old man sex RIGHT NOW!

>> No.30830158

What are you playing right now /mans/?

>> No.30830163

The thing is... Deep voice shota (I actually like them, btw) or woman voice shota?

>> No.30830166

>your broshi
>what did you expect of him when Tempus was first announced?

>> No.30830174

I know that's what you want, hope you both get aids too.

>> No.30830209

Ais Riale nigga
He's the best male indie out there I'd argue

>> No.30830223

>no fucking idea, no one knew what to think until his debut

>> No.30830225

waffling between loading up FTL again or trying out Cult of the Lamb

>> No.30830235

Well they're not looking for another Nowa, Altare, Axel or Magni.

>> No.30830246

Why? its going to be terrible like always.

>> No.30830247

Bloons TD 6

>> No.30830252
File: 1.49 MB, 1200x671, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30830347

>pov you're in a /MANS/ thread 1 year later


>> No.30830274

1. Rigging experience, at the very least using it
2. A diverse portfolio that shows they have more going on for them than streaming (art, career, etc)
3. Can talk and be entertaining for an hour straight
4. Show ambition through their actions outside of the interview, like learning hobbies on a professional level or pursuing a degree
5. Is able to edit together a short entertaining pitch
6. Produces content consistently

>> No.30830280
Quoted by: >>30830357

Maybe not another old man unless they get some brat to balance him out, old person per around five or six holos seems to be optimum

>> No.30830336

I don't think they could get a trap without it devolving into Niji levels of horny. Think Taiga.

>> No.30830337
File: 627 KB, 669x926, 1660440542011343.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30830542

SILENCE you irredeemable BUFFOON. You will get no pity from this sacred den of UNDERSTANDING, this hallowed hall of PASSION, this CASTLE OF BASEDNESS. The purifying flames of /MANS/ will erase pointless and futile babbling and they WILL bring JUSTICE. Be CLEANSED in the fire of /MANS/, BEGONE and return from WHENCE THOU CAMEST. So the warden of /MANS/ has spoken. PREPARE YOURSELF.

>> No.30830347
File: 48 KB, 1080x607, fb7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30830357

Stop speculating about failing branches, tempus are going to graduate before another gen could ever debut.

>> No.30830366
File: 154 KB, 2047x1396, C4A57ACA-1E84-4F45-AB73-5E9EA6992F17.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30830444


>> No.30830374

Yes and Jairou will be his papa

>> No.30830382

We made it lads.

>> No.30830396

you guys are old

>> No.30830415

I'm only 25

>> No.30830416
File: 214 KB, 1830x1242, FZpE9MkaAAAsgFD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>expected at least one of them to be an EN Temma
As you can see. I have a type.

>> No.30830438

I'm 20

>> No.30830444

that's your oshi faggots? I have never seen anything this terrible

>> No.30830446
File: 40 KB, 126x144, takes a single med.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30830498

I'm not old, you're the baby here.

>> No.30830498

I guess being old means they'll die sooner, at least one good point

>> No.30830503
File: 754 KB, 2600x1644, 1660492203083677.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30830543


>> No.30830542
File: 1.45 MB, 1008x1417, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You might've gotten me this time, but you can't stay faithful forever, one of these days your Brothers and Archon will falter, and MARK MY WORDS

You'll be there by my side as we slay them with your hate

>> No.30830543

The 90's were 53 years ogo Ossan...

>> No.30830549
File: 1.48 MB, 1980x1648, 1659969564009247.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30830777

So the collab ban is over, so is the 1 hour limit

But it also seems like they aren't making them stream at the same hour either since Magni is starting way earlier than usual. I am glad they have their rule bans off.

>> No.30830574

StarsEN is lacking a singer and I know Regis and Axel are kinda that but I want StarsEN to have their own Rikka or Izuru, someone who can play guitar and sing live as his main gimmick.

>> No.30830577

Hope his lifespan is close to the end

>> No.30830594
Quoted by: >>30830639

I actually expected he'd be my least favourite because I usually hate kemonomimi designs. I thought he'd play into the animal/furry thing a lot more than he actually does too. I love his personality so much that his design has really grown on me.

>> No.30830627
File: 172 KB, 362x486, o rly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30830706


>> No.30830639
Quoted by: >>30830763

His personality is too bland, anyone else would be better, trash taste for oshi.

>> No.30830643

How long do Holos usually have to wait before they get new outfits? I want casual clothes Vesper...

>> No.30830669

There's a niche that no one in the entire holopro has managed to fill yet, that's the "I stream, but actually my videos are the most entertaining part about me" niche
a talent who's main focus is on edited videos

>> No.30830681
File: 608 KB, 1620x1080, 1645108664707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30830706

What a retarded face...

>> No.30830745

There's no specific rule for that, they sometimes get outfit extremely quickly like HoloX did, or just never receive one at all IRyS....

>> No.30830756
File: 16 KB, 500x300, 1448739953071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hold yourself fucker! You are embarrassing me in front of the bros.

>> No.30830763
Quoted by: >>30830853


>> No.30830764
Quoted by: >>30830838

Laplus tried that, it didn't work. Edited videos don't make money, they don't fit into what a vtuber is or does. It's not interactive.

>> No.30830768

Hopefully never, they don't deserve it, and the whole EN branch will have to graduate in a year because of their presence

>> No.30830773

Someone that streams at a good time for east coast, its annoying that majority of the streams are late for me.

>> No.30830777

Yeah, but I like that they're still trying not to overlap. It really does feel like they act like a time

>> No.30830802

I feel bad for you bro, hope irys gets the new outfit too

>> No.30830815

Music producer.

>> No.30830827

>hated his debut and thought he would be no personality fujobait like everyone else. the thing is that, i love schizo yandere boys, and every weird thing he does just endears him to me further, even the way he just stream of consciousness jokes because he only cares if he amuses himself. he has a really unique personality i don't know if i've experienced before.

>> No.30830838

I'm thinking like Soviet Womble, he streams the games, gathering content, and then edits them into videos that do big big numbers

>> No.30830849

For Stars? Just a few months, Uproar got their outfits recently and they're a new branch.
I wonder what theme Tempus will have for their outfits? Maybe New Years outfits?

>> No.30830853

Don't make me vomit, sucks worse than lol streamers who never speak.

>> No.30830854

>Altare now has Anti/Schizos on catalog
>Over something he didn’t even do
He’s made it!

>> No.30830860
Quoted by: >>30830929

Uncle Nowa
I think I had the least amount of expectation regarding him. I guess I expected more cursing? All I have and had seen is the pokemon and the xcom stuffs

>> No.30830863

shut it
you zoomer

>> No.30830880

"I just want to grill" vesper

>> No.30830882

Several Holos tried that, like Haachama and Laplus.
But properly editing videos is hard and time consuming so it's often not working that well.

>> No.30830884
Quoted by: >>30831150

I actually want to know the rules for Tempus 3D.

>> No.30830892

Everyone should

>> No.30830915

having someone like Womble that basically does highlights for your streams for the entire gen would be like a massive buff

>> No.30830927

I expected him to be a Vox-type wahmen bait (half of which is sorta true)

>> No.30830929
Quoted by: >>30831008

I wish it wasn't him that passed the auditions, he's the worst.

>> No.30830936

I'm sure she'll get the new years kimono soon, friend...

>> No.30830966

It;s going to get worse, I don't these guys to get death threats over something they didn't even do.

>> No.30830995

Not only that but Regis is very to himself and just wants to collab with Tempus. So if he gets shit for anything, then is people getting angry at nothing, just him existing I guess.

>> No.30831008

fuck you

>> No.30831011
Quoted by: >>30831077

>Nowa has a low quality bait schizos ITT
Our boys have made it!

>> No.30831044
File: 530 KB, 3222x4096, FZoHpLLXEAALU8b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30831158

>does nothing wrong
>gets schizos/antis posting about him all over catalog
He really is the demon lord...

>> No.30831053
Quoted by: >>30831084

No fuck your homos

>> No.30831077

I rather the low effort man than the deranged KFP man

>> No.30831081


>> No.30831084

yeah, i will

>> No.30831090

I originally expected him to be the worst one because his design feels fujo-baity but once I got used to it I love the SOVL it has

>> No.30831095

Jesus nigger why are you responding?

>> No.30831115

Here’s another commandment that we should add:
>Thou shalt not reply to bait and negative posts
This place needs to stay positive. We love all the boys

>> No.30831124

>Teasharts are retarded
This is well known

>> No.30831150

I thought they have the same rules as StarsJP where you have to hit 50K for a 3D model?

>> No.30831152

Guys where the fuck is the Nowa vod I just woke up

>> No.30831158

Existing was already wrong.

>> No.30831163

Yeah that would be amazing, but the man spends entire months editing videos every single day for his high quality videos, which is sadly not possible with the amount of work the talents have to do offstream.
Also, he only streams on Twitch so his Youtube channel only contains his edited videos, but a HoloPro Youtube channel also contains hundreds of different streams so those edited videos are just going to get lost in them.

>> No.30831173

it's pointless because retards will just reply to themselves anyway

>> No.30831176

Sasuga, leadah!

>> No.30831178

some weirdly accented fujobaiter whos not even into games

>> No.30831184

don't forget the most important part
>Thou Shall Report all Bait posts

>> No.30831192

Altare keeps fucking winning by putting shitter chatters in their place.

>> No.30831216

Hopefully he never wakes up ever again

>> No.30831223
Quoted by: >>30831392

I've spent the past ten minutes trying to write a joke about the demon posting in the thread earlier and 4chan thought it was spam.

Just know I was referencing Diablo 2 and it was kind of funny.

>> No.30831224

i don't want any of the boys to get schizos, but honestly, i think altare is the most likely to be able to not give a fuck about it, so at least there's that

>> No.30831231


>> No.30831264

irys redesign never ha ha ha ha
oh i made myself sad..

>> No.30831273

>doing dracula laughter

>> No.30831278

Wow such a bad video oh my god

>> No.30831285

grampa nowa's thumbnails are absolute SOUL

>> No.30831292

You would think is obvious but again, is just them replying to themselves because they didn't get enough (you)s and trying really hard to shit the thread.

>> No.30831328


>> No.30831334


>> No.30831341

No, they don't deserve your love. you should be indifferent at best

>> No.30831356
File: 3.35 MB, 270x203, 1660060480752514.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30831371

I want to post this again because I love this little nigga like you wouldn't believe, check it out:

>> No.30831372

why would you want her to be redesigned? irys is probably the best looking holoen girl by a mile.

>> No.30831379

I feel bad for her cause she doesn't look like how she sounds at all and her fetal alcohol syndrome eyes are off-putting are weird but she's a sweet girl

>> No.30831392

you can just screencap your post and post it as an image
thats how one anon did it

>> No.30831442

Cut both of them

>> No.30831465
File: 524 KB, 2340x3064, 01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm going to use this as the next OP image

>> No.30831509
File: 76 KB, 250x239, 165929399485732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it

>> No.30831514

Don't you dare, sister

>> No.30831545

there's nothing hotter than men in women's underwear

>> No.30831562
Quoted by: >>30831728

its not so much me but irys who wants it though right
she seems to be fighting hard for a redesign
admittedly i am not an irystocrat so correct me if im wrong
the second part of your post is purely subjective however

>> No.30831568


>> No.30831576

Absolute madman

>> No.30831586
Quoted by: >>30831728

Pretty sure when people talk about design they just mean art style.

>> No.30831591
Quoted by: >>30831778

i would normally tell you to knock off the gay shit but honestly? let chaos reign

>> No.30831636


>> No.30831645

never seen this before, I love it

>> No.30831672

Hope someone reports it.

>> No.30831674
File: 586 KB, 1901x1499, 1658685926842870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30831692

>yrw this post actually MANIFESTS
>I'm here to anti Regis. I must anti Regis. My quest is to anti Regis. Regis will cry. I can't fucking stand Regis. Regis. He pisses me off. Regis won't escape. Regis fucked my daughter and took my chili recipe. Regis. I have the mp4 on my MacBook. Regis is a loser nerd with no friends. Regis. This is the thread of Regis. Regis. I'm here. Mom said it's my turn to anti Regis. I'm are here to anti Regis. That's my mission. I hate Regis so much, it's unreal. Regis will be streaming for us. I only know one thing. Regis. I want to anti Regis. I can smell Regis, so I think he's around. This is the copypasta of Regis. I just shit my pants. He's here. Regis. Regis pissed on my keyboard. Regis. He was trying to draw his own face with his piss. Regis is the speed-eating champion in Holostars, South Elysium division. Regis. I won't rest until Regis is defeated. Regis hates fujobaiting and yet he participates in it. Ironic. Regis. Fuckin' piece of shit, I hate that guy. I won't forgive Regis. Regis bought the last spot in the auditions. Regis. Even though he knew I wanted it. I'm going to anti Regis. Regis. Regis can't even drink milk. I know that Regis is here. Regis is team Edward, but I haven't seen Twilight yet, Nowa said it was shit. This is the end for Regis. I should have known Regis was in this thread. Regis won't collab with Stars. Regis will taste my revenge. Regis does a lot of volunteer work. And makes a big impact in his community. Regis. You bitch. I hope Regis doesn't think my Oshi is weird. His opinion means a lot to me. Regis. Regis downloaded a bunch of Sonic porn onto my computer. That's how come it's on there. Regis.

>> No.30831728

yeah. which is the best part. i really do not look forward to the day she downgrades to looking like everyone else.

women having poor taste is nothing new or surprising

>> No.30831745

Ok you got me at the ringo

>> No.30831749
Quoted by: >>30831901

>Regis hates fujobaiting and yet he participates in it. Ironic.

>> No.30831778
Quoted by: >>30831936

he's posing for the ladies

>> No.30831802

I almost choked on my water.

>> No.30831803

This and that pretty old love potion one is a classic.

>> No.30831824
Quoted by: >>30831958

200 more posts, to kill thread
get on it boys

>> No.30831852

the fucking prophecy...

>> No.30831863
Quoted by: >>30831881

Please don't try to provoke jannies, you'll get a thread without OP image if you do that.

>> No.30831881

that's fine

>> No.30831901

Do you watch the streams nigger?

>> No.30831936

of which there are many. vesper sure did take off huh. wonder if hes gonna get impostor syndrome or if he could shake it off.
is axel even capable of getting that

>> No.30831947

I just thought it was funny you queermosexual

>> No.30831958
File: 66 KB, 594x599, thank you grandpa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We have to stay strong for the boys

>> No.30831987
File: 390 KB, 1600x1200, FaIfxzMaAAATmoz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30832000
File: 18 KB, 403x162, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30832121


>> No.30832021

based chaosposter

>> No.30832036

>thought he would go to the gfe route. turns out he's a bro and can a very good streamer

>> No.30832070

I feel like I should be worried about schizo behavior, but honestly? Seeing Altare's face in the catalogue is filling me with glee.

>> No.30832101

>thought he would be a normie but i love the demon king

>> No.30832121

all me

>> No.30832181

I like the AltarexAme porn and I won't pretend I don't, I can self insert as Ame.

>> No.30832198
Quoted by: >>30832396

Yes, it's nice to see him getting some attention, at least, even if it is people embarrassing themselves by trying to find reasons to hate him when they have no idea what he's actually like.

>> No.30832232
File: 1.77 MB, 393x498, inaina.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now this is some good shit

>> No.30832291

A good pick for an anthem for the divegrass team imo

>> No.30832380

LMFAO never seen this

>> No.30832396

I love him and I want to show him to everyone. He's such a little bastard that the context just makes me laugh.

>> No.30832423
Quoted by: >>30832619

>ryonafic where altare force feeds ame bread
hmm too boring
>ryonafic where altare slowly replaces everything ame owns with bread. soon ame finds herself in a house made of bread
ame is the black one right

>> No.30832427
File: 95 KB, 400x400, 1660237680740604.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Headpatting my granpire husband!!

>> No.30832441

haven't catch up to the guys for a while and honestly, i don't feel like it, other than the "a way out" stream everything is just going downhill for me since mori's collab

>> No.30832464
File: 158 KB, 1111x1000, FaCVVZnaUAAsL7_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it fits with him secretly being a demon lord and he causes misery wherever he goes without caring, good shit

>> No.30832467


>> No.30832476
File: 274 KB, 2048x1416, FaJHOOhWAAk_J6R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30832486
File: 270 KB, 960x640, harvesters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We've brought in a very good Magni Noises harvest this season, but we need to sow some horror games to really make it bountiful. Doesn't have to be a quality horror game, I think he'll yield some juicy crops if it's even a basic Unity game.

>> No.30832492
Quoted by: >>30832508

How can I be entertaining and fun to be around like uncle nowa?

>> No.30832508

try posting in /asp/

>> No.30832518

i lold

>> No.30832528

bros i think i'm going gay for altare...

>> No.30832552

>literally yesterday
anon... maybe you're burnt out...?

>> No.30832570
File: 13 KB, 596x121, lol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she lacks critical information

>> No.30832575


>> No.30832579

Alright if we're killing the thread, what would the four boys taste like if you cooked them? Who would be the tastiest?

>> No.30832581


>> No.30832607
File: 337 KB, 1170x735, F80723B5-5DC3-41A4-86FF-70EF9F2EC4D2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate Zoomers

>> No.30832608


>> No.30832618

holy fucking KEK

>> No.30832619
Quoted by: >>30832743

the black one graduated recently, anon...
ame is the blonde one

>> No.30832658

How can anyone compete if Ryan Gosling actually started simping for a vtuber?

>> No.30832683

That Pummel Party collab is one of their best, IMO, and it was literally last night.

>> No.30832699

he'd be boring

>> No.30832714
Quoted by: >>30832758

Imagine if Ryan Gosling ACTUALLY became an Ame gosling?

>> No.30832732

i do feel like baiters reply to themselves after a while so maybe along the lines of reporting would be better. i'm a newfag tho so idk what category i should select for those

>> No.30832743

thats the jork

>> No.30832758

Is Gosling on Fiver or one of those sites you can pay a celeb for a shoutout?

>> No.30832883

The streams suck so bad

>> No.30832913

He's so cool...

>> No.30832959
File: 165 KB, 433x344, 1659229920271265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You deserve everything good coming your way

>> No.30833036

keep it up guys
only 160 posts left to go

>> No.30833051
File: 441 KB, 1265x941, FZB8bFPXEAMRz7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>made this in MS paint probably
i love dumb dog

>> No.30833059

Yep, it checks out

>> No.30833093
File: 2.83 MB, 2048x1279, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30833110

there's nothing to redpill. grognards will grognard. it's a hobby, spend money on little minis or don't. some people complain about the wokeness which is ironic considering it's fundamentally a setting highly critical of conservative right-wing bullshit.

americans don't deserve to interact with games. they just ruin everything because they're unable to think due to a generally low level of education.

>> No.30833138
File: 882 KB, 1200x847, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30833155
Quoted by: >>30833297

Vesper SOTN playthrough...someday...

>> No.30833190
File: 1.56 MB, 1049x1453, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this but vesper

>> No.30833192

tempus and street fashion... it just works...

>> No.30833234
File: 163 KB, 1152x2048, FWUzMfEXwAE2Sgy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/MANS/sisters... this is the type of girl you're competing with...

>> No.30833241
File: 2.83 MB, 1755x2048, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30833252

can i get a timestamp for when regis shits on collab begging arigathanks

>> No.30833265

Nowa looks like someone's wife whose husband is out of town...Free real estate

>> No.30833297
File: 1.12 MB, 1024x1024, 1628888472164.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon... no amount of copium can save you at this point...

>> No.30833306

Why do girls like to use this much filter in their photos

>> No.30833312
Quoted by: >>30833517

it's in the superchat readings at the very end

>> No.30833363

Holy shit I wanna groom her.....

>> No.30833378

I thought it was cute the way Leader and Magni both played damage control/tried to defend Vesper when Axel started popping off in Pummel Party. The four of them have a good dynamic.

>> No.30833416
File: 128 KB, 1000x1000, FZXgsfgaAAELHkz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30833421

Commandment #7 has that covered but that won't stop bitches from samefagging and replying to themselves.

>> No.30833425

Holy shit I want to violently rape her

>> No.30833438

God I wish I was born a woman...

>> No.30833447

Axel's message looks like it was drawn by an actual 10 year old with an orange crayon, god bless this dumb fucking dingo

>> No.30833494

Stop with this madness, bro...

>> No.30833516
File: 1.72 MB, 304x228, VRchat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't let your dreams be memes

>> No.30833517

It was pretty based since he's the one out of the boys whose set the most boundaries so far. Regis seems to understand how to avoid any potential of his chat becoming retarded early.

>> No.30833519


>> No.30833526
File: 3.37 MB, 1925x1315, 0123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30833592

>> No.30833527

why is her left thigh so long?

>> No.30833554
File: 87 KB, 1156x1600, hanging-rope-knot-tied-isolated-white-214690635.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can be born a woman if you reroll

>> No.30833592

Vomit inducing
