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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 391 KB, 1746x1525, FZVVCXcWQAA6Gf_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
30670492 No.30670492 [Reply] [Original]

Spicy Edition
Last thread: >>30663307

>Magni / Altare / Noir / Syrios
Schedule: https://teamup.com/ksgohfodyecndykvxk

>Magni Dezmond
>MAGNATION / Magmates
Live: #MagginTime
Art: #MagniOpus
Memes: #Dezmemes
Clips: #DezClips

>Regis Altare
Live: #AlTogether
Art: #WorkofAlt
Memes: #LaughTare
Clips: #RegiTales

>Noir Vesper
Live: #VesperONLINE
Art: #ScholArt
Clips: #ClipNoir

>Axel Syrios
Live: #Whysosyrios
Art: #Artxel
Memes: #Axeldent
Fan thumbnails: #AxelThumbtails

>> No.30671009
File: 228 KB, 2048x1535, FZn_7YvWAAA81Rh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30671137

Top of the World rips
>Full verison
>Instrumental remix

>> No.30671145

>holostars en general

>> No.30671187
File: 198 KB, 377x349, 1658942582046979.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30671195
File: 23 KB, 291x290, 1659938227283601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's gonna be OK, right bros?

>> No.30671213

Magni put the house on fire again

>> No.30671237

thats when he learns with great power comes great responsibility
is the outro usually this long

>> No.30671239
File: 462 KB, 663x726, 1659848010525172.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30671245
File: 392 KB, 541x566, 1658634935891543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uncle Nowa my beloved

>> No.30671254
File: 277 KB, 900x800, FZ8Q3APXoAAFmdj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30671853

dad and his son!

>> No.30671257

>two hour stream
>has to deal with a literal fucking fire

>> No.30671285

Did he finish the SCs?

>> No.30671284
File: 12 KB, 308x94, chrome_bf4yb9usA4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30671389

>> No.30671291

Just now listening to the song and wow Vesper is autotuned, here's hoping he does his singing reps to sound more natural in next one.

>> No.30671301
Quoted by: >>30671803

Oh fuck what happened?

>> No.30671304
File: 54 KB, 377x349, 1658770538565072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30671307
File: 16 KB, 297x84, saulgoodman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30671389

he's fine

>> No.30671333 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.21 MB, 1306x2315, 1659949188833369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30671336

it was staged

>> No.30671348


>> No.30671385
Quoted by: >>30671425

Bush did it

>> No.30671389
File: 158 KB, 545x480, ca324200_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30671399
Quoted by: >>30671559

Kiara is Nowa’s Neighbor

>> No.30671404

Meanwhile neighbours: https://youtu.be/y2BcMuk8NKA

>> No.30671407
File: 2.35 MB, 1280x720, imBurningUp[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fj0ejfw.webm].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30671506

Uncle Nowa at his neighbors hours right now

>> No.30671410

Jet fuel can't melt demon lords!

>> No.30671425

jet fuel can't melt steel coffins

>> No.30671442

omega started the fire to send a message

>> No.30671453
Quoted by: >>30671591

guy reached so far up his ass to find that excuse he probably tore something

>> No.30671466

>literally burned out
omega I kneel

>> No.30671476
File: 59 KB, 171x272, 2820428D-F6B4-4D1C-8C50-689F18139391.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30671484
File: 288 KB, 1800x1350, 1653902179270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone fluent in mspaint make a meme of that little girl and house burning but it's /MANS/ themed?

>> No.30671506
File: 202 KB, 705x410, 1659850022871159.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

house, fucking auto correct

>> No.30671522

I didn't watch this stream but was aurora borealis suddenly localized entirely to Nowa's kitchen?

>> No.30671554
File: 449 KB, 651x858, soul-out of here.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kneel...
forgive me for mocking your 1 hour limit and joking about burnouts...

>> No.30671559
File: 85 KB, 675x900, 1659635462072337.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30671653

>kiara called her neighbor she
bros... is our uncle our aunt all along?

>> No.30671567
Quoted by: >>30671682

/vt/ gonna look for fire reports in the news to dox Noir kek.

>> No.30671591
Quoted by: >>30671731

why does he need to make an excuse. he mentioned smelling it like half an hour before he ended the stream, it just got worryingly bad

>> No.30671622

I don't have any pictures of Omega smiling or else I'd slap one on there.

>> No.30671625


>> No.30671647

was he cooking steamed hams?

>> No.30671653
Quoted by: >>30671933

She called the neighbor a she so the Vesper Anti KFP wouldn’t burn down the entire Black Forest

>> No.30671663
File: 968 KB, 900x900, 1660279918702390.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30671724

Found this on the catalog a white ago

>> No.30671682

unless his entire neighborhood burned to the ground, it's not gunna make the news anon

>> No.30671685


>> No.30671724

Suitable for this thread’s OP lol

>> No.30671731

why are you biting bait

>> No.30671761


>> No.30671771
Quoted by: >>30672065


>> No.30671803

old people neighbors can't cook without burning stuff

>> No.30671853

this is too cute..

>> No.30671916
File: 50 KB, 842x796, FZ7tD5MaIAMu0Bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30672038

>> No.30671933
File: 2.18 MB, 498x498, 1646583758916.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30672407

That's James. He was sent to the fryers a week ago.

>> No.30672027

I'm gonna be taking a break from /MANS/ because I've been following since debut and its taken over my whole time and I have procastinated my Holostar audition because of it.
Also, dont have much free time, and I fear I'm gonna have to settle for 1 or 2 to watch all the time, and then maybe see the rest in collabs and stuff.

>> No.30672038
File: 77 KB, 842x796, 1660331231582005.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30672176


>> No.30672065


>> No.30672092
Quoted by: >>30672163

oh damn, who asked?

>> No.30672163

my mommy

>> No.30672176
Quoted by: >>30672325

Don't kid yourself anon... we know he has the smallest dick of the group...

>> No.30672193
Quoted by: >>30672270

Stop squandering whatever remaining goodwill that your fellow "I wanna be the guy, too" posters have, anon you nerd
Also good luck

>> No.30672270
Quoted by: >>30672632

>implying these attention whoring /asp/ rejects ever had any goodwill to begin with

>> No.30672325

It's so small that, in fact, he has a vagina

>> No.30672384

I vote "Holostars Tempus General"

>> No.30672407

>KFPs not only know eachother on a first name basis, but exile their rogue actors into the deep fryer gulag
Woah… thanks for update.

>> No.30672423
File: 204 KB, 403x375, pleaseshutup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i must have alzheimers cuz i dont remember asking

>> No.30672459

You vote shit, it's "Tempus General"

>> No.30672482

nice blog

>> No.30672505
File: 459 KB, 1644x2048, 1660248760587295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30672518
Quoted by: >>30672633

heartbreak, heartbreak, you tell me goodbye...

>> No.30672523
File: 433 KB, 235x235, 1658699587814159.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah. They Holostars, make em Holostars. Rep it.

>> No.30672530
Quoted by: >>30672593

my holes feel threatened

>> No.30672593

they're just going to bury you anon dont be afraid

>> No.30672594
Quoted by: >>30672906

I vote Tempest general, O brave new world that has such people in it!

>> No.30672632

When I went back a couple threads to catch up on the infamous vocarooposting last night I didn't expect it to have started with a literal four second long recording of a nineteen year old boy saying "heh r u afraid of girls"

>> No.30672633

does en have persona perms is that jp only

>> No.30672681
Quoted by: >>30672791

The general name is not up for a vote
Dont fucking change it

>> No.30672683

the good guys btw

>> No.30672734
File: 588 KB, 2293x2905, FZ2LzZkUsAEtQrL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30672751


>> No.30672791

Just saying the Holostars name deserves a spot in there. The lads are proud of being Holostars, so fucking rep the name Holostars.

>> No.30672856
Quoted by: >>30673034

Didnt ask
Don’t change it

>> No.30672882
Quoted by: >>30673034

No is no

>> No.30672906
Quoted by: >>30673116

If homoEN2 comes and the fans stay here it eventually eill becone a homo en thread.

>> No.30672948

For any of you that actually went through and submitted an audition for Holostars, how many views does the audition video usually get?

>> No.30672983
File: 84 KB, 965x1428, F6681F01-6386-4305-BF5D-45B21B006F5B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30673042

the hero is cute!

>> No.30673034
File: 2 KB, 125x125, 1659290449619467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just saying "no" instead of giving a good reason
nah fuck you cunts
If our guys will rep the name Holostars, then there's no reason for /MANS/ not to rep it too unless you're all little bitches

>> No.30673042

the sheer fear of leader simply whispering "Dezmond" behind his back is real

>> No.30673088

we can do /MANS/ - Tempus Holostars General

>> No.30673112


>> No.30673116

this is something to think about once it happens, not now. We're still at the 1 hour stream period where it's reasonable to follow an entire gen, this may no longer be the case even for tempus in a couple of months, let alone with another new gen added to it. Global works because it's mainly EN focused and they don't stream.

>> No.30673264
File: 386 KB, 1088x1440, 5BB94230-D677-4546-B41C-553AD0899CC8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

leader-kun cool

>> No.30673269
Quoted by: >>30673446

Stop being a catalog nigger, people keep sharing clips and streams of the JP stars without a single complaint, everyone is happy whenever Rio interacts with Magni and shit like that, the thread is doing what you want already, it's just not displaying in the title for catalogfags to see. Who gives a shit about them.
Will you buy tickets to the second live at least or are you all talk? bitch.

>> No.30673359

go make you "new gen" then retard
I'm just going to keep making /MANS/ and mods will delete your thread and ban you when they realize you're spamming threads nobody is replying to

>> No.30673381

You fags arguing about a thread title or some shit? Women and their hissy fits baka. Reminds me of when /hlg/ changed their name after a holo showed a reddit meme of a 4chan screenshot. That was funny though.

>> No.30673382
File: 1.63 MB, 1343x572, burnoutaieee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we get back to talking about the boys

>> No.30673399

Why are we getting raided by americans again?

>> No.30673405

not to be mean but do people actually watch a streamer saying thank you to superchats all stream long?

>> No.30673445
File: 145 KB, 1300x954, FZtvovTakAch3sk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i mean not really but i make exceptions to tempus because i love them

>> No.30673446
Quoted by: >>30673565

yeah I'll have the money at the time so I'm buying a stream ticket for the live

>> No.30673482

someone made a leader-san edit a couple days ago, if you're desperate enough to do a catalog search

>> No.30673523

actually watch no, have it playing in the background while doing something else in case something interesting is said, sure.

>> No.30673552
File: 630 KB, 3000x3000, FZwFnW-XkAAMLYe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok lads we had discussions few threads ago about (you) being the 5th tempus member so
>your broshi
>what would be your class/role of the party? (i.e healer/buffer etc.)

>> No.30673565
File: 160 KB, 1024x1024, 1659397210711387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good, have some spicy milk then

>> No.30673649
Quoted by: >>30673898

>dual wielding priest

>> No.30673663

no. if noir continues to do sc streams like this i will skip them. i doubt that though

>> No.30673748
File: 370 KB, 787x561, 1660210718370719.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30674120

I repeatedly end up being the token meatshield whenever I play TTRPGs.

>> No.30673783

Don't forget Regis has achieved more success in 21 years on this earth you will in all your life.

>> No.30673816

Probably not, but I'm happy for him all the same

>> No.30673853

I'm married so I doubt it.

>> No.30673867
Quoted by: >>30674120

>Summoner in training. I can summon pet-sized monsters for now

>> No.30673876
File: 16 KB, 311x116, 1659206324593825.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dex based melee DPS

>> No.30673883

>Even more attracted to Regis now that I know he's nearly 10 years younger than me
What is this

>> No.30673898
File: 87 KB, 730x1100, priest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you a physical priest or something? do you heal or focus on dealing holy damage to enemies only? to be fair, magni and uncle nowa is proven to be more of a glass cannon type characters)

>> No.30673924

I would be the bard because I can play different instruments, fite me

>> No.30673935

Uoooohhh ToT

>> No.30673953
Quoted by: >>30674672


>> No.30673976

You have a natural affinity for grooming.

>> No.30673981

I don't want to start a rumor and I don't think this is likely because Holostars would be a downgrade to an already successful person, but does anyone else think there's a lot of weird connections between RubberRoss and Magni on top of them sounding similar?

>> No.30673989

Ever since Axel made fun of fat people, I've been cutting out on eating junkfood but I still need to cut out on bread. Fuck I can't believe being fat shamed can be so healthy. I feel good recently but I hope I don't fall and go back to my shity eating habits.

>> No.30673995

>hako broshi
>necromancer, wizard, warlock, something of that ilk
I have a pretty genuine interest in magic, religion and mysticism and think skeletons are cool. I'm also very pale.

>> No.30673999


>> No.30674039

>Glass cannon magic damage dealer

>> No.30674070

>Fuck I can't believe being fat shamed can be so healthy.
It seriously is. The fat acceptance movement has had disastrous consequences.

>> No.30674099

Are u a newfag, aren't you? We know already who is Magni

>> No.30674107
File: 270 KB, 600x600, 1658280778641601.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30674214

>Roommate speculation when it was figured out before debut

>> No.30674120
File: 334 KB, 1800x1443, FZ9qrOsVQAAujoK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

honestly quite a good choice, i know leader and axel can tank they're pretty skilled DPS so they can just focus on that without having to do tanking while doing dps, i guess a healer would be nice now that it's more rounded

cute! summoners are great for letting their other creatures tank, do you heal the party when you're done setting up summons?

>> No.30674214
Quoted by: >>30674246

No, I just don't really pay attention to these things or care.

>> No.30674218


>> No.30674233

Not only Tempus is entertaining but they're good for society, I'm kind of giving Tempus so much credit, I need to temper my expectations.

>> No.30674242


>> No.30674246
Quoted by: >>30674407

then why'd you bring it up in the first place

>> No.30674248

The big problem is how all or nothing these things are. People are different and respond to stimuli in wildly different ways. If I'm called a fat piece of shit by someone whose opinion I value I'll use that for some self-discipline, but other people will fall into a depression spiral and just exacerbate their issues. No one size fits all answers in regard to the human condition.

>> No.30674255
File: 18 KB, 359x131, 1658485789929363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30674259

>openly theorizing about this when it's the definition of an open secret and you didn't even choose the right guy
dumbchama... your reps... please...

>> No.30674315


>> No.30674324

Everyone who's been here since /mag/ figured out or knows who each Tempus was before their debut with the exception of Axel who was eventually discovered a day or two after. And one of the "leakers" was 80% right about their skill their skill sets so its been mostly open and obtainable knowledge. No need to discuss their roommates.

>> No.30674325
File: 11 KB, 200x200, 1659325215278872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30674637

Based, keep going, anon, you can do it. The most important thing is to cut on liquid calories, in my experience. Stop drinking anything that isn't water for a while and those kilograms will melt.

>> No.30674332

>newbie gains
Vespie /fit/fag confirmed

>> No.30674407
Quoted by: >>30674482

Because I'm watching the Raft stream from a few days ago and thought about the similarities and figured I could either confirm or deny the concept rather easily by getting you all to immediately respond with vitriol.

>> No.30674482

just google it next time, silly

>> No.30674497
File: 104 KB, 952x486, 1630405534520.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew I recognized some of this gay posting. Most of you are from /fit/.

>> No.30674568

melee focused, passive healing by bathing in the blood of my vict- erhm, enemies.
Regis Altare is the one thing I fear in this world.

>> No.30674589
File: 105 KB, 532x480, 1660324654369869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what the FUCK?

>> No.30674637

I wish my sister would quit soda, man. It’s been sad watching her gain a hundred pounds in just five years.

>> No.30674672
File: 174 KB, 1280x1280, 1660261192916400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does that class debuff enemies? i'm only basing this with my ffta knowledge so excuse me

>> No.30674685
Quoted by: >>30674988

Is there such build in Ragnarok? Other than going the Monk path?

>> No.30674704

I wonder how hard it would be to trick Axel into doing this

>> No.30674936

1st of all RubberRoss is an aussie, so if anything he'd be more likely Axel
2nd of all, none of the tempus members sound like Ross AT ALL lmao

>> No.30674946
File: 582 KB, 1925x1315, Fly me to the moon[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ff0rotg.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30674988
File: 332 KB, 748x700, FZ-VgUfUcAIXx-o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30675308

hi! veteran ragnarok player here (and the anon) yes you may have that build! i ran it as well in private servers as well. usually it's a choice between books or mace, we used to use ledger of death (dropped by beel) with either lunatic cards or lord of death cards. (we prioritize the chances to cause Coma status than dealing damage)

for mace we just use turtle general cards (x3) and thanatos card with ifrit rings (complete) to deck the person physically! this was pre-renewal build so it's not meta anymore in renewal i believe!

>> No.30675019

What did he mean by this?

>> No.30675034
File: 2.15 MB, 1920x1080, 1638942972881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30675049
File: 430 KB, 1920x1080, 1632967558193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ban's up

>> No.30675097

>Drawing with Magni

>> No.30675107
File: 10 KB, 218x227, 6dcc89ad_original.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i was wondering why you posted this until i saw the drawing stream wtf i mean... cool i guess?

>> No.30675153

Of course it was going to be Mori first

>> No.30675156

thats... ok reaper ill give you another chance

>> No.30675159
Quoted by: >>30675325

The fuck? It's been a month already?

>> No.30675172

wait its already been a month?

>> No.30675176
File: 589 KB, 3850x2975, bang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30675417

its over

>> No.30675183
File: 29 KB, 720x960, 1659938163255607.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get her away.

>> No.30675186
File: 114 KB, 828x1045, 1648225665877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deadbeats... we made it.

>> No.30675238

yay my 2 faves!!!

>> No.30675248

Haha what if Mori were to suddenly explode mid-stream haha

>> No.30675274
Quoted by: >>30675309

Well that's 1 stream I won't be watching. Hope you guys have fun though.

>> No.30675308
Quoted by: >>30675663

Holy fuck, the cards you need in this build are insane

>> No.30675309



>> No.30675310

mori is essentially a bro so these streams look really cute to me even if some people are gonna be salty about it. i will give the reaper a watch

>> No.30675325
Quoted by: >>30677003

It's been 2 weeks
I guess Stars' ban is different or they're changing the month tradition

>> No.30675378
File: 215 KB, 610x562, 1656097879320.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30675395

please be normal
please dont be the hyperactive “omg my kouhai i need to impress” first time collab mori
just chill out and have a good time please

>> No.30675412

mori and vesper golfing will be fun

>> No.30675417


>> No.30675416

I don't like her, but I'll have to go through it

>> No.30675421
Quoted by: >>30675771

So Bae, HoloID and Ame collabs next week?

>> No.30675442
Quoted by: >>30675528

I can't wait for her to talk like she's talking to retards. That's my favorite part of her streams.

>> No.30675448

I expected ollie to get to them first but I kind of expected this too since she replies to them a lot on twitter.

>> No.30675470

If the ban is over I wonder if any of the JP Stars will start planning collabs.

>> No.30675528

could you imagine her and altare doing that to each other

>> No.30675566

Rio and Magni collab is gonna be so fucking sexy

>> No.30675605

Leader I believe in you. Please give her an experience so bad she'll never want to collab with any of the Tempus bros ever again.

>> No.30675615
Quoted by: >>30678430

I remember Astel asking his manager if he can collab with Axel, I don't remember if he said anything though

>> No.30675619

god please demon lord give her a taste of her own medicine

>> No.30675627


Roberu probably, maybe with all of them and Axel translating most of the stuff

>> No.30675636
Quoted by: >>30675947

That one orc game collab she did with Kronii is one of my top favorite Mori streams of all time, I believe in her.

>> No.30675653

Well i hope we get the collab gauntlet out of the way relatively quickly
with mori calling them her boys, gonna be amusing watching her get oji'd by nowa

>> No.30675663
File: 184 KB, 2109x1243, FZxalPsXEAEd5Xc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is very PvP tryhard exclusive so i don't blame you for being shocked desu! it's not as freaky when you compare this to a high rate/midrate private server but we had a huge list of skills, buffs (food and boxes), items and converters on the ready if we ever go PvPing...it was stressful for me but i love the competition and fighting as a wall to other players (i can healspam while i autoattack) this build is also gimmicky i suppose since ifrit rings can cast tarot cards and get you coma as well

tl;dr physical priests do exist!

>> No.30675720

Plus, they're her direct kohais, it would be weird if their first collab was with Ollie

>> No.30675728


>> No.30675731
Quoted by: >>30675767

is this real?

>> No.30675742

So with Mori kicking the collabs out of the way, if we ever get a DnD campaign she's gonna be the Master not Vesper, sorry guys

>> No.30675746

Oh shit I didn't even notice the drawing with magni when I saw the post

>> No.30675767


>> No.30675771

Tempus would need to approach her for it, and I don't see them doing that any time soon

>> No.30675783

praying for gan-chan and magni drawing stream please

>> No.30675794
Quoted by: >>30675861

>Sexual reliever

>> No.30675810

I don't think she'll ever do one again after her failure with Myth lol
If she did anyway I'd be impressed.

>> No.30675816

Why couldn't the first collab at least be Magni and Rio...
I don't care if Magni can't speak JP, love transcends all languages

>> No.30675836

i want altare to go full tardwrangler on mori and treat her like the dumbest person on earth but i think he might unironically hate women too much to collab with one soon

>> No.30675857

Get the fuck away from nowa you sellout whore.
This bitch isn't content with ruining hololive, noooo, tempus gotta get mori'd too.
Fuck this bitch.

>> No.30675861
File: 3.35 MB, 270x203, leg pain.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sexual reliever

so a bard, gotcha.

>> No.30675880

The golf collab will occupy Nowa's chatting slot in...21 hours, right?

>> No.30675882

Ohhh shit I'm definitely watching that.

>> No.30675909
Quoted by: >>30676039

>Demon Lord Altare subjugates the Reaper

>> No.30675911
Quoted by: >>30675955

>i think he might unironically hate women too much
How can you even type that when he's always trying to protect his sisters

>> No.30675934
File: 763 KB, 1643x1846, 1634387313061.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30676044

>I expected ollie to get to them first

>> No.30675939
Quoted by: >>30676177

She's been pretty good with collabs recently she is also a really good artist if you never seen her art before, she just focuses on music.

>> No.30675940
File: 13 KB, 236x221, 1659021222152697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30675943

Collab in general are not my thing but that bitch is worse than most
I don't know if not watching will have any impact if they do more in the future but I hope so

>> No.30675947

i…uh. ok you know what anon if you liked it you liked it wont take that away from you

>> No.30675955

it's different if it's your sister duh

>> No.30675960

could she really have not waited for the StarsJP collabs to happen first
did she really, really have to make it all about her

>> No.30675973

no, chat is at 18GMT/10PDT

>> No.30675995

Yeah right after they finish the one with Myth!

>> No.30676018


>> No.30676039


>> No.30676044

maybe collabs permitted within EN only for now?

>> No.30676055
File: 341 KB, 486x411, 1660277050462997.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will watch anything my uncle is in, even if its with the brap queen herself.

>> No.30676058

not even you believe this post

>> No.30676065

But StarsJP aren't their direct senpais, it's holoEN lmao

>> No.30676090

That isn't a thing.

>> No.30676101
Quoted by: >>30676158

That doesn't even make sense when EN is the most restrictive branch in the entire company

>> No.30676107

I don't mind StarsJP not being the first collab so long as it's ID

>> No.30676122

I guess chat into golf or maybe chat will be canceled for the golf?

>> No.30676128


Stop being assholes, geez, these guys probably like her and WANT TO collab with her.

>> No.30676129

bullshit, they're Holostars Tempus
Holostars are absolutely their direct senpais

>> No.30676158
Quoted by: >>30676218

>That doesn't even make sense
did you forget which company we are talking about?

>> No.30676159
Quoted by: >>30676194

just incel things.

>> No.30676171

Where the fuck do you come from?

>> No.30676177

im aware. she drew that thing for sana amongst other things
i liked her in the sports fest where she was real candid about things. chill mori is good mori
other times where she acts patronizing to others is not a fun time
dont make it weird mori.

>> No.30676194

go back, tourists

>> No.30676198
File: 24 KB, 385x385, 1659844984587086.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i agree but stop typing like this

>> No.30676197
File: 1.29 MB, 1182x1212, lltk.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Long live the king

>> No.30676218

No I didn't which is why I know they'd sooner block SENxEN before IDxSEN if such a thing were to even happen at all

>> No.30676221

i agree, filter the femcels so we can have our brotuber paradise

>> No.30676227

Bros I'm burning out, I've already missed like 3 or 4 of the boys stream. How can I keep up.

>> No.30676234

she is the cringelord of EN
I cant stand her more than 2 mins

>> No.30676246

> Sorceror 16/Paladin 6
I want to be the smite bot for the team while proccing Aura of protection all the time.

>> No.30676256

>leader-san but if i'm in tempus i won't be playing favourites
>probably a seer/oracle, support/utility focus

>> No.30676276
Quoted by: >>30676380

they definitely like her, they've mentioned her a ton already! i don't know why it would be surprising that she wanted to collab with them considering how much of a tomboy she is too lol

>> No.30676287

I'd honestly rather have Ollie blast my ears than listen to another Shrek Jojo Sandler meme

>> No.30676338


>> No.30676365


>> No.30676367

I've never bothered to watch every single stream, not even from the Holomems that I'm a big fan of. There simply just isn't enough time to watch every stream.

>> No.30676371
File: 303 KB, 892x587, 1632980904067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30676380

shut up Mori youre not funny

>> No.30676383
Quoted by: >>30676475

People suggesting that should Regis be rude to her in stream if they do collab are the weirdest.
Is like some sort of incel projection.

>> No.30676408

It is how they did with IRyS, two weeks for collabs within EN, one month for the rest

>> No.30676418

Unironically this

>> No.30676442
File: 1.62 MB, 1000x563, Roberu gatekeeping [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flkwq1i.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30676449
File: 1.06 MB, 2500x2500, 1658562545120516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30677154

It was fun while it lasted boys

>> No.30676456

God I wish *I* was his whore...

>> No.30676475
Quoted by: >>30676573

>People suggesting that should Regis be rude to her in stream
All that's being suggested is Altare do to Mori what she's been doing to everybody else. If that is considered being 'rude' then doesn't that also mean that Mori is being rude to everyone else?

>> No.30676485

/vt/ just hates a successful, hardworking, consistent, entertaining idol for some reason just because her main type of music is rap, mori is the very definition of an idol and she still gets hate for no reason at all just because she likes rap and not playing into what the unicorns want.

>> No.30676513

I hope the streams are fun.

>> No.30676515

my prediction is that the collabs will be fine

>> No.30676557
Quoted by: >>30676704

>Uncle Nowa
>Baggace carrier

>> No.30676573

No, because you are guys are asking him to do it maliciously and to make her feel bad, which is not her intention when she talks the way she does.

>> No.30676575

kys tourist

>> No.30676580

The collabs will of course be fine. I have no beef with Mori, only deadbeats. They're weird.

>> No.30676579

they both speak english
it'll be fine
no more cocoxmoona

>> No.30676582

pray for kino
prepare for cringe

>> No.30676583

Mori is a blight on the whole company. I dislike her in a professional sense and a personal sense. Unlike you newfags I remember all the stupid shit she pulled.
She really should sort her mess of a life out and then MAYBE I could tolerate her.

>> No.30676610

I simply am probably not going to watch those collabs until after the fact, maybe.

>> No.30676627

what stupid shit did she pull

>> No.30676633

They will be, I believe both Nowaoji and Mag would be able to perform up to standards even if Mori in the room is with them.

>> No.30676647

okay fake fan, feel free to go back

>> No.30676685
Quoted by: >>30676778

Engaging with that NTR comic on twitter was really the only tacky thing she's done, and she seems to clearly regret having done that.

>> No.30676692
Quoted by: >>30677077

imagine actually believing this

>> No.30676700
File: 89 KB, 1863x409, Mori.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm surprised nobody has posted the copypasta list yet.

>> No.30676704
Quoted by: >>30676935

You may laugh at the type of player character ypu just put here but it's an actual build in D&D, I think it's barbarian bear totem since there's a feature where you only carry half the weight of what you're actually carrying.

>> No.30676721
File: 16 KB, 360x360, FZ7v27-aQAA_EeH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same or maybe watch the clippers instead lol

>> No.30676724
File: 127 KB, 1200x750, 1607633801929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30676839

Mori doesn't care about Hololive.

>> No.30676751
Quoted by: >>30676830

>fake fan
This, if you don't catch it live, you're a poser and need to leave this gen forever.

>> No.30676778

that honestly the only "bad" thing I can recall her doing and the fact people are still pissed at it is retarded

>> No.30676800
Quoted by: >>30677077

Probably talking about the TT podcast stuff that was most likely Cover's idea to get a in with Kadokawa which got them the bookwalker sponsorships later.

>> No.30676805
File: 877 KB, 1293x962, this cant wait a month.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30676882

Mori refused to wait a month for the ban to be lifted and pulled some strings

>> No.30676818
File: 1.68 MB, 1200x1200, 1641317365403.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30676867

away you tourists

>> No.30676827

/stars/ senpais...

>> No.30676830

t. tourists

>> No.30676832

The leanposting
The 5% line
The cr1tikal stuff
The infamous persona permissions onegai stream
The off-collab party

just to name a few
Oh, and besides that good ol' habitual alcohol abuse
A moodiness unmatched in all of Holopro EN
The egregious "dance" in Holofes
At least second please in unintentional yabbing.

Her only positive with me is her vidya autism, and that's more of a personal than professional thing.

>> No.30676837
File: 2.40 MB, 2303x1881, 1658680432168.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will be on this board for the eventual schizophrenic shit flinging that will result from these collabs. Other than that i'm gonna enjoy watching my uncle Nowa.

>> No.30676839
File: 142 KB, 500x600, End of Mythgelion[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Flex1bo.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30676867 [SPOILER] 
File: 496 KB, 989x1142, bunnyboimagsfw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i want to pound his ass...

>> No.30676874

>mori mention
>thread instantly turns to shit
really makes you wonder

>> No.30676882

Maybe she asked since she is in the states right now and times would work out better?

>> No.30676887

just ignore the incels

>> No.30676915
Quoted by: >>30677345

I'm probably a huge newfag, but I really don't care for all the rrats or perceived slights Calli has committed against cover. If their stream is entertaining, I'll watch it. If not, I'll just watch do something else. I know a lot of oldfags are unicorns, and I don't think there's anything wrong with that, but holy shit their complaints take up 95% of the catalog

>> No.30676924
Quoted by: >>30677077

>second please
of course it's a fucking ESL

>> No.30676931
File: 344 KB, 849x1200, 1637314390716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think Uncle Nowa should collab with Axel instead

>> No.30676935
File: 127 KB, 1366x1220, Big backpack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30677040

I'm not laughing, I just want to carry stuff around in a big backpack

>> No.30676958

Dont be worried, the people who hate on Mori is just one same fag that did the same thing with Kiara.

>> No.30677003
Quoted by: >>30677052

Cover could be seeing potential in Tempus and wants to supplement their growth with in-house networking.

>> No.30677006

It's dead hours, anon. Next stream is in about what, 5 hours? Close the website, go do your chores or have a little nap, do your reps or your work. There is nothing to catch here, hype can't sustain this thread all day anymore.

>> No.30677019
File: 424 KB, 2250x2147, FZp3J2GagAEU7JL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30677217

would you mag on shortstack yandere leader-chan, anon?

>> No.30677040

So cute, Reminds me of that one character in metal slug, when you shoot her backpack, she shits out guns or points

>> No.30677052
Quoted by: >>30677379

>supplement their growth with in-house networking
Good job with making them collab accessories to Mori then.

>> No.30677056
File: 48 KB, 620x575, 1658953482899805.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30677233

>The egregious "dance" in Holofes
really grasping at straws here, theyre gonna collab and it's gonna be fine

>> No.30677062
File: 364 KB, 1200x675, 1655199529217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where's my >male koikatsu cards

>> No.30677073
Quoted by: >>30677242

is there any way to buy the top of the world single or is it streaming only?

>> No.30677074

Mage/Healer. My reflexes aren't great, so I'm usually better playing support/attacking from a distance.

>> No.30677077
Quoted by: >>30677265


Yeah yeah everyone who doesn't agree with me is an incel or whatever. I
Refer to >>30676832
It's a mistype, fren. While yeah, I'm ESL, this should be obvious. Could've also been a classic auto correct mistake for all you know.
I'm C1 btw.

>> No.30677101

I, for one, will not do not care what the incels think and will enjoy a fun collab between uncle nowa and mori.

>> No.30677134

Thanks for letting us know, friend

>> No.30677141
Quoted by: >>30677307

>the leanposting

and already dropped.
you guys are retards and hold grudges over the stupidest tiny things

>> No.30677144

as you should.

>> No.30677148
Quoted by: >>30677429

is stuff like this cringe or kino?

>> No.30677154
Quoted by: >>30677271

jaded /mans/ speedrun

>> No.30677194

>muh incels
twitterfags couldnt be more obvious

>> No.30677215

Why do you type like that?
Anyway she's the worst EN by far and a garbage human being

>> No.30677217
Quoted by: >>30677449

I feel like she would kill me before I could even fin

>> No.30677233
Quoted by: >>30677618

Or it won't be. Mori usually sucks at collabs, it is known. Just ask the other place.
Even if there won't be some stupid drama, i don't have anything to gain from a Nowa/Axel x Mori collab. She brings nothing to the table.

>> No.30677242
Quoted by: >>30677578

It will become available on iTunes, etc. August 13th, so just wait until midnight and you can buy it.

>> No.30677254
Quoted by: >>30677859

Is this the only insult you know?

>> No.30677258

lel, none speak english.

>> No.30677265
Quoted by: >>30677559

The only thing on that list that might of had any consequence was the Atlus perms thing. The 5% thing is out of context and wasn't even true even when taken out of context and rest literally doesn't matter.

>> No.30677271

I thought I had at least a month of just kino with the boys...

>> No.30677284

fujosisters where art thou
please save us

>> No.30677307

>you guys
>just couple of posts ITT shitting on her out of 88IPs by now and god knows how many lurkers
Most people couldn't give less of a crap. That poster is obviously a globalturd tourist, c'mon...

>> No.30677322

why are you a woman

>> No.30677330

>page 1
>92 IPs
surely there's no tourists right?

>> No.30677345

They're bringing their prior experience with her over.
It's been months since I last watched her. All I can say is, I hope she's gotten better than how she was when I dropped her, for the sake of the boys. We have a good thing going here.

>> No.30677346
Quoted by: >>30677714

Maybe >we should start gayposting to get rid of the deabeats

>> No.30677367

Mori Calliope does not care about Hololive.

>> No.30677370
Quoted by: >>30677594

Where is this even from? This isn't on her twitter or community tab or free chat stream. Members peek?

>> No.30677377

so the burnout isn't for the boys but for the fans

>> No.30677379

there's no way they can get them to collab with Gura or Kiara, so of course Mori is the best choice

>> No.30677396

Why does it have to be her every single goddamn time?

>> No.30677414 [SPOILER] 
File: 1.61 MB, 2250x2184, 1659768135939504.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30677628


>> No.30677425
File: 1.85 MB, 1306x2315, B8BC9381-C228-494F-98C9-C827020F324A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30677429
File: 37 KB, 900x900, chadni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's SOVLkino, or any other funny way you could say it's cool

>> No.30677438

go back, tourist

>> No.30677449
File: 248 KB, 350x326, WHATSMAGGINON.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a-anon? ANON??

>> No.30677465

>female is relevant
>thread automatically goes to shit
Why can't we just have pure boys?

>> No.30677489

Bae or Ollie would have been better

>> No.30677502

this is why we keep the boys and girls separate

>> No.30677537

we won homobeats

>> No.30677546

because incels gotta freak

>> No.30677550

The fuck happened to commandments?
Are all of you a bunch of heretics?

>> No.30677559
Quoted by: >>30677706

If habitual alcohol abuse on stream isn't something to worry about then I'd be very interested in your line of work. Those snotty Johny sniff a line of coke in the bathroom before operating the forklift, while you and your buddys smoke a joint in the employees only area?

Some Holos drink regularly on stream, and do so excessively. Mori is one of them. I hate that. If it's an announced occasion like a "birthday" then that's a different story.

>> No.30677576
File: 35 KB, 487x174, ihatewomen1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big this. we should kill all women, really

>> No.30677578
Quoted by: >>30677700

itunes is basically drm through right? i like using foobar for music

>> No.30677589

are nijifniggeresses for real?

>> No.30677594

Members peek as usual. And she already tweeted about the vesper collab

>> No.30677595

they are not true believers

>> No.30677598

It'll be perfectly fine, if somewhat boring, except for the fact that Mori will say one or two things that are extremely insulting but entirely without insulting intent, which will be clipped and shared around all over the place.
AKA, the usual.

>> No.30677602
File: 191 KB, 1049x1488, magladchan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shota mag

>> No.30677613


>> No.30677616
Quoted by: >>30677633

hope you guys will enjoy your constant mori, ollie and bae collabs. they're your problem now

>> No.30677618
Quoted by: >>30677815

>he takes every Mori ruined the collab post seriously
ive watched plenty of mori, at worst itll be mediocre and people will shitpost about it for a few hours until they get bored

>> No.30677628

>nowa will never suck the life out of your dick

>> No.30677633


>> No.30677636
Quoted by: >>30677692

maybe if boys didnt have a freakout when women showed up

>> No.30677638

Shitposting upswing was a given with the collabs anon. Now we wait for the collabs to be just standard, probably subpar, nothingburger streams and let the faggots scurry back to catalog with rrats for non stream watchers. Such is the /vt/ cycle

>> No.30677668
Quoted by: >>30677819

No one takes you cringe shit seriously retard

>> No.30677692

just stay in your lane femcel

>> No.30677698

It's because OP is a retard and forgot to put Tempus in the subject

>> No.30677700

iTunes was just an example. It should go up on pretty much all the major music platforms, so you should be able to pick whichever one you prefer.

>> No.30677703
File: 163 KB, 998x1648, 1644958316730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being hetero woman is le bad

>> No.30677704
File: 82 KB, 640x480, FD4E286C-90E5-465F-905E-74022576907E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30682093

/ΜΑΝS/ Commandments.
>1. Why not merge with /stars/?
Thou shall not override the discussion of thy neighbor.
>2. Do you guys want collabs with Hololive?
It is not of our concern.
>3. Do you guys want collabs with Nijisanji?
It is not of our concern.
>4. Did you guys see the boys numbers?
It is not of our concern.
>5. You guys should split the thr-
Thou shalt not.

>> No.30677706

Did you actually compare operating heavy equipment while on drugs/drunk to drinking while streaming?

>> No.30677709
Quoted by: >>30677811

why are people so weird
i dont like mori but my preference doesn't mean anything. gonna support the boys no matter what they do or who they wanna work with. simple as

>> No.30677714

I can tell you from experience that this doesn't work

>> No.30677736
File: 1.22 MB, 1053x1079, 1637274146430.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That explains everything.

>> No.30677740

how bad can it be anyway

>> No.30677748
File: 769 KB, 1280x716, 1636093143641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.30677765

It's already started since last night when after Bae listened to the Tempus Orisong, she told the unicorns in her chat to grow up about Tempus collabs in a thinly veiled "we WILL collab and you WILL like it" stance. Now /hlgg/ is having their own schizo meltdown and the usual whataboutism and muh hypocrisy posting with the mori schedule.

>> No.30677768
File: 231 KB, 500x483, 1660244854920496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i thlammed my penith in the car door

>> No.30677783
File: 1.09 MB, 600x338, 1642534518248.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30677789

Is it still called a womb tattoo if it's on a guy?

>> No.30677796

Already have

>> No.30677811
File: 114 KB, 1200x1352, 1650992672963.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We're mostly just shitposting because dead hours, if something actually bad happens you'll notice the difference.

>> No.30677815
File: 600 KB, 1106x539, Morio Party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30678365

At worst they play Mario Party and someone graduates.

>> No.30677814

what's wrong with his pubes??

>> No.30677819

Yeah! Why keep things civil, let shitpost instead. That's not cringe.

>> No.30677826

good. schizophrenic fucks need to go watch JP or something since that culture panders more towards their mental illness. No need to ruin it for everyone else.

>> No.30677846
Quoted by: >>30677887

i want magni having a womb tattoo too...the thought alone made me horny as hell

>> No.30677851

Oh my god his model is sex

>> No.30677859

If you say you're an incel then I will stop making you seethe by calling you that.

>> No.30677870

Incel has lost all meaning like every other buzzword beaten into the ground

>> No.30677887
Quoted by: >>30678044

holy fuck magni womb tattoo is gonna make me nut

>> No.30677894
Quoted by: >>30678012

I think Tempus is turning me gay. Before I just wanted to rape Magni but now I want to hold hands with Nowa...

>> No.30677916
File: 2.82 MB, 1280x720, 1655707871766.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30678065

Would you?

>> No.30677944

I mean, half of EN also goes that direction so far, so I don't really see the point of that post.
Which, no skin off my back.

>> No.30677983


>> No.30677998

Sure there is a lot of Not-Tempus discussion right now.

>> No.30678012

With the gloves on or off, anon? Because wanting to hold his gloveless hand is really lewd...

>> No.30678029

will you stop bullying me when i say im rubbing my pussy to uncle noir streams

>> No.30678031

oh and /#/fags have upped their doomposting towards clocks regarding Kronii's numbers on Global. It's funny how everything is looking like... dare I say... AN ALL OUT WAR (lmao)

>> No.30678044
File: 124 KB, 976x1092, FZ2OfISacAEIvBM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30678132

manifesting for drawanons to indulge this thought of mine...i can't draw lewds otherwise i would've made a ryona leader/magni doujin at this point

>> No.30678065
File: 2.50 MB, 2342x3300, E-tSL_8VcAAuIen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30678229

Yeah I would

>> No.30678080

Sure, just please post some gay ass pics

>> No.30678090

Man i like the one hour format streams.
I missed the past 5 streams of vesper and today i caught up easily while playing genshin. I understand now, i see the light

>> No.30678089

What the hell else are we going to talk about apart from upcoming streams with fucking Mori out of all people?

>> No.30678093
Quoted by: >>30678394


>> No.30678114

before i didn't want girls around vesper, now I've done a complete 180 and dont want vesper to be tainted. Is that weird?

>> No.30678115


>> No.30678127

Why can't hiromoot just nuke this shitty fucking board

>> No.30678132
Quoted by: >>30678241

>tfw i know i put the ryona leader/magni thought in your head

>> No.30678178

Hmm magni mating press, nowa sex

>> No.30678207
Quoted by: >>30679529

I'm into dark skinned guys so yes.

>> No.30678212
File: 157 KB, 1602x2048, 1659844677672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30678229
Quoted by: >>30678574


>> No.30678241
File: 77 KB, 706x808, FZ8x16UacAAaF7A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

curse you sister it's living rent free in my head and the fact we're gonna have another leader/collab stream is making my head dizzy from all the delusions i'm making up...it's so eroi...ahh...

>> No.30678253

Hype, looking forward to it. Don't usually watch her but I think their interactions will be funny

>> No.30678264


>> No.30678270

Bae... you need to grow up first

>> No.30678273

this is one of the /MANS/ commandments in my headcanon

>> No.30678301

just watched the orisong and nowa got modded so hard he sounds like a vocaloid
nice cute listen though

>> No.30678302

I need to be RAPED by Tempus.
Yes, I said NEED. Not WANT, but NEED.
And yes, I said RAPED. Not "make love to" or "have sex with". I said R. A. P. E. RAPE.
With capital R for RESPECT which I want NONE of, I wanna be dececrated by them.
With capital A for ANIMALISTIC, I want them to release their inner beast and ravage my body.
With capital P for PAIN, I want them to take off their anger, their pent up emotions, all the stress from the daily vtubing and hololive life out on me.
With capital E for EXTREME, I want them to dig deep into their darkest, most pervert fantasies, and use me as a vessel to finally execute them.
Axel Syrios, Regis Altare, Magni Dezmond and Noir Vesper. I want all of them to have a turn with me.
I don't care who goes first and who goes last, and if they go for doubles, then even better.
It's not about me, it's not if I'm pleased, it's all for them and until they are satisfied.
They don't have to care about me, not even akwnoledge I'm a human being with real feelings and dreams, for them, I'm just another toy, and so I will oblige.

>> No.30678327
File: 391 KB, 989x1142, 1660262232022585.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30678429

*leader/magni oh ffs


>> No.30678352

>rubbing my pussy to uncle noir streams
I watch the boys occasionally but don't stop over here too often because I'm more of a girls guy, but how the fuck is it possible to find that man erotic, he's a fucking geek, man's a huge nerd, I like the guy because of that but how's he hot?

>> No.30678365
File: 197 KB, 1280x1280, 1628951071107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they schedule mario party then ill worry

>> No.30678382
Quoted by: >>30678480

Nope, I heard about the upcoming Mori collab /here/ I do not watch any council member. Tempus has been the first time I had genuine fun with HoloEN in a long while, now those fucking bitches who worked very hard on ruining Myth and Council want to get their slimy hands on the boys as well. Fuck them.

>> No.30678394
Quoted by: >>30678630



>> No.30678410
File: 1.06 MB, 1280x1280, yaboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This kinda works toward my agenda, Mori THINKS she will be playing golf but Uncle but little does she know he'll be probing her for info for his scholarly studies. This is all an elaborate plan for our Papa's endgame: UNCLE NOWA INTERVIEWS ALL OF HOLOLIVE and then? THE WORLD

>> No.30678429


>> No.30678430

He was told to wait until Monday for a reply.

>> No.30678435
Quoted by: >>30678732

the last one was so cute with leader babying magni for an hour in the beginning but i want more hardcore bullying... i need more bullying... magni bullying is best done by leader it's just the truth...

>> No.30678459
File: 167 KB, 1500x1500, FZ9ZIpFVsAEKP3P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30678794

anon some of us see nerds geeking the shit out of what they're passionate about is hot, plus he has glasses and he's older so...

>> No.30678480

Regis will wrangle the boys from being dirtied by the whores. I believe.

>> No.30678515

Just listen to the ori song, it was too short and noir only got one line.
Into the trash it goes.

>> No.30678551

>too short
you watched the 1 min version on youtube didnt you

>> No.30678568
Quoted by: >>30678794

a femanon but NTA. i've always had a huge fetish for nerdy men that take care of themselves since I was a teen. Man hits all the buttons for me.

>> No.30678574


>> No.30678587

he has a nice voice, he is older (unironically daddy age), he is sweet, i like him

>> No.30678605

That's the short version, the full song is only on Spotify until midnight tonight:

>> No.30678630


>> No.30678649
Quoted by: >>30678783

>Only on Spotify for a day
For what purpose?

>> No.30678685
File: 1.55 MB, 2000x2000, 1659213265408345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The hornyposting filters tourists, keep it up sisters.

>> No.30678717
Quoted by: >>30679135

>Up for a day
Where the fuck did they say that?

>> No.30678721

Does Mori often talk about the boys and their activities in any way, or is she simply wearing them as accessories against muh unicorn strawman?
Fubuking asking Nowa to put on the glasses and then later talking on twitter about topics from Nowa's stream, indicating that she was still around long after interacting, as well as retweeting and replying to art of the boys? That's cute.
Some random ho talking about how they're gonna collab and her paypigs are gonna like it, and need to be better if they don't want that, while she hasn't been relevant to their activities in any way whatsoever and nobody from the other side particularly cares about having her around? That's cringe.
Which group is Mori closer to?

>> No.30678724
Quoted by: >>30678821

Wait, it's true then that women don't like younger men or prefer them older? Why?
Or you just have daddy issues?

>> No.30678732
File: 471 KB, 900x900, FZz-YxTWAAMl7Ez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same i want leader bullying mag more also magni clearly likes it too lol...i will never let go with the fact magni namedropped leader as what "captures" his heart...i ain't never...leader/magni is just GOOD

>> No.30678778
Quoted by: >>30678917

>sweet and gentle and careful
>has a shy and anxious prudish side
>super passionate about the things he's into
>extremely knowledgable, has a wide range of interests
>honest, earnest, hardworking, caring
>older man, but still seems vulnerable and approachable
he's CUTE

>> No.30678783

No, Spotify exclusive until tonight when it goes up on other platforms. Probably to focus on getting the most streams on the most popular platform.

>> No.30678794

Huh. Never woulda thought. I figured there was some love for the other ones because
>the soft voice and decent attitude
>the bullyable brat
>the fuckable dumbass
all made sense, but I never knew there was a thing for "older hobbyist."
Good to know. You learn something new every day.

>> No.30678810

I'm gonna draw Altare Ryona, but he is going to punch the fuck out of femanons.
A good compromise, we can all cum to that.

>> No.30678821

Most girls like older guys, anon...

>> No.30678842
Quoted by: >>30679628

The first one, just look how she dropped Rikka like a sack of potatoes after their collab.

>> No.30678872

She's been talking with/about them since day one, but nothing too deep, who knows her true intentions

>> No.30678884
Quoted by: >>30680700

i would save it as a special treasure, thanks anon

>> No.30678907

Why? Men mostly avoid older women unless it's their fetish.

>> No.30678917
Quoted by: >>30679073

>+ he listens and will remember something from an interaction he had with a person for years like a hobby/interet of theirs
for women this is important

>> No.30678967

Mori is closer to Fubuki than to the theoretical "dramasister" you're describing, but not like, SUPER close to what Fubuki did.
She interacts on Twitter, dropped into the streams a few times, nothing huge, but she also didn't hype up the whole
>"OH, I'm GONNA collab with them, and you'll have to DEAL WITH IT, BABIES"
thing like some people perceived Bae as doing(whether she did or didn't isn't my wheelhouse to judge, I don't watch her often enough to know).

>> No.30678976
File: 263 KB, 600x600, fab06f01_original.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon i am a diehard magni oshi and love him because i love (TALL) submissive bratty men though i'm just giving my perspective as to why uncle nowa is attractive. i mean he's still hot for me but i share the same wavelength with magni so i prefer him more

>> No.30678993

But everyone told me older men with younger women is creepy...

>> No.30679014

Most guys like younger women
Most girls like older men

How is that hard to get when they compliment eachother.

>> No.30679032

i will still call you a prodigious harlot, but know its from a place of love

>> No.30679046

Only older women say this

>> No.30679052

>favorite streamer collabing with worst hololive member
oh god why?

>> No.30679066

Hi, Mori. Please learn to blend in.

>> No.30679073
Quoted by: >>30679149


>> No.30679090
Quoted by: >>30679256

Depends on age gap and how young the girl is

>> No.30679093
Quoted by: >>30679217

>Mori close to Fubuki in any way whatsoever
Maybe if she wisens up and fixes herself.
She can't compete with the hag of integrity.

>> No.30679135
Quoted by: >>30679200

"only on Spotify" as in not on any other platforms. It gets added to the others at midnight tonight

>> No.30679142

please...do...i need it

>> No.30679149

I cannot spell it out for you, wizard.

>> No.30679158
Quoted by: >>30679401

I expected it coming at some point but it hurts that it's so fucking soon and the first collab instead of a Star.

>> No.30679173

i'm sorry bro but northernlion will never collab with hololive

>> No.30679200

oh duh, my bad

>> No.30679206

>ever comparing Mori to Fubuki
She wishes. She probably thinks it's some never-before-seen move.

>> No.30679215

imo it depends on the age gap, there is some weird shit if she was below 20 and clinging to a 30 year old man lol i like dudes 5~10 years older than me and only at that limit

>> No.30679217
Quoted by: >>30679368

don't you mean... improves herself..?

>> No.30679226
File: 334 KB, 1417x1890, 1660215787831557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30679288

daddy issues, which tend to be the most common reason, but there are a lot of other reasons, ranging from aethetics and the like, I guess.

>> No.30679254

Schedule anon, I implore you, PLEASE put the collabs streamed on channels outside of tempus on the schedule, I rely so much on your work that I have to ask this, PLEASE

>> No.30679256
File: 476 KB, 524x549, 1642714392531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30679346

It's all bullshit at the end of the day.
Apparently is creepy for me to want a relationship with a girl 5 years younger than me but a casual hookup with one that's 10 years younger than me, it's ok and a good experience for her.
My brothers, do not listen to age gap bullshit.

>> No.30679263

Morris been in there chats quite a bit and supporting on Twitter. Don’t know about her streams but you don’t need to talk to other streamers on it.
The man thing too take away is that we should all be happy this isn’t like starsjp, who would of killed for this livejp originally.

>> No.30679288

it's not even that, why date young guys when most of them act like the incels in this thread, no job, no money, no ambition, and emotionally immature, bleh

>> No.30679302

For us he's something like.. James Rolfe kind of nerd that invokes nostalgia/familiarity y'know. In their eyes he's more like Henry Cavill type of nerd. I don't fucking know, I'm just assuming.

>> No.30679303
File: 106 KB, 611x1003, FZzzumvVQAEZKrX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have an important question to you anons:
>would you fish with uncle nowa?
>would you join him golfing?

>> No.30679346
Quoted by: >>30679423

>but a casual hookup with one that's 10 years younger than me, it's ok and a good experience for her.
Who the fuck says that, thats even more creepy

>> No.30679354

Duh yes to both

>> No.30679368

You guys still hung up on dumb shit dumb girls say?
Ame grows mushrooms, she's based in my book.

>> No.30679382
Quoted by: >>30679888

fishing, I'd just chill on a boat, listening to him talk about whatever

>> No.30679401

None of the stars bother to check if they were allowed too until Astel did today. And he has to wait for an answer on Monday due to it being a holiday

>> No.30679403
Quoted by: >>30679558

>I'm a leech

>> No.30679413

I'd go hang out with a friend, even if it was something I didn't particularly care about, so stuff like that is fine by me.

>> No.30679414

i would love to fish with Uncle Nowa, ive only mini golfed before but I'm sure he would make macro golfing fun

>> No.30679423

I rejected a girl because the age different and people told me it was unnecessary since it was just casual sex.
Women were telling me this mind you.

>> No.30679441

My peak fantasy, is us sitting in silence as we stare at the lawn we just mowed.
Nothing like enjoying a freshly mowed lawn with someone.

>> No.30679456

Ask him if he wants to play some Street Fighter Alpha 3 or Vampire Savior with me? Yeah, I would

>> No.30679486

I have never went fishing or golfing but I would gladly let Uncle Nowa teach me about it

>> No.30679522

The women telling you that were groomed as teens

>> No.30679529

>There are coal burners here

>> No.30679532

That works for me, sounds cool, then. Will watch the collabs.
It just bothers me when I see this kind of "rebellious" cross branch collab that just really look like the woman making it about her, instead of the woman being genuinely interested in and wanting to support the boys. Fubuki added to the stream with her interaction, and later showed that she was actually interested in the stream, despite naturally not even being able to understand large chunks of it. As opposed to showing up in chat, saying some random crap nobody cares about, making everyone talk about her in chat, and then fucking off and not being aware of anything they have said on stream so far.

>> No.30679536
File: 162 KB, 1516x1251, FZiSsOcVQAAOqlU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

finally out of the work
let's see what we got
>ban lifted
>whori wigger will collab with nowa
>nowa burned out
jesus christ

>> No.30679558
Quoted by: >>30679592

k, it's man's job to provide, I'm trad like that

>> No.30679569

I haven't made time to go fishing for a few years, so that'd be a nice excuse and I'm sure the conversation we had would be nice. Would also be nice to have him teach me how to gold.

>> No.30679575
File: 1.89 MB, 1200x1200, unknown-30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd prefer fishing since I don't know how to golf, but either is fine with me.

>> No.30679592

ok incel

>> No.30679601

I'm going to riot if that whore infects Nowaoji with retarded ideas.

>> No.30679603
Quoted by: >>30681275

I don't think you are in a position to talk about emotional maturity when your first thoughts were job and money. Fortunately for them, rich men that are emotionally mature know how to avoid a gold digger. Unfortunate for you though.

>> No.30679607

Give it a try then, report back if Moris... flavor of streaming is something for you. I doubt it. She's a walking sunken cost fallacy and normalfag magnet at this point.

>> No.30679615
File: 268 KB, 1611x2048, 1658638100745.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Magni is a bit too immature acting for me. I'm not into meme spouting all day.
Axel is too scatterbrained and constant mistakes annoy me.
Regis is a bit sociopathic (though i assume thats not real) and the soft boy voice does nothing for me.
Different strokes for different folks though.

>> No.30679628

>literally invited him to her bday live
>as the FIRST guest
you're a massive retard

>> No.30679641
Quoted by: >>30680241

Based old IP dramanigger
Kill yourself

>> No.30679649
Quoted by: >>30679766

how old was she and you?

>> No.30679684
Quoted by: >>30680314


>> No.30679713

absolutely based ngl

>> No.30679722

I want to have a gay fishing trip with Nowa in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.30679766

20 and 29, but I'm about to turn 30 this year.

>> No.30679832
Quoted by: >>30679999

>They are fake friends because I never see them talking on twitter
PLEASE you guys sound like teenage girls on twitter sperging about their favorite popstars not liking eachother tweets and shit
They all probably talk in DMs a lot.

>> No.30679838

I couldn't tell you about Tempus but in the past 2 years despite Mori claiming she always supports Holostars she's only collabed with one (for music) and doesn't talk to or about the others at all. Also she thought Bae and Ollie were talking about Holostars when they brought up rpr.

>> No.30679863

You can do it Anon!

>> No.30679888
Quoted by: >>30679986

would you like to grill what you guys caught or you just release the fish back?

>> No.30679917
File: 1.01 MB, 2810x4093, 1659807856966505.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nowa will never bite down on your shoulder while he fucks you into the mattress

>> No.30679926

And now she is collabing with Tempus and supporting them, what is the problem?

>> No.30679934
Quoted by: >>30681275

Sure sugar, keep telling yourself we are all moneyless, jobless, ambitionless slobs. Your prince charming will certainly be enchanted by your ability to judge. :^)
Ah who am I kidding, you probably already saw him and were disgusted seeing him wearing comfy clothes while in his downtime. The sisterhoods of crystalcafe and femaledatingstrategy will welcome you warmly once you're old and washed up.

>> No.30679942
File: 174 KB, 1032x1457, 1660143743460074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30680157


>> No.30679945

You don't need to cut any foods, just eat smart. Go to /fit/ to the fatfucks thread and read the links. You can do it, I did it.

>> No.30679957

Mori COULD HAVE been the type to be all
with a collab, but that would've been like, back in late 2020/early 2021. She's mellowed out a lot since those days, and doesn't do a lot of the whole "I'll do (X) out of spite" stuff anymore. More like "I'm gonna try this out because it'll be neat" than anything.
I don't think a lot of opportunity for "Rebellious 'stick it to the man'" type collabs exists? Off the top of my head:
>Fauna, Mumei, Kiara, IRyS and Gura have either given no attention to Tempus or flat-out said they weren't particularly interested
>Ame, Ina and Kronii said they wouldn't automatically say no to a collab, but that they wouldn't really ask for one, either
>Mori more than likely just wants to shitpost with people she thinks can shitpost well
Out of them all, MAYBE Bae fits that description, but she's also like, a genuine Holostars fan herself, so it's less "rebellious" and more "I want to meet my idols" when it comes to the JP side. The EN side, maybe more towards "rebellious" than others for the most part, but I'd still say it's more "maybe" than "definitively."

>> No.30679986

I'm tossing them back, I don't trust wild fish

>> No.30679989
Quoted by: >>30681208

My only wish is that Mori acts like a human being for once in the Vespie collab

>> No.30679998
Quoted by: >>30680232

Yeah thats a big gap. those girls telling you it was ok were weird

>> No.30679999
Quoted by: >>30680238

I don't care about them talking to each other at all. I care about collabs having a reason to exist and being entertaining, instead of just "yes, I'm a female and I collab with males, what are you gonna do about it?", which is what most cross gender collabs feel like to me, boring as fuck with a bunch of awkward people that have no real reason to be together other than "sticking it to the man". Collabs should either have a creative drive behind them or the natural result of people who are close wanting to work together, in my opinion.

>> No.30680012
File: 199 KB, 1080x1014, FZRBNifVUAEsmFA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30681914

hot...i want to wrap my legs around him if he does bite me...

>> No.30680019

why incels and femcels no have sex to no longer be celibate

>> No.30680035

She is.

>> No.30680038
File: 22 KB, 509x300, oxafh0hqy7281.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30680056

Holy fuck, was teamup not updated? I slept in early because I thought there wasn't a Nowa Oji stream just now. I'm so upset.
Did I miss anything good?
What the fuck? JWU anon I didn't need this that's hot

>> No.30680075

>Women were telling me this mind you.
always ignore

>> No.30680109
File: 242 KB, 1440x1562, 1658859390997906.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30680151

really got them with this one

>> No.30680114
Quoted by: >>30681340

Yeah, I quite liked Spiral Tones, so my initial impression of her is actually positive on that front. I don't need constant interactions and bringing them up or anything. Quite the opposite, I find bringing them up while having nothing in common and not even knowing shit about them far more irritating.
The bit about rpr is really funny, especially with all of the "I love hololive!" posts and stuff.

>> No.30680124

That's not that bad, actually.

>> No.30680133


>> No.30680151

of course, I'm a veteran

>> No.30680157

I hope she collabs with leader and Axel the week after. You deserve it.

>> No.30680207

It's okay. After turning 20 age gaps mean shit.

>> No.30680217
Quoted by: >>30680504

Nah, Nowa's stream was mostly just him reading SC names and then saying thank you as fast as he could while bowing

>> No.30680227

Hello faggots and niggers

>> No.30680228 [SPOILER] 
File: 264 KB, 2835x2052, FYaOe9makAUjNCP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30680232

retard it's only weird if they're actually fresh out of high school

>> No.30680238
Quoted by: >>30680482

nigga, collabs can happen because friends wanna play a game together, it aint that deep, it doesnt need a huge lore backstory for it.
And this whole "yeah sticking it to the man" is in YOUR FUCKING HEAD, Mori hasnt said shit about that.

>> No.30680241
File: 527 KB, 1280x720, based on what (short)[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxdncrg.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll reply an old post just for you, retarded Anon.
Because she is retarded most of the time and ruins nice things.
Let's hope she is not sleepy / just had sex / doesn't want to wake people up / is not over working so we can have a decent collab.
If the conditions are right we will get a nice Mori stream to incline the boys even more.
Based Mori: https://files.catbox.moe/ewt1u5.webm

>> No.30680267
Quoted by: >>30680504

Not really the SC had few commentaries from Uncle Nowa and it was reduced to "[name] thank you" for 7/8 of the stream

>> No.30680269

thread celebrity applications were posponed to the 15th august retardchama

>> No.30680280
File: 188 KB, 1464x1839, 1660210462388301.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30680504

The stream mostly consisted of Nowa saying thank you to each person who superchattted him, alongside some tangents about him twerking (and looking like a "cat throwing up" if he did so iirc) and his worry over his neighbors' burnt cooking.

>> No.30680285
Quoted by: >>30680466

>doesn't do a lot of the whole "I'll do (X) out of spite" stuff anymore
Doesn't mean she can't just bring out her "helpful senpai" mode.
>listen, I've been at this for a longer time, boys, don't worry, I'll help you out
>I mean, you're new, that's why you need all the help you can get so you can be the very bes
>don't worry, it's part of my job as your senpai
>remember to take it easy and avoid burnout in these first months, don't let anyone else tell you otherwise

>> No.30680296
File: 167 KB, 1500x1500, FZtbOajVEAAbcOw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30680414

i want to molest magni

>> No.30680314
Quoted by: >>30680345

I watch that.
I support that.
I am that.

>> No.30680313

Good call.
Having dealt with people in the 18-21 age brackets as a 30 year old, the maturity gap gets annoying fast.
If it's only to fool around with, then I don't see a problem.
I'd say +-3 years is a good range, for me at least.

>> No.30680325


>> No.30680328

Appreciate the breakdown, anon. I did enjoy the rrat in Bar Robel a lot, she has great chemistry with him, so hopefully it'll be similar when they inevitably collab.

>> No.30680345
Quoted by: >>30680516


>> No.30680347

Mori has no issue collabing with HoloJP, her Japanese is passable enough to communicate yet she never reached out to StarsJP aside from Rikka. It just doesn't sit well with some people.

>> No.30680360
File: 471 KB, 583x611, 1648280336885.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is filled with fuckboys, whores, fujos and gays.

>> No.30680359

Mori just likes being a senpai, she'll generally cool off as time passes and she gets absorbed by her music projects, but she honestly wants the boys to be successful
if some actual chemistry kicks off you could even see something like a CHaDcast form which was mostly a spontaneous decision after hanging with two kohai a lot

>> No.30680370
File: 7 KB, 274x200, kiryucoco-1277956468885446657-0Level19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rio and Magni collab
>Its just pic related
Enjoy your monkey paw.

>> No.30680373

I want to watch Nowa play Morrowind

>> No.30680397

JP fags can only collab with Axel, so no

>> No.30680414
Quoted by: >>30680520

Magni is for being mobbed and gropped

>> No.30680427
File: 529 KB, 1037x1052, 1641845418426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao even

>> No.30680434

It's not about being older, it's more abojt girls wanting a more secureore mentally stable person, it's a myth that you find these qualities in older guys when it's more found in people with stable families growing up instead.

>> No.30680437

YES preach nijisis!!!

>> No.30680441
File: 244 KB, 1198x1924, FZ4nuPlUIAQyM-3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30680680

nothing wrong with that

>> No.30680462
File: 45 KB, 800x450, cover5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.30680466
Quoted by: >>30680663

Oh I'm absolutely fucking positive she's gonna say stuff that's both hilariously offensive, and entirely unintentionally so. But that's different than actively TRYING to upset people.

>> No.30680482
File: 341 KB, 500x572, 1658307942998186.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30680693

you seem upset, sorry for hurting your feelings by not being a yesman.

>> No.30680492
Quoted by: >>30680757

so she raps and talks like a wigger
what a surprise

>> No.30680499
Quoted by: >>30680582

Is this thread being attacked by samefags and falseflaggers? Why respond to the endless bait?

>> No.30680504
File: 92 KB, 230x247, 20220812_175828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30680543


Do we have a list of Nowa Oji's superchat from the monetization stream somewhere? I dropped him an SC so it'd be nice to at least hear him read mine.
Thanks though, bros. I appreciate the update.

>> No.30680516

Hold it down, hold it down, hold it down. I'm not a rapper.

>> No.30680520 [SPOILER] 
File: 55 KB, 432x504, magcakebatter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30680543


>> No.30680545

>those are my sons
omega cringe

>> No.30680549

>decent collabs

>> No.30680582
Quoted by: >>30680656

why are you trying to micromanage and police the thread during dead hours. just close the tab and do something else.

>> No.30680605
Quoted by: >>30681969


>> No.30680613


>> No.30680640
Quoted by: >>30680702

I'll show you gay porn!
*fucks your ass*

>> No.30680656

This, shouldn’t take this thread seriously outside of streams, it’s people wasting time with shitposting

>> No.30680663

Oh, that's a given. But while well-intentioned, her "advice" is shit. She should stick to just encouraging them or just going full elevenese politeness.

>> No.30680680


>> No.30680693

i accept your apology

>> No.30680700

Alright you dirty slut. Altare will be choking you on his bed soon.

>> No.30680702

o_o oh my got

>> No.30680707
Quoted by: >>30680836

kek, no mercy

>> No.30680742

I believe in Nowa to make the collab entertaining, Magni on the other hand will say some weird shit and explode the community

>> No.30680757
File: 837 KB, 3916x4096, 1659945858956015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30681106

The problem is when she is not enjoying streaming, which is most of the time. Nobody who got into this shithole likes people who takes streaming as a boring office job.

Btw, you fucks want to matting press Magni but I don't see any clip or soundpost of his moans on that crab game collab.

>> No.30680758 [SPOILER] 
File: 269 KB, 1393x2048, CBB8D912-7DEA-4E8E-B1AB-AE08B3077D97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

R8 my cat

>> No.30680802
Quoted by: >>30681094

Nowa will make it interesting if he leads it, which I find unlikely to happen since she's the one hosting it. Mori is kind of a weak MC. Hopefully I'm wrong.

>> No.30680806

>Magni on the other hand will say some weird shit and explode the community
If this results in mori getting terminated I will kneel again

>> No.30680808

Frankly, /mans/ has been too uppity these days parading themselves as "/hlgg/ but better". I'm glad you're catching some shit for once.

>> No.30680836
Quoted by: >>30680877

Kek the few responses think they’re witty and “got em” but they prove that anon right by being cringe and pathetic

>> No.30680842

cracking open a can of paint with the boys

>> No.30680841

I want to rape all the women in this thread right now

>> No.30680844

>Magni on the other hand will say some weird shit and explode the community
Whigger yabness will cancel this effect.

>> No.30680852 [SPOILER] 
File: 478 KB, 1167x747, unknown-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go look for it yourself, anon.

>> No.30680877

stop samefagging femcel

>> No.30680889

You mean shitposters raiding both threads and trying to start fights, of course.

>> No.30680904

That's not a cat, that a shogun.

>> No.30680914


>> No.30680922

Not if I rape you first, anon.

>> No.30680971

the fact that Mori will be ontopic here during the collab streams automatically means the threads will be shit

>> No.30680981
File: 106 KB, 1280x470, 1658869874602621.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never wanted to replay FFXV as badly as I do since these big gays debuted, and the art in the MV did not help.
Tempus skin mod when

>> No.30680987
Quoted by: >>30681273

Women literally can't rape a man.
At least in my country, the legal definition is a man forcefully penetration of a woman.

>> No.30681011

I just hope Mori doesn't use her stupid voices and speaks normally, would make both collabs much more bearable.

>> No.30681021
Quoted by: >>30681114

i have a rape fetish so go ahead

>> No.30681048
Quoted by: >>30681104

the boys should play ESO

>> No.30681065

every time I've watched her outside of singing streams or music she sounded like she was talking to actual toddlers, is this her normal?

>> No.30681073

>"i want to let them establish themselves"
>collabs with them a week before the average collab ban is over
This shit is shady, and i don't care how little English the JPs know, Vester's first collab should have been Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes with Aruran.

>> No.30681085

>being raped by a woman
Go ahead, femanon, I'm ready

>> No.30681094

it'll be an hour of Happy Gilmore quotes

>> No.30681104

I want them to play SWTOR

>> No.30681108 [SPOILER] 
File: 280 KB, 1448x2048, 30E179AC-1C92-483F-8056-D90E5F77F19F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30681292

R8 my alien sighting

>> No.30681106


Why are you fucks (you as in the tourists, I've seen you post this shit everywhere) believe Magni is gonna mess this up. If anything whatever he says is gonna be golden.

>> No.30681114
Quoted by: >>30681303

you should be SCARED alright, not okay with it, c'mon

>> No.30681133

Apparently it's because she was an english teacher for JOPs and it stuck

>> No.30681138

Oh man, that sounds so fucking good. Nowaran bros, are we ever gonna make it?

>> No.30681154

Magni will point blast her

>> No.30681160


>> No.30681161
Quoted by: >>30681264

she literally talks the same with her mother and her mother has the same cadence, stop being autistic

>> No.30681171

Because we can't have nice things.

>> No.30681175

Gr8 b8 falseflagger

>> No.30681191


>> No.30681199

Magni has so many accents and impressions that expecting Mori not to do her retarnation impressions is impossible.

>> No.30681202

that sounds kino

>> No.30681208

>resisting the urge to flanderize her self any further
Uncle Nowa will be seen as Mori's sidekick and you will like it

>> No.30681239

If you guys like talking about Mori so much, why don't you marry her

>> No.30681240
Quoted by: >>30681278

magni will make a lean joke before catching himself

>> No.30681246
Quoted by: >>30681304

she's gunna do her adam sandler and shrek impressions and it's gunna be hilarious

>> No.30681264
Quoted by: >>30681569

Why are you so defensive? your answer is "yes", then. I'm not making any judgment.

>> No.30681273

UK isn't a country, it's a joke.
Now go to bed, uncle Nowa disapproves staying up late.

>> No.30681275


>> No.30681278

Hahahah yeah ong XD and the say the N word!! Haha xD

>> No.30681292


>> No.30681304

>it's gunna be hilarious
its the lowest denominator of humour
like she is of vtubing

>> No.30681303
Quoted by: >>30681632

a-ah please nooo, anon just let me go, please...

>> No.30681340

Honestly this is mostly rrat spinning but if I recall correctly Rikka was the one that went to mori for the song collab. And she was the one to invite him to help open her first concert.
I don’t doubt she does support the stars, but is self concious about her Japanese skills and wants to be asked to karaoke/song collabs with the jp stars then asking herself

>> No.30681349


>> No.30681406
File: 1.34 MB, 1031x1500, 20211218214123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She is already my wife anon

>> No.30681419

I need the deep voice man from yesterday to post some vocaroo to me

>> No.30681421

mori baby rp with magni. puts him in a cute bonnet with a binky to suck on.

>> No.30681423
Quoted by: >>30681551

Not creepy, just plebian

Hags are the superior taste, for one thing

>> No.30681445

>"Hey Vespie, have you ever seen Happy Gilmore?"
>Mori asks for a watchalong collab regardless of his answer

>> No.30681457

I could see that. I've watched that one JP only stream she did where she sang Howling, and she seemed to have improved quite a bit, and I already thought she was downplaying her jp skills before.

>> No.30681501

>But everyone told me older men with younger women is creepy.

As long as you're following the 7 year rule you're fine

>> No.30681502
File: 129 KB, 680x480, 1. NWF.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Mori/Rikka collab thread was great but not because of the stream.

>> No.30681530
Quoted by: >>30681724

>there will never be a magni ojisan mob rape brat taming gangbang doujin

>> No.30681551
Quoted by: >>30681616

Enjoy your dusty babies with autism and downs.

>> No.30681569
Quoted by: >>30681635

because it's the most fucking tiresome shit to read on this board, people actually taking offense over HOW someone talks, not even the contents
it's the most pedentic and petty shit and I've seen it pulled on like all of EN by now

sad part nips are even more vile in their autism about it and made Towa talk like a retard for the rest of her career

>> No.30681591

Single men love to post shit like this: >30681551

>> No.30681616

My genetics were already going to turn them schizo anon, it's cool

>> No.30681630

no, it was great exactly cause of the stream as far as the first one is concerned

>> No.30681632
File: 1.70 MB, 235x230, 1659068111197668.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30682091

this is not what I meant

>> No.30681635
Quoted by: >>30681689

because its the think that makes or breaks the stream?
if you have a lisp for example everyone is going to notice

>> No.30681665

I prefere fujo hours desu

>> No.30681676
Quoted by: >>30681858

Oh I was talking about the bunny one.

>> No.30681689

well then Nowa is fucked in the long run

>> No.30681691


>> No.30681711
Quoted by: >>30681775

The Bossu art is still the best one

>> No.30681724
File: 25 KB, 107x107, 4699F483-B7EA-44D2-A46E-873F093822FA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>there will never be bratty magni train molestation by ojiisans

>> No.30681729

Bros were a mistake

>> No.30681761
Quoted by: >>30681841

I'm just a guy putting on a shitty voice, anon

>> No.30681773
Quoted by: >>30681841

It's funny. Even though Vesper is doing so well specifically because he attracts older men with disposable income who can reminisce with him about the old days, you still believe everyone here is a whiny teenaged incel. Have you considered getting into voice acting? You can't pass as a woman, but you can pull off the angry tranny voice extremely well. There will surely be a market for that eventually.

>> No.30681775

The one with Ame?

>> No.30681787
File: 20 KB, 376x142, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30681788
Quoted by: >>30681841

>responds to himself because no one gave his posts attention

>> No.30681793
File: 1.55 MB, 2520x2508, 1000000000000000hours on paint.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30681798

Men will never understand the pure bliss of sitting next to a cute nerdy guy playing a game he’s super passionate about explaining to you enthusiastically the difference between half and full A presses.

>> No.30681841


>> No.30681842

Why not? Gays exist

>> No.30681858

that one was sadly forgettable as fuck, but brought us the remix contest, which was a nice way to push the orisong a bit more
also Ririsya's cover was great

>> No.30681874

I'm afraid of fujo hours. They seem to live in their own little world and just hornypost all the time. What kind of life is that?

>> No.30681906

I bet you forgot there were two other collabs that followed

>> No.30681910

>Why are you fucks (you as in the tourists, I've seen you post this shit everywhere)

I'm not a tourist pls believe me

>> No.30681914
File: 109 KB, 1280x720, 1660048374566985.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30682399

The feeling of exhilaration when he chuckles softly or even lets out a low groan when he's making you squirm. His chest slightly pinning onto yours from time to time while his fingers intertwined between yours.
Nowa Oji...

>> No.30681954

First female collabs:
>Vesper & Magni

I hope you're prepared lmao!

>> No.30681969


>> No.30681982

did Nowa say which Ghibli is his favorite?

>> No.30682077

>monkey paw
Seething cuckbeat. We never collab begged for any one of these whores. Now I'm gonna grudge post you on Saturday if the collab ends up being great.

>> No.30682083

Ugh, no. I don't want Ame's creepy fans anywhere near Altare. Bae I don't mind with any of them though.

>> No.30682091

then what

>> No.30682093

Nobody cares >>30677704

>> No.30682151

What the fuck do deadbeats have to do with that post?

>> No.30682161
Quoted by: >>30682199


>> No.30682195
File: 1.24 MB, 2066x3063, BossWigger[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fj7yeiw.ogg].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I've hated that Wigger since her debut?

>> No.30682199

based menhera

>> No.30682265
Quoted by: >>30682787

Women will never understand the pure bliss of playing a game you're super passionate about explaining to her enthusiastically the difference between half and full A presses as she cleans your house in her underwear while frustrated.

>> No.30682275

lmao even

>> No.30682278

All /vt/ sisters are quite smelly irl, I'd reckon

>> No.30682304


>> No.30682325
Quoted by: >>30682400

I smell good because I shower ever day unlike msot of the Holo girls

>> No.30682327

>tempus collab ban finally lifted
>it's with a hololive en member, not any of their senpais who have frequently mentioned how excited they are to collab with their kouhais in spite of the language barrier
>said hololive en member is my least favorite out of the girls personality-wise
Not like this... I'll probably watch it anyways for the boys, but damn.

>> No.30682346

Isn't he talking about a Rio and Magni collab being awkward? Your seeth is blinding your vision brother.

>> No.30682348


>> No.30682354

I shower well, Nowa Oji would be proud.

>> No.30682382

Kind of wish I was gay, it's the one thing keeping Nowa from being my number one.

>> No.30682399
File: 53 KB, 377x349, 1660209469103935.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30683245


>> No.30682400

your a man so it doesn't matter

>> No.30682420

>only collabs with the two most popular Tempus members
Why is she always like this?

>> No.30682441

Why are my fellow men so embarrassing and bullyable sometimes

>> No.30682513

I think she'd only really have something in common with Axel because of utaite stuff, I can't really think of anything she could get along with Regis over

>> No.30682547
File: 384 KB, 510x598, 1655113657642.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is everyone freaking out about the Mori collab? Sorry if this is a dumb question I don't really watch the girls

>> No.30682581

how new?

>> No.30682601
Quoted by: >>30682672

Dead hours + shitposters + tourists + get out of here, nijinigger

>> No.30682613

Mori is the boogeyman

>> No.30682615

>Why is everyone freaking out about the Mori collab?

Because Vesper is pure and I don't want dirty rapper germs on him

>> No.30682632
File: 737 KB, 955x795, 1658492455322512.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30682670

Mori is controversial. That's all it comes down to.

>> No.30682672
Quoted by: >>30682993


>> No.30682686
Quoted by: >>30682816

Mori has been jokingly referred to as their "dad" since Tempus was first announced, and she's been pushing them very hard to her followers, so I can't say I'm surprised she gets the first shot at collabs with them.

>> No.30682692
Quoted by: >>30682813

Mori lives rent free in some people's heads. Some of the tourists don't even watch holostars but came to shitpost anyway.

>> No.30682708

any mans sister that wants to be my girlfriend? I can be kind like Nowa or (crazy ass) like Magni hehe

>> No.30682766
Quoted by: >>30682817

I don't even like Mori collabs with the girls but other than this I'm posting about it

>> No.30682779


>> No.30682787

there is an obvious solution here.
That is to say, watching Hololive and Holostars.

>> No.30682801

To be fair, those two are probably the easies too collab with. Reggie is a person that you can never really get, because he is still hiding a few parts of his character. Axel really needs you to banter, which is not Mori's strong suit despite being a rapper.

>> No.30682809

not trusting this shit after i got catfished by a dyke

>> No.30682813
Quoted by: >>30683269

If she does anything with the boys as good as Spiral Tones was, I'll be happy

>> No.30682816

are you trying to be logical?
How dare you not shit on mori like i do, i hate her so much for all the miniscule things that i blow out of proportions just because i'm an autistic retard who probably felt slighted by some minor event that's practically a non issue.

>> No.30682817

I mean >I'm not posting about it

>> No.30682870
Quoted by: >>30682907

why would you on the first place? are you retarded? please don't fall into dumb baits that I do again, there's a hide button

>> No.30682875

Hey, at least it was a girl?

>> No.30682907
Quoted by: >>30682960

look man anon just got hurt and wanted to tell someone, ok

>> No.30682955

YWN be Nowa Oji!!

>> No.30682960

that's okay, just take care of yourself

>> No.30682993

Wrong post, anon

>> No.30683061
Quoted by: >>30683312

this board just hates Mori, you can't change that, it's like a natural law, at this point you should just laugh about it, it's hilarious,
also, unicorns don't want males in their female-only Hololive world but I kinda understand that,
different vibes, I think the boys should try to collab with Holostars JP first

>> No.30683074

We support the boys, Mori supports the boys. Be chill.

>> No.30683116

its Kiara and Gura and the other whores that pretend boys dont exist that are the enemy.

>> No.30683205
Quoted by: >>30683284

Kiara don't pretend they don't exist, she's just too afraid to talk about them on stream

>> No.30683241


>> No.30683244

why? what's wrong with that

>> No.30683245

I want this cute ojisan so bad it hurts. Thinking about how he'd rail (You) out of desperation at the more secluded areas of the library.

>> No.30683255

Mori is self-serving. She'll drop the support once she's made her edgy point. You all know it's true. Bae, as much as I'm not a fan of her, will continue her support.

>> No.30683261
Quoted by: >>30683347

>The enemy

>> No.30683269

You mean when she hung around Rikka just long enough to get a song out and then dropped him completely? Dude was never seen again until he showed up to sing the song in a concert nearly a year later. Friends.

>> No.30683271

So, are one hour streams OFFICIALLY over next week too?

>> No.30683284
Quoted by: >>30683610

She literally said that she doesn't care about them, but wants them to succeed because she is a Holo-nationalist.
Which, kind of based.

>> No.30683297

Altare said he doesn't want to collab with the girls anyway so I'll be surprised if you see him with anyone other than possibly Kobo, because we know he played Apex with her before.

>> No.30683298


>> No.30683312
Quoted by: >>30683484

You know? all of this "Tempus should collab with StarsJP first" is becoming annoying, and just because of that I want the boys to only collab with the EN girls and ignore StarsJP just to see you all seething over it.

>> No.30683332

They've been going for 2h streams recently so I think it'll be officially over next week yeah

>> No.30683345

>first fucking guest at her BD live
>with an amazing performance
Stop fucking pretending like you care about Rikka you fucking tourist

>> No.30683347


>> No.30683355

I think so yeah, but that won't stop some from streaming less than two hours, see Magni and Nowa's Zatsus.

>> No.30683401

I kinda hope Magni finds his groove. Not sure if he's out of it or anything, but he seems a little quiet / low energy in some of his streams. It's weird because he's' so talkative and charismatic in collabs, but in solo streams it feels like he's mentally dropped the spaghetti and is desperately trying to scoop it back into the pot

>> No.30683430
Quoted by: >>30683535

I have terrible news for you.
Nowa is a nerd, therefore, he will not be aggressive in any sexual fantasy that is accurate

>> No.30683431

They're coworkers who probably never met in person, it's not like they were going to have sleepovers and braid each other's hair.

He got a lot of exposure from that cover and she got a cool feature on the song, it was a win-win for both sides.

>> No.30683455

Of course Reggie and axel may have song collabs going on with her.

>> No.30683484

Agreed, even outside here is spamming that annoying shit
Let them collab with who they want to

>> No.30683526


his voice has been fucked up for days now

>> No.30683530
Quoted by: >>30683606

It seemed like she was really hyped to see that Altare plays the cello. I'd be curious to see if they could do something with that.

>> No.30683533

I could see it with Axel, maybe not Regis yet
Axel can fit her harder-core style but I can't think of Regis as doing anything but softer stuff
Although who knows, maybe Regis can go fucking hard and I just don't know it yet

>> No.30683535


>> No.30683554

he seems to be far more worried about his voice than he wants to let on

>> No.30683606


>> No.30683610

No she said she’s not really into male vtubers and doesn’t think she will watch them because of that and hasn’t made a decision on collabing
She also talked about how she doesn’t envy their position at all and hopes it all works out For them. And yes succeed because they are part of EN
