Early thread get the sexy CEO
I love Ina!
I love Ame!
>>OP>en thread>jp opreally?
Enma needs to go. She is the reason gura has been having panic attacks and extreme anxiety which has caused her to cancel streams. ENMA HATE
>>3039566This, fuck enma. The girls should be allowed to have black boyfriends and collab with vshojo.
I love Reine!!!!
>Mashmallow: I want to follow a field of study in university, but it's not the same my parents want me to. They're also the ones paying for my studies. What should I do?>Astel: If you're sure of your desired field of study, then explain it to your parents and try to convince them. in the end though, they're the ones paying for you so they have authority over you. Try to talk with them like an adult, it'll be an useful skill in the workplace
Okazu desu.
>>3039566t. Jenma
Moona is CRYING at Yakuza 0
i love this schizophrenic dork!
>>3039566he, she, enma, jenma, they are all the same, all incompetent, they all have to go
Are you ready for some cute and funny adventures later, Chumbuds?
Masturbate to pekora?
>>3039790I can't blame her
I love Gura so much I could die of a heart attack!
I was doing my archive reps and came across this. Anything you want to explain /hlgg/?
>>3039471I love Ina too!
>>3039566>>3039593jenma stop deflecting and get back to sucking dick for those perms
>>3039747That's very responsible advice.
So predictions?
Oh no here comes a big one
Watching Korone organizing her inventory, making sure that her party is up to snuff with strong skills and weapons so that she can clear the upcoming rush of tough fights she has in Saga Frontier Remaster.While Moona's just straight up beating the shit out of the Yakuza so hard that money falls out of their battered skulls in Yakuza 0.While the strongest princess and hunter of Hololive Luna beat the shit out of literally every monster with her own baby hands and giant hammer and is now closing us out with a cute supachat reading.While Astel's holding a nice calm stream once again, a nice change up from his high octane streams or karaokes and answering all the questions and inquires his fans have. He's also giving some really good advice disguised as comedy.Plus, Watame released an incredible cover of Hello, How Are You today and her fluffy calming vocals really elevate this song immensely. If you haven't heard it, or haven't given it a shot yet, I really do believe you should, it's such a fantastic cover.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Um7SFkR-fEgSo friends, where we at?
>>3039804The Shadowverse stream was so bad it distracted anons from posting images
>>3039815what is this?
>>3039790she really got into the story, it's kind of surprising me
>>3039804All me
>>3039806I thought Jenma was the one whoring out Enma for permissions
>>3039804The thread was doing a Mori impersonation.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0D-tcQjYf28i fucking love this homo
>>3039711She's the best!
>>3039569wow, it literally looks like a maladjusted lookahead limiter
>>3039818Raping Ayamefriend!
>>3039818Right here, Ayamebro!
>>3039815Mori will do her cringe rap and seaniggers will eat it up
>>3039804nothing happened...
>>3039831Your thread is not good at posting images...
>>3039815Mori's face looks so goofy in the default expression/position
>Ame woke up naturally without an alarmIS THE WORLD COMING TO AN END?!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sGT74lcCr70MAGICAL TOKKI
>>3039818Right here, Ayamefriend!
>>3039818Right here Ayamefriend!
>>3039818>While Astel's holding a nice calm stream once again, a nice change up from his high octane streams or karaokes and answering all the questions and inquires his fans have. He's also giving some really good advice disguised as comedy.does anyone have a good TL channel for homos? i really want to watch his stream but nihongo muzukashi
Can you retards stop meming for once and actually READ THE FUCKING ARTICLES?https://www.upworthy.com/therapist-says-men-having-sex-with-men-not-gayhttps://www.ladbible.com/news/latest-sex-therapist-says-men-can-have-sex-with-men-without-it-being-gay-20210228An accredited, well respected, degree holding sex therapist(AKA knows more than you) is the one saying this, among many, many othershttps://thoughtcatalog.com/shaun-galanos/2017/11/you-can-be-straight-and-give-a-guy-a-blowjob/https://metro.co.uk/2018/02/28/what-is-a-bro-job-and-why-are-they-so-popular-7346763/If you don't like academics for some reason, quite literally check these Quora posts from actual living breathing straight dudes, retardshttps://www.quora.com/Why-do-I-love-to-give-blowjob-if-I-am-a-straight-guyhttps://www.quora.com/Can-you-still-be-considered-straight-if-you-ve-given-oral-sex-to-another-maleREAD, NIGGERS, USE YOUR BRAIN
>>3039815>>3039826saw someone post earlier saying that the website says it'll be like an interview on music creation
>>3039830Not anymore
>>3039842t. SEAbeat
>>3039815No sex, so why the fuck should I watch?
>>3039815I love company enforced collabs. Not even being sarcastic, this would not have happened if it wasn't requested.I wish they would enforce more Ina and JP collabs.
>>3039859take your allergy meds
Reminder to vote for your favorite Hololive streamer so that they stay on the /vt/ divegrass rosterhttps://forms.gle/mSRRPMxyYBCnmhiWA
>>3039858Fuck off Ame, the only thing I want to fuck is (You)
>>3039830No, P-San whores them both out.
>>3039859Bless you
Reminder that Ollie is a whore and is ruining Hololive from inside. Ignore her today and tomorrow YOUR oshi will graduate because of her.
>>3039855Astel's rarely clipped but when he is clipped, he gets a really really long video. I don't know if the person who does those long tl clips is going to do this though, seems incredibly sporadic.
Guys help, every time I hear "unity" or "trinity" I think of these threads now...
>>3039878to me
>>3039858I look forward to Part Two, where Ame explains how men can definitely get pregnant.
>>3039815>default moriAlways a good laugh
>>3039886I can't say "Okay" anymore without thinking about Pekora
>>3039874It's amusing to me that Gosling is a candidate but not Ame herself.
>>3039858i mean prison gay is a thing but if you ask me i'd rather jack off than stick it in another dude.
>>3039903careful what you wish for, anon. Ollie is probably the most in danger of being graduated at the moment
>>3039827Jesas shes going to be a mess the further the story goes on.
>>3039903Graduate them all. They all knew that she had sex on stream and did nothing.
>>3039880I legit curious why you so obsessed to her?
Thirty minute WAHninghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrNzXKb1Rcghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrNzXKb1Rcghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrNzXKb1Rcg
>>3039886see you at the Unitarian church service on Sunday
I miss my priestess
>>3039903Yes, graduate her from Hololife
>>3039310>be the developer of an A.I.>manages to make consistently coherent stories on its own>people use it for porn>set up a system so cunny stories are directly streamed to your dev servers
https://youtu.be/I3tbKcOLnFIGod I wish Gen 2 outside of Subaru streamed more. Theye have so much charisma and great voices and it sucks that 3 of them are depression prone and one of them loves Ark.
>>3039795i am still hoping for a based last-minute zatsudan switcheroo
https://mobile.twitter.com/NLO28636331/status/1387347593227751427In case you missed this. UUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOHHH
>>3039858>degree holding sex therapist
>>3039924Because she is actively trying to destroy careers of vtubers I love and enjoy?
>>3039892audio sauce?
>>3039815AZMori single coming soon
What's with the Indonesian hate? Racism is only allowed on /b/
>>3039964the sex? its ina's RFA stream
Ame antis' rrats have starved so I present pic related>his latest followage before Ame liked the drawingRRATS?
>>3039940too much making money for an IDs
Continuing counting posts of past threads.Results up to post >>3039790 (recycled OP): /hlgg/ has had 1148 threads, 14 deaths, 1731999 posts, and /vt/ post ratio of 57.0%Data https://pastebin.com/8gHwy7AY
>>3039815I no longer have any doubt in my mind that AZKi is next on Holotalk
>>3039855The Holostars Discord do live translationsOther than that, here are some channels:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCmtAYYJNoZRLEtjR-wba2Gwhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsbarjjTWHOllx0Z8jRUBZQ/videoshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCFt0u4lJGmvXzxoGslT0OOQ/videoshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCAZzy1ZF72dF3rKwx6YJZAw/videos
>>3039935>Aqua>charisma>great voice
>>3039851is this the original song Polka mentioned she was working on a while back?
>>3039940She got fucked on stream
The moon sounds very cute after crying
>>3039991Charismatic in the chest and booty area, yeah.
EN duo collab gaps:Mori/Ina: 166 daysMori/Ame: 108 daysIna/Kiara: 104 days Gura/Ame: 75 daysKiara/Ame: 56 daysMori/Gura: 56 daysKiara/Gura: 53 days>FULL EN COLLAB: 27 daysGura/Ina: 9 daysAme/Ina: 6 daysMori/Kiara: 0 daysMori/Ina slowly creeps closer to a 6 month anniversary.
>>3039923What stream was it where Ollie was getting fingered?
If HoloEN2 had a chuuba who sings exclusively emo pop punk songs would you member?
>>3039951Is Ina really UOOOOOOOHH material? She's just flat.
TICK TOCK NATSUIRO MATSUSHITHere's the promised Tick Tock
>>3039988based homobro
>>3040006>6 month anniversaryFucking embarassingHope next week breaks the streak
>>3039804i blame the shadowverse stream
>>3039969Not that unlikely with how Mori and Fubuki agreed on an offcollab just by bumping into each other.
>>3039851TOKKI GA KITA
>>3040006I'm guessing the three way Puyo puyo Tetris collab doesn't count
>>3040016It made me uuoohh so yes.
>>3039801Pekora please I can't anymore
>>3039818Right here!
>>3040035>duo collab
>>3040017Finally, an anon who follows through!
>>3040024>next weekWell Mori already has Takamori ITT and that thing with AZKi so...
>>3039993I doubt it>作詞作曲手伝い:マネちゃんit's cute her manager helped her write it though
>>3039818Right here, Ayamefriend! Exciter for my priesstess' stream!
>>3039569I love how you can literally see where youtube flipped the switch, especially on Ina and Ame's views.
>>3040016ina is made for chest massages
>>3040056Don't forget about Shadowverse!
>>3040006Why is Takotori so high?! They should collab more often, especially since they can both stream at the same time now.
>>3039815Mori finally got her first indie collab!
>>3040069>Cats watchalong nextHow about we let it hit 200 days?
>can we meet?>in your dreamsDamn Moona
>dead hours until Ame's stream We really need gen 2
>>3039815100% sure Kiara will cry about it again.
>>3040006Gurame bros I don't feel so good...
>>3040093Fuck you too buddy
>>3039903ogey ame
What is this face trying to convey?
>>3040080How many weeks ago did they even joke about this? I thought it would have happened already.
>>3040093Ina Ina Inaaaaaa...
>>3040115Moments before disaster
>>3040027Well AZKi is already a member of the holomen deadbeat harem, so the ball is in Calli's court.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WloJZZ-HBhI
>>3040115suffering and regret
>>3040115I have no brain and i must cry
Ame's the ultimate quality over quantity streamerThe spam of vtubers
>>3040101Why would she?
30 minute WAHning! Prepare yourselves for a WAH.
>Mashmallow: I'd like to be a vtuber too, do you have any advice for me?>Astel: Let me talk a bit about Disney. I used to not be that much of a fan of it, until I went there with a friend one day. At the end of the day, there were fireworks in the sky with Mickey waving at the audience. A lot of people got really excited by it, and it made me want to be someone people could get emotional about. That's why I want my fans to cry tears of joy when I finally get my 3D debut. At first, it was tough, but because I hang on when Holostars wasn't that popular, I'm now closer to that goal. My best advise is to get a goal and work hard toward it until you make it or know for sure you failed.
>>3040093Fuck off:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YOQwcoBAmuE
>>3039934the devs are paedo's...
>>3040115In that moment she was still sure she was going to win. If Fubuki didn't pass her right there she would have won.
>>3040093Didn't people said the same thing when they wanted EN to debut already? Gen 2 it's going to be the same as right now, the dead hours will live for as long as the vtubers do
Made for prone bone
>>3040154Buddy, he's trolling. You don't have to reply to it.
>>3040106>>3040142>reddit meme dogReally?
Who's farts do you think smell the worst?My guess is Kiara
>only have a few hours of free time to watch streams in a day>ame and gura alone fill 10 hours each night nowwhat the fuck...
>>3040093>dead hours for the next 5 years Gen 6... save us....
>>3040101rent free
>>3040141How is Astel a shounen protagonist AND a Disney princess at the same time
>>3040141I AM NOT GAY I AM NOT GAYi love this guy so fucking much bros
I did it
>>3040115disdain for plebs
>>3040006Surprisingly Gura has the least average amount of waiting time between her genmates
>>3040141>A-astel what's your favorite colour>Let me tell you about Mickey.Mickey Mouse was created as a replacement for Oswald the Lucky Rabbit, an earlier cartoon character that was created by the Disney studio but owned by Universal Pictures.[3] Charles Mintz served as a middleman producer between Disney and Universal through his company, Winkler Pictures, for the series of cartoons starring Oswald. Ongoing conflicts between Disney and Mintz and the revelation that several animators from the Disney studio would eventually leave to work for Mintz's company ultimately resulted in Disney cutting ties with Oswald. Among the few people who stayed at the Disney studio were animator Ub Iwerks, apprentice artist Les Clark, and Wilfred Jackson. On his train ride home from New York, Walt brainstormed ideas for a new cartoon character.
>>3040171Are you frustrated by any chance?
>>3040154>all 10 EN's streaming in the same time blockt-thanks
>>3039815>>3039847>>3039907Tried moving Mori's mouth down a bit in paint.
>>3040128Futanari is garbage.
>>3039855adding to what the other anon postedhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC0Df0TJ3FxpAO68DnepSqeAhttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UCuBU07QNxvhSJSIsJkS0lDA/featured (Roberu dedicated channel)https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC4P86vuBGV3FBwx-AhoP5mw
>>3040171Imagine being filtered by a dog.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v7Ll1gvuloEHoloES se esta acercando...
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iH2ZcHxKBpk&t=4430sso on a scale from 1 to [will show up at Ame's house unannounced] how lonely is Gura?
>>3039818>Watame's Hello, How Are YouNo words just tears, I'm so happy
>>3039818Here! Thanks for the notice on Watame's cover, it is pretty cute!
would hololive be better if nyanners had made it in instead of kiara? Imagine a nyanners and Gura collab. Meanwhile, no one wants to collab with kiara.
this is a no korone (dog) zone
>>3040200This post made me laugh thank you
>>3040170>i'm sorry for only streaming for five hours guys ₕᵤhaʰᵃ
>>3040171>posts meme sharkReally?
>>3040128>You need a pixiv account to view this work. It won't be displayed to users under 18.I refuse to make an account
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ov6cwcPKCcI really love this friendship between Kanata and Haachama, I know they're both near each other's age and its super cute
Looks like JP teamates are starting to receive Ame's merch
>>3040128>Only one
>>3040200Gave me a good laugh thanks anon
>>3040125>ignoring all those chat posts about other EN girls and just gushing about MoriOH NO NO NO
>>3040057I'm glad Polka has such a nice manager and they get along so well
>>3040231fuck no
>>3040128>shark penis
>>3040118The 11th, hopefully by the time things have settled down for the two of them they'll have forgotten/'forgotten' and we'll get something like MonHun
>>3040247>Not already having a pixiv account in 2011+10ngmi
>>3040154Not necessarily true. Kiara largely streams through deadhours now because of her timezone, and a few JPs occasionally save us from deadhours because their sleep schedules are fucked.We just need more euro holos to cover the times Kiara can't be on, an EST NEET holo that streams mornings/through the day because they have nothing better to do, and at least one holo with such a terrible sleep schedule that they regularly do streams during midday Japan time when the morning jps have wrapped up but the evening ones haven't started yet.
Fifteen minute WAHninghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrNzXKb1Rcghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrNzXKb1Rcghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrNzXKb1Rcg
>>3040196Despite being autist with social anxiety Gura has great chemistry with all her genmates. I don't think she had any awkward one on one collabs other than her first one with Mori. How does she do it?
>>3039815So when is this?
>>3040171You look pretty pathetic so I'll let you off with a warning this time, but don't talk about my girlfriend like that again okay?
>>3040227realistically, probably like an 8 or 9 out of 10. i don't want to discourage her from talking about it because that would probably just make it feel worse.
EN..onegai..anything but Monhun
>>3040275what's wrong with sharcock?
Because of you assholes from the last thread I am officially horny for Pekora.
>>3040243>meme sharkYou lost buddy?Dogfucker general is two boards down.
>>3040187good job
Skyclad observer karaoke when?
>>3040231>Imagine a nyanners and Gura collabReal talk, you think Gura would even want that? Nyanners is the fucking reddit cringe archetype Gura desperately tries not to be.
>JWU>see Ina is playing MH again>come here to shitpost about how she probably has every weapon tree maxed and every armor set>remember there was a title updateUmm... Takodachi are the most tribalistic fans in hololive? I don't know, I hope she has a good time hunting the new monsters.
>>3040288Next week on 5th
>>3040304I don't like how it looks
>The dancing Moona,Iofi and Risu in the background of Moona's streamI've seen that dance before...
>>3040285She bounces off others well, has weird knowledge to start conversations, and she is cute and prepares notes. I love all her collabs.
>>3040128If you like futanari, you're pretty much gay right?
>>3040227Today's AI dungeon is just going to be holoen house fan fiction isn't it...
>>3040305Hey, me too!
>>3040260Those are the top selling items on BOOTH
>>3040339Futa on female is fine in my opinion but ymmv
>>3040339refer to >>3039858
>>3039513Hey, I love Ame too!
>>3040308Nah, this is my home you dumb SEAnigger
>>3040339I've never got that argument since if you like futa/female isn't it the same as male/femaleif you like futa/male then yeah you gay
Mickey Mouse is a filthy rat.
>15 minutes until twitchcancerdachi will turn thread into unusable memespamIt's all so tiresome
>>3040346uuuuuuuuooooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh coco stroke my bat pls
>>3039874Ina made this image.
>>3040231>no one wants to collab with kiara.Ogey
>>3040227I don’t think I’m strong enough to rewatch her get so excited at the fantasy of living in a house with all of them, I just can’t do it
I hope ina looks especially naked today...
>>3040305it's working...
>>3040381I love Ina too!
>>3039951Oh fuck yeah she's so fucking flat
>>3040381>lllllllllllleeeeeee ssssssaaaaadddddd sssshhhhhhaaaarrrrrkkkkk
>>3040381>le wide sad shark
>>3040381narrow gura...
>>3040381You mean 4chan cancer? Spamming the thread is what people do on 4chan, newfriend.
Random thought but any takos here what would you like for Ina's birthday merch? May 20th is 22 days from now.
>>3040381it's all so tiresome
I can't wait for Ina. And then Ame's Mario Sunshine shortly after.
>>3040419Only since the twitch raid, newfaggot
I'm happy, today is a good day.
>>3040381Don't care, will wah
Look at that face. Look at those soulless eyes.Now masturbate
>last two days>choco asmr>luna asmr>notchama asmr>ayamy asmr>haachama asmr>aki asmrWho here /content/
>>3040420Art book would be cool, or Tako pencil holder where it makes it look like a pin cushion.
>>3040381fuck off, twitch spam is basedcan't wait for the wah spam
>English marshmallowhuh
>>3040381You fucking babies spend so much time crying that now you cry about how much you cry! WAH WAH WAH WAH WAH to you too, you little piece of shit baby!
>10 mins to InaBarely enough time for a pre-stream wank to my priestess
>>3040435Since before you ever heard of this place, newshit.
>Let's dream!Holy shit, Astel is deepThis shit changed my outlook on the world, now my motivation will never go away!
>>3040458Too soon
>>3040420A tako stress ball
>>3040420A Tako paperweight
>>3040441everytime you horny post I do sit ups instead
>>3040479This but unironically
Five minutes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrNzXKb1Rcg
Amo a esta pinche loca!
>>3040420a single, well past expiry date taco
>Ina gets a pixiv event with Kuroboshi>Mori gets Vtuber music discussion thing with AZKi>Kiara gets European anime convention
>>3040483so basically yukkuris but in tako form?
at this point Susan is just messing around
5 mins for my Priestess!
>>3040227>I leveled up. I started buying paper cutlery so I don't make a mess anymore
>>3040479are there any hype astel meme pictures
>>3040504el drako diablo...
Three minute WAHninghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrNzXKb1Rcghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrNzXKb1Rcghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QrNzXKb1Rcg
I post wah but don't actually watch InaHow does it make you feel?
>>3040520Back to /jp/ with ye!
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BnkhBwzBqlQPolka cover when
Why are Takos like this?https://files.catbox.moe/6sqghc.ogghttps://files.catbox.moe/6sqghc.ogg
>JWU>Notice konami killed my cydra deck>Remember that i wont be able to catch the T3 stream liveToday wasnt a good day...not like this bros...
>>3040542literally me
>>3040516gura... ame...
>>3040381Just filter "wah" and then you won't see it. Easy peasy.
>>3040542You don't watch InaBut you wahtch Ina
>>3040524Did Kiara just get her 2k subs back?
>>3040524Did she ever stop messing around?
>>3040524What the fuck, why is she gaining now? IT WILL NEVER FUCKING END
>>3040578more I think just checked Kiara on Youtube and she is already back on 923.000 on there
>>3040578Everyone got a second weird jump so I'm not sure
>>3040524hi honey just kicked in
>>3040542I do the same most of the time. Nothing against her, but I'm usually busy with other stuff when she streams
Protip: QTranslate has OCR support that works pretty well for marshmallows
if i've been here since /vt/ was made am I considered an oldfag? I feel like an oldfag.
>>3040598>IsrealCool website susan
Ina's starting! Bye, pre-thread!! o7
>>3040556>Remember that i wont be able to catch the T3 stream liveHey, me too expect for me it is in 3 AM and i am sleeping.
If this isn't a wah I'll, uh, do something I guess>>3040640
>>3040605Most people wah, even if they don't watch Ina probably to trigger the people who don't like it.
Ina is the only holo I can max in volume and still not be able to hear anything
oh no, what will the bad guys do once they catch her
>>3040613Board wise? YesThread wise? No
>still no schedule
>>3040629Youtube once autoplayed to an ollie VOD after ina and I think I actually damaged my ears
>>30406133/10 bait. Try harder
>>3040622ok anon? what are you going to do? better do your reps
>>3040613someone get the chart
>>3040622>>3040640DO IT
>>3040631Seeing that she has a gun, probably hole her first
lol, Ame with the plan.
Didnt a schizo said he is going to kill himself today a few days ago? LETS GOOOO POGGERS
w a h
Wah? WAH!
\/\/ 4 |-| ~
Wah. Wah? Wah!
Waaah Wah wah
>>3040631Pet her head and tell her she's doing a great job. Then be on their way.
wah? WAH!
wah~ wah? WAH!
>Kiara is now even with Ina in Subs againThey are...?
>>3040640Probably waiting to see if she actually can play Replicant or not. And she better be able to, two other holos have played it now.
That's right motherfuckers, even Gura Wah's.
Always with the WAH, not enough MOGU..
>Gura already in chatis she addicted to Monhun?
>>3040637I love you fat cat poster never stop
You know what tako babies? I'm feeling nice today, enjoy Ina's long MonHun stream!Also someone used the screaming watamelon in this thread already
>Gura instantly ~wah~ as the stream startsSHE LOVES TAKO
Cute Inasuke!
Gura is a WAH poster, just like me!Gura LOVE!
JWU, what'd I miss?
>>3040524Susan giveth, Susan taketh away.
>>3040780SHES HERE
>>3040763Mogu MOGS Wah anyday. Completely dominates the wahs.
>tfw you can always tell when an Ina stream starts because the ratio of filtered-to-unfiltered posts skyrockets
>Gura is a wah poster.Based.
>>3040458le sad shark baby...
>>3040776C-Can I have milkies though...?
>>3040763>not enough MOGU>he wasnt there when entire threads were devoured by the MOGU posting
guru...she's here isn't she
>>3040798Yeah and the song doesn't even need to play just a holo saying the word.
>>3039801くそくらえ! やめろんだ RRAT!
>>3039815>Mori getting all these JP collabs and getting to do a cover for Hololive AlternativeWhy isn't Kiara getting these offers? Kiara speaks full nip, unlike Mori...
Gura wah'd, this means takos and chums shall come together in unity
>open thread>SEAniggers mad at takos again
https://youtu.be/_IVDOnMxtOM?t=1409she forgot again...
I'm only here to watch Ina get assploded by Bazel then I'm off again.
>Gura you can have my hunting hornTHEY ARE
>>3040629you should see a doctor
WAHModerators should add emotes to 4channel so we can have an actual Wah emote to spamThis way antis also can't just wordfilter it
>Warm up with the GEESE>With a HHHaha time for EXPLOSIONS
Ina offering Gura her horn UOOOOOOOOH
>Gura is a wah posterworse than Gurame dying for Gurina
Aaa she seems so excited about the update. I'm already enjoying the stream
>>3040830They always were
>>3040814Only for today
[Ina news] Ina sang the dango song
>>3040281yeah, the coverage of EU primetime is horriblesure, it's not a huge market yet, but if properly tapped it would be as big as NA
>>3040778How come mine doesn't want to work?
>being scared of hr bazelgooseThis is your MonHun "vet" oshi, takokeks?
>that singingfuck bros she's so cute aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh
Oh shit, they added Bagel? Nice, I love that guy!
>Keeps humming Bagel's themeCUTE!
>>3039569What the fuck is that nearly 80k spike for Kiara?I don't remember that
Fuck I'm just watching the cutscene and I'm already fucking angry at Beetle Juice AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
damn, Gura is chatty today. you love to see it
Ina is much cuter than usual today!
>DOOTING THE BAZEL THEMEGod I love this dorky ass priestess
Doot doot
Cute toots!
>>3040858Yeah, she's so hyper, this is going to be great.God she's adorable, I love her so much.
>>3039471Ame too!!
>>3040776Thanks watamelon
Ina and that fucking recorder
>>3040755Sims gave her a pretty big boost I guess?
>>3040755Takos got too cocky yesterday
Tic Toc?What the fuck is even happening at this point
>Ina put up the listing super early because she wanted a countdown for the gameThat's cute
Ina's being extremely cute today!
>>3040902Gura isn't streaming yet timetravelerchama
>>3040896First Hololive or her "redebut"?
>>3040877>BagelIs it pronounced bagel or bagel though?
>Ina doesn't know spiritbird routes.WHAT A FUCKING NOOB
Ina seems flatter than usual today!
>>3040896Her first re-debut after youtube terminated her account, probably>>3040922Check actual youtube they're both 924 now.
>>3040898fuck off gura*scrolls away*
>>3040755holy shit it never ends
>>3040922Youtube is a totally working website!
>>3040920Youtube is being retarded and returning deleted subs, that's all.
>>3040935It's Bazel like Basil
>>3040922It was already explained anon. YT is returning the "verified" subs. There are like twenty Holos affected by it and I suspect more will see a bump too.
>>3040922Kiara is already at 924k, it just hasn't updated there
>>3040922Its almost like numberfagging with a site ran by pajeets is dumb and a waste of time.
>hi honey more like abayo niggaIna?!
>Abayo hoe ni-INA!
>>3040556Duel Links?
>>3040928Gura said three things in Ina's chat. THREE.
>>3040944fug, you beat me by 5 seconds :DDD
>>3040867>This will cause SEAniggers to go into a falseflagging timeloop again, trying to get KFP and Takos to fight.
>>3040867you actually directed my attention to the gap between Mori and Ame widening by another 10k
>>3040936>Gathering spiritbirds.
Bagel is a fucking pussy
Thanks Ina for making Gura grind the hub and suck at it instead of playing the game normally and actually learning. That adds Aki and Gura to the list of people rushing to 7.
I had the image in my head that Rise had a world you could explore and fight the monsters. But it really just is a list of quests that transport you an area where you fight the monster and then go back to the list. Is that all there is to anything that isn't leveling equipment and fighting?
>>3040967Oh I'm not watching Ina...
>>3040965yep, storm to 1 and fusion support to 2
kek why does mori look so derpy next to azki
>>3040922Jesus christ, it doesn't actually end, does it?
>>3040920Pretty sure it's just Youtube bullshit, that's probably the restored subs from her 900k stream.
Ina's excited.I am too
>>3040922you havent even seen her full power yet
>>3040920These were the subs that were deleted due to Youtube fuckery. She got 4k subs in 1 hour.
>>3040867We will all achieve a perfect balance
>>3040970>againanon the creature was literally at it just a thread or two agoThe only reason he isn't here right now is he can't makeup his mind who to falseflag
>>3040989It's the autism.
>>3040975>He doesn't want an extra 20 attack.
>>3040936I haven't seen a single holo gather them.
>>3040999Perfect balance is a meme impossible to achieve
>>3040970>He missed Orcschizo screaming a few threads ago before being banned again
>>3040986I see. I dropped the game more than a year ago. Should I pick it up again?
>let's goina...
When will Ina play a real weapon, HH is too easy
>>3041006I want to lick
>>3041006so perfectly flat a machinists wants to use her for indexing
>they ruined Bazel's theme
What's the story in MonHun?Why do you HunMon?
Reminder that Gura will fuck every EN
High energy Ina is kind of freaking me out. What's happening?
the explosion radius isn't actually that big...
>>3040920Too long of a delay, happening to too many other holos. Susan has just gone completely off her rocker.
>>3040922>they're even nowGod damn it and I thought it was finally over.Well, not like shitposters were shutting up about it anyway, so whatever.
>>3041019Dont do it, konami went full retarded and now the meta will mostly be BE decks, with the difference that they will either run melody or azure because those 2 are limited to 1
>>3040867Why are Kiara and Mori the only ones who have changed from the default profile picture?
>>3041029Story is MonYou do Hun
>>3041018wasn't he shitflinging between deadbeats and KFP? I swear I saw before posting dox before the collab began
Ina noises are making hard aaaa...
>>3041029the mons deserve the hun
>>3041004>>3041018I was away from the threads. I was playing Civ 5 with all expansions enabled. So I guess I'm lucky.
>>3040867The empire strikes back.
>>3041042She's MOTIVATED and also this is her second favorite monster in Mon Hun
>>3041029Same reason why Japs hunt whales. Fuck nature.
>>3041004What even is that fucking thing?
>>3041053THEY ARE
>>3041029You're hungry so you hun mons
>>3041060Yeah. He got fucking mad because Kiara won or some shit kek.
>>3041050Ah, what a shame.
>>3040896the pekora collabhttps://holo.poi.cat/stream/c747jYku6Eo
>>3041029Most of them are literal pests that would disrupt the ecosystem if they were allowed to run amok
spring is coming...
>>3041064Gura is HORNY for Ame's massive milkers
>>3040938>>3040896I checked, it was the Pekora collab.I forgot that it was actually bigger than the Holotalks
Why is Ina fighting a hot pinecone?
I wonder how Gura is reacting to watching Ina trade blows with the goose
>>3041053Because they're the ones that changed their pictures? It's not an automated function or something.
>>3041042>ywn log into fresh expansion raid prog with happy energetic Ina
Why is Ina naked
>>3041029Preserving the ecosystem blah blah. Everybody knows it's actually to get those sweet outfits.
My priestess is on FIRE!
>>3041085>The monsters are SEAniggers
>>3041086>Late>AgainYou fucking suck at ritual posting
>>3041067It actually wasn't that bad, >she got mad people were praising Kiara for winning at a card game and just resorted to doxxposting after being made fun of.
Korone is at the best final boss in Saga Frontier
gura is going to 'accidently' make the AI dungeon stream go lewd...isn't she?
They should've kept the World theme just to reinforce the fact that Bazel invaded Rise
>>3041064liking the same tweet?
>>3040955>YT is returning the "verified" subs. There are like twenty Holos affected by it and I suspect more will see a bump too.Why the fuck does it take them like 2 fucking weeks to do that?
>>3041113The amount of seething Bazel caused would have made these fights more frustrating than they probably are.
>>3041111Oh no no no Gura's story will be read by the AI dungeon staff
>>3041111>He doesn't knowLatitude ruined Gura's chances of making a cute and funny story about being surrounded by cunny.>>3041118Man she is really into this Holohouse idea
>>3041079Jesus, what is wrong with that guy? its been nearly two weeks since he's been non stop spamming dox in the thread.
>>3041121indie comp etc
>>3040922Just another day in war without endHOLOLIVE
>>3041118Why is the bgm so low?
>>3041096>It's not an automated function or something.No way. And all this time I thought YouTube randomly changed the picture for you. Well shucks.
>>3041111yes, like the experienced little whore she is
>>3041129My theory is that it's a tranny that got rejected from EN and he thinks that he "deserved" it more than Kiara
>>3041118>AI cuckeon
>>3041124Life like texture ;_;
>>3040755Good, the two of them should hit 1m together and have one big celebration.
>>3041076But don't they live off dangos? How much rice is needed to supply the village filled with hunters?
>>3041091Never realized it was Pocket Ame that untied Ame's bikini and that Pocket Goora is in the process of untying her bottom.
>ina casually yoshi-jumps the dog into a pit
>>3041129>two weeksIt's been quite a bit more than that. Around the time Poka's server got nuked for good
>>3040977>implying PAIN isn't the best teacher for gurashe was uppercutting and actually using both wirebugs attacks after volvidon taught her through humiliation that spamming the big bonk doesn't work
>>3041095Were people actually filtered by the fucking Plesioth of all things?
Why is Ina so squeaky?
cute Ina squeak
>>3041108I'm not the original guy, I just post when he doesn't
>>3041122I think I've only seen him invade once on the Holo streams during FOXDEMON's collab. I hope he just invades every single hunt regardless of the area
>>3040349You called it.
>>3041129no "male" writes like that thing does.
>>3041148The dog knows its place
>>3041086Still doesn't work for me, Anon. Halp.
>>3041118>she's actually doing holohouseGura...
>Aah it's everywhereNow that's a soundclip!
>>3041109Even funnier is that their "dox" was literally just her youtube videos, and the mega got nuked almost immediately anyways.
I don't know but this is very cute hair
>>3040183Me too anon. I got the opportunity to talk to him one on one during Valentine's and I spilled my spaghetti before him even though I'm not gay. The guy has a lot of charisma
>>3041118>holohouseThis could be potentially be kino
>>3041180I can't, I have a deligate gut
How are we today fellow Teamates? Wasn't Ame's No Game stream last night fantastic? We'll be getting more Sunshine in less than two hours.
I want to give Ina my last name
Ina 100% remembers Bagel moveset thankfully
>>3041118Sharky... you REALLY want the holohouse, huh.
Watching Ina mash monster heads with her HH is so satisfying. I think part of the reason Gura was having trouble is she never got the early hits for flinches/KOs before she went for the big shots.
>>3041118Gura is going to be wishing she was playing the Sims!
>>3041127>Mori recently talked about holohouse>Kiara does a Sims stream with all HoloEN>Gura does this nowmaybe i missed Ina and Ame doing somehing similar, but is it possible some concrete plans are in action?please
>>3041118This is gonna be so kino
Is Ina on par with Luna in MonHun?
>>3041197Im glad she is excited about all the updates.
>>3041197He's still incredibly bullyable with his giant body.
>>3041138>>3041152>>3041162>>3041190Funny thing is, they pretty much outright admitted that they were only spamming dox while ban evading because they were jealous of Kiara.
>>3041118wonder how it's going to turn out
>>3041118>holo pushing holohouseEN the most is also probably the worst to have as a roommateMori would probably kill herself if she had to live with Gura, slob prime.
>>3041194I hate Ame! She lied to me! She said this week was light even though we still have 6 streams to go! What is wrong with her?!
>>3041204>but is it possible some concrete plans are in action?Anon they can barely manage a server move. DYRB a holohouse is possible?
>play bow>laugh as beetlejuice is completely unable to harm you while melee plebs have to dive for cover
>>3041204no way, more likely is them sharing an Air-BnB when they visit Japan together
>>3041204Ame would never leave her pets and it would probably be too difficult to bring them into a Holohouse situation.
>>3041204I will always laugh at you people setting yourselves up to be disappointed.
>>3041197In MHW I hunted him at least 30 times, he's my favorite from that game.
What the fuck was that word Ina?
>Cute Ina squeak
>>3041118Someday Gooruh, I'll believe with you if nobody else will...
>>3041209Nah, more on the level of Fubuki.Please collab already...
>the biggest vtuber on the planet, Kizuna AI, objectively has less stream and VOD views than Kiara>kiara somehow still troubled with her views
I thought I'm excited for Ina replaying Automata but then I thought again, why? Gameplay is meh, each area has literally the same enemies, just with a bit different textures and she knows the story already
>>3041228>Use cheat engine to one shot every monster and give max mats>Laugh as retards farm the same monster over and over again
>>3041228>Playing the most boring weapon next to lance
>>3041215Yup, I almost felt sorry for them during that brief moment of clarity in that thread. It's clearly someone that has suffered trauma in the past and can't cope with the fact that someone can put their past behind them and be successful
>>3041209If she can solo this she's already better than FBK.
>>3041250Sorry anon, wide Gura is here to stay
>>3041247I am, for Ina she is the best when talking or playing something that she loves.
>>3041204Isn't living with your co-workers awful? I personally don't see this ending up well, as unlikely as this is to happen.
>>3041204The best you can hope for is them travelling to one place and staying together
>DeadbeatsInsufferable faggots who think Mori ''muh boi'' Brapioppe can do no wrong, will defend her retarded antics while simultaneously shitting the thread beyond belief. Bonus points for self-hating posts and propensity for hurting themselves when called out on their bullshit.>KFPHave a paper-thin skin and are the most defensive people in the world, will falseflag ad infinitum to make her oshi seem good but don't understand the reasons people might not like her. Usually are also insane /u/ schizos who probably have a MMLNI altar somewhere in their chicken pen.>TakosTwo faced backstabbers, will pretend to be chill while in truth being the most numberfag fanbase in EN, will derail a thread with retarded 'wah' spam when Ina streams and secretly are the ones funding the schizo Iname fanart market.>TeamatesShould suffer an ethnic cleasing. Will turn any thread into /ameg/ when their retarded oshi utters even a single word, also responsable for the most cancerous spam of Famous Hollywood Actor Ryan Gosling pictures since Drive(2011).>ChumbudsTonedeaf paedophiles, just like deadbeats will swear on their crusty knees that the dumb shark can't no wrong. Will not stop spamming cropped porn and samefagging as other fanbases while writing shitty erotica about how THEY ARE.Fuck unity fags, fuck Tanigo ''smaru indie company'' Motoaki, fuck Enma, Jenma and J-chad, fuck Charlie, fuck HER, fuck Lucitan, fuck Mamaloni, fuck Artemis and FUCK YOU!
>>3041209She's about FBKs level
>>3041247For me, most of the excitement comes from watching Ina herself enjoy it. She is always so cute when talking about Nier in general, I can't imagine it would be a boring stream. Then again, I'm biased as fuck but well.
>>3041249Why would you even play at that point
>>3041251>most boring weaponYou mean HH?
>>3041250>Thin tailDisgusting
>>3041204Ame's autism and introvertness prevents her from ever wanting to live with anything but her smelly dogs and cat and fishes and pool table.
Same as Ina, every time I hear Earthshaker I can only ever think of T13 and placing those puddles properly.
>>3040944This image is so fucking funny and we'll never see something like this on shitpost review
>>3041274Go fuck yourself. Lucitan is cute!
>>3041274we should have bullied the order of shirogane out of these thread when we had the chance
>>3041231This basically. Kiara has spoken about this previously and how awful it would be streaming normally when they are in Japan. Since hotel internet is awful and they cant stream from the studio all the time.
Oh no more holohouse talk from Gura, time to get sad
>>3041118>Just like my simulations
>>3041215You kind of have to feel bad for them at some point, what happened to you to make someone merely existing enough for you to have multiple meltdowns about how their existence pains you.
>>3041246>have a better life than a starving Somali child>somehow troubled with literally anything at all
>>3041279Yes that was my point anon. Very astute
>>3041204>Living with KiaraGod I can already see them getting sick of her within a week
>>3041274Don't fucking use Nene to shitpost you cumguzzling nigger.
>>3041286For me it's the mace from Molten Core that no one really wanted.
>>3041231The JP Holos are going to have a civil war over who will host Gura
Ina has forgotten a lot of her horn stuff. She is doing x a x a instead of xx aa xx aa or just tons of x's because that is the heal.
>>3041224just temporarilya long vacation in nippon to get 3D and stuffall the while living together, doing offcollabs and meeting their senpaisi want to believe
>>3041274Why are yukimin like this?
>>3041274yeah fuck KFP, they're the worst
>>3041301>BIGGEST>VTUBER>ON THE PLANET>Starving somaly childReally?
Bros.... RIPhttps://twitter.com/abcdesevilla/status/1387482898564005891?s=19
>>3041264>>3041277So what are the power rankings for the Holos?Seems like Luna is the strongest with FBK behind and Ina a bit futher back?
dammit has ina always been this cute aaaaaa
only possible HoloHouse EN scenerios>Gura moves in with Ame>Trinity moves in together>Gura moves into Holohouse made by gen 2>Gura moves to Japan to live in the JP Holohouse or with Moriwhich one is more likely and the best outcome
How can Ina be this powerful?
Bazelgeuse has such a great theme, God damn
>>3041274>>Chumbuds>Tonedeaf paedophilesAnd don't you forget it fag
>>3041320why is KPF like this?
>bazel was nerfed because mhrise is for kidsoh nono
J*U, what happened with the Shadowverse shill stream?
>>3041274What the fuck is wrong with koronesuki
>>3041337t. PKF
>>3041319Yup, you aren't allowed to feel down because other people have it worse than you
>>3041274im proud to be a teammate
>>3041327Gura moving close to Ame so they can hang out when they feel like it but don't actually have to deal with each others bullshit 24/7.
>>3041320Yeah, we should have bullied them out of the thread when we had the chance.
>>3041204I think they are just lonely and a domino chain kicked in anon
>>3041274ey, fuck (you) man
>>3041321this is no longer kekw
>>3041324>Luna>Lamy>Coco>FBK & InaAnd then the rest
>>3041327Any scenario where Gura lives with her colleagues would lead to the others cleaning up behind her.Probably none of those are any good.
She did it!
>>3041350Good one
a reminder that friends original outfit is way too erotic
>>3041274>secretly are the ones funding the schizo Iname fanart market.>secretly
>>3041330Rise's themes fucking suck because they have chanting in every single one, even the ones that it doesn't fitworld's bazel theme is superior
>>3041274The Teamates one made me laugh.
>>3041330It's great, and it only gets better when he punctuates it with his big dumb HRONKs.
>>3041327Ame dogs biting someone
>>3041228>playing bow
>>3041215The even sadder fact is that they can't even go back to their shithole anymore. Even lolcow kicked these trannies out because they just circlejerk over months old dox nonstop. They just prowl on split threads and bitch about Kiara with 6 month old rrats that might bait some retarded newfag.
>>3041321Wrong thread
>>3041274I agree Nene, KFP is the worst.
>>3041321Damn, F
>>3041274>fuck MamaloniGladly
>>3041342Yeah what the hell>isn't randomly shitting bombs passively whenever you get close to him>doesn't have the highest HP in the gameThey neutered him
>>3041342More like Bazel was nerfed because of the mount mechanic. He can't get to invade and double team like usual since the mount mechanic makes monsters Invade > Get mounted > Leave
Holohouse West is a myth.
Do Japs really love it THAT much when Same-chan makes nip noises? Cause holy shit, those clips get a lot of viewshttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UChhcieZzdkZfECz4KWaxWMw/videos
>>3041304Kiara is literally the only one that lives with a roommate already and they have an excellent and respectful relationship with each other
>>3041274im sorry shes just so fucking cute bro
ina is using the bullfango mask? what a chad
>>3040828Mori is just too powerful.
>>3041274But don't deadbeats shit on their oshi too?
>>3041405why are (you) like this?
>>3041360Nice, I kind of expected Lamy up there but damn, good to seeCoco's no surprise since she's been playing since the PSP days
>>3041328How many of them are dedicated translators though? I don't look at chat too often.
I hate Ina's stream layout.Why do you need to cover the screen with that LIVE! on the top right? It doesn't even make sense anymore when you watch the VOD. Also fuck those rounded edges.
>oshi>favorite monster theme in any mh game
>>3041274Everyone is an imperfect faggot! Unity!
>He has lewd thoughts about his captain
>>3041399Do you see all the clips of HoloJPs speaking English? It's the same thing
Ina going for Rank 40 today
>>3041397cope cope cope cope cope cope cope
>>3041399Do EOPs really love it THAT much when Miko-chan makes eigo noises? Cause holy shit, those clips get a lot of views
>>3040387well, i guess you don't have to watch. but that's her plan.
Ina is cute
>>3041432>Why do you need to cover the screen with that LIVE on the top right?Because it's KINO
>>3041399Do EOPs really love it THAT much when Suzy makes burger noises? Cause holy shit, those "Hi, Honey" clips get a lot of views
>>3041432Ame and Gura's layouts are best, fullscreen is best for game streams
>>3041244Anon... not even Gura and Ame could live together. Pretty sure Gura is allergic to pet hair and it would affect her singing.
>>3041366>>3041426>neither Shion nor Gura have mentioned each other in months>Shion won't show up for Gura's BD totsumachi
>>3041437why are you surveryposting this early you fucking nigger
>>3041402Don't reply to terrible bait my dude.
>>3041432>on the top right?Anonchama...
>>3041282this is so fucking true, it hurts. I just want to watch two girls become girly girly with each other
>>3041445Of course
>>3041360How do the homos compare?
*Puts her feet in your mouth while you're sleeping*
>>3041327Gura and Ame moving close is the only plausible one. Ina isn't going to leave her family and move to another country. Kiara isn't going to move back to Japan for a long time if she ever does. Mori seems fairly intent on staying in Japan.
>>3041397Bazel was only annoying as an invader because he was hard to fight, which meant that him joining the fight made things more difficult. If he's not a threat to hunt, he's not a threat as an invader.They made his hunt super easy by cutting a bunch of his moves and slashing the hell out of his HP. World/IB Bazel had higher HP than all of the non-raid Elder Dragons. He was genuinely an endurance fight solo, not whatever the hell Ina just did.
>>3041436Petting friend!
>>3041327Mori's idea was just to rent a place for everyone to stay together for a couple months, it wasn't supposed to be permanent, she's too autistic for that.
>>3041399Do EOPs really love it THAT much when Korone goes “Hey guys”
>>3041446Why does she like the grind so much? Is it because she's korean?
Gura’s nice high arches
>>3041449She's on hiatus dude
>>3041461They're both too busy being depressed sacks of shit
>>3041453You're right, rrat!
>>3041420Lamy is honestly really close to Luna's level. She's scary with the GS at times but still gets her socks rocked right off by stuff occasionallyOn the plus, she's finally better at Botan at something and she brings it up every time they collab
>>3041440>Ina has the smallest ears because she's koreanKek
>>3041449shouldn't have shat on the SV stream :}
>>3041472*kicks u off the bed*
>>3041467It's not necessarily bait. People that don't watch her likely don't know about this
>>3041274Now this is some nice pasta, finally some good fucking food. I'm saving this shit.
>>3041383>6 month old rratsAnon, they still bitch about rrats that are literally a decade old in the split threads.
Who is the best monhun player among all hololive?
>>3041360Lamy is a top tier holohunter? you're kidding me. I should give her a watch
>>3041475to be fair, this is about on-par with regular goose. Seething Goose on the other hand...
>>3041458>Gura is allergic to pet hairNO NO NO JO NO MY PLANS FUCK AAAAAAA
>>3041481FF14 grinds are much worse imo and she's quit that recently so looking for that next itch is my guess
____ ____
>>3041458When did she say that?
>>3041432I liked how during last nights SC reading somebody suggested Ame change her gaming stream layout and she was like 'No". Also rejected that soulless stream layout that was part of that package deal and commissioned her based office setup instead.
>>3041480I won't lie. Early on, Choco's "Good evening, my cute student" used to absolutely get me. And it still does.
>>3041475bazel did not take much longer to fight than any other monster because his entire body is a fucking weakpoint, don't kid yourself.
>>3041507Chick with clock...
>>3041475Always bring dung pods back in World, just pop it in his face everytime he invade
I don't get why people find Rajang hard.He's so small and compact and his weak points are his head and his ass so you just run around him slapping either his face or his ass.
>Capture Rajanghttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2EKKMof_Ywg
>>3041498Iirc, it’s either Luna or Lamy
>>3040814Here you go.
>>3041507It already tocked, look at her youtube page
>>3041475I've noticed bagel doesn't shed bombs when you attack him while he's enraged too, unless that's a seething exclusive thing that I'm misremembering.
>>3040922>>3041131No war, only unity.
On a sliding scale and graded on a curve, how many kisses would you give Ina?
Underwater fights were garbage. Actual trash
time for hot rajang dick
>>3041507anon, it was already posted like 6 times in this thread, your tick tock is late.
>>3041501>Seething GooseI've never had more vivid nightmares in my life...
>Geeze LOVES Ina!
>>3041487Haha finally being able to boast about being better at a video game
Where's your precious taunt shark dummy for you to bully while you're uselessly taking selfies and bullying, ina!? not so resistant to hot rajang dick now are you!?
holy shit he actually invaded something in Risetoo bad he'll just fuck off now
>>3041518Bazel was just a lot of worldbabies first difficult fight so they overhype it
That was an adorable laugh.
>>3041453Now that's a rrat I can get behind, based.
>>3041538wait, who's the TICK, and who's the TOCK?
>>3041549I don't read threads. I literally just open it when I want to say something, then close it again unless I get a (You)
>>3041399Taiwan bros love it as wellhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wh_8MZL2iec
>The two most high profile character designers resulted in the two least subscribed ENsHow?
>>3041501Seething Goose is unironically easier than the standard version. There's a reason that IB had no Master Rank standard Bazelgeuse. They replaced it with Seething to nerf his moveset because so many people got filtered by the goose. Seething has a few fancy new attacks but he drops scales much less often and isn't as difficult to approach as melee, plus his ramping mechanic means that you can keep him pretty much permanently defused even solo, whereas vanilla goose doesn't actually give you any counterplay to him constantly shedding instantly detonating scales at his feet.
>>3041565such a good collab. bratty botan was hilarious.
Relieved Ina is cute. CUTE!
>>3041584I've been killing new fans of my oshi, she must be only mine.
>>3041475No, Bazel was only difficult because he would invade you when you were unprepared and your equipment sucked, just like Deviljho in the old games. Once you were at a decent place to start fighting him he wasn't that hard in World either
This is your Oshi, Takos.
>>3041514the voices told him
>>3041584Ina is boringKiara personality is shit
>>3041541Other way around. Regular geese sheds scales when enraged (and sometimes randomly when not), seething doesn't. They actually took that out with seething, probably because it was a terrible idea.
>>3041602Yes, she is beautiful and sweet. Your point?
>>3041602so cute
>>3041584one is k*rean and other is, may allah forgive me for uttering this word, or*nge
>>3040827kek saved
>>3041006Many thoughts
>>3041457Full screen with minimalistic chat is the best imo. I miss when Polka used to do it.https://youtu.be/4wb4iTFJ-qg?t=3365
>>3041602Wouldn't have it any other way.
>>3041602You're damned right it is
>>3041602Isn't she great~
>>3041268Fully an it depends™ situation. If you're also close friends with the people you work with, it's perfectly possible to have stable, drama-free frienships *and* work relationships.
Bazel is a kfp member. He makes it known he can explode like his favorite phoenix
>>3041606>Ina is boringSubjective>Kiara personality is shitAgree
>>3041514She hinted at it a lot>has allergies>doesn't want a pet with hair
Now that chad doog has finished another route, is the game any good storywise? Has been a while since I played a decent jrpg.
>>3041584Character design isn't everything. Streamers personality, stream content, frequency, time ect all effect how many people will watch and sub.
>>3041602You are correct!
>>3041584>One is about as boring and safe as you can get for a vtuber>The other is too loud and annoying for most peopleThey're on the opposite spectrums of lacking mass appeal
Why do Gura and Ina put shitty titles on the videos?>[MONSTER HUNTER RISE] \ ( o A o ) />[Monster Hunter Rise] Learn Hammer>[Paper Mario: The Origami King] BBBBBBB>[DEVIL MAY CRY 5] . . .>[Minecraft] Creative Title # 1039>[Monster Hunter Rise] meat spin lol
>>3041600>can't approach him as melee without getting rng'd by a bomb that drops with no telegraph and instantly detonates>literally the largest hp pool in the gameNo monster in World is "hard" in the sense that there's a realistic chance of you failing, but Geese is easily the most difficult monster to kill quickly solo as a melee weapon. He drags the fight out and punishes players that try to expedite things. Implying he isn't a league apart from the rest of world's shitty endgame roster is absolutely delusional.
>>3041645Anon did you forget the animal shelter story? I doubt it's pet hair related
>>3041602This is true
>>3041659Because that's pure SOUL
>>3041652THEY ARE
Tick tock shitnugami borone peko
>>3040613I've been here since /hlg/ split off from /vtg/
>>3041659>le confused duck
>>3041602Yes, and?
>>3041659Fuck off they're kino
>>3041601Thanks Nene, Lamy pits really are the best.
(You) guys are invited to my wedding
>>3041584nothing about kiara or Ina is particularly interestingone is basically a chink factory artist and the other a washed up idol
>>3041659>shittyThe only shitty thing here is your taste
>>3041659Why does anybody to shitty anything? Why isn't everyone always perfect at everything without trying like I am?
>>3041659Because it makes you seethe
>>3041584Despite being best ENs they're not for everyone, their appeal is more niche while the others are a bit more in line with what the western audience expects from streamers.
>>3041659Imagine if they randomly put spanish or indonesian in their titles like how JPs put English
>>3041675Coco blanca...
>>3041659THEY ARE
GIVE ME HER YOUR NUTS! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=08fhmvoke_U&list=PLHeIKIUgnbJBaSldhcDhAJ15zwneCfwR5
>>3041479>wanting to live alone is autistic nowI can't believe most of the planet has gone undiagnosed with autism...
Ina is the reason I wake up in the morning :)
>>3041593yeah it really was
I'm just sitting here on the Play Online screen too scared to go hunting in case Ina starts doing co-op games. I need to play with my Priestess...
>>3041659Neither of them are very creative
>>3041584Character designs can only carry a vtuber for a few weeks. After that, it's all up to their personalities and talents.See: Shillshark and all of Ame's and Gura's sisters aside from K*na.
>>3041660It's been a long time since I touched World, but I remember Jho and Kush being much bigger problems than him.
>>3041705literally everything is a symptom of autism anon
ina is beating up a SEAnigger
>>3041705shut up autist
>>3041719Soon, clownbro. Soon
The hitbox on that beam thing is pretty forgiving
>>3041705Sorry to break this to you anon but most of the planet wants to live with at least one other person.
>>3041725>everyone is autistic and pregnantThis world is a fuck.
Is holomyth the 1st or 0th generation?
>>3041719Didn't she say she's going to play solo for now. You have time.
>C A R T E D
>>3041708Me on the bottom right.
>>3041708Based and same
Gura doesn't "really" have 2.5 million subs.In reality, new accounts are made, and audiences change over time.Most of your subs are "dead subs", with only a small number of active fans at any moment. The older your channel, the more "dead subs" you accumulate, until literally 90% of your subs are empty accounts from 2 years ago. Gura's real fanbase is shown by her live viewer numbers.
>>3041752Monkey rape...
>>3041723Man, they really buffed and nerfed Kushala in RiseThey buffed him because now he's actually really fun to fightBut they also nerfed him because he actually stays on the ground this time
I can't believe my priestess sucks at this game. At least she's having fun
>>3041715yeah... figures no one here knows /vtg/ anymore...
>>3041741Separating "wants to" and "actually does" for a second, by literally what information did you draw this conclusion? Cite your sources.
>>3041719Good luck, I tried to get in every single stream (except for the first one because I was barely into HR and with shit gear) and couldn't, even when it was members only.
>>3041672I wonder if Friend will get ticktocked before the collab happens
>>3041719It'll be like every other time, where the lobby instantly fills and I never get in, but I'm ready to try.
no thoughts
>>3041749Depends if you're a luafag or a sane programmer
>>3041663That's probably what made her realize she has allergies
Ina's armor seems way too fucking weak.
Stop numberfagging you stupid cunts.
>>3041749There are no generations. -Enma
>>3041761c o p e
>>3041768Not him but I still do. I started watching HL shortly after Gen 4 debuts
>>3041785Weird hill to die on but ogeyu
>Gura will try to make Ame and Gura have sex in the holohouse>the new AI will block her and report her to the cops
>>3041788>seemsnever played MH, huh.
>>3041723Bazel wasn’t nearly as bad as Kush, Lunastra, or the two crossover monsters.
>>3041752How long have you been waiting to use that?
Why is the monkey so so angry?
>>3041753why is she taking out her anger on Mori?
Your average Hololive fan, everybody.
>>3041807Man, I really wish they snuck in Lunastra
>>3041799It okay you will see when her streams get no where near her sub count
>>3041705>wanting to live alone is autisticThis but unironically
>>3041723>Kush being a problemwhat the fuck, i easily get close to it and spammed aerial slash combo with SnS, fucking Geese is harder because he always fly and when you get close to him, he scatter his bombs.
Let's have a jigsaw of Iofi. https://jigex.com/kPui
>>3041807I stopped keeping up with World around the time Lunastra was added, but she seemed like a nightmare.
>>3041820greynames are not people
>>3041719if you hire 70 buddies you can get the butt word for your guild card titles. You can pair it with some other words for some funny combinations. Might give you something quick to do. go cart to rajang arena to speed it up too
>>3041788She might have forgotten to level up her armor with spheres. They increased the level cap, but it's easy to miss in the patch notes.
>>3041820>Make shit comment>Screenshot>Post here(you)'re a nigger
>>3041820>it's funny only when I do itFucking really? I bet you watch Holofighterz too.
>>3041723Kush is everyone's most hated World monster, bar none.Jho is kind of a pushover in world, and in IB he's only scary because his animations are a clusterfuck and it's hard to tell what the fuck he's doing. Once you've fought him a few times you realize he can't do anything but suckerpunch you.But man, fuck Kush.
>>3041761Gura has an enormous tail on her VODs, she'll get a million views on something 20k people watched live. So a fair number of those people do get around to watching her stuff eventually. Even that MonHun stream she did last night which had like what, 8k watching, is up to 350k views now.
Okay because now I'm feeling like a fucking ape and I don't know where else to ask, how come I'm HR40 and don't have a single apex quest but Ina had it at HR10?
>>3041791Shut the fuck up, P-san.
Jagras vore
>>3041849>Gura has an enormous tailTrue
>>3041798>hill to dieFuck off back to twitter
>>3041848Kush is a fucking joke in Rise.
>>3041680>Thank you for shopping with us.>We bought your ordered item(s) in US$ successfully.>Detailed information about your order is below.
>>3041727not really, Rajangs like living in mountains eating thunder unicorns. It's their favorite food
>>3041659Yeah why can't they be creative like shuba:>【】グラブルしゅばああああああああああああああ/gran blue fantasy【】
>>3041774>Claims the whole human race are secretly super hermits that only pretend not to hate everyone and cant stand to live within 20ft of each otherBurden of proof is on you, retard.
>>3041833She could just reliably OHKO you unless you stacked fire resist like mad, especially the Arch Tempered version.
so how come this monkey can just go super saiyan, doesn't it border on copyright infringement.
>>3041761You can apply that brainlet logic to literally everyone dumbass
>>3041876He's actually fun to fight now though so I'll take it
How is baguette in rise?
>>3041761>Gura's real fanbase is shown by her live viewer numbers.i agree with these words, but not for the same reason you do
>>3041872that's just a general saying that predates twitter
>>3041796Eeeeiii. You got the "Pekora ditched her old fans" copy pasta? I've been trying to find it in the archives last weekend to no avail
>>3041833She has a tendency to OHKO consistently and sometimes the AOE radius is kind of finnicky so she'd microwave you halfway across the map
Picture of me and my oshi
>>3041876This is true
>>3041913(You) are very cute.
I can't believe Ina Started streaming 52 minutes ago
>>3041896the same reason Sonic can go super saiyan too
>>3041896aren't you an ape?can't i sue you for looking too much like my pet orangutan?
>>3041602Ina's retarded powerstance always makes me laugh
>>3041900Dumbass you don't eat baguette in rise, you add beans for a rise and beans.
>>3041848>Kush is everyone's most hated World monster, bar none.I don’t think so. The MH official twitter even made a tweet a long time ago referring to Lunastra as “everyone’s favorite elder dragon” knowing everyone would laugh at them, because everyone hated that bitch
>>3041913yes (me)
>>3041602Yes, that’s Ina. Allow me to explain this picture as well. I’ve numbered the most important parts of Ina, but please keep in mind that her entire being is extremely important. These are the… “Highlights”, if you will. Let’s begin:1. Ina’s beautiful mouth. This part is for kissing, passionately and romantically so unless the priestess feels like being a little bit dirtier with it on any particular day. Her soft-spoken nature calls for equally soft and pillow-like lips. It would make one feel extremely unworthy just touching lips with hers. This is also the source of her sweet and gentle voice, always pleasant to listen to, always soothing the soul.2. This is Ina’s flat chest. Each of us, as I’m sure, have specific preferences when it comes to the female body and what we would like to have for our own personal enjoyment of it. Ina’s flat chest is iconic, calling forth the most hardcore chest-appreciators. Big boobs, flat, in-between. Doesn’t matter, a girl’s soft chest, whatever size it may be, is designed to put your head in it, lick it, touch it and love it. The priestess’ chest is no different. 3. The priestess has amazing thin legs with soft skin. Her inner thighs are for the purposes of accidental seduction. This area is also designed for grabbing, kissing and licking. One would be wise to be playful with Ina’s thighs and her legs in general, which brings me to the next point.4. Ina’s cute and petite feet. Carefully taken care of and soft to the touch, these are the object of your worship. It matters not if you like feet or not. You will like them, especially since they belong to the priestess. She holds power over you with these, and may order you to massage and worship them. If you’re lucky, she may even take her one sock off and let you touch that foot as well. Speaking of which, even I don’t know where her other sock is. It is but one of the mysteries surrounding our beloved priestess.I hope you found this educational, and that it helped you gain a better understanding of Ina.
>>3041680ogey where and when? what kind of gift should I bring?
>>3041913She was my oshi until I realized I was wrong and she wasn't, still love her.
>>3041919Already? What the fuck.
>>3041761This is true, Atleast 1 million of the accounts subbed to Gura are Mine
>>3041849>Gura has an enormous tailUUOOOOHH FAT TAIL GURA
>>3041906I only ever see sjws use it
was afk and came back, did she kill the monkey?
>>3041854I think there's some prerequisite number of different high rank quests you need to take. I haven't unlocked it either, but I focus fire on specific monsters pretty heavily so I have lots of quests uncompleted.
>>3041913I swear Korosan gets updates to her rig just to make her cuter.
>>3041849She also has the highest vod "peaks" in hololive. Its very rare for non event streams in hololive to get 600k+views, which she gets more often then even Pekora. Its just extremely content dependent what people turn in to with her.
>>3041947No, se captured it but broke both his horns
>>3041907Man, I wish. Sorry, bro
>>3041820Don't post your comments here greyname
>>3041884>>Claims the whole human race are secretly super hermits that only pretend not to hate everyone and cant stand to live within 20ft of each otherLiterally who the fuck are you quoting with this? Take your meds, schizo.
>>3041602>no tits AT ALLA true eldritch horror.
>>3041936tl;dr but based
Gura will never learn the dango songhow will chumbuds defend this?
>he doesn't sharpen his horn
>>3041884>if you prefer to live alone that means you're a misanthropetwitter psychopath levels of reaching
>>3041936Thank you fellow takobro! This really helped me open my eyes and further apprecate Ina's amazing design!
>>3041948I spent the entire time getting to 40 clearing out old non-weapon specific quests though.
Imagine a life, where dango is your only source of food
Ina cute Ina cute Ina cute
>>3041719you're too far gone
>>3041952>smug pecola png
>>3041602God she's so fucking flat, It's great.
>>3041945I've seen boomers use it irl. might be a regional thing
Oh for fucks sake, here we go again
>>3041943how fat can we go?
>>3041983>Rise folk eating roce balls and turning into dough boys>Meanwhile World CHADS eating nothing but PROTEIN
>>3041660wrong, it only hard at that rank 40 apex mission
>>3041983they also eat berries covered in rajang poop
>>3041983You can also eat big hunks of roasted monster meat.Those are your two choices.
>>3041996Its a older saying then boomers.
I'm so hyped for this
I should be drawing right now.
Since we have image slots, I'm going to post Ame because she's cute
>>3041723Jho got nerfed to shit after his introduction, just like Bazel did, he's been a joke for multiple games.
>>3041930I had to solofarm Lunastra for materials because nobody would hunt her and I ended up finding her pretty easy once you know her ins and outs. I was down to like a 4 minute kill time by the end.The problem is that randoms feed her carts and fail quests left and right. I know it happens because she's poorly designed, but I blame the people that refuse to learn the fight and just join expecting to get carried. Keeping her aura under control and diving her AoE isn't really that big of a deal, you just have to care enough to learn instead of eating carts and hoping someone else does all the work.But Kush is just a fucking mess. There's no "learning" his mechanics. You either perfect the headlock or else he's the worst fight in the game.
>>3041945because you're a fucking child who lives on the internethill to die on has been a phrase in origins about war
>>3041976Singing it in English is fine
>>3042016effort is cringesloth thyself
>>3042006I fucking hate how NIPPON BANZAI Rise is, I keep expecting to hear a *bamboo clack* *YOOOOOOOOO* every time I exit a menu.
>>3041943Gura... easy on the shrimps...
Ina stumbled over the word butt.
>>3041876True. But he's also fun to fight now
Setting up explosive charges near historical monuments with Inallah!
Kiara is at 925k, what the fuck is youtube doing
>>3041274Next time the voices call out to you like this just stop caring.
>>3042014princess rp asmr lets goooooooo
>>3041872That's not a fucking internet thing you dumb fucking zoomer.
>>3039566>tfw looking at this image and feeling nothing but sympathy and agreement with the ladyMiddle management has taken my soul...
>>3042006I'm a hammer bro. The more I resemble a cannonball, the stronger my spinjumps will be.
>>3042023Jho got an almost complete revamp on his moveset in Iceborne tho and it was pretty hard trying to land some hits during his onslaught, even with something supersafe like Lance because of the lingering dragon clouds. The only thing that makes him exceptionally easy is the fact that you get a free stagger every once in a while.
>>3042042It's a kfp discord psyop
>>3042032kek i almost died laughing at this because its true
>>3042014It would be really funny if Chumbuds started erp-ing in the thread with each other. Like getting really into it
>>3042042>Zhe shitposters are getting uppity about zhe numbers?>Pomp eet.
>>3042042You are going to attract the genuine schzio, just let it go
>>3042032Would unironically make the game better.
>>3041996>>3042013>twitter trannies stealing regional dialect while whining about cultural appropriationSasuga...
>>3042020I miss her ;_;
ina is pretty good at this game
>>3042032god I wish
>>3042074Just go outside for once, faggot
>>3042042People actually started to stream Heart Challenger. Now they're going through her back catalogue.
>>3042064This face is too smug. Someone needs to do something
>>3042061KFP used sub bots on other channels beforehand to condition >us. Now they pumped Kiara's numbers and nobody suspects a thing
>>3042074I don't know where it comes from something war related but seems old.
>>3042080During that rajang capture I began at the exact same moment and she was faster than me..
>>3042078One hour
>>3042061>>3042089Unironically take your meds
>>3042014>still 4 hours to go>been up since yesterdayHopefully it doesn't get privated
>>3041274I dare you say that to my face faggot
>>3042006>>3042032I think the dangos are a throwback to what actual ninja would eat while they were out on longer missions. aka food pills/carb heavy foods with lots of energy. Kinda like making balls of peanut butter/oats/honey/etc in the present
>>3041952Guras weak point seem to be....collabs and Super Metroid. Still the absolute worst things on her entire channel are a 2-hour retro game stream and a 1 hour watchalong collab at 200k views, which would be top 20-30 streams for a lot of Holos.
>>3041245Considering how she reacted to Korone showing up in her chat I don't think she could collab with FBK without spilling spaghetti everywhere.
>>3041848>Kush is everyone's most hated World monster, bar none.Really weird way to type Lunastra, bud
>>3042100>what is sarcasm
>>3042108Gura's weakpoint is chumbuds.
>>3042042A tale as old as HoloMyth, Kiara and Ina will always have the same amount of subs. One may pull ahead or fall behind, but in the end both meet again where they are supposed to be.
>>3042100I'm KFP
>>3042104>>3042100I'm just making fun of the schizo narratives
Prove to me that your corresponding fanbase is coolio.
>>3042027>>3042051>>3042084Go back
Watch Choco's cute morning zatsudan!https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oPP93EI56DY
>Ina survived through sheer luckHoly fuck
>>3042139Schizochama your socializing reps...
>Ina correctly laid still to prolong her i-frames and not get instacarted by the wombo combosasuga priestess, most people panic and start button mashing at that time
>>3042108That fucking anime was shit. Holy fuck what an uneventful 25 minute dragging of knees through sunbaked asphalt.
Surely people feel bad when they murder innocent monsters, right?
>>3042142you know damn well we're far beyond that point
>>3042146>Choco morning zatsu>Followed by more Choco APEXThis afternoon/evening's going to be fun
>>3042013Goes back to the times of line infantry and artillery duels when hills were extremely important battlefield locations. Not every hill is strategically important enough to get all your men killed trying to defend.
>>3042108"we literally had to pay them to watch this anime" isn't exactly the beginning of a record-setting view count story
>>3042129Look at my 'stache and dapper tophat and tell me I'm not the definition of coolio.
>>3041602Yes don't you like that perfect flat chest?
>>3042155The only way Gura would watch that is that every episode had 20 minutes of the cunny fanservice
>>3042147>>3042151The duality of takos
>>3042157>innocent monstersNo such thingAnything that harms the progress of humanity is our enemy
>>3041936Thank you for the analysis, takosage. Every day we move closer to greater understanding of the Priestess.
Oh my god that sliver of health
>>3042129Pretty cool if i dare say so myself
>>3042129Gura called us smart AND cute
>>3042165Thought it was war related, good to know.
>>3042157>innocent monstersNone of them are innocent. Especially Elder Dragons
holy shit that was close
>>3042104trust me bro
This is the most intense fight ever wtf
Ina is gonna cart!!!!
If Gura gets even older, will she still pretend to be a loli?
>>3042190Actually looks like she is leading the charge sadly enough
>>3042032jesus fucking K E K
>>3042218She's a lolibaba retard
>>3042205Mag is pretty intense. Especially demo Mag
>>3042102>been up since yesterday>Hopefully it doesn't get privatedShe reserved it like an hour agoWhat are you on about?
>>3042157Monster Hunter is the only game series that ignites sadism in me. I don't know why, but brutalizing these massive creatures and turning them from apex predators into a mewling pile of broken parts never fails to put a smile on my face.
>>3042157>innocent monstersNo such thing. Even kelbi are fucking evil
>>3042218if she's not stopping past 9000 she's not stopping in our lifetimes.
Based Ina ignoring the standard conventions of streaming by refusing to provide any sort of commentary over her gameplay! Some would call it being a bad streamer, but I say she's kickstarting a revolution!
>>3042234if Kelbi are evil why won't the game let you kill them
>>3042157Every monster in this game has a cutscene showing you the damage they're causing in their home environments.Also it's hardly murder if you use every part of the monsters.
>>3042157>innocentIf it's a quest, there is a reason you are hired to hunt them. Magnamalo is also one of those monsters that's actually bad for the ecosystem. As an example, Velkhana likes to torture smaller monsters for shits and giggles
Ina is dare i say /here/ ?
>>3042245You rip out their liver after knocking them out. They won't be living long after that.
Go Ina go!
>>3042234i love the english VA for this game, generic anime voice screaming "YOU ASKED FOR THIS" while chasing down a giant limping dipshit bird that's barely twice their size in 4kids dub quality absolutely RUINS me
How hard was it in worlds?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SHmdg7_Ec3A
First try!
>>3042219>I DO PLAY VIDEOGAMES OKAYIt's been 7 months...
I just dreamt that Mori talked about how she liked Venture Bros in a stream and you were all shitting on her for her taste, and then some guy replied to me with a smug Watame reaction image... These threads are brain poison.
>>3042231Ironically, I dislike the mounting system in Rise because it makes the monster seem TOO weak. I like dit when they just beat the shit out of eachother, not you making them do it.
>>3042226Mag is a pussy I've hunted him 300+ times
why is korosan so sexycute
>>3041923That's a fun quest. Can Luna solo that?
>>3042257>Raging BrachyAbsolute hell
>>3042218I don't know anon, ask Luna.
>>3042042I assume it's the subs she lost during that wonky 900k endurance stream. But man why does youtbue keep fucking with Tenchou?
>>3042192I've been called both of those irl
>>3042257Raging Brachy was fucking rough for me at least
oh shit is kagero secretly a badass?
>>3042157Yeah these innocent monsters that spit out nukes and sink islands sure are fucking innocent. Whenever someone says monsters are innocent, I literally point them towards Vaal Hazak who is LITERALLY a walking catastrophe that will fucking obliterate ecosystems just by fucking farting.
>>3042165>back to [the old times] when hills were extremely important battlefield locationsThey still are, anon. Even the Korean and Vietnam war were filled with stories of hundreds of deaths over nearly worthless hills, because the elevated position was invaluable for positioning alone.One of the ones that was famous in the Vietnam War that caused the phrase "Choosing which hill to die on" to catch on was the Battle for Hamburger Hill, which the American military fought to take it with a frontal assault using the 101st Airborne, lost nearly a hundred men, then immediately abandoned it after taking it because it wasn't worth much. The resulting controversy at home popularized the phrase in the 1970s. You don't hear much about hill battles anymore because by and large, the first world hasn't fought a war in a location with hills of merit for fifty years.
$599.99 for a towel used by your oshi. Would (You) buy?
>>3042257>brachydiosPretty easy>raging brachydiosPretty easy but you needed to slot Blight immunity (or how's called) because you'd get slime and explode every 2 seconds
>>3042205He's pretty hardcore. He on even footing with some of the elders. It would be fun if in the g/master rank expansion actually had him turn into an elder by actually feasting on lots of other elders.
>>3042229I haven't slept yet
>>3042157in this world monsters are generally on equal footing to humans as far as damage done to environments goes. think of it like the population control we do in with irl hunting
>>3042257Only difficulty i had were those exploding puddles in the end.
>>3042257Not bad at all if you like exploding every 5 seconds
>>3041602Now I keep thinking about the rrat that they fucked with her proportions prior to debut due to worries over her looking too loli with a sexualized design. Those legs look ridiculous. Is the artist known for those kind of proportions?
>>3042293I'd wipe my arse with it
sns main here, hi ninja sword is doggy dog poo
>>3042042What ticks must also tock
>>3042261I like this validation seeking part of Gura
>>3042301Sounds about right
>>3042157These are the kind of people who say things like how you shouldn't kill wild boars
>>3042311Yes. That's kuroboshi 101
Takos, why do Ina's gamer hands make me want to look up the handjob tag on danbooru/exhentai
>>3042311>Is the artist known for those kind of proportionsYes
>>3042292Afghanistan is full of hills but the goatfuckers aren't realistically strong enough to actually take or defend terrain.
>>3042250>Quest Description - Annoyed Felyne: Hey, that Kulu Ya Ku looked at me funny the other day! Go kill it for me will ya?
>>3042340Probably the slender fingers and the gloves
Onigiryaa are better than you
>>3042340It's the gloves.
>>3042257>Well that sucked, but looks like he's finally retreating to lair>The choir comes on>the fight somehow gets easier and absolutely terrifying at the same time
>>3042264W-whats wrong with venture bros...?
>Apex Rathalos>ApexWuh oh-
rampage is fucking garbage
>>3042340tfw you realize they blend in with her outfit and make it look like she's streaming topless >>3040067
>>3042347100% deserved
>>3042345they don't need to
>>3042042She's secretly doing an endurance karaoke to 1Mil RIGHT NOW
>>3042151Wirefall takes a lot of fun out of making decisions like that, which I kinda hate.
>>3042293you got any unwashed bedsheets or pajamas?
>>3042347HOW DARE HE!
>>3042311honjou raita designed holo when
>>3042340you are a based glovechad
>>3042257I don't know why they thought it was a good idea to design a fight where a certain skill is pretty much mandatory
>>3042365Nobody tell Roboco!!
Why isn't there more InaxNene art?
>>3041719Here's your chance, bro!
>>3042388There's tons of it though.
>>3042340>wanting to look at dickspretty gay
>>3042361Maybe Mori reminded him of Doctor Girlfriend.
>>3042157Shut the fuck up PETA
>>3042382If it's a homo then it'll be based.
>>3042388When was their last collab?
>>3042347Personally I liked>There's a Dodogama causing a lot of trouble but everyone is refusing to hunt it because it's too cute, please do something
I want to carry Ina in MH...
Are you prepared to be cucked on livestream, takos?
>>3042386what skill?
>that drumming and autistic noise makingIs Ina a dork too?
Ina stop edging us...
>>3042423Probably blast resist
>Xeon>KatYou fucks, what's your secret?
>>3042403A homo or a flat girl.His tittymonsters are nice too, but they'd be a mess in 3D.
>>3042437Cybernatic hands
She remembered Kat.
Nice, anon made it in.
>>3042391Not this time. I'll keep on trying!
>>3042347hey, you don't mess with some of those lynians, Imagine if they were all hostile towards the hunters, instead they'd rather work with you in harmony
>>3042388>never had a one on one collabWonder why
>mention in the thread last night that gura and Ina should let the audience carry them through rampagesSHE'S HERE
>>3042412Wasn't it this?
How pathetic. Ina remembers those two shitters bit will never even know you exist. lmao
>>3042437Speed is life
>>3042466Ina busy artistNene was busy with Idol stuff.
How did they get in again? There are probably hundreds of people poised to enter that lobby. Is there some trick? Or are they just fast?
>playing with your oshi on stream in front of 7000 other peopleThat's too much for me, I hope you guys have fun.
Getting carted while trying to show off to Ina!
>youtube chat froze for everybodyOh no
anons will NEVER play with InaI have cast a powerful incantation to protect the priestess
So this is just Bloodbath right?
Is Ame a bush gremlin?
>bring back deviants and rebrand them as apexes>don't bring back their sick ass armor or weapons
>Kat is trying to give you Raw MeatI'm sorry?
>>3042494Xeon's an anon though...
>>3042494wrong image, watamagebro?
I have puns for you, Ina! Let me in, onegai.
>>3042495Thankfully Rampages matter much less in carts. There isn't even a limit.
>>3042494It worked, my switch disappeared!
>>3042042KFPdiscord creating bot accounts.
>>3042499>use the name apexes>don't bring back frenzy or Gore
>that Tako just gave Ina his raw meatAAAAAAAAHHHHH I FEEL KEKED
>>3042455You'll make it, Anon!
>4 hours in>not even reach image limitg-guys stop watching the stream and start shitposting
>>3042504not so anonymous now, are they
>>3042479Compensating for the lag/delay
>>3042483at least carting in rampages doesnt fail the rampage missions, just a shittier grade of rewards if you can't reach all the other goals
image post for best doggo
>>3042519I am watching the priestess, do you mind?
One of these is not like the others
Ah fuck, Yagoo's doing another interview slate with a Japanese business magazine, this one is Forbes Japan. I'll scan through it and see if there's anything of value that wasn't covered in the Business Insider Japan interview slate.
Gura cute
>>3042510Polka, you're drunk, go to sleep
>>3042543Your right.Why haven't you watched all of her Monster Hunter stream?
>>3042042oh no think of the asshurt ikas and all the bullshit threads they've spammed every day gloating about it
>>3042546Ganbare, Soratomo.
>>3042503Uh oh takokeks...
What weapon is Ina using?
>>3042507I did it 30 minutes ago>watame_ozymandias.jpg
>>3042283So these dragons have been existing for a while now I'm betting, so how did evolution decided that a particular dragon needed a nuke as a breath attack to defend itself?
>>3042546Thanks anon, I'm looking forward to that.
>>3042565Charge blade
Fucking Xeon gets in every time
>>3042479Having a keyboard plugged in and the speedup trick probably put you in front of 90% of people.Doing that multiple times is a bitch move though, I could have literally gotten into every single game in the T99 stream that way but I didn't because I wanted other people to get a shot, and that has 100 slots and a fraction of the people trying to get in.
>>3042567It's like how roaches survive poison and become gradually more resistant, so you need stronger poison later down the line.
>>3042567Ancient Civilization's unholy experimentation.
>>3042565Killing Kazoo
>>3042569>>3042571>>3042573I'm retarded and should've specified, which hunting horn? I've been playing myself and I have yet to come across a white horn with those skills.
>>3042567Sometime evolution is a dick. Nergigante is a huge fucking asshole Elder Dragon who eats other Elder Dragons because he's a huge fucking asshole so evolution decided to give him huge fucking asshole scale piercing spikes that harden when he gets even angrier and regrow in mere seconds.
Ina is too cute.
>>3042517It's just a late submission to the T4 dick rating, looks like she didn't accept it so long past the deadline though
>>3042550Yoouur bed is single! Small small!
>>3042440Speaking of flatties, i see a fair bit of resemblance between yui and ina, specifically the xylophone ribs
>stream isn't 144p for maximum speeds>chat not hidden>rest of PC not closed for maximum CPU cycle allocation>not doing joycon reps to precisely enter the code the moment ina changes itits like you don't even want to hun mon with ina
>>3042598The Rampage horn I believe.
What the hell is this quest?
>>3042598Rampage horn, it’s busted
>>3042565Eradicating Euphonium
>>3042601I agree with this statement.
Is this tower defense?
>>3042598Rampage Agitato
>Your oshi>What are you doing right now
Can't wait until Ina's Golden week.
Can't wait for apex diablos be an asshole and charge instantly after screeching in your ears
>>3042616It's this game's obligatory dumb gimmick mode that forces you to use siege weapons
>>3042644InaWatching ina
>>3042644GuraLaughing at the leaked AI Dungeon shit. There's so many fucking times people have wrote "cunny" and "child's pussy" in their story.
>>3042644InaDriving back to work in some heavy rain. It's really hard to see, but I'm sure I'll
>>3042644Inaplaying Apex
>>3042644Haachama Tax returns
>>3042644InaWatching her do her best while I drink French Vanilla
>>3042644InaWatching Ina
>>3042610She doesn't have nearly enough forehead as it is.I hope we get to see it in whatever new outfit she gets.
>>3042644>Polka>setting up camp on the MH Rise Search by Lobby ID screen
>>3042644AmeBloody Palace
>>3042644InaWatching Ina.
>>3042644>Korone>listening to music
>>3042569>>3042571>>3042573Heil Hitler?
>>3042644InaEating meringues
>>3042644ReineJust beat Grandia. It was pretty decent for a JRPG from 1997 but holy fuck the optional dungeons are shit.
>>3042644inaWatching Ina
>>3039818Watame's cover is really good.
>>3042644Amewatching Ina until Ame is live
>>3042644InaResponding to this post
>>3042644MoriMasturbating to Ina's hands
>>3042616This >>3042627 Just another throwaway gimmick that'll be scrapped in the future installment. Speaking of-- MHP3rd is the last of pure(gimmick-less) MonHun.
>>3042574Eh, so far it's not exactly delving deep into Cover stuff, so it may only be an interesting thing to write up on if there are actually other people here that care about the business side of things without narrrative crafting. He's going into how to succeed as an entrepeneur, what kind of qualities you should have as a business manager and a director, that having a concrete vision of what you want to deliver is inherently more likely to succeed than the wave of trend-chasing Venture Capitalists who will give money to anyone who promises a vauge idea of "there's probably a market here."There isn't a Part 3 out yet, so maybe he'll delve more into specifics, but starting Part 2 the most Cover related stuff I'm getting is that he was the only 40 year old in a company of 20-somethings, and he left the 30/40 year old VC crowd to work with people who had actual passion. They apparently kept calling him an uncle back in the day, maybe they still do.
>>3042644>Ina>Watching Ina
>>3042644>Mori>Harassing other threads. I just got here.
>>3042644SuiseiWatching Nino and playing HoI4
>>3042644MoriWatching a black man disassociate to a smaller asian man play FFXIV for Nier lore
>>3042710Based cometfag
>>3042709Picking a fight with other deadbeats?
>Ina is scared of Zinogre For what reason?
>>3042644Inaplanning a POE build because Toxic Rain sucks
>>3042654Please link, I don't like the privacy leak but it's out there already so I wanna fucking read it
>>3042703YAGOO sounds awfully like someone who knows what he's doing, so why is Cover so shit?
What a clusterfuck
>>3042644ReineLooking for an image to use in the next jigsaw.
>>3042654Can you elaborate? That sounds like 3 yabs and a half
>>3042644MikochiWatching Kolone
>>3042713Woolie the coward
>>3042756Take a stand against what you fucking retards?
>>3042729His philosophy is to play it extremely safe, which is why Cover lags behind so much on the technology side.
Kiara giving idol history lessons in her prechat right now.
>>3042756What if I got the AI to write shota shit about Alan
>>3042644GuraTrying to understand Unity Engine
>>3042728>>3042734>>3042756This shit is hilarious to read through >>>/vg/333569185
>oshi>hardest monster you fought in the series
>>3042723How do I learn PoE? Scaling builds up in that game makes no sense to me compared to d3 or Grim Dawn
>>3042157Dude what if... like humanity was the real monster all along?!
I'm actually retarded
Apparently Temma played Outlast around a year ago, so I looked it up and the video is gone. Nobody archived the Homo videos lost during the Holocaust, did they? They're basically lost media at this point.
>>3042644guramahjong rep
Jenma is a sad cunt>yells at Gura and never helps with anything>wanted her to sing crazy frog>told Ame to stop being creative and play the vidya>seethed over Enma character design even though it was supposed to represent all managers, demanded her own>Kiara likes her so there must be something fucked up with her
>>3042772>Polka>Arch Tempered Lunastra with low Fire Res
>>3042772Amethe Hyper Silver Rathalos event quest in GU
>>3042764Also if they are serious about HoloEN (and they should considering how popular they are) they really need a NA base of operations and a better way to sell/distribute merch outside of Japan.
>>3042644InaWatching Ina, and playing Monhun
>>3042756I guess it's true what they say, not all heroes wear capes...
>"Monhun is fun!"SHE HATES IT
>>3042790Does it make you smile to make posts like these knowing how wrong you are? Do you find pleasure in spouting words you know are untrue just for people to call you stupid? Are you happy with your life Anon? Do you need someone to talk to?
>>3042644InaHating monhun
>>3042718Nah. wvt. Those guys in mori are shitflinging too fast for me too keep up. Something about constructive criticism on 4chan.
>>3042797Yeah but they won't in any timely manner, because they'd rather just stick to what they know.It's really a Japanese business issue, not just Cover.
>>3042644GuraTaking 8 min micro naps to run out the clock so I can take a proper nap once i clock out.
>>3042644AyameWatching Vtubers while grinding in MH: Rise.
>>3042790More like Kiara is the responsible one and answers the messages whereas Gura got yelled at for not answering her messages and Ame, idk.
>>3042713There wasn't anything super substantial in there and he wont get anything out of half of it because he only watched videos about the games before automata, why is he like this?
>>3042787Nevermind, apparently the streams are actually still up. He just spelled Outlast like Out Last for some reason...
>>3042729I could go for hours on this, but the quick rundown of it is this:They're not really bad at all. They're actually remakably good at this. But they're not painting over it like most startup companies do, they show the nitty gritty of how it works far more than most VC-funded companies as a byproduct of their industry, both producing live content and dealing with permissions as streamers, and forging that closer-than-normal relationship that the idol industry thrives on. So you perceive every fuckup as it happens (Holocaust, Taiwan, etc), whereas most Venture Capital companies will pretend everything is fine and perfect for years, then suddenly go bankrupt and collapse in on themselves all at once. Go look up WeWork and Theranos for the easiest to understand story if you're not already in finance to see what I mean.Putting it in a metaphor, Cover's like a construction company building a new house out in the open. Surprisingly solid and well-built, but noisy, slow and exposed, so if you watch them you see every time a worker drops their hammer and causes a slowdown.Most other companies to compare it to would be the people who present themselves in public by buying nice suits, driving fancy cars and seemingly having it all figured out, only for them to be in the news a year or two from now when it's found out that they only got all that by taking out a loan from a bank and funneling it into the "fake it 'till you make it" strategy, and now they're on the streets turning tricks with singles, for singles.
>>3042644AmeWaiting on my dough to rest to make a deep dish pizza.
>>3042644KiaraUni Reps with Ina
>>3042790JENMA HATE
Tic Tok Holocels your time is OVERAHAHAHAHAHHAHAKWAB
>ChameleosAh, they made him more of a tricker this time
I wonder if Ina will find Chameleos cute with its little feet taps it does in its attacks
>>3042729By the standards of vtubing, they're pretty good. Look at shitshows like upd8 for a real shit show
>>3042644inajust got done taking a shower gonna eat some din din
Chameleos will steal Ina's flaps!
>>3042828I do give Cover full credit for actually starting an English group
>>3042822People get confused about the Ame thing because they never watched the stream/clip of her saying that or they are trying to deliberately misrepresent it. Ame was getting stressed that she wasn't able to come up with anything new or innovative to stream, management told her there's no need to force herself to do that and she can just stream games if she wants to. They didn't tell her *not* to do creative stuff, just that there was no obligation to.
>>3042852I think she likes every monster except insects.
>>3042777just follow a reputable guide. poe is a game that relies on community knowledge unless you want to struggle for a long ass time alone with your ego
>>3042771Why is everyone treating this like it's going to be the death of AI Dungeon? Are they planning on censoring the game?
Nice doots Ina kek
Ina cute!
Ina can play the recorder, y'know!
>>3042861First we have a flap remover in /wah/ and now Chameleos is here
Ahhhhh that's some good shit
>>3042853>upd8>wasted Korone and Polka's talents>tried to change Ai-chan's VA>held AZKi back since her limiters went full off after they diedgood riddance
>>3042644AmeWatching first 20 minutes of Summer Wars since it's unlikely I'll make it back home in time for the beginning.
>>3041584Ina has a relatively niche appeal being more chill and quiet. Kiara's design is widely considered to be bad, which negates the clout of the designer.
>>3042824He HAS to know and he tuned out half of everything Pat said about the real content being the dwarves.
>>3042437If you have a mutual like then you can put in the 4 digit code instead of the room code.
Im going to see if i can beat Ina's time fighting chamelios
Ame soon, teabros
>Carefully protect your gates>Apex shows up and destroy them all anywayGREAT game design, truly.
>>3042494Suck my flaps Watamage I've played with Ina twice, Aki once, and Pikamee once.
>>3042889It's absolutely incredible how hard they managed to fuck up, even though they had amazing talents.
Kiara has 2k more subs than Ina. Are takos ogey??
>>3042899Damn, no wonder previous people were able to get in again.
>hmm what should our elder dragon design be>I know, a chameleon, but bigger!>but what do we name it?>Chameleo...s?>brilliant.
>>3042912At least it wasn't APEX rathalos, Anon>Rains hellfire on your carefully protected gates
Fuck yo uXeon
>>3042910happy day
>>3042886>>3042897Well that's fucking gay.
>>3042910Let me know shes live teabro, so I can stop using this thread till she's done.
>>3042925and it's one of the best Elders in the series
>>3042918Pika and Aki seething because CHADIna took anon's virginity not once,but twice!
chumbuds, this is your oshi
>>3042954you're damn right
What the FUCK did they do to Chameleos' theme?
>>3042954Naruhodo neeeeeeee
>>3042925>hmm what should our elder dragon design be>I know, a kirin from Asian mythology>but what do we name it?>Kirin>brilliant.
Nekomata Okayu
>>3042921Where did she gain the boost in subs from?
>>3042973t. deadbeat
>>3042797didn't they announce they were doing something in the UK a while back
Anal with Ina
>>3042973Inugami Korone!
>>3042921This whole storyline is really wild. I'm expecting a photo finish to 1 million.
>>3042951I gave my Sword and Shield widerange build virginity to Aki tho
>>3042966Instead of making it sound threatening, they made it more playfulhttps://youtu.be/TMzLZWetkJA
>Giant GazeboTruly the deadliest of monsters.
*unflattering roommate pic youve seen a thousand times*
>>3042979Youtube gave back what they owed KFP. (Ina already got her boost yesterday)
Amelia is BUILT for BBC
>>3042984ina's anus is far too tight and would requires years of teasing and training to even be able to accept a plug
>>3042998his theme has always been goofy and weird
>>3042921That's probably around what it should be with Kiara's 900k stream gains + a few weeks for things to settle and Ina to narrow the gap again, but who knows with how fucked Youtube has been they could both gain another 5k tomorrow.
>>3043011orc orc orc orc orc
>>3042998I hate it. Give me my MGS3-like theme back.
>>3043020Well, I better get to work then
>>3042921Good for Kiara. She really enjoys her numbers and I hope they bring her whatever temporary comfort she seeks
>>3043011My oshi has no unflattering pics, Anti! But, she does have...
Cumming in ina's octopussy
>>3043020>implying she isn't constantly streaming with a plug inside
>>3042925>>3042972The closer the monster gets to looking like a typical western/European dragon the stronger it is in monster hunter
>>3043042a pussy
>>3043042Then we will have to make one
I want Ina to hurry and face APEX monsters out of rampage.
>oshi>you will fail to reply to this
>early thread already filling out with ritualsGOD fucking hang yourselves