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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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30046272 No.30046272 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>30146029

Previous thread:

Senchou's new song
I’m Your Treasure Box MV

Birthday goods

Pasela and Tokyo tower collab merch now on sale


Senchou Figma available now

Sanrio collab merch now on sale

Nendroid preorder now open

Marine Shukkou MV
Full version




Sankisei's first original song, Interact Fantasia

Marine Artbook on sale now

SKDW Hibiki Radio

Clips and other stuff

>> No.30046355
File: 291 KB, 877x1376, IMG_8803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30046736
File: 3.40 MB, 4048x2890, IMG_8806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30060467

God what I would give to see a casual suit for Marine.
Senchou grant me at least that, sexy is all well and good and i love it but I also want cute and casual Senchou for once.

>> No.30047974

Hey, guys. I can't figure out what Marine's new song is about. Can you spell it out for my retarded ass, please?

>> No.30048593

Apparently it's about being a prostitute but nobody really knows.

>> No.30049055

I like when she says "Ahoy."

>> No.30051399

It’s about being desperate for sex. The lyrics are saying “please fuck me and make me cum. I’ll be yours if you make me cum. Hurry up you guys someone make me cum.”

I’m not memeing this is actually what it’s about

>> No.30051516

Which fucking part says that?

>> No.30052230

Have you actually read the lyrics?
It’s not subtle. On top of the visuals of her trying to fuck the door open and being frustrated she can’t get it open. It’s shockingly blatant.

>> No.30052978

>getting wrinkled

>> No.30055031

It's about how sexually frustrated she is about not having met me, specifically, yet. The anon typing this post is the overseas sexy guy. She was singing directly to me.

>> No.30055192


>> No.30055330


>> No.30055984

I wish I was a cute girl

>> No.30056783
Quoted by: >>30059981

Yeah, me.

>> No.30057025
Quoted by: >>30059981

Unfortunately you probably wouldn’t make her cum. Me though? I would. I know how to gently insert a key.

>> No.30057257
File: 51 KB, 1284x729, marine's virginity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30084923

Box = hako = hololive

>> No.30058315

Marine fucked this woman.

>> No.30059981

No, me. I tried to make that crystal clear!
I am a master at picking locks. I'm also part pirate.

>> No.30060467

I love this piece. Incredible outfit. Sexy and gorgeous

>> No.30060609 [SPOILER] 
File: 26 KB, 405x443, 1659662938888378.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me with Senchou

>> No.30066105
File: 683 KB, 2891x3500, 1656197001849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30067323
Quoted by: >>30076965

It isn't


It is subtle, though not by a lot though, it is left ambiguous on purpose, like a lot of japanese work likes to do, the non subtlety is you westoid projecting.

>> No.30067579
Quoted by: >>30068011

Im not a piratefag or can even speak moonrunes, have a waifu and another idol but after her birthday stream, watched a few clips and songs.
Now I cant stop thiking about Marine been like this for a few days, the more I watch the more she seems like wife material.
What is wrong with me, when does it stop?

>> No.30068011
Quoted by: >>30068524

I think it is the sheer quality of the last 3D live, everyone present put their hearts into it and fit extremely well to their songs. I think that alone was bigger than the new song (which I enjoyed) even.

>> No.30068524
Quoted by: >>30071921

She just decided to sing with all these bombshells senpais she never sang before with (plus promote some kohais which I actually really appreciate, I specially enjoy Rui).

Big hit on the correct direction for me.

>> No.30070312

an official Rilakkuma x Marine collab is totally possible now, right?

>> No.30070341


>> No.30070821
Quoted by: >>30073439

She already has that official mocomocha product placement on her stream. Would be funny if she could just have both.

>> No.30071921
File: 170 KB, 810x1400, 1637358356348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30073439

that would be another win for her

and I want a cute pirate bear

>> No.30073500
Quoted by: >>30088658

Rui was one of my favorite performances in the live, too. Her voice is great and her model is really expressive and well-rigged.
And I mean, the hips. Jeez.

>> No.30076965

It is not at all subtle, your waifu is begging for the D, cope

>> No.30077537

specifically my D

>> No.30077625
Quoted by: >>30078715

First, she isn't my waifu, second I don't need to cope, I just need to know japanese to know, I was just calling you on your bulshit dirty EOP.

>> No.30078715

N-no you see in Japan, fucking a door actually represents the bittersweet feeling of remembering one’s youth

>> No.30080448

>The new song was subtly about being fucked

>> No.30083299

No, you fucking retard. The treasure chest was the friends we made along the way.

>> No.30083753


>> No.30084923

Do you retards not know how to screen shot without the YT UI or at least crop that shit out?

>> No.30087836

3 million

>> No.30088328
Quoted by: >>30112382

You have to be 18 to use this website

>> No.30088658

her singing voice is not great.

>> No.30088820
Quoted by: >>30089745

Mengen stream today at 10pm jst

>> No.30089532
File: 340 KB, 1303x2274, 131C6458-DF48-4719-9945-08DBF22DB0B8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30089745


>> No.30092125

no, Marine, please don't start using TikTok.

>> No.30095267
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>> No.30097900
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Quoted by: >>30098161

More artwork from Akasa Sensei

>> No.30097906
File: 154 KB, 894x894, 1632935800976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Members stream tonight

>> No.30098161


>> No.30101127
File: 347 KB, 1920x1080, IMG_8808.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30104167

frame's Up

>> No.30103112

>I am currently learning English and hopefully one day I can understand most of your contents
>Jan 18, 2021
After one and a half year where is her English? Do you think she has improved?

>> No.30103827

This was during that period of time when the number of HL viewers was decreasing after the 2020 popularity explosion, it was what I call the great "im learning English" arc, where almost all the holoJPs were baiting the EOPs for views, then when the numbers stabilized, most of (if not all) the holos abandoned "learning" English, so it wasn't a genuine effort including Senchou, although ironically learning English may have been useful to her now that the new concert and MV are attracting a considerable amount of EOPs to her content.

>> No.30104167


>> No.30104288
Quoted by: >>30104877

Marine doesn't need to learn English
What she need is to learn to protect her throat and avoid being a menhera.

>> No.30104877

Her throat is healed and she is taking things a little easier and she seems to be more cheerful now that she is not living so far away from other holos, but I agree with you she does not need to learn English.

>> No.30106636

If only ever so slightly. Learning another language is difficult and takes a long time especially if you arent surrounded by it and speaking it daily.

>> No.30106860 [DELETED] 

Why the fuck can't you be happy about pekora hitting a milestone she has always wanted? Stop shitting up the catalog ichimitrannies and go back to jerking off to your whore oshi and leave pekora alone

>> No.30107229
File: 359 KB, 1447x2047, 7AD33745-113E-4D1F-AD4B-147BE4D1EE44.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30107242 [DELETED] 

kill yourself pekofag, we don't want any more schizos in this thread

>> No.30107566

go away marinechizo
we love pekora here

>> No.30108702
Quoted by: >>30110563

Are you a rare femanon Ichimi? Or do you just have a very tiny penis?

>> No.30110381

If I had known that the member streams were this cute and comfy I would have become a member years ago....

>> No.30110414
Quoted by: >>30111073

Should i beg for a member gift?

>> No.30110563

The clitoris is a tiny dick. Both your statements are true.

>> No.30110673

What a nice stream. Can't wait for the kusoge RPG stream and more touhou

>> No.30110706
Quoted by: >>30114083

I know. She's back!

>> No.30111073
Quoted by: >>30148101

Man if I didn't want to dox myself I'd give you a $10 google gift card so you'd have at least a 2 month membership, I'm not kidding, I'd like all ichimibros to see how cute Senchou is.
Your only hope to get a gift membership is to interact more in chat and in comments, just avoid posting cringe.

>> No.30111144 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 467x825, houshou_marine_-_full_illustration_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love so much

>> No.30111280
File: 119 KB, 467x825, houshou_marine_-_full_illustration_02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love her so much

>> No.30111543

So when are you fags going to get Noel fired?

>> No.30111776
File: 877 KB, 220x188, imb_20220805111508_X91S.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30112382

I am thirty four years old

>> No.30112465
Quoted by: >>30113059

>fucking a door
You're actually mentally retarded.

>> No.30113059

What’s your interpretation then, champ? I’m willing to hear you out if you have a take that’s not “my waifu could never be horny”

>> No.30113218

How the fuck is the "fucking a door", retard?

>> No.30113285
Quoted by: >>30113309

You can't be serious?

>> No.30113309

Where's the fucking?

>> No.30113698

They are useless just like Marine

>> No.30113769
File: 3.48 MB, 2436x1125, D1512980-6159-4746-8C74-52B6546BCC53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you fuckin blind m8

>> No.30113833
Quoted by: >>30114032

You're the blind one here.

>> No.30113932

Why reply to yourself? It makes you look extremely lonely and sad.

>> No.30114011

> It makes you look

>> No.30114033

Prove me wrong

>> No.30114032
Quoted by: >>30114112

I will direct you back to

I’m willing to have this discussion but if you’re just here to get mad at obvious imagery you can fuck off. Go to a batting cage or smash some ice or something instead

>> No.30114083
Quoted by: >>30114229

Maringlish needs to come back for me to believe that.

>> No.30114112
Quoted by: >>30114335

You need to fucking "interpret" someone pulling on door handles? What the fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.30114229

I hope it comes back eventually too, if only because I want her to be able to understand her in-laws (my parents (I am implying that I will marry Houshou Marine in this post))

>> No.30114239

Prove what wrong? You're posting schizo babble and talking to yourself. You didn't even make any arguments.

>> No.30114250
File: 118 KB, 1440x1080, zetagundamwhy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Die schizo

>> No.30114335

Okay so
Are you baiting me right now? I’ll explain if you really don’t get it. Like I’m going to take you at your word if you tell me you’re not baiting and you really don’t understand so don’t toy with my heart okay? I’m sensitive

>> No.30114397

Maybe anon just doesn't know what sex looks like.

>> No.30114454

Just call Marine a whore who needs to die and be done with it. Stop playing coy.

>> No.30114673


>> No.30114875

I unironically think Marine’s cavalier approach to sex is extremely healthy and makes her the best Holo
I genuinely hope she fulfills her wishes for physical intimacy.

I also cannot imagine the level of blinders you would have to apply to ignore the extremely straightforward sexual imagery and lyrics of this song

>> No.30114904
Quoted by: >>30115631

The marine anti is a yellow chink with a small dick who acts out his insecurities in this way. He knows Marine dreams of white dick and not his yellow limp one and it drives him mad.

>> No.30115631

I'm not sure anon the penises she has drawn in her RM account are extremely small, all clues point out that she prefers small sizes and has a fetish for ejaculation

>> No.30115790

Sencho was watching Pekora's utawaku endurance and sent her a Discord message, courtesy of a TL nousagi.

>> No.30116077
Quoted by: >>30116586

sounds like cope

>> No.30116547
Quoted by: >>30117264

Link me

>> No.30116586
Quoted by: >>30116828

Yes, she mentioned it at the beginning of the mengen stream, but thanks for the translation anyway.
I'm not a gook so I don't have to cope with anything, plus she liked (still likes?) shotas, what does that tell you?

>> No.30116828
Quoted by: >>30117264

she likes shotas not adult men with small dicks

>> No.30117264

To be fair Senchou is very small and would probably feel more pain than pleasure from a big cock, maybe she has thought about it and that's why she preferred to fantasize about shotas in her adolescence, dunno.
I cant, Rule 2, do your reps

>> No.30117638

Understandable have a nice day

>> No.30117933
Quoted by: >>30118050

anon do you have a small dick?

>> No.30118050

Is it all that surprising that a Japanese woman would grow accustomed to small dicks?

>> No.30121304
File: 506 KB, 1767x2286, FZYv3aUVEAAHvCG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30121397

This isn't the first time I've seen the dick size discourse pop up in here. Why?

>> No.30121397

I guess people just want to say their dick size is Marine's preference.

>> No.30124356
File: 2.97 MB, 498x323, 1646085940838.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I kind of like how layered that video actually is. On the surface you got her being horny as usual, but underneath it carries the more dire message of "someone fucking take me and start a family with me before its too late", she even says "save me" a few times to transition into different parts of the song. This is kind of too dark for marine to be comfortable with, so she adds in a few throw away gags, like her appearing to hump the door, while trying to pull it open, the nod to that portal vid of hers where she spanks herself, and that split second "I'm horny" text transition before she goes and blows away that church with her lust. Then there's the ending where shes locked in her box still, which could represent her wanting to be saved, or her complaining about being restricted by something, which is also interesting.

>> No.30124625

Very insightful post. Those are all things that I took away from the video, too.
I'm going to save Marine.

>> No.30124831

>Seriously, you guys are being too reserved
Understood Marine, I am buying a ticket to Japan right now

>> No.30126070

Jesus Christ, 105 fucking dollars for the Senchou Figma at Big bad toy store plus shipping (which is about 24 dollars to my country).
At this point only the authentically wealthy people are the ones who can afford to be buyfags without any remorse.

>> No.30126596

Matsuri saying that 16cm would probably hurt her made me realize how tiny those women are.

>> No.30126615

Yeah, this shit is expensive. I bought mine with a dinky, four month-long PayPal loan.

>> No.30126697

Based nousagi.

>> No.30127685

It's not that expensive. Like, sure, you don't want to be spending that much every other day, but if you can't afford to spend a couple hundred dollars a month as part of your entertianment budget you might want to work on finding a proper job instead of watching vtubers

>> No.30127756

I dunno that’s not that out there for a fig

>> No.30130174

I only discovered Marine through her new MV and I kinda want the figma

Should I buy or am I gonna figure out she’s repulsive or something later

>> No.30130761

why would you not buy?

>> No.30130915

You sound like a faggot, dont bother buying it and let someone else get it instead.

>> No.30131319
Quoted by: >>30132527

Marine is a horrible person, don't get it

>> No.30131334

I love you 愛

>> No.30132527

Marine is one of the sweetest and kindest girls in HL, only faggots (like this schizo >>30131319) would find her repulsive.

>> No.30135182
File: 2.59 MB, 4032x2268, 20220805_163104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn bros this figure is a lot better than I thought it was going to be.

>> No.30135589
Quoted by: >>30139487

Nice man. I'm still waiting on mine. I think it's supposed to get here next month.

>> No.30138698

Stream tomorrow at 19:00 jst

>> No.30139487

I put in my preorder to bigbadtoystore like fucking forever ago and it just never went through or some shit, so canceled it and bought it from amazon, got here literally the next day. If youre in a same situation where you put in a preorder and the money hasnt gone through just pick it up from amazon honestly.

>> No.30140751
Quoted by: >>30141077

Where do you people even come from

>> No.30141077
Quoted by: >>30141259

I can almost guarantee I have been on this website longer than you

>> No.30141259
Quoted by: >>30141838

Yeah, I wish you can bet your life on it, you'd learn something about making wild claims that have nothing to do with the topic on hand
Marine likes sexual jokes and she's a fujoshi, you're not characterizing her right in your post at all
Go back

>> No.30141681

How big is this? I loved the outfit/pose but I had already pre-ordered the scale. I was considering getting the eventual Chinese recast and painting it myself since I don't really like the paintjob, but I don't have a ton of space for figures at the moment. Definitely not enough to justify two of the same character.

>> No.30141838

How is any of that in contrast to what I said

>> No.30142091
Quoted by: >>30143134

>cavalier about sex
Completely false now go away

>> No.30143134

Observably true now go away

>> No.30144104

Is like 1:7 scale more or less, is big for a price figure

>> No.30145761
Quoted by: >>30174726

I don't think its cavalier, I think Marine just likes sexy/lewd things in general.
I feel like Marine is one of those girls who keeps talking about sex and stuff like that but are actually completely inept at the act, plus Marine has shown genuine embarrassment over the most innocent things like making kissing sounds during recordings or listening "aishiteru" in person not to mention sounding super nervous and embarrassed at the beginning of the legendary bath stream with Noel.
As I've been saying for years and I'll say it again, Marine is an otaku lady just pretending to be lewd.

>> No.30146029


>> No.30148101

Thanks for being so kind, dude. You're awesome and a great Ichimin.

>> No.30154546
Quoted by: >>30158019


>> No.30158019
File: 2.90 MB, 1280x720, marine treasureBox[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F7dcb5b.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30189126


>> No.30163191
File: 940 KB, 2480x3508, 1653826714976.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30166956
File: 14 KB, 275x142, b_marine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30170375

boomer meme for a boomer lady

>> No.30170375

Marine's not that old

>> No.30170667
File: 291 KB, 1223x2048, IMG_8814.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30172985

Gen 3 stream later

>> No.30173479

Frame's up

>> No.30174355
File: 1.66 MB, 4032x2268, 20220806_024533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its pretty big. I was thinking it would be smaller bit yeah, it ended up being way bigger than the pictures make it seem. pretty much 4-5inches all around.

>> No.30174726
Quoted by: >>30177133

>not to mention sounding super nervous and embarrassed at the beginning of the legendary bath stream with Noel
She sounded less nervous than Noel so that doesn't mean anything

>> No.30175531

Senchou Yokai watch shill stream
Furea full sankisei collab

>> No.30176269

>ichimi think Marine is more athletic than Noel
You retards really fucking hate Noel don't you?

>> No.30177133

Marine is also better and more natural at ASMR. I don't know why these threads love to pretend that Marine isn't a lewd woman.

>> No.30177144
Quoted by: >>30177175

We're also dealing with the schizo over in /Hamu/. He can't even think up original posts. >>30176658

>> No.30177175
Quoted by: >>30177251

Prove me wrong.

>> No.30177251
Quoted by: >>30177367

I could but you'd reject it so I won't bother. Not wasting my time on you anymore.

>> No.30177298
File: 37 KB, 518x437, 1650812868845.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think our pet schizo is useful for bumping the threads at least.

>> No.30177367

No Noel is more athletic than Marine and only ana idiot would think differently

>> No.30177408

At what cost? Giving him attention just makes him worse.

>> No.30177973
Quoted by: >>30178901

Soon! Get ready!

>> No.30178805

Honestly think he likes them both with split personalities

>> No.30178807
Quoted by: >>30178901

Five minutes

>> No.30178901


>> No.30178957
Quoted by: >>30179391

Its especially weird since everyone here wants to fuck Marine.
I guess its the same where they all want to marry Marine but then claim Marine is not gfe.

>> No.30179024

>Marine is also better and more natural at ASMR
You can prefer Marine's asmr but to say that she sounds more natural and better at asmr than Noel, someone who's literally redefined the genre and poured her blood, sweat, and copious amounts of money into perfecting her craft is delusional, and also shitting on Noel's hard work

>> No.30179070

Almost like that person knows nothing about either of them or they're bring retarded for a reaction... huh

>> No.30179263

No its true. Marine has a talent for everything voice related, Noel doesn't.
Noel's main appeal is her zatsudans which are the best in Hololive.

>> No.30179359

Noel is no style all substance, while Marine is all style no substance.
Marine's appeal is how she says things, Noel's appeal is what she says.
Thats why Marine has a high % of EOPs while Noel doesn't.

>> No.30179391
Quoted by: >>30179448

It is precisely because Marine is not a whore that I want to marry her and make love to her every day.

>> No.30179411
Quoted by: >>30179543

>noel spends tens of thousands of dollars setting up an asmr studio and hundred of hours perfecting her asmr skills
Why do you hate Noel so much?

>> No.30179436

>replying to yourself

>> No.30179448

Marine is lewd.

>> No.30179462

why do you hate noel so much that you're willing to reply to yourself to shit on noel?

>> No.30179492
File: 1.33 MB, 1108x623, 1656941292281.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30179543

She has spent more time perfecting her conversational skills which is why they are the best in Hololive

>> No.30179609
File: 1.35 MB, 1108x623, 1651261559057.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30179741
File: 2.25 MB, 1920x1080, 1655865107206.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30179811


>> No.30179811
File: 986 KB, 1108x623, 1647253754367.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice screens from the new holosummer anime

>> No.30179816

The retards at google took away the option to zoom videos in the youtube app for some fucking reason.
So no more close ups of Senchou's cute face....
Why do the fuckers hate their users?

>> No.30179843

She really gushed over Pekora

>> No.30179975
File: 1.33 MB, 1108x623, 1635997252212.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30180124
File: 1.45 MB, 1108x623, 1655423268521.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this actually looks kinda cute, what kind of game is this?

>> No.30180197
File: 1.48 MB, 1108x623, 1654248219641.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30180286


>> No.30180303
File: 585 KB, 322x800, 1649052381189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30180397

This game doesn't look so bad, it's something I could see myself playing in the checkout line at the grocery store.

>> No.30180399

cool special

>> No.30180449

yeah, it's a fun puzzle game, basically anime bejeweled with proper physics

>> No.30180615

Damn i want one of those stands

>> No.30180686

It isnt something I would play but the characters added in seem cool&cute enough to show that some good effort was put in it.

>> No.30181204

Kek as this is a sponsored stream there is no i'm your treasure box at the end.

>> No.30181256

She could probably play it after some sponsored streams but not one for a children's game.

>> No.30181678

oooh so thats why
i was wodnering why she changed back to ahoy so quickly

>> No.30181685
Quoted by: >>30181864

So did they say what exactly they'll be doing for the collab later? Or is it a premiere?

>> No.30181764
Quoted by: >>30181816

I like sankisei they all have their own niche
Marine has GFE
Noel has zatsudans
Pekora has all the crazy antics in games and her humor
Flare has her Minecraft austism

>> No.30181816
Quoted by: >>30181875

>Marine has GFE

>> No.30181864

From what I understood it is a kind of batsu game to see who knows the most about Flare.

>> No.30181875
Quoted by: >>30181927

Marine is the best GFE chuuba out there

>> No.30181927
Quoted by: >>30181986


>> No.30181986
Quoted by: >>30182013

Fuck off Marineschizo

>> No.30182013
Quoted by: >>30182083


>> No.30182083

Yes Marineschizo, we know that you Nijifags are constantly seething.

>> No.30182124

>toby fox probably got to meet marine IRL
lucky bastard

>> No.30182190

Do you think they fucked?

>> No.30182225
Quoted by: >>30182263

yes, me

>> No.30182263
Quoted by: >>30182486

Post proof

>> No.30182408
File: 110 KB, 640x174, uNSWbhB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the dude is awkward as fuck. probably creeped her out and turned her off of foreigners forever. no wonder she doesn't call out the overseas sexy kaigainiki's anymore

>> No.30182486
File: 2.85 MB, 1048x374, 1643325806689.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30182830
Quoted by: >>30182893

Remember she'll be on Flare's channel in 15 minutes
It's probably why the schizo is having a meltie

>> No.30182893

nah he always has a melty around the weekends, because his mom was a whore

>> No.30183573
Quoted by: >>30184330

why would he? everything is online these days

>> No.30183744


>> No.30183772
File: 823 KB, 1203x676, 1646428426081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30183804
Quoted by: >>30184738

Marine is married to Flare bros...

>> No.30183913

They are so totally having sex later

>> No.30183932
Quoted by: >>30183974

Is this pre recorded?

>> No.30183974

I don't think so, they didn't say anything about it

>> No.30184330

she's not a professional, so you can't just send her sheet music. she needed to be prepped for a recording, and who better to prep her than the person who created the song. prepping for a recording over zoom or some shit is retarded and cumbersome

>> No.30184402
Quoted by: >>30184599

He's not the song producer though.

>> No.30184439
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>> No.30184599

lick my balls

>> No.30184738
Quoted by: >>30184832

*Noel is married to Flare

>> No.30184832
Quoted by: >>30184875

Not as of this stream, Noelhater

>> No.30184875

You are the one who hates Noel schizo.

>> No.30184924
Quoted by: >>30185023

you spent three months shitting on her life's work because you want Noel to hate Marine, fuck off

>> No.30184945
Quoted by: >>30185023

Shiranui Marine btw

>> No.30184964
Quoted by: >>30185011

Kek Flare is afraid of people, with the recent murder of Abe I can understand why....

>> No.30185011

anon it's the typical "Are ghosts or humans more scary" question, it's not particularly deep

>> No.30185023

I have never shat on Noel's life work

Cringe. Flare hates Marine

>> No.30185063
File: 800 KB, 1136x639, 1635398694636.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does this make you angry?

>> No.30185096
File: 774 KB, 1136x639, 1651114053806.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh this ought to be fun

>> No.30185130
Quoted by: >>30185173

Noel has spent thousands of hours and who knows how much money on her ASMR only for you to come here and say it's shit, kill yourself

>> No.30185173
Quoted by: >>30185219

Its objectively shit. Just like Marine's zatsudans are objectively shit.

>> No.30185219
Quoted by: >>30185307

Why do you hate Noel so much?

>> No.30185248
File: 403 KB, 1136x639, 1631800635513.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30185327


>> No.30185307

Thats you

>> No.30185321
File: 800 KB, 1136x639, 1634138288956.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30185327
Quoted by: >>30185359

Here comes the loaded question

>> No.30185341

Always thought that was the purpose of his schizoposting.

>> No.30185359

Yeah, the cliched answer

>> No.30185411
Quoted by: >>30190031

Damn, Noel is the one who apparently knows the least about Furea.

>> No.30185635

Marine is straight

>> No.30185655
File: 803 KB, 1136x639, 1657111693046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30185687

still don't see any cogent reason why he'd be there in person.

>> No.30185791

Shiranui Marine

>> No.30185838
File: 801 KB, 1136x639, 1642048388147.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30185862

>> No.30185862
File: 830 KB, 1136x639, 1644522934317.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suichan on a deserted island

>> No.30185935
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>> No.30186064
File: 804 KB, 1136x639, 1632663023488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>30186089

>> No.30186089
File: 843 KB, 1136x639, 1652247038155.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek Marine won

>> No.30186106

Pekora: 9
Noel: 6
Marine: 12

>> No.30186217

Next collab will be on Marine's channel

>> No.30186291

Flare is having her 3rd anniversary concert tomorrow. The rest of Sankisei will be present

>> No.30186367

Mariflare bonds are too strong
The Schizo got btfo kek

>> No.30186609

Sankisei is going to have an orgy tonight

>> No.30186761
Quoted by: >>30186839

Well poor Noel is a 筋脳, she will always have a hard time in these kinds of contests.

>> No.30186831
Quoted by: >>30187594

>Marifure scientifically proven the closest members of Gen 3
You love to see it

>> No.30186839

脳筋 but yeah.

>> No.30187157
Quoted by: >>30187326

This stream was a lot of fun, I wonder if we will find out things we don't know about Senchou in tomorrow's stream.

>> No.30187326

probably not, also isn't it next week? Tomorrow's Flare's 3d live

>> No.30187594

Just say you hate Noel

>> No.30187670
Quoted by: >>30187851

stop shitting on her life's work

>> No.30187851
Quoted by: >>30187925

You are denying her relationship.

>> No.30187857

Unless Toby lives in Japan I find it unlikely that they would have met in person, but if they did indeed meet in person, he is unironically autistic (or at least on the spectrum) do you really think the guy is capable to make a move on Marine?
Most likely Senchou should have told management that she wanted to do an undertale style song, they contacted him to commission the song and the rest was arranged between Cover's music producers.

>> No.30187925
Quoted by: >>30188053

You think Mariflare is an insult to Noel, while at the same time you think nothing of shitting on Noel's life's work to start a fanbase war

>> No.30187962

I love Noel

>> No.30188053

Noel cares more about her relationship with Flare than ASMR.
Noel's life work is actually her zatsudans

>> No.30188094
Quoted by: >>30188484

Why do you hate Noel?

>> No.30188135

If you deny Noel's ASMR that she's spent a decade on and who knows how much money buying equipment for you hate Noel

>> No.30188176
Quoted by: >>30188194

schizo hour again?

>> No.30188194

weekends please understand

>> No.30188254

Just peg her, bro

>> No.30188484
Quoted by: >>30188976

I don't. You do.

I don't deny that Noel's ASMR exists.

>> No.30188766
Quoted by: >>30189628

>Shiranui Marine
they're fucking

>> No.30188976
Quoted by: >>30189043


You 2 lovebirds should take this into a Noel topic, this has gone way way off topic, and has nothing to do with Marine anymore.

>> No.30189043

Anon you know full well the schizo only cares about it because it goes against his narratives about Marine, if he actually cared about Noel or Flare he wouldn't be shitting on her ASMR

>> No.30189126
File: 81 KB, 240x318, 1594507958111.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so unfair that several thousand miles separates my dick from her pussy

>> No.30189166
Quoted by: >>30193202

The title treasure box is referring to her pussy

>> No.30189213
Quoted by: >>30189628

I like Noel; I don't like Flare.

>> No.30189628
Quoted by: >>30189713

Yeah Marine is fucking her husband and Flare is fucking Noel

No you hate Noel

>> No.30189713
Quoted by: >>30189916

No Shiranui Flare is married to Shiranui Marine

>> No.30189916

Why does Marine hate Noel so much?

>> No.30189958

Because you keep posting from a new IP.

>> No.30190031

I'm honestly not surprised

>> No.30190064
Quoted by: >>30190165

She doesn't shit on her life's work though?

>> No.30190107

Marine loves Noel, unlike you

>> No.30190165
Quoted by: >>30190189

Yes she does by having that radio show. Noel's dream is to work in radio not ASMR.

>> No.30190189
Quoted by: >>30191346

why do you hate Noel so much?

>> No.30190793
File: 1.05 MB, 1244x700, 1628966189417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.30190849
Quoted by: >>30190903

That one was a pretty easy guess.

>> No.30190903

yeah I pretty much guessed it from the moment she said rilaikuma
The throat spray confirmed it though

>> No.30191105
Quoted by: >>30191145

what's the wintia thingy? and why didnt she show her vibrator? senchou we know you're hiding it.

>> No.30191145

It's her go out bag, not her survival bag, come on

>> No.30191346
Quoted by: >>30191382

Thats you.

>> No.30191382
Quoted by: >>30201070

you shit on Noel's life's work and you shit on her friends, you hate Noel

>> No.30192860
File: 733 KB, 1333x1265, 1631216332255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30193121

She's tugging on the door to try to get it open, dipshit. Do you honestly think they'd show her outright fucking on YT?

>> No.30193202

Why? I've seen more than my fair share of vagina and have never found any treasure in them. Wish I did. I'd fuck to love a rich ass pussy.

>> No.30193243
Quoted by: >>30193443

That's a literal sex pose. Read between the lines.

>> No.30193443

Assuming any sort of sex pose does not mean she's fucking the door. The fact that you didn't even try to say I was wrong about her only trying to get the door open makes my point for me. Thank you.

>> No.30194286
Quoted by: >>30195884

watch out, guys, it's that one anon who can only think literally.

>> No.30194730
Quoted by: >>30195884

"Opening the door" is an allegory for penetration.

>> No.30195057
File: 942 KB, 872x1280, 1656260048031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.30195884

Neither of these things matter. The statement was that she was fucking the door. Not an allegory. Not a metaphor. Not some metaphysical bullshit. That she was fucking the door.
That is blatantly untrue. Stop trying to save your pride. You were both wrong. Accept it. You just look even more like you lack self confidence the more you fight it.

>> No.30197144

This is the kind of braindead retard who plays thread police around here? roru

>> No.30197674

Me on the left.

>> No.30197714

I'm sorry anon but it's time to accept that your oshi is a whore

>> No.30197987

I think that guy said it as a joke, not that he meant it literally.

>> No.30198182 [DELETED] 

that fuzzy thing looks bad.

>> No.30200744
Quoted by: >>30202519

that fuzzy thing is her bag? it looks really bad.

>> No.30201070

ASMR is not Noel's life work, Marine is not her friend.

Flare loves Noel

>> No.30201671

Can someone type out a list of everything in her bag? I'm genuinely curious what all it is. Except what I think is a napkin.

>> No.30202088
Quoted by: >>30202339

How about watch the three seconds before that frame

>> No.30202097
Quoted by: >>30202569

Flare and Noel have pair rings. Noel and Flare have been to Pekora's house, Miko is the only other Holo who has been there.
Marine has no pair rings.
Marine has never been to Pekora's house.
Marine is not really part of sankisei.
The rest of sankisei even avoid physical contact with Marine.
Marine is the outcast of sankisei.

>> No.30202146
Quoted by: >>30202339

This discussion was literally about allegory you retard

>> No.30202339

The three seconds before that frame was her trying to open the door.
It never was. If you want it to be next time, use the right language.

>> No.30202519

It's this cheap pouch
She had no standards other than it has to have cute prints of bears or other cute animals. This woman would pick this cute thing over a 40k JPY gucci or whatever if it looked cuter.

>> No.30202569
Quoted by: >>30202608

List all the people that have been to Pekora's house with proof attached if it's so important.

>> No.30202608
Quoted by: >>30202686


>> No.30202686

Where's the proof I asked for?

>> No.30202708
Quoted by: >>30203246

You fucking idiot

>> No.30202763
Quoted by: >>30203246

And what would any sensible person think it was a shot of before the door was shown?

>> No.30202860

Look anon all of senchou's fans already call her a filthy whore. There's no need to pretend she's better than that.

>> No.30203055

She’s not a whore she just wants to fuck and cum like the rest of us
So do all the other holos but she’s more honest about it

>> No.30203228

>all of senchou's fans already call her a filthy whore
I don't, please don't generalise, I prefer to call her an Otaku lady pretending to be lewd.

>> No.30203246
Quoted by: >>30204660

Nice taking it out of context. That wasn't my comment and it was someone mocking you guys when you switched to focusing on a metaphorical interpretation. This was not a conversation originating from the metaphorical. I had no intention of letting you move the goal posts.

>> No.30203299
Quoted by: >>30203835

>pretending to be lewd
Marine is naturally lewd. Look how much better she is at ASMR than Noel.

>> No.30203410
Quoted by: >>30203657

You're not her fan then.

>> No.30203504

It's one of the reasons why I love her so much, Marine is a nerdy girl who doesn't know how to dress very well and doesn't know how to be fashionable and doesn't like extravagant or super expensive things despite having the cash to afford them.

>> No.30203657

>You're not her fan then.
The pot calling the kettle black...

>> No.30203835

Marine is the lewdest Holo

>> No.30204660
Quoted by: >>30204924

That was the first mention of the phrase “fucking a door”
If you seriously can’t see the sexual intentions here you are in deep, deep denial

>> No.30204879

New OP here >>30204826

>> No.30204924
Quoted by: >>30205403

I've already pointed out all the reasons you're retarded, wrong, and incapable of admitting that. I'm not going to keep pushing you, since you're not making any attempt at arguing in good faith.
You can keep your poor self esteem intact through delusion, since you love it so much. I won't take it from you. You still lost, though.

>> No.30205217

it's probably practical enough, that texture just looks like I'd hate it. (and I'm not really a fan of the color, either.)

>> No.30205403

alright, new game: you tell me what it means.
