I miss Bowson...
>>OPNOT the Anya thread. At least use one of the people actually online.
is this the one
>>29565061I don't have enough Bae soundposts
I love Ina!
>>29564964Where is Mori right now?
What does she plan on doing with those guns?
I want to play shitty ps2 games while Gura grinds on my lap
Bae really gives off that "REALLY hot female friend thats actually really fun to talk to but you need to jerk off afterwards" vibeYou know what I mean?
Bae sex
How close is Koyori to waking up Cloud?
Hasnt Kaela ever done a karaoke yet?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ChgR2p16YSAwhat is this anime that Ina is so hyped over?
smort rat
>>29564833Baffling post. Do you see anyone on Rust right now? Do you see any Rust streams scheduled for tonight? Even Miko is going back to Minecraft instead.
>>29565108Streaming in a little over an hour.
>>29565113i jerk off to 2d anime girls, why would I know what you mean?
>>29565127for members
Damascus thread lost...
Why is /vt/ more retarded than usual today? Even the generals are suffering from a lot more retardation than usual.
>>29565133counter-ratIf it was something management shitcanned, why would ame STILL be busy?
Good evening gentlemen I love Moom
Bae....... stop being goofy
>>29565108Japan, but shes traveling to the US soonmy guess is that something related to the rainforest orison got canned
>>29565108In Japan. The pin pon gave it away this morning.
Bae is being such a brat
>>29565118Prensa de apareamiento con la rrata....
>>29565084Me neither, I need more
what did you have for breakfast /hlg/?
>>29565113I know exactly what you mean and you're absolutely right.
Bae has really good lips.
>>29565111gura wants to play shitty ps2 games while gura grinds on her lap too
biggg face
>There's people who wants to fuck this 12 year old
I don't understand mumei
>>29565205That would be lame so I'm gonna say you're wrong
>another pursowner
https://youtu.be/l6QPB_J_O2kWhat did I do to deserve two Miko streams in 1 day? Is she even going to be able to wake up for this stream?
Is she cheesed to meet me?
>>29565148Maybe the server really is being shut down to be worked on this week
>>29565189If it's related to Sana's graduation, she/they would probably have to come up with something to replace whatever it was they prepared. It could be a single skit, a song, anything. Would also explain why there's no stream reservation up yet.
>>2956525112 billionand I love MILFs so yeah
i wish bae and irys got more faggy art
Hey guys. I know a bunch of people are streaming or whatever, but do you want to talk about Gura's stream schedule again?
>>29565251I'd prefer it if she was a couple sizes flatter or a couple years younger, but sure
>>29565268God, I haven't seen this in years
>>29565276Maybe if you're ready for mating press
Ch..Cheesed to meet you?
is IRyS the most "based" EN?
>>29565175The Indonesians cant access steam
>>29565251Look at her dude
Is there a non-schizo way that I can tell Ame that she should stop working for other people and that she should start focusing on projects for herself and her fanbase?
>>29565113This but I need to jerk off before hanging out instead of after coz otherwise I'd be fucking lusting after her the whole time and she could probably sense it.
>>29565232Monster Zero Ultra and tapatio Doritos...
>>29565300Why are knights of shirogane like this since that's clearly who is responsible for this post.
>That moustacheIs Mumei an honorary MANS?
>>29565300Monday - Sex with meTuesday - Sex with meWednesday - Sex with meThursday - Sex with meFriday - Sex with meSaturday - Scoop animal poopSunday - Sex with me
nyaharo. i trust that you will watch mikochi's minecraft stream.
>>29565232Leftover fried bread crusts dusted with cinnamon and sugar that I dipped in condensed milk
So when will the Omocat merch ship out, based on the Myth stuff? Will I get my Moomshirt soon?
>>29565300Maybe tomorrow or later during dead hours, but thanks for checking in anon
>>29565342No but yes
mr squeaks was bae all along
>>29565099I really really love my Ina!
bae has so many assets she can use nowfor free
mumei should cook something like this!
http://poal.me/mkye1nhttp://poal.me/mkye1nhttp://poal.me/mkye1nSurvey time
Damn, the anime adaptation of ratatouille lookin' fire fr fr
>>29565344Why is Indonesia like this?
>>29565372"me" refers to myself of course
>>29565352No, there genuinely isn't, you'll always come off as selfish saying that
>>29565342>openly likes lolis>says trap without giving a shit about twitter troons>hates gypsiesprobably
>>29565352Sorry, no anon. You know she would bury you and tell you to improve yourself right?
>>29565385big kusa
Fan Fact: Sana's death will be her 100th video!
>>29565352No not really
>>29565148I wasn't talking about literally the days of the reset, I meant why Mori wasn't playing during the present (JP played Rust earlier today) and all the days JP have been playing before the actual reset
>>29565113Oh yeah, although that's more of a "girl who's friends with one of your cousins that comes over from college and brings you to drink with them" vibe for me
>slaving away for others as usual>not even in anyone's clique>Mumei and Fauna outright ghosting her assAme...
>>29565414cool vid anon, hope you get raped
>>29565414>/ck/ shitNOW it's a thread
>>29565385it said it on the page where you bought them. It was even in red text
>>29565113yeah you described it perfectly
>>29565414goreposting is against the rules
Why is bae simulating a mind control doujin?
>>29565444>>29565342My wife is so fucking based bros
>>29565126She doesn't look very close at all, anon...I think she's sidetracked...
>>29565462>the real reason those vods were deletedkino
>>29565385one of the jackets says "THIS WONT SHIP UNTIL AUGUST 12TH"so I assume they launched the initial stock with actually a bunch on hand, give it a week
>>29565352just switch to a better streamer
>>29565352Dox her location, find all the parks in the surrounding areas, write thousands of notes with your concerns, then stuff those notes into every patch of moss you see in said parks. She'll get the message.
>>29565232Scrambled eggs with Tofu and tomato sauce + toast
I want to have sex with Towa
>>29565414I dont know what's funnier, scooping the egg yolk back into its hole or the final cross section
>your oshi>would you fuck Mr. Squeaks?
>>29565444>likes lolisshe does not
>>29565444>>29565342She called some asian girl a dude today
>apparently steam and other game clients got banned in indonesiaID BROS??
>>29565175I don't go outside this thread, but it's been like this for at least a week.
>>29565414greetings fellow ja/ck/
>>29565522I will FUCK mr squeeks
>>29565414I want /ck/ to leave
does koyo read english super chats?
>>29565498buzz off
>>29565232I didn't eat breakfast...
>>29565462she deleted like ~5 vods
>>29565513I clicked through really fast because I didn't want what I ordered to go out of stock...
>>29565462BRAVO YAGOO
>>29565593Kindaa based, they should ban Jakarta from Here too.ID need to move to Japan stat.
>>29565414greetings fellow fu/ck/head
>>29565416>actually wrote brrats with the two r'sThanks, m8.
>>29565342She's been extremely insulated from western culture somehow so yes, by default.
>>29565211Maybe she dragged the delivery guy to america
>>29565198Based broking.
>>29565657Japan being codeword for my place of residence
why is the rat wearing nothing but a hat and a choker?
>>29565593for some ISP, mine still working
>>29565414You know, the egg in the center thing seemed like a cool idea.Then everything else happened
>>29565610you only encourage it when you say things like that
>>29565591she's said multiple times that she likes "small and flat girls" anon..hell, she just talked about eromanga sensei again less than 24 hours ago.. her fav girl in it is Elf btw
>>29565414>>29565689Let's not start with the /ck/ webms plese
Why does Ina's other alias always pretend to be japanese?
>>29565593>SEA finally getting rangebannedThank you Jesus Christ
>>29565593It's time to start "Operation: Airlift ID" and bring the girls to Japan.Who's gonna join on this mission? I won't lie, you may not make it back in one piece.
Baelz collarbones are so fucking hot
>>29565599>pours entire can of Sprite>then adds like six spoonfuls of sugarBUT SPRITE IS JUST CORN SUGAR WATER WHY WHY WHY
>>29565414I fucking love this stupid shit
>>29565232I haven't eaten breakfast in over a year.
>>29565133I don't see any connection beyond making the usual funny faces with captions that she usually does
stream suichan's new Overture album, in particular rat a tat and allegrohttps://youtube.com/playlist?list=OLAK5uy_m_zOwnpDZaGIFrSvAH86IAmcA1bWSYlwM
>>29565374If Bae finishes up soon, sure.
>>29565414/ck/ please stay
>>29565698shes doing it on purpose 100% this RAT needs correction
>>29565578Ame looks both very cute and somewhat intimidating in this picture!
>>29565414Isn't there some anon here that makes this every friday and posts a picture?
>>29565593>they cant play vidya>now they spend all their free time on /vt/
>This music
Christ the audio on the panel is so rough, the guy behind me was laughing so fucking loud at everything and the guy beside me wouldn't shut up
literally me
Yeah, me!
IRyS pumped and dumped Bae...
>>29565689>put the spoon in the microwave
>>29565593cool, wish they'd fucking ban them here too
Bae had a child....IRyS pay up
bae is a mother
>>29565704is there an active protest against it?
>>29565718Elf is sex.
Bae just gave birth on stream
Would you eat Mumei's water soaked fish?
Miko delayed 15 minutes.
uhh that stuff about mori in the open poal discussion isnt real right?
>>29565342We don't call her BasedRyS for nothing
That baby? Mine
>>29565784Should of told me bro.
>>29565593>>29565725You fucking wish. It's just some dumb fuckup on the government side. It will get fixed in like a month probably
>>29565593Why? I'm guessing something to do with Islam shit?
>>29565724I was born ready
>>29565593Just use a VPN bro
>>29565784Are the girls audible, at least, that's the important bitcan't have perfection, but serviceable is enough
>>29565788>>29565815>Bae is not a virgin
>irys turned bae into a single motherbased
>>29565857>clicking on poals
>You are... NOT the father!
>>29565724I will give my life for this
>>29565724It's time to kill the ID branch...And move the girls both to America and the EN branch
that's some nice looking SEMEN
>>29565385I am also excited for my retard shirt. It should arrive in 5-10 days if in the US, maybe up to 6 weeks internationally.
>>29565851arent all fish water soaked?
Honestly, wife shit aside it's pretty cute how often Bae/IRyS watch each other.
Sell me on Mr Squeaks
>>29565113I think she has the “hot friend that jerks you off occasionally while complaining about men” vibe personally.
KroniRyS panel
>>29565742>>29565741Contrary to popular belief, /ck/ is the most powerful board on 4chan.
>>29565593who will reine have to bribe to resolve this?
I think this PNG update got some motivation back to the EN girls
>>29565593So why exactly is Steam banned in ID?
>>29565973the creature
guys I gotta go I'm gonna need screenshots of every png thx
>>29565857Yep anon, that guy who spams in there about Mumei is lying too. Big fibbers!
>>29565973People are there because Kronii not IRyS
>>29565881No they want to BTFO western corps and show Indonesia strong so these companies need to register with the Indo government to be used there
>>29566018probably porn games
>>29565751For me, it's Ryuseigun
be warned that it is magging time
>I have to pay bae alimonyJUST
>>29565979I both love and hate /ck/.
>>29565973That's a LOT of asian people, I guess the whole "Vancouver" thing was legit
>>29565414One of the worst content producers out there. You think this person ate that afterwards?
>>29565973>>29566019>>29566002keep posting more lads, I always love seeing holo convention stuff
>>29565994Reine will just have to emigrate to Austria so she can use Steam...
Bae married meLater nerds
>>29565754Simply retweeting will cause unicorn seethe now? What is wrong with you people
>>29566087Seriously dude I feel like I was one of 6 white guys there
Confession: I've never had much in the way of strong feelings about deadbeats.
this fucker is pretty kino
>>29566051>BTFO western corps and show Indonesia strong Bold of them, it won't work but bold
Why can't Gura give constant updates on what she is doing like Ame, Kiara, Mori, & Ina...?
>>29565870>fuckupnot, it's deliberate this time since indo government want to tax steam/paypal/epicgames by forcing them to make an official indonesia branch company, the ban is the result of them not obeying the new rules
>>29566162Post full immediately
>>29565593>>29565704>>29565725>>29566018>>29566059Steam, PayPal, Battlenet, Epic Games and other websites have been banned in Indonesia
What the hell does "ratio" mean?
This entire board is gonna fucking suck tomorrow. I'm going to spend the entire weekend at a Sam's Club, does anybody want anything when I come back on Monday?
>29566062this fag will shit his voice again lmao>vegetamy sides got m**** out
>>29565973>instantly begins scanning the crowd for girlsWhy am I like this?
>>29566156you're gonna make me say it
Who booked Studio de Ame?Who is Kiara meeting with?
This nigger actually loves streaming, holy shit.
>>29565857Deadbeat jannie deleted the link, so it must be true.
What the fuck, that Cell Impression was like 1:1
>>29566055Right thread king!
>>29565832maybe? havent watch or read local news for 5 years
>>29566202never ever
>>29565973>>29566222Ame and Gura spotted
You guys wanna mating press THAT guy?
>>29566209You BETTER bring some fucking pizza for us
>>29566018American companies won't bow to foreign nations that demand their user data just to operate there.
Estaba haciendo mi tarea y de repente Amelia viene y me dice: "Te equivocaste" y yo le dije: "¿En dónde?" y me dice: "En tu apellido" y le contesté "Pero ese es mi apellido" y Amelia: "No cosita fea y estúpida, ahí debe decir 'De Watson" y yo:
dez nuts is now canon
>>29566216>he didn't get invited to the meet-and-rimlmao
>>29566205>the relation between two similar magnitudes with respect to the number of times the first contains the second:
>>29566184She's genuinely terrified of being stalked and raped by chumbuds
>>29566205It's like getting lots of (you)s on Twitter but it's a bad thing.
How the fuck is it that only Kronii and now Magni are the only ones whove streamed the absolute kino that is SA2?
>>29565973IS THAT THE C-MAN?
>IRyS joking about the declining birthrate in Japan WDSDIB?
>>29566151holy shit
>>29566315me llamo anon
>>29566350Aren't we all?
Gura cute Gura cute!
Why won't Ina come out and say she is Canadian like Kronii? She has to know that everyone knows by now.
>>29565973After watching IRyS at Dokomi I need to know if she's spills the spaghetti
>>29566279THEY ARE
I wanna hate the homos but god damit this guy is funny
>>29566276>>29566333What did they mean by this?
I love the clock and the snake!
>>29566382Whenever I go to a con I hope I find a cute chumbud and steal them away to spend the night together so not all
>>29566400She did
>>29566382NoChumbuds are literally the size of my pinkyWhat the fuck are they gonna do
I am a fat chumbie
>>29566397Ina actually cares about not getting stalkers
so where's Goomba?
Rat's got the pomp
Man's loading music with another stream playing adds a beautiful layer of extremeness. Mumei's cooking simulator got very fierce very fast.
>>29566184>& InaI stopped reading there
>>29566129I support this
>testing the game before streamingW-What is this sorcery?!
>>29566423They're all such based retards, I can't hate them...
>>29566350Just buy a Gunlike Ame did.
>>29566455Stop stealing the tako's cookies
>>29566369>Abe died for this
>>29566423just enjoy
>>29566315sorry I don't speak dead journalist
>>29566191She likes literally everyone, which is what most shitposters try to memoryhole. Similarly, everyone wants to fuck Bae, both male and females in her life.
>>29565593? I can still play master duel on steam?
>>29566151Fucking based
>>29566216See if you can trade for someone else
>>29566423>new ip
>>29566473thats the last word in the post tho
>>29566385A based Chumbud>>29566457Shit stirring faggot
>>29566473Been a while since I've had her membership but I do remember her giving lengthy updates sometimes
>Ame retweet MagniI don't feel so good
>>29565148>Do you see anyone on Rust right now?Are you guys stalking the rust server like you used to stalk minecraft?
>>29566473of course you did fucking retard, it was the end of his post
I guess the meido in turn doesn't care about off-topic homoposters
it's time for autism
>>29566216If you just got that email it means someone entered the lottery and did not claim their prize. Which means you pretty much won the Mega Millions today, congrats anon.
>>29566452I'll crawl up your urethra and give you a vasectomy
>>29566599stars has always been on topic
>>29566151Who she think she is?I can kill her with a single punch
>>29566473>reading thereI stopped reading there
>>29566216FUCK YOU
>>29566184Oh, manlet-chama...
>>29566452t. Gulliver
>>29566151based beyond belief
>>29566359Sonic sucks
>>29566599they only care about racism
>>29566459all the people that would stalk her in the first place already know she's Canadian
>>29566613>Brazil is the only reason why Elsword is still runningWhat the FUCK Brazil
>>29566662You fool, that was her afterimage
>can play sonic music in a game>can't sing sonic music in a karaokeCopyright laws are fucking madness
>>29565593Worst than that, they banned paypal, which gets really dicey if you VPN around that.It fucking sucks man, I just want to watch kobo in peace while selling some art online, I don't even shitpost.
>>29566697>I'M GONNA CUM INSIDE OF IRyS AND KRONESTERStrong words coming from the nigga who has the thinnest loads and shoots blanks
パッド :)
>>29566457She's with Ame.
>>29566428Same here except they require a vaxx card so I couldn't go despite it being literally a few miles away
Are holos allowed to talk about cunny love on Twitter?
>>29566514Dead anything, really.Last week a woman was burned alive because her literally autistic son was too noisy.
How did Bae piss in 30 seconds again?
>>29566710yeah, a big fat chili dog
Kronii is better at this game than MagniMy sides
This game has the worst soundtrack known to man. This shit is downright haunted. What is this?
>>29566151Scathach vibes
>>29566423Im starting to hate them just based on the fact that you niggers cant fuck off to your own thread
>>29566359Fauna said she would too, idkSA2 is a great stream game
I almost forgot how much I suck at the 3d Sonic games
>>29566780Time to start tapping into those islander roots and boating to Guam
>>29566216Congrats anon
>>29565462SASUGA YAGOO
this cooking game should have killstreaks
>>29566791Just get one then?
>>29566599Have you tried seething harder and posting wojaks like that one anti stars autist earlier?
I will never go to a con because the idea of people trying to talk to me or taking photographs with me in them is so abhorrent I couldn't even consider it.
>>29566821fauna please...
Would you help a stuck IRyS?
>>29566359You literally forgot the Sonic ambassador and Sonic 2 movie VA herself
>>29566359I personally think Sonic games are shit :D
>bae trapped irys in a marriage by having mr squeaks
>>29566599We like Tempus here
>>29566893haha sucker
>>29566697Why are Quebecians like this?
>>29566893do you ever leave the house?
>>29566821Oh man I really wanna see Fauna play itIs there a way to play with other people on the multiolayer mode through the internet?
What if they graduate the entire ID branch over all this shit...
>>29566151Why is botan like this?
>>29566893Why would people take a photo with you
>>29566893>taking photographs with meare you a cute girl or something?
>>29566809Why do you keep posting this here when you're either going to get ignored or get told to go back/mans/ has insane post speed to so it's not like you're getting banished to a dead thread or something
>>29566905Sell me on the Blue Dawg
>>29566599I think the board should improve itself...
>most subbed of each en gen is just the one with the smoothest voiceIs that really the trick?
IRyS is trapped by Bae so she can get mating pressed later
>>29566821Fauna said she wanted to play the multiplayer with Kronii, they were just sorting out whether they could pull that off.
>>29566810pretty huge contrast with her coworker playing the game with the best soundtrack known to man
>>29566809What happened to men are better at games than women?
>>29566893Just do what I do and have the Luck of God on your side so that people literally get up and walk in front of you every time a camera is about to pick you up, anon
>Chef Mumei baked her computerBravo!
>>29566710I wanna suck on Korone sonics clit and take a deep whiff of her pubes
>>29566151I want to see Botan purge the entire server after the Rust arc has run its course
>>29565973This is why I'm afraid of going to cons. I'll end up in some showcase online
>>29566599>>29566811Please tell me you have the same feelings over the shitposting we just endured for the past several hours.
>>29566359Bro hololive literally has an official brand ambassador for Sega with her own costume
>>29566876Even if I wanted to, it's way too late to get fully vaxxed. I'll just bum around the bars afterwards
>>29566791Just fake one then?
>>29566797No one can convince me she doesn't post drip with those bathroom speeds
>>29566893Nobody is gonna talk to you or take photos with you unless you're a hot girl in cosplay
I pretty much missed the rrat stream, what the rrat doing?
>>29566599They only care about defending their alkie queen
>>29566613procedo a XD
Is...is Magni bad at videogames?
is it "BUST" boy, or "BUS" boy?
>>29567039Well anon? Why are you crying?
>>29566821Fauna says a lot of things.
>>29567042Bro bars in CA are even more strict about vax cards unless you go to ULTRA shitty ones
Mumei is pretty cute isn't she?
>>29566969>>29566965>>29567063Haven't you seen how people pick apart the photos that get posted here? Laughing at people for how they look? I just couldn't stand stuff like that.
>>29567032id rather on-topic shitposting than off-topic homos
>>29567069Mix of zatsu + playing with the props
>missed Nowa's stream because I was out exercising and the mobile lag was terrible>missed Tempus Apex because I came home too late>caught only the middle third of Fauna's minecraft journey>missed Kiara and Ina along the way>missed Altare>missed Mumei which was probably a fun stream because I always love Mumei>caught Bae's stream which was really fun, which was at the same hour as Altare and Mumei >but I clicked out and I'll finish watching the VOD later because I want to watch Magni play my favorite gameHoly jesusYou could not keep up with this hobby and being a hololive fan even if you were a NEET with no life like I am
>>29567069Putting on funny PNGs and having a good time, I'd recommend watching it later cause it's pretty cute.
This is what Bae things the average /hlgg/ user looks and acts like
>>29567132just don't be bald
>>29566821Fauna says a lot of shit without backing any of it
>>29567134kill yourself threadreader
>>29567126a bit
Bae just called me cute!
>>29567132Just look good?
>>29567132Oh, I guess that could happenIt's not like we'll know it's you so it's fine
>>29567173go fuck yourself homonigger
Where is the Sana stream reservation?
>>29567154didnt realize i was on facebook
>>29566965I mean I took photos of a bunch of Holo cosplayers for the hell of it so this thread could see it
>>29567119I haven't actually gone to a bar in yearsI'll try my luck anyway
>>29567132You're not posting yourself
>>29567134*cums on you*
>>29567154>only watching one stream at a timeNGMI
>testing game before streamingisnt that illegal?
>>29567160well she's way off-base, she's not even using any racial slurs
>>29567126i can't understand her half the time which is cute i guess, yeah
>>29567204oh fuck i forgot about that
>>29565342I wonder if IRyS’ basedness is why she doesn’t get along with Kiara
So if he sings along to this song in stream will he get copyright struck despite being in the game?
This cheeky rat needs mating press correction.
>>29566216>be me>live in SEAland>won meet-and-greet ticketnothing personnel guys
Only fat people likes Sonic Adventure 2
>>29567238oh shit, migo is streaming early
>>29567069it's been pretty fun, there were really cool PNG on there
>>29567238Finally, Migocraft
>ukrainian borschtlol
>>29566599Point me to the rules that say it's off-topic then
>>29567238>bait thumbnail
>>29567154Use holodex retard
>>29567134God I fucking hate you. Why? Why would you want that? Why is on-topic so important to you you'd take shitposting that adds absolutely fucking nothing to the threads over homoposting which at least talks about streams and is tangentially related?
Ukrainian abortion...
>Pako made a new outfit for his Fate: Grand Order character>looks like thisOh God, tomorrow is going to be sad
>>29566066ryuseigun is fantastic, yes
>monkey sexbae what the fuck
>>29567199you add nothing to this thread just like the people's lives around you
>>29567154There's way too many fucking Vtubers
>>29567154I just watch my oshi and whatever other streams look neat if I have time. It's literally impossible to watch everything, don't try.
>>29567340Haha, that outfit is goddamn ridiculous.
>>29567298yeah, me
>>29567326NTA, but can I have neither?Neither is way better. It's not like you can only have one or the other. Often we get both! I just want neither.
Bae is making me swoon!
no child will EVER beat ultronii
>>29567160The average Hoshiyomi that's for sure
>>29567326Kill yourself or shut the fuck up forever
Bae is dying from cringe
>>29567326i hate you fucking retard niji faggots so much its not even funny
>>29567340To be fair, Arjuna Alter came before Sana and he already had a heavy space motif. Really, Sana is basically Rule 63'd Arjuna Alter with the opposite personality
unicorn ah ah ah ah
What happened to Kobo mother simulator?
>>29567441make me
>ChaoLobby>"Now this is the real game"Kronii!!
>>29567403Anon... I have some bad news about Gura...
Miko is livehttps://youtu.be/l6QPB_J_O2khttps://youtu.be/l6QPB_J_O2khttps://youtu.be/l6QPB_J_O2k
>>OPBusting up in Bae's hairy Chinese jungle
>>29567402Wanting neither is fine, I just don't understand feeling that it's harder to talk around homos than shitposting.
Bae always gives me an erection
>>29567326why is it so fucking hard to take homo discussion to /mans/?? you'll have more fun there anyways.you have literally no reason to post about homos here other than for shitposting.There's a Bae, Mumei, Miko, and Koyori stream going on right now.neck yourself
>>29567154You can have 2 oshis max if you want to keep up with them equally
Has ANY anon here been to a hololive member meet & greet?How was it?
>>29566151Fake image btw
>>29567154>Wake up, Holoschedule and Holodex>Open 10+ streams including VODs from sleep>Bookmark top streams of the day for backlog>Loop quality until completed
>>29567340FGO is going to have some event that is going to be a huge reference to vtubers at some point and a certain illustrator or two is going to design a servant for it
Bae is making me WET
>>29567487sorry her voice filtered me
>>29566893just don't be a cosplaying faggot
>>29567464duerte turned the internet off
>>29567132Here's a guide for you>Don't be too fat>don't be balding. If you are balding, shave it all off or wear a hat>wear a mask if you aren't confident with your face>don't be comedically short>unless you are some gigachad, don't cosplay as a girl
Magni is being autistic again...
>>29567238after 100 days she will finally become baby
chao autism
>>29566216What does this entail?
>>29567505I met IRyS and it went really fucking great. Apparently better than I realized at the time, even.
>>29567441>>29567458I've never watched a Niji a day in my life nor did you answer my fucking question.
>>29566780post art
>>29567217Actually, that's not true. I just remembered I went to a german bar earlier this year that served some great leberkäse
>>29567512They already put a Vtuber servant, look up Sei Shonagon
Bae is literally dying from cringe on stream kek
>>29567561Based, what did you talk about?
>>29567483What, she's married? Well yes she's married to me.
>>29567563well you'd be better suited in their thread, so why dont you get the fuck out and go there already. im sure you'll love it
>>29567505the irysto oh he responded already
anus rape tie my niggas
>>29567512>a certain illustrator or twoAnon, do you have any idea how little that narrows it down when almost every fucking artist in the EN Hololive sphere has some link to FGO
>>29567561What did you talk about?
oh boy it's time for meta niggers crying about nothing when streams are going onyou are a blight, a plague, a cancer, this is a 4chan thread, not something you should care for as much as you doShut the fuck up and watch and discuss the streams or literally kill yourself out of watching vtubers
>>29567505One got sexually harassed by IRyS.
>>29567505My oshi asked to see my penis, weirdly enough
>>29567369see this >>29567199also neck yourself
>>29567502I haven't even posted about the homos here other than on their debuts, but what I'm trying and failing to understand is how the homos are SO MUCH WORSE than the same fucking timeloops about Gura not streaming or whichever Holo hating their fans or how all of them are fucking retarded over and over and over again.
>Chao autism with Kronii (warden of time)>Chao autism with Tempus (tempus=time)THEY ARE
>homo antis having a melty over their existenceIt reads just like EN/ID discussion on /jp/. Just waiting for "wrong thread shart" spam and roommate posting.
>>29567561Are you ReporterAnon or not? Did you actually get sexually harassed?
>>29567502Maybe you should talk about those streams instead of trying your hand at being janny's right hand man.Oh wait you don't actually want to watch streams, you just want to complain and shitpost.Neck yourself nijinigger.
>>29567639see >>29567617
These Chaos need to be corrected...!
>>29567563I really don't have time for your deadbeat shit today
>>29567505Irys meet and greet. turned to the side to pick up my stuff after the time and she instantly said "uh oh.. dumpyyy" to my ass
>>29567603How would I be better suited, exactly?
>>29567599>>29567618Concert that she just did, how happy I was to see her achieving her dreams, how she helped inspire me to do a lot more with my life than I was doing before, showed some pictures, she asked to see the merch I had on me because she hadn't even seen it yet, etc etc, it was good
>>29567271Where is the art you fucking coward
What is Mumei saying right now? My Bluetooth earphones died and I can't hear her properly
>>29567505at least 2 /here/ kronies got to meet kronii at whatever con she went to that had a meet and greet
Mumei is so autistic, it's cute.
1 day left.
I missed chadcast and the Omocast merch, were those streams KINO?Have some chicken ass for your time
Mumei has learned human emotion
no wonder her mom is a bitch to her, mumei is a retard
>>29567281But I'm just big boned?
>>29567561How long do you get?
chose to watch bae stream over mumei and I don't regret it
>>29567666Someone said it was partly nijifujos assblasted that certain talents ended up in Stars and not NijiEN
So do the Chows DO anything or are they like tamogachi?
Is this chapos garden bulshit mandatory? I always skiped it when I played it as a child, i just wnted to go fast.
>>29567720Nice, I hope that I can talk to my oshi some day.
>>29565973>>29566002The best parts of the panel was Kronii flubbing her words when she was talking about First Nations, and IRyS mistaking a girl for a boy.
>>29567505Meet and greet with Reine and Kronii
>Steam, Origin, Epic all blocked in IndonesiaWill this effect Hololive ID?
>>29567720Ok but what about the part where she sexually harassed you
>>29567617go back to your shit thread nijinigger
>>29567622Conceptualize the aroma.
>>29567649Here's how to help you with understanding.Anyone who says>"I want shitposting"is shitposting themselves, or severely autistic to the point of running an internet "moral crusade" mentality.Most people probably just don't want either. But the retards are loud.
Bae is time to stop
>>29567750CHaDcast was pretty great, lots of anime talkMerch is pretty good
>>29567607>>29567670>cat rape tie my niggas>anus cat tie my niggas>anus rape cat my niggas>anus rape tie cat niggas>anus rape tie my catWhich one was it anon?? We must know
>>29567801depends on their ISP
>>29567281>Top game>135 lbsCheckmake
based migo
>>29567745its so over
>>29567801Yes, Lofi wanted to play Stray but couldn't
Anybody else worried that Fauna has been a bit more parasocial with the saplings lately? She was a bit more personal than usual in her last member's stream and I feel like her being encouraged by the saplings to keep looking for her stuff after she died to the Enderman didn't help in that regard.
Am I the only one who finds these pick up lines good?
>>29567753>>29567765>>29567774What did she say
>>29567801Dangerously based, indogs were getting too cocky and needed a reality check
>>29567776Three minutes is a safe bet
>>29567650Tbh everyone loves SA2 for these reasons:the music the ChaosEggman's announcement memesthe game itself is really low on the list
Would you trust this chef?
>>29567869Her mother was cooking something she didn't feel like eating so she ordered her own food
>>29567869ordered take-out while her mom was cooking for her and didn't understand why she got angry
>>29567683I don't like this thread being shit up with off-topic trash.Take your homo discussion to /MANS/ or sit there and listen to me complain about it.
>>29567867She loves us and appreciate us and we reciprocate feelings, simple as
>>295678014chan next God PLEASE
>>29567801Doesn't affect Kaela at all.
>>29567870it dpeneds on the girl, some girls will like intentionally terrible pickup lines and laugh, others will report you to the cops
>>29567801Reine can afford to circumvent the law.
>>29567934Mumei reminds me of my ex
>>29567919Fuck you I love sonic and shadows levels
>>29567649I understand you're new here nijinigger, but we don't want this thread to turn into the shithole you came from.
>>29567801They can use a VPN but it doesn't matter anyway because Cover won't allow HoloID to use VPNs.
>>29567924>>29567934Mumei wtf... I understand now why mother owl is a bitch to her
>>29567925only if she says "i cooka da pizza"
>>29567801I looked into it, and if steam wanted to it would not take much to fix this.
Fuck off Bae you're not covering your shoulders and pits with that crap.
Bae sex?
rare miko stream time.
>>29566428All the overweight cosplayers are dressed up as Mori from what i typically see. i think those cosplayers should improve themselves because if they are taking inspiration from Mori, they may be taking the wrong examples and no that's not a fat joke, it's more of them not knowing their limitations, due to their oshi being able get away with murder
what the heck is a pickle beet
Hoomen are being suspiciously quiet right now.What is she doing
fucking deadbeet soup
>>29567870Some of them were pretty fun, yeah. Not all of 'em though.
>>29567919Sonic is a hedgehog of color
>>29567933Watch streams
>>29568030Steam doesnt want to provide user information to Indo government.
>>29567610Same with everyone in HoloEN
>>29568053playing an Ame-tier game sadly
>>29567713cause you're acting exactly like a nijinigger
>>29567835anus rape my tie*anal raping big like a bag of dicks
fuck you all with this continued shitposting about wrong thread/right thread nigger, the split is enough proof that separate threads for separate branches in HoloPro works
>>29567934That's what we like to call a "red flag" in psychology lingo
>>29567867Why would I be worried when I've been waiting for this since her debut? Fauna is a kind soul who wants to help people who are struggling. She wants to let the Saplings in, she's just smart enough not to rush into it.
Is it weird if I find Bae hotter with those teeth
>>29568053Just watching Mumei be cute, not much going on in the stream.
>>29567925With my fucking LIFE
>>29567867It's called appreciating her fans. Funny that you use Pekora's image because she's one of the parasocial holos.
>>29568096I can fix her
>>29567833thanks anon.I love both Ina and IRyS long random tangents about anime. I'll watch the Vod after Bae's stream
>>29567801Seems like they can still easily bypass it, I wouldn't worry about this affecting Holo ID at all.
So who ready for Rrat PC to break
>>29568047It's like a deadbeat, but in a jar of vinegar
>>29567801cool now when can they get range banned from this site?
>>29567801depend on ISP
>>29568033baes so small you could fuck her while holding her up and she wraps her legs around your waist
>>29568047Pickled* beets, as in vinegar anon
>>29568107Kill yourself honestly
>>29568115Just a little bit
>>29568142>>29568147No, Inner... IRyS....
>>2956803390% of the time, I see nice Bae art, go to save it, then realize I already have it saved
>>29567925Based on this stream I expect I'd get serious food poisoning if I ate her cooking.
>>29568170I can save her...
>>29567934Uh wow that is the complete opposite of wife materialRomancing someone like that is horrid
has science gone too far?
>>29568172buy for honor
>>29568148Can they bypass it legally though?
Why doesn't Nintendo turn Sonic into a first party developed game so it can be good?
>>29568167It would be easier to get their government to ban the site and VPNs
>>29567836>>29568148>>29568172The only thing you people have is time, and that's running out until your ISP gets in line with regulations
>>29568180Parasocial Holos are the strongest Holos. Watame and Lamy are examples of this.
https://litter.catbox.moe/2stn5o.jpgrat sex
>>29567934That's actual autism, impressive
>>29568215which girls would make a for honor stream not shit?
>>29568068I am, just not homo streams.
>>29567940They actually tried that back in 2020 for a single month or week and the amount of shitposting lessened, of course not completely because there's still the Americas and Europe oh and don't forget the Chinks
I wonder how much Money gura makes on fucking ads alone.
>Steam is banned in IndonesiaMore minecraft streams I guess
>>29568172Kaela got her 2nd ISP not two days ago. All of them are probably gonna have to get more than 2 providers then
>>29568148Do you really think Cover will allow them to bypass the block? Even if it's not illegal to bypass it, no way Cover is going to risk the trouble
>>29567925She's quite the chef, so of course I would
>>29567934actual psychopath
>"The original edgelord"I love this phrase
Mori is so fucking dumb for moving back to that shithole. Fucking retard could have taken Ame, Gura, Mumei, and Fauna with her
Honestly Bae really did get the best omocat shirt, especially for a dudeIf you actually solve the maze it spells her name
>>29568263It’s over…
>your oshi in 40 yearshttps://youtu.be/4t4htmbam9s
>flipping over salmon
>>29568297/#/ thread is that way, /vt/ourist
>>29568263oh my god I forgot that's on steam
>>29568297i'm more surprised on people who still gets ads for the past 15 years
>>29567934what a bitch
>>29567993I don't want this place to be a shithole either which is why I would prefer not to have shitposting going on all the time. I am perfectly okay with no homos here, but I would much rather something be done about the rampant shitposting than people talking about a homo stream. I don't even fucking watch them.I don't even know why I'm replying at this point, you're just gonna talk around me again.
>>29568305Aren't their accounts based on Japan though? Technically the Indonesian government can't touch them right? Sorry if this sounds stupid, please enlighten me.
what if shadow had a gun?
>>29568349If you squint your eyes you can kinda see the letters.
This Miko HC run is off to a really good start.
>>29568264This would be hotter if those hands weren't from two different people
>>29568392He would kill a lot of disgusting black creatures
>>29567934No wonder she has zero friends she’s that type of annoying loner hoe in uni
>>29568270I don't think any of them alone would be able to manage it, it's such a filtering game. It would take a 4 person collab to make it any good, where they just pick whatever character they think looks coolest and go dickin' around with each other. They would get thrashed if they just went straight into dominion.
>>29568381>I would much ratherNTA, but this is the problem. The idea of>I would rather they do (X) instead of (Y)is flawed. They should do both. Full stop. It isn't hard.
>>29567934>and didn't understand why she got angryI can get defending this if you at least understand why someone might not be happy about making too much food now that you're all of a sudden not eating.
>>29568349Because of the color, you mean?I personally love Bae's but I also really really like Fauna's.
>>29568297gura is easily a multi-millionaire, even after cover and youtube cuts.not sure why that's even up for debate still.
>>29568431Both of those people are me
>>29567934That reminds me there was like a kitchen bus or something earlier that was selling hamburgers and I was thinking about getting one but one of my older folks was already making stew so I decided against it probably for the best, their stew tends to be pretty good and that hamburger probably tasted like shit
>>29568422Don't talk about my Oshi like that!
>>29568349I can see the Baelz, but the Hakos is a little difficult
>>29567934>people are surprised someone like this ghosted Ame for rust
>>29568351Cover hire this woman
>>29568218Nintendoes what Sega don't
>>29568454That's okay, if she wants to order food on her own I'll just force my bratwurst into her mouth
>>29567934Well mom, maybe you should tell me that you are planning to cook something before i make a digiornos. You know i don't leave my room, and you watched me preheat the oven
>>29567934>>29568196>>29568454I unironically believe the rrat that she could be single now
>>29568261Watame and Lamy are leagues above fauna lmao
>if you have to use your horn when you drive you're just insecureThat's a random thought for a cooking simulator stream
>>29568297I'm baffled that people use the internet without adblock. There's extensions for everything you need.
>no time set yetsana...
>>29567934>Girl with obvious autism does somethign autisticIs this supposed to be suprising?
>>29567934Her being friendless groomerbait making more and more sense
guys i just heard that the indonesian government blocked/banned 4chan but not 4channelhow do i report this site to their government
Did the homos say how long they have to stick to the 1h limit?
>>29567867Did you not see how she ended her superchat reading yesterday? I actually got butterflies in my stomach
>>29568480So why doesn't Gura move to Japan
>>29568351My cute gamer grandma beat my ass in Freedom Wars PvP before and then sassed me on Twitter. Glad to see she's still doing what she loves
>not confirmeddon't give me hope...
>>29568545That's what I'm saying! If Fauna became more parasocial, she could become even better!
>>295685962 weeks to a month iirc
>>29568553I bet she doesn't signal either, classic Moom
>>29568270>>29568461Also it would be viable for them to just go through the campaign, as clunky as the version of the game it runs on is. I think it was really good for being so short.
>>29568596As long as this*unzips dick*
>>29567934Haha that's funnyI guess it's one thing if she somehow didn't know her mom was cooking, but I'd still apologize in her shoes after the fact
If you value your life, go watch Sana tomorrow otherwise Bae will gun you down
Knuckles can fly because he's black
>>29568600cause she's not pewdiepie rich
>Mumei getting triangulated through car horns right now
>>29568647nice cock
HoloID branch gonna see a mass graduation announcement in the next days
>>29564977The thing is, Chloe's "paranormal" experiences don't stop when she moves from one place to another. They've been following her for her whole life, and it seems to be hereditary from her mother, but not her whole family since her grandma and sister seem normal. If you smell shit everywhere you go, you check your shoe for dogshit. If you see ghosts everywhere you go, you get your brain checked.
>>29568575There’s schizos who are emotionally invested in the idea that she’s faking it.
>>29568538If she’s exactly the kind of girl I think she is she is destined to be single forever unless her partner has no self respect and wants to live in misery
>>29568218Because it ain't Mario or Zelda so there's high chances that it lays dormant for an eternity despite the popularity. Reminder that the last Star Fox game was shit despite the team behind it.
>>29568596They have to stick to it for 1 hourFirst month only
>>29568381NTA, but why is with you faggots one way or the other, i want neither shitposters or homos in the thread, but since i know shitposter will be here no matter what i rather get rid of homobeggars at least
>>29568596one month
>>29568699>unless her partner has no self respect and wants to live in miseryI'm already there, might as well take some owltism for the team.
>mumei is in a bad mood>i am in a bad moodWE ARE
>>29568381I don't want shitposting or homo discussion (which is also just shitposting trying to rile up this thread).
Koyori is so cute
>>29568564Go a step further and use FreeTube with a proxy and device-local subscriber lists
[Fun Fact]Mumei will sexually harass fans at her CRX Meet & Greet
>>29568699>unless her partner has no self respect and wants to live in miserystand back men I got this one
>>29568609What do you mean
>>29567934>Mumei is psycho>Fauna is psychoThey groomed Gura to hate Ame
>>29566216congrats anon! tell us about the meeting when you get back from the con
>>29568538>nowI think in spite of previous knowledge she's been dumped for quite a while.
>>29568699>her partner has no self respect and wants to live in miseryIf misery is mutual misunderstandings and miscommunications with a cute girl trying her best to understand social queues despite being profoundly strange, let me live in eternal suffering.
>>29568464I mean sure, but I don't see the same level of resolve towards one side of those things. If every bit of shitposting got the same "kill yourself" or mass replying you know what fair enough, respect the consistency. But I just don't. Which makes me think one thing is considered more important than the other.
>>29568538Well don't worry, she isnt
>>29568609I hate it when anons vaguepost
>>29568699sounds like me, im owm mumei!
>>29568687so you're saying...chloe's apartment isn't what's haunted...CHLOE IS HAUNTED!?
>>29568807gonna cry about it?
>>29568600>Gura leaving the country to be completely without her parentslemao
>>29568841Well, Fauna is a batshit insane bisexual lolicon so I don't doubt this
>>29568807>all those linksoh god, they shamelessly went full general mode now.
>>29568874No, just informing you that you're asking that question in the wrong thread.
>>29568687finally, a paranoid schizophrenic in hololive!
>>29568855One thing is new and the other isn't.People have been looking at timeloops for two fucking years. No one cares enough to do anything other than report or tell bait to fuck off once or twice.
How does Sana's graduation have a time? This was planned a month ago.
my cute husband towasama...
>>29568859Sanas graduation. Bae said she doesn't know at what time it's going to take place and to keep an eye on Twitter
>>29568918Are you happy? Is this what you wanted?
>>29568858Yeah, sorry gays, I'm dating Moom now
>>29568918Well yea, they are a general after all.
>>29568753>>29568817>>29568852>>29568864It’s not worth it bros…just hit it once and never look back
PUMP SOME IDOLFAG JUICE IN YOUR VEINShttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yhd-1Ktgiqk
https://twitter.com/hakosbaelz/status/1553223952998096896Why is nerdtaro brazilian
>>29568687pussy's haunted
Is IRyS the least mentally ill member of holoEN?
>>29568564Holos haven't gotten adblock permissions from gorhill.
>>29568858Yeah, because she’s with me.
>>29568875She has fuck you money, she can afford to leave that third world country for the best nation on earth
Holy shit, the thread is so slow I thought we were out of images.
>>29567934I am now a Mumei anti
>>29568964Yes, this is exactly what I wanted and I am very happy.
>>29568600Why the fuck would she want to
>>29568979I'm gonna fuck nerdtaro in the ass
>>29568965grim grim grim
buried in the comments
>>29568947Towa can't be sexy because her mom wont let her have pubes>>29569045>Why doesn't she want to move to the best country in the entire worldkek
>>29568598The "one-on-one" stuff? Honestly I am a bit relieved that she was aware that there has been a bit of a shortage of solo streams lately. Still.
>>29568975you are weak, I am strong
>>29568756>>29568858>>29568989Yeah, I dumped her.
>>29568918why would a general not have a general OP?
>>29569089Don't give me hope Ame...
>>29568997constant access to the people that love her most>being alone in a country she can't even speak the language of
>>29568975You don't understand how much I want a Moomwife, anon.
>>29569096Dumb weeb
>>29568992Not in the slightest, that's very clearly someone like Ame, which is why AmeRyS would work so well, a sane and a schizoid being cute together
My brain actually hurts right now watching Mumei wtf
>>29569089tummy hort
>>29568965made me check
>>29569002Thread is always pretty dead outside of chumbud/teamate hours, there's also a con going on and males now too.
>>29569089Oh boy 1am karaoke....
Jesus tails sounds like an actual child.
>>29568992Anon she's menhera as fuck she's constantly having meltdowns
>>29568992IRyS is a menehra. She hides it behind anime discussion and shipping.
>>29569089late late prolly means +8 >>29569172hey, be nice
>>29569096>Towa can't be sexy because her mom wont let her have pubesgay
>>29569089Oh boy time to stay up
The uwu content from Kronii and IRyS was pretty good
>>29569189I always thought tails was a girl, to the point I named one of my female dogs Tails once
>>29568387HoloID members are located in Indonesia. It's not a good look for a company to bypass government regulations. It might not be illegal but it won't win you any favors from the government.
>>29568764on your period?
>>29569131>>29569139I'd love to stay in the African nation of Chad because of access to my friends and shit over going to a better place kek
>>29569213Kaela's UwU is the strongest
>>29569089I wish they always put creator's comments on top
Why does Mumei look so funny and cute with that silly mustache?
>>29569145>>29569197>>29569200Fuck I thought she was normal, guess everyone's just fucked in the head, the only other one that's not too clear to me is Bae
>>29568971it just shows a disconnect between them and /hlgg/ and /stars/. They better be careful or else they are gonna follow in /infinity/'s footsteps
Turn off this radio, Mumei. I beg you.
>>29568997>>29569096>sky high suicide rate>rock bottom birthrate
SA2 was definitely not a good game, but it's somehow so beloved anywaywhy
>>29569270Yeah I'm just talking about at the convention today
>>29568992No, that's probably Fauna. Or Bae, maybe?
>>29565725>Flips still roams freenothings really change
>>29569089I will now stay up until +3 AMT.
>>29569197Name three times
>>29568936Is that really enough to give up? I want to imagine a world where we can talk about our favorite hololive girls without some dumbass coming around to call them a whore, leech or lazy. Maybe I'm just too naive.
>>29567934I hope the anons here appalled like this realize the reality of being with someone who's actually autistic and not 4chan's defintion of autistic
>>29569189even in japanese
>>29569260Ame kind of gave up on using Twitch after management forced them to upload the VODs to youtube after their streams.
>>29569270Why are indos so obnoxious? No one even fucking mentioned Kaela
>>29569189For a few of the games they had an actual kid voicing him (Heroes comes to mind), every other game though he's been voiced by a girl
>>29568975Just be her friends with benefits and then watch her get depressed when she realizes you're just using her to coomThat's the perfect time to groom your own Moom
>>29569189SA1, SA2 and Heroes had Tails be voiced by AN ACTUAL CHILD. He got voiced by a female VA onwards.
mumei this game SUCKS
>>29569089>>>29569119 >>29569129 >>29569156 >>29569170 >>29569172 >>29569203 >>29569206 >>29569260 >>29569272>baiting teamates this easilysasuga ame
What is Miko trying to do?
>>29569200shipping on itself is already a given
>>29569286Nah not really
>>29569309I meant +9, which is divisible by 3.
>>29569366Her best.
>>29569360It's more fun with challenges
>>29566274>Not even the soundpost
>>29569315I'd love to put an end to that but I don't have superpowers anon
>>29569360Mumei sucks at streaming games.
>>29568992No, but she's at least smart enough to realize that no, member's streams are NOT a safe way to talk about your problems. If only a certain chicken would realize that...
>>29569118Because no one reads that shit past the first week, and all that clutter makes finding new shit like new song cover/big event coming harder to find. Who the fuck browsing /mans/ somehow needs the actual youtube links to click on?
If i was a Holo i would name my computer with a dead celeb that people believe is still alive somewhere hiding name and would constantly leak itmight even change it each time
>>29569402Nothing beats the Haato pizza one
>kiara had covid when doing choreo for her birthday live>ame visited kiara in her hotel and spent the night with her>ame went to ame con shortly afterw-was ame trying to infect all the other ames?
>>29569315The only way to do that is to become a janitor.No one here is gonna be able to do jack or shit about anyone until they get power, the more, the better. The only reason you see so much effort for this is because this time, a meido came down and said>yeah we're taking your opinion into considerationso there's a reason to think it's an exception to the usual "only janitors/meidos have power" dynamic.
JFWOATASHas Koyori met Zack yet?
>>29569366her goal is to beat ender dragon and wither and make it to day 100
ID3 might be the last ID gen ever at this rate, indonesia is turning as much as aggressive as china for cover business.
>>29569364She’s got me trained like a dog for Christ’s sake...
>>29569313Name 3 IRyS song releases and I will name those times.
>>29569296I don't know, Fauna gives me weird vibes. I could see it being Bae
Can you put mechanical keyboards in a washing machine?Is pepper bad for you?Is it bad if poop leaks out of me sometimes?Is it safe to leave a window AC unit running for days?Are there any other glow in the dark omocat shirts besides Fauna?
>>29569433>a certain chickenA certain magical chicken has a MUCH better handle on that than a certain zombie
>>29569508VioletJackie ChanSk8er Boy
>>29568992The least mentally ill is probably either ame, ina, or fauna
I've been pushing my feelings down but more and more I feel like I'm actually in love with Fauna and it frightens me.
>>29569514If you take them apart, yeahYeahYeahYeahNo
>>29569453>Amelia wanted to contract Covid knowing the other dimension Ames are weaker to itDevilish...
Is there a link to Sana's graduation stream?
I love Mumei brainrot. I've completely zoned out. Just listening to this sweet owl's mumbles while she busies herself with silly tasks is my favorite background noise for reps and gaming. I just love hearing her voice.
>>29569473Getting through the flashbacks as we speak
>>29569433>he doesn't know
>>29569514NoNoYesYes but remember to clean the filterI don't know
this bitch has been reusing the same potato water soup for 4 days now
>>29569453She did say she was trying to be the best Ame possible, is her method of achieving that eliminating the competition?
Gods I want EN3 to be an all balkan gen it’s time to bring kino back to EN
>>29569473she has seen the picture and she's doing the lifestream sequence now
>>29569453Her pussy was worth it
>>29569433A certain chicken has a much better handle on that than a certain nephilim and a certain zombie.
>>29565599Ah, a diabetes pie.
>>29568992No, I would assume Fauna is
>>29569481Ender Dragon is easily doable. I did a HC dragon kill in about 80 days, and a lot of that was spent autistically enchanting my gear. Wither sounds much harder, since it's entirely dependent on getting a 2.5% drop, three times.
Im being held hostage
>>29569512Fauna is definitely the type who would be an actual IRL yandere and make jokes likes "haha imagine if I could live under your skin and we'd always be together haha"
>>29569607>8880seems legit
>>29569607sana baby...
>>29569591Isn’t it great?
>>29569605More like "Time to bring Kosovo back to Albania"
>>29569402that scream at the end.. it always give me a boner
>>29569605Haha it's this joke again! Haha!
>>29569282They're wildly exaggerating it, she's just had trouble dealing with stress at certain points
>>29569621>a certain nephilimThe worst she's ever said in a member's stream is>yeah, it's frustrating sometimes, but you gotta take the good with the bad, you know
>>29569433Memberships streams are a good place for that. It's just that the level of stuff talked about shouldn't exceed a threshold. For instance>Level 1 is what grayfags see in public streams.>Level 2 is what normal members see in membership streams>Level 3 is what a chuuba that's "close" will show to members>Level 4 is only what your genmates and up should know>Level 5 is what only your family and friends knowIf you'd rank Kiara somewhere, she'd be Level 3. If you'd rank Ollie from back then somewhere, she'd be Level 4.
Mumei's autism would work well with League of Legends, she should play it sometimes
>lewding the pink 'hog
>>29569512Probably cause Fauna tries to hide any negative emotions she has on stream.
>>29569686Venting on your rm streams is pretty menhera anonchama
I just realized that Sana probably met Ame to do 3D with her
>>29569671What if we don't know anything about Sana's graduation stream because she changed her mind?
>>29569607>Nov 10 2020what the fuck
>>29569775Oh, you're that retard, hope you stop pretending eventually
Is Sana in Japan?
>>29569605I hope at least 2 of them are Nigerian
>>29566893I feel the same way pretty much, I haven't taken a photo of myself in 9 years. Though I'd sac up and go for a meet and greet with my oshi
Sana is graduating and no one gives a fuck. No reserved stream. No hype. No big announcements. It'll be all half assed last minute bullshit. A true representation of holo EN.
>>29569700I just noticed, Kaelas nose is pretty cute. Are there any other Holos with cute noses?
>>29569591Gotta save the climate
She looks so fucking STUPID
>>29569829Why the fuck would you ask us this, Yagoo?
Sana is the most mentally stable EN. Which is also why she is leaving.
>>29569556Fauna's a pretty safe pick to fall in love with, though. She'll come to nearly every stream in a good mood, will be cute and positive almost all the time and you'll even get some simulated physical intimacy via ASMR. So it'll be a happy, safe feeling rather than a stressful one so long as you can accept that she doesn't know you as an individual.
>>29569829why does he look like one of those weird identikit photos
>>29569880He needs to get the company phone back from her and she hasn't responded to any faxes.
>>29569855What would you announce at a graduation
>>29569879She looks like Habetrot with those goggles
>>29569855i care enough to reply to you, but i don't think i will actually watch tho
>>29569421>>29569464Yeah, I guess you two are right. Oh well, I guess...
>I got an ad, for like, um~, for vitamins~>and they send you like, all the vitamins that youneedihavetotakeasurvey do you guys think that, um it's not a scam?~>maybe I need more vitamins~>I sometimes take um, vitamin C, pill~>but it's so big, I hate it>it's a scaaaam?~ ...really?~ yeah vitamin monthly crate, giggle>grandma fell for that scam? oh nyo>vitamin gummies? bleh~>dun they taste weeeird?~>I haven't seen smol pills all the vitamins that I've seen or taken are like these huge pills>there's a multi vitamin one~ and it tastes like, I don't know, it tastes I could like taste the after taste! gross~>maybe I'll get gummies~~>gummies are scams? what isn't a scam?!>hic
>>29569890Mumei is mentally stable, just in the incorrect way
Anya's stream cancelled? There's no frame yet.
>>29569879hey, she's doing a low budget cid cosplay, it's cute
>>29569512Assessing anyone's mental health through their streams is somewhat silly since a some people are actually pretty good at hiding their problems, but Fauna seems to be up there in terms of being well-adjusted
Every single girl is at Studio de Ame.
what has mumei been up to?
>>29569932koyo can't loop though
>>29569890>plays pokemon for 12 he's straight multiple times a weekI'm not so sure this checks out
>>29569772Fauna is rich so she doesn't have any negative emotions to hide
>>29569950She's a DOPEA BIG FUCKING DOPE
Why is Mumei so emotionally and socially retarded?
>>29569941Don't do this to me...
>>29569979If we take her Holocure version as an indicator, she'd probably be able to loop pretty well
>>29567720But did that anon ever contact you about the art?
>>29570041Does it block the internet too?
>some amateur artist doing frame by frame animation makes a better storyline than the chuuni shit omega comes up withhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ef5c-Mtx9t8
Odds of an EN member romancing/marrying someone from their fanbase 5 years from now:>Gura - 20%>Ame - 35%>Kiara - 80%>Mori - 50%>Ina - 0%>IRyS - 40%>Bae - 70%>Mumei - 10%>Fauna - 15%>Kronii - 0%>Sana - 0%
>>29569433I think some issues would have been avoided if Mori were to open up to her members. Like how Mori told her members about a minor surgery, made everyone worry and doompost about it for 10 months, and once it was over, publicly say "oh yeah the surgery was for this btw, no big deal"
>>29569514>Is it bad if poop leaks out of me sometimes?Are you sure it's not poop sweats anon?
>they ACTUALLY hired 4 homos for homostars
>>29569505Looking at how Ame treats her dogs, that doesn't sound too bad
>>29570052Her parents forced her to watch The Odyssey multiple times
>>29569979just wait for the anniversary servant
>>29570052Your image just answered your own question
>>29570098for some sites yeah
My old bones ache
>>29569433You are not an irystocrat, fuck off
>>29569948this is the right answer
Ame is streaming tonight?
>>29570127What are those?
>>29570109me, all of them
>>29570052Undiagnosed autism. Have her members convinced her to get diagnosed yet?
>>29570194Who nose :)
>>29570093Once, to say they were incredibly happy that she saw it in person. Posted proof of the photoshop layers and shit.Never even attempted to post a tag I could credit them with despite me and everyone else telling them that if they wanted credit they would get it in a heartbeat.
>>29570208When's the next time any of them will use these models?
I legitimately will not be able to watch my oshi's graduation because I have to make plans for tomorrow and there's still no announcement for when the fucking graduation will beFuck Cover. Actual dogshit company
>>29570052She has ADHD, social anxiety, and might be just a little on the spectrum. You tell me.
>>29570103>frame by frame animationAs opposed to???
>>29570217Don't worry, she convinced herself to do so
>>29569514>Is it bad if poop leaks out of me sometimes?IRyS, sometimes you need to go a few days WITHOUT a plug inside of you
>>29569941I don't remember which stream this was from but I can play it basically verbatim in my brain without even seeing the clipI love her
who kobo?
Moom cute
>>29570194She said she might but let's be real here, she's just going to spend all night having violent sex with Ina and Gura instead
>>29570282What was the prognosis?
>>29570217She understands she has some sort of mental problem but keeps putting off getting checked for it
Is Mumei actually having fun? it seems she is having the autism kind of fun with this game
>>29570239Your oshi has had a lot of time to put a frame up, anon.
>>29570239>he is busy that day?>schedule it there
>>29569089Guerrilla twitch karaoke for 3h again
>>29569976W-why would Mumei say that?
>>29570348it's a meh game
>>29570208It's when the area in between your cheeks start to sweat when you feel a shit coming on.You might just be sweating a bit and it feels like poop is starting to drip down when it's really not.
They shut Mumei's kitchen down for frying food in Sour Cream...
>>29570329I wonder what AmeSana sex would look like, since she's with Sana not GurIna
>>29570348she likes simulator games
Why did Tifa's dad get mad at cloud anyway?
>>29570327Well she hasn't exactly told us any results
>>29570239>not taking the whole day off in advancenot my (our) problem
[Fun Fact]Indonesians cannot use PayPal right now, so you can get commissions from Indo artists for free until they fix that, because legally, you can't pay them anymore
>>29570416ame is too small to have sex with sana
I play SA2 so sweaty that it's sometimes jarring to watch someone else playI see a lot of kino potential in this playthrough though when time restrictions are more relaxed
guys I think Sana might not be graduating after all...
>>29570348It isn't a great game but it did seem like she was getting into it
I ate 2 chili dogs today
>>29570282>inb4 she took the same quiz Gura took
>>29570421Because Cloud was a bullyable bitch baby
>>29570446Maybe sana can have sex with ame instead?
>>29570239im going to irys' concert anyways so chances are ill miss it
my mumei is dumb
>>29570469chili dowgs
>>29566129My Anya...My Koala...
>>29570508Isn't the graduation supposed to be on the 31st??
>>29570098It's only blocked via DNS. It's easy to circumvent but still illegal so probably a bad idea to do if you're any kind of indo e-celeb.
Mori is Live Again!
Ina WAHKiara KIKIRIKIIIAme HicGura HoochaMori FartsMumei ???Kroni GWAKBae omagaFauna UUUUSana Sanananana
>>29570416Giantess art always makes me feel weird. Like are you supposed to crawl around in her asshole like a gerbil or something?
>>29570447You are assuming that they're accepting commissions after that.
>>29570508the fuck are you on about
>>29570388she saw towa in chat
i thought mumei HATED cherry tomatoes?
>>29570538Wow she really is streaming, I didn't see a soul talk about this stream
>>29570484So is this Mooms mascot or a Hooman?
>>29570388She was enjoying being the emotionally abusive partner of KAngel while playing Needy Streamer Overload.
I can't believe Mumei's actual sociopathic tendencies have turned off every hooman today, and I am the last one. I will get groomed, pumped, and dumped by this girl that is completely devoid of actual human emotion.
>>29570490she would accidentally swallow her
>>29570531It's on the 31st for Sana.
>>29570239She keeps putting arknights in the title so it keeps getting taken down.
>>29570551Find ones that don't know yet and get a contract set up that's binding
I will post a singular Kiara.
>>29570477THEY ARE
>>29570580That's cause it just started
>>29570579Thats Hootsie. The leader of the parlament.This is a hooman.
>>29565599Pie filling has much more sugar for the volume than soda.
>>29567018That wouldn't be fun. I want Botan and Aqua fight the hell out of each other.
>>29570194Ame's fetish is cancelling streams, she teased the uncancellation of today's stream just to cancel it againyou can feel at peace knowing that she is masturbating to you disappointment
>>29570598Is this an out of season April Fools' joke?
>900 viewersJESASdid she fall off?
>>29570477No she's mentioned of having a doctor's appointment which could only mean a psychiatrist
>>29570585m-maybe MuBae is not a good idea...
Let me in Mumei
>>29570416If this is true that means IRyS is the only member of holoEN Ame hasn't met yet, adding to the already enormous stakes that back up AmeRyS as a legitimate pairing
>>29570561I said Im going to irys' concert tomorrow so chances are ill miss it
>>29570598Don't play with my heart like that...
Should cover buy holocure?
>>29570587Fortunately for you, anon, there's one other hooman who you've forgotten about: Me! And I'm right behind you
>>29570587you're never alone, anon
>>29570579That's hootsie
>>29570587>and I am the last oneIncorrect.
>>29570711>tomorrowits in a few hours...
>>29570715they'd just ruin it
>>29570598>>29570662>>29570714Can you imagine if she did the next day or whatever
https://twitter.com/kaelakovalskia/status/1553229236986454016i think kaela
rate magni's quotes on sonic characters
>>29570662it sucks that guy was wrong in the end since diablo immortal has made so much fucking money it's basically single-handedly revived blizzard
I hope Koyori likes Zack
Would you let moom mash your potatoes with her bare feet?
>>29570587You absolute fool. I will gladly die at Mumei's hands when she grows tired of the conveniences offered by having me as her partner.
>>29570663Finally, I will be the last deadbeat.
>>29570598>"it was a prank, we were just fooling ya">and because anon was such a good sport about it, we gave him a REAL graduation
>>29570598it was just a social experiment
>>29570587Don't count me out so quickly bro, I'm here with you
>>29570758Don't bully
>>29570758That chest? Mine
>>29570787is >he an actual homo homo?
mumei's sweatshirt is very close to selling out, just the small sizes left
>>29570694We WILL win this
Today I will take my time with the yellow lights! Don't wanna be too hasty!
>>29570797Yes. They would be properly mashed to fuck because moom has fucking humongous feet.
>>29570758Better than you at Mahjong loser
>>29567934Starting to believe the autism rrats.
>>29570868What does it mean when a girl has huge feet and tiny hands?
I eagerly await Subaru's reaction to the rest of this game and the part where Asch makes his final stand. It won't be happening any time soon, but man this playthrough has been fun.
>>29568600Like most Americans she's ignorant of the wonder that is Japanese public transit infrastructure >imagine not being able to travel 60km in 16 minutes while eating your onigiri (Hakata to Kokura)>Japanese infrastructure is the best in the world >>29569300one of the best places to live if you aren't poor working class and actually have money Except Gura being a woman probably sucks slightly more because her chance of being raped on the train is at least 1 in 10. >imagine not having the money to fly up to Hokkaido in the summer to avoid the summer heat>imagine not being able to visit half of the snowiest cities in the world to go skiing>imagine not jerking off to lap comics at the world largest hololive conventionsJapan only sucks for Koreans, English teachers and wage slavies
why mumei hate da canada?
>no red meat>eats tons of rice>kimchi>doesn't have any milkIf Mumei is so white, why is her stomach so Asian?
https://twitter.com/hololivepro_EN/status/1553062797990416385>7:30 PM, July 30. IRyS Live: Concert of HopeWill this coincide with Sana's graduation in anyway?
>>29570758She got some nice melons though
>>29570715They should buy it and Kay Yu and put him in a sweatshop to develop the game 24/7
>>29570758>Perro>not retarded
>>29570932>starting to
why does mumei sound so passive/happy about tomorrow? like nothing is actually even happening
>>29568564It's called mobile.
>>29570935Very sensitive clitoris
>>29570935She has a fat futa penis
>>29570751Not it's fucking not
>>29570980I fill it with white myself
>>29570549Mumei O, Hi! :D
>>29570946Just go to EU with that money
I've always really liked the reveal that cloud was there the entire time
Apparently they fucked up on this ISP thing so hard the government forgot to register some of their own sites
>>29570984That would suck
Mumei has a bit of a weird accent today
>Reddit is legal dark web
>>29568351>Ayesha.Godly taste, best atelier.
>>29570984If Anya's schedule is right the graduation should be a few hours before.
I want to fuck the rrat
Here's IRyS accidentally calling a woman a guyhttps://files.catbox.moe/xqlajm.mp4Please try to ignore the guy laughing loud as hell behind me
>>29570946that doesnt explain why everyone is killing themselves and no one wants to have sex. or maybe it does, idk I didnt read
>>29566180Google kneeled though
>>29571096Sounds about right
>>29570751it's saturday at 7:30 pm pst..
What the fuck is wrong with Saplings? >>29570930
>>29567801Anon, Ollie can't play Apex, she's ready to commit war crimes, we probably won't hear about her until Cover announces her death
>>29570984Depends how fast kanauru finishes.
>>29571096It's a huge change that has massive effects on their economy. Hopefully it gets rolled back quickly.
Mori is feeling foxy today
>when a certain senpai called magni Mr Hands
>>29568687So she's cursed? Is she the Ame of JP?
>>29571170my wife...
>>29571180>wageslaves are killing themselves sugoi
>>29568351Kiara should collab with her
>>29570946>Don't worry bro, the tiny Japanese man will probably only rape you once.
So who visited Ame?
>>29571237which part
>>29571206Don't put this mentally ill fags on us. I fucking hate homobeggars.
>>29571170IRyS is so fucking cute
>>29570818I get it
>>29570946>x place is good if you're richwooooooooooowwww
>>29571206/mans/ is a sapling colony, there was a poll yesterday
>>29571180Part of the suicide rate is homicide detectives trying to keep the number of unsolved murders down, but you do still have a point on both.
>>29571206Put me in the screenshot.
>2,5k watching Is that the 2nd most subbed HoloGirl?How pitiful
are your parents proud of you anon?i think mine are.
>>29567801I mean, yeah? They'll probably just spam Minecraft until it's sorted out
>>29571170she's perfect
>>29571170I'm not clicking this. I've done this before at one of my old jobs and I cringed myself into a black hole. I'm getting second-hand embarrassment just imagining it again.
>>29571281*Those I wish I was home so I wasn't forced to phone post
>>29571235please use your indoor voice
>>29571281That place is full of saplings anon
>>29570765It'd confirm that a lot of people in Hololive are massive fucking sellouts and would probably ruin the impact of any future graduations so I don't like to imagine it.
>>29571206hey thats cute
>>29571170Love my wifeRyS
>>29571096Steam and Origin will register in the next days and keep going on business as normal.But god if muslim countries are complete fucking braindead, islam is seriously death of civilitation religion
>>29571206>>29571206saplings have the most posters in that threadrunner up is chumbuds which makes you wonder about the shit they talk here.
>>29571206So cute, I love wholesome art
>>29571300america sucks if you're a young rich person in comparison to Japan yes
"you called me mommy but I'm not Fauna"Even Mumei...
>>29571206>splits are just for normalfags and discordfagswater is wet
the fuck moom
HAG KOBOhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZRKviouAGMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZRKviouAGMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZRKviouAGM
>>29571340Who wants to watch Stray at this point? I'm not watching anyone other than Gura play it.
>>29571170holy fuck
>>29571170I wanna spend the rest of my life with her making a happy family.
>>29571394Fake ass Saplings.
>>29571446hobo's massive milkers
>>29571170thanks for the karma fag
Takos, KFP, the cat dies at the end of the game right?
>>29571170Kiara please give this woman some convention and idol training before I go into a cringe coma
>>29571446ID branch isn't dead after all
>block game autist mad that Fauna got away with avoiding zenloss and now he's resorting to cuckpostingThis is just fucking sad.
>>29571256Kiara will be maced to death from saying Sophie is the best Atelier.
https://twitter.com/HoloCureGame/status/1553221891849986048Maybe now Kronii can get herself
>Sana doesnt want to put up her waiting room just like how she didnt want to end the last stream but had to because her throat was hurting and she was in pain
>Kobo is playing Mother SimulatorThis should be fun.
>>29571342Hey if you're the artist can you draw Regis and Fauna doing ASMR together? I think that'd be cute
>>29571461Not really. I've been there long enough where if they're shitposting as saplings it's a long fucking con. They seem like genuinely big fans of both.
>>29571366I also can't bring myself to click it
>>29571170Iwys... manechan is dying...
>>29571432I'm going to fuck you sapling
>Isn't swag an african-american vernacular?moom...
>>29571170my sides
>>29571342Oh yea. Shipped AND clipped!
>>29571428Chumbuds have a big section of total normalfags who Gura does her best to ignore, the rest are thee ones that want to make her their child wife
I wish I was Death-sensei right now.
>>29571461i think you're a fake ass saplingeven gura agrees fauna is most like a guy out of hololive english because men are smarter and shes the smartest.she said it in the rust stream and i have a timestamp.
>>29571568Bro I'm a guy
>>29571555Any fucking Sapling that calls Fauna "mommy" is a fucking poser faggot who doesn't actually watch her.
>I've never met a chef beforeTrust me you don't want to, all chefs are insane asshole
>>29571555>I've been there long enoughThat thread has only just barely existed for over 100 hours
>>29571170Why does it feel like if you take out your own personal bias IRyS would be the best wife in hololive english?
>>29571170I love my wifeRyS so much
>>29571170>oh, there's a cute little g.. cute girl over thereLoliconRyS
I forgot that you don't get the full Zack flashback unless you go back to the mansion. Someone let me know when Koyori does that, I'm gonna watch Mori now
>>29571170you are missing the part where she almost kills the girl with embarrassment by saying her name over and over.
>>29571624You type like a girl and given the laws of this site, that makes you one.
>>29571616I meant to make that soundpost of Gura being misogynist actually, please post timestamp
>>29571628pretty true.ive never seen a sapling in /mans/ call her that.i have here though.
>>29571529>Kiara will be maced to death from saying Sophie is the best Atelier.She'd get called out for following trends and get called out for being a normalfag by some granny because it's the popular one in Japan.
>Death-sensei is being used to support the back that supports the massive titsGuy has been absent for months and is still winning
Mumei's drifter nature getting the better of her!Mumei getting tired of being settled in one place!Mumei slowly isolating herself from everything that ties her down to one place!Mumei brushing off your concerns about her sudden change in personality!Mumei seeing you, her romantic partner, as a loose end!Mumei straddling your unconscious body in the middle of the night!Mumei staring dispassionately at your sleeping form while she thinks on your time together!Mumei slitting your common carotid artery with a practiced hand that surprises even her!Mumei getting sentimental and harvesting your heart to store in a jar!Mumei disassociating completely as she robs a morgue for a body that resembles her, planting it inside your home and burning the entire place down to fake her own death!Mumei hitchhiking several cities away over a period of weeks!Mumei's retrograde amnesia triggering from the trauma, leaving her unaware of her sins!Mumei starting the cycle again!Mumei!
>>29571428I don't give a fuck about any "Chumbud" sitting in that thread.
>>29571446She better switch to a milf voice. Imagine how her populairty would skyrocket.
>>29571170Fuck I should've just called in sick to work and went to the panel today..
>>29571342Oh yeah my cuck fetish is satisfied
>>29571686I'm editing together all of my recordings of the panel into 1 MP3 which I'll upload later, fret not
>>29571628A lot of catalogniggers call her mommy
>>29571704Literally that fucking post did though. Are you pretending to be retarded
>>29571206are saplingkeks the niggers that called mori their dad?
>>29571170why is my oshi so retarded...
>>29571538>use gacha>get dupe of oshi>not only does she get buffed, but i also get a tear>use tears to buff oshi furtherMakes the 20 dupe buffs easy to do at least.
>>29571545Yeah I can't wait to watch Kob HAHAHAHAH just kidding
>>29571704Aren't those people who spam MOMMY UUUU twitter tourists since Fauna screenshots are very popular there apparently
>>29571206saplings aren't parasocial
>>29571725kekbut wheres the jar?
https://twitter.com/suisei_hosimati/status/1553232948136054784Big highs and lows tomorrow anons
>>29571686Also the way that girl practically orgasmed in the middle of it all
>>29571428>>29571594>>29571733Chumbuds are also the most numerous in absolute terms and will therefore be highly represented literally everywhere.Also the false flagging that comes with Gura not acknowledging males.
>>29571725Someone needs to turn this into a comic
Magni's gonna blurt out Pediepie levels of slurs as soon as he gets deep into an Apex match
>>29571647She'd be your useless anime watching wife waiting to bombard you with shipping rage when you get home.
>>29571762>something created as a meme image>thread finds the oc amusing>this means everyone on planet earth is a faggot because it just doesthanks anon.very cool.
>>29571813That's not even shipping them
>your oshi>who is the sixth cutest girl in HoloEN
>Your Oshi>How do you feel about the fact that anyone of their streams could be somebody's first stream they see of them?
>>29571818It's gonna be a good one.
>>29571936RisuHappy that someone's seeing it
>>29571921Kill yourself you retarded homobeggar, you can't even follow a fucking conversation
>>29571428>don't discuss homos here>go to the appropriate thread>reeeee stop discussing homos there tooJust kill yourselves already.
>>29571725I’ve missed posts like this. Wasn’t there one about having a failing and abusive marriage with Ame? And the “Gura cooks you breakfast” one is a classic.
So what the fuck am I going to miss if I'm at IRyS's concert tomorrow?
>>29571538We FGO now
Miko has a pleasant minecraft shader pack
>>29571921Just ignore that guy, he's not even a sapling, just let him sperg out alone
>>29572006I dunno, fap or something?
>>29571936InaSomeone today in Ina's freechat said their first stream was Ina's Stray series so I already stopped feeling
>>29571749Good It was kinda hard to hear soem parts where I was. I also had a literal retard Searistocrat yelling random shit 3 seats over and swinging a prop microphone around in the air distracting me.
jesus christ, JACKIE CHAN watches moom?
>>29571936SuiseiPick a stream, she's 10/10
>>29572049feeling what though?
>>29572030>FGO>having pitylmao
Saplings, we had an agreement you whores. You can't double dips threads you unloyal thots
>your oshi>your FGOshi
>your oshi>thoughts on Stray?
>>29572006Could be Sana's graduation for all we know
Koyo got her hair back!
>>29571808Mumei setting up her new apartment!Mumei not recognizing the jar among her few personal effects!Mumei knowing people will consider her strange for having such a macabre item!Mumei feeding the raw red meat to her pet to dispose of the item!Mumei not understanding the bittersweet feeling as Animal tears into the muscle with ferocious hunger!Mumei!
>the icon Mumei said was very cutehttps://yt4.ggpht.com/ytc/AMLnZu9q17_3rKLYrtPSOmACEp6V_X1KfYgkROJMKyU6aw=s964-c-k-c0x00ffffff-no-rj
>>29571936AmeSometimes she's not on her A-game
>>29572038I've been a T3 Sapling since day once you fucking nonce.
>>29572135MoriLiz love!
>wingscv migrated to mumei because gura stopped streamingkek
>>29572052Man I had a retard speaking and yelling a lot beside me too. Wasn't swinging shit around at least but he wouldn't take a hint when I was gesturing to him to quiet down
>>29572140InaGOTY and cuteness buff
>>29572140OkayuNeat tech demo, not a good game
>>29572207Isn't that guy a total attention whore?
>>29572140InaOne of the worst series Ina's ever done
>>29572207No he's been there forever, try again
>>29572207that guy is a paypig in like several girl's streams, thats nothing new
>>29571366>tfw i thought some short woman was a teenage boyWhile i will say it's on me for not noticing the tattoos, women should stop going for the butch military look, especially when they are that short. Thank god i didn't have to say sir or ma'am
>>29572120You're so selfish, you wouldn't let me discuss boys here and you don't want me to go to /mans/ to talk about them either
>>29572207you can have him
>your oshi>the thing which you most recently morbed over
>>29572194anyone can member to a vtuber you know.it takes true heart to be a real fan.one you seem to lack.
>>29572270ollie suicide confirmed
>>29572217Yeah, I didn't say anything to the guy because they guy actually seemed to have downs or something other mental deficiency and didn't want to trigger anything in him.
What does Mumei smell like?
>>29572263(っ °Д °;)っ
>>29572270Ollie.. No..
>>29572207anyone who still clings to gura and gura only must not like watching streams or hololive very much
>>29572135OkayuCao Cao never
>>29572300My guy at least mostly shut up after the first 10 minutes
>>29572263yoooooooooooooo I'm not gonna watch it zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
>>29572263I'm not ready
>>29572263It's done..
>>29572263It hurts
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WZRKviouAGMimportant stream
>>29572315Soap. It's also what she tastes like, apparently.
>>29572270I don't fucking know I don't play video games.
>>29572263finally, jesus christ.>4 pm pstlooks like I gotta miss it.. i need to be at anirev for irys by then
>>29572290IRySAnons telling me that she may have sexually harassed me made me morb hard enough to start running to cool off and then God started raining on me so I morbed even harder
I just realized Rust is on SteamSo no Rust for ID
What's Kronii doing in this game?
>>29572262where does he even get that much money
https://twitter.com/ayunda_risu/status/1553235513871454210https://twitter.com/ayunda_risu/status/1553235513871454210https://twitter.com/ayunda_risu/status/1553235513871454210Well well well
>>29572140OkayuI liked the cat and robot made me sad
>>29572172You know how some girls have that cute aggression thing, where they feel violent when they see something cute?I feel like Mumei has the opposite, she feels comforted when seeing something disturbing
>>29572263>It’s gonna overlap the Irys concertFUCK OFF SANA
>>29571936GuraI see someone say it's their first time watching a vtuber every once in a while in Anya's chat. Why they get recommended ID is beyond me.
Krooni Love!
>/mans/ 1500 postshlgg...
>>29572298What, just because I'm rightfully calling people who keep calling her mommy fucking fake ass fans despite her from the very beginning going against that and only playing along because casual retards keep trying to force it? Fuck off.
>>29571606>other redeemablesSKINS FUCKING CONFIRMED
>>29572270Kaela suicide stream soon
>>29572401he made it
>>29572401What a chad
>>29572263I'm still in disbelief at this reality
>>29572263This will likely coincide with the concert tomorrow given logistics and waiting time. That is incredibly unfortunate.
>>29572263>This is the last one.
>>29571170holy fuck IRyS LOL
>>29572390either he's really bad at controlling his spending or he's wealthy
>>29571888I see no issue with this as long as she agrees that the first girl introduced shouldn't be guaranteed to win.>t. guy that usually roots for the second or third girl
>>29572140MoriShe made a joke that the cat police would be called "The Fuzz" so that makes it alright in my book
>>29572263 >>29572307 >>29572309 >>29572319 >>29572322 >>29572343 >>29572344 >>29572351 >>29572364 >>29572366 >>29572376 >>29572377 >>29572396 >>29572405 >>29572419It okay Sanalites after all she is ETERNAL! that or she return soon after
>>29572341I wish, The dude was standing up waving his heads, yelling shit as max volume randomly the whole thing. I was in the back left corner seats.
>>29572298Just ignore seethling, he's been like that for months
>>29572263Anya was right
>roommate postingFuck off Mumei
>>29572401>got seen by his oshi instantlyMade it
>>29572263Irys...your concert...
bae has a roommate named mason?? lmaooo
>>29572263Anya's schedule was right. Which probably means that Bae just didn't ask.
>>29572263>1amuntil the very end i don't get to give a single fuck to her.Gonna roll for your pink dog Sana,thats what i can do for you
>>29572518Its 3.5 hours later.
>>29571888>come home>wonder why dinner is extra shitty today>realize her ship was sunk that day
>>29572270Good lord, we're gonna get a serious ID announcement soon ...
>>29572263>Sana is eternal>video's contents will prove that Sana is decidedly finite
>>29572481Yeah just wait until the heat death of the universe, she'll be back right after that
>Bae has a roommate>His name is masonOh no
>>29572263>Overlapping IRyS concertCOVER really hates her
>>29572530>>29572609mason is a girl name
>>29572559>claims not to care about her>supports her anywaywhats??
>>29572263Wait what is this? What’s happening with Sana?
>>29572263>>29572481I will wait for her return no matter how long
>>29572625But her concert is at 7:30 PST?And this stream is at 4:00 PST?What are you on?
>>29572140InaBoring game hidden behind a layer of cuteness.
are indonesians going to get banned from 4chan as well?
>>29572646are...are you not aware of her graduation?
>>29572657SEAnigs bad at timezones
>>29572646She's playing Doom Eternal
The way mumei's mustache moves up and down when she talks is the best
>>29572672They are banned from 4chanBut not 4channelIt's a shame
Mori cute
>>29572419only if it lasts longer than 3.5 hours.
>your oshi>are you gonna watch Sana's graduation?
>>29572656Even for a thousand summers?
>>29572625>>29572518>>29572464>>29572376>>29572419Concert is 3.5 hours later, brain didn't convert time, fixed on teamup
>your oshi>if you had one shot to impress them, how would you do it
Gura Kaela collab incoming??https://twitter.com/kaelakovalskia/status/1553235467922903040?s=20&t=g6h69PMdfxLV0rHkfuHpfw
>>29572270Get fucked Ollie
>Your Oshi>Do you call is Pool or Billiards?
>>29572752GuraOf course.
>>29572695It's animated like a cartoon character that's so cool lol
>>29572752Fauna Bad time for me so probably not
>>29572779gura both
>>29572263>sana is eternal>(final delivery)literally unironically what did she mean by this?
>>29572752OkayuWho's graduation? Seriously tho, no.
>>29572752Faunaprobably not
>>29572752SuiseiSeveral times
>>29572779IRySPool with the bros, Billiards at the club
>>29572769AmeMake a video game where you build a terrarium and then get shrunk down and have to parkour speedrun the terrarium
>>29572812Anon, it IS the 31st Aussie time
>>29572752InaProbably not
>>29572752LunaI want to be awake for it but there's a chance I might not be with how my sleep schedule is
>>29572752FaunaNo, I don't like watching sad things.
>>29572879You mean that game you buy on Steam?
>>29572643I don't give a fuck.I got lucky on Ling so have rolls to spare on her pink dog but that support could just give her more chink jobs
>>29572263Is IRyS concert gonna be streamed?
>>29572752Bae Of course
>>29572675>>29572678>>29572696>>29572711Oh I thought it was something else
>>29572263Wouldn't it be funny if AO return
>>29572752AmeSure, I can take nice gut punch.
>>29572771>GuraHighly doubt it
>>29572401My oshi noticed me holy shit
>>29572401Is he wearing the Isshin shirt? I'll be upset if he isn't
>>29572752GuraMost likely if nothing gets in my way>>29572769perfect a muse dash song on master difficulty
>>29572769MoriCook her a nice dinner
>>29572752InaOf course, will see how well my ceiling holds
>>29572771It would have to be after Sana’s graduation but before 1am EST. So it could work but I doubt it
>>29571888Ok as long as she can fold my laundry while watching anime
>>29572940you are coping too hard my dude
>>29572752GuraWhat thebfuck I thought this birch already graduated
>>29572955I fucking wish I was....
>>29572752>Mori>Yes, it's only right to see her out even if it hurts. She deserves the love
>>29572752Ame Sure
>>29572951YOU DID IT, RISUNER, YOU'RE IN THE COVETED>/hlgg/ anons who are actually known by their oshiCLUB, it's very exclusive
>>29572752IRySi guess
>>29572752InaYes. No, I will not be okay.
>>29572771Gura is in Ame's house
>>29573013mission complete either way anon
>>29572263It's like Coco's final video all over again...
>your oshi>what will you do if the final Sana stream is a bunch of walk cycles
She dropped the baby faster than anyone I've ever seen.
>>29572752Mori2AM on a Saturday night and there's no way for me to catch it live, sorry
She definitely just said help poor people learn English
>>29572779Gura Pool
>>29572263Sana will return just you wait
>>29572752PolkaYeah and most likely cry during it
>>29572752MumeiI'm going to suffer but yeah
>>29573115MoriScream "SANA BETRAYED US" and then get rid of all my merch
>>29572752MoomI hate to see it but yeah
>>29573115GuraSANA BETRAYED US?!!
>>29573176But her merch hasn't arrived yet, anon...
>>29573115Lunaif her tits bounce I'll focus on jerking off to Sana porn afterward in her honor
>>29572951You’re also the guy doing the filming, right? Good shit anon.
>page 10ILOVE AME
>>29572752PolkaYeah, and I’m ready for it to hurt.
>>29573240Nah it was a photo booth thing I just stepped in because it was there and I was waiting for the panel
>>29572752AmeI'm delaying my DND session for it.
[Terrible News]Koyori is wearing the Cloud hair again
>>29572752SanaI have to watch it for her.
>>29573244ILOVE AME more
>>29573039Lucky guytfw you'll never know if you are in the club because every force imaginable would try to keep you from her sightFuck you Kiara, i should have been in that Omocat review
>>29573340No thanks
My Ina :)
>>29573296No I mean you’re the one that shared the clip IRyS calling a woman a man. I assumed it was you because it was posted with a Risu image.
ore no Kiara
If no one replies to this before the thread dies I get to marry IRyS OR get a hot dog
>>29573340Yeah I'll be there.