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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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28577285 No.28577285 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for 潤羽るしあ + みけねこ + 飴宮なずな

Previous Thread: >>28528912

>> No.28577319
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Twitter: https://twitter.com/95rn16
Fanbox: https://mikenekoko.fanbox.cc/
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC54JqsuIbMw_d1Ieb4hjKoQ
Twitcasting: https://twitcasting.tv/95rn16
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mikeneko.x/
Tiktok: https://www.tiktok.com/@minyan84

>Nazuna Amemiya
Profile: https://www.vshojo.com/talent/nazuna
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5gs8EbpwbfQvrhizJx60TA
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/amemiyanazuna (embed)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/AmemiyaNazuna

>> No.28577372

cute wife

>> No.28577380


>Do you like Minecraft?

It begins

>> No.28577563

Nazuna’s reverse corruption arc begins. First target: Cat

>> No.28577595
File: 635 KB, 1920x1080, 1658219709072.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28577615
Quoted by: >>28577978

Pink cat bad

>> No.28577716


Tenshi vs Avatar of Chaos

>> No.28577967
Quoted by: >>28578037

Wonder what past me would say if I told him "your wife is gonna be friendly with the pomf pomf girl"

>> No.28577968

she's doing that accent again but we know the real deal how long that lasts.

>> No.28577978
Quoted by: >>28578030

Pink cat good

>> No.28578013

I will be forever grateful to the anon who made these.

>> No.28578030
Quoted by: >>28578333

pink cat isn't important, go talk about her somewhere else

>> No.28578037

Nazuna would love that song, Nyanners should show it to her

>> No.28578092
File: 571 KB, 538x597, 5342436.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife is so cute!

>> No.28578120


>> No.28578255

cute cute

>> No.28578273
File: 166 KB, 720x720, Rushirage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> New wife tweet
> peepoHappy
> I want to colalb with Nyanner-chan. Happy birthday nyanners-chan


>> No.28578333

Nazuna disagrees though?

>> No.28578377
Quoted by: >>28578461

Yes she talked about pink cat but can you guys talk about it in vsh+ instead?

>> No.28578399


90% of such a collab will just be Nyanners and Nazuna calling each other cute with the remaining 10% being Nyanners dying of embarrassment

>> No.28578447

I would be okay with this.

>> No.28578461

she just tweeted about her, of course we're going to talk about it, don't be retarded

>> No.28578533

I hate vshojo

>> No.28578694

>P-Pomf? nyanners-chan what pomf mean?

>> No.28578720
File: 97 KB, 504x470, 1634415545171.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28578982

I was just joking about Gura collabing with Nyanners but why did I get this shitty Karma
It keeps getting worse by the day

>> No.28578737
Quoted by: >>28578802

Why couldn't she keep her cat model? This short hair white haired one is goofy and silly as hell

>> No.28578776
File: 696 KB, 1200x862, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28578869

>> No.28578802

she did tourist chan

>> No.28578837


>> No.28578869


>> No.28578979
Quoted by: >>28580145

Where are Rushia's links?
>inb4 it's dead, jim
Still worthy to be credited.

>> No.28578982

I saw Kiara's collab with Nyanners, it seemed fine. I don't think it would be a problem, especially given the language barrier.
I'm more concerned about Zentreya because the tts stuff is just awkward.

>> No.28579089

Hopefully it's like Hololive where they talk about how they want to collab with each other but never do

>> No.28579137

she will probably collab at least once with almost everyone

>> No.28579318

The minecraft server is apparently getting set up again so prepare for mini collabs

>> No.28579320
File: 62 KB, 1187x1187, FX6lUQ7aAAEJt8j.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28579469

wife is cute
going back to bed good night

>> No.28579469

good night bro

>> No.28579715

that shit is funny af. lmao

>> No.28579902

How long until she leaks company info to a drama youtuber and almost ruins another company?

>> No.28580131
Quoted by: >>28580283

Vshojo is not company, she can't leak any company secret anymore.

>> No.28580145

the question is fair, and the answer is yes, the links would just take you to a dead youtube or twitter page, better to just use the active ones, the thread is just as much about her

>> No.28580283

thanks for the bump

>> No.28580323

>Nazuna destroys vshojo

>> No.28580435
Quoted by: >>28580510

Not her turn now, Mafumafu fans still looking for her, she's doxxed herself and now she dumbass is in trouble

>> No.28580451
File: 97 KB, 738x320, 1629651581259.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no no no no no

>> No.28580510
Quoted by: >>28580530

keep the thread allive for me boys im gonna take a nap

>> No.28580530
Quoted by: >>28580696

>he doesn't know

>> No.28580696

how has he survived so long without knowing how to sleep?

>> No.28580847

Everything about this is so weird, like I thought she was really coming back when she showed the new Mike model so the Nazuna stuff doesn't seem like a big return to me.
Nonetheless I'm happy to be able to watch her again consistently since I love her in any form even if it's weird to me.
Just hoping she doesn't interact much with the other girls from Vshoujo. The company has some good riggers and I'm sure Kson will do some good tard wrangling but the other girls really aren't my style.

>> No.28581228
Quoted by: >>28581387

Rest day

>> No.28581252
File: 350 KB, 1284x737, 2734A0DE-3ACA-4601-ABC0-65DED2043D28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes yes yes yes

>> No.28581317

Blessed friends

>> No.28581387

two streams in 1 day was maybe too much esp with how emotional the second one was

>> No.28581458

I had the same thought

>> No.28581463


He (she) is a cute friend

>> No.28581702
Quoted by: >>28581818

i wonder if tamaki would follow back. that would help clear out the rrats that Norio is an ebil person who throws friends under the bus.

>> No.28581747

I missed the singing stream, how did it go?

>> No.28581750
File: 88 KB, 720x694, 1657236824075.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28581779


Looks like no stream today. So she'll stream on twitch tomorrow at 6 pm JST.

Her happiness and excite from yesterday on both streams got to her. She complained about a headache earlier too prior to the tweet above.

>> No.28581779

>6pm JST

>> No.28581818
Quoted by: >>28581949

He(she) followed her first actually, not long after the reveal too

>> No.28581830
Quoted by: >>28581894


Bittersweet, she choked up somewhat on the last song singing secret base.

There was also a mid stream YAB that nobody saw of course

>> No.28581894
Quoted by: >>28582037

Oh so she did watch Pekoras 3D live? Very emotional stream then. I hope she can move on happily now, we all wish she could still be Rushia but that is a future that will never happen, the only thing is to make the best of what we have now.

>> No.28581905

pretty emotional because the second was from her performance at her last live (nainai) and she can't even properly sing the last one since it's her reply to Sankisei's performance on Pekora's anniversary (Secret Base)
there's an archive of it on one of the previous threads

>> No.28581949

glad to know. i hope he(she) invites her again to his(her) talk show.

>> No.28582008

I hate nijisanji, it's filled with degenerate people.

>> No.28582037
Quoted by: >>28582059

Uhm... she was extremely happy yesterday after the twitch stream so much so she wanted to express it with songs which she did under Mikeneko. As anon above said she song 3 songs but before she apologized if she sang out of tune because her stamina was low after that 4 hour stream from twitch she did (which you should watch if you haven't link in the OP).

The last song was emotional as she began to cry and express some feelings about things. She stayed up pretty much after that stream too overlooking the VOD she did on twitch.

She just tweeted about 30 min ago that she got a little too excited that she got a headache and decided to not stream today but will do tomorrow at 6 PM JST. She'll post it on twitch's schedule sometime later. So she's resting now.

>> No.28582059


Why did she stream get privated?

>> No.28582103


Karaoke streams usually are, but there was also a tech-illiterate pon

>> No.28582132

No real reason, it was planned to be unarchived from the get go

>> No.28582216

Good job not falling over to the vshojo shills and keeping the thread about Mike guys

>> No.28582250

As anon said above there was thing she did (doxxed herself). I'm not sure about the songs she sang if they were original instrumentals or using the instrumentals from the real song. Memory is fuzzy on that.

You can watch it yourself if you want. Go >>28513094

>> No.28582341

There's a few channels that have karaoke versions of trending songs, that's what most people use whenever they do karaoke streams

>> No.28582370

Wasn't nainai the song that got the birthday live removed for a couple of days for anyone outside japan?

>> No.28582395

>(doxxed herself)
Can you actually say that when even the normalfags are saying "pettan pettan" in her twitch chat? It's not like its a secret.

>> No.28582442

It's still better to keep it vague just in case.

>> No.28582539

Thanks for sharing. Appreciate it.

>> No.28582837

normalfags don't come to 4chan dude. you didn't read the chat in the waiting room for the karaoke either having to read people inquiring from who mikeneko is, is mikeneko rushia? is mikeneko nazuna? to "is it ok for her to stream twice?" and more.

>> No.28582900
Quoted by: >>28582971

Who is?

>> No.28582915
Quoted by: >>28584002


>> No.28582971

all you need to know is dramafags.

>> No.28583204
Quoted by: >>28584397

That has nothing to do with what I said. Where did I imply you have to use 4chan to know that Mike is Nazuna? Twitterfags know it, its not secret knowledge

>> No.28583948
File: 2.33 MB, 1600x1900, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28584002
Quoted by: >>28584099


>> No.28584069
Quoted by: >>28584373


>> No.28584099
Quoted by: >>28584523

No I wasn't cheating

>> No.28584373

Cool now go back to vsj+

>> No.28584397
Quoted by: >>28584918

who fucking uses terms like normalfags but 4chan and sites like it? i gave an example that happened just yesterday.

also she doesn't want it in the chat for example on nazuna go try it next stream and see what'll happen. that's all you need to know. use your fucking head. nobody gives a shit about "oh everybody knows it" bs argument. not everybody fucking knows dumb ass.

>> No.28584523
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>> No.28584918
Quoted by: >>28585563

>who fucking uses terms like normalfags but 4chan and sites like it?
You are one ESL motherfucker. Its not who uses the term its who the term refers to. Even normalfags know who she is, twitter normies, facebook normies, lots of people outside here

>> No.28585086

you fuckers are calling normies people that watch jp chuubas

>> No.28585205

How did we get invaded but dumdums aruging over silly stuff....
Lets keep the posts about the one person who matters. Our pettangel.

>> No.28585359
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>> No.28585456
File: 79 KB, 1017x639, 1656300349625.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28585648

Today's a sleeping day so I sleep

>> No.28585563
Quoted by: >>28586003

You have to know the term in order to whom it refers to dumb shit. Nobody uses that fucking term unless they intentionally come to places like 4chan and sites like it retard.

You don't give a shit about the streamer in question as this is more about your than anything else. Get over yourself low life loser. Seriously.

Anybody using the ESL or some shit like it has nothing left to argue about. It's weak af.

>> No.28585648
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>> No.28586003 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>28586073

kys seanigger

>> No.28586073

enjoy your ban, animal.

>> No.28586220
Quoted by: >>28586531

Learn english before posting here. Your lack of understanding of basic sentence structure means you're autistically ranting over something no-one said. Who uses normalfag as a term is irrelevant, who it refers to is the issue. Like calling you a dumb cunt for example

>> No.28586339
Quoted by: >>28586531

You reported him for that?

>> No.28586523
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>> No.28586524
Quoted by: >>28586846

He wasn't saying 4chan users know. It was even normies do. As in all the twitter people mentioning it. Also it wasn't a call to say anything about it in her chat or mention it anywhere else, just an observation that casual vtuber viewers on social media know. Relax.

>> No.28586531 [DELETED] 

your whining about the delusions you have that everybody knows and should just conform to your whim. get over yourself effeminate caveman. calling a man a dumb cunt really says a lot about your intelligence.

No, I reported him for using racist word especially towards a black man. Shows that animal is comfortable using the word.

>> No.28586846
Quoted by: >>28586925

That's an assumption. Anybody who ventures to sites like 4chan ain't the run of the mill normie. I don't even have twitter so I have no fucking clue what goes on there outside of visiting vtubers official page.

It is not wise to think there are normies who actually don't genuinely know as I already stated during the mikeneko karaoke stream or basically all of her streams in the waiting room except for 2 which I missed. All asking the same questions.

>> No.28586925

Wasn't talking about people who venture to sites like 4chan think. Was talking about normies.

>> No.28587217
File: 2.85 MB, 4096x4096, 1651480878372.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28587423


>> No.28587423

my penis yields

>> No.28587475
File: 451 KB, 1280x720, 1634967874581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will kneel, learn Japanese and swear loyalty if your wife brings Minecraft arc back

>> No.28587927
Quoted by: >>28588228

>she reached out to two of the three vshojos who stream the least if ever
she's already setting herself up for a big disappointment...

>> No.28587966

What has the better percentage that ends up with her: gift subs or bits?

>> No.28588182
Quoted by: >>28588268

vshojo is not a racist company chud

>> No.28588207

I'm new to twitch but she keeps everything you give to her except for twitch's cut. VShojo don't get anything. If that helps you out on your decision.

>> No.28588228
File: 228 KB, 389x352, 1658132548153916.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

would they really say no to this cutie though?

>> No.28588268
Quoted by: >>28588321

what are you talking about?

>> No.28588282


>> No.28588286
File: 474 KB, 3840x1162, 20220718_163905.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28588372

The smug wife hydra ドヤs menacingly

>> No.28588313

I know that, i just want to know if the cut is bigger depending on what i throw her way.

>> No.28588321
Quoted by: >>28588547

touch grass

>> No.28588345
Quoted by: >>28588877


>> No.28588362

Only a monster could say no to her.

>> No.28588372
File: 668 KB, 785x754, 1654684364502.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28588414

She gets the full amount with bits.

>> No.28588507

nyanners will make up some excuse because she is too awkward to interact with people who make her nervous and would rather flake out
froot might eventually play with her but that could be 6 months from now if that's how long it takes for her to sit down at her computer and not have internet problems / pc problems / health problems / family problems / gaming license revoked by the queen

>> No.28588547

>I failed to read properly because I'm stupid therefore I should just reply back to make it seem he's out of his mind and should touch grass. That should cover my ass.

>> No.28588630

from what I can see Bits are the better deal

>> No.28588680
Quoted by: >>28589087

It just comes down to her partner contract she later on will have with Twitch, that will tell her the cut between her and twitch regarding subs. At the moment she is only affiliate and not partnered.
The usual known cuts are 50/50, 60/40, 70/30 and 80/20, the higher ends being for the streamer. There are also higher contracts but those are usually only related for the big big streamers on the platform.
I just hope Vshojo, Gunrun to be more specific, helps her get a higher than normal contract when she does get partnership.

As for bits any streamer on Twitch gets 100% of the bits donated, Twitch only takes 30% of the initial purchase from bits, so in other words they take the cut from the purchase and the streamer gets the full donated amount.

>> No.28588877


>> No.28588918

will she get a micro bikini model? she mentioned wanting to be sexy like the other vshojo girls in her debut.

>> No.28588939

She already is sexy

>> No.28588983
File: 676 KB, 696x749, 1658032479435.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28594837

She's the sexiest girl in VShojo already, so there's no need

>> No.28589087

Thanks for the info. So for the time being bits are definitely the better deal then.

>> No.28589279

obviously nazuna is your oshi. but what do you think of vshojo and mikeneko joining vshojo?
do you guys approve, don't care, or just happy she streams again.

>> No.28589584

My loyalty is to the streamer. I couldn't care a hoot about vshoujo and i won't watch them.

>> No.28589659

Don't care, just love my wife.

>> No.28589742

Love Wife, btw I like that she just upgraded us to officially husband right off the bat on her second stream.

>> No.28589745

Her outfit can be considered a bikini, what I hope is that she gets an outfit without the pants, I want to see her thong

>> No.28589755

I'm kinda hoping for a long hair and pony tail look.

>> No.28589863

i rather see more japanese vtubers join vshojo, that way nazu-tan won't have to consider collabs with EN much or hardly ever but that's me.

>> No.28591083

As long as she remains my/our literal girlfriend and shows it, doesn't cheat on me, and never collabs with men, I do not care my tolerance for almost every other thing is remarkably high and it always has been

>> No.28591377

So anons, if she does do Mashmallows for her next stream what are we asking her. This can also be where we and her set the boundaries officially as well.

>> No.28591442
Quoted by: >>28591658

ask her about male collabs

>> No.28591492

Would you guys have any problem with her collabing with Zen?

>> No.28591658
Quoted by: >>28592582

That's given. What else?

>> No.28591741

That TTS shit is cringe as fuck so I'll probably skip that one if it happens

>> No.28591785

I wouldn't like it because of the TTS, feels like it would be even more awkward than your usual EN/JP collab

>> No.28591896
Quoted by: >>28592639

Fresh banger tweet

>> No.28592222

I'd have a problem with that. Not interested in seeing freaks having a good time with my woman.

>> No.28592310

This is really pretty, but I doubt if there is even one liver who deserves to be saved.

>> No.28592472

I'll ask her whats for dinner later.

>> No.28592530

It's not confirmed that they're a woman right? I'd rather not. If they aren't, and they want to keep the kayfabe of being one, that's their perogative and I have 0 issue with that, but please stay away from my wife because our relationship isn't kayfabe so the kayfabe defense doesn't really work for me

>> No.28592579

I don't care as long as they respect her and don't drag her into yabs.

>> No.28592582

gachikoi ga ii?

>> No.28592596

I trust her and i will follow her everyhwere. I'm happy that she can do the thing she likes again so it's fine with me. I doubt that i'll watch much of the others unless they collab.

>> No.28592639

This one is also a banger https://twitter.com/AmemiyaNazuna/status/1549400361269891074 my sexy wife..

>> No.28593564

Vshojo probably isn't retarded enough to keep random Tanaka, the manager who spreads rumors internally over their most profitable talent so never.

>> No.28594837

Nazuna is the first chuuba model I can fap to as is.

>> No.28595428

i like vei, i like mel and i hate nyanners
i could not care less about the rest of vshojo so long as they don't pull any western toxic nonsense on nazuna

>> No.28596216


>> No.28596276


>> No.28596318


>> No.28596403
Quoted by: >>28596563

Please save my cat...
Nazutan, I'm counting on you

>> No.28596449


>> No.28596563
File: 1.21 MB, 1250x2048, 1658245936962.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28600129

she can't be saved anon, the pink cat you loved died long ago... replace her with the superior pink cat!

>> No.28596565
Quoted by: >>28596880

None of Silver, Mouse, Froot or Nyanners responded to her messages. They're ignoring her.

>> No.28596827
File: 31 KB, 300x673, Nazutan roommate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28597024

>Do you like Minecraft?

>> No.28596880
File: 687 KB, 2894x4093, FX7qRfxaUAAUPEZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Froot's the only one that's even been on twitter and she can't really plan playing anything right now. Unlit candles are melting in her streaming room.
Try another thread for the drama you clearly seek.

>> No.28597024
File: 199 KB, 2048x1895, FWwWBuTaUAI1m8z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nyannerscyan, come play Minecraft with me
>Frootcyan, let's play APEX
>Ironmousecyan, love cyuu!
she will make them kneel

>> No.28597428
Quoted by: >>28601059

vshojo will corrupt nazuna...

>> No.28597430
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>> No.28597778
Quoted by: >>28598599

I feel that honestly.
It feels like they're trying to appear modest and not like "whores" in front of her.
Mikeneko has that Idol aura afterall and just her presence alone is enough to make you question your life's decisions. Mark my words She will fucking Seisofy all of vshojo.
If they get more JP talents then it could end up that VshojoJP becomes more popular than it's garbage main branch.

>> No.28598053
File: 26 KB, 560x440, nazutummy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28598289
Quoted by: >>28598389

Never watched Rushia
Don't watch Vshojo
I will watch Nazumas debut and review it later

>> No.28598335
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>> No.28598389


>> No.28598402

Lots and lots of likes.
Orca even got one, first time I've seen that in a long time.

>> No.28598599
Quoted by: >>28602750

I don't know if you can seisofy them but i really hope they add more good idol-ish jp talent to HoloJP and with that i mean that they follow the same kind of conventions, hard work and culture as jp corpo chuubas.
This would in 3 ways:
1- More people that nazuna can talk in her language
2- Less chance for her to get ruined into the spiral of laziness of western streamers.
3- Less likely for her to collab with the original Vshojos.
This would make me feel more reassured with her new role in vshojo.

>> No.28598611


>> No.28598864

To be fair I'd also have a problem with her collabing with Vei.

>> No.28598964
File: 199 KB, 590x594, 1654654842227.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28599081

post high quality nazu faces arigatou

>> No.28599081
File: 15 KB, 248x297, nazu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28599168

i love my nazu

>> No.28599127

>1. hate vshojo but will watch nazuna.
>2. don't care about vshojo.
>3. like vshojo, they're kinda based. even tho /vt/ hates them.
>4. ......
which one are you guys.

>> No.28599168


>> No.28599246
Quoted by: >>28599484

>>28599127 (me)
from kson's explanation, the conditions of affiliating with vshojo are really not bad at all.
that's what I thought at least. what do you guys think.

>> No.28599327
Quoted by: >>28599408

2 also please go back unless you wanna talk about my wife

>> No.28599408
Quoted by: >>28600118

your wife activates the savior complex in me

>> No.28599410
Quoted by: >>28599467


I don't think VShojo is based, I just happened to have also watched Ironmouse from time to time. And if you watch her, you can't avoid seeing the pink cat. So I'm well aware of how they operate.

And it's fine, they're not idols and have never pretended to be. As long as they treat Nazuna well and respect her wishes I have no issue with them. If she cries though, I will burn VShojo to the ground

>> No.28599451

2, so long as they don't corrupt her in any way something Mouse already said wasn't going to happen, I won't care for them.

>> No.28599467

>And if you watch her, you can't avoid seeing the pink cat. So I'm well aware of how they operate.
what did he mean by this

>> No.28599484
File: 1.07 MB, 3710x2220, FWtr5qVWAAAvZ7H.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

3- Never really did get into the tribal shit, I like chuubas
Seems like a good deal, time will tell

>> No.28599498

never watched them, don't care, talk about wife or gtfo

>> No.28599565
File: 184 KB, 1200x1093, FXxmeXFUYAEYBE0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as they treat my wife well and don't try anything dumb then I don't have any issues with them

>> No.28599890

How many times are you gonna ask this same question

>> No.28600118

That's fine, she does need lots of help, please help us make her feel loved and protected

>> No.28600129

i don't know nihongo and it'd be fake love anyway. gomen.

>> No.28600822


she cooks!

>> No.28600864
Quoted by: >>28601081

Happiness ʚ(*˘꒳˘*)ɞ

>> No.28601038
File: 511 KB, 700x1002, 20220720_010606.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sakana pls

>> No.28601059

The other way around

>> No.28601081
File: 93 KB, 1360x989, FWzXHNzUUAIaeWJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28602535

Guess I should post what I eat on the tag often

>> No.28601957

I'm still reeling from yesterday's utawaku

>> No.28601983

i dont care about Vshojo, i just dont like "some"(quite a few) of their chubba
i treat it more as a worker union than as a corporation
i just hope the JP branch fix the beahavior problems of the en chubba

>> No.28602156

kek based

>> No.28602488

I love my oshi (Zen) and I think that Nazuna is really cute

>> No.28602535

Yea, probably not a bad idea to post something with the tag from time to time. Putting a smile on her face is the best thing ever.

>> No.28602698


>> No.28602750

I fucking hate Vshojo but I'm optimistic that with the help of Nazuna's experience in vtuber "hard work" culture she can turns things around and show them all how to get things done. Even better if more JP talents join and show them all how to do proper vtubing. That's why it's important for VshojoJP to get more talent as frequently as possible. They need to announce more asap. Kinda ridiculous they held auditions only for them to hire kson and Mike instead. I'm optimistic that the JP talent with Nazuna in the lead can turn Vshojo's "whore" rep around. I've been saying we have to play with the cards we were given and this is the best possible scenario I can think of happening

>> No.28602916

Did mouse actually say that? I need a source. It's not that I don't trust you it's just hearing that from herself would reassure me

>> No.28603140

kson will be an inbetween as a translator

>> No.28603158

only really watch kson but tune into nazuna to support her friend

>> No.28603582

which vwhjorejos should i be worried about? the mouse seems fine but i'm getting bad vibes from the others..

>> No.28603636

None because they're not relevant.

>> No.28603645
Quoted by: >>28604201

It seems to be a universal opinion from even /vsj/ that Vei is a fucking problem

>> No.28603701

Veibae is the most Stacy vtuber out there. Watch out for her the most.

>> No.28603979

nyanners is a back stabbing whore so she needs to be carefull around her

>> No.28604110

The person behind zen is a guy if that interests you

>> No.28604198

Afaik what Zen is is not actually confirmed, most people just assume it's a man, even in /vsj/.

>> No.28604201
Quoted by: >>28604819


>> No.28604226

don't like vei
nyanners abandoned her cats for penis

>> No.28604289


>> No.28604307
Quoted by: >>28604510

apparently from some people that know zen but don't want to doxx zen, it's apparently a duo doing the character. So a man and a woman, not necessarily a couple tho. Perhaps siblings

>> No.28604385
Quoted by: >>28604454

Don't know Vei but apparently people really fucking hate it. From all the stuff I heard she seems to be the type of person that only cares about herself. Also she's dating a guy that constantly mocks Gura

>> No.28604415

There is no source, just rrats.
Zen's male or a tranny or a couple or a team or it's just some nervous woman with hispanic accent and a stutter.

>> No.28604454

*It, what a typo...
but it fits Vei.
fuck that selfish bitch

>> No.28604455

This is a lot of discussion not about my cute wife

>> No.28604483

I like her laugh

>> No.28604493


I legit want a source on this shit, but no one in the past several hundred threads has provided anything of worth for any claims

>> No.28604506
Quoted by: >>28604573

Not confirmed plus you probably brought this up because Zen just stated that she wants to collab with Nazuna. Telling us she's a man is just wanting to spark drama, especially since nothing is confirmed at all. I saw you in /vsj/ btw.

>> No.28604510

I've heard this before, but I don't buy it. Zen has been streaming for years, regular viewers would find out quickly if it's not always the same person.
Anyway, this is probably not the thread for that discussion.

>> No.28604573

Meant for >>28604110

>> No.28604600

>shitposters post bait
>doomposters bite bait to start seething about VShojo
>VShojo viewers come in to try and slay rrats
>they start arguing with each other
It's gonna keep happening so get used to it

>> No.28604608
Quoted by: >>28604774

Guys please, for the love of god all I ask is you talk about these things in other threads but please talk about nazuna here.

>> No.28604667
Quoted by: >>28604714

It won't happen if they remove our thread link from their fucking main OP general

>> No.28604714

doesn't get rid of the shitposters and doomposters

>> No.28604731

kinda funny no one comes here to slay Vei rrats.
I guess she really is that dislikeable

>> No.28604750

I hope they release some decent Nazuna merch soon, meaning Nazuna only, not group pictures.

>> No.28604774
Quoted by: >>28605206

Nazuna is part of vshojo so sadly you're gonna have to deal with their schizos from now on

>> No.28604819

She's a bitch. There's no need for a specific reason to hate her.
That's because those sources don't exist. There is only baseless speculation.

>> No.28604969

vei has a lot of fans and her evilness is ridiculously overplayed but there's no way you can ever convince people of that so it's just not a battle worth fighting
she does make many sex jokes and talk about gross subjects on a regular basis, but it's always one or two 30 second clips out of 7 hour streams
you can argue against people's rrats on her but they'll always have those clips to point to and go "See?! I told you!!!" and categorically refuse to listen to any arguments against their bias

>> No.28605055
File: 17 KB, 1088x71, Screenshot_20220719_141342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are they like this?

>> No.28605060

Vei talked in an alt stream about how much she hates vtubers and their fans so it's no wonder she's hated

>> No.28605084
Quoted by: >>28605138

orca status?
i want my bro to be happy

>> No.28605097
File: 791 KB, 220x244, 1646663774341.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28605256

This moose has a tendency to cause VTubers to fall in love with her very quickly, if she meets Nazuna, then she isn't your wife anymore.

>> No.28605113

Nazuna is pretty cute, and her stream actually gave me the strength to stay up all night. She is truly the greatest.

>> No.28605138

haunted by ghosts

>> No.28605201
Quoted by: >>28605448

The clip that started the entire speculation about it being a couple was wiped from twitch and there's no known archive of it anywhere.

>> No.28605206
Quoted by: >>28605985

There's a time and place for that.
This thread is just to talk about Mikeneko so please just go to other threads if you want to argue. That includes people that talk about the other women positively as well. It doesn't matter if it's not about Nazu it shouldn't be here

>> No.28605256


I love my autistic daughter

>> No.28605285
Quoted by: >>28605608

So what I'm getting is. She's the Matsuri of the group. Except she actually has a sex life.

>> No.28605321

i really think nazutan and that one cat girl should fuck

>> No.28605332
File: 371 KB, 2048x1645, 1658178991624712.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife so cute

>> No.28605336
File: 115 KB, 1153x1027, FYCPvUrWIAE2jeF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28605396

I really want to see Mikeneko peg Nazutan

>> No.28605406
File: 347 KB, 882x900, 20220621_000012.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28605418

Mikeneko? I agree

>> No.28605422

Vshoujo is unworthy of my attention. I don't like em tho. Only here for Rushia. Will go wherever she goes.

>> No.28605448


Interesting, thanks

>> No.28605466
File: 248 KB, 1555x2048, 20220718_092753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28605495

when's the next stream?

>> No.28605528
File: 646 KB, 2894x4093, 20220713_191918.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28605556

Tomorrow 6pm JST

>> No.28605560


6PM JST or 2.5 hours from now based on her last tweet

>> No.28605591
File: 394 KB, 2300x1739, 20220114_200213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28605608
Quoted by: >>28606892

I miss Vei from a couple years back. A popular take about her was that she was overcompensating for her lack of sex by talking about what little experience she had so much, almost like a high school kid wanting to impress their friends with shit that either didn't happen or was exaggerated. That was corroborated by a clip where she got flustered by a hot delivery guy and called for her mom to answer the door instead, and proof that she was a NEET and never went outside. Those days are long gone, but it was nice.
also I didn't know Matsuri was racist

>> No.28605619

Isn't that 6am?

>> No.28605632

Vei is obviously the biggest clash, but from reading their thread it seems like she barely streams, let alone collabs with other members. It also seems like Nazu is ignoring her. I'm not that worried about it.
Zentreya, I don't know this person, but I'm not viscerally opposed to it. TTS males have actually been a part of Vtubing from the very beginning, and I definitely wouldn't flip out about males or trannies if mike collabed with, say, Eilene. Though it's also not something I'm at all interested in.

>> No.28605638


Oh, whoops, yeah got that mixed up

>> No.28605642
File: 184 KB, 848x1199, 20220601_182902.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28605686

>> No.28605686

pink cat cute

>> No.28605720
File: 382 KB, 850x1202, 20220123_033201.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28605785
File: 118 KB, 1280x1280, 20220427_040023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28605803

6pm, that was the time Ru always streamed

>> No.28605910
File: 510 KB, 1362x1816, 20220605_232104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28605985
Quoted by: >>28607290

But it is about Nazu and her potential collabs with her new coworkers.

>> No.28606548

I absolutely loathe vshojo and I also hate Twitch. I don't like kson either.

>> No.28606727

Supposedly Zen confirmed a Nazuna/Froot collab.

>> No.28606767

2. I think Mouse and Mel are kinda ok even though I don't watch them but I'm worried about Nazuna interacting with Vei or the cat.
I also dislike twitch for everything except AoE2 tournaments but I will do watch her anyway

>> No.28606892
Quoted by: >>28608399

vei is racist? based possibly

>> No.28607008
Quoted by: >>28607672

They're both Apex addicts so it makes sense.

>> No.28607182
File: 815 KB, 4096x2679, FX2guKaUUAEc0nx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28607248
File: 35 KB, 240x288, also watch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28607477

Do you think she's checking up on what you watch?

>> No.28607260
Quoted by: >>28607347

It's not fair that the price for her being saved is collabs with whores

>> No.28607290

talk about the collabs when they happen. No need to talk about other women. That would make her sad if she saw this thread

>> No.28607347
Quoted by: >>28607433

Froot is alright though anon, from what I've seen she's cute and tries to be seiso. The rrats are devoid of proof.

>> No.28607433

"Piss in my mouth, I'm right here" very seiso

>> No.28607477
Quoted by: >>28608302

I watch her.

>> No.28607544

clipnigged again...

>> No.28607672

Hard to Apex at 200 ping from the opposite side of the world.

>> No.28607704


>> No.28607817
Quoted by: >>28607904

But enough about Matsuri

>> No.28607874

>gets a model for free
>streams once and that's it
>then debuts with a totally different model as a part of some western group
i don't watch her but can someone explain to me wtf is wrong with her?

>> No.28607904
Quoted by: >>28608603

I don't think anyone would have ever claimed Matsuri was seiso

>> No.28607962


cute wife

>> No.28607966

>he doesn’t know?

>> No.28608284
Quoted by: >>28608380

I wonder if Nazuna watched Nyanners Anniversary last night and had to listen to the intro music that was a bunch of meme songs (Gas Gas Gas, Caramelldansen, etc.) mixed with a sample of a man saying "poop balls cum anus" over and over.

>> No.28608302

this tbdesu

>> No.28608303

Nazuna was in the works before Mike got a model.

>> No.28608380
Quoted by: >>28608470

the language barrier is a powerful protective ward

>> No.28608399
File: 159 KB, 893x610, 1639690629849.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28617960


>> No.28608470

mike just sees the cute. cute is cute.

>> No.28608482
File: 1.02 MB, 3840x2497, FYCtsk8agAAPl7z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28608703

>> No.28608521
Quoted by: >>28609186

She stole the mikeneko model from one of her last JP fans, and she got her Nazuna model from Vshojo "for free".

>> No.28608578

As much as I don't like Kson's content I'm glad she is there to tard wrangle since Mike is kinda fucking stupid in the very hot way

>> No.28608603
Quoted by: >>28608866

"Seiso" is a fucking joke and has been for years, even in Hololive.

>> No.28608703
Quoted by: >>28608838

My wife is cute in every universe

>> No.28608838
File: 1.19 MB, 3541x2508, FMvkdagVEAUzGw_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very true

>> No.28608866
Quoted by: >>28609589

This, ru fought to keep the pantsu on her home 3d
Also, at least technically speaking, she is the only girl besides haachama to have a lewd fanart review. Half of it was dorky jokes fucking with us but there was still SOME lewdz there. I think the major difference is knowing how to seperate sex appeal from sex

>> No.28609186

None of the people involved with the mikeneko model are japanese and she paid for the nazuna one.

>> No.28609589
Quoted by: >>28610059

Exactly. Every Holo girl has acknowledged and even leaned into the sexy stuff to some extent. Only exception I can think of is Sora but even there I'm not sure because I never watch her, she just seems to take image 10x more seriously than anyone else.
That's not even what bothers me, it's actual grossout stuff and unwatchable normalfag meme pandering like having the fucking reddit frog on your model's lap.

>> No.28609698

Don't respond to the free model bait question, the falseflagger has been repeatedly posting that in every god damn thread

>> No.28609803

How do we have multiple antis that are all deranged schizos?

>> No.28609823


>> No.28609835

The /vsj/ thread links to here now. That's why.

>> No.28609854
File: 680 KB, 1707x2048, 36B0B521-E759-4D12-A9C3-B0D4E9668FB4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Find me an anti that isn’t a deranged schizo

>> No.28609914

antis are all mentally deranged schizos
you kinda need to be one to constantly seethe about anime women on 4chan

>> No.28610054

What the fuck why would those cancerous retards do that
No one wants them here

>> No.28610059
Quoted by: >>28610115

Please ignore Vei. Few like her.

>> No.28610102

They don't really seem to get the idea of what a split is and why it exists.

>> No.28610115
Quoted by: >>28610187

As if Nyanners was much better

>> No.28610148

this is the anti thread

>> No.28610183
Quoted by: >>28610233

/vsj+/ is basically an anti thread.

>> No.28610187

She is, but this isn't the thread to argue over this.

>> No.28610228

>take one look over there
>see >>28602072
I can't believe my wife is a part of this environment now, I want to scream

>> No.28610233
Quoted by: >>28610275

so there's no issue linking to this thread

>> No.28610259

Just take a single peek at the replies. No one wanted this.

>> No.28610275
Quoted by: >>28610465

There is, cause you're here being a dumbass

>> No.28610375

Remember Anon, our wife actually love us and listens to us on most things whereas everyone else in that company actively doesn't, that's the difference.

>> No.28610376

That is my one biggest fear out of all of this. I don't want her in an OTK collab

>> No.28610420

You say that but no one here had the balls to ask her about male collabs

>> No.28610423

>our wife actually love us and listens to us on most things
How many people have told her that they don't want to ever see her in such collabs in the past days? No on

>> No.28610465

they anti our girl
we anti their girls
there's no issue linking each other

>> No.28610511

We've already asked on her alt, she said no male collabs. If she does a Marshmallow next stream or if she answers viewers questions then I'll ask her.

>> No.28610523

>everyone loves her
We looking at the same thread?

>> No.28610525
Quoted by: >>28610586

Sperg about it over there then. What do you want me to do about it?

>> No.28610570
Quoted by: >>28610629

I watch Vei and like the other anon said, a lot of it is overplayed and most of the time exaggerated to enormous proportions. Vei is just a fucking big tsundere, not that smart and one of the youngest of the group. She likes trolling but it goes over people's heads a lot of times, especially with antis that like to take her jokes or banter at serious value when it's convenient for them. She makes a lot of mistakes and gets depressed as a result, but she is not as bad as people seem to make her out to be. If it wasn't she wouldn't have lasted in VShojo or have the connections that she has.
Regarding a collab with Nazuna, if it comes, it's probably because she invited her. Vei usually doesn't invite people to collabs because she doesn't want to stream her side of it.
I think this is the first time I make a make a post like this because it's convenient if viewers from 4chan are gatekept.

>> No.28610586

stop giving the falseflagger (You)s

>> No.28610627
Quoted by: >>28610717

wait really?
damn, that makes us look real bad then
we're just a bunch of antis while they just love Nanana...

>> No.28610629

Imagine trying to uphold some kind of "quality" by gatekeeping 4chan from fucking Veibae
You are absolutely out of your mind, fuck off with your gutter whore

>> No.28610632
Quoted by: >>28610743

It's like you don't follow her alt accounts anon. We've asked her this multiple times and she's reaffirmed no male collabs. She was even on a fall guys tournament to be interviewed a couple months back and there where male interviewers, we where okay with it since it was a big opportunity for her but she actively asked for only female interviewers.

>> No.28610716
File: 128 KB, 771x770, 1657198922923.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28610828

Guys, I don't really have a problem with the other girls like some other people, but can you please take that discussion to /vsj/ and only post things that directly relate to Nazuna here?

>> No.28610717
Quoted by: >>28610806

Some people are calling her a whore anon.

>> No.28610732

That was a few months ago. I feel like we need to ask her again just so she knows we're worried about it

>> No.28610735


>> No.28610743
Quoted by: >>28610891

I wasn't even referring to just male collabs, I mean collabs like this in general
Even if you take the guys out of that collab it would still be absolute aids

>> No.28610792
File: 1.80 MB, 1634x1852, 1658036808242.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28610842

i will fuck your wife in 5 seconds if you don't talk about her NOW

>> No.28610806

We call their girls whores all the time, so they're just getting even

>> No.28610814

My wife is so cute.

>> No.28610818

its been 3 days and usually such questions are asked during a stream made for such questions or during SC time, neither of which has happened
She REGULARLY recieved such questions before and is fine with us asking them

>> No.28610828

This. Please
Also we need to ask /vsj/ to stop linking to us here

>> No.28610842
File: 231 KB, 2048x1453, B6A99E18-B8D6-4373-89DB-0778E910A7A4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28610906

At least we are in agreement that she is my wife

>> No.28610885

There was literally a message reading hour on her last stream on twitch and no one fucking asked her

>> No.28610891

she has asked us opinions on other content before yes

>> No.28610906
File: 298 KB, 850x1200, 1658123684117146.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28610954

"i will fuck my wife" just doesn't sound that threatening you know

>> No.28610954
Quoted by: >>28610998

Please be polite to her she is not for your unclean delusions.

>> No.28610955

she was struggling almost the entire time with reading bits messages, I want to wait for a calmer more put together stream

>> No.28610973
Quoted by: >>28612418

Why didn't you ask her? You seem very worried about this so you should've taken the initiave

>> No.28610998

Don't worry I'll bathe first like a proper nippon citizen

>> No.28611034
Quoted by: >>28611075

Anon, I didn't ask because it wasn't really an appropriate time. She was nervous and just getting acclimated to being a chuuba again, I'll be asking this stream.

>> No.28611044
Quoted by: >>28611424

How accurate at the loutlot live translations?

>> No.28611060
Quoted by: >>28611186

If you're gonna ask her, make sure to ask in Japanese so she actually gets what you're trying to say rather than struggling with an English message. Even DeepL is fine.

>> No.28611075

The twitch chat audience will get mad at her if she says no male collabs.

>> No.28611115
File: 245 KB, 1920x1080, [SubsPlease] Shine Post - 01 (1080p) [5886DFCB].mkv_snapshot_00.15.724.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now add Selen and /vt/ is going to fucking melt.

>> No.28611116
Quoted by: >>28611157

Fuck the twitch chat audience, they can deal with it.

>> No.28611139
Quoted by: >>28611157

That's their problem anon, they can leave if they want but I'm not gonna allow them to force her into situations she feels uncomfortable in purely because they want to.

>> No.28611157
Quoted by: >>28611293


I also want them to get fucked but I worry if that might make her go back on that

>> No.28611165
Quoted by: >>28611293

Either she breaks her promise to us or vshojo fans will be mad. One will happen.

>> No.28611186

That's what I'll do.

>> No.28611267
Quoted by: >>28611556

She is still awake…

>> No.28611293
Quoted by: >>28611414

Anon, she fought tooth and nail, basically nuking her entire career for us and defending us from Genshitters. The Twitch audience already wasn't going to watch her anyways since they're all EOP, fuck them.

>> No.28611310

nobody will give a fuck if she just says she's uncomfortable interacting with men

>> No.28611323

There is no need to look like an dumbass for asking her again and again the same question we all should know the answer to already.

>> No.28611344

I doubt it. Most vtuber chats seem to be very supportive of the streamers choices in general. Only very few people would get mad.

>> No.28611390
Quoted by: >>28611438

She is stupid she needs to be reminded.

>> No.28611414

So why stream on Twitch, just come back to Youtube
Clearly she doesn't think the way you lay it out, she seems to actively want to try to focus on Twitch AND also proactively collab with vshojos.
Both of which is a negative to many here, but in her mind something nice of course, so I can't blame her.

>> No.28611415

if she loves us then she'll understand why some people would be worried

>> No.28611417
Quoted by: >>28611487

I agree that the thread should be about mike, and not the vshojos. But the only things that have happened today are
>stream canceled
>she had curry
>she replied to three vshojos and made a personalized video for another
Which of those mike-related topics do you expect is going to generate the most discussion?

>> No.28611424

Decent. They're live translations and he's obviously having trouble keeping up with her but they're not incorrect.

>> No.28611438
File: 210 KB, 1200x1055, 81929FBA-7B68-46D4-A854-29494443F42F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28611486
Quoted by: >>28612309

It's not for me Anon, I'm confident that she won't as she's my wife and I trust her, it's to get it through to the Vshojo fanbase so they won't try pressuring her to do anything she doesn't want to do.

>> No.28611487


>> No.28611523

Forget anything, Mike on chat

>> No.28611547


>> No.28611556

I have not seen any recent movement

>> No.28611561

>I updated the schedule! !! Check it out (*'ω' *)

>> No.28611582


>> No.28611583
Quoted by: >>28611759

>Fall guys
fuck yeah

>> No.28611613

Ignore the antis, wife in chat

>> No.28611732

See that? My wife loves me.

>> No.28611759
Quoted by: >>28611953

how long will she last before she slams her controller on her desk again

>> No.28611816

shes so fucking cute bros

>> No.28611849
File: 345 KB, 617x557, 1658261356664.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28611926

>> No.28611886
Quoted by: >>28612025

I liked the Mike model more...

>> No.28611891

Life is good

>> No.28611926

Retract this image now. She never lies.

>> No.28611942

I am healed

>> No.28611953

She already got incredibly worked up during the Apex stream, she'll probably be screaming during Fall Guys

>> No.28612019

>come back to the thread after half an hour
>70+ posts
You fuckers. I was genuinely convinced we had another massive yab and all I find is that it's just you people sperging about the usual shit.

>> No.28612025
Quoted by: >>28612099

Can't you like her Nazuna model? Mike's model is awesome, but Nazuna is beautiful as well.

>> No.28612050

>Let's be together forever! !!

>> No.28612073


>> No.28612099

I like it too, the rigging is incredible.
Just a matter of preference.

>> No.28612106

ask her about male collabs now

>> No.28612138

fuck you faggots
I'm gonna sleep with my wife

>> No.28612148

Later nerds, gonna sleep together with my wife.

>> No.28612158
File: 307 KB, 436x431, 1658033448578.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Do you sleep together?
Well, anons? Do we?

>> No.28612159
File: 5 KB, 311x49, THIS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28612193

>slowpoke emote

>> No.28612215

No. I love her so much I would let her sleep with my cat

>> No.28612218
Quoted by: >>28612381

/Vsj/fag here, Vei. Vei has attention span of a zoomer, inconsiderate and generally likes to drag people into some shit. Thankfully she is lazy af and doesnt collab.
Others are fine and more seiso than you think. They know how to behave. But you can add Zen because >she is very, very twitch culture heavy unlike Nazuna. And TTS could be hard or weird to listen to for first time. But in theory Zen could be the best collab partner because she could hook up google translator and speak to Nazuna in JP .

Nyan, Froot, Mouse, Silver and Melody are really good and sweet people despite what this board thinks.

>> No.28612226

She really likes Twitch offline chat kek

>> No.28612255

if it's for her...

>> No.28612278

And you fags are still worried about twitch chat...?
Just look at it. Beautiful. Full of love.

>> No.28612309

This. They all need to know she doesn't dislike her gachis once and for all

>> No.28612377
File: 32 KB, 413x230, 1658261705400625.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28612706

Nazuna and everyone's place...

>> No.28612381
File: 653 KB, 789x525, 1658033621001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28612471

>google translator
please stop posting
i would agree with your message otherwise.

>> No.28612393
File: 66 KB, 438x836, mycutewifeandyadon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my wife is so fucking cute bros
I want to see her tomorrow already

>> No.28612391

why is she subbed to that chink male? I'm gonna kill myself.

>> No.28612396

i'm new here, does she get sad/mad if i catch up on archives instead of watching live? i'm trying to figure out if i should sleep 4 hours for work or if i can watch later

>> No.28612418

I did, but they didn't get through. I just wish more people asked her at that time so she at least read one of them

>> No.28612471

I wonder what she knows...

>> No.28612521
Quoted by: >>28612679

Nah, she understands that some people can't be there all the time
You can always leave a comment on twitter once you finish watching if you're worried

>> No.28612555
Quoted by: >>28612679

It's ok to watch at your own pace, anon. It's more fun to watch live, but you can always save that experience for your days off.

>> No.28612557

I am so glad I taught her the meaning of that word

>> No.28612581

69% /るみな/ manbay sleeping together andastd?

>> No.28612585
Quoted by: >>28612679

She loves you and understands that you can't always support her live.

>> No.28612655
File: 669 KB, 3000x3000, FX8_U9AakAANqt8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28612884

reminder that fall guys is free to play now and it's cross play, so download it to play with your wife

>> No.28612679
File: 83 KB, 680x671, FXu1KoJVQAAfeaW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, i love her even more now, shes literally perfect

>> No.28612706
Quoted by: >>28612750

Fuck Twitch

>> No.28612725
File: 209 KB, 600x409, important stuff.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28612750

Wife says it's our place, it's our place. Simple as.

>> No.28612752
File: 35 KB, 325x325, 1612261341685.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28612868

3. VSJ Is Based and Holofag tribals are just hypocrites. Sorry not sorry.

>> No.28612828

don't forget to ask her about no male collabs on her post stream reading

>> No.28612849

everytime I get the ping for her chat messages I get super excited
I really am like a dog...

>> No.28612868

>Complaining about tribals while tribalfagging

>> No.28612875
Quoted by: >>28613049

That's the plan.

>> No.28612884

let's flamenco!

>> No.28612935

same, and I never even used that thing before, so it was my first time hearing it
God bless whoever made that app and the anon who taught me to use it

>> No.28612980
File: 252 KB, 364x476, 1658032389596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nazuna unironically got the best live2d in the entire vtubing market and it's not even close
it's expressive, it's unique, it's cunny
bros, we truly won.

>> No.28613028
Quoted by: >>28613065

Which extension was it again?

>> No.28613049

it has to be more than just one anon asking or else she'll never see it

>> No.28613065
Quoted by: >>28613156


>> No.28613085
Quoted by: >>28613210

I know, all anons /here/ we have to make a collective effort to ask otherwise she won't see it. Are you with me?

>> No.28613129

That's not true, she read my bits dono yesterday. Just send it toward the end of the stream and send at least 1000.

>> No.28613155

>dear ones
I'm gonna cum bros

>> No.28613156
Quoted by: >>28613221

>muh heckin chatterino

>> No.28613210
Quoted by: >>28613263

Ban wave incoming

>> No.28613221
File: 239 KB, 2048x2048, FX4N55rVUAIxLPX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't care if it's well like or not
it lets me stalk my wife's messages and that's enough

>> No.28613263

That's the other thing too. Idk what to do I this situation other than just ask, but with how twitch chat works it feels impossible to me.

>> No.28613285

looks kinda not good desu (her face and snatch) when I see the full thing. your edit looks better than the og.

>> No.28613289


>> No.28613306

I always die a little inside when i can't catch her streams live, but that's a me problem and she understands that it's not always possible for some people.

>> No.28613337

cute cat

>> No.28613349

i've been watching twitch for almost 4 years and it only took 2 days of nazuna to get me to install chatterino, she's too strong

>> No.28613374
File: 199 KB, 403x401, 1658033829248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad she replied or else we would've had problems

>> No.28613490
File: 52 KB, 650x500, FW50-9WaIAAOoZg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can we talk about how cute it is that she went out of her way to ask someone to translate her clip to make it easier for nyan to understand, she's too adorable

>> No.28613530
File: 6 KB, 328x34, 46242344154.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28613610


>> No.28613542
File: 163 KB, 647x720, 1658007896100.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's very cute

>> No.28613588
Quoted by: >>28613666

i hate this new voice she's putting on as nazuna
it's so bad, her normal voice is cute enough why try and make it cuter only to end up with a worse result

>> No.28613589

Typically most Twitch streamers respond to Bit dono messages that are 1000 or up. I wonder if she will do the same.

>> No.28613612
File: 235 KB, 1600x1200, FYB-qwkaUAAbekC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's incredibly cute

>> No.28613610

pink cat uohs often

>> No.28613666

She'll drop it. Chuubas always do something gay like that on debut before reverting to just being themselves.

>> No.28613691
File: 91 KB, 703x830, 1657954929590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very cute

>> No.28613746
File: 251 KB, 799x665, 1658016560895.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's unnecessary since the cat understands jp
but highly cute

>> No.28613751

VERY cute and VERY kindhearted wife toward someone she's only met a couple times before.

>> No.28613806

Nope, she responded to my normal non-dono message last stream.

>> No.28613819
File: 234 KB, 355x351, 1658089494013401.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*saves vshojo*

>> No.28613845

She responded to my 300 bits message last stream
just get lucky

>> No.28613942
File: 1.98 MB, 2135x1031, 1640011687549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you feel if Vshojo was invited to VILLS again this year and had Nazutan dance with them? Or would you prefer a separate performance with only Kson and Nazu? Or Nazu alone? I think the more the merrier/cuter for something like this, personally.

>> No.28613996


>> No.28613997
File: 108 KB, 600x686, 1654266464713.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you

>> No.28614018
File: 769 KB, 1678x943, FXYwN_6VEAAmYgU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28614047

If she gets to be there at all, I'll tolerate anything. She'll be so happy to have the opportunity to do a 3D live again.

>> No.28614095
Quoted by: >>28614294

their 3D looks so scuffed

>> No.28614130

yes. go check the afterparty of the Kizuna AI x Nyanners collab concert. she could understand Kizuna well enough but had difficulty when trying to make her own sentences.

>> No.28614198
File: 369 KB, 1428x994, FYCXmsLX0AosUve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She does understand japanese but it's still worth translating for any fans of either of them watching it that don't understand.
Cute af either way.

>> No.28614244

I'll be happy with either option, as long as I get to watch her on the stage again

>> No.28614294

It's not as good as hololive but it's alright

>> No.28614339

Quite literally saved with the power of love

>> No.28614344

I would be so happy to see Nanana on stage again. I don't really have a preference, anything would be great.

>> No.28614525


If there's even the smallest chance of another 3D Live for her, I'll fucking take it

>> No.28614583

Fun fact, "Wind Chimes" is Silvervale's original song. It was also her first time publicly singing in a very long time as the anons of the vshojo thread that predates /vt/ disliked her singing and told her to stop doing it. I find it quite beautiful, personally.

>> No.28614602

>ask her about no male collabs
Why? It makes it very awkward when you ask it like that, like you're putting her on the spot. Everyone just wants to see her smiling and enjoying our time together, not being grilled on things like this. And for what? Are you afraid she's going to collab with men because of her new friends? If there's any possibility of that happening, what makes you think a promise not to can't be broken? If your objective is to gatekeep people who would ask for male collabs, first that's not your job and second do you really believe they'll stop asking just because she said no? Even if they all leave, more will come and ask the same thing. I think it's better to let her speak for herself without being prompted.

>> No.28614838

she loves you and knows that sleep is important, she doesn't ever want to hurt you and that includes not wanting to ask you to hurt yourself for her sake
Meet her with a smile when you can, that's the best gift you can give her

>> No.28614889

Except she's always addressed that shit through questions by the audience anonchama

>> No.28614972
Quoted by: >>28615018

>If there's any possibility of that happening, what makes you think a promise not to can't be broken?
Because my wife isn't a liar. And she isn't allowed to collab with guys.

>> No.28615018
Quoted by: >>28615263

If she's your wife you shouldn't even need to ask the question.

>> No.28615019

holy SHIT mouse's voice in bloody stream, impressive
i heard her operatic singing before, and i prefer it, but this is something else.

>> No.28615060
Quoted by: >>28615173

It won't be that awkward if you just ask politely. Maybe even put it in the specific context of Minecraft servers to make it a more natural question, like asking if the Minecraft server is going to be VShojo members only as a lead up or something.

>> No.28615153

I don't think there's anything wrong with asking, but personally I also don't like asking. I have enough faith in her that if she was in a situation that was pushing her to do this kind of collab, she'd ask us before, and then it would be more appropriate to simply say "no, I don't want that". And I would actually join.

>> No.28615173

Sperging on stream about male collabs questions is pretty dumb, you people still can't trust her?

If she somehow ends up in a scenario with a guy, it's either going to be a strictly professional business arrangement with no meaningful interaction or an accident that she'll navigate out of and avoid in the future. There's nothing to gain from pestering her over this

I can see maybe something like what >>28615060 suggests if you really want to ask questions, but don't be a retard otherwise

>> No.28615263
Quoted by: >>28615882

And yet we've always asked the question before and been fine with it. She wants to know our preferences and doesn't always know the right questions to ask. This is us letting her know.

>> No.28615338

>If she somehow ends up in a scenario with a guy, it's either going to be a strictly professional business arrangement with no meaningful interaction or an accident that she'll navigate out of and avoid in the future. There's nothing to gain from pestering her over this
Fuck off anti-kun, my wife is not allowed to collab with a guy.

>> No.28615387
File: 462 KB, 779x530, 1658031957786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i don't know, i'm happy
everything is just so cute at the moment

>> No.28615413

I'm more on the side of not asking too, I have faith that she won't go out of her way to do them and will do as you said if ever that should occur. But if someone were to ask and she reassures us, at least it'd shut up the baiting shitposters here.

>> No.28615460

>you people
I trust her. Everything she has done has proven how she feels on the matter.

>> No.28615498
File: 184 KB, 1554x2048, 1631120164623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28615509

She'll love the Welsh cock on TT podcasts and you'll watch her.

>> No.28615541

Anon, I want to ask her once as Nazuna. After that I'll be content.

>> No.28615577
File: 1.07 MB, 3792x4096, 1657794171401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28615928

nice mindset, be happy, there is no reason to worry for now

>> No.28615593

Those twitch chat messages made me really happy too
it's cute that she seems to keep an eye on her offline chat so much

>> No.28615809
Quoted by: >>28615857

Fuck all of you who did so for even suggesting that it's okay for her to collab with other men, kill yourselves. She isn't even allowed to collab with Mikey, let alone some other fuccboi faggot womanizer like all men on the internet. Stop trying to push my wife to cheat on me, you demented pieces of shit probably think it'd be wrong of me to kill her and then myself if she ever betrayed me which means you don't fucking belong here.
I don't know if it's all falseflaggers at this point but genuinely just go fuck yourselves

>> No.28615857


>> No.28615882

Ok but consider this. If you're always asking her things like this, it starts to feel like she's only saying whatever you want to hear. It feels less like true love than simply letting her express her feelings in her own words when the time comes.

>> No.28615888

Your not fooling anyone falseflaggerchan, no one in this entire thread has even once said it was okay.

>> No.28615928
File: 3.91 MB, 1896x2048, 1644728301395.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28616002


>> No.28615963
Quoted by: >>28618409

>If you're always asking her things like this, it starts to feel like she's only saying whatever you want to hear.
No it doesn't. I literally just want hear her say it publicly once retard

>> No.28615985
Quoted by: >>28616068

We are not always asking her things likethis, she's okay with us asking personal questuons. If she where still an indie I'd be okay and that's because the last time we asked her was 4-5 months ago. It's because she's in a new company that I want to ask.

>> No.28616002

Eye require additional eyes.

>> No.28616030

The fictional character from Tokyo Revengers, probably her fav at the moment.

>> No.28616048
Quoted by: >>28616125

oh and >>28615173
>, it's either going to be a strictly professional business arrangement with no meaningful interaction
is fucking what then?

>> No.28616068

Just ask next stream and remember what I said about politeness and doing it in Japanese so she'll understand.

>> No.28616104

just fucking ask her if you're so worried, she's not gonna care or feel insulted that you're asking again

>> No.28616116

Nice trips but murderschizo is not a falseflagger just a bit autistic in his attempts to filter normalfags. And also one anon literally did >>28615173

>> No.28616125

Who do you think asked? Do you think any regular posters in this thread would even suggest that? You do remember this thread is linked /vsj/

>> No.28616167

She asked how we'd feel about a male collab if it was with Mikey. Literal Mikey, not the voice actor, but a hypothetical literal anime boy, but we all told her that that wouldn't be okay either

>> No.28616174

are you certain your wife would want you to kill her if she did something you dislike?

>> No.28616302
Quoted by: >>28616357


>> No.28616357


>> No.28616362

Yes. She said that cheaters heads should roll.

>> No.28616422


>> No.28616457

her twitcasts

>> No.28616696

i would feel very safe in life if i knew that the thousands of people who i depend on could start to harbor murderous intent for me the moment i do something they dislike

>> No.28616733


>> No.28616796

I would want somebody to kill me too if I cheated on her and she seems perfectly fine with us so fuck off concernfag you are not her

>> No.28616983
Quoted by: >>28617305

She seems perfectly fine telling me to stalk her and that cheaters heads should roll and she is my literal wife so get out of our relationship.

>> No.28617085

sounds good to me, I'm sorry you're not loved

>> No.28617147
Quoted by: >>28617354

He raises a good point, next OP please change it to "and". It's also in the VShojo thread so it literally attracts VShojo antis as well as our normal schizos.

>> No.28617270
Quoted by: >>28617915

A thread for 潤羽るしあ, みけねこ, and 飴宮なずな

Previous Thread: >>OP

Like that I assume

>> No.28617305
Quoted by: >>28617480

>my literal wife
Show your marriage certificate.

>> No.28617339

Someone needs to tell vsj general to not link us anymore

>> No.28617354

I didn't even notice we were using + now, was it always like that? I swear it was ねこふぁみ and ふぁんでっど before

>> No.28617480
Quoted by: >>28617554

Did you really not hear her call herself my wife in her last stream?

>> No.28617554

Oh I did, but I'm just wondering why no one can show a marriage certificate while claiming she's their "literal wife". You wouldn't just abuse the word literal, would you?

>> No.28617837
Quoted by: >>28617972

since we always have a few vsj tourists in here, what is their stance on other languages in chat? are they ok with the jops talking in japanese during a collab in someone else's channel?

>> No.28617847

It's called a common law marriage dipshit. If I say she's my wife, and she says she's my wife, we are husband and wife.

>> No.28617915

Maybe use 、?

>> No.28617924

Our love transcends the authority of any worldly body to issue official documents

>> No.28617960

She is polish anon

>> No.28617972
Quoted by: >>28618471

Of course it's okay. I welcome it, actually.

>> No.28618006
Quoted by: >>28618192

>relying on the state to verify an unending bond

>> No.28618086

>still awake

>> No.28618192
Quoted by: >>28618302

What about other things that come with marriage? Sex, having a child? Does fapping to her count as sex? If so, has she ever confirmed that?
Can you be compelled to testify against Nazuna? Can Nazuna be compelled to testify against (You)?

>> No.28618252
Quoted by: >>28618316

Stop retweeting pictures and go to bed already you stupid angel

>> No.28618302

>Does fapping to her count as sex? If so, has she ever confirmed that?
Anon, she's confirmed to us via Twitcast that she thinks about us while masturbating.

>> No.28618316

Retweeting in her dreams, breaking through to reality

>> No.28618378

Why are you guys crying that you don't want this thread in /vsj+/ OPs? Don't want trolls or something?

>> No.28618381

>she thinks about us while masturbating.
she really is a vshojo...

>> No.28618409

>I literally just want hear her say it publicly once
Actual cuck mentality. Sounds like a great way to begin an NTR story kek

>> No.28618435
Quoted by: >>28619022

Pretty much, a lot of crossies. You guys also seem to have gotten infected by Marineschizo from our end.

>> No.28618471

I mean the talents, there are streamers who don't want anything but english in their chats, especially on twitch.

>> No.28618487
File: 33 KB, 456x471, 1658014963173.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can you blame them?
all they want is to post wife

>> No.28618552

no, she thinks about me

>> No.28618608

Fake, she would never say she masturbates

>> No.28618658

Hard to tell for the others until a collab happens but the only one that has jp mods is Vei if I am not mistaken.

>> No.28618683
File: 210 KB, 463x453, 1658012307335.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>28618740

wife, your sleep reps...

>> No.28618740
Quoted by: >>28619392

she's just retweeting before sleeping

>> No.28619022

Is that where he's hanging out now? I feel sorry for them.

>> No.28619111

Yesterday I peeped there out of curiosity. Different thread culture, I don't mind but I saw posting very similar to his. I could just be attributing every schizo action to a single schizo though.

>> No.28619145

I was told I am stupid by some nazufag so I will start shitposting in this place now. Please take care of me.

>> No.28619183


>> No.28619224

I did a quick check and none of them have any rules relating to the language you use. I think it's safe to assume they'd be happy to see JOPs in their chat especially now that they're trying to garner a Japanese audience, especially since most of them do love anime culture and like feeling like anime girls. Plus, Vei had a huge JP audience in her early days, some of her about page is still in JP, she wouldn't alienate them. And Hime lives in Japan, safe bet too if a JOP somehow ends up in her chat.

>> No.28619247

post some cute pictures of nazuna at least though

>> No.28619276

You're stupid
Also we're called Lollipops

>> No.28619315
File: 116 KB, 1199x851, FX4A8JTVEAIwZK5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello i love you metoo

>> No.28619351

On the flip side, they had Damascus and the guy who made all the holomem-themed ogey edits in their thread too. Evens out.

>> No.28619392

it's 7 AM...
