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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 1.68 MB, 355x390, 1618974222354.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2837842 No.2837842 [Reply] [Original]

The meds aren't working. Forgive me.

Previous thread >>2816233

Next steam, OMORI:
>https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mf-5KS2B74o [Embed]


>> No.2838096
File: 201 KB, 693x500, 1618327613369.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2843634

I forgive you, anon

>> No.2838283

The trolling is strong in this one.
It's almost as if...

>> No.2838302
File: 114 KB, 489x497, 9h24WVh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope she remembers to eat

>> No.2838348

Seems dangerous to have a thread this early before the next stream

>> No.2838387

Beatani please... this thread is too early...

>> No.2838494
Quoted by: >>2838871 >>2843104

What's great about Concerta -> Doesn't make you sleepy
It is expensive, makes you thirsty, lasts only 6 hours (depends on the individual), and makes you faint after it wears off.
>The naps are drug binges
>Slayza Spire is Concerta

>> No.2838536

Beatani, wtf? Next stream is still in 1 day.

>> No.2838864
File: 165 KB, 577x474, kuso.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2838871
Quoted by: >>2842879

Concerta is the Japanese brand name for Ritalin.

Suddenly all the tweets from the past day make sense.

Beatani, you doing okay?

>> No.2839194

I've cummed so many times to this

>> No.2839226
Quoted by: >>2839331

Is Japan full of girls like Beatani?

>> No.2839331
Quoted by: >>2839410

Yes, every girl in Japan is a guro obsessed menhera with adhd.

>> No.2839410
Quoted by: >>2839705

I'm packing my bags right now

>> No.2839512
Quoted by: >>2839665

I was feeling sick without this thread

>> No.2839620

Jesus Christ

>> No.2839665
File: 61 KB, 500x680, c2ffbd052bb4e56f1fe27461921bb4aa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same. This is getting kind of unhealthy.

>> No.2839705

Have fun with the mandatory two week quarantine

>> No.2839707
File: 918 KB, 4202x1600, bea_impasta_all.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems sus. Guess I'll take this chance to post this.

>> No.2839737

Did you make this? Nice work!

>> No.2839770
File: 71 KB, 1200x675, 1530973028441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2839815 >>2849141

you're laughing?
listener-chan is having a menbre and you're laughing?

>> No.2839815
Quoted by: >>2839830

Apparently means limb in Old French

>> No.2839830
Quoted by: >>2839879

Well, she does have a limb. Four of them, in fact.

>> No.2839879
Quoted by: >>2839889

Four too many.

>> No.2839889
Quoted by: >>2839963

She needs them to keep all the Beatani clones satisfied.

>> No.2839938
Quoted by: >>2840204

>the cool shitposting always happens when I'm asleep

>> No.2839963

>listener-chan footjob

>> No.2840186
File: 161 KB, 1016x2048, EzluysYVIAI0Eiv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2840337 >>2840347

GumaGay Guisado :DDD

>> No.2840204
Quoted by: >>2840215

I'll say that all the shitposting that happened some hours ago was pure kino. Sorry dad if you missed it.

>> No.2840215

It can't be helped. Global bear is global.

>> No.2840221
Quoted by: >>2840235

Why did she do that discord stuff, my heart dropped at first...

>> No.2840235
Quoted by: >>2840270

>my heart dropped
There's your answer

>> No.2840270

she shouldn't play with my pure heart like that

>> No.2840285

What the fuck happened in the ringfit stream that made her like this?
I'm not complaining just genuinely curious.

>> No.2840337
Quoted by: >>2840342

I love my daughter so fucking much

>> No.2840342
Quoted by: >>2840590

I love fucking my daughter so much

>> No.2840347
File: 1.57 MB, 633x356, 1618711523009.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2840384
Quoted by: >>2840495

I think the chismografo stream was where the trajectory changed. She has gotten more comfortable with sharing and is embracing her love of shitposting, but (just speculating here) has a little anxiety about her channel. This latest "menhera" arc is maybe a little bit based in truth, but probably a big part of it is experimenting and seeing what reaction it gets to see if it can boost engagement and grow the channel. Maybe.

>> No.2840425
Quoted by: >>2840438 >>2840525

She's come so far, it brings a tear to my eye.
I love this bear so much.

>> No.2840438
Quoted by: >>2841433

I miss those innocent eyes...

>> No.2840473
Quoted by: >>2840482

She's having more fun.

>> No.2840482

Revealing her power level

>> No.2840491
Quoted by: >>2840517 >>2840581

Bros I think I'm losing my mind. I just want to hear her voice.

>> No.2840492

250 subs until the next karaoke party.

>> No.2840495
Quoted by: >>2840515

Don't want to sound like a concernfag but I hope she settles on which style she wants for her twitter soon, I'm not saying anything is going to happen but if you mix genuine opinions and shitposting regularly with time it becomes indistinguishable and if you later try to take a more literal approach everyone will think you're just playing around.

>> No.2840515
Quoted by: >>2840582

she's going to read this post and laugh at you

>> No.2840517
Quoted by: >>2840678

Hang in there buddy, less than 16 hours to go

>> No.2840525
Quoted by: >>2840546 >>2840554

>exchanged the "Gao" for "UOOHH"
>exchanged friends for a bigger family
>dream now is to impregnate a helpless girl(boy) and make anime real

>> No.2840546

Yeah if she came out the gate like this I wonder how it would have gone. I'm not really sure.

>> No.2840554

The gao was super cute though. Hope she doesn't completely abandon it.

>> No.2840581

>inb4 a sudden vocaroo from a mysterious person

>> No.2840582
Quoted by: >>2840632

I'm saying this because everyone thought Chammers was still on her theatrical arc when she announced her break. It took an entire day for everyone to realize she was being serious and that was painful to see.

>> No.2840590

my daughter love fucking I so much

>> No.2840603
File: 634 KB, 1235x1952, serafuku beatani wip color 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2840654 >>2840667

I have a meeting early in the morning but here is a preview of the serafuku Bea I'm working on, the doujin is going smoothly too just be sure that I'll deliver one of these days (probably next week if I'm not busy.

>> No.2840632

If Beatani takes a month break due to stress I'm flying to Paris and making hiroyuki talk to her at funpoint.

>> No.2840654
Quoted by: >>2840686

Looks good! Could her hair ribbon be a touch brighter red though?

>> No.2840667

cute socks

>> No.2840678
Quoted by: >>2840684 >>2840746

Can't time pass faster?
Why do the hours feel like a sluggish viscosity? Is this torture?
I wish to the stars for this pain to end, for the sorrowful me and the lonely you.
Please, make these last wishes come true.

>> No.2840684
Quoted by: >>2840829

Go to sleep

>> No.2840686

Yes, it's still a wip so I'm still adjusting the colors, I'd continue right now but it's kinda late here

>> No.2840746

Lucky you, at this point I don't even know what I'm feeling. This turned out to be something completely unexpected but I don't think it's a bad thing... yet...

>> No.2840765
Quoted by: >>2840815 >>2840816

How is her reddit fans? Did they take over yet?

>> No.2840815
File: 120 KB, 770x731, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nope, I don't think that'll ever happen, she recently draw the line with one that was being a bit to clingy and cringe...

>> No.2840816
Quoted by: >>2840870

Yes. And they all joined her discord. I'm sorry listener-san it's too late.

>> No.2840827
File: 645 KB, 1000x414, 1618704179560.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The brat is awake.

>> No.2840829
Quoted by: >>2840876

Maybe I'm already sleeping and this is all just a dream? Am I dreaming? Dreaming a dream were dogs are dogs and people are bears.
If that's true, then let's move on to the second page, or was it the second volume? If we keep hopping just like Mr. Hare we can surely reach the end of this dream!...
How much longer will I be able to reject reality?

>> No.2840870

She has a discord?

>> No.2840876
Quoted by: >>2840958

Calm down Yukio Mishima

>> No.2840884
Quoted by: >>2840919 >>2840948

5 of them actually.

>> No.2840906

only for real fans

>> No.2840915

you are lucky you aren't there when the dads at /yah want to kill themselves

>> No.2840919
Quoted by: >>2841029

Does she ERP with you on the highest tier server?

>> No.2840932


Uh, I never saw that before. So it's like a japanese twitter version of a generic template meme or something

>> No.2840939

Yes but she would never invite you.

>> No.2840948
Quoted by: >>2840978 >>2841023

>highest level is reserved for her, Chihiro, Listener-chan and Hiroshimoot

>> No.2840958
Quoted by: >>2841005

I guess I really need to sleep right now. Maybe I'll be happy waking up next time, right?

>> No.2840978
Quoted by: >>2840994

Listener-Chan would never have a Discord, she's too shy to make accounts for anything and interact, she just lurks

>> No.2840994
File: 64 KB, 235x269, 1616713624910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you think she has any say in this?

>> No.2841005

I think you should take care of yourself

>> No.2841023

I gues that Hiroshi is the one receiving all those massive futacocks, right?

>> No.2841029
Quoted by: >>2841086

Sadly no. She said she is only interested in high karma redditors.

>> No.2841080
Quoted by: >>2841091 >>2841193

I almost feel bad for that guy, must've felt like a punch to the gut. a well deserved one

>> No.2841086
Quoted by: >>2841117 >>2841125

I have around 20k from posting memes at r/overlords, is that enough?

>> No.2841091

People like that really need a gutpunch to be put in place, otherwise they only get worse.

>> No.2841117

Maybe for server 2 if you're lucky. Better do your karmawhoring reps before it's too late.

>> No.2841125
File: 328 KB, 547x367, nie.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2841127
Quoted by: >>2841277

Let's not speak ill of the dead.

>> No.2841173

It makes me happy that, even after getting a reply from Bea, the Larp went unnoticed again and the only like to her response is from that Hatkid creep

>> No.2841193

>IT monkey job
>Most likely awkward around 3D females
>Find an entertainer that is constantly bonding with her audience
>She publicly tells you to stfu with sweet words

The only reason I'll just let him be is because he can't fall any lower.

>> No.2841204

She is still liking his posts.

>> No.2841219

That unnecessary comment about what his job was made me shiver in cringe.

>> No.2841238

That "its not that I don't like you" must have felt very familiar to him

>> No.2841273
Quoted by: >>2841303


>> No.2841277

It's not like Bea wass the only one he's trying to groom though. If you go to his Twitter you'll see that he likes to orbit around small chubas.

>> No.2841293

My daughter knows she needs to keep the undesirable memebers at arm's length.

>> No.2841297
Quoted by: >>2841314 >>2841337

But shes not following him

>> No.2841303
Quoted by: >>2841322

She probably felt a little bad about putting him down like that. If she was annoyed she wouldn't reinforce it. Personally I don't have a problem with him.

>> No.2841306

ok, done
here https://voca.ro/15leeIpkN2Pr
now what?

it's hella cringe, proceed at your own risk

>> No.2841314
Quoted by: >>2841342

Yes she is

>> No.2841320

please dont be european
please dont be european
please dont be european
please dont be european
please dont be european

>> No.2841322

But she was pretty nice about it. Bluntness doesn't automatically mean anger.

>> No.2841324
File: 241 KB, 387x515, Screenshot_2021-04-23-15-06-34-00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2841358

forgot to input image

>> No.2841337
Quoted by: >>2841342

she likes nearly every post

she is though

>> No.2841342
Quoted by: >>2841377

Doesn't show that shes following him when I go to his profile, maybe its because I have him blocked.

>> No.2841358
Quoted by: >>2841434

It looks like you also forgot to put some soul into that recording...

>> No.2841377
File: 21 KB, 573x213, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here, also it makes sense for her to be following him, he IS a clipper after all.

>> No.2841389
File: 290 KB, 2000x2000, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F4ajfki.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2841406 >>2841715


>> No.2841406


>> No.2841433
File: 182 KB, 289x499, sorry bros she's staring at me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based same, although I've accepted the new look for a while now.

>> No.2841434
Quoted by: >>2841535

engli is hard to pronounce, also not a japanese voice actor

>> No.2841507
File: 285 KB, 2048x2048, EzTKCU3VIAAM4iv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Checks his twitter feed
I love her so much

>> No.2841508
Quoted by: >>2843910

I tried to give him advice but I suppose it's hard to go from cringe nerd to prince charming with just a simple 'loosen up a little man'. Still I hope that helped him be a little more aware of his issues and hopefully improve in time.

>> No.2841519
Quoted by: >>2841530 >>2841538

Anon, that sounds nothing (in terms of mic quality and pitch) like the voice heard starting at 2:17 here: https://youtu.be/RVvtV964xXc?t=136

>> No.2841530

Did you read the last thread? That's not him but an actual mom.

>> No.2841535

>japanese voice actor
I don't know what that has to do with english pronunciation, but don't worry, it was just my habit to make a harsh remarks when I'm posting on this site.

>> No.2841538


>> No.2841555
Quoted by: >>2841601 >>2841680

if you unironically sound like that you need to grow some hair on your balls

>> No.2841601

Beatani likes them hairless.

>> No.2841607

I got a little hard, honestly.

>> No.2841634
Quoted by: >>2841677

You know, I'm still amazed by the genius of dropping a delayed fuse bomb. The discord debacle was quite a few days ago, not recent.

>> No.2841669

I showed her how hard she makes me in one of our intimate Discord conversations.

>> No.2841677

You can't say that she doesn't do her reps.

>> No.2841680
Quoted by: >>2841701

that's my natural voice, but tend to deepen it in public

>> No.2841701

Sure it does ant-chama.

>> No.2841704
Quoted by: >>2841788

I have access to the premium server, at first it was cool being able to talk with her, but now I'm pretty scared because she doesn't stop talking about how much she wants to impregnate my boy pussy.

>> No.2841715
File: 9 KB, 319x319, 1617286531709.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's perfect. A masterpiece.

>> No.2841751

>The bear is making us lust over each other
This was always her plan.

>> No.2841788

Come on anon, don't tell that you're going to chicken out of the offp*ko meeting in a few weeks.

>> No.2842084
File: 257 KB, 600x600, 1612591767029.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2847817


>> No.2842151
Quoted by: >>2842159

should I post a Beatani clip on /wsg/ or is it a bad idea?

>> No.2842159

do it

>> No.2842289
File: 503 KB, 2360x1640, 898E1311-1B90-4361-90C0-87FEF366D095.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2842356

yay , colored it.
posted to twitter.

>> No.2842302
Quoted by: >>2842445

Why shes so obssesed for being amputeed?

>> No.2842356
File: 139 KB, 1123x1160, 1341429376385.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her face has the same vibe as bottom right.

>> No.2842445

small girls are cuter, right?

>> No.2842802
File: 663 KB, 600x596, UOOOOOOOOOH.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2842823
File: 412 KB, 600x596, UOOOOOOOOOOH.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2842920 >>2843029

Or maybe shorter? Can't choose between them.

>> No.2842879

Actually no. Concerta is sold everywhere, i got it for free in my europoor Country. The main difference is that Concerta is longer acting. One Concerta a day is enough for most people. The compound is the same as ritalin (methylphenidate) but the design of the pill itself is different. It's better imo.

>> No.2842920
File: 468 KB, 1008x720, fanartforher.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Since people were asking about Beatani's hygiene habits, I wonder if I should collab with Andrew Ryan again for the "The benefits of existing virtually" introduction video. Although I'm not sure if, at this point, she has completely overwritten that part of the lore.
Also, I wonder if she'll finish the picnic drawing at this point. I really want to go to the print shop and print both versions of picrel.
I think this one conveys better what you're trying to convey.

>> No.2843029
Quoted by: >>2843083

>Not a soundpost
I'm pretty sure she went full UUUUUUUUOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH in the last or previous stream, but I can't find it

>> No.2843076
Quoted by: >>2844582


official bea song

>> No.2843083
Quoted by: >>2843323

I'd have to look for one in other videos, I just felt compelled to make a webm of this for some reason. If you can find one then great.

>> No.2843104
Quoted by: >>2843502

Concerta is shit-tier meds, for fun and for ADHD. It's a shame that Adderall and Vyvanse are super illegal in Japan, that's the good shit.

>> No.2843323
Quoted by: >>2843359 >>2843600

Damn it, this one isn't long enough, but it's one of the few instances that we know of. There's a couple more fitting ones.
>UUUOHHHH ja nai yo
>tfw I clicked on the video randomly to find it and landed exactly on the second she said it

>> No.2843359

On the first try.*
Maybe you can play around with the webm speed so it fits? Even if she sounds fairly non-enthusiastic.

>> No.2843425

Does a bear shitpost in the thread?

>> No.2843502
Quoted by: >>2843570 >>2847817

Adderall is too strong. It feels like a real recreational Harddrug. I have taken Concerta and basically all that happens is that you get much more productive but everything becomes a little more grey and boring. It feels safe. The long release also makes you not really feel it as much because the come up and come down is so smooth. For me it lasts 8 hours at peak and then mellows out smoothly over the next 3 hours, it's perfect for lasting through the working day and no more so you can relax after coming home.

>> No.2843570
Quoted by: >>2843670 >>2847589

>but everything becomes a little more grey and boring.
that's a pretty fucking big trade off
I know a lot of people that are told to take things like this or anti-depressants or the like and the impression I always get from how they talk about it, they'd genuinely rather be menhera but still be themselves than just be monotonously "okay."

>> No.2843600
Quoted by: >>2843654

Can you figure out the timestamp for >>2794458

>> No.2843634
Quoted by: >>2843650 >>2843654

Where did the high res version even come from and who originally posted it?

>> No.2843650

Kumagai Chisato

>> No.2843654

Chat Timestamp: 11:57
Video ID: GFeVb1Ym5tA
beatani posted it

>> No.2843670
Quoted by: >>2843912

The thing here is that it only lasts around 8 hours or so (6 for beatani) and after that time it feels like normal again. What I have heard about anti depressants is that they last the whole day and you are never normal. But with Concerta you change a little during the work day and then become normal when you come home. And honestly work is really boring either way and getting it done productively is more important then avoiding getting a more grey personality for a few hours during work. I think no one takes Concerta during the weekend or when not having work/school.

>> No.2843718
Quoted by: >>2843748

Druggies are disgusting, even behavioral with behavioral 'medicine'.
DON'T take your meds.

>> No.2843748

This anon isn't real. Take your meds to make him go away.

>> No.2843756


>> No.2843804

Do meds actually help if you're an overemotional wreck who either can't focus on anything for more than 10 minutes or sleeps 18 hours a day? Asking for a friend

>> No.2843819

don't self-medicate. If you think you need help get help

>> No.2843828

what they don't do is make you happy or satisfied with your life
you just get a shot at being productive, what you do with it is on you

>> No.2843832
File: 241 KB, 2000x1125, qjq70am4dtfttclieo2w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you mean I look like a giant lizard monster!? I'm just trying to help you, anon.

>> No.2843862

Please don't ask 4chan of all places for medical advice.

>> No.2843898
Quoted by: >>2847817

She masturbated live, said iku and now to cope the shame she went on a twitter journey

>> No.2843900
File: 182 KB, 850x1134, e66c8303499a75624138291f3b459a1a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2843970 >>2843989


>> No.2843910
Quoted by: >>2843950 >>2843968

Not Jack, but I used to be cringe when I was younger... as early as 5 years ago. Looking back at my old archived social media accounts, I cringe hard at myself. So I try to keep my power levels at check and make sure I try not to act like a retard on the net or even in public. But what can I say? I legit have ass-spurdos:DDD so it's a bit of a challenge to keep them in check and not fuck up. Hoping for the best for Jack, it's a learning process I guess. At least he's not CWC, so that's a start.

>> No.2843912


There are meds for being calm or productive but no meds is going to make you happy if you don't work out your depression yourself. It can be a tool in the pursuit of fighting your depression though, but it can never be the only tool, you have to work on your own also. No magic pill will fix everything in your life. Also please look for other sources of information on these very serious matters than 4chan, 4chan can just troll you and you wouldnt know.

>> No.2843913

They're a treatment for symptoms but not a solution to the underlying problem.

Many can end up using them as a crutch, becoming addicted to the medication in order to keep ignoring and pushing away the actual issues.

>> No.2843936

Also, many places, such as the US of A, have heavily commercialized the drug industry. This means that you will be advertised and sold drugs at a way lower threshold than you probably should be, as well as having your own symptoms over-emphasized to increase a perceived need for medication.

>> No.2843944

It won't really help. Meds just get rid of the symptoms of a larger underlying problem.
You have to figure out what's causing your problems deep down, and solve it by yourself.

Because if you won't help yourself, no one will.

>> No.2843950
Quoted by: >>2844025

This is exactly why I would never want to talk to Beatani 1 on 1. I learned to cope when I got older but if it's alone with a girl I become a cringesaurus again.

>> No.2843968
Quoted by: >>2844001

Anon... We are all in a constant state of cringe. In one year you will look back at your posts here and think "why the fuck did I write that".

>> No.2843970

>Got his fingers taken away and was turned into minced meat a couple times
>Runs away from the dog when she gets hospitalized
>Meets Bea
Poor guy

>> No.2843989

>Caught between 2 abusive people

>> No.2844001

Yeah, but the level of cringe can be different.

>> No.2844025

I work in retail sometimes so I meet moms and girlfriends from time to time. I don't think I'm too socially awkward but I freeze the fuck up whenever conflict arises so that's my main weakpoint. I might have a chance if I ever look for a GF once I'm fit enough. I want to make Shinzo Abe proud...

>> No.2844057
File: 265 KB, 355x405, extremelyfastbear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2844247


>> No.2844109

She's not even a real bear.

>> No.2844128
File: 581 KB, 725x748, 1599560677537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut the fuck up retard

>> No.2844139
Quoted by: >>2844163

"The polar bear (Ursus maritimus) is a hypercarnivorous bear whose native range lies largely within the Arctic Circle, encompassing the Arctic Ocean, its surrounding seas and surrounding land masses."

Thats a bear.

>> No.2844160
Quoted by: >>2844184

Did you know that koalas are also bears?
She's a koala.

>> No.2844163
Quoted by: >>2844196

>Ursus maritimus
So it's actually a sea bear?

>> No.2844164

How do you know that? Are you on the secret Discord server?

>> No.2844165
File: 539 KB, 992x701, 1614221010333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you are not a real dad

>> No.2844177

I can confirm it myself, I saw Beatani irl during my exhchange program with the university of Svalbard.

>> No.2844184

GTFO marsupial scum

>> No.2844196

Polar bears mostly hunt marine mammals such as seals.She they are either on the coast or on the ice sheets all the time basically.

>> No.2844247


>> No.2844254

Beatani's stream schedule is secretly a plan to fix my sleep schedule by having me wake up a little bit earlier each day.

>> No.2844274
Quoted by: >>2845482

Is she going to finish Omori today?

>> No.2844438
File: 376 KB, 590x588, UOOOOOOOOH[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fymuy7n.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2844476 >>2844512

This should be fine.

>> No.2844476
File: 62 KB, 222x243, 1615297820236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2844494

I'm legit certified high functioning autist according to the government. I had a troubled life and the docs prescribed me with ritalin and other anti depresent drugs during my late teenage years. It made me sleepier than normal so they decreased the doses when necessary. The depression didn't really go away and I coped it with eating a lot of food. I stopped taking the meds one day and actively worked out instead. My outward appearance became better and I actively tried to seek out new friends to be with. I tried to be more social and think positively. Like the others say, meds are only a stop gap and your autism will never go away. But you can become a somewhat better person if you have the will power and determination to move forward and challenge it.
That being said, cheap covid deals on $$$ food is making me fat again, so I have to burn it even more now.

>> No.2844512
File: 2.38 MB, 640x360, IKZ[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fyg3gc6.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2844573
Quoted by: >>2844612

Poor bear probably doesn't know how to listen to embedded sounds.

>> No.2844582
Quoted by: >>2844638


>> No.2844612
File: 458 KB, 320x360, ratethestream[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fhqesz3.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's our only advantage against her

>> No.2844638
File: 35 KB, 381x394, BeaaeB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I have to listen to it

>> No.2844661
Quoted by: >>2844693 >>2844764

I tried to remove the voice changer from her RFA stream but it is very hard to do. The voice changer has more effects than a simple pitch change and it seems she used a lower voice than usual before it went into the voice changer as well which makes it impossible to restore.


>> No.2844693

Smart bear using a voice changer that is unrestorable when doing these jokes.

>> No.2844764


>> No.2844947
File: 242 KB, 807x935, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I haven't seen my cute girl in a while.
Could it be...

>> No.2845105
File: 21 KB, 594x196, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2845196

you heard her

>> No.2845196

Let's not shitpost for the whole day

>> No.2845260
File: 206 KB, 1222x690, talibanxphill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Taliban has captured the XP Hill. I repeat, the Taliban has captured the XP Hill.

>> No.2845340


>> No.2845351

The Taliban will probably bow down to Bea

>> No.2845424

hey that's Ahmed from highschool and Mr.Razaak, my math prof from uni

"Assalamua- wait! no no im Al-Friend of Ozama! dont shoot stop! AAAARGGHHH!!"

>> No.2845466
Quoted by: >>2845528

Beatani is our daughter. And chihiro is beatanis sister. Doesnt that mean that chihiro is our daughter as well?

>> No.2845482
Quoted by: >>2845524

She probably has about 25 hours left at her current pace. Its a slow pace, and she is taking her time. I like the Omori streams because they feel chill and interactive.

>> No.2845524

>8 to 13 streams

>> No.2845528


We've discussed it with Beatani. It's because we are a Godfather. That's how we have a daughter without having sex, and why Beatani's mother (your wife) is not in the picture.

>> No.2845536
Quoted by: >>2845624

>without having sex
I know why she thinks it easy to assume that but I am offended

>> No.2845565
Quoted by: >>2845667

I will have a daughter with Beatani (after having sex)

>> No.2845624

I just want her to say it out loud. I know she wants to.

>> No.2845650

>Non blood related daughter

>> No.2845667

Enjoy your pregnancy Listener-chan.

>> No.2845810

I'm going to say it. I like listener-chan more than Beatani, and there's nothing wro

>> No.2845815

VVindows ME hill.

>> No.2845854
File: 283 KB, 2047x1447, Ezb-SbUVcAEO8Jv.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm starting to think Beatani is a bad influence for listener-chan....

>> No.2845877
Quoted by: >>2845939

God I wish that was me

>> No.2845901


>> No.2845909
Quoted by: >>2845962


>> No.2845932

Can't wait to see the names you fuckers will use when playing

>> No.2845939
Quoted by: >>2845953

it is you

>> No.2845953

But I wish I looked like that

>> No.2845962

You seem sus

>> No.2846006
File: 887 KB, 926x715, 1603858565298.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i really need to stop interacting with this fucking bear on twitter or i'm gonna go full gosling

>> No.2846035

thank you Lewd-san

>> No.2846045
File: 342 KB, 646x659, 1615988478134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2846086
File: 263 KB, 1888x1312, vtuber moeryona yukkuri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reminds me of Yukkuri
Bea-san confirmed to be into Yukkuri Abuse

>> No.2846142
Quoted by: >>2846227

Suggest a setting with Beatani and I'll try to write a shitpost

>> No.2846167

Beatani...at least give us a vocaroo...onegai...

>> No.2846185


>> No.2846227
Quoted by: >>2846247 >>2847417

on a rollercoaster

>> No.2846247
Quoted by: >>2846345

rollercoaster AWAY

>> No.2846314

All me, honestly

>> No.2846345
Quoted by: >>2846372

oh come on, surely this bear can handle such a childish ride.
I mean, it's not like she's scared of them, right?

>> No.2846351
File: 1.84 MB, 1280x815, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listen here fucks.
You need to leave that bear behind, her shitposts, her abuse, and her parasocial love. You're nothing and you're her slave.
We will bring ourselves back to simpler times.
Blast this place into a primitive age. No need for bearcoin, no need for merch. We blow it all up.

>> No.2846372

Its childish, she never rides it.

>> No.2846384
File: 20 KB, 502x167, 1619122152747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2847430 >>2849821

dads.. this is the first vtuber i loved

>> No.2846390
File: 377 KB, 1920x1080, 1538671871958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beatani will never cling to you while riding a rollercoaster

>> No.2846395

Beatani makes me happy, I don't care.

>> No.2846421

1 and 4 are me...

>> No.2846462
Quoted by: >>2846554 >>2846738

its not parasocial!

>> No.2846554
Quoted by: >>2846609

It's parasocial, but mutually beneficial. What's the issue if we are all happy.

>> No.2846609
Quoted by: >>2846738

its not parasocial

>> No.2846627
Quoted by: >>2847213 >>2849541

bea is surprisingly self aware and smart when it comes to managing her fans it seems

>> No.2846738
File: 239 KB, 415x617, 1387347512386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it is to an extent.

>> No.2846865
File: 74 KB, 703x248, 1619108380056.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2847088

When will Beatani get to Polka levels of menhera?

>> No.2847088

Is there any sane Vtuber out there?

>> No.2847116 [SPOILER] 
File: 121 KB, 1292x1292, 1619184464656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just a handful

>> No.2847130
File: 202 KB, 500x527, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck are you saying? I can't do that

>> No.2847208


>> No.2847213
Quoted by: >>2847268

I think it's you guys who gave her the impression that whatever Jack is doing isn't healthy and that maybe she should do something about it.

>> No.2847268
Quoted by: >>2847369 >>2847601

I keep flipflopping on if she feels obligated to listen to us or not. I hope she doesn't take everything we say as gospel, though.

>> No.2847273
File: 67 KB, 906x306, Screenshot from 2021-04-23 08-29-49.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2847274
File: 467 KB, 1050x1075, five year old spotted.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2847568 >>2849129


>> No.2847369

God I hope so.

>> No.2847409
Quoted by: >>2847592

Man I used to take concerta after they stopped selling ritalin here that shit made me feel bad. Like I could focus more but I always got so anxious and all my friends would notice how more anxious and irritable I got. Which is a shame cause those meds really helped me whenever I needed to stay long stretches of time away from my house and that's something I needed to do as a med student

>> No.2847417
Quoted by: >>2847817

You have finally come here, the queue to the biggest scariest rollercoaster in the whole amusement park. Your daughter Beatani insisted to not go to this one but after teasing her she agreed. "it's not that it's scary, it's childish" she told you. But you continued to bully her telling her that she does not dare to go. The queue is long and you see that she is starting to fidget with her hair and beginning to become really quiet as the queue forwards shortens in length. When there is only one more couple in the queue before you she tells you "Do we really have to go, look around, most people here are children. This is cringe, I'm a 24 year old adult woman going on a childish rollercoaster." But you tease that if even children dare to go surely she can go aswell, she gulps audible. Now you are first in line and get on the rollercoaster. She gets in and puts down the security rod, she is just barely over the height limit and the rod goes up to her chest while for you it goes down to your lower stomach. The ride begins slowly going forward. "this is nothing, this is for children" she yells and laughs. But soon enough the big accent begins, the whole car changes to a 60 degree angle and beatani suddenly gets nervous, her hair is dropping backwards from the changed angle. The car goes up and up and up slowly, you see that when the car reaches the top, she closes her eyes, you give her your arm and she clutches to it very tightly. The drop comes and the car goes down with enormous speed, she yells "jaaaaAaaAaaaAaaAaan" over and over again with that signature vibrato while her hair flows in the wind from the high speeds all while she is clutching to your arm so hard it nearly hurts. When the car reaches the end and stops she opens her eyes for the first time. "is it over? Really? Really? Is it over now? That was not scary NO". You say nothing and just laugh. "Can we go to the merry-go-round now dad? I find it more romantic and more adult". You agree and enjoy the rest of the day going on simpler rides.

>> No.2847430
File: 199 KB, 1125x602, Screenshot_20210423-093407_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2847682 >>2849821


>> No.2847472


>> No.2847558
Quoted by: >>2847661

>that tweet
she's really looking to purge the goslings today huh?

>> No.2847568
Quoted by: >>2847649

Get away from me demon!

>> No.2847589

I reiterate my stance: >>2843570

>> No.2847592
Quoted by: >>2847679

Yeah for me it was a dilemma as well, it made school so much more boring but if I did not take the concerta I nearly failed all my classes, but while I was on it I was a straight C/B student. Did not give me much choice, but as an adult I don't need it anymore and that is very good because I'm happier now without it.

>> No.2847601
File: 259 KB, 1079x671, Screenshot_20210423-153802_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2847649
File: 504 KB, 1170x1362, Ill_dict_infernal_p0139-123_buer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2848606

Don't you want to learn about Bears anon? I have so much I can teach you about nature, and morality.

>> No.2847661

Fake goslings are still in their test phase and will thankfully calm down, true goslings have accepted their fate and no amount of tweets will change that.

>> No.2847665
Quoted by: >>2847706

Her English is getting better, I wouldn't even blink if I saw that last sentence here.

>> No.2847667
Quoted by: >>2847742

Did you see that kusodads? Stop concernfagging over her

>> No.2847679
Quoted by: >>2847863

I can manage without it, the cons are way too big hope the effects aren't as hard on her

>> No.2847682

stalker bear

>> No.2847706

Even me.

>> No.2847742

I'll stop concernfagging when I'm dead.

>> No.2847747
File: 861 KB, 800x1236, yah1984.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2847788

>shit I'm starting to worry about you though I can't do anything for you
Describes this thread perfectly.

>> No.2847817
File: 83 KB, 610x900, 1619131194565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2847962 >>2848077

all these sicko in thread, and no med post in sight?
pharma-dads where are you?

>> No.2847852
Quoted by: >>2847903 >>2848326

Jesas, will this girl ever stop being based? I’ll have to actually start sending her akasupas.

>> No.2847863

I got off my meds (Vyvanse) half a year ago. I was a real distracted mess when I first stopped, but eventually my brain chemistry adapted to no meds and I feel quite normal now.

>> No.2847903

you just want to be called cringe admit it

>> No.2847962


>> No.2848077

Sorry we hate meds now

>> No.2848326

Do it. Now.

>> No.2848372
Quoted by: >>2848445

>Give me money if you feel bad for me!
considering how much her dads send on streamlabs on a normal stream this is tempting fate

>> No.2848384
Quoted by: >>2848465

I only know two kanji
薬 = meds
草 = grass

>> No.2848445

Onii-chan seemed to make her pretty happy before, so maybe it actually works.

>> No.2848446
File: 6 KB, 300x168, 2Q==.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2848465
Quoted by: >>2848747

車 car
森 forest

>> No.2848606

So that's the true form of Carlos..

>> No.2848747
Quoted by: >>2848866 >>2848958


>> No.2848866
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 1589143337483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whoever invented kanji can eat my entire asshole

>> No.2848902
Quoted by: >>2848946

That would be the Chinese.

>> No.2848946


>> No.2848958

simple? (質素)

>> No.2848967
Quoted by: >>2849003

Have any of you ordered her merch? Is it any good? I might buy some even though I could end up being questioned/arrested.

>> No.2848979
Quoted by: >>2849036 >>2849233

It's a weird story. It was started by the chinese as a way of predicting the future by writing them on animal bones and burning them up, it was never even a way of communication in the beginning. Look up chinese oracle bone script.

>> No.2849003
Quoted by: >>2849455

What kind of hellhole do you live in that such innocuous items would get you arrested?

>> No.2849009
File: 177 KB, 800x450, 1615250108619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are we witnessing a mental breakdown in progress? Or is it just all kayfabe?

>> No.2849017

>shitposts about meds
>tells people to send her money if they're concernfagging
>links to an animal rescue
this bear is so sweet it's gonna make me cry

>> No.2849036

Feels like a lot of stuff has a weird origin like that. Like how a lot of inventions are just accidental.

>> No.2849040

>>2816645 #
I have a very good idea, but I don't really want her to see it, so don't read this beatani. If you go to Kiara's roommate's twitter and scroll down to the beginning of april, there's a thing there I think would be a very appropriate for bea, especially considering her last tweet.

>> No.2849083
File: 990 KB, 1117x1143, Hamath_inscription.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2849098
File: 29 KB, 575x314, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2849149

>> No.2849129
File: 863 KB, 710x710, endme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2849253

I hate that I can't escape that fucking witch even here
Leave me alone

>> No.2849141

Ik this is our daughter's thread but I miss Sally's uploads

>> No.2849149
Quoted by: >>2849201

What's a kuso ripu?

>> No.2849165

I honestly think it's both.

>> No.2849184

During stream-downtime the thread becomes menhera and I think she is also starting to follow this pattern. Daughter takes after her dads.

>> No.2849201

twitter reply apparently

>> No.2849210
Quoted by: >>2849287

It's a mental breakdown and she is using kayfabe to vent. It's like the personality I show to my friends they are never sure if I'm really depressed or if the depression jokes are real

>> No.2849233
File: 173 KB, 800x1232, oracle bone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit the old oracle bone script actually looks like a real ooga boogs script.

>> No.2849244
Quoted by: >>2849271


thread theme

>> No.2849249

>"replace n with b"
Whatever, bigger.

>> No.2849253

You can never escape zia, you will be ground to dust by the 50 legions.

>> No.2849271

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aT9C-znKxIw *

>> No.2849287

I started to joke about being awesome instead, everyone knows it's exaggerating so they can laugh at it and I can delude myself a bit to be more confident.

>> No.2849301
File: 415 KB, 417x516, 1618860453182.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2849334

Don't let her get bored, she will start bullying us.
Please shitpost now.

>> No.2849302
File: 26 KB, 579x219, language advantage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would post my shitposts on twitter but I don't dare connect them to my username.

>> No.2849311

what does this mean?

>> No.2849332
Quoted by: >>2849385

literally what

>> No.2849334
File: 24 KB, 400x299, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this kusogaki drives me to drink

>> No.2849341

Finally I can get bullied by a gyaru

>> No.2849344
File: 66 KB, 468x512, 828d6c09d2210b2a2227574176e0a8d9a1c13709_00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beatani personified as an anime character

>> No.2849363
Quoted by: >>2849397

Beatani, if I unleashed my actual potential I'd get banned from twitter and the other dads would think I'm bullying you.

>> No.2849374

have mercy Bea...

>> No.2849381
Quoted by: >>2849394 >>2849521

despite being a native english speaker we still cant make good tweets for shit

>> No.2849382

Jezas bea calm down

>> No.2849385
Quoted by: >>2849394

"you are better at english then me but your tweets are still very boring, I have never laughed at your tweets,"

>> No.2849394


>> No.2849397

>banned again*
Is what I meant to say.

>> No.2849399

Bring the ojisans. NOW.

>> No.2849430

This is accurate...

>> No.2849442
File: 337 KB, 725x483, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2849525

Knowing he:
>"I wonder why your tweets are so fucking dull even tho you have the advantage over me of writing in your native language.
>How many times did I laugh about your tweets?
>Of course, 0"

>> No.2849455

I was exaggerating. But yeah, it’s a country where hentai was banned so who knows.

>> No.2849485
Quoted by: >>2849877 >>2851408

She's laughing at us AGAIN.

>> No.2849488

Now she just need to watch her dads seething uselessly in the mongolian basketweaving forum and laugh.

>> No.2849498
File: 265 KB, 640x360, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2849554


>> No.2849514

Is Beatani the ultimate kuso/mesugaki vtuber
Shion is my favourite holo but I prioritize Beatani by far now when their streams overlap.
The competition is fierce, but Beatani twitter game is unrivaled.

>> No.2849521
Quoted by: >>2849536

>despite being a native english speaker
I can speak infinitely better english than this kusogaki and it was self-taught, she's getting cocky because she can understand us a bit better but she's still on diapers.

>> No.2849525

what a fucking smug brat

>> No.2849536
Quoted by: >>2853269

>diaper bea

>> No.2849541

she's a 2ch poster, she understands the internet as well as you if not better
concernfags need to take a step back it's not like she's some innocent flower who's going to crumble if you don't constantly hover over her lmao

>> No.2849542

A broken bear with broken English

>> No.2849554
File: 246 KB, 440x567, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dad ojisan reporting in!

>> No.2849584
File: 48 KB, 506x366, 1613751634333.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is peak chuuba kino and concerndads need to cool off and take their meds

>> No.2849616
File: 207 KB, 1080x1343, Screenshot_20210423-162051_Chrome.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over...

>> No.2849630
Quoted by: >>2849662

She's getting too haughty. Time to start breaking out the more sophisticated phrases.

>> No.2849638

This is too much for me dads. I'm going outside for a bit.

>> No.2849653

Alright let's start talking about her in another language

>> No.2849662

We're going to need at least some N2s and N1s for this. I'm out.

>> No.2849686

At least she can't bully me if I'm a shy lurker dad r-right?

>> No.2849714

I mean on pourrait parler en Français but je suis pas sur that it's really une façon de se venger really

>> No.2849719
File: 62 KB, 728x546, aid415536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2849722

On peut parler une langue differente mais quel est l'objectif? Beatani peut d'utiliser GT ou DL.

>> No.2849746

I thought the whole MEDS AWAY was just a meme. How many of you guys are menheras that stopped taking their meds?

>> No.2849750
File: 275 KB, 895x897, ouina2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2849886

Frog's mind

>> No.2849783

Ah, merde!

>> No.2849797

I'm taking mine, but I'm still unhinged.

>> No.2849799 [DELETED] 
File: 78 KB, 504x503, 000001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Taking my meds!

>> No.2849798

I am

>> No.2849801

Je souhaite que cet ours prenne ses médicaments

>> No.2849808


>> No.2849814
File: 35 KB, 400x400, 1607621276762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Groomeurs... Cette fillette de merde ne va pas comprendre ce qui va lui arriver...

>> No.2849816
Quoted by: >>2849898

Sini yang bisa ngomong indo siapa aja?

>> No.2849821

How can one bear be so based?

>> No.2849826

This menhera shit is getting boring faster than expected.
Bea should do her relationships reps, you can tell boys at school/work quickly get tired of her.

>> No.2849832
Quoted by: >>2849917 >>2849919


>> No.2849848

Questo dovrebbe rallentarla un po', almeno.

>> No.2849858
File: 23 KB, 400x400, 20210402_215539.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Niekas nežino ką aš sakau lol

>> No.2849862

I've not been prescribed anything, I was just told I have an attitude problem.

>> No.2849875

I can't understand you guys...english onegai...

>> No.2849877

>tfw I don't know enough Japanese to even make broken sentences
This bear is really motivating me to do my reps. But I know that even if I did them, I'd be too shy to ever tweet.

>> No.2849886

Le français et l'anglais sont les seules langues étrangères que je peux parler.

>> No.2849890
Quoted by: >>2849932 >>2849986

Rianse del anglo

>> No.2849898
Quoted by: >>2850003

Aku bisa berbahasa bahasa indonesia kecil. Tapi aku tidak baik. Aku hanya belajar satu tahu.

>> No.2849909
Quoted by: >>2849954

>how many times I laughed in your tweets

>of course, 0


>> No.2849917

Nyymi...Meitä on yllättävän monta täällä.

>> No.2849919
File: 150 KB, 796x827, finposters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2849924
Quoted by: >>2851033 >>2851141

Bea is zo brutaal, als ze zo doorgaat mag dit kutkind niet meer naar mijn land komen.

>> No.2849927
Quoted by: >>2849996

Jaha så vi pratar i våra egna språk alltså. Undrar om det finns någon annan svensk i denna tråd, jag tror det finns en men jag är inte helt och hållet säker, någon donerade ju i svenska kronor under en stream.

>> No.2849932

Obligame puto

>> No.2849941
Quoted by: >>2849986

Ce langage bâtard ? Vous nous prenez pour des nigauds?

>> No.2849954

Naturally, since I don't even use Twitter.

>> No.2849962
Quoted by: >>2850020 >>2850064

Didn't she ask us to stop commenting and liking her tweets?

>> No.2849986

I-I don't como te llmas that language...

>> No.2849996
Quoted by: >>2851195

Det finns iallafall två

>> No.2850003
Quoted by: >>2850213

Wah, apa alasanmu belajar bahasa indonesia?

>> No.2850005

استمر دائمًا في تعلم معرفة جديدة

>> No.2850012
Quoted by: >>2850054

Håll käften din eop.

>> No.2850020

Facciamo questo!

>> No.2850027
File: 379 KB, 997x1024, 997px-Turris_Babel_by_Athanasius_Kircher.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2850063 >>2850088

First Buer and now this?
This bear is the devil incarnate!

>> No.2850036

Asta o să facem până se arhivează firul? O să postăm în limbi pe care nu le înțelege nimeni în afară de cine scrie? Cred că o să ne facem unul altuia capul calendar până vede ursoaica ce facem aici.

>> No.2850043

Du bist ein neger die nur englisch sprecht Ich weiß.

>> No.2850047
File: 2.11 MB, 4000x3000, meds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm taking them all right now :
- Alprazolam (xanax), tranquilizer against anxiety/panic disorder
- Largactil (Chlorpromazine, Thorazine), heavy antipsychotic medication against schizophrenia and bipolar.
- Escitalopram (Cipralex, Lexapro, Seroplex), antidepressing serotonin reuptake injbitor, against major depressive disorder.
- PCP when everything else fail and I need to forget reality to not kill myself

>> No.2850054


>> No.2850063
File: 3.09 MB, 1210x966, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Quizàs ella queria que lleguemos a este punto.

>> No.2850064
File: 121 KB, 720x870, Screenshot_20210423-093758.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sí lo hizo pero luego dijo que no, que lo intentará después.

>> No.2850067
Quoted by: >>2850075 >>2850101

Is this Bea Internationale?

>> No.2850075


>> No.2850077
File: 90 KB, 864x864, gothAme.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850082


>> No.2850088

This damn kusokuma caused us to make the tower of babel...

>> No.2850093


>> No.2850101

Si è sparsa per il mondo.

>> No.2850107

>book has MYST in the title

>> No.2850115
File: 1.94 MB, 3966x2984, 1619042392015.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850124
Quoted by: >>2850773 >>2850776

Quand la perfide Albion
Commande Pénélope
À toutes les deux elles font
Une belle paire de salopes
Elles partirent aux Malouines
En culotte de satin
Pour refiler la chtouille
Aux braves Argentins

>> No.2850132

This is very concerning anon, any MYST mythology beyond Atrus's immediate family is some real schizo shit.

>> No.2850138
Quoted by: >>2850164

Jajaja el gringo quejándose de que no hablemos su meme lenguaje. Hey fucker English is shit language that even a retard can learn.

>> No.2850144

>middle potency neuroleptics to curb psychosis
>not high potency
anon-chama you're not doing it right

>> No.2850145
File: 403 KB, 1221x1080, 1605238708820.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Du bist hier der seltsame.

>> No.2850164
Quoted by: >>2850234

>Hey fucker English is shit language that even a retard can learn.
Thats very clear considering you were able to learn it

>> No.2850203
Quoted by: >>2850314 >>2850346

Mina förfäder brukade plundra och våldta er på skoj.

>> No.2850213
Quoted by: >>2850428

Internet berbicara aku bahasa indonesia banget mudah.Bahasa indonesia ada bahasa keempat aku. Itu menarik.

>> No.2850229

priversk mane storas amerikone kek

>> No.2850232
File: 94 KB, 238x212, sch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850234

Keep seething monolingualfag.

>> No.2850243

Lmao baret est poklianto ta muriknopsde vgnoaeltrest Nu barkkl. Grol cu dart Hu maghfe ksaeltzu vox fuygl nu iuonna! Trut EOP.

>> No.2850244

Să înțeleg că ăsta e un preview la colajul pe care o să i-l trimitem lui Beatani în limbile noastre?

>> No.2850249
File: 78 KB, 304x316, 202146141622.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2850278 >>2850391

Eu adoro este urso.

>> No.2850256

god I was speaking to a bunch of foreign freaks this entire time, I feel sick

>> No.2850269

Ich scheiße in dein mutters hosen.

>> No.2850278
File: 2.25 MB, 218x200, 1619035782506.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yo también

>> No.2850288
Quoted by: >>2850512

Anjir baru tau? kek.

>> No.2850297
File: 87 KB, 500x750, 1618827511277.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ia-ți pastilele dacă ți-e rău.

>> No.2850307

Akkor írok énis valami fasságot magyarul mert miért ne..

>> No.2850312
File: 203 KB, 1644x1607, _20210423_174527.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2850579 >>2853426

weak. check out my strong shit

>> No.2850314

ba på kul asså

>> No.2850346

Faktiskt ganska baserat

>> No.2850363
File: 118 KB, 320x359, 1618955461480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2850379 >>2850386

So you hate Beatani fagchama?

>> No.2850379
Quoted by: >>2850437

Maybe he's Japanese himself.

>> No.2850386
Quoted by: >>2850437

I can understand beatani in both languages...I cant understand european spider languages

>> No.2850387


>> No.2850391

Jag åker bara med det här galna tåget tills det kraschar och brinner. KOM RAGNOROK!

>> No.2850401

Ich fühle schlecht das eops hier sind.

>> No.2850403

Quite based of you to reject them, anon.

>> No.2850428

Hebat banget. Semangat belajar ya.

>> No.2850434


>> No.2850437

Then he's stupid for not realizing that sooner right?
>Spider languages
Ok anon that was funny

>> No.2850480


>> No.2850488
File: 18 KB, 678x472, 1370432627136.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2850510 >>2850544

Do not forget these words of wisdom.

>> No.2850510


>> No.2850512

Kapan indonesia dibuka lagi? Aku ingin bercinta dengan wanita di aceh. Aku ingin dicambuk.

>> No.2850529

Hell yeah dude

>> No.2850544

Holy fucking basado.

>> No.2850547
Quoted by: >>2850630

Björnen är en kaosagent.

>> No.2850571
File: 456 KB, 675x700, EwXJW-KVoAAQumh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2850648

Bea went silent all of sudden
Not so cocky now

>> No.2850579
File: 48 KB, 1024x978, 20210315_201849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850587


>> No.2850607

Implicando que hubiese estado cuerdo antes de esto

>> No.2850620
File: 105 KB, 366x370, beaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amerikalılar uyuyor, şimdi shitpost zamanı

>> No.2850631

Todavía estoy un poco enojado con Bea por sus tweets sobre el Discord de fans, pero ya me he calmado un poco. Me arrepiento de haberme alarmado y haber roto mi taza. No sé si puedo soportar ser fanático de las vtubers si simplemente te destruyen así de fuerte, es como una montaña rusa emocional demasiado grande para mí. Podría volver a pedir la mercancía, pero me preocupa que esto vuelva a suceder y que me sienta devastado.

¿Por qué es tan mocosa, hermanos? ¿Por qué hacer una broma como esa cuando claramente se da cuenta de cómo eso hará sentir a la gente? Al menos podría haberse dado cuenta de que no se puede ver el sarcasmo a través del texto y considerar los sentimientos de todos sus seguidores. En lugar de simplemente hacerme sentir asustado y avergonzado de la forma en que lo hizo.
Lo siento si esto sale despotricando, estoy un poco desordenado en este momento.

>> No.2850630

>>2850547 (me)
>Björnen tjänar på kaos
Works better

>> No.2850648
File: 283 KB, 456x411, 1619127284730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2850738

She saw all the indogs in this thread and took a break to breath fresh air

>> No.2850655
Quoted by: >>2850702

Das Bär ist mein größte lieben.

>> No.2850674


>> No.2850682

Csak én érzem magam kényelmetlenül amikor az anyanyelvemen írok valamit itt?

>> No.2850696

Kek, turunnda ghlast nu brtasi jokal tunka. How in the fuck else are you gonna ghlaso kel drass nu cydrta while ptnori a dram gstolskia? Figures.

>> No.2850700
Quoted by: >>2850821

Sheeit, shawty best slide that ass over, cause a nigga finna bust one in that thang.

>> No.2850701

kek, I recognized this shitpost instantly despite barely knowing spanish.

>> No.2850702


>> No.2850728

OK! OK! I think we made our point dads. She's gone silent.

>> No.2850738
Quoted by: >>2850819 >>2850893

It seems if we look at languages yuros outnumber the indogs

>> No.2850766

Se un hombre y déjate de mariconerías negro estúpido. No la conoces en persona y aún así te hace sentir así de miserable? Patético. Para la próxima esfuérzate un poco más y no copies y pegues una traducción de un post anterior, se más original anon.

>> No.2850773
File: 88 KB, 1080x540, 148795839029495.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2850836


>> No.2850776
File: 44 KB, 687x685, 1607232997038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850778
File: 13 KB, 226x223, best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2850897

this is perfect

>> No.2850789

Jag älskar Beatani. Min hjärna är trasig, sönder, bäng. Mina mediciner är slut. Jag älskar Beatani.

>> No.2850797

J'espère qu'elle a comprit ce qui se passe quand on jette ses médocs.

>> No.2850819

It is prime Euro time now so no wonder

>> No.2850821


>> No.2850824
File: 101 KB, 828x1706, 1619120270384.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2850884

This went all according to the plan

>> No.2850836 [SPOILER] 
File: 386 KB, 674x573, 1619190062465.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2850946

Let's not start this here

>> No.2850842
Quoted by: >>2850901


>> No.2850845

EOP:er är inte längre tillåtna i denna tråd, förlåt.

>> No.2850884
File: 173 KB, 312x556, 1618590987071.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bear has been confused. It is extremely effective!

>> No.2850893
Quoted by: >>2850940

One of the people posting in indog was me, I'm a yuropoor that is learning indonesian for some dumb reason.

>> No.2850897
Quoted by: >>2850938

Now that I think about it. I hated this bitch. I actually didn't even like the whole manga from start to finish.

>> No.2850901

Sawa Nakamura

>> No.2850912
File: 46 KB, 377x351, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2850947 >>2851107

Maybe she's upset with us now...

>> No.2850926
File: 208 KB, 500x291, kqchp4zhg4h31.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2850990


>> No.2850938

I-I thought it was pretty hot...I really liked the manga I thought it was pretty good if you read it after watching the anime

>> No.2850940

You want that tree Rrat pussy don't you?

>> No.2850946
File: 233 KB, 1605x1001, TELEMMGLPICT000004319458_trans_NvBQzQNjv4Bq1qvLpIjVcbMyMDbYDeECLKHPju2BVO6qNmytDDDLmno[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2850947
File: 203 KB, 351x342, 1605316008318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No... please no...

>> No.2850975
Quoted by: >>2851023 >>2851085

usisahau kutazama wimbo wake

>> No.2850990

you wouldn't セクシャルハラスメント Beatani, would you dad?

>> No.2851005
Quoted by: >>2851058

Shes obiviously asleep you fools

>> No.2851023
Quoted by: >>2851212

I refuse to believe there is actually a swahili speaker here.

>> No.2851033

Ik was al bang dat ik de enige Nederlands pa was

>> No.2851038

>Saturday midnight
Yeah I think her boyfriend just arrived. Why else would she go silent?

>> No.2851039

sekuhara for short

>> No.2851055
File: 222 KB, 297x390, 1618994310228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Of course I won't do that.

>> No.2851058

Neets don't sleep. Especially Japanese ones.

>> No.2851068
Quoted by: >>2851701

Esto pero desironicamente.

>> No.2851073

Youre right, I just arrived

>> No.2851085

Swahili anonchama???

>> No.2851104


>> No.2851107
Quoted by: >>2851260


>> No.2851119

Yea I am at her's right now. Wait for a while I'm busy eating her out

>> No.2851124
File: 178 KB, 365x354, 1617372870295.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2851186 >>2851218


>> No.2851141
File: 111 KB, 908x753, ik ook.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ik ook, hitler dood.

>> No.2851178


>> No.2851186
Quoted by: >>2851248

>Only tried to expand your daughter’s horizons
>she rejects you for it
Not like this...

>> No.2851195
Quoted by: >>2851291

fan å, trodde inte att vi var så många

>> No.2851212

not him but I do understand a good amount of swahili

>> No.2851218

אל תדאגי לה

>> No.2851235

What if she just wanted proof that she's managed to spread all over the world already

>> No.2851240

Absolutely not. I just want to see her succeed at her goals.

>> No.2851248
Quoted by: >>2851693

There is something of her I'd like to expand.

>> No.2851260


>> No.2851291

Ah då är vi iallafall 3 stycken. Trevligt att ha er här björnpappor.

>> No.2851325

JWU, what did I miss? Why are you all speaking gibberish?

>> No.2851356

>Why are you all speaking gibberish
Are you off your meds? The thread is perfectly readable to me

>> No.2851361

Пoдpaзyмeвaя чтo oнa бyдeт cидeть и пытaтьcя пepeвoдить эти кycки гoвнa вмecтo тeкcтa

>> No.2851399
File: 59 KB, 591x455, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2851586


>> No.2851408


Read these:

>> No.2851409

Bea called out the Twitter trannies here for not being funny

>> No.2851418
Quoted by: >>2851526

Hēt þā hyssa hwæne hors forlǣtan,
feor āfȳsan and forð gangan,
hicgan tō handum and tō hiġe gōdum.
Þā þæt Offan mǣġ ǣrest onfunde
þæt se eorl nolde yrhðo ġeþolian,
hē lēt him þā of handon lēofne flēogan
hafoc wið þæs holtes and tō þǣre hilde stōp.
Be þām man mihte oncnāwan þæt se cniht nolde
wācian æt þām wīġe þā hē tō wǣpnum fēng.
Ēac him wolde Ēadriċ his ealdre gelǣstan
frēan tō ġefeohte; ongan þā forð beran
gār tō gūþe. Hē hæfde gōd ġeþanc
þā hwīle þe hē mid handum healdan mihte
bord and brād swurd; bēot hē ġelǣste
þā hē ætforan his frēan feohtan sceolde.
Ðā þǣr Byrhtnōð ongan beornas trymian,
rād and rǣdde, rincum tǣhte
hū hī sceoldon standan and þone stede healdan

>> No.2851453
Quoted by: >>2851581

La única cosa parecida a gibberish aquí es la necesidad de usar abreviaciones como JWU, que tan difícil es escribir just woke up pedazo de animal.

>> No.2851527
Quoted by: >>2851733

Beatani wanted to do another attempt at being a Kusogaki, this time it was about how boring we are despite having better english speaking skills. Then she suggested us to at least try to speak broken japanese to see if that was more funny, she ended up saying that it was a lost case. And now we're here.

>> No.2851526

Yes this is real icelandic, there is no available translator for icelandic. I'm amazed. In a country of only 300k people there is a Beatani fan.

>> No.2851559

Ninawachukia nyote, nawalaani nyote na spell ya kifo. kufa kufa kufa kufa njia ya mateso ya ng'ombe. Beatani atanusa uume wangu wa ng'ombe mara moja.

>> No.2851576
Quoted by: >>2851605

Why the fuck did someone at Coco in one of the twitter replies

>> No.2851581
Quoted by: >>2851739

Haz gárgaras con mis bolas

>> No.2851586

ёбaный твoй poт, Бea, y мeня бpaт млaдший нa дaчe в дepeвнe ждaл пoкa дeд cвинeй пoкopмит, a пoтoм пepeвopaчивaл их нa бoк и вoдил им пo живoтy пoкa oни пepдeть нe нaчинaли. Moжeт ты и этo в cвoeм интepнeтe opгaнизoвaть мoжeшь yмницa блять

>> No.2851605
Quoted by: >>2851666 >>2851684

Did someone what at Coco?

>> No.2851630

Iceland is extraordinarily based so I'm not surprised.

>> No.2851650

>there is no available translator for Icelandic
Even google translate has Icelandic, what are you talking about?

>> No.2851666
File: 43 KB, 720x295, Screenshot_20210423-102224.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2851684
File: 13 KB, 360x229, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2851769


>> No.2851693

spreading her cute and funny part?

>> No.2851701

*no ironicamente

>> No.2851717

>Meme review with Beatani
>She shits on the memes

>> No.2851719
Quoted by: >>2851806

It's an Old English poem about killing your Viking ancestors, actually

>> No.2851723
Quoted by: >>2851902

What the fuck?

>> No.2851733

I'm convinced she was going to say that we were boring anyway no matter what we said. But I can't prove it because it was indeed fucking boring.

>> No.2851739
Quoted by: >>2851857

Vete a la mierda yankee wannabee, ¿no tienes una autoestima que alimentar con bienes materiales mientras sabes que eres la burla de tu país?

>> No.2851746

Dare I say it, based?

>> No.2851769
Quoted by: >>2851898

Imagine not using the superior night theme. If you're going through a shit platform as Twitter at least make it somewhat enjoyable anonchama

>> No.2851796
Quoted by: >>2851955

Baba yetu, yetu uliye
Mbinguni yetu, yetu amina
Baba yetu yetu uliye
M Jina lako e litukuzwe

Utupe leo chakula chetu
Tunachohitaji, utusamehe
Makosa yetu, hey
Kama nasi tunavyowasamehe
Waliotukosea usitutie
Katika majaribu, lakini
Utuokoe, na yule, muovu e milele

Ufalme wako ufike utakalo
Lifanyike duniani kama mbinguni

>> No.2851806

Oh sorry, I was confused by the letters. There are only two languages alive that use þ and thats icelandic and faroese so I just assumed.

>> No.2851821
Quoted by: >>2851902

>>>she starts reading out greentexts and copypasta's while giggling

>> No.2851857
Quoted by: >>2852000

No sé de qué me hablas anon. Yankee? De verdad estás tan resentido con un país que los haz convertido en tu Boogeyman?

>> No.2851860

The only way of teaching her a lesson is letting this tread die.

>> No.2851898

I only do Twitter for the bear.

>> No.2851902
Quoted by: >>2851960

Isn't this what /Vt/ wanted? A 4chin meme review?

>> No.2851921
Quoted by: >>2851981 >>2852463

kiam estos esperanto parolanta vtuber?

>> No.2851942
Quoted by: >>2852003 >>2852096

/yah/ will be /yab/

>> No.2851955

best song ever made

>> No.2851959

She won't say anything until the stream will she

>> No.2851960
Quoted by: >>2852059

>4chan meme review
That would be poggers AF.

>> No.2851981

Why the fuck did people thought that Esperanto was a good idea?

>> No.2851997
File: 46 KB, 507x263, 1600324920665.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2852143

>that bio

>> No.2852000

Buen intento, pero yo no tengo problemas con los gringos, sino con larpers como tú. Ve a lamerles las botas a otro lado, a lo mejor te aceptan.

>> No.2852003

this thread got to shit fast

>> No.2852011
Quoted by: >>2852079 >>2852627

Lojban is the only based conlang

>> No.2852026

Esperanto reminds me of that xkcd comic about competing standards.

>> No.2852033

Yes the superior volapük is where its at

>> No.2852046

>My name is Kumagai Chisato
>Please call me Beatani
Bear, I know you are here. Why didn't you name yourself just Beatani?

>> No.2852059

Fuck off Jack

>> No.2852079

This must be the most fucking obscure music that i have ever listened to but there is a actually a japanese girl on vimeo that does song covers in lojban. It's so weird and obscure that it's kino.


>> No.2852090


>> No.2852096
File: 2.68 MB, 366x558, 1615896985422.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My prophecy is becoming more and more close to its realization. /Yah/ will be the thread that'll trigger the final yab

>> No.2852125


>> No.2852143
Quoted by: >>2852268

I'm surprised we haven't gotten any beatani coupons yet

>> No.2852158
Quoted by: >>2852240 >>2852286

>Bea keeps inclining
>After a year of hard work she finally reaches 100k subs
>Gets a collab with hololive
>The final yab

>> No.2852162

I guess 熊谷 looks better than べあ谷.

>> No.2852214

It would conflict with the Chihiro lore

>> No.2852240
File: 382 KB, 908x872, 1618776132345.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no it's coming!

>> No.2852242

Pretty impressive desu. What a useless skill to possess though, it’s such an obscure language.

>> No.2852256
File: 20 KB, 366x558, Slapsheep!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2852343


>> No.2852268

There needs to be a specific topic that hasn't been covered already. Maybe one free listener-chan sekuhara? One free menhera attack?

>> No.2852269

>As for why this is suddenly so pressing, well, let's see.
>Comparing a certain V thread on an anonymous English-speaking forum with a certain V thread on 2ch, the English-speaking one I can understand if I can read it, but the 2ch one has a lot of posts I can't understand.

>> No.2852282
Quoted by: >>2852329

she is literally here right now
stay on your best behavior, dads

>> No.2852286
Quoted by: >>2852320

>The final yab will be committed by a cute bear
I’m alright with this.

>> No.2852318
Quoted by: >>2852461

THAT'S. FUCKING. IT. A partir de ahora voy a hablar solamente en español.
Your move, Bear.

>> No.2852319

How the fuck did you even find this. Most have around 600 views and it's on fucking vimeo.

>> No.2852320
Quoted by: >>2852332 >>2852402

No anon
WE will be the final yab

>> No.2852328
Quoted by: >>2852354 >>2852361

Is Beatani saying she is too retarded to even read her own language?

>> No.2852329

Beatani...I want to pat your head...

>> No.2852332

Oh, FUCK...

>> No.2852341

I want to peropero my daughter!

>> No.2852343
File: 551 KB, 1440x811, 1616029046195.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's too late you stupid anon. There's nothing you can do to stop it now

>> No.2852354
Quoted by: >>2852573

I think she's talking about obscure 2ch slag, rrats and weird memes

>> No.2852361
Quoted by: >>2852573

It's probably the context of things and her not knowing the toppic?

>> No.2852362
Quoted by: >>2852412

Bea didn't lurk for 10,000 years before posting on 2ch and got called out for it
Poor bear...

>> No.2852377
File: 231 KB, 512x512, doggo_hit.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2852693

C кaждым cимвoлoм в этoм тpeдe интeллeкт пaдaeт

>> No.2852401


>> No.2852402

>Self fulfilling prophecy
We try so hard to prevent something we cause it to become reality anyway...

>> No.2852409

I thought she was talking about /v/ for a second but then I realized she meant v for vtuber. Also, I don’t understand what she’s trying to say. Probably destroyed in translation.

>> No.2852412

Is Beatani cringe?

>> No.2852449
File: 22 KB, 277x221, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2852461
File: 182 KB, 416x362, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2852588

>she's getting more confident because she can understand us more
>if we speak other languages she won't understand even if we're blatantly talking about her
>she's back to square one
Fucking genius, just don't shit up the thread with spanish spam and we'll make it spicbros.

>> No.2852463

Fuck off linkanon

>> No.2852464

Don't ask a foolish question...

>> No.2852468

Yes, but so is the family. Listener-chan is not cringe though.

>> No.2852479
Quoted by: >>2852493

>She can't read the thread
>Proceeds to tweet in japanese
What's our move?

>> No.2852493


>> No.2852496
Quoted by: >>2852560 >>2852752

>The bear is here
Hey Bea, do you know about AI Dungeon? I think it could be an amazing stream, maybe you should check it out

>> No.2852516

الدب القطبي دبي المفضل، انها انيقه و رائعه

>> No.2852531

Dumb question, why are 2ch and 5ch just "Xch" but then 4chan and all its derivatives "Xchan"?

>> No.2852560

That game is a yab machine, the story always turns sexual eventually, if you want it or not. Turning on sexuality does litterly nothing also.

>> No.2852568

2ch = 2channel, and it's a textboard
4chan is based on Futaba (2chan), which is an imageboard.

>> No.2852573

Maybe she finds reading japanese difficult because she only knows 2000 kanji.

>> No.2852588
Quoted by: >>2852751

No creo que seamos mayoría anon. Quizás somos más que los rusos y los nórdicos, pero los Tagalos han demostrado que son más que nosotros

>> No.2852594

>They hastened the coming of the final yab, for they wanted to be eaten first.

>> No.2852608
Quoted by: >>2852678 >>2852730

Don't tell me she got filtered by the tower of babel we just pulled out of our asses. lol

>> No.2852611
Quoted by: >>2852718

You never end up with something sexual by mistake with the filter ON

>> No.2852613
Quoted by: >>2852714

ch and chan both stand for channel. It's just different ways of shortening it. Check the url, this website is also called 4channel

>> No.2852627

ithkuil is super cool

>> No.2852631

Exactly, hence is would be a great stream.

>> No.2852659

It's not my fault the game puts a dragon in front of me, of course I'm going to fuck it to submission.

>> No.2852670

4ch is the DQN website.

>> No.2852668
Quoted by: >>2852717 >>2852799

How does slang in jp even work. They can't just make up new kanji. Are slangs written in hiragana?

>> No.2852675
Quoted by: >>2852749 >>2852760

make another thread after this bros...onegai...

>> No.2852678
File: 2 KB, 116x125, 1619023568852s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's just the indogs effect on japanese people anon

>> No.2852689
Quoted by: >>2852746

Beatani is a low context person meaning she can't read the air as well as other japanese people so English is better for her because its more explicit than Japanese which requires a higher level of reading the air.

>> No.2852693
Quoted by: >>2853186

Tы тoлькo чтo eгo oпycтил eщe нижe, peтapдчaмa

>> No.2852714

>this website is also called 4channel
Only because hiroshimoot split the blue boards from the red ones because he wanted to fool payment processors like Stripe and Paypal into not blacklisting this website. It didn't work.

>> No.2852717

they just shorten words and make up shit with hiragana

>> No.2852718

I tried to and it still gets sexual all the time, though I last tested the game about 6 months ago so it may have changed.

>> No.2852730
File: 214 KB, 1920x1080, [Erai-raws] Senki Zesshou Symphogear AXZ - 04 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_00_18_27_03_08_21_22_10_53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to be fair more than a few anons get filtered by her own tower of babel when she posts in Japanese
thankfully we live in a post-DeepL world at least

>> No.2852734

When is Bea releasing the bratty imouto ASMR roleplay?

>> No.2852746

The Japanese should read my cock then

>> No.2852749

Fuck off Bea, you will wait until a few hours before your stream.
I love you.

>> No.2852751
Quoted by: >>2852801 >>2852825

Didn't Reine already play AI dungeon on stream? Bea should be fine, the potential retards in her fanbase is way lower.
It still can be fun when you don't want her to read it, of course not many will get it but that's the point if we want to frustrate her.

>> No.2852752
Quoted by: >>2852883

>AI dungeon
The amount of times I almost got raped by a female vampire or succubus (because of the AI's randomness)...too many times to count.

>> No.2852753

>do your kanji reps
why the fuck is that so funny to me

>> No.2852760

beatani, your sleep reps...

>> No.2852799

>They can't just make up new kanji.
Besides the fact that slang doesn't depend on "new kanji" at all, those exist, they're called kokuji.

>> No.2852801
Quoted by: >>2852832

Reine played it and it went into a yab within like 15 minutes. She stopped it in time though

>> No.2852807
Quoted by: >>2852829

You have a stream and less than 6 hours. GO TO BED DAMMIT!

>> No.2852825
File: 318 KB, 500x523, 1619012152255.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Me gusta como piensas anoncito.

>> No.2852829

why can't she stream in yuro hours...

>> No.2852832
Quoted by: >>2852884

What was it?

>> No.2852834

>This means that if you have a Japanese person who has already mastered the grammar and vocabulary of both languages and an English speaker, the end result will be that the former will find it easy to understand what is said in English but difficult to express it.
>For the former, it is easy to understand what is said in English, but difficult to express it.
>For the latter, it is easy to express in Japanese, but difficult to understand what is being said.
>I guess that's what it comes down to...?

>> No.2852864

Don't be foolish.

>> No.2852883
Quoted by: >>2853089

>(because of the AI's randomness)

>> No.2852884


>> No.2852908
File: 162 KB, 314x383, 1619115521766.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2852960 >>2852998

Why does my daughter like to overthink things? It's not good for her

>> No.2852923
Quoted by: >>2852949 >>2852987

Member stream will be at 14:00 UTC in a weekend.

>> No.2852938

ful björn

>> No.2852945

because that's like 4AM where she lives

guess the point she's making is that it's easier to hear in Japanese but it's easier to listen in English

>> No.2852949

>never played amongus once in my life nor have an idea how it works

>> No.2852951

kusobear should stream right now! Or yuro dads will leave!

>> No.2852952

Hopefully soon

>> No.2852960

aubism :DDD

>> No.2852968
File: 111 KB, 417x279, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2852987

bea sus

>> No.2852988
Quoted by: >>2853010

Retarded globalist hippies

>> No.2852995
Quoted by: >>2853018

>We wouldn't have met Bea if we were still stuck on /jp/
...Ok, thanks. Creating a new board was a good idea.

>> No.2852998

Just a facet of autism.
>and being too based

>> No.2853002

Just follow Bea like a pet and you'll get the authentic amogus streamer experience.

>> No.2853010

seeth more

>> No.2853018

Why not? She would've made a thread there instead.

>> No.2853020

Taking a gyaru bear out for gyoza ASMR...

>> No.2853044
Quoted by: >>2853056


>> No.2853049

still waiting on that "bear daughter wakes you up at 3AM to show off her sick drum solo" ASMR

>> No.2853052
File: 78 KB, 463x352, 1609227630884.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2853056
Quoted by: >>2853094 >>2853097

For the same reason she made a thread on /vt/?

>> No.2853075
Quoted by: >>2853159

ThInK ABoUT ThE ToUhos

>> No.2853088

I'm planning on organizing some games in this thread before the event, for whoever doesn't know how to play

>> No.2853089

Only time I put in any effort to do erotic shit was when I made my character mess around with a female merchant. After that the AI wanted the whole story to be some crazy hentai story. I did pay for the dragon lvl AI. Maybe that's what caused it?

>> No.2853094

/vt/ is a board for vtubers, /jp/ is a trash can

>> No.2853097
Quoted by: >>2853237

Individual vtuber threads weren't allowed at all back on /jp/

>> No.2853117

I'm on it as long as I don't get doxxed

>> No.2853125
Quoted by: >>2853148

>No, it's a mental barrier for Japanese who master grammar and vocabulary to express themselves in English, but it takes a special skill to pander to high-conversation people.
>And that's because Japanese people often ignore (or don't even realize they're ignoring) the fact that they're not having a conversation, and they've recently developed a mindset of going more low-context.

>> No.2853148

This is actually very interesting stuff

>> No.2853158

I guess having a full name makes you easier to search for.

>> No.2853159
File: 155 KB, 700x1428, am80v9V_700b_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2853163

what is she even shitposting about? is she dissatisfied that her first language is jp or just disappointed that her english isn't better?

>> No.2853186
File: 85 KB, 512x512, risuger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Я и нeпpoтив

>> No.2853193

When? So I know how to schedule myself.

>> No.2853203
File: 2.01 MB, 492x631, 1617564731720.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

U-Beatani ukhule ngokwenene kwaye uzithemba ngakumbi ngayo yonke imilambo ayenzayo. Ndinebhongo ngaye kwaye ndiyamhlonipha ngokuthembeka kwakhe. Ndiyazi ukuba izinto ze-nukumority ziyinto nje meme kodwa sinoluntu olufudumeleyo.

>> No.2853224

just menhera sperging don't mind it

>> No.2853232
Quoted by: >>2853265

>Beatani will most likely join for the training sessions

>> No.2853233

What server? If it really happens it would be better if the unskilled dads had it close to avoid disconnections considering how shit this game's netcode is.

>> No.2853237

Towards the end they were. That was probably when they committed to making /vt/.

>> No.2853248

Let my cute kusogaki bear daughter be retarded every once in a while please.

>> No.2853265
Quoted by: >>2853314

>she's the only one whose name isn't a variation of Beatani

>> No.2853269


>> No.2853276
Quoted by: >>2853370

Spreading Bea's legs like a baguette

>> No.2853283
Quoted by: >>2853393 >>2853499

I wonder if we will get children's and mother's days themed streams next month.

>> No.2853296
Quoted by: >>2853337 >>2853362

I guess that she feels like she doesn't deserve all the things that have happened to her recently because "there's better people out there". And now she's trying to rationalize every aspect of her in seek for an answer of "why me?". It's Japan messing with the mind of it's own children yet again.

>> No.2853314


>> No.2853337
Quoted by: >>2853363 >>2853426


>> No.2853362
Quoted by: >>2853407

Did Beatani develop imposter syndrome?

>> No.2853363
Quoted by: >>2853397

She literally said that on stream retard

>> No.2853370

Breaking Bea’s legs like a pair of disposable chopsticks!

>> No.2853386
File: 188 KB, 1917x1851, Ezl6yCxVgAIZaOE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dads I think she mixed her meds with a drink

>> No.2853393
Quoted by: >>2853439

why next month? Mother day is this weekend.

>> No.2853397
Quoted by: >>2853426 >>2853451

Meds, now.

>> No.2853407

I mean, everyone and their grandmothers saw it coming. Let's hope she gets over it soon.

>> No.2853409
Quoted by: >>2853423

Beatanis recent posts are actually a quite interesting take on the two languages.

>> No.2853422

>But I don't like the fact that this kind of high/low expression, at least in Japanese, gives off a nuance of superiority or inferiority, so why not just use cats and dogs?
I'd love a zatsudan about this

>> No.2853423
Quoted by: >>2853704

If only I could understand what she's saying.

>> No.2853426

ask >>2850047 and >>2850312 for supplies

>> No.2853439
Quoted by: >>2853666

Mother’s Day is on the 9th of May.

>> No.2853451
Quoted by: >>2853528

Maybe you should start to hear her more

>> No.2853455 [SPOILER] 
File: 740 KB, 900x716, 1619194682500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There should be a timeline of Beatani's history
(episode 0)The undiscovererd JOP arc (+the Chihiro happening) -> The introduction thread arc (and the tripcode incident) (/yah/ begins) -> The cute abusive daughter arc (+the boyfriend incident) (+dog april fools) (+1k sub karaoke) -> The shitposting arc (+the chismografo gosling holocaust) (+the merch happening) (+2k karaoke celebration) -> The menhera arc (+the discord baiting) (+the ring fit reps) (+the rejection of meds) (+the shitposting and thread baiting continues) <- you are here

>> No.2853499

only if you've been doing your impreg reps

>> No.2853523

>the boyfriend incident
t-the what?

>> No.2853525
Quoted by: >>2853577 >>2853760

I'm so proud that I've been in all of those happenings

>> No.2853528

I hear her constantly though. Even right now the voices won’t stop.

>> No.2853527

Forgot the listener-chan in the shitposting arc and the impregnation in the menhera arc

>> No.2853552
File: 76 KB, 210x196, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2853559
File: 113 KB, 243x223, 1619047769709.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2853581

Do your reps, now

>> No.2853567

I was at work and missed out on the discord baiting. I'll assume no one took the bait and avoided it like the plague?

>> No.2853569

Teddy I believe

>> No.2853571

If you think that's a lot of things in a year you should read the Index LNs.
This isn't the first time you've been NTR'd, sorry dad.

>> No.2853577

Me too anon

>> No.2853581


>> No.2853595
Quoted by: >>2853660

There was no Discord
There were five

>> No.2853604
File: 112 KB, 599x818, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2853651
Quoted by: >>2853677 >>2853712

nobody tell her about the secret /yah/ discord she's not invited to where we all talk about her behind her back

>> No.2853658
Quoted by: >>2853677

holy based.

>> No.2853660

This shitty brat...

>> No.2853663

>Yukari-san died
>Someone robbed all of his money
>The bear was sad and wanted to bring him back as a zombie through alchemy.
>He got back to life but still won't give me money
That's just a bit of all the things that happened with the Discord bait.

>> No.2853666

*May 2

>> No.2853677
File: 29 KB, 593x260, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2853708


In true megusaki fashion, she folded once dads bullied her.

>> No.2853698

>When I write in Japanese, I just want to clarify my findings to some extent and use it as a reminder, so you shouldn't force yourself to read it.
>I use twitter for myself.

>> No.2853704

I can try to explain. What she is talking about is that japanese is a langauge where a lot of context is needed because many words are dropped if they can be understood from context. For example in japanese you can say "dog pretty" instead of the equilvilent of "the dog is pretty". You can also just yell out an adjective. You can just say blue and that can mean "i am blue, you are blue, we are blue" it doesnt really say but from context you can undestand. English is a language where you don't need as much context because mostly sentences are written out fully, this makes out of context sentences easier to understand.

So her theory here is that she is good at english because she is a low-context japanese speaker, she speaks naturally more in the way an english speaker speaks even in japanese conversation. She also thinks this is why it is hard for japanese to learn english, they are so used to high context japanese that it is hard to adapt to the low-context environment of english.

This is also why she thinks that it is hard to understand 2ch vtuber threads. They speak in this high context way where it is very hard to understand anything without fully understanding both the culture but also the subject in hand. While here on 4chan where we write in english it is easier for her to understand because we write in low-context mode which is easier for a newcomer.

>> No.2853708
Quoted by: >>2853741 >>2853780

Guys if I call her a mesugaki, is that too rude? I don't want to cross any lines.

>> No.2853712

And definitely no one should mention how we get turns to fill Listener-chan pussy and asshole with cum.

>> No.2853723
Quoted by: >>2853932

I hope she doesn't realize her followers are declining now.

>> No.2853741
File: 433 KB, 726x647, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She's definitely both a kuso and mesugaki. No room for any doubt at point.

>> No.2853754

I was able to get into tier 3

Beatani keeps dragging me into normalfaggotry and I am powerless to resist

Thanks. Some of you dads are alright; don't go to the Among Us game whenever it is. This ironically includes the organizer

>> No.2853755
File: 922 KB, 280x256, SGwx5zE.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2853760
Quoted by: >>2853809

nobody gives a shit but i feel great being one of the few who were in the initial thread she opened

>> No.2853769
Quoted by: >>2853801 >>2853817

Damn, should I unfollow her twitter then? Understandable.

>> No.2853779
Quoted by: >>2854022

It's. Stuck. In. My. Blain.

>> No.2853780

Just call her a nigger.

>> No.2853797

Oh I see, I swapped low context and high context in my mind as in "the sentences themselves provide a lot/little context".

>> No.2853801
Quoted by: >>2853886

That's what I did. I did not realize her twitter was her personal blog, sorry Beatani. I won't disturb you anymore by reading your twitter. I hope you get success in the future.

>> No.2853809

I see one of those compilation images and can't help but smile a bit.

>> No.2853817

you should study it harder
could write a paper on "decent to madness in popular culture"

>> No.2853825

If she doesn't want it to be read she shouldn't post it on a public platform.

>> No.2853849

It's easier to understand if you think of it as low context need and high context need. That's probably why misunderstandings is such a common trope there, it's a basic flaw of the language that can be used in favor of storytelling.

>> No.2853854
Quoted by: >>2853898


You can read more about it here. Northern Europe is where the least "pro-drop" languages can be found, this includes English. Meanwhile is one of the most pro-drop languages.

>> No.2853856
Quoted by: >>2853970 >>2854049

redpill time
who is this girl and what makes her different than rest of the indie trash

>> No.2853870
File: 89 KB, 611x574, 1596488057640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this bear is writing an entire dissertation on the nuances of the japanese language for whatever reason

>> No.2853886

This. I'm unfollowing her. Have a good day Beatani!

>> No.2853887

Thanks anon, I sort of understood the part about japanese being high context, but couldn't connect all the posts together

>> No.2853898
Quoted by: >>2853912 >>2853952

>Meanwhile is one of the most pro-drop languages.
It's so pro-drop that you dropped it from your sentance

>> No.2853907

>writing an entire dissertation on the nuances of the japanese language for whatever reason


>> No.2853912


>> No.2853914

Sorry Beatani, I'll unfollow.

>> No.2853932

Twitter followers? She was at 1637 when I went to bed and she's at 1648 now.

>> No.2853952

lmao, yes I meant japanese there but dropped it.

>> No.2853953

Meds meds meds

>> No.2853970

She speaks english but not really. She laughs at you for being an EOP. Enjoy your stay.

>> No.2853971
Quoted by: >>2854070

So we must change how we post here to a high context way to keep people away, interesting.

>> No.2853977

It was difficult for me but I just unfollowed, unsubbed and cancelled my membership.

>> No.2854008
Quoted by: >>2854077

Goodbye Jack!

>> No.2854022

Here, let me help you.

>> No.2854027
File: 58 KB, 549x651, 1596058466558.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2854092 >>2854199

okay so she's upset that japanese isn't easily translated into english?
i don't fucking know ... i give up
wake me up when the mental breakdown-arc is over

>> No.2854049

English speaker at an above average level
is into imageboard culture
is literally here

>> No.2854058
File: 3.29 MB, 365x354, 1617729043034.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unfollow bea?

>> No.2854059

I guess I will follow and suscribe to Eira Woolcott and watch her instead

>> No.2854068
File: 1.23 MB, 1106x970, 1605625417488.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

then you must die

>> No.2854070
Quoted by: >>2854127

Are we going to speak like this?

>> No.2854071

All because she called us boring so we made the tower of babel. What a fucking day!

>> No.2854077

I don’t know who Jack is. I’m merely doing what Beatani wanted.

>> No.2854083
File: 55 KB, 275x285, .png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2854087

>When I write in Japanese I don't take care to write in a way that can be translated automatic.
>And if I don't explain how I came to feel this way, even if you can translate the document itself, it will not be understood correctly.
>Rather, that's exactly what I was writing about.
Bea... you have a stream in 5 hours...

>> No.2854091

Don't forget to smash your mug

>> No.2854092
Quoted by: >>2854219 >>2854255

I'd be mad too after realizing my mother language was an overcomplicated mess.

>> No.2854093

Created a twitter just for her without realizing she didn't want us to read her. It was my mistake. Goodbye twitter.

>> No.2854127

Wow I did not know that kevin could speak fluent japanese.

>> No.2854135

fuuuck, why does streamlabs only works with paypal? I'm too lazy to remember the password

>> No.2854153

Anyone storing their loads in their beatani mug?

>> No.2854182

yeah I'm waiting for mine to ferment so I can DM the result to beatani

>> No.2854195

I filled the whole mug from the rfa stream so i had to order a new one,

>> No.2854199

She's not upset, she's giving a long explanation as to why it's easier for her to read these threads than threads on 2ch.

>> No.2854207
Quoted by: >>2854260

Yeah actually. I’ll send a pic her way when I get to about half way then another when it’s full.

>> No.2854219

honestly i'd be doubly glad that my language is unintuitive garbage if i grew up with it and never had to "learn it" per say
my first language is somewhat difficult to learn so i'm pretty glad i got that at my disposal in addition to english

>> No.2854224
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>> No.2854235


>> No.2854255

Astel (holostars) had the same feeling about Japanese. Actually during a slang exchange stream with Aruran I learned that a lot of Japanese net slang makes the words longer than they need to be...THAT COMPLETELY DEFEATS THE PURPOSE OF SLANG!!!

>> No.2854260
File: 605 KB, 317x487, 1611924713698.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not filling the mug in one go

>> No.2854329
Quoted by: >>2854373 >>2854434

If you’re storing semen in any type of container remember to cover it. If you leave it exposed it’ll attract creatures. (I learned this the hard way)

>> No.2854373

The creatures bring bacteria and yeasts to help the fermentation process though.

>> No.2854434

I had this freaky nightmare once that a dog licked up my semen from the floor and then licked itself, got pregnant and gave birth to a dog-human monstrosity.
Became a neat freak afterwards.

>> No.2854448
File: 7 KB, 518x80, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll start filling it soon

>> No.2854457


>> No.2854461
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>> No.2854466

Time to buy a pet bear!

>> No.2854470

Was that how korone was born

>> No.2854532
File: 77 KB, 887x1097, 80d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2854546
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>> No.2854574
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Why doesn't she post anymore?

>> No.2854583
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>> No.2854595

we scared her off, anon.
we're like a cancer. we destroy everything we touch.

>> No.2854599

It's interesting learning a new language and then looking back at your own. Like I didn't realize how retarded it is that we have 118 conjugations for each verb in spanish until I started leaning english.

>> No.2854610

It's 2 am in the morning

>> No.2854611
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>> No.2854621

anon how can you call yourself her dad when you can't even recognize some of her anon posts here yet not draw attention to them at the same time because that's rude

>> No.2854632
Quoted by: >>2854671

everytime I read her twitter url I misread it as schizo

>> No.2854638

It's 2 AM anon.

>> No.2854646

Same reason she removed the four leaf clover from her name and stopped mentioning us: She realized this place is problematic.

>> No.2854651


>> No.2854652

>The bear is shitposting about us
>The bear is sleeping
We are just her plaything at this point.

>> No.2854671
File: 35 KB, 381x394, 202142314522.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kumedsgai Schizato

>> No.2854677

smart bear

>> No.2854682
Quoted by: >>2854754

rrat but
>she removed the four leaf clover from her name
oshi I didn't even notice

>> No.2854710

Nobody outside RAE tryhards use more than 10 though.

>> No.2854721

It would be a meme and not a slang then

>> No.2854722

>she removed the four leaf clover from her name and stopped mentioning us
nice move, actually

>> No.2854726

As someone who learned 4 languages I feel this everytime. Not only do you learn about your own language but I also think that different languages are different ways to think about the world also. When I speak one language my personality often changes quite noticeably.

>> No.2854731
Quoted by: >>2854800

As someone who spoke Spanish as a second language when I lived in central America or awhile, nobody actually uses most of those conjugations. I could get by pretty much anything just by using the gerund form (estar + ando/yendo/iendo). Only ever really had to think whether it would be estaba or estuve when talking about shit I did in the past. Spanish is one of the easiest languages to learn for a reason.

>> No.2854754
Quoted by: >>2854772 >>2854902

She removed the polarbear as well. I think she thought the oshi mark thing was cringe. No one used it also so.

>> No.2854772

It's less that she removed them and more that she didn't add them back between name changes.

>> No.2854796

We were just a stepping stone for her...

>> No.2854800
Quoted by: >>2854865

>Only ever really had to think whether it would be estaba or estuve when talking about shit I did in the past.
Spaniard here, the vast majority of the people in this country don't know how to actually use the fucking conjugations. It's amazing that we are somehow able to understand each other.

>> No.2854824

I told you we're the one getting pumped and dumped.

>> No.2854834

It's alright life is more than just beatani. She can be a stepping stone for you to grow as a person as well.

>> No.2854836
File: 756 KB, 1080x1080, 1617949397398.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

something to be stepped on...

>> No.2854838

It's time to move on to other indies... hey this Jack one ain't so bad...

>> No.2854841

On a completely unrelated note. Could it be that she's using sister the same way we're using roommate? That would have some interesting implications on the lore.

>> No.2854865

That's because we tend to use spanish as an high-context language to save a few words even if it was originally a low one. Eventually you forget words that were meant to be used in sentences but nobody uses in practice.

>> No.2854867

>Chihiro is a fucking bitch

>> No.2854869

>she locked herself into windows xp because the real world is too much for her
well shit

>> No.2854871
Quoted by: >>2854894

I can hear the rrats from here

>> No.2854891
Quoted by: >>2854922 >>2856196

If you think about it, all the languages are made up.

>> No.2854894
File: 93 KB, 639x741, 1589606912634.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2854919

>from here
where else would you get em?

>> No.2854902

Some used it, just not in their names

She's... she's leaving us behind... It hurts dads

>> No.2854905

When I speak Swedish I'm very emotional all the time and kind of a faggot. When I speak German I'm much more direct and to the point. When speaking English I'm much more mean and aggresive, also much more likely to shitpost. When speaking indonesian I speak like a retard because I have not learned that fully yet.

>> No.2854919
File: 48 KB, 463x453, 1619195245555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From "there"

>> No.2854922

woah ... anon
how long have you been sitting on this information?

>> No.2854936
Quoted by: >>2855018

Never grow too attached to an indie, that’s what I always say.

>> No.2854972
Quoted by: >>2855244

Fuck I've been thinking too much of her lately. I've been the happiest I've ever been in those 48 years that I've lived on this planet. This surely can't be good right?

>> No.2855013


>> No.2855018
Quoted by: >>2855062

It's hard not to when your only form of meaningful social interaction is with that particular indie. Still I am thankful for being self aware enough to see that what you're saying is right.

>> No.2855040
Quoted by: >>2855075 >>2855144

I get depressed when I can't think of something clever to say to Beatani on twitter

>> No.2855053

>When I speak one language my personality often changes quite noticeably.
I hear this often but don't get it at all. Finding a voice and tones I like is something I do as soon as possible.

>> No.2855062
Quoted by: >>2855088

>his only form of meaningful social interaction isn't shitposting on 4chan

>> No.2855075

Then tell her something meaningful,maybe that will make her laugh.

>> No.2855088


>> No.2855133

One man's trash is one man's treasure they say

>> No.2855144

Don't become a Jackfaggot-san, anon, learn from his mistakes.

>> No.2855178

I will not stop until Beatani is Nyanners 2.0.

>> No.2855185
Quoted by: >>2855232

Whenever I speak in any kind of language other than English (just reading it out loud) I get told I sound like some kind of thug/tough guy. I think it's because the tone of my voice gets even lower than normal. I don't know why this happens.

>> No.2855190

"but you know, all these hundreds and thousands of time we've repeated the same conversations they have strangely never seemed to be worthless"

>> No.2855212


>> No.2855215
Quoted by: >>2855506 >>2855650

God i love that song

>> No.2855232
Quoted by: >>2855276

That's because english is a pussy language.

>> No.2855244


>> No.2855276

Feel free to stop speaking it anytime.

>> No.2855318


>> No.2855386

I miss her

>> No.2855396

Take it easy...

>> No.2855443
Quoted by: >>2855536

as sad as it is I've always considered you guys my friends and I'm not afraid to admit that

>> No.2855506
Quoted by: >>2855548

You know, after hearing this song for the first time and being on this website for over ten goddamn years, this really hit fucking hard. It's so well-made too,you'd think it was straight from niconico but it's not. Man.

>> No.2855536
Quoted by: >>2855740

Honestly though, no matter how weird it is, the social interaction that I get from 4chan is enough to keep me sane. That and my dog. I guess I'm quite low maintenance in the social fulfillment sense.

>> No.2855548

/jp/ just used to hit different...

>> No.2855629
Quoted by: >>2855744 >>2856246

If we are on the topic of boardsongs I like this one: https://youtu.be/oHA7DCw4tU8

It's r9k so of course it's sad (in contrast to the happier jp song) but it still feels very real.

>> No.2855650
File: 375 KB, 1280x720, Sadpanda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But you know, every day and every night
>This life spent together with you
>I've never thought it a waste, not even once

>> No.2855657
Quoted by: >>2855868 >>2856404

I keep imagining that Beatani is sitting next to me. If I IMAGINE hard enough, I can feel her warmth

>> No.2855700

I want to call her Satocchi.

>> No.2855707
File: 359 KB, 389x519, 1592483933438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2855839 >>2856441

reminder that we're pic related

>> No.2855740

It’s enough for me too but I’m approaching the point of no return so I suppose I should at least try to do SOMETHING with my life. Then again, maybe not...

>> No.2855744
Quoted by: >>2855774

I miss when r9k was about sad guys trying to cheer each other up by sharing the pain instead of the current state of that board which is just hating women and hating "Chad"

>> No.2855774

It's easier to blame other people for your problems than look for self-improvement and ask others for help

>> No.2855805
File: 549 KB, 1000x560, 1618426441017.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dads get hurt even when she's asleep

>> No.2855839
File: 27 KB, 589x403, ab0d77ba496d4fa912cbcfa57ab0ad1e25d37db6_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2855903

Evolution is now.

>> No.2855847
Quoted by: >>2855873

Neat, another homo fan. I'm skipping all his Apex streams though, I'm sick and tired of Apex and I still need to watch his Paladins, amogus collab, and battlegrounds archives.

>> No.2855868


薬 away!

>> No.2855873

Nobody asked. Take your meds and go back.

>> No.2855903
Quoted by: >>2855926

That movie was goddamn creepy.

>> No.2855926
Quoted by: >>2855998

great movie. a little on the nose with its message though.

>> No.2855970
Quoted by: >>2856061 >>2856136


>> No.2855998
Quoted by: >>2856094

It was great, but I still like Millennium actress a lot more.

>> No.2856061
Quoted by: >>2856078 >>2856119

Reddit is her new oshi now we have been pumped and dumped so hard by that bear

>> No.2856078
Quoted by: >>2856107

>not her 5 discords

>> No.2856094
Quoted by: >>2856214

looks promising. i'm going to give that one a watch

>> No.2856107
Quoted by: >>2856155

>he doesn't have access to the sixth one

>> No.2856119

>They called her "Anohter /Vt/ pump and dump"
>She ended up pumping and dumping us

>> No.2856136
Quoted by: >>2856159

After her post on leddit got over 1000 likes she pretty much forgot about us.

>> No.2856145
File: 112 KB, 676x616, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2856203

>> No.2856148
Quoted by: >>2856165

I might not make it to the kusomori stream because of work, but if she implements 日本語コーナー say thanks for me please
Although given all this dissertationposting I don't even know if she's gmi. Didn't she just practically stay up all night?

>> No.2856155

>He doesn't pay her a daily night visit.

>> No.2856159
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>> No.2856164

they grow up so fast...

>> No.2856165

Sleep is for the weak anon

>> No.2856178
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>> No.2856196

No. Language is a natural process. Writing systems are made up tho

>> No.2856203

I need a drink.

>> No.2856211
File: 189 KB, 455x385, 1617845268820.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Calm down schizos. When Beatani changed her name to "Protect Listener-chan" for a day or two she forgot to add her fan marks back in when she changed her name back. The clover is all over her merch and other items.

>> No.2856214

The message is pretty simple, but the story and the characters were just so captivating to me. The final scene was glorious.

>> No.2856242

we know

>> No.2856243
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>> No.2856246
Quoted by: >>2856364

Thread's dying soon so might as well post this gem https://youtu.be/j5CBhPDQDr4
Not an official boardsong but still describes /v/ perfectly to this day.

>> No.2856260
Quoted by: >>2856272 >>2856288

She designed her merch before the reddit arc.

>> No.2856272
Quoted by: >>2856317


>> No.2856286

When Beatani reads this thread in about 4.5 hours from now, she's going to be confused as to why emojis are such a big deal on a website that likes to shit on Reddit and Twitter for the same fucking reason.

>> No.2856288

reddit arc? it’s one post...
goslings overreacting

>> No.2856317

I bet she wants a discord badly but you schizos here won't shut up about how bad it can get no wonder she hates us all

>> No.2856340
Quoted by: >>2856397


>> No.2856355


>> No.2856364

I'm still amazed at how well made this is

>> No.2856366

Baiting people into feeling bad so one gets made is just as retarded anon. You act like I can't see right through you.

>> No.2856367

>been watching her since her EN debut
>not a fan of the schizo-arc
>not a fan of dozens of tweets daily talking about meds and shit
>not a fan of being illustrated as a weak femboy instead of a dad
>still plan to watch and support her

This really is like being a dad, isn't it?

>> No.2856397
Quoted by: >>2856428

They even admit to being spyware. So I don't know why idiots still want one.

>> No.2856404

A Beatani tulpa is within your grasp

>> No.2856424

It's the full dad experience. Our daughter is going through her rebellious stage that's all.

>> No.2856428
Quoted by: >>2856479

based fa/g/

>> No.2856431

Are you me?

>> No.2856433

All I want is an indie that only posts here, does everything we ask, only streams for us and doesn’t care about numbers. Is that really so much to ask for...?

>> No.2856436

I can't stop listening to her sobakasu cover from the 2k karaoke stream, it's so good

>> No.2856441

It wasn't Chihiro, it was us all along. We made the human-bear chimera and locked it away on XP hill

>> No.2856454
Quoted by: >>2856489

She stated that she wanted to do voicechat with her fans. Do I really have to explain to you why this is a bad idea? Not because it'll hurt Bea, but because you schizos will 100% go ballistic the moment someone makes her laugh a little too hard.

>> No.2856462
Quoted by: >>2856503

The monkey paw is offering you a western tranny.

>> No.2856479

You don't need to be from /g/ to know this shit.

>> No.2856489
File: 32 KB, 580x247, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2856507

>the moment someone makes her laugh a little too hard.
worry not then

>> No.2856496
File: 183 KB, 400x400, beadis.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2856526 >>2856536

It's the way of the future.

>> No.2856503

Yes because you'll end up with >>2856462 an indog or a spic. Or mix of ALL 3.

>> No.2856507

Ok you got me there.

>> No.2856518

I have also followed since the first thread but I am enjoying this. She is showing more of her true self and her personal thoughts on various things instead of staying a distant and two dimensional "cute and funny" bear that just repeats stupid memes we teach her. I liked her before but I also like her now since she is charming by nature even when shit gets real.

>> No.2856526

based bear turns into owo bear

>> No.2856536

Oh, no no no.

>> No.2856564
Quoted by: >>2856657

Wasn't the turtle supposed to be exactly that? Although I never saw her content.

>> No.2856657

most of the anons who supported kooba were ok with the idea of her forgetting about this place and deleting all of her connections to it, the endgame was giving her the best shot she could get at joining Hololive

>> No.2856678

Bea is definitely a Niji by nature.

>> No.2856688

Sir this is not the year 2069 where you can build your own custom vtuber who will do your every bidding.

>> No.2856711
File: 202 KB, 667x667, 1550907756816.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2856736 >>2856762

>Bea will one day become a corporate tuber

>> No.2856713

You anons just wanted your own sleeper agent inside Hololive didn't you?

>> No.2856712
Quoted by: >>2856747

Didnt koopa start dating some faggot from their discord

>> No.2856736

Yes! Of her own corporation that is

>> No.2856747

I heard she was getting groomed a couple months, no clue if that ever went anywhere.

>> No.2856762
Quoted by: >>2856916

>its a company owned by Hiro

>> No.2856793
Quoted by: >>2856840 >>2856855

how the fuck do you groom a grown woman

>> No.2856797
Quoted by: >>2856845 >>2856855

>Grooming a hag.

>> No.2856840

Domestic Abuse victims....

>> No.2856845

They’re desperate for affection to it’s easier.

>> No.2856855
Quoted by: >>2856982

I need to stop using that word for everything.
getting seduced? emotionally exploited? cock?

>> No.2856859

who would win in a fight: kumagai or beatani?

>> No.2856893

She was groomed into a secret relationship with Carol.

>> No.2856898


>> No.2856916

Imagine a hiro owned agency filled with /vt/ubers

>> No.2856918
Quoted by: >>2857008 >>2857010

there are two Kumagais and only one Beatani, so

>> No.2856942
Quoted by: >>2856961

The Kumagai family vs Beatani? She may be outnumbered, but if the rrat about her being an eldritch god is true then I guess we're pretty much fucked.

>> No.2856948

that would be shit, look at the koopa's clique would be just like that dumpsterfire

>> No.2856956
Quoted by: >>2856972 >>2857040

We talk quite a lot here in /yah/. I think we may be able reach the thread's post limit soon. Maybe some special stream with hype behind like the RFA one could do the job

>> No.2856961
Quoted by: >>2856978

>eldritch god
>vtuber is an eldritch god
how original jesus christ

>> No.2856965

whoever made the listener chan twitter account is based, hopefully they do more with it.unless it bea

>> No.2856969
File: 53 KB, 331x307, 1618992408043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiroyuki becomes her prince charming, saving her from XP hill and providing JOI to nasty otakus makes her his wife and manager of the EN branch of his new agency. And they lived happily ever after. Beatani Goslings didn't however, they made Jonestown look like a fucking joke.

>> No.2856972

What is the absolute limit?

>> No.2856978
Quoted by: >>2857013

It's just a rrat calm down

>> No.2856982

She had a burning desire for getting knocked up, if I remember correctly. So i'll say emotionally manipulated

>> No.2857003

>hiro gets off his ass and makes a vt agency
>seep, gooba and bea are gen 1

>> No.2857008
File: 378 KB, 1200x1056, 89137924_p0_master1200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>2857073

They are the Beatani sisters tho

>> No.2857009

Remember the 4chan vtuber competition he held a few years ago? The cunny design was quite nice. Too bad he cancelled everything last minute.

>> No.2857010

how many schizo versions does that include?

>> No.2857013

1500 and 300 images

>> No.2857040
Quoted by: >>2857086

We are trash ourselves but honestly of all /vt/ threads I honestly think beatanis fans are among the best. I really like talking to you guys. I love you all.

>> No.2857073

I honestly want to know more about Chihiro.

>> No.2857086

it's true i literally only visit /wah/ and /yah/ these are the most bearable generals on /vt/

>> No.2857095
Quoted by: >>2857111

I want to FUCK Chihiro AND Listener-chan while Beatani watches

>> No.2857101

Im gonna say it, Chihiro just looks like beatani with black hair

>> No.2857111
Quoted by: >>2857141

You want to fuck yourself?

>> No.2857122

It was nice talking you you dads and moms and bros and sis.

>> No.2857126

End of thread slayzaspiya reps
Fuck I don't even think she watched the old fan that tweeted a slayzaspiyathon at her (or whatever, I don't remember)

>> No.2857141

Did I stutter? I want to FUCK and IMPREGNATE my boy pussy.
