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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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27362796 No.27362796 [Reply] [Original]

A thread for the Matron of Melodic Magic, Mori Calliope, and the members of her extended universe

>> No.27362841
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>> No.27362847
Quoted by: >>27362971

>right in the middle of my shift
Nice going. Might as well not fucking exist in my book.

>> No.27362971

That's probably going to be the normal stream time for US Mori. Roll out of bed at noon, stream roommate shit at night

>> No.27363120
Quoted by: >>27363286


>> No.27363130
File: 226 KB, 850x1166, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_yukirei__sample-358997db9ece4929410a91efa3ddc547.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Previous thread: >>27338885

//// Mori Calliope Ch. hololive-EN
YT: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCL_qhgtOy0dy1Agp8vkySQg
Twitter: https://twitter.com/moricalliope
#calliolive #callillust #callioP #callilust
Spotify: https://open.spotify.com/artist/1PhE6rv0146ZTQosoPDjk8

//// Team Calli – EMI Records Japan (Universal Music Group)
Twitter: https://twitter.com/calliope_info
TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@moricalliope_hololiveen

Most recent stream: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=n8hiq_IVZjs
Upcoming stream: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=O3o-YhssQOA

//// Music: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLB8Nt5W7hnKA_pG2qljWbgVmJPobrLTm4
DEAD BEATS (September 12, 2020) EP: https://moricalliope.streamlink.to/DEADBEATS
Your Mori (April 4, 2021) EP: https://calliope.streamlink.to/2ndEPCD
UnAlive (March 21, 2022) LP: https://cover.lnk.to/UnAlive
Shinigami Note (Coming soon! - July 20, 2022) EP Pre-order: https://lnk.to/mcsnph
//// Stream Holy Shitto: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=krlr_ucg2YU

//// LIVE SHOW (major debut):
New Underworld Order
July 21, 2022 @ Toyosu PIT
//// Tickets on sale now! In-person lottery for JP; streaming via SPWN for overseas
//// Merch on sale for JP; Worldwide sales opening June 15

Mori moments: https://pastebin.com/NNZ1QPiV

Remember to love your Mori. :}

>> No.27363286
Quoted by: >>27363564

Going to push a lot of people into being VODwatchers

>> No.27363547
File: 33 KB, 646x442, gawrback.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened to the off-collabs Mori said she was going to do with goobs...

>> No.27363564
Quoted by: >>27363654

lmao even

>> No.27363608
File: 1.62 MB, 2894x2039, Q_eurobeatmix1[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fvufag8.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27363703

More plans over the summer since Mori's got her place to stay now with the second base

>> No.27363607

mori's phoned it in. she's joining vshojo

>> No.27363624

Footage was ruined after they squirted

>> No.27363654

>12-3PM US time
More like NA people with actual jobs

>> No.27363703

I was thinking there'd be more offcollab stuff this Summer corroborated by Ame's talk but Ina has me feeling skeptical

>> No.27363717

It will be sunday, most won't be working.

>> No.27363750
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Quoted by: >>27363809

Like me. Wouldn't be a problem if Youtube let you listen to members content in the background. Don't know why the hell it doesn't.

>> No.27363751
Quoted by: >>27363870

Inner might not be able to, and Kiara for obvious reasons

>> No.27363793

ignoring its a Sunday, if you haven't negotiated working from home at this point that's entirely on you

>> No.27363799

I don't think she ever said she was doing that? She just said she was spending more time with Gura than the others, which she did since they met a day earlier and had their road trip.

>> No.27363809
Quoted by: >>27363859

>using the regular youtube app

>> No.27363859
Quoted by: >>27363948

I had Vanced before but I switched phones and Susan sent their legal team after the app in the time between.

>> No.27363870

True, I guess I defaulted into thinking of a full myth offcollab

>> No.27363948

You can still grab an older APK

>> No.27364201
File: 1.34 MB, 1900x2500, 1655517626849.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw work from home, but she schedules it the one day I'm gonna have to go in

>> No.27364249

Would work out for me, unless her noon streams go over 3 hours

>> No.27364352
Quoted by: >>27364643

What about River City Girls and Cuphead Mori...

>> No.27364357

>What happened to that thing that only existed in my head?
Realistically, if such a thing was going to happen, Sisreap probably dashed those plans

>> No.27364385

I got the impression that they talked about them all meeting up again later this year, but it's a hard maybe cause the possible time it could happen is too far in the future to reasonably plan for it.

>> No.27364518
File: 1.52 MB, 1280x720, 1633502069943.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27364643

>said that she'd save Cuphead for a bonebros offcollab
>no Cuphead offcollab
>no Cuphead solo streams either
>Mori will never touch the new dlc
Please Mori. Just play by yourself the game already. Those Cuphead streams were fun...

>> No.27364563
File: 149 KB, 881x661, 1656698497621.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27364721

Planning for it at all would still be a big improvement over effectively winging it for a whole week and a half. I'm happy with the content we got and really didn't care at all if they were streaming it or not like some people were going ballistic over, but it'd be nice to actually get a coordinated effort together for next time.

>> No.27364643

She'll probably say something like "we're saving that for when she's in Japan"

>> No.27364721

I've said it in the past but the time spent together is a lot more valuable than streams in my eyes, at least in the long term. With most of Ame's stuff set up it does seem like there'd be more opportunities for streams in the future though

>> No.27364804
File: 94 KB, 958x958, 1634201911637.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that the only reason we got this offcollab was due to a whim and not actual planning makes me skeptical that we'll get another offcollab any time soon. 2 years....for a whim.
Yeah...if they manage to offcollab again within a year I'll consider that a miracle.

>> No.27364805

I'm still torn if its the other side or Mori who will be in PSG

>> No.27364827
Quoted by: >>27365086

Only you retards could take a good thing and only take the stupid shit out of it.

>> No.27364892
Quoted by: >>27364984

Neither. It's pure hopium

>> No.27364984 [DELETED] 

I'd rather it be neither than the other side. I'm sick of "Diet Mori" situations

>> No.27365031 [DELETED] 

Can your troglodyte oshi join vshojo too please? Thanks.

>> No.27365045
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Quoted by: >>27369015

I don't even understand the point of "saving it". It's not a narrative driven game. People replay Cuphead all of the time. Playing it on your own and with a friend are different enough experiences too.

>> No.27365086

I was just saying what would probably be her answer to a question about it. I don't think she's forgotten about it, just made herself too busy

>> No.27365149
File: 149 KB, 512x512, 1654587033386.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27365428

>I'm sick of "Diet Mori" situations
Baffling post but alright.

>> No.27365428

Can't get the better, more flavorful version of what you want because it COSTS too many calories so you settle for the diet version

>> No.27365440
Quoted by: >>27365556

I would take either side, I just want it to happen.
It's a big deal, she gets to do something really cool, and /vt/ melts down over it, it would be great from either side.

>> No.27365484
File: 355 KB, 1250x1766, 1655748038441.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

remember to fuck your mori

>> No.27365507

IRyS knows the lyrics to Q

>> No.27365556

But it would have nothing to do with any VTuber at that point. It's off-topic.

>> No.27365746

NTA but I'm just happy with Mori achieving her dreams. Being able to discuss that or not if it happens is irrelevant to me.

>> No.27365754
File: 168 KB, 850x1058, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kikino__sample-880a324c4b1ead57d66ac2796e8a9691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27365850

Good evening anons, I hope everyone is well. I'm glad Our Mori is confirmed as the strongest Myth (maybe strongest EN but I'm prepared to be surprised on that front). I'm watching a ton of 80s-90s Hong Kong action movies to fill the time.

>> No.27365832

new music for the thread

>> No.27365850

I think kronii would win on strength overall, she seems to go to the gym a lot more than mori.

>> No.27365914

What he said >>27365746
It's a big deal for her either way and I would be happy for her.

>> No.27365959

She may very well win on endurance, but still lose on strength

>> No.27366005

But Kronii also cheats alot more so it may even out.

>> No.27366037
Quoted by: >>27366261

I guess. Would still be sad that we wouldn't get to experience it with her like we would if it was Mori. She could hype it up on stream and geek out about it with Bae and IRyS on CHaDcast

>> No.27366119

She may be screwed over.
Cover may charge too much and rm may not be a big enough of a name to be hired.

>> No.27366202
Quoted by: >>27366230

Cover would be fucking retarded to not accept it, even if they don't get a penny out of it.

>> No.27366230

I agree but I'm not Cover's sometimes retarded management

>> No.27366236

That random anime managed to get Fubuki and Matsuri for VA appearances and image use, Cover would probably be all for it

>> No.27366261
Quoted by: >>27366588

If she can talk about it with people then she will talk about it, and I don't care if /vt/ in particular isn't invited.

>> No.27366397
File: 880 KB, 297x277, 1656604341749.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I agree but I'm not Cover's sometimes retarded management

>> No.27366588
Quoted by: >>27366666

some people here care more about /vt/ than mori

>> No.27366666

Eh I don't think that's what the other anon was getting it.

>> No.27366700
Quoted by: >>27366736

I feel like posts like these are made by people who are addicted to doomposting for the sake of it rather than anything based on reality.

>> No.27366736

oh like her doing a song for them is built on something more than hopium

>> No.27366799
Quoted by: >>27366935

Hopium posts are less annoying than doomposts

>> No.27366930

I like positive and fun things more than I like miserable and annoying things.

>> No.27366935
Quoted by: >>27367059

>it's Mori who gets to do an OP
>watchalongs of the episodes as they release
That's the best Hopium I can offer

>> No.27367059
File: 519 KB, 554x554, 1635018172958.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like the cut of your jib

>> No.27367171

>artist signed to big record label who's friends with a producer/dj might get an opportunity on a future project he's working on
>the company who's had several talents take roles in anime and even do an ED would price themselves out of a major opportunity to have one of their talents literally front every single episode of beloved anime series returning
It's literally retarded to assume they're comparable anon.

>> No.27367278
File: 827 KB, 1073x1152, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mix time to change drinks and lives.

>> No.27367410
File: 730 KB, 748x748, gurastare2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27368635

Bartender, I need your largest Fringe Weaver

>> No.27367429

Irys is garbage at this game

>> No.27367633

Gin and water please

>> No.27367657
File: 2.25 MB, 2894x4093, 1634232717197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27367921

i could see Kronii being really strong but lacking the motivation in the moment given how... what's the word I'm looking for here? Not lethargic per se. I think Mori's got that little X Factor Ambition push.

>> No.27367675

Unarchived Moom soon if you're not watching IRyS

>> No.27367921
Quoted by: >>27368113

They even out then because Mori's too nice and would hold back. It would take someone actively challenging her for her to really try, like Mumei but Mooms would get crushed the same way Ina did, and Kronii's too shy around Mori to really push her buttons.

>> No.27368113

What? No. Mori is competitive. The girls were even talking about the crazy look Mori got on her face when going against Ame. Mori takes it serious.

>> No.27368244

I'm of the opinion that she still held back.

>> No.27368261
Quoted by: >>27368350

imagine Mori's face when she finds out you were cheating on her

>> No.27368334
File: 117 KB, 827x1193, 3981275A-4D30-42D1-97F2-B20CED6B209D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Place your bets on if her laptop will make it through the stream cleanly tomorrow. I'm skeptical

>> No.27368350

I have not and would never. I'm day one even if I switch youtube accounts and so it no longer reflects that.

>> No.27368376

I'm crazy enough to hope she'll be in the 2nd base with a real PC she's gotten.

>> No.27368398

Other side tweeted like she had no idea regarding the announcement so my hunch is it’s just hopium

>> No.27368439

I'll be hopeful and assume it'll go smoothly, especially since it's just a zatsu stream.

>> No.27368446
Quoted by: >>27368593

It managed itself fine on the release party and it was 3d, I think it has good chances of surviving

>> No.27368544

I wonder if she'll talk about the tracklist now that it's known. I want to know more about them.

>> No.27368593

Pretty sure that was Ame's setup

>> No.27368635

Goombles, You can't handle my Fringe Weavers. They're too strong for you.

>> No.27368702
Quoted by: >>27368824

Anon did you get hit real hard in the head or something? She wasn't at Ame's when that happened.

>> No.27368761
Quoted by: >>27368878

I was talking about the release party, not the arm wrestling, Ame wasn't there for that yet

>> No.27368824

Anon? You do realize that Ame has a mobile setup that blows Mori's out of the water? Mori's laptop couldn't handle Death and Taxes while streaming, it would have blown up doing 3D

>> No.27368855
File: 949 KB, 720x1080, 1635996178348.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could hear her snarling to beat Watson, even

>> No.27368878

The release party stuttered more than a couple times too, you can see when the chat spams the buffering symbols

>> No.27368920

Man that must have been one hell of a bump on the head cause Mori hadn't met Ame at that point yet so there's no way that could have happened.

>> No.27369015
Quoted by: >>27369405

More like "this is what we'll do when we're not as busy doing recording shit or on a deadline."

>> No.27369048
Quoted by: >>27369304

Yeah, pretty sure it froze completely a couple times for me

>> No.27369091

https://youtu.be/7bL9RH6kItM Trigun Brotherhood Trailer
it's CGI

>> No.27369110

Yeah, but if this one is 2d, it should not be a problem

>> No.27369126
Quoted by: >>27369304

Wait yeah what the fuck is he talking about, that stream was shitting itself the whole way through.

>> No.27369175
File: 517 KB, 590x655, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27369235

What did Mori mean by this?

>> No.27369235

Mumei is taking advantage of Mori's lustful body

>> No.27369244
Quoted by: >>27369304

and the laptop was fine wasn't it? It was her tracking iphone that was over heating.

>> No.27369285

Who did the rat have lunch with???!?!?

>> No.27369304

The laptop was not fine

>> No.27369346

mika miori mori....or all 3!
who knows

>> No.27369347

I still bet her model mother

>> No.27369405
Quoted by: >>27369715

I mean the mentality in general is retarded. Hypothetically if bonebros had played Cuphead now, it would've been over a year since Mori played solo. She could've beaten the game herself and forgotten everything about it in that time. There was no reason to "save" anything.
Also Mori and Gura have the attention span of children. I can easily see them losing interest in Cuphead if they hit a wall or I could see them just choosing another game entirely.

>> No.27369646
File: 32 KB, 439x400, 1640098183199.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And into the trash it goes

>> No.27369715
Quoted by: >>27370516

It was never about the game. Mori just wants to play a couch co-op game with Gura someday. Last year, who knew when Japan would open up again? This time, the entire offcollab week was a spur of the moment thing where everyone's schedules just happened to line up.

>> No.27370106

>Mumei doing her singing reps
>has a cover and other stuff planned
That's really cool, she's got a natural great voice, and her last cover was great. Although I must say the obligatory to honor that one hoobeat
>tfw no one on one collab with Mori
>that's not an open VC

>> No.27370160

Soon, hoobeat
Just be patient

>> No.27370382

I finally finished watching the asmr member vod, Mori mentioned collabs planned in July were looking for games to play. Maybe Moom is one.

>> No.27370438
Quoted by: >>27370584

sex owl is on

>> No.27370516

>It was never about the game.
My nigga...we wouldn't be having this discussion in the first place if Mori hadn't dropped Cuphead because she wanted to save it. I'm not blaming Mori for wanting to play a game with Gura. It's annoying to see a playthrough that I was enjoying get dropped for a silly reason. Besides there's millions of other games that could've fit this role.
> Last year, who knew when Japan would open up again?
I'm not blaming Mori for not having future sight. Hypothetically if Myth had offcollabed for their anni, that still would've been several months after she played Cuphead by herself. We're talking about the woman who completely forgets everything about a game after a week of not playing it.

>> No.27370526

>mumei drinking straight ethanol
mori mogged?

>> No.27370584

It is impossible for me to see the owl in a lewd way. She gives me sibling energy.

>> No.27370657

That doesn't stop me

>> No.27370669

incest is based

>> No.27371265

>t. Kyousuke Kousaka

>> No.27371557

>Chill Moom Stream.

>> No.27371699

Yeah, based on retardation

>> No.27371949

Hearing Mumei sing reminds me that we got deprived of Offcollab Karaoke with her and Takamori.

>> No.27372098
File: 81 KB, 257x256, Screenshot_20220702-185519~3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27372127

I.....I....... Miss moririn~

>> No.27372127
Quoted by: >>27372195


>> No.27372195


>> No.27372462

shut up irys

>> No.27372652

rate mumei's cringe

>> No.27372992
File: 672 KB, 1076x1450, familyline.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. Tomaru Sawagoe

>> No.27373792
Quoted by: >>27373986

I can't believe Mumei just surpassed Mori as the best rapper in EN

>> No.27373986

It surprised me that she did Godzilla without stuttering once

>> No.27374066

I really need that Lonely Island karaoke collab with Mori and Mumei

>> No.27374093
File: 2.86 MB, 318x166, 1656697449405.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27374600


>> No.27374265
File: 231 KB, 428x409, 1636514546081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The idea of fucking Mumei is more enticing than Bae or IRyS
t. loves white women

>> No.27374367
Quoted by: >>27374417

ugh. She's the most little sister of all of them.

>> No.27374417

mori is literally my sister

>> No.27374600

Mooms boobs...

>> No.27374730
File: 1.52 MB, 1200x1200, 1625514086927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27374912

I want to fuck all three. I love women of ALL races!

>> No.27374912
File: 445 KB, 1919x1081, Horny Mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27375350

I desperately need a cute brown fembeat

>> No.27375164
File: 482 KB, 1536x2048, 567E4710-5B04-4F5A-86AF-AF3497362074.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man rewatching the armwrestling and hearing Mori snarling against Ame. She really wanted that win huh.

>> No.27375315
Quoted by: >>27375452

How is Mumei, the west coast liberal college student, the only American EN to sing country and folk songs? The other three being a Texan, a paranoid Sexy Alex Jones who sleeps with a gun, and a former farm hand?

>> No.27375350
File: 327 KB, 220x220, 1651904474910.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ywn cuddle underneath some covers with a black fembeat
Fuck you. I didn't know how much I needed this until now....

>> No.27375431

Black fembeat Boss Nigger watchalong when?

>> No.27375452

Her voice fits it very well. Mori gets too caught up in singing songs she thinks we want to hear

>> No.27375648

blackbeats don't exist

>> No.27375753

Omocat showed us that they're out there, but we have no way to find them..

>> No.27375783

There are at least two. One here, and Scru

>> No.27375849
File: 294 KB, 480x566, 1634235264828.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm right here motherfucker

>> No.27375868 [DELETED] 


>> No.27375947
Quoted by: >>27376066

I hope you weren't the one on that /b/ thread

>> No.27375973 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27376211


>> No.27376025
Quoted by: >>27376235

I wish Mori was showing up for Azki's birthday life. She has all the singing ones there.

>> No.27376066

Fuck no. I stayed away from that shit.

>> No.27376211


>> No.27376235

>Sora and AZKi
>all of the singing ones
I should slap you for leaving out Watame and Aqua like that

>> No.27376257
File: 232 KB, 1308x2000, 1650681624868.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27376340

predictions for the bonebros stories she will share tomorrow?

>> No.27376300

Aqua is a gamer

>> No.27376313

Suisei is there

>> No.27376340
Quoted by: >>27377724

Running around with Roman Candles shooting at each other.

>> No.27376387

Incest is cringe. Having sex with your sister's classmate, however, is based. With that classmate being Ollie.

>> No.27376443

necrophilia is cringe

>> No.27376783

Sex with special needs kids is predatory, anon.

>> No.27377724

Someone has to ask if ame was joking about that.

>> No.27377782 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27377813

I hope she wasn't

>> No.27377861
Quoted by: >>27380600

studio orange made 2 of the best looking anime of the last decade w/ cgi

i have full faith in them.

>> No.27378162

niggerbeat just like your oshi wana be

>> No.27378349
File: 1.23 MB, 1607x2400, 1649983133594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to this bitch

>> No.27378479
Quoted by: >>27378625

I really hope she wasn't, but I think she was. Made up a cute reason as to why we're hearing fireworks through the stream

>> No.27378625
Quoted by: >>27379196

>they were shooting niggers in the backyard

>> No.27379196
Quoted by: >>27379265

Mori and Gura were Korean all along.

>> No.27379265

Ina's Korean spreads

>> No.27380513

Nobody wants to listen to her sing. It takes her months to get what Mori does in a day on her songs.

>> No.27380551

watame is built for rape

>> No.27380592

I can't wait to hear about cute shit from Mori, her perspective should be quite different from the rest s we might hear something we didn't hear from others.
Hey there watameschizo, how's your day going?

>> No.27380600

We can only hope.

>> No.27380638
Quoted by: >>27380733

how are you always online no matter when i open this thread

>> No.27380686

People leaving her off singing lists should tell you all you need to know, but keep going on about the schizo part.

>> No.27380714
Quoted by: >>27380756

We'll probably get more detailed unity stories just because she was only there for a couple days
Maybe if we're lucky we'll get some bonebros road trip deets as well

>> No.27380733

Maybe I'm you.
I haven't been on the thread for days.

>> No.27380756

Depending on how she tells her Gura stories, we will find out if she is truly bi

>> No.27381717
File: 3.77 MB, 1600x2200, 1656580195498.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my beautiful girlfriend

>> No.27381786

https://twitter.com/pavoliareine/status/1543470351786553344 looks like reine loves paswg as well.

>> No.27381862
File: 886 KB, 1358x1555, 1642033653069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27381975

excuse that's MY moon princess

>> No.27381975
File: 1.18 MB, 2894x4093, 1656325836966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

funny joke, but let's be real here, she belongs to me

>> No.27382032

I wanna draw any interesting stories that happened during Mori's storytime later

>> No.27382118
File: 416 KB, 2118x4096, 1621164266989.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My girlfriend, naturally.

>> No.27382342

>Listening to Mumei's chitchat
>She also talks about how she dislikes beaches and swimsuits
It's interesting to discover similarities in random things like this between different EN girls. Those two would be sitting on the beach listening to the music while the rest goes swimming.

>> No.27382376

Mori and Mooms have the potential to surpass Bonebros If I'm being frank.

>> No.27382449
Quoted by: >>27383466

Gura is cute though and perfect as Mori's little sister and girlfriend. Moumeigh and Mori are only good for a drunk college white girl threeway.

>> No.27382489

woke up to Panty and Stocking getting a season 2 that's wild

>> No.27382630
File: 689 KB, 964x542, wN6FAJVmwXE.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27382825

Man I miss HoloDeath. It's been a while since Mori interacted with Ollie.

>> No.27383051


>> No.27383466
Quoted by: >>27383726

does mumei drink a lot?

>> No.27383516
File: 290 KB, 516x680, TheExtendedUniverse[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxnkrx4.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rikka's cover:

Villain Vibes with AmaLee + rest of Ama's album:

Ririsya's NEW cover:


Miori's new cover

>> No.27383726

She was taking little sippies during her unarchived earlier

>> No.27383776
Quoted by: >>27384147

A shame.

>> No.27384070
Quoted by: >>27384147

It's time to move on, anon

>> No.27384093
Quoted by: >>27384127

Mumei totally saw Saruei's art of her that Mori has in her likes and considers herself "anatomy enjoyer", that's cute.
I don't like comparing friendships. But Mumei and Mori have potential to be really close and vibe on very close wavelengths. Two theater kids except one is normal and one had "sexy lessons" and played in Saving Nemo musical. Such a huge shame she had to cancel her Austria trip last second but maybe with second base she also has an off-collab chance.

>> No.27384127
Quoted by: >>27384288

>Two theater kids except one is normal
no such thing

>> No.27384147

I'm watching Ollie right now and it's been a while since Mori talked to her. What a good kid.

>> No.27384282

Better. She said she dislikes wearing bikinis, but likes seeing other girls in bikinis.

>> No.27384288

Calling Mumei normal was pretty dumb, I admit it. How about "had more normal experiences compared to the other one"? That one time Mori told the "sexy lessons" story for 10 minutes and then Mumei responded with a single "I played X"(I forgot the name) could make an amazing comedy skit.

>> No.27384362
File: 7 KB, 259x194, 1656474576061.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27385096

>I want to see EN in Hologra

>> No.27384401

She's just like me

>> No.27384609

>It's been a while since Mori interacted with Ollie
I am fine with that. I don't want Mori to get dragged into Ollie's shenanigans.

>> No.27385096

I woke up from a night of actual sleep and saw a series of good news, nothing necessarily connected though.

I do! Or at least give them their own series first. Even if it needs to start with smol models since now all the ENs have them.

>> No.27385250
Quoted by: >>27385690

I do, Ollie deserves someone playing in her corner

>> No.27385315
Quoted by: >>27385690

Ollie's shenenigans is... drawing holos in swimsuits.

>> No.27385457
Quoted by: >>27385866

I can easily picture Mori, Mumei and Ina hiding from sun under umbrella or something with two of them listening to music and Ina happily drawing things around her. including girls that aren't as shy in swuimsuits

>> No.27385466
File: 97 KB, 486x504, 1656678563862.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27385985

big texas 4th of july barbeque

>> No.27385690

Nah, I am glad that homos dropped out from the among us collab. They have better things to do than play up with Ollie about her unity dream.

>> No.27385866
Quoted by: >>27385954

Mori in a nice onepiece, beach cover up, and sun hat.
Sitting with Mumei under the umbrella and building a bitchin sandcastle. With Ina next to them, listening to some chill music and sketching.
Fauna soaking up the sun.
Kiara and Watson enjoying floating and swimming. Gura racing around the water and unintentionally scaring the shit out of regular beachgoers.
Other Council girls and IRyS went to the pierside stalls for ice cream.

>> No.27385954
Quoted by: >>27386359

This but mori is in a slingshot swimsuit instead

>> No.27385985

It would be cool if she got to celebrate with her family and just have a good time without worry.
Maybe next year she could show some of the others the glory of an American BBQ and fireworks.

>> No.27386359

Nah, having sex with me out of sight behind some rocks.

>> No.27386414
File: 908 KB, 1017x902, 1643213693738.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mori and Mooms have the potential to surpass Bonebros If I'm being frank.
I don't see this at all tbdesu. I doubt we'll get a solo collab with the two of them any time soon honestly.

>> No.27386509
File: 617 KB, 1510x2048, FNfgJ55XEAAPS8C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

your hornyposting is a crime

>> No.27386537
File: 1.29 MB, 1267x1440, 1656817885491.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They will do an off collab karaoke some day

>> No.27386562

Slap those cuffs on then and take me away~

>> No.27386594

Mori said I could enjoy the model anyway I want to so in actually it's not

>> No.27387247
File: 170 KB, 959x1280, photo_2022-07-03_13-59-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reposting from Global

>> No.27387549

Oh my god! Mori could have killed that 100% normal human girl! What is wrong with her??

>> No.27387602

>left to right

>> No.27387873

>end of a life sneaked to 10m views
What the fuck? Last time I checked it was stuck at 5m or something

>> No.27388328

give it a week or two, we'll be right back to our regular mori hate threads!

>> No.27388429

I swear it's become a cycle

>> No.27388670
File: 1.16 MB, 1200x1697, literally me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Mori Calliope and I WILL be the last Deadbeat.

>> No.27388863

It's not like they're gone, every other Kson/VShojo thread has a "Mori is next" comment chain. It's just the first image that's different than usual.
Anyway, I'm glad Mori is setting up a stream this close after an event, hopefully it means streams will become more stable when outside of Japan.

>> No.27388917
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>> No.27388939
File: 1.82 MB, 1500x750, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just you wait till I rip the Proof of Deadbeat from your cold, cracked, bony hands.

>> No.27388977
File: 183 KB, 531x1151, FE0296A7-3A06-489D-BB12-E2E1D029E8AA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27389144
Quoted by: >>27389418

AZKi starting!

>> No.27389418
File: 1.30 MB, 1280x720, stdin_snapshot_04.12_[2022.07.03_08.04.02].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could at least post a link

>> No.27390214
File: 502 KB, 1440x2060, short comic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27390429

you're wrong

>> No.27390429

I'm flattered you drew me cuter than I actually am.

>> No.27390450

Deadbeats need to hit the gym more.

>> No.27390673

I mean, he's pretty buff for a skeleton

>> No.27392058
Quoted by: >>27394778

Besides that god-awful running animation in the beginning, it doesn't look bad overall.
Vash on the other hand looks like some zoomer faggot though

>> No.27392111


>> No.27392200

Quit doxxing me you fuck

>> No.27394459 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>27394503

Is she at Anime Expo?

>> No.27394503 [DELETED] 

She was.

>> No.27394778
Quoted by: >>27394990

I have no hopes of a prequel somehow being good

>> No.27394990

Don't they go into the backstory a bit in the original? It's not like there's any mystery that needs solving.

>> No.27395268

I love Ricky's design and how it's unique to her. If i was ever at the point where I got a tattoo, I would probably go with her scythe and tiara, and of course "Memento Mori".

>> No.27395582
Quoted by: >>27403952

Why the noose though

>> No.27396294
File: 73 KB, 960x720, 1601664496420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she apologise yet for almost doxxing gura?

>> No.27396383

She threw bombs at her

>> No.27396405

Why would she even address sensitive information like that if nothing happened, touristchama

>> No.27396430

she let her suck on her nipple to calm herself down after being terrified during the entire ordeal.

>> No.27396440

I hope Gura gets raped

>> No.27396470
Quoted by: >>27397385

There was never any threat of that happening. Ame, Ina and Gura activate stealth mode whenever any cameras are pointed their direction and can't be caught on film.

>> No.27396866

I have to laugh now thinking of all the [totally genuine and concerned] calls to immediately suspend and fire Mori for her complete carelessness, dangerous choices, and slander of another talent. How some were convinced she would be the instant the off-collabs ended and punishment was postponed only for the sake of the other girls. Some of those posts tried so hard to pretend they knew the workings of contracts and how management would be furious with Mori. Then it comes out that a manager visited the Myth meetup and partied with them.

>> No.27397141
File: 96 KB, 1024x576, 200B24C9-5BFC-4586-99A7-67946D357DC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27397286

That AZKi concert was great, I wonder if Mori would get a similar black styled idol outfit for when they all do SSS/Kirameki at end of a Hololive concert. Would fit her well

>> No.27397286

First the EN girls need to get any idol outfit. Splashes of color for them would be good. I really want Mori to get a white outfit in general.

>> No.27397385

>There was never any real threat of that happening
- 50 strangers swarm the house where funny shark girl is staying
- Airbnb gets doxxed within 24 hours
- Calli’s retard sister posting pictures on Instagram

>> No.27397445

You play a great retard on TV, I'm a big fan

>> No.27397454
File: 1.37 MB, 1000x667, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Gura Shark simply engages camouflage

>> No.27397649
Quoted by: >>27398214

We will see today's stream if she will say anything about it but I think she will just not say anything.
Well I do wonder that what would need to happen for Mori to get suspension if this one didn't count.

>> No.27397666
Quoted by: >>27397699

>50 strangers
You missed a 0, it was 500.

>> No.27397699

Holy shit 5000 strangers in one Airbnb?

>> No.27397814

“They were spilling out to the curb, yo!”
“Where’s Gura? I dunno. Sleeping maybe. Possibly getting gang raped in the kitchen. Who’s ready for some Will Smith rap in the closet deadbeats!”

>> No.27397824

It's true they made a conga line inside Gura's pussy
t. number 546

>> No.27397964

Someone's up early.

>> No.27398214

Speaking honestly, it was the closest thing Mori did to being worth punishing (other than Atlus begging stream, that could have gotten a suspension if management was strict.) Yet it still fell short. It wasn't her actions which caused any problem. It was her sister and then others we don't even know. Not related to anything on stream or done during activities.
A warning to think about that stuff more in the future sufficed. Especially when the girls left that location before any problems did arise. They didn't brush off the potential danger and stay there, or bring the others there.
I argued with enough of those threads to ask what suspension would have changed, and the common answer seemed to be just wanting to see Mori punished. That hurting the other four girls was fine as on long as Mori felt it too.

>> No.27398379

Gura is STILL finding scales and parts of crickets in her hair!

>> No.27398394

50000 people in one airbnb, that's the biggest live crowd she ever had and 10 times more than "Kiara fucking queue" KFP formed last year.

>> No.27398547

The most it probably did was have J-Chad have to kill the MamaMori collab for this trip, which would suck because it was her sister's fault, not MamaMori's

>> No.27398568

An airbnb of 500000 which tried to form a breakaway state, which had to be put down by the military.

>> No.27398681

I thought we're over this already? Let's just wait a few more hours for the member stream.

>> No.27398684

>Mori literally brought Gura over to crash for a bit in reaper sister's Outer Heaven

>> No.27398686
Quoted by: >>27398801

Can't believe 5000000 people in an airbnb fucked Gura

>> No.27398695

Have to call bullshit on 5 million though, maybe next year once Gura has this many subs. That's where I draw the line.

>> No.27398711

- Constantly messing up paid sponsorships
- Straight up insulting sponsored games
- Coming unprepared for collaborations with other members
- Sending viewer’s superchat money to Connor
- Using her roommate’s account to bitch about her current employer and viewers
- Constantly treating her viewers like shit
- Multiple yabs about drugs “Lean”, “tripping balls”, “shenanigans”
- Giving the house code of the Myth Airbnb to her sister
- Exposing Gura to severe privacy and security risks
- Got Airbnb doxxed

Any other member would already have their graduation announced on Cover’s Twitter page.
The only reason she never gets punished is because of how much they’ve invested in her “music”.
Imagine getting suspended/graduated while having a contract with Universal and being on Rolling Stone magazine.
Anybody else would be fired.

>> No.27398751

ogey retard lol

>> No.27398794
File: 79 KB, 201x251, 8E2EBFD9-99A6-444C-B3FD-DD25E7E9C623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.27398795

Here's a scenario that probably wouldn't be discussed :

Mori is afraid to piss off her sister because of the fact that her sister is a partygoer and is definitely active in social media.

Imagine if she got pissed off and spilled everything to lash out. This is something worth considering.

>> No.27398801

She got overcorrected

>> No.27398818

>Not using greentext
Go back discordfag.

>> No.27398822
Quoted by: >>27399985

Formal suspension at this point are pointless all they do is rile up the haters and make them feel entailed. Hololive would just have the talent take an break from the limelight and comeback in an couple of weeks.

>> No.27398828

The Fire Marshall had to lock down the premises once an army with numbers equivalent to the population of South Korea marched upon Anime Expo in search of Gura Merch

>> No.27398864
Quoted by: >>27398927


>> No.27398908

The fuck happened here? Just took my brunch and now this thread is shit again.

>> No.27398927

No wonder the world is in turmoil right now, fucking 5 billion moving to North America is bound to cause that.

>> No.27398928

Redditor of the SEA is back.

>> No.27398980
File: 174 KB, 495x545, 1632000591855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27399027

i started a big argument

>> No.27399014

People making fun of a retard trying to push his dead rrat

>> No.27399027

50 billion anons arguing right now

>> No.27399037
File: 447 KB, 400x665, Kronsterlol.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27399082

This needs Kronii/Mori edit.

>> No.27399068
File: 69 KB, 633x573, 1595393746063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27399140

>500 billion IPs
Who are you people

>> No.27399081

We're arguing if there's 50 billion bodies for Rushia to raise to visit Gura in that AirBNB or if the retard here is full of shit.

>> No.27399082
Quoted by: >>27400558

It needs a (me)/Mori edit

>> No.27399140

All me

>> No.27399426

I'm not used to seeing this board not littered with mori anti. I can't see a single thread talking about her aaaah!

>> No.27399665

Going by everything said by Mori, how she said it, it seems like that place was where everything was going to happen. They had to change venues due to everything. So they did lose some potential streaming time (and the planned private chef. I don't remember anyone mentioning that happening, but they made pancakes and stuff themselves.)
Along with losing any on-camera MamaMori appearances, but if they went to Watson's place then they gained meeting Auntie Watson. The content side of things was scuffed, but the few streams we did get were really nice and nothing diminishes the fact all five finally got to meet.

I don't think her sister would ever do that. That's not some siblings mischief, that's being a terrible person. Not going to happen to someone who still confronts Mori's old bullies when they try to suddenly act like they're proud of her.

>> No.27399788

Can't believe Gura had to fight off 5^20 drunken rapists to get to bed.

>> No.27399809

This is a good point. Would it had turned into much worse situation if Mori told her sister to fuck off? Her sister does seem to be a person who would lash out.

>> No.27399879

Well crashing your sister’s Airbnb, which is already someone else’s home, throwing a rager and lying about it, and then posting it all over social media is already pretty fucked up.

I wouldn’t trust that bitch with any information.

>> No.27399894

>Enjoying the Party
>Suddenly your sister gets pissed of during your Birthday party.

>> No.27399898
Quoted by: >>27399951

No it is not. You think sisreap would use hololive as blackmail?

>> No.27399951
Quoted by: >>27400273

depends on how drunk she is.

>> No.27399980

>Not going to happen to someone who still confronts Mori's old bullies when they try to suddenly act like they're proud of her.
Actions speak louder than words. What she did was shitty. If we're to go by what Mori has said, that same exact bully was still there and obviously not very respectful of Mori's wishes

>> No.27399985

That's what I thought too. It admits wrongdoing (antis get confirmation theyre right) and then it puts the girl into isolation for harassment. Just so they can have further breakdowns and then come back to tons of SCs. It's pointless. Unless they absolutely should not be streaming for some reason, suspension is pointless. Handle any issues behind scenes and away from fans and antis.
Keeping in mind a bunch of posters disregarded it all and said
>So? Mori deserves to be harassed.
It was that point where I realized why trying to be genuine and discuss the problems, and how to solve them, wasn't worth it. Once again, actual hatred of someone precludes any fair criticism Wirth evaluating.

>> No.27399986

>Not going to happen to someone who still confronts Mori's old bullies when they try to suddenly act like they're proud of her
Not really unheard of person acting nicely to gain someones trust to use it for their own personal gain like we saw what happened?

>> No.27400075

Sisreap just needs correction

>> No.27400088

If Mori saw you suggesting these things about her family, she would break YOUR nose!

>> No.27400110

holy dead rrat timeloop booo, i need new one

>> No.27400152
File: 339 KB, 762x974, 1647635437306.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, deadbeats. How you guys doin'?

>> No.27400171

vshojo soon

>> No.27400207

The faggot here will be very vigorously threadreading once member stream starts. Until then his imagination ran out.

>> No.27400226

She’d have to climb over the pile of empty beer cans first.

>> No.27400250

Here's one for the KFBeats. AssGate, they're even trying to nerf the sex appeal of EN and give it to JP

>> No.27400273

your morals don't go to the shitter when you're drunk, anon

>> No.27400326

managerS in fact!

>> No.27400391

>that flat ass
rip kfp

>> No.27400404

they both look like shit

>> No.27400433
Quoted by: >>27400901

I'm just waking and seeing someone is trying to start timeloops again.
I'm not going bother with it, I'll just wait for Moririn.
I'll try and give a tldr of what she says about the girls when the streams over.

>> No.27400506

Watching Delu-chan

>> No.27400528
Quoted by: >>27400901

Not to bad really wish this threadshitter would leave though.

>> No.27400558

on it

>> No.27400591

Chilling and watching Watame and Kiara, so just the usual Sunday

>> No.27400599
Quoted by: >>27400775

surprised I'm not the only one.

>> No.27400636
File: 4 KB, 182x230, 1652928818700.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27400901

I got second place in a poetry contest today. Been pretty good so far.

>> No.27400649
Quoted by: >>27400825

booty stank is such sinister alluring japs manlet into liking white Amazones, no complaint from me

>> No.27400712

Maybe Mori should realize that her sister isn't worth it.

>> No.27400715

>Through thick and thin, /morig/ has always promoted UNITY.
>Even though the board is burning due to the news about kson/mikeneko, it still chooses UNITY


>> No.27400775

Honestly my dude after what Kson pulled I think everyone's at least wondering what the other exhololive member is doing right now.

>> No.27400794
Quoted by: >>27400901

been thinking doing blender reps since got nothing to do

>> No.27400825
File: 607 KB, 509x880, 1640569231379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27400964


>> No.27400858

Actually it's just because she's streaming for me and I like her singing streams. Was watching Kobo's previously.

>> No.27400869

I just like listening to Delu sing

>> No.27400901
File: 285 KB, 320x320, Shake your tail feathers.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh shoot, didn't know she was live.
Just ignore.

>> No.27400964

Good lord!

>> No.27401143

Pretty good, been fiending Monster Hunter all weekend. How bout you?

>> No.27401337
File: 236 KB, 850x1178, __mori_calliope_and_death_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_mrstomachache__sample-94f3407ae6c3021574ee46b71d192b5f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/morig/ is a strange land...it loves (or at least politely tolerates) nearly all and only ever burns itself down over silly things. I think after the phase of ficklebeats, those who came here after are now hardened to know what's not worth engaging. The second wave of Deadbeats is fully trained and deployed.

>> No.27401539
File: 54 KB, 500x523, 1627344578578.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27401645

That's cringe, dude.

>> No.27401552

>Deadbeats form a third faction which forces peace by making themselves the villains.


>> No.27401573

Unity is always the winning move, because you know Mori is live and let live. Worst case she's indifferent, best case she's happy for a friend.
And anyone with object permanence knows these people exist outside of streams, and she can talk/interact with people whenever she wants.

>> No.27401645
File: 461 KB, 2480x2640, 1df05a388710622af7c3668a8b8f4a3c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, but we are free!

Those Code Geass soundposts during the Takamori meetup were good.

>> No.27401647

stop being chunni and stream, mori

>> No.27402021
File: 43 KB, 1280x720, Lacus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pink haired
>her haters think she's some master manipulator
>for UNITY


>> No.27402286

People are literally just going to be going for the magazine at this point

>> No.27402290

Do you mean to tell me Lacus is not a master manipulator and she just got really lucky to go from an idol to one of the most powerful people on the planet with one of the most efficient killing machines as her loyal husband?

>> No.27402291
File: 252 KB, 454x358, 1610581873658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27402406

I swear to fucking god, Seedfag...

>> No.27402395

Replaying Project Wingman just to get a more honest comparison with Ace Combat 7. Should be done before Moririn's stream later today.

>> No.27402406

SEEDchads run this shit just like we run /m/

>> No.27402456

Not at all surprised. I really hope they make new copies.

>> No.27402526

Has someone scanned and posted it anywhere yet? I’m really curious at this point. Also
>Risu sticker sold out
>but not Sora or Gura
Powerful squirrel.

>> No.27402674

They probably stocked less Risu if we're being completely honest (I love the treerat though)

>> No.27402783
File: 1.34 MB, 1088x1720, 6EbwM5s.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What, the magazine? I thought it's already been posted here

>> No.27402912

Well if it was I wasn’t around for it.

>> No.27402944
File: 139 KB, 302x349, 1612760342482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that translation
I've read middleschooler essays less robotic.

>> No.27402991
File: 1.23 MB, 1100x618, 1655115429338.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will never stop saying it: I am so proud of her.

>> No.27403029
Quoted by: >>27403055

No it hasn't been posted here yet. I've had a few tell me they would post anything interesting here but so far nothing till now.

>> No.27403055


>> No.27403077
Quoted by: >>27403585

I'm assuming Jenma/J-Chad already passed Mori a copy of the RS magazine considering they were apparently helping with the booth, right?

>> No.27403117

Based, thanks.

>> No.27403404

>That last question's answer
We heard this statement a lot after her birthday and thought it meant she would be doing UMG stuff...

>> No.27403585
Quoted by: >>27404841

I would assume so, but is there a confirmation they are actually at the booth instead of behind the scenes? I would assume there would be pictures of the both and them by now if they were.

>> No.27403844

Huh, RIP was a RM song at first.
She's also got a song that talks about her future on SN.
And sounds like she's done a lot to make NUO her own style, and now I'm hyped and realizing how close it is too.

>> No.27403886

Reads pretty robotic with the translating but still very cool!

>> No.27403952

Yeah, nooses at this point are more connected to suicides, which mori said she doesn't deal with, than executions.

>> No.27404068

Jenma, J-chad and another unknown manager were there because of AX. so 3 managers.

>> No.27404138

>giving 100% to being Mori Calliope
Mori I love you but c'mon now

>> No.27404179
Quoted by: >>27404221

I could see that tune and style of lyrics already being on her mind. I wonder if K's was already on board. With some thematic adjustments, the theme could still be about her being after souls.
It brings up one of those interesting points about who she works with, that we know she brought some personal connections to Hololive content. That's pretty sweet. Giving them more spotlight and also knowing she's getting good work out of them to give to us.

>> No.27404190

a mori promise if I ever heard one

>> No.27404192


>> No.27404221
Quoted by: >>27404298

so those rolls really were...

>> No.27404265

Last month was legitimately a 50/50 split in her total time off-stream. I don't see why she would ever say that

>> No.27404267
File: 201 KB, 1548x1066, 9391159e555bdf633d6457e5c65d956b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What?! She's not really the Grim Reaper's first apprentice? Next you'll tell me she's not even a shinigami, but some regular human...

>> No.27404298


>> No.27404364
Quoted by: >>27404499

Really making me think about the related AO meltdown now

>> No.27404375

They were throughout the song.

>> No.27404442

Pretty sure you're misreading a bit. Literally every single line has a Shinigami/lore reference, the song is entirely written as Mori. The track might have been something she had received from K's before applying, that's what I think she meant

>> No.27404476

Of course she's talking about being Calliope Mori. That's all the interview would focus on. It was very basic and sanitized. Do one with any other member and they will mention their lore.

>> No.27404486

Yeah unless the other side is being shelved at the end of the year, that's just a straight up lie

>> No.27404499


>> No.27404604

They are known as The "t. deadbeat"s

>> No.27404643

With the amount of merch and show spam she's doing, maybe it is? Put up a bunch of merch and shows to tide people over and then take a hiatus

>> No.27404713
Quoted by: >>27404861

if that's the case, then it's likely that the new song is part of an EP, and then hiatus announcement.

>> No.27404749

>Interview Date: May 17th
so she really said that and then fucked off for a week, huh

>> No.27404761
Quoted by: >>27404793

I swear you faggots must be redditors with how much le sekret knowledge posting you do.

>> No.27404793

It's in spoilers so it's cool

>> No.27404841

We don't know what they look like so it's not like we would know who to look for. Same reason people think Bae probally went to AX since she is one of the few not doxxed holos and she's free to go to events without worrying still unless she's paranoid about someone pointing her out since an asian with an australian accent in teh states would be pretty rare. .

>> No.27404847

I hope this is true at some point again, those Fall 2021 moments were the best Mori we ever got

>> No.27404861
Quoted by: >>27404929

I believe she did mention a new EP while working on some stuff with Teddyloid either on twitter or during a concert so I wouldn't be surprised if a new EP dropped then announcing an indefinite hiatus.

>> No.27404874

EP release at the start of the year was fine, some of her best work. I'm glad she did it.
All the shows and appearances just feels like a summer thing. Opportunities it's hard to fault her for doing. As Cover gets the 3D stuff up and running, it makes Mori concerts possible. Along with more Hololive stuff where Mori can embrace doing stuff with other members. It's all good.

>> No.27404921
Quoted by: >>27405104

I'll temper my expectations, but I'd like this to be the case

>> No.27404929

She also said in that comeback stream she would be back full time before the end of the year.

>> No.27404938

>Some of her best work
Doxxbeats are truly deluded

>> No.27405059
Quoted by: >>27405355

Boy that would be a kick in the nuts. We just have to hope that one was the lie and not the interview answer

>> No.27405082

THAT sounds like a Mori promise. Depending on how well the UMG album will do (which it'll do well no doubt) I can see her posting on that twitter about a break followed by a sudden surge of Mori stuff. I don't think it's what she wants but Mori's become way more than just a sidegig.

>> No.27405104

My expectations for the second half of the year are her being much chiller. Streaming, working on music, no big rushes. She's said what her favorite time of year is and that does have an impact on her attitude too. Maybe she can even get back to the states for holidays with the family. The denial of which last year led to even more stress.

>> No.27405129

>As Cover gets the 3D stuff up and running

Sorry but that is not for the filthy EN branch. Gen 7 needs their 3D debuts first.

>> No.27405188

That's a problem Cover needs to address. Treating the branches as equals. Otherwise they will go outside of the agency to find what they need for fulfillment.

>> No.27405245

If the girls did their 3D debuts, would they be able to do whatever they want with 3D in the States? Or do they need to be at Cover.

>> No.27405264
Quoted by: >>27405392

They'll be forced to include Mori in that stuff as people like Suisei, Watame, and Lui invite her onto their 3D stuff.

>> No.27405304

Mori HAS to at least be bisexual


>> No.27405355
Quoted by: >>27405548

Well, I'm just saying, but only Mori specifically has made mention of a break coming up so far.

>> No.27405366
File: 118 KB, 651x1200, FVzOpBIUsAYkwjA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with Calliope Mori and you can't stop me from loving her
no matter how much you sneed

>> No.27405370 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27405392
Quoted by: >>27405509

>All the fame, all the signings, all the fans, and all the songs
>And she still only gets brought along as somebody's gaijin pet

>> No.27405420

Lesbeat, ganbat

>> No.27405437 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27405487


post more fucker

>> No.27405490 [DELETED] 
File: 1.48 MB, 1736x2456, 1631919434767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27405544

>> No.27405497


stop being horny

>> No.27405509

The appearance at Suzy's concert was awesome and she was her only guest, that's a big honor for a 3D newbie. Would hardly call that "gaijin pet", Suzy was elated to have her there

>> No.27405544

not big enough

>> No.27405548

Yeah, of 2 weeks, not a hiatus
How would that even be possible? Even if she was in the states, she can't handle 2 full musical careers + streaming.
The only way I see it is if she alternates on which side makes music. No RM during UMG, no UMG/Holo during RM.

>> No.27405549 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27405552

That hand?

>> No.27405597

Me on the left.

>> No.27405637 [DELETED] 
File: 1.01 MB, 715x1000, 1639974971392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.27405649

The legendary horny post

>> No.27405663

So she's trying to go full Suzy mode, and we'll get the scraps of time she can manage for streams. That was a depressing read.

>> No.27405688 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27405696
File: 477 KB, 3750x3000, 7e1de6a009c7b846bd355fc81bc94063.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All Mori needs to NOT do to:
>Try to write so much music that she runs out of ideas
>Take on some project which eats up tons of time/energy
>Constantly travel across an ocean every few weeks
>Don't bottle concerns up until they reach a breaking point
Avoid these things and she will be much better off. You can do it, Mori! I believe!

>> No.27405737

She will never let go.

>> No.27405747

>Implying suzy isn't my JPoshi

>> No.27405755
Quoted by: >>27406454

Right...even though she's been working on music like mad the past few months and we've still gotten a lot of streams. With the time before the Myth meeting being some fantastic streams. Stop doomposting.

>> No.27405763

US Mori will be 90% rm stuff with an occasional stream from laptop. 2nd base is just a place to ship merch from, there won't be any real progress on a "green screen room" for a long time
JP Mori will be all Mori stuff with UMG work taking priority and pretty regular streams after she gets back from studio.

>> No.27405792 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27405868
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>> No.27405873

do you think she liked this on accident?

>> No.27405927

I choose to believe she didn't and thought no one would catch it

>> No.27405933 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27405988
Quoted by: >>27406127

>The only way I see it is if she alternates on which side makes music. No RM during UMG, no UMG/Holo during RM.
I can see her doing that. The past few months have only unfortunately timed because now she's able to go the States and she's just starting off in UMG at the same time. Things will calm down and she can figure out how to balance it better. Not to mention she constantly needs to be working anyway, it's her preferred method even if it hurts her occasionally.

>> No.27406027
Quoted by: >>27406103

which begs the question does she like her own lewds?

>> No.27406045 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27406097

Zoombie brought this to my attention

>> No.27406098

I remember busting a nut to this one. Good shit.

>> No.27406103
Quoted by: >>27406416

Well, we know she looks at them
Especially the more.. Wild ones

>> No.27406118 [DELETED] 
File: 480 KB, 2000x2000, 1645598138390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It will return.

>> No.27406127
Quoted by: >>27406217

>it's her preferred method even if it hurts her occasionally
It's a terrible idea if you think about it realistically. The long-term effects it will have on her health are cumulative, trying to juggle both even like that will put her in a Marine/Korone situation

>> No.27406142
Quoted by: >>27406273

She was feeling particularly horny but came to her senses after a good schlick session; post nut clarity or whatever the female version is called

>> No.27406162
Quoted by: >>27406193

Mori idol song with Sora soon™, the definitive transformation into idol and complimentary frilly dress.
t. God Himself revealed this to me

>> No.27406173

You had your chance Goomba.

>> No.27406193

Well god better fucking deliver or I'll kick his ass

>> No.27406200

She's being a teasing brat.

>> No.27406206 [DELETED] 
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>> No.27406217

Well then it's her responsibility if it comes to that.

>> No.27406273

I don't think women get sage mode

>> No.27406289

I choose to believe she knew people would see it and wanted everyone to know.

>> No.27406416
File: 7 KB, 282x76, buiortyngj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>27406471

heh "wild"

>> No.27406454

>even though she's been working on music like mad the past few months
And what has that gotten her? Lean arc, depressed about making the MV she loved making, crying on insta, fucked sleep, latest song being a flop.
I really hope she learns to better alternate music instead of doing both at once.

>> No.27406471
Quoted by: >>27406765

I honestly want more of it

>> No.27406600
Quoted by: >>27406630

some of these aren't mori related and are outdated as fuck. the major debut album is in 17 days and the success she has so far is critical and its only going to go up from here. stop doomposting

>> No.27406627
File: 51 KB, 569x482, 14C16373-A155-47E6-BE70-1C7CAD4C03AC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just did a hardcore listen to HS with my good headphones, I'm going to a contrarion and point out what I really liked about it. The melodic portions she does towards the middle and end are actually quite fantastic, the song could have been really really good with a more complex beat and the rap portions sharing more time with those melodic portions (also fix the shovel face)

>> No.27406630
File: 15 KB, 1271x206, 1644856566359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally this guy's gimmick

>> No.27406736

I want more VA-11 HALL-A. Knew nothing about that game prior to seeing her streams and I've been loving seeing how connected she gets to it.

>> No.27406742
File: 27 KB, 478x344, 66c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>85 IPs

>> No.27406765
Quoted by: >>27406872


>> No.27406824
Quoted by: >>27406915

finally read the Rolling Stones interview and it was pretty bog standard it's stuff I already knew and I guess for those who don't know it would be pretty good on getting caught up I suppose the only really new info in the meaning of Q

>> No.27406872

/d/ is two blocks down

>> No.27406877

I don't know which brand of copium you're on, you're gonna have to give me some of that. Now that she's had a taste of the D tier celeb life this summer, you really think she's going to slow down?
Unless she abandons the "1 song a month" thing and starts working in cycles, it's not going to work out living 2 lives full time.

>> No.27406915

I think she's already talked about the meaning of Q, except back then it was about the fans being corrupted by "EN Law" or something like that.

>> No.27406937

>favorite 3D MV

>> No.27406951

>my favorite 3D MV

>> No.27407026
Quoted by: >>27407131

>500k in a week when the others were at twice that or more

>> No.27407038

Well it does look good I think. Better than all the previous ones, like weird off brand RWBY UnAlive MV and Random Gas Station MV Mera Mera.

>> No.27407055
Quoted by: >>27407104

does this imply the other ones will have 2d MVs? They cheaped out with some 3d, but will top it off with a badass 2d animated MV?

>> No.27407089

but Unalive was SOVL

>> No.27407093


>> No.27407104

Probably a "favorite so far" thing.

>> No.27407131
Quoted by: >>27407343

What, you expect her to be like "Thanks for the 500k views my dudes, I know the previous stuff had more after the same amount of time, but it is what it is"?

>> No.27407134

Its all downhill for 3D MVs i guess.

>> No.27407187


>> No.27407199

Hey, at least the latter had personality.

>> No.27407244
File: 318 KB, 500x450, 1647582743135.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I unironically like the UnAlive MV even if it is rather wonky. I maybe an undiagnosed autist though.

>> No.27407270
Quoted by: >>27407422

I unironically wish Mori was more like Kronii when it comes to Hololive.
Kronii tries to aim for 4 4 hour streams, always takes fridays and weekends off.
Mori could aim for something similar, even if it's not that long, instead of trying to make sure the stars align so she can spend 12 hours on something.

>> No.27407316


>> No.27407331

Unalive MV is an attempt to make something cool with extremely shitty Cover tech. SN 3D MV in comparison feel like MV that would be recorded with real humans using her model instead and it makes them boring and weird.

>> No.27407343

She could just not mention it; only other time she mentioned 500k on a song was Graveyard Shift

>> No.27407369

UnAlive had the whole "Yes the quality isn't great but its just Mori trying to contract whoever she can find" but with Mera and HS its "This is the MV of a major recording label". Its basically going from Big Fish in a Small pond to Moderate size fish in the Pacific Ocean, the MVs are being framed by where Mori was at the time even if the gap in quality isn't that big.

>> No.27407368

It had a cute charm of trying to cram so much into one thing because she was excited.
My favorite 3D MV is Mera Mera. Holy Shitto isn't bad, it's fitting for the simpler kind of song it is. I really like the rap MV vibes with just a little flair thrown in, nothing else would have worked for that song.

>> No.27407386
Quoted by: >>27407420

lmao I remember how this thread reacted to Unalive. Don't try to rewrite history you fucks.

>> No.27407420

nigga I liked it I thought the fight scene looked a little jank but that was it

>> No.27407422
Quoted by: >>27407486

The problem is that she really enjoys streaming and having fun, but then there's also a million other things she wants to do also
There's not enough time in the day for everything she likes, and I understand that feeling completely

>> No.27407486
Quoted by: >>27407641

We need clones!

>> No.27407617

Will she address the tiktok yab during members stream? It's her fault and needs punishment from management.

>> No.27407641

God I wish I had another Me around. Female version, preferably.
