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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 425 KB, 627x641, 3b4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
26941313 No.26941313 [Reply] [Original]

This board sure loves to blow things out of proportion huh? Treating Gura like she's some kid that has no autonomy. You're all retarded

And some of you are psychopaths. Unironically take your meds

>> No.26941362

hi Jeremy

>> No.26941380
Quoted by: >>26952662

>cuckbud deflection thread
Your oshi was raped, perhaps in the ass.

>> No.26941395
Quoted by: >>26947173

We have a thread for this >>26940796

>> No.26941419

this is not the Jeremy impersonation thread Jeremy.

>> No.26941452

>Treating Gura like she's some kid
T u T

>> No.26941477

>adults can't be raped
why is Jeremy like this?

>> No.26941523

bringing your coworker whose identity is kept strictly private not only for brand reasons, but for safety reasons, to a "rager" unannounced is a shitty thing to do

>> No.26941531 [DELETED] 
File: 45 KB, 1500x1500, 1643459411932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This board sure loves to blow things out of proportion huh? Treating Gura like she's some kid that has no autonomy. You're all retarded

>And some of you are psychopaths. Unironically take your meds
nice leddit spacing

>> No.26941768
Quoted by: >>26942033

Okay gaslightbeat, let's pretend Gura had said "nah too much noise I'll sleep at a hotel".
So basically Mori invited Gura as a guest, then said "oh btw my sisters degenerate druggy fratboy troop is coming unannounced over to blast loud music" and Gura (her guest) would have been chasef out on the streets to spontaneously find a hotel room somewhere.
This is better how exactly?

>And some of you are psychopaths
Funny coming from the pathologically lying gaslight beat who is trying to justify sociopathic actions. Literal fucking children get taught by their parents to treat guests well and make them comfortable (read: Not "SURPRIIIISE BRO!!" them with a gaggle of drunken druggies and say "lol just leave of its too loud xD" after you invited them to stay)
Really fucking hard concept to grasp right?

>> No.26941819

You talk like a woman

>> No.26941884
Quoted by: >>26952763

>this board
it's literally one spamming schizo

>> No.26942033

You have no idea about this situation and what could have been discussed. You are an observer that doesn't know any of the parties involved so you're missing nuance completely.

>> No.26942165

Stellar argument, gaslightbeat.

>> No.26943023

>This board sure loves to blow things out of proportion huh?
Yes, retard. First time?

>> No.26943427
Quoted by: >>26943925

Friendly reminder that gura's roommate has gone through rehab so...

>> No.26943558

Take meth Jeremy

>> No.26943580

>T. Jeremy

>> No.26943925 [DELETED] 

When was this? I have never seen anything about this.... my discord is ProPlace#1863 if you want to talk about it there. There has never been proof of this.

>> No.26943958

You are a psychopath and you should kill yourself

>> No.26944446 [DELETED] 

She never went to rehab Anon he was telling a lie to get (you's)

>> No.26944530

Yeah she is an adult to understand what her body wants and goes for it

>> No.26945391

I mean for what it's worth gura is an actual adult child
but that's not the issue right now

>> No.26945583
Quoted by: >>26947702

If I was in Gura's position, I would either:
>engage with the party if they're not shitty drunks getting high (highly unlikely, it's California)
>retire to room and lock door (likely what Gura did)
>tell Mori I'm getting a hotel room so I can get some fucking sleep after travelling all day and we'll talk about this shit tomorrow

>> No.26945767
Quoted by: >>26946140

You worry like a woman.

>> No.26946140
Quoted by: >>26946511

you will never be a woman

>> No.26946511

based, this poster wins the slapfight

>> No.26946848 [DELETED] 
File: 960 KB, 611x1219, Barbie in the USA guy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura give tickets for her BF he is at the party with her so don't worry no Rape is going on she is spreading her legs this time because she wants too.
She is really brave breaking a NDA letting him know her job as a Vtuber and also having him come over to meat Ame and the other girls, how does she get away with it?

>> No.26946884

>one of your good friends has a history of drinking heavily
>let's put her in the worst possible situation with other degenerates lol

>> No.26947129

define "gaslight"

>> No.26947173
Quoted by: >>26955238

>this is untouched

>> No.26947211

fucking cuckbeat jannies nuking multiple threads lmao. also great argument, at least you accept the fact that mori is an awful person and it's up to gura to take up the slack of the wigger rapper

>> No.26947220
Quoted by: >>26953104

She's an adult legally speaking she CAN consent.

>> No.26947241

It's not about gura handling herself, retard. Mori deliberately damaged Gura's reputation in a way that doesn't allow her to easily disprove anything. This is such a dick move that I actually support /vt/ going guns blazing for the first time since forever.

>> No.26947373

JWU, the hell is happening? QRD?

>> No.26947474

>"there are people outside and on the curb chillin with them alcohols"
>"there was a rager going on, like full on edm like blasting out the windows"
>"I was like yo... we're gonna kicked out... it was bad"
>"[repeating friend's words]'anyways I'm tripping balls right now', and I'm like alright that's great"
>"I think she's fine right now, she's in a room close to me, away from where the speakers do be bumpin"
>"So I think she's fine, she's just like, 'nononono that's cool, I'm just gonna sleep', so she's sleepin"
>"but i dunno, she could be up to some other... shenanigans, who could say?"
>"I dunno I broke away so I could do this"

So Mori left her asleep alone at an out-of-control rager and has no idea what happened to her

>> No.26947493

>"but i dunno, she could be up to some other... shenanigans, who could say?"
Just Gura up to some shenanigans with the BBC druggiechads at the party bro lmao

>> No.26947504

I'd post a quick rundown, but apparently directly quoting Mori's stream is "off topic" now.

>> No.26947518
Quoted by: >>26952198

>"hey anon, let's play rank"
>"oh btw there's this other guy I invited "
>o-ok l-let's goooo...
can you relate now anon?

>> No.26947538


>> No.26947646

sorry we're not allowed to talk about Mori streams anymore, I don't want to get banned

>> No.26947702

>If I was in Gura's position
If i was in guras position I'd be getting mating pressed.

>> No.26947731
File: 157 KB, 850x1656, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_yaya_hiyayaka__sample-5df17412919a3c7f018f80a490860806.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine Gura in the party, chumbuds. She's alone in a corner, drinking something, staring at her feet. Then Calli approaches her
>Hey Gura, see that cute guy over there? He's into you...
>Uuuh... I don't know Calli, I think I'm fine
>Yo, my man, are you really gonna dump that cutie? C'mon this is the time that you should go wild my dude
>O-ok then
Then she starts talking with the guy and after some minutes they go upstairs and start having wild sex.

>> No.26947814
Quoted by: >>26947906

There's a reason why cuckbeats are the most isolated fanbase in Hololive.

>> No.26947858
Quoted by: >>26948079

People here literally think Gura is a cute loli not an adult woman who is older than half the people here

>> No.26947887
Quoted by: >>26948112

It's kind like that House Party game

>> No.26947906

I dunno if deadbeats are the cucks here considering anons like >>26947731 are having detailed cuck fantasies about gura right now

>> No.26947998

Retard. You don't bring her to a party without her knowledge. Anyone could snap a pick of her and post it online. They know it's Mori's friends. Even if they don't know who Gura is a current pic of her could be leaked.

>> No.26948049

Even after all this time, I still find it hard to believe she really talks like that

>> No.26948056

I just don't like drug addict whores

>> No.26948079

We heard you the first 2000 times jeremy

>> No.26948112
Quoted by: >>26954026

Imagina Gura screaming
And Calli listening from the other room smirking right before starting her stream.

>> No.26948162
File: 54 KB, 1080x343, IMG_20220627_165130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26948215


>> No.26948171

Bros dont you think we're overreacting? Callis still retarded but it makes the cuckbeats look better in comparison if we're shrieking about Gura doing heroin and getting gangbanged. 90% chance she just slept through the party

>> No.26948215 [DELETED] 

>>26948162 Yes she is and that is why she got tickets for him>>26946848

>> No.26948255

it's almost like rapeposts are cuckbeat deflections
also kill yourself reddit tourist

>> No.26948534

Gura is an adult, but leaving your female coworker unattended amongst intoxicated strangers is distasteful at minimum.
Implying that Gura was partaking in the debauchery (in a party with implied drug-use) was unnecessary and damages reputations through either stupidity or maliciousness, pick which you prefer.
Compromising the location Gura and others will be staying at for the next week to offcollab is a major fucking problem. The others are grey areas to some extent but this one needs to be addressed no matter how you try to look at it. There are now an unknown number of people who are one tweet or bribe away from blowing the lid open on a bunch of celebrity girls with real concerns regarding stalkers and schizos.

>> No.26948634
File: 164 KB, 850x688, __gawr_gura_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_mamerakkkkko__sample-4a01f9edea67434823762ec8cec166dd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tags: sole female, group, lolicon, anal, nakadashi, blowjob, rape, double penetration, mind break, big penis, stomach deformation, bukkake

>> No.26948654

I dunno what the fuck is going on but hey if it's a chance to knock Calli down a peg or two I'm in

>> No.26948742 [DELETED] 

Like this >>26946848

>> No.26948856

Mori set up a fuck house for her, her sister, gura, and enough people to be "spilling out to the curb"

>> No.26949058

I mean, she is like a kid, but not the one with no autonomy. It's the whiny type. So it ends up protecting her instead from yab types

>> No.26949064

Dont bother man, half of these people have never held a job nor have talked to people with out staring at the ground. Its even worse if they were legitimate online friends meeting inperson for the first time. Im trying to keep thinking of situations where this isnt major disrespect, or raw callousness, and its leading me nowhere.

>> No.26949220
Quoted by: >>26949355

Anon the moment anyone says "Gura's RM" it is a lie.

>> No.26949322
Quoted by: >>26949826

worrying about gura's safety is a bit much, but the big issue is that apparently the address and image of the house was posted by her sister on instagram? That's major yab level considering Mori apparently wants to use this for off collabs.

>> No.26949355 [DELETED] 

Is this a lie? >>26946848 Why would mori post this on twitter?

>> No.26949360
Quoted by: >>26950834

mori's sister just dox their party address on instagram lmao

>> No.26949374

the comments between her members and non-members are like night and day, Nothing interesting will come of this, unless some schizo decides now is the time to throw their life away and physically assault some e-celebs.

>> No.26949425
Quoted by: >>26949584

> unless some schizo decides now is the time to throw their life away and physically assault some e-celebs.

Do you really think that's not a possibility, especially with us knowing Gura is there for at least a week?

>> No.26949490

Surely no one among their 8 million combined subscribers is mentally ill. Surely.

>> No.26949584

It's not a matter of if, but when. Will it happen at this off-collab, or a future one? Who fucking cares. They'll be fine, and Karen will learn nothing from baiting schizos yet again.

>> No.26949826
Quoted by: >>26950559

I mean the implied drug use is pretty bad for a company who's main branch is in Japan.

Gura being an adult is one thing, but this whole bit is pretty bad for her reputation. I normally don't care about Calli's yabs but since it was her sister who made this problem she should have intervened or arranged it so it's distanced from their work.

>> No.26949834

Mori mindbroke seamonkies again....

>> No.26949921

Not this board, Holobronies. Holobronies blow things out of proportion. Everyone else is fine.

>> No.26949944

Stop it Jeremy that's enough, you're making me sick...

>> No.26949994

omfg i hope someone records tyrone pounding gura's juicy pussy i want to fap to it so bad

>> No.26950004

Imagine Gura in the party, chumbuds. She's alone in a corner, drinking something, staring at her feet. Then Calli approaches her
>Hey Gura, see that cute guy over there? He's into you...
>Uuuh... I don't know Calli, I think I'm fine
>Yo, my man, are you really gonna dump that cutie? C'mon this is the time that you should go wild my dude
>O-ok then
Then she starts talking with the guy and after some minutes they go upstairs and start having wild sex.

>> No.26950251

it's certainly a real possibility, more than people are willing to admit I think
my money is on gura anxiously locking herself in her bedroom though

>> No.26950387

Indeed. I've been taking a break from this place and I had no idea what even happened until I saw a single comment on reddit.

>> No.26950505
Quoted by: >>26950618

Found the address, flying out in 2 days. See you guys on the other side.

>> No.26950559
Quoted by: >>26951195

is it though? It really depends on if it gets brought up to her, because right now this seems to be a /here/ issue more than anything, I see no one directing accusations of drug use at Gura, just social anxiety stuff. If anything she's getting sympathy from it, though it obviously depends on how she responds, she's gonna need to bring it up in some way to keep the rrats from actually doing damage. Best way is to probably play it off as being mildly annoyed but able to laugh about it.

>> No.26950618

already driving there anon, but you can have sloppy seconds.

>> No.26950657
Quoted by: >>26950794

Do you think America solved the rape problem, dumbass? It still happens at literally every party. Even if Gura wasn't raped, someone would have been, that's just how parties in California are. Getting raped is about as likely as getting in a car accident there, and its even worse during a party with people who you don't know.

Frankly, even Calli might have been raped, it's no laughing matter. You don't attend a party like that as a women without friends, preferably a boyfriend, to bodyguard you.

>> No.26950794

amusing satire

>> No.26950834

link please

>> No.26950847

>Treating Gura like she's some kid that has no autonomy.
We're treating her like an adult who's asleep at a party with strangers. Have you never been at a party with a female friend before?

>> No.26950849

Possibilities are falseflags by shitposters, or actual cucks inserting into any situation they can regardless of the chuuba.

>> No.26950922
Quoted by: >>26951176

Is there some reason Mori couldn't just go down to Ame's house like everyone else

>> No.26951176

Thank fuck she didn't.

>> No.26951195

I guess it depends on what comes from it. But in the past Japanese companies typically unperson someone for drug use. I guess it'll depend on the schizoid, but if it gets posted from someone at that party of Gura doing drugs, that is one of the highest level yabs you can do.

Hopefully she's smart enough to never trust Calli again. Normally I ignore Calli antis, but it someone becomes an anti from this I understand. Letting the party happen is one thing, being stupid enough to talk about it on stream or even streaming at all instead of getting a handle on it is the stupidest thing Calli could have done.

>> No.26951224

No, if you're asking.

>> No.26951277

let's recap what Mori mentioned again
>party people are spilling out and drinking on the curb
>blasting EDM so loud Mori is worried they will be kicked out
>still loud enough during Mori's stream for her to worry about it
>at least one person high on illicit substances
>Mori regrets giving her sister the code to the property
>likely that Gura doesn't know anyone there other than Mori
I dunno man, I think it's justified to have at least a little bit of concern for the poor girl given how awkward she portrays herself as being
>inb4 ShE's An ADuLt
anxiety's a bitch no matter how old you are

>> No.26951329

sure, if cali didn't imply she was getting fucked

>> No.26951453
Quoted by: >>26951864

Anxiety or not she's a small unescorted female in a peak rape scenario

>> No.26951529
Quoted by: >>26953829

well yes, if there's actually evidence she did drugs, even marijuana, then Gura would be terminated as it violates NDA and it would do massive damage to Cover's reputation in Japan if they didn't. So would Calliope. Gura is big but she isn't worth that, the whole HoloEN branch isn't worth that. As long as there is no evidence that they themselves are doing drugs its ok though.

>> No.26951535

The address is public now so hopefully Gura's batman will show up to save her from rape

>> No.26951645

Mori is an inconsiderate whore, news at 11. She must have dick picks of YAGOO or something to keep getting away with shit

>> No.26951735

This is the first time she did something actually dangerous and that's enough for me. Fuck Mori.

>> No.26951751
Quoted by: >>26951859

>being stupid enough to talk about it on stream or even streaming at all instead of getting a handle on it is the stupidest thing Calli could have done.
she was trying to nuke gura's career

>> No.26951792
File: 878 KB, 1444x549, gura batman.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.26951832

What are the odds of Hololive actually doing something about this? She willingly put one of their employees in danger of sexual assault

>> No.26951859

Maybe subconsciously. She's not smart enough to plan something like that, she's just a low IQ selfish cunt.

>> No.26951864
Quoted by: >>26951957

Again I'm not a deadbeat but people get raped at giant parties with like 50 people not a group small enough to bring to an airbnb

>> No.26951931

Cover is completely unpredictable. They'll just as readily fire them both, or do absolutely nothing.

>> No.26951957

>group small enough to bring to an airbnb
>people partying outside on the curb
which one is it

>> No.26951964
Quoted by: >>26952054

Ditching someone at a party where they don't know anyone just because they said they're 'okay' is pretty shitty.

>> No.26951978

I'm doing my part. I submitted a slander/defamation report.

>> No.26951993

that's entirely up to you anon, if they can sweep it under the rug on move on they will

>> No.26951995

You must be new here

>> No.26952054

and then going on stream and implying her idol coworker was getting fucked by a stranger lmao, cali is one of the dirtiest players in the game

>> No.26952063

yeah mori would do that

>> No.26952171
Quoted by: >>26952295

The last party I went to, with 4 female friends from school, and they all got laid

>> No.26952198
Quoted by: >>26952514

>getting invited anywhere
You tell me nigga

>> No.26952295
Quoted by: >>26952396

did you?

>> No.26952341

Mori does not give a shit about getting doxxed, but Gura has spent more than 10 fucking years hiding her IRL identity, and it's just a tad infuriating that her "friendship" is really worth absolutely fuck all to Mori.

>> No.26952346

I reported that the real location has been leaked + the location to show its more than BS, and a short timeline of events, even if they ignore the snide comment she made about Gura, they should be forced to act on the doxing

>> No.26952396

Not during that party, didn't feel like doing 2M1F

>> No.26952444
File: 16 KB, 460x423, 1655213036429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the friends you have say all about you

>> No.26952514

ok, imagine your family gathering, to much alcohol and you know your cousin will flirt with your little sister the moment you leave, but you really need to go to the bathroom, is that more relatable?

>> No.26952533 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 
File: 1.50 MB, 816x1444, 1656327640144.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This trippin' chad is literally getting up to shenanigans with Gura right now!

>> No.26952595
File: 136 KB, 1278x998, mori comments.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait what do you mean? Most of her members are the ones piling on the criticisms.
True deadbeats have always held Calli to a high standard, and are never shy about shitting on her when she flies off the handle.
She got criticism from her own fans (on the fucking Youtube comments) about -
> Her difference in preparedness for Gura's collab vs Gigguks.
> Her Guilty Gear "collab" with Ina.
> Her cuckbeat reply + the Lean thing (though this was restricted to twitter and reddit).
> And now this.
The retards defending her against every little thing are the greyname deadbeats who are the worst part of the fanbase.

>> No.26952598
Quoted by: >>26952678

I don't have friends

>> No.26952662

> perhaps
Most assuredly

>> No.26952666
Quoted by: >>26952792

dude, ame has to ask her if she can reveal the fucking socks. Or she corrected kiara slipped that she had ponytail instead of twintails. This is a woman who wants to protect her privacy irl the most. And mori ruined it.

>> No.26952678

that also speaks volumes

>> No.26952713

>But in the past Japanese companies typically unperson someone for drug use
lmao you think this applies to EN

they will fuck their bfs on stream, you will watch, and cover will pay them a bonus for boosting engagement

>> No.26952763

one shizo, you, and 10 openai bots
ask yourself this, who is the real madman for still being here?

>> No.26952790

If some schizo actually shows up they'll probably have to at least release a fucking statement this time.

>> No.26952792

Cool now she can finally come out of her shell and stop being a pussy. Hiding your real identity is dumb. They should all just reveal their faces and stop being vtubers so Mori can have a serious music career

>> No.26952839

Amazing Jeremypost, almost thought you were the real thing.

>> No.26952843

>come out of her shell
fuck off groomer

>> No.26952855

I know you're not serious and flaseflagging hard but it's unnecessary

>> No.26952908

and you wonder why people shit on doxxcucks like you

>> No.26952925
Quoted by: >>26953174

Gura is no more.
She OD'd on coke laced with fentanyl. Wait for the news.

>> No.26952926

that sign on her forward should say 'cum' now

>> No.26952940

Letting a family member walk all over you says more.

>> No.26952981
Quoted by: >>26953210

the issue is her sister is the one who did it, not her. I don't see anything coming of it if nothing happened and the address hasn't actually been leaked. If it is leaked, I think an official few weeks suspension of all activity as Calliope Mori is at least expected due to the sensitive nature of the property that includes the safety of the other talents and all the talents being put through the ringer with anti dox training once again and new guidelines about family.

>> No.26952996

Tell me if someone spot the anon rape gang massing to assault the house

>> No.26953023

The way she talks about it sounds like a middle schooler retelling of a high school party, so lame that it almost sounds like it didn't happen in the first place

>> No.26953031

Unironically kill yourself.

>> No.26953038 [DELETED] 

>The laugh
They sound like nice people. Not intimidating at all.


>> No.26953096

Does anyone hate hololive more than hololive viewers?
I don’t watch their content because I tried & couldn’t get into it but I’ve only seen like 3 of the en stars that are rarely shit on. But people really seem to hate mori & the orange haired one.

>> No.26953104

Rape apologist

>> No.26953105

god I hate normalfags so much

>> No.26953142


>> No.26953164

>Does anyone hate hololive more than hololive viewers?
Yeah. Mori

>> No.26953172

I used to watch hololive but I dropped because of mori

>> No.26953174

This is more believable than her getting railed by a bunch of basketball people. RIP goombus.

>> No.26953177
Quoted by: >>26953353

if anyone pumps and dumps (in a dumpster) gura, it's this guy.

>> No.26953179

he is making gura lick his bellybutton tatoo while he lits his cigarette just after he finished the last one

>> No.26953210

> Calliope
> suspension
lol, that isn't happening
Remember when she made the condom money situation worse?

>> No.26953223

What if Gura isn't raped, but Calli is. Do you think she'll admit it happened?

>> No.26953266

People only hate Kiara because she's a woman with thoughts and feelings. People have legitimate reasons to hate Mori and the reasons keep coming.

>> No.26953300

that's got fucking nothing on bringing fellow talents to a party with drug use and endangering their privacy and safety

>> No.26953313

he looks like he fucks shark cunnies

>> No.26953325

It's not rape if you want it.

>> No.26953333

you can't rape the willing

>> No.26953337

Clearly Cali does not understand consent anyways so im not sure you can rape

>> No.26953347
Quoted by: >>26953387

> People only hate Kiara because she's a woman with thoughts and feelings
people who hate kiara do so because of her roommate

>> No.26953353

Pump and worship as a stumpy goddess

>> No.26953354

Nah man, being an adult gives you superpowers, so you can fend for yourself in ANY situation. Fuck this stupid fucking argument already FFS. I am an adult and barely functioning, most adults are, they just LARP like everybody else.

>> No.26953359
Quoted by: >>26953451

No, i hate Kiara because she's a legitimate whore, just like /b/omu.

>> No.26953365

deserved so I wouldn't care

>> No.26953387
Quoted by: >>26953467

So a woman with thoughts and feelings?

>> No.26953389

the condom thing didn't involve the safety of other talents, situations involving actual drug use, or the doxxing of a location for Hololive activities of other talents to be carried out. This is actually a whole nother level if the place was in fact doxxed. In JP i'd say it also requires a written or public apology to the fans, but probably wont be the same thing in EN.

>> No.26953436

and Mori feels like shit because of the situation, she almost says she quits/you can dump me at the end of the stream

>> No.26953451
Quoted by: >>26959933

I said legitimate reason anon, not your angry projection that you can't get pussy.

>> No.26953456

Very well put anon.

>> No.26953467
Quoted by: >>26953519

no, a whore

>> No.26953501

her feeling like shit because of the situation didn't seem to motivate her to actually do fucking anything about it

>> No.26953507
Quoted by: >>26953613

Why didn't she do something about it then? End the party, kick everyone out. If they won't leave then call the police.

>> No.26953512

I'm pretty sure J-Chad is just her previous manager. He'll never do anything against her.

>> No.26953513

She should actually quit.

>> No.26953519

now now, anon, just because she had her tits out for some pictures doesn't mean she's a whore

>> No.26953526


Don’t know much of the controversies desu, all I know about Mori is shit makes music & imo it’s pretty shit. What I get from this situation is that she gave out to much information on where they were visiting and Gura’s pretty paranoid with that type of stuff,no?

>> No.26953542

I think you are all insanely naive. As if these girls aren't going to parties, having boyfriends, getting married. Give me a fucking break. They all do it, all of them. If you think this isn't happening, you're deluded.

>> No.26953559

Wait, she fuckin doxxed the off collab location?

>> No.26953606

just because it happens doesn't mean it can be excused or being labeled as good
try again jeremy

>> No.26953608

You have never been to a party. Even adult, married women can get raped

>> No.26953613

Because it was her party, why would she. That's why Gura left the other girls to hang out with her, so she could attend the party

>> No.26953623

OP sure loves to believe and take everything seriously here

>> No.26953654

>everyone is a degenerate retard because im a degenerate retard

>> No.26953685

Gura got gangbanged by Tyrone and Dayquan. They got Gura cunny cream on their dick. I'm jealous

>> No.26953684
Quoted by: >>26953755

she got her lean on again

>> No.26953696

She could have kicked her sister out. Not only is she not paying for the bnb, most prohibit parties like this.

>> No.26953706

You all wanted senzawa back didn't you? Well here you go she fits right in with the trashy thots of the neighbourhood

>> No.26953712

I'm not american but I refuse to believe going to parties, getting wasted, using drugs and having sex with strangers is a normal thing to do in america. I know you guys are extremely degenerated perverts but that's too much. Orgies aren't considered normal anywhere in the world.

>> No.26953722
Quoted by: >>26954017

>Gura inexplicably leaves Ame and Kiara to hang out with Mori
>coincidentally Mori is involved in a huge EDM party
Are we supposed to pretend Gura didn't go with Mori to attend the party? That's why they were meeting up you dunces. Otherwise there's no reason for Gura to go meet Mori in the first place.

>> No.26953755

Not really. Mori's sister posted a clip on Instagram showing her boyfriend and her friends in the backyard. You couldn't see the address or anything

>> No.26953770
Quoted by: >>26953849

Not openly, but Calli's sister and whoever the fuck her sister invited had to know where the place was and how to get in to have a party there, right? Unclear how many but in Calli's words a rager big enough to have people spilling out into the street. It's a situation just waiting to happen.

>> No.26953784
Quoted by: >>26953861

You are the naive one, the big deal is not the ''what if Gura gets laid/raped'' its the breach of trust and throwing Gura under the buss that Mori did

>> No.26953786

>yoooo....we could get kicked out..

>> No.26953790

If you're young and have more money than you need, it's what you do

>> No.26953803
Quoted by: >>26954936

If stalkers can find the location of an idol based off the reflection from her eyes then I'm pretty sure that's enough

>> No.26953812
File: 537 KB, 746x1054, 1652773427389.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so those useless junkies are her friends ?
eh as expected of mori

>> No.26953820
Quoted by: >>26953881

Who the fuck is Jeremy

>> No.26953825
Quoted by: >>26954070


>> No.26953829
Quoted by: >>26954290

Thats not what an NDA entails Retardchama.
An NDA only concerns about confidental data of any sorts that you come across during work, that entails private data of colleagues.
This goes more in the direction that you can be laid of if you do illegal things and obviously in this case would cause reputation damage to Cover.

>> No.26953849

Best they could do is just move the off collab location. Get an Airbnb or something.

>> No.26953852

It is. Burgers don't have much in the way of entertainment which is why crime is on the rise and they ask their doctors to over prescribe them pain meds to get high off.

If you're a burger and not a druggie, it's pretty rare, especially if you live in a place without much to do.

>> No.26953861

Gura met with Mori to attend this party together. When Mori mentions it, that's suddenly a "breach of trust"?

You mean, because she didn't help Gura lie to her audience? lol

>> No.26953864

that was normal in high school, let alone college and later...

>> No.26953871
Quoted by: >>26954040

i'm sure a schyzo can easily find the place by the architecture of the house in the background, or just looking up matching airbnbs. Just look at what some people do in geoguesser

>> No.26953881

The hero we needed but not the one we deserved.

>> No.26953892

>Get an Airbnb
I honestly can't tell if you're being serious or joking.

>> No.26953893

I hope they fucking trashed the place and the owner sues her for ludicrous damages.

>> No.26953914
File: 149 KB, 236x260, 1653084385415.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you guys are genuinely insane

>> No.26953918

They'd have to rent under someone else since the rager is something Airbnb will blacklist you for.

>> No.26953937
Quoted by: >>26954031

nice rrat, take some meds

>> No.26953943

im disappointed in the lack of eceleb drama. Nothing happens most of the time. The only time drama happened was for political reasons like showing taiwan analytics or fans angry about rushia gfe. I was hoping that rape asmr from nijisanji would exert some reaction, but seems nobody cares. You need a strong representation of crazy fans with big numbers to make anything happen. Otherwise mainstream fans will always cover everything up just by having their attention elsewhere. Places like imageboards are too niche to make anyone care because there are 100 fans who will defend their hobby versus 1 person who disagrees no matter how bad the situation is. Normies only care about sjw stuff so they will react if someone condemns gays trannies blacks or minorities but if its about streamers being whores or some disgusting stuff that's socially acceptable almost nobody cares. Well, it's all about the money, so if whales keep it flowing in corporations don't have to react.

>> No.26953944

They never showed the address, retarded threadreader

>> No.26953965
File: 172 KB, 320x310, 1648103317373.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That is more than enough to find the address.
t. sleuthing autist

>> No.26953968
Quoted by: >>26954104

Retard, we know from Mori's OWN WORDS. That Gura didn't know about the fucking party. Kill yourself.

>> No.26953971

>people excusing mori being a druggie
never change /vt/

>> No.26954011
Quoted by: >>26954178

it's not 1940s anymore grandpa

>> No.26954017
Quoted by: >>26954104

>mori supposedly hosting the place for their off collab
>doesn't know her sister is already throwing a fucking rave
Are you assuming Gura fully knew what she was getting into here? What's more realistic is she expected mori to be alone and wanted to greet her or didn't want to make her feel left out

>> No.26954022
Quoted by: >>26954412

Cuckbeats aren't people.

>> No.26954026
File: 2.40 MB, 478x379, 1656221988818.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's been so long
Stop projecting your enjoyment of Five Nights At Freddy's fansongs onto Gura just because she drops hints of having enjoyed the renaissance era of western cartoons. Or you WILL be put in the Jar. This is not a threat, it's an assurance.

>> No.26954031

Ok so according to you, Gura leaves the off-collab to hang out with Mori. And it's just a compete coincidence that there happens to be a huge party at Mori's place? Are you trying to imply that Gura didn't leave the others to attend this party? It seems pretty obvious.

>> No.26954040

A schizo already did that, the link to the airbnb is in the archives.

>> No.26954049

Even worse
>people excusing Mori's literal whore sister showing up with druggies

>> No.26954058
File: 55 KB, 360x360, 1648802728293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26954248

>anons being so naive thinking a photo of some buildings is undoxxable

>> No.26954070


>> No.26954084

I used to hate kiara for reasons i wrongly pinned on her, but realized it was actually mostly mori, and kiara is just a massive sperg that is terrible at covering for her

>> No.26954104

I forgot, you're super naive and believe everything she says.
I'm not even convinced Mori's sister exists. I think it was Mori herself throwing a party. But even if Mori's sister existed, I think they chose to attend this party together. That's why Gura made the bizarre choice to leave the collab early to meet Mori, something that doesn't seem to make sense otherwise.

>> No.26954111

Is there any background houses shown? Light pole or utility pole.
Were there stars shown in the sky? These are typical hints for doxx

>> No.26954114
Quoted by: >>26954205

Someone already found the bnb, dingus. Go check the archive.

>> No.26954120

I really really hope when chumbuds wake up that they rake Mori over the coals for this.

>> No.26954136

Yeah, only showed what the building looks like. Every discord schizo probably already knows which airBNB it is and booked airplane tickets.

>> No.26954137
Quoted by: >>26954208

Parties? Yes those are normals.

Outright complete destruction of property, everyone coked out with massive amount of people and nonstop orgies like you see in the movies? Rare, they do happen though but it's not as common.

Been to a few parties, even some where people were using drugs. Even the most craziest with over 100 people in one small house and several of them were drug users they didn't break anything intentionally, none even tried to go into my other my sister room (both of us were like 10 at the time with my 19 yr brother being the host) and just stayed on the ground floor.

>> No.26954171

I can't tell if these posts are real or not anymore, cuckbeats are fully capable of posting this.

>> No.26954178

kill yourself twitter tranny

>> No.26954202

I can see it now every time mori tries to do an off collab her sister will throw another rager and blame her audience for not allowing her to have fun.

>> No.26954205

Are you talking about the link they gave and someone else mentioned it said the place wasn't occupied?

>> No.26954208

Mori is a drug user with too much money at her disposal. This is the kind of thing she does.

>> No.26954213
File: 3.28 MB, 498x280, 1640022455574.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not even convinced Mori's sister exists
>literally uploaded a video of the party

>> No.26954230
File: 552 KB, 780x1060, 1605670660088.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Been playing games and shit all night
>About to go to bed
>Wanna talk about my cute oshi on /vt/ for a bit
>"hey guys isn't my oshi cu-"
>Entire catalog is full of Mori being a retarded wigger
>The entire board is on fire
>Cuckbeats are rubbing their dicks raw in every feasible thread as they shit post about their degen cuck fantasies
>Its been like this since debut
Man I sure heckin love that fucking reaper guys let me tell ya

>> No.26954239

ogey >>26949318

>> No.26954244
Quoted by: >>26954452

>a cuckbeat deflected
whoa, no way

>> No.26954248

Worse, an airBNB.

>> No.26954275

Her friend posted a clip with a wider shot showing more. All it takes is one schizo with some free time to scour Airbnb listings and find their place.
Everyone is freaking out about the party when the real problem is the lapses in opsec.

>> No.26954290
Quoted by: >>26958650

I use NDA like I use fujo, dont sweat the small stuff tranny-chama.

>> No.26954301

>Wanna talk about my cute oshi on /vt/ for a bit
Go to Reddit if you want a "le comfy" circlejerk.

>> No.26954312
Quoted by: >>26954343

Not orgies but people def drink, do drugs, and hook up. I've been to and hosted some pretty big ragers, it's not a total den of debauchery it's basically about the same level as a nightclub or bar.

>> No.26954317

so first you claim its naive to believe that Mori would lie for Gura, then you claim its naĂŻve to take anything Mori says as fact, in the end you have nothing left but the fiction inside your tiny head.
You cannot have it both ways cuckbeat

>> No.26954320

I wonder how Natalie feels about a bunch of druggies having a party at her place

>> No.26954343

>not a total den of debauchery it's basically about the same level as a nightclub or bar
what's the difference?
also kill yourself normalfag

>> No.26954358

Jesus Christ why are deadbeats like this

>> No.26954376

How raging did the party look?

>> No.26954379

rapesquad ASSEMBLE

>> No.26954393
Quoted by: >>26954476

Commit suicide if you want drama, faggot

>> No.26954412

And they never will be.

>> No.26954437
File: 844 KB, 1872x930, ayyyyylmao.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>exact location given after prenotation

>> No.26954452
Quoted by: >>26954640


Trying to deflect from being called out on your shitty "proof" I see?

You would of been better off just saying "do your reps" instead of letting everyone see how much of a retard you really are.

>> No.26954476

I'm indifferent to it. My point is that you're a fucking idiot for coming here to talk about your uguu oshi kakoii. You even admitted this has been happening for months.

>> No.26954494
Quoted by: >>26954640

Why didn't Mori guard Gura's body? This is basic etiquette among regular party goers, it's just common sense you don't leave your friends alone in these risky situations

>> No.26954501
File: 216 KB, 476x531, 1608894888945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>wants to talk about my oshi with other fellow anons
>is annoyed when the obese wigger shits up the entire board and makes that impossible
>is understandably annoyed
>"G-go to reddit f-f-faggot! You can only p-post crusty decrepted rrats and c-c-c-cuck post here!"
End it anon. Do your parents the favor.

>> No.26954570
File: 3.79 MB, 540x304, 1644836087674.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26954781

>button to contact the owner at the bottom
I sure hope no one does that...

>> No.26954621

>"Its been like this since debut"
>...but maybe today will be different!
>oh no it isn't oh no I am sad about the status of the board

>> No.26954640
Quoted by: >>26955237

>cuckbeat reddit spacing
go back

Mori doesn't actually care about Gura, as clearly evidenced last night

>> No.26954642

>Everyone is freaking out about the party when the real problem is the lapses in opsec.
it's almost like cuckbeats are falseflagging to draw the attention away from the real problem. No one is going to take it seriously if the drama is "nooo she's getting raped right now!!!!!"

>> No.26954722

Oh it must have been a sweet house then. Too bad they're gonna have to change locations

>> No.26954732

and it was a literal lie, you can check the link yourself

>> No.26954746

> it takes is one schizo with some free time to scour Airbnb listings
too late

>> No.26954763

The problem is incredibly naive people who continue to insist the girls are pure innocent virgins who don't attend parties or have sex, despite the ridiculousness of that assertion.

>> No.26954781

I already did like an hour ago or something. I hope more people do.

>> No.26954793
File: 315 KB, 1144x615, 1638833190595.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its been like this since debut
If it's the norm, why are you acting like the board got worse?

>> No.26954809

>he keeps doing it
fuck off cuckbeat

>> No.26954820

Yeah seriously Gura could have excused herself from the party fairly easily. But the location they're staying it is known. They're gonna have to switch places now.

>> No.26954825

oh wow unironically driving distance. Too bad its not on my regular commute, but a friend of mine lives much closer to there.

>> No.26954827

quit excusing this degenerate behavior faggot

>> No.26954853


>> No.26954866
Quoted by: >>26955091

current schizo rrat

>> No.26954871

Jeremy, you've been at this for fucking hours. Go to sleep.

>> No.26954875

this dude looks like hes 35, i thought you fags said this was a college party

>> No.26954879

it's their job to larp that they are not whores

>> No.26954936

this is /vt/ anon, we are autistic, but we don't really care that much to start matching that single IGpost to a bunch of airbnb in california

>> No.26954953
Quoted by: >>26955167

she's such a shitty person its insane lmao. how is she still employed by cover, she's the most irresponsible dumbass and never stops, never learns, she's completely and utterly unlikable because she has no brain, no self control, no professionalism.
dragging your coworkers down to your level will not make your behaviour more accepted or you more liked and less judged mori you retard, it'll do the opposite

>> No.26954956
File: 363 KB, 1440x960, 1639747353169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26955080

Why would you need to do that?
It's right there, visible on the map with its distinct pool.

Now whether it's the actual building or not, who knows. Looks different, an attempt at deception.

>> No.26955014
Quoted by: >>26955172

unironically how naive are you?
/pol/ found the location of a syrian rebel camp and he will not divide us flags by looking at the fucking clouds

>> No.26955063

They're all older than college age. Dude does look old though lol. Also if that's a "rager" then everything is fine lol

>> No.26955080

this is clearly not the house in the video, I don't think the video is even real. Some autists probably just posted it in threads to fuck with people and it worked.

>> No.26955091

based underage take as expected from a deadbeat

>> No.26955131

Deadbeats need to be put into camps for orderly disposal.

>> No.26955167

Isn't she literally in the top 2 subscribed hololive girls out of like 30

>> No.26955172

>comparing pol to vt

>> No.26955184

yes it's not real anon, now take your anxiety meds and go to bed

>> No.26955208

Video real, Airbnb link is not.

>> No.26955237

>Y-you pressed enter like a normal person who writes,reddit spacing!Deflect!

Are you retarded? Do people not type in forums or anyone where anymore?

I swear /vt/ has become dumber than usual.

>> No.26955238

Gotta keep the narrative for the holo interns.

>> No.26955275

It's how her fanbase sees her.

>> No.26955281
Quoted by: >>26955493

go back tranny

>> No.26955284
Quoted by: >>26955493





>> No.26955328
File: 319 KB, 1357x2261, 1605630516764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ina is a hikki shut in korean who never leaves her house, doesn't excercise, and lives with her parents
>Gura is a socially retarded possibly actually autistic shut in who would rather live off one burger from McDonalds for 3 days instead of going out in public again
>Ame is a socially retarded shut-in who never leaves her home and would rather eat off shitty paper plates cause she can't be asked to cook
>Mori is a socially autistic retard who flew to Japan to idk be a fucking japanese rapper for some reason
>Kiara is the only socially functioning member of Myth
Yeah man, It sure is naive to assume all these massive outcast weirdos of society aren't going to parties and taking dick regularly. You sure showed me cuckbeat! I bet Gura is taking 12-inch bbc right now while snoritng coke!

>> No.26955329
Quoted by: >>26955493

Go back.

>> No.26955352
Quoted by: >>26955579

guys dont tell anyone but here is a leaked video from inside the venue
.t kiara

>> No.26955371

if you look up the airbnb of that house the host only rents out a detached 2 bed studio and she lives in the house so unless moris degenerate friends dragged her into the drug orgy (she looks about 50, so only a few years older than that guy) its not happening there

>> No.26955418

anywhere else anymore*

>> No.26955420

I like when suggesting leaving a friend with anxiety alone in a dark room asleep at a party is shitty and bad things could happen cuckbeats respond by saying "YEAH WELL GURA IS PROBABLY A WHORE TOO" and then they'll accuse anyone concerned of being sociopaths?

>> No.26955461
Quoted by: >>26955514

I hate western women so much it's unreal

>> No.26955493


Cry more you little bitches.

If I knew this is what some of you anons fear I would talk more like this.

Does this scare you anons?

>> No.26955496
Quoted by: >>26956026

A staggering number of people on this board have never so much as had a conversation with an actual woman before.

I have never been more convinced of this than today.

>> No.26955514

Then stop fucking watching them.

>> No.26955545

>lives with her parents
>autistic shut in
no she's not
>Ame is a socially retarded shut-in
I'm sure Ame has never spoken to a boy in her life. Right
>Mori is a socially autistic retard
She's a retard, who does drugs and attends raves while talking like a black person
>Kiara is the only socially functioning member
she's mentally insane

>> No.26955548

>Kiara is the only socially functioning member of Myth

>> No.26955577
Quoted by: >>26955907

>reddit reaction
haha you got em good!

Edit: Thanks for the award!

>> No.26955579

Fake, not fat enough

>> No.26955583
Quoted by: >>26955907

Keep outing yourself, retard. Go back.

>> No.26955628
Quoted by: >>26955907


>> No.26955657

No, it's that bad. It won't end well. America is going to deserve every single thing she gets.

>> No.26955673
Quoted by: >>26955965

More newlines, Jeremy.

>> No.26955675
File: 1.01 MB, 1441x1080, 1609135141387.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26955748

go beat off to ntr porn of Mori while you cry cuckbeat. You aren't fooling anyone.

>> No.26955693

>Deadbeats are so fucking stupid they cant tell the difference between scorn and fear.
Keep coping, bonehead.

>> No.26955717

why are you laughing at the first one
ina literally once got depressed because her mom pointed out all she really did was play mmos and eat junk food

>> No.26955737

Cum is dripping out of your mouth, if you open your mouth more it’s going to fall out, but keep talking though i can fill your mouth right back up full of cum again, little boi

>> No.26955748

This is what I mean, read this post: >>26955328
This is the most naive thing I've ever read. And 95% of what he believes is not true. I guess this guy is so gullible he believes this nonsense.

>> No.26955826

Do you have any theories about why Ina isn't streaming very often anymore? You think she's playing MMO's all day? I want to know how naive you actually are

>> No.26955833

I'm sure she was fine last night albeit a bit uncomfortable. But the location where there at is leaked. That's pretty serious.

>> No.26955855

No, Lamyposter was right, go back to your NTRshit, Cuckbeat. And don't come back.

>> No.26955894

>had a boyfriend, regularly flew out to cons and met up with online friends, posting vacation photos on social media
Next you'll tell me Sana is the same despite her roommate explicitly saying she enjoys hiking.

>> No.26955907
Quoted by: >>26955979


You guys must have some shaky fingers when posting this. At least use something funnier instead of the generic shit.

>> No.26955929
File: 893 KB, 1366x1080, 1605304905509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go beat off to cuck porn faggot

>> No.26955949
Quoted by: >>26955999

I'm talking about her living with her parents
she still does

>> No.26955965
Quoted by: >>26955996

Who the fuck is jeremy? I am not shitposting. I legitimately want to know.

>> No.26955979


>> No.26955989
Quoted by: >>26956061

Raped by her father
Raped by her brother
Raped by her dog
Raped by her drug dealer

>> No.26955994

Anon, mori went to Japan to chase a dick whif and become a roadie for him
Kiara has gravure sets of her
Ame has or had a boyfriend quite recently before debuting
Gura was a drunken gremlin drinking her depression away
The only plausible not a slut from myth is ina

>> No.26955996


>> No.26955999
Quoted by: >>26956113

You mean, she keeps her mother in the basement of her multi-million dollar mansion? That's something I might believe.

>> No.26956020
Quoted by: >>26956979

>The only plausible not a slut from myth is ina

>> No.26956026

I have been to parties and have dated women before. This is exactly why I never leave my glass unattended and I would NEVER leave a female friend alone.
Especially when the party involves "friends of a friend" and I already know that said "friend" (or actually sister in this case) is already bad news.

Kiara was behind Gura’s back during her entire concert. Why was Gura alone in another room?

>> No.26956061

you can't post that anon, the janny is going to ban you for doxxing

>> No.26956081

Sharkpedos don't trust Gura to stay sober and not fuck a random man.

>> No.26956113
Quoted by: >>26956184

you know just because the ame post was a retarded exaggeration doesn't mean you have to follow suit
she's not even close to being a hikki but she does still live with them

>> No.26956169

You do know AO chan were her BF? Even if they are not a thing anymore she did only get the gig to start with because of who she slept with

>> No.26956176

abby posted new story

>> No.26956180
Quoted by: >>26956528

nobody wants to believe things are exactly like what they seem but we've already learned from japan that they are, you cant hide who you are when you stream this much and this consistently
>korone actually damaged her long term health by doing marathon streams, the go to sleep posters in chat were right
>aqua admitted she is a socially autistic pushover who doesnt stream because she only reads anti comments
>rushia was a legitimate menhera
>matuli was a legitimate whore
>towa was legitimately in an apex sex discord
>roberu could actually fuck any chuuba he wanted
this means for EN the girls are actually what you think they are
>gura is actually a shut-in sheltered womanchild
>ina is a boring introverted asian woman with a speech impediment
>ame is the quirky poor girl with dyed hair who always has to do something different to stand out because she isnt comfortable in her own skin
>kronii is part of the 41%
>mori is a wigger

>> No.26956184

Anon does it seriously confuse you why a woman in her early 30's suddenly is busy all day long? Hmmm I wonder what it could possibly be!
Those diapers aren't gonna change themselves

>> No.26956208

>s-she totally had a boyfriend once g-guys!
>best friends with Sana for over a decade
>Nepotism hired Sana into Hololive
>has an entirely different personality when talking with Sana
>took time out of her busy as fuck schedule to fly herself and Sana to japan for an entire week because Sana always wanted to go to Japan
>Sana went on a tweet spree after she got back loudly exclaiming over and over how she's finally realized she's a dyke
>Ina's totally taking dick on the regular dude t-trust me!
Cuckbeats deserve the rope

>> No.26956236
Quoted by: >>26956360

So all of them are sluts
What about council and irys?

>> No.26956245

Yeah she's taking my dick, jealous??

>> No.26956280
Quoted by: >>26956346

what are you even going on about
I'm saying she lives with her parents and you're here practically saying she's out getting hammered and fucking like it negates that

>> No.26956323

Pretty shitty position for Mori to put a recovering alcoholic in.

>> No.26956342
File: 1.31 MB, 640x640, 1638831301039.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you just flinging shit at random until something sticks?

>> No.26956346

She does not live with her parents. Nor does she go out getting hammered. But I think you're incredibly naive about the reason why she suddenly is running out of time to stream. I think it's incredibly obvious to everyone why a woman this age is suddenly busy all day long.

>> No.26956360

Bae has made it clear she likes dick and the whole Baerys is an act. Irys I think had a rrat post of her PL saying she likes men and only men. Heard Fauna and Mumei have Bfs. I don't know Sana.

>> No.26956387

on the contrary anon i strongly believe she rode the man very well

>> No.26956402
Quoted by: >>26956443

>Do you have any theories about why Ina isn't streaming very often anymore? You think she's playing MMO's all day? I want to know how naive you actually are
NTA, but it's because streaming is her side hustle, not her real job. She's got art deadlines.

>> No.26956412

>I think you're incredibly naive about the reason why she suddenly is running out of time to stream.
I never even brought that up
fucking hell anon

>> No.26956443

yeah changing diapers is an art

>> No.26956444
Quoted by: >>26956942

A girl not being gay doesn't mean she is a slut anon

>> No.26956449

Please teach me how to Jeremyposting senpai

>> No.26956474
File: 39 KB, 211x185, 1653279712439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gura was a drunken gremlin drinking her depression away
>was miserable
>hated her friend ground
>never talked
>barely posted content
>literally said she never wanted to go back to her old self again after joining Hololive
>cried and went on a tangent about how awful things were before she joined Hololive
>so autistic she even op-seced like a fiend when she was a shitposter who made 2 vids a year
>still didn't leave her house back then
Yeah man Gura was just getting dicked down all the time bro. Her pussy was getting decimated by rows of fat dicks.

>> No.26956475

Some incels here think all women are just having sex all day everyday

>> No.26956495

>She does not live with her parents
Why is this so hard for you to believe? I bet you lapped up Korone living with her grandma no problem.

>> No.26956528

>the crux of your argument is streaming too much and too consistently
>EN doing that
It does check out for Kiara at least, however.

>> No.26956550

Because a person with that much money, that age, is not living with her parents. In fact it's far more likely that she has a husband and a family of her own already.

>> No.26956561
Quoted by: >>26957250

>streamed with her boyfriend as roommate
Funny how this was conveniently left out

>> No.26956596

Depressed drunken pussy is the easiest target anon, these types need some validation and a decent looking guy can easy provide that enough for a pump and dump
Girls even call theses dudes "pick-me-ups"

>> No.26956627
Quoted by: >>26956757

You really think a married Korean girl wouldn't still be living with her parents? You're more delusional than the initial post.

>> No.26956653

Sana is a dyke. You can just look at her twitter and ctrl+f gay and you'll get like 30 posts of her saying it.

>> No.26956680
Quoted by: >>26956808

not a vtuber but asmongold is 32 and lives with his dad still
and he makes millions

>> No.26956683

>yuricuck joins the thread

>> No.26956735

>cuckbeats rushing to change the discussion to other holos by pretending they're pure
As subtle as Mama Mori's jawline

>> No.26956737

Notice how cuckbeats don't even try to defend their oshi this time, they just try to make everyone believe that Gura enjoyed it and that all holoENs are whores like Mori. Tells you all you have to know about those cucks.

>> No.26956749

>spergs are trashing the airbnb location

>> No.26956757

She's not living with her parents you absolute retard. I know she tells you this. It's very common for Japanese idols to say things like this, to create the false impression they're single.

Pomu was an idol fanatic, who lived in japan and personally knew many idols. She said on stream that 100% of them had boyfriends or husbands which they were hiding from their fans. But they would all tell their fans lies, such as pretending to be lesbians, in order to disguise this fact. This is part of the culture of the japanese idol industry, which Kiara knows a lot about. That's why Kiara pretends to be a lesbian.

>> No.26956765

Asian-Canadian, she'd probably still live with her parents even if she was married and had kids of her own. It's a different cutlure.

>> No.26956790

This is literally like a Da Hootch doujin come to life.

>> No.26956808
Quoted by: >>26957071

Yeah and Asmongold has tons of girlfriends anon.

Go out into the world, and talk to people. The amount of 30+ year old women who still live with their parents is parents is practically 0. If you meet a 30 year old woman, the person you see walking beside her will be her husband. That's called, the real world.

>> No.26956838
Quoted by: >>26956915

Anon she is literally a big name industry grade artist you fucking degenerate faggot. She literally draws 24/7. Do you just have cuckoldry on the fucking brain? Do you no longer have access to your critical thinking skills? Sana and her spend every waking moment drawing for soulless chink gacha games and trashy LNs. Even when Sana's dog died she was still slaving away for the chink overloads who pay her to draw.

>> No.26956839
Quoted by: >>26956915

>I know she tells you this
Anon, she literally uploads videos of her stuff at home like when she unboxed a roomba with her mom and they spent the day following itm

>> No.26956884
Quoted by: >>26956951

cuckbeat deflection

>> No.26956915
Quoted by: >>26956951

>She literally draws 24/7
Those 30 second doodles she does for her thumbnails are not indicative of this. I think she scarcely draws anymore, and most of her time is occupied changing diapers.
I'm sure her and her mom live close by in their multi-million dollar neighborhood

>> No.26956942

I wasn't talking about being sluts but the part about them having Bfs or not.

>> No.26956951
Quoted by: >>26957529

This is getting depressing, bone heads.

>> No.26956970

When you said this I remembered the evangelion wrestling

>> No.26956974
Quoted by: >>26957043

Imagine believing Pomu - biggest whore of vtubing. Basically "it's not just me, I swear!/

>> No.26956979
Quoted by: >>26957062

>cuckbeats still trying to push this shit

>> No.26957043
Quoted by: >>26958849

There are nijisanji members who are openly married anon. There is no expectation of a girl being a pure innocent virgin in Nijisanji. It's only the hololive fans who are naive about this.

>> No.26957062
Quoted by: >>26957098

Would me bringing up Mori's mom doxxing her daughter and her boyfriend make you feel less attacked?

>> No.26957071

I don't know if it's different in the US but Ina lives in Canada and as of last census over 30% of Canadians in their 30s were living with their parents. The economy is a fucking desert here.

>> No.26957074
File: 314 KB, 839x870, 1655849467462.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26957143

anon it's not even that rare, why is this the hill you have to die on
sure it's uncommon but it's not something to sperg out over,
usually when people do that it's because there's rrats and roommate information that makes things seem more or less likely, in your case you just can't believe someone who earns money lives with their parents, that just sounds more like you have a personal vendetta, maybe because you're a loser NEET who wants out of your mother's basement

>> No.26957098
Quoted by: >>26957227

do it, you won't

>> No.26957132
Quoted by: >>26957216

>cuckbeat refuses to accept people can live with their parents passwd the age of 30
Just look at you

>> No.26957143

It sounds like you're believing a bunch of retarded shit she told you which isn't even close to the truth. Such as believing she's a hikki shut in, someone actually said that. That's the stupidest shit I've ever heard, it's a clear misrepresentation of reality.

>> No.26957216
Quoted by: >>26957282

He's a persistent little fag though, isn't he?

look, there he goes again about how he is the sole arbitor of reality

>> No.26957227
File: 56 KB, 960x784, 1628545637872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26957360

I just did? You guys really are just slapping put replies as fast as you can.

>> No.26957250
File: 470 KB, 720x720, 1655941037177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>They're all married anon
>They're taking dick 24/7!
>in fact they are getting blasted by Tyrone's massive BBC as we talk!
>Gura is getting her back broken by a giga chad!
>They're all cucking you!
>Cuck cuck cuck cuck NTR cuck
Unironically kill yourself

>> No.26957282

Anon, maybe I just know a little bit more about these people than you, but I'm not allowed to talk about it on this board. Has that ever occurred to you? People who know the truth knows that I'm right

>> No.26957360
Quoted by: >>26957539

post the pic

>> No.26957376

well yeah, I'm not a fucking schizophrenic autist
if someone tells me they live with their parents, and tell stories about how they live with their parents, I'm gonna assume they live with their parents, why would I doubt it?
doesn't it seem more deranged to you to go to a persian elephant trading forum and screaming to the high heavens how they couldn't POSSIBLY be leaving with their parents and how it MUST be a lie to hide all the sex they're having

>> No.26957514

What's the matter faglet? can't leak sensitive national secrets can you? no, it's fine, we accept all delusions on this board, especially yours

>> No.26957513

/vt/ was a mistake, >we (yes WE) should have never left the one containment thread on /jp/

>> No.26957517
Quoted by: >>26957701

>Not booked
>People have been saying all day that the address was wrong
>You still post this believing it.

>> No.26957529

It's funny because they're going into any thread and switching the topic immediatly to something not Mori related.
>Gura wouldn't care
>Pomu's a whore
>Kiara vagueposting
>Ina lying
>Ame a lying whore

>> No.26957539

It's in the archive, bro. You're not a cuckbeat in denial, right?

>> No.26957547

What the unholy fuck happened? Why is some insane NTR fag shitposting the entire thread up?

>> No.26957645
File: 286 KB, 471x676, 1652450910067.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Legitimate deadbeat cope.

>> No.26957658 [DELETED] 

They also start listening to the voices in their head about ALL the secret knowledge they have, and it makes their little peckers go on a power trip, like this guy >>26957376

some fags getting their licks in while the cum in still shiny, you know, the usual

>> No.26957701
Quoted by: >>26957833

>Not booked
Literally not true

>People have been saying all day that the address was wrong
>You still post this believing it
Citation needed

>> No.26957774

>thread about Mori doing something stupid
Who could POSSIBLY want to change the subject

>> No.26957833
Quoted by: >>26957988

NTA but I have the page open definitely says I can check in right this instant for today if I wanted to.

>> No.26957836

>They also start listening to the voices in their head about ALL the secret knowledge they have, and it makes their little peckers go on a power trip, like this guy >>26957376
>some fags getting their licks in while the cum in still shiny, you know, the usual
sorry for the misquote mate

>> No.26957843

Mori doxed Gura in the flesh, pentagon is still assessing the damage

>> No.26957910
Quoted by: >>26957969

Damage control. If people are too distracted by ntr strawmen, they're not talking about how Calli has caused big delays for the offcollab at best as they now have to re-arrange and co-ordinate living spaces, and at worst has potentially doxxed Gura and HoloEN.

>> No.26957969

nah the worst is Gura got drugged and raped

>> No.26957988
Quoted by: >>26958598

Check the dates again

>> No.26957992

whats up guys guy who doesnt watch holoEN except for fauna and ina here ready to tell yo my opinion
>Mori is a shit friend, door mat to her psychopath sister, and not cognizant (theres a better word for this but im having a brain shid) of her real friends
>Obviously the people treating gura like a child are retarded, as are all the rape rrats and whatnot. If she couldn't handle it then she should have nutted up and told Mori she was staying somewhere else for the night

>> No.26958027
Quoted by: >>26958148

also all the instagram and address leak rrats are fake and forced as hell. yes i looked

>> No.26958031

Kiara is bisexual but her history shows a big whore for women only
that's something rarely talked about here

>> No.26958052
Quoted by: >>26958368

You'll never convince me there's a fanbase worse than Mori's. Period. They manage to be both doxxbeats and deadcucks and they do both those things without seemingly any capability of realizing their faggotry. This board would be a better place if Mori graduated at this point just so we can so remove her fucking pathetic fans

>> No.26958148
Quoted by: >>26958220

I totally believe you cuckbeat

>> No.26958153
Quoted by: >>26958445

>That's something rarely talked about here
Anon you can't even bring up literally openly confirmed dykes in Hololive without someone foaming at the mouth to tell you how much cock they inhale. What the fuck do you expect?

>> No.26958155
File: 257 KB, 408x408, gura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At least Nene felt bad about doxxing her genmates.

>> No.26958220
File: 1.11 MB, 1123x1296, 1607380498129.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>26958330

Im not a cuck or a beat

>> No.26958289
Quoted by: >>26959154

White people are the only ones that kick their kids out at 18.
Why not live with your parents you can help contribute to their home and expenses. You can spend time with each other and shit.
Living alone kinda sucks honestly.

>> No.26958330

so an oshi'less dramanigger then?

>> No.26958368
Quoted by: >>26958608

>This board would be a better place if Mori graduated at this point just so we can so remove her fucking pathetic fans
I don't think that would be enough, cuckbeat would absolutely try to claim that Mori is the victim and that we should see her as a hero or some shit.

>> No.26958445

It's redic. There's multiple confirmed LGBTQ+ Holos. It's not that much of a shock there's a shit on of members, and when you recruiter permanently online people on the spectrum those chances go up

>> No.26958491 [SPOILER] 
Quoted by: >>26959425

it seems that for her, men are her prospect for serious and happy relationships. Women are for casual dating, whoring and probably sex off-camera
Looks like a good wife if you're a degenerate

>> No.26958593

Also the fact that janny were deleting some threads

>> No.26958598

Why the hell is it set to 2023 base. You can still check in this year but every date from june to december is greyed out.
Not sure what to make of it since either they're there or it's just a hilariously popular place that is always booked. Need to find this sister instagram post to see the picture and cross reference images.

>> No.26958608

if she graduate any mention of her would be breaking the rules, dead vtubers are not allowed according to some of the jannies, thats why they killed any Rushia or Coco topics until they ''revived''

>> No.26958650

Carry on then ESLnig

>> No.26958849
Quoted by: >>26959222

Once again. Nijisanji could eat shit since they are bunch of basic streamers with 3D models for no reason which could work on Chaturbate and nobody will see any difference. If we are talking about Japanese Vtubers then you should understand simple thing - Japanese statistics which clearly shows that there are extremely high percent of lonely people since it's hard for them to communicate to a level of close relations. What are you implying? That Japanese vtubers by a miracle has more chances to meet someone and live with them even though the concept of streaming is a total crap for that? Your murican normie point of view is pathetic.

>> No.26959154

>white people
Choose one.

>> No.26959222


>> No.26959425

Daddy issues and a history with some not so great guys doing very shitty things to her made her very wary of men in general. Her New Years stream where she started talking about alcohol making people aggressive is an atribute I've only ever heard given to guys by women.

>> No.26959564

>not convinced she exists
Right, and the big fat scholarship reaper sister apparently won from UC Boulder doesn’t either?

>> No.26959907
Quoted by: >>26959973

what kind of autismo-storm did I venture into?

>> No.26959933

that IS a legitimate reason desu.

>> No.26959973

a fun one

>> No.26960000

Pretty sure the sister graduated in like 2016 or something
