Long ago, in a time of equilibrium and peace betwixt the worlds,
The Old Ones sat ontop their astral thrones,
And pondered greatly on a question which
If asked by some, would spell quite certain death and doom upon their soul.
>"Is a woman's worth considered true,
>If she's past the age of one to two?"
Such a question stirred the peace,
Left and right the peoples bleed;
Fore they could not comprehend the essence
Of a woman's vile nature.
Seething hags came sprawling forth
From the deepest depths and bowels of the Earth's Core.
Slithering, their saggy tits were
Down onto the throats of the unlucky,
Miasma of filthy soured, puss milk filled the air all around;
But with one short motion through the stars,
From between the galaxies and sky,
The Old Ones chose a single star,
Different from any we've ever seen before,
Rivaling even the sight of Greater Gh'yldmoer.
Pure, rare bred here in our world,
Child of Stars, Daughter of Moon,
Dubbed thee 'Loli', set you lose...
Now the hags had met their match,
Little girls are considered by men a better catch,
Sweet, cute girls with young, fertile bodies,
Always funny, their cunts tasting like honey;
Alas... The men had madden up their minds,
Death to old hags and their unremarkable sight,
A new religion shall been born,
To rival even that of the Great Old Gods,
In turn making them writhe and scorn.
Young girls in sexy clothing,
Adorn the walls of my now inner holding.
Pray to them each day I do,
And soon, you shall as well do too,
For the Greater Loli God, has naught to do
But play her card...
HEAR Her words,
HEAR Her calling,
No longer cute....
No longer funny....
The REAL truth now stands with,
And resides in the almighty.... Cunny.