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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 269 KB, 1522x2048, 20220607_090355.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
25681120 No.25681120 [Reply] [Original]

Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Member VODs: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=UUMOoSrY_IQQVpmIRZ9Xf-y93g
Twitter: https://twitter.com/gawrgura

Songs: https://rentry.org/ggg_songs
Merch: https://rentry.org/ggg_merch

Previous thread: >>25660187

>> No.25681158
File: 600 KB, 4096x2730, hirotaka0125-1534220205823766528-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they should kiss

>> No.25681159
File: 352 KB, 1732x2673, FC28VrBVQAA4kYb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gura cute Gura cute!

>> No.25681166
File: 3.49 MB, 2480x3508, 1630649187803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goomba lazy
Goomba cute

>> No.25681190
File: 256 KB, 359x346, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25681239

Gura is playing minecraft right now and gathering materials. She forgot she didn't put the frame up yet

>> No.25681199
File: 1.11 MB, 999x847, 1651631849592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25681205
File: 202 KB, 1066x1165, gyari-gura.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25681229

what are those things on ina's chest, I've never seen them before...?

>> No.25681221
Quoted by: >>25681278

what the fuck did he do to Ina...

>> No.25681229

gura messed with her booba slider, as a joke

>> No.25681239

Compulsive liar Gawr Gura never intended to stream Minecraft today.

>> No.25681243
File: 196 KB, 1481x1481, 1653536624833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did it have to be like this, bros?

>> No.25681278
File: 277 KB, 487x446, 1648859539945.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He ruined her.

>> No.25681312

people are just farming grudgeposts now it seems

>> No.25681378
File: 708 KB, 1414x2000, 1649442395516.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25681376

I will be very pleasantly surprised if she doesn't take a long break after her birthday

>> No.25681386

>Gura promises she'll put up an early frame
There's nothing to grudgepost anon, she lied again

>> No.25681399

Compulsive liar Gawr Gura never intended to buy a KU100

>> No.25681474
File: 1.79 MB, 1429x2286, 1646785628228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My wife

>> No.25681491
File: 1.30 MB, 1407x919, 1652466736731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MY wife

>> No.25681518
Quoted by: >>25681541

When will she like this on twitter?

>> No.25681528

Bros...why has Gura forsaken us? T-T

>> No.25681541

Once she gets done masturbating to it

>> No.25681570

She said "probably" so it isn't a promise.

>> No.25681615
File: 189 KB, 335x407, TEASER.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25681791

ive got an OFFICIAL UNRELEASED gura meme coming up. here is a special /vt/ ONLY teaser image to get you all excited for it

>> No.25681721

You think they will have updated to 1.19 for the presumable MC collab tonight?

>> No.25681791
File: 132 KB, 600x529, 1644329549659.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25681841
Quoted by: >>25681944

is there a collab tonight?

>> No.25681860

Jesus Christ I have to wonder what kind of dismal childhood you had that literally every single word that comes out of someone’s mouth is considered a promise

>> No.25681882
Quoted by: >>25681924

"Probably" basically means no from her at this point

>> No.25681924
Quoted by: >>25682287

>at this point
It's always been like this
"Probably" is the new "TBD"

>> No.25681928
Quoted by: >>25681984

Just begin last night VOD she is so cute.

>> No.25681944

Niot officially but it seems likely..

>> No.25681985
Quoted by: >>25682047

There's a new update?

>> No.25681984

you're in for a fun ride

>> No.25682047

The spooky undergorund update was officially released today.

>> No.25682059
File: 563 KB, 1280x705, 1653359190439.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25682127
File: 1.07 MB, 1200x1127, 98904281_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25682174

she also said it would happen right as she woke up, so if she just dont sleep then she wont need to

>> No.25682287

Oh... she said probably and early frame. Got it no stream, I guess it's safe to go out then but I fucking swear to god if she puts up the frame when I leave...

>> No.25682435
Quoted by: >>25682459

It's hard not to think of those posts when stuff like this happens...

>> No.25682459

it's not hard to kill yourself either, you should try that

>> No.25682492

B**b must have fucked the last bit of motivation out of her over that long break

>> No.25682551
Quoted by: >>25682614

Ok, people who hear her plan something and say it will happen, do you need her to say the words "I PROMISE"? Must she swear an oath? This "she didn't promise" crap is getting dull, you can't just keep flaking with no updates over and over until people start perceiving what you say as bullshit, even if you didn't sign a blood contract that you'll do it.

>> No.25682556
File: 83 KB, 290x346, 1i28298850392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't know how you guys got
>"I might join someone else Minecraft stream tomorrow"
>Gura promised a Minecraft collab tomorrow
She didn't even said anything about doing her own stream or PoV, I don't even know why you guys even talking about early frames. It's like you are making up shit to get angry about.

>> No.25682581

>"I might join someone else Minecraft stream tomorrow"
That's not what she said at all
Jesus fucking Christ, some of you really are too far gone

>> No.25682599
File: 1.82 MB, 360x343, bait [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fkpur8h.mp4].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop trying to make the shitposters look good

>> No.25682614

she still did not promise anything no matter how much you want to frame it that way

>> No.25682675

this is bait

>> No.25682677

>>"I might join someone else Minecraft stream tomorrow"
She even mentioned putting the frame up early.

>> No.25682691
File: 3.66 MB, 3000x3000, 90222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with Gura!

>> No.25682704


>> No.25682705

>It's like you are making up shit to get angry about.
I thought that was the whole point of this board's existence

>> No.25682711
File: 175 KB, 831x1402, 1634020216084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25682757

Too bad I'm already married to her

>> No.25682724
Quoted by: >>25682757

same desu

>> No.25682745
Quoted by: >>25682827

>If she never promises anything, you can't ever hold what she says accountable
So I guess that's why she's dropped all pretenses of caring

>> No.25682757


>> No.25682760
File: 58 KB, 1280x720, 1624908175980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I play minecraft tomorrow I play minecraft tomorrow probably be a really early- uh... early early WUHAKE UP and schedule the stream kind of thing. wake up schedule stream

>> No.25682777

Then she's never promised a single thing ever. The word is meaningless because you want to explicitly hear her say "I promise", in which case yes I agree, never has she promised anything.

>> No.25682782
Quoted by: >>25682825

I can't stop thinking about Gura's slick n moist neet puffy cunny

>> No.25682796

I already told you guys, she's busy playing already and thought she already put up the frame

>> No.25682801
File: 84 KB, 1073x612, 1630424801467.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25683973

She'll still stream at her usual time, r-right bros...

>> No.25682822

she has promised things, and she follows through with them when she does.

>> No.25682825
File: 2.63 MB, 2507x3541, 1654042384455.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25682870


>> No.25682827
Quoted by: >>25682880

keep seething liar-schizo

>> No.25682833


>> No.25682870
Quoted by: >>25682892

Gura may be doing this right now in this moment. Gura could be vigorously massaging her cunny, but people here are more concerned about where the frame is instead of thinking about that

>> No.25682880

>Just say probably with everything and no one can ever call you a liar
Yeah no, she's a liar, and a compulsive one at that.

>> No.25682892

I prefer to think of her as masturbating while she has the frame up, glancing at chat while rubbing her little cun cun

>> No.25682911

Reminder that every single time the list of her "lies" is posted it all based on the voices in the schios head.

>> No.25682925

stay butthurt

>> No.25682929

How does it feel to be reminded time and time again that she doesn't care about you nearly as much as you pretend she does?

>> No.25682962

stop making up your own definition of what a liar is you obsessed psychopath

>> No.25682967
Quoted by: >>25684978

>Gura said she would stream Minecraft today
>The voice in my head told me she wouldn't
Guess which one was right

>> No.25682972

It's getting old, never cared on way or the other but i wish you'd stop shitting up the threads.

>> No.25683006

How does it feel to be reminded of the fact that your life is so empty and meaningless that all you have left is constantly posting the same shit in a general on 4chan about a virtual anime shark girl?

>> No.25683012
Quoted by: >>25683882

The doxx bait didn't work so they switched to "she's a liar she doesn't care" again.
Which always works no matter what.

>> No.25683058
Quoted by: >>25683100

Just post most of the things she said she was going to do. Plenty of lies there.

>> No.25683086
File: 506 KB, 2500x3397, MalcolmChannel-1534244583961501702-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25683092

Just don’t watch her as much and cancel membership if you have one, you’ll stop giving a fuck.

>> No.25683100

No, post the things she actually promised to do and did not.

>> No.25683189
Quoted by: >>25683236

I wonder if those schizos actually think they will achieve anything with posting the same garbage over and over again.

>> No.25683194

What will you do if she lie and doesn't stream tonight.

>> No.25683236

He's said he's doing it out of boredom many times. He starts replying to himself if no one bites, too.

>> No.25683239

she retweeted too much now she's too tired to stream.

>> No.25683238

Post about how much I love her and how she can do no wrong.

>> No.25683248

>she doesn't need to tell us how often she takes breaks, it's always 2-3 days
>she doesn't need to post schedules, she always streams 5 days in a row at the same hour
>she doesn't need to stream 5 days in a row at the same hour, she'll tell us when the next stream is
>she doesn't need to tell us when the next stream is, she'll put up an early frame
we are here

>> No.25683253
File: 779 KB, 1597x898, shaa[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fnldps4.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25683254

>She didn't explicitly promise!
Seems to be the blanket cope going around

>> No.25683269 [DELETED] 

Look brown person, even if she does not stream tonight it will not be a lie since she never promised shit. That said, I would still be disappointed and angry.

>> No.25683284

The conditioning is working!

>> No.25683286

Play games and watch Botan's VOD

>> No.25683302
File: 52 KB, 444x422, 1643705886533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25683334

It's still going?

>> No.25683325

>When you enable her laziness, she just gets lazier
Who knew

>> No.25683334

Yep, Gura's decline is still getting worse and worse. Seriously though what even is the cope here, does anyone think her BD takes this much prep?

>> No.25683360
Quoted by: >>25683530

Any one have last karaoke audio? I want to hear when she said cunny

>> No.25683365

these will always be my favorite gura lewds

>> No.25683368

you're not a fan, you're a shitposter

>> No.25683378
Quoted by: >>25683490

There's a very dedicated group of like 4 or 5 Chumbuds (I'm even starting to doubt if they aren't just falseflagging shitposters) pretending that there's nothing wrong with all of this
Any actual Chumbud with half a brain can see how things have gone downhill

>> No.25683379

seek therapy already, this obsession is unhealthy for your mental stability

>> No.25683397

Pretty good. I like yukio's first stuff better though. His more recent ones aren't as good.

>> No.25683398

last night singing was too stressful so it's understandable this time, she'll be back by Thursday

>> No.25683405

That's like asking why does she needs singing practice so suddenly yesterday

>> No.25683409

The "Birthday prep" has always just been cope for her not streaming.

>> No.25683461

yukio is declining...

>> No.25683476

>people spamming the art tag with AI Gura

>> No.25683486

do they have a pixiv

>> No.25683487

Can someone edit this so don't look like she is taking a dump by the cunny?
Not a "Bleached" edit, a more light brown or grey skin would be nice

>> No.25683490

Just because things are going downhill doesn't mean people have to keep on complaining for no reason. Do people consider this general as a venting room or something?

>> No.25683491


>> No.25683496
Quoted by: >>25683781

Everyone knew, I feel. It used to be the dominant opinion that if Gura stopped doing schedules she'll stop giving a shit and barely stream. Then at some point this became antiposting (and it was way before the schizos claiming its because she hates us/plays with her BF or w/e) and chumbies started circling the wagons about how this is fine and has always been fine.

>> No.25683497

Who is this "Faunya" she keeps mentioning last night ?
Are we cuck ?

>> No.25683525

You better get used to it. AI art is only going to get more prevalent from here.

>> No.25683530


>> No.25683537

I think you are on the wrong website if you can't handle negativity

>> No.25683557

yeah me

>> No.25683597

Yes anon, the people who say they're here to vent are here to vent. Pathetic behavior, but I guess they don't want to do it on their discord accounts or whatever.

>> No.25683598

>33 IPs
>114 posts
this is all you need to know

>> No.25683599
File: 125 KB, 1133x1457, 1652669709317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25683660

Don't kid yourself. You whining never had any power. She doesn't care and never will.

>> No.25683672

>Just because things are going downhill doesn't mean
babby's first concern troll

>> No.25683676

/ggg/ is reclining…

>> No.25683679
File: 204 KB, 1200x934, 1648805054518.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate it.

>> No.25683726

>complaining about this thread not being a hugbox were we just pretend that everything is fine and absolutely nothing has changed
There's no way that this aren't shitposters pretending to be Chumbuds

>> No.25683763

like you are pretending? you are shitting up this thread with how many posts now?

>> No.25683781
Quoted by: >>25683829

her schedules were faulty and she hated making them, it was bond to happen. This is the real Gura, and this is how much she prefers to stream, deal with it or stop watching her.

>> No.25683788
File: 2.02 MB, 2800x4400, 96644580_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25683808


>> No.25683808
Quoted by: >>25683862

that ass is anything but flat anon

>> No.25683813

being a threadshitter pretending to be a chumbud to call out threadshitters pretending to be chumbuds is trying too hard

>> No.25683818
Quoted by: >>25683871

JWU any new tiktok?

>> No.25683825
File: 351 KB, 1181x1181, 1653286659766.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck doomposters

>> No.25683829

No, you deal with my venting or stop posting here, not your reddit hugbox yesman

>> No.25683836
Quoted by: >>25683854

Alright bros I got this. If you are a true chumbud, what was the first word in her debut stream?

>> No.25683854


>> No.25683862
Quoted by: >>25684104

flat chest fat ass is the best combination

>> No.25683871

no frame, no tiktok, no gura

>> No.25683882

People will always use that bait because it'll always be true. Gura DOESN'T care. She doesn't improve at all, and in fact has gotten worse over time, putting in the absolute bare minimum, and sometimes not even that. Yeah, there might've been a point where she cared, where she truly loved her fans and loved Hololive, but it's becoming increasingly clear that those days are long gone.

>> No.25683884
Quoted by: >>25684022

>33 IP
>Probably a good 1/3 ~ 1/2 is ignoring the bait, rest is biting like idiots
>Shitposter is probably 1 person under 5 different IPs, maybe more since he's clearly ban evading
I hate how easily it take 1 or 2 very dedicated shitposter to ruin an entire thread.

>> No.25683888

Hey man, if you dislike Guras behaviour this much then why do you not stop watching her? Why are you still in a general about her? What is it that you want to achieve here? You people do not make sense to me.

>> No.25683901

>her schedules were faulty and she hated making them, it was bond to happen. This is the real Gura, and this is how much she prefers to stream, deal with it or stop watching her.
we are actually here

>> No.25683971

I hate schedules and I'm glad she stopped making them.

>> No.25683973

Nope because SHE'S DED

>> No.25684022

>Shitposter is probably 1 person under 5 different IPs
Yes yes always just 1 guy. No way someone could ever complain about decreasing streams and lack of schedules/communication, something you can find in every single general when the chuuba does it.

>> No.25684075

Well since she has nothing obligating her to stream, you're going to get less of those as well as the past weeks have shown.

>> No.25684078

Remember those posts saying fuck schedules where you called me a NEET? Who's laughing now. I won!

>> No.25684085

I hate streams and I'm glad she stopped doing them.

>> No.25684097

and that's pretty much the end of the road. Expect even less streams after her BD and the 4M milestone

>> No.25684104
File: 1.04 MB, 1771x1254, background-trident.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25684149

>flat chest fat ass is the best combination
the fact that both of the best ENs are like this too is genuinely out of this world

>> No.25684117


dum chumbuds

>> No.25684118

and you keep shitting up the thread

>> No.25684149
File: 1.11 MB, 2000x1872, 47w999.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25684255


>> No.25684186
File: 260 KB, 799x787, 1634682034781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25684222
Quoted by: >>25684328

I'm really fucking afraid of this. It'd be nice if she just reassured us a bit. Like "hey I'm doing all this prep work for the BD, it's gonna be great". It would explain her sparse streams and generate some hype. Without it there's this air of finality, a path I've seen older JPs like Aqua or Shion tread where they just stop giving a shit and come in once in a blue moon. A state of half retirement.

>> No.25684238

there are you fuckign happy now

>> No.25684255
Quoted by: >>25684359

Why is Gabby like this?

>> No.25684277
File: 807 KB, 2894x4093, zj3qbdvo19581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25684276
File: 93 KB, 1500x992, DyKkn8PUUAAYFze.jpg:large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25684314


>> No.25684328
Quoted by: >>25684597

>just reassured us a bit. Like "hey I'm doing all this prep work for the BD, it's gonna be great"
Because that would be a lie, she just doesn't want to stream. Better to keep it vague so the yesmen keep blindly giving you the benefit of the doubt.

>> No.25684334
File: 682 KB, 1493x2643, tosyeo_59-1534253597784821760-img1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm happy.

>> No.25684338
Quoted by: >>25686951

you forgot to make it public

>> No.25684356
File: 325 KB, 1336x2048, E5y8qrSUcAMb1nl.jpg large.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm always happy because I have Gura in my life!

>> No.25684359

she wet the bed

>> No.25684444

it's thundering outside my house, maybe it is also thundering outside Gura's house and she's scared to put up a frame until it stops

>> No.25684445

Post the link, gooruh

>> No.25684597

that's retarded, it wouldn't make any difference, there's no need for her to keep it vague. She's not talking much about her birthday because there's nothing to talk about, it's a regular totsu

>> No.25684613

Okay I've had my fun, Ill tell her to put up the frame now so you guys can stop worrying so much

>> No.25684680

S-surely she's recording like, an entire album! And also doing prep work on the 4 million celebration which she promis- err sorry for using the trigger word of falsehood, I meant which she half assed an implication towards!

>> No.25684689

thanks ame

>> No.25684707

thanks fauna

>> No.25684712

Will the lazy whore stream tonight or is it gonna be another day off

>> No.25684741

>She's not talking much about her birthday because there's nothing to talk about, it's a regular totsu
Right, people saying she's streaming less because of "Birthday prep" are just using that as an excuse even though she never alluded to this.

>> No.25684742

She's also said that she'll do something 3D related for it. Nothing specific about it though.

>> No.25684753


>> No.25684757


>> No.25684780
Quoted by: >>25684955

its amazing how much you are seething because people give you shit for making up your own definitin of what a liar is

>> No.25684791
Quoted by: >>25685144

Gura read one of my comments last night. I think she took me off her ignore list, it's been awhile

>> No.25684806
File: 676 KB, 748x868, 1648668889059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25684914

I'm never really happy

>> No.25684808

she did allude to it, said in her may member's stream, the same stream she said she went to a studio

>> No.25684914
Quoted by: >>25685011


>> No.25684933

Gura should pee

>> No.25684934
File: 88 KB, 490x498, 856287.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You ever play a game and it just seems like it fucks you over at every turn for other players' benefit? I am so fucking mad right now holy shit.

>> No.25684955

I'm more amused by how that autist tries to pretend every little inconsistency is the equivalent of gura breaking an ancient oath or something, hope she puts up the frame soon to watch him revert to pretending that the shit like core keeper is a matter of life and death

>> No.25684962


>> No.25684978

Not the voices, once again

>> No.25684981

Nice "early frame"

>> No.25684989

>porn porn porn
What did this horny shark mean by this?

>> No.25685002
Quoted by: >>25685050


>> No.25685004
Quoted by: >>25685050



>> No.25685006
File: 11 KB, 443x189, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25685011

I can save her...

>> No.25685034
File: 967 KB, 1310x727, 1617775920294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's before 4pm, that's early for her huhahah

>> No.25685038
File: 2.45 MB, 2480x1748, FFRxMJRacAMHKI1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25685239

>members only mode
Greys on suicide watch lmao

>> No.25685050


Schizo status?

>> No.25685077

She actually did stream, I didn't believe it.

>> No.25685104
Quoted by: >>25685239

Holy based, she finally did it.

>> No.25685111
File: 647 KB, 2699x1736, 1654564589170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25685123

>member's only chat
>waited 20 min after she made this post because she intended posting AFTER the frame was up
Gura you cute idiot

>> No.25685137

This thumbnail, Gura my heart.

>> No.25685140
Quoted by: >>25685223

dumb nigger lol

>> No.25685144

hey, she also read two of mine after a long while of not reading any. not trying to one-up you, just also noticed the same thing.

>> No.25685167

Vindicated since it's not an early frame.

>> No.25685181
File: 243 KB, 500x500, 1638672681408.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me check >>25684981
yep they seething.

>> No.25685183

Frame wasn't early so status: unbent, unbowed, unbroken

>> No.25685201

That thumbnail, she asks for rape correction.

>> No.25685208

Omg! She is doing her job

>> No.25685218

lmao the cope

>> No.25685223


>> No.25685236
File: 76 KB, 1040x750, 1647582919206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

now bend over chumbies

>> No.25685239


>> No.25685243


>> No.25685244

I kneel

>> No.25685247

Holy cope

>> No.25685249
File: 9 KB, 397x75, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

saying what we're all thinking

>> No.25685276

How to never grow your audience for $100 Alex.

>> No.25685277

Lmao if only

>> No.25685283
File: 459 KB, 1920x1189, 1642885177740.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very happy, thanks gooba

>> No.25685293

>The biggest vtuber needs to grow her audience

>> No.25685299
Quoted by: >>25685321

I see you don't watch Gura

>> No.25685307
Quoted by: >>25685340

Stop posting your own comments

>> No.25685314
Quoted by: >>25685340

don't screencap your own message! that's cringe!

>> No.25685320
File: 78 KB, 1080x1213, 1617482491008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25685321
Quoted by: >>25685418

If you aren't growing, you're shrinking.

>> No.25685340

>they think I don't have a trident

>> No.25685346
File: 17 KB, 184x278, 1650043531596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would you?

>> No.25685357

She’s pretty much peaked her growth anyway

>> No.25685360

>members only chat
Reason? rrats please

>> No.25685361


>> No.25685377
Quoted by: >>25685432

Gee, I wonder what could possibly have made her want to use members only mode...

>> No.25685382
File: 681 KB, 1350x2200, 1650740224194.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok now that schizos are quelled im gonna go back to cunny posting

>> No.25685389

Gura loves her members the most. Not even a rrat

>> No.25685393

have you SEEN the shit gr*ys post?

>> No.25685404

If they're anything like Fauna then yes.

>> No.25685418
Quoted by: >>25685523

gura could use a shrink, less stress, better chat, like 2/3 of the antis are just autists jealous about numbers, sounds like a lot of good stuff comes from that

>> No.25685424

She’s /here/ and doesn’t wanna deal with shitposters right now

>> No.25685426

Is furor behaving?

>> No.25685432

enlighten me

>> No.25685436

Yes? Despite growing in subs she's nowhere near past peak viewership, VOD or otherwise, or superchats. If she retreats in members only she'll get less and less support until one day its just her and a gaggle of schizo wannabe groomers. And then she'll have even less motivation to stream.

>> No.25685444
File: 1.23 MB, 2026x2865, 1651210228327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25685470
Quoted by: >>25685542

Archive reps
It's two massive paragraphs, you won't miss them

>> No.25685491

>he's numberfagging now

>> No.25685492
Quoted by: >>25685922

no need to thank me :)

>> No.25685503

>I sometimes wish I could get to know all you guys better but that's hard to do with such a big audience

>> No.25685504
Quoted by: >>25685626

kys numbernigger

>> No.25685523
Quoted by: >>25685569

You wouldn't even need to shrink your audience, plenty of big names moderate their chats heavily.

>> No.25685542


>> No.25685547

>And then she'll have even less motivation to stream.
How new? That's what she wants.

>> No.25685555
Quoted by: >>25685626

>An unironic numberfag
Why do you think we care

>> No.25685556


>> No.25685569

Moderating chats and members only streams are two different things anon.

>> No.25685580

As long as she’s raking it in she doesn’t care about other numbers

>> No.25685625
File: 28 KB, 332x360, 1639760178672.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like I can actually have chat open.

>> No.25685626
Quoted by: >>25685831

>bring up numbers, growth
>get response
>schizo out about a perfectly sensible post
do numbers just trigger you people. its like I just used the wrong pronouns for your tranny asses

>> No.25685622 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25685659


>> No.25685659

Can you please fuck off with this nonsense already? No one fucking cares.

>> No.25685660
File: 589 KB, 396x360, cat [sound=files.catbox.moe%2F591fja.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dumb shark.

>> No.25685675

>Gura sang cunny,. panicked, and lied about spilling her coca cola at 1:21:25. Discuss.

>> No.25685707


>> No.25685721
Quoted by: >>25685770

She's not here but I am, how many times do I have to tell you guys this >>25684613

>> No.25685731
File: 1.22 MB, 564x514, cookie 2 [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fgs44o2.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what if both are true???

>> No.25685770
Quoted by: >>25685815

thanks barb

>> No.25685781
Quoted by: >>25685800

chumkeks... this is your oshi?

>> No.25685800
File: 29 KB, 505x464, 1634153774402.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25685810
File: 144 KB, 429x379, 1632766695371.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck my sides. I need to stop getting up during streams how did I miss this?

>> No.25685815

What a bro, letting us get some quality Gura time too

>> No.25685831
Quoted by: >>25685881

Here's an idea. How about we try it first, then come to conclusions about how it'll affect numbers?

>> No.25685881
File: 315 KB, 803x525, 1625622925544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm so fucking grateful membership numbers are hidden, people would fucking shitpost and doompost with every small fluctuation

>> No.25685909
File: 270 KB, 504x471, 1654631761761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25685943

>> No.25685915


>> No.25685922


>> No.25685943

Me about to hit the other chumbie for looking at my wife

>> No.25685965
File: 339 KB, 540x602, 1652897575132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25687304


>> No.25686005
File: 185 KB, 1316x780, 1623573796160.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25687304

Yo, what up?

>> No.25686013
Quoted by: >>25686064

They aren’t really, there’s a bug where they show on mobile if you have the live stream in a playlist while watching another video in said playlist. Last I checked she had around 2.7k which is still insanely good for a member stream

>> No.25686042

What type of snacks should I get bros? I need to go get them quick because I have to sign for a fire extinguisher I'm having delivered.

>> No.25686064
Quoted by: >>25686215

Dumbchama, he means amount of memberships someone has. Unless you think every single member was watching.

>> No.25686148
File: 364 KB, 800x800, 404115925-1534869931.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good morning
are you guys not schizophrenic today?

>> No.25686215

Oh nyo I thought he was talking about live viewers..last membership count was what, minimum 12k-15k based on votes in a poll?

>> No.25686226
Quoted by: >>25686424

Based on viewcounts, she has ~20k members that watch the members only streams

>> No.25686270

oh there was plenty of schizo posting before the frame went up (as always)
just go back

>> No.25686330

I stopped coming here to talk about Gura due to all the schizoposting. Only to check if frames are up or if maybe I missed a tweet

>> No.25686332

Check the previous thread if you want to see another wall of schizoposting
I gotta admit this time there is some pretty convincing stuff in there

>> No.25686402

she should just pull a Risu already

>> No.25686424
Quoted by: >>25686518

at one point Gura had 24.621 members
no clue how that number changed over the past year

>> No.25686427

>didn't tweet about it
>made the frame public later than usual
>chat only for members
you made Gura upset

>> No.25686463

I will now watch the squirrel

>> No.25686478
File: 334 KB, 480x480, 1628150888090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good. I hope she realized that she should have been more honest with us.

>> No.25686518
Quoted by: >>25686677

she makes over 100k per month with memberships alone

>> No.25686523

Gura isn't here

>> No.25686555
File: 68 KB, 274x274, 1602689295673.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not me. I was playing bideo gaems, and I don't care for drama.

>> No.25686561

it really isn't later than usual, it's pretty much the usual in fact, so just not early

but yeah member chat is a pretty big signal she was expecting stinkies, hope she's handling it well

>> No.25686573

shut up gura

>> No.25686607
File: 639 KB, 790x866, 1631450496563.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*wink wink*

>> No.25686616
File: 2 KB, 60x60, 1619015709690.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25686625
Quoted by: >>25687796

Dumb tree rrat breaking containment.

>> No.25686677
Quoted by: >>25686745

Subtract youtube and cover’s cuts but yea still a lot on memberships

>> No.25686678

>regresses as a streamer even further and does even less

>> No.25686745

aren't membership earnings going all to the streamer?

>> No.25686763

Im gonna collab with Gura in my head. later virgins

>> No.25686778

no, there's no reason to believe that.

>> No.25686780


>> No.25686832

Oh nyo I can't shitpost in her prechat stream, I have to do it here as usual.
But it's ok, Chumbies are gonna give me a lot of (you) !

>> No.25686839


>> No.25686951

This was her, but she accidentally made it a member stream. Waited a few minutes before changing it to make it look less sus, but she still forgot to change chat from member only to everyone.
Gura is here

>> No.25686995
File: 297 KB, 1307x1849, FUp5Q08VEAAumxI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Man artists are so fucking talented. Look how soft the thighs look.

>> No.25687010

Gura, shut the fuck up.

>> No.25687024
Quoted by: >>25687125

>changed chat to turn off subs only mode and turn on members only mode after the frame went up
Anon try harder next time...

>> No.25687052
File: 311 KB, 1872x2048, pet the shart.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can't fool me Gura, I know that you're smarter than that.

>> No.25687066

she should really stay out of here for a while. the state of this place in the past few months really doesn't reflect 99.5% of her fans.

>> No.25687076
Quoted by: >>25687178

guraa? yeah me :3

>> No.25687095

Youtube takes 30% I think, might be a little more because Hololive channels became a part of an MCN. No idea how much cover skims off of that

>> No.25687110

she's been here the entire time, she knows that

>> No.25687125

Gura I've already discovered you. You can't hide behind such feeble lies now

>> No.25687163
File: 5 KB, 363x111, ytcFilter-heA_fcPrSV0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25687174


>> No.25687178
File: 1.20 MB, 1280x720, fart shark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fart shark :3

>> No.25687183

ohoho what's this now

>> No.25687192

Gura in chat

>> No.25687194

I love my pon wife

>> No.25687198

That's the face of someone who just got caught redhanded

>> No.25687220
File: 300 KB, 512x512, 1636953203156.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25687233
Quoted by: >>25687300


>> No.25687255

Doom and gloomers BTFO yet again. She turned on subscriber only mode.

>> No.25687260
File: 113 KB, 683x1200, 1651619541653.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

brat for sale
no lowballers, i know what i got

>> No.25687272
Quoted by: >>25687432

kek she put it on members only instead of subscribers only

>> No.25687300

>perfectly normal block game activities !!
What crimes are she planning to commit?

>> No.25687304
File: 201 KB, 829x807, 1647054421371.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

who's a cute little chumbie?
that's right, you!

>> No.25687333

Man, I got extremely excited to see her type something in prechat for once and then realized how sad that was. Like how fucked is it that seeing her type something is so rare that people freak out over it.

>> No.25687352

She's going to try to do redstone and get frustrated.

>> No.25687373
File: 95 KB, 584x659, 1651810020107.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25687375

How come no one uses this emote? They all spam the bloop one instead

>> No.25687383

All of them

>> No.25687418
File: 22 KB, 486x613, 16334142985788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of them at once.

>> No.25687432

She specifically removed subscribers only and added members only right after the frame went up, anon.

>> No.25687466

I've seen a couple people use it recently. It's definitely not as common though

>> No.25687468

it's a good emote. i've been making an effort to use it more lately.

>> No.25687493
File: 646 KB, 400x295, 1620255775124.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only gura can say that to me!

>> No.25687496
Quoted by: >>25687544

Listen Bloop barely gets anything anymore, let him have his emote spammed at least.

>> No.25687512

Gura-sama, I kneel.

>> No.25687544
Quoted by: >>25687639

bloop emotes are all fucking dumb and the channel would be better without any of them

>> No.25687545
Quoted by: >>25687584

I dunno. The only bloop emote I use is the "Same DESU" and I specifically use it in awkward moments.

>> No.25687551
File: 16 KB, 231x231, 1654108556594.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good shit, Gura. You guys think she schlicks to all the cunny porn she obviously sees on Twitter?

>> No.25687557

I want Gura to put her shark eggs in my butt.

>> No.25687584

I like them because they make you mad.

>> No.25687602
File: 2.13 MB, 1922x2208, cunny[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fzxseew.m4a].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25687611

aw she turned members only off

>> No.25687626

finally a patch that isn't complete trash, hopefully the girls will play more now

>> No.25687639
File: 67 KB, 622x622, 019283740129374.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't say that I love Bloop!

>> No.25687677

t.literally nobody

>> No.25687707

:_GuraWhat: conveys a sense of confusion and a bit of concern. :_guWAT: is more mischievous, as though you've been caught with something and are trying to play dumb. they are not the same

>> No.25687719
File: 227 KB, 608x608, 1649208854347.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chumbies chumbies warm and tasty
chumbie stew, now please be hasty
delicious meal from chumbie batter
gura will eat every last chatter

>> No.25687735
File: 403 KB, 660x682, blura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25687892

There is absolutely nothing good about shark_mascot_2
I'd rather own a fucking takodachi plushie than him

>> No.25687769


In the end all these girls are loaded but cover absolutely takes fatter cuts from various sources than they let on

>> No.25687796

tree rat breaks containment like every other day, she just gets a pass for being a based koronesuki

>> No.25687837
File: 321 KB, 1110x1239, 1639039350359.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25687963

Jokes on you I never chat and my supas are always empty.

>> No.25687868
Quoted by: >>25688052

too bad that the 0.5% who would care about this if it breaks containment are her paypigs and more dedicated fans...

>> No.25687869

What is everyone's favorite emote? Personally I'm fond of :_gurapat: but :_GuYum: is fun to spam too.

>> No.25687884
File: 168 KB, 1712x1472, FNLsUGXXwAMgnbZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25687892
File: 12 KB, 189x189, guntako.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'd rather own a fucking takodachi plushie than him

>> No.25687899
File: 59 KB, 256x256, _GuraMM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25687923
File: 106 KB, 512x512, 1602818062925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The one Gura deserves the most!

>> No.25687924
File: 155 KB, 512x512, 1637283200526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25687938
Quoted by: >>25688089

guracry is amazing
gurnya is nacho's masterpiece
gurasame is underused and based
and guramm can go fucking die

>> No.25687954

the face and guralove are the only ones I really use

>> No.25687963

gura will use your bones like toothpicks

>> No.25688052
File: 148 KB, 500x500, 1627509861723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25688116

Are you retarded her paypigs are here. Some were even in the stupid poka doxxcord whenever that arc was happening.

>> No.25688075
File: 4.00 MB, 3902x4143, 97318039_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I sure hope so

>> No.25688089

>Gura says totally innocuous but can be misconstrued into something lewd.
:_GuraMM: :_GuraMM: :_GuraMM:

>> No.25688116
Quoted by: >>25688626

>Some were even in the stupid poka doxxcord
Who? I need to know who to hate

>> No.25688127
File: 151 KB, 850x1292, 20220607_165148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25688164

Post more Gura, you absolute buffoons.

>> No.25688155
File: 1.42 MB, 300x300, 1652765590570.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25688192


>> No.25688164
File: 243 KB, 2048x1966, Gura baby[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyyjp18.webm].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25688192

Remember actual toys like that from the 90s? :) the good old days

>> No.25688268
File: 158 KB, 512x512, GurNya__DTNYPb3I4O_gwP3qKXgDw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25689879

it is the mona lisa of our time

>> No.25688287
File: 317 KB, 1512x1775, 20220607_165540.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.25688335

hewwo guwa

>> No.25688340

So is this the second before Gura ripped her tits off?

>> No.25688344


>> No.25688416
File: 221 KB, 512x512, 1649321284043.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Child you're not allowed inside this home.

>> No.25688448

that’s a bigass rat

>> No.25688532 [DELETED] 


>> No.25688626

All of them, paypigs are stalkers.

>> No.25688664
File: 709 KB, 1092x1175, 98894550_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goddamn this is erotic as fuck and it's not even trying to be.

>> No.25688680
Quoted by: >>25688761

Gura needs to talk to Ina to see how she permanently fixed her MC chat problem. I've left comments in chat and on vods but she won't read them.

>> No.25688717 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25688762

Gura created her Discord account on March 28 2019
Her username was beppe#8399 until Feb 18, she changed it to CLAP#9163 after the first posts hinting that she was being stalked were made (no screenshots or other proof had been posted yet)

These posts began after she first mentioned playing Valheim on Feb 14, but apparently the main stalker has been keeping an eye on her since well before that and has a screenshot of her Discord status taken every 5 minutes from February to September.
She used to post on CowsIAM's Discord server (DBD streamer) and the Muse Dash server with this account and that is where the connection to HER comes from.

You need Discord Nitro in order to change your number tag and Gura has had Nitro since July 30 2020

This weekend she changed her username, tag (ll_xo#6844) and pfp after the first posts summarizing most of this information were made (which were missing a lot of newer findings)

What does this prove?
The connection between that account and Gura is undeniable at this point.
He streamed 5 times with HER
He is one of her first 10 followers on her Hololive Twitch channel (created January 7th 2022) which means they are still in contact as she had to DM him her account or post it in her private Discord server.
That means Gura ghosted Chumbuds, lied to them, cancelled streams and made excuses to play with him all throughout last year and is most likely still doing the same. Some weeks she spent more hours playing with him than streaming

>> No.25688727

forget the thighs look at that tail

>> No.25688735

I've almost filled up another notebook of timestamps buds...

>> No.25688761

what does she need to do anyway? and why was her first solution temporary?

>> No.25688762 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25688793

A few examples;
Gura's and Barbie's Discord presence was "Valheim: in-game for 7 hours" at 3AM EST on the 16th, both having launched the game within one minute of each other. This is 8 hours after she canceled her Luigi stream.

Back when she used to regularly post schedules on Monday she suddenly posted a poll for members to let us decide what kind of stream we wanted
This was so she could stop working on her schedule because she saw him go online and wanted to play with him
She ended up not posting a schedule that day.

It hasn't been possible to track Gura's activity as she set her Steam status to private and Discord doesn't show her game status anymore as someone messaged Barb on March 2nd 2021 telling him that they were being stalked so she changed it shortly after.
A few days ago she mentioned finishing Powerwash Simulator coop offstream, and mentioned how the update (which came out on May 19) had fixed it and that it was buggy before, confirming that she had indeed played coop. This lines up perfectly with the week of the 23rd where she only streamed twice. Keep in mind that Powerwash Sim was a game that she had complained about not having perms for and was really excited to stream once she got them. She once again chose him over Chumbuds and played the rest of the game offstream.

The original stalker has been doing all of this because he suspects that she left Jay for Barb, as she streamed 5 times with him right after she completely stopped streaming with Jay.
Unfortunately for him, it makes almost no sense to look at this from the cuckposting angle because Jay bought his Switch in 2020, meaning that Gura had to add him to her friends list after the supposed breakup.
All I'm trying to prove with this is just how fake Gura is and how often she lies. She often complains about having almost no one to talk to and even told us about how she had to ask her mom to play with her while she had covid. She's doing all of this to manipulate her gachikoi into believing that she's just like them, when in fact she has a fairly normal social life outside of streaming.

>> No.25688764

I would worship her thighs with my tongue!

>> No.25688793

Buying a Switch at a certain date does not mean you can't have used one before and have made a Nintendo account with a friend list.

>> No.25688834
Quoted by: >>25688882

Don't reply to him. people have stopped taking his bait and he's getting upset

>> No.25688835
Quoted by: >>25688882

just report and ignore retard

>> No.25688881

get the fuck out of my house you wacky slag
sick of it

>> No.25688882

Do you retards not realize what he's implying? He's just as schizo as the one posting the walls of text

>> No.25688918

I literally don't care what he's implying because it's retarded. Don't reply to him.

>> No.25688933

I didn't even read that post. I just told him to stop replying

>> No.25688944
Quoted by: >>25689024

>Do you retards not realize what he's implying?
no, because I didn't read his post
you reply to hot wheels' walls of text, you're a schizo or a retard

>> No.25688962
File: 656 KB, 1000x800, 1640032221289.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25689000
File: 1007 KB, 2116x3000, 1654396749157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25689093


>> No.25689007

Bets on number of council members joining vc tonight, of any?

>> No.25689024

Why are you so afraid of reading it if you know Gura has nothing to hide?

>> No.25689054

Nobody thought to point that out for some reason.

>> No.25689081

Kronii maybe? Depends on if she's awake. Bae has a stream later. Kronii does too but I feel like Kronii is dumb enough to want to Minecraft and not rest before her stream.

Maybe Ame of Fauna.

>> No.25689093
Quoted by: >>25689125

Look at that extremely tiny tongue. Imagine it all over my dick

>> No.25689092

jesus christ you're retarded. We meant no one read the post of the retard reply to the other retard. I haven't read either though, because it's all schizo babble

>> No.25689111


>> No.25689123

You are most likely arguing with the schizo who posted it btw

>> No.25689125
Quoted by: >>25689180

Sir, Dino Gura is for rubs not for obscene acts.

>> No.25689132
File: 251 KB, 597x518, 1634672904143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.25689142

bae and kronii stream a few hours later so maybe the will join for a bit

>> No.25689158

bwain hort

>> No.25689180

Yeah rubbing my cock to climax

>> No.25689231

>because it's all schizo babble
How would you know if you haven't even read it?
At least don't be a pussy if you trust Gura so much

>> No.25689272

he's replied to those posts with the same post all day so its likely the guy posting the paragraph in the first place

>> No.25689365
File: 250 KB, 312x378, 1643754114450.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25689617

I read it and came to the conclusion that there were no crimes commited and Gura cute.
Besides I used to call in sick to work every week back when I played WoW, I get it kek.

>> No.25689416

>It's so laughable they're already making parodies of that stupid wall of text.
Love to see it.

>> No.25689431

Give me your top 5 gura colabs off all time

>> No.25689448

If it's any than the answer is too many.

>> No.25689504

because it contains new screenshots that were taken over a year ago but have only just been posted these past few days, and you cannot convince me a shitposter would shit on those for over a year

>> No.25689512
Quoted by: >>25689617

I don't need to read it because I read it last year when the same shit was pushed the first time. nothing has changed, the faggots posting it (you) are still mentally ill

>> No.25689519

>Guerrilla MC collab with Myth where they tried to launch Ina
>everything else
I don't really like collabs that much

>> No.25689569 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>25689617

I read it and came to the conclusion that there's no real proof it's Gura's account and it wouldn't matter if it was. Boring shit.

>> No.25689608

>shit on those for over a year
*sit on those for over a year

>> No.25689617

All five of you fucking failed the test. DON'T REPLY.

>> No.25689642

Go back

>> No.25689646

You aren't my mom.

>> No.25689663

Is Gura gonna work on that alarm thing in MC or am I misremembering?

>> No.25689664
File: 158 KB, 512x512, 1651974980261.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't help it. I can't live on knowing that she was finger blasting someone named Ame. Who fuck is Ame?

>> No.25689685
Quoted by: >>25689794

>Replies to schizo posts
>Gets called out for it
>"G-go back"

>> No.25689713
Quoted by: >>25689794

Not his fault you don’t understand how this place works

>> No.25689714

I think she called it an alarm but people are assuming its a security system because what she said during the collab the other day

>> No.25689717

Discord sex with Ame....

>> No.25689718

she might but she might also be interested in the new update. that is assuming the server has been updated

>> No.25689722

Yeah she briefly mentioned she wants to make an alarm and gave no further details so who the fuck knows what gremlin is planning.

>> No.25689760

>Who fuck is Ame?
Just a typo. She meant "me" . As in me, as I am her husband

>> No.25689769

There is no way the server is updated. You cannot possibly have that much faith in Cover.

>> No.25689770

There is no way in hell the servers are updated. Shit takes weeks. They have to manually do it.

>> No.25689794

Trying to tard wrangle schizos has always been a thing. Imagine if someone could provide a single thing that would disprove any of that. The entire rrat would die. Sadly that isn't the case here and you are just choosing to cope.

>> No.25689802

Good one. If we're lucky the server will be updated in 3-4 weeks

>> No.25689826
Quoted by: >>25689891

Ame has already infiltrated the board and might be in this very split
It could be him
It could be (you)
It could even be…

>> No.25689879

If GurNya is the Mona Lisa, that means Nachoneko is the Leonardo di Vinci?
I accept this.

>> No.25689891
File: 9 KB, 219x187, 1645441831463.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh.... shit... Ame is the fed assigned to follow me...

>> No.25689905

That is presuming its argued in good faith, they don't care if they are wrong, they just want to derail splits and farm (you)

>> No.25689980
Quoted by: >>25690070

I want to rape Gawr until she turns blue

>> No.25690070

I wish I had the money to commission a doujin with this premise.

>> No.25690081
File: 92 KB, 432x410, 1653765312454.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>25690120

nigger how long have you been at this?
good god I would not want to be on a plane with you, you'd take a shit, bring it with you into the cabin and talk about how nobody can disprove that the shit you pulled out of your ass stinks, and are pussies for not pressing their nose up to it like you've been doing for the entirety of the flight

>> No.25690120

The schizo is reminiscent of a 15yr old kid who just found Ben Shaprio on youtube for the first time and thinks that he's the pinnacle of debating skills

>> No.25690238

have a good one chumbies i'll see you in the VOD
