[Horrible News] Kronii confirms the Fauna slap didn't happen
I love Ina!
Goomba tomorrow, chooms.
>fauna slapped her own handYAB
Ain't nothin' gonna to break my strideNobody gonna slow me down, oh noI got to keep on moving
>>24947035>>24947058>>24947063I knew she was going to blurt out some sentence
Bae doesn't know what rimjobber means
>>24947092>no new /ggg/thanks god
for the love of god why does it always come back to rimjobs
>>24947044>he rele beliebs it
>>24947126meme magic baby
Jill misses DorothyBaesed
>>24947092/ggg/ should be nuked until then
Bae is proof that Satan really exists. Her mere existence fills my mind with overpowering, sinful thought breaking my feebly humanly mind into primal animalistic pieces willing and ready to do the most abhorrent and loathsome acts just to fornicate with her in the most depraved ways that would shroud Gods pure and innocent creation in perverted sexual darkness.
>see foxIT'S FUBUKIChoco cute
>>24947044i have VIDEO EVIDENCE
>>24947167>>24947121>conceding to terrorists weak
>>24947090Cute 'Melier! Here's mine.
>>24947121Not once have I clicked on non-global thread in this hellhole of a board
>>24947191>no mickey
Bae's pee
>Fauna is a confirmed whoreOH NO NO NO KEKLINGS
>>24947231mickey was later
>>24947231Mickey Mouse sleeps with the fishes.
How does Bae piss so fast I don't understand. She must jump out on the lawn and blast the piss straight out and then jump straight back to her gaming chair without wiping or wearing pants.
Does Kronii hate Bae?
>why does she always watchkek
>>24947222It was 5-7 minutes ago, you'll have to do the math when the vod is out or someone will give a timestamp
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>>24947284>bae pisses really fast>ina pisses really fastTHEY ARE
>>24947204It just gets boring after the 40th fake meltdown over any 2+ day break
>>24947284Yeah that shit was 30 seconds at most What the fuck
>>24947191rotoscoped and audio spliced, nice try
>>24947213then how do I talk about gooba or post gooba pics outside of her stream? talking about gooba outside of her stream is so not polite to other fans's like the third time you've seen this part...
>>24947328dont respond to shitposter then
>>24947284Really small bladderPlz andstd
>>24947284She pisses herself in the gaming chair, but mutes the mic so that we can't hear it
The 2 fingers are gay
>>24947091Me too!
>>24947284She learned from Ollie
[Ame News] Ame get it (No she doesn't).
Bae's a fujo for Dana and Jill having sexI don't know the fujo equivalent of wanting two dykes to fuck
>>24947408t. hree fingers
admit it, you love her.
Uyu is having a good time practicing his English.
>>24947408t.ranni and the three fingers.
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>24947428a dyke
Kronii is mean to be bullied
>>24947336You use this thread like any other moron with half a brain cell to spare, you donut.
>>24947330you cant deny it kronii
why is the thread so dead? did all the schizos get a vacation or something
>>24947167>>24947121Even when she's not around, you still seethe. The very definition of rent free.
Choco the god gamer
>>24947490Concentrate on your stream, Ame.
>>24947490holy fuck that cat has a long tail
>>24947490what the fuck is this cryptid
>>24947507>/vt/ is his oshi
what kind of animal is Animal?
>>24947472he is not a donut, donuts aren't sentient anon how can one post in 4chan
>>24947490weird dog
>>24947507/hlgg/ only cares about ENs, but everyone is also sick to death of Elden Ring streams.
>>24947507indonesians have to sleep too
>>24947520Scared Choco cute! and sex
>>24947284She learned from Coco bathroom speed running
>>24947546Animal is an Animal.
>>24947284It takes mammals 21 seconds to piss. The reasons are biological. If she can make it to and from the bathroom in 6 seconds, that still leaves 3 seconds to wash up. What's so difficult to understand about this?
>>24947490what a weird dog
>>24947490Is that a chimera?
>>24947519Hating /ggg/ means you actually like Gura
>>24947599But thats not blaidd.
>>24947546It's a nickname for her boyfriend.
>>24947490Thanks Ame!
gura wears diapers
>>24947537>The binturong (Arctictis binturong) (/bJnˈtjʊərɒŋ, ˈbJntjʊrɒŋ/, bin-TURE-ong, BIN-ture-ong), also known as the bearcat, is a viverrid native to South and Southeast Asia.
>>24947472alright you convinced me
>>24947284>10 seconds to run out of room.>Only wear a t-shirt with no pants or panties.>Pull up t-shirt.>Start blasting for 10 seconds, no more, no less.>Shake hips.>Run back.
>>24947639>Believing the witch.
Doot might be Ame's best strategy.
>shared a """"room"""" with faunawhy is she gloating about all the sex she gets to have with her friends? vile whore
>>24947646Yeah, me.
I will post a singular Towa.
Wow I really don't remember this area in ER. I thought the earlier basic Astel lead to the Dragon Soldier.
Kronmei bros we keep losing...
Bae should have sex with this underage female kid.
>>24947665>another SEAnigger trickery
Oh no Asian kid callout.
Just got back from work. Has ame fought astel the homostar dragon
council should be renamed to holosex because that's all they do with each other
kromei bros how will we recover from this?
>upgrades a full poison weapon>doesn't apply it firstoh ame...
Bae is being so wise....
>>24947701It’s fine, Mumei likes to watch, you see.
>>24947507I miss Mumei.Nobody else can replace her. But I am watching Ame.
Tummy hurtz...
Shhhh my Ina is resting.
Zoomer rrat...
>>24947736Not yet, she still has to beat this guy and cross lake of rot.
Tummy hort....
Ame ate a bunch of cereal with gluten.
Damn, poison mist is actually strong.
>>24947675You forget she might spread her pussy open while aiming
>>24947701It's fine, Mumei is dating Haachama now.
>Bae immediately perks up when a dude shows upuhhhh brrats? your oshi????
can you just wait until he does the jump attack and loop backstabs dark souls 1 style?
400 Bad RequestRequest Header Or Cookie Too Largenginx
>>24947699this art almost looks like something by gujira
>>24947836she likes penis yes, she's a woman
>>24947836Can't blame her, the dude looks like me
>>24947836Too bad the dude’s gay lmao
>>24947840Wait what?! Since when was she releasing a Cover
ground pound
>>24947836Bae, Ame and IRyS are the straightest Holos./u/ schizos need not reply
Damn Ame actually did pretty well at dodging there
I love Gura!
>>24947856400 Bad RequestRequest Header or cookie too largenginx
I fucking hate the GoXLR
she doesn't give the eagle enough credit
>>24947866What an absolute asshole. I love it
>>24947856This shit keeps happening to me and I'm getting annoyed
>>24947924Yeah, that's what I was going to sayShe's getting actually better lol
I'm excited for more festival Kirby
>>24947836>hey i recognize this reference!gee i wonder why she perked up
My brothers I am watching this Infidel "Amelia Watson" play this Heathen game called "Elden Ring", Yallah she is absolutely terrible at the game brothers! But Alhamdulillah she is both attractive and entertaining that I am absolutely enraptured by her performance, Allah forgive me. By the prophet's beard I will surely superchat her when she finally completes this heathen game, Wallahi!
>>24947924She's always had pretty decent dodging skills but sometimes never takes advantage of it.
the italian defamation...
>>24947840She kinda looks like Anya, there.
Ame actually pretty good at dodging when push comes to shove.
wait are Bowson and the toot toot supposed to be a shitpost right? Why is her build working so well.I'll forever kneel to Ameway
This is anti-Italian discrimination and it's offensive
>Lake of rotT-thank you Miyazaki
Hey, what is Choco's demon cat maid suppose to be?
Lake of coolaid!
>Bae laughing at the gays.
>she rolled in it
>>24947978The toot is actually very strong. The meme factor of it just filters people.
Bae gets it lmao
Ame is blind, bros...
>14 boluses>will roll in itShe's fucked.
kronii is /here/ wtf
Lake of Rot isnt that bad
Why do women drop their guards so easily around gays...
>>24948041Having to farm it probably doesn't help
choco tensai
i'm pretty sure that Ame has Flame Cleanse Me...
oh so kronii gave herself fat fucking tits because biblical angels are scary, naruhodo.
>>24947978the doot horns are surprisingly REALLY fucking good for borderline joke weapons. The bow itself also gets pretty decent once you start using better arrows
>>24947961Careful posting that, you'll make Kiara morb
Lake of rot isn't that bad, just explore and forfeit any ideas of surviving. The only thing to worry about is the boss.
I shall now hypnotize you with cute Okayu.
>>24947490I want Noel to be able to sniff one of these one day, their balls smell like popcorn!
Ame is fucking smarter than Mori who kept dying at this part without the prerequisite
>>24948078They treat fags like dogs in the "mans best friend" equation
>>24948104There's not really anything worth finding in the lake part anyway.
>>24947962>>24947985>t. Joe Colombo
>>24948078Because they are not talking to them only intending have seggs
>Finds out the guy is gay >OMG SO CUTE LITTLE FAGBOYThey really are like an accessory for girls to have around, my god
>>24948113Do you have Mio's
>>24948094She has 10 boluses, and can craft 14 more, she's good lol
>>24948164fat ass...
>I thought he was gonna be a cool silent biker type but then he said he was gay and my pussy dried up and was replaced by cute thoughts.
I'm legit jealous of Kronii. I'm actually slightly angry.I'm gonna get off the internet, cool my head and drink myself to sleep to not think more about how she did lewd stuff with my oshi
>>24947918I watch the whole thing every time.
[Sad News]Mario crashed his bike on the way back home.
Doing archive reps, did any anon save this >>24918404
Lake of Rot always reminds me of Ghostbusters 2.
Based Ame
>>24948153bae thought he was cute before she knew he was gay though
>>24947918HOW DOES HE GET OUT?
>>24948194Hopefully you get alcohol poisoning
>>24948194Hey, Kronii deserves some kind of win after going through daily beatings for the past two decades.
>>24948149The fuck is this entire sentence
New Kaela dropping later tonight.
Ame is ruining this playthrough
>they think the small tooter is goodif i only had the webm of the medium sized doot horn that unironically does 8000 damage in 2 seconds
>One message saying wrong way>When everyone else was guiding her that wayHow does she always end up reading that one dumbass
>>24948194cope and seethe
>>24948225This is the second time I've seen someone ask this, what exactly are you guys planning to do with the photo?
>>24948271/v/ levels of contrarianism.
Is Ame going to find the other mushroom outfit?
Dorothy on the barside
>>24948249Probably a woman.
my cute whore wife dorothy
when do you think Bae's period is?
when is Kronii moving to her new house? offcollabs on irl bunkeronii can't come soon enough
>>24948271It stands out because it’s different from the other messages.
>>24948271im that one dumbass btw
>>24948289maybe? if she keeps going to the right?
>>24948283Jack off
>>24948302Lazy fuckers
>>24948312at the end
>>24948319who know probably next month
ever since dorothy popped up the first time ive been thinking about how i wish i was a robot
>>24948271The brain always looks for unique things and then justifies later that it was a random selection, that's why steamers always reads the unique bad comment instead of the hundred or so same comments telling them to do the right thing
>>24948319in x amount of weeks, she said she was doing some more shit in preparation for it earlier in the stream
Dorothy is cucking the rrat...
bae offering to sell her body for money to her viewers!
Why Alabaster Lords are such jobbers, bros...
>Takes offense to Brrat needing some Dorothy in their life.Jelly Bae is hot.
>>24948338It's just a photo of a desktop with a unity wallpaper (that has Ame's face blacked out) anon... There's nothing much to jack off to.
>>24948387>>24948396NO BAE DON'T OPEN THE TIER 4 SUBS
>>24948397Dumb ayylmaos without grace
Bae is now currently thinking of penises thanks to dorothy
has she morbed yet?
Is Kronii the Nene of EN?
How would Bae react if she saw a penis?
>dick dick dickcalm down bae
>>24948452That doesn't even make sense and no.
how much do you think bae charges
Organic decks
Bae's struggling HARD lmao
kronii...>>24948379I think you would write "were touched as children" or "was touched as a child" not "were touched as a kid"
So what's that 2am meeting all about? Are they finally announcing my marriage to IRyS?
>>24948397cant think of this enemy without immediately thinking of that one retard in the webm who gets dunked like a smash bros character
>>24948486A graduation coming up.
>>24948486All meetings are at 2am They do them monthly on top of any sudden or special events.The girls just don't suddenly have shit sleep schedules.
Gura has less solo songs then Council what is her excuse?
Santa said mating press
dorothy is so perfect it hurts
>>24948463Oh mah gaw
>Exploring Lake of Rot.Ame beats the game...
>>24948452Unless she also has a copypasta about the weird shit she’s said and done, that would have to be Mumei.
Santa gang bang time?
Ame's morbin
>>24948418I need the photo
Ame, you're the one who kept saying morb! You can't complain about it now!
There's a new Morbtendo game?
based, bae couldn't compete
>the new morbtendo game
>>24948540You have more chromosomes than the average person, what is your excuse?
THATS IT I... I'M...!
>>24948486Their weekly information about available sponsorship, this time there wasn't even a single one for EN so it was complete waste of time for them
>>24948486probably convention stuff considering may 27th in anime boston is coming up
>>24948598is this real??
oh no, she's morbin
>>24948102OH GOD LOOK OUT
>>24948623Ame just mentioned it!
based dorothy
Bowson with the bedroom eyes... Uwah!
The fact this keeps happening to Bae is hilarious
Please just skip the lake...
This is an absolute treat. this Mumei’s first song cover?
>ame says bowson's giving her the bedroom eyes>kronii says it'd be nice if she had eyes at all
Dragonkin soldier time!
holy shit dorothy is on fire today
She can't keep getting away with it
>>24948704She plays those games on purpose
>>24948717First solo cover.
>>24948672I hate ame for making all these faggots spam morb
>NUMBERS I NEED NUMBERSthere' your soundpost
wtf baethis game is a pedo game
I missed this boss and I don't care.
Why do they keep making these stupid ass swamps? Nobody likes them.
>But officer she's mature for her age. Like 24.
I don't think Ame can beat the rotting dragonkin.
Dorothy is so good
I still do not know what Gas Lightning is. I read the definition that google gets you, but it doesn't make sense when people use it.
Do you even have to fight the dragonkin?
Dorothy is breaking Bae
>>24948768putting things you don't like in the game is the whole point of the game
Glad I got back just in time to watch that whole Dorothy interaction.
>>24948717 think Mumei covered the wrong Dilemma bros...
I want to hug Dorothy so badly...
would a mental age of 24 hold up in a court of law?
>ageless robot being preachy about ageReally, nigger?
>>24948785>gas lightningI think I know what your problem might be
>>24948793it has a nice drop
this makes up for missing jill's dick talk with dana
>>24948768Miyazaki unironically loves swamps.
What the fuck is happening in this thread
>>24947856>>24947931>Cookie Too LargeI'll be the judge of that.
...Ame is mogging my build with a fucking clarinet
When did they put that statue of marika?
It's not gay if it's in a mega santa 8 way
How the fuck did Va11-Hall-a get cleared for a stream by management
>>24948838>>24948847>that facekek
>>24948283I just wanna see because it has so many (You)'s
>>24948194Wait what happened with Kronii? Fuck I didn't even know she was streaming.
I want to have sex with dorothy. where is my slutty loli robot to fuck?
Bae is going insane
irys' worst nightmare
>>24948881nice post anonymous
>>24948891Because mane-chan is based
so why isnt Ame using summons suddenly
Bae is losing it
>>24948785it just means lying
Bae don't play that!
>>24948869>makes a couple little pathetic poison swamps for early game>ramps it up hard in Caelid>throws you into a lake of even worse stuff
Ame's brain is kinda uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....
I feel like Kronii would be the type that won't fight back if you forcefully kiss her despite her really hating it.
kirameki rider let's goooooooooooooooooo
Staying on that screen with SSS playing is hilarious.
Nothing like Kirameki Rider with the word gangbang on screen
what a good idea, baelet's play the hololive song with the gangband/orgy line onscreen
Does Ame have legit brain damage?
>>24948956>>24948958wait, isn't this SSS?
god shes so fucking stupid
Which ENs would enjoy va11-ha11a's dialogue? Which JPs would? Which IDs would?
>>24948891Bae’s manager is gaslighting her into becoming a sex fiend.
>>24948980How new
>>24948923she keeps pressing the wrong buttons obvisouly
>>24948996kronii would
>>24948962built for comfort women camps
>>24948952"If only you knew how bad things really are"
>>24948996Risu already played it
>>24948996Reine would really cum on stream
Yeah I'm Mega Santa
bae literally drew a penis going into an ass on stream why can't she just play the game at a normal pace
Now I'm imagining Hololive gangbang while the girls in Santa outfits
>>24948996>Which ID's
The small bubble isn't terrible I guess. Though it is like significantly less than the halo scythe does.
Shit’s about to go down
>>24948970Mori and IRyS told her what the JPs did to them. Why do you think Mori wants Myth in Japan so much over 30 women is a lot to handle for just the 2 of them. It’s also why she cried when Kiara left because she knew the relief duties would now fall entirely on her
>>24947604What are you some kinda pisspert?
>>24949054That was a naked womans torso retard.
for once teamates did it
>blows ass tons of mana on leap spell not swapping weapons properly>proceeds to stand too far for horn weapon while mimic gets farmed>is instead saved by teamates healing her with messagesi cant fucking believe it
>>24949108Fucking love that one
Ice lightning is such a stupid concept
teakeks oh nono someone other than you healed your oshi
>>24949109Way too thin to be a torso. Makes way more sense as an ass.
Ame is gonna quit Elden Quit at the mountaintop.Her build needs a respec so hard
>>24949131Is it worthwhile, though?
>>24949134I don't care what your head thinks makes sense. It was a torso with a belly button.
>>24949109it's a rorschach test
>>24949142Sure thing gideon
>>24949142Forgot your pic, All-Coping?
>>24949131really? I killed him pretty easily my first try and I didn't even activate any of the platforms
>>24949142If she's gonna doot all the time why doesn't she got FTH/STR?
>>24949142I've swear I've seen this exact same post about every area of the game
>>24949121Cold electricity is a thing, you know?
Didn't the local "Sir Gideon the all Coping" said that Ame was going to get filtered by the Lake of Rot?
>>24949131Hell that dragon boss is easy. The weapon isn't really that good in the grand scheme of what is available.
>>24949152Its the weakest katana and one of the weakest somber weapons in general.Its unsavagable shit
>>24949131How? I’d think the mantis blade is rarer
>>24948996>ENThe ones that would enjoy the dialog get filtered by the amount of it. Maybe Fauna or Kronii.>JPsOkayu, Polka, Matsuri off the top of my head. Homos, too.>IDsRisu played it but I can see Ollie being into it also.I think Needy Streamer Overload was a good litmus test.
>>24949142she is gonna get filtered hard by either maliket, melania, or even godfrey.
>>24948387>>24948396Idol company...
bae please stop yelling...
this game has some really good music but holy fuck is it loud
>>24949220roberu called donnie a choco-ball.....
bae please keep yelling
>>24949180>>24949210More because almost everyone makes a beeline to the temple & sick of poison swamp #243
Imagine the thing that filters Ame being the Gideon fight
>>24949247that's bae's charm point
>>24949228>maliketNo health>melaniaOptional>godfreyToot'd to death
>>24949170>>24949178>>24949181>>24949183>20/20/20/20 STR DEX INT FTH>VIGlet on naked armorConsacrated snowfield and farum especially will be brutal, she is in the range of lose 75% hp per hit from any trash mob
That timing was kino
>>24949274gideonbeats would ruin these threads forever
>>24949274I would be howling
>>24949274it'd be perfect
>Lenore is Jill's ex>She's dead>She's the lost LenoreBRAVO KOJIMA
Bold of you guys to assume Ame won’t respec to pure faith
>>24949393yeah, me (I'm the lollipop) (not I'm not your dick)
Ame fat rolling.
>>24949284Good luck tooting it to death with that shit weapon on min FTH as he is also holy resistant like all endgame bosses.The toot already deal no damage and its only going to be worse.At the very least she needs the colossal doot from haligtree
I can't play Va-11 Hall-A because of KoTH
>>24949389Bold of you to assume she'll learn how to respec
>>24949259Her signature kinda looks like that
>>24949456Bold of you to assume chat won’t tell her.
brain hort
>>24949456She already knows about the process?
>>24949465>Gura with two baths.No...
>>24949465>t. kiara
>>24949456>>24949502Chat already told her how, she said she doesnt wanna right now.
Oh shit she can use the bigger horn now
Is big doot actually better?
>>24949502Bold of you to assume that will tell her to respec her stats>>24949502>>24949520>>24949544Shut up, I'm making a funny
>Ame finally using the long doot
I'm glad Bae is enjoying the game.
did ame finally put enough points in to use the big one?
>>24949465god damn Kikkers.
>>24949482>anon posts Luna>I think it's basedHow does this keep happening?
>>24949559Its incredibly OP with the right build5K damage per L2
Yeah, GG, that doot thing is even more broken than RoB & can melt Elden Beast in seconds.
Good morning everyone! Have you been enjoying Hololive?
>>24949559It's actually OP
>>24949559It's one of the most op weapons in the game. Literally a boss melter
Ame just discovered the secret OP build in Elden ring
>>24949585I saw Luna in the thread so I felt compelled to post LunaIt's like a bat signal for Lunaitos
>>24949599Not with those stats
>>24949559The large one's ashen art does insane damage. It's really fun.
>>24949577I think she might finish it in 3 more streams
>>24949600does ame have the right build?
Rabu rabu! rabu rabu! meido-san da zo!
>>24949577Seeing her have fun with it is very cute, good on her for sticking with it so far.
>kronii aggressively sleep-talked when sharing a bed with faunaKEK
>>24947191>Mumei likes to watchevery time
My cute catwife
>Akira watchalong with rrat
>>24949608Watamefriend! I'm right over here! Yes, I have been enjoying Hololive!
>>24948891Risu is a pioneer
Choco got got
>BITCH SHUT UP and rolled overHOLY KEK
>Akira watchalong next week with BaeBae really likes her cars and bikes huh?
>>24949684Been a while since I've watched it, so that'll be neat
Why did you lie to her....
What is Ame even looking for?
Holy fuck Choco, what a pure dread scream
>>24949651No but she'll still do a fuckton of damage on big bosses
>>24949709Mushroom clothes
Kronii is probably having wet dreams pretty often with how sexually frustrated she is.
"So many cool weapons in this game, I want to use all of them" That makes ame the best EN player of ER.
>>24949709Mushroom hat
>>24949728Aren’t those in caelid?
>>24949709Morb Crown
>literally slept on the same bed togetherKROMEI BTFO
share a bed with me anon
That's not weird, Kronii. Just keep telling us more about it.
wait is that the chinese flag in pizzapapa's thumbnail?
>>24949684oh fuck yeah
>>24949728>>24949742Would they benefit Bowson?
Kronii is a schizo...
Is it weird that Ame's playthrough has improved my opinion of ER? It feels like this is the game Miyazaki intended for people to play the game
>>24949627Well it works
>>24949747That looks like shit
>>24949752anon she did the same with Ina, Mumei has been the biggest cuck holo since the first offcollab
another one bites the dust and didn't have to lift a finger nanora
>>24949811She likes to watch.
do you guys think they h-hugged under the sheets or something??
I want to impregnate a woman.
>>24949785たしかにwNow to debate if I want to listen to her play the Electone or if I want to fall asleep now and wake up for the Shuba collab
>>24949835based and same
Kronii threating violence...
>>24947091I love my wife!
>>24949815How does she keep getting away with it
/u/schizos are fucking cancer...
Why does Bae hate Dorothy so much?
>>24949559It will kill any large boss very quickly. It'll kill smaller bosses less quickly but still fast. She'll need to level it but it is massive damage. If she upgrades it and uses it on astel it'll be easy.
>>24949815I'll show you who bites the dust
>>24949811Mumei has voyeurism fetish, she masturbates to people having sex in front of her
>>24949835Have you tried asking your mom? Seems like she has the bar set pretty low. You might have a shot.
I'm jealous of Kronii...
I want to fuck Bae in the ass and make her say many naughty things. I will now watch Amelia Watson.
Who is gayer, Reine or Kronii?
its been a week since goomba last streamed. what the hell is she doing
>>24949835>>24949845neither of you ever will
I hope Ame doesnt find the tree spirit here
Luna is a bit uhh… you know…
>>24949835Me too man
>>24949863it hits too close to home
>>24949897She is a vtiktoker now
>>24949599It isn't that broken vs elden beast. Since he resists holy. You can still do it though. It isn't melt fast.
WHY TF IS AME JUST WALKING AROUND LAKE ROT. She hasn't really gotten much accomplished
>>24949898We'll never know unless they also go on a sexcation together.
I hate those freakin' bug things
>>24949897Busy making babies with her husband.
>>24949834>has to deflect saying who was the big spoon and little spoonabsolutely
We're getting NTR'd...
>>24949913Streams all week baeby
>>24949863Bae's a normie who loves to act like she's trying to reclaim her former innocence
ame makes a mistake live
>>24949888You read my mind compadre.
>>24949903There's a tree spirit here?
>>24949844I have an alarm set for the electone stream anyway. If I manage to stay awake I can enjoy Luna. If I drift off I'll do it to the best possible background music played by the Princess herself
isn't there a jumpscare in this area?
>>24947441Why would I when she doesn't love her own fanbase
>>24949781>Used moonveil for a long time>Now big doot>MimicNot any different than Reine the Blasphemy enjoyer except that Reine build wasn't a retarded spread of stats
Ame's never going to Volcano Manor at this rate...
POV: you are Kronii
>>24949967it jumps out of the waterfall when you go to pick up an item by it
>open Ame stream >she dies to a stupid bug
>>24950008>Used moonveil for a long timeWatch stream.
>>24949967yeah near the rot waterfall, really sucks to fight it here
>>24950008Ame barely even touched Moonveil
>>24950008>moonveilWatch streams
>>24950008>used moonveil for a long timeShe had it equipped but never even used it.
>>24950008nigga Ame hates moonveil
>>24949967there's a ROT tree spirit here
>>24950008She used moonveil like once on accident and then told moonveilfags to kick rocks
>>24949910Sekusii adalto geenyas jesas paafecto adalto woman. Ok?
Sex with Goth Ina
>>24949875Do you think Mumei dares to walk around the school campus with a remote dildo stuck inside her.And you get to control it.
>>24950023Farum azula in august
>>24950010200 meters. North!
Oh no....
Oh fuck she's going to find the tree spirit
what did you just say to me ame
>Greytards saying big doot is not good.Man greys really don't know anything about ER do they? They only know what they've seen other greyfaggots say in chat.
>>24949903she found it...
this part of the game is actually hype, why is like 70% of it "shoot arrow through hole" puzzles
>>24950072Not if I hack you first!
Why has IRyS not streamed all week?
>> day you can collab with the better pink haired holo....
>>24950121Said no one.
Ame will be stuck on the rot tree spirit for the next two hours even though its optional
>>24950065 dick…
How far is Ame into the game anyways
oh god
>>24950153Like 60%?
>>24950121they are a very rare case of big messy monster with fair and properly made hitboxes, i like them too
I fucking hate these kindred of rot niggas.
sweet gwaks...
>>24950100The fact that people still think armor doesn't matter shows how abysmal the average gamer's comprehension is.
>>24950153She's technically only 6 or 7 required bosses from beating the game, but who knows what she's going to do after ranni's quest
ive only ever watched ame play this game do most people weave so many weapons in 1 playstyle?
Is it just me or does that fire monster look a lot like a fire version of chaos 6 from sonic adventure 1
>>24950121How you get filtered by them? They are easier than fuckinh dogs
Fauna and Kronii actually had sex and it turns out Fauna is the top.
>>24950136she is currently ded
>>24950197>rot niggas.
>>24950121they're incredibly easy to kill though
>>24949559Anything that is getting hit by the multiple bubbles is getting destroyed. works better on bigger enemies like the dragons tho
>>24950215I can sorta see it
>>24950209No. Most will focus 1 or 2 damage stats.
>>24950209no, mostly because it's a pain in the ass to upgrade more than two
>>24950209No, ameway.But she hasn't even made to any hard part of the game yet
>>24950076That’s exhibitionism, not voyeurism. She’s on her way to awakening that fetish, but I don’t think she’s there just yet.
kroner did eet
Ame is dumb.
>>24949600I don't think ashes of war scale with status mate
>Uses it from her usual too far to hit the boss with the small doot distance.Ame you retard. You should know how video game shotguns works.
Ame is smart.
>>24950239It's a big hopping frog lizard with many limbs and an elemental body, and also a scythe tail for attacks
>>24950296Ame invented the state of being dumb.
Does this mean kroni wont touch this game again?
>getting the spell AFTER going through all of lake of rotHer chat is retarded
>>24950136Sunday day off, Monday was doing stuff with her mom, yesterday had to spend 12 hours signing shit for dokomi that she thought was due later, and probably still asleep right now after finishing that
oh shit we're gonna see the pope
>>24950310They do, it takes 5 minutes to check.
Shoulda just got some more moss
>>24950347Has she not seen him yet?
fuck me armor is so worthless in ER
>>24950370Chat told her to not use the teleport and fight Rennala
>>24950327when she beats the final boss, yeah
Time for dog
Ame has read both of my advices about Flame Cleanse Me, we are basically married
>>24950391*Poises through your shit*
What is "eet" and why is it a thing that many holos do
Ame's gonna meet Turtle Pope
>>24950391We have this post every stream
>>24950261Crucible duo...
Enter dawgy
fuck chat
How does /vt/ do it? Even with all it's flaws it still manages to maintain a level of quality far above the other media boards.
>>24950472Only this thread
Why is he a turtle?
hey kronies, how often does whiny Kronii show up? I love this shit
>>24950472It doesn't
>Ame: Makes a question>Chat: Answers it>Ame: Nooo why you spoiled me aiiiieeeeee
>>24950472It used to be way betterIt's kinda shitty nowadays
>>24950503You should kill yourself
>>24950492anon there are giant talking pots in this game
Is the turtle nice turtle?
Oh good he's aliveFucking hell I was actually, unironically, going to cancel my membership
How is that dead turtle talking?
>>24950503when did Ame ask a question about the turtle pope?
Ame plays an abomination of INT/FTH and you aren't even making her play Golden Order incantation before the game hard force to switch pyro incantation with the holy res
>>24950503They spoiled her about the turtle, you retarded nigger
>>24950530He doesn’t judge you.
>>24950472This board is full of autistic manchildren endlessly gossipping about female weeaboo streamersThe only, ONLY quality threads, are the lewd threads
>>24950492but that's a dog
>>24950494usually during completely shit games, movies, or if she messes up. so fairly often
Holy fuck woman can you focus on someone talking with you for 10 seconds? IRyS is the fucking same.
ame's attention span is so bad she can't even sit through the turtle pope dialogue...
>>24950472the rice cooks the eggs
>>24950503>Ame: Makes a question>(Real) Ame: My eyes itchyyyy~Is this what anti has been reduced to? Watching the stream just to lie?
>>24950570Why is my wife naked...
>pathless spiritBRAVO NOLAN
Can we get ONE EN that actually fucking pays attention to the story in a game, fuck me.
Ame needs to marry me to complete the game
he's just a big ol turtle that believes in lovewhat a great character
>>24950341Rewatching vods isn't good enough. I need my Ina...
>>24950626Ina, ina... ina ina....
>>24950626t. watched vaati after playing the game
>>24950643>Half Life 2
>>24950626>I play souls games for the lore.
>>24950626I hate /v/niggers so much.
>>24950626>this man cares about fromsoft loreLMAO
>>24950626Nino Nino Ninooooooooo
>>24950626Kiara's weird cause like she'll look like she's not paying attention but then notice the smallest details in the game
>>24950601That’s the eventual fate of all antis. Some just reach that point sooner than others.
>>24950626Can we get ONE anon that actually fucking pays attention to the stream, fuck me.
>>24950681>>24950707You can actually care about multiple parts of a game simultaneously
>>24950626There unironically is no story in this game.
>>24950756>Elden Ring
What is Ame planning to do after meeting the pope?
>>24950748yes and ame is doing just that, now fuck off
There was a point where this bgm went from atmospheric to silly and just plain old "narm"
>>24950734Her tits are not that big nor do they look like balloons
>>24950681>>24950707>>24950753Elden Ring lore is good as fuck though
>>24950748Just like Ame.
>>24950734This one looks way less effort than Ame's.
>>24950753I've seen this art a bunch of times and only just noticed the 2nd controller is unplugged
>>24950626Seethe all you want about Kiara "not getting Kuze" but she paid attention to Yakuza 7 and 0 well.
>>24950734Still waiting for Risu
>>24950765get the spell, go back to rot area, kill the tree guy and probably meet astel unknowingly.
>>24950734>>24950770I was about to say that too
>>24950773>It was the aliens all along.
>>24950785She never did all the cabaret stuff right? I was pretty sad about that
Mixed messages
>>2495034012 hours to sign Dokomi shit? Kiara did the same thing and she's streaming every day.
>>24950818Nigga FUCK aliens
Okay, let me get this straight lore fellas....Marika said "okay I'm gonna divide myself and let my other half conquer the Lake while I focus on other stuff" and to assure that the other half did that she put all her faith of the Golden Order in Radagon and that's why she's against the Greater Will and Radagon loves the Golden Order?
>>24950833Kiara didn’t leave it all to the last minute
>>24950840Madness is an STI
>>24950831Kiara is playing both angles, but that never works out...
>>24950833Kiara's probably not a retard and did it over time instead of all at once at the last minute
>>24950818how little did you pay attention to the game if that's all you got from it
>Meeting in the middle of the night again
>>24950872I mean is he wrong?
>Tummy hort>Meeting>Taking care of dawgiesHOW MANY MORE LIES AND PROMISES HUH AME!?!?!?!
Bathroom HATE
Kronii cute...
This game reminds me of Samurai Jack
How sweaty do you think Ame's ass crack is right now?
The betrayal of Eagleronii...
you guys are so gullible sometimes...
This is a Watame image
Bruce Willis, the famous Yoshi actor?
>>24950826Yeah she didn't but as fun as that is, it doesn't really offer much outside of the mad dog style. She already knows about Yuki and the manager guy whose name escapes me so she'll remember them hopefully by the time she gets to Kiwami 2
>>24950731That's because she reads the subs and then gets bored of waiting for the NPC to work their way through the line reading so she starts talkingBut apparently a lot of people can't read subs fast or easily (which is a bit crazy to me) so when she starts talking midway through NPC dialogue they think she's not paying attention
Am I schizo or does Ame sound cuter lately
>Die Hard>12 Monkeys>Fifth Elementwhy does she love Bruce Willis so much
>>24950888yes? there is a mountain of lore not pertaining to the stars
>>24950873What is she saying I'm on my phone since it's 3 AM
>>24950939He's bald. Apparently all HoloEN's love bald men for some reason.
>>24950930Very nice, I will respond with a Risu image
>>24950939What’s wrong with Bruce Willis?
>>24950935Ame has been getting cuter since she moved
>>24950872The problems? Aliens.The solutions? Aliens.
>No raidAme... Why...
love me some ame tiktok
>>24950973bf rrat thriving
>>24950626>Elden Ring>having a good enough story to care about
Bae ended half an hour ago Ame...
>>24950734Thank you anon. I appreciate your effort.
Ame's BGM reminds me of this
time for kaela
>>24950882Please understand managers just had good lunch at Yoshinoya so they have to get sometihng done before the drowsiness of digestion claims them
Mumei ending.
>>24950935She doesn't get pissed with chat anymore which is disappointing
Why did they hire voice actors for this game if they're just going to have them speak in nonsense language
Ame you retard
>>24950995yeah, me
>>24950995What rrat? I'm right here
nice ending Ame
>Was going to raid Kronii but ended stream
>>24950997yes Elden Ring story is fantastic and no amount of screeching retards from /v/ will get me to change my mind
>was gonna redirect to Kronii but brain died so she couldn'tNOOOOOOOOOO MY NUMBERS
>>24951018You forget to drop the link, anon
>>24950984Dead By Daylight and myriad other streams.
Ame doesnt care about us anymore
>Watching Ame>Leave for 2 minutes to go get a drink>Come back, stream endedO-ok
ohnonono numberkeks no redirect for you
>>2495083311 of those hours were spent watching anime and youtube videos
A lore where you need to read 5 different wikis and watch 3 videos of 50 mins each to understand it its not a good lore
>>24951072Fake numberbro, we hate raids.
Ame almost sent Teamates like cheap whores as a gift to Kronii...
>>24951070Now that's a funny joke. It's story is as deep as a puddle, making it spread between 500 item descriptions isn't going to change that.
How scatterr-brained Ame will be at her meeting?
>>24951100What lore are you talking about?
>>24951104I would have said no thanks homo sapien and closed the tab if she did anyway.
No raid for you
>>24950865Believe in TakaPavoMori
>>24951103I like anything that fucks up normal numberfagging. I was laughing my ass off when that 2view was getting huge numbers for some reason.
>>24951110try playing the game
>>24951110>Bloodhound knight still rent free
[Great News] Kronii's unknown fluids caked onto her monitor fooled her into thinking there was light in the distance
>>24951100I read your moms lore on 5 different bathroom stalls
>>24951166I've finished it twice, doesn't change the fact that its "story" was extremely lackluster
>>24951157That was just sad though
>>24951104I'd be Kronii's little whore
>>24951179>Kronii's unknown fluidsKronii spit...
>>24951166I did, the only thing I can digest is the problems come from aliens & the solutions also come from aliens.
>>24951157That was Bae...
i love irys
>>24951179>unknown fluidsKronii's pussy juice from too aggresive masturbation.
You guys have organic decks right?
>>24951226Excited for the meeting I see
>>24951211>Premiering this the day before Kiara’s new song Absolutely devilish orcschizo.
>No Ame until tomorrow.
Does Kronii love the eagle more than the Kronies?
>>24951222Is that one of the new IDs?
Why is Towa-sama so jealous?
>>24950894I fail to see your point
kino>>24951274wouldn't you?
ok lets go
I miss ame...
you heard her, cope and seethe
>c&sBased clock
>>24951262Orcschizo never died...just waiting for the perfect moment
>>24951274I fucking hate the eagles man
>>24951274The question isn't if she loves it more, it's how many times more. 2x? 5x? 100x?
Is anyone interested in Kaela drawn a bit on the heavy side?
Ame has the doctor Watson stream on Saturday but that's when I work...
>>249512622 days before actually. Kiara moved it to Saturday
that's a lot of shit on screen jesas
>>24950928Ogey retard
whe will the ENs collab again with watame?
i miss suichan...i miss... i mi... imizzzzz
>>24951312It’s funny how she was right about being a better pick and Kiara only got in Myth because she could speak Jap
>>24951331It hurts, that's my usual night for meeting up with friends to play tabletop games and she's been doing a lot of her interesting streams on that day.
I always mixed up fifth element with that one arnold movie
>>24951331why do you work on weekends?
Sure a a lot of people confusing lore and story with each other. Story is really shallow in elden ring. You are a lowly tarnished on a quest to become elden lord. That’s it. That’s the story. Lore is the backdrop to the story.
>>24951330I'm always looking for more images of large chuubas
>>24951351Fauna this week.
So if council doesnt stream, why did Kronii, Bea and Fauna all stream today?
>>24951275She's certainly cute enough to be
>>24951351Fauna x Watame, confirmed by Watame
>>24951353Suichan became a wizard...
>>24951351Moris got 2 projects in the works with her
>>24951331Is this another chat submission stream?
>>24951357Kinda sucks that most of her special streams are on a Saturday.>>24951367Restaurant
>>24950121look, if Amelia learned of heavy jump attacks the game would have been over in half the time
>>24951353I miss Ina... Owahsumi~...
>>24951376Does it really count as streaming if I didn't watch them?
>>24951396No idea, she hasn't said anything about it.
>>24951327If you could measure love in units, let's call them Valentines (where 1 valentine is the amount of love you would send in a valentine's gift to your beloved ) She loves kronies about ~.01 valentines, and eagles ~8 valentines
>>24950965Would you mind a Kiara image?
>>24951376Because Councilschizo is stuck with over 6 month old rrats and bait.
Kaela should speak less Indonesian
That's some indigestion right there
Nooooooo I don't want to go to Canada
>>24951262>>24951312>>24951356>comes back after Ame's stream is done so he can schizo about KiaraAnd you call Kiara the attentionwhore KEK
>>24951396Zero clue. I don't see how her greenscreen tweet could be anything related to a stream called "doctor Watson".
>>24951436I would love a Kiara image thank you very much
i miss aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaame
Where shark?
That was a terrible ending's sweaty legs.
these idiots are going to keep doing it if the streamer slips up because they genuinely have the misplaced belief that japanese companies aren't dumb enough to pull permissions
that was a lame way to end a game desu
I wish to fuck Festival
>>24951475Driving overnight for an early morning appointment.
Kaela says league is fun and you should try!
>>24951488>actually having discordbro that's gay
>>24950472>board with the highest amount of normalfags>tolerates discord and twitterposting the mostr u m a o
>>24951507w-wrong one... huhaha...
>>24951488Why are you on discord?
>indie game>le open ending(we didn't got lazy i swear)name a more iconic duo
>watching Fauna's Peglin vod>she's asking "what is morb" within 7 minswhat have you guys done..
I miss Ina
oh there is a true ending but yeah you need to collect all the bullshit and then refight the final boss.
>>24951488Genuinely hope she banned all of the people that did superchat
>>24951372Here you go.
>>24951508>league is funlmao
>>24951488>discord faggots are retardedhuge revelation thanks for posting a discord screenshot in this nice comfy thread. go back
>>24951511Bae really isn't funny...
>>24951360The Sixth Day
>>24951539Holy fuck my dick
>>24951531>AAA game>Le soulless husk Did I win?
>>24951488Just remind them that niji lost their permissions because their talents with their chink hubris actually monetized their Elden Ring streams
Wasn't Troy Baker the one that told her she sucked?
>THOSE two voice actors for the only two voices in the gameguess that's where all the budget went
>>24951551You're really struggling recently Councilschizo.
4 more days...
>>24951540it was all her discord circlejerking paypigs, nothing is going to happen to them
>>24951539Arigathank you anon
>>24951508Uyu also said that league was fun, but added the caveat that only the game was fun, and the community was terrible.
Remember when random fag’s Twitter screenshots were bannable?
>>24951573>Put all budget on known VA.Wow it's like my Japanese kusoge!
>>24951573hey better then what 12 minutes did at least
As the average entertainment consumer I need Cover to release the next new and exciting thing or I am gonna move on to something else!
>>24951547hey now, this thread is just as retarded
>>24950472for my own sake I'm going to give all the replies to this the benefit of the doubt and say they're tongue in cheek
>>24951604>(THIS USER WAS BANNED FOR TWITTERSHIT)take me back...
>>24951615Are EN tik toks not enough?
>>24951488>DiscordGo back
>>24951604>>24951633That was sharkmeido. SEAmeido loves twitter, discord, etc...
>>24951518Why are you talking about /pol/ here?
>>24951622there are no stupid 4chan users
>>24951604/jp/ was better...
>>24951604Meidos want to spend the least amount of time possible on this board.
>>24951615Male HoloEn coming soon, anon. Don't let your hopes down!
Mori is trying to groom La+
>>24951615ID3 wasn’t even that long ago
>>24951674Please be a bunch of cool bros that don't pander to fujos...
I want Watame’s milk
>>24951579You're probably right unfortunately Still, given that them superchatting could potentially cause problems with permissions, I would like to think that this case might be an exception and she might actually do it
>>24951682She’s just like me…
>>24951669/jp/ still exists you know, so please feel free to go back and never return here if you really prefer being there that much.
I hope Mr Koro is getting a lot of quality rest and relaxation
Mumei's outfit should have an armpit window
>>24951698Western male vtubers are dead in the water if they don't pander to fujos.
>almost 2am on a weekdayvtubers have ruined my life
>>24951719no need to cry anon, i will go just for you
Considering everything Kronii said, does this mean saplings are officially cucks? considering how she got fucked by Kronii and they are now the only EN Holos to have sex (Reine and Kiara sadly did not have sex)
>>24951676That's a fucking child, she can't be more than 10 years old!!!!
When was the last Ina went "Ina Ina Ina"
>>24951698I mean, there would probably be 1 at least or even 2 but that's it. They need to compete with Niji, it's almost inevitable.
>>24950472>>24950487>>24951662The average poster here has only been here for a couple months at best. This God awful board is PEAK newfag cancer.
>>24951698>don't pander to fujos...They'd be dead in the water, worse than JPStars if they don't
>>24951745No no, Fauna didn't get fucked but Kronii, it's the other way around
>>24951615I read somewhere that there's a Mexican vtuber on twitch with better numbers than Gura. HoloES is probably gonna happen sooner or later.
>>24951674That is still waiting for auditions that aren't into the trash tier
>>24951760>board>Twintails MoomersHoly shit my dick
>>24951760Uh, I’ve here almost an entire YEAR, massive faggot.
>>24951729>>24951749A man can dream...
>>24951745If you tell me A-Chan didn’t sexually assault Mori while she was asleep at the office I don’t believe you
>>24951774>Reine and Kiara sadly did not have sex>HRBIT
>>24951799You absolute fucking NEWFAG
>>24951747a couple of weeks ago?
Kiara and Reine's butler? Me.
anons here say every chuuba is autistic but I think Kaela is actually unironically autistic
>>24951816Reine wanted sex, but Kiara was dense and didn't get the hints, that's why Reine felt disappointed
Does anyone have the 'there is 3 things I love: women, violence and money' screenshot?
Has Kronii ever played FFX?
Please tell me all of you didn’t come to the Hololive threads after the creation of /vt/…
>>24951698you will get a Mori nepotism-hired rapper, an anituber, some korean artist, a 37yo heavy-smoker addicted to poker and a dude that sounds very fat
>>24951760That's why I specified this thread
>>24951839Yeah, it kinda looks like it. She probably just tries to pander more towards a younger audience since she's a hag
>>24951839Yeah, she's even more autistic than Moona, and that's really saying something.
Guys help, if I find something on stream slightly funny should I type a single w or use lol?
>>24951855I was posting in hololive threads even before global was a thing
>>24951488What bothers me more is that you’re on discord. FUCK OFF
>>24951880This thread isn't better no matter how much you cope
oh nyonot mynot the names of mymy my my my my myI DONT CAREI dont caareblaaaarghububububububububu
>>24951855I was here when it was still hololive
>>24951841Reine is sad because now the sex stops. Why else would she say she only wants to visit Austria or go with the holobirds to vacation again instead of bringing up Fauna IRyS or Kronii? She's addicted to the Phoenix pussy
>>24951888Just laugh quietly to yourself without typing
>>24951888wwwwwwwwwwww, not lol. don't be retarded
>>24951848gamecube and sega only, but nah I don't think she's played any final fantasy (not to completion anyway)
>>24951876The gambling smoker sounds cool, and they ought to hire more like him.
>>24951894Look at the catalog and you'll see otherwise, tourist
>>24951353I miss Pekora
>>24951898oh nyonot mynot the names of mymy my my my my myi dont carei dont carerawrbubadabubabababacustimashiyuwyishowoyoyo
>>24951916She needs to play it. Everyone needs to.
>>24948113>>24948155>>24948237Post Mio too or I won't watch it.
>>24951855What do you mean? How were there vtuber threads before the vtuber board lolHow believable was that? Too on the nose?
>>24951760well yea. one of the reasons /a/ was so against vtubers was because they bring in almost as many newfags as /pol/
>>24951914Reine heard Netflix and Chill and got excited only to realise Kiara actually really wanted to watch Netflix.
>>24951890POLKA LOVE
>>24951926Literally no difference, fuck off
>>24951937Why would I tell them to take beta blockers?
>>24951888if it's an English stream you should go LMAO or use 3 laughing membership emotes, no more than thatIf it's Japanese a simple 草 should be enough
>>24951894this thread is the best place on the entire internet in my opinion and I usually have a good time posting, reading, and discussing. So despite what tourist doomniggers like you say /hlgg/ is doing fine
baku baku baku
>>24951881>>24951839and that's a good thing
kronii hates chloe..
>>24951876>37 year old smokerTowa…
>>24951970fucking KEK
roberu is slowly inclining, will he be the change for the homostars? will he accidentally, even though he said he does not want to use the girls as clutches and grow on his own, make the girls acknowledge the homos, even more? I WILL FUCK A FUTURE HomoEN
>>24951986you ARE the cancer
Which Holo would have sex with Reine for real?
Nose soon!
>>24951855/vt/ was such a fucking mistake. It should’ve been /vtg/, instead it created a culture of its own, a cancerous culture pushed by Twitter and YouTube accounts who feed off the drama a thread about how much you want to fuck a girl and you’re almost guaranteed to have someone spam it with whatever doxshit narrative he heard about her. People that would be banned in a second back before the stupid war on /jp/ are now the ones representing this board
>>24951876Fat dudes are usually funny, so I'm fine with that
>bunch of 2view indies and small corpo giving likes to """Kiara""" postsGood way to filter away a lot of cancer ngl, literal fireproof method of filtering
>>24951969Back you go catalognigger
ew, is this what people were talking about?
>>24952011because I'm positive and having fun? cope
Alright, what board was your home board before /vt/?
>>24952041I don't have it on kronii's stream, is it mobile only?
>>24952054Who is this?
Sheep image to improve the thread quality
>>24950785I still hold that Kiara perfectly got what Yakuza was going for given how she basically reacted the same way as Kiryu and Majima did
>>24952052/d/, /h/, /e/
>>24952054Imagine the fang bite marks on your dick...
>open youtube channel>pic relatedyoutubekun what are you doing
losing the first game doesn't count
>>24951855I didI am the 2hu and I support the creation of this board, as well as the invasion of the orange
>>24951986I agree this thread is lightyears better than any other thread in /vt/ but this ain't some utopia either.
>>24952041>should we do something about the bot problem and the automatism of the AI with all the bans and privating that then we need to waste time and money on manually fix>lol, lmao even. Change some icon, implement raids and membership gifting and SHUT UP THE FUCK UP LOOOOOOOOOOLYoutube.
>>24952107Adding new features instead of fixing the site.
>>24951211why is she crying
>>24952052>wasstill an /a/ regular>>24952067shows up on recommended streams only it seems
>>24952107wtf is this??does it just choose a random set of 8 people that are members?
>>24951986It was unironically better. The only thing that's better now are teamates.
The truth is, all vtuber related communities fucking suck because most vtuber fans are the most autistic pieces of shit you’ll ever see on the internet, nearly reaching kpop fans level of autism
>>24952134There's fucking scroll bars on the front page video titles now because the icon is too big.
>Can't speak spanishNot a real dragon ball fan
>>24952152>>24952107>>24952138Please understand.Google wants to expand the livestreaming of Youtube so they are gonna keep pushing the TwitchficationThey are fixing the website according to investors and executives
>>24952167holy shit i didn't knew that, thanks for telling something that's not obvious
>>24952167This guy gets it
>your oshi>are you autistic?
>Spanish sounds fancyI'm gonna assume this is because she doesn't have to deal with as many hispanics that can barely speak English, if at all
>>24952152yeah, it seems sothough it does seem weighted because I've seen the same person's icon after like 5 different refreshes?
>>24952207Gurano but I have been mistaken as autistic before
>>24952207MoriAs far as my medical record is concerned, I'm normal
>>24951946I'll take the loss.
>>24952145>no flaps>no orange tentaclesFake Ina
>>24952196Twitch is disgustingly gamified. It just feels like you're watching some kind of prostitute with all the flashing lights and shit flying all over the screen whenever they get money from subs and shit
>>24952207guraI got tested and they told me I was normal
>>24952207FaunaIf I say No, someone will call me autistic so I will go with Yes.
>>24952207InaI'm a lot like Ina, actually
>>24951969Saying that with a straight face is impressive, there are catalogfags who literally try to timeloop Ollie's "finger yab" and STILL get dozens of bitesNot to mention the split thread rotation of Gura -> Ame -> Kiara that somehow still makes it to 200+ posts every time
>your oshi>favorite R.Ratman vocaroo
>>24952228it probably favors people with subs and views attached to their accounts, aka ecelebs and clippers
>>24952207AmeThe fact that I'm here should make the answer obvious this interferes with my ASMR I will extinguish the sun
>>24952207SanaYes, PDD
>>24952269So yes?
wait is Kronii actually going to do a morbius watchalong
>>24952207GuraWhere do you think you are?
>>24952207>Mumei>fanbase resembles their oshi
I still don't get what morb means
>>24952276>reddit posting>crying about bait threadsYup, you're a newfag
>>24952279WatameThe MGS one with the “RISUUUUUUUUU” in the end
>>24952255You should see that German kid streamer active his entire laser matrix whenever he get a kill in COD
>It's another /hlgg/ circlejerks who is the biggest oldfag despite /hlgg/ being 2 years oldYou know how you can rep your "oldfag cred"? Post some old memes, screencaps, shit like that, actually be entertaining instead of whining.
>>24952255Always felt like watching camgirls to me
>>24952317morbius is a vampire and morb sounds funny
>>24952255That's on the streamer.Moona(?) and Ollie incorporate some of that shit in their streams. I can't stand watching Ollie's stream cause she constantly has the fucking superchat notification going off.
>>24950472Lineage stems from /jp/ where they kept a semblance of quality assurance in their posts.
>>24952017Every thread made thats not a general for a vtuber or a thread about an event is just an excuse to start some bullshit.
>>24951070The story in Elden Ring is basic as fuck and told in an objectively garbage way.With a few well done exceptions like Ranni or The Frenzied Flame.It has some fascinating worldbuilding but it does its best to stop it from being accessible.
>>24952328that sounds based, at least it's not when he's getting money
>>24952283I can't imagine that people in either of those groups would be using default profile pictures
>>24952319>can't refute a single thing, better go for that enter key he pressed>"Everyone knows the most rewarding part of being a VTuber fan is simping"Fucking KEK
>>24952344Would be funnier if you said QA instead of quality assurance
If holos got their own boba would you you start drinking it?
>>24952207KroniiI don't know. Never been diagnosed for it. Wouldn't be surprised though. Got a lot of shit similar to it.
>>24952207RisuYeah, aspie
>schizos on /hlg/ actually put effort into photoshopping fake "Kiara" nudes>a k**kiriki in the thread pointed out the moles were all wrongremind me never to go there again
>>24952340All the IDs use the notifications for some reason.Gura was going to use it too, but thank god she's too stupid to understand how to set it up.
>>24952366>muh internet argumentkill yourself redditor
>your oshi>what color do you like your bananas to be? green, yellow, spotted, etc.
>>24952383We are…
>>24951070I love ER but it doesn’t have that much of an active story. It has a lot of neat lore of stuff that happened before you got there but the story itself isn’t very complicated
>>24952279RisuProbably the Risu callout because of the karaoke stream that happened on the 7th day
Why is Bae so breedable?
Fellas, Kronii is being too cute and wholesome right now. Is this the effect of hot canadian lesbian sex?
>>24952401Can you only speak in buzzwords? Do you even know what you're arguing about anymore?
>>24952380Nah but you can drink boba deez nuts
>>24952207InaNo. I'm just really awkward and bad with talking with people
>>24952349>>24952411how is the lore not part of the story? really feels like you are splitting hairs here
>>24952368Wow that shirt looks like fucking dogshit
>>24952426Exposed shoulders
>>24952430He's a catalogfag, no point engaging the mentally retarded
>>24952443>No. I'm just really awkward and bad with talking with peopleHmm...
>>24952309yeah, if it's on digital streaming anyway
How much will Kronii regret meeting Kronies in person?
>>24952452lore is part of the setting, usually happening before your character is activestory is what happens in the time you are playing including what happens to your character and the effect his actions have on the world
>>24952368I fucking hate how simp has entered everyday speech and yet no one fucking knows what it stands for
>>24952207MumeiProbably not, but i wouldn't be surprised if i was.
>>24952474holy shit
>>24952391The schizo created a poal with chat and posted it here but didn't know that it uses unique IDs. He got caught samefagging.
another entire day spent watching chuubas and posting here
>>24952480kronii graduates on the spot
>>24952480Have you seen what the other con goers look like? A lot
Why was /hlgg/ so slow today? Or hell the past two days. Before you try to say some tribalist shit all of /vt/ was slow so don't try to bring up some other thread
>>24952480If there's at least one girl then that's a win.Gura had a girl and gushed about her for like 5 minutes
>>24952484It's great because they're calling the girls mediocre without even knowing.
>>24950681You don't?
I want to watch Kronii have sex with Fauna
>>24952207FaunaProbably idk I haven't been diagnosed yet but I do know that I'm retarded though I'm certain with that
>>24952480I don't think anyone has any illusions about how their (or any vtubers) fan base looks. everyone knows the only /fit/chads are lunaitos
>>24952207MumeiI do not know. I haven't been diagnosed with at least.
>>24952484it's not an acronym
>>24952500this but 2 years instead LMAO
>>24952482and that semantic argument doesn't seem like splitting hairs to you?
>>24952513Yeah ugly landwhales are a win
>>24952500Niceu! Can't wait to do it all again tomorrow with everyone
>>24952527i kneel to lunaitos and lunaito prime....
>>24952401>>24951969>>24952319>>24951894>this is the kind of poster who says /hlgg/ is badHmmm, there must be some kind of correlation...
>>24952544a woman's a woman, at least it shows them that it's not all fat, balding men
>>24952499not surprising. also,>poaldefinitely the doxbeat Kiara schizo.
>>24952484it stands for (You)
the ame
>>24952563nice cope dyke
The jews are at fault for this.
>>24952484I forgot what the s and i stand for.. I only remember mediocre pussy
>>24952516the new moon is only 3 days away, posting is expected to reach a nadir on the 30th and then pick up from there
>>24952484Reddit and Twitter decided to "take back" the word by making it mean any kind of 'positive' emotional investment in the vtuber, so saying "I really want to fuck this zombie until she cries" is also considered 'simping' by them.Now publications like this can use their own catchphrases and memes but with a different meaning of the word.
>>24952391what's worse is that it was a watame cosplay set but no one has the sauce
[Kiara News]
My Ina is cuter than your Ina
>>24952600Elaborate, sanalite
>>24952561Go ahead and say it redditchama
>>24952534not really, to me the difference is best described as what the Silmarillion is to the Lord of the Rings.LotR is the story of the fellowship's journey to destroy the ring and the Silmarillion is the lore behind it or at least part of the lore
>>24952508And they haven't even started sending red supas (without the supas) IRL yet
>Kronii's are ice cream trucks>Kiara's are trash compactor trucksnahone
>>24952595"simpleton idolising mediocre pussy" is what I knew it as
>>24952616What the fuck
what the fuck Kaela?
What is wrong with Kaela
>>24952619Impossible. My Ina's cuteness is the sum of all Inas' cuteness.
>>24952632yup that describes most of this board
>>24952624ok fine next time I will use a different word when talking about Elden Rings world in an open world game. totally not a semantic argument by the way
How was Bowson today? Should I watch her or Bae?
>>24952484It used to just be short for simpleton, Then it was made to mean guys who donate too much money to streamers and now it just means any male who experiences attraction to women. Leave it to zoomers to run any joke into the ground.
>>24952138>new featuresThey just moved it under the video
>>24952595SuckasIdolizing Mediocre Pussy
>>24952616Did she fix it?
>>24952623You don't fit in anon
>>24952592Very true
stop beating the shit out of your bed woman
>>24952397I am like 80% sure the streamer himself doesn't hear this shit
>>24952616JWUposter... ganbare
>>24952305>never cleaned her AC once>now the accumulated dirt has made the rotating fan/filter off balanceheh nothin personnel asmr stream
>>24952691Good, I don't want to fit in with you reddit/twitter newfags
>>24952663I'm idolizing idol pussy, retard
>>24952664as long as you understand how disconnected your character's journey is from the setting, sure.
>>24952632i thought that was made after the fact
>>24952391>effortI mean have you seen those polka dots blacking out something on the bottom?And fucking up Birthmarks just makes it worse
>>24952516Sorry I've been busy with family stuff and I couldn't set up my smart fridges
>>24952727Your oshi better be Ina or a JP then
Kronii needs a weighted blanket..
>>24952305>Mori will be hot and bothered during her ASMR stream leading to more sex noisesI see no issue here
>>24952440Holy shit, you have nut boba where you live?
>>24952616Still used to other timezone.
>>24952279KiaraMori diss track or that one where he recommends suicide in a old timey marketer voice
>>24952749nice try deadbeat
>400 Bad Request>Request Header Or Cookie Too Large>nginxbrrrrrrr
>>24952755Pretty sure she said she has one already
why are women allowed to sleep with each other
>>24952760The issue will be a noisy air conditioner
I want to sleep in the same bed as a cute girl...
>>24952671Both streams were pretty goodWatch them both
>>24952616So that's why I woke up at 5 AMThanks Kiara
>>24952725>admitting to being a touristI think we're done here
>>24952781>he didn't have a little sister or cousin
>>24952778that she will be forced to shut off, yes
>>24952790Whatever your schizo brain tells you redditor
>>24952777Because they are soft, weak and feminine
Is this worth watching?
Kiara should watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory
>>24952777Men are allowed to sleep with each other too you know.
>>24952800I don't have a sister and I was the youngest in my entire extended family by far since my parents were the youngest of their families. I really wish I had a cute little sister to hang out and sleep together with though...
there's nothing wrong with two guys sharing a bed
>>24952819sure I agree, but what makes you say that?
Post sex rat next thread please
>>24952777Women jsut have it better>Can be horny in public spaces and engage in their fetishes secretly>Can fuck each other and everyone likes it>Everyone open doors for them and shit>All the other crapStill wouldn't become a woman even if they paid me, the social advantages aren't worth the inferior body and mind
>>24952806>still trying
>>24952838theres nothing wrong with it but I wouldn't want to sleep in the same bed as my bros though
>>24952838Not everything is gay, you fucking homos
I always forget how hype festival's intro is
Is Kronii a mouthbreather?
>>24952850Kroni brought it up and I've been saying she should for a while.
>>24952850Kronii mentioned mr wonka in relation to a SC about moldy candy
>>24952885just like the other Korean
>>24952885Yes. She's had trouble breathing from her nose ever since I punched her in the face.
wait what the fuck did she just say
>>24952914Princess Mononoke spoiler
>>24952914princess mononoke spoilers
>>24952913Bro she's a fat ogress
Kronii is so fucking autistic, but I seriously hate dumb niggers who cry SPOILER when someone talks about 20+ year old media
I want have sex with the hagsmith... electone!
this kurokku is being very cute right now
>>24952452The easiest example is Lord of the Rings.The Appendix is lore, it informs what is happening in the story and gives context. The actual story is separate from it.Or to take Elden Ring itself, what happened to the merchants is lore but it directly ties into the Hyetta and Shabiri story that point you to the 3 Fingers. And down before the door you get both Hyetta and Melina arguing why you should or shouldn't become the lord of frenzied flame. That's story, also you get arguably the best Ending cinematic with Melina.On the other hand Radagon being Marika does literally nothing for the story, it is pure setting. And let's not even start with Miquella having lots of lore but no story to speak off
>>24952800Not him but my mom ran a daycare out of our house for only girls. Watched the same kids for almost 10 years. It was like having 8 sisters, naps together were comfy. Still friends with several 22 years later.
>>24952601>Friends think i get offended for getting called out>i'm actually offended by their retarded zoomer speakLike literally call me anything, anything at all, at least give me the miniscule amount of dignity by sounding like an adult when you insult me.
lunaitos please gather and that one omae-san too
>your oshi>type NAAAAAAAAAA before the thread dies
I love Mumei so much. I love her. I love when she talks about anything. I love that she treasures her member streams so much. I love that she's so proactive with improving. I love how kind she is. I love her model. I love her voice. I truly truly love everything about her. I hope other anons can also find love one day.
Why did Kronii spoil?
Kronii's fucking hilarious
Has Matsuri ever gotten the crash ability?
>>24952958It's like how the Globe Theatre put up a trigger warning before Julius Caesar, like anybody is going to watch the play doesn't know that the guy gets fucking stabbed.
>kaela barely clearing third camp>laner already dead>"eehh???!!??"this really is league, holy shit
>beige crocsYAB
>>24952976some other autist already used a LoTR example, I'm not reading the rest of your post
>>24952958>I seriously hate dumb niggers who cry SPOILER when someone talks about 20+ year old mediaoh so you've seen every movie right? read every book?
I'm gonna sniff Kronii's crocs in front of her and await for a reaction
footfags will feast happily
>your oshi>what color are your crocs?
>>24952781A cute girl told me I held her while I was sleeping and she found it relaxing and I wish I could remember.
>>24953069babies cant play the electone
Kronii wears grandma beije panties
>>24953069Tonight's gonna be a good night NAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
>>24952983how many of them did you fuck? be honest
I will not watch ze baby
>>24953099InaI'm not a faggot
why is kronii korean
>>24953080You had a chance to see it spoiler free, next time don't be a fucking scrub.
>>24953059learning about the development of that one ping pong vr game is different from watching your oshi become a better streamer as time passes
>>24953020MoriI will copy paste it insteadNAAAAAAAAAA
>>24953136She was a mass murderer in her previous life
>>24953047This is basically the Wildrift experience, even in Master-GM-Challenger elo there's still retards that play like they're boosted emeralds, and as a jungler main too the experience is horrendous because you get blamed everytime for their own mistakes
why do I feel like Luknights have killed at least one human being in their lifetime
>>24953162>previous lifego back to the catalog
>>24953147>[Deleted]Powerful post
>>24953151I don't care even a little bit, it's been over an hour since my original post that started all of this, shut the fuck up
Luna should play the organ for some major league baseball team.
>>24953118None I was the same age and they went ro diffrent schools than me so it was just a big group of friends. Probably why I have mostly female friends.
>>24953059Nice that you ignore the part about Elden Ring after complaining others not using Elden Ring itself.Also item descriptions aren't storytelling, it's a literal lore appendix just less convenient
>>24953080You've had 20+ years to read/watch media, if you really cared you would have done it already.
>>24953195she should play with my reproductive organ
>>24953182This is my thread
>>24953208fuck you on what?
oh Kaela is playing evelynn? based
>>24953204here read this>>24953191
pinochi it ist.deadbeat
>>24953182But the Kiara stuff stays up tho...
Wtf is that BS? Evelynn's Q still target Akali even if she's in shroud?
Morbius vs Pauly Shore Pinocchio is a hard choice, damn it Kronii
>You have to BUY Morbius?
>>24953221Maybe stop starting arguments when you can't handle other people's arguments
>>24953233mori, fauna, or mumeieverything else stays up
The Ame.
>I don't want to buy itkek
>>24953233Did you try calling them a nigger? Worked for me
>>24953206>if you really caredname every piece of media in existence that you care about, even ones you arent currently aware of
>>24953258I engaged in this argument for an entire hour, 1 whole hour I'm done faggot
>>24953247Q doesn't target technically, it's more like an AoE
>>24953268which one
>>24953247Apparently the ability's a skillshot on mobile
Get ready for kino, Kronies
Kronii... nobody is gonna pay for it you fucking dumbass Canadian
>>24953297christ what the fuck is that
you can't put cat ears on everything and make it work...
>>24953274Shut up retard, you can't expect people to never talk about any piece of media just because you might eventually want to watch it one day.
Electone is one funky instrument man
>>24953297Pinoccio should have been a cunny....
>>24953297Why did I find out about this through Konii
>>24953297is that fucking pauly shore
>>24953297I've watched this and let me tell you, it's fucking horrible
>>24953274>even ones you arent currently aware ofFlubbin Florpin 2Mighty Max the Monkey CyborgDesperado Nights
>>249532741) Ina's sweaty pits2) Ina's wide hips3) Ina's perfectly flat chest4) Ina's hair squishies5) Ina's dainty hands6) Ina's long legs7) Ina's stinky bush8) Jackie Chan
>>24953274imagine needing everyone to walk on eggshells whenever talking about anything that has a story.literally nobody's problem but your own
>>24953318>never talk about any piece of mediano one said this you bitch tit gayboy
>>24952484sniper monkey
>>24953335isn't he dead
>>24953367Go cry about a 20 year old spoiler faggot
>>24953335Yes, and Tom Kenny is Geppetto
fuckkk fine pinocchio it is
>airbenderKronies are fucking retardedDID YOU LEARN NOTHING FROM GURA?!