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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 670 KB, 2400x2253, 1652909521445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24886817 No.24886817 [Reply] [Original]

Nijisanji EN Youtube channels:


https://twitter.com/3W1W4 (alt)
https://twitter.com/RyuguFinana (alt)





Teamup schedule for Nijisanji EN:

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Open devtools (F12 key), go to console tab, input the following code, then refresh the page.
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NijiEN song playlist:
To loop indefinitely get a browser extension preventing Youtube autopause.

Nijisanji chat log:

Aggie archive:

Reminder to ignore bait, shitposting, samefags, discordfags, numberfags, tribalfags and falseflaggers.

Previous thread: >>24877665

>> No.24886851
File: 242 KB, 1080x1920, FPuWD8PXMAA1Nc_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I LOVE POMU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.24886853

this one was first

>> No.24886860
File: 212 KB, 1000x1300, FTR6GkYakAEJDkC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Elira love!
Get well soon (again) fluffy dragon!

>> No.24886889
File: 75 KB, 600x603, 4886297486771.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Randon, come home

>> No.24886893
File: 412 KB, 1749x2563, FTisEp2agAAEHhW.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sonny LOVE!

>> No.24886897 [DELETED] 
File: 101 KB, 800x800, FBqu45RVUAUz3nf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24886903
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>> No.24886910
File: 512 KB, 1024x732, MystaLove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24886927
File: 11 KB, 250x250, FTkSrXuagAAcMY7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alban love!! Nya!!

>> No.24886932
File: 727 KB, 1080x1080, FM3E3PWaQAIDhus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wuca wuca!

>> No.24886936
File: 3.42 MB, 270x152, 27341403.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Seffyna she is my beautiful seiso K-Fairy gf
(ง -᷄ω-᷅ )ว ٩( -᷄ω-᷅ )۶(ง-᷄ω-᷅ )ว ( -᷄ω-᷅ و(و

>> No.24886937

Shu has absolutely had sad days where he sits alone at a table eating his inverse dry-wet cereal while it's raining outside and smooth jazz plays on the boombox that is out of focus in the background.

>> No.24886954
File: 6 KB, 225x225, shuyaaaamianainsoans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24887079

have a great day anon

>> No.24886958
File: 548 KB, 1526x2048, albanknox.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i love catboy

>> No.24886959
File: 127 KB, 354x408, Towen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24886966
File: 135 KB, 549x671, 09A7BADA-F560-4845-B382-913D2C65EBDD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca love! Still waiting for him to go back home…

>> No.24886982
File: 2.19 MB, 1500x2273, FTglKxsaAAAHWXv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24886994
File: 1.11 MB, 1754x1240, 1652839521055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm in love with Elira, I'm parasocial for her. When she kisses us at the end of her streams my heart skips a beat!

>> No.24887001
File: 367 KB, 1540x1204, 1652747935614.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all i imagine is this

>> No.24887003
File: 345 KB, 1264x2048, FQHCUrDacAQR5wP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maid Mysta Love!

>> No.24887007
File: 633 KB, 2726x4088, FS8IrApVsAACyZ_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Our lovely precious Rose!

>> No.24887017
Quoted by: >>24887134

My nerd husband is so invested in uncovering this story

>> No.24887034
File: 274 KB, 1024x777, FTe7ZObaUAAq1MF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24887345

Winter's about to start in Australia. His sneezes are so cute https://youtu.be/zwzN_iXkacY?t=9299

>> No.24887036
File: 15 KB, 325x215, cuteike.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24887117

hi anon lets kiss

>> No.24887045
File: 205 KB, 1330x1892, @55wag59020522_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuuchan LOVE! sweet dreams

>> No.24887067
File: 301 KB, 1920x1200, 20220417_111752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gn anons we had lots of fun today
gm Seffyna, today is another great day for you I'm sure of it, I love you

>> No.24887070

that sounds like a good vibe though

>> No.24887076

Pomu DnD with Reza in 40 minutes (Reza typo'd time in his schedule):

>> No.24887079
File: 620 KB, 635x635, luca fangy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you too!

>> No.24887096

gn seffyposter ily

>> No.24887099
File: 2.86 MB, 2039x2894, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wait, so what's up with shu's new kouhai oshi?
is she real, fake, or what? cause it's been a day and the joke has yet to be revealed.

>> No.24887102

Mysta but i never really got into him like with sonny, but if no one in wave 6 is interesting luca or enna would be my favourite, theyre just really entertaining

>> No.24887117
Quoted by: >>24887222

Only if you're also a man. No offense, but I don't want to kiss a girl and risk getting cooties.

>> No.24887123

I feel like Shu is on a level of sperg where he doesn't ever sit and contemplate in sadness.

>> No.24887134
Quoted by: >>24887204

he's also very obsessed with the chicken ass rn

>> No.24887136

Shu zooming in on a chick's butt crack

>> No.24887145
Quoted by: >>24887256

Shu being obsessed with a chick plushie’s butt…

>> No.24887149

enna what did you do

>> No.24887150
File: 100 KB, 1000x1000, FSFZJBBaAAELuyb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24887240

Absolutely real desuwa

>> No.24887164
File: 158 KB, 1000x1000, 1633813867217.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nina Love!

>> No.24887165
File: 454 KB, 3000x3000, a mimir luca 10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

goodnight anon!

>> No.24887174

>salami nearing 200k subs and 1mil views on her debut
She's gotta be real right guys...

>> No.24887172
Quoted by: >>24887405

she is as real as you and i

>> No.24887180
Quoted by: >>24887405

>is she real, fake, or what?

>> No.24887187

Play boring ass game

>> No.24887204
File: 14 KB, 159x151, 1649628217253.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He loves butts and toilet jokes! Now he's found all the chick butts

>> No.24887222
File: 19 KB, 128x128, 1651197561431.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24887288

very based bro now cmere

>> No.24887228

Pretty sure she’s currently all of Nijisanji’s kouhai. I’m pretty sure she’s real now, but she seems like a major weirdo

>> No.24887240
Quoted by: >>24887329

She's indie?

>> No.24887242
File: 116 KB, 414x436, 1639441950691.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night

>> No.24887252

The worst puzzle in FNAF's history

>> No.24887253

his obsession w chick butts..

>> No.24887256

To be fair they are pretty tight looking

>> No.24887278
File: 80 KB, 1073x1073, 1653420956554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24887288
File: 306 KB, 512x512, kissing you back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure thing, always happy to kiss a homie.

>> No.24887314

Why are women such disloyal whores?

>> No.24887329
File: 164 KB, 2048x2048, FSXEREGVIAEkWmz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24887407

Anon this is the one and only time I spoon feed you open up wide your mouth

>> No.24887345
Quoted by: >>24887727

I would make taichou lots of warm pumpkin soup so he doesn't get sick

>> No.24887356

Salome isn't real and is merely a cog in the machine that Rosemi is planning for Obsydia's anniversary.

>> No.24887395
File: 282 KB, 326x463, 1625681741050.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24887427

Not all women! Just me

>> No.24887405

tfw riku thought about debuting a joke vtuber starring one of his managers, but she became so successful that he can no longer reveal her to just be a joke for all the potential she could actually make and the new market she's opened up, and now he has to play her up as a legit new member

>> No.24887407

I don't watch non Niji.

>> No.24887425

Women amirite?

>> No.24887427

Well stop posting him if you don’t like him anymore

>> No.24887441


>> No.24887446
File: 98 KB, 567x567, DaisUki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uki Uki Daisuki!

>> No.24887451
File: 135 KB, 2048x2048, FTIZiT6VIAIrS81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24887490

I love my daughterwife!

>> No.24887450
File: 209 KB, 2048x1253, FRiimBtVgAAJpD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gospeed. Hope you find someone you like in the next wave.

>> No.24887452
Quoted by: >>24887497

Why are you being so testy?

>> No.24887490
File: 980 KB, 1736x2104, 97374358_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24887658


>> No.24887497

Why do you care about my testies so much?

>> No.24887509

Doing everything in my power to convince myself that the Obsydia Anniversary won't be shit.

>> No.24887518
File: 78 KB, 724x724, ukihearts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnighty! Sleep well \(*´︶`*)/

>> No.24887530
File: 378 KB, 646x690, 1631703207382.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24887561

Waiting for wave 6. I still like him a lot sometimes dont get me wrong but the design carries

>> No.24887531

you should take care of your testes to make sure you don't get testicular tortion

>> No.24887536

Enna is just always so funny, I am never not entertained watching her

>> No.24887559
File: 206 KB, 375x362, 1649901182798.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inb4 this is the friend Rosemi-sama has been trying to invite to her stream

>> No.24887561
Quoted by: >>24887618

>the design carries

>> No.24887569

Because I want to twist them so your testicle wires get torsioned.

>> No.24887570
Quoted by: >>24887666

She's Nijisanji. First solo debut.

>> No.24887580

Why is she like this?

>> No.24887588 [SPOILER] 
File: 32 KB, 364x248, IMG_20220525_092900.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24887600
File: 573 KB, 900x790, 1649477937807.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24887719

I have irl emergency and I can't watch Shu's comfy stream..

>> No.24887608
File: 49 KB, 565x611, FNfaXAbagAQdiRQ (3).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24887957


>> No.24887618
File: 266 KB, 1593x1200, 1648286208561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24887847

Yes. Not the model itself though.

>> No.24887617


>> No.24887619
File: 391 KB, 1920x1080, 1647744542764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Overall, was NijiEN a success?

>> No.24887621
File: 88 KB, 900x932, FTLh0WcUcAIisVs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24888052

i eat u

>> No.24887625
Quoted by: >>24888528

why are fagoons like this? why are fagelira like this? why are pomusharts like this?

>> No.24887627


>> No.24887643
File: 573 KB, 2000x2000, 1623223953160.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24887646

A massive success since day 1

>> No.24887657
Quoted by: >>24887795

Stargazers, why can't they just speak Korean?

>> No.24887658
File: 1.66 MB, 2508x3541, 97393738_やけん_0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24887758

Tour soon!!

>> No.24887666

Thank you. Will watch it now.

>> No.24887675

of course!

>> No.24887697

Such perfect colour scheming

>> No.24887719
File: 162 KB, 2048x1152, FThGHtvaQAEftD5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His vod will be there for you, don't worry. He rarely has vod issues.

>> No.24887727
File: 69 KB, 944x788, FTS1piyaIAElzXm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24887853

Same. I hope he doesn't get sick in this weather and if this off collab thing pushes through...

>> No.24887741
File: 118 KB, 1096x285, members.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24887782

I guess this is a thing now. Thanks Susan?

>> No.24887744

Enna will NEVER solve this puzzle!

>> No.24887750

The American NijiENs will never reach this level of kino.

>> No.24887758
File: 204 KB, 1376x1948, 1628717443293.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24887782


>> No.24887783

Anon they're all american...
Do you mean BurgerEN?

>> No.24887795

Uki's korean is the same level as suha's english

>> No.24887821
Quoted by: >>24887874

>they're all american

>> No.24887831

Yes, the Borgors.

>> No.24887836


>> No.24887843

It makes me sad when someone isn’t fluent in the language of their ethnicity

>> No.24887847

So you like Ebio?

>> No.24887851
File: 181 KB, 476x584, Screenshot_20220525-103247_Twitter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24887927


>> No.24887853

Taichou is an unhealthy fatass but he didn't get sick during the first off collab so he'll be fine, maybe he's one of those weirdos who sneezes when it's cold like an anime character, since he wants to be Japanese so bad.

>> No.24887869
File: 133 KB, 463x249, FSjozyFakAEBSDZ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wuv you Rosemi-sama!

>> No.24887874


>> No.24887875

why are burgers like this?

>> No.24887894
Quoted by: >>24888292

its called living in america with immigrant parents who dont want you to get bullied everyday but then regret it later when you cant speak

>> No.24887898
File: 61 KB, 250x250, 1623843052347.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not Pomu!

>> No.24887919

I see...

>> No.24887925


>> No.24887927

I've already masturbated twice to her and she hasn't even debuted...

>> No.24887950

Brazilian should go back to their country

>> No.24887953


>> No.24887957
File: 38 KB, 200x200, ukiyay.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24887971

Wait for burger boys off-collab

>> No.24887974


>> No.24887978
Quoted by: >>24888292

My parents didn't want me to learn their language and get an accent. Then when I was in high school they made fun of me for being so American and disconnected.

>> No.24887980
Quoted by: >>24888090

? anon she debuted yesterday

>> No.24887996
Quoted by: >>24888406


>> No.24887999
File: 440 KB, 2080x1170, FTh0nxQaMAAuQTr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>RE7 for the whole week
but why

>> No.24888000

Anon is living in the past...

>> No.24888012
File: 578 KB, 600x800, 1643430390589.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, Pomu is a Japanese-Brazilian Princess

>> No.24888010

>he's masturbating to her without even seeing her insides

>> No.24888052
File: 49 KB, 437x429, mmmmmuki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mgmg ( ^ω^ )

>> No.24888065
File: 88 KB, 618x367, pomf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>equals three

>> No.24888068
Quoted by: >>24888177

do girls really do this

>> No.24888077

That's when you get a weird ESL accent like Elira and Shu.

>> No.24888080

Pomu... Petra...

>> No.24888083
File: 323 KB, 1484x2048, FTcWFjCUcAABI3v.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why not?

>> No.24888090

I guess that's what I get for sleeping so much.

>> No.24888145
Quoted by: >>24888206

you dont sneeze when its cold? thats not an anime thing thats a human thing...

>> No.24888176

No collab will reach those levels of SOVL

>> No.24888177

only if they're special friends

>> No.24888181

Enna will never finish this game

>> No.24888183
Quoted by: >>24888259

Sonny is not fat

>> No.24888184

Pomu's fat brazilian bunda!

>> No.24888199

this game is jank and not in the soul way

>> No.24888205
File: 682 KB, 1169x1971, 1648315239084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24888386

0-4 watch a stream
5-9 elden ring

>> No.24888206

No, I always thought that was fake..

>> No.24888211
Quoted by: >>24888257

this isnt Nijisanji, this is Nijisanji EN
EN standing for "english" honey.

>> No.24888234

Burger boys off-collab when?

>> No.24888241
File: 673 KB, 572x675, 1645026547697.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24888291

>> No.24888245

>Overall, was NijiEN a success?
Rapidly turning worse while people cheer it on.

>> No.24888254
Quoted by: >>24888419

I hope she actually streams it. I'm scared for the day the punchline hits

>> No.24888257

why are women like this

>> No.24888259
Quoted by: >>24888345

yeah he's obese
what... sneezing when its cold is normal no?

>> No.24888267
Quoted by: >>24888345


>> No.24888277

next month

>> No.24888291


>> No.24888292

Monolingualism truly is the brainlet's way

>> No.24888297
File: 37 KB, 810x291, LMAO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24888365

>> No.24888301

pomu and nina will crash the boy's party

>> No.24888312
File: 1.53 MB, 1030x904, 1625697308260.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24888556


>> No.24888330


>> No.24888345
Quoted by: >>24888527

I live in the US.......... I'm so confused

>> No.24888358

Here's how the US girls can still win

>> No.24888365
File: 26 KB, 590x189, 1650115833652.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24888386

you can do both dumb pentomo

>> No.24888406
Quoted by: >>24888506

Unironically, he will naturalise one day.

>> No.24888414


>> No.24888419

I wanna hear her panic while saying Desu wa

>> No.24888449
Quoted by: >>24888476

>they're all American
Damn, that made me gag

>> No.24888476

>Damn, that made me gag

>> No.24888481

The real question is why is it at midnight on a work day?

>> No.24888487

Petra liked this. C’mon pengy, collab with him one day...

>> No.24888506
Quoted by: >>24888720

you need to work in jp for 10 years. unless youre jp by blood

>> No.24888527

Don't worry anon.
Be proud in the fact that you're the only genuine human on this plane of existence.

>> No.24888528

Why are rosecucks like this? Why are pentomos like this? Why are fishfags like this?

>> No.24888533
File: 22 KB, 568x362, 1651200224972.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24889120

petra is a pussy, nothing new

>> No.24888536
Quoted by: >>24888554

she will literally die if she interacts with him, remember her reaction to debi-sama

>> No.24888542
Quoted by: >>24888599

If she's real, I really feel bad for her.
The absolute pressure of being a solo debut and being linked to so much speculation.

>> No.24888554

doesnt she have a tour today?

>> No.24888556
Quoted by: >>24888814

I found it funny when they asked Seken about guns and she laughed at their choices and Nagao went "she's calling us weak, she's laughing" in jp, to Amyamya
it felt like Selen was the boss and it was so cute

>> No.24888588 [SPOILER] 
File: 932 KB, 844x2415, 1653070875917.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would you react to a solo debut in NijiEN?

>> No.24888599

she's real. it seems she was supposed to debut earlier (maybe even before edengumi) but stuff happened

>> No.24888625

Even Shu collab with Nagao before her.

>> No.24888633
Quoted by: >>24888667

Why do you have to use Akina for this

>> No.24888640
File: 37 KB, 223x97, 4e1ce0ed9624d7f8f4bda15638950790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.24888647
Quoted by: >>24888741

I fell asleep again after Sonny's stream... I'm really going to try and eat something today... My stomach is starting to really hurt now...

>> No.24888660

Even Fulgur is now as 200k subs. NijiEN is an objective success.

>> No.24888665

only true kings can handle that type of pressure

>> No.24888667

That’s not Akina that’s Todd

>> No.24888678

You didn't watch the kino stream? it was filled with /here/ rrats and ships.

>> No.24888679
Quoted by: >>24888705

Menhera gay Todd who tries to molest Alban...

>> No.24888705
Quoted by: >>24888763

Todd clearly said no homo bro, stop spreading rrats anon.

>> No.24888712


>> No.24888720

They only need to live in Japan for 5 years.

>> No.24888724
File: 384 KB, 584x563, 1634098481633.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I want to get into NijiEN because I have no friends...

>> No.24888739

unless its as crazy as salome chan or is actually a big name in their PL or a vsinger type of liver, im not sure its a good idea

>> No.24888741
File: 111 KB, 224x246, 1632679762981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24888868

just eat 4head

>> No.24888763
Quoted by: >>24888820

Todd and Chuuni-kun FUCKED during the off-collab.

>> No.24888792

why are briskadets ana-chans when their oshi is a fatfuck

>> No.24888795
Quoted by: >>24888846

What if we get a solo debut but it's Mike Stoklasa

>> No.24888798
Quoted by: >>24889051

Alban is also Collabing with him this week

>> No.24888810
File: 156 KB, 757x758, 1653446809853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24889049

I can't wait for wosemi and alban switch sports collabs. I still can't believe that my two favorites would do 1on1 together

>> No.24888814
File: 646 KB, 3370x2382, 1652705073809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24888818
File: 1.12 MB, 1000x1288, Pomu_Rainpuff_Portrait.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Starting in 5 minutes.
Be sure to join Pomies

>> No.24888820
Quoted by: >>24888862

The only person Todd fucked during the off collab was chuuni's mom.

>> No.24888832
File: 180 KB, 1500x1000, FTMMdmSaIAEsEHe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My daughterwife is starting her stream SOON! Time for another MC server tour with Cia, Debi, and Seffyna!! I hope you kind anons will come out and show your support!
Petra LOVE!!
Pomu's also gonna be on Reza's channel for a one-on-one D&D session! I fucking LOVE Reza's RP streams, so come on by if that sounds like something that's up your alley!

>> No.24888833
Quoted by: >>24889051

everyone in en will talk or collab with Nagao before Petra

>> No.24888846

Can we have Jay chuuba instead?

>> No.24888858

Because he's a cute, bespectacled Laotian hafu to compensate.

>> No.24888862

it was oyakodon

>> No.24888868
Quoted by: >>24888897

I've been telling myself that for the past 3 days, but I keep getting distracted or falling asleep...

>> No.24888880

All femanons are ana-chans

>> No.24888893
File: 40 KB, 200x200, petra pat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24888894

Cute post

>> No.24888897
File: 370 KB, 600x626, 1627922528180.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24888952

literally just put a piece of bread in your mouth and chew

>> No.24888919
File: 255 KB, 1700x1700, 1642273685141.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks i love Petra and didn't know about the Pomu TTRPG stream!

>> No.24888950

my oshi is unrelated to my unhealthy desire to look good

>> No.24888951
File: 81 KB, 562x505, 1650272174783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24888952

I don't have food in my apartment... I need to go out to eat since they don't do deliveries in my area...

>> No.24888963
File: 542 KB, 3035x4096, 1652339900044.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24888990

Wendigo anon...

>> No.24888996
Quoted by: >>24889195

is the one shot DnD the same story as the other guest?

>> No.24889008

hikkineet anon...

>> No.24889010

Pomu DnD w/ Reza live:

>> No.24889011
Quoted by: >>24889183

I understand why pentomos are so rapeable now

>> No.24889023
File: 44 KB, 192x192, zZkHYbWIBsXR8gSblIG4Cg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you live lmfao

>> No.24889048
File: 92 KB, 2048x887, FTkimbpakAAQgNA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24889049

good for you bud

>> No.24889051

its like petra is avoiding nagao on purpose...

>> No.24889055
File: 1.14 MB, 739x705, 爱心(1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24889430

Hi Uki anon!

>> No.24889086
File: 114 KB, 151x121, 1643947354595.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24889099

Got it.

>> No.24889120

its not a question of her being a pussy or not, she invited debi after all and many others. petra just dont want to have contact with her kamioshi, to the point she didnt even reveal him

>> No.24889141
Quoted by: >>24889828


>> No.24889155

She too nervous. Someone will have to surprise her with a collab like beat mario was with Pomu

>> No.24889183
File: 522 KB, 900x833, E98_DIEVgAUCiOY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I-if we're so rapeable, then why haven't you raped me yet? Don't tell me you've got erectile dysfunction or something...

>> No.24889184

Pomu is so hot bros...

>> No.24889195

He even has a disclaimer in his description that the story will be repeated with different guests, so viewers should avoid spoiling the story for new guests.

>> No.24889197

Petra is a yumejo. Nagao is yumebait (tries to). A true yumejo would not collab with her oshi and break the dynamic

>> No.24889204

Can't rape the willing

>> No.24889210

never meet your heroes

>> No.24889213
Quoted by: >>24889402

The real question is when Petra will collab with Hoshikawa or Ryushen

>> No.24889238
File: 96 KB, 922x1052, 1623942508113.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24889363

>Go to uni class
>Teacher cancels it 5 before the class starts
Back on time to watch Pomu at least

>> No.24889242

wouldnt a true yumejo take advantage of it because it would feel real?

>> No.24889248

She's talked with Debi on twitter and on discord. Her only messages to Nagao were a birthday message on twitter, and an accidental comment on his new clothes reveal because she forgot to log out of her account.

>> No.24889255
File: 112 KB, 832x855, 1652658865624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never meet your kamioshi. Petra is being smart.

>> No.24889267

Petra's using the HD shaders again...
Last time her stream was a slideshow...

>> No.24889276
Quoted by: >>24889349

Why would you break the dream?

>> No.24889277

return of pomura

>> No.24889287


>> No.24889286

Told you time and time again, if you want to be raped you have to act like you DON'T want to be raped.

>> No.24889291

Pomura origin story

>> No.24889294

which nijien member will get to collab first with

>> No.24889295
File: 286 KB, 585x564, 1645003428537.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24889562

Pomudachis are bottoms

>> No.24889297
Quoted by: >>24889358

She messaged him and Oliver on discord during their geoguessr off collab because they asked where Sydney was. She made fun of them

>> No.24889304

rule no1
never meet your heroes.

>> No.24889316
File: 70 KB, 227x228, 1645873175694.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your oshi could be in this thread among us as we speak, and this is how you are behaving?

>> No.24889321
File: 219 KB, 1626x1148, FIV9BbGaQAE27ia.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24889322

No, because reality is never as good as the fantasy. If reality fails to compare, then that breaks it.

>> No.24889329
File: 265 KB, 564x444, 1628638350814.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24889346
File: 31 KB, 753x407, porn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will wave 6 has caring onee-san

>> No.24889347
File: 210 KB, 244x192, 1626346961218.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my oshi could be WHAT

>> No.24889349

at the chance to get closer to them even as a friend, no?

>> No.24889359

Was pommers a Stern listener?

>> No.24889358
Quoted by: >>24889451

She probably just messaged Oliver.

>> No.24889363
File: 58 KB, 713x776, 1640890386284.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Professors like that suck

>> No.24889374

I like how excited Shu is over such little details in the game. My cute meticulous husband.

>> No.24889376
Quoted by: >>24889497

Shu says ark nemesis. cute

>> No.24889375
File: 65 KB, 460x459, 1653447907228.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24889548

Please consider buying more food so you won't starve anymore or do monthly groceries

>> No.24889386
Quoted by: >>24889428


>> No.24889390
File: 1.88 MB, 1598x894, 1650648521438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because you're just a friend. I would never do anything bad to one of my dear friends.

>> No.24889398
File: 75 KB, 971x720, SEEEEEEXXXXX.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24889643


>> No.24889402
Quoted by: >>24889437

Maybe in a music related collab with kojihara

>> No.24889403

lucky for me she can't eigo

>> No.24889414

Holy shit that Ara ara

>> No.24889418

Jesus did Reza always have such sexual dono sounds?

>> No.24889427

We have Elira

>> No.24889428

Elira should focus take care of her own lifestyle first

>> No.24889430
File: 196 KB, 446x448, flushgeuki1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Helloooo! THAT GIF IS SO CUTE! I’ve only seen the mermaid version

>> No.24889433
Quoted by: >>24889588

Time to watch Seffynachang's POV!

>> No.24889437

Kojihara doesn't really collab in the music department though.

>> No.24889446

Elira is all I, you, >we will ever need

>> No.24889449

I can't believe Reza is a fucking slut!

>> No.24889451
Quoted by: >>24889544

Nagao was the one who read it. I don’t think he read it out loud, but he reacted to it

>> No.24889455

Wait I thought that was Pomu saying Ara ara

>> No.24889460

yes but its 100% a meme because thats how ejak is.

>> No.24889479

I know. but nagao is a thing only we in 4chan know. to most her kamioshi is debiru

>> No.24889481

>en server let's use english for this tour!
>2s later everyone reverts to japanese

>> No.24889492
File: 47 KB, 192x192, 1651404753526.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if nijien ever did a pay to have a 1 on 1 personal voice chat with your oshi, would you do it?

>> No.24889496
Quoted by: >>24889538

It still trips me up that this is CIA's natural voice. It's like she's in ASMR mode 24/7 with how naturally sleepy she is.

>> No.24889497

>ark nemesis
>uku uku uku uk-ukelele
>contuss-i mean concussion
He's tongue tied tonight

>> No.24889522
File: 273 KB, 1600x900, 1627345153132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu SEX voice

>> No.24889528

why would I when I already do it for free

>> No.24889534
File: 314 KB, 1492x2048, 1652478983793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to cuddle with Elira, with her being big spoon and playing with my hair, her telling me how much of a good boy I've been and giving me lots of kisses.

>> No.24889535


>> No.24889538

Why does she always sound sleepy? She really matches her character

>> No.24889544
Quoted by: >>24889601

Then it's probably a channel in the nijiworld discord. Her messaging only Nagao first and not Oliver wouldn't make sense.

>> No.24889548
Quoted by: >>24889829

It's never gotten this bad... I've just been unable to stop watching his streams. I rewatch vods while waiting for him to go live and by the time I've noticed it, it's already too late to go out and buy food... Yesterday was supposed to be a good time since he was streaming much later, but I ended up getting distracted by a puzzle...

>> No.24889554

Selen will get the 1 on 1 Mito collab first.

>> No.24889560
File: 2.68 MB, 498x498, 1643017391343.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24889562
File: 498 KB, 900x900, E93vFeUVkAUyLg2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Being a bottom doesn't mean you can't rape! You just have to force yourself on us! We may have cute feminine penises, but they still work!

>> No.24889579

Isnt that what Finana's $100 Tier is already?

>> No.24889585
File: 216 KB, 439x439, 1631092482219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i would spill my spaghetti then promptly consider suicide

>> No.24889588
File: 227 KB, 836x900, FQxMRnvVkAEHYXm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cute K-fairy! Have fun and enjoy the stream!!

>> No.24889592

All the blood in her brain is drained due to maintaining her life long monster cock erection

>> No.24889596

we are all poorfags

>> No.24889601

Yeah it was in the world server. I didn’t mean to imply she just messaged him

>> No.24889643
Quoted by: >>24889739

I wanna rape a sleeping Cia

>> No.24889658

Taka...I wonder how often he was forced to take that massive futa cock.

>> No.24889659
File: 470 KB, 695x900, 1650892696576.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24889723

So did she give you a medical fetish, a vore fetish, or both?

>> No.24889669
File: 405 KB, 1756x2479, 1651636584706.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24889796

Only if I can tell Rosemi just how much I want to be raped by her.

>> No.24889674
File: 453 KB, 457x568, 1645109990560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I couldn't even join nijiexpress. I would just spill my spaghetti and die.

>> No.24889677
Quoted by: >>24890070

it would most likely be by lottery and overpriced. also I got a sample of it on NijiExpress, it makes me also want to die. I'd rather custom voice packs make a comeback

>> No.24889682
Quoted by: >>24889739

All of her energy is concentrated in her gigantic futacock

>> No.24889686
Quoted by: >>24889786

>tfw Petra was the only en to wish Nagao a happy birthday

>> No.24889704

So is this really going to be her schedule?

>> No.24889723
File: 615 KB, 2679x3789, 1634609903386.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I already had those

>> No.24889728
File: 882 KB, 4096x2417, 1624257011949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24889739
File: 83 KB, 640x573, shegivesthelook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anons... you cant just spring that onto the anons here, they dont full understand the power of her cock...
i want cia to rape me in my sleep

>> No.24889771

I would panic, freeze up, and default to the script I use when running interviews. I hope my oshi is prepared to hear about massive graph processing and answer algorithm questions.

>> No.24889785

seffyna has such a cute laugh

>> No.24889786

He didn’t follow any of EN on Twitter before Petra greeted him on his birthday. She was the first one he followed. She was probably happy about that

>> No.24889791

Is this DnD without any classes and any skills and any dice rolls?
Like how is it DnD?

>> No.24889794

>ever doubting her
I really don't think you should doubt her anymore, who knows what kind of crazy shit she'll do next just to prove people wrong...

>> No.24889793

I want to hold hands with Elira as we embrace and kiss for what feels like hours.

>> No.24889796


>> No.24889828


>> No.24889829
Quoted by: >>24889923

I listen to vods on headphones while grocery shopping, it helps me multitask

>> No.24889839
Quoted by: >>24889901

I am analyzing Debi's voice as she speaks right NOW.

>> No.24889846

There's skills and dice rolls, iirc. They just haven't come up yet.

>> No.24889850

I just wanna watch the show. No interest in talking to them outside of chat.

>> No.24889869

Milk is stored in Seffyna's breasts

>> No.24889877

It's TRPG Roleplay

>> No.24889887
File: 184 KB, 1170x1304, 1634081200759.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever played DnD? I had 9 hours sessions of just talking.

>> No.24889901
Quoted by: >>24889990

She’s tweeting while debi is streaming...the rrat is dead

>> No.24889905
Quoted by: >>24889950

I hope Finana stays banned on Pomu's channel for another month for the lulz

>> No.24889911
Quoted by: >>24889942

How do you know?

>> No.24889918

Oops all biohazard

>> No.24889923

I will do that same now... thanks anon...

>> No.24889931

its called RP for a reason anon

>> No.24889935

Damn cia is gaming

>> No.24889942

She is pregnant (with my child)

>> No.24889950

she's already unbanned

>> No.24889979
File: 148 KB, 512x512, 1634998275416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This story sounds sus as fuck already... I don't trust this caretaker lady at all.

>> No.24889987

Awwww Petra

>> No.24889990
Quoted by: >>24890074

She's real... Thank God...

>> No.24889999

I can’t believe Salome is real. This feels even more weird than pre-debut yugo and then finding out he was a woman

>> No.24890013

I wish I was stored in Seffyna's breasts

>> No.24890016

what petra did?

>> No.24890068
File: 1.01 MB, 2000x1200, luminions.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

loving these fandom gijinkas but i rarely see one for the girls' fans

>> No.24890069

I was only partially listening, did Petra talk about Sonny being honest with the scores? lol

>> No.24890070

i wonder if they will ever bring those back

>> No.24890074

Rikkun with a voice changer hasn't been ruled out.

>> No.24890093

I had a free one on Niji Express with Elira, and I think it satisfied my need for ever having a 1 on 1 conversation because she called me cute... I recorded it but I sounded so stupid due to nerves

>> No.24890101
File: 615 KB, 220x220, 1652847834651.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu lolicon instincts...

>> No.24890122
File: 127 KB, 1000x1000, 1642915617399.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want to hold Elira's hands waffle-style and tell her I love her.

>> No.24890151
Quoted by: >>24890643

Reimu read my complaints and now she confirmed the Luca spanish collab.

>> No.24890152
File: 116 KB, 512x512, 1ewiwalove.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im happy for you anon!

>> No.24890163


>> No.24890168

why this shit sound so spooky man wtf

>> No.24890173
File: 54 KB, 242x246, Screenshot_20220525-112049_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24890180

I get cute aggression when I watch Debi too much

>> No.24890197

quads of truth. she is REAL

>> No.24890207
Quoted by: >>24890274

I feel this with Sonny. I want to punch him in the stomach.

>> No.24890208
File: 397 KB, 1118x1200, FS2s84GXwAA_5L-.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24890283

>> No.24890213

pomu anal

>> No.24890251

Same I want to choke Debi

>> No.24890265
Quoted by: >>24890394

debi is made for rape correction with how cute they are.

>> No.24890267
Quoted by: >>24890434

I'm so sad I didn't get to talk to her..

>> No.24890271
File: 80 KB, 344x431, 1647029879214.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24890458

>> No.24890274
File: 132 KB, 947x1024, 1651705423542.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It'll be hard to miss

>> No.24890283
Quoted by: >>24890416

He lives with his sisters, why'd he get so flustered

>> No.24890311
File: 88 KB, 996x724, FSqBbG6aIAADSLQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Listening to Millie MC when she shilling every NijiEN cover, yet no one shilling her upcoming cover, sadge

>> No.24890321
File: 137 KB, 512x512, rosemonkas.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was only half paying attention for Fulgur's session, but this feels new

>> No.24890336

they are gonna look at finana's house that she built in creative mode...

>> No.24890345
Quoted by: >>24890410

My reps were worth it I've understood almost every word of this collab so far

>> No.24890346


>> No.24890362
Quoted by: >>24890444

and followed a tutorial...

>> No.24890370

Unity is dead

>> No.24890394
File: 1.98 MB, 2030x1610, 75775093_p1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24890480


>> No.24890410

honestly minecraft is one of those games where you dont need to understand much. i know nothing but you can get by with just interpereting the game

>> No.24890412

didn't she randomly drop that premiere? it's possible people don't even know about it

>> No.24890416

i thought he would be used to it, but i guess not

>> No.24890424

Why Petra always lag?

>> No.24890434

I played for 4 hours waiting, and I actually almost gave up but after staying in an empty room, they arrived. I posted a clip of Shu and Luca having a conversation of eating ice, and Selen speaking Cantonese when it happenened. Elira was so cute and was in the back of the train.

>> No.24890442


>> No.24890444

everyone's saying "sugoii" and I just feel embarrassed for her

>> No.24890448
Quoted by: >>24890882

When is Maimoto going to collab with his oshi Selen

>> No.24890458
Quoted by: >>24890492

wake up blueberry

>> No.24890462

what?? did she really??

>> No.24890470

did petra actually learn this much japanese from otome games

>> No.24890480


>> No.24890481
Quoted by: >>24890770

can you post the clip again?

>> No.24890484


>> No.24890492
File: 1.05 MB, 695x713, 1630586968672.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24890507
Quoted by: >>24890696

She learned Japanese to translate obscure games. She hides her power level.

>> No.24890510
Quoted by: >>24890840

Do you think Finana will bother getting all those quart blocks

>> No.24890513
File: 512 KB, 1600x956, 0DC1B0C3-F75C-4632-9A65-A9978AE8B3A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t focus for shit can someone sum up the DnD so far?

>> No.24890512

Not just from otome games. She learned Japanese so she could understand otome games

>> No.24890517

weeeeh I hope she does another meet and greet again I want to talk to her

>> No.24890534

But Shu retweeted her upcoming cover.....

>> No.24890549
Quoted by: >>24890781

She brought up the idea because she's the server admin/lazy and she can, and of course her fans are pathetic yes-men and egged her on

>> No.24890558

pomu comes home and is now forced to baby sit the children

>> No.24890561

Pomu came back to the orphanage she grew up in, met an old friend, and saw a Ghost loli. Now she's following said loli.

>> No.24890569

I mean, we know that she hung out in Japanese communities. Definitely had people she spoke Japanese with in Skype and Discord calls.

>> No.24890586

freaky ghost girl

>> No.24890598
Quoted by: >>24890642

Pomu stalking a little ghost girl

>> No.24890605
Quoted by: >>24890642

Pomu is coming across like a sexual predator in DND

>> No.24890623
File: 454 KB, 1748x2480, 1629899998632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pomu goes back to an orphanage where she lived in her childhood
>Woman that took care of her ask her to babysit for a day
>Cute ghost child appears

>> No.24890642
Quoted by: >>24890692

I mean, like half the actions Fulgur took in his session were "I follow the little girl", so it seems to be par for the course with this one shot.

>> No.24890643


>> No.24890652

Sonny went back to like the OG morbing time tweet...

>> No.24890656

nice perception check.

>> No.24890666

hes so happy for the bby and the new house ToT

>> No.24890692

Pomu was lusting after the little girl feet...

>> No.24890696

>She hides her power level
i never realized she was this fluent... she's one of the best in nijien

>> No.24890709
File: 320 KB, 1578x1454, FTj5iLCWQAEDKMM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It spreads

>> No.24890723

her former vtuber friend was a chinese japanese

>> No.24890732
File: 41 KB, 1100x1100, 1636986185101.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24890892

shu getting excited over the couple having kids, cuuute. something something ovulating

>> No.24890736

reza came from the matt mercer school for DMs (a campaign heavier on the RP is easier for newbies like pomu to get into the game)

>> No.24890742


>> No.24890769


>> No.24890770

Luca Shu

>> No.24890778
File: 1.14 MB, 500x500, 1639289594904.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pomu thinks manga in a library is weird
Is this not common in America?

>> No.24890781
Quoted by: >>24890898

Has fish talked about this on stream? I thought she didn't stream it

>> No.24890790

>There's manga in the library?
Pomu there used to be Hayate No Gotoku back in my local library and Iive in the middle of nowhere.

>> No.24890795

lmao get morb

>> No.24890807

It is common in America probably just not in Hickville where she grew up

>> No.24890806
Quoted by: >>24890871

Someone probably sent it to him

>> No.24890813
File: 40 KB, 432x576, 1567636922123.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck is this shit

>> No.24890840
Quoted by: >>24890898

quarts? what about end rods, which no one has access at the moment as no one on the server has gone to end yet, and loadstones which are only used as deco blocks by those who want to flex as they need netherite to craft which i assume she hasn't mined either

>> No.24890844
File: 495 KB, 832x764, 1650015281379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is nowadays, but it probably wasn't when she was in school.

>> No.24890851

is ninisani still a thing? havent seen anyone post about it in a while

>> No.24890871

He looked it up after Rosemi said it to him

>> No.24890874
Quoted by: >>24891329

Why would a Japanese princess go to an American library for her sacred literature?

>> No.24890881

Petra is only below Yugo who is native japanese and Shu who is a jp descendant. Petra jp is all by her own study.

>> No.24890882
Quoted by: >>24890990

when either maimoto gets better at english up to Nagao's level or Selen's learns jap. I do want a jp liver to co cast the next niji wwe tho

>> No.24890887
File: 53 KB, 250x250, 1650079615677.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon! selen sounds so cute

>> No.24890892

Shu said he's an uncle right? I want to hear how he acts around his baby nephew...

>> No.24890898

She definitely at least talked about it on stream. I forget where she first "asked permission" from her fans though. It may have been membership; I'm membered to her so I forget. It's kind of a slap in the face to people Nina and some other people who went out of their ways to help her collect materials.
She used creative mode.

>> No.24890899

She has mentioned that she read one of her first manga on a library, hasn't she? I don't remember which one it was though.

>> No.24890906

it still is a thing somewhat, it needs new blood right now so there should be some shilling every now and then

>> No.24890919
Quoted by: >>24891059

Pomu still says it sometimes

>> No.24890924

Yeah I was surprised by this as well, I live in bumfuck UK and there was Naruto and Bleach in our school library

>> No.24890930

Petra vs Reimu?

>> No.24890935 [SPOILER] 
File: 728 KB, 1920x1031, 1647121669882.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually post screenshots of it but I'm too busy playing modded minecraft right now oof

>> No.24890942
File: 120 KB, 900x680, 1562725634869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24891095

Pomu looks like this IRL
She IS a japanese princess after all!

>> No.24890945

Pomu grabbing the ghost loli!

>> No.24890950

Yes, hopcon ninisai.
Maybe we can shill it in the op sometimes

>> No.24890951
File: 23 KB, 274x162, 1653331838046.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Can I grab her?
Good lord, Pomu.

>> No.24890956
Quoted by: >>24891000

I don't understand Chinese for shit, but I kinda want to see Selen talking more in it.

>> No.24890976
Quoted by: >>24891044

I want to be caged up by Debi

>> No.24890985
File: 610 KB, 2767x4498, 1638449813536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24890987

i had no idea ngl

>> No.24890990

>a jp liver to co cast the next niji wwe tho
That sounds fun. Maybe they can get Oliver to translate for Selen and Maimoto

>> No.24891000

she knows canto not mandarin

>> No.24891003

Debi's really cute

>> No.24891004

I want to play it but I am terrified of dying in games

>> No.24891023

Pomu overpowering little girls

>> No.24891027

yeah and cope i hear is she didn't want to spend 15 mins to build a barter setup that would give them all infinite quarts to build with so that's why she had to use creative. getting stuff she doesn't even have access to at the moment is way more fishy abuse of admin powers imo

>> No.24891031

Why is Cia so cute?

>> No.24891042
Quoted by: >>24891527

Ryuguards... you guys are missing out on fish's minecraft arc just because you let her use creative mode...

>> No.24891044

Focus on your stream Petra

>> No.24891054
Quoted by: >>24891130

>Pomu: why the sussy looks, chat?
Pomu know what we're thinking

>> No.24891056


>> No.24891059
Quoted by: >>24891120

they're talking about the minecraft server

>> No.24891063

I rekindled my League of Legends addiction and it's been eating all my time, but I'll hop on sometime soon!

>> No.24891069
File: 87 KB, 1195x831, received_799339641046010.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24891071

Petra is definitely fair above Reimu. I would say Reimu is more on Elira's level both in reading, writing and speaking jp.

>> No.24891073


>> No.24891095

but i dont wanna burn pomu alive anon...

>> No.24891110

Why is shu so cute......

>> No.24891113

Reimu isn't nearly as proficient as Petra from what I can tell. She's mainly carried by her confidence in what she does know compared to other members who are shyer about it.
I'm not anywhere near fluent though so take my opinion with a grain of salt.

>> No.24891112

Unpacking my house with my sick wife Su is surprisingly comfy. I might actually fall asleep before 12am without the use of alcohol for the first time in years.

>> No.24891115

Not even a question. Reimu is N3.
Petra is N1. Elira is like N2 for reference. Even Sonny is more fluent than Reimu.

>> No.24891118

Why is she touring them in the dark...

>> No.24891120

My bad. I suck dicks.

>> No.24891130
File: 1.36 MB, 1080x1920, 1629534076473.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not our fault that she's such obvious perverted lolicon

>> No.24891142

Petora is more Japanese than Ewiwa...

>> No.24891146

Pomu really enjoys going up to kids in the library.

>> No.24891167

Its cute how elira is almost all the time on petra chat

>> No.24891173

>Petra is N1
has she said that? N1 is pretty impressive even for a native speaker.

>> No.24891188
Quoted by: >>24891215

She posted her test on her pl.

>> No.24891197

Need Pomu /ll/ fanart

>> No.24891204

Petra.... how are they going to see anything in the dark...

>> No.24891215

tensai penguin... i'm impressed wtf

>> No.24891235
File: 3.39 MB, 311x467, 1623073007128.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu Nee-chan!

>> No.24891237

She's posted about passing the exam before Niji

>> No.24891249

It's very easy to get diamond armors and netherite stuffs in the server. You can also teleport back to where you die. Dying really isn't scary in ninisani, lagging is scarier.

>> No.24891265

Shu ojisan sneeze 2

>> No.24891281

Bros....pomu keeps talking about babies

>> No.24891292

Petra is so powerful. I aspire to be a talented penguin like her.

>> No.24891294
Quoted by: >>24891348

she said she passed the N1 exam on her first try after never taking any JLPT tests.

>> No.24891300

She's not though.
There was an old Pikamee rant about lolis where you can see her commenting.

>> No.24891311

it's not a exaggeration some of us say that shes very talented.

>> No.24891314

i wanna play too but im too lazy to follow the guide... ill try to hopcon nnsn sometime this week

>> No.24891319
Quoted by: >>24891348

She said she didn't study and passed the N1 test. She did it for fun.

>> No.24891329

Focus on the roleplay, PomuPuff

>> No.24891334
File: 73 KB, 1564x224, ninisani.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A picture tells a thousand words

>> No.24891348

What the fuck

>> No.24891352

That makes it more obvious though?

>> No.24891370

Pomu also said Pikamee has good taste for liking loli doujins and she has BLADE as one of her favorite artists...

>> No.24891374

>Miori's planning a soft graduation
Is she in?

>> No.24891392

I mean, it's no secret that she's book smart, right?

>> No.24891396

>Elira is like N2
Why? People with N1 can still be bad at Japanese.

>> No.24891395
File: 69 KB, 732x720, poom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wasn't the comment her calling Pika cultured for liking LO? That's pretty suggestive of her tastes...

>> No.24891403

She is a shining example of how passion helps you learn better.
She wanted to date anime boys. Japanese was the barrier. She smashed through it and even translated games so others who are ngmi can enjoy.

>> No.24891406


>> No.24891410

gonna be honest I want to have sex with Debi

>> No.24891429
Quoted by: >>24891481

what soft graduation means? and didn't she do that a few months ago?

>> No.24891445
Quoted by: >>24891497

no one knows. two of the new guys didn't graduate until last minute. We just have to wait for the preview and check whether her voice matches

>> No.24891456
File: 128 KB, 874x1200, rosedragon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey, look at this.

>> No.24891465


>> No.24891469

She’s Wolfgang

>> No.24891479

Ok Lulu

>> No.24891481

pretty sure it's just quitting without quitting

>> No.24891486
Quoted by: >>24891602

She did her kanji reps. Being Chinese made learning Japanese 100 times easier.

>> No.24891487

i gotta be honest i want to have sex with everyone on this tour.

>> No.24891497
Quoted by: >>24891638

Tomo and Kazune are graduating?

>> No.24891504

Pomu's face when he said Succubus kek

>> No.24891514

debi is a great onahole.

>> No.24891515
File: 1.01 MB, 1000x1300, 72629740_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24891523
File: 416 KB, 726x833, 1635726602111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24891527

I’m sure even if 99%of her audience said no she would still read the comment supporting her mindset, she’s literally a womanchild

>> No.24891549

Pomu wants that youthful succubus

>> No.24891552
File: 636 KB, 728x410, 1647156663918.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She said she's going to school. That's what she always said, that if her streaming career didn't work out her parents were forcing her to go into medical school which she doesn't want to do. It looks like that's the path she's headed for. Unless some company snatches her up now, I guess she's gone forever.

>> No.24891602
Quoted by: >>24891786

I totally forgot she knows Chinese. That completely explains it. Still crazy that she passed N1 for fun though

>> No.24891607


>> No.24891623
Quoted by: >>24891682

Uki-kun and Fuu-chan love house lol

>> No.24891634


>> No.24891638

I was talking about uki and fulgur

>> No.24891656
Quoted by: >>24891886

People really overestimate Reimu's fluency.
Shu's said before if you were to gather members for a JP only stream, he'd get Petra, Yugo, Elira, himself, and Sonny.

>> No.24891667

My new high quality headphones let me hear every time Shu wipes his nose. I wonder what other noises I miss in everyone else's streams after watching them while using one dying earbud for a year. All the missed stomach growls or that time an anon said you could hear Luca pissing during his drunk stream, but I couldn't...

>> No.24891682

and Uki's making his love nest with Suha over at KR kek

>> No.24891684
Quoted by: >>24892338

I don't wanna sound schizophrenic but...

>> No.24891697

so basically what that means is since she's an indie she can randomly return as she pleases. at least I hope so

>> No.24891715
Quoted by: >>24892055

Which headphones

>> No.24891725
File: 45 KB, 192x192, GAYmYambLIGT8gTOoJiIDw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24891731
File: 271 KB, 609x1028, 1640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sussy little ghost brat... Correction is needed !!

>> No.24891734
Quoted by: >>24892055

what headphones did you get?

>> No.24891736

report back when you hear him piss

>> No.24891738
File: 3.59 MB, 640x640, 1637308739981.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bot in Reza's chat
>Even losers can fuck girls with us
Even bots are mean to me...

>> No.24891742

She just said on stream she won't return until she's completely done with school. So that will be like 5 years

>> No.24891751

That's what you get for drinking strange potions, dumb koala

>> No.24891760

oh.... no.....

>> No.24891768

why 5 years??

>> No.24891771


>> No.24891774

pomu's model is so pretty...

>> No.24891786

She doesn't know chinese more than japanese tbf, she knows only a bit. Her JP is far better than her chinese

>> No.24891798

that's assuming she graduates on time

>> No.24891796

She said that her indefinite hiatus will be after her studies, which will probably be 2-5 years. So I doubt she’s coming back.

>> No.24891809

Someone should build a NijisanjiEN sign in ninisani.

>> No.24891810

>Med school
>Like 5 years

>> No.24891830

5 years...man what will vtubing be like by then? I think streamers using anime avatars will continue to be a thing, but will Nijisanji still exist?

>> No.24891839
Quoted by: >>24892080

she's my oshi and i love her but god does she piss me off sometimes...

>> No.24891854


>> No.24891863

implying the world will still be here

>> No.24891872

I want to kiki those kanris

>> No.24891883

debi cute

>> No.24891886
Quoted by: >>24893071

do you have a timestamp for that

>> No.24891914
Quoted by: >>24891940

Why wouldn't it

>> No.24891940

Salome causes the next big yab and takes Anycolor down with her

>> No.24891942

i can hear shu wiping his nose, sick boy

>> No.24891943

Nijisanji? Who knows, but Indies will remain so the girls and boys will probably transition to Indies just fine, they just need to strengthen their fanbase wherein they’ll follow them to their next life.

>> No.24891954

some of the Vtuber may have gotten married and gotten a kid or two.

>> No.24891958
Quoted by: >>24892071

it was a thing 5 years ago and not much has changed other than the culture and the technology. I don't see why it wouldn't still be a thing 5 years from now

>> No.24891965
File: 1 KB, 157x31, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24894142


>> No.24892008
File: 135 KB, 1397x1169, 1636404258636.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca's 300k stream always makes the depression go away...

>> No.24892055

Sennheiser 550. I don't know anything about music or music hardware but it sounds nice

>> No.24892058

Sonny... Fulgur (RIP)...

>> No.24892059

im glad shubert had a safe delivery

>> No.24892066

Does Ike have a house in minecraft?

>> No.24892071

Yeah vtubers are just streamers and I doubt streaming in general will die down in 5 years.

>> No.24892077
Quoted by: >>24892172

I thought it was purged?

>> No.24892080
Quoted by: >>24892336

Not to be rude but look for another oshi, she might end up doing something that turns you anti
there’s other chuubas that deserve recognition

>> No.24892102
File: 219 KB, 400x400, 1648014767551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no... not fulgur......

>> No.24892101
Quoted by: >>24892345

has he even been in the new server

>> No.24892105
Quoted by: >>24892345

he hasnt been to the server.

>> No.24892107

Luca a day keeps the depression away…

>> No.24892121
Quoted by: >>24892345

He hasn't even logged in AFAIK...

>> No.24892148


>> No.24892152

ike hates mc

>> No.24892172

It was just edited out im pretty sure

>> No.24892180


>> No.24892183


>> No.24892185

Which boy would femanons marry?

>> No.24892186


>> No.24892188

Ike only played on the world server once or twice and EN once... And that was just for his April Fools stream...

>> No.24892199
Quoted by: >>24892293

sonny achieving his husband/malewife dreams... damn.. *tears in my eyes* i'm happy for him

>> No.24892207
Quoted by: >>24892244

Petra turned and whispered to chat
>guys, I haven't gotten lost once. Aren't you proud of me?

>> No.24892212
Quoted by: >>24892231

Fulgur died in labor...

>> No.24892216
Quoted by: >>24893246

Rosemi, shu, and sonny WNBAJ

>> No.24892222


>> No.24892231


>> No.24892234

Anyone BUT Mysta and the Noctyx boys

>> No.24892236

Will Fulgur exist in 5 years?

>> No.24892244
File: 144 KB, 1600x1600, FMGZe3KWUAEGRyK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so proud of her

>> No.24892249

luca and shu

>> No.24892251
Quoted by: >>24892504

I'm gonna miss Enna so much...

>> No.24892282

genuinely, is fuuchan's disability something he can actually die from or is it just like with mousey where it causes pain and stops them from going outside much?

>> No.24892288
File: 150 KB, 304x408, 1455013627102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24892290

What was in it? I don’t even remember if I watched it…

>> No.24892293

You're triggering my tradwife mentality again

>> No.24892306
File: 148 KB, 480x480, 0JrhYYiVFNOSgAfjlonQAQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

MYSTA-KUN!!!!! I miss him...

>> No.24892307

He doesn't have a house....

>> No.24892336

i get what you mean but no lol. she's retarded and a literal sperg but she makes me happy and i love her and that's all that matters to me

>> No.24892339
File: 863 KB, 1000x1288, 1645040908337.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vox will open a Niji-themed Pizzeria with animatronics, from which point he will live out his dream of being William Afton

>> No.24892338

What does this mean anon? Afterlife or something?

>> No.24892345

April fools Swedish MC stream

>> No.24892348

Hasnt she done that before?

>> No.24892353

Will Fulgur still exist in 1 year?

>> No.24892354

i'd have to say sonny or shu, maybe luca if i'm feeling brave. malewifefication :thumbs_up: all the other nijiguys are uhhhhhhhhhhh

>> No.24892355

He just talked to randoms who joined

>> No.24892360
File: 806 KB, 2048x1436, @salary_yuexia_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24892427

stop.... ToT

>> No.24892372

I often think about married life with Shu where the most sexual we get in the bedroom is trying new hairstyles and braiding each others hair and giving Shu a leg massage since he was sitting for too long at work and had leg pain last night

>> No.24892374

It's the type that gets worse over time.

>> No.24892414

I'll be in a loveless and sexless marriage with Shu

>> No.24892417

Fuuchan... ;_;

>> No.24892427
Quoted by: >>24892509

this made me laugh why ToT at fulgur dying

>> No.24892433

I'll make sure of it even if all that's left is a head in a jar

>> No.24892434

it was the first time he showed his chibi model

>> No.24892435

Sonny. Maybe Shu.

>> No.24892442

he joined random public worlds on vrchat and talked to fans on stream. nothing bad happened and the stream was kino as fuck but it was technically a yab and got cut out afterwards

>> No.24892444

Spinal issues get worse over time. He mentioned discussing suicide with a doctor before he got treatment.

>> No.24892458

I think the concern is less that and more that the pain goes back to being bad enough for him to consider euthanasia to get away from it.

>> No.24892462

Literally only Finana will still be streaming in 5 years.
5 years is a Long fucking time.

>> No.24892468


>> No.24892477

alban, fuuchan, or luca

>> No.24892480
Quoted by: >>24892562

Maybe Sonny or Ike...?

>> No.24892483


>> No.24892493

platonic roommates!

>> No.24892497
Quoted by: >>24892544

lmao seffy made the jump (didn't even set a respawn point) but everyone was too busy to notice

>> No.24892504

She's dead and she's not coming back.

>> No.24892509
Quoted by: >>24892652

Before ToT became a loli response, it meant crying
Like T_T or T_T or even TT, it's the song Twice sang, because they use this emoticon a lot over there to signify sadness or crying

>> No.24892526

I'd trust Pomu to keep doing it if she can.
She knows how shitty being an office worker is and was stuck in a deadend job with no hope for promotion.

>> No.24892531
File: 234 KB, 394x394, 1623549654189.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know he makes suicide jokes but i didnt know about him actually discussing the option with a professional... fuuchan...

>> No.24892544

sasuga mc queen

>> No.24892562

ike? are you really willing to only eat caviar toast 6 times a day for the rest of your life?

>> No.24892564

yes shut up

>> No.24892606
File: 263 KB, 1170x1600, pomu lust (extreme).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24892614

RIP lil bug...

>> No.24892616

mousey doesn't have a disability or sickness or anything like that

>> No.24892617

Almost all of them will still be streaming. Even if they go indie and have an audience of around 500-1k viewers, the money you’ll get from that can help you with rent/mortgage while you do a full time job. It’d be stupid to abandon a community this big.

>> No.24892618
Quoted by: >>24892815

What is wrong with en server?

>> No.24892652

I used to think this emoticon was someone with their eyes half closed so the idea of ToT in that perspective is really funny to me

>> No.24892673
Quoted by: >>24893093


>> No.24892672

Pomu unlocked a new route

>> No.24892684

nta but I am autistic enough to make that work

>> No.24892699

He'll exist as a vegetable at some hospital.

>> No.24892719

I feel really bad that Petra gets kicked out of the EN server

>> No.24892725

Why does Shu have so many chickens?

>> No.24892731

I can starve to death too, I don't mind I've also never had that

>> No.24892733

Shu still obsessed with chick butt

>> No.24892744
Quoted by: >>24892771

Vox will probably keep streaming 5 years from now, nothing short of becoming a famous actor would give him as much attention as he gets now and he's a massive attention whore

>> No.24892771
Quoted by: >>24892864

He'll become a director and has no time to stream. Mark my words.

>> No.24892776
File: 348 KB, 739x728, FTkzyGhVIAEockL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he loooves chickens

>> No.24892790
File: 465 KB, 1006x867, 1652233002894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up shut up shut up

>> No.24892815

the animal pens have 400 entities crammed together trying their hardest to pathfind away from each other but can't. when those chunks are entity loaded server has issues. petra has a special case of her laptop not being stronk enough to handle that much either so she gets extra client side fps lag as well

>> No.24892832
Quoted by: >>24892858

Is that drawn for this stream? hayai

>> No.24892846

I want to build a family with someone who actually wants it and is mature and financially responsible. The only ones who fit that criteria are Shu and Sonny. Alban would technically fit as well I guess, but he's not my type. Fulgur would make a good dad just with his attitude, but shallow as it may be, the physical disability is a factor that needs to be considered.

>> No.24892850

he loves cock

>> No.24892858

yup, it was posted 14 minutes ago

>> No.24892863

wtf yaminions are speed artists...

>> No.24892864

I can buy it, but only if it's for the FNAF movie

>> No.24892870
Quoted by: >>24892985

>Where is [VTuber Name] right now?
>The downfall of [VTuber Name]?
you know this will be the clickbait content in the future.

>> No.24892898

What makes you think Sonny wants a family, Shu is questionable as well.

>> No.24892912
File: 118 KB, 1654x1654, 1649040404054.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was thinking about how sweet and kind Elira is and kinda starting crying.
I love her so much.

>> No.24892928
File: 209 KB, 1920x1080, 1642939848596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This came out so well, now we just need Petra in Darkness Momo's outfit.

>> No.24892941
File: 445 KB, 720x856, 1639457986037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so the disability makes it unlikely for a noctyx/burger boys off collab? please just go to fuuchan...

>> No.24892955

Welp, Rip Niji Miori

>> No.24892956

nta but anons have said sonny talks a lot about wanting a family in his streams or at least how much his family means to him

>> No.24892967
Quoted by: >>24892978

I dont understand why petra has so many lag and ping problems

>> No.24892968

he said on stream that his dream for the future is to buy a house, get married, and settle down with a family

>> No.24892975

Why is so few posting about Enna tonight?
Her last few Fnaf streams have had a lot of talk about them

>> No.24892977

Shu literally said he does not want family of his own, and he wants to be the cool uncle, and his sister has a baby so he fulfilled it. He wants to live alone.

>> No.24892978
Quoted by: >>24893102

Behind 5 VPNs.

>> No.24892985

I'm almost certain that's happening right now.

>> No.24892999

Sonny said he wanted one
Something tells me he just wants one so he can get his hands on some cunny though

>> No.24893004

I don’t even want to imagine my oshi graduating but obviously I know it will happen eventually…

>> No.24893005

But Shamiko is supposed to be the short one.

>> No.24893006

Elira said she'll be here forever...

>> No.24893027

hes just like me fr fr

>> No.24893029


>> No.24893036

Fish paste on toast. For the rest of your life.

>> No.24893039
File: 124 KB, 636x582, 1639238423404.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24893471

he said in one of his streams. the question was what he wanted to do in the future iirc and he answered it pretty seriously by saying he wanted a family. very cute serious answer

>> No.24893044

I really like Enna but I don't care for FNAF

>> No.24893049

Shu's too young to be in the mindset of wanting a marriage. Wait another 5-10 years.

>> No.24893055

I watched for a while but I can't bear to watch any more of that god forsaken game... I'm watching the Minecraft collab now

>> No.24893064

she struggled with a puzzle for 40 minutes, theres not much to say

>> No.24893071

It was from Shu's most recent JP zatsudan, about 4 hours 2 mins in.

>> No.24893089

They can visit him, but probably won’t stream it. Which is fine, I just hope they’re happy and have fun

>> No.24893093
Quoted by: >>24893215

reps, the illness is just for the character Ironmouse. The person behind Ironmouse is perfectly fine

>> No.24893100

Really? I watched them all and am watching the current one but I find them all pretty skippable desu.

>> No.24893102
Quoted by: >>24893151

is this just a theory or is there something tangible

>> No.24893118

He said that's his plans for now, so it might change in the future.

>> No.24893119

>Petra tries to hit the minecart button next to her 5 times and somehow misses every time
Genuinely impressive

>> No.24893122

>Wait another 5-10 years
so is he going to pump in testosterone or estrogen in the body for that period of time?

>> No.24893126

ojiisan sonny thinking about his future family already...

>> No.24893141

Just noticed Pomu doesn’t have her hair clips
He’s just like me fr fr…

>> No.24893151

it's a joke, she's streaming with wifi on her laptop

>> No.24893155

this is the quintessential quilldren post

>> No.24893161

I don't doubt her that she'll stay here with us forever.... right?

>> No.24893169

That was before he had a chance with Elira.

>> No.24893171

where can i get a clingy flirty jealous girlfriend that acts just like uki…

>> No.24893182

God damn that was hard core. Fuck.

>> No.24893183

Shu that dragon pussy is not worth it man don't let that shut down your future

>> No.24893184


>> No.24893207

This topic has been discussed to death in these threads already. Yes, Fuuchan attending an offcollab any time soon is extremely unlikely as things stand. People going to him won't work because it'll just make him feel guilty, as evidenced by some comments he's made when the topic came up with Uki. That being said, it's very far from impossible, as the biggest thing in the way is really just Fuuchan's self esteem. I fully believe that the others would be willing to go to him if he'd allow it.

>> No.24893212
File: 265 KB, 1024x1024, FTcOXeGUAAEtT4A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24893350

He is 24, that's an ok time to decide. Some people just know they don't want kids and that's fine. I would love kids and a family and I know that lifestyle is difficult and isn't for everyone. I respect those who know they don't want it, way more than those who raise a child half-heartedly and dysfunctionally because they never had a passion to or understood the responsibility that entailed.

>> No.24893215
Quoted by: >>24893475

What keywords would I use
I don't really watch them, just know her from collab

>> No.24893216
File: 18 KB, 400x400, luca pogdge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24893222
Quoted by: >>24893727

Petra's JP is powerful but she's just lacking in other areas...

>> No.24893225
File: 480 KB, 2454x3093, 1623781945946.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A girl with a big ass
Sure sounds like Pomu

>> No.24893246


>> No.24893277
File: 3.26 MB, 350x350, 1635392511482.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24893361

good bye

>> No.24893284
File: 289 KB, 592x365, 1646714426629.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24893361


>> No.24893297

Do you have a single fact to back this up

>> No.24893344
File: 174 KB, 1200x672, FPOxdiCXsBEh1iA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

given how often it's discussed both /here/ and on fuuchan's own streams, it's kind of surprising how many anons are blindsided by his disability whenever the topic comes up

>> No.24893350
Quoted by: >>24897709

most guys don't want to get marry at 24, anon

>> No.24893356

If you want to be technical, she’s the best at written Japanese of all of them. Probably beating the bulk of nijisanji as a whole since she’s n1 on the jlpt

>> No.24893361

Why did everyone but Rosemi stop doing VR streams?

>> No.24893372

They're too distracted by the concussy

>> No.24893373
File: 172 KB, 1080x589, SmartSelect_20220524-211942_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you mother fuckers ready for BLOCK?

>> No.24893375
Quoted by: >>24893522

I miss vrchat streams...
inb4 the vacations are a massive false flag campaign as they ready for their permanent residences (which is a lot easier to obtain then citizenship) to japan

>> No.24893401
Quoted by: >>24893448

luca got in trouble when he talked to randos in the 300k stream

>> No.24893415

>and on fuuchan's own streams
He's talked about it on his streams?

>> No.24893436
File: 35 KB, 663x508, 1652633372885.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24893440

luca gets nervous being alone doing them so he only really does them in big collabs

>> No.24893448

seems luca usually gets in trouble for this lol like with the valorant stream with the lucub

>> No.24893454


>> No.24893470

She said the opposite pretty recently actually

>> No.24893471
Quoted by: >>24894379

Does anyone remember which stream this was?

>> No.24893475
Quoted by: >>24893858

Nice try meido, you won't get me to say doxx shit that easily

>> No.24893479

He still has the twitch mentality of streaming

>> No.24893490

Yeah, I don't know what it is since I've only watched him in collabs.

>> No.24893505

Petra...lost again...

>> No.24893508

He mentioned his standing desk, neuropathy, posture issues, the fact that he can't travel, on stream

>> No.24893509

Pomu moved and needs to set up her VR tracking and stuff again

>> No.24893512

kek this violent fairy

>> No.24893522
File: 139 KB, 512x512, 1649619592790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

obsydia doesnt even have 2nd outfits yet and you believe this

>> No.24893534

loli puncher Pomu

>> No.24893538
Quoted by: >>24893613

There is not a single server that Petra doesn't have shit connection to

>> No.24893552
Quoted by: >>24893582

stop making me sad about fuu-chan i t hurts

>> No.24893555

Pomu you retard, the girl was helping you

>> No.24893565

He's a twitch retard, please understand.

>> No.24893579
Quoted by: >>24893629

I had no idea, that sucks.
>the fact that he can't travel
That just means everyone will have to visit him for the Noctyx meetup.

>> No.24893582

It’s better to prepare yourself now

>> No.24893586

blame rosemi mama for being a bussy suckin faggot

>> No.24893588
Quoted by: >>24893688

i dont really pay much attention aside from my own oshi sorry... i know of it but not how severe it is.
i really respect fulgur for keeping it up despite all that, id just give up on life so seeing someone in that position be as outgoing as he is is encouraging

>> No.24893601

Pomu is going to steal a child!

>> No.24893603
Quoted by: >>24893660

>I think I'm going to steal this child

>> No.24893606

Pomu is going to prison...

>> No.24893613
Quoted by: >>24893732

she has 4 bars so in theory this wouldn't happen

>> No.24893625
Quoted by: >>24893699

yes. mostly it comes up in little snippets and jokes, like in one of his soma streams he picks up a chair, tosses it away and goes "Ugh, chairs. my worst enemy." someone in the chat goes "can you imagine standing for hours at a time while streaming?" and he bursts into laughter, going "little do you know!" (his spinal issues make it impossible for him to sit for long periods of time)
the most in-depth talk was technically not on his own stream since he'd stopped streaming by then, but he and mousey bond over their disabilities in the first big crab game collab's post-game zatsu. you can find clips of it pretty easily, or go directly to luca's stream to see it for yourself.

>> No.24893629

if he even allows them to go

>> No.24893635
File: 259 KB, 520x819, FRrNDDYUcAEQQ-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Luca has said multiple times that doing them a lot will make it less special, don't know about the others though. But since Mysta already has VR and Vox has said in the past that he plans on getting a VR model when he's in his new home I think we may get VR collabs again, at least I guarantee that Vox will.

>> No.24893656

time to test reza's dm skills kek

>> No.24893660

>Now that I knocked her out she's easy to carry

>> No.24893665

ngl Elira asking her chat today what they thought of certain hairstyles immediately made me think she might be thinking about what to do for a 3rd outfit

>> No.24893688
Quoted by: >>24894122

Thay's why he said a lot of suicide jokes and what lead him to apologize for it because Noctyx got worried over it (Alban was noticeably kind of triggered)
But he found a reason to live after his procedure it seems, and joining Nijisanji made him excited to wake up for once.

>> No.24893699

Thank you anon.

>> No.24893703

Pomu is banned from maid cafes because of daterape

>> No.24893712
Quoted by: >>24894006

Speaking of dnd, how was the reza fuuchan run of this scenario? Worth a watch?

>> No.24893727
Quoted by: >>24893807

petra dont have any peace in this thread

>> No.24893732

She had perfect connection to the EN server too, but it still happened there.

>> No.24893738
Quoted by: >>24893803

shu getting excited over baby stuff!!

>> No.24893739
Quoted by: >>24893803

Shu is really enjoying unpacking for the baby room

>> No.24893751

heart.. feels warm

>> No.24893756

Shu squealing and wiggling over this baby stuff is making me unbearably horny... this is my favorite stream of his

>> No.24893787
File: 56 KB, 670x1024, 1631950122216.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24893827

he's actually ovulating
he's so excited over all the infant items

>> No.24893803

Normal for an expecting mother

>> No.24893807

or in minecraft...

>> No.24893824
Quoted by: >>24893854

What's the talk about he said he's going to do camping or such?

>> No.24893827

everyone in nijisanji is perpetually ovulating

>> No.24893832
Quoted by: >>24893908

Please stop talking about fuuchan's disabilities before you summon the sister who watched his PL. Her detailed posts about his condition always make me fucking sad

>> No.24893854

A joke because Millie said she's going camping.

>> No.24893857

Hey guys please stop sexualising my husband Shu Yamino.
We are in a committed relationship, its is very rude of you.

>> No.24893858
Quoted by: >>24894448

Your full of shit or a coward, either way cringe

>> No.24893860
Quoted by: >>24893974

>Nagao is yumebait (tries to).
How? I don't watch him

>> No.24893882
File: 117 KB, 810x1080, FMFbXfIVkAIgGRg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Acrobatic fairy

>> No.24893895

Reza is a pretty fun DM

>> No.24893897

Haha what if Fulgur collapsed while streaming

>> No.24893908


>> No.24893911

that VTL noteblock song makes me emotional every time

>> No.24893912

our malewife*

>> No.24893940
File: 359 KB, 642x506, 1646712828054.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24893965
Quoted by: >>24894301

Already happened, kind of. I'd count that stream he had to end quickly because his standing desk broke as close enough at least.

>> No.24893970

fuck stop... i remember he suddenly paralyzed ...

>> No.24893974
Quoted by: >>24894156

You see, he blatantly asks for pointers from Chigu on how to be more ikemen, has a lot of young female fans, has a stream gimmick where he will praise any accomplishment of yours that you send in, sings love ballads often, studied to make a live otome game stream featuring him, and several other things.

>> No.24893980


>> No.24893985
File: 1.18 MB, 2100x2500, 1648836721730.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shu? Sex? Shu sex? Shu sex.

>> No.24894006

It was fun, but there were no moments as funny as Pomu punching the loli that I can remember

>> No.24894042

He's not your husband, Pomu.

>> No.24894054
File: 640 KB, 850x1386, 1641366402293.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24894064
File: 143 KB, 500x500, ImDead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can’t handle the cuteness. Suuki is too precious

>> No.24894066

Shut up Pomu

>> No.24894094
File: 60 KB, 495x680, 1642741741768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24894104

why is everyone patting petra head on her chat

>> No.24894115

What a cute stream... shubert love

>> No.24894122

>(Alban was noticeably kind of triggered)
was it in the apex stream? i remember someone mentioning that but i couldnt find the timestamp.
>and joining Nijisanji made him excited to wake up for once.
this is gonna make me cry...

>> No.24894128
File: 175 KB, 1168x2048, 1648594543890.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24894231

Pomu class is barbarian

>> No.24894142
File: 102 KB, 257x257, 1641703018470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24894146
File: 216 KB, 880x1000, IMG_20220525_083151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The SEA comrade...

>> No.24894155
File: 703 KB, 1109x614, 1652563224771.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24894156

Is he good at doing it though?

>> No.24894162

Seffyna is so sex

>> No.24894174

Wave 6 when? Will they be more or less suicidal than Noctyx?

>> No.24894179
File: 183 KB, 1256x1506, 1636030168741.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24894213
File: 64 KB, 1000x900, 1649922743047.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

such a comfy game.. ty shu

>> No.24894221


>> No.24894227

Is this Pomu first exp in DnD or has she played it previously??

>> No.24894231
File: 1.50 MB, 1620x1920, FFAknDMVkAAO-aY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24894533

Pomu's reaction when cornered is violence. Take note, Pomies.

>> No.24894234

Pomu the glass cannon

>> No.24894260

pomu anal

>> No.24894264
Quoted by: >>24894451

kon innit mysta doko

>> No.24894272

Praising accomplishments and singing ballads is nice. He hasn’t done the otome game since his first year in Nijisanji and its behind membership

>> No.24894276
Quoted by: >>24894336

She already played with Reza

>> No.24894281

>your mom
wtf Shu.....

>> No.24894284
Quoted by: >>24894336

She played a DnD session with Reza and some others about 6 months ago, but she wasn't really following well until the end

>> No.24894283

>This has never happened before in the first 3 episodes
Oh no(?)

>> No.24894291

I like it so yes, but I can see how his loudness and boomer brain may turn away some people expecting a smooth ikemen due to Loalo being his mama and giving him a stern looking cool model. I enjoy his earnestness a lot.

>> No.24894301

has he thought about getting one of those thin vaulting horses to sit on, that way he can sit slightly while also standing still while also not putting to much weight on the table

>> No.24894304

last time she betrayed her party at the end and passed a deception check against god

>> No.24894307

She played another game with Reza, and once with IRL friends.

>> No.24894309

Pomu's dead....

>> No.24894315


>> No.24894330

This is her second time. Both with reza

>> No.24894333
File: 289 KB, 664x500, pomu_oh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24894336

how different is she from now and the previous session?

>> No.24894350

>Wave 6 when?
After Obsydia's anni but before Ethyria's
>Will they be more or less suicidal than Noctyx?
There will be one goth that is heavy into suicide and depression even more than Noctyx combined and one extremely perky person that loves life
The others will be neutral

>> No.24894352


>> No.24894360
File: 269 KB, 418x418, FRCM2btaAAEIWoH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bye shubert! ill miss youuu

>> No.24894370

He’s not like that often. Most of the time he’s like how he’s in EN collabs. Cute, constantly laughing guy

>> No.24894379


>> No.24894378
File: 89 KB, 288x287, 1650688387544.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theyd have to do a group suicide during the debut program to top noctyx

>> No.24894386

More engaged and less randumb (she pissed herself in the first session, for reference). Still got herself killed, but that's ok.

>> No.24894389
File: 276 KB, 556x378, 1644214094666.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24894443

>Rosemi's been devilish lately when playing Valo

>> No.24894397

She’s a lot more restrained. Her first one it was like she was actively trying to ruin the oneshot

>> No.24894417

This stream proves that shu can bfe vtuber.

>> No.24894420

i feel suicidal every time i think about that fact that my oshi will never love me

>> No.24894425
Quoted by: >>24894528


>> No.24894435
Quoted by: >>24894528


>> No.24894443
Quoted by: >>24894501

why is yhwh fucking rosemi?

>> No.24894448 [DELETED] 

kys glowie
use the word used to describe female offspring

>> No.24894451
File: 79 KB, 905x1280, 10380382914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's 5am in Britbong land, so he's probably sleeping.
I imagine this week for him will just consist of him hanging out with NijiSUS during the day, crying while masturbating in the evening and passing out at night.

>> No.24894464

Anything can be BFE/GFE if you want it to be

>> No.24894481
File: 120 KB, 1000x1400, FTkenl6aAAA2ptj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a great Shubert Yaminerd stream, it's going on my list of favorite series from him next to Undertale, Passpartout, Human Resources, and his art streams. The essential Shu package

>> No.24894484

>i feel suicidal every time i think

>> No.24894485
Quoted by: >>24894590

yaminion just listen to his vday vp

>> No.24894501
File: 167 KB, 367x321, 1652592954081.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hoy he's teaching Rosemi a lesson

>> No.24894525

>Fulgur was the little girl

>> No.24894528

sorry I was too rough with pomu
I'll be gentler next time

>> No.24894531
File: 1.11 MB, 2673x1799, FS_9HVKUAAAgc0O.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>crying while masturbating in the evening and passing out at night.

>> No.24894533
File: 401 KB, 400x431, 1635319398140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24894536

She was way too silly to begin with last time. She didnt take it seriously, in the bad way, at the start.
But she got better and I think that the end showed that she can become really good at it. Because Pomu is good at like coming up with out of the box solutions sometimes.

>> No.24894545

Change your oshi to Vox, but only if you're into the "part of a harem" experience

>> No.24894554
Quoted by: >>24894586

Pomu sucker punched and kidnapped Fulgur

>> No.24894575
Quoted by: >>24894717


>> No.24894586

he lowkey loves it

>> No.24894590
Quoted by: >>24894703

i cant buy it anymore

>> No.24894595
File: 179 KB, 1517x2048, 1626691172860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was a really cute stream. shu also noted some details that I didn't pick up on during my own playthrough. i'm so excited for the membership stream.

>> No.24894594

Damn, so if those final two rolls were such shit, she would have gotten the true ending?

>> No.24894618
Quoted by: >>24894871

DIdn't expect to laugh this much on an horror DnD session lmao

>> No.24894627

nijisanji is a streaming group, not a dating website

>> No.24894677
File: 696 KB, 567x582, 1653367140443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24894684
File: 113 KB, 302x251, 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24894696
File: 1.61 MB, 2204x2500, 1629210610273.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24894752

>Do you have anything to promote
>No, subscribe to Reza
Based pommers

>> No.24894701
File: 94 KB, 251x250, 1634102920392.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24894767

My cheeks hurt from smilling. I hope Reza does more DnD sessions with NijiEN.

>> No.24894703

i will give you this one track where he says "i love you" for free

>> No.24894717
Quoted by: >>24895165

I personally would feel weird if Shu started doing direct pandering. Jokes about being a cat maid or a pregnant woman, sure, but I mean roleplaying chat being his gf or whatever. I'd feel weirded out. I like him the way he is now. Where we are just bananas or grandmas or horny ojichans. Even his VP, he isn't lovey-dovey, I cringe too much listening to it but I laughed

>> No.24894718

where is this DnD people are talking about

>> No.24894730

I never noticed how consistent Ike was with his streaming times until I looked at the teamup.

>> No.24894740

Just ended

>> No.24894742

Just ended

>> No.24894751

as I said many times here, likely in june. I still find it funny how so many anons insisted on it happening on this month, being announced on lazulight anniversary and so many retarded theories.

>> No.24894752
File: 125 KB, 1091x1080, 1646975504611.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always feel bad for subscring because I know I don't have time to watch more vtuber but I guess having more numbers helps

>> No.24894755

It's kind of funny to look at with everyone else having schedules all over the map

>> No.24894767

yeah but his ESL is so thick it filters me

>> No.24894786
Quoted by: >>24894844


>> No.24894801

he's as consistent as petra

>> No.24894811
File: 372 KB, 890x653, 1628108681068.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24894810

same. people say just expose yourself more to it but...

>> No.24894815

nijisanji hivemind

>> No.24894818
Quoted by: >>24894961

That session started out rough but I'm glad Pomu got into it once shit went down. I watched Fulgur's session and I'm wondering if there's any way out without relying on lucky rolls. Did anyone else snoop around the orphanage and learn more than Pomu and Fulgur?

>> No.24894826
File: 382 KB, 1415x794, peeking.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24894949

>> No.24894844
File: 136 KB, 895x702, pomufication.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24894861

I wish I could find a husband who would watch Nijisanji with me

>> No.24894871
Quoted by: >>24895161

Pomu’s decisions at times are really good/funny. I hope we get an actual campaign with Pomu after the one shots

>> No.24894875

Do you guys have a hard on when your oshi read your chat message? I just got some of mine read lately and holy shit I never.. expected Id feel being aroused by it..

>> No.24894895
File: 110 KB, 258x258, 1638861892218.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whos your oshi

>> No.24894898
File: 13 KB, 300x265, FRTtY-vVgAApx5l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the meaning of candy..

>> No.24894918
File: 824 KB, 298x293, 1644974891416.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not american so I get used to thick accents pretty quickly. Besides indians, that for some reason I can't get used at all, it still hurts to listen.

>> No.24894922

wtf pomu???

>> No.24894925

i dont get aroused, i just get hot and blushy like an annoying schoolgirl

>> No.24894928
File: 148 KB, 1024x1019, 1650462354564.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24894945

No but my heart races and I feel nervous and sometimes close the stream.

>> No.24894949
Quoted by: >>24895091


>> No.24894950


>> No.24894957

I clipped mine and play it everyday. My oshi reacted really cutely to it too...

>> No.24894961

They are the first two players

>> No.24894988

I cringe when my oshi reads a SC because I'm PAYING to get my comment read.
When I get my comments read without paying is when I feel alright

>> No.24895027

Uki says tomorrow's drunk stream is him, Fulgur, Millie and Enna!

>> No.24895035

Amicia and Tsuyu played. I'm watching their sessions next.

>> No.24895039

Sometimes, I don’t really like to chat, at most I’d type lol or put out an emote.

>> No.24895051


>> No.24895054
Quoted by: >>24895272

Shu has a very high boyfriend energy .So much so that he wouldn't do this with anyone but his girlfriend.

>> No.24895069
Quoted by: >>24895124

archivebros I'm counting on you for that one...

>> No.24895091

if you already forgot, eLIEra is pretty unsociable and will rarely go out of her cliques

>> No.24895108

What is this clique called

>> No.24895124

I will have ytarchive pointed at the waiting room as soon as he puts it up

>> No.24895140


>> No.24895145
File: 72 KB, 480x480, 1635838149137.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait until your name gets read from the first time. It made my heart melt.

>> No.24895153


>> No.24895154

ejak wont mind, subbing does help, plus if he does a stream you may be interested in youll see it more likely
its a hit of dopamine for me

>> No.24895161

Yeah, she's a pretty good player once she gets into the swing of things.

>> No.24895165
Quoted by: >>24895360

i like to tease and banter with people, so i also like how shu is. also, pretty sure a lot of his chat likes his dodging/rejections. the grandma moment is still a fond memory, especially because it pretty much killed the ring spam.

>> No.24895175

this is gonna be GREAT

>> No.24895216

my oshis reading my name and saying it right makes me die

>> No.24895218

I vote Team Bitch

>> No.24895221

Thinking about Elira's hairy pussy...

>> No.24895252

Yeah, though I embarrassed myself in eliras chat so I can't show myself there for awhile

>> No.24895257
File: 279 KB, 946x1024, E7PpYJBXsAQ11VH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24895333

Does Pomu still love him?

>> No.24895272

Shu has very concentrated female caretaker energy.
>wants to be a good uncle to his sisters baby
>used to work at a nursery in real life and took care of kids
>was making cooing noises over all the baby stuff in Unpacking
>turned Luca, his favorite Luxiem, and Mysta, his second favorite Luxiem, into babies and made himself their older brother

>> No.24895287

it's a totsu so more might join too

>> No.24895295
Quoted by: >>24895400

why shu didnt raid anyone?

>> No.24895320

enna why is this BGM SO FUCKING LOUD

>> No.24895333
Quoted by: >>24895410

We need a Pomusuke Gets A Bath stream

>> No.24895341
Quoted by: >>24895518

I'm now the fastest saver in the world with that pic
thanks anon holy fuck

>> No.24895346
Quoted by: >>24896620

the lgbt community

>> No.24895360
Quoted by: >>24895825

I love that his chat plays along and teases him all the time. I will always be a Shu grandma and make fun of his zoomer interests like Smash bros Melee tournaments post-brawl or Vines

>> No.24895366

this game enna playing is epic

>> No.24895376


>> No.24895380

Just imagine the smell...

>> No.24895395

go to bed vox

>> No.24895396
File: 43 KB, 868x316, albanpussy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why is he like this

>> No.24895400

Sisters are dangerous

>> No.24895410

he might die from heart attack live on stream

>> No.24895416

Sonny read mine once. Its weird, not bad but not good either. I rarely use chat so its like a weird realization/feeling that this anime streamer is a real person

>> No.24895419

Go to sleep Vox

>> No.24895463
File: 154 KB, 900x900, rosemi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Page 10 Confession:
The deadbolt on my door nor the lock doesn't work from the outside, so when I leave my house (I live by myself), I turn on/off lights that no burglar would know are on/off by choice.

I also keep a loaded AR hidden in a bush when I leave, that I take inside and do clears and sweeps with in my entire house if I feel like something is amiss or have a bad gut feeling.

>> No.24895467
File: 221 KB, 1088x1934, 1649323016670.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24895556


>> No.24895469

He's been infected by Akina's shitty tweeting style. It isn't long before he starts tweeting in hieroglyphics.

>> No.24895471

for the guys, it feels like more of a shock to me because of how many viewers they have and how fast the chat goes. with the girls, im still happy but their chats move a lot slower.

>> No.24895483
File: 104 KB, 404x370, 1630842735907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my usual name is too weird for her to pronounce, but hearing her call me anon filled my heart

>> No.24895496
Quoted by: >>24895532

Cool LARP why not fix the door kek

>> No.24895513

did uki raid anyone?

>> No.24895518
Quoted by: >>24895569

elira's so hairy it peeks from her panties...

>> No.24895520
Quoted by: >>24895557

this game enna playing is shit

>> No.24895525

rosebud why dont you just fix your door

>> No.24895532

Because it's need me to replace the whole door and frame, and it'd cost at minimum 1,000 for the work and new door, and i'm very jewish and don't fix what ain't broke.

>> No.24895541

>I know I don't have time to watch more vtuber
Same, I'm already subbed to so many that I can't add more to my plate even with my NEETdom

>> No.24895544
Quoted by: >>24895684

>rarely use chat
>Sonny read yours

much luck

>> No.24895552
Quoted by: >>24895587

Page 10 confession, when I breathe something deep inside my shoulder hurts

>> No.24895557


>> No.24895556

akina brain...

>> No.24895561

she's read two of mine before (same stream), i felt so damn embarrassed yet happy

>> No.24895569
Quoted by: >>24895616

forgot link lmao

>> No.24895575

AR on close range?

>> No.24895579

1k door vs. maybe dying

>> No.24895587
File: 131 KB, 890x653, 1651324167774.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's probably nothing

>> No.24895594
File: 214 KB, 429x434, 1624041558599.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24895631

Page 10 confession im scared of being left alone because ill impulsively kill myself

>> No.24895608

>don't fix what ain't broke.
it's sounds like it's clearly broke tho

>> No.24895616

i am retarded jesus too horny for my own good

>> No.24895631
Quoted by: >>24895831

you always use this pic to say something suicidal, are you okay

>> No.24895632
Quoted by: >>24895694

>1 slot and a new handle and lock = a whole door frame
rosebud LARPs are getting too stupid lately SHEESH

>> No.24895641
File: 922 KB, 850x1198, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Confess your sins.

>> No.24895654

>I also keep a loaded AR hidden in a bush when I leave
don't worry I already saw that

>> No.24895655

He read mine once too, not a supa, and he laughed and now I'm heavily parasocial

>> No.24895684

I don't remember what it was about but it was going pretty slow and he was asking a question. I haven't used chat since then kek

>> No.24895690

i unironically do have a /nijien/ crush. i get so excited when they post and wish i could talk to them forever.

>> No.24895694

No, literally. The integrity of the door frame is what doesnt allow it to shut properly from the outside.
The frame was specifically made for a weird door size that would need to be custom made if the frame isn't to be refitted to another size.

>> No.24895719

Fix your fucking lock and stop leaving guns where people have access to them, you absolute mong.

>> No.24895723
File: 102 KB, 203x205, 1652568309190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Page 10 confession, my leg got stuck on the door of the bus when I was getting off the bus.

>> No.24895728

that ar is someday going to be found and used in a mass shooting...

>> No.24895729
File: 923 KB, 1918x1079, 1653436680507.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want Claire to cave my skull in

>> No.24895731
Quoted by: >>24895743

I am so curious... please, a hint

>> No.24895734

Enna thinks we're cute!

>> No.24895743
Quoted by: >>24895785

it's not you

>> No.24895753

I've never done my reps and miss out on all of my oshi's JP streams.

>> No.24895757

i love my oshi but also tell myself i hate them because im too scared ill go too deep into the parasocial hole and end up hurting myself if they ever graduate or find someone

>> No.24895780

sex cat

>> No.24895785

I know it isn't me because I have no thread identity. Tell me

>> No.24895825
File: 447 KB, 1668x1721, 1630257760438.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes, exactly!! it's cute when he teases chat and when chat pokes fun at him. i really like his nerdy science-y side.

>> No.24895831
File: 72 KB, 200x204, 1630502567015.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24895838
File: 145 KB, 1082x1080, 1648621480743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want a collab to go to shit one day. Everyone malding and being passive agressive enough to a fight to break out live on stream with insults and everything. unarchived vods, public apologies, etc

>> No.24895874

stop sucking uki uki daisuki anon's cock you faggot

>> No.24895880

Sonny. If I were gay, I'd marry Uki and we can live with our cat babies.

>> No.24895886

this thread would die in the same day

>> No.24895887

Time to have a NijiEN reality show

>> No.24895890

I’m looking forward to when one of Luxiem graduates. Preferably Shu

>> No.24895914

I don't even watch vtubers, I just like to shitpost here

>> No.24895929

Shu is the best Luxiem.

>> No.24895937

Same but with Ethyria.

>> No.24895951

ive had dreams of sonny and uki doxxing themselves on stream. i hate having these dreams because i cant tell if they are prophetic or not (i've had prophetic dreams before). it sucks even more now because yesterdays uki incident made me feel worse about it

>> No.24895975

>She reads my chat
Nice but kinda whatever
>She reads my chat and giggles
Holy Shit I am in love wtff

>> No.24895998
File: 3.34 MB, 1200x1358, 1642056256881.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24896005

my oshi always reads my most pathetic comments >.>

>> No.24896013
Quoted by: >>24896047

Did Uki edit it out?

>> No.24896017

minecraft mondays... what could've been...

>> No.24896020

one time she read my grayname chat and burst out laughing and i oshied her immediately

>> No.24896032
Quoted by: >>24896104

Pogostuck collab......

>> No.24896038
Quoted by: >>24896076

i really like pink woman bad's songs shes the only non niji vtuber in my playlist

>> No.24896050

I'm considering making dating app profiles and saying I will only be interested in anyone who really likes Nijisanji

>> No.24896047

yep, there's an obvious cut if you see his vod

>> No.24896052

>prophetic dreams
I've had dreams of my working, with friends, doing stuff, ect. ect.
that have actually happened lmao
freaky shit man

>> No.24896076

that certainly is a sin

>> No.24896082
File: 365 KB, 522x529, 1627001020342.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me too, sometimes its play by play too its really weird

>> No.24896097
File: 659 KB, 2667x4000, 1639277534830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24896361

I never liked anyone I've dated nearly as much as I like Pomu, and this makes me extremely terrified. So I've been desperately talking to people to see if I find someone else that I like.

>> No.24896104

the yugosisters went full schizo after this collab

>> No.24896121
Quoted by: >>24896547

Same but with Lazulight

>> No.24896128

it feels like deja vu doesn't it? for me it feels like im looping life over and over

>> No.24896145
File: 267 KB, 585x564, 1652454595236.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm Pomu!______________________

>> No.24896153

i had a dream about luca doing his first handcam stream but he gets too excited, knocks over the camera and it just showed his face so he just panicked and ended stream

>> No.24896155

Your neighbors retard nephew will find that AR and go on a retard rampage

>> No.24896163
Quoted by: >>24896289

I’m scared to have an oshi because I don’t want to be sad if they graduate or something.

>> No.24896186
Quoted by: >>24896263

>just barely miss Pomu x Reza's DND stream
>VOD is currently buffering like hell
Well, guess I just won't watch it.

>> No.24896185

same, tho for me it's just seconds of streams that happen and i'm like. oh shit wait I know that

>> No.24896201
File: 518 KB, 559x849, 1641707632525.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you guys get crushes on anon? I don't recognize barely anyone despite spending all day reading this thread.

>> No.24896202
File: 219 KB, 368x381, 1640066617707.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually in love with Elira

>> No.24896219

I love Mysta, but I don't trust m*les in general and am constantly uneasy about the possibility of him having engaged in serious antisocial behavior in the past or engaging in it in the present or future. There's nothing suggesting as much, but it causes me a bit of stress regardless. I know it's schizophrenic but I can't really help it, and I always think it'd be nice to be solely a fan of the girls and only have to worry about whether they're single or virgins or not rather than total deplorables...

>> No.24896234



>> No.24896237
Quoted by: >>24896382

I dont believe anyone that says they have an anon crush youre all faceless to me

>> No.24896246

Did uki raid enna?

>> No.24896263

Yeah too bad vods self delete themselves after a day

>> No.24896262

the daughterwife pentomo is really cute

>> No.24896277
Quoted by: >>24896417

Who hurt you

>> No.24896286 [DELETED] 

Alban breaking up with his gf made me happy. A sad part of me was happy that he didn't chase after her and likes streaming more than her.

>> No.24896291


>> No.24896289

I've had this happen to me so many times...

>> No.24896293
File: 417 KB, 768x768, yugo sparkle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24896321
File: 25 KB, 600x685, 1653456063638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Same but with Obsydia, and only Selen.

>> No.24896328 [DELETED] 


>> No.24896330

Because you're not a schizo who obsessively analyzes people's typing/file naming habits, posting times, favored artstyles, etc

>> No.24896335 [DELETED] 


>> No.24896341
File: 292 KB, 657x462, ShuShake.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24896361
Quoted by: >>24896544

Same, but I don't think there's anyone like that. Pomu is special and she is also acting. She's too good to be real.

>> No.24896376

I am scared of men too but since they're streamers I care way less about their background and more about their actions on stream. The story he told about being invited to a thing and all the guys there wore anon masks made me feel weird but I'll never interact with him, so it's ok.

>> No.24896382
File: 346 KB, 547x700, 1652812085785.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sometimes I see posts from other pomies that I could easily see myself writting, word for word. You have to pay attentions to details to see any difference between posters.

>> No.24896385

My first thought when I woke up was Mysta... I miss him.

>> No.24896386

this. unfortunately some of us are schizos

>> No.24896391 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24896437

It made some good entertainment for me. I feel disconnected from them so its like a reality tv show.

>> No.24896417

Western male e-celebs.

>> No.24896437 [DELETED] 

Wtf is wrong with you people

>> No.24896456

So how do you feel when male streamers mald and get audibly angry

>> No.24896475
File: 1.51 MB, 1432x732, 1628022347757.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

unity... warm...

>> No.24896479
Quoted by: >>24896524

I’m the “Randon, come home” poster. I really don’t think he’ll get Wolfgang, and I’m not even sure he’ll be in NijiEN. I just like posting it. It’s also funny when anons think I’m a male who wants a brotuber

>> No.24896485
Quoted by: >>24896505

>The story he told about being invited to a thing and all the guys there wore anon masks
? is this from mysta

>> No.24896488

I hope fuuchan gets a bara boyfriend with a big dick....he deserves it

>> No.24896492
File: 137 KB, 377x280, 1633753740184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All these schizos and they've never caught me.

If only you knew of my deeds! Alas, 'tis better to rule from the shadows.

>> No.24896493

You and DV trauma briskadet would get along

>> No.24896495
Quoted by: >>24896691

nta but luca actually causes me to flinch a lot when he does it but i have trauma so i dont know if thats any different

>> No.24896498
File: 677 KB, 593x790, 1642995246791.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24896502
Quoted by: >>24896747

I don't care about that shit. I don't mean minor things, I mean like abuse, rape, grooming, the works.

>> No.24896505
Quoted by: >>24896679

Yes. He brought a toyko ghoul mask and they called it a gimp mask.

>> No.24896524

I love your ritualpost. makes me laugh every time I see it

>> No.24896541
File: 3.81 MB, 400x300, 1653284383694.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pomu is a tiny little short girl, and thus has bizarre domination fantasies

>> No.24896544
File: 1002 KB, 739x831, 1626962197587.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24896757

I hate when Pomu says she's not acting at all, because if she was acting at least I could continue living being single knowing that my crazy preferences don't really exist.

>> No.24896547

Same, preferably if it's Elira

>> No.24896562 [DELETED] 

There is a lot wrong with me, I am afraid.

>> No.24896564
File: 255 KB, 819x1310, 1643380142268.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet dreams, bud

>> No.24896573
Quoted by: >>24896839

I used to shitpost about Tora. Most of his post that weren't made by antis were from me. I never thought he would get into NijiEN because he was really boring back then. I still think that he and Elira are secretly dating though.

>> No.24896575 [DELETED] 

I dont know them personally so why should I feel bad

>> No.24896585
File: 94 KB, 1000x1000, a mimir luca 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24896595
File: 397 KB, 729x706, 1635015076640.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never realized until like a week ago that most people post images that aren't their oshi depending on the circumstance or just because you're talking about them. it had never even occurred to me for some reason. picrel.

>> No.24896607
Quoted by: >>24896702

What about the story made you feel weird?

>> No.24896618
File: 3.54 MB, 320x180, 1638120055286.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight bud, I should go too since I have to wake up in 5 hours.

>> No.24896620
Quoted by: >>24896731

Enna is straight

>> No.24896647

Most people on this board have that mentality, which is why you'll never catch me using a picture of my oshi when shitposting.

>> No.24896663
File: 62 KB, 193x184, 1650345101957.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i change the images i use depending on who im talking to, being a rosebud is the easiest

>> No.24896668

Good night!

>> No.24896677

Look at this guy do a flip though
𓀥 𓀠 𓀒 𓀡 𓀊 𓀤

>> No.24896680

The EN MC server is just cursed

>> No.24896679

>being invited to a thing and all the guys there wore anon masks
Which stream was the story from? I don't remember hearing it

>> No.24896691

oooh, you should listen to Sonny and Fulgur :)

>> No.24896702

Gut feeling. I felt like they may have roped him into shady things. He told a lot of stories of hanging out with school boys that he didn't necessarily like, but went along with because he was lonely.

>> No.24896717
Quoted by: >>24896816

that's a pretty weird attitude to have on an image board where half the reaction images are just recycled shit saved from earlier threads

>> No.24896731
Quoted by: >>24896945

L = millie
G = uki
B = fulgur
T = enna

>> No.24896735

I got banned twice from my obsydia ritual posting

>> No.24896739
Quoted by: >>24897156

Sonny gets pretty loud randomly though

>> No.24896741
File: 173 KB, 1623x1143, 1627093653974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Usually I just use Pomu and Rosemi images

>> No.24896747
Quoted by: >>24896865

So Mysta is a rapist? based

>> No.24896755
Quoted by: >>24897156

i used to watch fuuchan... ive heard how he gets in valorant, luca is easier to listen to

>> No.24896757

I can relate. I try not to be parasocial but it's not easy even for an emotionally dead person like me. She might not think of it as acting, but everyone puts on different facades for different situations. At the very least, she's working, so she shows her best side. That's just something normal that everyone with a professional attitude does.

>> No.24896761

rosebud I love you too much to have you die by some burglar

>> No.24896769

I always wanted to see what the company would do if their livers found dead and shit that happened and I felt really bad

>> No.24896777
Quoted by: >>24896861

I miss Petra!

>> No.24896786
File: 968 KB, 1750x1737, 1647451989400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24896795

Wondering if the besties thought Rosemi was being chuuni with her name when she first introduced herself. I like to think how she had to convince them shes not being a huge weeb larping or something

>> No.24896811
Quoted by: >>24896853

I change my typing style and larp as a man all the time. Not in a tranny way I just like that nobody can tell when I write fake hornyposts talk about my dick while most of the time it is very obvious when a woman wrote a post.

>> No.24896816

Seeing images I made being used is always weird

>> No.24896822

Why is youtube recommending me M4M asmr

>> No.24896831

This thread turned me into a lolicon. I used to be disgusted by it, but now...

>> No.24896839
Quoted by: >>24897069

what do you think of Shu now?

>> No.24896851
File: 465 KB, 707x700, amimiruki.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24896853

I can almost guarantee you it's obvious regardless. But it's nice that you try to blend in. Lots of anons don't bother.

>> No.24896861

I don't, she was incompetent today as she has been for almost a year but you cant say anything without being harassed

>> No.24896865
Quoted by: >>24897218

I want to be his next target

>> No.24896878
File: 34 KB, 494x397, a mimir luca 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have a nice nap!

>> No.24896879
File: 139 KB, 1440x1440, D5E93D06-B94F-40DF-8C45-0978A93D0127.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have a nice rest!

>> No.24896881

I promise it isn't. I've done it for months, even before Luxiem debuted. I'm a hako oshi

>> No.24896882
File: 792 KB, 3508x2480, FAsd_MbUcAYyI6c.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Petra stream OVER! The four of them making the cutest little group I've had the pleasure of seeing. I'm sure they'd be a helluva lot cuter if I could understand them. Oh well! I'll just have to learn later on!

>> No.24896884
File: 923 KB, 546x815, 1644934895375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24896897
File: 60 KB, 400x400, 213312213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Posting someone that isn't your oshi
That's illegal. Good thing I've never met a law I respected.

>> No.24896921 [DELETED] 

as much as I want to make him cry and emotional manipulate him even I wouldn't go that far jfc

>> No.24896929
File: 24 KB, 497x213, delete the part of you that cringes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24897235

accept your fate

>> No.24896945
File: 238 KB, 436x455, 1615934344375.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna's feminine penis...

>> No.24896952

I have been accused of being an Aloucreep due to feet posting and a Pomudachi due to loliposting when I'm just pretending, no one has ever susd me out. Those posters are just funny and spawn a bunch of (You)s

>> No.24896953
File: 493 KB, 3100x1800, 1625534706435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will only say this once but nijiEN is unironically the happiest and most wholesome experience Ive had with vtubers ever (and I watch chuubas since the kizuna days), and no matter how much you people say the threads get bad, they are the unironically the most fun threads ive been around on this board too.

>> No.24896979 [DELETED] 

I'll have to give it a listen. Mysta has probably done some illegal things, but I imagine them to be more of the drug variety and less of the violent variety. But I get not wanting to let your guard down.

>> No.24896989
Quoted by: >>24897059

It's really not hard to LARP as the other gender. The posters who are bad at it just stand out for obvious reasons.

>> No.24897017

this anon thinks he's a detective

>> No.24897019

Cute that you feel that way! NijiEN love!

>> No.24897027

They saved and read my maro on stream and thought it was funny. I clipped that part so I can rewatch it when I'm feeling down.

>> No.24897031

that's...actually kind of sad

>> No.24897032
File: 51 KB, 240x240, luca love.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nijien love

>> No.24897034
File: 1.34 MB, 2048x1229, FOV7Y_lXoAY5Qzw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been (incorrectly) accused of being a woman many times. I think anons are much worse at telling than they think.

>> No.24897035

i agree. nijien is so special and even when this thread is shit it makes me happy to talk about chuubas i love

>> No.24897039
File: 9 KB, 250x200, 1648904553702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kinda want some sort of meme flags with a bunch of oshi marks as options. But that would mean hiroshima having to care even just a bit, it will never happen...

>> No.24897050

I recently realized that my dream chuuba is just my mom.
>certified hag
>speaks three languages
>former teacher who can tardwrangle both kids and adults
>can talk for ages about classic literature and whatever niche interest she's gotten herself into recently
>has tons of interesting life stories from growing up in a war zone
>likes cooking, gardening, and niche craft skills like resoling shoes
I miss her. I should probably call her.

>> No.24897059
Quoted by: >>24897135

Nta but I don’t even larp as the other gender and yet all of my online friends thought I’m of the other gender before someone spoiled them…

>> No.24897066
Quoted by: >>24897176

Malewife rosebud...

>> No.24897069

I still can't watch more than 5 minutes of him unless it's a collab. I do think he has a niche and it's good for him.

>> No.24897077

Someone thought I was a wagie pomudachi and I wasnt even trying to sound like one...

>> No.24897079

I miss Enna...

>> No.24897081
File: 120 KB, 334x299, 1631111663177.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24897163

At the end of the day at least its impossible to larp as a female pentomo.
For all pentomos are feminine men.

>> No.24897093

Pegola poster...

>> No.24897096

It's simple, really. Any anons shown expressing emotions (anger, sadness, joy) will be assumed to be women. So if you don't make yourself into a veritable husk of a man, you will be presumed to have a vagina.

>> No.24897101
Quoted by: >>24897846

Is this doxx related? kys

>> No.24897102

it would be kind of funny for like a day but the tribalism and shitflinging is bad enough on this board without /pol/shit

>> No.24897104

I was happy for him. I'd hate for him to miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime because of a jealous girlfriend. But I understand how painful it must be for him to make it big, make new friends, and have a lot of fun while leaving her behind. I can't really blame her for being jealous. It's sad, but its probably best for both of them to part ways.

>> No.24897135

People really just aren't as clever as they think they are. For the majority of people who claim they can tell someone's gender just from the way they type, proper casing/punctuation + "nonthreatening" word choices, especially if combined with emojis or exclamation marks = woman; lower case and blunt = man. No further thought really gets put into it

>> No.24897156
Quoted by: >>24897184


>> No.24897163
File: 721 KB, 716x938, 1639866374254.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24897214

i'll have you know I'm extremely fucking masculine!!!
take that back right now!

>> No.24897167
Quoted by: >>24897257

It's true. The simple sprinkling of the word "nigger" in one of your posts usually throws the average anon off.

>> No.24897176
File: 180 KB, 1020x1447, FOUzWovaAAAnqbO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not him! I'm not even a good cook! I'm middling at best!

>> No.24897184
File: 47 KB, 192x192, 1647597715989.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why are you bullying me because im a scared of men malding

>> No.24897208

Millie.... your so called bestie can't even bother to promote your cover on stream...

>> No.24897214
File: 1.60 MB, 1274x814, 1642676174208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24897218
Quoted by: >>24897500

Rias comes for you, what do you do

>> No.24897234
File: 206 KB, 480x480, OCDjYbj7GdKs8wTouIKwCw.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope meido bans all the doxxniggers itt.

>> No.24897235

i never understand what this means
if you delete the part of you that cringes doesn't that mean you deleted your cringe

>> No.24897257
File: 64 KB, 182x171, 1647011341925.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've gotten called a woman for posts along the lines of just "kys retarded nigger", but it was in arguments over maleposting in the thread so I guess calling me a woman is all they had.

>> No.24897280


>> No.24897291
Quoted by: >>24897312

Im genuinely fucking retarded because I cant see any doxxfags... my reading reps...

>> No.24897297

If you want to do something and think "No I can't, that's cringe", you should instead just stop caring and do it.

>> No.24897307

all true except for the proper capitalization and punctuation, on the contrary anons that type like I currently am are assumed to be women

>> No.24897311

it means kill the judgemental part of you that causes you to cringe

>> No.24897312

meidos just cleaned up at least one reply chain of them

>> No.24897316

"your cringe" as in your cringe posts and actions. he's telling you to shamelessly be as cringe as you want

>> No.24897319

i see millie and think of that millie ritualposter who also doxxes her

>> No.24897324

I often fantasize about being in NijiEN and lurking in these threads to see what anons think about me

>> No.24897329

salome is streaming today.. in 9 hours..

>> No.24897351
Quoted by: >>24897378

A day goes by and Noctyx fans still can't shut up about doxx.

>> No.24897370

If i was in NijiEN I would antipost about myself. Maybe even post fake dox and hope it filters down to one of those retard sites so I can laugh at it.

>> No.24897371

You need to try and get over it. What'll you do when a man raises his voice irl? Consider this exposure therapy lite

>> No.24897378

do you genuinely believe it's fans who post doxx of their oshis?

>> No.24897385

This but Lazulight especially Elira and Pomu

>> No.24897386

starting a sentence with "Oh, ____." any form of "fuck off" or "Kill yourself", or a reply chain longer than like 3 posts with one side desperate to get in the last word. stuff like that. using ellipses mid-argument as though it makes your retarded claim valid... typing like this. I'm not too good at it but I can always recognize it. Definitive statements like the one I just used.

>> No.24897388
Quoted by: >>24897929

i fantasize about being a vtuber in nijien and playing Minecraft with everyone

>> No.24897392
Quoted by: >>24897442

Who would've possibly guessed the anon who ritualposts PLshit is also a doxxfag?

>> No.24897400
Quoted by: >>24897508

ill just fucking die or freeze up like the one time it did happen

>> No.24897407
Quoted by: >>24897751

Unironically, yes. Especially newfags

>> No.24897414
Quoted by: >>24897439

>starting a sentence with "Oh, ____."

>> No.24897418
Quoted by: >>24897530

Imagine getting a nickname like "whore" the way Sonny did. I wonder what he thinks about briskadets ITT

>> No.24897430

>talks about her oshi's private life
>she's not a fan

>> No.24897439

Seffy's entire sentence is "Oh..."
also she is a woman...

>> No.24897441
File: 122 KB, 239x239, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do all of those and I'm male...

>> No.24897442

i didnt know the extent he went was more than i thought it was

>> No.24897447

Salome streams so late...I can’t imagine she’ll actually be streaming biohazard for the entire week. She’s gonna do some weird shit. I know it

>> No.24897457

isn't he the milgurfag too? kek

>> No.24897469

fuck off and leave that vulnerable anon alone

>> No.24897481
File: 1.60 MB, 1052x1600, 1652998599188.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is she really going to be streaming nothing but Resident Evil all week?

>> No.24897484


>> No.24897500

Rias is dead.

>> No.24897506

You are now a woman. Deal with it

>> No.24897508
Quoted by: >>24897595

Which is why you need to build up your resistance to it. Unless you plan to live inside for the rest of your life

>> No.24897512
Quoted by: >>24897631

You're white-knight an anon on an anonymous imageboard. Re-evaluate your life choices.

>> No.24897513

im really glad during nijiEN dead hours nui is consistently streaming, she keeps me sane.

>> No.24897520

The vast majority of that falls under the "nonthreatening" category, so you haven't actually proven anything. I do find this kind of schizo behavioral analysis interesting, though. I wonder if any proper studies have been done on the typing habit differences between men and women

>> No.24897529

I want to suck seffyna breasts while she gibes me a handjob

>> No.24897530

Its funny how that somehow caught on. At this point its almost like a term of endearment when they talk about him.

>> No.24897543


>> No.24897549

I guess this is why Shu and Uki have their appeal. Girls with trauma likes quiet guys.

>> No.24897568
Quoted by: >>24897623

And thank fucking god for that. Now we get BFE from Mysta that isn't in that godawful forced persona.

>> No.24897572

Oh fuck off newfag
see? it just feels like a woman...

>> No.24897578
Quoted by: >>24897600

Mysta's bringing him back to life

>> No.24897595
File: 57 KB, 480x480, 1650302293243.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24897636

i dont but fulgur sounds too much like an abusive dad when he does it, id rather listen to vox first

>> No.24897599

Put the dress on and be my wife.

>> No.24897600
Quoted by: >>24897646

Don't even joke about that.

>> No.24897612

Funny. I type like a woman on purpose sometimes so that femanons would reply to me.

>> No.24897614

NTA but quiet streamers like Shu and Uki appeal to me because I mostly use streams as background noise while drawing. High-energy streamers suck for that since they're super distracting

>> No.24897623

I love his current BFE so much. I wish I had a cute Mysta bf... Why are males like that so hard to find.

>> No.24897622

i genuinely wish fulgur was my dad when listening to him... he just sounds so nice and patient

>> No.24897631

it's not something you "get over" shit like that lives with you, a better piece of advice is working through it and coping when you feel scared

>> No.24897635

my oshi is luca but shu is second

>> No.24897636
Quoted by: >>24897787

that's an insult to fuuchan

>> No.24897646

He's not, Mysta's been asking for more edgy fanart again. Rias is bound to come back.

>> No.24897647

is anyone watching anything right now? I hate not having a stream on

>> No.24897666

Im watching luca's 300k VOD. hes being very cute

>> No.24897672

Watching Petra

>> No.24897673

I'm watching the part of Pomu's superchat reading I missed when I was in a work call

>> No.24897677
File: 2.29 MB, 220x286, 1644371426463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Goodnight dummies

>> No.24897681
Quoted by: >>24897769

I want an EN liver that barely streams, but does interesting streams. Someone like Sayo or Gil. It’s weird and not very EN like, so I doubt we’ll ever get one

>> No.24897694

I'm watching the otters someone posted a few times earlier

>> No.24897697

goodnight dummy pomie

>> No.24897698
Quoted by: >>24897807

sexy =/= edgy

>> No.24897701
File: 260 KB, 2048x2048, a mimir luca 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24897709

girls too. Family responsibility is shit. You can have sex without being tied down with marriage

>> No.24897712
File: 183 KB, 1842x1036, FQaOCWhXEAUZV96.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who cares.

>> No.24897713
Quoted by: >>24897746


>> No.24897726

It's Nijisanji, it has English subs so it's ok to post ojou sama QRD here!

>> No.24897727
File: 37 KB, 200x200, 1636942588592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how Petras sleep?

>> No.24897741
Quoted by: >>24897807

Mysta's sheltered and his mother clearly encouraged him to be more in touch with his feminine side with her upbringing. I think if he ever used a site like this he could've easily became a /pol/tard, so it's good that he stayed a Ledditor I suppose.
Him asking for sexy fanart with his shirt pulled up is not the same as him asking for fanart of his meme alter-ego.

>> No.24897743

Sonny/Alban/Suha Apex

>> No.24897746

don't know what i said was funny but thanks for the laugh

>> No.24897748
Quoted by: >>24897813

Page 10 confession

>> No.24897751
Quoted by: >>24897779

saw someone introducing their oshi by telling their pl stories. literally wtf

>> No.24897755

nobody minds if you post her; this thread likes talking about other branches sometimes especially during dead hours

>> No.24897764

My friends are getting married and getting pregnant and Im here watching vtubers... but I dont know who's losing because we're still in college so...

>> No.24897768
Quoted by: >>24897792

rion has yet to react salome or acknowledge her in any capacity

>> No.24897769
Quoted by: >>24897871

Doesn't EN have a 3 streams per week rule

>> No.24897772
Quoted by: >>24897817

Vox managed to read mine once. I don't know how he did it but what I know is that it's one of my greatest life accomplishments

>> No.24897779

does pl really count as doxx if it's just another vtuber identity

>> No.24897787

i like fuuchan, i just dont watch him play games ill know he will mald at

>> No.24897792

Shes jealous. She’s losing her spot as the ojou in Nijisanji

>> No.24897797
File: 65 KB, 250x250, 1637760968132.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just realized something. "Pomu leaf" is supposed to be marijuana?

>> No.24897798
Quoted by: >>24897943

It will lead to dox eventually, now shut the fuck up

>> No.24897804
Quoted by: >>24897842

same bro.
I opened social media and all I've seen is pic of them getting married and having kids.
I do miss normie life.

>> No.24897806

debatable but regardless it's usually a slippery slope into full on doxxfaggotry

>> No.24897807

You think most fanartists will care about that distinction?

>> No.24897812

REmake or some of the later ones? She's my goddess if REmake.

>> No.24897814

what I've learned from this thread is that all """men""" here are whiny faggots

>> No.24897813


>> No.24897817

Wow congrats, anon. That's an actual accomplishment given his chat is so fast he barely even reads SCs

>> No.24897820

I don't give a shit what fanartists do as long as he doesn't play the damn character on stream.

>> No.24897842

Im invited to one of their weddings... literally just turned 20 what the fuck why are they going so fast

>> No.24897843

Yes we already told you that. Shut up and stop ban evading.

>> No.24897844
File: 133 KB, 262x300, 1624242728592.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24897846
Quoted by: >>24897940

did you miss the whole "he told" part?

>> No.24897852
Quoted by: >>24897916

>pregnant in college
you're definitely winning

>> No.24897853

It's retarded to call it doxxing but that's been how it works on this board for over a year now

>> No.24897857

I think the resident evil is all a joke and she’s gonna do something else during her next stream then show her real schedule

>> No.24897861
File: 1.20 MB, 1170x1390, 1652324284096.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congrats anon, you've decoded a year old joke.

>> No.24897863
Quoted by: >>24897939

yourself included?

>> No.24897871
Quoted by: >>24897912

it's written as a requirement for applying but afaik nobody really knows the rules once you're in

>> No.24897879
Quoted by: >>24897939

Why are you typing like a woman

>> No.24897880
File: 71 KB, 224x224, 1652584360130.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeh. To both.

>> No.24897887

Why even bother? Killing yourself is much easier than working it out like that and living your life in fear. Or do you expect the rest of the world to cater to you just because you get spooked easily?

>> No.24897886
File: 2.71 MB, 600x338, 1644590903186.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24897891
File: 160 KB, 1021x1387, 1652856449811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24897915


>> No.24897892

yes, you idiot. fanartists don't consider alters the same characters as their base versions

>> No.24897895

You better make lots of money or take very good care of your body if you want to play around.

>> No.24897908

>Why are males like that so hard to find.
They barely leave the house, you'd have to luck into them on the rare occasions that they do

>> No.24897911

Gays complain a lot, yes.

>> No.24897912

IIRC it's "Able to stream 3 times a week". Which doesn't mean you're required to every week, just that you shouldn't apply if you know you'll only have time once a week or something.

>> No.24897915
Quoted by: >>24898007


>> No.24897916
Quoted by: >>24897941

they could be getting masters/doctorates

>> No.24897922
File: 309 KB, 1161x2048, 1653402519923.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24897925

Any streams to look forward to today? Any branch

>> No.24897926
File: 1.92 MB, 1280x720, 1636050332284.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good night Pomu

>> No.24897929
Quoted by: >>24897998

Glad to see im not the only one who dreams this shit

>> No.24897940
Quoted by: >>24898037

Nta, what stream was that from?

>> No.24897939

i wish I was a fag like my oshi, but I'm a girl.
how many braincells did you use to make that conclusion, anon-chama? must've been a lot.

>> No.24897941

No its our first year... good for them I guess...

>> No.24897943
Quoted by: >>24897967

So, everytime I see someone post an image of PL I should report?

>> No.24897955

>its our first year
Yeah nah they're fucked.
Hope you don't have to deal with their emotional baggage

>> No.24897958
File: 232 KB, 550x856, pomint1.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24897957

She reminds me of Yotsuha with how much funnier she is when I can actually understand her.

>> No.24897962

That's some sad fuckin shit man

>> No.24897964

no one said anything about the world catering to them, chill

>> No.24897967
Quoted by: >>24898022

Yes. It won't do anything because the mods are retarded and won't even delete beastiality porn, but it's good policy.

>> No.24897976

stay winning, anon

>> No.24897998
Quoted by: >>24898087

I like imagining the thread one sometimes. But then the thread gets really mean even towards their own oshi's...

>> No.24898007
File: 1.24 MB, 1678x2409, __reimu_endou_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_lai_dou_laile_555__ea3e40946e0304269629a09c32fbbf97.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24898054


>> No.24898022
Quoted by: >>24898067

They'll delete it all real quick if you post Holo dox lmao

>> No.24898023
Quoted by: >>24898111

I remember one of my seniors was pregnant during college.
Her husband paid for the tuition.
Years later, they're politicians, both of them.

>> No.24898026


>> No.24898037

don't bother, it's probably from pl and that's why doxxniggers can't give a timestamp

>> No.24898047
Quoted by: >>24898191

I want NijiES to be a thing just so I can practice my Spanish more. The occasional Spanish streams from EN are cool, but I want something more consistent

>> No.24898054

idk man my sounds like a you problem

>> No.24898058
File: 15 KB, 96x96, 916175032097603654.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

late thread confession.
i hope everyone here can find happiness in life.

>> No.24898067

nah, only specific doxx of certain holos. HoloJP doxx has been left up for awhile before since medios haven't done their reps

>> No.24898075
Quoted by: >>24898118

I won't, but good luck to the rest of you.

>> No.24898083
File: 1.05 MB, 781x2289, FTagasraAAAuWe3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24898103

will he stream tonight

>> No.24898087

Sometimes I imagine what kind of streams I'd do and what kind of anti posts I'd get. I'd probably get doxxed with unflattering photos from my parents' social media and anons would make fun of me for being ugly.

>> No.24898088


>> No.24898089
File: 142 KB, 905x381, minemine.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24898130

he's back, baby

>> No.24898097

/NijiEN/ might be the only thread that talk about dox every fucking day

>> No.24898103
File: 17 KB, 334x338, 0659592F-FDB5-4275-AC2E-63BC04BB9317.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24898160

I don’t have much hope, but I’ll be waiting regardless…

>> No.24898111

Well that last part explains it

>> No.24898118

If dubs you will make it but I will fail

>> No.24898128

>parents' social media
this hurts man
no matter how many times I explain opsec to them and tell them to stop posting that shit they still don't seem to get it

>> No.24898130
Quoted by: >>24898196

nta but he never left

>> No.24898156

Same. At least you have family that love you enough to post you on fb...

>> No.24898159

I'm going to doxx anon

>> No.24898160
Quoted by: >>24898200

i miss him, his stream last night was nice even if he was falling asleep

>> No.24898166

Id be so fucking paranoid about opsec if I was a liver, id covering everything up real fast

>> No.24898173

I want Ike play minecraft.....

>> No.24898184
Quoted by: >>24898417

im watching salome debut again
she called biohazard obiohazardo
with the honorific
if shes a prank i hope the northkoreans blow up anykara

>> No.24898191
Quoted by: >>24898572

Do you think NijiES would be successful?

>> No.24898194
Quoted by: >>24898250

You dont really need that if you're not a public figure on the internet...

>> No.24898196

just meant that MC is back on the weekly sched since he didn't stream it last week. I know he was on Petra and Rosemi's streams

>> No.24898198

It's impossible to delete shits from 10 years old even if you delete your fb account. Your friend/family's photos will stay.

>> No.24898200
Quoted by: >>24898303

Same here, yesterday was him finally doing his usual stream… I miss his usual gaming stream…

>> No.24898209
Quoted by: >>24898311

if you've ever posted anything that can link to your irl identity, covering your tracks afterwards is way harder than you think. just try googling your real name alongside your city and you'll see like twenty websites listing your address, phone number, known email addresses and so on

>> No.24898213
File: 187 KB, 866x1100, __reimu_endou_nijisanji_and_1_more_drawn_by_walzrj__3df7f1469e058fee73ae94ed1fc7938e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24898269


>> No.24898223
Quoted by: >>24898256

you'd have to private everything, tell other people to private anything they have of you and try to remember every place youve gone in the last 10 years where someone couldve taken a picture of you.

>> No.24898250

And this kind of thinking is exactly how randos end up getting doxxed

>> No.24898256

That doesnt seem too hard if you dont take that many photos in the first place

>> No.24898265

It's the only thread that talks about JP despite this place being specificaly the EN thread
The only thread where people try to force chuubas from other corpos down their throats.
It's even the only thread where whenever an indie graduates, indies gets more discussed here than outside.
It's also the only thread where PL talk is absolutely normal.
This is also the only place where CP, bestiality, doxx, guro and other posts can be safely posted without persecution.

>> No.24898269

but anon my hope includes reimu gets fucked in the ass to give you happiness

>> No.24898274

you'd be surprised how many strangers pictures youre in the background of and unaware people can see it

>> No.24898284

Group photos? Family photos? A lot of the time, that's where they get caught even if they themselves never posted selfies or photos

>> No.24898303
Quoted by: >>24898345

i miss lucaaaa! soon, i will be patient for his return

>> No.24898302

dubs and i kill myself

>> No.24898311

Those sites terrify me. They even list your relatives and past street addresses

>> No.24898322 [SPOILER] 
File: 3.78 MB, 2240x3640, 93441135_p0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love masturbating to my oshi

>> No.24898323

Me too. I don't even have anything sketchy or questionable on the internet; I'm just kind of embarrassed and scared of getting doxxed in general.

>> No.24898328

school photos etc sometimes you don't even know that you're in the photo but they might be connected to your name

>> No.24898332

What really gets me is it's always the worst pictures. I found out recently my mother has been trying to set up blind dates for me and the "really cute" picture of me she shares is me looking like a hobo after a long camping trip where I hadn't washed my hair for a week. No wonder she keeps getting turned down.

>> No.24898341
Quoted by: >>24898386

the only way to never be doxxed is just never post anything online ever

>> No.24898345
File: 76 KB, 1323x1323, 0C133651-E982-4ED3-B3AE-4DD5CECFD142.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let’s be patient, the time will come soon…

>> No.24898356

we're going to run out of image slots in a second and i'm going to kill myself
the board is so dead tonight...

>> No.24898357

a-anon............. thats really sad

>> No.24898361
File: 18 KB, 597x513, megakek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dox this, dox that
Why don't anons just dox their own feet photo /here/, it would be interesting, isn't it

>> No.24898362


>> No.24898366

>Equating talking about Nijisanji livers in a Nijisanji thread to CP and bestiality
Schizo moment.

>> No.24898372
File: 1.72 MB, 2480x3508, FTeFz7uUUAAAXS_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24898382

I'm not falling for that a third time

>> No.24898384
File: 67 KB, 240x240, luca haha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

anon im sorry thats pretty funny

>> No.24898383

Vtubers are reclining

>> No.24898385

Oh now thats scary

>> No.24898386
Quoted by: >>24898495

Yeah, if following vtubers has taught me anything it's that you can ALWAYS be doxed. You can do everything right in the now and then oops, someone who knew you years ago posts something or oh no, someone found your neighborhood because you mentioned the weather. It can't be helped.

>> No.24898408
Quoted by: >>24898444

someone posted her fucking tits a whiie back so anything is possible here

>> No.24898417
Quoted by: >>24898470

Her insisting she just talks like that naturally and she's NOT an ojou is so funny

>> No.24898431

thats so fucking sad and funny at the same time

>> No.24898443
Quoted by: >>24898467

Yeah as >>24898328 says, yearbook or graduation photos tend to get a lot of people who don't post photos themselves

>> No.24898444

Weren't those just taken off a /soc/ thread

>> No.24898450
File: 213 KB, 1200x1600, 1653279721372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i miss her

>> No.24898458
File: 2.28 MB, 1808x2410, 98417541_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mysta love

>> No.24898460

I don't want to get banned tho

>> No.24898467

Only works when you have the person's name

>> No.24898469

iirc she put a sticky note on her face with /nijien/ on it or something

>> No.24898470
Quoted by: >>24898559

she's a normal girl from a normal family!

>> No.24898472
Quoted by: >>24898523

How about you people look up foot binding and see where your obsession with small asian feet leads

>> No.24898478
File: 455 KB, 2048x1780, 1630163679987.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24898601

Kek, my mom tries to do this too. I don't care about dating but I wish I could find someone just to make her happy.

>> No.24898481
Quoted by: >>24898507

Different tits. I remember the “femdragoon” though. Good times

>> No.24898483

Pomu says it in such a happy way that it hurts

>> No.24898495
Quoted by: >>24898527

even with that, there's still a chance someone irl recognizes you based on your voice alone. its rare but there's still a chance. there's no real escape

>> No.24898507

that was from /soc/ and the text was photoshop'd

>> No.24898511

Only sissy males leeches from /soc/
While the femanon who posted her tits had a sticky greeting /NijiEN/

>> No.24898518

In a way that's a good thing, anon. My mom does the same thing except she actually gets people to accept. It's always really awkward having to gently inform the other party I am not even remotely in the market for a partner

>> No.24898523
Quoted by: >>24898608

I went into a Ripley's believe it or not exhibition when i was a kid, and they had a section on chinese foot binding and now I'm addicted to tiny chinese feet

>> No.24898526

I want rape petra...even pentomo

>> No.24898527

if someone I know irl doxxed me I would literally never forgive them

>> No.24898551

Fuck, I love her so much. I'm a new viewer, but she's the cutest thing ever

>> No.24898559
File: 276 KB, 1158x1048, FTgVZSZaQAAtUxI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She could just say she does it on purpose because she wants to be an Ojou, but no it's
>I'm a 20-something college drop out and I live with my mom.
>Also yes I just say "desu wa" and have drill hair naturally. It's really frustrating actually.

>> No.24898562
File: 3.14 MB, 2800x1709, 1634489398815.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Enna's fat Chinese ass.

>> No.24898572
Quoted by: >>24898597

NTA but yes, more than ID and KR combined but less than EN

>> No.24898574

Rest easy tonight and tomorrow, friend. Thursday brings Elipeto. And it's part 4 OF FUCKING TWST AAAAAAAAAA I'M SO EXCITED I'VE BEEN LOOKING FORWARD TO THIS STREAM EVER SINCE THEIR LAST ONE!! It's gonna be a WILD night, so be prepared!

>> No.24898591
Quoted by: >>24898731

ive never seen someone so excited over this game before

>> No.24898597

Why did IN fail

>> No.24898599
Quoted by: >>24898731

It feels weird seeing a daughterwife pentomo post without an image

>> No.24898600

i hope kachiru mama draws more fanart of sonny....

>> No.24898601

Yeah, I feel you. I'm salty about the photo, but I asked her about it and she said she picked that one because I've got a big smile on my face and she thinks being happy will make the best first impression. It's too wholesome to hold against her.

>> No.24898608

Damn aloupeeps are scary

>> No.24898610
Quoted by: >>24898649


>> No.24898624

I drank a caffeinated soda early in the evening and now I cannot sleep. I never learn. at least I can watch nui and ib

>> No.24898640

I'm a Briskadet

>> No.24898641

drink water and pee it out 4head

>> No.24898643

Truly /nijien/ is the wild wild west of /vt/

>> No.24898649


>> No.24898658

There aren't enough indian weebs, is the short answer

>> No.24898659

India, even if it has a lot of population, doesn't have a lot of weebs, or this type of weebs. They prefer American things, that's why a lot of them like prowrestling or action movies

>> No.24898667
Quoted by: >>24898698

Man I wish caffeine did anything for me, I drank one of those big red bull cans yesterday and if anything it made me more sleepy

>> No.24898673
Quoted by: >>24898729

Damn briskadets are scary

>> No.24898691

please dont larp as a briskadet creep the genuine ones are scary enough...

>> No.24898692

At least your mom doesn't try to set up blind dates for you with people she meets at a gay bar... Apparently i was a pretty big hit too...... She even asked me if I was interested...........

>> No.24898698

It doesn't wake me up at all; it just keeps me from falling asleep. I literally never learn.

>> No.24898700

Chigusa and Nagao switch sports this evening… should be interesting.

>> No.24898701

>It's the only thread that talks about JP despite this place being specificaly the EN thread
>The only thread where people try to force chuubas from other corpos down their throats.
>It's even the only thread where whenever an indie graduates, indies gets more discussed here than outside.

>> No.24898703


>> No.24898714
Quoted by: >>24898733

well, were you?

>> No.24898720

Well? Did you?

>> No.24898729
Quoted by: >>24898753

no we're not. It's just tiny feet are really cute and dainty!

>> No.24898731

I didn't think I'd end up liking it as much as do now. Their first collab really sold me on it, and now, I'm addicted. They're playing through Book 4 too which is home to my favorite boy KALIM AAAA HE'S SO FUCKING PRECIOUS!!! Oh, and Jamil is there too I guess. He's cool. I'd be lying if I said that I don't like him though. Just trust me: it's gonna be a RIDE! I can already feel myself wanting to pull my hair out just thinking about it.
I don't always use images. I try to keep it to a minimum so it doesn't turn into spam.

>> No.24898733
Quoted by: >>24898820

No. All I could say is "That's great mom, but I'm not gay..."

>> No.24898753
Quoted by: >>24898818

Anon, have you SEEN what's under the shoes with foot binding? That's not cute...

>> No.24898756
Quoted by: >>24898773


>> No.24898769
Quoted by: >>24898914

I like the cute petra you always post though

>> No.24898773


>> No.24898772

Aloucreeps are funny first, not scary or disgusting

>> No.24898787
Quoted by: >>24898914

jamil is a sweet guy...he's just mad at the wrong person

>> No.24898792

just 114 more imageless posts... and we'll never get bumped off the board at this rate...

>> No.24898815

So what was Salome's deal?
>Hurrr read the archives

>> No.24898818

I told you, I went to a Ripley's exhibition so I've seen them. the crevices are very interesting and i'd like to run my fingers around/through them. But I also like unbound tiny asian women feet! size 4s preferably

>> No.24898820

hey at least youre attractive to both sides, thats a win

>> No.24898821
Quoted by: >>24898861

I dare you to use a yaoi drawing for the next thread op.

>> No.24898833

watch the debut its 30 minutes

>> No.24898840

What are the chances of Sonny losing his things (and his mind) during today's minecraft stream?

>> No.24898854
Quoted by: >>24898938

Good thing you only saw replicas, then. The real things get infected easily and are often pus-filled, rotting disasters.

>> No.24898860

>you oshi
>a picture of your oshi

>> No.24898861

i will

>> No.24898865

Losing his mind? Unlikely. The only really important thing he lost was his netherite gear. He doesn't have that anymore.

>> No.24898871
Quoted by: >>24898888

I hope it happens for the chance of him slipping up by swearing in Laotian.

>> No.24898872

scroll up; someone subtitled a 10 minute rundown.

>> No.24898879

Signs point to her being real

>> No.24898888

sonny is lao?!

>> No.24898895

his mind is already lost. I hope it happens again and he accidentally says a slur though

>> No.24898896

Saying Gura's real name is Emma August isn't a dox.

>> No.24898907


>> No.24898909

>I told you, I went to a Ripley's exhibition so I've seen them. the crevices are very interesting and i'd like to run my fingers around/through them.
Then yeah, Briskadets are scary.

>> No.24898914

I always try to post new art whenever I get around to catching up on her art tag. I promise I'll keep sharing cute Petras will you!
That's how I feel too!! He lives an extremely selfless life (even if he doesn't exactly have a say in it). He's a really talented mage, and he deserves all the praise in the world for his capability! I can forgive him in my heart of hearts. Not that I'm the type to hold grudges to begin with!

>> No.24898915
Quoted by: >>24898929

I posted that I'm cancelling my membership subscription because I dropped my oshi but the truth is I just wanted to rile anons up and have cancelled my membership because I only membered for a membership stream I was interested in.

>> No.24898929

typical rosebud

>> No.24898938

that's hot. i love taking care of wounds, the messier the better! I can touch all i like and take care of her wounded feet... that's the dream

>> No.24898942

his full name is
Lao-Shan Lung.
