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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 239 KB, 583x614, kobomeal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
24591565 No.24591565 [Reply] [Original]

No wonder she weighs only 35Kg, she can only eat 3 spoons per-serving. What kind of stomach issue is she suffering from?

>> No.24591673
Quoted by: >>24617134

>What kind of stomach issue is she suffering from?
Too much of my cum in her tum, sorry.

>> No.24591703

I know early malnutrition can make you small af
Does she even need protein at that point?

>> No.24591733

Is this the fabled pagpag?

>> No.24591743
Quoted by: >>24605631

She's a child

>> No.24591747 [DELETED] 
File: 39 KB, 667x441, 1645205252253.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>SEAnigger speak

>> No.24591780

>What kind of stomach issue is she suffering from?
she said she has gastritis and apparently she has it for a long time now. that explain why she's underweight.

>> No.24591789
File: 91 KB, 779x933, 1649803505742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.24591883


>> No.24591915


>> No.24591973

It's way cleaner than pagpag, sorry

>> No.24591985

it's just rice and chicken.

>> No.24592064

Maybe the doctor still recommend her to do so
So she's Ayame 2.0?

>> No.24592154
File: 46 KB, 600x456, IMG_20220317_173804_031.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24601745

She's a child

>> No.24592157

No, it's rice and fried chicken.

>> No.24592377

Oh no no no the reflection

>> No.24592390 [DELETED] 

do indo monkeys really?

>> No.24592681

I thought they only eat banana over there

>> No.24592730

what's pagpag

>> No.24592830

Google is one tab away anon.

>> No.24592928 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>24598509

that's from a different seanig country

>> No.24592980

Just Google it, it's literal recycled trash

>> No.24593036

>hainan chicken rice
is she a chinese?

>> No.24593131

basically, it's expired food or leftovers from a restaurant, the flips will garbage dive to find it and recycle it(cook or steam it with extra spice), and honestly it's disgusting, I'm not trying to shame the flips but yea its disgusting

>> No.24593231

>eating Chinese food
>i-is she Chinese?

>> No.24593237

So the reason YAGOO hire this underage nobody without PC or streaming experience is that he looks at her and see skin and bones and it instantly trigger his saviorfag instinct?

>> No.24593248
Quoted by: >>24597341

>leaving drugs directly at the table when you have a plate

>> No.24593378

should have smoke ganja, ganja can increase your appetite and make you eat more.
ganja la bro kamon

>> No.24593540
Quoted by: >>24593664

she live in Jakarta, if she live in Aceh she can do it tho

>> No.24593554

can we not glorify anorexia? she has mental health issues, we should help her

>> No.24593627


>> No.24593664

tell her to smoke ganja it can cure her
sorry I'm not from INdonesia is ganja illegal at Jakarta? my Indon friend told me he smoke ganja everyday he's from Jogja.

>> No.24593709

I've had that since I was a kid, all you do is avoid oily and spicy food and you're pretty much set to eat whatever.

>> No.24593719
Quoted by: >>24593982

yea it's illegal,

>> No.24593750
Quoted by: >>24593820

>Wrong food
That looks like a turmeric fried chicken

>> No.24593763
File: 1.04 MB, 220x187, 83C7A18F-0924-4B31-A9BB-458826D73B63.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24593789
Quoted by: >>24593982

Any narcotics is illegal except for medical purpose

>> No.24593793

Imagine how easy it would be to pick her up.

>> No.24593820
Quoted by: >>24594047

My bad, sorry.

>> No.24593830


>> No.24593846
Quoted by: >>24594199

That's vitamin and other supplements

>> No.24593896

yes, its illegal in other province "except" Aceh, the funniest shit is that Aceh is sharia law province but they are the biggest ganja exporter

>> No.24593918
File: 201 KB, 220x152, EF17D844-8F7D-4B9E-9FAD-B28E28E0BD39.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.24593957

Poor and homeless people everywhere eat garbage, it just seems to have become more widespread in the Philippines for some reason to the point they have a word for it.

>> No.24593959

Does she have dwarfism? Only explanation.

>> No.24593982
Quoted by: >>24600886

Oh I see. I thought it's legal since my friend is smoking everyday.

>> No.24594006
Quoted by: >>24594809

Is it considered an intoxicant there? Some stuff like khat is allowed in Islamic countries.

>> No.24594047

Is ok, more knowledge for you. Hainanese chicken rice never uses fried rice, it's always chopped boiled chicken called phak cam kai, usually topped with chopped garlic and celery.

Funny captcha : DNT0D

>> No.24594050

hopefully she's already checked with doctor about her gastritis. usually h pylori virus is the culprit and it can turn into stomach cancer if not treated right.

>> No.24594061

either she lied or she will die of underfeeding in under a year.

hopefully the second one so antonius can cry about it

>> No.24594199

The yellow thing is probably Omega 3 supplement

>> No.24594310

shes just like me fr

>> No.24594423

americans seeing a healthy portion size for the first time in their life

>> No.24594478

One Omega is too much, she can't handle 3.

>> No.24594672

Eat more anon

>> No.24594809

They mix it with food, like ingredient

>> No.24595110
Quoted by: >>24603251

>Healthy portion
>150cm 35kg, extremely underweight BMI
>Kobo herself implying she knows it's not ok but if she eats more she'll become nauseous

>> No.24595282

we have the same bowl

>> No.24595767

yo hook me up with your friends

>> No.24595774
Quoted by: >>24605906

This kills the architect.

>> No.24597341

she used to be poor, only recently she have enough money to buy a spoon so she doesn't have to eat using her barehand and you expect her to put medicine on a plate?

>> No.24597707

Damn, i can imagine she is so small and fragile.
Why do /vt/ hate her again?

>> No.24597886
Quoted by: >>24604119

She is quite rich, poor people don't have plate.

>> No.24598042

Ah yes a nice selamat pagi to you too.

>> No.24598165

If it's what I think it is.
Basically people go dumpster diving at restaurants for thrown out food. They clean it, and re-cook it to sell.
BBC did a good video about it a few years ago.

>> No.24598240

Depends on the type of gastritis.

>> No.24598272


>> No.24598427
Quoted by: >>24606084

Did Kobo used to be like super poor?

>> No.24598509

Yeah, it's a Filipino thing. But I wouldn't be surprised if the poorest parts of Indonesia didn't have something similar.

>> No.24598589
File: 314 KB, 1080x1665, 1651745151300.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, on the other side of ID

>> No.24598724
File: 281 KB, 955x751, 1651744914952.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24601791

That's not even 1 bite. Now this is a real meal.

>> No.24598762

It's pretty insane how in the western countries, you can dumpster dive outside of grocery stores and find good, fresh food.
I'd honestly like to see the reactions of the super poor people upon discovering shit like that.

>> No.24598810

Is she really underage?
Like isn't there laws about employing children?

>> No.24598838

So shes an actual child got it.

>> No.24598874

Fat bitch

>> No.24598892

its normal for children to work in indonesia, especially if they are from poor family like Kobo

>> No.24598923
Quoted by: >>24605820

Stores don't do this anymore. Everything gets sold as compost.

>> No.24598925

Anon food are very cheap here, why would we eat chicken leftover if fresh chicken only cost 30 cents

>> No.24598933

Sticky rice and roasted chicken. Mediocre food, but she has med

>> No.24598952

Holy shit it's just a plate of rice and chicken (and a bioled egg it seems). EOPs tendency to insult the people they deemed below them knows no bounds.

>> No.24598967

Not just food you can find a lot of abandoned techs.

>> No.24599011

What a shithole.

>> No.24599016

Yeah. Those are definitely supplements

>> No.24599054

Vitamin d, iron and something else

>> No.24599098

Girls can be weird where they eat one meal through the hole day.

>> No.24599143

Great singer eat no veggie

>> No.24599147

The fuck, that's two spoonfuls. How does this bitch even survive? I usually start at 2 bowls of rice before we even get to the meat and veggies and even then I sometimes don't feel full after a meal.

>> No.24599148 [DELETED] 

Hopefully she does, in fact, die at some point due to this lifestyle. One less indog is never a bad thing

>> No.24599185

So is Kobo confirmed to have been the poorest pre-holo?

>> No.24599186

Happens on eastern countries too, just look at The Closing Shift gameplay when they're about to meet the stalker, they have to throw all those pastries to the garbage bin because apparently it's "No longer fresh".

Most bread stores here like Tous Les Jours does that and nothing is stopping them.

>> No.24599201

When I feel lazy I do that too

>> No.24599207

Nigga what stop normalized this shit, i rarely see child workers here. At worst you could see child beggars but every country has that

>> No.24599248

No she just have a bad stomach issue

>> No.24599292

Still a shithole.

>> No.24599293

That would still be Kanatan I think

>> No.24599389

There's no anything like that, I've been to slums and they prefers to be starving and wait for someone to give them food instead of eating trash, and there will always be someone giving them foods. And that was around 10 years ago.
It's even better nowadays because a few times in a week (friday is a must) there are massive charities held by some organizations to feed the poorest in most cities.

>> No.24599523
Quoted by: >>24599636

Someone translate what she wrote

>> No.24599531
Quoted by: >>24600401

This poster is either
>A manlet
>doesnt work
>is malnutritioned
>is a 14 year old girl
>Is fucking retard
>is baiting

>> No.24599636

i only eat half a rice scoop + vitamin, ill get nauseous if i eat more than this

>> No.24599668

>stop normalized this shit
if they stop doing it, what they gonna eat? in indonesia there is saying like this "banyak anak banyak rezeki" literal meaning "more childs more wealth". thats why poor peoples breed the most in indonesia, because they can send their childs to work

>> No.24599675

This is the amount I eat from the pot to check if the rice is ready. Absolutely malnourished

>> No.24599730
Quoted by: >>24600223

>Tous Les Jours
We're getting one of those here soon.

>> No.24600127
File: 111 KB, 738x366, kktbsys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24601490

"2 anak cukup"/"2 kids are enough"

>> No.24600223

TLJ is a shit bread store chain that refused to write "happy birthday" on them cakes.

>> No.24600401
Quoted by: >>24606968

A retarded malnutritioned manlet 14 year old girl who who doesnt work and is baiting on 4chan eh.

>> No.24600589
Quoted by: >>24600862

She really needs to see a doctor if that's all she can eat. I've had gastritis that was eating holes in my stomach and I could still get a half decent meal in me most of the time, I just had to force it down and put up with feeling like shit. If she's actually throwing up and not just feeling nauseous because of it then she need meds because if you don't eat it just makes it so much worse and causes shit loads of other problems. Though honestly considering her wright's as low as it is it seems more likely she has an eating disorder and "I have bad gastritis" is how she convinces herself and those around her that she can't help it

>> No.24600801

How do we save her? Like seriously

>> No.24600804

>poor family
>have 7 instruments
>have a car
Next time, please make your rrat more beliavable anonchama

>> No.24600814
Quoted by: >>24600887

Or it's pity bait for saviorfags to open their wallets.

>> No.24600862

there is also possibility of her doctor to misdiagnosed her, you know the healthcare quality so shit that richfag in indonesia choose to travel to singapore for medical checkup

>> No.24600886

It is very illegal. In fact if your friend got caught, he will probably got a bad time since the punishment for drug related crime is notoriously heavy in Indonesia. Just possesing it can get you up to 4 years in prison. Some Aussies even got death sentence for smuggling drugs couple years back.

>> No.24600887

Nahh.. you are the one who is baiting right now

>> No.24600910

So Indogs have kids so they can have legal slaves work for them? No wonder why seaniggers are fucked up. They deserve our pity.

>> No.24600958

I always saw this in media but in real-life our store had a compactor, there was no ability to get at that food and it was mixed with all sorts of other horrendous shit.

>> No.24601034
Quoted by: >>24601113

There's a name for it but I forgot. Something fasting. It's supposed to be good for you as long as you eat enough.

>> No.24601113
Quoted by: >>24601541

Intermittent fasting, I did it for year, great for losing weight but just boring otherwise. Most of the supposed benefits didn't seem to be real at all.

>> No.24601194

she's a goddess, the fat goes in all the right places

>> No.24601328

true thats why to all EoP in here please watch our chuuba and donate use socialbuzz because Socizalbuzz only take 5% compared to susan who take 30%. help our girls so they will have better life

>> No.24601449
File: 93 KB, 640x427, pagpag03.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've just google "pagpag". Holy fuck is this how flips and indogs live?

>> No.24601481

Just flip

>> No.24601490

People hate Soeharto so much, that they don't stop reproducing until death comes.

>> No.24601536

Why are they advertising in literal slums. Do they really think these poor people can afford it?

>> No.24601541

I heard your body ages backwards after starving for like 20 hours. There are people who eat everything for the day in under an hour so they can get 2-3 hours of natural HGH production. Idk if it's true but it's what I heard.

>> No.24601623

It's not an ad. Someone stole it from real joli because she is his oshi.

>> No.24601637
Quoted by: >>24601678

Those weren't supposed to be there, I guess they grabbed that ad poster from somewhere else and stick it there to plug a hole in their door or wall or something.

>> No.24601678

Close, it's to release a plug from a hole.

>> No.24601708
Quoted by: >>24601879

The previous anone said she "used" to be poor
I guess she's not poor anymore now

>> No.24601743
Quoted by: >>24608782

there are shithole in every country, anon. even the USA

>> No.24601745
Quoted by: >>24606632

actually she's a midget. Literally. She suffers from dwarfism. She's about the height of Peter Dinklage.

>> No.24601768

Just flips.
In Indonesia, being beggar is actually a lucrative job if you have no shame. People actually bought home in the countryside by being a beggar in big cities.

>> No.24601791
File: 2.11 MB, 1912x4288, 1638909045944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Noel has super magic powers of eating a shit ton and just magically gets bigger boobs. They are fucking L cups now.

>> No.24601805

I don't think even the poorest of indo's scavengers would stoop so low to the point they would eat something like pagpag. At worst they would just eat some rice that was cooked out of scavenged grains.

>> No.24601879

She already have those even before joining hololive, and she lived in the same housing complex as Ollie, and that place is not by any means for poor people

>> No.24602045

>Is this how Indos live
Yes and No

Yes because what you're seeing here, these people are economically among the lowest poverty line and there are lots of people who lives like this.

No because although they sum up quite the percentage of our population (don't have statistics but I guess 10%-15%?), it's still not everyone. Even if they're still considered as poor, if they still at least have access to cellphones or internet, you can safely assume they don't live a rock bottom life like in that picture and have at least one motorcycle.

>> No.24602057
Quoted by: >>24602116

let's just assume it was just a wild rrat

>> No.24602063
Quoted by: >>24606621

Holy shit she has the same plate like my mother. No jk

I think i've seen kobo eat more at one point like idk noodle?

>> No.24602094

rrat she grow up poor hence her health condition, then her mom remarried with rich guy, that's why she kinda triggered when the chat ask "is your mom single"

>> No.24602116


>> No.24602181

All that fat will be concentrated on her chest and you know it

>> No.24602216

What the fuck oppai lolis are real

>> No.24602381

That the USA for you when they're not sending people to their death they make fun of anyone who not them

>> No.24602584
Quoted by: >>24602632

She telling lies

>> No.24602632
Quoted by: >>24603272

Not really, I had a girl like that in my class growling up. We all known how fucking huge her tits are, so it's not a surprise

>> No.24602668

Rice and chicken is absolute poverty food, only a step above beans and toast. Where's the red meat or anything that takes actual prep work? Dessert?

>> No.24602711

poverty food was me eating raw potatoes all of the time as a kid. I still do

>> No.24602868
Quoted by: >>24602900

girls grow breast from early ages. Starts sometimes as early as 7. Had a girl in 7th grade with D-Cup too. She was 12 as well. they didn't grow past F tho(if you go by japanese cup sizes, euro thats C and double D)

>> No.24602900
File: 1.48 MB, 1921x3461, 1650787890793.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>24603220


>> No.24602980
Quoted by: >>24603137

Still better than rice and salt, now that is poverty food

>> No.24602982
Quoted by: >>24606692

I seem to remember being told a lot of stores poison the food they throw out to stop the homeless/poor hanging around their garbage though.

>> No.24603006
Quoted by: >>24604929

>Rice and chicken is absolute poverty food
this retard doesn't lift lol

>> No.24603137

my dinner just now was onions sauce and rice, fuck you all

>> No.24603187
Quoted by: >>24603209

wait wtf i can't say s o y?

onions sauce
onions boy

>> No.24603199
Quoted by: >>24603259

Huh, I wonder if its genetic or something else. Does Noel ever talk about other family members with huge breast? Like her mother or grandmother?

>> No.24603200

Are you a trust fund baby or something?

>> No.24603209

fucking newfag, lurk morefag

>> No.24603220

As you can see, i am not a woman nor am i huge into cup sizes.
Guess her breasts were smaller then, She only had C-Cup but they looked kinda huge at that age and didn'T grow much from there.
Not Noel tier at all but clearly "this girl has some nice titties"-tier and those from early age.

>> No.24603248
Quoted by: >>24603264

m8, everyone eats beans on toast once in a while. Only confused foreigners and people desperate to not appear poor and think looking down on a national staple will help for some reason don't.

>> No.24603251

>Kobo herself implying she knows it's not ok but if she eats more she'll become nauseous
Kinda had this problem, liquid calories is best, namely a banana blended with oats honey milk and peanut butter. That got me from 120 to 140lbs

>> No.24603259

Mostly talks about her brother. Sadly the Genes will never be passed on since since she is fucking that dark elf

>> No.24603264

Even the super rich eat rice and chicken every once in a while because it's healthy.
With super rich i mean people with over 100M+.

>> No.24603272
Quoted by: >>24607150

Did you fuck her

>> No.24603415
Quoted by: >>24605504

Are you telling me Kobo needs to get /fit/?

>> No.24603463
Quoted by: >>24603855

Read this
I personally know someone who owns a palm oil company and yet still loves to eat simple like that

>> No.24603855

Dirk Rossman, the CEO of Rossmann eats like that. It's absolutely normal and he thought his kids to be like that too. 4,3Billion dollars btw.

>> No.24604119

Bro that plate is a bonus from a certain detergent

>> No.24604244

i mean food just doesn't cost all that much to begin with.

even the best 3 michelin star restaurants only cost around $500 per meal.

365 * $500 is only ~$200k per year if you eat like that every single day. They can afford to eat like for 500 years.

>> No.24604302

What a stupid rrat.

>> No.24604449

Please at least eat an egg anon

>> No.24604504

Jesus this is grim.

>> No.24604591

Only flips

>> No.24604662

This nigga is retarded

>> No.24604732


>> No.24604752
File: 3.87 MB, 400x381, 1640906751485.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/hlg/'s national cousine

>> No.24604929
Quoted by: >>24605488

Lean cuts of red meat is way better for you than chicken if you lift so im not sure what ur arguing here

>> No.24605162

I can see that obese faggot write this

>> No.24605210
Quoted by: >>24605504

>/fit/ cunny

>> No.24605488

This retard doesn't know that body can only absorb 74% of beef protein, while 80% protein absorb for chicken

This is clearly show that you are not even lift
At least do cardio obese anon

>> No.24605504

>>24605210 (me)
Meant for >>24603415

>> No.24605511

wow I can't believe that ollie bitch was starting drama with some poor starving girl with medical issues.

>> No.24605599

Pagpag is disgusting anon. This is just fried chicken and boiled egg.

>> No.24605631

Can you imagine the first time Kobo human self was interviewed by Hololive team? Can you imagine their surprise seeing a girl so tiny on the screen? They probably thought she's an actual child at first.

>> No.24605688

Gofood and Grabfood pretty much available in every Indonesian big cities. You can eat whatever you want. Also better advertisement than that American food delivery service.

>> No.24605744

This is why I'm glad in Indonesia there's a new trend where a bunch of people start giving a limited amount of boxed food once a week to people in need.
Saw an indie clothing store did this, they don't profit much from their business but always put at least two dozen of boxed food every Friday on a table outside.

>> No.24605781

She's not underage anon.

>> No.24605816

She can't, even when she eat more due to increased appetite it will only cause stomach pain for her.

>> No.24605820

My state gives subsides to stores that donate it to food banks. Only the mentally ill and druggies starve here.

>> No.24605839
Quoted by: >>24605943

She's not anorexic you dumbass.

>> No.24605906

Introduce Pierce Brosnan to Kobo channel.
He will spend his celebrity money to send the best doctors to heal her gastritis

>> No.24605943
Quoted by: >>24606139

>150cm 35kg
>not anorexic

>> No.24606019
Quoted by: >>24606493

I just realized, the reason Ollie is so generous toward Kobo with money is, in my prediction, Kobo lives in a small cramped housing in Jakarta. Ollie might be more well off than her and she realized that Kobo really need help starting her career.

Some Jakarta housings are... not well, they tend to be the remain of old Jakarta or shoddily built houses without strong foundation.

>> No.24606084
Quoted by: >>24607010

That's the rumor. The table cloth look like cheap vinyl used by poor families to cover their cheap table and the plate is a free gift when you buy certain brand of detergent.

>> No.24606139

I thought anorexia is always accompanied with obsession to lose weight or throw up food. Kobo's case seems to be involuntary, she'd like to eat more but her body won't let her. I wouldn't rule that as anorexia.

>> No.24606193

That's right send more money to us.

>> No.24606206
File: 45 KB, 600x310, warteg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In Indonesia poor people buy food from Warung Nasi Tegal. It's a very cheap restaurant run by Tegal people. They're good and filling and tend to be intended for poor workers, college students and poor people. Poor people will buy only one package of food (usually rice and one cheap add on) and share it with the family. Tegal people knew and they deliberately give more rice so they can actually share it with the family.

There's also good people and organizations who paid a whole Tegal food stall in advance, so they can sell their food for crazy cheap or even free for the poor.

The only way to describe eating at Tegal food stall: SOVL

>> No.24606286

>I'd honestly like to see the reactions of the super poor people upon discovering shit like that.
Please don't
As a street photographer I have one vow
I'm not going to take pics of suffering poor people living under the bridge or panhandlers
Too many photographers took their pic and make money out of it but never share it with the poors they took pic off.

>> No.24606312

She's not underage anon
Sure it's Indonesian branch, but Japanese is very strict in employement rules

>> No.24606339

No it's not. Stop spreading stupid prejudiced shit like this, fucking gwailo

>> No.24606378

Tous le pretentious.

>> No.24606411

Lemme guess, you're not Indonesian, because you never experience the KB propaganda era

>> No.24606470
Quoted by: >>24606582

>7 instruments
Buy used, or given free
>Have a car
30 million rupiah ($1500) Isuzu Zebra or Kijang Kotak isn't a luxury anon

>> No.24606493

I remember kobo parent has a car

>> No.24606514

While Americans are crying about factories moved overseas we're cheering because more factories open up here.

Nike opened 3 factories in Central Java. There's more planned

>> No.24606522
Quoted by: >>24608144

I want to do this too but how do you not get tired of having the same drink every day? Did you switch recipes?

>> No.24606550

No, they actually agree with Suharto on this one.
The one who disagreed are right wing extremists who think more children = more future troops.

>> No.24606582
Quoted by: >>24606826

And by that do you mean she's poor?

>> No.24606621

Noodle surprisingly very versatile, even for people with stomach problem
My late mom love noodle so much, she was diabetic but she can inhale a big plate of noodle easy.
I guess I inherit her love for noodle

>> No.24606632

I unironically wouldn't be surprised
Captcha MYR4T

>> No.24606661

Actually chicken became common food in early 00s. Before that chicken was considered a luxury. Indon real poor people food is Tempe.

>> No.24606692

Holy shit is that even legal?

>> No.24606768

>child beggars
I've lived in Canada and traveled to the US extensively my entire life and I've never, literally never, seen a child beggar. The closest was when I pulled into a 'nog neighborhood by accident once and some youths tried to extort money out of me by "washing" my car

>> No.24606826

She's probably a lower middle class now. Family have motorcycle or a cheap car.

>> No.24606899

Tempe is good food bruh, real poor people food is nasi aking

>> No.24606909
File: 42 KB, 657x556, 1-eng.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>is id poor?
If you referring to western standard yes, you guys always making who's poor who's not anyway, im not surprise at this point
>is id actually poor?
10-13% cant afford their daily basis
>the rest of them?
Back to point one

>> No.24606968

>manlet 14 year old girl

>> No.24606980
Quoted by: >>24607390

You're 15 years late. Did you know that during SBY era the price of basedbeans import from the US increased so much to the point that Tahu/Tofu and Tempe are longer considered poor man's lauk?
Now you do.

>> No.24607010

>plate is a free gift when you buy certain brand of detergent.
okay this is poverty tier, someone get this girl some real plates

>> No.24607015

That explain this whole discussion

>> No.24607063
Quoted by: >>24607508

This looks better and healthier than the fast food you find in the the US. I miss living in a place with good and cheap street stall food.

>> No.24607150

he's on an anime girl youtuber message board, of course he fucking didnt

>> No.24607205

Yeah remember how SOVL it was for me during college days back in Depok. Still buy it sometimes, usually during tanggal tua. I always like the Tuna Rica Rica.

>> No.24607238
Quoted by: >>24607399

btw the poverty line in Indonesia is $25USD per month

>> No.24607291

noty ill stick to my log presses and ohp dyel-kun

>> No.24607309

Nah, it's honestly the best policy Orba ever produced for Indonesia and it's actually successful, back in the days when Mafia Berkeley is still extant.

Imagine not having that policy and become like flips.

P.S. am not advocating for the return of Orba.

>> No.24607366
File: 192 KB, 372x539, 1650660649477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All that fat goes to her fat titties, so all is good.

>> No.24607390

Reminds me of how over here lobster was the cheapest, absolute worst food for fishermen who couldn't catch anything else, for 100+ years. Then it got memed into being high class and "luxury" and we started exporting it and now prices are so high you literally can't even buy it locally anymore.
My grandpa refuses to eat any lobster because to him it will always be poor people food

>> No.24607396

I don't think that's too relevant when red meat has a different amino constitution than white meat.

>> No.24607399
Quoted by: >>24607489

>For comparison and consideration, the average national poverty line is Rp2,216,714 per month per household
I found this on the internet

>> No.24607400
Quoted by: >>24607905

If I'm to classify HoloID's economic tier, it's probably like this :

Top 1% (none)
Elite (Reine is probably here)
Upper (Moona is probably here)
Upper Mid (Ollie, and Zeta is probably here)
Mid (Risu, Iofi, Anya, and Kaela is probably here)
Lower Mid (Kobo is probably here)
Poor (none)
Very Poor (none)
Extremely Poor (none)

Most of the Indonesian population lives between Poor and Lower Mid class

>> No.24607489

>Based on a report from the Asian Development Bank, Indonesia’s national population in 2015 was at 255.46 million, 47.2% of whom lived below the national poverty line.[2] Indonesia’s national poverty line set a consumption of Rp302,735 ($25) monthly per person - about 82 cents daily.[3]

>> No.24607508

Not just good and cheap. The seating setting means more people talking to each other.
If I want to compare it to western lifestyle, it's like when British people gather in pub and banter, but with a glass of coffee/tea and cigarette.

>> No.24607523
Quoted by: >>24609108

I love how this thread start from kobo food portion into indonesian poverty. You guys really have free time doing nothing huh

>> No.24607569

That's more food than my lunch! Ah ha ha...ha

>> No.24607640

My lunch today was a can of monster rehab and a cig.

>> No.24607645

Don't they have soup kitchens or churches? Why are people eating literal garbage?

>> No.24607676
Quoted by: >>24607719

>same source as yours but updated

>> No.24607677

White people charity isn't a global phenomenom

>> No.24607678

you think this is garbage? holy shit what a baby.

>> No.24607717

Because you didn't read the thread you fag.

>> No.24607719

How does it drop that much in 7 years? Were they just doing numbers fuckery to milk aid money out of westerners, or are they fudging things now to make things look better than they really are?

>> No.24607726

Flip is a very catholic country right?
Or soup kitchen is just an American thing?
I was expecting the churches to be more charitable in Flipland since they're very devoted Catholic

>> No.24607905

I tend to agree with this anon. Idk about gen 3, but most of gen 1 and 2 are either college educated or their families were.

>Reine was college graduate, if you know, you know
>Moona is in college. If you know her college, it's quite famous.
>Risu was a bachelor graduate, and her brother is in college, she's paying his college tuition.
>Iofi was or is in college.
>Idk about Ollie, but her mom was, so they could have her go to college if they want, I suppose.
>Anya Idk.

See picture here from Ministry of Manpower's website, wajiblapor.kemnaker.go.id, where that huge 48% chunks is for existing labour force that are Highschool graduates. If you define "college educated" in ID terms as anyone graduating D1, D3/Vocational, S1/Bachelor, S2/Master, S3/doctorate, then from this Ministry data it's less than 25% of labour forces are college graduates.

Granted, some of the non-college graduates in these data can either be already working while in college or choosing not to for various non-financial reasons, but I imagine most of them are due to financial reasons.

So we can say that most of ID Gen 1 and 2 are privileged enough to be on the top 25%, and if you're Indon and is in or went to college, be fucking grateful that you were born in the middle class.

>> No.24607954
File: 138 KB, 1080x1740, MoMData.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>24607905 (me)
Dangit forgot the pic. Ministry of Manpower's data.

>> No.24608097

IIRC there are controversies on how to calculate poverty rates, since living cost in every places can differ so much. This makes the "less than $2 per day" definition of poverty useless since there are people all around the world that can live well enough with less than 2$ a day.

2$ is IDR30K in Indonesia, if you're living in Jogja where the food can cost IDR7k, you got your 3 meals a day, with some extra.

>> No.24608144

>how do you not get tired of having the same drink every day?
Honestly idk. It didn't really bother me drinking it 1-2 times everyday, but I did have some other drinks along side it like blended fruit smoothies (berries with oats, honey and milk), but those don't give the massive amount of calories that the other one brings because peanut butter has a lot of calories and you can just jam a ton of it in there, but they do have their benefits. Since you're starting out as long as you are taking in calories and keeping track of how much you're taking, its a step in the right direction..

>> No.24608150

If you read it properly, 40% is world standard meanwhile 10% is id standard. And why world and id standard have a huge gap its because id gdp per capita. Living in id are mostly cheaper than others country that means its better to use id standard. Peoples working here and bought their goods in here anyway

>> No.24608248
Quoted by: >>24608400

Damn do any of you guys go outside? She obviously has an eating disorder

>> No.24608323

No one else will explain it so I will: palm oil. Not their fault every major food processor switch from vegetable to palm oil, you can thank them if you have a heart attack in your mid 40's.

>> No.24608395
Quoted by: >>24609102

We have mesjid instead

>> No.24608400
Quoted by: >>24608440

>eating disorder
>severe primary or secondary malnutrition also can delay the onset and progression of puberty.
>over 20 with teen body
so you mean really fuckable

>> No.24608440

This is why you can't get pussy in real life

>> No.24608481

Ollie is in college but taking a break because busy with streaming and her grades worsened

>> No.24608491

>oil and spicy food
So like 90% of Indonesian food?

>> No.24608518
File: 26 KB, 600x450, 1636257577169.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>82 cents per day
>those $1000 is enough for an ID to live off if for 3.34 years

>> No.24608533

She probably has gastro from the binge purge cycle she engages in

>> No.24608557

I see, don't really watch Ollie, thanks for the info anon.

>> No.24608577

If im in her position i would do so

>> No.24608606

i'm in america and i can probably do 82 cents a day too, just buy noodles/beans in bulk.

>> No.24608644

"How to lose weight"
I think land whales would rage hard

>> No.24608773
Quoted by: >>24608798

No wonder she sounds like an actual baby Christ. She's probably a 12 year old with a fake ID.

>> No.24608782


>> No.24608798


>> No.24609102

Trending thing to do in many big mosques is to give lunch after Friday prayer.

>> No.24609108
Quoted by: >>24609222

well its sea board and majority of sea are indonesia im not surprised whenever thread about kobo turn into mini /pol/

>> No.24609135
Quoted by: >>24609399

Isn't that what happened to college kids with successful business upstart?

>> No.24609145
Quoted by: >>24609260

Bros... I need to save her! How much westerner money she need?!

>> No.24609175

To be fair $1000 or Rp 14,500,000 can feed a family for 3 to 6 months, not 3 years.

>> No.24609222

It's not really /pol/ when the discussion are mostly civil.
But if you start discussing presidency candidates for 2024 THEN the real /pol/ begin

>> No.24609260
Quoted by: >>24609419

She need a good team of doctors and nurses that can bring her body to function properly so she can enjoy life normally.

Now imagine a chubby Kobo that can actually finish her happy meal

>> No.24609297

I bet she takes a shit only once a week

>> No.24609309

Retardanons here still don't get it, let me point it to you, she is


She is a small child, probably 10 or 11 years old so don't be a retard thinking that she is malnourished, but she is just a normal kid

>> No.24609388

>blurred the spoon
she is smart

>> No.24609399

well sometimes
but her senpai and kouhai still can do both streaming and college so I think she is not good at time management
also, it is better to have higher education as a backup because entertainment industry is unpredictable

>> No.24609404
Quoted by: >>24609498

Yagoo employs/exploits minors? Maybe he fucks them as well?

>> No.24609419

>She need a good team of doctors and nurses that can bring her body to function properly so she can enjoy life normally.
On my way to get the finest doctor and head straight to indonesia!

>> No.24609498

Retard everyone knows that he employs minors, Haachama and Shion were minors when they started

>> No.24609582

I'm pretty sure they weren't 10 years old

>> No.24609623

i believe this rrat because ollie can princess carry her on her bed

>> No.24609625

Charcoal company.

>> No.24609739
Quoted by: >>24609826

>I'm pretty sure they weren't 10 years old
well we are talking about indonesia here and from reading the thread, turnout its normal for underage kid to work

>> No.24609826
Quoted by: >>24610917

>>24609739 This, making a 15 years old from Japan work is the same that making a 10 years old from Indonesia. Justa watch her, it's clear that she's underage

>> No.24610170

>She is a small child, probably 10 or 11 years old
Holy shit she watched Tokyo Mew Mew on SCTV before she was even a sperm, amazing feat!

>> No.24610328
Quoted by: >>24611823

anon online streaming exist, she can access animeindo, oploverz or the other pirated streaming websites out there

>> No.24610604

SEAland tv reboardcast old anime alot due to how dirt-cheap their license are. Yesterday i saw my niece watching dubbed Fruit basket on the children channel

>> No.24610664

>2 cake slices
why is this so funny

>> No.24610917

Sorry to burst your bubble, but she's at least a college student. There's a clip of her singing part of a university anthem during one of her Plant VS Zombie stream.

>> No.24610984
Quoted by: >>24611823

What is learning from an older sibling, she is under 15 for sure and she's probably closer to 10

>> No.24610997

explain how she learned to play guitar if she is a minor?

>> No.24611055
Quoted by: >>24611424

Her being a college student or a college graduate makes much more sense to me, maybe she's been living the "anak kos" life juggling between Indomie and Promag for too long it messed her eating routines

>> No.24611063

Hobby ?

>> No.24611065
Quoted by: >>24611903

asians learn to play guitar at like 6

>> No.24611208

Anon, let them have their fantasies

>> No.24611424

wrong she already have that medical condition since beginning.

>> No.24611626
Quoted by: >>24611747

Who the fuck puts their meds on the plate

>> No.24611733
Quoted by: >>24611860

She is yagoo's secret love child

>> No.24611747

They're just vitamins/supplements

>> No.24611823

lol you love to stretch everything. I bet taffy company want to headscout you

>> No.24611860


>> No.24611903
Quoted by: >>24612118

Kid like that tend to have rich family that can fund guitar tutor. Even middle class Indonesian struggle to send their kids to bimbel.

>> No.24612033
Quoted by: >>24612324

I suddenly remember /asean/ threads in /int/ thanks to you anon

>> No.24612118
Quoted by: >>24612288

Holy shit she can play the guitar while singing at 9 yrs old, is she a genius?

>> No.24612288

It's a pretty common feat in Asian kids

>> No.24612324
Quoted by: >>24612685

I used to post in /asean/
Full of fucking schizo
Some autist who keep talking about some Pinoys are direct descendant from Srivijaya
A Malaysian who hate Indonesia so much he use VPN to change his IP to Indonesia and trying to slander Indonesia whenever he can (He can't even speak Indonesian lol)
Bunch of pinoys debating about president candidates
Some trannies posting gay shit all the time
An Indonesian who got addicted to /pol/ and keep crossposting /asean/ and /pol/
Typical thirsty posts
And other (almost daily) circus

Posting on /asean/ was fucking exhausting. Too many schizo and too little sane people. Got tourists often because we're one of the general who speak English so some autists will barge in. Also the general cycle so much

>> No.24612331

I remember this long ago, but in her roommate nico stream back when I used to visit niconico. I think when she stream for the first time, which is during her middle school, she was already an E or F.
I think 2 years ago she said she already K. To think it become L just in2 years.

>> No.24612349
Quoted by: >>24612441

No it's not anon. What, do you think we magically able to walk on water at 3?

>> No.24612395

WTF she's 8 and that good? So Kobo is probably like 7?

>> No.24612400

What? White kids don't have a hobby or something?

>> No.24612423
Quoted by: >>24617754

Other anons already gave an answer, which are thrown-out food that is recycled (recooked, reheated, etc.) by poor Filipino communities in the city, so I'll just give a random fact.
Pagpag, as a word, is actually a verb for shaking out dust/dirt from stuff like blankets and towels. I'm guessing the term was used in naming the recycled food since the recooking is essentially an attempt to kill of as much dirt and stuff off the food before serving/selling it.

>> No.24612432
File: 256 KB, 500x500, 1594872138121.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Such a disgusting looking (and sounding) language.

>> No.24612441

False analogy but okay. Maybe it's just me been living my life surrounded by talented people and talented children.

>> No.24612685
File: 108 KB, 1080x1062, Peepo bear hat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bunch of pinoys debating about president candidates
It happen because here in the Philippines couz it's national elections dis year desu. Eventually pignoy tourist posters there will dissolve and it becomes like before

Nontheless, I assume you enjoy it anyway, the way you say these lists anon, better stray away from /asean/ threads for the meantime.

>> No.24615320

All this talk about recycled trash is really putting a damper on my retirement plan to the Philippines. I wish anime girls were more affordable..

>> No.24615808

That's how you're enjoying living in an industrialized country retard.

>> No.24616708

wasn't it anya? i remember watching a clip where she said that she used to be so poor as a child she eats her rice with onions sauce and vegetable oil

>> No.24617134

Cum is actually highly nutritious. So too much cum would help her

>> No.24617754
Quoted by: >>24618249

>serving/selling it.
This is i don't get.
Sure, poor people and dumpster diving are everywhere.
But to actually buy a processed garbage foods?

>> No.24618249
Quoted by: >>24618502

If you only get $5 a day at a good day, you prolly won't care about the quality of food but you at least want it to be tasty.

>> No.24618502
Quoted by: >>24618716

I mean, at that point.
Why not just go dumpster diving and do it yourself?
Why need to pay?

>> No.24618637
Quoted by: >>24619140

I don't speak indochink what does it say?

>> No.24618716


Because you have a job.

Where do you think you got that $5?

>> No.24619140
Quoted by: >>24620020

having half a scoop of rice + vitamin www more than this and I'll get nauseous guys

>> No.24619606

what are those pills? I assume vitamins/minerals.
Looks like....Vitamin E, Calcium Lactate, and....not sure what the other white one is. ascorbic acid?

>> No.24619613

University anthem you mean TelU?

>> No.24619812


>> No.24620020

Thanks anon
