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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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23521003 No.23521003 [Reply] [Original]

Previous >>23503097

>> No.23521044
File: 1.19 MB, 4027x4500, ey9ab21cc002f70e2f1d50b31e4f8b6e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list at https://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.23521239
File: 1.54 MB, 1852x4628, 1651449118914.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>60,210: Kanata (Hololive)
>48,665: Kanae (Nijisanji)
>40,196: Towa (Hololive)
>36,527: Luca (Nijisanji)
>34,541: Hal (Neo Porte)
>30,827: Pekora (Hololive)
>28,715: Pekora (Hololive)
>28,092: Suisei (Hololive)
>22,744: Subaru (Hololive)
>22,134: Sasaki (Nijisanji)
>19,967: Aki (Hololive)
>19,271: Miko (Hololive)
>19,106: Noel (Hololive)
>16,697: Tamaki (NoriPro)
>14,146: Botan (Hololive)
>14,099: Towa (Hololive)
>13,234: Suisei (Hololive)
>12,275: Nui (Nijisanji)
>12,256: Maimoto (Nijisanji)
>11,920: Polka (Hololive)
>11,880: Iroha (Hololive)
>10,946: Mumei (Hololive)
>10,464: Kaida (Nijisanji)
>10,234: Mio (Hololive)
>10,192: Hayato (Nijisanji)

>> No.23521690

Ah, peace

>> No.23521726

This one

>> No.23521852

/#/ is reclining

>> No.23521866
File: 21 KB, 533x343, 1643363620090.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The nijiEN creed

>> No.23521874 [DELETED] 

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.23521880

This is your reminder that using "livers" to refer to vtubers is absolutely retarded.

>> No.23521890

Don't let all the nijiniggers shitposting distract you from the fact that they only got one gold last month

>> No.23521915

yes, this is the nijien anti thread, what are you gonna do about it

>> No.23521923

is the stream buffering for some one else?

>> No.23521950
File: 12 KB, 464x464, c4b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23522378


>> No.23521989

It is and it was already buffering before

>> No.23522060

I assume you mean the MamaMori stream, it's fine for me.
Stream is at 19k currently, kinda wish they did the stream a day earlier for better numbers but thems dem apples

>> No.23522102
Quoted by: >>23522581

Lui almost 10k playing chibi yakyuu game!? Uh nijisis that's our game!!!

>> No.23522162

bunch of newfags here think luxiem are the first to have bilibili channels when nijis have twitch, yt and bilibili channels for years

>> No.23522231
Quoted by: >>23522841

Vox is gonna be the first en to do an exlcusive stream there.
take the hint.

>> No.23522240
Quoted by: >>23522841

none of the nijis on JP have anywhere close to a name on CN like luxiem has

>> No.23522247

Roberu 1.4k, pretty good number

>> No.23522285
Quoted by: >>23522841

It's the first case of their English branch delving headfirst into the CN market.

>> No.23522301

This post smells like batsoup

>> No.23522364
Quoted by: >>23522841

We know but they are the first who pandering the chinks too much and they will make mainlanders notice that we already know what will be the consequences

>> No.23522378
File: 68 KB, 1280x720, 1651122855573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One job

>> No.23522472
File: 140 KB, 720x825, save.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm out saving my 1view oshi. I'll be back at JP primetime. Stay strong Holochad and keep seething NijiZhangjikeks

>> No.23522502


>> No.23522524

god sepeed

>> No.23522530

>Literal 1 view

>> No.23522544

based groomer

>> No.23522560

Name your first child after me.

>> No.23522581
Quoted by: >>23522686

Think Koyo broke 10k with it a few days back. Bit surprised Hal hasn't. Seems like a buff game in general.

>> No.23522608


>> No.23522617 [DELETED] 
File: 1.17 MB, 1300x819, TIanmen Square Party.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Putting in the wards
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.23522686
Quoted by: >>23522897

she got to 13.3k, however around the first hour her stream was fucking up a bit, so she had a few people shadowrealm'd for a while

>> No.23522691

More power to you anon i shall drop by when i can

>> No.23522714
Quoted by: >>23522815

Bird Hag 10k get !

really happy for her

>> No.23522734
Quoted by: >>23522764

Lui 10k. Thank u baseball ojisan

>> No.23522764

Based savior Ojisans

>> No.23522765

gonna stealth watch her with my flagged account

>> No.23522783

No link? anonchama please

>> No.23522815

i will never undertand jops obsession with this game
everyhime i get to see on of those videos about real matches the stadium is half empty. Even before coof.

>> No.23522841

You might want to look at Kanae streams on bilibili, exclusive streams. Or Alice who's much more popular in there than in her on youtube channel and where she streams the most. Or Masaru who streams a lot on it. This isn't anything new. Not like you have an obligation to do so, most dont use it and I doubt most of them will stream on there outside of vox who is the one with the most chinks in luxiem. Mysta is delving into twitch and the others are mostly on yt.

>> No.23522888

>"kurumi" in YT
>Last hour

>> No.23522897

Ayyy Lui broke 10k. First one in a while I think. Think she had a karaoke a while back, but first non-special stream then.

>> No.23522899
Quoted by: >>23523100


Found the 1 view

>> No.23522916

>蕾尔娜Leona 2,173,448
>珈乐Carol 1,458,949
>C酱です 1,230,139
>shourei小N 1,191,163
>阿梓从小就很可爱 957,199
>夏夏大魔王_Axx 845,129
>月隐空夜 707,085
>小狼XF 679,181
>七海Nana7mi 634,239
>Asaki大人 592,563
>Overidea_China 588,919
>东爱璃Lovely 571,396
>阿萨Aza 532,733
>永雏塔菲 517,934

>> No.23522957

>>23522888 (me)
Forgot to quote

>> No.23522983

stop making tally on the bilibili's fake numbers

>> No.23523017

>b2 magic numbers
Might as well do shrooms

>> No.23523039
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>> No.23523070
File: 17 KB, 270x370, _20220401_074450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23523371

/#/ becoming a chink general

>> No.23523094

VPNs were a mistake

>> No.23523100
Quoted by: >>23523276

Not bad singing voice i give subscribe.

>> No.23523140

This entire list could be randomly generated and nobody would know nor care.

>> No.23523195

After the 500k endurance she got sick n then decide to play debuff game. Really wasted a chance to incline more desu

>> No.23523218

Good voice, I will give her my dead sub

>> No.23523276

she's not bad but she's not good enough to have hopes of getting enough traction to incline past 2view territory, unfortunately.

>> No.23523279
Quoted by: >>23523629

We could've gotten more outfits for Chi-chan but no, Riku decides to waste resources on some sidebranch

>> No.23523287
Quoted by: >>23523667

okay, which one of you in the chat now?

>> No.23523301

btw why did that bitch Mori split her Mamamori stream into two parts? Shameless numberfag, disgusting...

>> No.23523299

Miko might break Kuzuha's highest ccv on the game and hopefully, konami reconsiders being a biased shithead to only nijis and force a Holo vs Niji championship.

>> No.23523311
Quoted by: >>23523456

yeah, for koyo it wasn't actually that surprising that she got a 10k for it since she has like 9 of those in the last 2 weeks, but the only other 10k lui has in the last 3 weeks is her 500k endurance
it confirms the game's a pretty good buff

>> No.23523372

I know you're pretending to be retard

>> No.23523371

There are more indogs here than chinks

>> No.23523380
Quoted by: >>23523452

Might as well throw the pole there anon

>> No.23523385
File: 303 KB, 1029x1701, 28347672368286.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23523398

What is that number?
Live number?

>> No.23523418
Quoted by: >>23523530

It might be that Konami is the testing the waters right now if Powerpros is popular among Hololive fans too. They've never given Holos Powerpros perms for years except for that mobile shill

>> No.23523420

mamamori can't sing japanese vocalo
talentless cunt

>> No.23523444

Zhang dont be that stupid.... atleast she doesnt make mamori part 3

>> No.23523452

>holoniggers and their double standards

>> No.23523456
Quoted by: >>23523602

Only thing I don't get is how Emperor gets such shit numbers on it. STG he gets better numbers playing fucking Mahjong than baseball.

>> No.23523472
Quoted by: >>23523810

"popularity" score
think of nnd funny numbers

>> No.23523482
Quoted by: >>23523810

Popularity numbers

>> No.23523489
Quoted by: >>23523552

What is this a tally of?

>> No.23523515
File: 32 KB, 625x626, 936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23523530
Quoted by: >>23523696

yeah they even have a proper guideline to use for powerpro. i doubt that holo will end up with konami blanket perms someday but if it happens because of powerpro holo doing well it would be funny

>> No.23523552
Quoted by: >>23523750

It's literally a tally of magic chink numbers that only bilibili itself knows how to read and may or may not be completely made up. So it's fucking worthless

>> No.23523558

>Holo vs Niji championship.
now that a tribal war i wanna see

>> No.23523575

Roberu chibi yakyuu konami 1.4k

>> No.23523602
Quoted by: >>23523674

i'd expect everything that's not apex to get shit all on hal's channel considering how much he leans on it, it's anyone's guess what his audience likes more

>> No.23523622
Quoted by: >>23523676


Here it goes
>36,567: Luca (Nijisanji)
>10,965: Mumei (Hololive)
>9,781: Vox (Nijisanji)
>9,381: Ike (Nijisanji)
>8,673: Mysta (Nijisanji)
>7,943: Fauna (Hololive)
>7,560: Reimu (Nijisanji)
>7,161: Amelia (Hololive)
>5,455: Enna (Nijisanji)

>> No.23523629

Retard, they all pay for their outfits.

>> No.23523659

So many 2views chuubas out there and Tanigo-San can't save all of them.
As someone who has failed in everything I've tried I feel sorry for all the people who try so hard and won't see any results

>> No.23523667
Quoted by: >>23523717

I swear that one CoronaPandemix is /here/. He made my 1view oshi thanks the chink flu.
>Corona pandemic arigatou

>> No.23523671

It's also a unity championship too. But, I seriously doubt with 80-20 certainty that Nijis want to agree with that since IPO and pandering to chinks & stuff. But in any case, it's weird that Konami gives Holos written permissions for their games now. Not like Holo can make a koshien tourney of their own.

>> No.23523674

the valorant watchalongs did really well too. it's obvious his fanbase is more interested on FPS.. he started as PUBG streamer

>> No.23523676


1. Luca (Nijisanji) - 36,567 (Unarchived Karaoke)

Hololive - 0
Nijisanji - 1
Others - 0

>> No.23523680

i cant believe i have to explain this, Mamatori cant sing jap thus cant archive thus cant be done in the first stream

>> No.23523696

If it somehow brings back metal gear peko then I will buy the silly baseball game

>> No.23523715

She's been steaming for a year and it's 90% rhythm games, this looks like a hobby for her

>> No.23523717


>> No.23523721
Quoted by: >>23523937

Numbers that's produced from different metrics* combined. The thing is nobody knows what metrics they're using so it's basically magic numbers. You can compare the magic numbers with each other but using it in comparison to numbers on other platform should not be done.

>> No.23523750

Didnt bilibili get rid of the bot middlemen and just let paypigs pay directly for numbers?

>> No.23523760

Eh the girl mostly spam Beatmania so 2view is kinda good

>> No.23523778

Cover needs to do something with hololive EN. They are clearly being surpassed by NijiEN in terms of popularity and sc. They really need to debut EN3 and males EN to break luxiem's momentum

>> No.23523795
File: 207 KB, 395x366, sadw32.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23523949

Poor guy, if HoloEN players dark souls instead, there would've been memorable jumpscares and boss fight instead of elden ring

>> No.23523810

What the hell is even that...
I don't understand the conversion(?)
How good is that if compare to youtube?

>> No.23523869

>How good is that if compare to youtube?
It's literally impossible to tell, which is the point. They use funny magic numbers because they can make them big and maintain their shitty china numba wan attitude

>> No.23523879

I miss the rimjob schizo

>> No.23523901

There is no conversion. Go to a random number generator and you'll get something as valid as that.

>> No.23523906

Since anya is very popular with japs. She can surely get huge nums playing powerpro

>> No.23523907
Quoted by: >>23523948

They could try inviting just Subaru again. Would probably be the first time she interacts with Maimoto in months/years?

>> No.23523937

I saw Uzi (professional chinese LOL player) once in a normal LOL streaming in Bilibili with 80M "numbers" which where supposed to be CCV or accumulated views in that live or whatever that made up shit it is

>> No.23523945

He migrate to global now

>> No.23523949

Oh no

>> No.23523948

Both of them are in Ui's concert.

>> No.23523955

Same anon Same atleast his shitposting is funny

>> No.23523983

Why you keep talking about luxiem?
I wanna hear about lazu, ery, and... i forgot the rest

>> No.23524002

>niji vs holo championship
how will that work with the hologirls not being able to be in the same event as the niji guys, retards?

>> No.23524015
Quoted by: >>23524093

>Ame retaining 7k on a superchat reading because people aren't sure if she's still queueing or not

>> No.23524017
File: 442 KB, 1536x2048, 1647747013720.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to kneel before the empress of /#/, the bringer of kneels, and the savior of 2 views, elevating them to a good 3 view

>> No.23524030
Quoted by: >>23524135

I warned ya bros, don't let nijiniggers feel comfortable in the thread, now look what happened?

>> No.23524059
Quoted by: >>23524268

all girls baseball

>> No.23524073

Choco, Matsuri, fubuki from JP and most of ID could do it, in theory.

>> No.23524079
Quoted by: >>23524568

Vox alone got almost as much sc as the entire holoEN in April

>> No.23524093

She's just reading them while queuing. Actually this is a good idea, they should do this more often

>> No.23524109
Quoted by: >>23524297

Do holobronies really?

>> No.23524134

Obsydia I think is how it's spelled.

>> No.23524135
Quoted by: >>23524440

Its probably 2 - 3 people responding to each other, and its actually funny to watch on how hard they work

>> No.23524175

Too late, they're fucked

>> No.23524184

why do you think this make you sound as someone who watches hololive

>> No.23524228
Quoted by: >>23524354

Anykara EN interns please. This is just embarrassing

>> No.23524268
Quoted by: >>23524319

then of course niji wouldn't accept that

>> No.23524278
Quoted by: >>23524597

There's a holoteam playing in Vsaikyou last month along with other nijis, anon. The reception was good to the point even the niji males were praising Startend even after the tourney concluded. It's not as if they needed to interact all the time like in a collab, it's just the girls playing baseball and nijis commentating it without them hearing or with commentary. Whichever works. Instead of maimoto, they could ask saki to commentate for the Hologirls.

>> No.23524297
File: 168 KB, 1200x593, 1651245569354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you forgot something

>> No.23524312

Can anyone give me a qrd on why mixer failed?

>> No.23524319

why not?

>> No.23524354
Quoted by: >>23524567

The Cover interns are always cool, why are nijiniggers always like this?

>> No.23524364

Because it's a mixed agency

>> No.23524402

Because niji fans are insufferable

>> No.23524427

Last thread was fucking hilarious.

> 800 pages of smug zhangposting
> Mamamori Karaoke gets 20k
> *silence*
> *someone points out the silence*
> ohshit.png
> coping and seething starts

>> No.23524440

Just ignore the obvious bait (anything with Bilibili, SCs, or NijiEN + surpassing in the same sentence) and celebrate Lui's 10k baseball.
Ya'll bite so fucking easily, I swear it's on purpose to shit up the thread.

Hint: the anon is you're responding to is probably one of them.

>> No.23524467

what is funny is you all ignoring how vox alone made more in sc than the entirety of holoen

>> No.23524468

is there a tag or something for the holofes kneel pics? I want to make a collection.

>> No.23524511

I didn't ignore it though?
> coping and seething starts

>> No.23524537
File: 481 KB, 2048x1536, 1650869563982.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23524648

Daily reminder to kneel

>> No.23524552

ah moving goalposts. let's talk about merch sales instead

>> No.23524565

just wait until suddenly we get a jp vs en loop for no reason again, that's a classic they pull everytime

>> No.23524567

I swear there's something about watching nijisanji that makes you a terrible person, nijiniggers act the same way on every single platform. Doesn't matter if it's 4chan or facebook. The exact same

>> No.23524568
Quoted by: >>23525495

All that shows is that he has some extremely wealthy, dedicated fans.
It's good to have but Luxiem isn't as popular as Youtube's broken CCV makes them out to be even discounting accusations of botting.
You can tell that their CCV isn't missing that many viewers compared to other ENs just by looking at their VOD growth through processing.
Similar length and CCV by other ENs will result in far more total views after processing.

>> No.23524585

>Konami gives Holos written permissions for their games now.
They also gave permissions for Bomberman last year, but considering none of them have played it at all in almost a year, it was probably a temporary thing, and I wouldn't be surprised if this is temporary too.

>> No.23524597

niji is a mixed agency, they won't fall over backwards to satisfy all these retarded conditions

>> No.23524598

> coping and seething starts

>> No.23524615
Quoted by: >>23524676

>sc cope
what are you a tatsunoko or something

>> No.23524632

Fujos should try watch lui. She will impress u with her manliness more than luxiem

>> No.23524648


>> No.23524664

not her name, call her suipiss or call her nothing.

>> No.23524668

Miko got noticed by TWO professional wrestlers after playing. Absolutely hilarious.
Bless ame for getting 2k perms for Holo

>> No.23524671


>> No.23524676

This post smells of bat soup

>> No.23524690

i still don't see how that would stop of them doing it. obvious it won't be on the same scale as a koshien anyway...

>> No.23524712

the merch sales where there's no data point to compare anything outside of the total revenue from nijisanji? the only thing you can compare are public data points like sc

>> No.23524721

I don't know if someone posted this already. Miko got a huge wwe ad.

>> No.23524781

Can't wait for the official HFZ arc in Hololive.

>> No.23524802

Two Japanese wrestlers, but it is impressive. WWE Collab soon?

>> No.23524813

Azki pls pick different collab partner...


>> No.23524886
File: 721 KB, 757x577, miko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23524920

>Bless ame for getting 2k perms for Holo

>> No.23524925

Sora and AZKi are actually friends, but you wouldn't know anything about that.

>> No.23524933

I hope she plays it again, and Cover doesn't do the usual OH NO A COPYRIGHT SHUT DOWN EVERYTHING dumbfuckery they're known for.

>> No.23524965
Quoted by: >>23525010

when will miko show up in WrestleMania?

>> No.23524971
Quoted by: >>23525140

Yeah Japanese wrestlers but they’re signed under WWE at the very least. That’s still kind of cool to have happen, to get their attention. I know Asuka wanted to collab with her or at least brought it up

>> No.23524984
Quoted by: >>23525043

Miko's stream already got blocked by SME btw

>> No.23525010

The real question is when will Miko earn the Ironman Heavymetalweight Champion belt

>> No.23525012
Quoted by: >>23525140

Asuka said she want.

Holostars vs wwe male,
Hololive vs wwe female.

>> No.23525018

rumao even

i kinda of agree with you but can't blame them either for having ptsd

>> No.23525037
Quoted by: >>23525117

Too late its powerprolive now

>> No.23525043

So none of the other Holos are gonna touch that game now. Got it

>> No.23525063
Quoted by: >>23525619

I'm sure that's why even Luxiem has lower CCV and average views than Myth and Council. If you're going to shitpost and larp at least make it interesting, anon.

>> No.23525065
Quoted by: >>23525983

She should just play it on Twitch.

>> No.23525093
Quoted by: >>23525216

Or just play the game with music off

>> No.23525117

and at the end theyll lose on koshien anyway

>> No.23525140

Them playing a game would be kino, but it will probably be one of those paywall collabs

>> No.23525142
File: 165 KB, 374x253, 1646982128143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No. SorAz is good

>> No.23525160
Quoted by: >>23526009

Ame really pushed for it since she wanted to play Mafia and wanted to get other holos to play Bioshock.

>> No.23525216

They should ask for permission to mod it and replace it with Holomusic

>> No.23525322
Quoted by: >>23525416

It's funny that people here talk like if one company is successful, the other company will go bankrupt.
Somehow it's like Pepsi will bankrupt because they are number two under Coca-Cola

>> No.23525327

>Literal who
Come back when Tom Brady noticed Gura

>> No.23525360


>> No.23525385


>> No.23525394
Quoted by: >>23525480

They have no problem with segregating the sexes. Fantasia was split, men on one day, women on the other.

>> No.23525416

It's the same reasoning for why anons here think vtubers in niji are dying because they dont get more than some holos. they think you only are successful if you beat others. its worse than console war mentality, with that one you at least pay for the console kek

>> No.23525436

They may not be as big, but my father asked me about those tweets and now he knows about miko

>> No.23525480
Quoted by: >>23525595

Yes, and they have most of their events with them together like Nijirock or NJU. My point was regarding why niji could refuse.

>> No.23525491

It's sports fans mentality

>> No.23525495

>All that shows is that he has some extremely wealthy, dedicated fans.
Wealthy fans means more SC and merch sales. This is not debut buff anymore
>It's good to have but Luxiem isn't as popular as Youtube's broken CCV makes them out to be even discounting accusations of botting.
Those bot accusations are just speculation from here and 5ch. We are yet to see anons replicating their worm charts with bots. They are growing fast in subs and youtube is not culling those numbers. They also have more talents so in the end, their branch is making more money (170k vs 660k)
>You can tell that their CCV isn't missing that many viewers compared to other ENs just by looking at their VOD growth through processing.
>Similar length and CCV by other ENs will result in far more total views after processing.
Their ccv is higher because their main audience lives in east asia and they can catch them live
This situation is really similar to 2019-2020 nijisanji vs hololive, where nijiniggers were too prideful to admit they stagnated while the competition was growing at an alarming rate

>> No.23525594

I don't get it. And this is coming from a fag that owns each generation of PS. Even I started gaming on NES. The only console I haven't tried are xbox since they're not that big in SEA

>> No.23525595
Quoted by: >>23525884

Then why did you say they would of course refuse an all girls event.

>> No.23525619

Niji and Holo EN girls are also much more culled than the guys.
A 7k female stream would probably be close to a 10-12k male stream.

>> No.23525643
Quoted by: >>23525950

damn, you should try the fanfiction thread, you'd fit right in

>> No.23525652
Quoted by: >>23525922

>muh cull cope again

>> No.23525701
Quoted by: >>23526245

Just thinking about Inside the NBA with Ernie, Charles Barkley, SHAQ and Gawr Gura..

>> No.23525819
File: 63 KB, 1091x421, 1650674610590.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Apparently the game has a Creator Safe Mode that disables the DMCA-able audio, but Miko didn't know because everything is english. Hopefully with the attention she got, Cover gives it a second look, and doesn't just throw it onto the blacklist never to be seen again.

>> No.23525877
Quoted by: >>23526045

The stream is gone? I wanted to watch it.

>> No.23525884

I wasnt the original anon talking about it, i was only suggesting why that could happen. i forgot holostars existed as well

>> No.23525913

doesn't that mute the entrance music, i swear the music is part of what makes it fun

>> No.23525922
File: 32 KB, 306x688, 2022_cull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23525950
Quoted by: >>23525981

How is it fanfiction? NijiEN made four times more SC than HoloEN in April. And before you call me Zhang or nijinigger, I only watch holoJP, I only come here to comment about numbers from other side branches

>> No.23525981

you're not fooling anyone

>> No.23525983


>> No.23526009


>> No.23526014

Having a subsection of wealthy fans doesn't mean that they sell more merch.
All it means it that they have a small group of people willing to superchat the limit most streams.
Merch sales will be driven heavily by the more general fanbase.
Nobody has shelled out the money that would be required for a more sophisticated view farm so it hasn't exactly been proven or disproven yet.
It is suspicious though that it seems to occur only on certain male streams.
Their CCV is higher because they aren't culled like the rest of EN because they have mostly East Asians watching.
The CCV graphs and VOD growth should be pretty obvious proof of mass discrepancies.

>> No.23526045
Quoted by: >>23526196

>This video contains content from SME, who has blocked it in your country on copyright grounds

>> No.23526078
File: 394 KB, 1425x1078, sana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23526182

>Wake up
>Lunch time
>Go to bed
God it feels good to live each day so free. Why is it so easy being us, Holochads?

>> No.23526182

It’s nothing but good times turning on Irys streams and immediately getting horny

>> No.23526196

Damn it, I finally had free time.

>> No.23526245
Quoted by: >>23526327


>> No.23526327

I’m sorry… he’s too busy riding the bus…

>> No.23526347
Quoted by: >>23526448

There used to be a monthly SC numbers for all hololive member. The lowest one would often get made fun of. I'm glad it's already a thing of the past

>> No.23526448

Fucking Polka made half a million dollars with her birthday merch, it's pointless talking about SC

>> No.23526482

Wealthy fans that are crazy buy lots of merch copies. Look at all the tatsunokos that had walls filled with Coco cards, or 50+ identical acryllic stands. At the end of the day it's all about money and the metrics that we have access to shows that nijiCN is making a lot of money because they have 0 competition
About the viewfarms and botting, until it's replicated, you should just use it for shitposting or trolling during schizo hours and not in serious discussion
CCV wise, don't be like the local chumbud that uses "she got more ccv after a day so she must've been culled 50%" cope

>> No.23526574
Quoted by: >>23526600

Come back when literally any European soccer player noticed Hololive, they're bigger than your burger athletes

>> No.23526600
Quoted by: >>23526640

Europeans Don't watch Vtubers

>> No.23526627

HoloEN and ID having >100% participation in 2 mins is also cull cope or are we just talking about the things convenient for you?

>> No.23526640
Quoted by: >>23526711

true, i only watch clips and read the catalog

>> No.23526711

btw, sheep 9.5k gorilla taiko for the tourney

>> No.23526816
File: 1.18 MB, 1757x1250, 1647735058257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23526893

Watame showing a bit of her untapped potential

>> No.23526995

WTM 10k

>> No.23527026

If anyone blatantly shells out the money for a good view farm they will be banned from 4chan.

>> No.23527027
Quoted by: >>23527980

We only have SC for Niji, which is generally the metric that brings in the least amount of revenue.
I don't necessarily believe that they are being botted, there's a decent chance that it's how Youtube treats high VPN use.
I'm not going to throw out that possibility though because of how unique the graphs are.
Doesn't Vox famously not have a single VOD over 700 or 800k?
You're telling me that their CCV is at all comparable to other ENs?
They very clearly have far fewer people removed.
We also have a decent idea how much the other EN girls have lost because of the sudden drop in 2020.
After 3 months of stable viewership, Holo EN's CCV dropped overnight with Gura around 40% and Ame approaching 50%.

>> No.23527077
File: 20 KB, 935x87, 283718725872836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23527270

>7hrs 30mins stream
>only 180k

>> No.23527139

This honestly, counting SCs kinda became pointless when we could see the insane merch revenue.

>> No.23527151

get some fresh shitpost anon

>> No.23527185

Mastrubatng over the insane merch revenue while ignoring all the production and transportation cost is just as retarded

>> No.23527216
Quoted by: >>23527237

>ignoring all the production and transportation cost
I guess merch doesn't matter then?

>> No.23527237
Quoted by: >>23527342

I'm not saying that, but claming Polka made half a millions while ignoring all the cost is retarded

>> No.23527240

I'm pretty sure the reasons for Niji dying have more to do with going IPO, financial issues, branch mergers and graduations though.
If Niji was chugging along at second place no one would be concerned for them.

>> No.23527242
Quoted by: >>23527349

I'm too lazy to reply to the ccv timeloop
Cover needs to debut EN3 because the other talents clearly have no ambition

>> No.23527259

Just teakeks taking credit for something unrelated as usual.

>> No.23527270
Quoted by: >>23527954

It's not even done processing, come on now.

>> No.23527304

It's also pointless to talk about ccv but here we are. This is the /#/ thread and ccv (what is shown by the sites) and sc are the only reliable metrics we have for numberfagging.

>> No.23527342

Gonna need to specify on the costs, production costs you mean?

>> No.23527349
Quoted by: >>23527471

People will keep bringing it up as long as there are people that refuse to acknowledge it or ignore it when making comparisons.

>> No.23527351

Same with SC then when the streamer only takes home a 35% cut of it.

>> No.23527354
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>> No.23527414
File: 346 KB, 1300x1300, 1641279877083.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23527611


>> No.23527438

Nothing is thick from this two.

>> No.23527450

you dont have to post this every day, the pass will happen in 3 weeks

>> No.23527467
Quoted by: >>23527611

still prefer chima

>> No.23527469

Watame 10k
Sasaki 10k

Lots of decent numbers so far. Best Monday in a while I feel, though it is GW so...

>> No.23527471
Quoted by: >>23527829

It's retarded because you don't know how much each person is getting culled, since it varies depending on the time, the company, the talent and the type of stream
The only reliable metrics we have are sub numbers, sc and ccv numbers (without cull coping)

>> No.23527550

It's a working day in Japan

>> No.23527605
File: 116 KB, 463x453, 1651015842594.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the hell we keep winning holobros

>> No.23527606

it's fake gw, depends if they got the 2 days off or not, gw actually starts on the 4th

>> No.23527611

best version https://youtu.be/NbuIcqT1uko

>> No.23527747
File: 307 KB, 771x549, 1645758910470.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23528149

Imagine if Watame didn't constantly debuff herself

>> No.23527798
File: 66 KB, 274x251, bt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23527830

C'mon SSRB, just a little more.

>> No.23527829
Quoted by: >>23528052

How is it a cope when it's been shown to be real.
it's true that you can't really tell the exact amount missing but it's obvious that some groups are closer than others.
The amount missing in general seems to be ID>EN>>>JP/CN.
VOD views within a timeframe would be much more accurate anyway since it doesn't seem like Youtube has touched them too much outside of making the verification take an ungodly amount of time.

>> No.23527830

Give them a break, they are fighting in a war.

>> No.23527834
Quoted by: >>23528110

I don't understand Namco they keep giving several sponsored games to Hololive but can't give permissions when they could get more exposure for free then again one day an intern woke up and felt like advertising the old Taiko game on the Switch when most of their anime games skip the console.

Some beefy Taiko numbers with Koyo, Susei and now Watame. They should do more competitions announced ahead of time to build hype I wonder if Splatoon 2 and Powerpro will get a tourney?

>> No.23527954

Oh come on bro
Kobo karaoke with almost same ccv 14k, in 1.5 hours after the stream vod reach 100k
Its 7 hours

>> No.23527980

SC is the only metrics that matter faggot
Remember when we used to LAUGH at Nijinogs for using the merch cope? Why are we suddenly stooping down to their levels when the Nijimales are mogging the Holos?

>> No.23528052
Quoted by: >>23528485

>VOD views within a timeframe
No they aren't. Verification speed is even less consistent and it gets poisoned by people checking the vods during that verification timeframe

>> No.23528082
Quoted by: >>23528433

nijiniggers claimed to sell more merch when they had no solid numbers, and it came on the tail end of losing to subs, CCV and SCs, which is why it was pure cope.
Thanks to merchanon we now actually know that merch sells BIG, and so we're stopped caring about SCs.
(Doesn't help that the top SC spot seems to be a curse, Vox can have it).

>> No.23528110

I think that Namco legal is probably the roadblock. They don't want to give permissions of the type that Cover wants, even if the devs seem very well inclined to allow it.
Who knows for sure though, this perms fuckery gives me a headache at times.

>> No.23528149
Quoted by: >>23528201

this is her hobby, isn't it? being able to truck on for this long is thanks to her having fun doing whatever

>> No.23528201
Quoted by: >>23528382

Yes, but she's by far the holo that debuffs herself the most

>> No.23528222

Pretty sure they got laughed at because they didn't have any data to back up how much they were supposedly selling.
People also started learning how little SC means compared to merch and especially sponsorships.
Their SC amounts are impressive though.

>> No.23528382
Quoted by: >>23528461

As far as CCV goes, yeah I agree for the most part. Her membership numbers are pretty scary though and that was the case even before gifted memberships.

>> No.23528433

Is there a site for that? As someone that's studying international business I'm highly curious on things like production costs and such, was looking at Subaru's Bday merch and I'm wondering how a small piece of plastic can cost 44USD to sell

>> No.23528461

Her chat is literally 90% green every stream. She got some dedicated fans.

>> No.23528482

i think watame mention a little about costs.

>> No.23528485

It's a better gauge than CCV would be at least when comparing ENs and IDs to JPs and CNs.
Unless the VOD gets picked up by the algorithm or something happened that gets a lot of people to look, the vast majority of views are going to come from live viewers.
Some people claim that Gura gets huge VOD views but that's not exactly true.
Her growth from VOD watchers is similar to other large JPs like Marine and Pekora.

>> No.23528499


>> No.23528524
File: 1.56 MB, 1919x1079, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet there'll be a lot of mikochi sign on smackdown next week

>> No.23528598

sales numbers should be in the archives, we had numbers for a lot of holo merch released during late last year.
production costs, no idea, there may be some holos who might have talked about it but idk.

>> No.23528647
Quoted by: >>23528792

>small piece plastic cost 44usd
As someone who's in business major, let me ask you
Do you know how brand can affect price?
And its not like subaru sell bday merch for more than 1 month

>> No.23528660

Songs approaching 1M (that i remember)
These would be the first 1M songs for Kronii and Mel on their channels.
kanata has a covid19 warning on that last cover

>> No.23528682

> Daydream is still not 1M
jesus christ kronii...

>> No.23528792

I didn't take brand into account to be honest, I would have thought the product was made from some high quality plastic or the supplier was struggling to keep up demands. That's changes some perspective...

>> No.23528931
File: 101 KB, 889x160, dryt5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty interesting collab. A mirror I must say.

>> No.23528961

Kaela is pretty fond of Kronii.

>> No.23529009
File: 447 KB, 708x435, 2614415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Happens at the same time as this.

>> No.23529073
Quoted by: >>23529107

Kronii back already?

>> No.23529107

That's still pretty far off. Should be plenty of time to have mostly recovered from the coof.

>> No.23529114
Quoted by: >>23529707

Here is a commercial site that allows production of the usual merch like acrylic stands and can badges. Large companies like Cover and Anycolor should have better connections and bulk discounts but this can be a ceiling for the cost of the production of merch.


>> No.23529141
Quoted by: >>23529174

Huh, somehow ymthat group makes sense.

>> No.23529174
Quoted by: >>23529365


>> No.23529335

this is just concentrated autism

>> No.23529365

NTA but
Kaela = ID Kronii
Zeta = ID Mumei

>> No.23529387
Quoted by: >>23529415

>Zeta = ID Mumei
Shit, she has bf? Man..

>> No.23529415

a certain flip orange boii

>> No.23529424

No Zeta is ID Chloe.

>> No.23529446

Zeta is not ID Mumei, not even close. Kobo makes more sense because the whole "ID Gura" thing

>> No.23529517

It is like live counting vod view numbers.
If you click in the number +1 and won't go down

>> No.23529707

>One 160mm x 160mm acrylic stand is 4,900yen
So the more that's made, the lower the price of each figure drops.
Shu who just had a bday with merch has an acrylic stand at the cost of 1,500yen
But unless Hololive brand is that ridiculous it doesn't explain how Subaru's acrylic stand, which is smaller than Shu's costs 5,000yen...

>> No.23529722
File: 315 KB, 720x1260, fuckingchink.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Chink bug is at it again and now they start harrassing the guy who make those cute Holo animation (the holo rhythm tengoku guy)

>> No.23529826

>Shu, not even a mid tier Niji
compare to
Why ?

>> No.23529874

What's with the huge difference in turnout between pekomom reveal vs callimom reveal
calli is way more popular than pekora

>> No.23529883
Quoted by: >>23530007

What Subaru acrylic stand is that? The latest acrylic stand merch I see from her is from the 3d pose and holofes which are 2k and 1.7k yen respectively.


>> No.23529894
File: 10 KB, 304x92, 1629064556387.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23529972

Jesas Watame how the fuck

>> No.23529941

tourists central

>> No.23529961

Mori's culled, Pekora isn't

>> No.23529972

What do you mean?

>> No.23529975

Pekora do it for a milestone. She's gonna show her brothers for 2 millions
Also she's one of the first who do it

>> No.23530002

1m subs celebration vs what...

>> No.23530007
Quoted by: >>23530142

B-day merch from 10 months ago, https://hololive.booth.pm/items/3055580

>> No.23530041

Zhangs been harassing Hololive and its associates since 2020.

>> No.23530090

OH no they didn't. See what happens when they attack a 35p. Us 35p don't fuck around and these harassers will have hell to pay. We made that faggot doujin artist tuck tail and run. There will be a reckoning.

>> No.23530142

Yeah, that's at 1/4 scale and is significantly larger than usual. Here is a vid showing it.


>> No.23530152
Quoted by: >>23530866

nearing 2 million


nearing 1 million


>> No.23530176

Peko's mom reveal was a hyped event, tied to her 1M milestone. Mori's mom reveal wasn't really hyped or tied to an event, Mori just did it because she's in America and she could.

>> No.23530178

>calli is way more popular than pekora
Kek. Deadbeats are delusional.

>> No.23530195

chinks will never stop, if anything the luxiem popularity in china will make things even worse now

>> No.23530205
Quoted by: >>23530279

>What's with the huge difference in turnout between pekomom reveal vs callimom reveal
Not hard to understand
1) Pekora got a viral clip about how her mom doesn't know what she does talking to herself locked in her room
2) Pekora got another viral clip promising to "come out" as a vtuber to her mom *on stream* when she hits 1M
3) Pekora is hitting 50k, 60k with basic bitch Minecraft streams (thanks to her many arcs) and then hits 1M

Pretty much every single buff was stacked for that stream.

>> No.23530207

1 million

>> No.23530210
Quoted by: >>23530330

tokomachi phony mix 1.2M, imagine losing to this lmao

>> No.23530223
Quoted by: >>23530251

He's just referring to maybe songs or subs you retard nigger

>> No.23530231
File: 146 KB, 368x360, 1628791474143.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>so many (You)s for an obvious bait

>> No.23530241

How many songs with over 10 million views does Pekora have? Only one? Hmmmm

>> No.23530251

Then he's retarded since that doesn't translate to CCV.

>> No.23530279

I believe Pekomom's reveal happened at the peak of Hololive's popularity

>> No.23530281

How big median Mori has? How many vods she has above 300k?

>> No.23530310

How many major record labels is Pekora signed to?

>> No.23530312

leave it to a mori fan to fight about numbers between different holo members instead of being happy with both

>> No.23530327
Quoted by: >>23530359

for the love of god you cannot seriously be this retarded jesus christ

>> No.23530330


>> No.23530333
Quoted by: >>23530359

The same amount as your intelligence.

>> No.23530334
Quoted by: >>23530370

Chink hiding and starting a JP-EN because of this? Kek

>> No.23530337

How many sponsorship mori had?

>> No.23530347
Quoted by: >>23530485

deadbeats are number challenged and mad that everyone hates the collab their oshi's in

>> No.23530353

>Pekora vs. Calli, clearly stirred by the same lad that used to do Pekora vs. Gura
Refreshing turn of events

>> No.23530359

Where's the bug spray? >>23529722

>> No.23530365

I hate this PowerPro arc so much

>> No.23530364
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>> No.23530370
File: 25 KB, 500x424, 1634041823283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

like clockwork

>> No.23530380

How many albums has Pekora released?

>> No.23530400
Quoted by: >>23530416

>hey, let's compare a music holo to a non-music holo that's mainly known for playing games and comedy in the music department
can you kill yourself already

>> No.23530413
File: 191 KB, 387x339, 1625210593551.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ask question
>bro its bait bait bait!!!!
was just curious since they're similar in popularity and any family member of a holo should be an insane buff
but w/e

>> No.23530416
Quoted by: >>23530433


>> No.23530433
Quoted by: >>23530512

your oshi ruins every collab she's in

>> No.23530437
File: 41 KB, 992x558, 1650052463925.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread is smelling like bugs and bat soup right now.

>> No.23530485

>hates collab their oshi's in
How are those PekoMiko collabs coming along Noufagi

>> No.23530501

>Slow thread
>Somebody post >>23529722
>Somebody creates Peko vs Mori
>Thread become shit again

>> No.23530511

>and any family member of a holo should be an insane buff
Anon, just because you’re a newfag qnd don’t know about Mamatsuri, Anemachi (which even sang in a live with Suisei) and other family members making appearances it doesn’t mean the question isn’t retarded.

>> No.23530512
Quoted by: >>23530544

My oshi made suisei relevant

>> No.23530519

You know why.

>> No.23530535
Quoted by: >>23530568

If people don’t figure out it this is bait by this post…

>> No.23530540

Not working, do more kek

>> No.23530544


>> No.23530546

>similar in popularity
Except they're not. Pekora is much more popular when it comes to streaming. The only EN that is close to her in popularity is Gura.

>> No.23530552

falling for holo EN vs JP timeloop, are these people all newfags or retarded

>> No.23530568
Quoted by: >>23530601

I mean this old school baiting war is more fun than watching a CN fujo meltdown a few threads ago.

>> No.23530582
Quoted by: >>23530620

no, i'm actually convinced one of them it's the resident deadbeat, he's always like this

>> No.23530601

Pekora vs. Gura
Cold Chicken

It all feels so nostalgic. Times were simpler before the manwhores caused the chink invasion.

>> No.23530620

Kek nice try >>23530501

>> No.23530694

huh, you're right, the post is literally like 4 mins later, but wouldn't that make it too obvious, are they getting this lazy

>> No.23530786
File: 1.22 MB, 828x1495, 7E368746-FB97-4D40-9C81-D3894CD21AF6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Two things
- VSPO Minecraft surely took off. Holos leaving money on the table by being too away from the game for too long
- Roberu surely showing signs of incline

>> No.23530790

It's a combination of things.

1. 1 Million celebration promise hyped up over multiple streams vs mom randomly appearing on stream (no storyline buff).
2. Peko (comedy incarnate) vs Mori (not really that funny).
3. No cull (JP) vs some amount of cull (EN).
4. Pekomom seeing Peko work for the first time (tension, even her manager was tense a f) vs Mori mom already knowing about her.

>> No.23530840

your timing was dogshit mate, looked like typical zhang deflection.

>> No.23530856
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>Roberu surely showing signs of incline
but at what cost

>> No.23530866

The difference between EN chuuba singing English song vs singing Japanese song

>> No.23530891
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You gonna summon Kirin for this

>> No.23530901

Holo works with stories, this is the phase where anticipation is building, everyone wants the MC but they're getting cockblocked. It was getting a little too much which is why Peko gave us a mini-arc with Subaru, but the tension is ramping up again.
The eventual release will be glorious. Hopefully with whatever Shiraken has planned with their new buildings.

>> No.23530931
File: 726 KB, 1280x720, 17c6f801485cc1b3b775ce61c5_5145067e_1280.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mentally sexual harassed by Chink infested vagina
Our winning son...

>> No.23530945
Quoted by: >>23531082

Roberu is playing the only acceptable role for a male in that situation
>the reluctant and unwilling harem protagonist
He’s doing it to perfection too, allowing for the girls to openly flirt with him while being completely non threatening to the audience of those girls (and even serving as a surrogate)

>> No.23531082

It's weird that Stars hasn't collabed with Male NijiJP on a 1 on 1 Collab yet.

>> No.23531177


>> No.23531236

Honestly, I hope HoloError does a small digest video to make it easier to understand everything. I'm not interested because there's nothing creative about the story itself. It shouldn't have starred Sora, the build up from HoloError should've been used as a way to debut a ghost vtuber, who doesnt stream, does shorts and does impromptu collabs with the girls by jumping into Voice chat. She's also VSinger project: Ghost like IRyS.

>> No.23531260
Quoted by: >>23531345

yeah thanks for the suggestion omega but you're gay

>> No.23531283
Quoted by: >>23531345

When did I sign up for this blog?

>> No.23531345

You two are mad because the idea could be a major success.

>> No.23531406
Quoted by: >>23531464

you are the kind of person who thinks council lore was a good thing

>> No.23531407
Quoted by: >>23531464

mad at what? forcing lore into shit is garbage, just look at council

>> No.23531464
Quoted by: >>23531505

Only reason council is so-so because they aren't embracing the lore and cringe at the idea. The job pays five digit salaries, but they can't act for the sake of the character itself. It's just RP.

>> No.23531495
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>> No.23531505
Quoted by: >>23531583

>Can't make 5 girls follow xis convoluted lore
>Expects an entire branch to follow a storyline because of muh le kino
okay omegay
keep error in error continuity

>> No.23531507

So what's the gold potential today? Miko powerpro? Any other strong streams today?

>> No.23531567

>any other
not really, looking at the schedule, kanata doing horsepussy gacha could be a surprise, but it looks pretty weak today, dunno if peko's streaming

>> No.23531583
Quoted by: >>23531653

I don't see Koyori or Laplus complaining. I should've hired more poorfags.

>> No.23531585


>> No.23531629
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>> No.23531634

Whats really the point for nijien to spam celebration when its just another zatsudan. They should make a celebration with gimmick.

>> No.23531640

Miko Powerpro definitely on the list.
Suisei Apex has potential to do 20k+ since Aqua's still MIA
Nothing else on Hololive's side looks like it'll get more than 20k besides those two. I'd say Botan ER has a chance, but Koyori's starting in 45 minutes and will probably be going for quite a while, so that's gonna sap Botan's potential numbers.

>> No.23531653

lol, it's not like Koyo does too much stuff with her lore besides like the assets/names for the stream and the obvious calling your parents/hometown with weird names, i think the last "lore" stream might have been the valentine special

>> No.23531666

You think people will stay in koyori er when theres a better er strean

>> No.23531708

Botan will be fighting Godfrey

>> No.23531715

when koyo gets overlapped in ER it usually hovers around 8k, which is her median, however, the people who watch koyo play ER are not there to watch her be good at the game, and i say that with love

>> No.23531818

Yes, though obviously Botan will be the stronger pull between the two.
Botan IS nearing the end of the game though, she's just got the last two two-parter bosses left, though she was clearing some stuff she had passed by initially after getting to the Ashen City. This next stream is probably the finale.

>> No.23531837

do you know how hard it is to catch up to Koyori if you miss 1 (ONE) fucking stream?

>> No.23531862
Quoted by: >>23532069

you question was so clueless and completely retarded that I tought it must have been a bait

>> No.23531946

Whats the point of catching up if u can just watch her next stream

>> No.23532008

what do you think clips are for?

>> No.23532036

Remember, no chinese

>> No.23532069

Your question's clueless and retarded to the point where i thought that it must be bait

>> No.23532082


>> No.23532110
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>> No.23532121
File: 102 KB, 968x348, 46-48.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mito might actually get back ahead of Choco in subs. Maybe even Flare eventually, based on how slow she's been growing.

>> No.23532240 [DELETED] 

Cover should stop living in the past, every debutees lore/theme should be relevant to the world of HoloAlt. When they announce an anime project, the characters could be integrated easily into the story of the world. It was stupid that ID3 has random ass roles. Blacksmith? Blacksmith for what? She shouldve been briefed to be a blacksmith striving to create the perfect weapon for a plot. Spy? Spy for no organizations? They could've briefed Zeta to play the role as a spy to uncover HoloX's nefarious plots. I don't know where Kobo fits in, she should be a wandering weather god.

>> No.23532274

>Sonny not even 4k ccv for his 200k celebration in an Asian timeslot
Oh but he had the perfectly natural karaoke numbers of 25k, how could this be?

>> No.23532305

Do we have cases like this, with even 4k ccv, the graph still looks like a worm?

>> No.23532341

I'm bored, can NijiENfags pop up a new yab already?

>> No.23532351

rain shaman is not a god
she's in charge of the rain dance/stick/cloud buster/haarp
a weather hacker if you will

>> No.23532350

They spammed celebrations so much that even fujos got sick of it

>> No.23532360
Quoted by: >>23532592

He's a sub 2k ccv niji without any buffs for bots

>> No.23532402

Newfag? Nijikek?
Theres several discussion and even moona talk that in ID lore thing is not really relevant, sometimes she even forget her lore
Theyre not meant to fit lore thing
Jst enjoy em

>> No.23532414
File: 103 KB, 1000x561, moona lore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23532581

Anon, nobody but the most retarded schizos care about lorefaggotry. There is no plot outside of what the voices of your heads say and the fact they even went beyond
>A university student who is also a model and idol. She became a VTuber as she was attracted by the virtual world. She seems to be calm and cool-headed, but scary things are not her cup of tea.
is a waste of characters.

The "lore" for Hololive characters is whatever they create impromptu, that's why Moona is a human imbued with the spirit of the moon Goddess, Korone is a boxing sadistic dog punching the face of anthropomorphic thumbs and Subaru is a duck

>> No.23532581

Moona is so autistic lmao she wrote about herself

>> No.23532585

Do we have a list of all the April celebrations from nijien?

>> No.23532592

You guys realize nobody really care about them except for you guys obsessing with their midget numbers, right?
This is starting to look like a case of
>rent free
which used to be more common for nijifags but is spreading to you guys.

VSPO has much better numbers than most of NijiEN and they get no talk here, mostly because you guys are retardedly obsessed with midget branch A instead of midget branch B

>> No.23532603

Any big numbers today bois?

>> No.23532629

>coco has a big role in it
>graduates and causes a delay to rewrite the story
>new lore has rushia in it
>graduates and causes a delay to rewrite the story
shit's cursed

>> No.23532632

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.23532636
Quoted by: >>23532744

Damn there goes her plan for Golden Week
Her voice wa actually horrible at the end of yesterday DQ stream though so it's not like she's making excuses

>> No.23532656
Quoted by: >>23533024


>> No.23532704

>coco has a big role in it
She had zero role in it. Making that dragon to be "Coco dragon form" was an amazing feat of improvisation by Coco, one that management felt no reason not to play along but it was most definitely not planned to be that.

That whole PV was not meant to be anything more "official" than, for instance, that "Ina vs. Myth" (talented artists doing it for their oshis) except it involved people so talented Cover saw no downside in blessing it with official stamp of approval and giving it a go ahead.

>> No.23532735
File: 203 KB, 2048x1152, FRvdiU2aMAArxn4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kobo Haachama Valorant

>> No.23532737
Quoted by: >>23532780

So Error doesn't have Rushia nor Coco, according to this rrat.

>> No.23532744

Pekora recent schedules are reminding me of that period when she had to take a doctors appointment and he told her
>get your sleeping schedule in order or you'll get serious ill
She's doing too many long stream again and that's taking a toll in her voice

>> No.23532770
Quoted by: >>23532955

but the chicken will get cold

>> No.23532780
Quoted by: >>23532854

Cover's stupid. It's their IP. They could just put them in it, but they'll not act as a major character. An NPC or a passing character is good. If they want to have the character come alive, just hire a VA for it.

>> No.23532788

based broken english collab

>> No.23532849
Quoted by: >>23533043

Kiara already debuffing a rising talent. Fucking hell

>> No.23532854

Do you actually think if they went and hired some VA to be Coco the reaction would be anything other than incandescent rage?

>> No.23532906

Ok prime time is here, its time for the midgets lovers to fuck off

>> No.23532955

Still stream more than 80% of Hololive, it was never a big problem

>> No.23533022

she's really gonna play all the big hit mobile games huh

>> No.23533024
File: 17 KB, 478x124, 1637766298205.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23533080

oh no

>> No.23533043
File: 132 KB, 583x616, 1631475952812.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Kiara already debuffing a rising talent. Fucking hell

>> No.23533080

sauce on this?

>> No.23533087


>> No.23533147

Orio's song
