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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 456 KB, 1401x2000, FQYNf3XagAAbz3_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
23163683 No.23163683 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>23218819

holostars general

>> No.23163772
File: 80 KB, 568x631, 1637514224974.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23164116


>> No.23163855
Quoted by: >>23163889

Now live
Survival Corps
> Izuru POV
> Roberu POV

>> No.23163889
Quoted by: >>23166406

>>23163855 (me)
Forgot Astel Valorant

>> No.23164116
Quoted by: >>23187347

Massaging Bossu's chinchin until he cums!

>> No.23164171
File: 301 KB, 1152x2048, FRQVzrWakAAtDd8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23165027


>> No.23164174
File: 129 KB, 1918x1078, 6B664E7E-DE0E-4367-9CC8-47CD55D058E4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Roberu!!

>> No.23164803


>> No.23164811

Is Valo just more VC reliant than Apex? Every time I pop into Astel's stream you can hear his teammates and even him talking to them, but in Apex it doesn't seem to happen as often, usually I see them use the chat instead.

>> No.23164869

Brace yourselves, another Chilla game incoming

>> No.23165027

I love Fuma's little flesh fangs
Also, looks like KEKI-sensei is planning on drawing all the members of Uproar

>> No.23165054
Quoted by: >>23165298

The ratting is strong with Aruran.

>> No.23165298

Why jump there though?

>> No.23165469

Next survival corps collab is on the 29th according to temma
Also i just noticed that this means that roberu has collabs for 10 days straight (starting from yesterday)

>> No.23165712

Yes. A single round in Valo is just much shorter and a lack of information can mean a quick death that could have been avoided.

>> No.23165949
Quoted by: >>23167195

Gamma - mom hid my game

>> No.23166406

Izuru's joined Astel.

>> No.23167195

Gamma broke the game

>> No.23167246

the Time To Kill in valorant/CS:GO is so short, so info must be given out in death or Kill for the highest chance of Winning a round. And the rounds being so short, people are too focused in their spots to pay attention to where the team is planning to go.
Compared to Apex where its a wide map and lots of insurances of not dying. Pings is all you need to figure what to do and go.

>> No.23167608

Arusan is taking so long to rank up.

>> No.23167648

[Gamma News]
His game stopped working so now he's switching over to a zatsudan

>> No.23168075

Robe zatsu

>> No.23168218

>Mafia pukes blood

>> No.23168273

Bar Robel... Is it still destroyed?

>> No.23168347

Today's Yurustars+Bossu MC golf collab is moved from 8pm jst to 9pm jst

>> No.23168488

What the barmaster doin

>> No.23168570

I just started watching but is he acting like he's never heard of Holostars before?

>> No.23168835

Hi rrat

>> No.23169637
Quoted by: >>23169794

Uyu Monetization opening

>> No.23169794

I was hoping for smthg special for the uproar monetization but its just a normal zatsudan

>> No.23169884

How many of you auditioned for Holostars EN?

>> No.23169941

By the way, why's Shinove included in the special thanks of Azki's, Fubuki's, and Marine's new cover?

>> No.23170127
Quoted by: >>23173738

Shinove's everyone's work horse?
Or maybe Azki's under him now?

>> No.23170312
Quoted by: >>23173738

I already pointed it out yesterday, but nobody commented on it

>> No.23170474


>> No.23170602
Quoted by: >>23175340

If anybody else missed out on the flags, they're putting some leftover stock back up tomorrow.

>> No.23170601

Guess this means the roberu nightmea collab is the one on the 28th

>> No.23170914

Yurustars+Bossu Minecraft
https://youtu.be/GgaSI6IXf1c - Aruran POV
https://youtu.be/K-C1aZtkAb8 - Miyabi POV

>> No.23171268

..he have a lot of Tamaki collab this month

>> No.23171695
Quoted by: >>23171759

Is bar robel getting renovated?

>> No.23171759
Quoted by: >>23171865

Got blown up by Tamaki, they'll renovate it for Uproar in my dreams

>> No.23171822

Fuma Splatoon

>> No.23171865

Lemme join that dream

>> No.23172161

idk about camechan but I remember seeing an anon on /jp/ who wants to fuck kyomu suzume.

>> No.23172587

Tamaki... please let my son rest...

>> No.23172595
File: 73 KB, 730x590, 20220424_082830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23172666

Majin love!

>> No.23172619
Quoted by: >>23172752

ItoRobe reunion!

>> No.23172666

I’m still so glad the 3d did him and his delicious juicy thighs justice

>> No.23172752
Quoted by: >>23172854

they still hate each other

>> No.23172854
Quoted by: >>23173022

What's with this rrat and where did it come from?

>> No.23173022
File: 51 KB, 500x501, rapier.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23173371

Rio Slither.io

>> No.23173738
Quoted by: >>23174051


>> No.23174051

>He helped with the production
Why? How?
It's like Shinove's not already busy with these kusogakis.

>> No.23174249

Didn't AZKi's old INNK manager retire? Shinove is probably acting as temporary replacement.

>> No.23175340

I imagine these are also going to go at the speed of light but Im still happy to see it, I saw that a lot of people missed out.

>> No.23175420
Quoted by: >>23175563

Temma confuses me

>> No.23175563

Speaking of him, did he really say he wanted to be an English teacher someday?

>> No.23175696

AsuIzu are gonna play Valorant again

>> No.23175704

I dont recall an english teacher but I do faintly remember him mentioning teaching in the past, also a cook and something in law as a child

>> No.23175959


>> No.23175984

Old man zatsudan

>> No.23176128

Listen, I like dick as much as the next slut but these guys are just so mid.

>> No.23176799
Quoted by: >>23177039

I think it’s something like cook, fisherman, and lawyer.

>> No.23176835

Temma is the superior wife...

>> No.23177039

Even Miyabi said people want to see more cooking streams again.
I just hopes he learns to stop using metal utensils on coated pans.

>> No.23177076
Quoted by: >>23177539

Is it the MV? It does feel like a holostar MV

>> No.23177415
Quoted by: >>23177597

>Cute teacher Temma
Uuuoooh! But Temma liking kids is really cute, all memes aside he seems like he'd put forth a genuine effort when interacting with them.

>> No.23177539
Quoted by: >>23177815

it looks better and more animated than the usual Holostars MV though.

>> No.23177597
Quoted by: >>23179330

He’s shared it before here and it’s really cute:

>> No.23177655
Quoted by: >>23178074

Guys I'm stupid did someone save that picture of Astel using a onnahole on some mob I didn't get it with the thread moving so fast

>> No.23177815

Yeah its like an upgraded holostar mv

>> No.23178074
Quoted by: >>23178242

Anon, the post is still up on the archive

>> No.23178242

Thank you that's why I said I'm stupid

>> No.23178743

Majin space

>> No.23178851

Aruran Minecraft
Uyu Clubhouse Games

>> No.23179330

I think he'd make a good dad. Didn't his dad play video games with him growing up? Temma seems like the quality family time type.

>> No.23179628

Mamakishi plays games too if I remember correctly, he is a good boy when it comes to his family and theres plenty of tweets that show him caring, along with him randomly bring up anecdotes.

>> No.23179736

Both his parents play games, and from what he’s shared, it’s clear that he’s brought up in a loving family with supportive parents. The PapaKishimroleplay today was really funny too.
Captcha: KTSKR

>> No.23179963 [SPOILER]  [DELETED] 

fwiw I heard him say 2 or 3 times in his roommate channel that once he stops being a streamer, if he has gathered enough money his dream would be opening up a school, though I don't know how serious he was

>> No.23180401
Quoted by: >>23199260

Oga is malding so hard haha
It's ok Majin you had the Avengers poster, you'll have your turn

>> No.23181208
File: 386 KB, 1700x1545, FRRzFGQVgAAcmpC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23181357
Quoted by: >>23181554


>> No.23181554

Byong continues to be the true meme queen, even Bossu approves
Grac better take notes

>> No.23182101
Quoted by: >>23182246

your post reads like it has been written by a teenage girl...

>> No.23182246
File: 465 KB, 582x559, 11583422900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Good, that means my subterfuge is working

>> No.23182248

Byong love! I'm glad she's having fun with her nuis and dumping nui-Temma into ponds

>> No.23183262
File: 173 KB, 1659x1239, 16732468400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the expression Majin makes as I gently massage his prostate.

>> No.23184416

UOHHHHHH I was about to post this same fanart

>> No.23184593

Me on the left

>> No.23186756


>> No.23187347

Squeezing the jackal's balls untill they bleed!

>> No.23188088
File: 554 KB, 2000x2000, FRNTkWEagAAlbGh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uproar nuis, as designed by Byong

>> No.23189573
File: 90 KB, 1200x746, D234D2E4-AA2F-4409-8744-A21B8C21061B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23190316

uwooooooh I wanna see temma pin down roberu and punishing him after realizing that robechan never invited him to a solo bar robel

>> No.23190622

son.....stop....this ain't good for you

>> No.23190972

Uihhh...never thought of those two before but UPOOOJHH

>> No.23191498
Quoted by: >>23191798

there is just something charming about how robechan, who despite being amazing at reading people, having no clue about what goes in temma’s head

>> No.23191798
Quoted by: >>23192298

You call this hornyposting?
Put some schizo into it you boring cumbrains

>> No.23191966

uuuwooooooh I wanna temma to choke robechan with his cock and to make him drink all of his White Milk

>> No.23192298
Quoted by: >>23192651

You need to be 18+ to post here

>> No.23192476

Bros, I can't stop thinking about starting a loving family with Temma.

>> No.23192651
File: 34 KB, 560x780, 1630674533996.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Write a 200 words essay about how much you want cum inside your oishi

>> No.23193139

Oga space archive

>> No.23193713

You’re not my mom you can’t tell me what to do
UOOHHH I LOVE MY OSHI and I want to MARRY him and on our wedding night grab my cute oshi by his cute and tight hips and waist and thighs and then I want to bend him over and fuck him on every available surface and make him cry out of over stimulation and breed his tiny body OVER AND OVER AGAIN or DIE trying UOHH
It’s summarized

>> No.23194424
File: 631 KB, 900x720, 1643585758235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nta, but my here's one for my oshi that no one asked for.
The ojisan lover in me desperately wants to fuck Aruran silly. He works so hard and supports everyone, he deserves to be the center of attention. He'd be really cute and flustered that someone would want to screw an old man like him and you'd just get to pile on the praise as he gets loader and loader. Tell him how cute he is, all the things people usually say about the other members, I want to embarrass him! And when he's starting to get into it, then you get a little wilder. I would specifically take him somewhere with a tall bed frame so he can hear it smack against the wall, somewhere people can HEAR how much he's enjoying it. And he needs a nice set of hickies all over to make him remember of it the next day, like a teenager. Getting him to answer dirty questions about how good he's feeling, what he wants, would be the best. Really want to lean into that soft humiliation angle, Auran is MADE for bullying after all. The cherry on top comes when you get him to beg you to cum inside, all out of breath and lost to the feeling of getting pumped full.
I will not apologize.

>> No.23194729

Cute ojiisan lover

>> No.23194990

uuwooooh this was a good essay thank you based old man lover

>> No.23195821

>Next Wachastars is another compilation with everyone on the thumbnail
>But Astel isn't in any of the episodes featured

Seaweed... do an episode...

>> No.23198101
File: 498 KB, 588x593, 1618078194480.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23198274

Not fucking him but this is an idea I have for a Majin doujin with orcs included.
Him on the demon world goes into a cave where he encounter two orcs who attack him, he loses since they're bigger than him and he can't use his powers since they've put a barrier on the cave.
After beating him up they start groping him and ripping his clothes off before one of them starts raping him while the other watches, after that they replace his tie with a chain and tie his armsbehing him, not waiting until he recovers they stand him up and force him to walk with the leash on.
They then drop him inside a cage, Majin collapses on the ground as his lower body shakes and then the other one starts raping him too.
They both continue having turns with him alternating or spitroasting on some rounds while Majin has a mindbreak at some point and just thinks on how good it feels to be used and manhandled.

>> No.23198274
Quoted by: >>23198670

>not joining the orcs

>> No.23198670

I mean, I would If I were an habitant of the demon world.

>> No.23199260
Quoted by: >>23199894


Man this is a second time in a year where he's letting out his actual feelings about the Stars Live split.

Hopefully Stars will get an official one on the same quality of the avengers one again =p

>> No.23199894
Quoted by: >>23201790

I mean, only a number of people are featured in the campaign anyway. Even if the ad was for HoloPro, would he even get in?

>> No.23200291
File: 93 KB, 676x374, 841784188417.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23200376

Anon-chama... stop falling for bait...

>> No.23200376
File: 363 KB, 921x957, 1646466687350.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

B-But it was so tasty...

>> No.23201402
File: 219 KB, 782x925, 1636400516936.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23201596

>> No.23201596

Hey astel you lookin kinda cool

>> No.23201790
Quoted by: >>23202283


He's one of the bigger marvel fans in the company, so there's was always a good chance of it. I'm pretty sure at the very least Shinnove would of made a case for him in particular.

I know he's tweeted out some of the Ironman figures and merch. In the past he's had streams where he just geeked out about the Avengers too.

>> No.23202283
File: 1019 KB, 1980x1650, 14341086103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, not that you're wrong about Majin but
>reddit spacing
is unnecessary here.
Anyway, now that we've taken the bait, Majin is honestly a good candidate for any future MCU cross-promotions or events since he's one of the biggest Marvel fans in the company.
But using his malding to frame your narrative as "this means he actually regrets that the boys and girls are separate branches!" is beggar behavior.

>> No.23202620

I love how my cute boyfriend looks sleeping on that chungami plush.

>> No.23202847


Well Shinove's just the general manager now as all the stars have sub-managers at this point, so his work load had to decrease to some point. And considering how much of a good job he did with Stars, I wouldn't be surprised if he has gotten a promotion in the company and is working both sides of Holopro (with a Stars focus) or is being regularly tapped by the talents to help with things.

NGL, since Cover Corp doesn't have a loud American in the room to help deal with middle/upper management (like he did with Astel's birthday concert thing,) having Shinove fulfill a similar role isn't a bad idea.

>> No.23202922
File: 336 KB, 463x655, 15703467004.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's simultaneously extremely hot and uguu kawaii, it boggles the mind.

>> No.23203163
File: 129 KB, 1791x743, A782E4FF-84E5-4F7F-B039-61DDE588D2AE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23205694


>> No.23203283
Quoted by: >>23203589

If god is real, please have gamma and rob face each other in powapuro.

>> No.23203286
Quoted by: >>23203561


4chan is one of the few places left in the internet where you can do some lighthearted trolling, as forums don't really exist in the way they did in the bygone days of z24 :c

But, hey! You still took the bait so thanks.:3
As for the beggar behavior, while I do think that Live collaborating or at least addressing the harassment Miyabi and the rest of Gen one were getting in the beginning may of smoothed things over its not going to fix things, other then you know...Not having Astel cry in the middle of a stream because he wasn't allowed to say his thanks to her and what not. Seaweed is menhara but still, harsh. Secondly its also based on just being able to interact with other normally (wether on screen or off) is good for their growth as talents and people. Once again look at the lovely seaweeds mental state getting slightly better ever since Fuma joined and fanboy'd over him.

As an aside, this isn't actually reddit spacing, its LJ/DW/Old school Word processor spacing. If tabbing worked I would be doing it too. B3

>> No.23203491

SuiBeru is very cute

>> No.23203561
Quoted by: >>23205202

All spacing is reddit spacing /here/, fyi

>> No.23203589

They both planned to stream puwopuro. Please let these two baseball nerds collab.

>> No.23203713
Quoted by: >>23204085

There is a clip where Temma talks about being an English teacher for school kids. I wonder if he still feels that strongly about learning English. I hope so because that's a cute idea.

>> No.23204085
File: 246 KB, 463x453, 1633842895304.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>teacher for school kids

>> No.23204270
File: 389 KB, 1080x1235, 1639336292587250.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Master Temma there are too many of them, what are we going to do?

>> No.23204620
Quoted by: >>23204910

>kills the younglings who can't learn eigo

>> No.23204910
Quoted by: >>23209158

>Chokes Miyabi

>> No.23205202

Weren’t you going back to /jp/?

>> No.23205275

I’m sure he can satisfy all the aunties if he tries hard enough

>> No.23205623

Temma wouldn't kill the younglings, that would go against Abe's wishes.

>> No.23205694
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>> No.23205762
File: 159 KB, 1170x971, E2E8693E-12CA-4A73-9E94-09B5D1F9FDB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NTA but I wanted to have a try.
I honestly just want to see a cute, flustered Roberu who is bottoming for the first time. He’s definitely never been in that sort of situation, and he would have no way to talk himself out of it. He would try to hide his reactions as he’s penetrated for the first time. He’d squirm around you and laugh awkwardly, looking away embarrassed. That’s when you start your assault by roughly thrusting into him. He would throw his hands to his mouth and moan loudly against his hands, which would barely muffle them. He would be so embarrassed by his reactions. You would gently remove his hands from his face and tell him to not hide his cute reactions. As he’s approaching his climax, his pitch would go higher and higher until its just heavy breaths. He’d shakily reach for you and pull you closer, and right before cumming underneath you, he’d whimper out a small “ごめんなさい”

>> No.23206444


>> No.23206687
Quoted by: >>23209705

You’ve seriously never heard him whine during his streams and never thought about it at least once?

>> No.23206698

shut up bae

>> No.23207004
File: 165 KB, 1200x1000, FRObZYcUUAAedUw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of his fujo pairing all put him on the bottom. And you never thought of making him a bride in his new year outfit?

>> No.23208155
Quoted by: >>23209705

Roberu gets embarassed/flustered fairly easily which makes him a good bottom. I personally think he (and the other stars, really) is a switch though

>> No.23209158

God I wish I was Miyabi

>> No.23209639


>> No.23209687
File: 6 KB, 122x100, 049C36DE-8EE1-43D3-AEEF-1AC13494F453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23209705

He gives off really strong bottom vibes which are especially reinforced by what >>23206687 and, partially, what >>23208155 said. It's also the fact that even if he's trying to act suave or handsome, he still comes off as unrelentlessly cute for some reason. It sometimes makes me personally want to dominate him, which is kinda funny.

>> No.23211111

Have any of the Stars ever done Pentas solo? I saw the Baelz version recently and I realized that I've never caught it during karaoke.

>> No.23211153

I can see Roberu being the top when he lets his S side out. Like when he teases people or insults regulars, or that psychopath roleplay he did.

>> No.23211471
File: 99 KB, 517x720, 1636360395986.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice digits nigguh

>> No.23211641 [DELETED] 
File: 956 KB, 1000x1000, Untitled474_20220328123036.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yea that's true byong epic I just edit stuff for fun on my phone nothing special desu

>> No.23211718

Astel, Aruran and Shien have I’m pretty sure

>> No.23211837
File: 128 KB, 1370x1304, FKv7Z1TVUAAHJ64.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23212046

I can only do short scenarios but when it comes to bossu I have two ideas
1. Imagine massaging bossu's sore body after he comes home from work only for the two of you to end up having slow and tender sex. He's apologetic that he can't do much because he's tired but you tell him he should just relax and you praise him for working hard. You both hold each other close and kiss wherever you can reach even after the sex is over
2. Bossu goes into heat and you decide to take care of him during the entire period. After seeing bossu's state, you decide to offer your help by having sex with him. While he's initially hesitant, he finally accepts upon your insistence and his growing need to get dicked. After a few hours, you're still pumping him full of your seed as he loudly begs to you to keep going until he finally gets pregnant with your pups

>> No.23211879

I miss Oga's cock complementing threads

>> No.23211934
Quoted by: >>23212146

Arupapa did a solo ver, but I think he's the only one. Shien and Astel have sung it but those were on-vocal. (Astel might have done off-vocal before? not sure)
Miyabi did a 1-chrous voice tweet too.

>> No.23212046

uuuooooh anon cute and hot

>> No.23212146

I can't remember or even check for Astel because the stream he sang it in was one that got privated by management.

>> No.23212295

LMAO is it true that Gamma is a Marinefag?

>> No.23212311
File: 811 KB, 607x578, 1636413702238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23212693


>> No.23212754

Yes, his roommate made fanart of her

>> No.23213055
Quoted by: >>23213184

They finally got him huh

>> No.23213184

Yeah, apparently he wasn't just only a Marinefag but a pretty hardcore one

>> No.23213483

I don't care that much about roommates, but I am curious. Is Gamma an actual published mangaka like people were thinking?

>> No.23213666
Quoted by: >>23213808

Also it’s funny how it’s always tourist coming with the outsider roommate information

>> No.23213808
File: 259 KB, 2048x1154, 1630359333867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ogey satan

>> No.23213875

By the way, the HoloPro Official Shop has expanded its international shipping areas

>> No.23214009

That sucks, hopefully he didn't get into Holopro in hopes of talking to her

>> No.23214014 [SPOILER] 
File: 65 KB, 210x190, 7837836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't confirm because he deleted his account and channel. I can only find Kuzuha fanart.

>> No.23214027
File: 99 KB, 359x497, pizzakun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hiya fellas. I'm feeling a little violent today, how about you?

>> No.23214054

uwoooooh shota

>> No.23214157

pizza kun why are you so violent

>> No.23214178

I smell love in the air today

>> No.23214209

Nice gun. Hop on Apex pizza-kun

>> No.23214211
Quoted by: >>23214296


>> No.23214264

Huh, neat

>> No.23214279


>> No.23214285
File: 52 KB, 1232x822, close-up-of-young-man-with-eyes-closed-eating-pizza-while-sitting-in-restaurant-MIMFF00057.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23214727


>> No.23214296
Quoted by: >>23214343

He totally did didn't he...

>> No.23214343
Quoted by: >>23214428

Yeah, totally. Just like Oga.

>> No.23214414

Anon...how stupid can you be...

>> No.23214428
File: 243 KB, 483x464, 2022010121131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23214474
File: 891 KB, 1920x1080, 1646389687966.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What convenient timing for you to be here, friend
I've been craving some pepperoni pizza today

>> No.23214486

Oga, Roberu, Astel and now Gamma is that all the confirmed Holofags in Holostars? I guess it's hard to have a vtubers company where the talents aren't fans of the biggest vtuber group

>> No.23214495

please don't shoot up the thread.....maybe take someone from globbal hostage

>> No.23214531
Quoted by: >>23214849

I thought you meant literal homosexuals and thought since when was Gamma a homo lol

>> No.23214627

What, wanna fight? Fucking softie.

>> No.23214716

Talking about Oga. I've been meaning to ask is he on the same crew as Botan an the others? I've seen his gbf streams

>> No.23214727

no anon!!! he was just a boy!!! he was just a boy…

>> No.23214849
Quoted by: >>23214999

Anon-chama, how new are you?>>23214486
IMO being a fan of Hololive is not a problem. My oshi Majin continues to be openly supportive of Hololive to this day after all. I just don't want to associate with Holostar antis who think the branch shouldn't exist, should be terminated, are full of boring and talentless people, etc.

>> No.23214999

>IMO being a fan of Hololive is not a problem
It could go South really badly if they don't know their limits

>> No.23215039
Quoted by: >>23215126

Because that definitely happened before, right?

>> No.23215126
File: 41 KB, 453x727, 1635998648483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23215174

Wait till I get there

>> No.23215174

Glad you're willing to become Holostars' Shindo Raito

>> No.23215209

That's very dissapointing.
This is kinda nice tho.

>> No.23215271

Where did you even find this info?

>> No.23215324

Lunaito or 35penis?

>> No.23215333

An existing fan getting in will never be a problem. They enter prepared for no fraternization limitations with a lopsided relationship with their oshi, and management probably background checks them enough to determine that they aren't a danger even knowing they're a fan.

The real worry is a sexy holostar with no interest in romance, a dark past and big ambitions of success. I've read enough shoujo to know, bitches can't resist it.

>> No.23215418
Quoted by: >>23215487

I understand your worries, but compared to the yabs of its sister branch the Stars are relatively drama-free. We've had, like, Kaoru's termination and Majin's NKODice debacle, and Majin's drama was only tangentially related to Hololive.

>> No.23215468

Is it real? I thought people were shitposting because he's overlapping with her 3dlive

>> No.23215488
Quoted by: >>23215818

That’s only a valid worry for StarsEN, If you’re worrying about that for the JPStars at this point, I don’t know what else they have to do to prove themselves

>> No.23215487

>Stars are relatively drama-free
Suzakus entire existence and a shit ton of clipper drama

>> No.23215521

>sexy holostars with no interest in romance, a dark past, and big ambitions of success
Uh, what? You alright there after reading all those sappy shojos?

>> No.23215568
Quoted by: >>23216817

I will join holostars and romance Shinove

>> No.23215571


>> No.23215635
Quoted by: >>23215738

All these when Temma's oshi is also a talent Izuru.
He's hiding in plain sight!

>> No.23215701

Sexy dark majin with a tragic past...

>> No.23215710

Are you talking about when he was still with the Stars, or after? Because if you're talking about his roommate's behavior then him leaving is actually a good thing for the branch, correct?

>> No.23215712

>Suzakus entire existence
Pretty sure all the issues surrounding him happened right after he left holostars
>clipper drama
That's the clippers' fault, not the stars themselves

>> No.23215738
Quoted by: >>23215793

Not based taste

>> No.23215793
Quoted by: >>23215877

How dare you insult my oshi’s oshis taste in oshi

>> No.23215818
Quoted by: >>23216295

I do worry about Uproar since they're new , specially Gamma due to what we now know about him and the " Holo bird"

>> No.23215854
Quoted by: >>23215910

I wouldn't really call Astel a Holofag, no not even over the thing with Coco, not to mention he was scouted.

>> No.23215877

Izuru is a penis

>> No.23215882

Anon, you've read too much shoujo, it's ruined your brain.

>> No.23215910

He has mentioned before that he would love to sing holosongs but is scared of the backlash
Also come on, he fucking cried for Coco guy was totes a fan

>> No.23215936

Looks like there's going to be another YoutubeMusic Weekend this upcoming Golden Week since Reine set up her own frame for that event (scheduled May 6, 25:35jst aka May 7, 1:35am jst)
Rikka's definitely going to be included again but it would be nice if Izuru would also participate and show off his own music

>> No.23215939

>opens 4chan to go to /stars/ thread
>stars thread appears on popular thread list
Are we going too fast?

>> No.23216132

Shogun Twitcast

>> No.23216142
Quoted by: >>23216570

Can they sing songs other than their originals?

>> No.23216157

>Hololive bait

>> No.23216161
File: 363 KB, 384x629, 1636036133549.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23216447

I lost my complementary colors wheel

>> No.23216295
Quoted by: >>23216653

Stop doomposting, it gets old

>> No.23216364
File: 680 KB, 943x927, 3498724242343248.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros...how do I cope not being able to cum inside majin...

>> No.23216419

You don't

>> No.23216434
Quoted by: >>23217053

Cum to a picture of him instead.

>> No.23216447

Just make another one

>> No.23216470 [SPOILER] 
File: 13 KB, 453x254, FQWf4T4aIAMKJz8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23216512

>> No.23216512


>> No.23216534 [SPOILER] 
File: 652 KB, 748x835, 1648442611739.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you have Ogamero? Do you have a fleshlight? I think you can put two and two together.

>> No.23216570
Quoted by: >>23216872

I had to check IRyS' and Moona's YTMusic Weekend VODs from last December and it looks like they're all only allowed to sing songs created by Hololive members. If Rikka joins again this time around, he'll probably be singing all four of his solo originals + some Holostars group originals like JFS, Pentas, and JtFS

>> No.23216586
File: 155 KB, 1200x850, FRRBQ1GacAAzb3K.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.23216636
Quoted by: >>23217074

Don’t do that to Ogamero that’s Oga’s son

>> No.23216653

More like too much 4chan lmao
Roberu is an IM@S idol fan even to the point he started crushing on his favourite character's seiyuu. He still made appearances in IM@S channel and even starred in a Wachastars episode with his oshi.
Idol fans in general are common in JP. Most are not mentally ill.

>> No.23216766
File: 47 KB, 433x598, 7C925D15-C882-4289-A8FB-A25E482C7030.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23216817

Based but too bad a-chan has a monopoly on that ass

>> No.23216872

>>23216570 (me)
Correction: the girls can only sing group Hololive originals, no solo originals from the other girls

>> No.23216902
File: 131 KB, 997x1200, 1636108367389.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23217356


>> No.23216986
File: 174 KB, 784x784, 20220417_092223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23217032

Morning tweet.....please....son...

>> No.23217018
File: 99 KB, 624x439, FRUelMDagAIcheh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like no Rikka this time

>> No.23217032

You know the drill anon. He’s sleeping with me. He’ll be up soon.

>> No.23217053

I already did...
That feels like a line once crossed will turn me into a full blown menhera schizo

>> No.23217066

Taking down your lewds I see

>> No.23217074
File: 60 KB, 698x585, 47088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23217127

Meanwhile Oga encouraging omaesan to breed the Ogamelos:
But the Ogamelo is smaller than a fleshlight nonetheless.

>> No.23217089

Shut up anon/bae/mea/comet

>> No.23217114
Quoted by: >>23217170

>I already did...
Post a pic then.

>> No.23217127

>Oga encouraging omaesan to breed the Ogamelos
I thought he was worried what we are doing to the nuis?

>> No.23217170
Quoted by: >>23217225

Of what? A cum stained pic of majin?

>> No.23217201

>he fucking cried for Coco guy was totes a fan
Man I remember that moment, honestly don't know why expected more of him.

>> No.23217225
File: 648 KB, 692x693, Screenshot_20210612-180102_YouTube (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23217518

Of course omaesan what else could it be?

>> No.23217247
Quoted by: >>23217593


>> No.23217262

That sucks.

>> No.23217265
Quoted by: >>23217407

Then just do whatever I do and jerk off to his lewds. Someone must have a link to an audio file of Majin's moans, I use that for the full Majin dicking fantasy.

>> No.23217294

I wonder if Coco, or well Kson actually wrote to him afterwards, she's a bit of a saviorfag so If she saw a smaller vtuber crying because if her graduation reaching out does seem like something she would do

>> No.23217295
Quoted by: >>23217511

>Hanazawa Kana
Huh? What's she going to sing? Are my eyes playing tricks on me or is this normal?

Also, COVER is sending IDs this time it seems. I have no idea what Ollie's going to do. I'm not going to watch anyway so eh.

>> No.23217349

>no holostars, holojp, and hololive official channel
I guess cover wants to give more attention to the foreign branches this time around

>> No.23217356
File: 59 KB, 1200x632, F4525FF1-19AE-43B9-937A-FFB553E6B2CC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.23217358

>she's a bit of a saviorfag
Ironic considering the way she treated the Stars.

>> No.23217407
File: 687 KB, 883x676, 1633188648868.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>audio file of Majin's moans

>> No.23217436

Ahhhhhhh this sentence is starting to trigger me fr fr desu desu desu

>> No.23217459
Quoted by: >>23217511

Better than 99% of the girls, fucking retard

>> No.23217499

Is aniki ok??

>> No.23217511
Quoted by: >>23217576

She'll sing Hololive songs according to her frame.

You don't know math, and she only interacted with Kaoru during a brief period and went back to ignoring all of them a week later.

>> No.23217513
File: 480 KB, 585x603, 1648673091199.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you guys and girls take showers? Or a bath?

>> No.23217518
Quoted by: >>23217597

I didn't print out one, just jacked to digital pic of him. Maybe if I remember I'll do it next time
I'm horny again wtf

>> No.23217576
Quoted by: >>23217652

You don't know shit retard, thanks for exposing yourself as a newfag

>> No.23217580

Anons...please slow down...

>> No.23217593

I just want to see them messing around in 3D already.

>> No.23217597

Print out all his lewds and then tape them together for a majin lewdxodia

>> No.23217623
File: 59 KB, 249x177, 1632675923482.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why won't anyone?

>> No.23217635
Quoted by: >>23217679

It's like we are fucking..

>> No.23217652

We're going to do roommate talk now? Because if that's what you're implying it's fucking pathetic.

>> No.23217666
Quoted by: >>23217679

Your prostate is getting destroyed today anon, I won't slow down

>> No.23217669


>> No.23217679
Quoted by: >>23217835

Think of what will happen if we reach the post limit.......

>> No.23217701
File: 587 KB, 520x486, 1648426171624.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I take showers on alternative days and I'm starting to workout too so I can be like Majin!

>> No.23217731
Quoted by: >>23217776

Nice thick horn you have there

>> No.23217745

It smells in here

>> No.23217776
File: 220 KB, 618x306, sidhjsjusjdsdf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23217850

All better for you to grab and...

>> No.23217779

Nah, let them go, shit's hilarious and I really need some good humour rn.

>> No.23217835
Quoted by: >>23217929

Shower, you?
The thread will dies and we can start anew in the next one, better to let them get it all of in this one than to have them drag it to the next one.

>> No.23217850
File: 33 KB, 250x388, Suiryu_breaks_horns.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>23217917

Break it

>> No.23217877

Based anon, Majin also inspired me to workout as well. His Fit Boxing streams have become my cardio exercise vids, and I've recently started getting into weightlifting as well.

>> No.23217917

Fren.....you still need to break his horn in 3D....

>> No.23217929


>> No.23217970

Based Majin and Knight making unfit fatties workout.

>> No.23218031

Who the fuck doesn't shower daily?

>> No.23218094
File: 1.65 MB, 3039x3024, 5BAC287F-62D7-406C-A710-AE2D4B255331.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so thirsty…

>> No.23218175

/stars/ loves to fall for hololive bait so yes.

>> No.23218194
Quoted by: >>23218272

Is this cum?!

>> No.23218204

H-hey guys, Fuma's going to stream in 15 minutes.

>> No.23218257 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>23218394

Do we have RobeNightMea today? Or is it for tomorrow?

>> No.23218264

>your oshi
>your sister branch oshi

>> No.23218272

No anon are you stupid? It's obviously robechan's cum after we milked him dry.

>> No.23218394

anon.. please don't dunk the innocent nuiberu in milk
Today is Tamaki, Mea is tomorrow

>> No.23218415

I'm lying btw

>> No.23218491


>> No.23218494
Quoted by: >>23219506

Fuma apex

>> No.23218520


>> No.23218528 [DELETED] 


>> No.23218586
Quoted by: >>23218614


>> No.23218603

Based based based
If you were beside me I would have licked you

>> No.23218614

Cheeky cunt

>> No.23218612

…I don’t watch the girls…
I like Fauna’s ASMR streams?

>> No.23218623


>> No.23218715
Quoted by: >>23218776

A fucking Kenzoku. Disgusting. Towa is a cute male and should be in Stars.

>> No.23218776
Quoted by: >>23218801

Shut up! That anon is based
If you were beside me I would have peed on you

>> No.23218801

anon… are you a dog?

>> No.23218819
File: 176 KB, 288x272, kira3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant watch holostar without him

>> No.23218824


>> No.23218845
Quoted by: >>23219069

Huh, that's a nice photo. Hobby or occupational?

>> No.23218923
Quoted by: >>23219381

Sometimes I miss Roberu

>> No.23218956

> Knight
> Mel
I have a thing for blonds I guess.

>> No.23218974


>> No.23219062

>Super Nenechi

>> No.23219069
Quoted by: >>23219360

oh, thank you… it’s a hobby… maybe I should start taking real photos instead of threatening nui photos

>> No.23219109


>> No.23219134
Quoted by: >>23219269

Wtf I have the same exact oshi too.

>> No.23219136

If I were going to watch anyone from hololive consistently it would probably be Suisei or Mio

>> No.23219269

wat me too

>> No.23219360

>threatening nui photos
I mean, your photos still need subjects.
I legit thought it was edited. If it really wasn't then you did good with the lighting and composition.

>> No.23219381

Me too, suityan

>> No.23219391

When will we discuss?

>> No.23219506

honeyworks keyboardist in da chat

>> No.23219557
Quoted by: >>23219583

Who is that?

>> No.23219564
Quoted by: >>23219583

That Honeyworks? Who's their keyboardist?

>> No.23219583
Quoted by: >>23219727


>> No.23219727

Oh, I found him. Was that why Fuma was talking about singing and playing the piano?

>> No.23220553


>> No.23220697

Looks like the Uproar collab will be Overwatch, didn't catch if it was 1 or 2 though

>> No.23220745
Quoted by: >>23220861

I just found out there's a 2nd one.
What's the difference, cause I don't see any?

>> No.23220836


>> No.23220861

5 vs 5 and some minor tweaking

>> No.23220991

Fuck, the OW2 arc is really happening. I hope the hype for this failed abortion dies as quick as it did the first time.

>> No.23221107

Would you rather watch Astel play Valo or OW?

>> No.23221149

Valorant, 100%.

>> No.23221155
File: 437 KB, 694x620, 751286490275.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I for one can't wait to have to watch hundreds and hundreds of streams of shitty shitty Overwatch, with nu-blizzard in charge as well! What more can a man want!

>> No.23221165 [DELETED] 

Which is closer to Apex gameplay? Valo reminds of CS too much

>> No.23221262

That depends on your tolerance. OW movement is faster, so it's closer to Apex to a degree, but it's also a psudo-moba wannabe that puts more focus on spamming abilities and ult dumping than shooting, especially when 90% of the maps have ridiculous choke points that make games take an eternity to end.

>> No.23221323
Quoted by: >>23221724

I'd rather watch Valo BECAUSE it reminds me of CS. I'm not opposed to OW as long as they are good though.

>> No.23221330

Keffiy dropped by and gave Fuma an orange superchat

>> No.23221399

Fuma... Your eigo reps... Stop snorting...

>> No.23221632


>> No.23221695
Quoted by: >>23221819

Fuma' chat has a weird amount of arabs having chats between themselves somehow.

>> No.23221724

Nah, not even high skill OW is fun to watch. It's still a mess to watch with the inevitable contest to see who can press "Q" harder.

>> No.23221819
Quoted by: >>23221898

Was it spam? Used gtl and I still dont get wtf they were talking about

>> No.23221898

Probably not. They talk in a very informal way? It's full of slangs and gibberish words.
Most likely teenagers, but considering they stopped when someone reminded them, I'm not sure.

>> No.23222406

Aransan and Temma APEX
Is Miyabi planning on joining too?

>> No.23222520

The way Fuma moves is oddly similar to Fubukus
