Youtube: VODs: thread: >>23092284
i hope when gura gets her new house that there's a big backyard where her cat can hunt and kill stuff to bring to her as presents the meantime go watch some VODs.
Gura cute
what is my job, you ask?why I'm a cunny linguist, of course
>>23120632That's not a good symbol to be associated with, probably a psyop to dupe lolicons into using pedophile codes.
I already miss the shark /ggg/ bros
>>23120982>ggg brosGo back.
>>23120982it's okay bud i don't mind being your /ggg/ bro
>>23121011>>23121011I always use /ggg/ bros, go do your archive reps
>"hey chumshit!">*sucker punches you so hard you fall down*>"hold him down fauna!">*spits in your mouth as you open it to scream for help*>gura slips out of her skirt>"be a good chumbie now">"i'm going to ride his face first, then you can have your turn">fauna whispers "good boy" in your ear as gura reaches climax
Daily reminder that Gura is cute.
>>23121103Krebs...if you say "Fish" one more time
when PW
>>23121477Fauna would never do that!
>>23122297crocodile tearsyou make me sick
>>23122421Those are shark tears, bud.
>>23122417the strong take sexual advantage of the weakthis is nature
I'm not going to make itI'm not going to make itI'm not going to make itI'm not going to make itIm not going to make itIm not going to make itIm not going to make itIm not going to make iIm not going ot makew itIm not going ot make itIm not goingt o make iiI'm not going to make it
>>23122913most emotionally stable gura fan
>>23120238I can't believe she's bringing her stuff every day. She must be exaggerating.
>>23122417Sorry anon but nature is brutal
>>23122417fauna would perform a sensual asmr while gura takes advantage of you
You behaving chumbies?
>>23110303She wanted to play with Moomers.
>>23123459If you stare into the shark's eye long enough you can fall in and meet her.
>>23123689THEN DIE
chumbies are dumbchumbies are stinkychumbies are shrimpfood
I actually don't miss Gura, i will miss her after 24 hours from her last stream have passed
chumucks coping now chumcucks coping now
>>23124254>he doesn't start missing gura from the instant the outro screen starts
If have this weird idea. We all know that Gura is cute and funny.So, what if we just combine the two words "cute" and "funny" into "cunny"?Idk why but for some weird reason the word cunny just seems like a perfect description for Gura
>>23124218Yes and? What else?
>>23124254I really will be the last chumbud when this is my competition.
Do you REALLY miss Gura?
>>23125131I will not fap until she's back. You can't make me, tempter.
>Day 1 of no GuraI don't know if I can make it bros... Today has already been exhausting and tedious. I feel on edge and knowing she won't be there tonight, or anytime this week to help me wind down and not commit suicide/murder is really getting to me
>>23125131I will only fap to Gura until she comes back. Please, tempt me harder.
>>23125131I want to sniff and lick those toesies
>>23125676Dude you should find help somewhere else instead of dumping your sadness here
>>23125948I'm way way way off base line
I'm actually into abandonment play, so I really like the current situation
who does Gura think of when she masturbates?
>>23125948I've been watching Polka to try and miss Gura less
distance makes the heart grow fonder...I'm REALLY fond of her
>>23126182Yeah, me's me actually
>>23126106Why? Is there something wrong with me? I thought this feeling was normal.
>>23125948Play video games. I'd shill some but everything I play is 2view so it feels scummy.
Which part of Gura smells the best?Feet, armpit, cunny, asshole, tail, bellybutton or mouth?
>>23126487Her nape.Source: me, her husband to be
I'm so goddamn lonely. I-I'm ngmi...
>>23126229If anyone is wondering, Lucas just uploaded 3 Gura lewds on his alt pixiv account and they're pretty good
I can't wait to hear her stories about moving when she's back.
>>23126899I doubt she would have any. Moving isn't interesting.
>>23126899Do you really? Like all the other stories Gura shares with us about important events in her life? Lol you'll get an offhand comment and she might remember vague details if she reads some superchats reminding her
>>23126346>>23126805T u T
>>23126973I don't know, she can make any little thing sound like a huge ordeal.
>>23126801Holy based, these are great
>>23127216Because it is. She barely goes outside and it's going to be stressful as fuck for her.
>>23126801Who is Lucas?
>>23127467A nice artist.
>>23126801>saying this without linking it How dare you
>>23127359I sometimes hate that she and I are the same.
>>23126229i feel like this is actually a strategy she’s been employing.
>>23127602>Creates an alt just to lewd Gura when his main already has lewdsbased
>>23127602Just search for this.>Gawr_gura OR GawrGura OR gawrgura OR がうる・ぐら OR がうるぐら OR gawrt OR サメちゃん OR guart
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>23126801I posted about it last night, he seemed like he didn't want for a while but finally gave in. Im glad he did, I really like his art style
>>23123142If the area is littered with rodents it's possible. One time my cat brought baby rabbit from the forest we live close to.Cats are animals that do it for the thrill of hunting.
>>23126801hey thanks for that. Lucas is one of my faves and I always have to scroll past his stuff in my list so I dont over-post it and wear it out.
>>23121477Can mommy nature also lick my ears
Is gura dead?
goobling gabunger
>>23128331Probably not, although she's had a lot of near misses...
>>23128331Wouldn't be surprised if a crazy chumbud tracked down her hotel and murdered her
>>23128331that is not dead which can eternal lie
>>23128777what is this from?
>>23128777Mumei mention during a Gura karaoke
>>23128849From when I fucked her so hard she couldn't stand anymore
>>23128849Her reaction during the recent karaoke stream, around the part where she sang Creep.
>>23127962My cat brought in a full grown rabbit that was bigger than her. She didn't even harm the rabbit, she just picked it up by its scruff and carried it around with her.
>>23129125That's a really cute mental image.
I'm in love with Gura!
>>23129411Same desu! I need help!'s shit water she loves to talk about, not so dangerous actually
>>23129600She'll have some downtime with no pc and being stuck in a hotel, I hope she gets to watch a ton of videos like this on the strange things that interest her
How many chumbuds will die throughout this week?
>>23129930How? She has no Internet.
Reminder the cookbook project's last submissions are being taken for messages / art, etc on the 30th. Yes it's organized by a Discord but the people who organized it are not namefags.You don't need Discord to submit.'m not from that Discord. I just want a fan project of Gura's to show her a lot of support.Send her fan mail too. Instructions are here.
>>23129971the last two hotels I stayed in hard a smartTV with youtubeplus she has her personal phone that can use wifi.
>>23130069Gura is too paranoid to use her personal phone with hotel wifi.
>>23129971She can watch things on her personal phone. She only doesn't have internet on the holo phone
>>23130069Public wifi is a big security risk but yeah she has her phone.
Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cunny Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute Gura cute
>>23126185Polka is ok when the whole 'joker' memes revolve around her.
>>23130173Having a phone is a security risk, chumbud
>>23124666That will only be determined one day when Gura finds her number one chumbie.
what was her name again? Gordon?
>>23130680Gombopulus Gorkules
>>23130680Gooberslap Gengle
So have schizos started the hunt for new Gura location yet? Any results?
>>23131001Not gonna tell the address of our new house.
>>23131001She already hinted it's Canada
>>23131122Timestamps? Why would it be in Canada of all places?
>>23131148Find it yourself retard. Or are you too poor to afford $5
>>23131171>makes wild claim>doesn't give timestampNo one is stupid enough to fall for it.
>>23131237But he is stupid enough to keep trying.
>>23131257I don't care where you live, Gura. I want to know where you will soon live so I can kidnap you for lulz.
Imagine Gura and ver small body in a king size bed in an hotel room.
>>23131313Gura is coming to live with me and I'm not telling you where I live.
>>23131321I don't have to imagine.
>>23131237>ignores my post because he actually doesn't have $5Very sad.
Nohomo but I love Gura
gooba races in only the finest sport tutus
I love goob so much..also dude who draws fanart of her started doing lewds
>>23131752he's here, i asked when he would do lewds of her recently
>>23131752first picture is peak gura tits.perfect amount of flatness
>>23131752I luv goob more than you <3333
>>23131752that second one could get a like from her if she doesnt look at it too hard
>>23131957yep>>23004446hi lucas. good stuff man
>>23131471>still can't prove his claim>gets desperate
>>23131580that isn't gura
>>23132128>he only knows greentexttouch grass
>>23132195>still can't prove his claim>gets desperate
>>23132230>hes already loopingno its too soon, you still forgot to post your bait threads in the catalog
>>23132058prove it
>>23130680Galapagos Gimble
Will Gura join the OPEN VC? Taking bets right here.
>>23132688No.Omocat merch is restocked by the way.
>>23132688I don't know, but I hope so.
>>23132377>still can't prove his claim>desperate excuses continue
>>23130680Gargantuan Goomer
>>23132794Reminder that this person actually believes they're a fan of Gawr Gura. Mentally ill, very sad!
>>23132440I would drink a glas of fresh Gura pee
>>23132855>still can't prove his claim>desperate excuses continue
>>23132870that's it? I'd scrape her gamer gunk off her mousepad with my teeth
>>23132688It would be nice
>>23132870I'd rather drink right from the source.
>>23132794>>23132855i made>>23131122as a joke dummies. she sang a bunch of french
>>23132988>still can't prove his claim>desperate excuses continue
>>23133085>>still can't prove his claim>>desperate excuses continue
>>23132939You would damage her mousepad!>>23132966Obviously, but I think Gura would feel embarrassed about it.
I wanna see how Gura dances while she's singing karaoke..I hope she gets an entire room dedicated just to 3D stuff in her new place and a karaoke mic so she can do dancing easier
>>23133135you know that crippling fear in the back of your mindthat tiny little doubt that you might be autistic and everyone was too nice to point it out?I'm pointing it out. You're autistic. You were unable to read the social cues within the thread that you were being toyed with. I'm sorry.
>>23133223>Obviously, but I think Gura would feel embarrassed about it.Probably, but I also think it'd be easy to convince her to let you try it
>>23133407can you stop replying to him already? jesus christ
>>23132688Doubt it, she said she'll probably have no internet. Even if she did she would have to connect to discord via phone which I doubt she'd want to.
>>23133407jesus, i think you're the autistic one
>twitter drama about to reach unprecedented levels>Gura completely radio silent for a weekGirl's got a sixth sense for drama I swear to God.
>>23133523why? cause musk bought twitter?
I like the rrat that Gura watched the depp trial
I'm terrified of having a low IQ
>>23133605Meh, I doubt it. She barely uses Twitter and social media in general for anything outside of memes and art anyways.
>>23133627You know what's worse than having a low IQ? Having a high one and wasting it.
>>23133627IQ doesn't mean shit. People still don't fully understand the brain, so why would you think they can gauge how smart a person is?
>>23133627willpower and passion > arbitrary number
>>23133749It's easy to gauge as long as you split the word smart up into a hundred different little things.
>>23133443Then you are almost forcing Gura to do something that she doesn't really like. I don't want to do that to her
>>23134163She hasn't said her safeword, she's fine.
I think Gura needs correction.
>>23134253More jackbox when? The SNOT team & Irys would be great
>>23134406That would be amazing, I hope they actually do that one day.
i hope that when gura gets her new house that she'll be able to have a different room for the PC than for sleeping because that will make it easier to go to sleep without getting distracted by youtube memes and bideo games
I don't miss her.
>>23130063Go back.
>>23134588My brain
>>23134556Anon.. she uses her phone in bed, it will make no difference.
>I'll be out house huntin'So she hasn't got a place in mind yet?
>>23134699You're slow.
>>23134699that's what house hunting is for dumbie. Though she seems to think she'll be able to do Alyx after this which seems optimistic as FUCK to me.
What do you miss the most about gura?
>>23134792her voice. just her speaking really. why did she have to leave us by serenading us
>>23134721I'm... slow?
>>23134792Her presence
>>23134792I feel like we need a ratio percentage of how much Gura art there is of her showing her feet/being barefoot vs her wearing footwear. Mostly because 3/4 times Gura art I spot is with her being barefoot.
>>23134792Her voice and her perfect female body
Please don't judge me but I want to have unprotected handholding with Gura
>>23134792I honestly cant answer this, there isn't just one thing I miss about her. I miss her, I miss her everything.
I think I miss her
Wonder if she'll call-in for Mumei's Minecraft VC. Other than Sana that one time, and Kronii showing up as an NPC, she was the only other active member during those streams.
Chumbuds, I'm having a crisis
I'll be fine with no Gura because I haven't really watched her much in the past couple of weeks. When you are sick lots of things don't matter anymore except just trying to live.
>>23135852I'm going to watch it anyway since Fauna will probably call in. Gura would be extremely surprising but she gave absolutely zero indication she would call in to the last one so I guess it isn't impossible.
I would rather die than live an unfulfilling life
Remember, we went from "I need to get a Webcam to I need to install a door to now "I need a new house." What will the next excuse he for her delaying the handcam stream?
Do your reps.
>>23136012Kys Diego Ramirez
I am going to shoot myself if I cannot find anything worth living for in the next 4 years
>>23136012She's just waiting for you to die, now. Once you finally shoot yourself, she'll do the stream.
>>23135667I want Gura to look me in the eyes and tells me she loves me.
>>23135667I know this might sound gay, but I want to have unprotected sex with her cunny. T u T
i didn't realize this guy posted something new
>>23135920So am I
I miss Gura...
>>23136342Gura doesn't seem to like tentacles. This makes it even better.
My OCD is eating me alivre like it used to last year, I am fucking doomed
>>23134699I'm sure she just has a bunch of places lined up that she wants to check out before she makes a decision.
>>23136590And this is Gura's fault... How?
>>23136471Same. It's only been one day...
I want Gura to ride my face and pee down my throat.
Is Gura just a onahole to most of you? Is her vagina unironically a meme?
>>23134792Her personality, her stories, her laugh, her sassiness, her gremlin noises, her telling us about some video she's watched lately or what she bought from the store..everything
>>23136790I love her but I want to fuck her cunny all day
>>23136071live for your parents
>>23131752Why do I always get 404 when I click these kind of links?
Gura gets very happy when she sees my username. She unironically likes me more than you. Cope.
>>23136790I love her and that includes loving her sexually, something she encourages
>>23136790No, I unironically love her and would marry her in an instant.Though marriage also usually comes with sex
>>23136919The litterbox part of the site has time-based expiration. By default 1hr. So you were simply too late, generally.
>>23136919litter links don't last very long.
>>23136965what's your username? I'll be the judge on how much she likes you
>>23136919People are faggots and don't change off the default of 1 hour expiration. It really should be at least 12 hour default.
>>23136965I hope you're doing ok Brom with the war and all
>>23137117Maybe it's wings
>>23137117Brom is super busy with projects at work but he always makes time for his oshi. Which is Moona, btw
>>23135852Chances are virtually zero since she just announced a break. If not for that im sure she would have joined again
>>23136790No, but I want to be her dildo
>>23137206Did he dump Kronii?
>>23136121Woah, dude. That goes too fucking far. She might get pregnant from that
>>23137304That's not true. You need to pee in a girl's butt to get her pregnant.
I would unironically be ok with being one of Gura's many dildos that she calls upon when she needs us. The thought of fulfilling her needs and her cunny with my fellow chumbies is hot as fuck
So Gura is gone this week... I'm running out of things to listen/watch while working.
>>23136726Imagine you are licking her cunny while she sits on your face and she accidentally pees herself
>>23137378same desu but I'm her favorite
>>23137609Would swallow every ounce of her fluids as my only source of hydration
>>23137570Why are you doing this to me?
>>23137694Same desu
Ina has no other option but to eat Gura's ass.
>>23137378Wait, do you mean "dildo" as a derogatory term or as being literally transformed into a dildo through magic or something? (Both would be fucking hot)
>>23136965yeah lemme know when she interrupts a collab partner on another channel to address you by name
It seems like gura and nyan are both house hunting at this moment...
>>23136661It isn't, I'm just going crazy
Hi chumbies I've been laying in bed sick all day. I hope you are all behaving.
>>23137378Gross, I don't share my women.
>>23137831don't be a smug fuck, it's gross
>>23138071you're right i'm sorry
Is she going to Japan?
there's a tiny little spider that keeps rappelling down in front of my computer once every few days. I don't get what it's trying to achieve here but it's cute
>>23138258I'm glad you're not smacking the shit out of it, spiders are friends.
>>23138258bro wants to watch gura
>>23132688i doubt it but since they became good friends there's a chance
I fucking swallowed a fly by accident. That asshole flew directly into my throat
>>23138677GURA! DON'T DIE!
>>23138867I cry
>>23137377put on VODs that you haven't seen yet
>>23138677I found a baby roach in my reusable mug good think i didnt drink it
isn't sharing your interests how you make friends?I wouldn't know I don't have any.
>>23137825I simply am not creative or imaginative enough to even possibly picture how transforming into a dildo would feel. I just want her to use my body as it is.
>>23138677I've had that happen to me twice as a kid, i accidentally bit down on it the second time, thankfully didn't taste anything.
>>23137819and Mumei has no other option but to eat Gura's cunny
>>23139152Me neither, but at least I wouldn't have swallowed that fucking fly if I were a dildo
>>23139126Sure, vtubers are very niche though, not gonna find many who shares that interests no matter where you live save for maybe a school full of nerds, such as tech or art focused ones.
>>23138677I swallowed blackflies hard while riding a bike.
>>23139201Does it count as an indirect kiss with Mumei if you lick Gura's cunny after Mumei?
>>23139371I found out the other month that pretty much all my coworkers watch hololive mostly through clips though, and one of the girls on my team wanted to apply for council.It's not as rare as you might think these days, given the right crowd. Though I'm a software engineer so may be biased
>>23139456yes, also same vice versa
>>23139528That's a weeb job.
>Gura sees the videos you use to masturbatewhat does she think of you?
>>23139528Well yeah, clips would find a way to the unenlightened, just look at Eekum Bokum Korone one, i wouldn't be surprised if even my friends saw that at some point, granted they are former weebs.
>>23139757>videosI only fap to fanart, doujins, and occasionally ero-novels.
>>23139757I mostly use games such as VaM in VR, i'd wager she'd be okay with it and maybe even impressed.
>>23139882fine fucker, >Gura sees what you use to masturbate
>>23139929She would make this face.
>>23139929Gura already knows we all masturbate to her.
>>23139929my hand?
Would lick and taste every inch of Gura's thighs
>>23139757she would be mad at all of the paizuri
Just 20 mins until the stream chumbies..
>>23140329I doubt it. Gura loves booba.
>>23140485I'd say to take your meds but maybe it's a mercy not to...
Watching Gawr Gura porn with Gawr Gura as she jacks you off
>>23139929She'd be happy with all the cunny I fap to and probably estatic that most of the cunny I fap to is her
>>23140633She tells you all the things you could do to her until you snap and start doing them.
>>23139929I masturbate to her voice + my imagination though.. what would she think of that?
>>23139882That is so bizarre to me. In terms of masturbation, I find audio to be the most erotic part.
>>23140751>he can't use his imagination to fill in the gaps
>>23140790I actually can't. I have NEVER fapped to videos so I don't know what shit sounds like. Nor do I care to learn.
>>23140790I can masturbate using only audio by filling in the gaps, in fact that is my preferred method.
>>23140844you must be a fan of masturbation asmr
>>23140901I had a really long call with a lady for a redacted reason and just being on the phone with a woman for several hours got me so fucking horny. I wish I masturbated while she was boring me to death.
>>23141020Since I've strayed way too far from Gura here, I will take this time to say that yes I have masturbated to many of her audio clips and especially the intentional coomer bait with the candy ASMR. No joke that shit gets me diamonds within seconds.
>>23141104Just imagining all the other things her mouth could be doing while getting intense auditory reminders that she's right there next to you, in your ear, making noises that she knows you'll like because she loves her fans and wants to make them as satisfied as possible. Fuck.
>>23141104based and same
>>23139757>>23139929>gura can read my minds-sugoi she is going to know i am very weird
>>23141104same and based
Are you gonna abstain while Gura's gone? I'm planning to blow my load the next time she streams
>>23141175>thinks about what ASMR we would like>lolol ill never do lollipop ASMR you guys would lose your minds>makes the conscious decision to pick the specific candies she did, while in the store shoppingShe literally loves us and nothing any anti says can convince me otherwise. There are times where Gura needs her space and we should respect that, we literally only get better quality streams when she can have her freedom to relax and recharge. Gura just happens to need a lot of freedom...
>>23141331What other stuff? I will judge your taco bell order.
Can I get some of your favourite karaoke soundposts?I want to expand my collection.
>>23141205I remember doing that as a kid, banging crushes and shit, all stopped once we got internet for obvious reasons, maybe its for the better at the end of the day, might get weird ideas if you're not mentally stable.
>>23141422>I fantasized about real actual human females that I went to school with>I fantasized about the VN characters that I fell in love with when I was much older>I now have intense fantasies about my cute shark wife and our happy familyI've only improved with time.
>>23141369I got a nacho fry box with a Baja blast no ice and a crunchwrap supreme.
>>23141386I love this performance, it's so cute and fun and shows off her vibrato nicely
>>23139757T u T
>>23139757She watches her own streams? needs more art of her rubbing her cunny
>>23142478Gura needs more art of her rubbing my* cunny
>>23142478Gura needs more art of me rubbing her cunny
>>23142478Gura needs more art of Gawr and Gura rubbing cunnies
Gura needs more art of her devouring other members cunnys.
>>23142658I honestly don't think I've ever seen art of this.. you may be right
i think i might actually do it this time. i am going to do a flip and kill myself
>>23142658Ok but really.... Were is all the art of her eating out Shion?We all know that is the first thing she would do when she met Shion irl.
>>23142821at least send a FAT akasupa to Gura before you take the plunge
>>23142821Cool make sure you stream it at least.
>>23142585Would rub cunny with my tongue
>>23142821>He's gonna an hero before Gura's graduation, what a faggot
>>23142821can i have your stuff? you have to pay the shipping costs though
Finally.I'm the last chumbud.
>>23143499>>23143529I made both of these posts.I am the last chumbud and im just going to reply to myself for the next week until Gura gets back and all the Fakebuds return.
Guys just wait til mumei's open vc Minecraft, she's been on every one so far. Surely she wouldn't break her streak, right? Right?
>>23143563Hot damn that is some good art
Haha gura! this stream is great
>>23143795you better make this post every day anon.
>>23143916I will.
>>23143695I'm optimistic, only because I doubt she's on the hunt so soon and has just been getting things ready at home.
does anyone have the soundpost of the drunk guy hugging a boombox while wearing gura's hoodie?
>>23143563Why is this horizontal?
>>23144195It was like that on twitter normal on pixiv
>>23120177the image that put chumtards in the grave for good
>>23144580Good it has made me the last chumbud and I couldnt be happier to have Gura all to myself when she comes back.
Bros, does anyone have this webm where a drunk guy is hugging a speaker while drinking and then gura's singing through it?
>>23144649like being the dog that finally wins the thing all the other dogs were fighting over, only to find that it's a literal lump of shit
Eat Gura ass
>>23144824Hello discord!
>>OPSo they're finally moving in together, huh?
i dont feel like spoonfeeding, but whatever
>>23145134Gura and me?Yea
>>23145134Gura is going to rub her cunny raw to Ame for sure.
I wish Gura would do roleplay streams like IRyS does.
>>23145438She did the tavern stream
>>23120177>can't use her multiple days off a week to go house hunting.>has to take an entire week off.I'm at least glad she's making it obvious. I'm really sad she chose this over us, but I hope she's happy from now on. It's been good. I wish you all the best. So long.
>>23145474weird bait
>>23145470Yeah and it was great.
>>23145438Does the Gawr karaoke count? Or the pirate kusoge?
His 1 day ban up already? Shame...
>>23145653this cope where /ggg/ acts like it's one guy shitting their thread really is something else
>>23130680Gordon: .........
>>23145745I like it when he breaks down and plainly states how much he hates Gura.
>>23145745Ikr, you are not him for sure!
>>23145761Gawr Gordon..
>>23145745its not but there one on guy who does it who is super obvious about it. >we all know that this place gets raided by angry discord fags who pretend to be Gura fans.
>>23145835>he thinks there's just one guy that hates gura
>>23145745>>23145474>>23145134>>23145969It's been a long time since you posted an inspect element screenshot to defend your samefagging. Give me one.
>>23145474>It's okay when Ame does it though.
>>23145474She's not house hunting, she's literally moving already. That's why she was talking about needing to clean up and get off her ass and do stuff she was putting off after the stream.She just wrote the tweet that way to match the gone fishing gif, which was just her awkward ass way of making it vaguely water related since that's her theme.
>>23146071I want to correct the goth out of Gura.
>>23146071That's hot
>>23146071love this guy drawing
oh nyo
im chubi the cat. ama.
>>23146071who the fuck drinks Monster with a straw????????