I love you Gura!
>>OPVampire Ame sucks!
I'm so in love with Ame, bros...She's... so fucking sexual, holy shit. >>2265551 >anything you have to say... that you just WANT me...>all breathy, emphasis on you want meAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
I hate ritualposters.
>>OPScreengrab of Ame being infected.
>>2265917You should post that in every thread.
>>2265917Well I love Ina!
Do we actually have JOPs with DeepL in here, or are these just larpers?
>>2265941That is a great idea.
This introoooo
>>2265919Ame's got some HUGE boobas.
More Ame...
your oshi will graduate eventually0.1% chance by this week2% chance by the next 2 months10% chance within next year30% chance in the next 2 years50% chance in 5 years100% chance she graduates in your lifetime
You love Amelia!
>>2265970Nice cock
I'm feeling kind of tired for this Ame stream bros...
______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________fatto catto______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
>1499what did you mean by this meido
>>2266001You just have to kys so you don't have to watch your oshi graduate
>>2266001Not if I kill myself first!
>>2266001>100% chance she graduates in your lifetimenot if I an hero mother fucker
Why do you schizos always think holos are lurking here?
Cool coat
>>2265979If they haven't realized it 6 months in, another 6 isn't gonna change anything. I hate this.
>>2266001>100% chanceYou could die before then, you know?
I love her so much.
>>2266009I love Ame!
Could you imagine what holoEN would be without her? I can't.
>>2265977If only Ame would make a joke outro with the burning wreckage of a car
>>2265917H-hey.. i-i love Ina!!!
If Coco's tail plugs into her ass, she must have some fucking strong sphincter muscles. I wonder what the diameter of her plug is.
>>2266021How many dango has himechan consumed on stream so far?
>jacket onWhat a whore
>>2266019It's okay Anya, people also pretend you don't exist.
>2am oblivion Uh, what's going on?
>>2266019Anal Mufasa...
Ame's squishy cupcake
Ame is back. It feels like it's been years since I've seen her.
>>2266030Wait you're right if I kill myself right now, my oshi won't have graduated in my life...I'm going to akasupa her next time she streams to let her know! Thanks for the great idea anon
I want to give Ame my batter, enough to spill over!
>>2266001>50% chance in 5 yearsyou're putting a lot of faith in the longevity of Cover but I choose to believe in your optimism
>>2265962There was one (or an extremely dedicated larper) here yesterday >>2241167Dunno how long he stayed around though.
>Ame breathing into the mic>Ame's squishy bottomAme GODDAMN it's been five fucking minutes
pouring batter until it spills over!
Ame... your stomach...
>>2265870Meido is a FAGGOT!
I haven't eaten dinner yet and Ame eating her cupcake is making me hungrier...
shes so fucking cute...
Ame is eating yellow cake uranium again
wich Holo have badblood with another Holo
>>2266025Ame and Kiara are definitely here sometimes
>>2266038I genuinely can't eitherI have never fallen this hard before, damnit, I don't wanna imagine what life is without Ame
so why didn't ame just eat this cupcake before stream?
>>2266061He's back again, I'm still not sure if he's real or not but he's pretty convincing
>>2266025>he wasn't here
Do you agree with me?
>>2266021>>2266023>>2266024>>2266030The day you die, your oshi dies with you
>>2266050We're back to normal.
Tell me, why does she have that little pancake waffle pixel in the corner?
did Ame accidentally leave the cupcake from the last Oblivion stream and she hasnt noticed?
>>2266081My cock with your mouth
>>2266081me and (you)
>>226604739 times is the last compilation but I think that doesn't count todays dangos https://youtu.be/k3sECo7slog
>>2265980She do!
>>2266019Anya is genuinely hilarious with how forward she is
YAB BOWSONS REAL FACE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
fuck Gura
The wabaljack looks like shit in oblivion
>>2266097She released an original song?
>Bowson looks like Vin Diesel
>>2266045Botan should play Call of Duty: World At War for the soviet campaign
Does this mean Risu isn't a dirty squirrel?
>>2265962I mean, I lurk 2chan with DeepL. No reason they wouldn't do the same back to us.
>>2266089That's, like, a full 6 hours before he was here last time. >>2266007Anon, your soundpost reps.
this is a bug...
Vin Diesel...
>got turned into Batista
My fucking sides.
>>2266098>me and Gura form a suicide pactI don't know how I feel about this
>>2266019I don't blame Anya for that, she was a huge slut in her debuthttps://streamable.com/l9a7x3
Bowson is Trans
kek I forgot vampirism is basically meth for your character's appearance
YOU arent bald, right anon?
>>2266119Just barely. She was saved by management.
What the fuck actually happened to Bowson?
>Ame turned into a manYAB
The fuck did you expect from turning into a vampire, Ame? To be handsome and sparkling?
>>2266127Fuck you nigger
>>2266108>>2266135Can always count on lunaitos to actually count these things. Teammates could learna thing or two about this kinda thing from you. Still waiting on a H I C compilation
>>2266092>Kiara pulls this shit>Coco put cringe infinitely close to kino on her Asacoco that one timeFor fuck's sake, what is it about this place that makes orange women dogwhistle so hard?
Wait the vampirism changed her gender?
Will Bowsun turn back when shes not a vampire? or is she permanently Vin Deisel
>>2266113Already did. Ina as wellhttps://files.catbox.moe/7uxbe4.png
>Vampirism changes your appearance tooJesus christ, why did they make it so fucking dogshit in this game? And its a fucking pain in the ass to cure.
Oblivion autists, explain what just happened
I wish she would do the dark brotherhood content
>>2266158https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EeTMkRKqmkwCan't catch me, rrat.
Fellas I really enjoy Ame's Oblivion streams
Can Bowson be fixed?
>>2266149I started balding at 19...
>>OP>>2265919I want Ame to suck my blood and make me her thrall!
>>2266151Vampirism fucks with the character model.
>turned into a rrat
>from Bowson to Bowtista
>I turned her into a rrat!nice job whoever suggested keeping wabbajack
>turn people into rrats
Amelia Rratson
>>2266178I'm sorry anon.
>>2266061>Dunno how long he stayed around thoughhe'll be backyou're here forever
Those fire elementals always made my dick hard when I played this as a horny teen
I came here to laugh at you nanora
>>2266124I didn't realize it was a soundpost
>>2266168It goes back if she bothers to feedSo it's never going back
Wait she randomly turned an enemy to a rat? my sides
It doesn't matter who we are. What matters is our rrats.
>>2266185I didn't know it was that severe kek
>>2266167Holy fuck, so when 2 girls have sex they make each other pregnant?
>>2266170its a known bug, the unofficial patch made by modders fixes it
>>2266108>>2266135I'm so happy Luna still uses her New Years outfit. It's so cute.
Sheogorath is the Daedric Prince of Rrats
>>2266149I never cared about being bald until Gura said she liked it. Now I'm glad I'm bald.
>>2266177if she drinks blood yea
>>2266149i have long hair
ame is so fucking cute
My sides holy shit
>>2266156Works out fine for toreadors
Dammit Todd, stop making me want to play your games!
>>2266127Got a problem with me, Punk?
>>2266199I miss that one dude back in like January that asked if anyone needed translations of chinkrunes, he seemed like a nice enough guy.
>>2266202Do you like monster hunter?
>>2266170the vampire disease changes your face and if you have fucked up features it can make them normal. the same thing happened to another youtuber with autism cat.
What the fuck is that
I want Ame to suck my blood too!
>>2266178Same but I stopped losing my hair when I stopped working out
Anya is hungry
This fucking game
Nice game you got here Todd.
>im back to "normal"holy kek
my sides
Sugoi Todd...
>>2266214You didn't know that?
You CANNOT make this fucking upThis is actually killing me holy shit
>holding the real laughsDamn I love this girl
Imagine not staying up for this kino streamI'm actually in tears
>>2266253Bowson works out at the library
>Character became a male>Spell that turns NPCs into rrats>bugged breeches are back>Head bugAll in the first 10 minutes, this is already one hell of an Oblivion stream.
>>2266217Yeah, It's pretty comfy, it fits luna so well.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5GONDGSvX8What the fuck>doesn't show up on her channel at all>comments disabled
>>2266098And so does everything else, your existence validates everything you hold dear, so please keep on living for your chubba anon
>フレア、嘘だよな・・・?>Flare, this has to be fake, right...?https://i.imgur.com/BFNIePJ.jpg>こっわ>Scary>これ普通にグロい>That's seriously gross>アメちゃんは俺とサムネのセンスが合わない 怖いのは観たくないのでクリックしない 求めているのはkawaiiだから>Ame-chan's taste in thumbnails doesn't align with mine. I'm not gonna click it because it looks scary, what I'm after is kawaii.>ワトっさんドンキーの時5000とかなのにVALORANTの方が数字あるんだな>Watt-san only got 5000 for Donkey Kong, but it seems like she gets better number for Valorant, huh?>レトロゲーと劣化CSGOなら劣化CSの方がマシ>Between retro games and the poor man's CSGO, the poor man's CS will win out.>ココのマイクラよりワトソンのVALORANTの方が同接多いとか 海外のマイクラおじさん絶滅の危機だな>Coco's Minecraft is losing to Watson's Valorant? The interest of foreigners in Minecraft is on the verge of extinction isn't it?>ワトちゃまやるやん>Watchama's got skills>ワトちゃまもっとヴァロ配信してほしい>I want more Watchama Valorant streams>ワトちゃまの歌ってる日本語曲わからん>I didn't know Watchama could sing Japanese songs>ワトちゃまのオブリのサムネ怖すぎだろ>Isn't Watchaman's Oblivion thumbnail a bit too spooky?>トカゲ怖い>Lizards are scary.>ワトちゃま終わりかと思ったらまだやるんかよ>I thought Watchama was ending, but she's still going?!>ワトちゃん、持ちキャラを取られ渋々必須キャラをピック>Watchan seemed very reluctant to pick the meta character when her favourite was taken.
I can't stop laughing bros
>There are people who actually hate oblivion and are missing this kino
>>2266081Marine and Luna have killed each other's dogs and sent each other LETS GO akasupas after they did it.
Ame's oblivion stream are just pure fucking kino, imagine not watching this shit
Todd-chama... your game dev reps...
>>2266253>>2266259>>2266269so glad I didn't sleep and miss this kino
Ame vampire noises...
>>2266290Why are nip males such pussies?
Ame is more autistic than usual today!
>>2266285It's the YT auto generated topic channel thing. Meant for YT music, but yeah...
My little vampire can't be this cute!
>>2266238>>2266253>>2266259>>2266269>>2266274>>2266277>Do you like it?
>>2266163We're pretty cool
>she will never autisticly suck on your neck and make these sounds
>>2266297I have to assume they've just never watched her stream it, notice how everyone that whines about it disappears during/after her streams of it.
>>2266290>The interest of foreigners in Minecraft is on the verge of extinction isn't it?This jap gets it.
>>2266245Why is she called Watchama?
>>2266290>ワトっさんドンキーの時5000とかなのにVALORANTの方が数字あるんだな>>Watt-san only got 5000 for Donkey Kong, but it seems like she gets better number for Valorant, huh?Number guys...
>>2266290>>ワトちゃまもっとヴァロ配信してほしい>>I want more Watchama Valorant streamsCEASE
>Ame will never suck your bloodWhy even live?
>>2266082Still 100% convinced ina lurks in /wah/ too, she posted the new emotes in the thread before the twitter post and before they updated in the membership after the stream
>>2266290How is Valorant the poor man's CS:GO? It's a shittier CS:GO alright, but CS:GO has lower hardware requirements
>open stream>ame is sucking major air like one of those dentist tools>keep stream open
>>2266290Jesus Japs are such numberfags
>>2266290>>I want more Watchama Valorant streamsSHIT TASTE JOP, SHIT TASTEAlso you are fucking pussies
>>2266290How do these people even live if THAT is scary?
>This is HoloEN2 Say something nice to them.watchalong when?
Holy shit, I hadn't tuned in to Ame's Oblivion streams because TES usually filters me, but this is pure kino
>>2266325Use your brain, Anonchama.
>>2266245God take her tits away from her already so she can grow
>I look like a Goomba!I am actually losing it holy shit lads
Goomba Watson...
>>2266325She's Haachama's sister
>>2266290good to see the tradition of yellow monkeys having shit taste lives on
sex pekohttps://twitter.com/SunsetSkyline1/status/1378354238263160839
does goomba count as a gura mention?
>>2266290Reminder that the JoPs were HAPPY Marine/Miko did their apology stream
>>2266311That's not the topic channel, look again. Same with this onehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x0DAH2kIvfo
>>2266337You have a point.
>>2266325JOP see Ame as a western HaachamaSo Watson Haachama, or Watchama, if you will
>>2266352That's my boy.
>>2266337yeah, nothing like hereif someone from 5ch were to dumpster dive from here he definitely wouldn't be able to find at least 3 instances of numberfagging in a single thread
>>2266334CS:GO also has skins that look decent without costing an arm and a leg
>>2266325>Why is she called Watchama?
>>2266149It was the price i had to pay to become a fitfag
>>2266290keked at poor man CS;GO , thats what i'm calling it now
>>2266358Not if she's actually talking about goombas.
>>2266352THAT'S MY BOY
god this game is so stupid kek
Literally WHAT the fuck is this game
>>2266361Those were Nijiniggers, they still dominate 5ch
>>2266290How do you even get scared by that?
This is hilarious
This fucking stream
Interesting point in the stream to tune in on
>getting another cupcake
Oblivion is the greatest RPG ever made
Why didnt you fuckers tell me that oblivion streams were funny as shit?
Fragile ame..
>>2266389A Skryim demake
>>2266389The most successful broken piece of shit game ever made.
>>2266341>This is HoloEN2I'm.. I'm gonna switch oshi..
>You guys lied to me!>You said it wouldn't hurt!muh
>>2266290Honestly they're not wrong, that is a pretty grotesque thumbnail.
>>2266400No, it's second best.
>>2266375I hate the faggot that made this, but I'm also glad he publicly seethed after he noticed he got blocked by both Ame and Anya.
>outer wilds had shitty viewership>this had shitty viewershipWhy are all of Ame's kino streams 5k viewers
>>2266364She doesn't have a topic channel anymore, they go under her main account now.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y4DppvDtvzw
holy shit the scuff
>>2266404we didn't want to share Kino with Plebs.
>I'm dyingTOP KEK
>>2266334Poor man's as in cheap knock off, even though they're both free.
my fucking sides
>>2266420based Dagoth Ur chad
holy shit when you think her appearence cant get any worse, she presses tab and IT ACTUALLY SOMEHOW GETS FUCKING WORSE
>opens inventory>Bowson has burnt skin>close inventoryTo her credit now she does look like a Goomba
https://twitter.com/moonahoshinova/status/1379319037264416768?s=20Do YOU want to write like Moona?
>Decide to check out non-hololive vtubers for once>they all rail and justify against the evil corporation of hololive>"I feel so bad for the girls"Is this cope or something?
Being bowson is pure suffering
i love this game
>>2266421Wait, what? I didn't know about this kek, sounds hilarious
>>2266341But we already have Rorschach Watson
>>2266413anon is a whore
>>2266423ask youreself, what did those have in common?both were at midnight or even later
>>2266361Man i was fucking mad yesterday, fuckers dared touch my oshi
This is the best game ever and everyone who disagree is a faggot
I'm glad I tuned in.
20 minutes in and already a great stream
This fucking stream, jesas
This is the best Watson stream in fucking weeks if not months, thought I'd peace out in a few mins but no I'm fucking hanging on every second here
>>2266352MA BOI
Damn, Wabbajack is overpowered as fuck.
>>2266421Would it be under Ame's original post? I need to find it.
https://twitter.com/cloba377/status/1378964851473608706Ame SEX
>>2266290This is why your birth rates are so abysmal
Guess I’m a teamate now
>come here you monkeyAME NO
>>2266475It also runs out of charges in like 5 seconds
>>2266445Guaranteed they auditioned and didn't make it in.
>>2266444Cute but f being so low makes me seethe
>>2266423It's honestly very late, and RPG debufft. ESTeamate who has work in 5 hours
>>2266445If its a nijinigger its them being an antiIf its a indie its extremely hard coping because the holos are literally the top 5 in superchat donations
>>2266445alwaysthe way hololive operates and allows their talents to do things is almost no different from vinesauce's crew with the big difference being permissions
>>2266334It's not literal, you mong.
Why are there so many trolls
[Sad news] Wabbajack is out of charges
>>2266471Agreed, I feel like this is a pretty good highlight of just how fucking janky this game is A prime example of "it just works"Ame's reactions to all this shit is comedy gold
Live now>Ameliahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2DMWG9b-jdw>Cocohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cS-p7qaayGEIn less than an hour>Towahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHkJkvoR4vQ>Matsurihttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8qblczbIMt0In 2 hours>Noelhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=61w1MkKgHQY
>>2266482There's a deadric artifact that is like a grand soul gem but its infinite uses. Do all the demon-god quests and you get it and you can perma-charge any of your weapons so long as you cast soul trap on your enemies
I just don't get itI guess i will just never use Streamlink ever againIt's not even a Path issue, or i dunno
>>2266445100% pure distilled, charcoal filtered 6 times cope
>>2266341EN2 being cape-themed would be amazing. Even better if we get heroes and villain types.
>>2266475it doesn't have a lot of charge and sometimes it turns things into something worse.
Somebody tell her to cure herself for fuck sake
oh my god
>>2266499Old meme but good for superchat standards
Holy shit my sides
nice game todd
>game crashedKINO
>>2266501Doesn't Umbra auto soul trap?Also holy shit this stream
Yo these trolls are relentless
bravo Todd
>>2266492It's the teamates.
Is this the most Bethesda stream yet?
holy shit, my sides
>The game crashed!Fitting end to that saga.
This is amazing.
>the troll monsters in the tavern? or whatever that was>game crashesNice fucking game Todd
Todd what the FUCK did you do to this game?
That fucking scared me jesus
you might say, Ame got trolled
>>2266445Hololive's talent scouts seem the most capable out of anyone in the organization, so the interviewers are probably pretty intense.
>>2266333Was is it a xylophone emote?
>>2266495Ok, NOW it's a good example.
Jesus this fucking stream
>>2266290>Japanese, experts of creating the spookiest, most abominable faces known to man>Afraid of some westerner's shitty drawing
Trolled to death
Could not have asked for a better sequence of events
And it's only 25 minutes into the stream
>>2266516Cure Vampirism? It's on her list of todo... and the quest is buggy and long as fuck.
>>2266516The quest to cure vamparism is a fucking pain in the ass in oblivion.
>>2266501Azura's star + Umbra can carry you through the entire game
Just got back from work. What happened in the past 12 hours?
Anon, you did your mogu mogu reps today, right?
I love my oshi Gawr Gura! Hope she had a nice relaxing couple of days off and can't wait to hear her voice again!
This stream is killing me
>Now that bethesda is owned by MS, you'd think that they'd release stability patches for this.
Ame's heal is weak as fuck
Is there any information available about EN2?It is unlikely that a member would divulge any information.
It hasn't even been half an hour and this stream is pure fucking kino
>>2266552There's a reason horror is a much smaller niche in Japan than it is in the west.
>>2266290>That>ScaryAnd I thought it was a cute vamp Ame gremlin
>>2266516This isn't Skyrim where curing vampirism just involves talking to some random dude in Morthal who waves his hands at you and you're cured.
>>2266341I will never not find it funny that the government made the most powerful man in the world, and arguably the universe, wear a fucking thong in public.
>>2266574Oblivion is old and nobody cares. Unofficial fan fixes is all you're getting.
I don't remember trolls being able to run that fast
Anons am I the only person that had all my armor enchanted with maximum feather and learned a lightweight spell so that I could loot every single thing worth more than 2 gold from dungeons?
>Milky is in EN2>Riri is in Gen6>Rachie is in ID3....and Mori will get away with it.
>>2266499Randomly remembered crispy Anakin yelling "I hate you!" and started laughing. I want to do a watchalong with Ame of the prequel trilogy.
>>2266582Cause they made it so spooky everyone is too afraid of it to enjoy?
how the fuck do some random ass NPCs fend off two trolls?
>Ame goes around people's houses in Cyrodiil sucking body liquids
>>2266565>>2266566Explain to me siblings
>>2266577Yeah, the only member is EN2 is me, and I'm going to fuck all the holos. Except Shion because I'm not into kids. Homos get fucked too.
Amazing game Todd
>>2266599Please post it again, retard
>>2266576It's the starting healing spell and she never upgraded.
This stream is one of the funniest shit i've seen in a while
>>2266569Thumbnail looks like a super fat cat with a huge bush
>>2266569yes I did I had leftover homemade cheesecake from yesterday
>>2266352Ame's child confirmed to be the who dropped both bombs
>>2266576shes still using the restoration youre given at the very start of the game...
Imagine trailing behind some dude, sword in hand, waiting for him to sleep so you can suck him dry...
>>2266612It's one long ass fetch quest that can take hours if you don't know exactly what you are doing.
>>2266547Good. We do NOT want a pantsuhead getting in, ever.
When will Ame end this shit game? Hell it's not a game. It's garbage.
Ame's vampire sounds are so CUTE
>one of the best holoEN stream of april is some random one-off oblivion stream at midnight
Vampire Ame is kinda erotic ngl
God I wish that were me
>>2266599>Milky>Koopa>Kyoresu>ElieMonty>Some Twitch Endie I don't know aboutEN2 looks pretty good, huh.
>>2266364Check the descriptionProvided to YouTube by cover corp.The Grim Reaper is a Live-Streamer · Mori CalliopeYour Mori. (Digital ver.)Released on: 2021-04-04Auto-generated by YouTube.
I volunteer for the feeding Ame!
>>2266577We haven't even gotten the VSinger yet.
I wish Ame would suck me
>>2266598I just would get the unkillable horse and use it as storage :^)
>>2266574oblivion had like 20 official patches, it's not getting anymore
>>2266445There are only two times I really feel bad for any of the girls: when something goes wrong and it fucks with their plans, and the fact that they have to heavily filter in their brains what they're saying or risk getting fucked over (either by Cover or by faggots taking their words out of context). Other than that, they've got it made. Steady work, steady money, and seemingly every on-screen talent is more than willing to play nice and get to know you.
>>2266635ogey Blizzard
>Tfw replaying Skyrim and doing vampire DLCWhy does Bethestha bother with vampire? It's full of negatives.
>>2266635ohnonono he's still mad
>>2266637It's barely even the 6th yet...
if vampirism is that easy to spread, youd think everyone in Tamriel would have it by now
I want Ame to slurp my neck
>>2266612It's a huge fetch quest. I remember I got so fed up with it that I just spawned the items in.
God dammit I’m a teamate now what happened to me
>>2266547Pekora auditioned, but the other three joined the company as scouts.The scouts are too good...
>>2266607Damn it, it's too late in the night for me to be hard
This Oblivion series will be one of the greatest just for giving us Ame Vampire
I've never played an elder scrolls
J**, how were Kiara and mori's streams? I couldn't watch them because they're literally in the dead of night for me
>>2266549The peek emote, the actual image was posted in the thread like 5 minutes before the twitter post and 15 minutes before youtube
>random lady on a horse seethe about burglars and procced to punch them in the face KEK
>>2266654Dawnguard makes vampires actually good though
>>2266668Unknown power level
>>2266668a true hero
>>2266668Antimage go back to your own game
>>2266667nice picture jeremy
>>2266630kek>>2266654vampirism in Oblivion provides a ton of base stats the more infected you get, its pretty good for Dark Brotherhood/evil characters. Skyrim reworked vampirisim to be shit because a lot of those systems are gone now
Aw Bowson not again
>>2266676Oh shit did /Wah/ freak out?
>>2266674That's pretty lame, Anon
>>2266677Kiara slayed rrats and Mori went the majority of the stream at least half naked.
>>2266623Almost intentional, cat is pretty large.>>2266625Oh fuck yeah. Cheesecake is tippy tops.
>>2266668fucking kek
>>2266668holy shit
>>2266511They're all based on Worm capes instead of mainstream stuff and go into schizo arcs
Is Ame really getting low fps on fucking oblivion?
>>2266667ogey Jeremy
>>2266676If the girls are all here, we owe it to them to just hornypost 24/7
>>2266674PLAY MY GAMES
>>2266697Saved as C:\Users\Jeremy\Pictures\Pekora_Cute_2.png
>>2266668TWEET IT
>>2266290>>アメちゃんは俺とサムネのセンスが合わない 怖いのは観たくないのでクリックしない 求めているのはkawaiiだから>>Ame-chan's taste in thumbnails doesn't align with mine. I'm not gonna click it because it looks scary, what I'm after is kawaii.
>>2266704Just like real holos lol
>>2266689>Skyrim reworked vampirisim to be shit because a lot of those systems are gone nowit was pretty okay after the dawnstar dlc, but yeah, still not as good as it was in the previous titles.
>>2266642ElieMonty is that the short haired indie that turnout to be trans?
[Ame Update] Her tummy is hurting
>>2266692I know...
>>2266677Kiara slayed the "EN doesn't want to collab with Coco" rrat
what the fuck is this game
>>2266708Saved as C:\Users\Jeremy\Pictures\Todd_Very_Angry.jpg
>>2266674BUY SKYRIM
>>2266667Hi jerermmrey?
>He's an old codgerAruran, don't look...
>>2266507Only other thing I could guess is something happened with your FFMPEG
>>2266691There were several >shes here posts and thats about it
I'm beginning to think Ame is weird...
>>2266718>nousagi custom wakizashi
>>2266733It just works
>>2266709>EN1 Mori and Charlie >EN2 Someone and Jeremy
>Ame is kissing random men on the neck while they sleepDEFEND THIS SHIT TEAMATES
>>2266641Ok, and? That's still her official channel, not a Topic one.>>2266424Yes, but what I am wondering is why it isn't listed on the channel, and why are the comments disabled
>>2266752all me
>how do I know thismaybe you saw it on your way in, I don't know
>>2266721No she's a biological female. I dunno who you're thinking of
>>2266752I'm one of them
>>2266667Post the picture jeychama
>>2266025I have no idea why I would think that
>>2266752I'm also willing to kiss random teamates in the neck if Ame wanted toWhy would I defend that?
>>2266742It should have stayed that way. Idiot /wah/ containment breakers.
I did not care for Oblivion.
>>2266721ElieMonty does English covers of anime songs. 100% woman, as far as I can tell.
>>2266445Its just the stereotypical indie mindset you'd find in any other medium
>>2266752Teamates privilege
>>2266773>the dark brotherhood are kenzoku
>>2266773Twap was a dark brotherhood recruiter this whole time...
>>2266752I kiss random women on the neck while they sleep so I don't mind
>>2266770What changed?
>my team sucks!>I didnt get the map I wanted!>Bubba is getting precum all over my leg!>That guy took my character!ame...
/a/ is currently burning. Can I stay here? I-I love Ame I swear
>>2266721You mean Mocca?
>>2266749I can only hope none of the non-chuuba content creators I follow ever becomes an off-topic shitposting target to fuck up these threads the way Charlie was for Mori.
Newfags FEAR the ancient numbers
>>2266752She's establishing her dominance
I heard the DB questline was actually good in Oblivion
So is the head thing just going to grow and shrink all stream?
>>226644590% of the problems indies pity holos for are problems they'd have too if anyone watched them
>>2266796What happen this time?
don't open
Why is Bruccius the Orphan wearing lipstick as an old man?
>>2266796Would you let her suck your blood dry as she makes weird slorping noises?
>>2266784>>2266788You know too much...
Ame is a kind lady
>>2266809It's great.
Comrade Botan!
>>2266800Oh thats the one Im thinking of. Thanks.
>>2266794I stopped trying to play it in like 2008 and haven't given a shit about it since.
>>2266796>Can I stay here? I-I love Ame I swearif Ame kissed you on the neck while you were sleeping, would you let her kill you with a virgin blade?
God damn vamps are so hot. Imagine some beautiful girl coming to you in the middle of the night and sucking out your blood and fucking you.
>>2266721I think that was lilyhops. not sure though
>>2266818that's pretty hot
>>2266753It's YouTube's auto-generated shit for YouTube Music that Mori gets because she's an artist channel. It's not rocket science, man.
>>2266815RIP Bowson...
>>2266809Even if every other quest in the DB questline was shit, Whodunnit alone would make the entire thing worth it. Thankfully the DB quests are all awesome.
>>2266793You ogey anon?
>>2266806I wish Ina would play FEAR.
>>2266787>all of this time posting distorted smug ogeys transformed into an insatiable lust to abuse pekora with sex
>what does sangween meanAme...
>>2266796Honestly stop shitting up this board I just checked and leaks aren't even out yet and the autism is the same as before please fuck off with your snk attention whoring tourist.
>>2266793it's true I'm Bubba
>>2266232Yeah cheater, where's your hat?
>>2266845>gets permission>but only for 3
>>2266844im watching archive
Does Towa like Monster Hunter?
>>2266847I've wanted to rape Pekora for a while anon the ogeys subdued my lust if anything
>>2266760Holy shit I haven't watched her in a while, but her voice has gotten even worse...
>>2266860My sides!
>>2266833No blood = no erection. You will just feel very cold and then die.
Is there a way to fix her head?
>>2266860fucking based
>>2266800>>2266829Mocca's a dude. He just left his character intentionally androgynous before because it was more fun that way.
>>2266859She's never played it before.
>>2266859Think she was saying she hadn't played it before, and wasn't planning on playing it, and then she said she bought it like 4 days later.
>>2266871but consider the rigor mortis penis
Poor 3090 struggling with a 2006 game
>>2266852I dont even read SnK yet they're spamming the c/a/talog already
>>2266871Fine she can fuck me first I don't care
>https://youtu.be/kbNdf9ZcbRYPolka no!
Goooruh. Stop reading this thread and go to bed so you can make a schedule tomorrow.
>>2266741I tried to download FFMPEG stand alone replaced the one comming with Streamlink, still same plugin error
>>2266880Ah ok.
>>2266036Me too!
>PolusWhat, does he live at an outpost?
>>2266885might be her CPU. a lot of old games can't multithread and run like shit on processors with a lot of cores.
>Super secret highly skilled group of assassins are just a handful of diseased mongoloids in a cave worshipping a corpseDeepest lore
Ame's bloody hiccup...
>>2266885She didn't put a frame rate cap on it so when it zooms in to render a few models, it's doing it at 500 fps.
>【Debut Stream】The Investigation Begins #hololiveEnglish #holoMyth>Streamed live on Sep 13, 2020
The fan art from this stream is going to be kino.
>"I don't know how you feel about pirates...">"Pirates!">"...but you have to kill one.">"oh..."
The Morag Tong are cooler
>>2266885Older games had CPU problemsMeaning they intentionally limited themselves to a percentage of the CPU to allow even OLDER computers to play them But it fucks up new computers because it caps them at a maximum processes power
>>2266888Yes and fuck off back there because snk dominating the catalogue is per usual when chapters are near but the fact I've seen too many tourists posting about it here even though it's still a nothing burger is really starting to piss me off.
Fuck off deadbeat
Enter deadbros
Goofy looking nnn skelebro.
Ame... you ignored your dark brotherhood genmates...
Get fucked Teamates, Ame just said I look cool.
were you JACKING OFF?
Ame's full tummy...
>>2266912These are typical symptoms of a GPU overload with OBS.
>sir, please bring back my fath ead
>>2266769Sorry for taking up 0 images and 4 posts in your precious thread, faggot
>Reina, Ina, Pochi, Anya MHR collabgod damn it, change Anya with Gura
>Anything you say?
>>2266868She works long hours every day.She said she realises that it makes her feel worse, but she can't quit.
>>2266942Its not, she removed all the scenes from OBS.
>>2266769>Check out /wah/>Damascus is posting his shit there as wellExplains the downturn in his autism here.
Anybody here still pick their nose? I do it to build up my immune system.
>I'll do anythingFellatio, you little slut, suck my cock like the little experienced whore you are.
>>2266947>....Please.... I did it for the clout, I don't want to be a tranny anymore...
>>2266913that sounds familiar for some reason
>>2266956ANYA NO
>>2266831I'd let her violate and rape me for her pleasure
>>2266928Maybe if youre a fucking jew elf
>>2266445They want to have their cake and eat it too, whereas Holos at least have some basic expectations placed on them in exchange for receiving an absurdly disproportionate amount of support from their fans compared to any other type of streamer
Isnt there a DLC player home where you can cure vampirism?
Can't you just make a cure disease potion?
>>2266946Gura is shit
>There's a cure, though it's not known to me>Well, you're USELESSNever change, Ame.
>he's a vampire toowell she figured that one out pretty quickly
>>2266760>that titleheh
Watching Ame play Oblivion really makes me want to finally play an RPG, but I hate medieval settings. I've heard Vampire The Masquerade is a great RPG, is it worth it. even if it looks dated?
>>2266928disgusting scaly hands typed this post
>>2266966literally build for 2 dozen pregnancies
>you guys think I could jump on this>gets STUCK
>>2266974Shut up barracuda
>>2266978Look at this dork in his little gimp suit
>>2266968Nice try Todd.
>>2266333Hate to break ot to you but it's probably Enma
How do teamates feel about Amelia constantly doing impromptu collabs with deadbeats during her Oblivion streams?
So if oversea shipping wasn’t a bitch, what kind of official merch would you want from your oshi?Hard mode: nothing obvious like dakis, mousepads, used socks, or the inevitable Walfie plushies/figures. Be a little original.
>>2266896Yea i don't know then. The last things I'd check is if it works on another website or if you need to use cookies. I'd just switch to ytarchive though if it doesn't work. It functions with mostly the same flags as ytdl and has the same folder/file name customization
Gura... just one more ASMR... onegai...
>>2266957She doesn't have experience with micropenises, I'm sorry.
>>2266978I fucking hated it when they fuckers showed up with paralysis swords and just whooped your ass every time you wait.
>Coco's gonna have a bunch of EOPs putting peko at the end of their chat messages in other streamsshe can't keep getting away with this
>Ame Buys a 10900K+ 3090>still a stuttery mess.She should've opted for a 5950X
>>2267002amelia used period panties
>>2266952It just means her GPU is still getting overloaded. Remember OBS still needs GPU cycles to even composite her live2d and the game capture together on top of whatever scenes she still has in the background. If it were the CPU, the live2d would still be smooth while the game stutters.On top of that, the stream only stutters when she's stuck in a small space with only a few models visible. It's almost certainly because of the CPU pumping hundreds of frames to the GPU and maxing it out.
>>2267002A Kotori plushie would be nice. Maybe a mug.
>>2267002Any of Ame's accessoriesHat, magnifying glass, monocle, stehotscope
>>2266980bro what the FUCK do you think diabetes is?
>>2267002Ina, tako pencil holder where it turns the tako into a pin cushion.
>>2267021You’re already getting the Kotori plushie, is a mug all you can think of?
Ame, your sneak reps...
>>2267002Ame's custom shirts. Like the tshirts that have seifukus on it, but with her outfit printed as a design. Or just printing a cute design by her on it, I'd buy 40
>>2267019I'll continue to believe that person who thinks she set her OBS settings to max quality instead of just quality, so OBS is just eating everything it can
>>2267002Gura Desktop buddy
>>2267028My mom has type one I know what it is. She doesn't do anything and is tired all the time trying to manage the condition. It's stressful as shit for her.
>>2266982Yes, VtM:B is excellent. You might want to get a community patch to get rid of some nasty bugs, but the setting is fantastic and the gameplay is fun.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YHkJkvoR4vQI know it's teamate time and you're watching a pretty kino Oblivion stream, but this cute devil is gonna play some Monster Hunter if you're into that kind of thing
Ame is the biggest fucking retard at this
It's Okayu's 2nd anniversary with hololive tonight, and she's gonna sing! Drop on by if you can.https://youtu.be/kQt2-Euqo1k
What an amazing assassin
>>2267044Towa playing game other than APEX? Now I care
>>2267040I don't really want merch. Sorry.
>>2267061How does Tower do with games that aren't Apex?
Not so long ago, covers didn't understand what the consumer needed.(Many of Korone's listeners don't see her as a sexual object, yet she released a sexual pillow as a commemorative product.These days she's a lot more sane.
>>2266953Someone that consisted of 200 of a 350 post thread got shitcanned earlier today so thats probably who youre talking about, was most likely a 3 day but could have possibly been longer (hopefully)
Are there werewolves in oblivion?
Teamates, your oshi is kind of a dumbass
Apparently, you need to use console commands to fix vampire trans
>>2267056>BonziSharkyI sometimes wish Microsoft made Office Assistant again, but this time, you can have custom assistants.
>>2267049When I used to stream I set a limit on my OBS settings and never had a problem. My friend at the time had it set to max settings and OBS shat itself every single time.It can also just be too many things running at the same time.
Ame baby..
>>2267069I guess I'm not sleeping tonight.
>Use a bow inside a shipAme...
>you elves are all the samebased but YAB
>>2266982Yeah, it's fantastic. Like the other anon said though, make sure you get the fan patch so the game is actually beatable. Stick with the basic version though, since the plus version adds fanmade stuff.
>>2267002Gura hoodie, giant trident, Gura figurine
Is it just me or does Ame not sound like Ame at all tonight? Is someone else in her place??
>>2266333There's an old rrat that someone posted about how they raided with her in the old /vg/ thread. And considering how she has old school /a/ tastes, it wouldn't shock me if she knew about here.
>>2267091Can you get sneak attacks like in Skyrim?
>>2267002A scythe. ALL 5 FEET OF IT.
>>2267002Walfie minifigs, kiara cast-off, sneakers of various designs, licensed out "cool" stuff like the eva store pumps out.
>>2267076>Korone's listeners don't see her as a sexual object
>>2266290does the JoPs also have 4chan diving?
>>2267098Im speggin it
>>2267069I promise I'll be there
im a freak im mr sexmachine
>>2267095ALL FLESHNO FURYwhatever that means
>>2267080Not in the game no
>>2267002I kinda want a “Crimes” Hawaiian shirt as a reference to Mori’s Scarface watchalong. Make it come with a deadbeat headband or something>>2267037This ones actually pretty neat
>>2267078No, I'm talking about the anon that bought 10k batteries and electrocutes himself on the daily because he stores them next to a bunch of stolen copper wire.
Amelia's inhuman screeches make me diamonds
Holy kek Ame
Amelia Cheeseson
>>2267116I think he says flash
>>2266978Who is this high tech assassin?
The dark brotherhood really struck gold with this one
Nice game Todd
Please watch tortellini play monster hunter.
>>2267002But all I want is Ame's used socks...
>>2267109Of course
>>2267096>>2267060Thanks for the input anon-tachi, I'll get it one of these days.
>>2267109They have their pigeons yes
>>2267002RG Pekodam
>hops on a table>the guys can't reach with their melee weapons>Ame just shoots at 'em safelyGreat game Todd
>>2267002Ina's art book, and a takodachi hoodie would be nice. Hell, pretty much any takodachi merch would be welcome.
>>2267002Mio's hoodie
>>2267120Oh, that thing, yea we dont wanna talk about that thing
amelia cheeseson
Let's get Hwwwah
>>2267109I only watch here, not shitty JP community.
Dark brotherhood did well choosing this girl
>Lusty Argonian MaidOh no
>>2267076There's nothing sexual about that pillow.
>>2267018I don’t think Ame can do enough squats to meet demand.
Amelia Cheatson every god damn time
>Lusty Argonian Maid
>>2267076>Many of Korone's listeners don't see her as a sexual object
>>2267132Will she speak in her husky smoker's baritone? No? Then not watching.
my sides this stream is amazing
>>2267002Kiara's beret
>Lusty Argonian Maid readalong streamLET'S FUCKING GOOOOOOOOO
>>2267138Don't bother buying it, the devs went under 16 years ago and your money will either go to Activision or Paradox, and neither of them deserve it.
Holobass, are you watching?
Is someone gonna draw ame as a hot lizard girl now
>"Polish my spear">"But it is huge!"
Ame's polishing my spearLater virgins
>that's it?!?
Ame just READ PORN on stream
>>2267150Well, there are other stories related to that anon out there, that's all you really need to know. You have the word to search if you're ever curious as to the full extent of his autism.
>that's it?
Lmfao this game rocks
Gura-Lifts-Her-Tail>My goodness, that's quite a loaf! But how ever shall it fit my oven?Amelius Woltson>This loaf isn't ready for baking, my sweet. It has yet to rise.Gura-Lifts-Her-Tail>If only we could hurry that along. How would I accomplish such a task?Amelius Woltson>Oh, my foolish little Sharkgonian maid, you must use your hands.Gura-Lifts-Her-Tail>You wish me to knead the loaf? Here?Amelius Woltson>Of course.Gura-Lifts-Her-Tail>But what if the mistress catches me? Your loaf was meant to satisfy her appetite.Amelius Woltson>Don't fret, my delicate flower. I'll satisfy the mistress's cravings later.Gura-Lifts-Her-Tail>Very well, but I'm afraid my oven isn't hot enough. It could take hours!Amelius Woltson>Plenty of time, my sweet. Plenty of time.
>Ame reading non BL fan-fictionFake
bros I can't handle this...
>>2267168Holy sex
The good part?
>>2267002Gura hoodieTrident fork
>>2267198>>2267203You were waiting for this, weren't you
>>2267157ah, yes, the superior En community wins again
My sides. This Oblivion just keeps on giving.
Ame please polish my virgin blade
Bros this might be my favorite hololive stream of all time
>>2267207I'm still mad 12 Beast got canceled.
>>2267076>Many of Korone's listeners don't see her as a sexual objectAre they faggots or what?
>>2267198>>2267203Lusty Sharkonian Maidmind...
>>2266860Replace the left one with buffson
>>2267002something similar with this, but with Hololive https://youtu.be/-knoqvzZkBs
>>2267002A subtle KFP jacket or apron would be nice, a Mamaloni art book and/or poster, also something like this:
>>2266001there are almost 50 hololive members so by your math we are having one graduation every two months. I don't think that tracks (not counting holostars bc offtopic)
https://youtu.be/cS-p7qaayGE?t=1998In case anyone else missed hearing Coco talk about the EN girls
>>2267198>>2267203This stream, this thread. It's too good.
God I want a starwars gf
>>2267157If ever it seems like here is very angry, just leave for 2 or 3 hours. That's what we call "SEAnigger hours". Very bad if you want to talk nice about Holo.
>>2267198>>2267203This pasta finally realized
>>2267222Tangina diko maintindihan sinasabi mo
Calli's Hug pillow are sexual.I don't like the flirtatious look on her face, but even with that, it's sexually pleasing.
Is the LAM part 2 Skyrim only?
>>2267127It's the assassin the Dark Brotherhood sends to you in Morrowind. Don't ask me why they wear the goggles.
Botan liked thishttps://twitter.com/Dia_BlackCat/status/1379046176528326656
>>2267246Bro I'm not actually flipx I just typed random shit for a (You).
>>2267250Your boy is pretty sexy!
>>2267250So is that her canon underwear now
>>2267005to use that you just run the exe and drop the url? I am just gonna test it with Ame stream i guess
Well, I guess Lamy is also going off the deep end of GFE https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_fZhWHr_-PE
>>2267250No ass.0/10
>It's not cheating, it's cheesing!Based.
>>2267220meh, it was lame. it was just another Sexy Monster of the Volume but with a shonen coat. MC even looked like darling.
>>2267250>I don't like the flirtatious look on her faceWas she supposed to just have a plain jitomi while being half naked on your bed?
>>2267061JWU Towaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa YES! At last Monhun
>>2267268Should've just been her default pose
>>2267263You can't even see it properly, she's got an athletes butt
>>2267260I know you're probably going to roll your eyes, but stripping is actually encouraged for ASMR. It has mental affects on you to feel more better connected with your audience.Even Gura stripped a little bit during her ASMR
>>2267256You got one word right though "sarap"
we're fine with Ame raping 8 men on a ship?
>>2267237>There were 2000 people in my high school yet barely any of them are dead.
>>2267215pretty based tbqh desuI'd hang out at a BBQ with him after the wekly rodeo
>>2266113Good God.
>>2267268Nothing wrong with 2 bros lying half-naked next to each other on the bed, anon
>JP bro comes here yesterday evening JST and talks about Ame and wanting to know more about her>Ame is live at a more JP-friendly time tonightDude's probably over the moon right about now
>>2267282So long as I'm the 9th
>>2267002A detective's mug. Maybe clothing merch that is more subtle. Otherwise I really like everyone else's suggestions and wouldn't be opposed to any of it.
>>2267237That's not how stats works, though with his numbers there'd be like a ~63.5% chance of at least one talent graduating within the next two months so you are right that he's dumb.I desperately hope this doesn't get grudge posted in the next two months
>>2267069Damn we get Okayu singing and Risu singing in the same night? Blessed
>>2266828hero of the russians
>>2267278Oh god I can't handle it, there's no way you can confirm that she did. I need more Gura ASMR UUUOOOHHHH
>>2267250>I don't like the flirtatious look on her face,Why are all the gays coming out tonight?
>>2267250>tfw I already have Lucitan's design and have printed it>will be ordering this too.
get the rake
>>2267267It was an alternative to the modern-day setting for slice of life stuff, at least.
Towa no hat looks so cute
>>2266623Let's see if color fixes the thumbnail.
>>2267222Eat shit seanigger
ame is no leaf
Ame asking to be raked.
>Ame audibly disgusted when accused of being Canadian
>>2267291There was also a SEA guy 4 days ago who actually really liked Kiara, he was trying to aplogize to KFP, sadly not a lot of people responded to him
>>2267002>or the inevitable Walfie plushies/figures>inevitableI believe it when I see it.Otherwise, yes, I still want those the most.
>>2266847I have a JAV where two Japanese girls dress up and roleplay as rabbits and go "pyon" a lot. The JOPs cock is the carrot. Occasionally pekora triggers me to go watch it. But actually I bookmarked it in Bing and it got removed recently. RIP pyon
>>2267194Id rather stay ignorant, thanks for the heads up though
>>2267320she's latinx
>>2267002Official tentacult robes
>>2267327Canuckbrothers... this can't be happening....
Coco should play Bully
>>2267002Takodachi stress ball
>>2267291can you link the post number? I was prolly asleep/busy finding a job when it happened
Bowson became a fucking tranny
>you guys think if I cure the vampirism that it'll be goneY-yes?
>>2267298I have never gotten such a whiplash inducing urge to breed after opening this spoiler
>>2267002A figure or nendo. Good quality headphones. One of those zip-up hoodies that go all the way up over your head, and on the face I want it to be a deadbeat skull.
>>2267362She was thinking her mannish appearance might not revert back, I think.
>>2267002A Gura hood/hat. Not the whole hoodie, just the hat, which is a separate pieceThe idea of putting on my Gura hood every time I watch her stream is so autistically comfy
>>2267168holy shit my dick! where did that webm come from?
Towa is being retarded again
>>2267361it's still a woman, just an old woman.
>>2267365you're too late anon, many oji-sans have opened a Shion bakery
Don't let me catch you watching any hags.
>>2267291Now the question is if he can actually understand anything she's saying.>>2267328I think I saw him and replied once or twice. Though, if it was during a chimpout people would be ignoring/mocking ESL on principle.>>2267358Here, I just so happened to cross-post him earlier in this exact thread. >>2241167 Go aaaaall the way back the chain if you want to find his first post.
>>2267298>Girl I was dating took a picture like this for me>Her body was nubile as fuck and looked similar to this picGood times...
>>2267362I hate when streamers ask retarded questions like that where it's transparently done to boost audience engagement.
It's been 8 streams and Ame still doesn't know how to check enemy health bars. I still love her tho
why do all black guys in this game have the exact same voice
of course she goes to the wrong exit lmao
>>2266187HOLY SHIT
>>2267222pisti yawa nga negro
same-chan = guraWatchama = Amehow does the JOPs call Kiara, Mori and Ina?
>>2267331Just wait, it’ll be the anniversary merch, either that or Ame will just get her own Walfie plush/figure on her next birthday.
>>2267002Tako beanie or what ever those hats are called.
>>2267385TAIGA HATE
>>2267393The game has something like five VA's for the whole thing.
>>2267397Whore, wigger, and boring
>>2267393because this game has like 8 voice actors
>>2267397Calliope, Kari or Kari-chan, probably one or two others.
>>2267393Its an elder scrolls game, they use the bare minimum for voice acting outside of main quest characters
>>2267387There's a universal saying spoken by every tongue."I don't understand what she's saying but she's cute and I'm glad she's having fun."
>>2267391I hate when anons make smug responses when they misunderstood what was said.
>>2267393are you talking about oblivion or going outside irl?
>>2267387Thank fren. it would be funny if this anon was beatani
>>2267397If we're assuming by JOPs you mean 5chMori = Calli-sanIna = Tako-senseiKiara = Tori/Kusotori
>>2267397Kiara, Kari, and Tako-sensei
>>2267391It may be retarded but the answer to the question is "No" it won't fix her face https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Vampirism
why is she streaming at 3am?
>>2267069Sweet, i get 4 hours of sleep tonight, been a while since ive had that much!
>>2267397I've seen Ina get called Tako-sensei or just Tako.
>>2267397they quite regularly call kiara kusotorii had a recent image of a 5ch thread during a recent reddit stream but I cant seem to find it
>>2267431Ina - Inner
Towa's character looks so autistic. Just like herself
>>2267397Kiara = Kiara (Chiara), Kusotori (Fucking bird)Ina = Tako-sensei, Ina, InanisMori = Mori, Calli-chan (Kari-chan), Calliope
>>2267429Ame is about to become the EN Watame where she streams super late into the night and a chance that it'll go to early morning depending on how hard she wants to go at the game she's playing
>>2267341I'll buy that and rock it in public.
Why does Ame hate her brotherhood senpai, she won't even talk to them
>>2267002>Art set(canvas, pencil, pen, and notebook) with Ina theme>Wallet and phone case with Mori theme>Hat and yellow stopwatch with AME theme>Kitchen set with Gura themeI can't think one for Kiara
I don't suppose anyone has the screens of 5ch's reaction to seeing what Ina had to look at during her entire Unravel 2 playthrough?
>>2267429It's only just past midnight for her
>>2267453I for one like this development.
>>2267397Kiara=Kiara(-chan)Mori=Calli(-chan)Ina=Ina(-chan)Not much has changed.
>>2267472your wife is cute
>>2267002I'd like something wearable and subtle like Mori's necklace, since I could totally hang it from my ID badge at work or something similar.
>>2267467I didn't even know they watched that.
>>2267472>Those toes
>>2267464KFP/chicken themed egg timer
>木丛中的兄弟灌木丛中的兄弟灌木丛中的兄弟灌木丛中的兄弟灌 (etc.)Yeah, thank god we're isolating Coco, enma. Definitely keeping the chink spam out.
>>2267467Do you have a link to the tweet in question? I might be able to track it down.
>>2267463Ame doesn't care about the Dark Brotherhood and is only using it as a stepping stone towards curing vampirism
>>2267443towa's design is kinda shit NGLim sorry flipphone anon
>>2267317Much less misleading
Just Got to gold in Apex how's Ame's stream going?
I didn't really have an oshi until the Gura ASMR. Is that really pathetic?
>the absolute most hilarious stream intro ever>now comfy kino in my bedI know the numbers aren't as hot, but I absolutely love Ame's late-night hours, fuck her sleeping her schedule
>>2267215I don't visit holo thread of 5ch. But vtuber thread opens on kenmo board of 5ch (like /pol/), I posted the ww2 images from Ame's playing games(L.A.noire, fallout4 ).
>>2265870I'm happy that my cute screenshot continues to be posted here
Ame's oldfag..
>>2267492BOWSON HATE
>>2267493Her New year's outfit is great.
This nee talent is kinda rude to her superiors, she doesn't care about the dark brotherhood at all!!
Hahha towa egg head haaha looks retarded autismo
>>2267496Started out fucking hilarious with how glitchy the game isIt's been pretty good since
there was a zhang on one of the miko's thread that said that he was no Zhang because his Oshi was Aqua>>2236686
>>2267488Feet and hands are some of the hardest body parts to draw correctly. Doesn't excuse what's probably laziness in that particular pic but count your blessing whenever you find good toes or fingers.
>>2267511i agree, it was a major buff and i wish she'd use it instead of her default
>Chink spam in the chat.>Buried by BRRRRRR.Come on Enma, let Coco & Ame collab already.
>>2267505Why do people send this shitI'll never forget that old gura stream where she accidentally read a HERfag superchat and visibly ruined her mood
For what it's worth I really like ui style of oblivion, especially the faction rank art.
>>2267463She's a leech who only joined to level up her archery. She has no respect for the Brotherhood nor Sithis, and I hope she "graduates" soon.
>>2267002>Ame1 fuck ticket>Ina1 fuck ticket>Gura1 fuck ticket>Mori1 fuck Kiara while I watch ticket>Kiara1 say "Fuck all SEAniggers" live on stream ticket
>>2267490if cover did right thing and fucking punished that bitch no grudge would happen
>>2267524Why is this, anyway? Is the anatomy that fundamentally complex?
>>2267503for your collection
>>2267525When I first saw Towa I thought she was a cat girl until I saw her tail.
>>2267492>>2267515What's stopping Bowson from giving the Dark Brotherhood the finger and doing her own thing?
>>2267505Hopefully she bans them, I really hate how subtle these faggots are with their roomate posting
>>2266978Free money
>>2267524I get that but her toes look sharper than her teeth in that pic.
>my wife RonaYAB
>>2266753Since Calli has the Official Artist Channel designation, all topic channel videos automatically point to her actual channel. It's part of the official artist channel thing.
>why would you want to find a cure?what a stupid question, todd you fucking idiot
>>2267551the difference is this is one of her friends she played with
Many Japanese fans don't know the EN members very well.But we know that they are cute, talented and very pretty.Who is Sinigami Sennsei ? Is she different from Calliope?
>>2267561Based enma
>>2267568If that's the case the retard should fucking know better.
>>2267576Its the little ghost dude with the glasses that mori uses as her mascot
>>2267545God I love art of Holos in military outfits
>>2267486>>2267467I think I remember that, they started saying she had the patience of a sage and were calling her an angel if I remember right
>>2267561Get parried, bitch
>>2267561get fucked retard
>>2267561i kneel to Enma-sama
>>2267576Bad LARP.
>>2267561Based Ame, or Jenma
>>2267469thought she lived in east coast now
>>2267561Get fucked shit ass
Another good Kiara momenthttps://youtu.be/aXs8L1wQpX4?t=14107
>>2267476The tradeoff however is that it won't go to her level of parasocial spending 4 additional hours per stream reading superchats and listening to her crying with synths and a music box playing in the backgroundThat'll be for McThankies Thursday
>>2267493While it's not shit, her New year's outfit is really good compared to her default outfit. Wish she'd use it more
>>2267002Cool shoes styled after all the EN girls would be nice
>>2267576death sensei is her fucking boyfriend that she fucks with her pussy
>>2267561Based. I reported it too.
>>2267596She's right. I don't have a trash compactor like she does.
>>2267576Try harder larper.
>>2267593She doesn't.
>>2267597Much better. At least she has actual toes there.
>>2267576He's both an actual character in her lore and also a stand in for various authority figures in her life when she tells stories about herself.
>>2267587there really really needs to be more
>>2267443>she uses the tallest nosetowa...
what was the best En/Jp collab?
>a repairman entering the officeAll me, actually
>>2267002>Water jugA tumbler would be fine too, I guess.Oh and maybe a nekko plush!Some other merch I like for the other girls:>Gura hoodie>KFP-branded eating utensils, plates, etc>Ame's necktie>Lamy whiskey glass (to go along with her ice cubes merch)
>>2267561Enma love
It's me I'm gonna fix stuff in her office
>>2267628Group collab? Amo9us.
Ame is going to get covid from the repairman!
>>2267630>I'll tell you guys what he's fixing afterShe really is scared it's you
>>2267628Korone and Mori with the bomb game.
is ame cute
>>2267215I get it and know what meme this is based on but I feel like no matter where someone is from, if they enjoy and try to adapt and integrate with my own culture, even if they act weird or get it wrong sometimes, I'll welcome them as a brotherI'd like to think most people around the world feel the same
>a man is coming to fix Ame's pipesTeacucks....
>>2267493You have humongous shit taste, Towa has one of the greatest designs.
It's the toilet isn't it?
>>2267576This is Shinigami SennseiYes she is very different from Calliope.
She's getting a bed repairman from all the steamy e-sex with Gura!
Stripper pole what a fucking great stream.
>>2267645>got overly defensive about it being a stripper poleITS DEFNITELY A STRIPPER POLE
>>2267599I don't mind that either. Though I hope she moves McThankies Thursdays back to the weekend eventually.
Sorry guys, it's me, Ame hired me to fix her plumbing.
>>2267645I'm going over to fix her some eggs
Teamates, has Ame mentioned what her collab with Reine is? I figure it's just Minecraft or APEX but the fact it isn't listed has my hopes up
https://streamable.com/t1omwdkfp will defend this
>>2267636>>2267642Thank you Cover!!!
>I wanna find a cure for RonaMe too, Ame. Me too.
>>2267586>mascotI didn't know that...
the cure for rona'
>cucked by mario yet againteacucks....
>>2267648>I wanna find the cure for 'RonaAME NO
>>2267520I had to sleep around the Walfie Kiara appearance I had no idea she did 5 push ups so fucking poorly. My oshi is weak!
>Cure for ronakek
Praying for the gorilla Oblivion stream this week
It’s probably the plumber with how her stomach has been lately.
「Good News」 Ame is going to find a cure for the 'rona
why are gray names like this?
>>2267671with my life
>>2267644wasn't that stream the whole reason why gura don't collab with the jp?
>>2267628Ame/Mel Apex, but Ollie was there too
>2267658Putangina mo/Anjing goblok/Anak jalangKill yourself doxnigger
>>2267642I beleeeb
>>2267671Kiara...your idol stamina...
Damn I really wish that was a longer stream
>>2267671Remember when people said she was one of the most athletic?
>>2267636THINGS THAT COVER ACTUALLY DOES FOR THEIR TALENTS>Install VR setups for their EN girlsW-Wait what???
>>2267341A tentacult bathrobe would be pretty sick>>2267037>>2267147>>2267357>>2267399This tells me that Ina can just find some random item in her house, slap a Tako design on it, and all you faggots including me will eat it up.Ina is a marketing genius.
>>2267503I'm glad to have you here
>>2267696No its she is shy and speaks english.
>>2267539It's not a simple shape, like a torso or an arm or leg or neck. It's various digits of different sizes and every artist has their own style that they learn to draw, like the slender fingers Ina draws in comparison to the more "realistic" toes you see in this Polka pic.Add the complexity of perspective and it takes a ton of experience and practice to learn to draw them properly, not just its shape but the shading and tones as well.Most of the time, artists will opt to hide the digits on hands or feet than drawing them. Sometimes, they will try to draw them very crudely for practice or just not bother refining it like in that unfortunate Gura fanart. They should have just erased the feet if they were going to be that lazy IMO.
since we have a potential jap and jap larpers, and ame is streaming, have this old gem from a jop gosling
>>2267628group: AmongUsJP only: Kiara + Subaru playing Untitled Goose GameEOP friendly: the Ame+Mel collabs are OKBest memes: I am die thank you forever
>>2267712she probably WAS the most athletic, at least before she spent the last 7 months sitting on a computer streaming.
>>2267002KFP Alarm clock that has sounds/voices of Kiara as alarm forcing you to work and also plays a daily dose of Heart Challenger or Hinotori. Bonus points its connected to the interenet and alarms before Kiara's stream like a non cult behavior
>stinky NEETS called the fuck out
Ame can smell me...
>And if you're a disgusting NEET that's gonna be up for a few hours, I hope you eat a meal with vegetables and brush your teeth, you smellGod... Ame... you had to call me out like this and I still adore you with all my heart
I think I should go shower now...
Ame, why you gotta call me out like that?
Ame called me a disgusting neet!
>disgusting neet
all i heard was "stinky stinky smell" was she talking to me?
>>2267671Well she can't defend herself can she?
I should get a job shouldn't I...
>disgusting NEETI feel called out
I-i brush my teeths Ame!!
>>2267671I fucking need that RFA stream
Ame just insulted HIM on stream
Matsuri is just the Japanese Ollie??
what VR game you want your oshi to play?my oshi already have Vr but she hasn't played VR since 2019 MIKO
why would she say that bros...
>>2267671If EN ever gets 3D that Twister game is going to kill her.
>>2267696No? Even if you wanna bring up that stupid, dumb rrat, it's in reference to the second among us collab. Amo9us was good, although the start was rough cause the O2 losses.
I just showered fuck you ame you literally smell like DOG CUM
Honestly getting sick of Ina's shit. She did a sub 2 hour fucking stream on Sunday, still doesn't stream today, and yet there's still no schedule. Like fucking really?
[Good News] Ame will now be sleeping with her actual wife Ninomae Ina'nis of Hololive English
>>2267746Actually she insulted>us
I'm going to go shower now if you guys want to shower at the same time
Take a shower you disgusting degenerate losers
>>2267671Christ those asthma breaths after only 5...the average person can do about 20-25 pushups at once...Tenchoul...
>>2267714Cant deny that but as someone who doesnt buy merch more than once a year, it would have to be something worth getting
>>2267628Kiara/Shuba goose game
>>2267671If I didn't someone else might get to manhandle her and that just will not do.
Rate the stream, teamates
>>2267759sure bro, I'll accompany you
https://youtu.be/uFkyAuFqAqkWas it kino?
>>2267763Stop being so mean Ame
One Thread doxxbeats One thread
>>2267756TAKO LOVE
>>2267741No but you should probably have a shower.
>>2267628I might be biased because Nene's my oshi but I liked the Ina/Nene/Polka collab even though Ina had a hard time speaking up.Then there's the Amon9us collab with Gen 5O'riends collabs are always fun because Kiara and Nene get to show off their idol side more
>>2267628Mori and Korone
>>2267002KFP hoodie and/or mock uniform
>>2267773Oblivion jank is perfect for Ame. Can't wait for the next one.
>>2267768Kiara x Subaru duck game
>>2267756She just did a guerilla stream dog
>>2267759ya im down lets go
Lets take a shower at the same time /hlgg/!!!
>>2267764>the average person can do about 20-25 pushups at oncekek, more like 5 pushupsI knew girls in high school who literally could not do ONE (1) push up
>>2267718There are memes about artist on /co/ that go out out of their way to hide feet/hands. So even pros don't like drawing them.
>>2267781I just broke my 2 day no shower streak a couple hours ago...
neetkeks dabbed on by Amesama
>>OPWhat Hololive members can sing AND dance?
>>226777310/10 not a single dull moment
>>2267719Japanese Goslings always give the greatest commentary when it comes to Ame
>>2267764>the average person can do about 20-25 pushups at oncehaha yea..
>was going to take a shower anyways>now I have to shower knowing dozens, if not hundreds of teamates are doing the same
>>2267764The average woman would struggle to do 10 even if they cheated with knees. You seriously overestimate the average ability of people.
I would die for Amelia Watson
>>2267772Based and same
>>2267773Can't give it anything other than 10/10, I haven't laughed this much ina while
>>2267773short but sweet
i may be a neet but i shower and brush my teeth everyday
>>2267636>>2267642>>22677133D SOON(tm)
>>2267677Cold medicine, you idiot
Why has Reine been streaming so much lately? Did she just go through a divorce?
>>2267756>a fucking streamWow, Tier 3 tako content sounds pretty great.
>>2267759>>2267775YEAH LET'S HIT THOSE SHOWERS
Good afternoon faggots. Why don't you all use your filthy greasy finger to click my subscribe button! Quick do it now so I will become 1 MILION SUBS CHUBAA!! I will host cock rating stream for the celebration
Towa's character is a tranny....
I'm not a NEET but I wish she called me stinky...
>>2267805You'll only die after you PLAY APEX
>>2267632I would unironically buy a Nenechi themed miniature water jug.
>>2267792>>2267802>>2267804EXERSISE RIGHT NOW
>Kiara>good content
>>2267628Ame & Chamers.
Im not a NEET by choice ame, if anything im forced to be a NEET in this current situation. In a few more months i'll most likely have a job, please consider my situation ame...
>>2267802Anon? Even as a fat hikki I could do 30~
>Towa better able to mimic the male voices than femalebased
>>2267827learn english bitch
>>2267764>the average person can do about 20-25 pushups at oncelol, you're overestimating the average
>>2267666Shut the fuck up Satan!
What did she mean by this?
So if she's getting someone to fix something for her, and its something she'll tell us tomorrow, the opitions are:- VR setup- Her soundproof tiles that she messed upAnything else?
>>2267718This artist is freaking amazing best footfag I've seen
>>2267827b-but its almost 4am
>>2267773Lusty Argonian maid/10
>>2267773fat head/10pretty fucking entertaining. the jank was fun to experience with ame. late night stream ame might be best ame. 9/10.
>>2267821Does Anya really treat her viewers like this?
>>2267759There ain't nothing like a manly shower with the bros!>*slaps ass*
>>2267773Probably the hardest I've laughed at a stream in ages. 10/10
>>226777310/10 Oblivion streams are always so good, i love them
Wait what the fuck? I left the stream open to make a coffee, came back, and Ame said "see you tomorrow" at the very end. Does she always leave little messages like this?
>>2267821she wont laugh at it right?
Finding a job is very hard right now Ame, please understand...
>>2267671Imagine hugging her while she tries to resist unable to fight back
>>226777310/10. This game is made for Ame.
>>2267712Was probably more of the cardio type. She probably never had much physical strength.
Towa looks naked without her hat
>>2267833brush your teeth, stinky
>>2267773>The bowson bug>Lusty argonian maidThe funniest oblivion stream yet10/10
>>2267783Even if Ina was quiet you could tell how excited Polka and Nene were.
>>2267827I did chest/shoulders/triceps like an hour ago fuck off.
>>2267764I can do only 10...... And I wanted to be a marine
>He can't do 40 push ups in one setTake this, get strong.https://youtu.be/pRKPqQyIzA8How can you defend your oshi if a SEANigger could snap you due to you lacking power?
>>2267799Most of them since they're idols. Standouts would be:>Suisei>Sora>Aki!!!>Korone>Festival>Haato>Mio>Towa>CocoExceptions:>Okayu>Marine
>>2267861Here borrow my noose/10
>>2267671>>2267712Do people know stamina and cardio doesn't equal upper body strength?
>>2267222ping pong ding dong applebees
Is it known that Korone is a shy dog?
>>2267819Gura isn't pregnant. I checked.
>>2267863trying to find a job in my area is always rough because I don't have a security clearance and the coof makes it worse
>>2267801i dont know what it is about 5ch posts but they always draw some kind of laughter out of me
>>2267878>SuiseiLOOK AT HER GO!
>>2267793This is why I'm not a teamate
>>2267849It's not soundproof tiles.
>>2267803Ame is in control.
>>2267250Did a JPbro write this post?
>>2267863>tfw I was a chef pre-covid and now restaurants are starting to close for good
>>2267773Ame's stream is pretty great as usual/10
>>2267899Or foam, I don't know anything about it.
>>2267884It is known that she is cute and energetic.
Bets on what weapon Twappi chooses?
>>2267881Most people ITT are /fit/lets, yes.
>>2267861shitty ass games /10im mazed mori didnt show interest in MHbut for what it is and times they are ok.
>>2267871Oh definitely!I'd love to see Ina collab with them again
>>2267827i took a day off from lifting because I almost killed myself with sleep medication, and that became two days, and right now its probably going to become 3 days...
>>2267876>How can you defend your oshi if a SEANigger could snap you due to you lacking power?like this
>>2267628>duck game>amo9us with gen5 >holotalk generally but that's cheap answer
>>2267913She's going to find out that DB has demon mode and she's going to play DB.
>>2267898She moves with such grace!
Is matsuri playing with her members or just random people? She is pretty brave to have their voice on, this would never work on the en side. Imagine if some asshole starts spilling some political bs on stream.
I understand now why Ame wanted to play FO76 with Gura. Bethesda jank is perfect stream material.
>>2267912I wish I had as much energy as her in my 30's.
>>2267718>artists will opt to hide the digits on hands or feet than drawing themI remember a drawanon mentioning this and I can never unsee it whenever I see fanart.Pic related.
Is catbox down again?
>>2267910I'm sure she said it's not that in this stream near the end. Might have to recheck it later.
>>2267897There isn't anything wrong with loving your bros.
>>2267854Only for her anon viewer
>>2267354good luck making that shit run without an emualtor
>your oshi>last time you took a shower
>>2267258I figured it was lacey but could stand to be smaller.
>>2267936Good, i hate sound poster
>>2267908Build your own restaurant
Deadbeats, how do I deal with the feeling of being cucked by A-chan, she just calls up completely out of nowhere and she's even taking my boy out on a karaoke date...
>>2267895The early days of EN numberfagging from 5ch made me laugh
*casts a spell to imprison your oshi in Noita streams until she can kill kolmisilmä*
>>2267898>>2267929She really can dance though.
>>2267942kiaralike 4 hours ago
>>2267850He's both a pro AND he enjoys drawing feet. A blessing for footfags worldwide!
>>2267862It depend on how small your dick is
>>2267930randoms, she does it all the timehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fH4tckAzg5U
>>2267885K-Kiara still streams the longest.
>>2267952She's gonna die...
>>2267918I would like to Lamy before that since she was in some of that collab.
>>2267944Go back
>>2267948>Mori was just using Deadbeats to get Go Strider out of the way so A-chan wouldn't have to be bothered with him
Why did Ame leave...I thought she loved us...
>>2267881>/jp/sies>doing anything besides masturbating to cirino or whatever the other 2hus are called wew
>>2267389Well fuck you too.
>>2267942>Ame>11 hours ago
>>2267968kill yourself
>>2267942AmeBefore her Valorant stream so I could be nice and fresh for her.
Remember when Pekora was so disgusted by Kiara's behaviour in their collab that she refused to acknowledge her ever again? Good times.
Korone is actually a bit of an introvert, and only enjoys interacting with people he feels comfortable with.Pekora and Aqua are also introverted, but of a different type.
>>2267948Fuck of suisei. You didn't call her, that's why.
>>2267849Something normal like plumbing/electric/appliances but she just didn't feel like explaining it right now
>>2267980Wow, sounds really do upset you
>>2267876>There are people here who can't do 40 pushups in one set
>>2267951>>2267898>>2267929>>2267978Not so fast, suiSHIT
>>2267942AmeAround midday yesterday, as in Monday
>>2267931for all its faults FO76 is perfect for a HoloEN collab, especially with the private server option. And people would pay for it.mod situation remains unforgivable. They should have their own 3d models in the game.
>>2267926based average height bro holding back SEAmidgets
>>2267863>Tfw haven't had a job since EN debuted I just wanna give gura my money why is it so hard
>>2267756I thought you were talkin shit about gura for a second
>>2267959>the first 40 min is troubleshooting and fov scenes are muteas i said is a shit port that didnt withstand the trial of timeis better to get it original and on a ps3 but that is such a hassle.
>>2267995GO AQUA GO
>>2267962ah yes, 1 and a half hour of gameplay and 3 hours of superchat baiting
>>2267982is this a post copy-and-pasted from october
Ame is going to save me right?
>>2267990I don't think she'd bother saying she'd tell tomorrow if its not something that will positively impact the streams, but who knows.
>>2267926And you expect those stick arms to hold back a whole half a person?
>>2267952>Crippling Monster Hunter addiction and a 2 and a half hour ring fit session completely cancels it outLunaitos are the strongest race nanora
>>2267952>>2267983>Kiara playing NoitaOh god please no
>>2267876Tell me your secrets anon, how do I get in shape? I don't know shit about proper exercise.
I wonder if our JOP lurkers knew how to play soundposts
>>2267885>longer stream than any of themWho cares, people cope by discounting Ame's "debuff" streams and mentioning Mori releases member streams.
>>2267934You can tell Ina doesn't like doing them remember what the FBK drawing I think she redid the hands like 3 times.
>>2267913https://files.catbox.moe/p68d8t.jpgShe's gonna play lanceShe's gonna play lanceShe's DEFINITELY gonna play lanceShe's gonna play lanceShe's gonna play lanceShe's gonna play lanceShe's gonna play lanceSHE'S GONNA PLAY DUAL BLADES
MIKO IS BACKhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AziCfrb-ZI8&ab_channel=MikoCh.%E3%81%95%E3%81%8F%E3%82%89%E3%81%BF%E3%81%93https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AziCfrb-ZI8&ab_channel=MikoCh.%E3%81%95%E3%81%8F%E3%82%89%E3%81%BF%E3%81%93https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AziCfrb-ZI8&ab_channel=MikoCh.%E3%81%95%E3%81%8F%E3%82%89%E3%81%BF%E3%81%93
>>2267942AmeAbout 8 hours ago or so.Actually, it was a bath because my shower's busted.
>>2268012Noita would rock. There's even a fire mage that's invulnerable to fire.
>>2267898ah stop, I'll fall for her all over again
>>2267863you know what isn't hard? brushing your teeth, taking a shower, and eating your veggies, you smelly fuck
>>2267923Go fucking lift. Do some sort of exercise. Even if you only do a quarter of what you normally do. But really you can do a third And while you're at it why not do half of the usual? Just do it to do it. Then do it again tomorrow.
>>2267878add Subaru!
>>2268019I'm not sure it would even work on their site
>>2267952At least she doesn't have to kill Sauvojen Tuntija
>>2267951>>2267898>>2267929>>2267978>>2267995This makes me look forward to seeing the EN members in 3D.I wonder what kind of movements these girls will make.
>>2268029They should've chosen a different day to return, Marine already got a ton of SC and a lot of them are welcoming back both
>>2268019They can't even be bothered to get adblock, of course they can't
>>2268039I can't believe I forgot duck.
What do you think Rushia spends her supa money on?
>>2268005If you're obsessed with watching gameplay and not with spending time with your oshi, you might want to go check out some popular twitch streamers. They might be more your speed.
>>2268015go to /fit/ and read the sticky
>>2268034Eh? Can you do that with every element?
Look like not only is marine back, miko is back to, she is streaming in 2 hours. Hope the bs drama didn’t affect the friendship between the two of them and they would do more offcollab.
>>2267960that lifeline is a chad
>>2267764Anon She Has Very Weak Noodle Arms And Chronic Back Pain. She Is A Genetical Defect.https://files.catbox.moe/m0zsck.jpghttps://files.catbox.moe/m0zsck.jpghttps://files.catbox.moe/m0zsck.jpg
>>2268048I'm excited to see Mori and Ina in 3D, for some reason
>>2268029>Korone broke her leg in the time Miko was suspendedBiohazard collab never...
>>2267756t. ako
>search wàrosu on google>warosu hololive is the first suggestion instead of /jp/Hololive really did destroy /jp/...
>>2268015Buy a yoga mat and a single 20 pound dumbbell. (Smaller if you're really that weak)https://twohundredsitups.com/https://hundredpushups.com/https://twohundredsquats.com/Follow these and do dumbbell reps in your chair while you watch Ame. Also, cut out sugar and in a few months you'll be fine.
>>2268038just realized that came off like I tried to kill myselfi actually just had a mistake with it and took it when I shouldnt have and made me honest to God feel like I was going to die so I took the following day offim going to go today and hopefully not slack off
>>2267995Those anchors make it look like the walls are happy to see Aqua.
>>2267898Do you think she could beat Simpleflips in tetris?
>>2268057Professional doxxers who try and find out information about her largest superchatters so when she graduates she has a short list of people who'll marry a hag like her.
Has any holo killed Narwa yet?
Remember KFP, report and ignore
>>2268071Did she update? Last I heard she was going to the hospital
>>2267712shes literally a pro wrestler
>>2267850This Casino?
Towa fucks her dog
>>2268029>【はいしんよてい】【ホロライブ/宝鐘マリン】>【 はいしんよてち 】【ホロライブ/さくらみこ】Almost literally the same title
>>2268083FBK did with Oga, idk about anyone else
>>2268015It's literally the easiest thing in the world. Lift weights, do a bit of cardio and eat right.
Ame can fix the male vampire bug by typing "sexchange" twice in the console, but that might be a bit too yab to do on stream.https://en.uesp.net/wiki/Oblivion:Vampirism
>>2267926Lanklet cope
>>2267878You're forgetting the one who does the most concerts, anon. She even danced at FES.
>>2268093Your nip reps...
>>2268048Ame says she can dance, I look forward to seeing that.
>>2268073you are asuming there was somethign worth keeping there in the first place.
>>2268071that's good maybe that way they change game to "It Take Two"
>>2268100t. 163
>>2267712She was most likely was.But sitting on her PC all day eating chocolate for breakfast and basically doing nothing except streaming for 7 hours will kinda fuck your body
>>2267942Gura2 hours ago
>>2268073>Your search - wàrosu - did not match any documents.???
it feels nice to have someone say goodnight to you everynight bros
>>2268097Weak excuse. I'm a prolific sound poster with severe tinnitus.
Somebody's trying to leech off Gura's namehttps://www.youtube.com/channel/UC8Yd3Z4juD1C1jQpKM_bEwQ
>>2268011Your baby is going into the mines, Lunaito.
>>2268099leave a comment on the stream on youtubeshe does read them
>>2268127hey thats me! thanks for promoting my channel here fellow cumbud
>>2268118spic keyboard ples andastd
>>2268073Google results are personalized, anonchama. It's why cumchuds search "middle school" and get 13 year olds in bikinis instead of their local middle schools.
With that question earlier about merch you wanted, what is the best merch that came from the holos so far in your opinion? Personally i liked the Bibi hat.
>>2268123I'm new to tinnitus
>>2268127Well I reported it, here's hoping youtube isn't retarded
>>2268127report for impersonation
I NEED a Kiara wife RIGHT NOW
>your oshi>how many individual dicks have you seen in your lifetime?KiaraAbout 9, all in one place. Japanese bath
>>2267799Very few of them if you mean actual idol choreography while dancing. Most of them don't have the stamina or coordination.
>>2268127You can report for impersonation
>>2268073On ddg for me, /lit/ and /jp/ show up first. Google is pushing hlgg in the algorithm...
>>2267993God that game sucks, I get people have nostalgia for it but it's aged horribly
>>2268145MyselfNone, I'm a pure virgin.
>>2268102Aqua? Roboco? Watame? I should have included those anyways regardless.
>>2268127Kek the twitter even links to the real one
>>2268145>Ame>Too many to count. At least a dozen from this thread alone.
being a EOP 35p is hard, miko drops so many good games like Far cry 5BullyUncharted 2Watch dog 2COD MW3
>>2268145Towa6, me and my classmates jacked off in the classroom
I skipped Ame's valorant stream to take a nap, is it essential watching or just something to go into the dead hours backlog?
>>2268167Every Ame stream is essential watching
>>2267802I can only do 10 at one go
>>2268163Where did you cum?
>>2268160>Far Cry 5>Uncharted 2>Watch Dogs 2>MW3>Good games
KILL THE THREAD>your oshi>how old were you when you lost your v card (if applicable)
>>2268167She was more based than usual but you can save it for later
>>2268145amei was in the military so....
>>2268145>Morizero, if you're talking about in public. I had anime levels on coincidental pole/towel censoring for some reason.
>>2268127>not even 4 digit total viewstrying is the key word
>>2268145AmeI lost count long ago
>>2268167It really isn't essential. It was the usual Ame FPS stream.
>>2268174In the trash, my other classmates just shot it on the corner floors
>>2268145kiarajust my own.no really.
>>2268145KiaraCan't count. Went to an all-boys school
>>2268145astel1, one guy in class declared that he was whipping out his little man right there right now, it lived up to its name
>>2268183KiaraI'm a salty 30 year old kissless virgin.
>>2268127The fuck, how is this possible? You can have two channels with the exactly same name?
>>2268005And yet her Ryza streams are all still 5 to 6 hours long of full gameplay despite being demonetized with no SC reading.Ironically if people SCed less she'll play more.
>>2268183>Ame>27 and still haven't
>>2268194>>2268202the duality of KFP
>>2268183Ame24 but I'd done other stuff with girls before
>>2267926I'm like only 182cm yet I'm the tallest person in my SEAnigger family. I dunno how or why I'm this tall but I just am. It's almost hillarious how tall Europeans/Americans are compared to me
>>2268156AZKi. Forgot that we were out of images and I couldn't attach one.
>>2268183Kissless virgin here.
>>2268071This is the first i've heard of this, did she talk about it in her DQ stream?
>>2268183Mori28 not yet
>you oshi>that time you actually question your sexuality
>Started streaming 63 minutes ago>Still designing the catWelp
>>2268206That concert she had with Okayu.
>>2268221You lucky fuck I'm only 168cm
>>2268222I'm actually embarrassed I missed AZKi.
>>2268113You'd still get your ass kicked by midgets with your sissy physique
>>2268145no oshi3We used to trick an actual retard on showing his dick back in middle school. guys will form a circle in the back of the room while he is in the middle and he will show it.
>your oshi>are you an e621 regular
>>2268231>Ame>Never Always knew what I like
>>2268238To be fair, I think Fes was the first time she properly danced instead of merely working the stage.
>>2268231KiaraHigh School
>>2268183amehugless, eye-contactless virgin
>>2268093They are placeholder titles anon. HoloJPs do that all the time.
>>2268242True, check manny pacquiao
>>2268183Mori22 and still a kissless cherryboy, baby!
>>2268242talk about coping
>>2268145HaachamaI used to take swimming lessonsThe Oji-sans didn't give a fuck in the change rooms
>>2268231KiaraI didn't experience love for the longest time so I was thinking I was asexual but then it all happened at once and I realized I was straight.
>>2268247>Ame>A fucking what?
>>2268067Wow what a fucking cutie.
https://twitter.com/pavoliareine/status/1379344634665574403Reine baby...
>>2268167She was funny, did casting, was impressed by fingering.
>>2268221That's not a bad height at all, greater than the average in most countries. I only stand at 176cm despite being a euro
>>2268145GuraWay too many gym class, sports, military
>>2268247Suiseifuck no, and fuck you
>>2268183InaI think I was 19 or 20 I'm now 26It was messy, awkward, and honestly not that great.
>>2268247KiaraNo I don't do European preservatives.
>>2268183HaachamaCurrently 26 and have only ever gotten a kiss on the cheek in highschool. And it was with a European girl who does that with everybody >>2268231In elementary school I was a fat kid and always was jealous the girls did easier PE classes. My dad told me to fuck myself and that ended quickly
>>2268272>it's real
>>2268272reine baby...
>>2268145Ameim not gay
>>2268277>tfw my dad's 5'9'' and my mum's 5'4'' but they're both white and I'm 5'7''.Sucks.
Twappi cute
Hoshimachi Suisei is my oshi.