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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 157 KB, 480x412, FPw3ciRVUBIhGTr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
22014057 No.22014057 [Reply] [Original]

▼Phase Connect Links

Official Website:

Official Schedule:

Official Twitter:

Official Character References:

Unofficial Phase Connect Archives:

▼Ashelia Rinkou 鈴香 アシェリア (EN)
A "clumsy" special agent from the other world. Cheerful, clueless, and laid back - a little too laid back to be on the run...

▼Utatane Nasa 転寝 ナサ (JP)
A "young dragon" who has just recently awakened from her slumber. What awaits her in this new world?

▼Hakushika Iori 白鹿 いおり (JP + EN)
A special killer-agent disguised as a maid. She was sent from the other world to capture a very dangerous criminal and retrieve a very important relic. The fate of the other world depends on it!

▼Fujikura Uruka 藤倉 ウルカ (EN)
A trainee agent from the other world. She dropped out of the academy to pursue her dream of becoming a rock-star. Well... Let's just say it's not going too well for her...

▼Shisui Michiru 紫翠 みちる (JP)
The daughter of a powerful wizard and a beastman. She grew up surrounded by magic, animals, and love. As a free spirited young wizard, she decides to travel the worlds and experience new things.

▼Tenma Maemi 天満 マエミ (JP + EN)
A mysterious little fox claiming to be a college student. She appears to be smart, kind and innocent, but harbors an unexplained fixation on a particular rabbit.
Twitch Archives:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvmSVAwFc5MJwQowsDvCTuw

▼Pipkin Pippa ピップキン ピッパ (EN)
The cutest rabbit in the universe - or so she would like you to thin-

▼Phase Friends
Maple Alcesia -https://twitter.com/MapleAlcesia
Haruna Swift -https://twitter.com/HarunaSwift
KKCyber -https://twitter.com/kkcyberai

Minecraftbros, Help Develop Phase Town

Previous thread >>21965440

>> No.22014074

▼Today's Streams
Tenma will be playing Lifeline in 3 minutes

Uruka will be playing GTA V in 33 minutes

Tenma will be playing Risk of Rain 2 with Juliet in 15 hours

Iori will be doing a Zatsudan in 20 hours

https://youtu.be/E99xBEmOHug (Nnon POV)
https://youtu.be/lUnG6ZW4c7E (Tomoya POV)
https://youtu.be/xUf71dRCWqo (Pippa POV)
Three rabbits will be playing Minecraft in 22 hours

▼Karaoke Night
The karaoke is in 23 hours

>> No.22014116
File: 639 KB, 831x831, jimpippa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>pipipipipipipipiiiiiii thanks for the shekels jl7ten *cancels stream*
If you're going to leech from men that get 11k viewers can you at least put some effort into things?

>> No.22014226

sad girl problems...

>> No.22014235

Great fucking OP image kek

>> No.22014354
Quoted by: >>22014407


>> No.22014359
File: 256 KB, 580x1352, 1647885362516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22014379

What are some of Uruha's better streams? I tuned in for her lego building one but was left a bit underwhelmed. Any good ones she's done?

>> No.22014387

There are plenty of things you can criticize Pippa for, you don't need to use gay reasons you made up in your head

>> No.22014407

she sad

>> No.22014436

/pcg/ HAS always been MINE.

>> No.22014448


>> No.22014590

*The karaoke is in 27 hours

>> No.22014724

Tenma & Lia show hands
>they have beautiful white skin and nice hands
Pippa & Uruka wear gloves and make it awkward and refuse to shoe their hands or any skin
>its because the WILL GET DOXXED if they show even a finger nail! it's not because they aren't white!
what a cope lel

>> No.22014818

>he doesn't know

>> No.22014852

>Lia crying
>Pippa crying
Whos next?

>> No.22014933


>> No.22014944

Why are the threads becoming so full of shitposting and fake drama?
We twitter now?
Where are those tranny drama queens coming from?

>> No.22015092

They have always been here. They just rotate their material every few weeks or so.

>> No.22015165

tenma too

fishman is personally taking gentoo for a ride?

>> No.22015586
Quoted by: >>22015703

https://twitter.com/h2osakana/status/1512211475019882496 What the FUCK fishman

>> No.22015605

how new lol

>> No.22015703
Quoted by: >>22015847

Man I wish they would play warcraft 3 but I just cant forgive what they have done to reforged

>> No.22015741

come on man, not like that
fun joke tho

>> No.22015847
File: 55 KB, 480x360, garithos did nothing wrong.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What they have done to reforged
You must be misremembering, there's no such thing.
Now return, to play 2v2v2v2s on cracked Battle.net servers.

>> No.22015949
Quoted by: >>22017103

Tenma is starting

>> No.22016069
Quoted by: >>22016113



>> No.22016113


>> No.22016334
File: 41 KB, 540x562, snek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22042381

There is something about this form I like. I just cant quite put my finger on it.

>> No.22016364

Pippa listen to me. You have outgrown this company and it is time to move on. You now have a crowd and other content creators that will give you the support you need and you no longer need a company that holds you down and and boss that yells at you for being too based. The company is dead wait and will drag you down. It is clear you do not want to be held down by it anymore either so take the leap of faith.

>> No.22016373

>maaaaaaaam, maaaaaam?
Mobility Mary intensifies.

>> No.22016430


>> No.22016444

t. schizo faggot from the other thread

>> No.22016557
Quoted by: >>22017011

I'd trust the Rabbit's judgement over yours.
Also great idea, instead of already being an indie vtuber she should become a double indie vtuber.

>> No.22016824

does any one have the archive? i worry that archivefag will edit the original.

>> No.22016864
Quoted by: >>22018758

wormhole in last thread

>> No.22017011

we need to go further. Pippa you need to start NotNotPippa - this one can be a sheep this time, you've earned it - while simultaneously buying out the Pippa IP so that you can moonlight as an indie while you moonlight as an indie on top of your indie gig.

>> No.22017103

And now Uruka

>> No.22017990
File: 53 KB, 1152x411, indog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dead wait

>> No.22018367
Quoted by: >>22018758

heres the archive of tonights deleted pippa vod. its uploaded, still waiting on youtube to finish up its processing.
its unedited >>22016824
>>22013159 thanks for understanding bro

>> No.22018537

Don't worry Pippa, everyone will feel bad and buy you bus parts and inundate you with donos for each following stream you have problems with so you have a winning strategy right now! Then when you have your fixed internet celebration stream it will rival your redebut and birthday streams in terms of profit! 160 iq rabbit!

>> No.22018576
Quoted by: >>22019056

flags on /vt/ when
I'd love for you to be proven wrong

>> No.22018604

Looked at the new mods. The two "anomalies" are probably either anonymous alts or nepotism hires like Lia's latest. Take your picks and spin your rrats.

>> No.22018698
Quoted by: >>22019255

Honestly seeing how Vee, Flamenco and gator keeps simping for Pippa they would most likely use their connections to give her the clout she needs. They can even help her buy out her avatar as fishman said that the talent can do that if they graduate. Obviously she does love the company, but if she can't make the content she wants then I don't see the point in this.

>> No.22018758
Quoted by: >>22021188

it really was nothing, trolled by drama fags once again
god forbid someone shows a bit of real emotion for 10 seconds

>> No.22019056
Quoted by: >>22019173

Even if the board had flags, thread IDs and jannies babysitting every thread. faggots are just going to invent a new excuse.

>> No.22019173

Floridian hands typed this

>> No.22019255

Giving clout is hard, as hard as it may be censoring yourself there is a level of security working for a firm that will not only keep screaming at you to produce content but also rain in stuff that may get you into trouble.
I more wonder about financial matters, if youtube takes 30%, company lets say another 60% and Pippa gets 10% tip+ salary is she getting paid anything worth keeping up with it at all? Pippa wasnt well off to begin with, living of below burger flipping pay might be the real problem.
Get paid shit, get controlled on what you can make and still get in trouble all the time? Def would drive me nuts.

>> No.22019404


>> No.22019715

I think she made around 200$-300$ usd today. Around the same yesterday. I don't think she is getting a wage, the company probably takes a flat %.

>> No.22019752
Quoted by: >>22041672

how new? gen 1 has a salary, they removed it for gen 2

>> No.22020014

200$ sounds like fucking shit when youtube takes third and company takes of the top too
im starting to wonder how the other girls are doing, man, the more i learn about this buisness the more i realize how much only the top of the top earners can really live properly off it

>> No.22020693

150x30=4500 plus whatever she makes on merch and if you guys say she has a salary.

>> No.22020745
Quoted by: >>22020973

>I more wonder about financial matters, if youtube takes 30%, company lets say another 60% and Pippa gets 10% tip+ salary
Just how fucking new
They had a minimum salary and allegedly the most generous company cut which turned out to be enough of a mistake for the Asian Canadian (Double Asian) to prune salaries (JPs lmao).

>> No.22020778
Quoted by: >>22021128

After taxes, working a minimum wage job essentially nets you $50 a day, if you can make that or more streaming you're doing okay.

>> No.22020973
Quoted by: >>22021128

I don't know where you got the 60%. I don't think the company takes so much. Uncle Sam how ever, depending in which state you are, does take quite a bit

>> No.22021128
File: 103 KB, 307x269, 93f9f15c93fdd82811d0b9bd7f58a24bb19ebea7e6dfd7e6b4b3cbb804328bec.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uncle Sam how ever, depending in which state you are, does take quite a bit
>>After taxes
top kek
>"WAIT A MINUTE THAT CAN'T BE RIGHT" thought the wagie.
Boy you're in for a surprise.

Everyone knows you automatically pay taxes, hassle free, whenever money is moved around.

>> No.22021188

There is nothing that's too low for those people.

>> No.22021260
Quoted by: >>22021660

deciding to not pay taxes while streaming is probably the most retarded decision one can take anon. All the money moves through the banking system and leaves a paper trail. I can understand a construction worker or a mexican working without a contract and skipping taxes, but a streamer is going to have a very hard time WHEN the tax man cometh

>> No.22021660

>yfw some fed doxes a streamer by taking them to Tax Court.

"Your honour, these <checks notes> 'juicy rrats' prove beyond a shadow of a doubt that the defendant is in fact an anime girl."

>> No.22021722
Quoted by: >>22021850

Who would the suspects be? NotPippa mods?

>> No.22021726
Quoted by: >>22022167

The "guy who works for blizzard" is Pippa's new boyfriend.

>> No.22021850

k*w* fags's alt accounts

>> No.22022091

Which ones though? There's a lot of kiwifags.

>> No.22022167

yeah, me

>> No.22022702

>I have become successful in the wrong way
What did the rabbit mean by this?
Is she seriously thinking of doing something rash like quitting?

>> No.22022863

She means this thread.

>> No.22022890

>What did she mean by this?
She wants money and attention from laughing at retards but doesn't want to be the retard that ANYONE AT ALL laughs at.

>> No.22023021

can we get back to talking about things that are actually important, like hugging Pippa and touching her feet

>> No.22023025
Quoted by: >>22027014

>>I have become successful in the wrong way
Where did she say that?

>> No.22023030

Only one of Lia's new mods is a confirmed nepotism hire. The other one is still a mystery.

>> No.22023385

Why would pippa and the company continue modding kiwifags after the huge pr nightmare that was grant's run?

>> No.22023567

Sure, because Not-Pippa was actually a big success after 2 years of trying, and totally not because she stagnated so much that she decided to get into PC, not because she stated how much PC has helped her to achieve what she always dreamt about, not because the Fishman gave her the platform to get enough money, so she could move out and not have to deal with her "neighbors" anymore.

You retarded fag, you don't seem to get how fucking lucky she got by getting into PC, just because you and your fucking leech retards want to talk about drama don't mean shit. The community is fucking toxic because new faggots just want the same fucking thing OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN. All because she is fucking retarded and can't draw a line to stop the chat from controlling her every action. And we can see how she got so fucking distraught, because Sakana told her how fucking stupid it was interacting with that Gypsy faggot. But sure, let her be gone so she can sever all the connections she made while on the company. But wait! Now think for a second on how she would appear to other companies or vtubers "Oh that's the girl that fucked up in one of the best up and coming vtuber companies!" She would be blacklisted from other companies, and she will look like a leech.

If Pippa doesn't understand how much she fucked up by letting the leeches in, she will have to suffer the consequences. I don't like to hear her almost cry but saying "I didn't do anything bad, I don't want people to be angry at me" feels like a child that doesn't understand what she did wrong. But she was warned after the rage stream, she was warned again to never do that. That the drama bullshit was a no go, but still she got fucking blinded by the clout and let those leeches in.

The fucking GALL of that Gypsy faggot to say that Sakana was worse than Susan, because the Fishman doesn't want his company to get tainted with cancer is just too fucking much.

Thank you for coming to my blogpost

>> No.22023574
Quoted by: >>22023859

Mentally unstable unpaid labor is the best jannie material.
Did anyone actually care that he was a regular poster in a thread, not even the site, where Lia's personal information was uploaded?

>> No.22023588

>anons shitposting on /vt/
>huge pr nightmare

>> No.22023859

>Did anyone actually care that he was a regular poster in a thread, not even the site, where Lia's personal information was uploaded?
Pippa certainly didn't!

>> No.22023933

>Sure, because Not-Pippa was actually a big success after 2 years of trying and totally not because she stagnated so much that she
Being herself under the watchful gaze of a furry sucked.
>how much PC has helped her to achieve what she always dreamt about
Having a salary? That's it? PC barely did anything compared to simply trying out "Kekistan", repeating whatever Alex Jones said, then Terry Davis and finally the IBS crowd.
>not because the Fishman gave her the platform to get enough money
She made at least $15000 from streaming randomly on twitch and that's before counting stream elements and her amazon wishlist
>so she could move out
For how long was the bus there?
>and not have to deal with her "neighbors" anymore.
Oh what a bother, her antivax "neighbors" and the coughing furry which had her playing voices in the background instead of taking him outside and leashing him to a fence for 2 hours.
>and she will look like a leech.
Riding Jim's dick and having autists attentionwhoring by sending a dozen superchats per stream didn't do that?
>If Pippa doesn't understand how much she fucked up by letting the leeches in
Even the randoms in her chat had more viewers than she did before she leeched.

>Thank you for coming to my blogpost
Fun to glance over, hope she sees it bro.

>> No.22023976
Quoted by: >>22025438

This. 333% this. Pippa, read this post. And then read it again. Print it out, and post it next to your computer.

>> No.22024015

She is having internet issues that massively impact her ability to do her job, you schizo. The made up problem you just dreamt up in your head is nothing compared to that.

>> No.22024096
Quoted by: >>22025386

You managed to say so little of substance in so much text it's impressive

>> No.22024638

how do I report an-non to the IRS?

>> No.22024754

Sakana makes dreams come true

>> No.22025386


>> No.22025437

How do you think Pippa feels when she comes to this thread and sees that all the fans of her coworkers have moved to another thread and this thread is full of arguing over ecelebs and anons threatening and doxxing each other because they whaled too much or are supposedly grooming her? Do you think it makes her feel good? Look at what you’ve done to her.

>> No.22025438

Print it out and shit on it and you'll actually increase its value

>> No.22025473

I don't think she gives a shit.

>> No.22025592
Quoted by: >>22025914

if you can't see that this entire situation is the work of antis you might be retarded.
And maybe I'm coping from seeing so many of the regular ritual posters migrate there and actively participate in being a Pippa anti. Regardless, they are always welcome home

>> No.22025639

She understands that schizos are a thing and that people don't like to be around idiots who think they are on a moral crusade against whatever slight they imagined to have happened. No reason for her to take it personally.

>> No.22025696

No, she has done nothing wrong. You are just asking her to be a cuck. She manages to walk the line without getting strikes. She is golden and will make it in PC or as an indie. That being said, PC is not bad either, just looking for their own interests too. You are being a retard.

>> No.22025914

>work of antis
yes you are coping. There are antis on both sides but overall this has been better for both sides too.
Plus I don't get why is there so much opposition to segregation, when bigger corpo threads do it all the tame with their individual chuuba threads, and even offshoots sometimes like anya petra. Threads are to contain likeminded anons, that is all. Even clg is going trough changes right now with a thread for lumi and yuri don't go there right now btw, drama storm happening

>> No.22026464
File: 3.98 MB, 2000x2996, FPu-Y3lVQAIhSv6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22026672

Is this a pippa?

>> No.22026672
File: 119 KB, 680x1200, big pippa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22026717

wrong ears

>> No.22026717
Quoted by: >>22026950

this is what pippa will look like when she turns 4

>> No.22026950
File: 215 KB, 642x900, writing Pippifesto.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna take a while seeing how her next two birthdays will be 3.33 and 3.333.

>> No.22027014
Quoted by: >>22028773

I didn't catch that at all when watching live.

If the "wrong way" is the way that you had fun and were most true to yourself then fuck the rest. It's clearly the "right way" for yourself and people who think the same way i.e. your audience of 30,000 which is bigger than my hometown and probably yours too. It's not "right" by everyone but it's definitely "right" for this untapped niche of fans who are just about as dedicated as coco's fanbase.
Pippa you're doing just fine. If you'd done things wrong enough you would've been fired. Every job will fire you when you cross that line. But your performance could be better and in management's eyes it's more like "not right ENOUGH". Management is there to guide you to a slightly different trajectory which can benefit everyone. Please trust them. They've gotten you this far. You've gotten you this far. And that does NOT mean your numbers. Your overall quality of life and mental health and habits are far far better than even just a year ago. You've gone so far. I believe in you.
And don't be afraid to just stop and rest for fucks sake. People without mental illnesses just don't understand how draining it is to always be improving all the damn time. Sometimes you just need to stay stagnant for a few days to recover that mental energy. Slow down if you're overwhelmed.
I never know how to end these blogposts. NIGGERS. Goodnight

>> No.22028754

Is Iori a Japanese currently studying in Canada, or she just visited Canada for an extensive period of time in the past? I'm a bit curious as to why she knows so much about Canada, or maybe I'm just imagining things? I find her English to be very fluent as well as her Japanese. The accent is on spot for English, something not common for a Japanese native.

>> No.22028773

You want to know why is the wrong way?
Because she can and will hurt her genmates, that is why is the wrong way.
If she wants to cater to "that" niche fan base she can do it on not-pippa, but guess what? She doesn't do it there, why is that? Why doesn't she get that special fan base that will love her so much there? Why didn't she ask the gypsy on there? Is it because she knows how bad it would be? Is it because she only cares about not-pippa and it doesn't cross her mind what could happen to other people? We don't know, we might never know but if she keeps this shit show like this I won't be surprised if she finds herself with a community that only is there for the drama of the week and not for her. The community she got while trying just divided and gone because she didn't thought "maybe I will not bring people that only think about drama".
But yes we shouldn't be in this situation if she just took the week off while fixing her internet.
Fuck all of you.

>> No.22029016

everything you said applies to the rage stream and none of that ended up hurting anyone to this day. As usual on /vt/ everything is gloom and doom but if you go to the actual streams everything is perfectly fine.

>> No.22029076


>> No.22029094

I think she has explained it before. How she feels the company will give her a security of some sort if she gets cancelled.

>> No.22029234

fuck off she talks with Vee on notpippa as well

It's amazing. He'll send a few messages and superchats and the thread explodes and seethes about it for days on end. fuck giving him any power just ignore him or laugh at him jesas
"pippa's hurting her genmates" Again, just fuck off outright pulling things from your asshole. Phase Connect (at least EN) has been inclining as of late. Unless you mean hurt emotionally/spiritually, then yes, she has likely mentally scarred her genmates by now, yes, she absolutely has.

>> No.22029339

nta but I think his point will be proven in due time. If everything was fine as is, then Sakana wouldn’t have had to reprimand Pippa, and she wouldn’t have been a crying menhera mess on stream. Clearly Sakana was not okay with the stunt Pippa pulled. I too, think that this is an issue that will need to come to a head, but who knows, time will tell.

>> No.22029510

Nigga is it fine?
The thread is always so fucking bad they made another one.
Frank left and got 3 new mods.
Even on the groomcord people are saying shit is bad.
You want someone to fucking doxx her?
Oh wait that already happened so no worries right?
If you only look at the streams without looking at then whole community then sure, everything is fine but it is not, the new fags will only make people leave or not participate anymore

>> No.22029515

No offense but one reason why I stopped watching the biggest EN vtubing group is because of two members' shenanigans.
A lot of people don't think "judge each person individually" when it comes to these corpos. A big scandal hurts everyone.
That said, I don't give a fuck.

>> No.22029607

Kill yourself drama whore.

>> No.22029670
Quoted by: >>22029912

>t. IBS Tourist

>> No.22029686
Quoted by: >>22029912

Ok, fruit

>> No.22029721

I would but suicide is illegal

>> No.22029735

>she has likely mentally scarred her genmates by now
More bullshit fantasy drama that /pcg/ loves to make up.

>> No.22029782

You know, none of us can read her mind. She didn't speak her whole mind so we can only speculate. She's always had self-doubt. She's gone full doomer on stream before but this wasn't one of them. One day she may actually accept herself and have self-confidence and whatnot but that's another issue. I don't think that was the catalyst. Recently her ISP issues have been messing with her pretty bad since it's compounded by her new lease. She is a streamer but can't stream, that's a nasty situation, man.
Again, she didn't go full doomer on stream, she tried to switch back to doing a block game stream but by then it was too late. Now the rrats will flow...

>> No.22029824
File: 13 KB, 362x346, 1649404932308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you niggers like drama so much???

>> No.22029877

>and she wouldn’t have been a crying menhera mess on stream
Funny how you keep pretending that this had nothing to do with her massive internet issues that killed 3.5 of her last 5 streams, but your personal crusade instead.
Also funny how you keep acting as if Pippa is some deranged extremist who can't stop screaming about 1488 all the time. People on /vt/ must be really confused when they first check out Pippa and all they see is a pink Rabbit playing minecraft who once in a while references some oldfag internet meme.

>> No.22029885 [DELETED] 
File: 346 KB, 2048x1536, D1ECC967-D1CF-48E8-BD84-331566AD1F36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22029934

Hey Vee, your wife looks very depressed and unhealthy, probably because her 40y/o husband spends all day hanging out with 20 something year old vtubers. You gotta change up your priorities my man, you’re way too old to be behaving like this. I suggest having some kids, if you can convince your wife to stop aborting them behind your back.

>> No.22029891

>Clearly Sakana was not okay with the stunt Pippa pulled
Which one?

>> No.22029906

I'm too far removed to directly impact her life but what is within my power is to counter schizo posting to at the very least provide the appearance to newfags that not the entire board agrees with the schizos.
I do it because if it were me, I know I'd want someone in my corner

>> No.22029912
Quoted by: >>22029930


>> No.22029930
Quoted by: >>22030069

>t. fruit who knows he got called out

>> No.22029934

she lives in romania

>> No.22029969

>doxxing his wife

>> No.22029977

That is pretty depressing I suppose, Vee could at least try making it a less miserable experience for her, but he’s too busy grooming young girls on the internet. He’s gonna save the west!

>> No.22029982

Just an anti-poster trying to destroy someone he doesn't like, using whatever rrats he can come up with, I'd say.

>> No.22030059
File: 669 KB, 1440x1706, pippa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>isp master plan fix in a few days
>streams will be fucky wucky in the meantime
>but the source of my immense stress will soon be resolved qwq
I believe in the mystery internet fix. Do you?

>> No.22030069
Quoted by: >>22030187

Do you have even a shred of self-awareness?
If someone posts about ethan ralph they're being an IBS-tourist, if someone is leaking dox or referencing froot shit they're kiwiniggers, yeah.

But calling someone either of those just for posting an opinion you don't like makes you a fucking drama whore and you should strongly consider killing yourself.

>> No.22030084

Cant fix something that doesnt exist.

>> No.22030108
File: 275 KB, 1200x776, 8C7BFB4C-754A-4401-9636-B8B71B0DCB6A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you think vee is happy that he is finally becoming relevant again? he must have been so happy when he realized he could leech off the vtuber trend after he lost his first host. sasuga carrier pigeon!

>> No.22030187
Quoted by: >>22030352

holy shit look at this cope, it’d take a lot less effort and words to just admit that you are a tourist shit-stirrer

>> No.22030198

sadly no. I had to suffer for like a month of false promises. FUCK SPECTRUM

>> No.22030288

>she has likely mentally scarred her genmates by now
>still sucks gypsy cock
to think that a 40yo man is such an attention whore he can't restrain himself to use an alt but rather his main where he talks about the stuff he does is just funny to me
and then tries to tell one of fishman's employees how horrible fishman is
even funnier when people like you get on your knees and fellate him willingly

>> No.22030326
Quoted by: >>22042871

I just hope the notpippa stream will be good times. You fuckers better spam some fucking damn stickbugs

>> No.22030352
Quoted by: >>22030516

>t. fruit trying to cover his own origin
Obvious kiwinigger behavior fuck off back to your tranny den

>> No.22030433
Quoted by: >>22030706

He isn't whoring for attention any more than any other superchatter. He is only in those threads because you keep bringing him up (while whining about him).
The average Pippa viewer who isn't on here is less aware of his existence than they are of jl7ten. Take your forced meme and go kill yourself with it.

>> No.22030456
File: 339 KB, 652x652, DAC68F60-9A92-407B-9A7C-F8C91AC24737.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Remember when this 40 year old, grown ass man tried to shit up Uruka’s stream by talking about Chris-chan because lolcow shit and drama is his only personality? It’s fuckin great, him and his entourage have truly been great additions to the community, I love people who’s entire personality is based in the gamer gate movement from like 10 years ago! Based!

>> No.22030516
Quoted by: >>22030669

you type like a kiwinigger, you can’t turn this around on me because you are very obvious

>> No.22030528
File: 795 KB, 258x144, 1646934760773.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this whole culture of ecelebs dunking on each other is so fucking cringe

>> No.22030543
Quoted by: >>22030618

Yeah, it completely ruined Uruka streams forever and forced her into an early retirement. It was the worst thing that has ever happened in the sphere of online content creation.
What a big deal that was.

>> No.22030598

No I don't remember because I typically ignore his shit. Pippa already brings up Chris-chan to everybody, anyway. You are making a big deal out of nothing. Take some meds I feel like I've fucking argued with you on here before and it's goddamn pointless.
It's probably impossible because your brain is too full of rent free random ecelebs

>> No.22030618
Quoted by: >>22030741

Please nigger, don’t try to divert. Uruka is fine, I am simply calling out the pathetic leech that is Vee, and the embarrassing behavior of a manlet his age. You retards have made this his general now apparently, so I might as well use this as a chance to call him out, and maybe his little leechlets as well.

>> No.22030651
File: 12 KB, 407x70, 3DPD.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22030699

Can you niggers just shut the fuck up

>> No.22030666
File: 159 KB, 823x636, 4A249585-C9EB-4036-B4B1-9705822647E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no more doomposting friends, vee has an insider now and is going to save pippa from her libtard company!

>> No.22030669
Quoted by: >>22030732

No the obvious pattern of your posts reeks of kiwinigger

>> No.22030699

Hey look it’s the person trying to tie Pippa down! Why dont we end all interesting discussion because the Canadian ceo said so!

>> No.22030706

are your kneepads still comfy?

gypsy never learned to lurk before posting, attention whores are bad, attention whores with a following are insufferable, as this thread shows

>> No.22030732
Quoted by: >>22030916

That is literally you

>> No.22030741
Quoted by: >>22030817

>vee goes to uruka's chat and ask about crischan
>months later a thread on /vt/ is still having a civil war about it

>> No.22030777

Ya know what, I hope she does just move her streams back to a more internet stable hour and just attempt short guerillas at her usual time to continually check if it's really fixed or not. That way she can continue doing the job she loves while waiting for the nightmare to finally be resolved properly.

>> No.22030798

It’s been really sad seeing how this board has been overrun by unironic Vee simps. If you all are going to defend something so zealously, you sure picked the most prideless, gutless, unaware subhumans your couldve.

>> No.22030817
Quoted by: >>22030880

>still having a civil war about it
Almost like this thread should be left to eceleb gossipers now instead of continuing to try and save it.

>> No.22030833

Again, these fuckers have no self-awareness
>le vee is bad hes an attention whore
>brings up vee voluntarily in the first place
yes i know i mentioned him in this post, too but it's more like I'm just making fun of this retard

>> No.22030869
Quoted by: >>22031186

>sucks gypsy dick
>man i really showed those naysayers
100% reddit

>> No.22030880

>le ecelebs boogeyman
literally the thread is fine until one butthurt anon remembers vee and start complaining in the thread again. Just stop bringing it up

>> No.22030887

>What did the rabbit mean by this?
She looked at this thread.

>> No.22030905
File: 410 KB, 848x479, Aged tiresome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22031029

Hey look it's the person that owns Pipkin Pippa©®™ and the company she works for which has allowed her to pander to IBSfags without coming under any serious fire! Why don't we end all fucking garbage eceleb discussion and keep the same distance from them as she does from /here/ before he decides it just isn't worth it anymore. Stop thinking with your uterus Pippa.

>> No.22030916
Quoted by: >>22031131

can't fool me, kiwinigger cope all you want

>> No.22030965

lmao you like it or you wouldn't jump on his dick everytime

>> No.22030980

This thread has multiple eceleb guest stars anon. Doesn't matter if Vee in particular upsets people, the eceleb discussion is the problem that will never go away.

>> No.22031029
Quoted by: >>22031216

>Why don't we end all fucking garbage eceleb discussion
I don't think he is interested in actual eceleb discussion, he's just trying to use that eceleb as a wedge issue in order to rile people up against Pippa.

>> No.22031084
File: 380 KB, 2448x970, 89F8557E-7AF3-4F20-B657-E850FA2D9E0C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is a reason why Vee has been banned from all the talents chats and the main discord, it’s because it is literally what Sakana wants. He doesn’t want Vee anywhere near this company and Pippa doesn’t respect that. Plenty of you (especially Vee and the new crowd Pippa has brought in) may not care about Phase Connect as a whole, but there are plenty of us who do. We don’t want this miserable snake to latch onto PC as his next host, and we will continue to voice our discontent. The Vee army can keep seething about it, as they cope and claim the numbers that Jim brought in for Pippa was actually Vee all along, but many of us will not go down quietly. My alliance is to Phase Connect, not the IBS tourist nigger grifters.

>> No.22031131
Quoted by: >>22031352

It is you who copes, kiwinigger

>> No.22031186

I’d argue it’s worse than reddit, but both are completely prideless anyhow

>> No.22031216

Oh, no doubt. But medicine can only treat the symptoms.

>> No.22031221
Quoted by: >>22031541

>Vee has been banned from all the talents chats
Yes. This happened a long time ago.
He is banned, so he isn't in their chats anymore. wtf is you complaining about again?

>> No.22031259

>do you think vee is happy that he is finally becoming relevant again? he must have been so happy when he realized he could leech off the vtuber trend after he lost his first host. sasuga carrier pigeon!
He has a much more popular youtube channel than Pippa, so the fuck you retards on about?
Vee mentions should be instant ban, you fucking clowns just make shit up all day.

>> No.22031352
Quoted by: >>22031570


>> No.22031367
Quoted by: >>22031630

>it’s because it is literally what Sakana wants
He has the power to force her to not interact with him on her official company twitter or even outright block him. He has the power to force her to ignore all superchats using that name. He has the power to shut down the twitter space if she invites him on.
I trust Sakana's business sense. He makes dreams come true ya know

>> No.22031422
Quoted by: >>22048066

nobody caaaaaaaaares about vee

stfu about him, every single thread, its the same retarded made up head cannon from the same couple of schizos
nobody fucking cares, stop it

>> No.22031541

>wtf is you complaining about again?
Glad you asked! Despite him being banned from all the talents chats a while back ago, he still keeps trying to weasel his way back into Phase Connect because he cannot survive without a host. Two examples of his recent attempts include his pitiful attempt to raid Tenma’s chat on YOUTUBE of all places, where his legion of unthinking drones began to chant and spam comments devoid any any value such as “Vee sent me here!”. They were promptly ignored by Tenma and warned by the mods, an appropriate response. The next is Vee attempted to slither into the main discord, only to be banned a day later because the Fishman, aka the CEO OF THE COMPANY, doesn’t want him there. It is clear Vee doesn’t belong here, and yet Pippa keeps going behind Sakana’s back, and doing shit like bringing him onto her Twitter space so Vee can attempt to shit on Sakana because he’s upset he didn’t get his way (this is a 40 year old man by the way). That is the issue, that is why we discuss it, there is a clear issue with Sakana and the rest of the talents wanting Vee to stay away, and Pippa not respecting that because she puts herself before the company.

>> No.22031570
Quoted by: >>22031799


>> No.22031627
Quoted by: >>22031676

This isn't an issue.

>> No.22031630

I think we will see Sakana being more strict with Pippa in the future. We all know she needs to be wrangled, wether by Zoid or Sakana, and I think time will prove me right.

>> No.22031676
Quoted by: >>22031702

It is, which is why Sakana has bothered taking any action against it in the first place. Again, you may not care about Phase Connect, but I do.

>> No.22031702


>> No.22031742

christ are you the pathetic sack of shit who sent her that bait supa? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA if you are
if not damn you're about as sad

like holy shit you sound obsessed with vee like wtf who cares he got to speak for like 5 minutes alongside merry, some of the PV crew, a rando 2view, a welsh shotacon and chat randos. He wasn't even a main focus of the space and he's all you think about holy shit dude
omg and if they let her do a proper collab with him all your ramblings will look even more retarded lol

>> No.22031751
Quoted by: >>22031770

As in “nope I don’t care about Phase Connect”? Cause that’s fine(?), but I do, and I’m making my case

>> No.22031770
Quoted by: >>22031915

Not an issue. You're making it up.

>> No.22031789
Quoted by: >>22031819

then go to the gypsy's stream if you want other's to suck his dick too

did the others try to shittalk sakana too?

>> No.22031799

nigger of kiwi

>> No.22031819
Quoted by: >>22031969

You're wrong. and I'll stay here.

>> No.22031826

I found Pippa through Tenma about a month ago.

>> No.22031842

You have not made a single point in all this text and it all seems to pivot on me being someone I’m not, so I will remind you to look after your knees and invest in some knee pads for when you’re sucking the gypsy millimeter peter.

>> No.22031899
Quoted by: >>22031972

You have been found out, you can't deny it anymore.

>> No.22031915
Quoted by: >>22031929

Please refer to my original message of why it is an issue >22031676 . Again, it’s fine if you think it isn’t a big issue, but saying there is no issue at all is you just covering your ears and closing your eyes, just saying.

>> No.22031929
Quoted by: >>22032006

Your original message is full of nonsense.

>> No.22031946
Quoted by: >>22032104

negro de kiwi

>> No.22031949
Quoted by: >>22032253

I think Pippa needs a hug

>> No.22031969
Quoted by: >>22031990

>openly and proudly sucks gypsy dick
>You're wrong
lol ok, just remember next time he's mentionend to be faster than others if you really want to have his load for yourself

>> No.22031972

And you must be Fenix Aurum! I mean sure, that’s a baseless claim, but it helps my argument! Go get your GED, nigger.

>> No.22031990

Everything you've said so far was wrong.

>> No.22032000
Quoted by: >>22032080

You keep bringing him up over and over you are either so completely self-unaware of this gypsy fag living rent free in your head it's fucking hilarious or a dedicated shitposter and I love it wow you're pathetic

>> No.22032006

make your case then

>> No.22032034

See you can't even defend the shit you post.

>> No.22032060

Why are you all fighting each other? You are a tiny part of a tiny part of the vtuber subculture which itself it a tiny part of streaming.
Makes no sense to so angrily go at eachother when you have so much in common.

>> No.22032080

Again, make a point please, ESLchama

>> No.22032104
Quoted by: >>22032162

fuck off fruitnigger

>> No.22032120

I’ve already made my case, I’m waiting for you to make one, even a shitty one, literally anything

>> No.22032158
Quoted by: >>22032260

I think you're wrong if you assume that the guy who keeps screaming about his romanian boyfriend actually likes or cares about anyone in PC. He just wants cause harm under the pretense of looking out for others.

>> No.22032162

What the fuck I thought we were having fun thinking of variations of accusing each other of being a kiwi nigger

>> No.22032165

Why the fuck you retarded shits keep bringing up hes 40? He could be 90 for all i care, who gives a shit.

Only people making a problem out of vee are people like you, all he does is sends some money and shootouts some people some some of his watchers come, all other drama comes from you fucks.
I dont give a shit that he is sargon or who the fuck ever, i dont give a shit about your obscure e drama, nobody does, nobody knows who those people are.
I dont know who sargon is, who vee is and i dont watch metokur and his retarded drama, i dont want to know, im here to watch the anime girl say the funny thing.

Its you who needs a perma ban, not vee.

>> No.22032203

Keep trying to move the goalposts.

>> No.22032215

I think you may be in the wrong place, my endearingly innocent anon.

>> No.22032249

aw shit you’ve been trolling me this entire time, you think I would learn

>> No.22032253

>I think Pippa needs a hug
Those days more than ever.
I actually got tear eyed myself yesterday, didnt expect that but you can really feel her frustration and self doubt.

>> No.22032260
File: 35 KB, 699x361, 1644399452777.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finish reading the thread
What the fuck is wrong with you all?
Are not capable of just calling the retard you're flinging shit at a faggot and moving on?!
Have some common fucking courtesy to the other threadgoers and stop shitting it up ffs. OPs don't make themselves.
Just say "Cope and Seethe" and shut the fuck up already!
God, I fucking HATE newfags.

>> No.22032267

Now this is projection on a level that shouldn't be possible.

>> No.22032271
Quoted by: >>22032515

No my point is that you're not getting my point because you're self unaware and it keeps going and it's still funny to me keep doing it

>> No.22032283
Quoted by: >>22032369

you wouldn't reply if you didn't like having his dick in your mouth
you just should not use /pcg/ to do it

>i don't know a lot
>only thing i know is i love sucking gypsy dick
make your own general for it then

>> No.22032294


I appreciate that she's going to try considering how fast her chat is going

>> No.22032337

Just you wait. Her internet issues will be fixed and everything will work out fine. Except this general.

>> No.22032339

>im here to watch the anime girl say the funny thing.
Then our motives are different. I’m interested in Phase Connect beyond Pippa, and the rest of the company does not want Vee around, and I am on there side, simple as. The problem that both Pippa and her fans have is that they forget she is part of something bigger than herself. Trust me, you may not think it’s a big deal, but the issue will come to a head. Time will tell, and then I think you will see, maybe.

>> No.22032369
Quoted by: >>22032389

>dicks, dicks, dicks
You are really focused on this topic for some reason.

>> No.22032388
Quoted by: >>22032501

I didn't to say anything but yeah this is kind of the case. I've already made my peace with the incline though, and that things will never really be the same again.
I will remember the F.E.A.R. zatsudans with fondness till my dying breath.

>> No.22032389

just describing what you do in the thread

>> No.22032391
Quoted by: >>22032603

I did, I said fruitnigger instead of kiwinigger and flaunted my dubs to try and up the ante a bit I guess you just can't handle the pressure man

>> No.22032400
Quoted by: >>22033318

She would hate you for trying to hug her by the way, she has the type of Pipkin that makes her hate that kind of contact

>> No.22032422
Quoted by: >>22032551

it's obvious that you don't actually care about phase connect at all

>> No.22032489
File: 2.08 MB, 1280x1280, cheerful_salesperson.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22032538

I think she's still doing a good job, it's just that her fast keeps getting faster and more donations are coming in.

>> No.22032491

Not reading all that but I WILL hug the rabbit

>> No.22032501
Quoted by: >>22032725

was that the one where she unbinds the keys of the game?

>> No.22032515
Quoted by: >>22034089

>he didn’t get the “point” of my nonsensical word-vomit, h-he must be self unaware!
Yeah okay ESL retard, you do realize “self unaware” is not a real term right? How can you expect to make a real point when your grasp on the English language is so poor?

>> No.22032538

>her fast
That's retard for "her chat".

>> No.22032551
Quoted by: >>22032579

Whatever fits your narrative, anon. At the end of the day we can only take each other’s word for it.

>> No.22032579
Quoted by: >>22032625

sorry for interrupting your narrative i can see that you are trying very hard

>> No.22032603

Fuck sorry bro, I’ll have more fun Kiwinigger accusations ready for the next time you visit from the farms, I promise!

>> No.22032625

Sure, whenever that means.

>> No.22032659

this is why we divided...

>> No.22032666

I started watching Lia this week.

Did I pick the right PhaseConnect?

>> No.22032721

good, who in their right mind would want to subject the sweet girls to this shit?

>> No.22032725

No, she was playing indie games in that.
The F.E.A.R. streams were a series of pseudo-zatsus she did that stick out in my mind for being uniquely comfy and interactive.
They are my favorite set of streams, whos atmosphere will probably never be replicated again.
Every PhaseConnect is the right PhaseConnect.

>> No.22032884

yep, until those shitposters get banned or something i dont see a solution
its clear the same 2 autist will samefag every thread to death for months before they got bored

>> No.22032965

Same, first time I started watching her today. The keyboard building stream is a comfy listen, Lia has a clear voice and nice hands

>> No.22033053

Lia is great, but the standard in Phase is pretty high across the board so it's pretty hard to pick a wrong one.

>> No.22033318
File: 1.66 MB, 498x498, hug the pippa.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.22033531

I just want her to know she's not suffering alone. Today was a bad day. And a hug is meant to share that. That's why it's needed more today.

>> No.22033891
File: 250 KB, 584x585, pippacomfy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22034007

Schizoburgers are asleep post comf

>> No.22034007

watching her amnesia vod while I work, sip on tea while it rains


>> No.22034089
Quoted by: >>22034307

damn youre right, I guess it isnt actually a term and I sorta made a neologism. sorry i apologize, I was just having fun laughing at a schizo... I didn't mean to mean a grand point I only hope someone else at least laughed with me (or even at me that would still be nice)

>> No.22034307

It's in the past. Nobody needs to remember the landfil that is is the top 7/8 of this thread. Move on from it.

>> No.22034656
File: 317 KB, 1856x1889, 1639812154857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like Pipkin Pippa, to be honest with you

>> No.22034754
File: 752 KB, 1026x575, 1620761548847.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22034807

for me its Pippa, Tenma, Nasa, Iori, Michiru, Uruka and Lia in no particular order

>> No.22034807


>> No.22034982

So now the real question is where are my fucking acrylic stands, fish

>> No.22035195

I love Pipkin Pippa, to be honest with you.

>> No.22035296

Fuck Pippa and fuck Rosemi. Tired of them. When will Pippa say she's sorry for laughing at the wrestling video?

>> No.22035344

I think groom niggas need to stop trying to gaslight Pippa into never having any self-esteem and being afraid of all social contact. Even if you make her totally reliant on you its not going to end well for anyone. Dam wolves in sheeps clothing.

>> No.22035456
File: 459 KB, 1525x1407, 1648546110898.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22043700

ywn groom Pippa into a happy, confident and healthy person.

>> No.22035609
Quoted by: >>22049952

Frank and Dog

>> No.22035695
Quoted by: >>22044374

Except Uruka has shown her skin before

>> No.22035978

no matter how bad this thread gets, at least we're not /clg/.

>> No.22036011
Quoted by: >>22036270

i don't see a /clg/ thread

>> No.22036044
Quoted by: >>22036281

Pippa don't worry, as long as you have a vagina and those two vocal cords people will love you!

>> No.22036122

is Sakana going to blacklist /cg- I mean /clg/ now?

>> No.22036224
Quoted by: >>22037182

They aren't worse by any stretch, just have different problems and are going through a particularly rough patch
I would say /pyon/ maybe, but they have much more fun than either of us.

>> No.22036270
Quoted by: >>22049086

Check the archive for a good time.

>> No.22036281

Groomcord and their fags were a mistake.
Female attention will carry anyone.

>> No.22036836
File: 1.39 MB, 1468x1712, 1627455960836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at this crybaby pippigger

>> No.22037182
File: 880 KB, 297x277, 1612119958673.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>just did reps for the last thread
Holy shit nevermind I take it the fuck back it's completely fucking over

>> No.22037835

what smells worse: pippa's stinky feet -or- pippa's eggy braps
I'd volunteer to smell both for science

>> No.22037921
File: 189 KB, 360x450, smug.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only place Pippa could get eggs is the mcdonalds breakfast menu and she doesn't wake up early enough for that.

>> No.22038090

>pippa's eggy braps
>read this while eating a hardboiled egg
I hope you die painfully anon

>> No.22038148

she doesn't need to wake up in time when she doesn't sleep at all

>> No.22038188

pippa eats terribly and eats nothing but fast food and junk
her farts probably clear a room

>> No.22038662 [SPOILER] 
File: 343 KB, 941x921, 09B47A75-783D-417A-9B07-CA5B43325F39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22038841

it really says something about the state of this general that I would rather read brapposts than whatever the fuck this these has been until now.
t.not a deadbeat
Edit: WAH

>> No.22038841
File: 368 KB, 750x737, wow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22039262

Sane regulars were asleep and couldn't tell them to shut the fuck up.
Also, you misinterpreted the captcha:

>> No.22039262

Just being yourself in every role sounds like the dream.

>> No.22039559
Quoted by: >>22041317

Now that I think about it, the Iori x Aoi x Pippa collab was actually extremely unique and surreal.
I can't think of a single other vtuber stream that has quite like it in nature.

>> No.22041317

> t. drowning in deer cunt

>> No.22041322
File: 117 KB, 1250x1250, 28CBEE1C-59AF-4E44-82D7-FBB59CFCA7AD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22056143

I want another tenma pippa collab soon

>> No.22041672
Quoted by: >>22042742

>they removed it for gen 2
Any confirmation on this? If true, any reason given?
Are the JP girls in the money?

>> No.22041714


>> No.22042381
File: 1.54 MB, 1680x1940, I see, so this is Pipkin Pippa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22044040

it fits her to a T. including the mental illness expressed during the time of your pic

>> No.22042742

>We no longer offer a base monthly floor salary as we deemed it unnecessary based on Gen.1.

>> No.22042871
Quoted by: >>22055461

I'm not wasting my honey, fuck you.

>> No.22043047

Did I hop in the wrong thread? Title says /pcg/ but this is obviously the vee general.

>> No.22043174

Huh. Been a while.
>3 rabbit collab
Wonder whose idea that was. Probably Slugma or Non's.
>>but the source of my immense stress will soon be resolved
Pippa you can't just keep running from your murders. Especially if you keep bragging about it on Twitter.

>> No.22043322
File: 3.08 MB, 1453x1912, 32ddd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any evidence what so ever that vee is the problem? If I recall Pippa even asked him for a colab on her vspace stream and that was 2 days ago to which he said no.
I also don't see him banned from the PC discord, I saw him posting there during the same stream and then left after the stream was over. Besides mods banning him from the chat, something that vee claims is due to a person impersonating him, and it happened months ago, the subs he brought to Pippas channel are behaving, they are not spamming swatztikas or jogger memes in the chat, they do not bring up West Taiwan or even derail the stream and given this I have seen no evidence that PC considers him a danger.
If they did, they could have DMCAED his videos where he mentions Pippa, they could actively ask him to stop or tell Pippa to stop talking to him as all evidence points to the fact that when he is not wanted by other streamers like /pyong/ , he went away. If anything the reason Pippa got in trouble is more likely due to her Vspacer stream mentioning West Taiwan or the Hellen Keller stream where she shown a speech from Gobbels with a big ass swatztika behind her.
The reality is that so far the only harm I see vee actually bring, is from all the IBS crowd that latched to the community talking about him and assessing this air of mysticism around his persona that he doesn't have. You guys hyped him up so much, I expected some sort of drama, but in reality he just ended up being extremely boring. Just like his channel.

>> No.22043519
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>> No.22043700

Watch me.

>> No.22043777
File: 437 KB, 661x644, pippa gun.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't reply to bait, trolls and raiders
Report off-topic and all other rule violations, let the meidos sort them out
It's (You)r duty to cleanse the hellhole

>> No.22044040

Nadeko is my monogatari crush.

>> No.22044360
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>> No.22044374

The bear doxxes herself pretty frequently. Leaking where you live and go to school is very on brand for her.

>> No.22044597
File: 86 KB, 588x212, Rabbit with more socks than friends.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22058606

THe Pipkin Pippa! OH MY GAH!

>> No.22045541
Quoted by: >>22045594

first day on /vt/? this whole board is a den of schizo ESLs that have nothing better to do then come up with retarded drama in their own heads to justify not liking anime grills

>> No.22045594
Quoted by: >>22049257

Range ban all of SEA. Problem solved.

>> No.22046104
File: 22 KB, 300x467, the wife for the truly cultured.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>22046386

such irredeemably shit taste.

>> No.22046386
Quoted by: >>22046889

>shit taste

>> No.22046638

Pippa living the easy life!

>> No.22046889
Quoted by: >>22047099

you know there's multiple problems with her.
The character was written as a lesson to the readers, with the intent that you should NOT like Nadeko.

>> No.22047099

Neither should you like Pippa. Yet here we are.

>> No.22047241
File: 59 KB, 512x911, 1584375923084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But I don't like Pippa,I love her

>> No.22047592
File: 422 KB, 800x960, 08f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this inspired me to make a meme edit

>> No.22048066

Nah it's obviously all these threads care about

>> No.22049086

Jesus thats bad
It makes sense now why Sakana was so keen on blacklisting them

>> No.22049229

And then, I shit you not, she turned herself into an axolotl. She calls it Axolotl Pippa. Funniest shit I've ever seen!

>> No.22049257

or at least add flags so we can point and laugh at them

>> No.22049952

Frank left the mod role a while ago of his own will. By dog i assume you mean kiwidog. I refuse to believe the company and pippa would be retarded enough to bring him back a second time as a nepotism alt.

>> No.22050171

which is why he had to fool them with an alt account... clever dog

>> No.22052070

*cums on /pcg/*

>> No.22052158

>I refuse to believe the company and pippa would be retarded enough to bring him back
I have no doubt that Pippa would.

>> No.22052277

pippa would do it in an instant because she's a retard m8

>> No.22053006
Quoted by: >>22053998

Pippa acting tough, reality reacting back!

>> No.22053268
Quoted by: >>22054304

This. There is no doubt in my mind that one of those new mods is him hiding.

>> No.22053998

Pippa getting tougher!

>> No.22054056

Kill yourself Vee

>> No.22054086

Tenma playing risk of rain 2

>> No.22054304

If true, then his grooming really was successful. Oh no.

>> No.22054425
Quoted by: >>22054540

oh but that's the trick
Pippa is a nadeko
the real person behind the avatar is a bit more complex
You'l never know the real person

>> No.22054482

Tenma love!

>> No.22054540

Wait and see
you'll never know when

>> No.22055461
Quoted by: >>22055602

you don't have 1 bit? IT'S ONE. BIT

>> No.22055602

>imagine spending money on streamers

>> No.22055719

Surprised the pictures of Pippa aren't being spammed here.

>> No.22055746

The what?

>> No.22055764

You mean the discord leak that is months old?

>> No.22055767
Quoted by: >>22057274

>kiwifags baiting again

>> No.22056107

I always find it odd that anti posting is attributed to kiwis but if you go to the thread they are always insanely supportive of Pippa and PC in general. Outright screaming "YOU ARE NOT A LOLCOW" and being nice to the point where they consider themselves faggots for doing so.

try the Uruka x Lia offcollab. Everything except the kdrama talk was pretty fun

>> No.22056143
File: 1.09 MB, 600x600, ezgif-1-f17dea0cd5-1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sport collab

>> No.22056230

Tenma live in RoR2 with Juliet Winters

>> No.22056248

yeah /vt/ fags acting morally righteous is hilarious, since this is where all fuckin rrats originate, and all the schizo posting takes place

>> No.22056334
Quoted by: >>22056551

>Uruka x Lia offcollab
When the fuck was this??

>> No.22056551

Have fun

>> No.22056652

Kiwis are just as obsessed with /vt/ as /vt/ is with them. They're always here. Especially dog. I agree that they probably aren't the antis. My money's on a fan or two of other girls who feel Pippa (or her audience) are a threat to their oshi.

>> No.22056672
Quoted by: >>22056915

because their reputation does not transfer when they post /here/ retard, they want /vt/ to look bad, not themselves

>> No.22056915

If you're not trying to be anonymous, you're by default a huge faggot.
Just look at both sites' favorite streamer, a mixed race, closeted homosexual furry, that would sing about cowboys fucking each other in the ass.

>> No.22057127


>> No.22057208

her twitch streams always work fine, I don't get, it, why doesn't she just streams with her pippa twitch account?

>> No.22057266

She is very reluctant to change her Pippa stream timeslot like that.

>> No.22057274

Timeloop, always a timeloop. But hey, Pipa being a tranny-loving cuckservative is super based and redpilled or something.

>> No.22057363

Did you miss the part where she spent 5 minutes trying to figure out how to tell her chat that twitch a giant shit without getting fucked for it? Also it's not twitch being better, literally just a case of starting times.

>> No.22057364


>> No.22057391

it's her isp and not youtube. She streams at peak hours in her area and causing her connection to get throttled

a solution is to change her streaming hours

>> No.22057526


>> No.22057569

I've had 3 desyncs since it started.

>> No.22057621

Why shouldn't you idolize Pippa?
She has a job, /vt/ in general would greatly benefit from if they aspired to having one

>> No.22057731
Quoted by: >>22057920

>Why shouldn't you idolize Pippa?
>She has a job.
Wow, compelling argument anon. Are you also mentally ill by any chance?

>> No.22057819

shes getting throttled, i know the pain, my provider used to do the same and in busy hours like 8-12pm the interenet was practically unusable
they always do it in regions where there is no alternative since they know they can

>> No.22057878

She can't change timeslots because then she wouldn't have something for people to feel sorry over her for. You can't just adjust to the situation, that wouldn't make sense.

>> No.22057920
File: 141 KB, 400x300, 1647989390899.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I check?

>> No.22057995

I'm so getting filtered by the digimon talk. I could never get into it.

>> No.22058430


>> No.22058466

>t. missing the point

>> No.22058500
Quoted by: >>22058823


>> No.22058606 [DELETED] 

Nah, this account is way too good at art to actually be her. Case in point https://kiwifarms.is/threads/replacement-for-the-sonichu-wallpaper.96857/page-25#post-9813170

>> No.22058711

>Johnny Quest
UuoooooHHH tenma hag

>> No.22058804

New thread

>> No.22058823

