ame post
Post your oshi, without actually posting her
I hate Henry!
So Pekora hates Mumei because of that drawing right?
I hate Ame!
I love Ina!
>>22008302Of course Peko! I only have eyes for Watson, Peko.
>your oshi>the last time you fapped
which vtuber is this?
>>22008614>Ame>in progress
>>22008619i think this is the same one. who is she?
i used my mad tongue on ame
>>22008133>>22008188>>22008230>>22008234>>22008302>>22008330>>22008469>>22008507>>22008533>>22008559>>22008578>>22008598>>22008614>>22008619>>22008642>>22008646>>22008662>>22008680all of these posts were early
This guy is worse than Margit.
I love Goomba
non-early poster here huhuahah
>>22008230ORANGE HATE
ONE HIT. JUST ONE HIT WAS ALL SHE NEEDED TO KILL MARGIT. That poor table of Ame really got the beating of a lifetime and I bet there were tons of degenerate Teamates who wished that they were that table in that moment. Despite her hyper choke, Ame's been looking pretty good so far, pulling off some crazy sick dodges with the ground pound maneuver and wowing everyone in /hlgg/ with her mad gaming skills. Once she gets more arrows, she's going to beat the absolutely shit out of more enemies to gain more power and defeat her foes the AMEBOWSONWAY. Also Fia was able to embrace and pamper Bowson before any of you guys. Don't be jealous now.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7G2h6pjLiwINothing leaves this stream of Minecraft Astel is delivering so you better keep your mouth shut or else Astel's going to show you his alien powers. Maybe. He really did create quite a wonderous spectacle in the Nether with his railway and colored glass, so his UPROAR kouhais will witness something beautiful when they jump into the STARS Minecraft server one day.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Ak8hgAEQl0My god just look how goddamn cool Gamma is. The way he draws his lines are just incredibly smooth and fast and it's always an interesting spectacle to bear witness to. He's actually done with his lining and has now moved onto coloring his work, and he's got that super smooth hair card dealer look going on, a look that'll make even the hardest of females quiver in their leather boots.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HQgFkd9hV4kIn less than 15 minutes, Sana's gonna get poyo'd so goddamn hard that her ancestors are going to feel it. More Sana Kirby to digest and enjoy, you should definitely tune into her stream because she's actually exceptionally cute when she's giggling like a school girl enjoying one of her favorite games. It'll warm up that frigid heart of yours in no time at all, I guarantee it.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C_KTukM6r8
>>22008774moom is just okay I think
>>22008739Oh nyo
Why is the Round Table in the physical world as wellWhat's up with that
>>22008786Right here footfagfriend!
Kiara > AmeScientifically proven
>>22008230yeah i'm gonna go ahead and put your oshi in the F tier.
I feel like the more Ame gets access to new things, the more she forgets the basics (of CQC).
I hate mori!
Gura cute Gura cute!
>>22008806thats it, I have nothing else to say about the matter
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYmznjPfosEWhich Holo is going to sing this OP?
It occurs to me that if Ame does splash into Faith a bit, she might like the Golden Slam ash of war. It's like a ground pound but with a holy explosion.
i remember this boss with kiarai kneel takanashi
I like Pekora!
How far is IWyS in Elden Ring?
>>22008786Are pantyhose or stockings sexier?
I love the clock and the snake!
>>22008662LOVE & LUST
i'll post a moom, but only once.
>>22008822The pocket dimension is based off a physical location.
>>22008786>>22008824kill yourselves
>>22008855Yeah, she dunked him. I thought I had the webm saved, guess not.
>>22008863In the underground city I think.
>>22008849Fucking hell, that's funny art
>didn't beat Alberich first tryKNEEL to the gamer of HoloEN
>>22008822If I'm not mistaken the round table you use is in another dimension or some shit. They made a new one because the original (in the real world) is in Lyndell and because of the Elden war shit they can't use it normally without Morgot fucking them up
>Nooo, you posted early!!You want Towa OPs? Because this is how you get Towa OPs.
>>22008822The one the Tarnished hang out in is probably based on the one in the capital after the Tarnished were told to fuck off.
>>22008855>>22008899Didn't she kill him way later on her playthrough?
Ground Pound > Chuuni Scythe moves
>>22008747Someone post the Kiara webm of her killing this invader on her first try again
Im about to head to bed, please tell me something nice to think about while dozing off
>>22008914>phoneposter>sad cat>metaposting
The ground pound is actually really good for dodging wtf
>>22008863>>22008901she just reached the Lake of Rot last stream
>>22008914nothing wrong with a bit of towa in your life
>>22008822Almost if not every hub world has a spot in the physical world
man can’t believe shes next… being taken onto speak of the devil
>>22008786You never answered the question. Are you used goods?
I do love the hitbox porn where Ame is able to duck at least one of his frost attacks while winding up the butt slam
what exactly are tarnished? I only know a little bit about the other things but tarnished just seems like a word for humans
>>22008949Not really. It has huge as fuck windup.
>nigga be swinging his death stick and castin spells like harry potter*groundpounds u*
>>22008934I KNEEL
>>22008945FBK is being railed by her husband at the moment
>>22008934>Spams R1 and stun locks himI kneel
>>22008934I love how she's not even paying attention.
>>22008934That was many hours into the game though, with a weapon that staggers the shit out of him.
Ame the fucking ground pound is useless against this guy...
>>22008914Yikes this post!
>>22008914what's wrong with Towa OPs?
Please.. just get that free critical hit at the start..
>>22008976Gets killed*gg
>>22008960What the heck its just fort north? Need an edit in there somewhere
>>22008786Right here Ayamefriend!
>>22008914I like Towa OPs
>>22008976You mean all I have to do to have Ame sit on my face is to be a faggot?!
The groundpound is fucked against this guy since he uses vertical attacks.
Ame forgot she has a bow, has she?...
Someone post the Kiara webm
>>22008989It staggers him, but she hasn't connected the dots that staggering = time to attack. She was backing off of staggers on Margit, too.
>>22008786Astel's project was pretty neat, I'm looking forward to Uproar seeing it
>>22008934Her bobbing and weaving through the spells while tangenting was impressive.
>>22008833F as in Fuck
>>22008934holy gamer
>>22008973They’re people that Marika told to fuck off from her land at first.
>>22009024You heard her. He's hacking
>>22008786I want to smell you, Ayamefriend!
>>22009044She used almost all of her arrows on Margit
i miss goowa :(
I like that they put so much goofy shit in this game to make your moveset withHow many reference weapons are there in the game?
Lapuchan my daughter
>>22009044Yes, but she also doesn't have many arrows left anyway.
>>22008973see >>22009076Basically yes they're just humans
>>22008973They're just exiles that came back after the big war
>>22008989she just doesn't know how to unlock the true potential of it yet, it's actually excellent for ripostisting
>>22008926>>22008987It was after Godrick, but it really doesn't matter because it was basically the same starting weapon as the prisoner. The point was she was doing it without even paying attention.
Ame is too cool to fight this guy
>>22008914retard>>22008944retard>>22008960retard>>22008991retard>>22008993retard>>22009026dumbfuck retard
I have spent so many hours watching women be terrible at elden ring
I love Gura!
>>22009083The only thing hack here is my dick in you
>>22009136Yeah it sucks. Sick of it. It's driving me to other corps
>>22009124>because it was basically the same starting weapon as the prisoner.Anon she literally had a +8 weapon. That's why she melted him
>>22008934My wife
>>22009136Watch a god gamer>>22008934
didnt chicken just autoattack this dude to death in like 20 seconds?
>>22008973undead that were once exiled but now are back by the call of grace from queen marika
>>22009128some of them were me
https://youtu.be/1C_KTukM6r8https://youtu.be/1C_KTukM6r8https://youtu.be/1C_KTukM6r8Sana in less than 10 minutes!
I cant believe ground pound has I-frames
I will make anon a mother
Thats it motherfucker I'm gonna post towa, you went too far
>>22009178She was using the +8 weapon Rogier gives you, Ame's weapon is +2.
>>22009136Women are terrible creatures in general
>ice went right through her chestTELL ME THAT ISN'T I FRAMES
>>22008934first try
>>22009045Right here already>>22008934
>>22009124+8 weapon that staggers him, KFP
Ame has no honor...
>>22009211It's not
>I'm upset because the anime girls should git gud>I'M UPSET BECAUSE THE ANIME GIRL SHOULD GIT GUD!
>>22009199tow truck...
>>22009194Same, holy shit
Hey guys, i've been away from hololive since may 2022How were the streams?
>>22008973Marika knew she was going to be eternally enslaved by the erdtree/two fingers, and planned to break free by shattering the elden ring. To make sure she's saved afterwards, she banished a huge amount of warriors away from the Royal Capital where they would be influenced by the Erdtree's will. Later the banished tarnished would be awakened (intro cinematic) and called back to the capital to free her
>>22009003Your love for Kaela has not gone unnoticed, friend. Has she jumped to your top 3 sexiest holos or something?
Didn't kiara do this first try while being distracted?
>>22009215Why did I think this was yaranaika
>Towaposters are also the thread policeKenzoku are a mistake and an abomination in the eyes of god.
>>22009178She had a +8 weapon. It was still impressive though, especially for someone of her skill level.
When is the next EN3 debut?Myth and Council are getting stale
>>22009242t. jonh titor
>>22009124You are aware that "starting weapons" don't mean a thing right? Especially with it being +8
>>22009178the rapier is very fast and the guy has shit poise. that and she used the +8 weapon
>>22009254Yeah with a +8 weapon that staggers him and 20 more levels
>>22008934>R1 spams like she's playing DS3Home...
Missed the stream #AMEWAY beat margit?
>>22009124>it doesn't matter that her weapon was overleveledok
>>22009259Just for this, next thread is a Towathread
>>22009244I was the first one guy.
>>22009265Two more weeks
>>22009259>iphone uiposter trashing on kenzoku againhome...
>just keeps walking into the ice>clearly getting a huge message and in-game feedback saying FROSTBITE>"whats this ice"
>your oshi>would you tastes her pubes if you can?
>>22008973really stinky reanimated corpses who died once and can keep coming back as long as they can see grace. when you show up every other tarnished has lost the ability to see grace they are on their last life.everyone is hostile and can tell you are tarnished because of the smell.
>>22009283Almost, literally had 1 hit left.
>>22009283Got him to like 1 hp and then she got side tricked and here we are now
>>22009253It's a Yasuda product, it's impossible that she wouldn't reach at least Top 5 sexiest Holo designs.
>>22009283no, she got the boss to 1 hp but later she ran out of arrows. Went to farm some more, got sent to Roundtable by the scripted event, and now we're here
>>22009277Most of Kiara’s levels were in Vitality to be fair.
>>22009304Ame cute please andastan
>>22009298oh mid-april. Thanks for your info
Teakeks really think THIS is the gamer of EN?RUMAO
>>22009304I love her but she's genuinely stupid
>>22009267>>22009268? i dont get what you guys meanafter what happened in 13 of may i could not stand watching vtubers at all...i just came back
>>22008973Tarnished are the descendents of Lord Godfry, first Elden Lord and first to become tarnished. People who live in the Lands Between are blessed by grace, which grants them many supernatural blessings as well as a golden tint to their eyes. Once Lord Godfry and his soldiers defeated the Fire Giants, they were stripped of the grace of gold(becoming tarnished) and were subsequently banished from the Lands Between. Once Queen Marika busted the Elden Ring and triggered the shattering, many tarnished, living and dead, once again received the blessing of grace. This enables them to ressurect for as long as they saw its guidance, and it's grace that calls them back to seek the Elden Ring.
>>22009188how is sana playthrough? only watched gura's
>>22009236Are you implying Fletcher isn't the one wanting them to git gud?
>>22009283Got closed a few times. Fell off the cliff about 4 times. Got him to 1hp another time. Then went to collect arrows
His name is now Godfried.
>>22009350You got some kinda problem with that?
>>22008934This is legitimately my favourite Kiara soundpost.Which is saying a lot, because there's a LOT of good ones, but this one? I fucking love it.So good. It's perfect.
>>22009350Yeah I think she neeeds a +8 weapon and lvl 35 like Kiara
>>22008646>>22008559Why is there porn of her?
It’s really hard to care about losing runes once you unlock the Bird farm.
>>22009324>>22009327>>22009334Gotcha thanks teamates chu~~~ chu~~~ chu~~~
>>22009218>>22009229>>22009166>>22009277A weapon that she picked up for the first time. She didn't even use the best part
We love Towa!
Ame would beat the game if she loosened her Yukata bow and let herself breathe a bit, I'm just saying
Do you think you're as cool as Gamma /hlgg/?
I have now finished towaposting, please reflect on your actions
>>22009274>>22009229>>22009218>>22009166>>22009284Can you tards please read the people I'm replying to? That comment was for the 2nd dude that said "a weapon that staggers the shit out of him" like it was a colossal weapon or something. It was just a basic bitch rapier. That's what I meant by "starting weapon.">>22009218The nigger has no poise, a fart staggers him.
>>22009422I'm not gay nigga fuck off.
Do NOT link the previous thread. Thank you.
>>22009427It was hilarious that that weapon is the anti-thesis of that NPC.It staggeers the fuck outta him
What is their band name?
>>22009394kiara is a fucking queen
Oh no... She found Roger
>>22009332>top 5>not top 3What’s your top 5 then, punk, I’ll wait
Has any holo played any of the Metro games?
>>22009446Yeah, I dunno about that.
>>22009348dare desu ka?
>>22009427>>22009463And still a +8 poking weapon.
>I don't wanna use an NOC you're confusing me>immediately summons spirit asheslol
>>22009439Sure do love that Royal We, don’t you kekzoku?
>>22009405why are you so mad about this
>>22009448yes! He is faggot
Moom stream tonight?
>>22009469Gay Retards
Why won't Ame summon Rogier...She's already using bleed+summons you might as well all-in at that point
>>22009469Weezer 2
Just checking>>21999999>>22000000
>>22009508me on the left and my other physical manifestation on the right
>>22009525She said no on her twitter.
>imps get two bleed procs on their ownGood lord those actually do good damage
if mio has kids doesn't that mean she's got a husband?
>>22009490I'm genuinely baffled that I forgot about that, thinking about it, that should've been way more obvious
>>22008934>It's a weezarduhWhat a cute little bitch
Thoughts on Ame's pregnant emote?
>>22009427>>22009463>>22009495Please stop arguing over my wife and her girlfriend, thanks.
sanner on the telly
Ame needs to learn to be more aggressive
kirby is so kino
>ground pound is actually strong and has a billion i-framesWell shit...
>>22009554You're so naive and cute. Bend over.
rip uncle jun from the sopranos
Just posting this since it's my favorite soundpost
>>22009490>just openly doxxpostingmods on this board dont exist
>no one telling Ame that this is an optional bossshe's slamming her head against an area that you don't even need to beat to beat the game...
>>22009602it has 0 but it makes your butt lose its hurtbox
>>22009463Bro don't get heated. Also the weapon was plus 8. To me it's funny not because of how easy she killed him but because Kiara was more focused on chatting than the enemy in front of her.
>fanged impswhat the fuck are these? man even after beating the game there's still a lot of enemies/bosses i keep discovering
>>22009555Meant for >>22009554 but I'll bend you over too.
>summon pokemon>stand far away and plink with arrows until fight is oversasuga. just like miyazaki intended
>>22009638No boss is optional. Once you die against them you have to beat them to continue the game
>>22009405Seething sapling holy KEK
>>22009602https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zdbqTHtnr4I think it works like this.
Can't you farm money fishing
>>22009652Ashes you can start with or buy in Liurna near the Academy.
>>22009624Koyo should be in every thread
She will fall of the edge again.
>>22009624Now post the okayu one please
>>22009652you can pick it as starting gift item, or buy them from a pretty easily missed merchant by Raya Lucaria academy main gate. Teleport in from a seal, then run DOWN a ramp instead of entering the academy
>>22009652they're the bleed summons
>>22009692yeah its those statues you see in the sewers, i had a brain fart
Bad evening to deadbeats. Good evening to everyone else.
She’s not even attacking, what a pussy.
>>22009638I mean technically it's optional? But that means fighting unnerfed Radahn instead.
>>22009676D-do you have more of these?
>>22009259>eyes of god>lower case GodBurn in Hell sodomite
>>22009734no sadly
God, she's more of a scared bitch than Ina
Isn't it bullshit that Margit/Morgott can just extend their combo at literally any point in the combo?
If you love Sana stop watching Ame
>>22009658He did intend for a wide variety of strategies to be employed, yes. That's why they're in the game.
Ame just attack...
Use throwing knife ame. you can do it.
>Ame still cant dodge the hammer jump attack
Amelia should abandon the "Bowson" gimmick and just do a ground pound only run like Dist2 did.Its an actual fun gimmick and actually pretty powerful and its not going to make your first playthrough hell (you get one or two powered up versions later)
Ame gets so nervous when the boss is low
>>22009758just react lol
>>22009693With how often she streams, she practically is.
>>22009676>the gura cosplayer has a smaller ass than the marine cosplayermuh immersions
>>22009758just roll it bro
>>22009668>retarfOH NO NO NO
Ame is way too cute
>>22009648>makes your butt lose its hurtboxYou'd know a lot about that wouldn't you, Anon.
>>22009638it's good content, the rest doesn't matter much
>>22009758They're nowhere near as bad about that as Mohg is, who will input read to determine if he should keep chaining the combo or not.
>>22009577My apologies
She already forgot about using the pound to dodge the hammer.
>>22009753At least she’s not as bad at Kiara when it comes to gettin in close
>>22009676do u think they fart?
>>22009508God I wish I was Gura here.
>>22009758eventually you learn when to bait out a full combo and know when it's safe to attack
>>22009717Which one?
>>22009753Reminds me of my chikin but less panicky. Also thankfully without the feeling that she's failing chat by doing bad. God I love this dummy.
>>22009568Glad I wasn't the only one that loved the way she said it.
sana what in the fuck
Jesus fuck Sana that actually spooked me because I was looking away at another tab
>>22009758Almost every boss in the game has a move that can optionally go longer. It's a really stupid design philosophy.
>>22009758You can learn how his combos work. The light sword swings is to stop you from circling his left side for example
>>22009769did you think i was being ironic?this game is a mess, they designed complex ass bosses but then gave you the ability to pull aggro for free and oneshot from a distance
Sana's pulling us out of Uranus...And Neighbula is here too!
I don't watch Ame but I can see why teamates are so attracted to her. She's truly got big GFE energy, in the sense that she's clueless at the game and refuses to learn.
I made it all the way to the grand lift before I realized that Godrick and/or Rennala weren't optional. I literally explored all of Limgrave, Liura, Caelid, Siofra, and Ainsel before taking on either of them.
>>22009837the singing one but they are all good
>>22009758Literally just dodge
>>22009469Da Myth, Da Legend
>>22009876Doesn’t that describe at least half of EN?
>>22009876That's just girl experience bro
>>22009490What a dumb slut
Why is Sana fishing
Ame is being a massive whiny brat...
>gets worse the more she fightsmany such cases..
>>22009885If you beat rykard and radahn then they do become optional
>>22009912any girl that talks to me gives me GFE
>more ground pound
I am enjoying watching Ame struggle.
Regigigagagagaga hun hun hun hun.
>>22009834wanna add that I actually don't like how you have to be extremely patient and wait for your turn to attack, i loved sekiro's approach way more cause there was an equal level of back and forth attack/blocking/parrying
>>22009876Ameway is a poison. It suffocates you but makes you want more at the same time. I love Ame
>>22009758you can watch his free hand (the one used for the magic weapons) and see when he can follow up or not
San's rocket is like the magic school bus...Wet and sticky...
>Alright this time I'll try it without a bow>But let me go get more arrows first
>>22009945She did see him, she said she doesn't want NPCs
>>22009945she already said she doesn't want to summon him
>>22009945She said she doesn't want to use the NPC.
>>22009932Your mom too?
>>22009922She really needed to win instead of dying at 1 hit left.
Ame please... you're damaging the local fauna...
>>22009920t. ESL
>>22009962Her bow is really holding her back, imps do 90% of her job she just needs to take the boss aggro so imps don't die
Towa cute!
>>22009876you're making a joke but she literally does channel that "gf who's humoring your hobbies" vibe. parts of the first ER stream and her pokemon streams have lots of that.
Sana is streaming you guys...
>>22009265Is that the new Rushia?
>>22009973not my mom freud
put your foolish ambitions to rest
sana cute
>>22009758This game has a lot of that and it gets much worse when you get to the later half of the gameYou shouldn't be punished for observing and learning animations. Probably why I actually feel safer just learning parry timings than trying to do the DS3 roll roll r1 stratsBeat the game twice with just a sword and shield/buckler no summons btw all bosserinos
>>22009887I can't post that one because my soundpost folder is horribly disorganized and I don't remember what it's called
>>22010013good for her!
>>22010013I'm watching her!
I don't think she should abandon the bow but I do think she should make better arrows
This is a nice ina
>>22010009I wasn't joking, teamatechama.
>>22010006Her name is BOWson bro
>>22009758The i frames start the moment the dodge begins. You've gotta read it better.
>>22009448So why don't more people watch these art streams? He seems pretty good at them.
>>22009802Pretty sure Marine actually has a hella fat ass though
22010030I'd marry her in a heartbeat
>>22009843Based egg enjoyer??
>>22010064>iframesyou didn't beat the game
>>22010049Yeah, she needs more bleed arrows
I'm uncomfortable.
>>22010021They all come around eventually
Sana's back is feeling better!
The bow & Are is fun. But do we need 'em?
>>22009490>Pulls the string right between her breastsThis dumb bitch
>le 6 years old picDo doxfags really..?
>>22010072Debut buff wore off, now begins the slow building of their real fanbase that all the homos have had to do
why does Sana only use her NY outfit, it makes her look like a grandma
>I always roll too early!consider rolling later
How many strams of this game has Ame done anyway? Why decide to come back to it now?
>>22009843That removed video better not have been Gura's Duolingo.
>>22010082I meant it the other way around...
>>220100721. He's a Holostar2. He streams these at healthy japanese times/when are starting to go to work. Lamy is an exception to this because she REALLY caters to the lonely salary workers of the world.
Zeta had like a 70k sub lead on Kobo and it evaporated. What the hell happened?
>>22010006It is easier to aggro the boss with arrows, actually.
Timmy is a fag
>>2200896321732505here is a strange random number I found
>Teamates overrunning the threadyou made me do this
>>22010123First time?
>>22010109head like a fucking orange
>>22010086Upload more pvp videos egg.
>>22010013I'll watch Sana again when she streams something my oshi hasn't already streamed
>>22010160Can't beat the cunny
>>22010160Kobo is the ID Gura, unironically.
>>22010013That's nice, she should do it more often
>>22010180I can't believe you revealed 144p Ame...
>>22010145She's playing it every week and twice this week
>>22010006no cost too great
>>22010180What the fuck...
>>22010180should be bowson at the top
>>22010160Kobo had the greatest debut out of the three and quite possibly the greatest debut out of all the HoloID members.
You can do it Ame. Have confidence!
I like ame stubborn sideI like ame giggleFuck I'm becoming gosling teamates
ame... your ambitions...
>>22010013Nothing against her, But she's been too inactive for me to care about her anymore. Also she should play a game people actually want to watch.
>>22010109people were saying her playthrough was unique because shes using a bow when shes just katanafagging like everyone else
amelia moron
>>22010196Ina drinking her own milk is a little...
>>22010134>her look like a grandmathat's the best part
>>22010149Nah it was a fucking Nijien clip, I've legit never watched one but they suggest them anyway.
>>22010013I really don't care about Kirby... Probably wouldn't even pay attention to my oshi playing it unless it was somehow an exceptional delivery.
What exactly is a webtoon?
>>22010238Honestly, Kobo had one of the best debuts in the company
>>22010223erm...but shes still on margit
Sex with Sana.
>>22010260But it's Ina's milk
>>22010223Just stream it every day bro
>>22010160tell me this doesnt deserve the world.
>>22010006If she would just get the Blood arrows she could beat him.
Ame really likes arrows uh
What does cactus taste like?
>>22010279She did plenty of other bossesYou know the game is open world right....?
>>22010279This is the first stream she encounters him
>>22010275Website and App where you upload webcomics
Without looking it up, do you know what Sana's last name is?
>>22010260Ina's milk... the milk for ina
>>22010238Eh, Ollie's is still pretty high up there for me
>>22009978>Literally traced
how many sheep have to die for bowson's foolish ambitions...
>>22010277>One of the bestGimme your top three then, I am curious as someone who hasnt seen the debuts of most of JP
>>22010289my opinion of ina has vastly improved since she started playing elden ring
>>22010013Her window of opportunity to get me to care for her passed, and a Kirby stream isn't gonna be the thing that draws me in. Once she plays or does something more interesting I'll give her another chance
>>22010335No cost too great
sex is overrated.
>>22010013I've seen my Fauna, Okayu, AND Gura play it. Fauna hasn't even finished it. I don't want to watch Kirby until Fauna beats it. So sorry Sana, try playing something new
>>22010320Tsukumo. She shares it with two 2hus.
>>22010335All of them.
>>22010180>posting fake picsfaggot
>>22010289my opinion of ina has vastly decreased since she started playing elden ring
Ame's build is built on bows and groundpound. Is this a good way to play the game?
>>22010289Ina becoming soulstard, she will stream bloodborne, ds2 and ds1 after finishing elden ring
>>22010313i hope it keeps going on down to her feet
>>22010134You know when a holo gets a new outfit, and she wears it an extremely frequent amount before she finally starts wearing other shit again (like Mori did when she got her rapper outfit)? Sana has that, but she's behind due to the lack of streams
Here's the preemptive list of why Ame hasn't really beat Margit gonna go to sleep so i will miss it:>shield>bleed weapon>bleed summons>bow>broken hitboxes (groundslam)>3x levels above recommendedFor this reasons i'm sadly revocing her GAMER OF EN status
>>22010289>That singular stream when she was cocky enough to crack a smilePUT YOUR FOOLISH AMBITIONS TO REST, TAKO
i had to leavedid she do it?
>>22010371Now that's a reference no one in the last 2 generations will get.
>>22010289My opinion of Ina has vastly increased since she started playing elden ring
>decide not to watch any ER streams in case my oshi decides to stream it>she never did
>>22010378I hope she just skips 2 and goes to 3.
Not blaming her for not knowing but she should just buy arrows. in my experience the bone arrows and bone bolts do way less damage and have less range than the regular ones you buy from merchants
>>22010388Sorry, she just beat DOOM on UV.
>>22010388She'll still beat it faster than Kiara, Mori and maybe Ina in total time spent
>>22010289My opinion of Ina has vastly decreased since she started playing elden ring.
>>22010238I'd say Reine/Ollie both did better, but it was a great debut.
>>22010390currently gathering materials for more arrows
>>22010400My oshi said no, then she said she might, but I'm taking that as still a no. But Elden Ring is a game where people play it differently so even if she decides to play it I can watch it fine, so meh.
>>22010388>>3x levels above recommendedSince when is the fucking recommended lvl 8 you mongol?
>>22010294What time are her streams at? I haven't seen her since debut so I'm assuming pretty late night in Indonesia time.
>>22010289my opinion of ina hasn't changed since she started playing elden ring
>>22010416What level is Ame at anyway?
>>22010289my opinon of ina has vas
>>22010406Nah, 2 is still decent enough to warrant a singular playthrough.
>No mushroom arrowsNice game fromfags
>>22010406I dunno, a DS2 playthrough could be really fun for a variety of reasons. Imagine seeing someone react to some of the horseshit that happens in that game
>>22010378>ds1we went over this, DS1 became a pain to get perms for since the remaster. It's why they only said they had DS2 and 3 perms back when they thought they had them.
>>22010289The Onion Ring saga is as magical as the Hollow Tako arc was. Can't wait for her to unironically finish Elden Ring and Bloodborne before Mori does.
>>22010454Around the same as Mori, 25 ish
>>22010289>absolutely in love with the game>exploring every nook and cranny>9 streams and only explored half of the map>10th stream, gets spoiled on a side quest she was invested in>next stream bum rushes the main story>completely ignores the sewers and physically walks out when she gets told it's optional contentI genuinely feel bad for her.
>>22010289>aaaaaaand one of those~>aaaaaaand this one~>aaaaaaand that one~
>>22010427ah, the classic elden ring experience
you did press the bell for your oshi right?
why aren't you watching sanner?
Give me your bones.
Guys, the real reason why Ame didn't beat the game is because she beat it with short hair
>>22010400Catch up on Reine's and the Pink Fox. They are both ridiculous in their own way and extremely enjoyable.
>>22010388>>3x levels above recommendedi know this is a shitpost but there are seriously people who say youre supposed to fight him at level 1 with a +0 weapon which is retarded. You can easily do a 180 and theres a mining cave with upgrade mats and a boss at the end
jwu is Ame buying or crafting arrows?
>>22010289My opinion of Ina is that she should lock tongues with my chikin
I will post Matsuri in this thread.
>>22010438If you didn't beat the game as a naked level 1 wretch, you didn't actually beat the game.
>>22010289>Plays literally for hours everyday>People still call her the best souls playerIf you need to grind hundred of hours to become better then you're simply not good, takos are so fucking delusional when they claim their oshi is the best, Mori has barely played the games and she manages to do better than all of EN
>>22010510That's not Ame, that's Nia from Xenoblade Chronicles 2
>>22010503Crafting, she didn't kill the bell bearer that opens small bones for sale
>>22010474what quest was spoiled for her?
>>22010511Sorry. Chimkin only has eyes for Ame.
>Sana has 16k coinsHow the fuck? Did she grind them off stream?
>>22010512Post that one image where she has her fat ass showing and she has that weird face on her
>>22010474i hope takos had a witch hunt for the shithead that spoiled
>>22010479I have it on for all of EN (&IRyS!)and for Towa for some fucking reason, I don't know why
>>22010446her usual time is around 10a eastern
>>22009876>GFE energy>she's clueless>refuses to learn.who wants a gf like this?
>>22010539She likes fishing anon
>>22010526>Sorry MJ, you practice Basketball so you're fuckin shit at the game and simply not good
>>22010531That guy refused to spawn for some reason.
>>22010405They do do less damage than the bought ones. You want to craft the specialty arrows, not the bone ones.
>>22010367ame rica spurdo is apt
>>22010510Why are femmates so cute?
>>22010479yes and for a few others aswell
>>22010511Ame first. It's canon afterall
>>22010300For prickly pears, the green pad tastes kind of sour, but not bad if you mix it with something else. Funnily enough, some companies make tostadas that have them mixed in and they barely taste any different than regular ones
any particular reason why Ame doesn't just use Rogier? seems like she'd easily win with his help
>>22010531She should just buy arrows from merchants. They deal more damage and take less time to farm.
Tacunnyshi Kiara
>>22010526Mori said she's a big soulsfag who's beaten games multiple times though... she should be better than anyone in hololive bar maybe Aqua
The people telling her to use the Jelly are probably the same one spamming to upgrade summons and use Rogier.
>>22010580ayy lmoa
>>22010511>>22010537Now now, there's enough chicken to go around
Ame, the jellyfish fucking sucks compared to the gremlins....
>>22010568He only spawns at night, so you have to pass time and then re-warp to the grace point to make him spawn.
Good morning, how’s Ame been doing?
>>22010565That's unironically true though, he didn't win the game, same with that faggot who used a magic/scarlet rot build in the NBA
Teamup says that Bae and Gura have a MK collab tomorrow, has she said what time it's at?
>>22010535It wasn't that she was spoiled so much. Ina heard there was an ending where you get married and she literally asked chat to guide her through that quest.
>>22010539where else would she have gotten them? from her 1 hour kirby stream last month?
Back to farming arrows!!!
>>22010535Fia killing D.
What idiot told her to summon the jellyfish?
ame is making me want to do a groundpound/bow only run.not sure what the most bowson weapon to put ground pound on would be though.
>>22010511Only if I’m between them
>>22010603She doesn't want to use NPC.
>>22010559It’s not necessarily what you want, but it’s what you usually end up with.
>>22010559Anyone who isn't gay.
His slam was the easiest move for me to dodge. It gives you such a long time to prepare for it.
>>22010604>This sex pose is her resting stance
>>22010531that bell bearer is harder than margit.
I like council more
Nice foolish ambitions nerd. Why don't you go put it to bed and just give up.
>>22010568You have to pass time to night, stand up, then sit back down at the bonfire. And if you die, you gotta do that process again. It's stupid.
>>22010622I am in desperate need of more sametori
>>22010535>Get given dagger from Fia>HEY INA YOU SHOULD GIVE THAT TO SO AND SO BY THE WAY THEY DIE
>>22010526Ina handicaps herself on purpose when she enjoys the fightsIf you think she's bad at the game you haven't watched her
>>22009717I got ya
how many hours has she been fighting margit?Its basically her first real DS3/BB style boss ever so I dont really blame her for struggling even though she's so overpowered for him
>>22010628>re-warp to the graceyou can also just sit at it again after getting up
>>22010622based mythlover
you know, there are perks in being bad at these kind of gamesame chilling and talking about different approaches and just thinking about her tools is pretty cool
>>22010677Why aren't they streaming then?Space Woman doesn't count.
>>22010604>>22010671I want highschool adventures of Kiara and Fauna.
Is there a max amount of times the bleed can proc?
>>22010642It wasn't Ranni's quest that she got pissed off at. It was the beginning of Fia's that pushed her over the edge.
>>22010655>>22010677I respect it but I don't agree. I like them
>>22010701like an hour and half now?
>>22010531You can just buy normal arrows from the first merchant
>>22010615it is so weird how people make a distinction from spirit summons and npc/player summons in this game. she should just summon him since shes using the imps anyway
>>22010622I will be very disappointed if any of the girls visiting Kiara do not get immediately turned on when she does one of her incredibly hot idle idol stances
Sana just said New Zealand is Australia but for pussies
How is Ame getting worse at fighting him over time? Don't you gradually improve and learn the patterns?
The Kirby Anime OP by 4kids https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzTSH51nOG4
>>22010474It's a shame, cause the part where you find where the Order dumped all the Merchants is fuckin kino.
>>22010742why did you you me
>>22010748She's using blood ones that apply bleed though.Along with gremlins, its 3 sources of bleed
>>22010677We have different taste and that's okay
>>22010756Kiwis are sheep fuckers
>>22010723Being bad at these games are the only legitimate way to play, actually, you don't really play the game if you beat it by being good at itthink of how many mechanics you get locked out of when you play with a skill strat, it's so stupid
>>22010686not defending it, but it was inevitable, it was literally right after she had like four NPCs die on her back to back
Ame is actually getting worse
>gets him to 1hp>"my brain is decaying"Starting to remind me of Kiara's run
>>22010682She did that it didn’t work.There was some other trigger she was missing
>>22010622Kiara would be so horny for Kiara
>>22010772it was a mistake gomen, but get a hammer like smough had
>>22010756I've never been there but I could believe it
>>22010764You get frustrated over time which makes you make stupid mistakes.
I think I'm in love with Mumei
10k people are watching two midgets & a wide-faced autist pelleting bones at a seething oldman.
>>22010479>japanese yeahhh I'll not be watching this person
How come Ame & Gura never do anything together anymore? Do they hate each other now?
>>22010756half of them live over here to leech cenno and do tree lop cashies anyway
>>22010809if I won't be attacking with it (just doing groundpound) that seems like a hindrance
Why would anyone do Ranni's quest. You end up killing everyone cool.
This is getting annoying
bros... ameway does it work....
>abuse the fuck out of bleed>still lose
>>22010801Kiara would hate Kiara
>>22010628>>22010682Watch streams, she did all of that.
>>22009732>fighting unnerfed Radahnyou can make him kill himself
>sana slaughters someone with a sword to happy go lucky musicI love her
would armando be good at this game?
Shut up faggots, Gura's baseball oshi is about to pitch.
>>22010839I haven't gotten a chance to post this in a while
>>22010766>merchants>their people exiled and force to migrate>found burnt to death and stockpiled in some tunnelswhat did Memezaki mean with this?
>>22010764She's trying too hard to use the bow and arrows, and kite, at the cost of forgetting the basics of the game like dodging. Look at how much damage she takes just trying to run away versus when she's up in his face getting a quick few hits in.
>>22010839Gura hates Ame now. Ame never liked Gura.
>>22010820uhhh good luck with that anon
>>22010855Don't watch :)
>>22010013Yeah, totally getting that 6k like this guy said:>>22001127
Hey, important question for KRP and IRyStocrats, how do you say>Kiikerikiiand>HIRyS!in German?
>>22010852doll pussy
>>22010799There isn't. You gotta sit back down at the grace and stand back up AFTER turning it to night. That's the trigger. For some reason, just turning it to night alone doesn't work. I went an entire 160 hour playthrough not even knowing they exist because of that. I shit my pants watching someone else encounter one and also a little sad that the cool Shaded Castle bossfight was yet another re-used fight
suprise rrat stream?
>>22010852That applies to 95% of soulsborne quest NPCs
>>22010852I only kill blaidd. Everyone else died because they couldn't save themselves.
>>22010893That the merchants gave themselves to the frenzied flame and got rekt.
>>22010683I just remembered when gura and kiara snuck off to the side during the full EN collab and had a very nice conversation
>>22010655Jar Cannon
>>22010861that and horny are not mutually exclusive
This is it. The run. The ambitions.
>>22010839How come Kiara & Mori never do anything together anymore? Do they hate each other now?
>>22010832sketch sex
This is the run
>>22010852>Why would anyone do Ranni's questMore content and blue cunny>You end up killing everyone coolthat's every soulsgame quest though
>>22010840Good I wouldn't want a bitch like you there anyway HMPH
>>22010852I REALLY want to fuck her.
>>22010852Ranni's quest is at least bittersweet, everyone else just dies a disgraceful, unfulfilled death.
>>22010910Teamates love punching down
>Doing great at the start>Stops using bleed arrows>Stops using Ground Slam which was giving her iframes>Gets an HP Debuff and doesn't remove itShe won't win unless she can get back into her earlier mindset.
>>22010852Puppet gash
Oh no the cliff ame! Watch out!
>actually uses melee>completely rips him to shreds>stops using melee with 20% health leftWhy?
stop using the shitty arrows, my god
>>22010956Kiara hates Mori now. Mori never liked Kiara.
>>22010852lake of rot has some good gear
Ame will lose
>>22010677council is more like JP style than myth
>>22010852>kill rya>kill patches>kill tanith>kill shabiri>kill blaidd>kill iji>give seluvis potion to nepheli>save milicent>do ranni quest>do fia quest and then give the armor to D brother.This is the only correct playthrough
>>22010852>Walk up to Ranni>She talks about how she lied about her name at first>"Hey bro, wanna help me basically destroy the world?"Noped out of there hard. Sure she gave me my horse, but that's not enough to make me simp over her.
>>22010998based /u/schizo baiting someone to post the streamable
How come none of the EN girls have met up with Gura yet? You'd think they wouldn't isolate their friend like that.
>>22010526It's just pure SEAtako cope at this point.
Those cries from the waddle dee's remind me of the cries of the grubs from Hollow Knight
Why does Ame's voice sound higher pitched compared to her debut voice?
>>22010952>>22010964>>22010966>>22010972LAID TO REST
>>22010852Bro, you see her hands? Imagine the things she can do with them.
Amelia Jobson....
you fuckers jinxed it
>>22011018go back
she's gonna get him pretty soon
>>22011046different microphone
>>22010998Liked being the operative word. Mori wants her back now.
>>22011027Get some new timeloops, sis.
>>22011046Have you watched Ina debut and now?Ame is nothing compared to that
>it feels like when I pull it out it just goes >uhhh>full attackSorry for cumming everywhere Ame...
Amelia Watson is kind of the Gilgamesh of Hololive English
You can do it, Ame
>>22010917just go with SIEG HEIL and run with it
>>22011027Anyone who goes to meet Gura is going to live out Resident Evil VII IRL.
>>22011018>gave me my horse Anon… that was Melina…
>>22011027gura doesn't have a physical body newfag
>>220106411 pm jst Might be moved an hour forward
>>22011027What do you think Mumei meant by that post? Also Gura absolutely has the same thing Polka had going on where she doesn't want anyone to visit her
>>22010526>best souls playerI'd put my money on either reine, botan or irys
>>22010289God I love Ina
>>22011027idk. maybe she's really out of the way to get to and that one off collab was the best chance they had of meeting
>>22010998>>22011019I will do the honorshttps://streamable.com/ii62uyhttps://streamable.com/6qb5z6
>>22011040Are the SEATajos in the room with us right now?
>>22011087So she want to fuck Saber
>>22011102That makes her goal of physical twister even sadder...
>>22011087She's loud, stupid, and a total jobber?Yeah that sounds like her.
>>22011015Don't forget>get FRENZIED
>>22010820t. me
>>22011018>>"Hey bro, wanna help me basically destroy the world?"do your JP reps, she saves everyone but the official translation fucked up
I've never seen anyone do it but can you use the horse against margit?
>>22011018>basically destroy the worldlook up the jap dialogue, shit was changed in the tl
>If Sana was part of that Terraria collab then this wouldn't have happened
Ame could sometimes iframe through the attack, but she always dodges away so she can't hit back during the opening.
man... ame sucks at this...
moom post
With how out of touch IRyS is, do you think she would do 'Heil HitlerRyS' as her greeting when she goes to Dokomi?
>>22011087Blonde and what else? She's a poorfag so that clearly is not it
She literally just needs to stop with the arrows and attack together with the gobs
those roll catches goddamnnn, just literally one second of a delay on an attack and it makes it hit her every time
>>22011147stop it you nigger
>>22011183Technically, yes
>>22011015>kill ryaDIE
Ame should go to sleep early
Ame should put a vibrator in her yukata bow to win
>>22011196Will still kill it faster than Mori and Kiara
>>22011087>Archer class>can do literally anything>still jobs hard and whines about itYeah, not wrong.
>>22011183yes you can using a certain glitch
>>22010917Cockadoodle doo
>Half HP>Pulls out bottle to heal>Get combo'ed>Half HPEvery. Damn. Time.
Damn they really shilled Elden Ring HARD on 4chan. I guess Hololive is playing right along with it.
junji's stuff is great but I've never felt fear from one of his works. maybe existential dread tho
>>22011121>IRySAt this point I don't believe real IRyStocrats at saying this.
>>22011018because the world is fucking great in elden ring with zombies and grafting fucking about everywhere
>>22011151also their rivalry with deadbeats is very similar to the eternal Gilkek/Jetkek autism battle
>>22011018>destroy the world
rrat IQ test time
>>22011205She doesn't know what a Hitler is, anon, that's how out of touch she is
>>22010756new zealand really is australia on easy mode though. nice place
>>22011191Gura gasping always gets me.
>>22011205Kiara will make sure she keeps it at a simple “HeilRyS!”
I don't think that counts as a creepypasta Sanners
>backs away from staggers and openings>goes for an extra hit when he's in the middle of a comboHow did she get it backwards?
>>22011027Bloody shark cunny will drive the ones who visted her mad with lust due to the strength of the stinky pheromones. Looks at what they did to the chumbuds in /ggg/. The girls are worried they wouldn't be able to control themselves.
>>22011029>With her four arms think of all she could dohttps://litter.catbox.moe/dj7ed2.gif
>>22011239You lose Shazam poster
>>22011224i dunno... watson is pretty terrible...
>>22011211Replace the Gate of Bablyon with the Gate of GoXLR
>>22010927Why does Blaidd go that mad though? He only goes mad when you put the ring on Ranni. Is it jealousy, or is that just the fate of anyone in Elden Ring? You can't even sleep him once he goes hostile because he literally says fuck off and forces himself awake.
>>22011169Weird reply for one of the only girls that's actually playing by the meta, is already at the Fire Giant, and found Rykard.
Seeing Aqua regularly outskill and destroy other masters players in the scrims, something occurred to me - Botan has talked about how she used to be Predator in Apex, and although she doesn’t play anymore because her competitive/pro grind days are over, she might have been willing to pick the game back up behind the scenes to coach Aqua. I have nothing to back this up, not even a clip, but I’m going to believe it because it makes the Aqua/Apex story even more like an anime.>set yourself a big challenge in a martial art>fail painfully and spiral into depression >befriend wizened coworker who turns out to be a grandmaster with a bigger and even more painful arc/backstory with the art>though she has sworn to never return to the art, she coaches and trains you in secrecy>stun everyone with your return, displaying a new level of mastery and taking on greater challenges
This is the run.
This is it
Ame does the >aaaand I'm deadthing I always do. We are?
She's starting to be more aggressive and is trading hits. Good Ame
>>22011027Gura caught the scarlet rot sadly and no one wants to go near her now
she did it
she dad it
>>22011302There you goGet fucked
It's kind of painful seeing Ame ALWAYS fail to dodge the jumping hammer attack when it's literally the easiest attack to dodge and punish.
SHE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>stops using bow>gets in 3 trieslollmaoSHE DID IT
oh nice I can go to sleep now
>>22011344defeatist faggots, stop doing that shit
Another easy win for Amelia Watson the gamer of HoloEN
>gets more aggressive>wins'BASED
>>22011314He is basically programmed to go mad and murder Ranni if she goes against the greater will, which she does. He's a real lad for holding out for so long
>AmeWayShe literally did nothing right and brute forced the way out of that shit.
please... stop using arrows ame... please...
She did it!
>>22011191Why do they hate Enigma at Amigara Fault, junjibros...
Ame would have killed this boss ages ago if she wasnt so autistic about the bow
>>22011454Eat a dick, newfag
>>22011121It's between Botan and Ina
>>22011279AME WAY
ame should just go to the first church and buy 600 arrows
>>22011314Literally a glowie for the Greater Will
>>22011358>>22011360>>22011361>>22011363>>22011365>>22011366>>22011367>>22011368>>22011370>>22011371>>22011372>>22011374>>22011375>>22011376>>22011378>>22011381>>22011383>>22011384>>22011387>>22011389>>22011390>>22011393>>22011396>>22011397>>22011400>>22011401>>22011402>>22011403>>22011407>>22011408>>22011409>>22011412>>22011417>>22011419>>22011420>>22011423>>22011426>>22011429>>22011430>>22011436>>22011449>>22011450>>22011460>>22011466>>22011478That it is me.
Damn it I had to close the stream did she get hype
>>22011191Please stop doing this.It hurts.
>>22011454Arrows were working perfectly fine when combined with the Imps.
>>22011027gura is terrified of the idea that anyone would ever know about her. she'd kill her own family if she thought should get away with it, to go fully under the radar
>>22011247RIP Melvin.He's dabbing on Gilkeks with the big man upstairs now.
> narrow bridge with a bunch of shit in the wayhaha yeah that won't repeat ever again
>>22011419Bowson is just really fast actually she kinda sucks at archery
The Ame of EN!
>>22011419Anon, half of the damage was from bleed arrows & keeping the aggro from the imps.
>>22010852>You end up killing everyone. Cool!
>>22011328No reason to believe it's super rusty Botan and not just some random pro she paid to coach her
>>22011489I kneel Gamer of EN
>>22011506all ame!
>>22010511>>22010595>season 1: everyone paired with Gura>season 2: everyone paired with Kiara (except Gura)Who's gonna be the chad of season 3?
>Still playing What? I need to sleep Ame...
>>22011506t.meall me btw
>>22011489Ame wins again
>>22011328>because her competitive/pro grind days are over, she might have been willing to pick the game back up behind the scenes to coach Aqua. I have nothing to back this up, not even a clip, but I’m goBotan grinded to master. Where do people keep pulling Predator from?
>>22011448>>22011502Well now I'm just depressed.
>>22011506that it is me all me btw
>>22011489>stops pussying out>actually beats MargitWhat did the game mean by this?
>>22011087Ame is voiced by John DiMaggio?
>>22011338reine. botan is playing some meme build it seems
>>22011536>everyone paired with GuraWhat is this anon talking about? Everyone in the thread was pairing Ame everyone else during "season 1"
>>22011489how fast was Gura?
>>22010526>Anon you had to practice playing piano to get good? Nigga I was born ready to play that shit with 0 practice.Damn bros, I guess we just if we weren't born good we just got to quit. Pack your bags.
>>22011531Well yes, but getting in with melee when it makes sense speeds up the bleed since the katana also has bleed on it. When she started doing more melee hits in early she chunked the boss much faster.
>>22011550Slower than iwys
I think Ame and IRyS should have hot sex, on account of being the only two Samurai in Hololive
>>22011314Iji kind of explains it if you talk to him afterwards. It's kind of vague.
>>22011489>slower than Kroniiwww
I know she was faster than Ina, Kiara and Mori, but was she faster than IRyS in total time spent fighting?
>>22011536Anon, Ame is the slut of EN since season zero.
>>22011475It's baffling. Even normies on twitter know that story.
So Gura is the only one who still needs to beat him
>>22011571Don't be, they all knew what the price was going to be. Blaidd was a good dude and killing him is the best thing you can do for him.
>>22011117Not to burst your bubble, but Mumei might just be referring to how she has three collabs this weekend. Not counting it out completely, though.
>>22011489She was slower than them except Mori though.
So when is Council going to do anything impressive? Its been over 6 months and still haven't even accomplished a third of what EN has in the same time frame. Maybe Sana is right to just give up and fade into 2viewdom.
>>22011489She would've gotten it less than 10 tries in, it was at <1% hp.
>>22011621>sees gold NPC>I don't want to do thatMost based moment today
>>22011610This but unironically, Collab already. They both seem to like each others streams.
[Bae news] she just finished her 10 minute internet IQ test
Gura will beat Margit first try just you wait and see.
>>22011588nta but what's the meta for ER?
>>22011647Check again, time spent fighting, not time spent getting arrows
>>22011489I KNEEL
>>22011489She literally could have saved like 2 hours if she just stopped using her fucking bow. She almost threw the last fight when she took out her bow and took 3 hits to the face while doing 20 dmg.
>>22011632gura has thrown the game into her mold chasm, never to reemerge. if we're lucky we'll get a sekiro stream
>>22011616time holos fuckin dominate elden ring
do you think anyone in hololive has ever been bowling before?
Anyone else also shitposting without watching the streams? I try as hard as I can to pin people against each on ER but there is too many of them lately and it's getting boring and hard to track who si playing now.
>>22011536Anon? Check the ship numbers, Ame is at the lead by a great margin
>>22011632But she already did
>>22011286What did /ggg/ do this time?Or is this just a general statement?
Oh my god look at that neck
>>22011610t. AmeIRyS fanfiction writer
I want Ame to two hand me
>IQ of 140
>>22011678I question its credibility
I like how Teamates avoids spoiling Ame in the chat
>>22011610>they have been retweeting each other's stream lately>both played rf5 yesterday>both playing er today>ame ended her stream yesterday by telling viewers to go watch irys>overwatch collabeserious, they just need to bang already
>>22011199I don't like that moom.
>>22011661for braindead people = arcane with river of bloodfor chad = power stance dual giant hammer.
Bird up
>>22011736>>22011742lmao yeah that's an online test alright. usually they have the good sense to cap it to 120 so it seems less bullshit.
>>22011672it's pretty amazing that my heart started beating faster whenever she put her bow out
>>22011661It's usually some gay bleed shit with katanas
>>22011707amelia giraffeson
Death to birds incoming.
>>22011651rudestop using ina for your mean posts!
Thoughts on these fanfic pairings?
>>22011759It's funnier to watch her suffer in cluelessness than to help her.
>>22011742Every single one of those boosts it by like 30-40 to make the person who took it feel special and share it.
>>22011742140? That's pretty smart actually
>>22011736>>22011742s-smart rrat...
>>22011432I wish I could have saved Gideon, he was based
>>22011328Aqua is literally too autistic to ask Botan for advice. That being said it would have been nice, and Botan would have been a great coach for this team.
Did she level up? Or she's carrying all the runes?
>9/11SANA NO
>>22011651when i see this image i know its gonna be a good post
You think your detective has won? Just wait until she fights Godrick. I'll win next time, teamates.
>>22011827Yes she did
>I'm not going up there I'm going to get knocked off>goes up there anyway>rolls off
fuck rune factory
>>22011850Godrick is 10 times easier than Margit
>>22011794Gurame bros really need to pump those numbers up
Will Ame notice that faggot Gostoc stealing her ruins and shank him?
>>22011764how do you know they aren't already having discord sex? ame is e-dating her as we speak
>>22011769so reine is doing some ultra strength build or something?
ame please bond with irys over rune factory
Ame's greatest enemies... Herself and gravity...
>>22011886No but chat will tell her anywayAlso if you shank him you get one fewer Dragon Smithing Stone that playthrough, it's not worth the piddling amount of runes you might lose to him in the early game
>>22011886>Will Ame noticeno
[Sana News] She wants to play 2hu or Vampire Survivors
>sana playing touhoBASED
Sana wants to play Touhou.
Takos explainhttps://twitter.com/4zazil/status/1512252213326127106
>>22011704Anon..... >Super menstrual cycle schizo timestamps moments Gura mentions it>Chumbud buys a Shark Onahole and post images of it
>>22011489Would have done it faster if she didn't need to craft more arrows and then got sent to round table.
[Sana news] Sana want to play Touhou
>>22011899She respecced to faith hybrid for cool swords so she might not be as unga
>>22011850she won't get filtered again till Radahn since she'll refuse to use any of the summons
>>22011651Apart from being the first successful EN group, what did they do in their first 6 months?
who could ever be attracted to shapeless bodies like Suisei and Ina?
>>22011715There are multiple of us!MORE THAN ZERO OF US!
>Ame beats Margit>Kiara anti seethes and posts doxExplain why.
>>22011877literally saw like 4 new fics
oh god is she heading straight to jobrick?
>>22011948oh.... thats pretty based.
sana wants to talk about the 2hus...
Sana is going to take us back home.
>>22011951You don't count time spent getting materials and doing other stuff, just pure boss time
>>22011879Godrick's moves are more telegraphed and he's got bigger windows to capitalize on, especially with bleed. If you can beat margit, you can beat godrick.
>>22011764Kek ame knows IRyS needs the views
We're not in /jp/ anymore so I damn well better not see Touhous being posted.
>>22011991You should check the reactions on the previous thread.
>>22011764You forgot Ame instantly sending her a discord message because she saw her start up RF5
>>22011998Kek, very nice
>>22011974Yeah, me
>>22011985Teamates hate all other vtubers
>>22011890they practically had discord sex on irys's birthday stream; we got a little taste
>>22011796If only chumbuds can do the same to Gura...
>[HOLD] button>presses button>"why didn't it work"This is literally holoEN.
Sana hates light bulb Kirby. No wonder she isn't more popular.
>>22012003>fuck 2husdon't mind if I do
>>22011943I love this guys art
eratohok member stream when?
What's the deal with AmeIRyS?
Sana please fucking play 2hu and teach Fauna how to play 2hu so that she can play 2hu too like she said she wanted to
>>22011985I knew it was the Margitbeats behind all the antiposting
>>22011985who knows
>>22011997No I mean it fucked with her brain, she stopped using ground pound when she came back even though it was dodging the hammer and staggering the boss.
>Sana loves streamingOH NO NO ANTIBROS?
>>22011962She WILL summon Alex-bro, the dowgie & the clown.
>>22011928Fuck him, killed him anyway
>>22012054visible ribs are hot, skinny girls are hot
>>22012018I only post remilia when 2hus are being streamed
>>22012032i hate teammates...
God I want to spoil Sana while she needs help...
>>22011943Jesus H. Christ the ribsThis is hot
>>22012032Just Mori, me and most teamates love Kiara
>>22011661there's a lot of things that have good dps output and most of them can be used on pve. most things that use bleed, like the rivers of blood, busted magic and magic weapons, like comet azure, ruin greatsword, moonveil or sword of night and flame, jumping attack spam with bigger weapons, reine is using double greatswords and noel is using double colossal weapons, and busted WAs, like hoarfrost stomp (that was nerfed but is still good), flame of the red manes, etc>>22011899double greatswords and now is using a little more faith so she can use a boss greatsword that is pretty good. she's going absoute braindead unga
>>22012045Which one though?
So who closes that door?
>trap>goes in anyway
>>22011781>>22011811The two online IQ tests I actually sat through gave me basically the exact score I got from a professionally administered test. Obviously it's possible that there's problems with them, but I don't really get why people act as though they're inherently flawed in some way and can NEVER be accurate. It's not like common question sets and their scoring are kept secret, or that they need some special proctoring
>>22012054Damn look at those big-foot feet
Bae is now doing an actually difficult IQ test
>>22012156you have to, for a key item
Sana wants to play Windwaker. She's back to being based again.
>>22011974maybe you dont like their shapeless bodies but what if they pressed them together? specifically their chests.
>>22011948wtf /ggg/ is based?
>>22012034>chumbudsGura just refuses to mod her chat to any degree so there are a lot of random shitters.
>>22012173Does it not concern anyone else that there's a kiara soundpost for literally any type of reply you could desire?
I really really hated that knight
>>22011651SHUT THE FUCK UPhttps://litter.catbox.moe/mpupfa.png
>>22012183Why is she such a nintendo fag?
>we cares about sana all of a sudden
oh nyoo my runes
>>22012069marGITS is a better fan name thank you
>>22012221She's a Based Bubblegum Bitch, anon, that's just how it is with that kind of girl
>IT'S (any excuse)she's so cute..
>lost all her Margit runesAme...
>>22012162I got a score of 160 on an online IQ test, which is Eintstein's IQ
>>22012126those threads seem so far away now...
>>22012193im flaccid as fuck at the thought
how do you even unfuck a curved spine? metal bars?
>>22011672The bow is part of reason she is still even playing this game
>>22012221Maybe, just maybe chimken cute
>>22012150the rabbit
>Sana planning future streams on airDon't give me hope my love.
>flamethrowerthat's against the geneva's convention, kirby
>>22012273yes or sit up straight
sᴀɴᴀ Js ʙeeG
>>22012234Always have
>>22012261She leveled up didn't she?
>>22012261She used them though
>>22011991>>22012214For those that missed it.>>22002191>>22002626>>22002690>>22002752>>22006165>>22007098>>22008049
>>22012140reine is kinda based...
>>22012277Can't wait till she sees the Greatbow
>>22012234sad to think there was a time when that was indeed the case
>>22012250More like Margays lmao.
>>22012300>>22012301Oh I must have not been paying attention
>>22012221That would require me to think about it
>>22012221I find it quite fascinating.
>>22012231Cute Bubba
>>22012306why does it look like roasted pork
>>22012306Incredibly based
>>22012126the 2hus...I wonder if they're happy most of us are gone
>>22011489kronii took 7 minutes (3rd try), at level 9and without even understanding half of the game's mechanics
>>22012233>*Why is she such a nintendo CHAD?
So when is she going to relearn shield counter?
Ame is pretty funny. Her mannerisms have cracked me up a few times in this stream.
is it just me or was gura looking to the side a lot more frequently in the kirby stream last night?
>>22012221Has it ever occurred to you that Kiara is extremely entertaining? Ame's my oshi but she's definitely my second most watched these days
>>22012306I thought /ggg/ fucking sucks what happened?
>>22012373yeahat me
>>22012306based, they keep their thread on topic unlike those of the clock nature
>>22012306Anon you forgot this masterpiece.>>22002452
>>22012228is there a mega or something of KK stuff. they are usually just spread out through threads
>>22012283Not who I'd choose, but she's alright
>>22012354as far as I know since coof BD has shut down custom orders and just does like small daily drops first come first serve so that is just the poor they used that day.I think it looks pretty neat honestly.
>>22012364Why doesn't ame just shoot Kiara to trigger her rebirth mechanic?Worried she'll go berserk?
>>22012382The schizos that shit it up suck.
>>22012399That's ancient news
>>22012364Thats marine in 2 years
>>22012157the npc you meet telling you not to take the main entrance. He also stalks you through stormveil castle, taking 30% of all the runes when you die, even if you recover them
Ame has the attention and memory of a goldfish, how is she alive?
>>22012382You believed the shit that came out of one guy's mouth.
>>22012432Nigga look at the time stamps.
>>22011664That's fucking retard, you can literally just farm outside until you can kill him in one hit
Ame feels bad for the Golems...
>>22012432read the text in the post chumbie.
>>22012460what the fuck I never heard about that
>>22012283>>22012405Dibs on the other rabbit I played her in Soku so she's mine
>your oshi>an excuse she uses when dying in a video game
>>22012273i like luna and sana......do i just like broken girls....
>>22012478>>22012489It is still nothing new retard.
>>22012380This. I mostly watch Ame too, but Kiara is actually a really damn good streamer. Her chat interaction and overall entertainment is top tier.
>>22012477Getting arrows, not levelling, tardchamaThe ones that went out to level were Kiara and Mori
>>22012404no, im too lazy to mega stuff i make myself.
>ame CONSTANTLY hoping every single enemy is her friend and hoping she can somehow befriend every NPCDespite the game getting an aids fanbase maybe she would like undertale, I mean you can hug it out with everything
Holy fuck that was super effective
She actually fucking groundpounded him to death
is ground pound actually amazing? what the fuck
I've missed sana......What's this about a curved spine.
Holy shit, the ground pound is OP
Ground Pound is actually broken kek
The ground pound really does solve everything...
>>22012426Doesn't want to deal with a baby kiara.
NOTHING beats a ground pound.
>>22012023source?>>22011655have they never even collabed once?that's weird
>>22012508not for you
>Brap God>Shrek>Adam Sandler>Jojo>Lean>Trash Taste>”nigger”
>>22012540Anon she wasnt able to stream for like 3 months because she fucked her spine.
>>22012505Ame"Mario was stream sniping me while lagging and also my controler doesnt work because I threw it against a wall"
>>22012540BACK HORTNo really she hurt her back real bad.
>>22012505AmeAll of them baby
I want to cum inside of a human female that resembles either Ame, Kronii, Mumei, IRyS, Suisei or Kiara, how do I cure myself of this ailment
>>22012391To be fair to infinity....were you there for the great Kronii famine? When she collabed more on other holos' streams than she streamed herself? When she took a month break after debut? Those were dark times, and the kronies were sundered forever....never to fully regain their sanity....Their's is a realm of madness...do what you will, but the least you can do, is feel a scrap of pity for the damned
Damn look at that Bowson ass climbing up the ladder
>>22012527ever thought of putting a keyword in your posts?
>>22012564They've never solo collabed yes.
>>22012530The only ENs who haven't already played it will never play it
now we need to meme ame into getting the staff of the avatarthat thing's slam is unbelievably powerful
>>22012597Use your imagination
>>22012597You are terminally based, seek vagina immediately.
>>22012605bowson and vivec...
>>22012609no because i post most of my stuff as litterboxs which expire after 72 hours anyways.
>>22012580Yeah but that was from a car accident, according to the police reports the sanacord dug up, not a curved spine.
>>22012618>Stream is 6 hrs longDid IRyS actually like RF5?
>>22012597find a white or asian woman and make it happen
>>22012597You wouldn't be the first to pay a prostitute to larp as your oshi
>>22012597buy the cosplay and then pay a escort a ton of money
>>22012578You forgot the overuse of the words chad and stacy. Then yeah thats her entire repitoire of jokes
Ame kek
Those enemies hidding in the corner with their attack already set is pure dev bullshit
>>22012602>famine>>22012602>When she collabed more on other holos' streams than she streamed herself?I have no sympathy for them because that "famine" was as man-made as the Holodomor.Niggers REFUSED to believe that collabs counted as stream time and starved themselves because of that, that's entirely on them.
>>22012661>according to the police reports the sanacord dug up
>>22012597Just do it
Clock SC tangents in 30mhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEZBDeVedLMhttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEZBDeVedLM
>>22012432I know anons were trying to track it over a year ago but this is the closer someone's ever been
>ame can summon irys>they could go on vc and talk about rune factorywhat i would give...
>>22012661>Yeah but that was from a car accident, according to the police reports the sanacord dug upfirst of all>discordsecondthat is just a a reused rrat from aki
If you used a Half-A press, you didn't actually beat the game
>>22012702Tricked! Do you like our game design? :)
>>22012661your rrats are not welcome here space rrat
>>22012677Would it be worth to Pay a prostitute to dress up as Gura, tell her to say Oh Nyooo I made a oopsie woopsie and pee herself.
>>22012523>Higher levels than both Ina and Kiara>Not levelingAre you retard or somethings ?
>>22012734why is she white
>>22012361Kronii is/was a mage...so her times are irrelevant and illegitimate
>she died a few meters away from the graceno...
>>22012597Reminder that you'll never do this
>>22012755ShillRyS... the weakest RyS...
>>22012744Why does this animation look so fucked up.
this is a bit more accurate I think
Ame HATES FromSoft
Why the hell don't these girls summon each other for the bosses? Them doing coop would be very fun.
>>22012673>>22012677>>22012678>>22012679What's the going rate on European cosplay girl sex, seeing as how the convention is coming, you got me curious
>sana keeps resummoning and unsomming her star
>>22012775but that's me on the right
>>22012597This but Gura
>>22012734>>22012755>11thI don't get paid in time. sad
>>22012609i occasionally dump stuff in horni thread from catalog, theres a few other ina images i dumped there earlier if interested, as my previous comment said thosell be gone in 72 hrs
>>22012734>not using the actual dollrys modelwhy even bother
>>22012775me on the right
>>22012734The seam on the chin makes her look like she has a double chin.
>>22012530>ame CONSTANTLY hoping every single enemy is her friend and hoping she can somehow befriend every NPCWow, it's the exact opposite of Gura and IRyS, who would have killed every NPC in the game if it weren't for chat
Ah yes, the blindly raging and running into trash mobs and losing all your HP because you're mashing R1.I know this feel.
>>22012597Go hire a prostitute
>>22012775Sir. Has it occurred to you that this is a BLUE board?
>>22012734shill post
wtf, how could she pagi
>>22012775fuck you dude, dont remind me
>>22012791because a retard will invade and kill them
>>22012734>>22012755IRystocrats please stop adding -irys to everything.. it's getting out of hand
Ame and IRyS should play Elden Ring online together............
Look at this funky space chicken.
>>22012755Is no one buying them?
I miss Ina
>>22012775God I wish I was Kiara in this image
>>22012820I know it too bro...
>>22012819really shows their personality towards strangers
>>22012830More concerned about her frequent OBISA
>>22012755>Desk MatRys>MugRys>DollRysWho the fuck has such great naming sense?
>>22012844IRystocratsrys pleaserys stoprys addingrys -irysrys torys everythingrys.. it'srys gettingrys outrys ofrys handrys
>>22012775SEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEXXXXXX >>22012793be attractive and charming or maybe buy em merch
>>22012830lofi is cute does anyone actually watch her? The only time I hear about her is she is blowning someone out on twitter. Is she based?
>>22012597>wanting to be cured of having patrician tasteWhat are you, a faggot?
>>22012830I really want Iofi to do an official collab with Tenga
>>22012787If it's an online test, take the given score and divide by 1.666 for the real number.
>>22012857hey me too
Ame s a genius.
Holy kek what the fuck
Godrick's easier than Margit right?
>>22012755>>22012734>Image says HiRyS>Her emote is HIRySwhich one is it?
>>22012857I hope she's okay
I fucking hate when ame squeals like that
>>22012891I watch some of her art streams. She's a goofy ball of passion. I find her art streams more entertaining then Ina (but the art is less good).
>>22012734This is actually pretty well done.
>>22012886Her sister came up "HIRyS" apparently
>>22012721Shut the fuck up Henry.
>>22012830God I want the fucking alien to jerk me off
>>22012755fuuuuck I just bought that botan plush and my oshi's merch AND I still have to pay bills this month don't do this to me
>>22012891I watch her art streams from time to time, especially her hair streams. She's great, as long as she doesn't scream that is.
>your oshi>most hated enemy in ER
I fucking love when ame squeals like that
>>22012890>attractiveI'm not terrible, do Americans have appeal in the Schengen Area, or is that a debuff
Do you think she can ground pound the castle crucible knight to death?
>>22012891She inclines whenever she does Iosalon. The one where she did Shion's hair put a lot of eyes on her.
>>22012705lol, so you're one of THOSE faggots who just stoked the flames of their insanity...KEK
>>22012982GuraCrucible Knight. Fuck crucible knights
>uses 3 flasks on birdsAme...
>>22012994She's not going to find him.
>>22012891she has a very annoying voice
>>22012982ReineOn my build with Colossal weapon: Crucible KnightsOn my builds with light weapons: those fight omen enemies in the sewers.
>>22012939I thought so, yeah.
>>22012982AmeI fucking hate birds
>>22012982AmeAll horse combat
Kronii is a weird googly eyed sillydillo...
>>22012705This. Early Mumei had a stretch where she did the same thing, on top of /who/ being under siege for those first two months, and you don’t see anons complaining about how that split turned out.
>your oshi>what game would you want her to play, knowing she probably never would
>>22012982Ame the fucking bird or dogs.
I've always found base Kirby and just shooting stars to be some of the most effective ways to take down bosses in Kirby
>>22012982GuraThose double wielding fucks in Castle Sol
>>22012990probably depends on what kind of American you are anon.
>>22012982AmeRoyal Revenants
>>22012982Kiarabarrel birds
>>22012982AmeRevenants and those big crows
>>22012982Amethe birds with the flintlock things
they really managed to make something worse than dogs huh
>>22013027>Ame uses more flasks on birds than any other Stormveil enemy>I used more flasks on birds than any other Stormveil enemyWe are? She's not even my oshi.
>>22013052Jesus fuck dude, what did she ever do to you to say such vile horrible things about her?
it's impressive how much these messages are adding to the stream
>>22012982PekoraThe giant rotted crows in the area before fighting mohg
I want to impregnate Sana
>>22012982KroniiCrossbow guys that melts you when they rapid fire bolts to your face
>>22012872That's not very accurate because Ame is MUCH more likely to outright attack a stranger than Gura/IRyS
>>22012891Yeah, she's cute. Not PST-friendly though so I can't catch her most of the time.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I_EDDso1KCkAnother one...
>>22013075New England?
rrat ahead
>>22012961i wonder how cute her sister ishope she makes her stream debut soon
>>22012982InnersGrafted Scions
>>22013103>you want to impregnate sana>I want to impregnate sanawe are?
>>22013061AmeGravity Rush
>>22012982Nonethose knights that use wind magic shit, like the one that Ame groundpounded to death, and the ones Niall summons
>>22013112At least Miyabi will have another party member
why does rogier just fucking die? what was the purpose of his existence?
>>22012982Mumeishrimps I FUCKING HATE THEM
Now that i think about it, i never found this guy again on my playthrough
>>22012982RisuRoyal Revenants
I forgot what Rogier's legs looked like... :(
>>22013160Haven't even played gravity rush, but that actually sounds like a great stream game.
>all this talk about Grafting in the starting region>literally never comes up againwhat's that about
>>22013061IRySBattle Realms
>>22013061>Kiara>guilty Gear Strive all the way to heaven rank
>>22013182help you fuck the dussy
>>22013184>shrimpsFUCK YOU TOO ASS
>>22013098Reine's streams have been pretty great since she's checking messages and bloodstains often.
>>22013200The fucking main boss of this area is the one doing all the grafting, anon...
>>22012982MoriThose crawling monsters with the lady mask that spit poison acid at you.
>i see you have the guidance of grace>yes but I didn't listen to itAmeway in a nutshell
>>22012734>>22012755>doll is pale whiteREDESIGN CONFIRMEDNO I WON'T TAKE MY MEDS
How pervasive is joking about Choco needing a nice boyfriend outside of /here/? Specifically within JP circles.
Mooner in the Sana stream
>>22012982KiaraUnironically rats
>>22012982amerevenantsseriously, if you answer anything other than revenant, you haven't encountered revenants
>>22013200For off it does come up again, secondly it's kinda a brutal and frowned upon form of magic.
>>22013022I like Crucible because at the start you fucking hate them but by the end your excited to fuck them up as revenge.>>22012982Luistone Imps manThey aren't that hard but boy they are annoying.
>>22012982amerevenant, runebears and the dogs. I can't really decide and hate those 3 equally
>>22012982MikoDogs, spider hands, kindred of rot, revenants
>Moona>SanaTHEY ARE
>>22013200It's dishonorable so only Godrick does it
>>22013200Grafting is just Godrick's fetish
>>22013182He gets his shit wrecked by the thing under the castle and gets the death blight status. If you go to his bloodstain you can ask him about it down there.
>>22013252I'm assuming prevalent, since she really does need a husband, who is going to be me by the way
>>22013200Grafting is for niggers like Godrick
>>22013061InaAny official 2hu game.
>>22013190If they ever got permissions I think she would love it
>>22012891she's the most idgaf holo in the entire company
>>22013184We hate you too, homoman
>>22013300What thing?
>>22013113I assume your white?cant imagine you'd stand out that much but maybe that's a good thing over there.
Teamates, why does your oshi look like Shulk from Xenoblade in this game
>>22012982>Gura>The Fearsome, Deplorable, Repugnant deadbeat from these threads.
>>22013205>hating the best boss in the game
>>22013273Aw fuck I change my mind the lobsters are assholes
sanners modding random people...
>>22012982Watamethe disappointing bore that are ALL the Dragons after the first one
>>22013286>>22013289>>22013310The volcano manor also grafted some people. Which makes sense.
>>22012618damn she really is going for the IRyS routegood luck ame
>>22013273I'm lvl 130 at my 3rd run and still got my ass kicked by them. When does my revenge starts?
Ame is lost without chat...
>>22013326Take that back, Monado boy is nowhere near as perfect as Bowson.
>>22013059No...it wasn't even close to comparable....the fact people memoryhole this shit is probably why people are still shocked every time someone checks in on the freakshow that is infinity.
>>22012982InaRevenants. Dogs can be pretty bad too if there are multiple or it's a glitched one
>>22013318Godwin's corpse.The real question is, why does Godwin have two corpses?
>bum rushes the entire castle in a panicI'm crying.
>>22012982BaeI hate the rats and dogs as a GS user with no poise
>>22013341lol are you being serious?
>>22012767Why? is mage banned or something?
>>22011610>>22011655>>22011715>>22011764>only Samurai>no one mentioned Iroha
>>22013285Built for sex
damn I need to sleep. good night sana
>>22012982Inarot and bleed dogs
>>22013384He was a big guy
>>22013061Gurathe ps2 Ratchet and Clank games
>>22012982GuraThe big birds, never quite figured out how to deal with them
Not the buckets...
>>22013285>>22013257You fools
>>22013384godwin has only one corpse but from the one in deeproot it's spreading everywhere in the form of that deathgrass thing you collect for Gurranqthe one in stormveil is one of those but it's way deeper than usual + it's way way way advanced
If she kills the buckets how fucked is she?
>>22013384I thought the face in the castle was like the top of the corpse, then the rest extended under ground.
>>22013182>destined to die (both because of his role in the story, and because it's fromsoft)>one of the few people that remains positive, even in the face of his imminent demise>even in death, swears to help you in your questRogier is a reminder of the humanity that still clings to hope in a land of despair.
Unfortunately Ame doesn't know that this area has many branching routes that all return to the same grace
>>22013444For two.
>>22013455That's no moon...
>your oshi>least fuckable fanbase
godrick is gonna be fucking hilarious
>>22013464Realistically, her playthrough would be over
>>22013481two jealous...
>>22013200It's only Godrick's thing. Every other area has their own issues
>>22012982Kroniihigh paiges and their insta kill burst fire spam
>>22013451>never quite figured out how to deal with themgravity, magic or otherwise fucks everything that flies
Ame's so good at elden ring
Lmao she ran past everything. Peak souls gameplay.
>>22013393It was just a fake moona channel that was modded
>>22013498Ame should level up or power up weapons before godrickShe can't beat him atm
>>22013393There was a fake Moona in chat but she didn't realize at first that it wasn't actually her.
Pike is Great and right near her, but I'll never bring it up because its my weaponfu
>>22013510Volcano manor literally grafted people as well, they tried all sorts of blasphemy
>>22013496Kroniithe other Kronies
>>22013538This is Ame you're talking about... Elden Ring is just not a good streaming game
I miss Fauna.
>>22013337I hate area denial moves in any game, but it took me a long time to beat him
>>22013398No, he's a just a tryhard retard.
>>22013577Anon she's on like stream#4 of this
>Ame is going "You didn't win" on the enemiesteamates...
>>22013384They are just tumors that look like Godwin's malformed face.
>>22012982KiaraThose fucking deathblight basilisk things I hate looking at them so much and fighting them in tunnels where they can kill you if you're not careful and let them spit a cloud on your backRevenants are also up there when I'm not running a Faith build that can twoshot them (learning I could do that was SO fucking cathartic after being the boss variant legitimately)
>Starts complaining the instant another enemy appearsShe's not going to have a good time with the duo bosses in the game
You didn't even hit once Ame...
>>22010852Almost every npc BUT Ranni dies.
>>22013593doesn't mean it is a good streaming game
>>22013577It's almost been an entire year since she dropped Nier, you have to let go.
>>22013577The one that rage quit and dropped it was someone else though
Not the gatcha...
Bae getting scammed in real time...
>>22013641Do you even know what you're typing anymore?
>>22013622The death blights in the lake of rot can suck my nuts.
You guys have 10 minutes to kill this thread. Chop chop.
>>22013657Elden Ring actually sucks and nobody should play it (but only when Gura is playing it)
Can someone make an Ame thread? IRyStocucks are spamming there early threads again>>22013599>>22013611
>>22013061TowaKingdom Hearts
ame is having fun bros...i love heri thought the roles would be reversed with gura having fun and ame tapping out early because of salt
>>22013622Could be worse, at least they don't give you AIDS like in Dark Souls 1
So we're all in agreement that no one is going to fuck the DollRyS when it ships, right?
mogu mogumogu mogu
>>22013061KroniiKotor 2
I WILL be the last Sanallite.
>>22013720What did Bae get?
>your oshi>her oshi
>>22013698God between Kiaras volume on her voice and tekkens music that might actually be a stream to go deaf to.
>>22013061IRySXenoblade Chronicles X
getting scammed with Bae!
>>22013200Just my theory but I think grafting was once something the line of Godfrey actually practiced, and perfectly at that, seeing as how Serosh seems like he's been grafted on Godfrey and all (and how Godwyn looked like he was a merman of some sort). Godrick (and Godefroy) probably just lost the knowledge on how to do it properly or got too obsessed with the power it supposedly it brings, so they looked like abominations.
>>22013765138 IQ and -$7
>>22013723>>22013743What's with this salt narrative? Gura just hates the game
>>22013743I think Ame likes it because there isn't any form of bullshit and she really knows its just her and the boss. Plays well from her salt image.
I beat the entire game and NG+ before realizing the paintings are secret locations you can go to for an item/spell.I don't even know if there's any worthwhile items behind them.
Bae isn't streaming, fucking schizorrats
>>22013577>Anon still seething about Nier
>>22013563>Ame and IRyS will both be playing ER at the same time>there is no hope of any kind of collab thoughAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
How come there isn't a God named Godiss in this game?
So can we agree Ame is the best gamer in EN and that there is no one even in the same zip code as her in terms of all around skill?
>>22013807Bae -7 IQ confirmed
>>22013816yea because she got salty from dying to shit since she can't faceroll through everything
>>22013722You know what's worse than earlyposting? Spamming the catalog with bullshit. Fuck off.
>>22013807That's good, right?
>>22013786They'd need incredibly patience, intense backseating, or at least Xeno 1 or 2 as tutorials in order to play X.
>>22013855>no AmeIRyS Jelquching collab
>>22013743Uh.... are you watching the stream currently? Basically all fun has been sapped, pretty sure this is the last ER stream
>>22013875Genius level, the test probably isn't reliable though
fuck early threads
>>22013868We need that dude from Batman
>>22013816She got filtered by the bloodhound evergaol
Bae... you dummy
Five minutes left /hlgg/.
>>22013881I know. But I can dream, damn it
>>22013061RobocoRisk of Rain 2 I want to see a lot of holos play it
>>22013855superchat irys telling her to co-op with irysyou can make kino happenonly if it's a red though
>>22013906Professor Pyg?
>>22013870>>22013908she's gotten far more salty at other games she hasn't quit. she just hates elden ring
>>22013875Anon if she's 138 IQ she would not be a vtuber
>>22013894She's going to drop it! This time for sure!
>>22013577But streamers beating their heads fruitlessly against bosses while stubbornly sticking to their preferred strategy and refusing to use obvious tactics that would improve their chances of success is exactly what everyone tunes into elden ring streams to see. This game is perfect for ame. Ameway is the expected way to play the game.
>>22013871Seething again IRyStocuck?
Hey wait, wasn't there supposed to be a Towa thread?
>>22013921five minutes until your pathetic thread is completely destroyed
>>22013934She hates it because she got filtered
>>22013941This is ...true?
oh boy
We hate Mori and deadbeats here.
>>22013934Because she's fucking dumb, but she gets none of the shit other holos get for dropping games
Ooooohohohoho /hlgg/! Say good bye to your precious Ame!
>>22013929>superchat irys telling her to co-op with irysI wanna see this happen. How would she even pull it off? More importantly, how would an anon pull of superchatting on a stream with supas disabled?
Bae is actually retarded....
godDAMN I love Ame
This is a good time to think
>>22013929>superchat irys telling her to co-op with irysI-I see
>>22013941Being a Hololive vtuber is a dream job considering the income to effort ratio especially for someone who wants a creative outlet
If no one responds then I get to marry IRyS!
>>22013061AmeTo the moon
Just enjoy.
Sex with Ayunda