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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.21650480

>whore regrets having 3some with some gay dude

>> No.21650481


>> No.21650503 [DELETED] 
File: 14 KB, 310x310, moomay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

doesn't matter lol, the cuckening cannot be undone
<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/e54792d7_KEKW.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/e54792d7_KEKW.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/e54792d7_KEKW.png">

>> No.21650530

Imagine coming to the conclusion that you should never offcollab again when the entire problem was that you weren't prepared and that you shouldn't drop a random male out of nowhere. Typical woman logic.

>> No.21650545

You will never be Otakmori

>> No.21650576

That'll fucking teach you.

>> No.21650638

>the chink dicksuckers at AnyCover force males into every collab and insist on it
>literally not allowed to have an off-collab without males
>so the only choice Pomu (a lesbo) has to avoid backlash from males, is to not off-collab at all
HAHAHAHAHA can't make this shit up
Anything to get some bat eaters on board, right AnyCHINKlor?

>> No.21650667
Quoted by: >>21650959

what is this mental illness called?

>> No.21650675
File: 160 KB, 271x403, 1645436370409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>think can't doing

>> No.21650678

>bait simps with a yuribait stream announcement
>invite a man (regardless of his sexual orientation)
>simps don't like it

>> No.21650682

If she's afraid of reading such comments, that would mean she did something wrong that goes against her community's wishes. Pomu got pounded hard by a gay, how unfortunate *WhateverTheNameOfHerCommunityIs*...
You got hard cucked and I wish the same thing would never happen to me and my pure Oshi...

>> No.21650695
Quoted by: >>21650923

Qrd here?

>> No.21650710

OP afraid of english lessons lol

>> No.21650716
Quoted by: >>21658002

When ina and kronii did an offcollab they had intense lesbian sex.

When this bitch does one she invites a boy over.

And people wonder why holo is more popular.

>> No.21650840

>Pomu think can't doing off collab
Holy ESL

>> No.21650884

We won unicorn bros!!!?

>> No.21650923

>Pomu and Finana plan an off-collab together
>very yuribait-y "sleepover at a hotel"
>suddenly, completely unannounced, one of the NijiMales joins the collab as a "surprise"
>literally with them in the hotel room
>comments predictably express disappointment over having their yuribait stream ruined by a fucking male
>in return, the bat eating chinkoid fujos start screeching at the complainers about how they're coping haters etc.
>comment section turns into a dumpster fire
>Pomu disables the comment section on the VOD

>> No.21650959

>what is this mental illness called?
being a lonely incel

>> No.21650971


>> No.21651018

<img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="32" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/90786369_pepePoint.png">

>> No.21651032
Quoted by: >>21651162

Pomu putting her whole career on the line so that feesh can have some fun, poor fairy

>> No.21651077
Quoted by: >>21651379

but the Nijisisters told me that they werent Unicornchad

>> No.21651098
Quoted by: >>21652172

I thought it's normal for Nijis to have off-pako?

>> No.21651137
File: 347 KB, 1300x1300, yagoo, come home.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21665522

You only had to listen.

>> No.21651147
Quoted by: >>21660578

man i love when complaining can get shit done. internet outrage is a blessing to all of humanity

>> No.21651162

fish HATE

>> No.21651164
File: 636 KB, 2200x2193, misse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21651197

Stop using my oshi to shitfling and being a tribalfaggot, you're no hooman.

>> No.21651197

don't you have a war with irystocrats to be waging

>> No.21651230

>Finana and Pomu tease a cozy off-collab
>Add some random male as a surprise
>Some fans react negatively to this
>Pomu and Finana: "I guess people don't want us to do off-collabs?????"

>> No.21651252

Oh that sounds unfortunate for everyone involved.

>> No.21651292
Quoted by: >>21651378

Pomu is so shit at her job it's unreal. Fucking Nina had sex live with two men and it went smooth. Pomu is just shit at managing her fanbase and their expectations.

>> No.21651320
Quoted by: >>21651385

Huh? Why would she be thinking that?
I literally don't understand why she can't understand this.

>> No.21651362
File: 983 KB, 1387x1366, yuribait was LITERAL bait.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally admits to yuribaiting and keeping the male a secret intentionally to bait yurishit
What the fuck is wrong with Nijis?

>> No.21651364
Quoted by: >>21651484

At least link the actual clip if you're gonna post that screencap, anon. Let people make their own conclusions.

>> No.21651373

They need as many bat soup slurpers as possible!

>> No.21651379

Nijifemales don't realize that many of their actual viewers that member and supachat do not like the males, it's a vocal minority of faggots and redditors that are ok with them and this is why the females will eventually lose important members of their community as time goes on. When your audience liked you for cute voices and an comfortable atmosphere, bringing males to creampie you on stream and take all your attention away so your audience can't feel engaged anymore is a bad idea.

>> No.21651378

Pomudachi are goslings and Nina's fans are not

>> No.21651385

Because they are "muh feelings" brainlets with no ability to reason. beyond wether they feel good or not.

>> No.21651437

That's just embarrassing Finana, jesus

>> No.21651447

The video title is giving me brain damage.

>> No.21651460
Quoted by: >>21657655

I've seen this logic before and it is absolutely mental illness/autism logic instead of woman logic. male autists often behave in the same all-or-nothing rationale when criticized for something.

>> No.21651476

What the fuck was she thinking??? For what purpose?

>> No.21651484
Quoted by: >>21651643

Or maybe, link the timestamp on the actual archived video? Fucking clippers.

>> No.21651497


>> No.21651532
Quoted by: >>21651575

Not that it makes it much better, but in the context of this sentence, she's talking about her parents, not her fans

>> No.21651534
Quoted by: >>21658062

She's actually retarded. If the discord leak didn't confirm how shit she is, I hate this fish now

>> No.21651538

I'm waiting for someone to post a catbox of the hot sweaty sex pomu and finana had in that hotel room

>> No.21651546

And whose job is it to manage your fanbase? Dumbass.

>> No.21651567

So do her parents watch her streams or something? Because if you get the full context of this clip it's that she's saying that's what she wanted to tell her parents.

>> No.21651570

The damage is already done. Pomu prefers the grayniggers.

>> No.21651575

she's talking openly about lying to her parents?

>> No.21651627

>lying to your parents to be able to molest some gay guy in a hotel room
Nice Niji rep

>> No.21651643

It actually brings together clips from both Finana and Pomu speaking about it, so linking the clip rather than the two timestamps actually does make a bit of sense.

>> No.21651648

poor nijikeks, I hate the tribalfags but I know there are some decent nijifans that just want to watch their cute anime girl streamers. I wish them luck and hope they can successfully transition away from watching nijisanji

>> No.21651654
Quoted by: >>21651737

>full context

>> No.21651673
File: 48 KB, 640x620, Mediocre Fake Idol Posing To Showcase Her Amusement At The Current Situation.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely don't think it's that. This is just a dumb move. People are going to be perfectly fine with the idea of you collaborating with men, as long as you announce it in advance. Real life idols collaborate and speak to men all the fucking time and don't run into half the stupid shit vtubers do, same with seiyuus. You think VTubers have anywhere NEAR as rabid a fanbase as Aoi Yuuki? As someone like Takashi Minami? If women with magnitudes times her fans and equally rabid fanbases can manage to consistently be on screen with men and not have their fans break down mentally, this is entirely a communication issue.

>> No.21651676

Is that a yab in your eyes?

>> No.21651698
File: 31 KB, 852x366, 4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21651700
File: 388 KB, 1631x917, 1634230097649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone that got legitimately upset at Uki being part of the collab is unironically a pathetic incel baby that has never interacted with women in real life before and are completely out of touch with reality. I mean this with the best intentions: get off this website, look at yourself and fucking rethink your life.

>> No.21651737

Okay, full-er context. I guess what I'm saying is that pic is deliberately hiding important bits of context to make this look even worse than it is.

>> No.21651754

>t-they don't care about mean comments from /vt/!! <img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="31" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/4dfb5c71_COPIUM.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="31" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/4dfb5c71_COPIUM.png"><img class="xae" data-xae width="32" height="31" src="https://s.4cdn.org/image/emotes/4dfb5c71_COPIUM.png">

>> No.21651785

It doesn't make sense either way. If her parents don't watch streams, then her lying to her parents has nothing to do with her lying to the audience. If her parents do watch streams, then they'd obviously see she lied to them.

My guess is she's just trying to come up with an excuse for keeping it a secret and in her fucking retarded fembrain nobody will ever see through this.

>> No.21651841

tourist-chama you shouldn't be here you have to dilate your axe wound

>> No.21651856

Typical woman trying to defend her male's little honour

>> No.21651942

>pomu think can't doing
can ESLs please all die

>> No.21651961
Quoted by: >>21652013

do gay people get horny when they see naked women? because you already know pomu and finana probably weren't wearing much while in their hotel room

>> No.21651970
Quoted by: >>21652271

Deflecting won't change anything about your life anon.

>> No.21652013

Not unless they were giving him a handjob at the same time

>> No.21652036

Just because you're a troon using your mental illness to intrude on womens spaces doesn't mean that its considered normal behaviour anywhere else

>> No.21652043
Quoted by: >>21652209

Apologize stream when?

>> No.21652082

>Pomu and Finana: "I guess people don't want us to do off-collabs?????"
It's pity bait bullshit. Rather than address the actual criticism it's always easier to just cry over harassment or focus on bad actors, ensuring that people rally to you and ignore any legitimate complaints.

>> No.21652132

Pomu just wants to collect more dicks.
Doesn't matter whether they are royal dicks or graynigger dicks.

>> No.21652148
Quoted by: >>21653640

You tell them, anon! Here have an updoot! And a like for good measure!

>> No.21652150

lmao classic cheater behavior

>> No.21652172

But is it normal for them to lie about nature off that off-pako? I don't think so.

>> No.21652192
File: 219 KB, 768x432, 1648924734964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.21652209
Quoted by: >>21652298

She pretty much addressed it all in the Arbok drawing stream. You can watch the first 15-20 minutes if you're really curious. Pretty level headed response so I reactivated my sub.

>> No.21652246
Quoted by: >>21652319

>people are intimidated by uki (a literal faggot) collabing with pomu (a literal dyke) and finana (who nobody gives a shit about)
absolute state of unicorns

>> No.21652263

Come on just let girl suck cocks

>> No.21652269
Quoted by: >>21653640

Uki still is boring in most collabs except with fulgur and she lied. Calling us incel when Uki is gay doesnt even make sense - here's your (Your)

>> No.21652271


>> No.21652276

She now knows what pandering to lonely men entail.

>> No.21652294

people itt will never know that pomu was referring to not wanting to have to transport streaming equipment around

>> No.21652298
Quoted by: >>21655743

I am just sad she said she does not want to do more offcollabs.
Taking the criticism abd improve herself should be the way, not shutting off like this.

>> No.21652319

Did you just post this without reading any of the other posts in the thread?

>> No.21652413

>a lesbo
bisexual* like the fucking fish

>> No.21652454

>lied to your fans
>lied to your own family

>> No.21653156

She had a ragie moment and melted down at one point while she was either there or after she came back. It's her own fault for springing a male into a yuri-bait collab.

>> No.21653287

hope it was worth it, finana. maybe it was, I've heard girls find it super hot when a 'gay' guy asks them to suck them off 'just to see what it would be like'

>> No.21653528

Holy shit Pomu how many layers of mental gymnastics is that.
The answer is so obvious and simple and she has to convince herself it's something else at fault.
Also I love how Finana gets a pass over this shit. Her knights are so diehard they are ok with ntr because she has joked about it on stream and she's too dense to give a fuck anyway.

>> No.21653640
File: 49 KB, 480x360, 1621792787932.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally avoids everything i said
I can see that, he didn't say much during the collab but maybe he was just shy or nervous. Your an incel because you're STILL assblasted about a gay man spending time with them, thats like, EXTRA incel. If he wasn't gay then at least I could see why you would feel that way, even though you'd still be an incel.

>> No.21653664

>Also I love how Finana gets a pass over this shit.
Aren't virtually all of her viewers coomers who would have unironically enjoyed her getting plowed on stream?

>> No.21653707

Pomu learned a very good lesson:
>Do not fucking collab with men, especially OFF COLLAB if you have gachis and you pander to them.

>> No.21653719

>thinking of not doing off-collabs again instead of thinking of not doing false advertisements.
Fuck you, Pomu.

>> No.21653871
Quoted by: >>21654096

Ryguards are an odd breed.
They're concerned daddies half the time, patronizing Finana and worrying over her like if she was their princess daughter.
But they're also horny degenerates who want to rail her in every imaginable position.
But they have this weird ntr thing, they meme that they kiss each other all the time and would share Finana, sometimes Finana jokes about ntr and they go along with it.
Finana will wet herself over some guy and they go "Haha Finana you're so horny".

>> No.21653893

"I didn't know comments were off because I went to sleep before that, and I turned them back on when I woke up and everyone's entitled to their own opinion" doesn't sound like "im scared of mean comments" to me

>> No.21654002

>comments just magically turn themselves off for no reason

>> No.21654096

Yeah, that doesn't sound like the type of person who would get too upset over this sort of thing.

>> No.21654105

they were turned off after the stream ended when she started to get shit on in the comments

>> No.21654269
Quoted by: >>21654799

Finana didn't get a pass, she just made it WELL known you have no chance with her because "no one in chat will meet my standards", so she's basically like the far less talented version of Suisei, drew the line and if you chose to stay that's on you.

>> No.21654390

Finana the unicorn slayer

>> No.21654413

Susan is an asshole sometimes yes

>> No.21654446

Finana has always been dumb as shit

>> No.21654535

Pomu is an asshole all the time

>> No.21654549
Quoted by: >>21654717

Anon, do you not know what damage control is? You watch vtubers and are EoP and you seem to somehow miss the daily ENVtuber drama where they're always apologizing, graduating or pretending they're not at fault.

>> No.21654623
Quoted by: >>21654739

cute, she doesn't want her gachis to leave

>> No.21654660

Most Comments that were critical were deleted.

>> No.21654717

I only watch Gura

>> No.21654720

fuckin fishbrain

>> No.21654740

Whore regrets her decision. Good. She got what she deserved.

>> No.21654739

nah the damage has been done, breaking the hearts of men are the real shit compared to these whores getting dicked in the hotel.

>> No.21654799
Quoted by: >>21655714

And Pomu's fans do have a chance with her? lol
I don't know if they are truly that delusional, I'd feel bad for her if she has that sort of audience but I really doubt anyone is that stupid.
People are mad a blatantly yuribait and hyped up off collab of two best friends and genmates meeting up for the first time after a year of streaming together was invaded by this guy who had nothing to do with them and killed the mood.

>> No.21654810

>she wanted an all out war
>can't affront mean comments from unicorns
what a pussy

>> No.21654816

based foidslayer69

>> No.21654842

kek. At least blame it on management, nijicuck.

>> No.21654845

She got what she deserved but she didn't learn her lesson, evidently. Instead of apologizing for lying to her fans she just goes LOL NO MORE OFF-COLLABS FUCK YOU GUYS

>> No.21655023

Quite simply, quite literally, just don't advertise something and then drop in a completely unadvertised element.
Unicorn shit doesn't matter, males shit doesn't matter. Don't advertise an off-collab between two of the first members and throw in a third party that doesn't even have the same audience.
It's called spite.

>> No.21655047
File: 619 KB, 775x935, 1625682672131.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21655381

oh boy another thread of holofags and nijisisters completely ignoring why (some) pomudachi were upset and deciding to beat their cuckposting narratiive to the ground, because we needed this for the 20th time this week

>> No.21655067

That title is ESL as fuck, but if anyone wants the actual context behind what she actually said and not clickbait, I'll post it now. (Feel free to watch the original stream if you want for the entire talk.)

Basically she didn't turn off the comments, youtube did (this has been confirmed to happen to multiple vtubers already, and it's happened to pomu in the past as well). The "quote" in the thumbnail is about how stressful it was traveling with streaming equipment and trying to get everything to work. She doesn't want to host one for a while because of that. She never said "no more off collabs".

I get the feeling most people in this thread didn't watch pomu's stream.

>> No.21655085
File: 33 KB, 600x457, Cj6rM9QVEAAwbK1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21655669

Does anyone have the source for this? I know Finana is retarded so I believe she might have said it but I'd like more context.
I've been her fan for a year but at this point I'm not sure if I can keep giving a fuck about someone who has so little respect and thoughtfulness for her viewers. Not sure if I will drop her cold turkey or not but I'm going to be much less likely to watch her.
Specially whenever there are other streams going on at the same time competing for the same views it's pretty hard to justify trying to keep up with a streamer when this is how she treats the audience.

>> No.21655088
Quoted by: >>21655228

She would've gotten away with it if the collab was good after Uki showed up. He completely killed the chemistry of the collab, even without taking into account that it's a male randomly showing up to what was blatantly a yuribait stream.
At the very least, the backlash would be lesser, because you'd have more people that were willing to give it a pass or support it.

>> No.21655224

Pomu enjoying a sweet slice of humble pie. Glad to see we put her back on the right track. Good job, Unichads.

>> No.21655228

If Uki had been entertaining there would be less dissatisfied viewers and less complains. Still many wouldn't have been happy.
If he had been announced there would also be less malding. Or if he had been a girl. Or if they had a previous stream together and it had not been their first collab stream.
Or if at least Uki had been someone more established as part of their group and not a literal who new guy.
There's a lot that could have gone differently.

>> No.21655234

I can believe the comments bug because it's been corroborated by several others, but what happened to the early critical comments which were deleted?

>> No.21655292

She might just be taking advantage of an accidental situation to mask it.

>> No.21655321

How coward of them to delete all of the comments being critical to the stream and leaving all the praise. Many of those comments where from long time members. If you are going to delete the comments at least remove all of them.
She just played the victim card to avoid having to recognize their mistake at communicating with her audience. Nothing of this would have happened if they where honest in the stream content from the start.

>> No.21655381

As holochad I understand why pomudachis were upset. No one likes fake advertisement.

>> No.21655388

Pomu should have noticed something was wrong when mugi drew two high quality illustrations before her offcollab and absolutely nothing afterwards.
Also keep in mind this artist isnt a unicorn at all, he draws the luxiem boys quite often. It is just a clear symptom of how bad the offcollab actually was.


>> No.21655436
Quoted by: >>21655730

>comments gets deleted
>no it was youtube bug!!
>make damage control after losing memberships
lol, she wouldn't bother addressing the case if her members didn't cancel their subs. fuck off and get fuck

>> No.21655575
Quoted by: >>21655730

>I get the feeling most people in this thread didn't watch pomu's stream.
Nobody with with a single spec of self respect would still be watching her.

>> No.21655669
Quoted by: >>21655717

(13:07 in case the timestamp messes up)

>> No.21655714

>I don't know if they are truly that delusional
They are, she shares A LOT of the parasocial Holo fanbase if that hasn't become apparent by now.

>> No.21655717

Thanks, appreciate it.

>> No.21655730

No one here actually confirmed or verified that comments were actually deleted. As soon as they were turned back on, which was a few hours later there was still negative comments that weren't deleted, and then new ones made after they were turned back on, untouched. If you watch Pomu's stream it's pretty clear she really didn't care too much about those comments, but didn't wanna make it seem like people were just walking all over her. She handled the situation in a pretty mature way.

Regardless though, the situation has basically ended. No one's mad anymore, and she got a big donation train via streamlabs. Her views haven't dipped at all. Everyone has moved on and it's been resolved but anons here still think it's a relevant topic.
By all metrics she hasn't been impacted negatively. Like I said above, viewership hasn't dipped, she still has her gachis, subs didn't dip either.
Then why are there so many threads about her popping up?

>> No.21655743
Quoted by: >>21656127

It's more because she doesn't want to be tasked with bringing streaming equipment with her. She'd probably be fine with it if it was at someone's house, or if they just do a twitter space or something

>> No.21655759

Se just comes across as pathetic with all this backpedaling.

>> No.21655800

Even the parasocial Hololive audience don't unironically expect to date any of the vtubers.
The ones that actually want to try that are applying to Nijisanji right now so they have a chance of becoming a niji male and getting close to the girls.
Most of the hololive audience sees the girls like entertainers only. They don't even treat them as human beings, just characters being played.

>> No.21655961
File: 133 KB, 472x589, maldinggreynames.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can confirm my comment was deleted at least. Here are the notifs i got from the usual grifter defense squad after voicing my dissatisfaction.

>> No.21655984

NijiEn is much more parasocial than HoloEn in general. I know the idol label makes it easy to think otherwise but HoloEn has always done very little pandering and the fanbases are far quicker to criticize their talents than any other community is.

/vt/ has some vocal minorities in splits but they were split for a reason. And there's a reason that one of the biggest reasons people watch NijiEn instead of HoloEn is because it feels more like hanging out with friends. HoloEns are explicitly entertainers.

>> No.21656057

>>21655730 kek get btfo you fucking bitch

>> No.21656120

Which NijiENs or HoloENs acknowledge greynames, or do none of them do?

>> No.21656127
Quoted by: >>21656421

See >>21655743
It's basically clickbait.

Probably automatically deleted from mass reports. Other negative comments are still up, I doubt management would be selective, lock comments, just to unlock them 6 hours later and do nothing.

>> No.21656228
File: 9 KB, 483x98, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn't even watch the collab stream, but it's been in the back of my mind since July of last year and it was just time.

The rest of Lazulight as well. mfw first off-collab and it's not even a full Lazulight one. If only I could turn back the clock.

>> No.21656375
File: 730 KB, 1280x719, 1623991181363.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her parents keep her on a tight leash but they do so for a good reason

>> No.21656380

She has a manager

>> No.21656395
Quoted by: >>21656503

unicorn bros, we won

>> No.21656421
Quoted by: >>21656794

I guess that's a possibility. The only thing I know for sure is that I didn't delete it myself.

>> No.21656456

Pomudachi here. No such delusions. All I (and I assume a lot of other pomudachis mad at the recent collab) ever wanted was Cute Girls Doing Cute Things. I don't need full-on GFE. But with how things have been going recently, it has drifted closer to the other extreme of "twitch thot." Wanting to watch a cute girl be cute rather than explicitly self-serving and bitter =/= gachikoi.

>> No.21656457

kek, never expect this bitch getting offended by calling her a whore.

>> No.21656503

nah the unicorns left

>> No.21656506
File: 25 KB, 473x321, screencap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21656558

What did Elira do?

>> No.21656638

of course she had to lie to her parents. no decent father would let his daughter do something like that

>> No.21656730

Why is this a thread? People still salty over this shit?
And she's streaming right now if you wanna watch

>> No.21656737
Quoted by: >>21657096

He's probably done with the entire group. Perhaps even the entire company.
Part of the appeal of them was keeping up with all 3 and enjoying their moments together.
But after what happened how can anyone enjoy their streams knowing a guy can show up without notice, knowing you will have to skip a good chunk of their content.
You'll get an incomplete experience. So why bother anyway.

>> No.21656760

The recent Uki and Shu fawning over her is pissing off the gachis.

>> No.21656794

There were a few comments talking about "keeping the reports up" which is why I believe that's a likely explanation. It honestly seems like a funny coincidence, and if management really closed the comments I don't think they'd open them back up that fast or at all.

But like I said, regardless of what anons theorize actually happened, it's been 4 days and no one cares about it anymore besides bored anons trying to keep the "drama" alive.

>> No.21656918
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>> No.21656965

Selfish whore

>> No.21657013

Pomu and Finana talked about it recently. If they didn’t care then why bring up the topic.
These new posts are from their new comments on the matter.

>> No.21657088

Not tight enough since she turned out to be a crazy bisexual nympho.

>> No.21657096

But that's not Elira's fault
Seems like an overeaction to something that should only affect the two who actually are responsible.

>> No.21657187

and for good reasons

>> No.21657259
Quoted by: >>21657443

source? you better not making shit up

>> No.21657282
Quoted by: >>21657752

Yeah, no massive ill will on my part as well. I reactivated my membership as mentioned. The response was good enough. Just to clarify though, I posted my comment after the comments had been reopened, so it wasn't magically scrubbed after a lockdown. I was even gonna continue to banter with the greys if I could.
Here I am watching a literal 2view instead of Pomu even when she's live though so I guess my motivation took more damage than I'd like to admit. And I still hope they realize that the "every stream is a totsumachi" meta is gonna harm them in the long run. Feels like I'm watching Niji-Big Brother™ at times when all I want is a chill solo stream experience.

>> No.21657350

Pomu meant she won't host another off-collab, not that she won't participate in one.

>> No.21657443

nta but there have been a lot of people talking about it today

>> No.21657453

lmao get fucked, anyway cope

>> No.21657457

she could always have always just invited Petra instead...

>> No.21657484
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The comments before she closed them weren't even that bad

>> No.21657536
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>> No.21657563

Based members

>> No.21657580


>> No.21657639

Maybe next time don't promise a lazulight girls only offcollab and then have surprise sex with a dude in a hotel
Stupid fucking Pomu

>> No.21657655
Quoted by: >>21665195

It's called "taking the ball and going home". It's what children do when things don't perfectly go their way.

>> No.21657682

Women recoil when called whores even if it's in the nicest terms possible.
Just people complaining was enough to trigger them. I met a pomudachi having a meltdown over it acting as if they were getting "attacked".

>> No.21657701
Quoted by: >>21657760

This shit is so fucking hypocritical though, everyone else was doing it, just because you /u/ niggers are mentally ill doesn't mean that pomu has to magically abide by your rules because you're mentally ill holofags.

>> No.21657746

She won't participate in one with men, you mean. Gotta keep those gachi's happy or she'll pass the blame off to someone else next time.

>> No.21657752

This is what most are missing, probably. Well before this I was watching nijiEN alot less because I don't care for solo streams turning into collabs so often. Occasionally, but not frequently. I'm fine with collabs, just not when I go in looking to watch one person in particular. I'm not angry or seething, I'm just less interested, so I watch less. The actual unicorns are similar in that they tend to leave or stop donating quietly. They don't make a fuss, they just bounce after a while. I don't necessarily think that's what'll happen to nijiEN, by any means, but in the scenario where it does happen it's not gonna be fire and fury.
As for the topic itself, I'm leaning towards it being bull. Negative comments from members, greys and tourists were all being deleted before lockdown and I personally haven't seen negative comments leading to outube automatically closing them before. I'd lean towards management doing it without telling her, it biting them in the ass, and her shifting the blame to Susan because she isn't about to throw her manager under the bus even if they kind of deserve it.

>> No.21657754
Quoted by: >>21658059

This is probably why she didn't just outright dismiss the negative comments when she adressed the situation recently. Must be tough seeing long-term fans react this way. In the end it was Finana's fault Uki was there, Pomu actually salvaged the situation with the twitcast

>> No.21657755
Quoted by: >>21657807

Pomu fags get BTFO. If you have any self respect you will never give a penny or second of your time to this ironic weeb normie whore choking on uki cock. Feesh faggots kys

>> No.21657760
Quoted by: >>21667196

Two of your favourite fags will collab and have their hotel room invaded by Reimu and you will like it

>> No.21657785
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Do pomu really

>> No.21657807
File: 1.39 MB, 640x300, blade-runner2049-agent-k.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21667196

I ain't Pomu anymore.

>> No.21657872
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>> No.21657939

Why did Pomu pick Finana as her /u/-bait partner and not someone with more tact like Rosemi?

>> No.21658002
Quoted by: >>21663614

Source for ina and kronii?
Could never find some footage.

>> No.21658003

Rosemi already had an off collab.

>> No.21658059
Quoted by: >>21658415

>In the end it was Finana's fault Uki was there
Pomu's damage control seem to have been successful.

>> No.21658062

what happened now?

>> No.21658084
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>> No.21658088

Canadia livers thriving
Unitedstatistan livers in shambles
Thank you Elira Pandora the Solar Sky Dragon of Lazulight

>> No.21658124

They're both gen 1 and their goofy personalities worked well together, they got along well from the start.
Finana wanted to visit a mobile game convention and Pomu went along so she wouldn't be alone.
The off collab was a by product of this trip and it just worked really well.

>> No.21658131


>> No.21658139
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>> No.21658178

I liked her in the beginning and her sex jokes are okey-ish but after she pulled that stunt of oversleeping for 2+hours and now this...
What a retarded fucking bitch.

>> No.21658196

I'm not a Finana fan, but that sounds hot.

>> No.21658241

I disliked Finana ever since she brought Sky Strikers to the casual yugioh collab and lost to a scrub playing dragonmaids.

>> No.21658280

>she claims she tested everything, blames tech issues as something that "just happens"
>turns out there was only one working laptop which was Finana's
>Pomu says unicorn drama is "nothing" but is clearly tired and drained
>Pomu claims she doesn't like to address "drama"
>brushes everyone off coldly and says anyone who had a problem with it is entitled to their opinions
>Pomu outright lies that she didn't know comments were turned off
>Finana had to awkwardly lie about a male not being there to her own parents
>Pomu acknowledges people just wanted them but then points to the damage control Twitter space video
>Pomu doesn't seem to understand why anyone was upset to begin with and refuses to acknowledge it
>clip ends with Uki seductively calling one of the girls "Bitch" and laughing and squeals, inferring something else is going on in the room
>they accidentally reveal their password on stream as "6969"

Why can't they acknowledge the elephant in the room which is inviting a man to a yuribait was a dumb idea?

>> No.21658354

I dunno, it's pretty clear to me she has the hots for a gay man that isn't fully gay.

>> No.21658362
File: 387 KB, 552x556, FNy3CmyakAIE8bI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21659801

Can't imagine caring about mean comments

>> No.21658415
Quoted by: >>21662500

Finana said it herself though

>> No.21658491

>I'm proud that the woman I send money to to entertain me is getting railed. This makes me a chad

>> No.21658500
File: 59 KB, 943x100, untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait, I though Pomu was done after the collab with Finana and Uki.
What happened?
Why is she getting amazing numbers for today's stream?

>> No.21658567

Saviourfags activated after drama like always.

>> No.21658600

>Amazing numbers!

>> No.21658641
Quoted by: >>21658841

It's been days and multiple streams since then.

More than usual for her

>> No.21658678

it doesnt matter if you are a pathetic incel baby. these cottage industries like anime, otakushit and vtubing exist to take money from pathetic incel babies. otherwise they wouldnt make money and they wouldnt exist. the way NijiEN is doing it, is just the wrong way. they are not going to shatter the mold and disrupt a very old industry by doing things a new and different way. this will hit their bottom line. and the fans are entitled to expect them to stick to the formula.
your interest in fixing men or improving them is totally in bad faith. you just are screeching because you see talents being harassed and you have a bleeding heart for this millionaire e-girls. which you shouldn't, they are grossly privileged, they dedicated themselves to an utterly nonsense career that does nothing for society, and they havent really earned anyones sympathy in the grand scheme of things. if you want to be a bleeding heart go screech about the sulfur miner in indonesia whose job gives him cancer and gets paid a dollar a day.

>> No.21658694

This. As Pomu's transformation to twitch thot continues, her fanbase will transform into the average twitter/twitch trannies. Money will dry up but views will be steady.

>> No.21658741
Quoted by: >>21658850

4k is amazing numbers for her and they can compete with many of her JP senpais or even Holo JP low end members.
Also Pomu has been getting super chatted like fucking crazy.
Her whole crying and whining act has gained her a lot of sympathy money.
I actually respect Pomu for not milking this more, many vtubers would jump at the chance to cry harassment and get even more money.

>> No.21658841

The clip about drama came today and saviourfags are clip watchers.

>> No.21658850

I kid, I kid. getting 4k in solo stream is quite good.

>> No.21659201

Anons are autistic and haven't realized the "drama" is already dead. These bait threads are just circlejerks at this point.

>> No.21659346

>Amazing numbers
Nijis are so cute.

>> No.21659386

That second post is some of the most delusional out of touch insane shit I've ever seen

>> No.21659463
Quoted by: >>21659767

As always Unicorns make everything go to shit

>> No.21659481
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Quoted by: >>21660270

>Uki is in the game
>Viewers started dropping

>> No.21659515
Quoted by: >>21659708

Whens the next time youre inviting your gay coworker for a slumber party again honey?

>> No.21659708
Quoted by: >>21659822

You have a problem with gay people?

>> No.21659767

Unicorns are the thin red line separating Hololive and Niji(to an extent) from the thot-infested e-girl hellscape that is Twitch

>> No.21659801

This is why Hololive is superior, even though it's all bullshit and they ban negative commenters even if they're paypigs.

>> No.21659822
Quoted by: >>21662028

Nah. Given the suicide rates, they have enough problems with themselves as it is.

>> No.21660050

Even if you disagree with how it's being portrayed, a collab going so poorly that it reflects badly on BOTH streamers is clearly a total marketing misread and a huge fuck up from either talent or management. Now Pomu and Finana's fans will think Uki is a leech, which is 100% NOT what Niji wanted. Having constant collaborations to engineer a greater sense of community is great when it works. When it fails, you're going to have backlash.
Just fucking announce who will be on the collab before it happens. How hard is this to do?

>> No.21660270

This. The comments may change over time, but numbers don't lie.

>> No.21660308

You are a retard. Rosemi dropping in on NijiCA's off collab made it 10 times better and it was completely unannounced. The same would have been true for Pomu's off collab if she had planned some shit for it first.

>> No.21660392
Quoted by: >>21661559

People should just start dropping out of the stream in decent numbers when the homos get involved. They're so fucking annoying. It's not even an NTR thing with me; they're just so unfunny and hollow husks of various zoomer personalities it's unreal.

>> No.21660514
Quoted by: >>21661850

Pomu and Fish need to graduate before NijiEN tanks completely. This is getting out of hand.

>> No.21660536

We did it /vt/sisters

>> No.21660566

esl clips for esl clipwatchers

>> No.21660578

t. troon
Back to twitter with the likes of you.

>> No.21660617

>Niji = hot-infested e-girl hellscape that is Twitch
I have bad news for you anon

>> No.21661272
Quoted by: >>21661673

I see this bait worked very effectively.
>keeping the male a secret intentionally to bait yurishit
She was keeping it a secret from her parents so that the off collab could even happen in the first place, idiot. Don't pretend like you never kept secrets from your parents either because that's just flat out bullshit. The bigger issue is that she had to ask them for permission at all. Nobody was "baiting" anything, except you with this retarded post.

>> No.21661559

I have no problem with the Luxiem boys, even with Luca twitch lingo at least he can be entertaining in a way, Vox is great as long as he doesn't go into Fujopanderingmode with anyone, Ike is good he's a good guy and great straight man, indifferent towards Mysta except when he fujopandermode like Vox, Shu is who for me but he's the tech support guy in NijiEN so he's fine.

I can't stand most of Noctyx though, Sonny is harmless in a way that he likes to keep things to himself and not interrupting others he hasn't shown anything that piqued my interest though except being a plaything for Japanese OL's, Alban and Uki is the example of why nepotism hires is bad, Fulgur on his ego and self awareness is wack and need correction, Yugo is what the fuck was Noor thinking of hiring ESL/ETL? female for male wave.

>> No.21661673

1. She is over 18, her parents can't tell her what to do. You fucking gullible retard. Braindamaged nigger.
2. WHAT DO HER PARENTS HAVE TO WITH LYING TO HER AUDIENCE? How does "I told my parents I'm just meeting a girl and kept the guy a secret" lead to "I told my fans I'm just meeting a girl and kept the guy a secret"? Explain that you fucking retard. Braindamaged nigger.

>> No.21661773
Quoted by: >>21661852

>Yugo is what the fuck was Noor thinking of hiring ESL/ETL? female for male wave
>That one clip where Yugo explains that they're not in NijiJP because they wanted to "challenge themselves".
Challenge yourself to what? How many people you can piss off or confuse at once? I work with flips with better diction. Maybe I should start telling them to become vtubers, because clearly one of the two best companies in the world will take barely-comprehensible 4th-grade English for an EN vtuber.

>> No.21661820
Quoted by: >>21661939

>She is over 18, her parents can't tell her what to do.
They can when they're the ones paying her bills. She lives at home with her parents, so she doesn't have any rent, food, utilities to pay for, her parents pay for it all.

>> No.21661850

not just nijien, vtubing in general

>> No.21661852

If theyre friends of Elira or a friend of her friends, yeah.

>> No.21661939

do you realize that she's got more money than her parents right?

>> No.21661944

Where is the dip?

>> No.21662028

That's trannies anon. Homos are mostly normal beyond the perversions.

>> No.21662123
Quoted by: >>21662542

Most definitely not. Her parents own a home, pay for both her brother (who has mental issues) and little sister, and they all have gaming PCs (her dad has a MS Flight Simulator setup).

>> No.21662226

What the fuck is that title
"Think can't doing"
Great clippers don't even speak fucking English

>> No.21662252

lmao Finana isn't even one of the top earners at her company.

>> No.21662329

Sonny has zero charisma and I agree 100% on Fulgur. If only Yugo was sold as a reverse trap or tomboy.

>> No.21662339

Even if that is true (which means her parents are piss poor, as Finana doesn't even make that much money - she makes $1000/week without counting taxes, Youtube and Nijisanji's slices), she should respect them just because they're older. But I guess in the shithole you live that isn't a thing anymore, huh? You fucking entitled zoomer.

>> No.21662371
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That's not real poggers of you bro

>> No.21662383
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>> No.21662391

Well she her parents are obviously justified on keeping her on a short leash with how retarded she is.

>> No.21662440

>and the fans are entitled to expect them to stick to the formula.
The fans aren't entitled to shit. This is free content; no one is making you watch these girls with a gun held to your wallet. If you want to spend time and money on them, that is your choice. You are not special in either case, and don't think you are.
>waah waah the streamer did [thing I don't like]!
>I demand they do [thing I like] instead!
If you don't like the content, find something you do like. It really is that simple.

>> No.21662481

>Pomu think can't doing off collab stream again after this

>> No.21662500
Quoted by: >>21663068

>Pomu got the brunt of the hate
>Pomu is the one who ACTUALLY knows Uki for years
>Finana takes the downfall because it'll hit her less
Anon, do you even understand women? I'm not saying that to talk shit or shitpost but you have to understand it's a common tactic to push heat off of you.

>> No.21662516

A shame it turned Pomu off of offcollabs, it sounded from the clip that Finana was really enthusiastic about it beforehand. Stay strong, Nijifriends!

>> No.21662542

>Hmong americans
>2017 data collected by the US government found that Hmong Americans had a median household income of $48,000 compared to the American average of $53,600. The government estimated that 38% of Hmong Americans lived below the poverty line, compared to 16% of all Americans.The 2014 American Community Survey found that per capita income of Hmong Americans was $12,923, significantly lower than the American average of $25,825. When income is compared between US ethnic groups, Hmong Americans are the third lowest earning group. In a 2013, NPR discussion, sociologist Rosalind Chou stated that "when you break it down by specific ethnic groups, the Hmong, the Bangladeshi, they have poverty rates that rival the African-American poverty rate.
Or maybe her role as mermaid princess is based on her real life situation we never know.

>> No.21662777

>B...but normal people like us enjoyed the collab right sisters? Is...is just a minority of holobronies unicorns and incels who didnt like it right?

>> No.21662800

>he never lied to his family

>> No.21663068

Collabing twice, as part of larger group collabs, does not mean that she's known him for years.
And if you actually watch Finana, you know her attitude when it comes to accepting blame.

>> No.21663471
Quoted by: >>21664399

>unabashed unicorn withdraws his "support"
Good riddance.

>> No.21663614

Between Kronii and Mumei's zatsus after the off-collab it's confirmed that Ina and Kronii shared a bed, and Kronii was al over Ina during the karaokes.

>> No.21663620

Don't read the thread then because it doesn't get any better.

>> No.21663750
Quoted by: >>21664077

Grats, you've spun a story. When's your debut on CNN?

>> No.21663840

>2nd comment is literally the exact opposite as to what was said in the clip
Not gonna even bother reading the rest

>> No.21663987 [DELETED] 

>>in return, the bat eating chinkoid fujos start screeching at the complainers about how they're coping haters etc.
tfw I was a “chinkoid bat eating fujo”
>did my gene reps
>all european and like 1% miqmaq (literally from a chief’s daughter and because leafs actually did diplomacy and treated them as people initially)
nigger lol

>> No.21664062

The best part of all this drama is how few people here commenting on it have watched even a second of the streams in question. It's like the game of telephone from hell.

>> No.21664077


>> No.21664212
File: 181 KB, 400x400, 1629715586111.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21664403

>>very yuribait-y "sleepover at a hotel"
>>suddenly, completely unannounced, one of the NijiMales joins the collab as a "surprise"
tell me this is bait pls

>> No.21664399
Quoted by: >>21664726

t. fat femcel

>> No.21664403
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>> No.21664484

Based Uki ruining it for yurifags. I don't watch any of them, so I couldn't be happier with this ending

>> No.21664511

Didn't they learn their lesson? They all know they'll stop watching after 3 streams which will make the talents go into paranoia mode when they randomly loose 60% of their views for no reason. Reddit pityfags really need to start using more than 2 braincells

>> No.21664640

nijisisters and ntrchads wer'e winning!

>> No.21664638
File: 140 KB, 800x537, 34965346.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21664885

Friendly reminder that if you wanted a yuribait stream, you're also a cuck.

>> No.21664726

Don't have to be female to call out retarded unicorn delusions. I ain't even fat either.

>> No.21664847

Weak, if it was Mori she'd do an off-collab with three men right after the backlash to spite the whiners.

>> No.21664885

Being a cuck comes by default with watching Nijisanji

>> No.21664888
Quoted by: >>21665503

Pomu didn't deserve the shitshow that is NijiEN

>> No.21664916

go back and bait in the gurame thread

>> No.21665064

How bad do they feel that they have to make up all these lies and mental gymnastics to try and excuse what they did

>> No.21665181
Quoted by: >>21665281

Damn i thought unicorns only exist in hololive, but seems like some of you peeps do exist in nijis too.

>> No.21665195

Well, yes. People on the spectrum tend to behave in ways considered childlike

>> No.21665281

unicorns are the only reason these vtubers are popular in the first place, male or female

>> No.21665303

Has Kiara acknowledged Pomu since the offcollab stream? Kiara prob doesn’t give af but she is very much about protecting her brand

>> No.21665313

>Finana was just talking about lying to her parents
Am I missing something? Wouldn't this mean she knew ahead of time anyway? Not sure how you can claim she kept it solely from her parents, without that meaning she was also keeping it from her fans.

>Keeping it from her parents
Also doesn't make any god damn sense in the first place. Do her parents just read the schedule and title and look at the thumbnail? You know, coincidentally just like how a fan would do before the stream? Otherwise why would lying to her parents necessitate keeping it from the audience too? You'd have to be retarded to believe any of this. It was already dumb enough when they said Uki just happened to be available to provide tech support and a hotspot...at the hotel.

>> No.21665381

Hopefully she blacklisted this whore

>> No.21665416


>> No.21665435
Quoted by: >>21667449

Yeah Kiara can't leech from Pomu anymore

>> No.21665478

Yes she replied to one of pomus tweets literally yesterday.

>> No.21665492

Yes, she has. Yesterday, in fact. Days after le dorama:

>> No.21665503

pomu didn't deserve her members

>> No.21665522

Yagoo, please save this girl!

>> No.21665563


Based on her narrative she kept it a secret from everyone, from her parents for permission and from the audience so it could be a surprise.

>> No.21665647

Yes anon, she was acting like a female, just go through the checklist.

>> No.21666065

Where's the "muh idol culture" fags now, Nijisan might not be like Hololive but many aspects are still similar like many people just wanting to watch anime girls and not see them interact with disgusting men.

>> No.21666158
Quoted by: >>21666569

lulu was smart to tone down on male collabs

>> No.21666569

yes the former idol was smart to do what she knows to do best

>> No.21666768

you don't even have to scroll down a single page to see >>21650545

>> No.21666816

pomu is finished

>> No.21666868

Yes her stream finished about an hour ago.

>> No.21667196

Me neither. It was only a matter of time I suppose then. Sad.

>> No.21667449

>Kiara can't leech off Pomu anymore
>Kiara leeching off Pomu

>> No.21667593
Quoted by: >>21668537

wtf I'm a wosemichad now

>> No.21667738
File: 40 KB, 605x264, hahahahahahahaha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.21667753
Quoted by: >>21667884

How many members have Pomu lost during this ordeal? 5? 50? 5%? 10%?
Would be interesting to know. She has gained subs, bit I feel like no one ever loses subs, so that is a bad gauge

>> No.21667856

>clickbait clip
Every single time. Is the SEAdog brain more more susceptible to clips or something?

>> No.21667884

All of them. They're all gone. Nobody watches her anymore. She's done. She's through. She's finished. This time for sure!

>> No.21668375


>> No.21668433

Third-worlders should not be allowed to make Vtuber clips.

>> No.21668537

>The one most likely to have a boyfriend

>> No.21671862

Um what happened in that collab?

>> No.21671928

Surprise guest, nijien male who lived in the area. collab atmosphere was awkward and filled with tech issues.

>> No.21672946

Wow, I can't believe it...I can't believe she even has enough gachis to even get upset over this. Bitch is mediocre as fuck. Make a thread about someone interesting next time.

>> No.21673414
File: 140 KB, 712x327, Screenshot_20220402-152600.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21674383


>> No.21674383
File: 110 KB, 949x210, noombs.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>21675813

Oh no, 60 viewers, whatever shall she do

>> No.21674509

Honestly maybe rape or sexual assault
Pomu didn't even know he was going to be there
2 girls in a hotel... what a chad

>> No.21675813
Quoted by: >>21676225

The point is that it's an ID who is in a side branch. The fact they're on par, and sometimes the IDs go over the NijiEN numbers, is pathetic for Pomu and NijiEN as a whole. You femcels/white knights really love this smug response tactic don't you?

>> No.21676225
Quoted by: >>21676645

But these numbers are higher than normal for Pomu. I thought she was finished?

>> No.21676645

When did I say that you illiterate retard? Don't lump me in with an anon who said nothing so you had to cope up a strawman argument out of thin air with me. The objective fact of the matter is Pomu has worse numbers than ID and it's pathetic. Over and done.
