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File: 1.02 MB, 1000x1241, NippleBoya.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
19468437 No.19468437 [Reply] [Original]

- NIPPLE PLAY - Edition
Previous >>19456876

>> No.19468446



Hololive sites

Nijisanji sites


Full list athttps://pastebin.com/nCGZL1Lp

>> No.19472594


>> No.19472998
Quoted by: >>19482660

/#/ is declining.

>> No.19476118


Why does this clip even approach 300k views anyway? It's just A chsn talking.

>> No.19476153
Quoted by: >>19476214

Is "# is declining" a tradition now alongside EN gold kys?

>> No.19476214
Quoted by: >>19476249

it's the "Monkey Ladder" phenomenon. ask these repliers why they're responding with "hey man" and "kys" and they won't give you an answer because they don't know either.

>> No.19476249

I'd imagine a year from now. Numberfags continue this tradition without knowing why.

>> No.19477374
File: 160 KB, 1355x1500, 1646295506502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Rabu my nipples purisu~ i'll pay you anon~

>> No.19477749
Quoted by: >>19477947

What was the latest gold ever won? I remember Miko had a stream at 23:30 and took the gold from Kuzuha in late October.

>> No.19477840

Gold contender for today?

>> No.19477886

Gura buff I guess.

>> No.19477897

Peckers has a 5 man Ark collab but the PoV is split between her and Lui.
Nothing else on Hololive's side to beat Gura's measly 29k.

>> No.19477912

None from holo. Kuzuha is the best bet for gold right now i think. G

>> No.19477947
Quoted by: >>19477989

Fubuki fishing at 23:59

>> No.19477989

>get 44k~ at 23:59
>Nijisanji 3D debut the next day wins with 25k
Glorious technicality.

>> No.19478116
Quoted by: >>19478173

Actual previous thread

>> No.19478155
Quoted by: >>19478265

What is the prediction for Pekora's ark collab?
+Rare huge collab from pekora of all people
-fucking ark fatigue
I'll go low-ball and say normal numbers since Lui has split pov.

>> No.19478165

Who doesn't want to listen to a-chan talk? Especially about Gura.

>> No.19478173
File: 1.28 MB, 1000x1288, Nipple Boi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19478718

Ogey~ now bite my nipple bitch!

>> No.19478187

Gura buff

>> No.19478201
File: 1.77 MB, 1976x748, inclining_orisongs 5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Inclining Original songs list. Last one here: >>19027100
If a song gets more NEW viewers this week than the last one, it's considered to be inclining.
New songs on their first week, as well as songs with view variance of under 5000 are ignored.
Here's the list for this week -

> Nenenene - Nene (+24,450)
> Say! Fanfare - Fubuki (+5,735)
> Red - Mori (+10,300)
> Interact Fantasia - 3rd Gen (+57,429)
> Excuse me, but could you please RIP - Mori (+39,788)
> Stellar Stellar - Suisei (+5,566)

All new songs here, streaks from previous weeks also ended as Ayame and Aqua's songs have returned to normal.
Say! Fanfare returns to the chart after a one week break.
Nene song due to b'day reps I assume?
Sankisei songu...
Mori and Suisei also return to inclining in the charts. Things mostly look normal.

Honorable Mentions -

> Live again - Calli (+3,542)
> Mogu Mogu (+4,145)
> Sparks (+1,492) (Four weeks for this one, KFP reps I assume)

>> No.19478223
Quoted by: >>19478278

What else are shiokkos going to do with their time?

>> No.19478229

So Niji 3D's only advantage over Cover is with object tracking?

>> No.19478240

One of the cancelled concerts are rescheduled.

>> No.19478260
Quoted by: >>19478285

Yes. And they got AR which is nice i guess

>> No.19478265

30k max
Ark is Ark, collab won’t suddenly make it a number magnet

>> No.19478274
Quoted by: >>19478315

why did RIP get a boost?

>> No.19478278

> Ayame returns to streaming semi regularly
> her song drops off the incline chart
this theory has legs

>> No.19478285

Holofes 3 is supposed to be a full on AR concert so that might change soon

>> No.19478290
File: 804 KB, 1078x606, 1644743422964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19478346

>Send in the Watamage

>> No.19478295

That's one advantage of being signed to a music label. They have insurance and contingencies for this shit.

>> No.19478310
File: 2.97 MB, 1280x720, bdq6jo.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19478498

And AR tech, I guess. It puzzles me greatly why they don't just spam more concerts like Light up Tones until the pandemic is done with, it's cheaper than using a real venue.

>> No.19478315

RIP is a song that the algorithm already tracks, so I think it gets recommended from time to time to new viewers.
Unless she got shouted out by someone recently, it's probably that.

>> No.19478346
File: 233 KB, 366x558, redmage.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19478549

> I'm on it, Rikkun ~

>> No.19478425

>Pekora added another member in the collab
Is she trying to artificially pump up the ark meta lmao.

>> No.19478449
Quoted by: >>19478777

she wants to saviofrag Aki

>> No.19478485

pink dog knows an opportunity when she sees one.

>> No.19478498
Quoted by: >>19478653

Just remembered that they did some AR stuff during Miyabi's 3d debut. I think it looks better than the clip you have.


>> No.19478500

so what deals maximum damage to elden ring schizo, gura getting gold with elden ring or elden ring being mogged by ark/vampire survivors?

>> No.19478528

why is koyo there lmao, she has a mengen at 10 and she already streamed 2 hours today, literally just a break for a day to fucking move and already all of this

>> No.19478534

But my members stream with Pink Dog...

>> No.19478549
File: 63 KB, 366x558, green watamage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19478590

>Hops on every holo meta
>Puts herself in every collab
>Will not stop streaming
>Pushes her way in to interact with the two biggest JP holo any chance she gets
Either she’s numberfag prime or the biggest leech of the east. Or both.

Pekora will invite Zimbabwe warriors before she invites Miko to anything..:.

>> No.19478596
File: 16 KB, 394x158, 876416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mysta 8k
Kneel now?

>> No.19478618

People keep hyping Laplus as the next Pekora but I can see Koyori having unironic better legs in long run due to how fast she is at taking opportunities like this. She needs a solid personal buff content though.

>> No.19478632
Quoted by: >>19478713

Will people get eventually overwhelmed or will she incline semi-permanently?

>> No.19478634
File: 85 KB, 236x160, 4AFE8546-8DA2-4D18-B7F1-0D081868FF11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next saviorfagging target

>> No.19478635

She's addicted to streaming. Please understand

>> No.19478653
Quoted by: >>19478806

This is just his 3D model pasted on a green screen bg in an edited clip. The Niji clip you're replying to has a shit ton of cameras allowing it to show 360 of both the background and the model in real time. You can see Miyabi's model shaking around as he isn't actually projected, just edited in.

>> No.19478652

Why don't pinkdogfuckers want koyo to have fun with her friends?

>> No.19478662
File: 10 KB, 818x88, 1631287020270.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19478809

NijiEN doesn't get the permission.

>> No.19478661
Quoted by: >>19478708

>Solo timeslot for fujos
>not even 8k
vox and mysta can only get views with fujo pandering or some collab shit.
Hell heven used the debut reaction card already

>> No.19478666

Wait until he beats Luca at least.

>> No.19478669
File: 147 KB, 1225x688, haachama 4k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It may not be a lot but I'm impressed with Haachama making 4.5k at this slot, with singing, with this fast waiting room recovery.

CCVID waning for her?

>> No.19478670

>JP/SEA/TW prime time
>Only 8k

>> No.19478674

who's he talking to?

>> No.19478681
File: 207 KB, 463x453, 1612163888939.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As the retard who predicted Nene would win the monthly superchat race last night I profusely apologise for jinxing her, unless it's a situation like fridgegate where she gets showered in money for her comeback after taking a few days off for a retarded "yab" but I doubt that will be the case here

>> No.19478692

>Streams during SEA primetime

>> No.19478700

So whose fetish is gonna get exposed next Watamage?

>> No.19478708
Quoted by: >>19478748

The fuck? Debut reaction after 3 months?

>> No.19478713
Quoted by: >>19478741

the results so far is that she has increased the people who stay for her supa reading for like a thousand in the last month, but her vod viewership is absolute ass, and people were already making jokes about "watching the entire archive" during her reading today, her audience doesn't archive rep at all

>> No.19478714

Whatever it is, it'll probably full fox itself once she turns back on SCs and YouTube stops fucking with her as revenge.

>> No.19478718


>> No.19478741
Quoted by: >>19478800

Why would anyone do archive reps when she's almost always live ?

>> No.19478747

The latter. No question. Even I’m baffled and I like Elden Ring. VS is fun as fuck for what it is, I feel like people underestimate how well tuned a lot of it is, but not 1M watch hours fun

>> No.19478748

Well, Mysta is a numberfag himself so it's not surprising

>> No.19478768
Quoted by: >>19478872

Gura broke her waiting room in like 2-3 mins last night and anytime a waiting room breaks near instantly, the viewership goes up dramatically.

Not suggesting ccvid of any culls are no longer around but we’ll have to see if waiting rooms stop at least being bullshit to these talents

>> No.19478777
File: 201 KB, 1242x981, F3937DF3-5312-4DD3-B3C8-A25A14BB4545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Never ever reply to anyone on Twitter
>Suddenly reply to Aki now
You might be onto something

>> No.19478783
Quoted by: >>19478890

Did Nenechi's 3D get 5M aka's?

>> No.19478782

Top SC is jinxed. Didn't Chloe lost her grandmother after topping December? Rushia lost her job. Vox lost his sense of shame.

>> No.19478800
Quoted by: >>19478876

that's pretty much how her audience treats her at this point, like a twitch streamer, they catch her when she's live. it has been increasing her floor but killing her ceiling

>> No.19478806

The part that makes me doubt that is the one where he is in the hut where his legs are partially obscured by the hut and the camera is slightly moving. So its not just his model pasted over a video clip.

>> No.19478809

Funny because I think Vox won't stream it because superchat is turned off. Kek

>> No.19478872
Quoted by: >>19478990

It's heavily tourist dependent.
The more regulars present (as a %) the longer it seems to take for waiting room recovery, which is in line with how CCVID and the stupid AI flagging people based on watch history worked in early January.

>> No.19478876
Quoted by: >>19478924

Isn’t that basically the Pekora route? I hope she have the stamina to pull it off

>> No.19478886

>gura new year stream had aki belly dance segment
>mentions aki on the first VS stream
smells like management mandate to boost aki

>> No.19478890
File: 307 KB, 640x570, 1612082479843.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not sure what you meant by this post but her 3D debut last year got $51k and her 3D birthday stream yesterday got $42k

>> No.19478916

Wtf, stop creating more POV for ARK. Pekora will just suck all the numbers.

>> No.19478921

>aki is the best dancer
>aki is also the better VS player

doesn't sound like shilling at all

>> No.19478924

Not even pekora streams multiple time s a day

>> No.19478925


>> No.19478944

Miko needs to get her shit together if she wants gold

>> No.19478950
Quoted by: >>19478988

Aki is going to fill the void that Rushia created.

>> No.19478953

What did Gura say about Aki?

>> No.19478975
Quoted by: >>19479344

Less management mandated, more like Karma finally giving the poor girl a break after fucking her over for so long.

>> No.19478985

How many fucking birthdays are there today?
Holostars Miyabi's at 3k
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Se0jFgMLsus - 3D live
Nijisanji Mimis at 1k
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LKIvlki-S9I - looking through Twitter congratulations
VSPO Mimi's at 7k
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC056XSQAGk - totsu
any others?

Mimi's riding a wave already, after she got a lot of attention for her Vampire survivor 3 weeks ago, she got a new costume boost and became a mid-high Vspo at 3k average, she might incline even more.

>> No.19478988

did she ever stream on rushia's slot?

>> No.19478990

Yeah I agree with that. There were a lot of greynames in Gura’s chat last night (>60% of the activity from them) so it’d make sense that fresh faces added onto the total.

Which makes it all the more bullshit since it really does feel like it implies that a lot of people are flagged and don’t appear

>> No.19479005

The next three days are just all birthdays

>> No.19479008

That she picked up VS because she watched Aki's stream of it.

>> No.19479017
Quoted by: >>19479155

>VSPO Mimi's at 7k
>Nijisanji Mimis at 1k
And anon said VSPO was not the #3 agency in Japan right now

>> No.19479021
Quoted by: >>19479097

She said she watch Aki played it and think it's fun, and praise her skills. Funny how later on Okayu and Korone said the same thing about watching Gura played VS and decide to stream it.

>> No.19479052

I wonder what drives Pekora in her saviourfag projects.

>> No.19479071
Quoted by: >>19479245

she's found Jesus

>> No.19479087
Quoted by: >>19479344

holy mother of box pushing
still, aki deserve it

>> No.19479092


>> No.19479097

The creactor of VS just can't stop winning

>> No.19479110

> Gura picks it up due to Aki playing it
> Korosan picks it up due to Gura playing it
it all comes around and around

>> No.19479128

>Strongest gen 4
>Needed to save

>> No.19479129

How does Gura keep on being so powerful even after 1.5 years?

>> No.19479133
Quoted by: >>19479174

Jeez I feel bad for these girls in the ark collab. It looks like it was last minute that they were told it can be multi-pov because half of them just put their frame up with rushly made thumbnails KEK
Pekora is likely gonna siphon all of the viewers because of the poor timing

>> No.19479134
File: 901 KB, 1920x2160, 1641583641878.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19479330

VSPO got better birthday merch than Niji...

>> No.19479140
File: 174 KB, 1203x801, mio 10k janai.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19479198

Sorry Mio, 10k is for grownups

>> No.19479155
File: 279 KB, 1378x2039, Momo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19479732

Miswrote, it's Momo Azuchi for Nijisanji
She's been one of the lowest viewed Nijis since forever.

Her Niji Friend Asuka Hina also has a birthday today. They spaced them out

>> No.19479157

You guys are silly. Peko is probably trying to boost aki, but all Gura did was use one of her clips (months before the peko savior fag arc) and say she watched her stream. This isn't some iq900 move by management.

>> No.19479166

Haneru as well
and 110-chan's birthday was today hence 2nd place in yesterday's SC chart

>> No.19479172

She replied to the VS devs yesterday and nousagi last week and Moona when she got 1M.

>> No.19479173
Quoted by: >>19479242

numbers bring numbers. She's a black hole right now

>> No.19479174

Sasuka numbers rabbit

>> No.19479194

Nijinigs how the hell you are losing to homos?

>> No.19479198
Quoted by: >>19479313

is she really going to stream this 50 times or is she clearing it multiple times per stream

>> No.19479214
Quoted by: >>19479245

Pekora is someone who frequently use stuff given to her by fans. I bet Aki invited her to some beer on the company meeting last december and now she's hell bent on saving her friend.

>> No.19479215

Pekora opened to a 15k waiting room approx.

>> No.19479242
Quoted by: >>19479358

Look we are mostly numberfags here. Anyone else wonder sometimes what Gura’s numbers would look like if she numberfagged to any significant degree?

>> No.19479245

Maybe the Catholic Pekora rrat is real and she just wants to save them.

>> No.19479249
Quoted by: >>19479315

Return stream will have a flood of superchats. A lot of holos will have a ton of superchat this month after the fes. But it be even out since I don't expect them to stream in the last two weeks this month. I think this is the dame case too with last year. We only saw Gen 5 streaming near holofes. It's gonna be a week of no streaming for the expo too.

>> No.19479273

Does Pekora really try to saviorfag them or just want to suck their numbers up just like kuzuha sucks his collab partners up?

>> No.19479281
File: 584 KB, 1170x1831, C724D343-97DF-44AE-9919-9659434A5B24.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The funny part of it all is that she’s inclining from her spot from 1-2 months ago. There was a time where people were expecting a 300k out of her, with 400k being pretty damn good. Everyone knows she’ll eventually hit those numbers anyways because her vods all got legs that’s unmatched in the field, but hitting those in the first few days was always impressive.

Now? This girl is fucking hitting 400k like it’s nothing and 500k is being hit within 1-2 days for some of these. The fact this is all happening after numerous breaks is just crazy to me.

>> No.19479312
Quoted by: >>19479484

You can't suck numbers from bottom tier Holos like Aki, Lui and Choco anon.

>> No.19479313

She wants to clear 50(-however times she's already cleared before this challenge) times for the golden pot BEFORE she hits 1mil, doesn't matter how many streams or for how long, the time limit is until she gets to 1mil.

>> No.19479315
Quoted by: >>19479584

>It's gonna be a week of no streaming for the expo too.
holy prophet, whos gonna win gold for today?

>> No.19479330
File: 339 KB, 1500x2100, Momo's momo2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah she does.
Momo might as well be an indie.
She draws her merch, does all her song mixing and even drew her alternate outfit herself as i understand.

>> No.19479337
Quoted by: >>19479564

Does anyone know if HoloExpo will be streamed live?

>> No.19479344

Now you remember this old, old clip

>> No.19479358

I've been saying it ever since this thread got created, the numbers we are seeing from Gura right now is just her baseline, the numbers she just naturally gets without any specific effort on her part. imagine the feats she'd achieve if she were to put her mind to maximizing her metrics.

>> No.19479361
Quoted by: >>19479410

KEK, Pekora 18k on ninjin,. likely waiting for the rest of the girls set their stuff up

>> No.19479367

>Literally got pulled up by THE blue women
Jesus Aki is fucking blessed

>> No.19479373
Quoted by: >>19479540

Nijisanji is so big, the lower tier membersare just glorified indied anyway.

>> No.19479376
Quoted by: >>19479410

7 minute ninjin loading screen...

>> No.19479377
Quoted by: >>19479457

Pekora wants to make good stream stories.
She's a good entertainer and knows that a good storyline gets more hype and views.
Aki is the best candidate for Ark. Subaru 2nd.

>> No.19479410

TOP KEK, more rrats for the funnel: only POV not on loading screen right now is is Aki

>> No.19479414

ahh, yamete kudasubs. They could've become the next holoclips but mostly just ended up fizzling out because noen of their translators wanted to abandon their oiriginal channels to focus on this

>> No.19479416

>A lot of HoloEn girls are good at Japanese
I can't believe people fell for that

>> No.19479427

Yes. Although VOD is not accepted here, she still has one of the best per minute of streaming. And that what makes her a top holo. Her issue is that her fanbase has different timezones and would be to assed to watch out of primetime unless for big events.

>> No.19479432

To be fair any Holo Pekora dragged along have seen positive grown in number, the rabbit herself is a literal number beacon that buff those surrounding her

>> No.19479433
Quoted by: >>19479702

If Hololive pushes Aki into mid-tier number of applicants will triple

>> No.19479457

Schizo rrat time, After the Pekomoona arc, Pekora realized that low tier holos have alot of hidden unwatched content she can capitalized on. Hence she goes on these saviourfag projects so she gets content for free.

>> No.19479475
File: 111 KB, 1338x978, pekora 21k ninjin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek, thought Pekora would win gold on NIJNJIN

>> No.19479484

Dumb take. Pekora is developing her supporting cast which only benefits her long term. Moona isn’t exactly a giant (worldwide among ID she’s royalty) but she got great numbers from that arc. Look at Coco: she does just fine now but even her most dedicated fans can admit something was lost and it’s reflected in her numbers. A huge part of Hololive’s appeal is interplay within the company. Choco/duck/Luna is also a huge mismatch but it’s entertaining and only increasing Subaru’s popularity.

>> No.19479493

Miyabi Birthday Goods 10 mins
Birthday Merch Complete Set 35 $65.00 $2,275.00
Birthday Acrylic Panel 3 $25.00 $75.00
Birthday Mug 3 $25.00 $75.00
Birthday Acrylic Photo Card 4 $13.00 $52.00
Voice Drama “Another day’s birthday” 6 $5.00 $30.00

>> No.19479503
File: 290 KB, 1338x981, ark gang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait WHAT? Aki is not in the collab?

>> No.19479511

kanata not there?

>> No.19479530

Why does everyone speak like Pekora is some sort of manipulative psychopath?
Is this projecting?

>> No.19479533

her objective is to make Ark relevant so Aki can be saved

>> No.19479538

Collab fee still processing since it was last minute.

>> No.19479540
Quoted by: >>19479654

I feel like that’s one of the biggest differences between Hololive and Niji. Low tier Holos feel like side characters but it turns out they have a 12 volume manga and a short lived anime adaptation 7 years ago. I feel like Kuzeha would struggle to pick some of his coworkers out of a lineup

>> No.19479547
Quoted by: >>19479609

... aki isn't in vc.. saviorfag my ass

>> No.19479553
Quoted by: >>19479760

this is the numbers thread, people here can't conceive of non number related reasons to do things

>> No.19479564

there are no streamig tickets to be purchased so there at least won't be something like the holofes show
they might do something similar to the christmass tree on the main channel but thats just a guess from me

>> No.19479569

How does Bae's 10 min merch compare?

>> No.19479584 [SPOILER] 
File: 44 KB, 518x592, images (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A Niji

>> No.19479587

Wait until her next string of debuff kusoge for the reclining posters
Some people itt (admittedly fewer than before) are conviced Gura is somehow always reclining

>> No.19479594

how many watching holo vs niji rn?

>> No.19479598

aki is still prepping for the boss, shes not in the group with the rest of them yet

>> No.19479600
File: 210 KB, 1242x1127, F34A64D6-995E-475C-8650-ABECFFE80698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah so that was what this tweet was about

>> No.19479604
Quoted by: >>19479760

Pretty sure half of these are meming(surely). In reality Pekora just likes to do what she wants and doesn't want to be tied down by her relationship with other holos.

>> No.19479609
Quoted by: >>19479636

It's genius. You have to visit Aki's stream to know what she's doing.

>> No.19479610

>She draws her merch
>even drew her alternate outfit herself
Wrong for both, it's in the fucking screenshot (はあと)

>> No.19479618

who are those "people"?

>> No.19479628

Pretty decent number considering the overlaps, comparing this to other chuubas she's not half bad at all.
Koyori for example peaked at 7.5? Or 8k? On a 2 hours stream and still had less likes that haachama.
Honestly I'd wait for her to turn back her SCs because to me at least it feels like she's just compressing her "power" only for it to explode once she can slide back in the algo, her subs are I'd say a huge proof of that because the fact that she has yet to gain the 10k means that no new people are finding her channel or at least not to the amount she used to have.
I can't lie, I'm no haaton but I watched the stream because it was the best one around at least imo and I really fucking enjoyed it, she was energetic, the audience were electric... Very very good stream all around.

>> No.19479636

Fuck, I kneel.

>> No.19479644
File: 791 KB, 800x564, 1610176316509.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19479760

>He doesn't know...
Every move Pekora does is related to numbers

>> No.19479646

Less reclining, and more stable incline instead. She is so big now that her clips and streams will appear somewhere. And she speaks English so unlike Kizuna Ai, the loss of translators will not affect her.

>> No.19479647

holojp 81k
nijijp 25k

>> No.19479654

He's straight up admitted as much

>> No.19479659

Do you fags know Aki has been inclining with VS way before Gura gave her a shoutout?
Do you also remember during the Ark revival she also was inclining?
If anything, Aki was inclining flrst before the other holomems started mentioning her.
Also her birthday musical

>> No.19479661

one spamming chink schizo

>> No.19479674
File: 160 KB, 1248x293, ark numbers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19479756

Aki mogging the whole collab (except Pekora)

>> No.19479681

Please god, just don’t let her play Metroid again. It’s a fine game but that shit plummeted her channel.
I wonder what her numbers would be like if she did a JP karaoke so that it could be archived. It’s one of those big questiond that always sits in my head, because her karaokes would easily hit 900k-1mil esch with enough time

>> No.19479683
Quoted by: >>19479715

Ignore those chumbuds.

>> No.19479688

Rumao, people like Valkyrae get millions of views in a few hours
500k is 2view numbers

>> No.19479689
File: 198 KB, 1552x497, stop the count.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19479730


>> No.19479695

Well, peko gold in a few minutes, will Nijisanji have anything to compete today?

>> No.19479702
Quoted by: >>19479769

Join Hololive and God himself descends from the heavens to personally shit on you:low mid tier, 50k+ lives, sell six figures of merch while streaming infrequently.

Cause international incident resulting in axing of entire branch: month long farewell tour with biggest graduation ever take home an obscene amount of SC revenue and merch. Continue be mentioned fondly collab with former coworkers on your new/old account while smashing boobs together.

Do nothing. Literally nothing. No actually post on your rm account all the stuff you are doing and ignore your fanbase. Best we can do is six figures.

I mean. Why would you join any other company. Cover has issues, but who’s better?

>> No.19479711

She’s not a manipulative sociopath yeah but there is one thing I am certain of
She always know what she is doing

>> No.19479714

>500k is 2view numbers
Can we frame this somewhere? I want to keep this for posterity.

>> No.19479715

cumtards are delusional who knew

>> No.19479723

Nothing personnel, shork
*teleports behind her*

>> No.19479724

Do not disrespect the biggest female youtuber.

>> No.19479726

It's fucking joke, do you want to see the usual gura vs pekora or en vs jp?

>> No.19479730

>2 minute recovery even with 2 minute delay and extended nin-nin
I hate youtube so much sometimes, it's unreal how completely inconsistent CCV is.

>> No.19479729

>Pekora wants to keep indulging her ark addiction
>Knows that Ark is pure poison now
>Starts huge collab boss raids
This is my rrat

>> No.19479732
File: 952 KB, 1279x719, image_2022-03-03_142104.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got recommended another one
Chris Hina, one of the sexy ASMR chuubas had a birthday and model update. Smaller channel, 40k subs, 377 peak.

People really liked the 3/3 date.

>> No.19479735

The notorious hacker named Anonymous

>> No.19479746

80k Niji. Nipplebuff is strong

>> No.19479750

shark just got mogged by a rabbit playing the most debuff of games

>> No.19479756

>Choco’s thumbnail
Kek. Literally graduation thumbnail

>> No.19479760

Peko showed her home page for a moment during her godfield collab and it had the japanese chan and one of the numberfagging sites (think it was playboard but its been a while) on the quick selection
since then she has been the numbers bunny

>> No.19479768

Did she surpassed cunny?
Exactly, no!
If she didn't surpassed cunny, then she is still irrelevant and should be grateful to be mentioned by Cunny.

>> No.19479769

>but who’s better?
nipplesanji is a bit better

>> No.19479771

funny rabbit 30k

>> No.19479778

>He says, as it's a multi-man collab, one of the few things where even after all the spam, ARK is still a buff

>> No.19479789

it begins again...

>> No.19479792
File: 419 KB, 1335x976, peko 30k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19479821

Peko easy 30k

>> No.19479793
File: 312 KB, 1369x385, valkyrae streams.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people like Valkyrae get millions of views in a few hours

>> No.19479798
Quoted by: >>19479824

Elden schizo status?

>> No.19479800

She's the strongest female youtube streamer right?

>> No.19479802
Quoted by: >>19480223

It was vnuma (Rip).

>> No.19479804
Quoted by: >>19479850

It's weird how Gura is so hated around here. I hope she doesn't get offed though.

>> No.19479814
Quoted by: >>19479849

Might as well use Pewd. He actually get millions every video

>> No.19479817

No she doesn't retard

>> No.19479821

KEK. cumtards already seething

>> No.19479824

last spotted trying an anti-migo bait post

>> No.19479827

Chumkeks, it fucking slipped

>> No.19479833

>Debuff for Holo

>> No.19479836
File: 304 KB, 1080x1155, 2051.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Laying is bad

>> No.19479846
Quoted by: >>19480795

>> Interact Fantasia - 3rd Gen (+57,429)
It's starting to feel real now. It's always hard to accept when the present is now the past.

>> No.19479849

And it's good that he hates Gura. I hope his 9-year old army hate her too.

>> No.19479850

i think you mean totally beloved by schizos since she literally lives rent free in their head

>> No.19479862

Ratioposter shouldve stopped fucking posting, now all the nousagis are grudgeposting Gura.

>> No.19479874
File: 1.06 MB, 1242x1948, 4A3A6CD6-112E-41F9-9BD7-1E90DF021B91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19479914

Lol. No

>> No.19479914

Shhhh...don't expose him like that...

>> No.19479927

it's so obvious this is a shitpost but look at those (You)s it got. Sometimes I wonder what's the average poster's IQ

>> No.19479947

>i was merely pretending to be retarded

>> No.19479950

>nijien new wave flopped
>Gura shitposting

>> No.19479953

midget numbers for sure.

>> No.19479954
Quoted by: >>19480010

>post obviously bullshit statement
Why do you feel the need to feed the obvious shitposting faggot?

>> No.19479969

there's like 4 different camps that could be behind this anon

>> No.19479978
Quoted by: >>19480007

the nature of this thread means that the posters here are naturally inclined to correct misinformation, unfortunately that also means that the easiest way to harvest yous in this thread is just post shit that's obviously wrong

>> No.19480003

58 collectively

>> No.19480007


>> No.19480010

Maybe we’re just shit posting too. Who cares there’s nothing worth discussing atm. Also you’d think people like the egg were shitposts too but there are a lot of stupid mentally ill people around apparently

>> No.19480027

But why? I know the general hate of vtubers from him because he got gatekeeped the moment he made the vtuber avatar. But those are vtweeters though.

>> No.19480035
File: 198 KB, 1208x850, laplus 10k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Easy 10k for laplus

>> No.19480048
Quoted by: >>19480173

why are nijiniggers like this?

>> No.19480065

Does Bae’s original have the potential to reach 1M?

>> No.19480068

how do we bully the cumkek cancer out of this thread?

>> No.19480083

La Cunny

>> No.19480094

force Gura to clean her dishes

>> No.19480101

Well Gura did carry hard with ER on the EN side but everything else is all Niji except Kiara later. HoloEN needs EN3 at this cause in total peaks view may go to NijiEN cause they had little to no dead hours today.

>> No.19480105

Even obvious shitposts can serve a purpose. I genuinely thought Valkyrae had better numbers. It’s interesting to look at the big picture now and then. For example Dude Perfect is a normie friendly very popular channel. They got around 100M views last thirty days. Guras 10M is nothing to sneeze at but she’s not on their level. But Hololive as a whole had 300M+ which is a shitload. That gives them some decent clout

>> No.19480106

of course, it's just a question of how long it'll take

>> No.19480119

Yes. Bae is gonna shill the shit outta the song so the ratpack will keep doing their reps once she gets back from her break.

>> No.19480128

Where is this misinformation coming from? The only thing I've heard of is Pewds being indifferent towards vtubers at best cause he thinks their voice is fake and weird
Literal normie take from a normie YouTuber

>> No.19480133

wasn't that Reimu?

>> No.19480150

Anyone know why Pekora set her chat to subs only mode?

>> No.19480152
File: 138 KB, 738x562, 1618937526308.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As always, the answer is nijiniggers

>> No.19480153

Fill the catalog with Gura so they are forced to go there.

>> No.19480173
Quoted by: >>19480196

>must be niji
literally rent free

>> No.19480179
Quoted by: >>19480271

La+ has earned $5k more in this stream already than she did in all of February lol

>> No.19480180

so does this mean theyre on the same level? while valkyrae has more connection on the west, gura is synonymous to vtubing in the west and id argue anime watchers know her more than valkyrae

>> No.19480196

Found the nijinigger

>> No.19480201

Pewds is a fan of Fubuki and he's pissed Chumkiddies shat on Fubuki's chat when Gura passed 1mil first

>> No.19480223

nah it was Peko
maybe Reimu did something similar i wouldn't know
not that its all that surprising that the chuubas who are trying to make a living with this are numberfagging
ah fuck. RIP vnuma

>> No.19480224
File: 293 KB, 1440x1563, Karaoke + original song release buff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's what the designated singer of her gen is capable of, for comparison

>> No.19480230

>Pekora 30k
>Miko 20
>Lacunny 15 and rising
You can see who are the big fishes when there is overlap.

>> No.19480232
File: 1021 KB, 1920x1080, bc48069435ecac9f8f0f8a95441fdkw5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19480323

Look at these beautiful bois
Do they look like a flop?

>> No.19480237
Quoted by: >>19480310

see, nijiniggers

>> No.19480250
Quoted by: >>19480356

Lap is singing right now at 17k

>> No.19480254

Merch anon, do you have Oga's and Shien's bday merch numbers for comparison?

>> No.19480263
Quoted by: >>19480283

holy shit a laplus chart that doesn't look like shit, is it finally time

>> No.19480271
Quoted by: >>19480333

Was there a big payday in JP recently? Between merch, Pekora’s recent streams, Laplus stream, Chloe’s existence as well as Nene’s bday, it legitimately feels like JOPs are throwing away every ounce of money they have like it’s a strip club.

>> No.19480272

>17k going head to head with a big Pekora collab
Laplus is going to be the number 1 Japanese Holo in time. It's plain to see.

>> No.19480283
Quoted by: >>19480296

no she's streaming from the studio so don't expect this to be a consistent thing

>> No.19480296

She already moved, just waiting for internet to be set up at her new place.

>> No.19480310
Quoted by: >>19480368

>post I don't like
>must be nijinigger
this is why no one likes you cumkek

>> No.19480322

Reimu had Playboard and one of the fucking archives for /Vt/ on her tabs, which is why /#/ joked that she was in these threads.

>> No.19480323
File: 1.06 MB, 1920x1080, c0bb629b2a52234cc88351926c8b4056-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19480333

Now that their wallets are released from a certain necromancer, they can spend it on someone else. You didn't think Cover was going to lose that money did you?

>> No.19480338

reimu did something similar. had her pl twitch, numberfag site, and /here/
iroha also outed with hololyzer bookmarked
that one might have an excuse for sc collection

>> No.19480346

You know that lap got a 9.8 million view song right? She's not the singer but she's the zatsudan queen of her gen. Hence, superchat numbers.

>> No.19480356
Quoted by: >>19480433

Exactly, Chloe couldn't even sniff 20k for her karaokes anymore these days and that's supposed to he her buff content.

>> No.19480360

Just like aqua and fbk right?

>> No.19480368

>Defending nijiniggers
finally decide to drop the deception huh?

>> No.19480394

guess peko sings better than everyone in hololive except for suisei and gura right
jesus christ the iq of this thread right now

>> No.19480414

What do you think she feels being the runt of the runt demographic of Niji? Maybe she stopped coming here Hi Reimu

>> No.19480415

What do you expect from nijiniggers?

>> No.19480423

>zatsudan queen
Nah that's Laplus. She could easily get 10k with those. Chloe's a money vacuum for sure but she's not an excellent conversationalist, unlike Laplus.

>> No.19480430
Quoted by: >>19480948

but everyone except gura can't beat chloe tho

>> No.19480433

Yes she's the new Rushia, not top CCV or subs but top SC.

>> No.19480432

Does Inaba have enough legs to beat 30k on her birthday live today with a niji as guests?

>> No.19480446

Gura mentioned she saw pewds in her chat iirc

>> No.19480447
Quoted by: >>19480553

should be close to 24 hours since Nenes birthday merch dropped, any anon got the numbers ?

>> No.19480451

>>Never ever reply to anyone on Twitter
>Suddenly reply to Aki now
She replied to Gura that one time

>> No.19480453
Quoted by: >>19480490

lacunny 20k

>> No.19480464
File: 158 KB, 849x1200, 1638897020696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily Chloe update: Sakamata Chloe now has $515,569 in total superchats and 83 days after her monetization is the 44th most superchatted vtuber ever. Today she surpassed
>Shishiro Botan

>> No.19480471

Aqua and Fubuki are both semi retired streamers. They don't care. How are they relevant?

>> No.19480481

gen5 schizo was using some gen6 lately to bait, wonder how he feels about this one lol

>> No.19480490
File: 70 KB, 341x146, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and 2M yen

>> No.19480501

Is she done moving? Can we finally see lacunny at her full power?

>> No.19480506

FOTM buff just like Kuzuha before his Vampire.

>> No.19480520

Damn what the fuck did I miss during my sleep? A leech, two low tiers, two of the newest gen....
She's truly a saviorfag heh?

>> No.19480527
Quoted by: >>19480573

Internet not set up yet, she's streaming from the studio today.

>> No.19480539

Go Aki Go!

>> No.19480540

Meh, she’s obviously a top holo in the zatsudans and karaoke department but her game choices are suspect and she’s fucked when she has to play games that trigger her motion sickness which include a variety of buff games

>> No.19480546

Who needs Chloe to be a conversationalist when she can yadaaa yadaaa iyaaa iyaaaa poe poe poeee haaa huuuh hiiii aaaahh ooooohhh

>> No.19480547

soon hopefully

>> No.19480548
File: 18 KB, 341x152, cunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seems like Laplus is in a similar position to Gura for SCs, doesn't get much day to day but does really strongly with events

>> No.19480553

Almost the same with baelz sales number

>> No.19480573
File: 5 KB, 48x48, 1645009636825.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn brat!

>> No.19480589
Quoted by: >>19480706

>6 KB, 48x48

>> No.19480594
Quoted by: >>19481046

>but she's not an excellent conversationalist
Just say you don't watch or understand her, it's fine

>> No.19480641

Yeah fuckerx like she did with Moona during a totally planned event with the Lapi Lazuli , with Kiara and her love for Pekora, or with Sana and Bae and their similarities with trolling everyone in the server. Of course everything is planned by the management who are known to be absolutely low IQ when it comes to manage their talent. You absolute cumstain.

>> No.19480658
File: 168 KB, 480x480, Fa_CYe3pIaSn8gT7gJmQDQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19480706

Anon pls

>> No.19480659

I'm kinda sad that Koyori's birthday is on the 15th of March, the others are at may and june so there's a chance they can get their 3D before the birthday, maybe in April. They can perform a 3D live at birthdays and anniversaries. Also, I suspect that they put birthdays months after their debut is probably to prepare merch and also 3D model. At least Koyori can prepare her merch for her BD, Lauren didn't.

>> No.19480665

>peko sits comfy at 30k
>Miko at 20k
>Lacunny at 20k
Rushia buff?

>> No.19480667

Damn chumbud got quite a legacy

>> No.19480679

Aki rising bois!

>> No.19480692
File: 2.63 MB, 662x778, 1641868231732.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19480702

the 3 kings

>> No.19480706
File: 151 KB, 35x35, 1645016439838.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19480820


>> No.19480720

Those are pretty much normal number tho...

>> No.19480736

>Rushia buff?
It's not, it's the same as the COVID buff

> people turn the TV on, the same hysterics in all channels, 24/7
> people turn to their favorite meatspace content, the same hysterics by all of them, 24/7
> people turn to anime girls playing vidya, singing and generally having fun, they bunker up and shut down the world

>> No.19480747


He literally commented on her chat kek

>> No.19480750

Today we will most likely will witness the blue women on the top. Kinda wish Suisei was here too

>> No.19480753

anon she just came back from a break, this is not indicative of shit

>> No.19480759
Quoted by: >>19480778

Miyabi Birthday Goods 1 hour
Birthday Merch Complete Set 76 $65.00 $4,940.00
Birthday Acrylic Panel 7 $25.00 $175.00
Birthday Mug 5 $25.00 $125.00
Birthday Acrylic Photo Card 6 $13.00 $78.00
Voice Drama “Another day’s birthday” 9 $5.00 $45.00

>> No.19480778

close this fucking branch already

>> No.19480791

If Pekora want to saviorfag she should spend some of her money to give Laplus actual usable internet

>> No.19480793

Its over now nijibros looks like laplussy is back now in streaming

>> No.19480795
File: 173 KB, 1400x867, pekorushi rain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19480801

So...Guraschizo is a FBKfag?

>> No.19480817
Quoted by: >>19480839

Laplus is not a low tier holo.

>> No.19480820

>>19480706 (me)
Anyone got the smaller version of this?

>> No.19480829

why are nijiniggers like this?

>> No.19480833

Except he didn't, no one knows what Gura was on at that time
76 complete set in 1 hour, that's actually good for this failure of a branch
Cure your fucking numberrot

>> No.19480839
Quoted by: >>19481179

She need the internet though

>> No.19480844
File: 253 KB, 335x506, I KNEEEL.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19480847
Quoted by: >>19481017

Gura doesn't rely on events. People will just superchat her in the streams where she reads them, which is irregular

>> No.19480849

no he's a nijinigger who's using that as a way to lend his hate legitimacy.

>> No.19480867

I swear this must be just Gura seeing things. Nobody was able to find the message and even then I expect fags here would find something through archive reps

>> No.19480879
Quoted by: >>19480909

Maybe. Sucorns, few as they are in here but they do hate chumkeks for numberfagging in one of her streams. Thank God those people are gone or have transferred to Niji/VSJ

>> No.19480895
Quoted by: >>19480961

>Pekora got weak number
>Aqua show up to fill in with Apex arc
>Pekora regain her number
>Aqua immediately rest
Is this what perfect teamwork look like

>> No.19480897

shes the next pekora

>> No.19480909

Haha yeah bro.. Thank god the numberfags are gone

>> No.19480916

the coof/vaxx does make some people to have hallucinations

>> No.19480948

Why do people exaggerate Chloe's power level so much? She's not even the best singer of her gen. Is there a meme that I somehow missed?

>> No.19480953
Quoted by: >>19481035

LaCunny can save herself it's not hard at all to fix that problem. it'll take some time though.
Pekora prefers saviorfagging the real low-tiers at Hololive.
Now it's a Collab with 5 other Holomembers but I wonder if any of them will incline due to that. Doubtful about that though.

>> No.19480961
Quoted by: >>19482972

>Aqua immediately rest
Harassed by fankeks

>> No.19480978

that's a chloeschizo

>> No.19480989

eops watched like the first week of holoX and that's literally all they know, they couldn't even care less about them

>> No.19481003
File: 227 KB, 800x544, 1645275085598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100k archived karaoke> your oshi

>> No.19481015
Quoted by: >>19481053

Funny enough, gamegrumps commented in chat in this powerwashing simulator stream too

>> No.19481017

And I think Gura doesn't really have any buff from getting back from void, whether it's ccv or sc. Which is weird because I remember most EN (exclude Sana) all have buff from getting back

>> No.19481035

Trust Pekora. She know what she is doing
And even if you have doubt, not like being with Pekora going to debuff anyone number. In fact I think any Holo she ever interact with only incline (Obviously)

>> No.19481036

Debut buff numberrot with a side of being the new SC queen

>> No.19481046

She's decent and inoffensive. An excellent zatsu holo is someone like Marine, Subaru and Laplus.

>> No.19481053

The old gamegrumps was better

>> No.19481059
Quoted by: >>19481177

since when she got 100K ?

>> No.19481080

She makes money
Stinky Orca

>> No.19481094

Didnt miyabi has his birthday already?

>> No.19481101

She had 2 member streams with superchats untracked
Anysya if Gura wanted SC money she'd read superchats or at least have admitted to having covid before the return stream

>> No.19481116

A lot of it has to do with Gura NOT making a big deal whenever she's had to go on break for an extended period of time.

>> No.19481177
Quoted by: >>19481289


>> No.19481179

Even with the awful internet she mogged her genmates hard, SCs aside. She hardly needs saving but a good internet should be a must for a streamer, I agree.

>> No.19481184
Quoted by: >>19481531

It’s hard to say. Didn’t dream comment in her pre-stream chat once? Corpse sent a chat in the channel too if memory serves me right. Sykkuno is obv a huge fan and with how much she exploded I can imagine a -possibility- that such a thing happened. Remember this is like coof Gura, her chat speed was probably like in the thousands a minute.

Either way, she’s definitely had big names show up before regardless if it’s the pewds

>> No.19481270
Quoted by: >>19481302

How's her archived karaokes doing now though? Did she maintained even 1/5th of those?

>> No.19481289
Quoted by: >>19481305

NTA, but didn't she get like 98k? I remember people seething about the not-100k-CCV karaoke stream

>> No.19481302
Quoted by: >>19481416

Come back when your oshi can hit that

>> No.19481305
Quoted by: >>19481346

No. It was 190k without cull

>> No.19481327
Quoted by: >>19481480

A Collab with a shit ton of people just ended
>Miko only gained 2k as a funnel
She truly has reclined hard.

>> No.19481342
File: 531 KB, 770x715, FCEDLrXXsAMGZj5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19481427

100k? O kawaii koto.

>> No.19481345

Subaru is trending in Japan since she’s replying to fans.

>> No.19481346

i'm talking about the orca

>> No.19481358
Quoted by: >>19481532

>She's not even the best singer of her gen
I get shitting on Chloe is the new meta both in /jp/ and in this shithole containment but come on. Laplus sounds like an asthmatic when she's singing. The other 3 are completely unremarkable.

>> No.19481388

Uh oh it's slippage numbers from pecker, King status?

>> No.19481414
Quoted by: >>19481430


>> No.19481416
Quoted by: >>19481459

How's her archived karaokes doing now though? Did she maintained even 1/5th of those?

>> No.19481418

What's Niji v Holo total ccv rn?

>> No.19481427
Quoted by: >>19481476

Give me the gremlin Suityan.

>> No.19481430
Quoted by: >>19481557

Post the tweet

>> No.19481459

How's her archived karaokes doing now though? Did she maintained even 1/5th of those?

>> No.19481466
Quoted by: >>19481527

just wanted to let you know that it's 10:30pm and currently hal is higher than any niji today, if you want to know why the thread is like this

>> No.19481473

>Lamy 14K

>> No.19481474

Watching nipple JAV with Kanae.

>> No.19481476
File: 15 KB, 500x500, 1628882984285.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19481480

she also ended and reading SC

>> No.19481506

Watame 15k!

>> No.19481510
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>> No.19481518

Thank you.

>> No.19481527
Quoted by: >>19481583

Is Toko the highest ccv they've got today?

>> No.19481531

Yeah she attracted big names alright, hell she is one. I just find it hard to believe nobody here made a fuss about it when it happened, knowing how autistic this place is. Maybe she just mistook a celeb for another idk

>> No.19481532

Laplus Kamippoi na cover is pretty much the best one out there though.

>> No.19481551
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Uh oh

>> No.19481556
File: 137 KB, 300x341, peko wats.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19481689

>rate of schizoposting increases
>thread's ESLness also increases

>> No.19481557
File: 15 KB, 243x173, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19481567

Lauren > La+ > everyone else

>> No.19481583

yes, unless toya or kuzuha decide to stream at the last minute or vox magically summons 3k more people

>> No.19481594
Quoted by: >>19481608

I don't listen to nipple diddlers

>> No.19481606

Is this a fucking Kyaru redraw? RUMAO

>> No.19481608


>> No.19481621
Quoted by: >>19481660

go back to biting nipples

>> No.19481631

Will nipplegate buff his covee?

>> No.19481646
Quoted by: >>19481666

I think Shion's vocals suit the song more desu

>> No.19481651
Quoted by: >>19481698

Agreed but I'm strictly talking about live singing. Even someone like Noel and Choco can sound good with audio wizardry.

>> No.19481656
File: 257 KB, 951x549, 1638132496030.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19481677

Sony girls are now inclining, bros.

>> No.19481660

Kek nijiniggers will have to live with it from now on

>> No.19481661

>Lamy 16K GET

>> No.19481666

It is indeed, but shion chose the wrong approach

>> No.19481668

Fuck you, I'm a holobro and I have to admit Hoshikawa's cover was the best.
The only reason laplus got it like this is because of the debut and hololive hype

>> No.19481670
Quoted by: >>19481700

Wamy and Wtm(Bakatare) might get 20k each.

>> No.19481677

doesn't uno always get 130

>> No.19481689
File: 359 KB, 1080x1357, IMG_20220303_142853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Truly a mystery, I wonder who these guys are and where they come from?

>> No.19481695


>> No.19481698

As a Lap fan I agree she's unpolished in raw singing. Hope Suisei grooms her, she has potential

>> No.19481700

what holo's total ccv rn?

>> No.19481703
Quoted by: >>19481817

shes getting the same as the whole of bakatare on the same game, bretty good

>> No.19481726

So yeah the debut only boosted luxiem maybe next wave Riku.

>> No.19481765

yeah but he didnt actually, gura is just a schizo

>> No.19481775

So in the end they’re just borrowing Luxiem’s fanbase?

>> No.19481777

Lacunny at 2.5 million yen holy shit! Where the fuck did this come from, she didn't even get to 1 million for either her outfit reveal or remonetization or in total for all of February

>> No.19481781
File: 56 KB, 822x100, 52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some funny numbers to cure some numberrot

>> No.19481784

Dunno pretty low considering a big collab just ended and miko just ended. Probably right around 50-60k.

>> No.19481788
File: 479 KB, 802x1068, 0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19481849

>> No.19481806

70k between 7 vtuber

>> No.19481809

bad timing for that one since a bunch of streams ended/went into scs, but it's 70k rn, nijijp is at 60k, padding it with a bunch of sub 5k shitters

>> No.19481813

Wtf, that's pretty based.

>> No.19481817
Quoted by: >>19481852

>18k vs 17k
no need to make up numbers, leave that for the shit you faggots spew about lamy slot, they're doing better than her on this game

>> No.19481833

No, Hoshikawa sounds like a forced loli, which is ironic since Laplus is a loli.

>> No.19481849
File: 200 KB, 960x851, trade offer 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Nijisanji receives
> Matsuri plus some tips on how to do proper 3D plus 5 guaranteed golds, spread through 2 months

Hololive receives
> Hoshikawa, Toko and Honma


>> No.19481852
Quoted by: >>19481912

Please don't tell me that you're unironic seething over the Lamy timeslot joke

>> No.19481856

>I'm a holobro

>> No.19481877


>> No.19481880
Quoted by: >>19481920

Keep Matsuri, trade the entirety of Holostars instead and you have a deal.

>> No.19481888

I don't think other holox are being shilled this much by management. She's had at least 3 main channel appearances so far while the others are left by themselves. The favoritism is pretty apparent.

>> No.19481912

It's the gen5schizo anon. He's seething now that Lamy is getting good numbers.

>> No.19481920
File: 163 KB, 455x495, 1638191495397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>well that's a wrap, shake my hand Rikkun

>> No.19481928

Put some cash in there Yagoo, they're in financial trouble and Lauren can finally buy his nipple porn

>> No.19481942
File: 25 KB, 496x166, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19482035

>> No.19481946

Yes she is supposedly the leader of the group

>> No.19481948

Lamy 18K get

>> No.19481959

Main channel does nothing. Mel and Choco are on there all the time.

>> No.19481977
File: 38 KB, 137x174, 1638960333419.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19482096

>two holos that were number 1 holos in the past is proof that you cant be the number 1 holo
realistically i do think lapu has top tier holo potential but will struggle to breakthrough to actually the Top for another reason, she cant do consistent long streams because of motion sickness, i mean her niche is literally zatsus that she ends at exactly 1 hour and the only game she likes to play for an extended period is valorant which she knows is cancer on her channel because she isnt good at it

>> No.19481986
Quoted by: >>19482032

She needs the help just like gen 5 does, forgive management they just want to boost the poor performers

>> No.19482019

You need help if you think Lacunny needs help.
Well, maybe her internet does but that should be resolved soon.

>> No.19482032

besides the obvious bait, how is helping the people who need more help bad tho, is this like an american thing

>> No.19482035

Nice assist Orca. Summon your whales to lacunny

>> No.19482044


>> No.19482047
Quoted by: >>19482134

If I could take only one talent from Niji it would be Chima.

>> No.19482080


>> No.19482092

FBKing is a unityfag, how surprising!

>> No.19482096

>Good at zatsu
Good but zatsu alone won't get you anywhere
>Can't do consistent long stream
Pekora only stream like 1-2 hours/day, she doesn't need to do long stream, just stream regularly
>Game choices
Definitely something she can improve

>> No.19482100

La Cunny will be relevant forever, that's for sure.

>> No.19482120


>> No.19482130
Quoted by: >>19482187

Fucking kek. I feel sorry for Lui now and I don't even care about these new holos.

>> No.19482134

I think Toko is better since she does her song reps. Chima is talented but she doesn't really showcase her singing as much.

>> No.19482168
Quoted by: >>19482262

This is not so much about Laplus as it is about Aki. Aki is the designated Holo to be saved by the management. Just look at her numbers lately.

>> No.19482172
Quoted by: >>19482336

Niji barely hold a spot in top 10.
La pls end soon so Iroha can get 14k and kick them out.

>> No.19482175

Yagoo, pay them to keep Matuli

>> No.19482177

Lol, she's seriously addicted to this game. Well that's one way to get the attention of Fubuki.

>> No.19482187

Don't worry other Holox beside Chloe already got adopted by the senpais. Lui and Koyori literally was picked up by Peko today
Why the fuck no senpai seem to care about Chloe? She is just standing alone

>> No.19482198
File: 177 KB, 968x568, 146150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bao's sub gain increased about half a month ago, and she's recently entered the top 150.

>> No.19482199

Unite toko and suzy yagoo purisu!

>> No.19482208

>its not towa baby

>> No.19482211
Quoted by: >>19482331

>Good but zatsu alone won't get you anywhere
Chin man

>> No.19482236
File: 476 KB, 625x487, ccvid.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19482293

ID still stuck in december

>> No.19482244

Marine likes her but is DNP still. When will she be back? Is the soft retiring?

>> No.19482253
Quoted by: >>19482288

Chloe? Marine likes her no?

>> No.19482262
Quoted by: >>19482294

>look at her numbers lately
Its literally only ark and VS, she did some other game a couple of days ago and barely got 3k, which is her original number

>> No.19482268
File: 18 KB, 342x153, 3mil.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Was not expecting this

>> No.19482275

this is the part where i tell you chloe only has had a 1 on 1 with lui and no one else on her gen, she's just like that i guess

>> No.19482288

That is one senpai and she is out of the game for now...

>> No.19482293
Quoted by: >>19482419

Show poll length

>> No.19482294
Quoted by: >>19482451

You can say the same thing about Kuzuha and Apex.

>> No.19482296
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>> No.19482323
Quoted by: >>19482463

Yeah I am aware of that. Barely anyone, both inside and outside of her gen acknowledge her existence

>> No.19482329
File: 193 KB, 850x1200, 1626215070999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>good at zatsu alone wont get you anywhere
kek see picrelated, difference is she does long zatsus where she grooms her fanbase having good convo with supas
>peko only streams 1-2 hours a day
absolutely incorrect, she streams minimum 1-2 hours a day, biggest peko buff is shes always there for you, as example see how everyone melts down whenever she takes more than a day off, also she streams longer when she gets absorbed with a game

>> No.19482331
Quoted by: >>19482364

I am horny

>> No.19482334

wamy 20k

>> No.19482336

there is Noel ASMR coming up
definitely can knock them out of top10

>> No.19482344

She will start an idol arc with sora

>> No.19482345

I mean, the only genmate that actually actively try to collab with her is Lui while the others doesn't seem to give a shit about collabing with her beyond the full holox collabs. Whether this issue is due to her or other holos is up for speculation.

>> No.19482349

blue women tsuyoi

>> No.19482361

Wamy 20k get
Bakatare 20k

>> No.19482364

Doesn't watch streams
>I am horny
You don't watch streams

>> No.19482376

With the many SC she made, Sora will grand her an arc to appease the fanbase

>> No.19482379

Um, gen5 schizo status?

>> No.19482386

Jesus blue women really be making their way through they leaderboard today, only missing Suisei

>> No.19482388

>Pekora only stream like 1-2 hours/day, she doesn't need to do long stream, just stream regularly

Wtf are you talking about? Her weekend stream is always long.

>> No.19482391

Pekora, Gura and now Lamy. Blue women together, strong.

>> No.19482412
Quoted by: >>19482576

chloe reminds other holos of rushia and we all saw how much they hated rushia
she seems to not actually be an insane menhera when she turns off burikko mode tho, i imagine she'll eventually come out of her shell but will need a training arc like aqua

>> No.19482418

Her voice is fucked, anon. That aside, with Rushia dead, Marine injured and Shuba out for two weeks (damn, this feels like a Lakers injury report) who exactly is Holos Starting five right now? Is it this

>> No.19482419
File: 15 KB, 340x139, more.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19482669

last post was about 30 minutes in,

>> No.19482434

Only Lui can resist her stink.

>> No.19482438
Quoted by: >>19482622

You forgot Lap's girlfriend Iroha, she's with Lap the most.

>> No.19482439

Gen5schizo status


>> No.19482451
Quoted by: >>19482569

But apex has a long life, ark and VS don't

>> No.19482463
Quoted by: >>19482522

Assuming you niggers are not making shit up; what the actual fuck?

>> No.19482467

I think he offed himself when Nene didn’t get cancelled.

>> No.19482483

so /#/, why are blue women so powerful

>> No.19482497

So, who's gold?guwa?

>> No.19482499

That's exactly why I would take Chima. She can reach higher with Hololive.

>> No.19482519
Quoted by: >>19482575

He's trying to keep as many Nene threads alive right now. I bet he will seethe when he returns.

>> No.19482522

>making shit up
I wish I was. How long has it been since any Holo even mentioned Chloe?

>> No.19482525
File: 70 KB, 340x150, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Safe to say plusmates missed her

>> No.19482530
Quoted by: >>19482616

Don't know. Depends on who get big numbers. They will start dropping off soon too, since Holofes will be on this month.

>> No.19482534

Peko, followed by gura

>> No.19482538

Yo ramy 20k+! Gen 5 schizo don't kill yourself please.

>> No.19482539
File: 146 KB, 1280x720, pekora laughing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19482541

>The color blue represents both the sky and the sea and is associated with open spaces, freedom, intuition, imagination, inspiration, and sensitivity. Blue also represents meanings of depth, trust, loyalty, sincerity, wisdom, confidence, stability, faith, and intelligence.

>> No.19482543

She is stinky, nobody wants to be near her

>> No.19482565

Currently shitting up the thread making up garbage about Chloe

>> No.19482567

Next thread >>19482459

>> No.19482569

It's not like she can't jump into Minecraft when it becomes hot again. She getting focused by management with main channel appearances, getting included in sponsorships, and collab with top-tier Holos would definitely help her incline. We are already seeing some of the results.

>> No.19482575

The tracing shit isn’t even trending anymore. People will forget about it by tomorrow.

>> No.19482576

Actually if you watch her streams you'll find out she's already being herself long ago. She plays up the burikko aspect when she wants to annoy her chat and banter with them. Far from a GFE tuber, she actively shits on her chat and they also flung it back at her, making for a fun casual zatsudan.

>> No.19482580

Pego. Pretty good day for holos.

>> No.19482584
Quoted by: >>19482676

And blue also represent depression.

>> No.19482593
Quoted by: >>19482848

How many fandeads migrated to her?

>> No.19482597

It's literally Hololive's color

>> No.19482608

To sum it up, blue is the go-to color when you want friendliness, especially light blue
So many company use blue for their designs because of that

>> No.19482614
Quoted by: >>19482657

>People will forget about it by tomorrow.
Iofi never forget never forgive

>> No.19482616

Fucking hell. Is that going to be Hololive's version of load management? Does Niji have a chance to eek out a win this month?

>> No.19482622

I think one anon pointed out that holos pretty much consists of two kanacocos. Iroha and Lui are not very strong by themselves so they had Laplus and Chloe carrying each of them. Shame because from what little interactions Chloe and Laplus had, they'd make a really good pair too.

>> No.19482626


>> No.19482644

So Coco without the shiposting, better singing and no drunk philosophy the .

>> No.19482649

damn, akirose almost got 10k from the masstive multipov ark collab

>> No.19482657

No one cares about Iofi

>> No.19482659

based fetish

>> No.19482660
File: 190 KB, 340x272, 74zq0x.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey man

>> No.19482663
File: 366 KB, 1448x2048, 20210718_031429.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>All those qualities personafied

>> No.19482669

Any pool longer than 5-10' is rather meaningless because, while I won't say that it's necessarily the cause, technically it can be the issue with viewer churns and / or low viewer retentions

>> No.19482672
File: 57 KB, 381x314, 1645289851282.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lamy bearing bakatare
Gen5 schizo kun don't look

>> No.19482675

Holy shit thanks for opening my eyes anon. Termination when?

>> No.19482676

Maybe extremely dark blue but even then it represent professionalism, trust and stablity rather than fucking depression
If you want depressed color go to grey or straight up black

>> No.19482692

We get it anon, you don't have to post it again every 50k yen

>> No.19482697
Quoted by: >>19482847

Chloe and Lap was scheduled to collab, if not for the unfortunate death of Chloe's grandma. She mentioned about shadowverse fight with Lap sometime before, I'm still hoping for it to happen.

>> No.19482701
Quoted by: >>19482768

Yeah they'll forget about Nene too, tracing is unethical and no one will give a shit about her after this now that she's revealed her true shitty nature

>> No.19482725

If worst comes to worse, they can always sub in Ayame to steal a day. She's always reliable like that.

>> No.19482726


>> No.19482731

There he is!!

>> No.19482752
Quoted by: >>19482780

They better do. This month will be packed with concerts. Subaru already is taking a break, Pekora last month, Marine for the whole year, Aki most of Feb, Lamy took a short break for recordings and rehearsals. Etc.

>> No.19482764
Quoted by: >>19482779

I was getting worried about you for a second.

>> No.19482768

Touch grass not nipples

>> No.19482770

Spot on

>> No.19482779

I wasn't

>> No.19482780

Korone has a broken finger.

>> No.19482786
Quoted by: >>19482843

Didn't haachama collab with her like 2 weeks ago? Or does she not count as a holo anymore?

>> No.19482801
Quoted by: >>19482952

Iroha is doing fine anon. She can carry herself. What she need is proper timeslot.

>> No.19482810
Quoted by: >>19482862

How did she even broke her finger? From what I heard she didn't even noticed it was broken until she go to the hospital to check it out

>> No.19482836
File: 2.86 MB, 608x1080, korone beatup.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

should have gone easy on the listenersan, mr koro

>> No.19482843

Ah pretty nice then, phew

>> No.19482845

karma bitch, shouldn't have taken mine

>> No.19482847

I can't believe Laplus killed Chloe's grandma just because she doesn't want to collab with her.

>> No.19482848

I don't think we can say anybody got significant runoff from Rushia besides getting her timeslot. Gachis who wanted Rushia followed the actress. Even so, nobody in hololive does GFE like Rushia as far as I can tell. People keep saying Lamy but she's going for something more like an entertaining bartender for salarymen after work. It's an interesting niche but it's working for her.

>> No.19482862
Quoted by: >>19482997

15 hrs of intense smashing of buttons playing battletoad

>> No.19482892

The poor bastard is too far gone and has followed her.

>> No.19482912
Quoted by: >>19482957


>> No.19482925
Quoted by: >>19483033

Gen 5 incline hard this year. I think the new fans came in for holox actually stayed for gen 5.

>> No.19482952

Well it's a damn shame Chloe is the sole one doing charity work then. She's doing even worse than Iroha in ccv.

>> No.19482955

Did Lammy unironically steal a chunk of Rushias audience? Nobody in gen 5 ever pulls 20k.

>> No.19482957
Quoted by: >>19483006


>> No.19482968
Quoted by: >>19483105

Perhaps the other Holomembers know her past persona and know how she can be a manipulative whore?
I'm not orcaschizo but didn't she scam her fans before retiring among other things? Fubuki might have told the other Holomembers about that so they took their distances from her.

>> No.19482972

proof next thread?

>> No.19482987

>salarymen after work
And before going to work, they sometimes gave her allowance

>> No.19482989

botan does, like twice a month

>> No.19482997
File: 149 KB, 378x263, 1638826773728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19483006
File: 398 KB, 1536x2048, 20220227_111807.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>19482897 #
>>19482897 #
>>19482897 #
>>19482897 #
>>19482897 #
>>19482897 #

>> No.19483030
Quoted by: >>19483106

>3 new threads
I fucking hate you guys

>> No.19483033
Quoted by: >>19483189

Remember HoloX debut week? Gen5 with the menhera breakdown while Gen6 numbers were exploding.
Now they are stable and inclining, proof that what doesn't kill you it makes you stronger.

>> No.19483105

And why exactly is this scam not blown out of proportion? Why is she not getting shit on by nijinigs and vtube antis over this massive yab?

>> No.19483106

>>19482897 #
>>19482897 #
>>19482897 #
>>19482897 #
>>19482897 #
>>19482897 #
>>19482897 #
>>19482897 #
>>19482897 #

>> No.19483124

Botan got like 37k on VS, sometimes the l4d with shubachocoluna, her pov would be the highest during those kind of collab

>> No.19483164
File: 393 KB, 850x1198, 20220301_123342.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19483181

>needing buff games and collabs to not even reach what Gura and Pekora can pull solo

>> No.19483183
File: 16 KB, 310x351, funnel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

She caught Laplus' funnel

>> No.19483189

It's pretty funny considering only Laplus and maybe Iroha can get comparable numbers with gen 5 now. The other 3 are sub 10k shiters.
