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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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>> No.19086479

Could still be Choco, Ayame or Roboco as well.
But i think it's definitely Aqua.

>> No.19086554

It's definitely Ayame.

>lmao look at this loser I make half your earnings in a tenth of the time

>> No.19086662
Quoted by: >>19086854


You're dropping a big name anon

>> No.19086668
File: 20 KB, 350x350, 1600135144863.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can aqua slapped rushia in front of yagoo?!

>> No.19086686

ayame liked rushia
its either fubuki, aqua or matsuri

>> No.19086727

Absolute stacy

>> No.19086787
File: 333 KB, 640x453, 1628925613837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

does what she wants

>> No.19086812
Quoted by: >>19088596

She was just being an autistic retard and Rushia took it personally-
I mean-

>> No.19086854
Quoted by: >>19091445

I'll lick my cum if it is one of those two

>> No.19086914
Quoted by: >>19100078

Choco, Roboco, and Ayame is good at APEX... but not good enough to claim they are good.
So it's definitely Aqua.

>> No.19086917
File: 165 KB, 852x482, Untitled4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19102803

She's traumatized because of Sasaki so she needs an outlet

>> No.19087025

you must be blind if you considered fubuki good at fps

>> No.19087035

reminder that aqua hated camwhores like pekora back in their nnd days. rushia was also a camwhore so do the math

>> No.19087052
File: 203 KB, 720x482, mister koone why.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its korone...

>> No.19087063
File: 125 KB, 850x574, 1642078529877.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And that'll be enough out of you.
All you had to do was let go and stop sniffing around, but so be it, let's stop playing games.

>> No.19087136

>Rushia mistook Aqua's extreme social autism as bullying and then went scorched earth immediately making everything worse

>> No.19087168

Autism >>>>>> Menhera

>> No.19087297

LMAO if you were Rushia, why would you even attempt to blame Ateshi? No one in the right mind would ever believe Aqua could have the confidence or social prowess to bully anyone

>> No.19087852
Quoted by: >>19087913

I always knew that bitch was putting up an act. You can tell she had a bitchy side.

>> No.19087913

I could tell something was off.

>> No.19087982
File: 235 KB, 603x776, bang.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the weak fear the strong

>> No.19088122

wait wait hear me out guys.
What if what if, it was all of them. I does not seem like anyone other than matsuri was friends with her.

>> No.19088212
File: 1.07 MB, 358x330, BeQuiet[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fw9i0bv.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua is a renowned bully who strikes from the position of a "victim." Do not believe her lies.

>> No.19088331


>> No.19088436


>A drooling retard bullied me!!!

>> No.19088460
File: 126 KB, 830x974, 1645806622934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19088480


>> No.19088575


>> No.19088596

Yeah not to mention Aqua streamed on private account whole thing, you could see everything.

>> No.19088664


>> No.19088764
Quoted by: >>19159697

That bitch even stole Rushia kon greating!

>> No.19088818
File: 75 KB, 1849x233, 23982409.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19094552

>he thinks Rushia is retarded

>> No.19088854

Fuck, remembering her Konrushi~ greeting hurts me. But good meme nonetheless!

>> No.19088866

Imagine being bullied by a retarded womanlet. The absolute state of Rushia.

>> No.19088901

Aqua's actually Lex Luthor?

>> No.19088907

It’s all an act anon. She’s won. Thanks for playing.

>> No.19089294
Quoted by: >>19089500

God I wish all Aquaschizos just necked themselves, like whats the point?
Also, OP is a massive faggot.

>> No.19089500
Quoted by: >>19089694


>> No.19089540
File: 317 KB, 540x454, 1633596074037.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua wouldn't do this type of shit anymore. She's reformed. That being said, you faggots forget that Korone a known and confirmed bully actually plays lots of Apex offstream. I don't buy the claims because mikeneko is a huge menhera schizo, but if anyone was bullying others it wast most likely Korone.

>> No.19089694

neck yourself schizo with shit taste
imagine not liking aqua

>> No.19089896
Quoted by: >>19089965

I think we can exclude korone from this since she played it offline. Rushia give him a hint to make him able to guess it after all

>> No.19089965
Quoted by: >>19090649

Rushia didnt give any hints. That whole apex thing was made up by bugs /here/

>> No.19090649

I’m sure it’s made up here since jp also got the same message, and their focus is on matsuri and aqua

>> No.19090683

I don't understand anything you guys are talking about. What is this about Aqua and Rushia? Can I get a quick rundown?

>> No.19090743

Rushia had it coming because she did not live up to the pure idol standard. If only she listened to her senpais.

>> No.19090825
Quoted by: >>19091028

aqua schizo try to find any opportunity to involve aqua in drama and this is such an example with the rushia case they try to make aqua the bully even though there is zero evidence

>> No.19090919

funny meme about a retarded onyon bullying a middle-aged menhara due to some snippets from the dramanigger

>> No.19090995

Rushia DMed Korekore saying that she was bullied by one of her senpais that plays a lot of apex, and it's one of reasons why she wanted to quit vtubing, Korekore exposed said DMs during his stream early.
People are assuming it's either Aqua, Matsuri, Ayame, Roboco, Choco or FBKI.

>> No.19091009
Quoted by: >>19091178

Tell me about Aqua, why does she wear the cap?

>> No.19091028
Quoted by: >>19091273

>zero evidence

>> No.19091055

Yeah, it sure was Aqua, the one who was getting wet at the mere thought of having a dinner date with Rushia on December.
Jesus, the status of Aquaschizo.

>> No.19091178

To keep the autism in

>> No.19091181

Why would anyone think FBK would bully someone?

>> No.19091238

She doesn't even know who Rushia is

>> No.19091245

foxes man

>> No.19091273

obviously zero evidence now kys faggot

>> No.19091278
File: 748 KB, 960x564, nicolopicolo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was only pretending retarted and (You) fell for it

>> No.19091313

It’s good at fps and play a lot of apex
So, that removes choco, roboco, and fbk ,in fact fbk don’t even play apex that much don’t know who put her on the list

>> No.19091314

FBKI gave not a singular fuck during the Bakatare stream when they were talking about Rushia being fired, besides that, who knows

>> No.19091363

she didnt mention apex

>> No.19091374
Quoted by: >>19091430

I'm not the Aquaschizo but there was that rrat about Aqua taking Pekora's internet bf at an NND party.

>> No.19091387

is aqua rinko-chan from the days of 110?

>> No.19091398

Not sure about Choco and Ayame.

If we take the timeframe mentioned as the truth, the ones who more frequently than not stream overlapped with Rushia were:


>> No.19091419
File: 2.77 MB, 2841x4000, Sexaqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because there is nothing that turns me on more than hurting green women~

>> No.19091430
Quoted by: >>19091538

was it before the two-headed dragon riding on unicorns came in or before?

>> No.19091445
Quoted by: >>19093007

No need to go to such extremes

>> No.19091460


>> No.19091497

EoP negros really believe everything they read here

>> No.19091523

>and it's one of reasons why she wanted to quit vtubing
I'm happy that Cover has granted her wish by firing her.

>> No.19091538
Quoted by: >>19091628

It was definitely before your dad decided to leave forever and never return

>> No.19091560

Based as fuck. Now he's an AquCHAD and happier for it.

>> No.19091572

Aqua slapped Rushia in the knees in front of yagoo. thats why she called it bullying

>> No.19091601
Quoted by: >>19091718

on an unrelated note, I've fapped at so much Aqua porn that I instantly get hard just looking at her face

>> No.19091625

Kek. Saved. What a legend.

>> No.19091628
File: 521 KB, 813x485, moshikashite_okotchateru.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19091714

Why so angyyy schizo??

>> No.19091636

Since when Aqua overlapped Rushia? She rarely streams and when she does it's either at early afternoon for Apex or 10 pm JST, Rushia used to stream at 6 pm.

>> No.19091665


>> No.19091714

That was my first post in the thread kek
You tell me why you're so mad about a rrat that I don't even believe

>> No.19091718


>> No.19091726
File: 825 KB, 498x498, akuaku.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19098378

>low IQ tard has yet to realize it was made up

>> No.19091796

Get in here Aquacrew!

>> No.19091876

it was pretty clear FBK didn't like Rushia and had no sympathy for her during the Bakatare stream. She was downright glib.

>> No.19091962

>the most anti GFE chuuba mad at the most GFE chuuba
Geez i don't know

>> No.19092053

It happened 2-3 times in the 3 month timeframe I looked up. Admittedly no one consistently and repeatedly overlapped Rushia so I'm going with a grain of salt approach and assuming even a couple times is too much for her menhera mind and enough to piss her off.

The 5 I listed were the ones to overlap her at least twice in 3 months.

>> No.19092378

You guys are automatically assuming Rushia was actually bullied and isn't some delusional DARVO bitch.

>> No.19092567

Well I'm going with your theory. Judging by her recent tweets and twitcasts I subscribe to the idea that she IS menhera enough to construe this narrative in her head that she's being bullied by the entirety of Hololive somehow.

>> No.19092607
Quoted by: >>19092708

>automatically assuming
I prefer the phrasing of "recklessly speculating."

>> No.19092681

Aqua is the real bully
She even bully Nene
proof https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l6SkzwnKmfk

>> No.19092708

I prefer the phrasing "schizoposting"

>> No.19093007
Quoted by: >>19093173

I'll eat anon's cum too if it's either of those two.

>> No.19093055

Are all the comments pure cope?

>> No.19093173
File: 496 KB, 498x280, 1636240294308.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no eat mine. and do it regardless

>> No.19093281

if only rushia obediently accepted aquas sperg seed this wouldve never happened

>> No.19093461

What the fuck.

>> No.19094087
Quoted by: >>19159685

It was FBK. The bullying was calling her a menhera retard on the multiple occasions she acted like one, she slapped her (maybe in front of YAGOO, uncorfirmed) once for being a mehera retard, everything else is bullshit. Flare and Watame hate Rushia since they found out about her "bullying" complains that's why they gave no fuck about the announcement.

>> No.19094355


>> No.19094465


>> No.19094552

Is this a copypasta of Frank Fontaine's dialogue from Bioshock?

>> No.19094709

I would feel strangely proud of her if she turned out to be a bully, but I'm afraid she'll always be the cute dork who's afraid of most people.

>> No.19094878

Autistic things = bullying
According to Rushia

>> No.19096288
Quoted by: >>19098084

gib run down

>> No.19097587

>imagine getting bullied by this creature of all people

>> No.19098084

Aqua is actually Lex Luthor

>> No.19098236
Quoted by: >>19098332

Highly doubt it's Ojou, everyone in HL seems to think she is the nicest of the bunch. If you manage to piss her off enough something is definately up.

Aqua is the most likely candidate.

>> No.19098332

nigger rushia never said anything about bullying

I really want to disappear. If I do disappear
I want you to talk about everything, but if I'm still alive please don't say anything.
That's why I wanted to tell you all the details in advance.
I want to make ***** miserable, all of them.

this is all she said
the rest is maid up by faggots like OP. there was no mention of apex or FPS or anything like that. completely made up by losers who anti the most wholesome and adorable holo which cause their life is so ugly and pathetic they can't comprehend someone kind like aqua

>> No.19098378

>low IQ
>spelling realise with a z

>> No.19098451
Quoted by: >>19098960

doesnt mater OP is still a massive faggot and should rope his weak ass or I will spit in his ugly face
just so you know i hate you more than you hate aqua

>> No.19098730
Quoted by: >>19098960

You're either br*tish or ESL and I don't know which is worse.

>> No.19098960
Quoted by: >>19102270

Burgerfag butchering the language thinks his bastardisation of the language is real english. ngmi
I love Aqua. She's an autistic dork

>> No.19099007

EOP clipnigger posting anything as proof is almost laughable if it weren't so pathetic.

>> No.19099118

>bullies Pekora
>bullies Rushia
>bullies Marine
Aqua is a menace who needs to be stopped.

>> No.19099230

Subaru would beat the shit out of low IQ Aqua if she did anything to Runa
Kansai girls are not to be messed with

>> No.19099422

>I want to make ***** miserable, all of them.
That's pretty heavy, isn't it

>> No.19099460

She never mentioned APEX
Where are you rats getting this

>> No.19099816

>I want to make ***** miserable, all of them.
Man, that is why you don't hire mentally unstable menhera. Also explain why most holos don't even cry for her.

>> No.19099885

Why do you people keep saying she was good at FPS/APEX. Korekore never said anything about that.

>> No.19100078
Quoted by: >>19100412

I wonder if you people look at this the wrong way. It's someone whom SHE thinks is good at fps and apex. Doesn't mean that person actually is really good or not.

>> No.19100412
Quoted by: >>19118695

Rushia is awful at FPS, probably bottom floor tier.
That would mean it's obviously Roboco despite her being terrible at it. See? I knew she was an awful person. You fandead should attack her at any chance you get and if you wish to oshihen after all of this Kenzoku always have their doors open.

>> No.19101025

let this be a reminder to never trust 4chan cause dramaschizos just wait for an opportunity like this to spread bullshit as they did now with the whole apex thing

>> No.19101428

Dunno where it's coming from, but all the nips are talking about some apex link. It's not just EOPs here

>> No.19101569

when aqua slurped her own drool rushia thought she was sucking one of her rich whale's dick

>> No.19101751

they aren't. i looked up 5ch and 2ch and no mention of apex whatsoever.

>> No.19101902
File: 87 KB, 956x956, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>apex link
sure thing schizo
the secret APEX LINK

>> No.19101942
File: 994 KB, 804x541, 0af4b8832e3f5db801f110f7c2766daa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did her intro mean nothing in the end or was she just too lazy to change it?

>> No.19102125
File: 31 KB, 666x718, 3h.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19102205

I swear aquaschizo is getting more and more obvious each day.
Must be onset of dementia.

>> No.19102228
Quoted by: >>19102371

>doesn’t mention apex
Wrong screenshot?

>> No.19102259

you posted this on 5ch we know
no need to show it here as well

>> No.19102270

>Spelling something how its spelled normally in a country makes you stupid

Fucking retard.

>> No.19102298

just like how we were talking about flare getting raped. we got it from them.

they probably got it from us.

>> No.19102314

he's a schizo he doesn't understand
be easy on him

>> No.19102371

Read the names eopchama.

>> No.19102425
Quoted by: >>19102465

yeah good job nihongo jouzu you can copy and paste japanese names on 5ch now bravo

>> No.19102447
Quoted by: >>19102756

It’s about names with 3 characters and not apex EOPkun

>> No.19102465
Quoted by: >>19102643

>can`t even recognize 5ch layout

>> No.19102567

Most likely matsuri

>> No.19102618

I can't believe Akutan smokes

>> No.19102643
File: 12 KB, 189x267, AquaMarine Love.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19102677

schizo-kun, there is no need to be seething like this and embarrass yourself even more.

>> No.19102677
Quoted by: >>19102718

I am Japanese

>> No.19102711
File: 10 KB, 816x70, 3332.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

check the previous thread

>> No.19102718

but of course you are, honey. now let's go to the toilet you shat yourself again.

>> No.19102756

You don’t need to ignore me because you didn’t know that 3文字 isn’t apex

>> No.19102803

>implying aqua didn't implore the bully panda to become her master and teach her the art of bullying
She found a really good master, no wonder her plan was so successful

>> No.19102991

>meido deletes the other thread but leaves this shit

>> No.19103060
Quoted by: >>19103196

this is just you isn't it?
you bugs are spreading your bullshit everywhere like vermin

>> No.19103106

I can't believe Rushia was sodomized by Aqua's gigantic throbbing onion head clit in front of Bakatare and they just LAUGH
I can't believe Matsuri made Rushia-chan drink her piss and menstrual blood on their off-collab at the insistance of Roboco because it'd be a good prank
I refuse to even accept that our beloved, innocent Ru-tan nyan was incarcirated by Subaru for a whole week, and made to only eat cummies from the staff's bukakke
The bullying has to stop! Free Rushia!

>> No.19103183
Quoted by: >>19107852

>Reddit spacing
Burger english is not real english. Kill yourself. Go back

>> No.19103196
Quoted by: >>19103413

non japanese IPs can't post on 2ch, schizochama.

>> No.19103334
File: 488 KB, 1009x465, 18981670.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19104603

I'm still catching up on everything that happened (been busy the past few days); where did Fubuki say that it should've been done sooner? From what I've seen, she only asked people not to bother the others about it

>> No.19103413

You are retarded as fuck.
first of all, this is 5ch not 2ch idiot
second of all you can literally use vpn

>> No.19103587
Quoted by: >>19103702

yes, anons, all the posts about aqua there are me, using a vpn.

>> No.19103702

you outed yourself as a complete retard already not knowing what a vpn is.
absolute state of aquaschizo a fucking seanigger third worlder

>> No.19103744

looking at timezones most likely a spic

>> No.19103896
File: 135 KB, 251x256, 1590504815717.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says that no one was talking about aqua or apex in 5ch/2ch
>gets proof that they were talking about it
Grow up.

>> No.19104462


>> No.19104603


It was a misinterpretation someone made watching a clip, she was saying the announcement should have been done sooner.

>> No.19104704
Quoted by: >>19105159

Do Japs also think Mafumafu looks like an alien?

>> No.19104864

>you can literally use vpn
It's not that easy, they blacklist everything. Go ahead, try it and let me know how it goes.

>> No.19105159
File: 100 KB, 1024x768, p9vbu6e3f7k41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19105461

No, and I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact that this is a 10/10 in nipland with millions of fujo fans ready to slice any woman who he talks to.
I'd be more accepting of if Rushia was seeing some Kiryu Kazuma type, but this is just embarrassing. Even her average gachikoi could probably snap this ayylmao in two.

>> No.19105461
Quoted by: >>19105808

Because they're only friends that play Apex together, they're not fucking.
They traveled the same circles years ago and drifted apart and then Rushia was hurting at a time and he got back in touch and since then just play video games together and chat. All the romance and shit was disproven.

>> No.19105808
Quoted by: >>19108247

>Because they're only friends that play Apex together, they're not fucking
>they're not fucking
Oh you sweet summer child.

>> No.19106183


>> No.19107852

Reddit spacing, Muh Grammar. Muh proper English.




>> No.19108217

What the fuck happened now?

>> No.19108247

I'm sorry you're a sex starved virign that you think everyone is having sex all the time but you.

>> No.19108327

Whats funny to me is Unicucks accuse their Oshi over something she didn't do, and then the Oshi goes Menhara and quits. Unicucks get nothing and deserve it.

>> No.19108451

Nothing. It's similar to rrats about Flare getting her address doxxed and Rushia gathering money to hire a psychiatrist for her.

>> No.19108978

>sex starved virign
Oh you sweet summer child.

>> No.19111960


>> No.19112068

just a new rrat that spurge out without any source

>> No.19112074
File: 158 KB, 400x300, 43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19162902

Rushia was clearly lying because none of them are good at Apex

>> No.19112119

She was angry she was competing with Rushia for Marine's attention, plus she knows that Pekora likes Rushia and Aqua hates Pekora. Easy decision and no one will suspect the girl with asperger's.

>> No.19112314

>I want to make ***** miserable, all of them.
I thought the menhera was just roleplay

>> No.19112383

Choco lives for Apex

>> No.19116598

Aqua love

>> No.19117047

I´m sorry for being a retard but I´m out of the loop, what did she do and how?

>> No.19117191

Rushia felt bullied because Aqua's Apex streams overlapped her.

Aqua doesn't realize Rushia got offended.

>> No.19117959

>snuck into Russia's apartment and turned in discord notifications
>snuck into mfmf's apartment and sent the message
>leaked the information to Japanese keemstar, told him she was "Russia"
>it was me Russia

>> No.19118695

Ok Sio.

>> No.19118814


>> No.19119960

Only dumbasses who haven't actually played any competitive games would think that shit is bullying. Never played nor know Apex besides being FPS with special skills, but if you played multiplayer games that involves rankings, having members with big gaps in rank is considered an issue and sometimes games will outright prevent you from playing together.

>> No.19120004

So does that mean the comment about Friend saying she was glad Rushia left wasn't made up?

>> No.19121618

Aqua poisoned Rushia cat

>> No.19123013
File: 194 KB, 1280x720, bully.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19125894

it's Haachama.

>> No.19126416

Look at that derpy ass face. She’s no bully.

>> No.19126634

>You will never walk around your office butt naked and force your coworker to eat pudding while treating them like an RC car.
Why fucking live?

>> No.19131389

Rushia > Aqua

>> No.19133974

aqua bullied coco

>> No.19143174
Quoted by: >>19159533

fuck aqua

>> No.19144184
Quoted by: >>19147653

ITT anons who are fans of a group of female improv actors think that it's impossible that the actors were acting

>> No.19147653
Quoted by: >>19152723

Give me a good reason for why Aqua would, not just in her Aqua streams but in her past life too, willingly choose to make her character "the retard"? Not the obviously a character "0 year old baby" like Luna, not the "crazy one" like Haachama and not even the cutely autistic one. But the drool slurping, paste eating, incoherently babbling, unable to even look after herself, complete and utter autist? I love Akutan's content and would absolutely breed her despite the net loss to the human race and gene pool at large but holy shit there is no benefit to faking being her.

>> No.19152723
Quoted by: >>19152992

It's content. Just look at xqc

>> No.19152992

Even XQC (not that I watch 3D streamers, bar Jeremy) doesn't act consistently retarded. He has moments of sperging out like a psycho. Aqua, meanwhile, is consistently retarded with short moments of "being an idol."

>> No.19159414
Quoted by: >>19159533


>> No.19159533
Quoted by: >>19169609

can you stop bumping your own retarded thread schizo? >>19154626
*spits on you*

>> No.19159556
File: 284 KB, 1243x1080, 1643978967459.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19159685

Nice rrat. I believe it.

>> No.19159697
File: 340 KB, 1067x1600, 1602341937629.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19160053

>referencing the greatest japanese director
wtf they're BASED?

>> No.19159809

OP is a faggot

>> No.19159932

*spits on aquaschizo*

>> No.19160053

RUshia... RUmi... New rrat; Rushia being a menhera was just a super hidden Perfect Blue reference!

>> No.19160118

She wants her Chinese fans back

>> No.19162902

I'm not a nijinigger, is the joke with posting selen in Apex threads that she's not actually good at Apex?

>> No.19163795
Quoted by: >>19164442

what is this supposed to be?

>> No.19164442

The exact meaning was not revealed to him in the dream.

>> No.19164957

This thread hurts bugmen feelings...

>> No.19165122

this thread was made by bugmen anonchama...

>> No.19165631

who had the most overlapping streams with rushia?

>> No.19165791

Do what?

>> No.19165864

cuz she's an onion

>> No.19165869
Quoted by: >>19167979

hurt bugmen's feelings

>> No.19165948

Shit Live Translators mixing shit up. Apparently the Dramatuber was responding to stuff seen in chat??
I ain't following this shit live.

>> No.19167624

OP quick it's on page 10! Bump up your shitty thread!

>> No.19167979

she bullied Rushia and now her fans >>19164957
>>19165869 are trying to create a hugbox for their oshi.

>> No.19168025
Quoted by: >>19168161

great job OP!
I knew you can do it!

>> No.19168145
Quoted by: >>19168195

the only one who is bullied here is aqua for months or even years now by bugmen like you who can't touch grass and try to involve her in drama she isn't even part of
so fuck off with your "trying to create hugbox" BS retard and go outside. your brain is rotting

>> No.19168161
Quoted by: >>19168275

literally my first post in the thread lol.

>> No.19168195

I'm whiter than you

>> No.19168275
File: 19 KB, 480x447, 1632435987947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19168537


>> No.19168303
Quoted by: >>19168537

the absolute state of chinks

>> No.19168417
File: 41 KB, 400x400, 1ftsfg2Q_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19168473
File: 587 KB, 647x900, 1633298795340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19168520
File: 714 KB, 1080x914, 1632991789903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19168537
Quoted by: >>19168613

tell me who else is strong at apex and is Rushia's senpai? Matsuri or Ayame? both of them are terrible compared to the onion.

>> No.19168569
Quoted by: >>19168707

God I love Aqua so much.
Best vtuber out there

>> No.19168613
Quoted by: >>19168705

rushia never mentioned apex idiot
literaly read the fucking thread you lazy bum

>> No.19168705

retard believes the lies by gachikois trying to create hugboxes.

>> No.19168707

and even if it had anything to do with aqua. "the bulying" would be her streaming at the same time as rushia, which is a ridiculous accusation becasue they can stream whenever they want especially that aqua is her senpai so if anything rushia should adjust. so if anything rushia is the bully here and monkeys from taiwan try blame aqua as always, but karma will come to them.

>> No.19168782

more like knows japanese and watched kore kore and narukami's streams
who is the retard now? you because you believe any rrat 4chan sourges out without checking. or your just a chinks falseflagger who has become aqua anti because voices in his head told him she bad lmao
kill yourself

>> No.19168927

you don't even know the difference between 音読み and 漢字 shut up EOP

>> No.19168963
File: 654 KB, 805x805, 1633418681673.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19169430

>> No.19169042
File: 460 KB, 523x683, aquasmile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19169430


>> No.19169044
Quoted by: >>19169104

>more like knows japanese
>yet, know nothing about japanese in the first place

>> No.19169104

stop samefagging chink. you need to touch grass and stop making false accusation. the entire board already knows there was no mention of apex you iliterate bugmen.

>> No.19169115
Quoted by: >>19169259

holy meds

>> No.19169124

korone would guilt the shit out of you.

>> No.19169202
File: 44 KB, 531x578, 13423234.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19169430

There is no one I hate more in the world than Aqua antis. Someone who hates the cutest and most precious vtubers in the world deserves the rope and hatred back at them.
Yes, from now on I am Aquaschizo anti. I want them to be miserable and suffer.

>> No.19169259
Quoted by: >>19169430

post proof of apex mention or shut the fuck up

>> No.19169430

stop falseflagging as aquacrew you fucking retards. you're bumping a thread that should have been dead hours ago.

>> No.19169435
File: 77 KB, 900x900, average aquacrew.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19169537

Aqua antis are lonely, weak basement dwellers who haven't touched grass in years. As a result their minds deteriorated and schizophrenia occured. Now they can't differentiate between their own rational thoughts and schizo voices anymore. This results in threads such as this one.

>> No.19169489
Quoted by: >>19169609

there is no point cause the faggot keeps bumping it up

>> No.19169537

fuck off, you're driving unwanted attention to us newfag.

>> No.19169609
Quoted by: >>19169758

the OP is a faggot and bumps the thread when it's on page 10 >>19159533
mods of course dont do shit

>> No.19169657

stop falseflagging faggot

>> No.19169748
File: 964 KB, 858x688, MarineBased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19169758
Quoted by: >>19169843

aqua isn't the center of every drama you retard, she's just associated with this one because she took part in it.

>> No.19169807
File: 669 KB, 2048x3051, cunny peko.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19169843

you got the wrong anon you retard but she is not and you won't spin this into one of your schizowet dreams faggot
now kys retard

>> No.19169907
File: 3.44 MB, 2877x4069, cool aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love You Akutan

>> No.19169966
File: 469 KB, 1920x1080, master aqua now.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Master Aqua now

>> No.19170022
File: 686 KB, 828x890, AkutanPOI.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's going on bitches?
>love my aquacrew chu chu <3

>> No.19170077
File: 10 KB, 216x233, happy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19170249

I love her so much bros.

>> No.19170085
Quoted by: >>19170163

wait do aquacrew actually think white people don't hate their oshi?

>> No.19170163

chinks are not white

>> No.19170249
File: 75 KB, 750x1000, minato aqua.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19170315

I love Aqua so much bros

>> No.19170315
File: 156 KB, 1280x720, oshi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At first I didn't like her that much but after reading this and other threads I love her too now.
She's so precious

>> No.19170362

agreed, she's great!

>> No.19170379
File: 3.90 MB, 1725x1886, im_looking_good.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19170425

Aqua is the "bully," that's almost certain, but she didn't really do anything worthy of being called bullying, Rushia is just insane.

>> No.19170444


>> No.19170464
File: 173 KB, 282x420, smug aqua.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19170517

Hello Ladies and Gentleman, is this the Aqua general?

>> No.19170517
File: 391 KB, 833x1102, Gentleman_Akutan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be if you want to

>> No.19170522

yes that one time where Aqua forced Rushia to move her stream for her 2 minutes announcement
she outright cancel it and rant on her roommate account

>> No.19170599

>Rushia is just insane
That I can agree with

>> No.19170602

This is a reference to an older mikeneko stream where she was saying she hates "APEX women" or "the APEX woman."

>> No.19170677
Quoted by: >>19170769


>> No.19170733

Niggers I need some context. What the fuck is this post about

>> No.19170734

lol did she really say that? I doubt it considering she was still part of hololive she would never say something like this knowing she herself played apex and most of her coworkers as well.
Besides aqua hasn't played apex for months at that time further proving that this has nothing to do with her

>> No.19170769
Quoted by: >>19170889

ctrl+F ペクス女
You should read the whole thing though. It's kind of schizo and biased, but well informed at least.

>> No.19170782

don't bother here
this is a bait thread ful of manipulation
you might wanna check the rushia graduation sticky

>> No.19170889

no dont bother this is a chink falseflagger
these blogs have been laughed at for months here

>> No.19170892

It's Matsuri. She got really pissed when Rushia dropped Oozora kensetsu in the shitty way she left + Chammers incident.

>> No.19170966

btw it is telling that the actuall bully who didnt allow streams in the same timeslot is the one to accuse others of bullying. typical sociopathic menehra behaviour from rushia here. this just makes me hate her more

>> No.19171002
Quoted by: >>19171155

someone translate the nipponese

>> No.19171017
File: 1.33 MB, 1239x1753, de83uu7-23d5bc14-9d5b-4785-ac5e-1c7d3a63500f.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19171155

it's literally here >>19098332
read the thread faggot

>> No.19171198
Quoted by: >>19171335

I've read the entire thread and my results are that Rushia was bullied by Aqua and the chinks are falseflagging as aquacrew to make her fans look insane.

>> No.19171241

here >>19154626

>> No.19171335
Quoted by: >>19171476

You need more IQ to successfully pretend to be someone else, OP.

>> No.19171371
File: 737 KB, 300x300, we bussin bussin.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua love!

>> No.19171421

Holy sht he didn't translate that "choucho musha musha" and the comments are like they are from a different video or something

>> No.19171427

I've read the entire thread and my results are that OP is a faggot and a falseflagger.

>> No.19171476
Quoted by: >>19171576

I'm not the OP

>> No.19171494
File: 330 KB, 515x625, you are monke.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have read the entire thread and my results are that OP is stupid monke.

>> No.19171576


>> No.19171633
File: 91 KB, 1280x720, marine_anti.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aqua is a bitch
>I hate Aqua
>Aqua is a whore

>> No.19171759
File: 14 KB, 359x357, muh nigguh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19171872

aqua schizo when Aqua reached Master in apex

>> No.19171810

Guys cmon aqua can barely order a cup of coffee without having social anxiety let alone bully someone like rushia

>> No.19171872
File: 152 KB, 1300x949, aquaschizo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>19171949

More like this

>> No.19171949
File: 35 KB, 489x428, heheh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19172032
File: 188 KB, 590x469, they calling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19172089

We love Aqua here!

>> No.19172145
File: 548 KB, 498x498, oh yes.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based anon

>> No.19172257
File: 390 KB, 220x220, ogey.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.19172337
File: 1017 KB, 1191x667, ahoy nijikiller.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Love onion
Simple as.

>> No.19172409
File: 121 KB, 545x1280, hoshicucks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.19172490

Damn she's cute as hell

>> No.19172496

I hate aquacrew

>> No.19172519

Love Akutan!

>> No.19172575
Quoted by: >>19176644

We Love Aquacrew!
We hate aquaschizo!
Simple as.

>> No.19172612

Rushia is a liar, she made up the same excuse before in her past life if you did your reps

>> No.19172628

touch grass faggot
yuo will be surprised after a few weeks the things it can do for you

>> No.19172674
Quoted by: >>19172887

aquaschizo made another thread because you retards couldn't ignore him, good job.

>> No.19172887
File: 158 KB, 512x512, oh nyo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh nyoooo what now?
guess more schizo bullying !

>> No.19173268
File: 2.84 MB, 1047x2378, 1615869519592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>everyone loves her and takes care of her behind the scenes always showing her attention if she is over stressed

Her existence bullied Rushia.

>> No.19173434
File: 251 KB, 734x950, Emperor_of_Mankind_by_genzoman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think what we should be doing is thanking the God Emperor of Menhera herself Matsuri for saving Hololive and putting down a known and unrepentant leaker who potentially jeopardized the careers of the entire JP branch with her retardation.

>> No.19176229
File: 147 KB, 463x453, 1644662701930.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happened in this thread?

>> No.19176644

>We Love Aquacrew!
>We hate aquaschizo!
Choose one

>> No.19176672

Aqua slapped Rushia in front of YAGOO

>> No.19176926

to make bugman like you sethee

>> No.19177074

And I hate pretentious and opinionated faggots like you who think they must be in the right just because some voices in their head told them so.
Touch grass.

>> No.19178990
File: 78 KB, 680x527, FBD-_LZVIAYrjMj.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Aqua found out Rushia was having sex, this is a crime against her harem collection as Kirito
