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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 177 KB, 500x850, AlterEgo-Mori.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18597517 No.18597517 [Reply] [Original]
Quoted by: >>18597602

A thread for the Seraphic Servant of the Styx, Mori Calliope, and the members of her extended Universe

>> No.18607238,1 [INTERNAL] 
Quoted by: >>18607012

It’s up.

>> No.18597546

Has Mori talked about her graduation yet?

>> No.18597556
File: 252 KB, 499x498, [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdenpd9.m4a].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18597561
File: 1.08 MB, 1000x1000, Kawaiiope[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmsen34.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18597578
File: 1.32 MB, 882x900, 1640886144937.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mori lust

>> No.18597593
File: 123 KB, 850x478, crypters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18597714

I'll do one for Fuyuki, one for extended universe bullshit
Rin / Beni-Enma
Illya / Chloe
Himuro / Abigail
Maiya / Edison
Saber / Nero
Sakura / Tiamat
Saegusa / Tamamo
Irisviel / Arjuna Alter
Makidera / Shonagon
Taiga / Jeanne
Zouken / Wodime

>> No.18597598

All vtubers will graduate someday

>> No.18597599

Never trust a poster who gets cut off by am archive then reposts immediately

>> No.18597603
File: 249 KB, 517x655, sonofagun[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F9yemwp.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18597602
File: 3.21 MB, 2480x3508, 1641252289688.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mori makes for a good alter ego, especially because she weighs as much as Passionlip

>> No.18597635
File: 998 KB, 2182x3086, FK5eSHXVkAEi-w_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love Mori.

>> No.18597662

Too bad the carrot doesn't love her.

>> No.18597668

Which kind of fetish does Mori has?

>> No.18597682

Nope. Btw did you know that she wants to host annual tournaments?

>> No.18597689
File: 106 KB, 1280x720, Mythrape.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18597690
Quoted by: >>18598099

How does the holoEN menhera ranking go and where does Mori stand?

>> No.18597714

I'm assuming Mori is Shirou/(Hassan, Eresh, or Scathach)?

>> No.18597716

I'll ask her on the next T6 stream.

>> No.18597722
Quoted by: >>18598130

Takamori lust, best lust

>> No.18597736
File: 147 KB, 850x1202, mori checklist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18597774

she's mentioned that she graduated from scythe swinging school but afaik she's never talked about the ceremony itself

>> No.18597774

>she's mentioned that she graduated from scythe swinging school
That was a net negative IMHO. More time to stew, be /here/ and let your schedule fall apart whenever there's nothing going on.

>> No.18597776
File: 222 KB, 417x371, mythrape.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18597812
Quoted by: >>18597835

>your virtual performance is affected by your real body's health
>crash real body.
For people who are neutral , It's really hard to believe that she cares about her job if she keeps doing this shit.

>> No.18597814
File: 845 KB, 2600x694, classes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18597950

this is woefully out of date now with all the new fanart that's come out
reply with Moris that would work better for certain classes

>> No.18597832

you cant read but even if you could this post is 18 levels of retarded

>> No.18597835
Quoted by: >>18598084

Your eigo is getting better, keep it up!

>> No.18597864
File: 309 KB, 829x643, ForestGoof[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F58saly.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18597923

>> No.18597916
Quoted by: >>18598829

whoever linked this miori stream last thread thank you, its gold

>> No.18597923

I love that there are at least three different versions of this soundpost, all with different titles

>> No.18597950
Quoted by: >>18597971

Alter Ego should be Kimono Mori
Caster should be Dress Mori
Assassin is default
Saber is Q Mori
Berserker is Ussewa Mori
Ruler is Bully Mori
Rider is TGRIALS Mori
Lancer is Mori Alter/AA
Archer is Sherrif Mori

>> No.18597971
File: 108 KB, 1280x720, wot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18597998

you didn't post any moris, dipshit

>> No.18597990
File: 1.32 MB, 640x360, consider this a warning, kid [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fq6o6qs.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18598622

>> No.18597998

well, it's kinda hard. I'm at work now.

>> No.18598010
File: 117 KB, 1477x1024, 1640491726872.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18598084

Fatebeats, you had your fill last thread. Save it for the next derailment

>> No.18598014
File: 3.56 MB, 2012x2800, calli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love my Mori!!
Keep loving Mori!!

>> No.18598018


>> No.18598038
File: 1.03 MB, 744x1039, synthwaveforest.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my favorite mori

>> No.18598069
File: 453 KB, 620x877, 1632760953213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18598082
File: 916 KB, 3244x4096, 1636989503561.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18598084
File: 168 KB, 1080x720, holorah.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18598157

ogey, but >>18597832 and >>18597835 already have us halfway there
You gonna keep them in line or not?

>> No.18598099

Probably at the top now. Kronii at second place but not even close. I want Mori to get the fuck out of Japan and visit her family

>> No.18598102

Is it possible for someone to have negative hindsight?

>> No.18598112

Goes without saying (being ITT and all) but, me too!!
Cool image as well. Getting Shadow vibes. Edge for fun is never a bad design choice.
>Mom says no more Mori streams because she says "d*mn"

>> No.18598116
File: 951 KB, 2894x4093, FI_eKF-aUAEfrbJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

prophetic picture is prophetic.

>> No.18598130
File: 570 KB, 648x792, TakaMori [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2F7kkdrb.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18602454

takamori feels

>> No.18598157
File: 131 KB, 1184x1195, 1639544959860.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You already know what to do, asshole

>> No.18598189
File: 337 KB, 533x576, 1616490203555.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>open thread
>close thread

>> No.18598255
File: 482 KB, 3080x3080, 1641013218435.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is cowprint so good?

>> No.18598298

Did she ever show Ricky on stream again like she said she wanted to for newer Deadbeats? Still wish all the accessories could be used across the outfits.
Saw him in the background of Just Mori. Probably had some "mom come pick me up, I'm scared." feelings going on.

>> No.18598315

I think with how every little thing she says gets blown out of proportion all the way into the stratosphere, I think we’re really giving the clockfags a run for their money as the most menhera fan base. Do some of you guys not have any other interests or hobbies? How about sports? I like boxing.

>> No.18598339

I'm a huge hockey fan but I enjoy most sports except the NFL pretty much

>> No.18598384

Seeing as the thread is at least 40% clockfags that really isn't saying much of anything

>> No.18598389

>Did she ever show Ricky on stream again
Just Mori

>> No.18598388

they can't really help it because people have past experiences like that LLohan fan awhile ago.

>> No.18598435

Nope. Her memory is a legitimate anomaly. She'll forget what a button does in a game after a 5 minute bathroom break, but remember an off-hand comment from Gura about having a crush on her with short-hair a month later

>> No.18598450
File: 115 KB, 1280x720, 1640537776474.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The fact that there's been so much discussion surrounding the fact that Monopoly happened and not anything that actually happened during Monopoly given nobody even knew we were playing until it was almost over should give you a pretty good idea about what kind of people we're dealing with.

>> No.18598483

I somehow am convinced that there are two carrots.

>> No.18598500


Wasn't there a rrat that she was obsessed with drugs in college and "made it her personality"? There was some schizo that claimed to know her at the time, I was thinking about it do to how strong reaction she had for that moment in e-girl simulator when she talks about some ex-friend doxing her on /st/.

That rrat also claimed she's still very much into drugs in nippon apparently Mori would use those collectible chemical samples "not for human consumption" rather than the real deal, which can be potentially worse btw since this shit is untested and often you can only guess about the dosage etc. she could have some neurological demage on top of depression if there was any truth to it, this rrats poped up during that Gura collab drama but I didn't really seen it discussed since but people seem to believe she really had no idea what lean is.

>> No.18598543

I'm not menhera but I was diagnosed with depression a few years ago but I'm okay now and not taking meds anymore. This was before HoloEN but Mori made me get into art. Seeing this recent stuff is not cool and I wish Mori had what Nene had with Polka

>> No.18598549
Quoted by: >>18602122

It's essentially jealousy. Now that it's out in the open that some people really get lucky, some others sperg out.

>> No.18598553
Quoted by: >>18598770

I've reached acceptance that there will be some times where she feels down, but the overall trend is still improvement. So I'm happy for her and hoping she continues to work through her own stuff. Good and bad. We're all hum- err. Reaper and skeleton. It will be alright.
That being said, I'm looking forward to NASCAR starting back up. Daytona, baby!

>> No.18598558

Look man I was bored and got invested into the monopoly collab. I was rooting for Fauner...

>> No.18598561

that's just what alcohol and no sleep combined for years on end does to mf

>> No.18598597
Quoted by: >>18598680

I mean a drunken 5am stream is not a good sign. Especially since it was said to not be the last one

>> No.18598599

I watched Goomba win, so I was satisfied

>> No.18598610

Moris taking Ivermectin cause Grandma Reaper told her it’d keep the Covid away

>> No.18598622

based Mori

>> No.18598627

Damn, you rrat peddlers really aren't trying anymore huh?

>> No.18598646
File: 54 KB, 500x523, 1640648100832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18598654

No she has said on stream that she tried it once after friends forced her to and then never again. Alcohol is her problem

>> No.18598655
Quoted by: >>18598688

Her entire story and personality are an anomaly. That's why she's her and that's why >we love her.

>> No.18598679
Quoted by: >>18598882

The fuck did you get this from you retard?

>> No.18598680

I wish one of her genmates would tell her she's being retarded...or Milky...or IRyS. Actually anyone who's opinion she values would work.

>> No.18598688

Someone should make her story into an anime

>> No.18598707
File: 139 KB, 306x450, 1631221599903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18598733

remember to love your Mori

>> No.18598725

I'll wait for the autobiography.

>> No.18598733

at this point I can't forget

>> No.18598746

hololive is the anime

>> No.18598756
Quoted by: >>18598897

we don't know that they haven't. And we do know how "don't tell me what to do" she is. Needs to get rebellion out of her. People care about her, what she's rebelling against isn't the shitheads from high school

>> No.18598770

I'd argue October and November were peak so far (especially with EoaL). Delays probably dampened her mood and enthusiasm in December/January. Getting fully back "in the saddle" (as she described it) as Mori will be a big shift back towards trending upwards again, I believe

>> No.18598829
File: 93 KB, 450x550, 1635673316326.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's me, I'm peacing out since it's 4AM here but I'm happy someone enjoys it

>> No.18598836
Quoted by: >>18599065

>Actually anyone who's opinion she values would work.
Those people would know that you lot are being a bunch of overly dramatic concernfags and that this isn't a big deal.

>> No.18598870

Agreed, I will always have it on my mind that she was doing great until December happened with her not being able to meet her family made her sad

>> No.18598882
Quoted by: >>18598982

a post on /vt/ from like a year ago so not the most solid of sources I know, it also claimed they actually do this shit with a boyfriend btw.

Was there ever something else that seemed like it might be a "leak" about her more personal life? Other than obvious bullshit that is.

>> No.18598897

She took advice on streaming from the genmate after the Cuphead incident, maybe she'll be inclined to take it again if offered

>> No.18598906
Quoted by: >>18599194

Who the fuck is Clara

>> No.18598932

I like manchester united but for the past few years following them is suffering

>> No.18598943
Quoted by: >>18599049

I still blame Jump King and Jojo. JK was the one game she was proud of being good at, but Ghost of the Babe broke her and was probably the final straw. Jojo distracted her from her animation work too much.

>> No.18598982
Quoted by: >>18599781

>a post on /vt/ from like a year ago so not the most solid of sources I know, it also claimed they actually do this shit with a boyfriend btw.
My fucking sides. This can't be a real post.

>> No.18599000 [DELETED] 

y'all niggas shitted and cried about how distant Mori is becoming and how cool it'd be if she was as parasocial and dependent on fans as Polka was on her members
you have your wish fuckers, you have her ranting drunk to you at 5AM, but just cause she's wearing the wrong face you make it into a tragedy

fuck you

>> No.18599049
Quoted by: >>18599248

Good point actually. Grinding out the animation project probably would have been quicker without a six part anime series distracting her. She could have saved it as a "reward" for finishing

>> No.18599065

Sometimes concerfags have a point. Like when Mori almost overslept her kimono reveal. What happened wasn't a big deal but it's definitely not something that should become a habit.

>> No.18599089

I go shooting, but that is not really something you can just do whenever you feel like it. So on the weekdays I'm stuck inside watching anime women.

>> No.18599133
Quoted by: >>18599160

No we didn't? We were absolutely happy with "Mori 2.0" as the board called her. This shift wasn't anything we wanted

>> No.18599160

tell me you're new without telling me you're new

>> No.18599165

People are addicted to the romanticized fantasy and get shocked when they see the ugly reality of it. This parasocial stuff is a sick hole we're trapped in, even if some good can come of it ocassionally

>> No.18599171

Dramafags and concernfags don't represent all of us. I never complained that she was becoming distant and I haven't concernfagged over recent events. I'm just laughing at the retards in this thread as usual until things die down.

>> No.18599176
File: 29 KB, 600x733, jc [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fkdwwvd.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18599273

nice digits but see pic related

>> No.18599194

Mori and Kiara’s child.

>> No.18599200
Quoted by: >>18599263

mori go back to bed

>> No.18599248

>without a six part anime series distracting her.
>exposing yourself as a threadreader
You guys make it too obvious

>> No.18599256

Who asked for that? Deadbeats were happy with how Mori was in September, October, November, and December.

>> No.18599263
File: 171 KB, 1282x1000, wakemeup[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbiz10j.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont do that go outside and touch grass mori itll do wonders for your mental state

>> No.18599273

literally the entirety of late december 2020 into early 2021, with deadbeats complaining how Mori stopped doing parasocial shit like gachikoi closeups, ASMR and date streams and just being very insecure, needy and dependent

>> No.18599277
File: 223 KB, 850x1427, 1627104356361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Mori gets the gift of interchangeable haristyles from her rigger for her birthday like Ame did

>> No.18599280

reminder that 90% of posters are crying about stuff they haven't seen, just like when schizos freak out over member's streams

>> No.18599295
File: 7 KB, 225x225, akechi2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18599329

I see that the idiots who ran away while the board was pink have returned.

>> No.18599329
Quoted by: >>18599454

legitimate question do you post in /pg/

>> No.18599337
Quoted by: >>18599462

I love more-I calorie-ope

>> No.18599339

Yeah it's just a bunch of dramafags and threadreaders replying to each other. It's sad really.

>> No.18599346

>yfw she just let it all out before getting in the saddle again.

How dumbfounded would you feel?

>> No.18599350
File: 624 KB, 2452x1800, milker collage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbf if i hadn't seen mori's fat mommy milkers i'd be crying too

>> No.18599432

not really she'll just fall off again but eventually come back up again.

>> No.18599443

I wouldn't put it past her to lock back in and start having a lot of fun again God I hope so. Please Mori, everyone wins that way

>> No.18599454
Quoted by: >>18599543

No. I don't have that many Kira Yamato pictures and none of the official art look good, besides Remaster screenshots drawn in Hirai's newer styles. .

Besides, I only use this seldomly

>> No.18599462
File: 1.26 MB, 3226x4096, mori mcr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based architectbeat

>> No.18599535

Welp, she's awake. Hopefully today will be a recording day and she can zone out the internet

>> No.18599543

K1 from the new Higurashi anime is a good substitute. Or his character on FFXIV

>> No.18599551

Mori please do this exact thing again.
also stop falling for reverse psychology from strangers

>> No.18599556

I'd be happy. I just want to return to normal.

>> No.18599583
File: 72 KB, 256x256, MoriBigSmileBig[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fv88jf8.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey mori live again was a great outro bring it back please kthanks

>> No.18599659
File: 573 KB, 954x534, 1629844794473.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18603835

I love Mori so much I want to support her earnestly in everything she does! I want her to be content and fulfilled by all of the effort she puts forth! I love her laugh! I love how she's cool, cute, and a dork at the same time! I love her commitment to her friends! I love that she holds herself to high standards, and I love that she's able to pick herself up whenever she gets down on herself! I love her voice! I love when she hums in my ears and also when she's pretending to suffocate me with a plastic bag! I love her taste in games and anime! I love her dedication to uplifting small-time creators because she spent so long doing her best underground herself! I love how expressive her avatar is, and I love that she acknowledges that and regularly makes full use of it! I love her hair! I love her eyes! I love her smile! I love how her original outfit is so edgy and flashy and how it perfectly compliments her natural gap moe! I love that her second outfit is so heavily influenced by her actual fashion sense, which is cool and cute and dorky, all at once, just like her! I love her dumb hat and her hoop earrings! I love that she is comforted by her fans! I love the gratitude that she pours out for deadbeats even when we don't deserve it! I love that she would reassure us that we do deserve it if she were to see one of us say that! I love her tits! I love how she's so dedicated to her niche subgenre of music! I love her lyrics and her flow! I love that she's willing to branch out into doing other styles of music as well! I love that she's determined to improve her vocal capabilities to accommodate her trying different musical stylings as well as her raps! I love that she's always focused on self-improvement and espouses those same values to her community as well! I love that she's into theatre and poetry! I love her odd sense of humor! I love her endearing awkwardness! I love that she takes inspiration from so many things from her life and channels them into consistently enjoyable creative output as well as a wonderful personality! I love that she inspires me! I love Mori! I love her so much!

>> No.18599702
File: 140 KB, 630x1200, MV5BOWYxNzgwYjItNDRiNi00NzBhLWIwZmQtYTA1MjAwMGRhN2E1XkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyMzgxODM4NjM@._V1_UY1200_CR109,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18600266

>about a mystery
>Death themed


>> No.18599709
Quoted by: >>18599749

Mori, you are Death. Use your scythe to kill your depression.

>> No.18599749
Quoted by: >>18599764

Wasn't there some anime girl who could kill abstract things or something?

>> No.18599764

that's KnK

>> No.18599781

It stuck in my headbecause it came out of nowhere and seems kinda plausible if you want to use drugs in Japan that's what you would probably do also that lean twitt... also like I've said I was thinking about it ever since Mori implied something like that might've happened to her at some point and person that did it had to present little to no evidence, otherwise it wouldn't go unnoticed or forgotten right?

>> No.18599803

It's here https://twitter.com/moricalliope/status/1494511529772785692?s=21

>> No.18599845

shut up mori

>> No.18599847


>> No.18599856

>Mr Zhang
>Coco pic
Totally not from here, yes.

>> No.18599897

>Mr. Zhang
>Coco pfp
You've gotta be fucking kidding me...

>> No.18600000

Anon took matters into his own hands and got date for us, be grateful still I can’t help but laugh like holy shit lmao

>> No.18600013
Quoted by: >>18600124

Their profile is 7 years old and they're a huge Hololive fan, might just be a coincidence

>> No.18600028

t. Mr. Zhang

>> No.18600062

Hello there.

>> No.18600124

Nah that motherfucker is /here/ as FUCK

>> No.18600220

actually watched the Monopoly stream Goomba too stonk goddamn

>> No.18600266

DEEN Higurashi would be better honestly, Sotsu was such a disaster

>> No.18600292

it's all luck

>> No.18600309

I be honest i will love if mori was there in Monopoly becouse mori keep winning in mario party and with her luck and gura i wanna see how it will go too bad

>> No.18600323
Quoted by: >>18600433

>he doesn't know the advanced Monopoly strats

>> No.18600350

They destroyed Satako's character for me. I had a rocky relationship with her but after reading all the vn's I had finally decided I liked her and then...yeah.

>> No.18600357
Quoted by: >>18600433

t. house rules player

>> No.18600360
File: 1.19 MB, 2048x2048, 6345EFD8-4DE1-4354-9734-73D44876FC8F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18600493

I hope she can just find something fun to do today and ignores Twitter after this spurt of activity

>> No.18600369

I would have loved for her to have been there just because it would have meant that she wasn't lonely like she obviously was

>> No.18600388

considering how much she loves children and wants to protect them, she would be absolutely devastated by the Satoko arc

>> No.18600394

I can imagine her getting titled though

>> No.18600433

Going first literally gives you a 25% edge against any other player in a 4 player game. This is fucking bullshit.

>> No.18600493

Just play FFVII-R Intergrade, Mori. or Stranger of Paradise.

>> No.18600544
File: 231 KB, 1920x1080, Blog-Update-Project-Wingman-Launch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it, Mori. get ACpilled.

>> No.18600560

oh she was drunk as shit. That's not good.

>> No.18600567

I'd kneel

>> No.18600575
Quoted by: >>18600626

I should replay AC4 again

>> No.18600626

did they ever fix the ROM or does it still have those texture bugs

>> No.18600649
Quoted by: >>18600687

I don't know, I have it on ps2

>> No.18600664

is PS2 emulation still the way to play it?

>> No.18600687

so do I but my PS2 is not in a comfy place to play

>> No.18600698 [DELETED] 

>another nothingburger comes and goes
>concernbeats shit themselves thinking they know best for Mori
>now Lo Fi EP date coming soon
>plans to return to regular streaming on the 23rd
I haven’t watched this “monopoly stream” everyone’s talking about, but I’m 100% certain any talk about someone having a mental breakdown is just projection.

>> No.18600706
Quoted by: >>18600792

Didn't the Incorrect Summary Man get persona-non-grata'd for dunking on Rushia?

>> No.18600748
File: 86 KB, 834x1200, unnamed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It really seems to me like she knows what she's doing, going by the Normal streams tweet.

>> No.18600792

Really annoyed by his stance on that, Watame would be angry at him.

>> No.18600811 [DELETED] 

as far as yabs or drama goes it was literally nothing but it was just uhh really uncomfortable. it did not feel like something anyone should've seen

>> No.18600820 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18601080

Yeah, not a mental breakdown, but I can't help but feel this is a common occurrence which happens often offstream, likely with her real friends.

>> No.18600964 [DELETED] 

Pretty much this. It felt too personal I felt a bit bad watching.

>> No.18601019 [DELETED] 

>any talk about someone having a mental breakdown is just projection.
basically this

>> No.18601020 [DELETED] 

it felt like I snuck into some group of 3 peoples skype call. But it was just one person actually drunk.

>> No.18601024 [DELETED] 

I'm with you. Definitely feels like it would have been better off not happening, but if she realizes it was stupid mistake by drunk Mori, it's quite easy to move on from

>> No.18601057 [DELETED] 

yea im pretty sure she'll just be like jeez what the fuck did i do last night. that was dumb as shit. and then move on lol

>> No.18601080

which is why there should be a limit to what kind of interactions we should see from her. It should be >OUR prerogative.

>> No.18601218

The only thing I hate about the brapper is now she thinks she’s hot shit because she “fended” off some SEAnig

>> No.18601331

bros i just want her to be fucking happy i dont care about anything else

>> No.18601369

I don't give a fuck about what you just said, but that reminds me. Now that has been confirmed 50x that she is /here/, do you think she listened the failed seanigger rap? lol

>> No.18601386
File: 1000 KB, 4096x2934, FLKcjnsXoAQkt70.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18601419

She's not aware that the focus has shifted from her to her holodeath senpai.

>> No.18601392

oh god LMFAO

>> No.18601394

I don't think she will realize it was a bad idea. Ever

>> No.18601400
Quoted by: >>18601442

I hope she say the deadbeat v Watamate raps too

>> No.18601419


>> No.18601442
Quoted by: >>18601531

well, I want her to continue it.

>> No.18601491
File: 144 KB, 1159x1358, 1635539124161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kt45oQP-7yU

>> No.18601506


>> No.18601509
Quoted by: >>18601668

Lock it in Mori, it's your stage too this time https://twitter.com/hololivetv/status/1494514510702395392?s=21

>> No.18601517

animal blew out my eardrums

>> No.18601531

nah, the ending of that battle was perfect

>> No.18601533
Quoted by: >>18601580

Been watching it, animal just blew my ears out so I'm waiting for Mori to come pick up my soul as I bleed out from my ruptured eardrums

>> No.18601580
Quoted by: >>18601645

Thank god I didn't click, I was about to. My eardrums are safe so Mori can rupture them another day!

>> No.18601645

she's sent away Animal now, so you're probably safe.

>> No.18601668
Quoted by: >>18601891

>Not Found
ayy lmao

>> No.18601709

are there More Hootbeats or Kronibeats?

>> No.18601759

kroniibeats are not as vocal, but I think there are more of them

>> No.18601771

Hoobeats run this thread

>> No.18601806
File: 176 KB, 1500x1500, animated-owl-skeleton-halloween-decoration_13969681.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18601891
Quoted by: >>18601974

Twitter must still be sperging out in your region, it worked fine for e

>> No.18601934
File: 526 KB, 2048x2048, E1TqS5VWEAYtuFg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18602294

>I like boxing
Like, doing it? Not bad, not bad. I just jog once in a while.

>> No.18601952

They're all me, so it's about even!

>> No.18601974

When I click on the link on the tweet that takes you to the official website, it says not found. On one hand it makes sense they don't have anything up and running yet, but on the other hand why tweet the link out?

>> No.18601975

i like doxing.

>> No.18602008
Quoted by: >>18602048

i didn't have Menhera problems, but then i got into sports by being a NYJ fan and now I have crippling depression and cope by watching anime girls play monopoly

>> No.18602048

Try being a Lakers fan this season. Or any LBJ season.

>> No.18602063

what she does is concerning. If it was just singing or playing video games I wouldnt give a shit. This shit has me worried

>> No.18602105
File: 1.06 MB, 2376x1652, FK_06PcWYAcmUnT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They all bow before me, a Unitybeat

>> No.18602122

Hey, I'm a FOMO-ridden little bitch too, but I try not to, really hard.
And yeah, some people are definitely luckier than others. Take, for example, non-first-worlders who don't really get to just up and go to the other side of the world for a concert. So keep us in mind while waving those glowsticks, maybe?

>> No.18602229
File: 103 KB, 323x215, 1632936165999.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18602252

hololive english

>> No.18602252
Quoted by: >>18602429

So true

>> No.18602294

Not training in it, just watching. It's interesting seeing talents that come along who seem to just be built different. If I ever start working out my job has a lot of manual labor so I don't really need to I think I'd go to a boxing gym instead of trying to lift weights or something like that.

>> No.18602338


>> No.18602342

Mori do some Hotwheels unboxing streams and do fun tricks and test out the looping tracks pls you bitch

>> No.18602372

I'm still mostly a chumbeat if anything, but I would be a Hoobeat if forced to pick a side.

>> No.18602385

I like the flips going apeshit over Manny losing to a better boxer. My brother still spergs about how Floyd was gaming the rules.

>> No.18602388

I'd recommend it, been doing it for a couple of months

>> No.18602402
Quoted by: >>18602583

That kind of autism seems more like Moona's type, anon
I still can't believe I watched her build legos for hours

>> No.18602422

I would 100% watch a stream of Mori playing with hotwheels.

>> No.18602429

Can you believe it fucking exists? Holy shit.

>> No.18602435

let's convince Mori to play fishing games.

>> No.18602454 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 850x525, 1645072498135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18602497
Quoted by: >>18602551

no do finger skateboard on an expensive skatepark

>> No.18602551

So, wait. Activision is now Microsoft, right?

So would this mean that they will make an epic Skateboarding game with both the THPS and SKATE teams?

>> No.18602578

But she just did

>> No.18602583
Quoted by: >>18602634

She did it all in gloves too, didn't she? That takes some real mental strength.

>> No.18602587

Obscure JP fishing game stream would be kino

>> No.18602598

Skate is EA, not Activision or MS

>> No.18602634
Quoted by: >>18602962

Yeah, it was actually pretty comfy
I could unironically watch her do that for hours while doing reps

>> No.18602700

>Gunpla building with Mori
>HGAC Deathscythe


>> No.18602711
File: 47 KB, 800x800, 2018-Alloy-ABS-Stand-FingerBoard-Mini-Finger-boards-With-Retail-Box-Skate-trucks-Finger-Skateboard-for.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18602777

no THESE not a video game

>> No.18602777

>Still no Customized Mori decks
Are there any real Skatebeats?

>> No.18602942

Runescape OS stream.
cyan:wave: Let's goooooo! <><

>> No.18602962

Monthly Mori cooking streams would be amazing. Her setup was pretty damn good last time and chat actually wasn't bad at all. Also cooking your own food is super relaxing

>> No.18603108

Mori's cooking set up is pretty solid at this point. The only real criticism I have is that it often happens that whatever she's doing is just slightly off to the right of the frame.

>> No.18603200
File: 401 KB, 1371x2048, FJKiYUwaUAAXMbR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, so everyone got the bad stuff out of their system? Anons, skeles, reapers?
We're all ready to keep moving forward and doing our best, even when we might doubt ourselves? We're allowed to stop and evaluate positives and negatives of our situations but let's not dwell. Tomorrow is a new day.

>> No.18603273
File: 1.07 MB, 1340x1979, 1639216368370.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think she's swell

>> No.18603286

I still can't believe Hololive English exists, anon.

>> No.18603326

t. Reaper

>> No.18603406
File: 1.08 MB, 3491x4096, m7du47ut5w781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Personally I think Mori's neat!

>> No.18603423

It will have been 8 days without live Mori once the eikaiwa starts. That might be the longest stretch since debut so give us a break

>> No.18603528

Alright Mori

>> No.18603555

Really puts in perspective how good she is to us when you put it like that. Sana takes 8 days off between every stream.

>> No.18603556

Mori's cooking setup sucks ass

>> No.18603600
File: 158 KB, 850x1018, __mori_calliope_hololive_and_1_more_drawn_by_kanniiepan__sample-539bf879ee65afea501b76f454c39a6f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am in with love my Mori and there's nothing that can change my mind at this point

>> No.18603783
Quoted by: >>18603847

A Moririn stream with FBK and Maririn
This is one of my dream combos. Plus technically a Morina collab. It's gonna be great!

>> No.18603835
File: 128 KB, 196x262, based[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fo4ep6u.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I love her tits!

>> No.18603847

she needs more jp friends

>> No.18603903

And what are you going to do when Mori starts touring like she wants to? and other tours start happening That's going to go on for more than a week at a time with probably no streams because she will be moving around during the day and performing at night with Cover probably only streaming one performance.

>> No.18603973

Watch other streamers and continue shitposting in here with you guys, I guess. I'll miss her tons but it's not like I'm gonna get super autistic about it, she'll always be back.

>> No.18603985
Quoted by: >>18604135

I'll enjoy the concerts, dummy.

>> No.18604135

>going to EVERY concert
I know fomo is a thing but damn dude

>> No.18604150
File: 2.07 MB, 2267x3480, FL1MjMeaUAAIOP2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, the most effective Mori bait known to man.

>> No.18604168

not buff

>> No.18604176

She'd be touring with Hololive like she promised us so I'd be fine with it.

>> No.18604189
Quoted by: >>18605633

Well, I am the Last Deadbeat after all.

>> No.18604214
File: 1.62 MB, 2914x4096, 1643993258869.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18604277
File: 160 KB, 1250x1800, FILsw_maAAASq6R.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18606601

ka rapper

>> No.18604429
File: 1.10 MB, 1474x1240, 1633659832223.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

she's gonna drop the response any day now

>> No.18604504

Yes, B.I.G. Money Mori as well.

>> No.18604614

Not that anon, but haven't they streamed pretty much every concert that they've done up to this point? I don't know why they'd stop just because a tour finally happens. There'd definitely be plenty of Mori content in the meantime.

>> No.18604658

i hate fateniggers so much

>> No.18604692

I hate Mori for hating herself

>> No.18604836 [DELETED] 

Can someone tell me where this meltdown stream is everyone was talking about, or strongly hint incase it's against the rules

>> No.18604855
File: 417 KB, 563x821, 1645141023400.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok mori

>> No.18604864
File: 1.76 MB, 1000x1296, 1535598185357.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really am curious if Mori got into this world like pic related.
>would she outright attack the orange rootcrop for making her a non-priority at the moment?

>> No.18604944
Quoted by: >>18605076

Me too. I just want her to get better, if I'm being absolutely honest.

>> No.18604948 [DELETED] 

Doesn't matter. Even if you knew, it wasn't archived.

>> No.18604956 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18605552

It no longer exists.

>> No.18604966 [DELETED] 

it was though

>> No.18605000


>> No.18605006 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18605472

is there a synposis in a thread anywhere?

>> No.18605009

Physical release for Lofi Album to sweeten the deal, Please Mori.

>> No.18605026

Doesn't exist, and even if it did it wasn't much of a meltdown.

>> No.18605029

It's gone now, don't worry about it.

>> No.18605076

yea. it just sucks knowing someone i respect so much is suffering and there's nothing i can do about it

>> No.18605148
Quoted by: >>18605171

I never got the impression that she hates herself, she just hates everyone else

>> No.18605171
Quoted by: >>18605208

>imagine being a threadwatcher

>> No.18605187

It's strange how it feels like she's swung around to the complete opposite end of where she was with EoaL

>> No.18605208

I haven't seen her express even an ounce of self loathing

>> No.18605218
File: 57 KB, 480x489, 1617008733464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grand strategy games
Roguelikes, the real ones
Tabletop wargames
I do not actually watch anime aside from Gai-trigger and a few classics. I can't actually relate with you weebs.

>> No.18605250
Quoted by: >>18605304

You sound like a nerd

>> No.18605273

do you watch japanese transformers or old UC Gundam?

>> No.18605286

NTA, but if anything I'm disappointed this is the case not because I want to see her in a bad place, but because I'd like to have seen what's going through her mind right now and what her feelings/situation is. I get people wanting to memoryhole it but at the same time it's the kind of thing I wish I'd seen or could get the chance to see for that reason, at least.

>> No.18605301

Have you ever watched her?

>> No.18605304
File: 137 KB, 472x534, 1627007225669.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18605344

That term has been long hijacked by normalfags. The word is "grognard", thank you very much.

>> No.18605305
File: 43 KB, 622x709, 1616891230615.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18605327

He's a threadwatcher, he clearly hasn't.

>> No.18605344
Quoted by: >>18605562

grognard means you're old-fashioned, you're just a nerd

>> No.18605355

I play trading card games competitively, which means the lockdown years really sucked for me. I'm glad I had Mori to fill the hole in my life.

>> No.18605374
Quoted by: >>18605410

Yes, all she does is seethe at antis

>> No.18605379
Quoted by: >>18605562

Can't you get just one non-nerd hobby just to break up the stereotype?

>> No.18605410
File: 111 KB, 415x353, 1578882677907.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18605474


>> No.18605426


>> No.18605437
Quoted by: >>18605562

create your own board game. Or something. Do something that is creating instead of just consuming.

>> No.18605472 [DELETED] 

Shortest possible I can think of without potentially bending anything, or going into too much.
>The main driving force of her problems is jealousy of her by her "friends"
>people she loves are abandoning her because they don't like how big she's gotten despite still trying to do things for them with her connections
>Sadboys bad, tl;dw just listen to SOOF, she basically repeated herself
>she hates whatever animation work she's doing and doesn't want to work on it (debunks the Doing It For Free rrat)
>Internet meanies will get dunked on, deal with it, She is separate from Mori, She will handle things how she wants
>Some Guy she knew joined the call, lifted her mood up
>Scott SK joined the call, which made her cry
>some other lady she knows joined
>fans started calling in
>she enjoyed it and might do it again, specifically citing all the familiar names present
tl;dr, she feels alone, she hates people still want to control her on her "free" side, she has real friends who will help her, and she has fans she loves and love her back. None of the problems have to do with Hololive. Very few have to do with That, almost all of it is issues outside of her online life. That's it, I won't post this again.

>> No.18605473

She felt really betrayed yesterday, at friends not at you or anyone on this side of things. Yeah she didn't deal with those feelings well but forgive her for that.

>> No.18605474

Tell me. When has she ever expressed any sort of self hate? Some of her song lyrics allude to it, but actions speak louder than words, and none of her actions suggest that to me

>> No.18605483
File: 213 KB, 488x488, im.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18605514


>> No.18605552
Quoted by: >>18605618

Scary case of lost media, we could even turn it into a creepy pasta by adding in fake (but obviously exaggerated) details, like her beheading a plushy in anger, burning printouts of her in the kitchen, or waving around a gun with a round in the chamber

>> No.18605562

Fuck off, I know how thac0 works and have been on /tg/ since its founding. And I have some history and language studies.
It's called running games so by default it requires design and building. No, modules aren't the norm don't believe (((WOTC))).

>> No.18605590

Mori's approach to friendship makes me so annoyed
If you don't want friends who are petty bitches, then don't make friends for petty reasons
Stop making friends based on how famous they are or how much you look up to them as a musician or whatever and make friends for real, human reasons
I hope she reads this

But thanks for posting it

>> No.18605618
Quoted by: >>18605765

nah I've got it downloaded. Silly girl don't you know that IG is terrible about deleting content? If you have the url it's still available for a long ass time. You should drop IG, it's a terribly programmed website that will leak your personal details.

>> No.18605626

>know how thac0 works
Yeah I'm real impressed, now I'm going to give you a wedgie and push you into your locker

>> No.18605633
File: 80 KB, 1170x780, 1644605687277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18605708

and I am the last breadbeat

>> No.18605649
Quoted by: >>18605705

no no no no, you create something for the world, not just for the few other friends you have. Something you can show other people and have them see its value

>> No.18605657
Quoted by: >>18606648

these were old friends, people she admired far before us

>> No.18605663

Anon, she makes friends for human reasons, she's a human. They just never come up because she has no reason to drag them into the public sphere.

>> No.18605705
File: 131 KB, 600x386, Anya - War Cant of Mars [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Fdwpger.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18605724

Sometimes I doodle but not much. I envy the dads at /yah/, some of them improved fast in just a span of a single year.

>> No.18605708

run run run as fast as you can

>> No.18605718

these aren't even really friends, people she wants to be friends with but were only business partners to her back in the day

>> No.18605724

write a book

>> No.18605732

If her friends weren't friends from her music scene or whatever then they would have no reason to be jealous
And she has an awful lot of friends with online reptutations too

>> No.18605765

It's weird when people flex on having archived content that others don't have access to, but you do you

>> No.18605768
Quoted by: >>18605879

Yeah, I meant that she also has normal, non-business friends.

>> No.18605787

mori being an alter ego makes no sense

>> No.18605845
Quoted by: >>18605869

>Alternate aspects and personalities split from their originals. Instead of being proper Heroic Spirits, they're personifications of emotions, wishes and various aspects that belong to others.
Seems pretty fitting to me.

>> No.18605869

but who is she split and altered from? OG Death?

>> No.18605879
Quoted by: >>18605904

I'm sure she does, but I doubt they're the ones causing her any problems
I've been in a similar situation, where you're in a creative field and you make friends with other people in it, and from everything I can see Mori acts like a fucking clout goblin

>> No.18605880
Quoted by: >>18605928

they were those friends though. "friends" pfft. They were using her back then looking at her as an odd pet not a human. And now that she's big they look at her and seethe. Why she still cares is her problem

>> No.18605882

yeah she's definitely an Avenger

>> No.18605894

the real her isn't putting on a mask

>> No.18605895

Ruler is more fitting

>> No.18605904
Quoted by: >>18605946

it's the other way around. She wants to help everyone and they're jealous

>> No.18605906

everybody puts on a mask anon

>> No.18605928

not in the industry so don't know the lingo, what's a clout goblin? someone who tries to make a bunch of connections with everyone or something

>> No.18605946
Quoted by: >>18606018

Don't be so naive
She's even admitted that she's been selfish and she made friends with people entirely to network with them
She just can't ditch her rapper attitude

>> No.18605949

I think the could be further elaborated by making sure there is a distinction between friends, acquaintances, and business partners. All three are not mutually exclusive, but it helps to sort them as if they were if you are someone who has a hard time figuring people out.
Treating business partners as friends could lead to one being taken advantage of pretty easily, especially if you come across as someone who is desperate or lonely. The money aspect really brings out the worst in people.
Acquaintances are just people who are in "trial" mode before becoming a friend; therefore, one shouldn't carry hard burdens from them because you do not know whether that person is dependable, and you don't know if they can stick up for you when you are in need.

>> No.18605962

Come on anon, at least read basic Jung

>> No.18605984

yeah kinda. Those who only work with those that will increase their numbers. It isn't Mori AT ALL. Those who are jealous of her are the ones obsessed with clout why she wants to spread all the clout she can.

>> No.18605992

clout is fame, respect, influence

>> No.18606011
Quoted by: >>18606063

i know everyone on this board has autism but this is a really particularly bad one. truly robotic post. even sociopaths understand how people experience social connections better than this

>> No.18606018

the ones from today aren't those friends. Those friends are actually gone, these "friends" are jealous husks that she's tried to help and have rejected it.

>> No.18606035

She seems like the type of person who loves to blur the line between friend and business partner

>> No.18606055
Quoted by: >>18606375

okay but where do strangers on the internet aware of you fit into this equation?

>> No.18606063

I've got plenty of social experience, in particular I've had plenty of social experience in the situation she's in right now
If you don't have something constructive to say don't bother replying

>> No.18606166
Quoted by: >>18606287

She hates the animation work, or it's just taking too much time? I thought she said she liked it?

>> No.18606168
Quoted by: >>18606206

you're right dude. she was a fool to make friends with people she looked up to who were cool with her for years, because years down the line they would show their true colours and treat her like shit. it was her who was in the wrong here


>> No.18606205

Stop forcing that topic here. Go to the trashcan for that.

>> No.18606206

I didn't say that
Her approach to friendship is wrong, and she should have learnt better by now, but she hasn't

>> No.18606271
Quoted by: >>18606323

I mean she has learned though right? Her new friends in the holos and even Mouse are good. She's just still hung up on the old ones.

>> No.18606279

As someone who works in a creative field I get both sides of this. Honestly, she just reminds me of a creative who's still at an undeveloped stage of their career and has been flung across total opposite ends of the spectrum over the course of two years and just doesn't know how to process or understand it in a mature or productive way. Like the wonderboy new hire at a creative agency that still doesn't get what working at that level or in a corporate setting in general means and constantly gets their signals crossed as far as who to trust, who to engage with and at what level, how to process or respond to the suddent shift in feedback productively, etc. etc.

Of course, that could purely be projecting, which I think most of us are doing too much of right now.

>> No.18606287
Quoted by: >>18606494

it's not meeting her standards

>> No.18606307


>> No.18606323

>I mean she has learned though right?
Apparently not because she's still being bothered by it, and I still see her acting like a clout goblin talking about how she wants to collab with every artist she likes

>> No.18606325
File: 208 KB, 390x390, 1627641854263.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18606520

I wish I could psychoanalyze Mori like you are but I just ate Arbys and my asshole is going to be exploding for the next 12 hours

>> No.18606342
Quoted by: >>18606407

back then she wasn't making friends for the wrong reason. But those "friends" were treating her like a monkey to dance for them and she needs to realize that now.

>> No.18606370

>Honestly, she just reminds me of a creative who's still at an undeveloped stage of their career
That's what she reminds me of too, but she's been in Hololive for over a year now, and she's been making music long before that
At this point she should know better

>> No.18606375
Quoted by: >>18606421

They are none of the above. A stranger on the internet does not deserve any of your serious time and attention unless it is your job to do so. In the case of Mori, she has the obligation to interact with the community to some degree since that is where her income comes from. She should view us as a collective and refrain from becoming too comfortable with any one person within that group. The only exception is when someone within the collective is capable of producing products which you would like to promote as part of your job, such as commissioning artwork, music tracks, etc. Even in this case, it should always start as a strict business relationship for reasons already mentioned before. Whether or not this person can become a friend or not really follows the same criteria as before, but with extra caution since people are quicker to turn against you on the internet than if you meet them irl.

>> No.18606381

a clout goblin would not be collabing with people they like, they'd collab with ones who would boost their numbers. Mori doesn't care about the numbers, you can't call her a clout goblin.

>> No.18606405

you call that a groupie.

>> No.18606407

to me it still seems like she's making plenty of friends for the wrong reason

>> No.18606421
Quoted by: >>18606486

odd then that she's not doing that and instead interacting with them personally too much

>> No.18606425

She doesn't get clout from collabing with most of those artists though, they get clout from collabing with her.

>> No.18606473
Quoted by: >>18606549

clout isn't exactly the right term but it's the closest one I could think of

>> No.18606486

yes, she could get into trouble

>> No.18606489

Not male
Also is that a mfing curved cane?

>> No.18606494

Well I suppose I'm not surprised to hear that. Overworked = shitter product.

>> No.18606520
Quoted by: >>18606529

Truly fanbase does reflect oshi if you hate yourself enough to eat Arby's

>> No.18606529

Arby's is good.

>> No.18606537

>armchair psychologists and concernfaggots are doing this bit again
never escaping from this timeloop

>> No.18606538

She has the right idea, She has said it on-stream.

The idea that she needs to look at people like her equals and not someone to look up to. She knows it internally, which is why she's struggling to come to terms with it because she wants the fun times back.

but sadly, That isn't true friendship.

>> No.18606545
Quoted by: >>18606592

Arby's is salty as fuck

>> No.18606549

her wanting to collab with people she respects, even those much smaller than her is a good attribute. She's trying to not abandon old friends but those jealous bitches are so angry that their pet white girl got bigger than them. They never respected her.

>> No.18606585

I never said it was bad, but boy does it make you hate yourself after you eat it

>> No.18606592

Not as salty as you apparently.

>> No.18606601

docchi demo ii yo

>> No.18606626
Quoted by: >>18606672

>her wanting to collab with people she respects, even those much smaller than her is a good attribute
It isn't actually, it's naive
People you like as a fan does not equal people who would be good collab partners or even friends. She doesn't have an appropriate seperation of her personal life and her creative / professional life

>> No.18606627
Quoted by: >>18606706

lads... lads... Arbys isn't as bad as Long John Silver's. Arbys is fine.

>> No.18606648

So... chance there are any recognizable names or it's all super niche indie shit few people other than Mori would care about?

>> No.18606658

Odds are the latter

>> No.18606672
Quoted by: >>18606788

there is no separation with her. She's all out with no filter, no mask, nothing that separates any part of her from any other part. She wants what she wants. And is terrible at lying.

>> No.18606674

only notable one was SK miller

>> No.18606675
Quoted by: >>18606788

Oh, I definitely agree. I think she's showing much more immaturity at this stage in her career than I would expect at least of a creative in my own field. At the same time she's been in a bit of an insular, small community for a very long time and it's easy for those kinds of mentalities to linger and grow to the point where you stay in that stage for a while (if not forever, in the case of some people I can think of).

But without sugar coating it, she reminds me more of a recent high school grad or undergrad with a chip on their shoulder that, at least in my own creative team, would get them a lot of flak.

>> No.18606706

I never minded Arby's all that much. Always thought their BBQ sauce tasted a bit too metallic though.

>> No.18606715

ah no it was 100% the names you actually know. The bigger people of prior life

>> No.18606744
Quoted by: >>18606833

I feel that her crude opinions about certain styles of music angered her "friends" because they thought they were being targeted, or because they think of her as a hypocrite. Artists are weird people with weird egos that are easily shattered.

>> No.18606771

That's the part that confuses me because I don't understand the regression. Just a few months ago I would have said she was one of the more mature holos, at least in EN. Not so much now.

>> No.18606772

this is her one biggest stumbling block because it was who she admired the most and she's not getting the respect she thinks (and I would think) she deserves

>> No.18606788

That's actually completely fine, when you are mature and you don't have an ego, but she's pretty immature

I agree
I blame rap culture

>> No.18606819

I don't think she was ever mature, she was just dormant
I could tell by seeing how hard she was going on streaming that she was going to burn out and explode soon, she can never do anything in a measured or balanced way

>> No.18606833

no it was simpler than that. She didn't make him her manager/producer/in charge when she made it big so he's bitter. It wasn't really in her ability to do when she became Mori, but he's a bitter dumbass and she should only care so much.

>> No.18606837

You mistook inaction for stability

>> No.18606864
Quoted by: >>18606886

Mori apologize to Yung Lean already

>> No.18606868

....oh god It really was dyes?

>> No.18606869

>that could purely be projecting
That's what it all sounds like to me, especially from the retard you're replying to.

>> No.18606880
Quoted by: >>18606905

They are honestly assholes. If she had been a flop as Mori there would have been no issues even if she had done everything the same way.

>> No.18606886
File: 64 KB, 600x721, 1631490887926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

FUCK Yung Lean and FUCK soundcloud rappers

>> No.18606905


>> No.18606906

They are likely the ones she has refrained from mentioning on stream. There are times where she was like "Oh no, I'd be super embarrassed to share some artists", but maybe this is her trying to not connect two and two so autists wouldn't target them if it turns out they are one of her sour friends.

>> No.18606925

I am not listening to Reflection the same way again.

>> No.18606988

I see it's still schizo hours

>> No.18606994

Wow, holy shit. No one ever named anybody. Nice vague rrat breeding post. Fuck off, nigger. NONE of this was ever stated or implied by ANYBODY.

>> No.18607012

I have the entire stream, it's very obvious.

>> No.18607019

I like K's work better honestly..

>> No.18607028

And I'm the pope.

>> No.18607031
File: 224 KB, 400x750, 1616178489762.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18607118

is this the new I'm a t3 deadbeat posting?

>> No.18607035

Shut the fuck up.

>> No.18607039

>antis are now targetting FT because they realize they've been using the wrong bait. (i.e. TT)

>> No.18607040
Quoted by: >>18607109

the more you state you have it recorded, the more I'm inclined to believe you are full of shit, dramanigger

>> No.18607044

THIS is the real problem that going "sekrit klub" over the video causes. People can just make shit up and state it as truth.

>> No.18607075

people would do that anyway
just reply ogey or report them for off topic

>> No.18607081

This is the entire plot of Gundam Unicorn.

>> No.18607108

This is Gundam Unicorn's plot.

>> No.18607109
Quoted by: >>18607179

>>>/trash/45621599 is proof

>> No.18607118

yes, in this case he is claiming to be t4 instead

>> No.18607161

The story is retarded anyway. Now Hathaway will be ruined by Unicornfaggotry.

>> No.18607179
Quoted by: >>18607265

And you're still a bullshit-peddling liar. None of this was ever stated to be a dispute over "him" (Who? Go on, who?) not getting a manager or agent position. So fuck you.

>> No.18607181

Good grief, now there's two of them

>> No.18607197
Quoted by: >>18607476

Please.... we don't need anymore gundambeats...

>> No.18607238
File: 552 KB, 1065x782, 1642773486977.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wth are you blaming me again? I just said that it's the exact plot of Unicorn.
>A secret that actually had no bearing.
>Mineva opens the damn box, and nothing actually happens.

>> No.18607265 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18607306

I'm not posting the entire 2:28:55 video. I can do screenshots if you want. The battlestation is there.

>> No.18607296

I feel that this is the ultimate opsec move.

>> No.18607306

post a 3 second clip that proves your rrat or fuck off forever.

>> No.18607333

What, the samefag bluffing himself into leaking the thing?

>> No.18607363

gundamposter is correct in what he is doing: He's using the existence of the video as his power.

>> No.18607396
File: 159 KB, 395x332, 1636696263429.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18607431

of which part do you want? I don't want you claiming I only had a publicly available 3 second clip

>> No.18607452

where she says she's not a lesbian

>> No.18607459

as much as you need to prove the bullshit narrative you're peddling

>> No.18607463

the specific thing sighting someone complaining about the Debut EP.

>> No.18607464

If Mori was smart she'd have a dual-PC setup. She's rich enough to have fuck you money, Hook up the gaming PC to the streaming PC, and have the latter broadcast the feed. It's what Nina Saotome does and it works out well. But that requires some tech know-how I'm not sure Mori possesses. I think Ame knows how to do that but she doesn't have a dual-PC setup herself.

>> No.18607476
File: 247 KB, 380x366, 2MinutesUntilV2Launch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Now the Acebeats will seize control of /morig/

<<Here comes the snow...>>

>> No.18607501

No. You're worse than the gundambeats

>> No.18607513
File: 19 KB, 320x320, 10794081b9_m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18607616

But I'm both...

>> No.18607516
Quoted by: >>18607602

We need more tabletopbeats.

>> No.18607536
File: 2.07 MB, 1276x720, OpeLivesAgain[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fr1pu02.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This thread needs more Ope

>> No.18607588

As flipside activities only continue to increase I'm really starting to feel like we need another thread on a different board that doesn't have to tip toe around "off topic"

>> No.18607601 [DELETED] 

kys samefag
meidos better get here fast if they don't want a pizza delivery

>> No.18607602

The grognards will come out of hiding once the TTRPG streams come back, just you wait

>> No.18607605
Quoted by: >>18607665


>> No.18607616
Quoted by: >>18607729

>Perfect Strike Freedom
holy shit, did they make a new Build anime?

>> No.18607637

bruh thats more fucked than posting the stream

>> No.18607665
Quoted by: >>18607704

Yes because recently almost every thread gets derailed into rm topics.

>> No.18607704


>> No.18607729
File: 286 KB, 1000x1404, Gundam_Breaker_Battlogue_Key_Visual.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, it's a promotional ONA for Gundam Breaker Mobile

>> No.18607741
Quoted by: >>18607799

Over here, cumchud >>18583947

>> No.18607762

I am not engaging you here, I maintain a few threads and don't want to get banwave'd. There's a link above to /trash/wvt/ and go talk about off-topic things there. That place has a host of deadbeats and takos anyway. And the fabled crucified teamate.

>> No.18607764

making me google how make a fucking webm at 130 in the morning

>> No.18607794
File: 812 KB, 1280x720, _You fucking bitch. [sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Field8t.mp4].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18607799

>Gura with tits
not a pedo but that feels wrong somehow

>> No.18607949

I've been gone the whole day. What the hell happened now?

>> No.18607974

Mori was cuter and more vulnerable than usual

>> No.18607976
Quoted by: >>18608036

Newbeats can't into subtlely or restraint.

>> No.18607981

unironic menhera shit

>> No.18607984

T4 unarchived. Some idiots got jealous. rootcrop was wasted

>> No.18607989

Lo-fi EP's getting a release date

>> No.18608036
Quoted by: >>18608144

Who the fuck you lying to? Doxxbeats been the same way since before splits were even a thing.

>> No.18608045
File: 411 KB, 1565x2048, 1616563221722.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Agent of Lucifer suffering
Many such cases.
Find God.

>> No.18608058


>> No.18608079

...Reaper might be among us, lurking. Don't ask me how I know.

>> No.18608098

t. :}

>> No.18608113
File: 33 KB, 720x720, ac652f3d22181bf902170c802926c92f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, Me.

>> No.18608129
Quoted by: >>18608197

well dumbass learn that nothing on the internet is temporary. Should have learned that when the /a/ drawthread images were found. IG doesn't delete shit, just makes it slightly harder to find.

>> No.18608144
File: 4 KB, 194x194, 1639964470391.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember going through 9001 layers of obfuscation instead of just referencing things directly.

>> No.18608150

please drink less

>> No.18608153

For the first time in a while, SEA hours made the thread *less* garbage.
At this rate I'm gonna need to start filtering 森カリオペ and...I don't know, stick to bait threads? Pretend to be an EN anti and infiltrate ShiraKen threads?

>> No.18608154
Quoted by: >>18608209

Hey Mori what are your fetishes? This has become a popular question to debate among deadbeats.

>> No.18608159
File: 398 KB, 864x812, LoveMeMori[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fyxkgwk.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18608176

>> No.18608165

Yung Lean is a great artist and doesn't deserve your slander. Apologize for your words.

>> No.18608169
File: 143 KB, 409x409, 1622559120059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wonder what topics will be on the chadcast this Sunday?

>> No.18608175

If reaper was lurking among us I would ask her to please release a CD for the Dead Beats EP to match with Your Mori onegaishimas

>> No.18608176

Now this is a post I can agree with

>> No.18608197

>IG doesn't delete shit, just makes it slightly harder to find.
Can you tell me how to find it?
I have this basketball streamer that I follow who streamed for a bit recently and I want to study his form when he does three point shots.

>> No.18608204

Huh, that's actually not a bad idea. Those songs do have a special place in my headspace, so I'd probably buy it.

>> No.18608208


>> No.18608209

rape and violence

>> No.18608235 [DELETED] 
File: 694 KB, 601x719, 12458093769743856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18608274

>it's a lot simpler than that
>proceeds to misquote, misinterpret, and project personal beliefs/morals onto what was said on the situation
Thanks for the simplification, anon. This sure helped a lot with understanding what happened

>> No.18608245
File: 478 KB, 415x611, 1624137242560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18608341

I love having physical media

>> No.18608263
File: 111 KB, 900x1280, 1621214464603.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hope that dumb bitch realizes that I love her and want her to push through all of this and cheer up and that sometimes you need to disconnect completely and just chill for a day, maybe read a nice book and have a nice dinner

>> No.18608274

Literally trying to make Ao and Dyes the villains again.

>> No.18608275

Please move on from caring so much about the past and get help from friends. And when you can't get help from friends because it's 3 am, don't get public help from internet strangers.

>> No.18608287
Quoted by: >>18608323

deserve it

>> No.18608323
Quoted by: >>18608537

where is your proof, anon. I'm still waiting.

>> No.18608325
File: 42 KB, 664x605, 3d23vx.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Drop the fuckers who dropped you. You have people who aobviously genuinely care, and just want to talk to you. Stick with them. Fuck the (literal) jealous haters. They don't even care if you give them the world.

I love you. I love you so much. fuck, please..

>> No.18608341
Quoted by: >>18608405

Oh yeah, and the singles too. Maybe even on the same CD? Although I know some would find the contrast between CN and eoal a little jarring.

>> No.18608405

I think they play well off of each other

>> No.18608433

I have posted proof. Get it before 404

>> No.18608440

>ask for proof of tophatfaggotry.
>still no video
yep, he's lying through his teeth. He does have the video but wants it to be some kind of bargaining token. Just like in Gundam Unicorn.

>> No.18608443

Don't know what's afflicting you but please just stay with your friends in hololive. Also I know it's mostly rrats but if you do have issues with chicken, try patching it up. Miss hearing you two have fun. It was unique...

>> No.18608482
File: 693 KB, 849x1200, 1634848930145.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek even if I don't think ISREAL, I love that Mori is such that we take this post completely at face value.

>> No.18608507

Just gives me an excuse to post a quick Mori love, not that I need one though

>> No.18608513
Quoted by: >>18608598

Never forget deadbeats, it's not an act, the posters here are legit mentally ill, even the ones that like Mori. I like to think I'm better off than most, but if I really wasn't that far off, I wouldn't be posting here, would I?

>> No.18608517

nothing wrong with research chemicals
btw i have schizophrenia and cannot be trusted around firearms

>> No.18608516

Welcome to attention whore global, where the only thing anybody can talk about anymore is how horny they are about the possibility that Mori might be reading their garbage opinions at this very moment
And for some reason that makes everyone start talking like an insufferable faggot

>> No.18608521
Quoted by: >>18608590

There's more compelling evidence to believe it vs not believe it.

>> No.18608537 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>18608588

>goading the schizo
for what purpose?
you do realize ignoring gives less air time to spread rrats, right?
jesas h christ, gundamnigger

>> No.18608580

i made this a while ago and decided to upload it to yt

>> No.18608586 [DELETED] 

Shut up get happy

>> No.18608589

God I hate every last one of you
Why can't we be smart like the guys who packed up and left the thread for the entire break

>> No.18608590

Oh no, she comes on the site 100%, I just doubt she'd literally post "reaper is amongus" kek.

>> No.18608588
Quoted by: >>18608803

I'm just stating the possibility that he does have a copy, but the copy has no actual weight.

>> No.18608598
File: 374 KB, 2000x1543, 88970503_p0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18608654

The only mental issue I have is going ghost for this cute adorkable reaper, I'm completely sane though and know where the boundaries are though
Having a crush on a girl in school and never acting on it in any way prepared me for this

>> No.18608613
Quoted by: >>18608690

Incredible that this is the fandom she's cultivated to this point, isn't it?

>> No.18608652
File: 57 KB, 828x828, 1610799521179.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18608702

fuck off and take the shitposting to global

>> No.18608654
File: 845 KB, 498x429, cantalope.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No proof, just like in Gundam Unicorn

>> No.18608656

more like I don't want to actually post anything that will fuck up the thread with rrats or anything that will make the drinkies get spammed forever. There's been multiple people talking about what's in the video and I'm getting blamed for all of it.

>> No.18608675
Quoted by: >>18608783

How new? Selfimportantbeats have been a thing since forever.

>> No.18608680

I have the old stream link. dunno if it is possible to download after the fact.

>> No.18608690

I'm not 100% on the definition of audience but I'm pretty sure you have to watch streams to be that

>> No.18608702

but global is comfy right now...

>> No.18608703

I mean its obviously not Mori.

The real question is which other holo visits /morig/ in order to post that.

>> No.18608705

>make up random-ass lies and rrat-spreading that wasn't even in the original video
>and also treat the video like it's someone you're holding hostage like a fucking bargaining chip

>> No.18608713

Just upload the video and get it over with. You know you want to. The itch won't go away unless you scratch it. It will nag at you and you will close the tab to get away from it but you'll go into withdrawals and come back.
Skip the pain and just do it.

>> No.18608719

>pretends he doesn't wanna bite bait when the hook is already through his cheek
You're a faggot, plain and simple

>> No.18608740

or just don't do that

>> No.18608754

Fuck off

>> No.18608769
Quoted by: >>18608829

also it's fucking time consuming to make webms of this shit and it's late and I have work in the morning. I'm not rendering a whole minutes long conversation that's just going to create more rrats and spam. It was a dumb as fuck stream to do and where it was done leaves people with a little bit of know how the ability to gain access forever. I'm not ever going to upload the whole video. Others still could. If it happens, it wasn't me.

>> No.18608770

That's it! I am dropping a colony onto this thread. Nobody will miss /infinity/ anyway.

>> No.18608783

It wasn't ever the ENTIRE thread, you'd get maybe two or three at a time, but now there's like a dozen of them all talking like she's fucking 11 years old.
Speaking of which, how much porn would we need to post to get the meidos to nuke the thread

>> No.18608803 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 732x666, 120794679472.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18608858

The entire situation is personal stuff between friends going through a rough patch, I don't see why anyone feels the need to insert their own opinion and villainize or go after people Mori clearly cares about and still sees as friends.
I will say this: I am not pleased by the fact that Mori decided to go full menhera all over social media at 3 fucking am (making this petty friend shit fully public in the stupidest way possible) instead of just taking a breather and waiting for her friend to wake up
It doesn't.

>> No.18608813

Do it, Char. NOW.

>> No.18608829
Quoted by: >>18608845

I mean, the only people who reasonably could would've already watched it live anyway. It's not like people are floating around the original link for funzies.

>> No.18608845

>people who reasonably could would've already watched it live anyway

>> No.18608858
Quoted by: >>18609068

Why did she have to make Princess so fuckable?

>> No.18608861
File: 519 KB, 1467x1467, FBko8lVUcAYwm7V.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do it coward

>> No.18608879
File: 532 KB, 4096x3072, 1626265406743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I refuse to contextualize my youth using Unicorn, I might start equating myself to Heero and have to kill myself

>> No.18608907
File: 394 KB, 800x520, Jokeronii[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fv4o47y.mp3].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18608932


>> No.18608932
File: 2.06 MB, 2048x1365, SmileWatame[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fo91h8h.mp3].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18609046


>> No.18608953

You could have it worse, at least we aren't experiencing SEED. Even I shudder at the thought, and I somewhat like SEED.

>> No.18608962
File: 177 KB, 1400x1350, 1630106700630.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>18609062

I've only ever seen like 3 episodes of Victory Gundam so I guess uhhhh
I hope Mori pulls a Katejina so you fuckers will drop her already!

>> No.18608987
Quoted by: >>18609043

Just fucking nuke the thread already.

>> No.18609043
File: 87 KB, 1000x1000, 1632912743776.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Deem entice
A goomba's ichor, oh

>> No.18609046
Quoted by: >>18609095

Is this watamelon expressing sadness and regret at what they do?

>> No.18609062

She looks like Lacus, But she...acts like Fllay


>> No.18609068 [DELETED] 
File: 229 KB, 2048x1380, 124870583983568.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Beats me
Kino comic, got any more?

>> No.18609094

I love Off With Their Heads
such a great track

>> No.18609095
File: 28 KB, 125x125, anon gets tricked by a wa(...).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

