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/vt/ - Virtual Youtubers

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File: 868 KB, 2744x4096, FKMLnbuVgAER5FR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
17312455 No.17312455 [Reply] [Original]

Kiara obachan

Arceus part 2: https://youtu.be/Y-yIyl4FOaw

Schedule: https://twitter.com/takanashikiara/status/1485371783926669312

Art by: https://twitter.com/wawamachis/status/1487045516340830209

Previous thread: >>17251790

>> No.17312747
File: 97 KB, 1200x636, 1632533585485.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17312851

>> No.17312780
File: 1.45 MB, 1191x842, dej0spr-b0ac9835-1a45-4d2b-9cbe-955bb0aa6d94.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiara is my wife and i have undeniable proof

>> No.17312851

I love this outfit so much.

>> No.17312858 [SPOILER] 
File: 86 KB, 918x1168, 1643343199196.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17313168

Why I'm not seeing sexys Kiaras?

>> No.17313168
File: 239 KB, 1389x1841, 1643091933016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17313287

Does this count as a sexy Kiara?

>> No.17313198
File: 191 KB, 957x675, 20220128_234255.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the crunchy one has arrived

>> No.17313272
File: 414 KB, 240x240, aroused[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fksqqpr.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17313287

>Does this count as a sexy Kiara?
Erotic Kiara...

Also, we need more Holos in suits

>> No.17313298

New mamaloni drop

>> No.17313365

Why Mamaloni doesn't draw like she used to anymore?

>> No.17313427

RL Stuff. She just finished moving and setting up her PC.

>> No.17313428


>> No.17313482
Quoted by: >>17314101

Did her art change? I didnt notice any difference

>> No.17314101
Quoted by: >>17314161

I'm talking about the frecuency of her uploads. I remember when she used to upload some takamori art just after the collab.

>> No.17314124
File: 2.01 MB, 1908x1080, Wobbly Kikkeriki [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fs2pm8m.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17316144

>> No.17314161

Her family member was sick for a few months and she moved recently so all of her art slowed down by a lot.

>> No.17316050
Quoted by: >>17318764

Henchou bonked some people in prechat for attempting to unionize, I love my silly bird

>> No.17316144

I love this.

>> No.17316323
File: 606 KB, 735x1200, EknRoPFVMAUXu86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I Love Kiara Takanashi

>> No.17316350
Quoted by: >>17317375

Kiara being undercover boss in the prechat.

Love this silly bird

>> No.17317375
File: 150 KB, 717x900, FIn-QjqacAAuf1l.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her sense of humor is so adorable. I love our kiwawa.

>> No.17318764
File: 283 KB, 600x600, 1619184220830.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure is a good thing she never ventures over here, since henchou is also a bonkable offense

>> No.17319349
File: 135 KB, 1000x1077, 7352d3932c4455e1714930b523b69f411ebfe51cf95e3fed5f474a33f096d257.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17323580
File: 381 KB, 1597x2048, Eiu9EXiWsAAaspQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17323621
File: 2.68 MB, 1998x3360, 1641686346730.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, everything is done with anonymity so it's a "who you are in the dark" situation. Your deeds for Kiara here are done with no promise of raise and with no risk of punishment.

>> No.17323667
File: 360 KB, 1646x906, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bok bok

>> No.17323755 [SPOILER] 
File: 56 KB, 630x630, g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shes so cute bros...

>> No.17323928
Quoted by: >>17324361

What surprised me the most is that Kiara still has the sense to not drink the same water her cat has drunk from

>> No.17324361

Well, it was Chonkers the piss stained slut. Smoothie properly grooms herself, for all we know she would have been fine with that.

>> No.17324506

>who wants to get cut

>> No.17324622

>kfp 327? Well, since you're KFP you remember the commandment our tenchou handed down right? That we all fuck each other and make lots of babies.

>> No.17325574
File: 784 KB, 1500x1200, 1643439157618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do think she came here sometimes but do you guys think she was ever in this split

>> No.17326601
File: 992 KB, 2555x4096, 1631554348785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I went digging through the hashtag and came across this which the sword autists from last thread might enjoy.

>> No.17327347
File: 204 KB, 1000x1000, chimkin butt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

chimkin butt

>> No.17328477

I want to rim Kiara's asshole

>> No.17328585
File: 540 KB, 1920x796, 1643445097753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17328808

So following >>17328477's great success from this thread, I have tried telling people that I want to rim Kiara's asshole. I have only received repulsed reactions so far. Is there a trick to how you're supposed to be saying it?

>> No.17329003

you need to say it with conviction. of course people are going to be repulsed if you don't even believe the words you're saying
loud and proud

>> No.17329091
Quoted by: >>17329147

They're cowards.

I guess you could also post a good picture of Tenchou's butt to make it more appealing

>> No.17329147 [DELETED] 
Quoted by: >>17329707

Okay, I'll try it with my mom, brb

>> No.17329297
File: 2.47 MB, 2178x1967, 1640874987603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17329336

I want Kiara to kikerikick my ass.

>> No.17329336

You want Kiara to ****rikick your ass? What?

>> No.17329408
File: 743 KB, 1153x2048, BD3F1ED1-6A2F-4AEF-9D4A-F4FB14925521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn RUkfp are built different…

>> No.17329541

Damn this is crazy. Really cool.

>> No.17329567
File: 109 KB, 1200x664, EughXOGU4AAs1f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17329707

Kiara kikkeriking cover

>> No.17329625

This isn't made for Kiara though.

>> No.17329707


Anon got grounded for showing his mom Kiara porn.

I heard this was Mori's favorite Kiara cover.

>> No.17329989
File: 326 KB, 650x720, cockrating saga [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fk1xzqx.mp3][sound=files.catbox.moe%2F5uc1ey.ogg][sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fbveeod.mp3][sound=files.catbox.moe%2F9biilo.mp3][sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fcax2xv.mp3].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17330538

"It was too small to be called a sword. Minuscule, thick, heavy, and far too rough. Indeed, it was a heap of metal."

>> No.17330889
File: 295 KB, 1273x1800, 1638086044909.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17331939
File: 152 KB, 1280x720, FKQ4AC4aQAAta1x.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17333826
File: 507 KB, 2160x3840, 215e9663b2badc9f1e0109aaf1885f89d278b7125f065dd96c133b39cc634e0e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.17334705
File: 1013 KB, 1618x899, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The new Kanauru video is pretty cute

>> No.17335371
File: 1.26 MB, 640x360, pomutoriwotagei[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fxku22i.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17336952


>> No.17335438

That one Kaiserin Kiara cosplay in motion:

>> No.17335629
File: 98 KB, 413x397, 1605810677516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so beautiful

>> No.17335727
File: 3.46 MB, 3400x2160, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17335806
Quoted by: >>17339305

This sculpture has me thinking Kiara really is a Kaiserin. Imagine people from all over the world coming to Kiara on her throne, presenting her with all sorts of gifts from all over the world.

>> No.17335906
File: 218 KB, 220x220, 300.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17351340

Where can I find a cosplayer gf so she can cosplay as Kiara?

>> No.17336196

Requesting soundpost

>> No.17336446


>> No.17336952

Nice, I was wondering why that part wasn't included in the tweet. Turns out Kanauru was saving it for elsewhere and confirmed not a coward

>> No.17338003
File: 1.77 MB, 456x720, Kiara Chicken Dance [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffule7x.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17338367
File: 141 KB, 797x1200, FKRDVq6UUAImbgh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm very partial to the Mahjong trio

>> No.17338608


>> No.17338848


>> No.17338931

The biggest EN idol otakus doing wotegai, very fitting. I'm sure Kiara enjoyed it too, assuming she saw it already.

>> No.17339125

>Up all night.
>Mad at others for doing shit during the day.
Come on Kiwawa...

>> No.17339158

Banging and drilling Kiara!

>> No.17339305
File: 61 KB, 400x591, Action_Comics_Vol_1_311[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17341235

>Imagine people from all over the world coming to Kiara on her throne, presenting her with all sorts of gifts from all over the world.
So like this?

>> No.17339687

It makes me laugh that she's missing the whole point of this game in terms of relationships of pokemon to people in the world.

>> No.17339790

Kiara will never understand a plot past "girl pretty"

>> No.17340121

She forgot to put up her SC reading announcement. Usually she's really anal about making sure people know what they're gonna get for the SC side of things. Accident, or is she gonna do full reads like an idiot today?

>> No.17340156
Quoted by: >>17340692

There's no point to this garbage soulless game
I hope she fucking drops it

>> No.17340294

I'd bet she forgot. She didn't mention going back to full reads yesterday and this stream will be hard on her voice since she's VAing a shitton of dialogue.

>> No.17340692
File: 613 KB, 600x850, luca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17342917

Eh, the old Lucario movie from this era had a plot that revolved around a human learning to work with pokemon and he was the 'chosen one'. I think they mentioned him once in the game so far in regards to your ability to capture and deal with pokemon.

>> No.17340704

Maybe she just thinks that mentioning it once is enough.

>> No.17341235

>if the people of the world won’t cooperate she takes off her belt and goes ballistic on us

>> No.17341367

God, Kiara's new outfit is so sexy.

>> No.17341388

So this is the only way kiara gets to collab with pomu

>> No.17341603

Does Kiara think it is ATB?

>> No.17341674
Quoted by: >>17347694

>Does Kiara think
no, never

>> No.17341702
Quoted by: >>17341758

Clearly not /v/ enough for that term.

>> No.17341758
Quoted by: >>17344539

Active Time Battle

You really don't need to be /v/ to know that, it is an FF term which is only out normied in terms of JRPG by pokemon.

>> No.17342417


>> No.17342917

Good for her, the plot of Pokemon is just absurd anyway, I still can't wrap my head around people eating Pokemon

Which is one of the issues, the anime and game kinda mess up with each other, things get weird

>> No.17343070
File: 701 KB, 1366x768, AMEAMEAME.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17343246
Quoted by: >>17343441

>Really cool she's playing an old game
Kiara, pls play link to the past.

>> No.17343441
Quoted by: >>17343625

I'd enjoy LTTP as well, but that game is long as fuck. Or maybe I was just bad at it.

>> No.17343625
Quoted by: >>17343988

Honestly I couldn't tell you, because I got so used to playing it that I can beat a randomizer run in like 6-8 hours.

>> No.17343988

Zelda randomizers are really fun. I wish that HoloEN could play them...

>> No.17344298
Quoted by: >>17344855

>Happy scream hurt her throat
There's really no helping her vocal cords when streaming elicit such excited responses. Kiara has mentioned she's normally quiet when gaming privately.

>> No.17344342
Quoted by: >>17344438

>just bring your own BGM
What a disaster of a game

>> No.17344438

It does breathe life into the game, I kinda have this autism too, couldn't stand to play Fallout New Vegas until I modded a shitton of radios into it, fucking Jonny Guitar man

>> No.17344539

Kiara has unironically never played an FF game, besides dabbling in XIV for a bit years ago.
Yes, the "omg, I'm such a / the only JRPG gamer in EN!" girl has no idea about any of the actual classic franchises of the genre. If she were honest (or someone who actually knows their shit would ever call her out on it) she would have to admit her actual "JRPG" cred doesn't extend much further than "modern Tales and some Atelier (but not the old ones because muh uncute grafix, ewww)"

>> No.17344637

thanks webmanon. saved.

>> No.17344693
Quoted by: >>17346305

Based, Final Fantasy is garbage. I will never touch a franchise that uses "gunblades"

>> No.17344783
Quoted by: >>17346305

>gatekeeping jrpgs on a chinese basket weaving forum
Really, anon?
She said she loves JRPGs, and she does indeed love games that are clearly classified as JRPGs - but I guess they are not the "right" JRPGs.

>> No.17344835

I'm pretty sure her game preferences are:
>anime / cute girl characters
>either explicitly or approximately Japanese influenced
Everything else is a bonus.

>> No.17344855

The fucking vocal cords drama has ruined my enjoyment of her streams, every time she makes her retarded "cute" noises or screams like a sperg, I immediately think of the damage she'd doing to her vocal cords. It instantly pops into my mind I think "why are you doing this, just don't".
Holy fuck I actually can't enjoy her streams anymore. And now she's even confirmed that my schizo concern was right when she said the excited scream hurt her throat.

>> No.17344957
Quoted by: >>17345030

Please write a comment on a video, or even send a SC if you got the money.

>> No.17344961

Who's gonna host the "Where's Kiara" stream when Kiara oversleeps from melatonin?

>> No.17344993

>Holy fuck I actually can't enjoy her streams anymore.
Hello reasonable KFP. You should know there are other things you could watch instead.
I have my own opinions on her voice autism, but it's ultimately her decision.

>> No.17345030
Quoted by: >>17345334

Why would I?

>> No.17345039

Sadly, no one.

>> No.17345057

Bae is the only one I would count on, and that's not even a guarantee

>> No.17345084

Bae seems the only one to have remotely the right energy. But it's unlikely even for her.
Ollie might do it if they were in the same branch.

>> No.17345109

Probably no one if you factor in timezones. Even if you ignore time zones I don't really see anyone doing it. MAYBE Ame.

>> No.17345144

Who the fuck would oversleep because of melatonin?

>> No.17345225
Quoted by: >>17345278

Funnily enough Ina would be awake at the right time and be a fitting reversal. Tone and energy of such a stream would be very different though.

>> No.17345278

I don't see Ina doing it as well. But if she did Kiara would be super happy. Once she overcomes being flustered about oversleeping that is.

>> No.17345334
Quoted by: >>17345381

Because you're obviously letting something you have no real control over affect your enjoyment of the stream. Either you can get over the fact that she'll continue to do what she wants, or you can stop watching and feel better because you don't have it constantly on your mind.

>> No.17345381

Of course I'll stop watching genius

>> No.17345713

Linking this back from global to make it easier to find later. A poal for who swears the most in EN.

>> No.17345953

You should send her a strongly worded letter

>> No.17346305

It's not just FF, she hasn't played any other genre classic either, no DQ, no Chrono Trigger, etc. whatever.

If that's "gatekeeping" then so what, it's not like she'll ever read it and cry about it, or that I spam her chat about it. Also gatekeeping is good and we should do more of it. If she wants to be honest and say "actually, I'm (just) a Tales fan", that'd be an improvement. There's a difference between "I'm a fan of some games that are classified as JRPGs" and "I'm a JRPG fan", as the latter implies a wider appreciation and knowledge about the genre in general, which she clearly doesn't have.
If she really thinks of herself as "the JRPG girl of EN", she's in for a rude awakening and another existential crisis if there's ever going to be a new talent coming in that actually knows their shit about the genre and plays the good ones, just like she had to cope with no longer being "the only one / the one who spoke japanese the best out of all EN" after she staked so much of her identity and self-worth on that being the thing she uniquely contributed

>> No.17346367

meds pls KFP

>> No.17346385

I'm kind of tempted to make a fangame about KFP bureaucracy. You play as a KFP branch manager who has to file internal forms about employee incidents (new hire, poor performance, fallout), company change registrations, collecting due documents from new hires and forwarding to the gov't.

>> No.17346402
File: 580 KB, 1280x720, So_much_Text[sound=files.catbox.moe%2F2avxwk.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17351395


>> No.17346404
Quoted by: >>17346857

Yeah, yeah, just like people went on and on how she will get BTFO by Suisei on Tales of Talk when meeting a "real" Tales of fan.
I'm sure if they manage to find someone who actually played "the right" JRPGs for EN3 she will totally flex on Kiara instead of both of them happily bonding about their love for the genre.

>> No.17346443
Quoted by: >>17346508

So like Papers, Please! just with chickens?

>> No.17346459

Honestly? Probably no one.
Not even for any "they don't even actually like Kiara" reasons, but because most of the other girls simply don't have the personality for it. They would probably think it's too forward or "rude" and "attention-seeking" so self-insert themselves into the situation of another member oversleeping (plus it could, in their wet blanket minds, come off as "making fun of another persons embarassing oopsie" and they don't want that). Nevermind the fact that also most of them, even if they did such a stream, probably think they don't have what it takes to carry a stream of potentially hours of nonstop talking by themselves.

>> No.17346508
Quoted by: >>17346570

Essentially, but no immigration but rather personnel management. Quite possibly more text entering required than PP.

>> No.17346570
File: 654 KB, 960x876, 1608036248856.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17346641

You better put me in that fucking game somehow anon

>> No.17346635
File: 42 KB, 435x740, chikin stack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’d play that!

>> No.17346641

You better hope I even get 1/4 of it done before abandoning it

>> No.17346673
Quoted by: >>17346727

I'll have to make all the text in German because I don't know what English bureaucracy sounds like. Fortunately, you guys will be okay with that.

>> No.17346717
Quoted by: >>17346754

maybe look at those kingdom management sims? just choices and juggling stats while the peasants bring in new problems every audience.

in the same vein: Kiara playing Princess Maker when?

>> No.17346727

Just translate German bureaucracy into English to give it that nice, foreign feel.

>> No.17346733

I also had an idea of making a KFP fangame in a style similar to that Prinny spin off game.

>> No.17346745

Mori cause she'll be mad that Kiara is blacker than her now

>> No.17346754

>maybe look at those kingdom management sims?
After Needy Streamer Overload, I will not be going near this genre. It's really hard to make engaging.

>> No.17346857

>instead of both of them happily bonding about their love for the genre.

"love of the genre", sure
>so you said that you love JRPGs Kiara, me too! What games have you actually played?
>uuuh... a few Tales games...and uuh... that's basically it...
>ok... I see. Well, I have played XYZ classics, they're pretty cool, would you think giving them a try?
>ewwww those old graphics? no way!
>huh, well ok. What do you actually like about JRPGs then, the gameplay? Do you like understanding the combat systems and mastering hard challenges?
>haha no that shit's annoying, I just press attack and bruteforce my way through so I can get quickly to the end, thinking is hard!
>...I see. Well, do you like them for their rich narrative and engrossing characters? What are some of your favorite stories?
>haha fuck reading, I just skip through all annoying flavor text, I don't remember any story and I can only tell you what anime girl I found the hottest, that's the extent of my engagement with the genre...
>... ok. I see you are a "real JRPG fan" with deep knowledge and appreciation for the genre, certainly worthy of the title and not just a phony faker. We're really bonding here.

>> No.17346907
Quoted by: >>17347311

I like how in the post-Arceus#1 SC reading she went over a little history again. Has Mumei still not touched anything historical at all?

>> No.17346931

I just opened the stream. Did she say she’s taking them now? Also, I always wake up on time when I take melatonin weirdly enough, as compared to when I don’t.

>> No.17346934

Yes, because hololive chubbas are not professional entertainers but passive-aggressive bitches.
Take your meds, anon.

>> No.17346959

Normal people look for common ground to try to build bonds instead of acting like elitist wankers.

>> No.17346982

You've never talked to an human being in your entire life

>> No.17346997
File: 792 KB, 1280x720, Marine Laugh[sound=https%3A%2F%2Ffiles.catbox.moe%2Frx2yst.ogg].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao Jesus my dude, are you really writing fanfics about it now?

>> No.17347137
File: 77 KB, 250x231, Kiryu_Coco_Wearing_Glasses.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17347273

>takes melatonin
>doesn't feel anything
>guerilla Minecraft stream
>feels drowsy during it
>falls asleep while stream is still going
>does a watchalong of that stream to see what happened when she fell asleep

>> No.17347231


>> No.17347273

That sounds like a dream stream.

>> No.17347311

By what i gathered omega cockblocked her so yeah i dont think she did

>> No.17347317
File: 337 KB, 1748x2480, 1639979149092.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this post is so fucking retarded lmao

>> No.17347319

Kiara hates you even in your own fantasies lol

>> No.17347439
File: 586 KB, 500x278, tdc50CI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>get the rest of my Omocat merch
>submitted the survey to get the book added
>no book
At least I got the clothes...

>> No.17347474

Here's what really happened
>so you said you love big succulent nipples kiara
>yes I can't help myself when I see them
>wow this makes me want to have sex with anon
>me too, and I'm ovulating right now
>also kronii is here and already naked
>and she brought a copy of Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition featuring Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth and Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth – Hacker’s Memory.
>lets have lots of sex and then play it

>> No.17347547

Every once in a while I get tired of Kiara's instant association with any male in power with shit like handmaid's tale.

>> No.17347664

Are you playing PLA while watching?

I just got an alpha Drapion

>> No.17347694
File: 898 KB, 600x600, A Lot of Thoughts [sound=files.catbox.moe%2Ffm3qkh.mp3].webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17347708
File: 541 KB, 1079x1392, 1643483117401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17349369

I didnt know Kiara commented on Risus original song
the song is really good btw i wish kiara would do something similar

>> No.17347799

no I'm playing MasterDuel, first time I've played yu-gi-oh in like a decade but it's pretty fun

>> No.17347829

Never got into pokemon, so I'm just tuning into the stream once in a while to see if she gets a nice tangent going.

>> No.17348057

I am, just started recently, I'm just progressing slowly with the main story and exploring, enjoying a lot so far, the rarest Pokemon I found was a weird Monferno dork that I found stuck in a rock

I want a hardcore romhack for it, to make trainer battles more challenging, would be pretty cool

>> No.17349369

Yeah, doesn't have to sound the same, but having a narrative-type song from her would be cute.

>> No.17349816

>My brain is empty.
You know what to do.

>> No.17349862

Fill it up!

>> No.17349977


>> No.17350168
Quoted by: >>17350194

I love KFP chimkin design. Its so cute.

>> No.17350194

Bless Dakuma.

>> No.17351126
Quoted by: >>17351195

If she's reading superchat today, she's probably not making it in time for Pomu's outfit reveal

>> No.17351195
Quoted by: >>17351224

You had to tell her that, now didn't you?

>> No.17351224

I wasn't expecting her to be threadreading in the middle of the stream

>> No.17351340

Austria obviously.

>> No.17351395

How does she do it?
How can one chuuba provide so many god damn useful soundclips?

>> No.17351414
Quoted by: >>17351692

I hope you raised your hand.

>> No.17351692

I did I had fun, but I did need to multitask

>> No.17352007

I only got the first hour or so as well as the last 30 minutes when she said her throat was feeling better.

Is it true. I'm not as far gone as the anon who said they can't enjoy her content anymore but I do feel a bit of guilt if it's genuinely hurting and isn't just a minor ache from the winter season. (Friend who works a call center job is suffering and it's definitely a seasonal thing for some people)

>> No.17352115

She said she was feeling better today, and seemed alright throughout the stream.
but the only real way to find out how her throat is doing, is for her to go to the doctors.

>> No.17352136

She had throat trouble last winter, she has throat trouble this winter. Actually, last winter she complained a lot more about her throat and mouth hurting then this year.
Today she did not mention her throat hurting even once so she probably does feel better.

>> No.17352276

>I do feel a bit of guilt if it's genuinely hurting
If it helps you reason through this, I kind of tossed around a lot of thoughts after her members talk, and I wish her the best but I feel no guilt at this point.
It will probably be nothing in the long-run once she sees a doctor, but if it does become an issue then so be it. I disagreed with a lot of her reasons, but it's up to her in the end.
There's nothing we can or should do about it, so it's not on our hands.

>> No.17352369
File: 2.80 MB, 2500x3000, 20220129_152344.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17352418

God, she is so fucking hot...

>> No.17352460

Being able to play with her hair griadients is fun, but when it's plain orange hair with no feathers it's hard to recognize it as Kiara anymore.

>> No.17352575


>> No.17352637
File: 233 KB, 318x639, 1633320194503.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah one of the reasons why I haven't gone full concernfag is because there's no verdict. She might be stubborn and impatient but I feel like if reality hits her, she will adjust.

I know there isn't much we can do but I still care about that that birb.

>> No.17352677
Quoted by: >>17353199

Kiara got friendzoned by the duck.

>> No.17352885

Pomu in 30 minutes

>> No.17352917

If she refuses to drop the voice at least invest in a humidifier.
Venta makes good ones available in Austria.

>> No.17352941
Quoted by: >>17352988

You could at least try to pretend that you watch streams...

>> No.17352988

I haven't followed her in a while. Did she get one?

>> No.17353004

She got one already, yeah.

>> No.17353094

She got several at the end of last winter but then seemingly didn't use them for a while as her throat problems disappeared once winter was over.
Some days ago she remembered that she had them and today she had to refill her humidifier during the stream.
And despite it being a six hour stream with lots of voice acting her throat didn't feel too bad today.

>> No.17353199

She friendzoned shuba last year, this is just karma

>> No.17353229
Quoted by: >>17353339

Just the fact that she gets it during winter seemed like a tell to me.

>> No.17353339

Her recent screaming probably made it worse but a throat hurting during winter is nothing uncommon.
However in her job it's important to let a doctor take a look at her throat either way.

>> No.17353401
Quoted by: >>17353543

Stop destroying my hopes. I want this to be serious so she drops the retarded chicken voice

>> No.17353481

I hope your winter theory is correct. I'd like for Kiara to be the way she is for a long time

>> No.17353543

If you can't stand her at her worst, you don't deserve her at her best.

>> No.17353618

NTA but I have always thought that's such a shitty logic.

>> No.17353671

I've been watching for over a year and I'm not going anywhere even if she doesn't drop the voice

>> No.17353673
Quoted by: >>17353781

I don’t wanna go full tinfoil hat but did Kiara kind of confirm Holofest is NOT gonna be Live2D? During superchat reading yesterday.

I mean when she was talking about Aqua’s live, she laughed at the way Gura and Ina appeared in the concert, and said something like “I wouldn’t call that their first live”…
I think if the plan was to do the same in March, she wouldn’t make fun of it.

>> No.17353781

She's trying to be tight lipped about it because she will get bonked by management for spilling the beans.

We just don't know.

I wish cover was better about this kind of shit instead of making people cling to hope because Japan "might" be open to tourist in late Feb/March.

>> No.17353789

Kiara's wife is on!

>> No.17353863


>> No.17353945

It's the first time I'm watching any Niji stream since Lazulight's debuts.
Pomu is nervous, cute!

>> No.17353950

Is there much good PomuTori art?

>> No.17353977

Already there

>> No.17354015

I hate that they can't directly interact with each other, it's such bullshit

>> No.17354036

It's sad she's not allowed to post in Pomu's chat, fucking company rivalry horseshit

>> No.17354045

Sadly there is barely any. Only stream watchers are actually invested in that pairing.

>> No.17354150
File: 197 KB, 1920x1080, 20220122_140549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A few

>> No.17354153

Is sad, I'm not 100% sure if she can't, but probably. Though I think she did chat in uto's stream once.

>> No.17354157
Quoted by: >>17354401

I think she would be allowed since she did it before. But she probably doesn't want to derail the stream since you know how chat would be if she said anything.

>> No.17354240
File: 2.78 MB, 3760x3448, 1635461746786.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17354278

In another world with my pomu

>> No.17354401

>she did it before
I've never seen her do it, even from the very start she used DMs instead
Obviously not wanting to disrupt the stream with her appearance would be a reason not to do it a lot, but NEVER, from either side?

>> No.17354470

This would just derail the stream anyways. It's kind of annoying when other streamers show up and make things about them.

>> No.17354531

No way she turned herself into a rice

>> No.17354609
Quoted by: >>17354933

>Kiara might be in Pomu's chat with an alt
It would be even crazier if she used her old account(s) for it.

>> No.17354933

That's pretty likely honestly. Making a YT account is a pain in the ass.
Doesn't matter in any case though, the most she would probably do is spam PKZ with everyone or whatever.

>> No.17354934
Quoted by: >>17355031

By the way, Pomu never congratulated Kiara on her new costume.

>> No.17355031

Publicly, atleast. We already know that Pomu watched Kiara's outfit reveals and even messaged her that one time.

>> No.17355504

Imagine if Kiara had a live in maid to clean up all the cat hair and organize her apartment and cook her frozen lasagnas.

>> No.17355694
Quoted by: >>17355897

I'm honestly more into TakoTori more than anything but Pomutori is really cute and I hope those 2 can collab someday. Especially with both of them having braided twintails.

>> No.17355746

>starts with a shopping theme just like Kiara's first outfit reveal
>has braided twintails like Kiara's first outfit

No, I will not take my meds.

>> No.17355750
Quoted by: >>17355819

pretty cute outfit. Also amusing that both Kiara and Pomu have braids in their 2nd outfit. Maid Pomu serving empress Kiara roleplay when?

>> No.17355819

There was a cute drawing of Ame and Kiara in their casual outfits sitting in a caffee. Pomu fits that scene just fine.

>> No.17355833

I need Kiara to have a maid outfit.

>> No.17355897
Quoted by: >>17356141

The thing that pisses me off is that even if Holo/Niji EN collabs are ever allowed, you know it's going to be something like Ollie/Selen that gets the green light before this.

>> No.17355928

She almost did for halloween, but she went for the vampire dress instead

>> No.17355960

You get that experience if you stream heart challenger.

>> No.17355962

Back to VoD backlog for me. Looks like my next one up is...
>AmeTori Clubhouse
Looks like I'm in for a treat.

>> No.17356023
Quoted by: >>17356426

Go for the G36 design of Girls Frontline

>> No.17356025
Quoted by: >>17356604

Oh god, brace yourself...

>> No.17356079

That one was shit. Watch BunnyHop instead

>> No.17356141
Quoted by: >>17356311

Mori might try to snap it up first to get the first nijiEN collab stream buff.

Either way, I don't really care who does it first, I just want it to eventually happen. If ollie or mori did it first, it only means that a pomutori stream is not far behind.

>> No.17356311

Oh yeah I forgot that whore existed, she'll probably get some Luxiem collab going before the girls get their turn.

>> No.17356415
Quoted by: >>17356604

oh no

>> No.17356426

I'd love that, G36 is one of my favorites in GFL. She should also get a wedding dress outfit just like G36 so she can dress properly for our wedding.

>> No.17356436

>pomu doesn't know how to fill an hour of an outfit reveal
You know what would fix that? if she called up Kiara and they talked

>> No.17356595
Quoted by: >>17356671

>if she called up Kiara and they had sex on stream

>> No.17356604
Quoted by: >>17356656

Lord this is a great start. Tech issues on Kiara's side for 10 minutes.

>> No.17356656

The classic HoloMyth experience.

>> No.17356671
Quoted by: >>17356718

>if she called up Kiara and made her eat out her shithole while recording the sounds with an ASMR mic

>> No.17356718

Even better.

>> No.17356928
File: 1009 KB, 980x1742, FJ2B5hoaQAQSadk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Strange she didn't go for outfit predictions.
I took a look and there were at least a dozen good guesses before I stopped scrolling.
Maybe she thought they were all too close since it was pretty obvious she would be a maid.

>> No.17356986


>> No.17357078


>> No.17357112
File: 394 KB, 832x720, THEY ARE[sound=files.catbox.moe%2Fmbv2ry.webm].webm.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17357137

God, Kiara has learned so much shit in regards to her streaming ability. Just watching this is killing me got me laughing so hard.

>> No.17357143

>Hacking to the Gate
Pomu, you did it on purpose, don't you?

>> No.17357210


>> No.17357296
Quoted by: >>17357406

The chess match was amazing and should be mandatory watching in public schools

>> No.17357406

They did a rematch on a different stream aswell.

>> No.17357554

Is this the stream where "Kiara is in control" originally comes from? I feel like I didn't remember hearing it prior and it's part of the game prompt.

>> No.17357592

I enjoyed Kiara's extremely obvious yet somehow deniable live tweets for this.

>> No.17357626

Not sure if its that stream, but I think it did come from a Clubhouse stream

>> No.17357679

I want to bash Omega through the face with a hammer

>> No.17357680

She's very subtle

>> No.17357698

I think it was her first clubhouse stream and Ame just yells 'KIARA IS IN CONTROL" at one point.

>> No.17357700

No, that came from the Nyanners stream.
Or at least it really flared up with that one.

>> No.17357734

I love her lmao

>> No.17357768
File: 301 KB, 2034x1695, E4CioviVoAI-SjQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17358071

It was the Nyanners clubhouse.

>> No.17357815
Quoted by: >>17358444

I think it became a meme /here/ this stream, but it only got popular in the nyaners collab

>> No.17358071

I kind of want to see how Kiara handles the Mouse. It would be a nice twist of situation having her be interviewed instead.

>> No.17358087
File: 181 KB, 1920x1080, 1643231027850.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17358201
File: 285 KB, 858x414, 1643496561041.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17358217
File: 456 KB, 1362x2048, FKTeG82aQAAq1Xd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17358416

Holy shit...

>> No.17358444

Gotcha. I just heard Ame yell it out and figured it came from here.

>> No.17358469
Quoted by: >>17358816

What are the rules, exactly? She's responded to them on twitter before. Is she not allowed to start a conversation with them? I think it's clear she's not allowed to post a stream link to them, or retweet their stream links.

>> No.17358517
Quoted by: >>17359141

That hair looks good

>> No.17358816

Just yesterday Kiara told Pomu she'd be watching today just fine.
But Pomu did no "this is my outfit" tweet so I can see Kiara being unsure how to engage. Especially since she probably does not want to make it about herself which is a bit hard after Hacking to the Gate.
I hope they are chatting in private right now while watching the rest of the outfits.

>> No.17359141

Why notice the hair when you could notice the panties?

>> No.17359268

I think the only way thats possible is if people make it a twitter trend

>> No.17359467
Quoted by: >>17363083

Kiara replied to the ice sculpture. Russkies are probably in bed now though.

>> No.17359685
Quoted by: >>17359862

So what are the chances that Pomu and Kiara are having discord sex right now? I can't imagine that Kiara would stay silent, and not say anything about Pomu's new outfit to her.

>> No.17359862
Quoted by: >>17360092

Kiara did say she wanted to go to bed early, so prolly 85% chance.

>> No.17359875
File: 462 KB, 1440x720, 1635829672172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I actually got curious about this where are you guys from
im the brazillian KFP

>> No.17359923

This is my post. I'm French

>> No.17359934

west NA

>> No.17360009


>> No.17360092
Quoted by: >>17363005

It's still TOO early. I can't see Kiara hitting the hay before 12. Even if shes in bed, she's probably watching netflix right now

>> No.17360138

BalkanFP branch reporting

>> No.17360170

Surprised I'm not the only french KFP ITT

>> No.17360193

East coast US.

>> No.17360359

SaffaFP here

>> No.17360498
File: 431 KB, 945x530, error.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17362667


Cute thumbnail.

>> No.17360523

Australia reporting in!
I never get to watch tenchou live unless it's the weekend :^(

>> No.17360634

>im the brazillian KFP
Traidor da nação! Brasil se escreve com S porra!

>> No.17360643

Burger over here

>> No.17360930

Germöney, I fucked my sleep schedule for this chicken

>> No.17360966

East NA, basically NYC.

>> No.17361001

Pomu is so small

>> No.17361076
File: 73 KB, 260x260, Chibi_Chicken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im trying to be undercover here bitch

>> No.17361203

Midwest burger

>> No.17361341
File: 301 KB, 1638x2048, 20220129_175608.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.17362540

BR KFP here too

relax coxinha

>> No.17362667

Cant wait, love nenechi. I kinda wish it was nene playing tho since Kiara said she might not even find it that scary, so she might have to ham it up. would be funny tho if nene still got scared even tho she isnt playing and Kiara has to support her while playing. who knows what might happen with nene.

>> No.17362701
File: 112 KB, 848x848, 1643017421770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17363446

Russia reporting in

>> No.17362754
File: 192 KB, 1173x1373, FCU6bToWUAsNzAK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

NA West Coast

>> No.17362773


>> No.17363005

You made your post half past midnight Kiara's time - your time conversion seems to be off, anon.

>> No.17363034

Sicario KFP division

>> No.17363083

Bet my ass OP is not the author and this is not a phoenix (google "Zhar ptica")
There's an ice sculpture festival in Moscow and this is one of the works

>> No.17363194

UKfp as well, always will be grateful to kiara for streaming at a good time for us here

>> No.17363293


>> No.17363427
Quoted by: >>17364268

Well at least she didn't retweet it, that sucks though if it is fake

>> No.17363446
File: 89 KB, 220x220, 1617235393460.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17364268

Do ruskies really? Ruining our economy and development was not enough now they have the audacity to fool Kiara with fake tributes
Explain this.

>> No.17363509

I kinda thought so aswell. It's just a generic Pheonix. Anyone could of just found a picture online or something.

>> No.17363710
Quoted by: >>17365421

KFP Chile here
Que wea sapos qlos hijo de la traga sable gil culeco

>> No.17364102

Oh my god this fucking chess game is unreal. Ame was just playing stupid for funzies, right? I believe wholeheartedly Kiara might be that dumb.

>> No.17364134

Contrary to popular belief, Kiara is beloved in most of SEA.

>> No.17364268

Both posts are from me.
I'm pissed the dude is trying to push it as a tribute.

>> No.17364371
File: 718 KB, 2200x1320, chess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17364467

Are you watching the VOD or something?
If you're a chessfag btw I recommend Ollie vs. Kronii, they gad some interesting amateur-level games that weren't completely idiotic like Kiara vs Ame

>> No.17364467
Quoted by: >>17364785

Yeah, I started going back through the VoD's and that was the one I left off on.

>> No.17364751
Quoted by: >>17367576

KFP BR too, i'm glad to see that she have some Brazilian fans. vcs são da onde? Carioca aqui.

>> No.17364785

Have fun reading the meltdown

>> No.17365216
File: 53 KB, 606x176, firefox_ldj5v9CGT7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17365818

Thanks, that thread is a goldmine.

>> No.17365421
Quoted by: >>17365649

Q eri flaite lacra qla

>> No.17365608

Wtf /jp/anons liked Kiara in October 2020?

>> No.17365649

zarpa polla qla, apuesto que tu mama no te lee los SC Mami Kiara te amo

>> No.17365818
Quoted by: >>17367749

Uno certainly definitely had an impact, but probably not the kind this anon envisioned...

>> No.17365840
Quoted by: >>17366308

A lot of EN vtuber fans came over here after the board was made so JP is mostly left with bitter dog fuckers who are upset Kiara learned Japanese through being social rather than flipping through flash cards an hour each day.

>> No.17365873

I liked Kiara in September 2020, no amount of shitposters could stop me from professing my love of this bird.

>> No.17366022

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing when surfing through that thread. Also got me some HoloStars gold. This is really entertaining. Two people who have no idea how chess works or the pieces move just brute forcing the game. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MK4YT7lUyIo

>> No.17366034

Da feesh contracted Kira (who did Sparks) for an original song. You guys should check it out when you get the chance.

>> No.17366098

In the global thread sure.

>> No.17366308
Quoted by: >>17369496

>who are upset Kiara learned Japanese through being social rather than flipping through flash cards an hour each day.
Yeah if my time flipping flash cards has taught me anything, it's that it taught me almost nothing because I never used it. Best way to learn it is to use it and no amount of decks will change that, that's how you get those manga/game translators who have an N1 certificate but can't even hold more than a basic conversation without struggling.

>> No.17367454
Quoted by: >>17367705

Wow... the thread looked like they were having fun. What happened?

>> No.17367576
File: 338 KB, 356x343, Chicken_25.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

São Paulo, terra do cancer pulmonar

>> No.17367705

Orcshizo didn't took her meds and well full motherfucker on shitting Kiara

>> No.17367749
File: 42 KB, 486x631, images - 2021-07-22T184559.999.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uno certainly definitely had an impact, but probably not the kind this anon envisioned...
I mean i am a fan of Kiara now because of that collab
The saviourfagging runs freely throughout my veins

>> No.17367892

That was the first stream I saw her in. I saw all the people shitting on her and dug into it a little. She was in a terrible spot mentally after that and the saviourfagging was the door into a cute ESL, goofy birb. I'm glad I took the step.

>> No.17367907

>saviorfagging because of the uno collab

Maybe it's been so long but other than people getting genuinely annoyed with the baby babu talk, it was a pretty good time for everyone. Did I forget something?

>> No.17368307
File: 220 KB, 400x442, 1614973425325.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I felt genuinely embarrassed watching Kiara's antics during the Uno collab.
However what I remember most is this rant in her next solo stream, it had me roaring with laughter.

>> No.17368317
Quoted by: >>17368913

Mostly people being annoyed Kiara did the baby talk long. Not her fault because the round was long due to some stupid rule they turned on

>> No.17368337

It was in the height of Kiara feeling lonely in Australia and she had multiple videos with people going wild on her in the comments. People kept bringing it up in chat.

>> No.17368651

>running to her German viewers for support

>> No.17368831
Quoted by: >>17369258

What sound would Kiwawa make if you were to rub that spot between her belly button and her snatch

>> No.17368872
File: 1.42 MB, 4028x1568, cultural_difference.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17370264

Legendary rant

>> No.17368913

What was extra painful was that Kiara had two chances to end the match early on, but she didn't understand the button prompts.

>> No.17369258

I remember that but I didn't see it as a big deal because from what I've seen German speaking people were usually more open about potty humor.

Purr like a cat.

>> No.17369496

>Best way to learn it is to use it and no amount of decks will change that
Meh, it's better than nothing. I get your point, if I could practice speaking everyday I would. But most of us N1 holders with no speaking skills just don't have many chances to practice speaking.
At least we didn't go "oh no Japanese so difficult, so many kanji" like most weebs.

>> No.17369673

Did one of you catch "that" art of Kiara in the current draw thread, and would you be willing to reupload it

>> No.17369836
File: 350 KB, 309x327, kfp_dance2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone was shitting on her back in those days and me being the retard attracted to misunderstood people (and also self-improvement stories) i wanted to check out what was happening and why everyomee was being so mean to her
Realized the collab wasnt a big deal even tho a little annoying and later also realized i loved her

>> No.17369897

mexican KFP

>> No.17369973
Quoted by: >>17370110

The backlash was sizable enough that it actually reached Kiara. It was a big deal, relatively speaking.
She didn't host collabs for a while after that.

>> No.17370110

I meant it wasnt a big deal to me

>> No.17370264

I remember this thread. Good times

>> No.17370294

I remember clippers back in those times being fucking terrible with her too
I swear some of them hate her

>> No.17370430
File: 211 KB, 463x453, 1612121839946.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17370584

The only one i saw in the thread being requested and provided was one of "kiara and her roommate eating each other’s shit"

>> No.17370446


>> No.17370584

Thankfully it wasn't actually them eating shit, just making out.spoiler]

>> No.17370647 [DELETED] 

By god if I get a vacation for you
You have an hour

>> No.17370818

Well I'm glad you came to like her for she is. I was always onboard and didn't think much about the collab afterwards other than "lol Kiara really committed to the bit"

Most clippers are massive faggots and know that there's always going to be a demand for them because watching all the streams is impossible unless you're on those neetbux.

>> No.17370835

danke schön chicken

>> No.17370980

I remember when it was happening Teamates argued that Ame was playing bad on purpose due to a random screenshot of her past vtuber self playing chess.com so clearly she had to know the game lol

>> No.17371134
Quoted by: >>17371306

That rant made me rage so hard I actually canceled my membership for a couple months

She didn't see a single fault in anything she did, fucking unreal.

>> No.17371132

not bad. wish it was a bit more fleshed out desu

>> No.17371157
Quoted by: >>17371245


>> No.17371228

New thread in a few minutes.

>> No.17371245
Quoted by: >>17371592

Kiara realizes americans are not into scat [SERIOUS]

>> No.17371306

It was not a big deal anon.

>> No.17371357

Clearly it was when so many people were shitting on her including KFP

>> No.17371395

Manuel shut the fuck up

>> No.17371483

fallen in the line of chicken lust duty

>> No.17371592
Quoted by: >>17371778


>> No.17371641

New thread up:

>> No.17371726
File: 65 KB, 649x680, FJ3nwjlacAU8TnT.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I genuinely don't think she took it too far and I do believe some people overreacted.

I'm not saying she was actually being funny but being upset and saying shit like "she didn't see a single fault in anything she did" is kinda autistic, kfp or not.

Thanks for your service.

>> No.17371767
Quoted by: >>17371887

You're retarded or weren't around at the time. She really did take it pretty hard and even started talking about not doing collabs.

>> No.17371778
File: 18 KB, 239x399, 20220117_021618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
Quoted by: >>17371861

What did anon meant by this

>> No.17371861

I'll leave it up to you to decide, but there's a thread that talks about apple juice that welcomes you.

>> No.17371887

I didn't say that the people being anal about didn't happen. I'm saying what she did, was actually not a big deal. The bit overstayed it's welcome but being autistic about it is unreasonable.

>> No.17372078
File: 481 KB, 610x646, 1610601697671.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

final thoughts

>> No.17372158

Weird fetishes thoughts

>> No.17372199

KFP Flip

>> No.17372274

Ah my bad, I thought you meant that she wasn't stressed about the complaints or that they weren't there.

>> No.17372352
File: 584 KB, 800x800, watanashi.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watanashi thoughts.

>> No.17372541
Quoted by: >>17372641

If someone ruined a collab for me that wasn't my oshi you better believe I'd torch her online

>> No.17372641
Quoted by: >>17373493


I don't think she ruined it. The bit overstayed it's welcome imo but acting like it was some sort of colossal fuck up is baffling.

>> No.17373493
Quoted by: >>17373577

>the entire world is wrong only I am right!
Keep coping

>> No.17373577


>> No.17375055

>page 11
